HomeMy WebLinkAbout1107_BuncombeCountyMSWLFLined_ASD_DIN27396_20170104 Buncombe County New Landfill Permit No. 11-07 Alternate Source Demonstration Presented to: Buncombe County Solid Waste Department 81 Panther Branch Road Alexander, North Carolina 28701 (828)250-5460 Presented by: SCS ENGINEERS, PC 4767 New Broad Street, Suite 222 Orlando, FL 32814 (407) 514-2766 January 3, 2017 File No. 09204072.13 Offices Nationwide www.scsengineers.com Alternate Source Demonstration i Table of Contents Section Page 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1  2 Geologic Setting .................................................................................................................................... 1  3 Site Geology .......................................................................................................................................... 1  4 Site Hydrogeology ................................................................................................................................ 1  5 Regional Stream Sediment ................................................................................................................... 2  6 Groundwater Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 2  7 Time Series Graphs ............................................................................................................................... 3  8 Statistical Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 3  9 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 5  10 References ............................................................................................................................................... 5  Appendices Appendix A Buncombe County Landfill Site Figures Appendix B Stream Data Maps Appendix C Initial Baseline Sampling Appendix D Compliance Monitoring Well Exceedance Summary Report Appendix E Time Series Graphs Appendix F Parametric ANOVA Analysis Results Alternate Source Demonstration 1 1 INTRODUCTION Buncombe County (County) recently received a letter from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) notifying the County that action on the County’s part is required due to exceedances reported on the metals in the groundwater at the landfill. SCS Engineers, PC (SCS) was contacted by the County to address the issue for them. The letter outlined two alternatives for the County’s response, which are: initiate an assessment monitoring program, or initiate an Alternate Source Demonstration (ASD). Since Appendix I Inorganic Constituent Exceedances in the monitoring wells have been documented since before waste was placed in the landfill and on a continuing basis since baseline sampling, an assessment program is not justified. This ASD includes a geological review, total and dissolved metals groundwater sampling, and statistical analyses using both historical baseline groundwater data and compliance monitoring data upgradient and downgradient of the units being monitored. Monitoring wells downgradient of the unlined Construction and Demolition disposal cell (MW-12, MW-12D, MW-14, MW-14D, MW-15, and MW-15D) are not subject to the ASD requirements and were therefore not included in this report. 2 GEOLOGIC SETTING The Buncombe County Landfill site is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains approximately 9 miles north of Asheville, North Carolina. The landfill site consists of 557 acres bounded by the French Broad River to the south and west, Blevin Branch to the north, and Flat Creek to the east. The site consists of moderate to steep slopes separating narrow hills and ridges from small incised secondary drainages. The Buncombe County Landfill Site Figure is provided as Appendix A. 3 SITE GEOLOGY The Geologic Map of North Carolina shows the site to be underlain by a Precambrian Migmatitic biotite-hornblende gneiss unit (NCGS 1985). The site vicinity was mapped as primarily granite and undifferentiated gneiss (Weiner 1970 and GRAM 1999). Small localized areas of alluvium and/or colluvium were encountered near the base of the secondary drainage features. These soils generally consisted of clays to silty sand with rock fragments. Typically, the uppermost layer consisted of residuum soils (saprolite) which generally consist of stiff sandy silts and dense clay. The saprolite grades into partially weathered rock (PWR). The thickness of saprolite and PWR was greatest in upland areas, and least in the bottom of secondary drainage features. Depth to bedrock, ranges from 3.5 feet to 29 feet. The top of bedrock is typically a reflection of surface topography, with shallow bedrock in the secondary drainage features, and deeper bedrock in upland areas. 4 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY As with bedrock, the potentiometric surface is a subdued reflection of surface topography. The bedrock fracture flow system behaves similar to an anisotropic porous media, based on the Alternate Source Demonstration 2 potentiometric mapping results of pumping tests conducted during previous investigations at the Buncombe County site (CDM, 1995, 2002). Groundwater Contour Maps from the October 2016 Semi-Annual Sampling event are provided in Appendix A. Dissolved chemicals in groundwater may be derived from rock weathering, biological processes, and anthropogenic sources. Dissolution of minerals in bedrock and overlying geologic materials commonly release naturally occurring constituents to the groundwater (Chapman and others, 2013). Groundwater from diverse environments may contain naturally occurring trace elements such as iron, manganese, zinc, lead, copper, nickel, vanadium, molybdenum, and arsenic (Rose and others, 1979). According to Naturally Occurring Contaminants in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Crystalline- Rock Aquifers and Piedmont Early Mesozoic Basin Siliciclastic-Rock Aquifers, Eastern United States, 1994–2008, dissolved concentrations of trace constituents can range widely depending on their occurrence in the saprolite and PWR (Chapman and others, 2013). 5 REGIONAL STREAM SEDIMENT A geochemical atlas of North Carolina, U.S.A. was prepared using National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) stream-sediment data. Stream sediment of weathered bedrock typical of the nearby source formations was developed to assist mineral exploration. These data also serve to provide a baseline from which to assess naturally occurring metals in landfill saprolite and PWR. The maps included herein represent findings for arsenic, barium, beryllium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, silver, vanadium, and zinc. The sediment graphics indicate the natural presence of the metals in the soils of that region of the state where the landfill is located. Note that the sediment study did not include antimony, cadmium, and thallium. However, the presence of the other metals at the site would indicate that naturally occurring metals in the mountain region are common. Stream Data Maps are provided as Appendix B. 6 GROUNDWATER MONITORING The Solid Waste Management Rule 15A NCAC 13B.1632 requires new MSWLF units establish background groundwater quality to demonstrate compliance with groundwater monitoring requirements. The initial baseline sampling event for the Buncombe County Solid Waste Management Facility was completed in October 1996 with the remaining three background sampling events completed in June, August, and September of 1997. Monitoring the background wells MW-1 and MW-1D, and the compliance wells MW-2, MW-2D, MW-3, MW-4, MW-4D, MW-5, MW-5D, MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW-8D. Arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel, vanadium, and zinc were all detected in the baseline sampling events prior to beginning operations. Exceedances of the North Carolina groundwater standards were noted also for the metals barium, chromium, lead and nickel as shown in Table 1 Initial Baseline Sampling, Appendix C. Alternate Source Demonstration 3 Since the Buncombe County Landfill (Permit #11-07) initially opened, the groundwater and surface water has been monitored twice annually. Many of the wells, including background, show metals detections. Background well MW-1 has shown detectable concentrations of additional metals antimony, iron, manganese, selenium, silver, and thallium since the baseline sampling. Background well MW-1D has shown detectable concentrations of additional metals iron, manganese, and silver since the baseline sampling. The background and compliance wells on the site have shown detections of metals above the exceedance level since the initial reports in 1998 were filed with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, thallium, and vanadium have all been detected above groundwater quality standards. Compliance Monitoring Well Exceedance Summary Report is provided as Appendix D. 7 TIME SERIES GRAPHS Graphical methods are typically used with quantitative statistical evaluations. Graphical methods provide information that may not be otherwise apparent from quantitative statistical evaluations, so it’s good practice to evaluate data using these methods prior to performing statistical evaluations. Time series graphs of the metals concentrations and field turbidity measurements demonstrate a strong correlation with turbidity measurements for the metals barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, and vanadium. Arsenic, cobalt, and thallium time series graphs did not correlate well with turbidity measurements because of small data sets and changing laboratory detection limits. Time Series Graphs are provided as Appendix E. Outliers data which appears anomalous or outside the range of expected values may indicate errors, may indicate data unrelated to the rest of the data set, or may be perfectly valid data that indicates contamination or unusual hydrogeological conditions. Possible reasons for outliers are recording errors, unusual sampling and laboratory procedures or conditions, or inconsistent sample turbidity. The trend of decreasing turbidity and metals concentrations can be attributed to better sampling equipment and methods practiced over the years. To try to ascertain whether or not the metals were in the water and not suspended particles, SCS previously tested filtered samples and additionally redeveloped some of the wells resulting in lower concentrations between filtered and unfiltered samples. SCS again tested filtered samples in the last semi-annual groundwater monitoring event where turbidity measurements were lower than historical sampling turbidity measurements. Dissolved metals concentrations were only marginally below the unfiltered sample concentrations. The results of the Fall 2016 activities would indicate that the metals are dissolved in the groundwater. 8 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Background is defined as groundwater which is not influenced by releases from a site. Specifically, a background groundwater data set may represent either a location or a time period that has not been influenced by a release from the site. The concentration of a chemical will Alternate Source Demonstration 4 naturally vary both spatially and temporally. The analytical process introduces additional variability. Because of both natural and introduced variability, background can best be understood as a distribution (ITRC, 2013). Statistical analysis was performed to determine if the distribution of concentrations are consistent with the distribution of concentrations in background samples. In accordance with Solid Waste Management Rule 15A NCAC 13B.1632, historical compliance groundwater monitoring data were pooled and the analytical results were used to create a statistical baseline for statistically significant increases in constituent concentrations. The parametric analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method which is used to do the analysis of variance between and within multiple groups of data. The ANOVA tests the null hypothesis that samples in two or more groups are drawn from populations with the same mean values. Chemstat statistical software was used to analyze the compliance monitoring data. Parametric ANOVA analysis. The Parametric ANOVA analysis showed no statistical difference between compliance well metal concentrations and background well data for antimony, arsenic, cadmium, iron, manganese, and thallium. The Parametric ANOVA analysis showed a statistical difference between compliance well metal concentrations and background well data for barium, beryllium, chromium, lead, nickel, and vanadium. There were no detectible concentrations of cobalt in the compliance monitoring samples and the parametric test could not be performed, it should be noted however that cobalt was detected in the background wells during baseline sampling. Parametric ANOVA Analysis results are provided as Appendix F. Intrawell comparisons were made where statistically different metals exceedances were noted. Concentrations of barium were statistically higher than background (MW-1/ MW-1D compliance data) concentrations in MW-2. Barium was detected in MW-2 during the baseline sampling at a concentration higher than the compliance monitoring results demonstrating natural occurrence for this constituent in MW-2. Concentrations of beryllium were statistically higher than background concentrations in MW-2 and MW-6. Beryllium was detected in MW-2 and MW-6 during the baseline sampling at concentrations higher than the compliance monitoring results demonstrating natural occurrence for this constituent in MW-2 and MW-6. Concentrations of chromium were statistically higher than background concentrations in MW-6. chromium was detected in MW-6 during the baseline sampling at a concentration higher than the compliance monitoring results demonstrating natural occurrence for this constituent in MW-6. Concentrations of lead were statistically higher than background concentrations in MW-2. Lead was detected in MW-2 during the baseline sampling at a concentration higher than the compliance monitoring results demonstrating natural occurrence for this constituent in MW-2. Concentrations of nickel were statistically higher than background concentrations in MW-7. Nickel was detected in MW-7 during the baseline sampling at a concentration higher than the compliance monitoring results demonstrating natural occurrence for this constituent in MW-7. Concentrations of vanadium were statistically higher than background concentrations in MW-6 and MW-7. Vanadium was detected in MW-6 during the baseline sampling at a concentration Alternate Source Demonstration 5 higher than the compliance monitoring results demonstrating natural occurrence for this constituent in MW-6 and MW-7. 9 CONCLUSION The ASD is being performed to demonstrate that natural variability in the fractured bedrock and saprolite aquifer system has resulted in metals concentrations that vary both spatially and temporally. This natural variation was identified as the source of the sporadic detections of metals above its background limit. Metal concentrations in the groundwater have been shown to be naturally occurring substances present in the environment. This natural variation has been documented in stream sediments, baseline groundwater sampling conducted before waste was placed in the landfill, and quantitative statistical evaluations. 10 REFERENCES CDM, 1997. Camp Dresser & McKee, Buncombe County Solid Waste Management Facility Baseline Sampling Report, Operating Permit #11-07, December 1997. EPA, 2006. Data Quality Assessment: Statistical Methods for Practitioners EPA QA/G-9S, EPA/240/B-06/003, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Information, Washington DC. Geochemical Atlas of NC; http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land- resources/north-carolina-geological-survey/mineral-resources/geochemical-atlas-of-nc ; Retrieved 08/25/2016. Gilbert, R.O. 1987. Statistical Methods for Environmental Pollution Monitoring. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY. ITRC, 2013 Groundwater Statistics for Monitoring and Compliance – ITRC retrieved on 12/7/2016 www.itrcweb.org/gsmc-1/Content/Resources/GSMCPDF.pdf. Melinda J. Chapman, Charles A. Cravotta III, Zoltan Szabo, and Bruce D. Lindsey. Naturally Occurring Contaminants in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Crystalline-Rock Aquifers and Piedmont Early Mesozoic Basin Siliciclastic-Rock Aquifers, Eastern United States, 1994–2008. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2013. Rose, A.W., Hawkes, H.E., and Webb, J.S., 1979, Geochemistry in mineral exploration: New York, Academic Press, 657 p. Geochemical Atlas of NC; http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land- resources/north-carolina-geological-survey/mineral-resources/geochemical-atlas-of-nc ; Retrieved 08/25/2016. Alternate Source Demonstration Appendix A Buncombe County Landfill Site Figures Alternate Source Demonstration Appendix B Stream Data Maps                                                                                       Ge o c h e m i c a l  At l a s  of  NC ;  ht t p : / / d e q . n c . g o v / a b o u t / d i v i s i o n s / e n e r g y ‐mi n e r a l ‐la n d ‐re s o u r c e s / n o r t h ‐ca r o l i n a ‐ge o l o g i c a l ‐survey/mineral ‐ re s o u r c e s / g e o c h e m i c a l ‐at l a s ‐of ‐nc  ; Re t r i e v e d  08 / 2 5 / 2 0 1 6      Alternate Source Demonstration Appendix C Initial Baseline Sampling Monitor Well Sample Date Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Nickel Vanadium Zinc MW-1 22-Oct-96 1,900 250 100 250 23 180 420 290 MW-1 3-Jun-97 141 27.5 10 45.6 77.3 MW-1 23-Jul-97 MW-1 3-Sep-97 12.8 653 2 14.5 42.5 14 52 51.8 MW-1D 22-Oct-96 770 5.6 28 11 99 600 MW-1D 3-Jun-97 66.6 MW-1D 23-Jul-97 MW-1D 3-Sep-97 MW-2 22-Oct-96 1,500 6.5 130 83 48 14 130 450 MW-2 2-Jun-97 13.2 56.6 MW-2 24-Jul-97 MW-2 3-Sep-97 MW-2D 22-Oct-96 15 MW-2D 2-Jun-97 MW-2D 24-Jul-97 MW-2D 3-Sep-97 10 MW-3 22-Oct-96 2,800 11 840 160 57 360 1,000 630 MW-3 2-Jun-97 1,020 21.6 88.2 16.7 78.2 92.5 180 MW-3 24-Jul-97 16.4 725 10.2 48.3 63.4 141 MW-3 3-Sep-97 14.8 631 1.3 11.4 46.5 67.5 57.2 107 MW-4 22-Oct-96 1,800 5.3 470 120 320 44 260 570 310 MW-4 31-May-97 16.5 87 MW-4 25-Jul-97 11.7 MW-4 3-Sep-97 1.3 MW-4D 22-Oct-96 150 MW-4D 31-May-97 MW-4D 25-Jul-97 MW-4D 3-Sep-97 11.9 1 MW-5 22-Oct-96 640 4.8 220 48 23 110 280 180 MW-5 1-Jun-97 12.4 73.1 66.7 MW-5 24-Jul-97 55.3 MW-5 4-Sep-97 12.7 1 64.2 MW-5D 22-Oct-96 MW-5D 1-Jun-97 MW-5D 24-Jul-97 MW-5D 4-Sep-97 MW-6 22-Oct-96 2,400 14 540 160 220 56 220 680 530 MW-6 1-Jun-97 580 2.6 18.4 49.3 62.6 73.2 MW-6 24-Jul-97 15.7 570 40.8 MW-6 4-Sep-97 MW-7 22-Oct-96 3,600 15 940 270 670 740 MW-7 1-Jun-97 54.1 35.8 136 84.5 127 MW-7 24-Jul-97 13.9 550 66 MW-7 4-Sep-97 17.4 3.8 44.1 23.5 53 81.5 59.4 MW-8 22-Oct-96 1,500 13 1.5 480 120 260 60 200 550 490 MW-8 31-May-97 10.9 74.6 MW-8 25-Jul-97 MW-8 4-Sep-97 10.7 MW-8D 22-Oct-96 55 MW-8D 2-Jun-97 MW-8D 25-Jul-97 MW-8D 4-Sep-97 Note: units reported in micrograms per liter for compairison with current groundwater reporting protocol. Appended from Camp Dresser & McKee, Buncombe County Solid Waste Management Facility Baseline Sampling Report, Operating Permit #11-07, December 1997 Buncombe County Solid Waste Management Facility Baseline Sampling Report Detected Groundwater Constituents ‐ Metals Alternate Source Demonstration Appendix D Compliance Monitoring Well Exceedance Summary Report Exceedance Summary Buncombe County New Facility Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-1 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/12/2005 6.6 ug/ 10/4/2012 8.3 ug/ Barium MCL:700 ug/L 11/9/1998 709 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 10/23/2001 3.1 ug/ 10/28/2002 2.7 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/14/1998 60 ug/ 11/9/1998 176 ug/ 4/27/1999 47 ug/ 11/2/1999 22 ug/ 10/23/2001 34 ug/ 4/30/2002 23 ug/ 10/28/2002 42 ug/ 9/29/2003 20 ug/ 3/23/2006 15 ug/ 9/27/2006 28 ug/ 9/27/2007 12.9 ug/ 3/26/2008 13.2 ug/ 9/30/2008 11.9 ug/ 3/25/2009 17.8 ug/ 10/2/2009 27.1 ug/ 10/7/2010 10.9 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 1 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-1 Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/14/1998 29 ug/ 11/9/1998 37 ug/ 4/27/1999 19 I ug/ 11/2/1999 12 I ug/ 11/6/2000 34 ug/ 5/1/2001 30 ug/ 10/23/2001 17 ug/ 4/30/2002 11 ug/ 10/28/2002 15 ug/ 9/29/2003 9 ug/ 10/10/2005 6.1 ug/ 3/23/2006 6.5 ug/ 9/27/2006 12 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.2 J ug/ 9/30/2008 6.6 ug/ 3/25/2009 14.7 ug/ 10/2/2009 13.9 ug/ 10/7/2010 9.6 ug/ 4/9/2013 7.9 ug/ Iron MCL:300 ug/L 10/2/2009 11400 ug/ 4/6/2010 1560 ug/ 3/29/2011 3500 ug/ 10/6/2011 2300 ug/ 4/4/2012 1600 ug/ 10/2/2014 3890 ug/ 4/8/2016 1140 ug/ Manganese MCL:50 ug/L 10/2/2009 200 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 2 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-1 Nickel MCL:100 ug/L 11/9/1998 120 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/27/2007 6 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/14/1998 105 ug/ 11/9/1998 131 ug/ 4/27/1999 72 ug/ 11/2/1999 34 ug/ 11/6/2000 33 ug/ 5/1/2001 17 ug/ 10/23/2001 75 ug/ 4/30/2002 41 ug/ 10/28/2002 71 ug/ 3/25/2003 13 ug/ 9/29/2003 39 ug/ 3/30/2004 9.1 ug/ 9/27/2004 18 ug/ 4/12/2005 6.6 ug/ 3/23/2006 28 ug/ 9/27/2006 59 ug/ 3/27/2007 25 ug/ 9/27/2007 40.2 ug/ 3/26/2008 37.5 ug/ 9/30/2008 24.3 ug/ 3/25/2009 38.6 ug/ 10/2/2009 54.3 ug/ 4/6/2010 5.8 ug/ 10/7/2010 22.3 ug/ 3/29/2011 10.4 ug/ 10/6/2011 6.4 ug/ 4/4/2012 6.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 3 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-1 4/9/2013 13.4 ug/ 10/2/2014 5.9 ug/ 4/8/2016 5.3 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 4 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-10 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/12/2005 5.8 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 3/25/2003 2.8 ug/ 4/12/2005 4.9 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 4/30/2002 18 ug/ 10/29/2002 26 ug/ 3/25/2003 69 ug/ 9/30/2003 43 ug/ 3/30/2004 16 ug/ 9/27/2004 43 ug/ 4/12/2005 59 ug/ 9/27/2005 16 ug/ 3/23/2006 35 ug/ 9/26/2006 21 ug/ 9/26/2008 12.4 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 4/30/2002 5.1 ug/ 10/29/2002 17 ug/ 3/25/2003 14 ug/ 9/30/2003 5.4 ug/ 9/27/2004 8.5 ug/ 4/12/2005 17 ug/ 9/27/2005 5.3 ug/ 3/23/2006 5.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 5 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-10 Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/26/2008 9.6 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 4/30/2002 21 ug/ 10/29/2002 50 ug/ 3/25/2003 69 ug/ 9/30/2003 42 ug/ 3/30/2004 18 ug/ 9/27/2004 46 ug/ 4/12/2005 74 ug/ 9/27/2005 22 ug/ 3/23/2006 33 ug/ 9/26/2006 27 ug/ 3/27/2007 7.3 J ug/ 9/27/2007 9 ug/ 3/26/2008 7.8 ug/ 9/26/2008 15.4 ug/ 10/1/2009 9.1 ug/ 10/7/2010 6.2 ug/ 4/11/2013 5.5 ug/ 10/9/2013 7.9 ug/ 4/11/2014 7.8 ug/ 4/7/2015 6.7 ug/ 10/6/2015 6.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 6 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-10D Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/30/2002 13 ug/ 4/12/2005 5.8 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 4/30/2002 9.1 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 4/30/2002 230 ug/ 3/25/2003 35 ug/ 9/27/2005 33 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 4/30/2002 59 ug/ 10/29/2002 8.4 ug/ 3/25/2003 9 ug/ 4/12/2005 5.9 ug/ 9/27/2005 19 ug/ 9/27/2007 3.6 J ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/l 4/30/2002 240 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 4/30/2002 190 ug/ 10/29/2002 14 ug/ 3/25/2003 25 ug/ 4/12/2005 9.8 ug/ 9/27/2005 27 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 7 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-10D 3/23/2006 6.6 ug/ 3/27/2007 3.9 J ug/ 9/27/2007 5.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 8 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-11 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 9/29/2003 5.5 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 4/29/2002 6 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 4/29/2002 150 ug/ 3/30/2004 20 ug/ 3/23/2006 32 ug/ 9/27/2007 45.5 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 4/29/2002 46 ug/ 3/30/2004 9.8 ug/ 9/26/2005 5.8 ug/ 3/23/2006 16 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.4 J ug/ 9/27/2007 13.3 ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/l 4/29/2002 120 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/27/2007 9 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 9 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-11 4/29/2002 130 ug/ 3/25/2003 7.7 ug/ 9/29/2003 7.9 ug/ 3/30/2004 19 ug/ 9/26/2005 6.1 ug/ 3/23/2006 30 ug/ 3/27/2007 2 J ug/ 9/27/2007 58.6 ug/ MW-11D Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 4/29/2002 12 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 4/29/2002 8.4 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 4/29/2002 13 ug/ 3/27/2007 2.1 J ug/ 9/27/2007 1.4 J ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 10 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-12 Antimony MCL:1ug/L 4/7/2016 5.8 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 3/25/2003 36 ug/ 4/11/2005 13 ug/ 9/28/2007 36.8 ug/ 3/26/2009 11.9 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 3/25/2003 18 ug/ 9/27/2004 11 ug/ 4/11/2005 10 ug/ 9/27/2005 5.7 ug/ 3/27/2006 6.2 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.1 J ug/ 9/28/2007 11.9 ug/ 9/30/2008 6.4 ug/ 3/26/2009 15.5 ug/ 10/7/2010 5 ug/ Iron MCL:300 ug/l 9/30/2003 860 ug/ 10/2/2009 4810 ug/ 4/6/2010 508000 ug/ 3/29/2011 1190 ug/ 4/5/2012 477 ug/ 10/2/2014 402 ug/ 10/7/2015 584 ug/ 4/7/2016 385 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 11 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-12 Manganese MCL:50 ug/l 9/30/2003 51 ug/ 10/2/2009 182 ug/ 4/6/2010 89800 ug/ 3/29/2011 117 ug/ 10/6/2011 126 ug/ 4/5/2012 61.5 ug/ 10/10/2013 134 ug/ 4/11/2014 180 ug/ 10/2/2014 841 ug/ 4/9/2015 389 ug/ 10/7/2015 292 ug/ 4/7/2016 423 ug/ Sodium MCL:20000 ug/l 9/30/2003 22000 ug/ Sulfate MCL:######ug/L 4/7/2016 264000 M6 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/28/2007 12.4 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 3/25/2003 45 ug/ 9/30/2003 13 ug/ 9/27/2004 24 ug/ 4/11/2005 26 ug/ 9/27/2005 9.2 ug/ 3/27/2006 17 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 12 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-12 9/27/2006 8.7 ug/ 3/27/2007 2.4 J ug/ 9/28/2007 91.9 ug/ 3/26/2009 22.2 ug/ 10/2/2009 10.9 ug/ 10/7/2010 11.1 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 13 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-12D Barium MCL:700 ug/l 3/25/2003 1000 ug/ Beryllium MCL:4ug/l 3/25/2003 4.5 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 3/25/2003 12 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 3/25/2003 170 ug/ 9/30/2003 13 ug/ 9/27/2004 50 ug/ 4/11/2005 45 ug/ 9/27/2006 41 ug/ 9/28/2007 25.5 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 3/25/2003 81 ug/ 9/27/2004 22 ug/ 4/11/2005 15 ug/ 9/27/2006 7.8 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.1 J ug/ 9/28/2007 28.8 ug/ 9/30/2008 5.7 ug/ Iron MCL:300 ug/L 10/2/2009 1280 ug/ 4/6/2010 1140000 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 14 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-12D 3/29/2011 4080 ug/ 10/6/2011 500 ug/ 4/5/2012 657 ug/ 10/10/2013 483 ug/ 4/9/2015 1080 ug/ 4/7/2016 1520 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/l 9/27/2004 16 ug/ 4/11/2005 16 ug/ Manganese MCL:50 ug/L 4/6/2010 13000 ug/ 3/29/2011 63.1 ug/ 10/2/2014 151 ug/ 4/9/2015 184 ug/ 4/7/2016 71.9 ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/l 3/25/2003 230 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/28/2007 9.2 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 3/25/2003 300 ug/ 9/30/2003 25 ug/ 9/27/2004 120 ug/ 4/11/2005 100 ug/ 9/27/2005 16 ug/ 3/27/2006 17 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 15 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-12D 9/27/2006 93 ug/ 3/27/2007 7.4 J ug/ 9/28/2007 83.1 ug/ 3/27/2008 15.5 ug/ 3/26/2009 7 ug/ 3/29/2011 7.3 ug/ 4/7/2016 5.5 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 16 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-13 Antimony MCL:1ug/L 4/17/2014 5.8 ug/ 10/1/2014 7.4 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 9/27/2005 18 ug/ 3/27/2006 20 ug/ 9/28/2006 19 ug/ 3/27/2007 21 ug/ 9/29/2008 14.8 ug/ 3/26/2009 50 ug/ 10/2/2009 32.2 ug/ 10/7/2010 45.2 ug/ 3/25/2011 17.4 ug/ 10/6/2011 32.7 ug/ 4/5/2012 46 ug/ 10/4/2012 7.7 ug/ 4/9/2013 6.4 ug/ 10/9/2013 18.9 ug/ 4/17/2014 23.8 ug/ 10/1/2014 42.4 ug/ 4/6/2016 44.2 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 9/28/2007 0.7 J ug/ 10/9/2013 8.1 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 17 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-13D Antimony MCL:1ug/L 4/17/2014 6.4 ug/ 10/1/2014 5.4 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 9/27/2005 64 ug/ 3/27/2006 28 ug/ 9/28/2006 24 ug/ 3/27/2007 15 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 9/27/2005 12 ug/ 3/27/2006 17 ug/ 9/28/2006 11 ug/ 9/28/2007 8.6 ug/ 3/27/2008 10 ug/ 9/29/2008 15.2 ug/ 3/26/2009 17.5 ug/ 10/2/2009 16 ug/ 4/2/2010 18.3 ug/ 10/7/2010 17.8 ug/ 3/25/2011 21.9 ug/ 10/6/2011 22.7 ug/ 4/5/2012 22.2 ug/ 10/4/2012 20.8 ug/ 4/9/2013 24.5 ug/ 10/9/2013 28.2 ug/ 4/17/2014 29.7 ug/ 10/1/2014 23.2 ug/ 4/7/2015 32 ug/ 10/6/2015 17.6 ug/ 4/6/2016 31.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 18 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-13D Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 9/27/2005 130 ug/ 3/27/2006 80 ug/ 9/28/2006 34 ug/ 3/27/2007 30 ug/ 9/28/2007 0.67 J ug/ 3/27/2008 9.6 ug/ 9/29/2008 5.2 ug/ 3/26/2009 17.3 ug/ 10/9/2013 5.4 ug/ 10/6/2015 8.5 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 19 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-14 Arsenic MCL:10 ug/l 9/27/2006 23 ug/ Barium MCL:700 ug/l 9/27/2006 860 ug/ Beryllium MCL:4ug/l 9/27/2006 4.5 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 9/27/2006 5.5 ug/ 4/8/2015 6.4 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 9/27/2006 200 ug/ 9/28/2007 40.1 ug/ 3/27/2008 23.7 ug/ 9/30/2008 10.6 ug/ 10/7/2010 10.7 ug/ 4/8/2015 42.1 ug/ 4/7/2016 13 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 9/27/2006 30 ug/ 9/28/2007 24 ug/ 9/30/2008 7.5 ug/ 4/8/2015 19.3 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 20 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-14 Iron MCL:300 ug/L 10/2/2009 4050 ug/ 4/6/2010 647000 ug/ 3/29/2011 6680 ug/ 10/6/2011 2990 ug/ 4/5/2012 3010 ug/ 10/11/2013 1050 ug/ 10/2/2014 2300 ug/ 4/8/2015 850 ug/ 10/7/2015 1710 ug/ 4/7/2016 5130 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/l 9/27/2006 92 ug/ 9/28/2007 15.9 ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/l 9/27/2006 130 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/28/2007 11.1 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 9/27/2006 430 ug/ 3/27/2007 17 J ug/ 9/28/2007 111 ug/ 3/27/2008 56.1 ug/ 9/30/2008 20.4 ug/ 3/26/2009 10.6 ug/ 10/2/2009 10 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 21 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-14 10/7/2010 10.1 ug/ 3/29/2011 11.3 ug/ 10/6/2011 9.1 ug/ 4/5/2012 10.3 ug/ 10/5/2012 9.3 ug/ 4/11/2013 6.3 ug/ 10/2/2014 8 ug/ 4/8/2015 84.7 ug/ 10/7/2015 10.7 ug/ 4/7/2016 24.2 ug/ MW-14D Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 3/27/2007 1.4 J ug/ 9/28/2007 2 J ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 22 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-15D Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/11/2014 6.5 ug/ 4/8/2015 6.2 ug/ Iron MCL:300 ug/L 10/10/2013 1260 ug/ 4/11/2014 715 ug/ 10/2/2014 810 ug/ 4/8/2015 1010 ug/ 10/7/2015 1110 ug/ 4/7/2016 400 ug/ Manganese MCL:50 ug/L 10/10/2013 400 ug/ 4/11/2014 519 ug/ 10/2/2014 394 ug/ 4/8/2015 285 ug/ 10/7/2015 230 ug/ 4/7/2016 292 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/8/2015 10.7 ug/ 10/7/2015 6.1 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 23 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-15S Antimony MCL:1ug/L 10/2/2014 5.7 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 10/10/2013 36.5 ug/ 4/11/2014 58.4 ug/ 10/2/2014 56.6 ug/ 4/8/2015 81.3 ug/ 10/7/2015 68.2 ug/ 4/7/2016 66 ug/ Iron MCL:300 ug/L 10/10/2013 450 ug/ 4/11/2014 467 ug/ 10/2/2014 2100 ug/ 4/8/2015 18200 ug/ 10/7/2015 2320 ug/ 4/7/2016 7530 ug/ Manganese MCL:50 ug/L 10/10/2013 2890 ug/ 4/11/2014 5320 ug/ 10/2/2014 5690 ug/ 4/8/2015 5720 ug/ 10/7/2015 7570 ug/ 4/7/2016 7780 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 10/10/2013 8.3 ug/ 4/11/2014 7 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 24 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-15S 4/8/2015 17 ug/ 10/7/2015 13.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 25 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-1D Barium MCL:700 ug/l 4/4/2000 1290 ug/ 11/6/2000 880 ug/ Boron MCL:700 ug/l 9/30/2003 800 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 4/4/2000 6 ug/ 11/6/2000 4.5 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 4/4/2000 202 ug/ 11/6/2000 31 ug/ 3/25/2003 12 ug/ 4/6/2010 15.7 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 4/4/2000 126 ug/ 11/6/2000 51 ug/ 5/1/2001 33 ug/ 10/28/2002 13 ug/ 10/10/2005 11 ug/ 9/27/2007 10.5 ug/ Iron MCL:300 ug/l 9/30/2003 1300 ug/ 10/2/2009 582 ug/ 4/6/2010 645000 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 26 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-1D 3/29/2011 2140 ug/ 10/6/2011 2480 ug/ 4/4/2012 858 ug/ 4/8/2016 534 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/l 4/4/2000 25 ug/ 9/27/2006 17 ug/ Manganese MCL:50 ug/l 9/30/2003 72 ug/ 4/6/2010 11400 ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/l 4/4/2000 212 ug/ Sodium MCL:20000 ug/l 9/30/2003 79000 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 4/4/2000 420 ug/ 11/6/2000 120 ug/ 5/1/2001 38 ug/ 10/23/2001 5.6 ug/ 4/30/2002 7.3 ug/ 10/28/2002 29 ug/ 9/30/2003 7 ug/ 9/30/2003 5.9 ug/ 3/30/2004 6.2 ug/ 10/10/2005 10 ug/ 3/23/2006 9.1 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 27 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-1D 9/27/2006 16 ug/ 3/27/2007 5.7 J ug/ 9/27/2007 14.2 ug/ 3/26/2008 6.1 ug/ 3/25/2009 5.1 ug/ 3/29/2011 5.5 ug/ 10/6/2011 7 ug/ 4/4/2012 5.4 ug/ 10/4/2012 5.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 28 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-2 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 10/28/2002 13 ug/ Barium MCL:700 ug/l 4/29/2002 1100 ug/ 9/27/2004 1100 ug/ 4/11/2005 1000 ug/ 3/23/2006 970 ug/ 9/28/2007 1080 ug/ 10/1/2009 955 ug/ Beryllium MCL:4ug/l 4/29/2002 5.7 ug/ 4/11/2005 4.5 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 10/22/2001 6.3 ug/ 4/29/2002 10 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/15/1998 40 I ug/ 11/11/1998 38 ug/ 11/2/1999 19 ug/ 4/4/2000 16 ug/ 10/22/2001 55 ug/ 4/29/2002 68 ug/ 9/29/2003 26 ug/ 3/29/2004 18 ug/ 9/27/2004 57 ug/ 4/11/2005 83 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 29 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-2 9/26/2005 46 ug/ 3/23/2006 85 ug/ 9/28/2006 21 ug/ 9/28/2007 59.1 ug/ 3/26/2009 33.7 ug/ 10/1/2009 72.4 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/15/1998 42 ug/ 11/11/1998 31 ug/ 11/2/1999 17 I ug/ 4/4/2000 13 I ug/ 10/22/2001 44 ug/ 4/29/2002 68 ug/ 3/24/2003 5.4 ug/ 9/29/2003 27 ug/ 3/29/2004 19 ug/ 9/27/2004 75 ug/ 4/11/2005 87 ug/ 9/26/2005 46 ug/ 3/23/2006 81 ug/ 9/28/2006 19 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.1 J ug/ 9/28/2007 49.9 ug/ 9/29/2008 12.6 ug/ 3/26/2009 37.6 ug/ 10/1/2009 73.6 ug/ 10/5/2011 5.4 ug/ 4/10/2013 10.8 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/L 4/15/1998 20 ug/ 11/11/1998 19 ug/ 10/22/2001 22 ug/ 4/29/2002 33 ug/ 9/27/2004 31 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 30 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-2 4/11/2005 47 ug/ 9/26/2005 22 ug/ 3/23/2006 45 ug/ 9/28/2007 27.8 ug/ 10/1/2009 27.7 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/28/2007 5.7 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/15/1998 47 ug/ 11/11/1998 36 ug/ 11/2/1999 16 I ug/ 4/4/2000 14 I ug/ 11/6/2000 7.8 ug/ 10/22/2001 77 ug/ 4/29/2002 87 ug/ 3/24/2003 6.8 ug/ 9/29/2003 30 ug/ 3/29/2004 23 ug/ 9/27/2004 74 ug/ 4/11/2005 98 ug/ 9/26/2005 59 ug/ 3/23/2006 92 ug/ 9/28/2006 23 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.4 J ug/ 9/28/2007 76.1 ug/ 9/29/2008 11.8 ug/ 3/26/2009 37.8 ug/ 10/1/2009 96.8 ug/ 10/5/2011 12.5 ug/ 4/10/2013 7.1 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 31 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-2D Antimony MCL:1ug/l 9/29/2003 7.7 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 11/11/1998 12 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 4/29/2002 5.8 ug/ 9/28/2007 4.2 J ug/ 9/29/2008 5 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 11/11/1998 14 I ug/ 11/2/1999 6 I ug/ 11/6/2000 5.3 ug/ 4/30/2001 8.1 ug/ 4/29/2002 17 ug/ 10/28/2002 10 ug/ 9/29/2003 13 ug/ 3/29/2004 8.2 ug/ 9/27/2004 9.9 ug/ 3/27/2007 2.6 J ug/ 9/28/2007 3.1 J ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 32 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-3 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/29/2002 12 ug/ Arsenic MCL:10 ug/L 4/14/1998 14 I ug/ 11/9/1998 13 I ug/ Barium MCL:700 ug/L 4/14/1998 1100 ug/ 11/9/1998 1180 ug/ 4/11/2005 1300 ug/ 9/26/2005 1500 ug/ Benzene MCL:1ug/L 4/11/2014 1.1 ug/ Beryllium MCL:4ug/L 4/14/1998 6 ug/ 11/9/1998 5 ug/ 4/11/2005 6 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/L 4/14/1998 3 I ug/ 10/22/2001 2.9 ug/ 4/29/2002 5.2 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 33 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-3 4/14/1998 476 ug/ 11/9/1998 444 ug/ 4/27/1999 89 ug/ 11/1/1999 56 ug/ 10/22/2001 69 ug/ 4/29/2002 110 ug/ 10/28/2002 13 ug/ 3/24/2003 47 ug/ 9/29/2003 85 ug/ 3/30/2004 12 ug/ 9/27/2004 27 ug/ 4/11/2005 280 ug/ 9/26/2005 25 ug/ 3/23/2006 110 ug/ 9/26/2006 21 ug/ 9/28/2007 12.7 ug/ 3/26/2008 45.6 ug/ 3/26/2009 63 ug/ 10/1/2009 10.1 ug/ 10/6/2010 10.7 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/14/1998 97 ug/ 11/9/1998 105 ug/ 4/27/1999 26 ug/ 11/1/1999 18 I ug/ 11/6/2000 20 ug/ 4/30/2001 15 ug/ 10/22/2001 17 ug/ 4/29/2002 26 ug/ 10/28/2002 19 ug/ 3/24/2003 21 ug/ 9/29/2003 44 ug/ 3/30/2004 25 ug/ 9/27/2004 18 ug/ 4/11/2005 87 ug/ 9/26/2005 95 ug/ 3/23/2006 37 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 34 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-3 9/26/2006 14 ug/ 3/27/2007 9.2 J ug/ 9/28/2007 8.5 ug/ 9/30/2008 9.8 ug/ 3/26/2009 18.9 ug/ 10/1/2009 6.9 ug/ 4/2/2010 12.2 ug/ 10/6/2010 7.3 ug/ 3/25/2011 5.6 ug/ 10/5/2011 7.6 ug/ 4/4/2012 11.3 ug/ 10/3/2012 13.2 ug/ 4/10/2013 19.2 ug/ 10/9/2013 12.6 ug/ 4/11/2014 25.3 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/L 4/14/1998 49 ug/ 11/9/1998 32 ug/ 4/11/2005 42 ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/L 4/14/1998 293 ug/ 11/9/1998 264 ug/ 4/11/2005 190 ug/ 9/26/2005 120 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 11/9/1998 14 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/14/1998 783 ug/ 11/9/1998 600 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 35 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-3 4/27/1999 132 ug/ 11/1/1999 75 ug/ 4/3/2000 6 I ug/ 11/6/2000 35 ug/ 4/30/2001 22 ug/ 10/22/2001 97 ug/ 4/29/2002 140 ug/ 10/28/2002 36 ug/ 3/24/2003 66 ug/ 9/29/2003 94 ug/ 3/30/2004 22 ug/ 9/27/2004 37 ug/ 4/11/2005 540 ug/ 9/26/2005 100 ug/ 3/23/2006 190 ug/ 9/26/2006 41 ug/ 3/27/2007 22 J ug/ 9/28/2007 22.5 ug/ 3/26/2008 90.4 ug/ 9/30/2008 15.6 ug/ 3/26/2009 93 ug/ 10/1/2009 18.4 ug/ 4/2/2010 12.4 ug/ 10/6/2010 17.2 ug/ 3/25/2011 9.8 ug/ 10/5/2011 6.1 ug/ 4/4/2012 12.8 ug/ 10/3/2012 10.3 ug/ Vinyl chloride MCL:0.03 ug/L 10/3/2012 1.2 ug/ 4/10/2013 1.3 ug/ 10/9/2013 2 ug/ 4/11/2014 2.5 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 36 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-3R Antimony MCL:1ug/L 7/29/2014 2.7 J ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 7/29/2014 3.2 J ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 7/29/2014 6.8 ug/ 10/1/2014 12.1 ug/ 4/7/2015 7.8 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 37 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-4 Barium MCL:700 ug/L 4/15/1998 911 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/L 4/15/1998 6 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/15/1998 260 ug/ 11/9/1998 47 ug/ 4/26/1999 14 ug/ 4/4/2000 37 ug/ 10/22/2001 18 ug/ 4/29/2002 16 ug/ 3/29/2004 23 ug/ 4/11/2005 68 ug/ 9/26/2005 19 ug/ 3/24/2006 15 ug/ 4/10/2013 33.4 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/15/1998 84 ug/ 11/9/1998 18 I ug/ 4/26/1999 14 I ug/ 11/1/1999 6 I ug/ 4/4/2000 17 I ug/ 10/22/2001 11 ug/ 4/29/2002 9.3 ug/ 3/29/2004 6.9 ug/ 4/11/2005 17 ug/ 3/24/2006 7 ug/ 9/28/2007 1.7 J ug/ 4/10/2013 22 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 38 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-4 Lead MCL:15 ug/L 4/15/1998 23 ug/ 4/11/2005 18 ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/L 4/15/1998 126 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 3/26/2008 8.3 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/15/1998 342 ug/ 11/9/1998 55 ug/ 4/26/1999 22 ug/ 11/1/1999 11 I ug/ 4/4/2000 56 ug/ 10/22/2001 23 ug/ 4/29/2002 24 ug/ 3/24/2003 19 ug/ 3/29/2004 38 ug/ 9/27/2004 5.1 ug/ 4/11/2005 110 ug/ 9/26/2005 31 ug/ 3/24/2006 32 ug/ 9/27/2006 11 ug/ 3/27/2007 4.3 J ug/ 9/28/2007 4.5 J ug/ 3/26/2008 10.5 ug/ 9/29/2008 7 ug/ 3/26/2009 6.8 ug/ 10/2/2009 6.5 ug/ 10/5/2011 7.2 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 39 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-4 4/10/2013 67.7 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 40 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-4D Antimony MCL:1ug/l 9/29/2003 5.5 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 10/22/2001 2.5 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/l 10/22/2001 28 ug/ 4/29/2002 14 ug/ 9/29/2008 10.5 ug/ 10/2/2009 14.7 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/l 10/22/2001 9.3 ug/ 4/29/2002 6.6 ug/ 9/29/2008 5.4 ug/ 4/10/2013 6.6 ug/ Methylene chloride MCL:5ug/L 4/11/2014 8 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/l 9/27/2004 11 ug/ 3/26/2008 9.8 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/15/1998 6 I ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 41 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-4D 11/9/1998 18 I ug/ 4/26/1999 5 I ug/ 11/6/2000 44 ug/ 4/30/2001 21 ug/ 10/22/2001 100 ug/ 4/29/2002 59 ug/ 10/28/2002 12 ug/ 3/24/2003 22 ug/ 9/29/2003 8.6 ug/ 3/29/2004 39 ug/ 9/27/2004 6.2 ug/ 4/11/2005 6.1 ug/ 9/26/2005 5.1 ug/ 9/27/2006 21 ug/ 3/27/2007 4.3 J ug/ 9/28/2007 3.7 J ug/ 3/26/2008 9.7 ug/ 9/29/2008 46.7 ug/ 3/26/2009 30.5 ug/ 10/2/2009 60.7 ug/ 4/6/2010 8.3 ug/ 10/7/2010 6.9 ug/ 3/29/2011 6.9 ug/ 10/5/2011 7.6 ug/ 4/5/2012 8.5 ug/ 4/10/2013 31 ug/ 10/10/2013 5.3 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 42 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-5 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/12/2005 6.8 ug/ Barium MCL:700 ug/l 11/6/2000 1500 ug/ Beryllium MCL:4ug/l 11/6/2000 4.7 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 4/29/2002 4.3 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/13/1998 150 ug/ 11/11/1998 80 ug/ 10/22/2001 11 ug/ 4/29/2002 79 ug/ 9/26/2005 12 ug/ 9/26/2006 15 ug/ 3/26/2009 11.8 ug/ 10/2/2009 16.3 ug/ 10/2/2015 13.7 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/13/1998 46 ug/ 11/11/1998 25 ug/ 11/6/2000 28 ug/ 4/29/2002 18 ug/ 9/30/2008 5.7 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 43 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-5 Lead MCL:15 ug/L 4/13/1998 18 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/l 11/6/2000 2 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/13/1998 198 ug/ 11/11/1998 116 ug/ 4/26/1999 50 ug/ 11/2/1999 50 ug/ 4/3/2000 52 ug/ 11/6/2000 55 ug/ 4/30/2001 51 ug/ 10/22/2001 38 ug/ 4/29/2002 130 ug/ 10/28/2002 13 ug/ 3/24/2003 38 ug/ 9/29/2003 28 ug/ 3/30/2004 15 ug/ 9/27/2004 25 ug/ 4/12/2005 13 ug/ 9/26/2005 26 ug/ 3/24/2006 11 ug/ 9/26/2006 25 ug/ 3/27/2007 7.8 J ug/ 9/27/2007 8.3 ug/ 3/26/2008 13.7 ug/ 9/30/2008 8.8 ug/ 3/26/2009 20.7 ug/ 10/2/2009 24.2 ug/ 3/25/2011 6.4 ug/ 4/11/2013 5.1 ug/ 10/2/2015 14.4 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 44 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-5D Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/12/2005 7.9 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 9/30/2008 6.6 ug/ 3/26/2009 7.1 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/13/1998 12 I ug/ 11/11/1998 6 I ug/ 11/6/2000 8.3 ug/ 10/22/2001 7.3 ug/ 4/29/2002 15 ug/ 3/27/2007 2.4 J ug/ 9/27/2007 1.9 J ug/ 3/26/2009 7.5 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 45 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-6 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 10/22/2001 11 ug/ 4/12/2005 7.6 ug/ Barium MCL:700 ug/l 11/6/2000 1400 ug/ 10/22/2001 1900 ug/ 4/29/2002 1000 ug/ 9/29/2003 1100 ug/ 4/12/2005 1400 ug/ Beryllium MCL:4ug/l 11/6/2000 7 ug/ 10/22/2001 12 ug/ 4/29/2002 6.9 ug/ 9/29/2003 4.3 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 10/22/2001 28 ug/ 4/29/2002 16 ug/ 4/12/2005 5.7 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/13/1998 60 ug/ 11/11/1998 64 ug/ 4/26/1999 30 ug/ 11/2/1999 32 ug/ 10/22/2001 350 ug/ 4/29/2002 260 ug/ 9/29/2003 290 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 46 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-6 9/27/2004 37 ug/ 4/12/2005 300 ug/ 9/26/2005 16 ug/ 9/26/2006 95 ug/ 3/26/2008 31.6 ug/ 4/2/2010 29.6 ug/ 10/2/2015 30.3 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/13/1998 20 I ug/ 11/11/1998 26 ug/ 4/26/1999 10 I ug/ 11/2/1999 7 I ug/ 4/3/2000 8 I ug/ 11/6/2000 89 ug/ 4/30/2001 32 ug/ 10/22/2001 190 ug/ 4/29/2002 100 ug/ 9/29/2003 100 ug/ 9/27/2004 15 ug/ 4/12/2005 110 ug/ 9/26/2005 21 ug/ 3/24/2006 21 ug/ 9/26/2006 23 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.1 J ug/ 9/27/2007 2.7 J ug/ 9/30/2008 6.3 ug/ 3/26/2009 7 ug/ 4/2/2010 12 ug/ 10/2/2015 12.6 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/l 9/29/2003 34 ug/ 4/12/2005 30 ug/ 9/26/2006 16 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 47 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-6 Nickel MCL:100 ug/l 10/22/2001 170 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/l 10/22/2001 2.1 ug/ 4/29/2002 2.8 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/13/1998 74 ug/ 11/11/1998 86 ug/ 4/26/1999 35 ug/ 11/2/1999 30 ug/ 4/3/2000 8 I ug/ 11/6/2000 49 ug/ 4/30/2001 15 ug/ 10/22/2001 550 ug/ 4/29/2002 350 ug/ 9/29/2003 380 ug/ 9/27/2004 49 ug/ 4/12/2005 430 ug/ 9/26/2005 29 ug/ 3/24/2006 18 ug/ 9/26/2006 120 ug/ 3/27/2007 2.2 J ug/ 9/27/2007 7.7 ug/ 3/26/2008 48.1 ug/ 9/30/2008 6.1 ug/ 3/26/2009 8.2 ug/ 4/2/2010 38.3 ug/ 10/2/2015 40.1 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 48 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-7 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/29/2002 16 ug/ 4/12/2005 10 ug/ Arsenic MCL:10 ug/L 10/5/2011 14.7 ug/ Barium MCL:700 ug/L 4/26/1999 730 ug/ 10/22/2001 1500 ug/ 4/29/2002 770 ug/ 4/12/2005 1500 ug/ Beryllium MCL:4ug/l 10/22/2001 4.8 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 10/22/2001 26 ug/ 4/29/2002 12 ug/ 4/12/2005 5.1 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/13/1998 80 ug/ 11/11/1998 66 ug/ 11/6/2000 14 ug/ 10/22/2001 370 ug/ 4/29/2002 190 ug/ 10/28/2002 17 ug/ 9/29/2003 81 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 49 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-7 9/27/2004 15 ug/ 4/12/2005 220 ug/ 9/26/2005 23 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/13/1998 29 ug/ 11/11/1998 29 ug/ 11/6/2000 22 ug/ 4/30/2001 18 ug/ 10/22/2001 140 ug/ 4/29/2002 68 ug/ 10/28/2002 17 ug/ 9/29/2003 32 ug/ 3/30/2004 6.4 ug/ 9/27/2004 12 ug/ 4/12/2005 96 ug/ 9/26/2005 13 ug/ 3/27/2007 3.7 J ug/ 4/11/2014 5.5 ug/ Nickel MCL:100 ug/l 10/22/2001 340 ug/ 4/29/2002 170 ug/ 4/12/2005 250 ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 9/26/2008 8.8 ug/ 4/2/2010 5.7 ug/ 10/5/2011 20.8 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/13/1998 134 ug/ 11/11/1998 105 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 50 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-7 4/26/1999 7 I ug/ 11/2/1999 10 I ug/ 11/6/2000 46 ug/ 4/30/2001 39 ug/ 10/22/2001 620 ug/ 4/29/2002 310 ug/ 10/28/2002 49 ug/ 3/25/2003 11 ug/ 9/29/2003 140 ug/ 9/27/2004 26 ug/ 4/12/2005 480 ug/ 9/26/2005 48 ug/ 3/24/2006 5.5 ug/ 9/26/2006 11 ug/ 3/27/2007 23 J ug/ 9/27/2007 8.3 ug/ 3/26/2008 9.6 ug/ 9/26/2008 9.9 ug/ 3/26/2009 7.7 ug/ 10/5/2011 58.4 ug/ 4/9/2015 6.3 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 51 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-8 Antimony MCL:1ug/l 4/29/2002 12 ug/ 9/30/2003 5.5 ug/ 4/12/2005 5.2 ug/ Cadmium MCL:2ug/l 10/22/2001 10 ug/ 4/29/2002 4.5 ug/ Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/17/1998 60 ug/ 11/10/1998 70 ug/ 4/26/1999 12 ug/ 10/22/2001 110 ug/ 4/29/2002 53 ug/ 4/12/2005 14 ug/ 9/29/2008 14.7 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/17/1998 8 I ug/ 11/10/1998 23 ug/ 4/30/2001 9.7 ug/ 10/22/2001 37 ug/ 4/29/2002 17 ug/ 9/28/2007 2.6 J ug/ 10/11/2013 5.3 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/l 10/22/2001 16 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 52 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-8 Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/L 3/27/2008 9.5 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/17/1998 23 ug/ 11/10/1998 81 ug/ 4/26/1999 12 I ug/ 11/1/1999 8 I ug/ 11/7/2000 13 ug/ 4/30/2001 16 ug/ 10/22/2001 160 ug/ 1/14/2002 18 ug/ 4/29/2002 72 ug/ 3/25/2003 7 ug/ 9/30/2003 7.6 ug/ 3/30/2004 15 ug/ 9/27/2004 14 ug/ 4/12/2005 26 ug/ 3/27/2007 5.4 J ug/ 9/28/2007 3.1 J ug/ 3/27/2008 11.5 ug/ 9/29/2008 6.5 ug/ 3/25/2009 5.7 ug/ 10/5/2009 10.3 ug/ 4/6/2010 7.2 ug/ 10/8/2010 5.9 ug/ 3/29/2011 5.4 ug/ 10/6/2011 6.9 ug/ 10/5/2012 8.7 ug/ 10/11/2013 6.4 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 53 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-8D Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 9/28/2007 3.5 J ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/l 10/22/2001 2.3 ug/ 3/27/2008 7.8 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/l 10/22/2001 8.5 ug/ 4/29/2002 18 ug/ 3/27/2007 1.8 J ug/ 9/28/2007 1.9 J ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 54 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-9 Chromium MCL:10 ug/L 4/30/1998 100 ug/ 11/9/1998 16 ug/ Cobalt MCL:1ug/L 4/30/1998 38 ug/ 4/11/2005 11 ug/ Lead MCL:15 ug/L 4/30/1998 18 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 4/30/1998 130 ug/ 11/9/1998 26 ug/ 4/11/2005 7.1 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 55 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Site ID Analyte SampleDate Result MW-9D Cadmium MCL:2ug/L 4/27/1999 3 I ug/ Thallium MCL:0.28 ug/l 10/22/2001 2.3 ug/ Vanadium MCL:0.3 ug/L 11/9/1998 8 I ug/ 10/22/2001 5.4 ug/ 9/30/2003 11 ug/ 3/29/2004 6.2 ug/ Thursday, December 01, 2016 Page 56 of 56 I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Alternate Source Demonstration Appendix E Time Series Graphs Page 1 Turbidity - Field Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( N T U ) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/3 / 2 0 0 0 8/1 3 / 2 0 0 2 12 / 2 2 / 2 0 0 4 5/3 / 2 0 0 7 9/1 2 / 2 0 0 9 1/2 2 / 2 0 1 2 6/2 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Arsenic, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 5 10 15 20 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Barium, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Beryllium, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 5 10 15 20 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Cadmium, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Cobalt, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Iron, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 MW-1 MW-1D 10 / 2 / 2 0 0 9 10 / 3 / 2 0 1 0 10 / 5 / 2 0 1 1 10 / 6 / 2 0 1 2 10 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 10 / 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Lead, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 10 20 30 40 50 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Manganese, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 MW-1 MW-1D 10 / 2 / 2 0 0 9 10 / 3 / 2 0 1 0 10 / 5 / 2 0 1 1 10 / 6 / 2 0 1 2 10 / 7 / 2 0 1 3 10 / 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Nickel, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Thallium, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Vanadium, Total Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( u g / L ) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Page 1 Specific Conductivity - Field Multi-Well Time-Series Graph Sample Date Con c e n t r a t i o n ( u m h o s / c m ) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 MW-1 MW-1D MW-10 MW-10D MW-11 MW-11D MW-13 MW-13D MW-2 MW-2D MW-3R MW-4 MW-4D MW-5 MW-5D MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-8D MW-9 MW-9D 4/1 3 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 3 / 2 0 0 0 7/2 6 / 2 0 0 3 3/1 7 / 2 0 0 6 11 / 7 / 2 0 0 8 6/3 0 / 2 0 1 1 2/1 9 / 2 0 1 4 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 6 Alternate Source Demonstration Appendix F Parametric ANOVA Analysis Results Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Arsenic, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 79.1992 20 3.95996 0.610139 Error (within wells)4231.65 652 6.49026 Totals 4310.85 672 0.610139 does not exceed 1.57 indicating no significant difference in group comparisons Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Antimony, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 93.9356 20 4.69678 1.20827 Error (within wells)2534.45 652 3.88719 Totals 2628.39 672 1.20827 does not exceed 1.57 indicating no significant difference in group comparisons Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Barium, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 5.08407e+006 20 254204 6.70318 Error (within wells)2.41189e+007 636 37922.9 Totals 2.9203e+007 656 6.70318 exceeds 1.57 indicating a significant difference in group comparisons Individual Well Comparisons 657 total observations - 21 wells = 636 degrees of freedom 1% Invidual Well Comparison Rate Bonferroni t = 2.33383 at 5, 636 degrees of freedom Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10 175.52 -16.9675 42.3179 98.7626 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 140 -35.52 10/29/2002 550 374.48 3/25/2003 320 144.48 9/30/2003 240 64.48 3/30/2004 150 -25.52 9/27/2004 340 164.48 4/12/2005 410 234.48 9/27/2005 200 24.48 3/23/2006 220 44.48 9/26/2006 210 34.48 3/27/2007 100 -75.52 9/27/2007 132 -43.52 3/26/2008 116 -59.52 9/26/2008 152 -23.52 3/26/2009 90.6 -84.92 10/1/2009 136 -39.52 4/2/2010 115 -60.52 10/7/2010 119 -56.52 3/29/2011 114 -61.52 10/5/2011 126 -49.52 4/4/2012 125 -50.52 10/3/2012 128 -47.52 4/11/2013 127 -48.52 10/9/2013 127 -48.52 4/11/2014 123 -52.52 10/1/2014 129 -46.52 4/7/2015 131 -44.52 10/6/2015 134 -41.52 4/8/2016 113 -62.52 10/11/2016 148 -27.52 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10D 53.4667 -139.021 42.3179 98.7626 Page 2 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 690 636.533 10/29/2002 120 66.5333 3/25/2003 130 76.5333 9/30/2003 12 -41.4667 3/30/2004 12 -41.4667 9/27/2004 17 -36.4667 4/12/2005 54 0.533333 9/27/2005 160 106.533 3/23/2006 32 -21.4667 9/27/2006 18 -35.4667 3/27/2007 ND<12 J -41.4667 9/27/2007 30.9 -22.5667 3/26/2008 17.8 -35.6667 9/26/2008 12.2 -41.2667 3/26/2009 11 -42.4667 10/1/2009 19.7 -33.7667 4/2/2010 21.1 -32.3667 10/7/2010 14.6 -38.8667 3/29/2011 13.8 -39.6667 10/5/2011 23.2 -30.2667 4/4/2012 16.9 -36.5667 10/3/2012 15.2 -38.2667 4/11/2013 25.1 -28.3667 10/9/2013 23.2 -30.2667 4/11/2014 23.3 -30.1667 10/1/2014 14.2 -39.2667 4/7/2015 15.5 -37.9667 10/6/2015 18.6 -34.8667 4/8/2016 15.3 -38.1667 10/11/2016 15.4 -38.0667 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11 80.52 -111.968 42.3179 98.7626 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 270 189.48 10/29/2002 5 U -75.52 3/25/2003 61 -19.52 9/29/2003 60 -20.52 3/30/2004 100 19.48 9/27/2004 49 -31.52 4/12/2005 61 -19.52 9/26/2005 77 -3.52 3/23/2006 150 69.48 9/26/2006 54 -26.52 3/27/2007 ND<60 J -20.52 9/27/2007 179 98.48 3/27/2008 66.6 -13.92 9/30/2008 48.6 -31.92 3/26/2009 53.5 -27.02 10/5/2009 58.4 -22.12 4/6/2010 68.3 -12.22 10/8/2010 55.3 -25.22 3/29/2011 66.5 -14.02 10/5/2011 71.1 -9.42 Page 3 4/6/2012 68.4 -12.12 10/5/2012 73.9 -6.62 4/9/2013 74.2 -6.32 10/9/2013 75.4 -5.12 4/17/2014 76.6 -3.92 10/1/2014 88.7 8.18 4/8/2015 82.7 2.18 10/2/2015 92 11.48 4/7/2016 79.8 -0.72 10/11/2016 89.6 9.08 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11D 29.2067 -163.281 42.3179 98.7626 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 350 320.793 10/29/2002 5 U -24.2067 3/25/2003 65 35.7933 9/29/2003 63 33.7933 3/30/2004 17 -12.2067 9/27/2004 15 -14.2067 4/12/2005 13 -16.2067 9/26/2005 17 -12.2067 3/23/2006 16 -13.2067 9/26/2006 18 -11.2067 3/27/2007 ND<18 J -11.2067 9/27/2007 17.7 -11.5067 3/27/2008 15.6 -13.6067 9/30/2008 10.2 -19.0067 3/26/2009 12.1 -17.1067 10/5/2009 14.5 -14.7067 4/6/2010 12.3 -16.9067 10/8/2010 14.7 -14.5067 3/29/2011 13 -16.2067 10/5/2011 15.6 -13.6067 4/6/2012 13.2 -16.0067 10/5/2012 15.6 -13.6067 4/9/2013 14.7 -14.5067 10/9/2013 20.1 -9.10667 4/17/2014 15 -14.2067 10/1/2014 14.8 -14.4067 4/8/2015 14.9 -14.3067 10/2/2015 15 -14.2067 4/7/2016 13.7 -15.5067 10/11/2016 16.5 -12.7067 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13 158.843 -33.644 46.6425 108.856 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 140 -18.8435 3/27/2006 140 -18.8435 9/28/2006 130 -28.8435 3/27/2007 120 -38.8435 9/28/2007 217 58.1565 3/27/2008 160 1.15652 9/29/2008 191 32.1565 Page 4 3/26/2009 181 22.1565 10/2/2009 165 6.15652 4/2/2010 151 -7.84348 10/7/2010 143 -15.8435 3/25/2011 120 -38.8435 10/6/2011 193 34.1565 4/5/2012 158 -0.843478 10/4/2012 153 -5.84348 4/9/2013 131 -27.8435 10/9/2013 203 44.1565 4/17/2014 159 0.156522 10/1/2014 155 -3.84348 4/7/2015 106 -52.8435 10/6/2015 98.4 -60.4435 4/6/2016 191 32.1565 10/11/2016 248 89.1565 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13D 268.565 76.0777 46.6425 108.856 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 400 131.435 3/27/2006 460 191.435 9/28/2006 270 1.43478 3/27/2007 220 -48.5652 9/28/2007 211 -57.5652 3/27/2008 225 -43.5652 9/29/2008 179 -89.5652 3/26/2009 198 -70.5652 10/2/2009 228 -40.5652 4/2/2010 279 10.4348 10/7/2010 212 -56.5652 3/25/2011 215 -53.5652 10/6/2011 259 -9.56522 4/5/2012 248 -20.5652 10/4/2012 257 -11.5652 4/9/2013 260 -8.56522 10/9/2013 339 70.4348 4/17/2014 297 28.4348 10/1/2014 254 -14.5652 4/7/2015 236 -32.5652 10/6/2015 278 9.43478 4/6/2016 304 35.4348 10/11/2016 348 79.4348 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2 328.424 135.936 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 527 198.576 11/11/1998 441 112.576 4/27/1999 91 -237.424 11/2/1999 240 -88.4237 4/4/2000 213 -115.424 11/6/2000 210 -118.424 4/30/2001 140 -188.424 10/22/2001 680 351.576 Page 5 4/29/2002 1100 771.576 10/28/2002 5 U -323.424 3/24/2003 120 -208.424 9/29/2003 410 81.5763 3/29/2004 280 -48.4237 9/27/2004 1100 771.576 4/11/2005 1000 671.576 9/26/2005 610 281.576 3/23/2006 970 641.576 9/28/2006 300 -28.4237 3/27/2007 ND<72 J -256.424 9/28/2007 1080 751.576 3/26/2008 61 -267.424 9/29/2008 175 -153.424 3/26/2009 518 189.576 10/1/2009 955 626.576 4/6/2010 80.9 -247.524 10/8/2010 86.7 -241.724 3/25/2011 65.4 -263.024 10/5/2011 136 -192.424 4/4/2012 63 -265.424 10/5/2012 78 -250.424 4/10/2013 121 -207.424 10/11/2013 87.1 -241.324 4/17/2014 63 -265.424 10/1/2014 110 -218.424 4/7/2015 70.1 -258.324 10/6/2015 80.6 -247.824 4/6/2016 72.2 -256.224 10/11/2016 68.1 -260.324 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2D 93.1947 -99.2928 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 83 -10.1947 11/11/1998 117 23.8053 4/27/1999 74 -19.1947 11/2/1999 80 -13.1947 4/4/2000 70 -23.1947 11/6/2000 95 1.80526 4/30/2001 140 46.8053 10/22/2001 77 -16.1947 4/29/2002 230 136.805 10/28/2002 140 46.8053 3/24/2003 77 -16.1947 9/29/2003 130 36.8053 3/29/2004 100 6.80526 9/27/2004 140 46.8053 4/11/2005 81 -12.1947 9/26/2005 79 -14.1947 3/23/2006 84 -9.19474 9/28/2006 75 -18.1947 3/27/2007 ND<77 J -16.1947 9/28/2007 89.3 -3.89474 3/26/2008 77.2 -15.9947 9/29/2008 72 -21.1947 Page 6 3/26/2009 74.7 -18.4947 10/1/2009 79.3 -13.8947 4/6/2010 87.8 -5.39474 10/8/2010 74.3 -18.8947 3/25/2011 79 -14.1947 10/5/2011 87.8 -5.39474 4/4/2012 82.1 -11.0947 10/5/2012 80.6 -12.5947 4/10/2013 82.3 -10.8947 10/11/2013 87 -6.19474 4/17/2014 84.1 -9.09474 10/1/2014 86.2 -6.99474 4/7/2015 89.3 -3.89474 10/6/2015 87.3 -5.89474 4/6/2016 88.1 -5.09474 10/11/2016 104 10.8053 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-3R 124.1 -68.3875 82.7477 193.119 Date Conc.Residual 7/29/2014 116 -8.1 10/1/2014 159 34.9 4/7/2015 132 7.9 10/2/2015 130 5.9 4/6/2016 88.6 -35.5 10/11/2016 119 -5.1 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4 140.224 -52.2638 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 911 770.776 11/9/1998 302 161.776 4/26/1999 110 -30.2237 11/1/1999 140 -0.223684 4/4/2000 208 67.7763 11/6/2000 100 -40.2237 4/30/2001 96 -44.2237 10/22/2001 200 59.7763 4/29/2002 140 -0.223684 10/28/2002 120 -20.2237 3/24/2003 110 -30.2237 9/30/2003 87 -53.2237 3/29/2004 200 59.7763 9/27/2004 86 -54.2237 4/11/2005 470 329.776 9/26/2005 160 19.7763 3/24/2006 250 109.776 9/27/2006 77 -63.2237 3/27/2007 ND<72 J -68.2237 9/28/2007 87.8 -52.4237 3/26/2008 74.9 -65.3237 9/29/2008 85.4 -54.8237 3/26/2009 61.1 -79.1237 10/2/2009 69.8 -70.4237 4/6/2010 71.2 -69.0237 Page 7 10/7/2010 63.3 -76.9237 3/29/2011 62.2 -78.0237 10/5/2011 95.5 -44.7237 4/5/2012 59.4 -80.8237 10/4/2012 65.8 -74.4237 4/10/2013 206 65.7763 10/10/2013 72.5 -67.7237 4/11/2014 65.7 -74.5237 10/1/2014 67 -73.2237 4/7/2015 75.9 -64.3237 10/6/2015 75.2 -65.0237 4/6/2016 61.3 -78.9237 10/11/2016 69.5 -70.7237 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4D 44.7447 -147.743 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 42 -2.74474 11/9/1998 41 -3.74474 4/26/1999 31 -13.7447 11/1/1999 29 -15.7447 4/4/2000 30 -14.7447 11/6/2000 140 95.2553 4/30/2001 77 32.2553 10/22/2001 130 85.2553 4/29/2002 90 45.2553 10/28/2002 47 2.25526 3/24/2003 45 0.255263 9/29/2003 34 -10.7447 3/29/2004 62 17.2553 9/27/2004 32 -12.7447 4/11/2005 32 -12.7447 9/26/2005 33 -11.7447 3/24/2006 32 -12.7447 9/27/2006 46 1.25526 3/27/2007 ND<30 J -14.7447 9/28/2007 30.7 -14.0447 3/26/2008 31.9 -12.8447 9/29/2008 65 20.2553 3/26/2009 48.2 3.45526 10/2/2009 83.2 38.4553 4/6/2010 34.9 -9.84474 10/7/2010 27.1 -17.6447 3/29/2011 31.5 -13.2447 10/5/2011 34.4 -10.3447 4/5/2012 33.3 -11.4447 10/4/2012 28.8 -15.9447 4/10/2013 53.9 9.15526 10/10/2013 29.9 -14.8447 4/11/2014 27 -17.7447 10/1/2014 27.5 -17.2447 4/7/2015 28.2 -16.5447 10/6/2015 27.3 -17.4447 4/6/2016 25 -19.7447 10/11/2016 29.5 -15.2447 Page 8 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5 148.261 -44.227 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 484 335.739 11/11/1998 331 182.739 4/26/1999 42 -106.261 11/2/1999 52 -96.2605 4/3/2000 63 -85.2605 11/6/2000 1500 1351.74 4/30/2001 76 -72.2605 10/22/2001 46 -102.261 4/29/2002 280 131.739 10/28/2002 12 -136.261 3/24/2003 52 -96.2605 9/29/2003 67 -81.2605 3/30/2004 120 -28.2605 9/27/2004 74 -74.2605 4/12/2005 69 -79.2605 9/26/2005 78 -70.2605 3/24/2006 78 -70.2605 9/26/2006 130 -18.2605 3/27/2007 ND<98 J -50.2605 9/27/2007 89.9 -58.3605 3/26/2008 103 -45.2605 9/30/2008 96.9 -51.3605 3/26/2009 106 -42.2605 10/2/2009 152 3.73947 4/2/2010 92.7 -55.5605 10/6/2010 90.9 -57.3605 3/25/2011 96.5 -51.7605 10/5/2011 102 -46.2605 4/5/2012 96.6 -51.6605 10/3/2012 98.2 -50.0605 4/11/2013 96.2 -52.0605 10/9/2013 101 -47.2605 4/17/2014 102 -46.2605 10/1/2014 104 -44.2605 4/8/2015 102 -46.2605 10/2/2015 126 -22.2605 4/6/2016 107 -41.2605 10/11/2016 119 -29.2605 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5D 55.9 -136.588 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 59 3.1 11/11/1998 49 -6.9 4/26/1999 48 -7.9 11/2/1999 46 -9.9 4/3/2000 41 -14.9 11/6/2000 94 38.1 4/30/2001 48 -7.9 10/22/2001 62 6.1 4/29/2002 76 20.1 10/28/2002 52 -3.9 Page 9 3/24/2003 50 -5.9 9/29/2003 53 -2.9 3/29/2004 50 -5.9 9/27/2004 55 -0.9 4/12/2005 49 -6.9 9/26/2005 45 -10.9 3/24/2006 48 -7.9 9/26/2006 48 -7.9 3/27/2007 ND<50 J -5.9 9/27/2007 51.7 -4.2 3/26/2008 51.2 -4.7 9/30/2008 45.6 -10.3 3/26/2009 58.9 3 10/2/2009 58.1 2.2 4/2/2010 53.2 -2.7 10/6/2010 50.1 -5.8 3/25/2011 53.5 -2.4 10/5/2011 61.3 5.4 4/5/2012 57.1 1.2 10/3/2012 59.2 3.3 4/11/2013 68.8 12.9 10/9/2013 63 7.1 4/17/2014 58.5 2.6 10/1/2014 61.8 5.9 4/8/2015 61.2 5.3 10/2/2015 64.4 8.5 4/6/2016 56.9 1 10/11/2016 66.7 10.8 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-6 276.389 83.902 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 209 -67.3895 11/11/1998 265 -11.3895 4/26/1999 131 -145.389 11/2/1999 120 -156.389 4/3/2000 105 -171.389 11/6/2000 1400 1123.61 4/30/2001 400 123.611 10/22/2001 1900 1623.61 4/29/2002 1000 723.611 10/28/2002 5 U -271.389 3/25/2003 59 -217.389 9/29/2003 1100 823.611 3/30/2004 54 -222.389 9/27/2004 180 -96.3895 4/12/2005 1400 1123.61 9/26/2005 180 -96.3895 3/24/2006 230 -46.3895 9/26/2006 320 43.6105 3/27/2007 ND<51 J -225.389 9/27/2007 92.5 -183.889 3/26/2008 165 -111.389 9/30/2008 64.9 -211.489 3/26/2009 71 -205.389 10/2/2009 61.4 -214.989 Page 10 4/2/2010 143 -133.389 10/6/2010 52.1 -224.289 3/25/2011 52.9 -223.489 10/5/2011 57.2 -219.189 4/4/2012 55 -221.389 10/3/2012 58.6 -217.789 4/9/2013 53.4 -222.989 10/9/2013 50.7 -225.689 4/11/2014 48.2 -228.189 10/1/2014 50.4 -225.989 4/7/2015 50 -226.389 10/2/2015 152 -124.389 4/6/2016 53.7 -222.689 10/11/2016 61.8 -214.589 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-7 278.113 85.6257 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 271 -7.11316 11/11/1998 337 58.8868 4/26/1999 730 451.887 11/2/1999 70 -208.113 4/3/2000 63 -215.113 11/6/2000 320 41.8868 4/30/2001 240 -38.1132 10/22/2001 1500 1221.89 4/29/2002 770 491.887 10/28/2002 270 -8.11316 3/25/2003 120 -158.113 9/29/2003 500 221.887 3/30/2004 160 -118.113 9/27/2004 220 -58.1132 4/12/2005 1500 1221.89 9/26/2005 300 21.8868 3/24/2006 170 -108.113 9/26/2006 180 -98.1132 3/27/2007 200 -78.1132 9/27/2007 125 -153.113 3/26/2008 98.3 -179.813 9/26/2008 94.8 -183.313 3/26/2009 90.2 -187.913 10/1/2009 155 -123.113 4/2/2010 150 -128.113 10/6/2010 148 -130.113 3/25/2011 153 -125.113 10/5/2011 155 -123.113 4/4/2012 132 -146.113 10/3/2012 137 -141.113 4/9/2013 138 -140.113 10/9/2013 132 -146.113 4/11/2014 143 -135.113 10/2/2014 178 -100.113 4/9/2015 206 -72.1132 10/2/2015 153 -125.113 4/6/2016 123 -155.113 10/11/2016 136 -142.113 Page 11 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8 116.792 -75.6952 38.7181 90.3612 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 115 -1.79231 11/10/1998 274 157.208 4/26/1999 90 -26.7923 11/1/1999 60 -56.7923 4/3/2000 48 -68.7923 11/7/2000 150 33.2077 4/30/2001 210 93.2077 10/22/2001 480 363.208 1/14/2002 100 -16.7923 4/29/2002 260 143.208 10/28/2002 59 -57.7923 3/25/2003 62 -54.7923 9/30/2003 70 -46.7923 3/30/2004 87 -29.7923 9/27/2004 100 -16.7923 4/12/2005 130 13.2077 9/27/2005 52 -64.7923 3/23/2006 68 -48.7923 9/26/2006 71 -45.7923 3/27/2007 ND<76 J -40.7923 9/28/2007 83.7 -33.0923 3/27/2008 98.9 -17.8923 9/29/2008 75 -41.7923 3/25/2009 70.8 -45.9923 10/5/2009 101 -15.7923 4/6/2010 97.7 -19.0923 10/8/2010 81.7 -35.0923 3/29/2011 91.1 -25.6923 10/6/2011 112 -4.79231 4/6/2012 96 -20.7923 10/5/2012 115 -1.79231 4/9/2013 111 -5.79231 10/11/2013 116 -0.792308 4/16/2014 106 -10.7923 10/2/2014 108 -8.79231 4/8/2015 117 0.207692 10/9/2015 142 25.2077 4/7/2016 128 11.2077 10/11/2016 142 25.2077 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8D 102.221 -90.2664 39.0471 91.1292 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 560 457.779 11/10/1998 58 -44.2211 4/26/1999 54 -48.2211 11/1/1999 50 -52.2211 4/3/2000 46 -56.2211 11/7/2000 54 -48.2211 4/30/2001 48 -54.2211 10/22/2001 66 -36.2211 Page 12 4/29/2002 80 -22.2211 10/28/2002 56 -46.2211 3/25/2003 53 -49.2211 9/30/2003 52 -50.2211 3/30/2004 55 -47.2211 9/27/2004 58 -44.2211 4/12/2005 56 -46.2211 9/27/2005 57 -45.2211 3/23/2006 68 -34.2211 9/26/2006 67 -35.2211 3/27/2007 ND<71 J -31.2211 9/28/2007 88.2 -14.0211 3/27/2008 89.1 -13.1211 9/29/2008 76.1 -26.1211 3/25/2009 70.9 -31.3211 10/5/2009 84 -18.2211 4/6/2010 90.6 -11.6211 10/8/2010 88.5 -13.7211 3/29/2011 108 5.77895 10/6/2011 123 20.7789 4/6/2012 119 16.7789 10/5/2012 121 18.7789 4/9/2013 123 20.7789 10/11/2013 140 37.7789 4/16/2014 140 37.7789 10/2/2014 148 45.7789 4/8/2015 160 57.7789 10/9/2015 176 73.7789 4/7/2016 158 55.7789 10/11/2016 172 69.7789 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9 190.938 -1.55 53.8227 125.613 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 358 167.063 11/9/1998 186 -4.9375 4/27/1999 160 -30.9375 11/1/1999 200 9.0625 4/3/2000 176 -14.9375 11/7/2000 180 -10.9375 4/30/2001 170 -20.9375 10/22/2001 190 -0.9375 4/29/2002 170 -20.9375 10/28/2002 5 U -185.938 3/25/2003 160 -30.9375 9/30/2003 190 -0.9375 4/26/2004 250 59.0625 9/27/2004 240 49.0625 4/11/2005 220 29.0625 9/27/2005 200 9.0625 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9D 139.813 -52.675 53.8227 125.613 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 57 -82.8125 Page 13 11/9/1998 111 -28.8125 4/27/1999 101 -38.8125 11/1/1999 100 -39.8125 4/3/2000 113 -26.8125 11/7/2000 140 0.1875 4/30/2001 130 -9.8125 10/22/2001 150 10.1875 4/29/2002 170 30.1875 10/28/2002 5 U -134.813 3/25/2003 130 -9.8125 9/30/2003 180 40.1875 3/29/2004 190 50.1875 9/27/2004 220 80.1875 4/11/2005 200 60.1875 9/27/2005 240 100.188 Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Beryllium, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 26.8313 20 1.34157 2.20827 Error (within wells)396.71 653 0.60752 Totals 423.542 673 2.20827 exceeds 1.57 indicating a significant difference in group comparisons Individual Well Comparisons 674 total observations - 21 wells = 653 degrees of freedom 1% Invidual Well Comparison Rate Bonferroni t = 2.33383 at 5, 653 degrees of freedom Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10 1.05161 -0.110144 0.166755 0.389177 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 2 0.948387 10/29/2002 2 U 0.948387 3/25/2003 2 U 0.948387 9/30/2003 1 U -0.0516129 3/30/2004 1 U -0.0516129 9/27/2004 1 U -0.0516129 4/12/2005 1 U -0.0516129 9/27/2005 1 U -0.0516129 3/23/2006 1 U -0.0516129 9/26/2006 1 U -0.0516129 3/27/2007 1 U -0.0516129 9/27/2007 1 U -0.0516129 3/26/2008 0.1 U -0.951613 9/26/2008 1 U -0.0516129 3/26/2009 1 U -0.0516129 10/1/2009 1 U -0.0516129 4/2/2010 1 U -0.0516129 10/7/2010 1 U -0.0516129 3/29/2011 1 U -0.0516129 10/5/2011 1 U -0.0516129 4/4/2012 1 U -0.0516129 10/3/2012 1 U -0.0516129 4/11/2013 1 U -0.0516129 4/11/2013 0.5 U -0.551613 10/9/2013 1 U -0.0516129 4/11/2014 1 U -0.0516129 10/1/2014 1 U -0.0516129 4/7/2015 1 U -0.0516129 10/6/2015 1 U -0.0516129 4/8/2016 1 U -0.0516129 10/11/2016 1 U -0.0516129 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value Page 2 MW-10D 1.06903 -0.0927245 0.166755 0.389177 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 3 1.93097 10/29/2002 2 U 0.930968 3/25/2003 2 U 0.930968 9/30/2003 1 U -0.0690323 3/30/2004 1 U -0.0690323 9/27/2004 1 U -0.0690323 4/12/2005 1 U -0.0690323 9/27/2005 1 U -0.0690323 3/23/2006 1 U -0.0690323 9/27/2006 1 U -0.0690323 3/27/2007 1 U -0.0690323 9/27/2007 ND<0.54 J -0.529032 3/26/2008 0.1 U -0.969032 9/26/2008 1 U -0.0690323 3/26/2009 1 U -0.0690323 10/1/2009 1 U -0.0690323 4/2/2010 1 U -0.0690323 10/7/2010 1 U -0.0690323 3/29/2011 1 U -0.0690323 10/5/2011 1 U -0.0690323 4/4/2012 1 U -0.0690323 10/3/2012 1 U -0.0690323 4/11/2013 0.5 U -0.569032 4/11/2013 1 U -0.0690323 10/9/2013 1 U -0.0690323 4/11/2014 1 U -0.0690323 10/1/2014 1 U -0.0690323 4/7/2015 1 U -0.0690323 10/6/2015 1 U -0.0690323 4/8/2016 1 U -0.0690323 10/11/2016 1 U -0.0690323 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11 1.09677 -0.0649826 0.166755 0.389177 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 3.4 2.30323 10/29/2002 2 U 0.903226 3/25/2003 2 U 0.903226 9/29/2003 1 U -0.0967742 3/30/2004 1 U -0.0967742 9/27/2004 1 U -0.0967742 4/12/2005 1 U -0.0967742 9/26/2005 1 U -0.0967742 3/23/2006 1 U -0.0967742 9/26/2006 1 U -0.0967742 3/27/2007 1 U -0.0967742 9/27/2007 1 U -0.0967742 3/27/2008 0.1 U -0.996774 9/30/2008 1 U -0.0967742 3/26/2009 1 U -0.0967742 10/5/2009 1 U -0.0967742 4/6/2010 1 U -0.0967742 10/8/2010 1 U -0.0967742 Page 3 3/29/2011 1 U -0.0967742 10/5/2011 1 U -0.0967742 4/6/2012 1 U -0.0967742 10/5/2012 1 U -0.0967742 4/9/2013 0.5 U -0.596774 4/9/2013 1 U -0.0967742 10/9/2013 1 U -0.0967742 4/17/2014 1 U -0.0967742 10/1/2014 1 U -0.0967742 4/8/2015 1 U -0.0967742 10/2/2015 1 U -0.0967742 4/7/2016 1 U -0.0967742 10/11/2016 1 U -0.0967742 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11D 1.05161 -0.110144 0.166755 0.389177 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 2 U 0.948387 10/29/2002 2 U 0.948387 3/25/2003 2 U 0.948387 9/29/2003 1 U -0.0516129 3/30/2004 1 U -0.0516129 9/27/2004 1 U -0.0516129 4/12/2005 1 U -0.0516129 9/26/2005 1 U -0.0516129 3/23/2006 1 U -0.0516129 9/26/2006 1 U -0.0516129 3/27/2007 1 U -0.0516129 9/27/2007 1 U -0.0516129 3/27/2008 0.1 U -0.951613 9/30/2008 1 U -0.0516129 3/26/2009 1 U -0.0516129 10/5/2009 1 U -0.0516129 4/6/2010 1 U -0.0516129 10/8/2010 1 U -0.0516129 3/29/2011 1 U -0.0516129 10/5/2011 1 U -0.0516129 4/6/2012 1 U -0.0516129 10/5/2012 1 U -0.0516129 4/9/2013 1 U -0.0516129 4/9/2013 0.5 U -0.551613 10/9/2013 1 U -0.0516129 4/17/2014 1 U -0.0516129 10/1/2014 1 U -0.0516129 4/8/2015 1 U -0.0516129 10/2/2015 1 U -0.0516129 4/7/2016 1 U -0.0516129 10/11/2016 1 U -0.0516129 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13 0.941667 -0.22009 0.183093 0.427307 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 1 U 0.0583333 3/27/2006 1 U 0.0583333 9/28/2006 1 U 0.0583333 Page 4 3/27/2007 1 U 0.0583333 9/28/2007 1 U 0.0583333 3/27/2008 0.1 U -0.841667 9/29/2008 1 U 0.0583333 3/26/2009 1 U 0.0583333 10/2/2009 1 U 0.0583333 4/2/2010 1 U 0.0583333 10/7/2010 1 U 0.0583333 3/25/2011 1 U 0.0583333 10/6/2011 1 U 0.0583333 4/5/2012 1 U 0.0583333 10/4/2012 1 U 0.0583333 4/9/2013 0.5 U -0.441667 4/9/2013 1 U 0.0583333 10/9/2013 1 U 0.0583333 4/17/2014 1 U 0.0583333 10/1/2014 1 U 0.0583333 4/7/2015 1 U 0.0583333 10/6/2015 1 U 0.0583333 4/6/2016 1 U 0.0583333 10/11/2016 1 U 0.0583333 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13D 0.958333 -0.203423 0.183093 0.427307 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 1.4 0.441667 3/27/2006 1 U 0.0416667 9/28/2006 1 U 0.0416667 3/27/2007 1 U 0.0416667 9/28/2007 1 U 0.0416667 3/27/2008 0.1 U -0.858333 9/29/2008 1 U 0.0416667 3/26/2009 1 U 0.0416667 10/2/2009 1 U 0.0416667 4/2/2010 1 U 0.0416667 10/7/2010 1 U 0.0416667 3/25/2011 1 U 0.0416667 10/6/2011 1 U 0.0416667 4/5/2012 1 U 0.0416667 10/4/2012 1 U 0.0416667 4/9/2013 0.5 U -0.458333 4/9/2013 1 U 0.0416667 10/9/2013 1 U 0.0416667 4/17/2014 1 U 0.0416667 10/1/2014 1 U 0.0416667 4/7/2015 1 U 0.0416667 10/6/2015 1 U 0.0416667 4/6/2016 1 U 0.0416667 10/11/2016 1 U 0.0416667 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2 1.61538 0.453628 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 2 0.384615 11/11/1998 1 -0.615385 Page 5 4/27/1999 1 U -0.615385 11/2/1999 1 U -0.615385 4/4/2000 1 U -0.615385 11/6/2000 2.8 1.18462 4/30/2001 2 U 0.384615 10/22/2001 3.2 1.58462 4/29/2002 5.7 4.08462 10/28/2002 2 U 0.384615 3/24/2003 2 U 0.384615 9/29/2003 1 U -0.615385 3/29/2004 1 U -0.615385 9/27/2004 2.5 0.884615 4/11/2005 4.5 2.88462 9/26/2005 3 1.38462 3/23/2006 4 2.38462 9/28/2006 1 U -0.615385 3/27/2007 1 U -0.615385 9/28/2007 1 U -0.615385 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.51538 9/29/2008 1 U -0.615385 3/26/2009 1.4 -0.215385 10/1/2009 3.3 1.68462 4/6/2010 1 U -0.615385 10/8/2010 1 U -0.615385 3/25/2011 1 U -0.615385 10/5/2011 1 U -0.615385 4/4/2012 1 U -0.615385 10/5/2012 1 U -0.615385 4/10/2013 0.5 U -1.11538 4/10/2013 1 U -0.615385 10/11/2013 1 U -0.615385 4/17/2014 1 U -0.615385 10/1/2014 1 U -0.615385 4/7/2015 1 U -0.615385 10/6/2015 1 U -0.615385 4/6/2016 1 U -0.615385 10/11/2016 1 U -0.615385 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2D 1.12051 -0.0412439 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 1 U -0.120513 11/11/1998 1 U -0.120513 4/27/1999 1 U -0.120513 11/2/1999 1 U -0.120513 4/4/2000 1 U -0.120513 11/6/2000 2.1 0.979487 4/30/2001 2 U 0.879487 10/22/2001 2 U 0.879487 4/29/2002 2 U 0.879487 10/28/2002 2 U 0.879487 3/24/2003 2 U 0.879487 9/29/2003 1 U -0.120513 3/29/2004 1 U -0.120513 9/27/2004 1 U -0.120513 4/11/2005 1 U -0.120513 Page 6 9/26/2005 1 U -0.120513 3/23/2006 1 U -0.120513 9/28/2006 1 U -0.120513 3/27/2007 1 U -0.120513 9/28/2007 1 U -0.120513 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.02051 9/29/2008 1 U -0.120513 3/26/2009 1 U -0.120513 10/1/2009 1 U -0.120513 4/6/2010 1 U -0.120513 10/8/2010 1 U -0.120513 3/25/2011 1 U -0.120513 10/5/2011 1 U -0.120513 4/4/2012 1 U -0.120513 10/5/2012 1 U -0.120513 4/10/2013 1 U -0.120513 4/10/2013 0.5 U -0.620513 10/11/2013 1 U -0.120513 4/17/2014 1 U -0.120513 10/1/2014 1 U -0.120513 4/7/2015 1 U -0.120513 10/6/2015 1 U -0.120513 4/6/2016 1 U -0.120513 10/11/2016 1 U -0.120513 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-3R 1 -0.161757 0.330852 0.772151 Date Conc.Residual 7/29/2014 1 U 0 10/1/2014 1 U 0 4/7/2015 1 U 0 10/2/2015 1 U 0 4/6/2016 1 U 0 10/11/2016 1 U 0 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4 1.25 0.0882432 0.155554 0.363036 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 4 2.75 11/9/1998 1 U -0.25 4/26/1999 1 U -0.25 11/1/1999 1 U -0.25 4/4/2000 1 U -0.25 11/6/2000 2.1 0.85 4/30/2001 2 U 0.75 10/22/2001 2 U 0.75 4/29/2002 2.5 1.25 10/28/2002 2 U 0.75 3/24/2003 2 U 0.75 3/29/2004 1 U -0.25 9/27/2004 1 U -0.25 4/11/2005 2.3 1.05 9/26/2005 1 -0.25 3/24/2006 1 U -0.25 9/27/2006 1 U -0.25 Page 7 3/27/2007 1 U -0.25 9/28/2007 1 U -0.25 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.15 9/29/2008 1 U -0.25 3/26/2009 1 U -0.25 10/2/2009 1 U -0.25 4/6/2010 1 U -0.25 10/7/2010 1 U -0.25 3/29/2011 1 U -0.25 10/5/2011 1 U -0.25 4/5/2012 1 U -0.25 10/4/2012 1 U -0.25 4/10/2013 1 U -0.25 4/10/2013 0.5 U -0.75 10/10/2013 1 U -0.25 4/11/2014 1 U -0.25 10/1/2014 1 U -0.25 4/7/2015 1 U -0.25 10/6/2015 1 U -0.25 4/6/2016 1 U -0.25 10/11/2016 1 U -0.25 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4D 1.13333 -0.0284234 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 1 U -0.133333 11/9/1998 1 U -0.133333 4/26/1999 1 U -0.133333 11/1/1999 1 U -0.133333 4/4/2000 1 U -0.133333 11/6/2000 2.5 1.36667 4/30/2001 2 U 0.866667 10/22/2001 2 U 0.866667 4/29/2002 2.1 0.966667 10/28/2002 2 U 0.866667 3/24/2003 2 U 0.866667 9/29/2003 1 U -0.133333 3/29/2004 1 U -0.133333 9/27/2004 1 U -0.133333 4/11/2005 1 U -0.133333 9/26/2005 1 U -0.133333 3/24/2006 1 U -0.133333 9/27/2006 1 U -0.133333 3/27/2007 1 U -0.133333 9/28/2007 1 U -0.133333 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.03333 9/29/2008 1 U -0.133333 3/26/2009 1 U -0.133333 10/2/2009 1 U -0.133333 4/6/2010 1 U -0.133333 10/7/2010 1 U -0.133333 3/29/2011 1 U -0.133333 10/5/2011 1 U -0.133333 4/5/2012 1 U -0.133333 10/4/2012 1 U -0.133333 4/10/2013 0.5 U -0.633333 Page 8 4/10/2013 1 U -0.133333 10/10/2013 1 U -0.133333 4/11/2014 1 U -0.133333 10/1/2014 1 U -0.133333 4/7/2015 1 U -0.133333 10/6/2015 1 U -0.133333 4/6/2016 1 U -0.133333 10/11/2016 1 U -0.133333 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5 1.2359 0.0741407 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 2 0.764103 11/11/1998 1 -0.235897 4/26/1999 1 U -0.235897 11/2/1999 1 U -0.235897 4/3/2000 1 U -0.235897 11/6/2000 4.7 3.4641 4/30/2001 2 U 0.764103 10/22/2001 2 U 0.764103 4/29/2002 2.9 1.6641 10/28/2002 2 U 0.764103 3/24/2003 2 U 0.764103 9/29/2003 1 U -0.235897 3/30/2004 1 U -0.235897 9/27/2004 1 U -0.235897 4/12/2005 1 U -0.235897 9/26/2005 1 U -0.235897 3/24/2006 1 U -0.235897 9/26/2006 1 U -0.235897 3/27/2007 1 U -0.235897 9/27/2007 1 U -0.235897 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.1359 9/30/2008 1 U -0.235897 3/26/2009 1 U -0.235897 10/2/2009 1 U -0.235897 4/2/2010 1 U -0.235897 10/6/2010 1 U -0.235897 3/25/2011 1 U -0.235897 10/5/2011 1 U -0.235897 4/5/2012 1 U -0.235897 10/3/2012 1 U -0.235897 4/11/2013 0.5 U -0.735897 4/11/2013 1 U -0.235897 10/9/2013 1 U -0.235897 4/17/2014 1 U -0.235897 10/1/2014 1 U -0.235897 4/8/2015 1 U -0.235897 10/2/2015 1 U -0.235897 4/6/2016 1 U -0.235897 10/11/2016 1 U -0.235897 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5D 1.12308 -0.0386798 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual Page 9 4/13/1998 1 U -0.123077 11/11/1998 1 U -0.123077 4/26/1999 1 U -0.123077 11/2/1999 1 U -0.123077 4/3/2000 1 U -0.123077 11/6/2000 2.2 1.07692 4/30/2001 2 U 0.876923 10/22/2001 2 U 0.876923 4/29/2002 2 U 0.876923 10/28/2002 2 U 0.876923 3/24/2003 2 U 0.876923 9/29/2003 1 U -0.123077 3/29/2004 1 U -0.123077 9/27/2004 1 U -0.123077 4/12/2005 1 U -0.123077 9/26/2005 1 U -0.123077 3/24/2006 1 U -0.123077 9/26/2006 1 U -0.123077 3/27/2007 1 U -0.123077 9/27/2007 1 U -0.123077 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.02308 9/30/2008 1 U -0.123077 3/26/2009 1 U -0.123077 10/2/2009 1 U -0.123077 4/2/2010 1 U -0.123077 10/6/2010 1 U -0.123077 3/25/2011 1 U -0.123077 10/5/2011 1 U -0.123077 4/5/2012 1 U -0.123077 10/3/2012 1 U -0.123077 4/11/2013 0.5 U -0.623077 4/11/2013 1 U -0.123077 10/9/2013 1 U -0.123077 4/17/2014 1 U -0.123077 10/1/2014 1 U -0.123077 4/8/2015 1 U -0.123077 10/2/2015 1 U -0.123077 4/6/2016 1 U -0.123077 10/11/2016 1 U -0.123077 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-6 1.75308 0.59132 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 1 U -0.753077 11/11/1998 1 -0.753077 4/26/1999 1 U -0.753077 11/2/1999 1 U -0.753077 4/3/2000 1 U -0.753077 11/6/2000 7 5.24692 4/30/2001 3.3 1.54692 10/22/2001 12 10.2469 4/29/2002 6.9 5.14692 10/28/2002 2 U 0.246923 3/25/2003 2 U 0.246923 9/29/2003 4.3 2.54692 3/30/2004 1 U -0.753077 Page 10 9/27/2004 1 U -0.753077 4/12/2005 1 U -0.753077 9/26/2005 1.3 -0.453077 3/24/2006 1 U -0.753077 9/26/2006 1.8 0.0469231 3/27/2007 1 U -0.753077 9/27/2007 ND<0.17 J -1.58308 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.65308 9/30/2008 1 U -0.753077 3/26/2009 1 U -0.753077 10/2/2009 1 U -0.753077 4/2/2010 1 U -0.753077 10/6/2010 1 U -0.753077 3/25/2011 1 U -0.753077 10/5/2011 1 U -0.753077 4/4/2012 1 U -0.753077 10/3/2012 1 U -0.753077 4/9/2013 0.5 U -1.25308 4/9/2013 1 U -0.753077 10/9/2013 1 U -0.753077 4/11/2014 1 U -0.753077 10/1/2014 1 U -0.753077 4/7/2015 1 U -0.753077 10/2/2015 1 U -0.753077 4/6/2016 1 U -0.753077 10/11/2016 1 U -0.753077 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-7 1.23846 0.0767048 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 1 U -0.238462 11/11/1998 1 U -0.238462 4/26/1999 1 U -0.238462 11/2/1999 1 U -0.238462 4/3/2000 1 U -0.238462 11/6/2000 2.6 1.36154 4/30/2001 2 U 0.761538 10/22/2001 4.8 3.56154 4/29/2002 3.3 2.06154 10/28/2002 2 U 0.761538 3/25/2003 2 U 0.761538 9/29/2003 1 U -0.238462 3/30/2004 1 U -0.238462 9/27/2004 1 U -0.238462 4/12/2005 1 U -0.238462 9/26/2005 1 U -0.238462 3/24/2006 1 U -0.238462 9/26/2006 1 U -0.238462 3/27/2007 1 U -0.238462 9/27/2007 1 U -0.238462 3/26/2008 0.1 U -1.13846 9/26/2008 1 U -0.238462 3/26/2009 1 U -0.238462 10/1/2009 1 U -0.238462 4/2/2010 1 U -0.238462 10/6/2010 1 U -0.238462 Page 11 3/25/2011 1 U -0.238462 10/5/2011 1 U -0.238462 4/4/2012 1 U -0.238462 10/3/2012 1 U -0.238462 4/9/2013 0.5 U -0.738462 4/9/2013 1 U -0.238462 10/9/2013 1 U -0.238462 4/11/2014 1 U -0.238462 10/2/2014 1 U -0.238462 4/9/2015 1 U -0.238462 10/2/2015 1 U -0.238462 4/6/2016 1 U -0.238462 10/11/2016 1 U -0.238462 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8 1.1875 0.0257432 0.152963 0.356989 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 1 U -0.1875 11/10/1998 1 -0.1875 4/26/1999 1 U -0.1875 11/1/1999 1 U -0.1875 4/3/2000 1 U -0.1875 11/7/2000 2 0.8125 4/30/2001 2 U 0.8125 10/22/2001 2.9 1.7125 1/14/2002 2 U 0.8125 4/29/2002 3 1.8125 10/28/2002 2 U 0.8125 3/25/2003 2 U 0.8125 9/30/2003 1 U -0.1875 3/30/2004 1 U -0.1875 9/27/2004 1 U -0.1875 4/12/2005 1 U -0.1875 9/27/2005 1 U -0.1875 3/23/2006 1 U -0.1875 9/26/2006 1 U -0.1875 3/27/2007 1 U -0.1875 9/28/2007 1 U -0.1875 3/27/2008 0.1 U -1.0875 9/29/2008 1 U -0.1875 3/25/2009 1 U -0.1875 10/5/2009 1 U -0.1875 4/6/2010 1 U -0.1875 10/8/2010 1 U -0.1875 3/29/2011 1 U -0.1875 10/6/2011 1 U -0.1875 4/6/2012 1 U -0.1875 10/5/2012 1 U -0.1875 4/9/2013 1 U -0.1875 4/9/2013 0.5 U -0.6875 10/11/2013 1 U -0.1875 4/16/2014 1 U -0.1875 10/2/2014 1 U -0.1875 4/8/2015 1 U -0.1875 10/9/2015 1 U -0.1875 4/7/2016 1 U -0.1875 Page 12 10/11/2016 1 U -0.1875 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8D 1.12308 -0.0386798 0.154231 0.359948 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 1 U -0.123077 11/10/1998 1 U -0.123077 4/26/1999 1 U -0.123077 11/1/1999 1 U -0.123077 4/3/2000 1 U -0.123077 11/7/2000 2 U 0.876923 4/30/2001 2 U 0.876923 10/22/2001 2 U 0.876923 4/29/2002 2.2 1.07692 10/28/2002 2 U 0.876923 3/25/2003 2 U 0.876923 9/30/2003 1 U -0.123077 3/30/2004 1 U -0.123077 9/27/2004 1 U -0.123077 4/12/2005 1 U -0.123077 9/27/2005 1 U -0.123077 3/23/2006 1 U -0.123077 9/26/2006 1 U -0.123077 3/27/2007 1 U -0.123077 9/28/2007 1 U -0.123077 3/27/2008 0.1 U -1.02308 9/29/2008 1 U -0.123077 3/25/2009 1 U -0.123077 10/5/2009 1 U -0.123077 4/6/2010 1 U -0.123077 10/8/2010 1 U -0.123077 3/29/2011 1 U -0.123077 10/6/2011 1 U -0.123077 4/6/2012 1 U -0.123077 10/5/2012 1 U -0.123077 4/9/2013 1 U -0.123077 4/9/2013 0.5 U -0.623077 10/11/2013 1 U -0.123077 4/16/2014 1 U -0.123077 10/2/2014 1 U -0.123077 4/8/2015 1 U -0.123077 10/9/2015 1 U -0.123077 4/7/2016 1 U -0.123077 10/11/2016 1 U -0.123077 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9 1.4375 0.275743 0.214895 0.501527 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 2 0.5625 11/9/1998 1 U -0.4375 4/27/1999 1 U -0.4375 11/1/1999 1 U -0.4375 4/3/2000 1 U -0.4375 11/7/2000 2 U 0.5625 4/30/2001 2 U 0.5625 Page 13 10/22/2001 2 U 0.5625 4/29/2002 2 U 0.5625 10/28/2002 2 U 0.5625 3/25/2003 2 U 0.5625 9/30/2003 1 U -0.4375 4/26/2004 1 U -0.4375 9/27/2004 1 U -0.4375 4/11/2005 1 U -0.4375 9/27/2005 1 U -0.4375 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9D 1.375 0.213243 0.214895 0.501527 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 1 U -0.375 11/9/1998 1 U -0.375 4/27/1999 1 U -0.375 11/1/1999 1 U -0.375 4/3/2000 1 U -0.375 11/7/2000 2 U 0.625 4/30/2001 2 U 0.625 10/22/2001 2 U 0.625 4/29/2002 2 U 0.625 10/28/2002 2 U 0.625 3/25/2003 2 U 0.625 9/30/2003 1 U -0.375 3/29/2004 1 U -0.375 9/27/2004 1 U -0.375 4/11/2005 1 U -0.375 9/27/2005 1 U -0.375 Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Cadmium, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 80.6256 20 4.03128 1.28891 Error (within wells)2039.23 652 3.12766 Totals 2119.86 672 1.28891 does not exceed 1.57 indicating no significant difference in group comparisons Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Cobalt, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Divide by Zero Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Copper, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 34507.1 20 1725.35 2.60454 Error (within wells)430587 650 662.442 Totals 465094 670 2.60454 exceeds 1.57 indicating a significant difference in group comparisons Individual Well Comparisons 671 total observations - 21 wells = 650 degrees of freedom 1% Invidual Well Comparison Rate Bonferroni t = 2.33383 at 5, 650 degrees of freedom Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10 20.28 5.29781 5.58175 13.0268 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 9 -11.28 10/29/2002 24 3.72 3/25/2003 31 10.72 9/30/2003 24 3.72 3/30/2004 6 -14.28 9/27/2004 28 7.72 4/12/2005 170 149.72 9/27/2005 79 58.72 3/23/2006 51 30.72 9/26/2006 39 18.72 3/27/2007 17 -3.28 9/27/2007 17.6 -2.68 3/26/2008 10.1 -10.18 9/26/2008 17.3 -2.98 3/26/2009 5 U -15.28 10/1/2009 10.3 -9.98 4/2/2010 5 U -15.28 10/7/2010 5 U -15.28 3/29/2011 5 U -15.28 10/5/2011 5 U -15.28 4/4/2012 5 U -15.28 10/3/2012 5 U -15.28 4/11/2013 5.1 -15.18 10/9/2013 5 U -15.28 4/11/2014 5 U -15.28 10/1/2014 5 U -15.28 4/7/2015 5 U -15.28 10/6/2015 5 U -15.28 4/8/2016 5 U -15.28 10/11/2016 5 U -15.28 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10D 13.2068 -1.77542 5.51757 12.8771 Page 2 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 180 166.793 10/29/2002 17 3.79323 3/25/2003 21 7.79323 9/30/2003 2.8 -10.4068 3/30/2004 3 -10.2068 9/27/2004 2 -11.2068 4/12/2005 19 5.79323 9/27/2005 43 29.7932 3/23/2006 12 -1.20677 9/27/2006 5 U -8.20677 3/27/2007 ND<0.91 J -12.2968 9/27/2007 10.6 -2.60677 3/26/2008 0.3 U -12.9068 9/26/2008 5 U -8.20677 3/26/2009 5 U -8.20677 10/1/2009 5.8 -7.40677 4/2/2010 5 U -8.20677 10/7/2010 5 U -8.20677 3/29/2011 5 U -8.20677 10/5/2011 5 U -8.20677 4/4/2012 5 U -8.20677 10/3/2012 5 U -8.20677 4/11/2013 2 U -11.2068 4/11/2013 5 U -8.20677 10/9/2013 5 U -8.20677 4/11/2014 5 U -8.20677 10/1/2014 5 U -8.20677 4/7/2015 5 U -8.20677 10/6/2015 10 -3.20677 4/8/2016 5 U -8.20677 10/11/2016 5 U -8.20677 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11 12.8613 -2.1209 5.51757 12.8771 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 84 71.1387 10/29/2002 2 U -10.8613 3/25/2003 5.9 -6.96129 9/29/2003 9.7 -3.16129 3/30/2004 28 15.1387 9/27/2004 2.7 -10.1613 4/12/2005 5.2 -7.66129 9/26/2005 14 1.13871 3/23/2006 38 25.1387 9/26/2006 5 U -7.86129 3/27/2007 ND<3 J -9.86129 9/27/2007 67.5 54.6387 3/27/2008 46.7 33.8387 9/30/2008 5 U -7.86129 3/26/2009 5 U -7.86129 10/5/2009 5 U -7.86129 4/6/2010 5 U -7.86129 10/8/2010 5 U -7.86129 3/29/2011 5 U -7.86129 Page 3 10/5/2011 5 U -7.86129 4/6/2012 5 U -7.86129 10/5/2012 5 U -7.86129 4/9/2013 5 U -7.86129 4/9/2013 2 U -10.8613 10/9/2013 5 U -7.86129 4/17/2014 5 U -7.86129 10/1/2014 5 U -7.86129 4/8/2015 5 U -7.86129 10/2/2015 5 U -7.86129 4/7/2016 5 U -7.86129 10/11/2016 5 U -7.86129 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11D 4.21613 -10.7661 5.51757 12.8771 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 13 8.78387 10/29/2002 2 U -2.21613 3/25/2003 2.6 -1.61613 9/29/2003 3.2 -1.01613 3/30/2004 2 U -2.21613 9/27/2004 2 U -2.21613 4/12/2005 2 U -2.21613 9/26/2005 2 U -2.21613 3/23/2006 2 U -2.21613 9/26/2006 5 U 0.783871 3/27/2007 ND<2.6 J -1.61613 9/27/2007 5 U 0.783871 3/27/2008 0.3 U -3.91613 9/30/2008 5 U 0.783871 3/26/2009 5 U 0.783871 10/5/2009 5 U 0.783871 4/6/2010 5 U 0.783871 10/8/2010 5 U 0.783871 3/29/2011 5 U 0.783871 10/5/2011 5 U 0.783871 4/6/2012 5 U 0.783871 10/5/2012 5 U 0.783871 4/9/2013 5 U 0.783871 4/9/2013 2 U -2.21613 10/9/2013 5 U 0.783871 4/17/2014 5 U 0.783871 10/1/2014 5 U 0.783871 4/8/2015 5 U 0.783871 10/2/2015 5 U 0.783871 4/7/2016 5 U 0.783871 10/11/2016 5 U 0.783871 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13 4.33208 -10.6501 6.05609 14.1339 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 3.6 -0.732083 3/27/2006 2 U -2.33208 9/28/2006 5 U 0.667917 3/27/2007 ND<0.47 J -3.86208 Page 4 9/28/2007 ND<1.4 J -2.93208 3/27/2008 0.3 U -4.03208 9/29/2008 5 U 0.667917 3/26/2009 5 U 0.667917 10/2/2009 5 U 0.667917 4/2/2010 5 U 0.667917 10/7/2010 5 U 0.667917 3/25/2011 5 U 0.667917 10/6/2011 5 U 0.667917 4/5/2012 5 U 0.667917 10/4/2012 5 U 0.667917 4/9/2013 2 U -2.33208 4/9/2013 5 U 0.667917 10/9/2013 5 U 0.667917 4/17/2014 5 U 0.667917 10/1/2014 5 U 0.667917 4/7/2015 5.4 1.06792 10/6/2015 8.8 4.46792 4/6/2016 5 U 0.667917 10/11/2016 5 U 0.667917 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13D 7.96667 -7.01553 6.05609 14.1339 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 34 26.0333 3/27/2006 45 37.0333 9/28/2006 12 4.03333 3/27/2007 12 4.03333 9/28/2007 ND<0.3 J -7.66667 3/27/2008 0.3 U -7.66667 9/29/2008 5 U -2.96667 3/26/2009 5.6 -2.36667 10/2/2009 5 U -2.96667 4/2/2010 5 U -2.96667 10/7/2010 5 U -2.96667 3/25/2011 5 U -2.96667 10/6/2011 5 U -2.96667 4/5/2012 5 U -2.96667 10/4/2012 5 U -2.96667 4/9/2013 2 U -5.96667 4/9/2013 5 U -2.96667 10/9/2013 5 U -2.96667 4/17/2014 5 U -2.96667 10/1/2014 5 U -2.96667 4/7/2015 5 U -2.96667 10/6/2015 5 U -2.96667 4/6/2016 5 U -2.96667 10/11/2016 5 U -2.96667 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2 16.1072 1.12499 5.10492 11.914 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 28 11.8928 11/11/1998 23 6.89282 4/27/1999 5 -11.1072 Page 5 11/2/1999 10 -6.10718 4/4/2000 10 -6.10718 11/6/2000 5 U -11.1072 4/30/2001 5 U -11.1072 10/22/2001 34 17.8928 4/29/2002 50 33.8928 10/28/2002 2 U -14.1072 3/24/2003 4 -12.1072 9/29/2003 20 3.89282 3/29/2004 13 -3.10718 9/27/2004 46 29.8928 4/11/2005 61 44.8928 9/26/2005 28 11.8928 3/23/2006 63 46.8928 9/28/2006 13 -3.10718 3/27/2007 ND<0.58 J -15.5272 9/28/2007 50.9 34.7928 3/26/2008 0.3 U -15.8072 9/29/2008 6.8 -9.30718 3/26/2009 23.5 7.39282 10/1/2009 53 36.8928 4/6/2010 5 U -11.1072 10/8/2010 5 U -11.1072 3/25/2011 5 U -11.1072 10/5/2011 6.1 -10.0072 4/4/2012 5 U -11.1072 10/5/2012 5 U -11.1072 4/10/2013 2 U -14.1072 4/10/2013 5 U -11.1072 10/11/2013 5 U -11.1072 4/17/2014 5 U -11.1072 10/1/2014 5 U -11.1072 4/7/2015 5 U -11.1072 10/6/2015 5 U -11.1072 4/6/2016 5 U -11.1072 10/11/2016 5 U -11.1072 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2D 4.92308 -10.0591 5.10492 11.914 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 5 U 0.0769231 11/11/1998 7 2.07692 4/27/1999 5 U 0.0769231 11/2/1999 5 U 0.0769231 4/4/2000 5 U 0.0769231 11/6/2000 5 U 0.0769231 4/30/2001 5 U 0.0769231 10/22/2001 5 U 0.0769231 4/29/2002 8.5 3.57692 10/28/2002 5 0.0769231 3/24/2003 2 U -2.92308 9/29/2003 6.8 1.87692 3/29/2004 3.4 -1.52308 9/27/2004 11 6.07692 4/11/2005 2 U -2.92308 9/26/2005 2 U -2.92308 Page 6 3/23/2006 2 U -2.92308 9/28/2006 5 U 0.0769231 3/27/2007 10 U 5.07692 9/28/2007 5 U 0.0769231 3/26/2008 0.3 U -4.62308 9/29/2008 5 U 0.0769231 3/26/2009 5 U 0.0769231 10/1/2009 5 U 0.0769231 4/6/2010 5 U 0.0769231 10/8/2010 5 U 0.0769231 3/25/2011 5 U 0.0769231 10/5/2011 5 U 0.0769231 4/4/2012 5 U 0.0769231 10/5/2012 5 U 0.0769231 4/10/2013 2 U -2.92308 4/10/2013 5 U 0.0769231 10/11/2013 5 U 0.0769231 4/17/2014 5 U 0.0769231 10/1/2014 5 U 0.0769231 4/7/2015 5 U 0.0769231 10/6/2015 5 U 0.0769231 4/6/2016 5 U 0.0769231 10/11/2016 5 U 0.0769231 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-3R 4.61667 -10.3655 10.9308 25.5105 Date Conc.Residual 7/29/2014 ND<2.7 J -1.91667 10/1/2014 5 U 0.383333 4/7/2015 5 U 0.383333 10/2/2015 5 U 0.383333 4/6/2016 5 U 0.383333 10/11/2016 5 U 0.383333 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4 14.3526 -0.62956 5.14852 12.0157 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 171 156.647 11/9/1998 31 16.6474 4/26/1999 16 1.64737 11/1/1999 7 -7.35263 4/4/2000 32 17.6474 11/6/2000 5 U -9.35263 4/30/2001 5 U -9.35263 10/22/2001 18 3.64737 4/29/2002 14 -0.352632 10/28/2002 4.1 -10.2526 3/24/2003 8.1 -6.25263 9/30/2003 2.7 -11.6526 3/29/2004 19 4.64737 9/27/2004 2 U -12.3526 4/11/2005 57 42.6474 9/26/2005 12 -2.35263 3/24/2006 17 2.64737 9/27/2006 5 U -9.35263 Page 7 3/27/2007 ND<1.4 J -12.9526 9/28/2007 ND<2.4 J -11.9526 3/26/2008 0.3 U -14.0526 9/29/2008 5 U -9.35263 3/26/2009 5 U -9.35263 10/2/2009 5 U -9.35263 4/6/2010 5 U -9.35263 10/7/2010 5 U -9.35263 3/29/2011 5 U -9.35263 10/5/2011 5.4 -8.95263 4/5/2012 5 U -9.35263 10/4/2012 5 U -9.35263 4/10/2013 35 20.6474 10/10/2013 5 U -9.35263 4/11/2014 5 U -9.35263 10/1/2014 5 U -9.35263 4/7/2015 5 U -9.35263 10/6/2015 5 U -9.35263 4/6/2016 5 U -9.35263 10/11/2016 5 U -9.35263 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4D 7.05684 -7.92535 5.14852 12.0157 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 5 -2.05684 11/9/1998 5 -2.05684 4/26/1999 5 U -2.05684 11/1/1999 8 0.943158 4/4/2000 5 U -2.05684 11/6/2000 16 8.94316 4/30/2001 5 U -2.05684 10/22/2001 35 27.9432 4/29/2002 23 15.9432 10/28/2002 5.8 -1.25684 3/24/2003 6.7 -0.356842 9/29/2003 2.4 -4.65684 3/29/2004 13 5.94316 9/27/2004 2 U -5.05684 4/11/2005 2 U -5.05684 9/26/2005 2 U -5.05684 3/24/2006 2 U -5.05684 9/27/2006 5.4 -1.65684 3/27/2007 ND<0.36 J -6.69684 9/28/2007 5 U -2.05684 3/26/2008 0.3 U -6.75684 9/29/2008 13.6 6.54316 3/26/2009 8.1 1.04316 10/2/2009 17.4 10.3432 4/6/2010 5 U -2.05684 10/7/2010 5 U -2.05684 3/29/2011 5 U -2.05684 10/5/2011 5 U -2.05684 4/5/2012 5 U -2.05684 10/4/2012 5 U -2.05684 4/10/2013 10.1 3.04316 10/10/2013 5 U -2.05684 Page 8 4/11/2014 5 U -2.05684 10/1/2014 5 U -2.05684 4/7/2015 5 U -2.05684 10/6/2015 5 U -2.05684 4/6/2016 5 U -2.05684 10/11/2016 5 U -2.05684 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5 8.08974 -6.89245 5.10492 11.914 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 69 60.9103 11/11/1998 36 27.9103 4/26/1999 5 U -3.08974 11/2/1999 5 U -3.08974 4/3/2000 5 U -3.08974 11/6/2000 13 4.91026 4/30/2001 5 U -3.08974 10/22/2001 5 U -3.08974 4/29/2002 36 27.9103 10/28/2002 3.6 -4.48974 3/24/2003 2.9 -5.18974 9/29/2003 3.6 -4.48974 3/30/2004 5.2 -2.88974 9/27/2004 2.5 -5.58974 4/12/2005 2 U -6.08974 9/26/2005 2.5 -5.58974 3/24/2006 2 U -6.08974 9/26/2006 6.5 -1.58974 3/27/2007 ND<2.1 J -5.98974 9/27/2007 5 U -3.08974 3/26/2008 0.3 U -7.78974 9/30/2008 15.3 7.21026 3/26/2009 5 U -3.08974 10/2/2009 6 -2.08974 4/2/2010 5 U -3.08974 10/6/2010 5 U -3.08974 3/25/2011 5 U -3.08974 10/5/2011 5 U -3.08974 4/5/2012 5 U -3.08974 10/3/2012 5 U -3.08974 4/11/2013 2 U -6.08974 4/11/2013 5 U -3.08974 10/9/2013 5 U -3.08974 4/17/2014 5 U -3.08974 10/1/2014 5 U -3.08974 4/8/2015 5 U -3.08974 10/2/2015 5 U -3.08974 4/6/2016 5 U -3.08974 10/11/2016 5 U -3.08974 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5D 4.09179 -10.8904 5.10492 11.914 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 5 U 0.908205 11/11/1998 5 U 0.908205 Page 9 4/26/1999 5 U 0.908205 11/2/1999 7 2.90821 4/3/2000 5 U 0.908205 11/6/2000 5 U 0.908205 4/30/2001 5 U 0.908205 10/22/2001 5 U 0.908205 4/29/2002 5.8 1.70821 10/28/2002 3 -1.09179 3/24/2003 2 U -2.09179 9/29/2003 2.2 -1.89179 3/29/2004 2 U -2.09179 9/27/2004 2 U -2.09179 4/12/2005 2 U -2.09179 9/26/2005 2 U -2.09179 3/24/2006 2 U -2.09179 9/26/2006 5 U 0.908205 3/27/2007 ND<1.5 J -2.59179 9/27/2007 ND<0.78 J -3.31179 3/26/2008 0.3 U -3.79179 9/30/2008 5 U 0.908205 3/26/2009 5 U 0.908205 10/2/2009 5 U 0.908205 4/2/2010 5 U 0.908205 10/6/2010 5 U 0.908205 3/25/2011 5 U 0.908205 10/5/2011 5 U 0.908205 4/5/2012 5 U 0.908205 10/3/2012 5 U 0.908205 4/11/2013 2 U -2.09179 4/11/2013 5 U 0.908205 10/9/2013 5 U 0.908205 4/17/2014 5 U 0.908205 10/1/2014 5 U 0.908205 4/8/2015 5 U 0.908205 10/2/2015 5 U 0.908205 4/6/2016 5 U 0.908205 10/11/2016 5 U 0.908205 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-6 23.5179 8.53576 5.10492 11.914 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 25 1.48205 11/11/1998 30 6.48205 4/26/1999 11 -12.5179 11/2/1999 10 -13.5179 4/3/2000 5 -18.5179 11/6/2000 32 8.48205 4/30/2001 10 -13.5179 10/22/2001 210 186.482 4/29/2002 110 86.4821 10/28/2002 2 U -21.5179 3/25/2003 2 U -21.5179 9/29/2003 130 106.482 3/30/2004 2 U -21.5179 9/27/2004 14 -9.51795 4/12/2005 140 116.482 Page 10 9/26/2005 9 -14.5179 3/24/2006 9.3 -14.2179 9/26/2006 36 12.4821 3/27/2007 10 U -13.5179 9/27/2007 ND<2.9 J -20.6179 3/26/2008 15.6 -7.91795 9/30/2008 5 U -18.5179 3/26/2009 5 U -18.5179 10/2/2009 5 U -18.5179 4/2/2010 11 -12.5179 10/6/2010 5 U -18.5179 3/25/2011 5 U -18.5179 10/5/2011 5 U -18.5179 4/4/2012 5 U -18.5179 10/3/2012 5 U -18.5179 4/9/2013 5 U -18.5179 4/9/2013 2 U -21.5179 10/9/2013 5 U -18.5179 4/11/2014 5 U -18.5179 10/1/2014 5 U -18.5179 4/7/2015 5 U -18.5179 10/2/2015 13.4 -10.1179 4/6/2016 5 U -18.5179 10/11/2016 5 U -18.5179 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-7 29.0718 14.0896 5.10492 11.914 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 50 20.9282 11/11/1998 51 21.9282 4/26/1999 6 -23.0718 11/2/1999 6 -23.0718 4/3/2000 5 U -24.0718 11/6/2000 22 -7.07179 4/30/2001 22 -7.07179 10/22/2001 300 270.928 4/29/2002 140 110.928 10/28/2002 32 2.92821 3/25/2003 5.5 -23.5718 9/29/2003 74 44.9282 3/30/2004 2 U -27.0718 9/27/2004 22 -7.07179 4/12/2005 240 210.928 9/26/2005 28 -1.07179 3/24/2006 2 U -27.0718 9/26/2006 7.2 -21.8718 3/27/2007 18 -11.0718 9/27/2007 ND<4.3 J -24.7718 3/26/2008 6.2 -22.8718 9/26/2008 6.4 -22.6718 3/26/2009 5 U -24.0718 10/1/2009 5 U -24.0718 4/2/2010 5 U -24.0718 10/6/2010 5 U -24.0718 3/25/2011 5 U -24.0718 10/5/2011 7.2 -21.8718 Page 11 4/4/2012 5 U -24.0718 10/3/2012 5 U -24.0718 4/9/2013 5 U -24.0718 4/9/2013 2 U -27.0718 10/9/2013 5 U -24.0718 4/11/2014 5 U -24.0718 10/2/2014 5 U -24.0718 4/9/2015 5 U -24.0718 10/2/2015 5 U -24.0718 4/6/2016 5 U -24.0718 10/11/2016 5 U -24.0718 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8 9.8125 -5.16969 5.06316 11.8165 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 15 5.1875 11/10/1998 47 37.1875 4/26/1999 10 0.1875 11/1/1999 6 -3.8125 4/3/2000 5 U -4.8125 11/7/2000 5 U -4.8125 4/30/2001 5 U -4.8125 10/22/2001 99 89.1875 1/14/2002 9.8 -0.0125 4/29/2002 47 37.1875 10/28/2002 2.7 -7.1125 3/25/2003 4.1 -5.7125 9/30/2003 5.9 -3.9125 3/30/2004 9.3 -0.5125 9/27/2004 8.4 -1.4125 4/12/2005 14 4.1875 9/27/2005 2 U -7.8125 3/23/2006 2 U -7.8125 9/26/2006 5 U -4.8125 3/27/2007 ND<2.3 J -7.5125 9/28/2007 ND<0.7 J -9.1125 3/27/2008 0.3 U -9.5125 9/29/2008 5 U -4.8125 3/25/2009 5 U -4.8125 10/5/2009 5 U -4.8125 4/6/2010 5 U -4.8125 10/8/2010 5 U -4.8125 3/29/2011 5 U -4.8125 10/6/2011 5 U -4.8125 4/6/2012 5 U -4.8125 10/5/2012 5 U -4.8125 4/9/2013 2 U -7.8125 4/9/2013 5 U -4.8125 10/11/2013 5 U -4.8125 4/16/2014 5 U -4.8125 10/2/2014 5 U -4.8125 4/8/2015 5 U -4.8125 10/9/2015 5 U -4.8125 4/7/2016 5 U -4.8125 10/11/2016 5 U -4.8125 Page 12 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8D 4.19487 -10.7873 5.10492 11.914 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 5 U 0.805128 11/10/1998 5 U 0.805128 4/26/1999 5 U 0.805128 11/1/1999 5 U 0.805128 4/3/2000 6 1.80513 11/7/2000 5 U 0.805128 4/30/2001 5 U 0.805128 10/22/2001 5 U 0.805128 4/29/2002 6.3 2.10513 10/28/2002 3.2 -0.994872 3/25/2003 2 U -2.19487 9/30/2003 2 U -2.19487 3/30/2004 2 U -2.19487 9/27/2004 4.1 -0.0948718 4/12/2005 2 U -2.19487 9/27/2005 2 U -2.19487 3/23/2006 2 U -2.19487 9/26/2006 5 U 0.805128 3/27/2007 ND<1.3 J -2.89487 9/28/2007 ND<2.2 J -1.99487 3/27/2008 0.3 U -3.89487 9/29/2008 5 U 0.805128 3/25/2009 5 U 0.805128 10/5/2009 5 U 0.805128 4/6/2010 6.2 2.00513 10/8/2010 5 U 0.805128 3/29/2011 5 U 0.805128 10/6/2011 5 U 0.805128 4/6/2012 5 U 0.805128 10/5/2012 5 U 0.805128 4/9/2013 5 U 0.805128 4/9/2013 2 U -2.19487 10/11/2013 5 U 0.805128 4/16/2014 5 U 0.805128 10/2/2014 5 U 0.805128 4/8/2015 5 U 0.805128 10/9/2015 5 U 0.805128 4/7/2016 5 U 0.805128 10/11/2016 5 U 0.805128 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9 6.1125 -8.86969 7.10473 16.5812 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 37 30.8875 11/9/1998 10 3.8875 4/27/1999 5 U -1.1125 11/1/1999 5 U -1.1125 4/3/2000 5 U -1.1125 11/7/2000 5 U -1.1125 4/30/2001 5 U -1.1125 10/22/2001 5 U -1.1125 4/29/2002 2 U -4.1125 Page 13 10/28/2002 2 U -4.1125 3/25/2003 2.6 -3.5125 9/30/2003 2.6 -3.5125 4/26/2004 2 U -4.1125 9/27/2004 2.7 -3.4125 4/11/2005 3.2 -2.9125 9/27/2005 3.7 -2.4125 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9D 4.05 -10.9322 7.10473 16.5812 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 5 U 0.95 11/9/1998 5 U 0.95 4/27/1999 5 U 0.95 11/1/1999 7 2.95 4/3/2000 5 U 0.95 11/7/2000 5 U 0.95 4/30/2001 5 U 0.95 10/22/2001 5 U 0.95 4/29/2002 2 U -2.05 10/28/2002 2 U -2.05 3/25/2003 2 U -2.05 9/30/2003 6.7 2.65 3/29/2004 3.4 -0.65 9/27/2004 2.7 -1.35 4/11/2005 2 U -2.05 9/27/2005 2 U -2.05 Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Chromium, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 73291.2 20 3664.56 2.89889 Error (within wells)819152 648 1264.12 Totals 892443 668 2.89889 exceeds 1.57 indicating a significant difference in group comparisons Individual Well Comparisons 669 total observations - 21 wells = 648 degrees of freedom 1% Invidual Well Comparison Rate Bonferroni t = 2.33383 at 5, 648 degrees of freedom Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10 14.7806 0.00564516 7.63777 17.8252 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 18 3.21935 10/29/2002 26 11.2194 3/25/2003 69 54.2194 9/30/2003 43 28.2194 3/30/2004 16 1.21935 9/27/2004 43 28.2194 4/12/2005 59 44.2194 9/27/2005 16 1.21935 3/23/2006 35 20.2194 9/26/2006 21 6.21935 3/27/2007 ND<4.7 J -10.0806 9/27/2007 5.6 -9.18065 3/26/2008 5 -9.78065 9/26/2008 12.4 -2.38065 3/26/2009 5 U -9.78065 10/1/2009 7.5 -7.28065 4/2/2010 5 U -9.78065 10/7/2010 5 U -9.78065 3/29/2011 5 U -9.78065 10/5/2011 5 U -9.78065 4/4/2012 5 U -9.78065 10/3/2012 5 U -9.78065 4/11/2013 2 U -12.7806 4/11/2013 5 U -9.78065 10/9/2013 5 U -9.78065 4/11/2014 5 U -9.78065 10/1/2014 5 U -9.78065 4/7/2015 5 U -9.78065 10/6/2015 5 U -9.78065 4/8/2016 5 U -9.78065 10/11/2016 5 U -9.78065 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value Page 2 MW-10D 13.5226 -1.25242 7.63777 17.8252 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 230 216.477 10/29/2002 8.9 -4.62258 3/25/2003 35 21.4774 9/30/2003 2 U -11.5226 3/30/2004 2 U -11.5226 9/27/2004 2 U -11.5226 4/12/2005 8 -5.52258 9/27/2005 33 19.4774 3/23/2006 3.2 -10.3226 9/27/2006 5 U -8.52258 3/27/2007 ND<0.7 J -12.8226 9/27/2007 ND<2 J -11.5226 3/26/2008 0.4 U -13.1226 9/26/2008 5 U -8.52258 3/26/2009 5 U -8.52258 10/1/2009 5 U -8.52258 4/2/2010 5 U -8.52258 10/7/2010 5 U -8.52258 3/29/2011 5 U -8.52258 10/5/2011 5 U -8.52258 4/4/2012 5 U -8.52258 10/3/2012 5 U -8.52258 4/11/2013 5 U -8.52258 4/11/2013 2 U -11.5226 10/9/2013 5 U -8.52258 4/11/2014 5 U -8.52258 10/1/2014 5 U -8.52258 4/7/2015 5 U -8.52258 10/6/2015 5 U -8.52258 4/8/2016 5 U -8.52258 10/11/2016 5 U -8.52258 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11 11.9429 -2.8321 7.63777 17.8252 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 150 138.057 10/29/2002 5 U -6.9429 3/25/2003 7.6 -4.3429 9/29/2003 6.9 -5.0429 3/30/2004 20 8.0571 9/27/2004 2 U -9.9429 4/12/2005 2 -9.9429 9/26/2005 6 -5.9429 3/23/2006 32 20.0571 9/26/2006 5 U -6.9429 3/27/2007 ND<0.83 J -11.1129 9/27/2007 45.5 33.5571 3/27/2008 0.4 U -11.5429 9/30/2008 5 U -6.9429 3/26/2009 5 U -6.9429 10/5/2009 5 U -6.9429 4/6/2010 5 U -6.9429 10/8/2010 5 U -6.9429 Page 3 3/29/2011 5 U -6.9429 10/5/2011 5 U -6.9429 4/6/2012 5 U -6.9429 10/5/2012 5 U -6.9429 4/9/2013 5 U -6.9429 4/9/2013 2 U -9.9429 10/9/2013 5 U -6.9429 4/17/2014 5 U -6.9429 10/1/2014 5 U -6.9429 4/8/2015 5 U -6.9429 10/2/2015 5 U -6.9429 4/7/2016 5 U -6.9429 10/11/2016 5 U -6.9429 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11D 4.56129 -10.2137 7.63777 17.8252 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 12 7.43871 10/29/2002 5 U 0.43871 3/25/2003 5 U 0.43871 9/29/2003 2 U -2.56129 3/30/2004 2 U -2.56129 9/27/2004 2 U -2.56129 4/12/2005 2 U -2.56129 9/26/2005 2 U -2.56129 3/23/2006 2 U -2.56129 9/26/2006 5 U 0.43871 3/27/2007 10 U 5.43871 9/27/2007 5 U 0.43871 3/27/2008 0.4 U -4.16129 9/30/2008 5 U 0.43871 3/26/2009 5 U 0.43871 10/5/2009 5 U 0.43871 4/6/2010 5 U 0.43871 10/8/2010 5 U 0.43871 3/29/2011 5 U 0.43871 10/5/2011 5 U 0.43871 4/6/2012 5 U 0.43871 10/5/2012 5 U 0.43871 4/9/2013 5 U 0.43871 4/9/2013 2 U -2.56129 10/9/2013 5 U 0.43871 4/17/2014 5 U 0.43871 10/1/2014 5 U 0.43871 4/8/2015 5 U 0.43871 10/2/2015 5 U 0.43871 4/7/2016 5 U 0.43871 10/11/2016 5 U 0.43871 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13 4.4725 -10.3025 8.38028 19.5581 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 2 U -2.4725 3/27/2006 2 U -2.4725 9/28/2006 5 U 0.5275 Page 4 3/27/2007 10 U 5.5275 9/28/2007 ND<0.94 J -3.5325 3/27/2008 0.4 U -4.0725 9/29/2008 5 U 0.5275 3/26/2009 5 U 0.5275 10/2/2009 5 U 0.5275 4/2/2010 5 U 0.5275 10/7/2010 5 U 0.5275 3/25/2011 5 U 0.5275 10/6/2011 5 U 0.5275 4/5/2012 5 U 0.5275 10/4/2012 5 U 0.5275 4/9/2013 2 U -2.4725 4/9/2013 5 U 0.5275 10/9/2013 5 U 0.5275 4/17/2014 5 U 0.5275 10/1/2014 5 U 0.5275 4/7/2015 5 U 0.5275 10/6/2015 5 U 0.5275 4/6/2016 5 U 0.5275 10/11/2016 5 U 0.5275 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13D 9.35417 -5.42083 8.38028 19.5581 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 64 54.6458 3/27/2006 28 18.6458 9/28/2006 24 14.6458 3/27/2007 15 5.64583 9/28/2007 ND<1.2 J -8.15417 3/27/2008 0.4 U -8.95417 9/29/2008 5 U -4.35417 3/26/2009 9.9 0.545833 10/2/2009 5 U -4.35417 4/2/2010 5 U -4.35417 10/7/2010 5 U -4.35417 3/25/2011 5 U -4.35417 10/6/2011 5 U -4.35417 4/5/2012 5 U -4.35417 10/4/2012 5 U -4.35417 4/9/2013 2 U -7.35417 4/9/2013 5 U -4.35417 10/9/2013 5 U -4.35417 4/17/2014 5 U -4.35417 10/1/2014 5 U -4.35417 4/7/2015 5 U -4.35417 10/6/2015 5 U -4.35417 4/6/2016 5 U -4.35417 10/11/2016 5 U -4.35417 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2 22.4105 7.63553 7.12907 16.638 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 40 17.5895 11/11/1998 38 15.5895 Page 5 4/27/1999 7 -15.4105 11/2/1999 19 -3.41053 4/4/2000 16 -6.41053 11/6/2000 7 -15.4105 4/30/2001 5 U -17.4105 10/22/2001 55 32.5895 4/29/2002 68 45.5895 10/28/2002 5 U -17.4105 3/24/2003 7 -15.4105 9/29/2003 26 3.58947 3/29/2004 18 -4.41053 9/27/2004 57 34.5895 4/11/2005 83 60.5895 9/26/2005 46 23.5895 3/23/2006 85 62.5895 9/28/2006 21 -1.41053 3/27/2007 ND<2.4 J -20.0105 9/28/2007 59.1 36.6895 3/26/2008 0.4 U -22.0105 9/29/2008 9.1 -13.3105 3/26/2009 33.7 11.2895 10/1/2009 72.4 49.9895 4/6/2010 5 U -17.4105 10/8/2010 5 U -17.4105 3/25/2011 5 U -17.4105 10/5/2011 6.1 -16.3105 4/4/2012 5 U -17.4105 10/5/2012 5 U -17.4105 4/10/2013 5.4 -17.0105 10/11/2013 5 U -17.4105 4/17/2014 5 U -17.4105 10/1/2014 5 U -17.4105 4/7/2015 5 U -17.4105 10/6/2015 5 U -17.4105 4/6/2016 5 U -17.4105 10/11/2016 5 U -17.4105 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2D 4.77179 -10.0032 7.069 16.4978 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 10 U 5.22821 11/11/1998 12 7.22821 4/27/1999 3 -1.77179 11/2/1999 4 -0.771795 4/4/2000 2 -2.77179 11/6/2000 5 U 0.228205 4/30/2001 5 U 0.228205 10/22/2001 5 U 0.228205 4/29/2002 10 5.22821 10/28/2002 5 U 0.228205 3/24/2003 5 U 0.228205 9/29/2003 9.7 4.92821 3/29/2004 5.7 0.928205 9/27/2004 5.1 0.328205 4/11/2005 2 U -2.77179 9/26/2005 2.1 -2.67179 Page 6 3/23/2006 2 U -2.77179 9/28/2006 5 U 0.228205 3/27/2007 ND<0.5 J -4.27179 9/28/2007 ND<0.6 J -4.17179 3/26/2008 0.4 U -4.37179 9/29/2008 5 U 0.228205 3/26/2009 5 U 0.228205 10/1/2009 5 U 0.228205 4/6/2010 5 U 0.228205 10/8/2010 5 U 0.228205 3/25/2011 5 U 0.228205 10/5/2011 5 U 0.228205 4/4/2012 5 U 0.228205 10/5/2012 5 U 0.228205 4/10/2013 2 U -2.77179 4/10/2013 5 U 0.228205 10/11/2013 5 U 0.228205 4/17/2014 5 U 0.228205 10/1/2014 5 U 0.228205 4/7/2015 5 U 0.228205 10/6/2015 5 U 0.228205 4/6/2016 5 U 0.228205 10/11/2016 5 U 0.228205 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-3R 5.56667 -9.20833 15.1078 35.2589 Date Conc.Residual 7/29/2014 ND<3.3 J -2.26667 10/1/2014 9.6 4.03333 4/7/2015 5 U -0.566667 10/2/2015 5.3 -0.266667 4/6/2016 5 U -0.566667 10/11/2016 5.2 -0.366667 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4 18.1946 3.41959 7.19186 16.7845 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 260 241.805 11/9/1998 47 28.8054 4/26/1999 14 -4.19459 11/1/1999 8 -10.1946 4/4/2000 37 18.8054 11/6/2000 5 U -13.1946 4/30/2001 5 U -13.1946 10/22/2001 18 -0.194595 4/29/2002 16 -2.19459 10/28/2002 5 U -13.1946 3/24/2003 9.3 -8.89459 3/29/2004 23 4.80541 9/27/2004 2.1 -16.0946 4/11/2005 68 49.8054 9/26/2005 19 0.805405 3/24/2006 15 -3.19459 9/27/2006 5 U -13.1946 3/27/2007 ND<1.4 J -16.7946 Page 7 9/28/2007 ND<1.3 J -16.8946 3/26/2008 0.4 U -17.7946 9/29/2008 5 U -13.1946 3/26/2009 5 U -13.1946 10/2/2009 5 U -13.1946 4/6/2010 5 U -13.1946 10/7/2010 5 U -13.1946 3/29/2011 5 U -13.1946 10/5/2011 5.3 -12.8946 4/5/2012 5 U -13.1946 10/4/2012 5 U -13.1946 4/10/2013 33.4 15.2054 10/10/2013 5 U -13.1946 4/11/2014 5 U -13.1946 10/1/2014 5 U -13.1946 4/7/2015 5 U -13.1946 10/6/2015 5 U -13.1946 4/6/2016 5 U -13.1946 10/11/2016 5 U -13.1946 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4D 5.805 -8.97 7.12907 16.638 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 10 U 4.195 11/9/1998 4 -1.805 4/26/1999 3 -2.805 11/1/1999 3 -2.805 4/4/2000 1 U -4.805 11/6/2000 5 U -0.805 4/30/2001 5 U -0.805 10/22/2001 28 22.195 4/29/2002 14 8.195 10/28/2002 5 U -0.805 3/24/2003 5 U -0.805 9/29/2003 2 U -3.805 3/29/2004 8 2.195 9/27/2004 2 U -3.805 4/11/2005 2 U -3.805 9/26/2005 2 U -3.805 3/24/2006 2 U -3.805 9/27/2006 5 U -0.805 3/27/2007 10 U 4.195 9/28/2007 ND<0.59 J -5.215 3/26/2008 0.4 U -5.405 9/29/2008 10.5 4.695 3/26/2009 6.9 1.095 10/2/2009 14.7 8.895 4/6/2010 5 U -0.805 10/7/2010 5 U -0.805 3/29/2011 5 U -0.805 10/5/2011 5 U -0.805 4/5/2012 5 U -0.805 10/4/2012 5 U -0.805 4/10/2013 6.5 0.695 10/10/2013 5 U -0.805 4/11/2014 5 U -0.805 Page 8 10/1/2014 5 U -0.805 4/7/2015 5 U -0.805 10/6/2015 5 U -0.805 4/6/2016 5 U -0.805 10/11/2016 5 U -0.805 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5 14.3615 -0.413462 7.069 16.4978 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 150 135.638 11/11/1998 80 65.6385 4/26/1999 9 -5.36154 11/2/1999 8 -6.36154 4/3/2000 7 -7.36154 11/6/2000 9 -5.36154 4/30/2001 6.5 -7.86154 10/22/2001 11 -3.36154 4/29/2002 79 64.6385 10/28/2002 5 U -9.36154 3/24/2003 8.4 -5.96154 9/29/2003 7.4 -6.96154 3/30/2004 8.3 -6.06154 9/27/2004 8 -6.36154 4/12/2005 2.8 -11.5615 9/26/2005 12 -2.36154 3/24/2006 4.5 -9.86154 9/26/2006 15 0.638462 3/27/2007 ND<3.9 J -10.4615 9/27/2007 ND<3.2 J -11.1615 3/26/2008 6.9 -7.46154 9/30/2008 6.4 -7.96154 3/26/2009 11.8 -2.56154 10/2/2009 16.3 1.93846 4/2/2010 5 U -9.36154 10/6/2010 5 U -9.36154 3/25/2011 5 U -9.36154 10/5/2011 5 U -9.36154 4/5/2012 5 U -9.36154 10/3/2012 5 U -9.36154 4/11/2013 5 U -9.36154 4/11/2013 2 U -12.3615 10/9/2013 5 U -9.36154 4/17/2014 5 U -9.36154 10/1/2014 5 U -9.36154 4/8/2015 5 U -9.36154 10/2/2015 13.7 -0.661538 4/6/2016 5 U -9.36154 10/11/2016 5 U -9.36154 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5D 4.09282 -10.6822 7.069 16.4978 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 10 U 5.90718 11/11/1998 4 -0.0928205 4/26/1999 3 -1.09282 Page 9 11/2/1999 3 -1.09282 4/3/2000 1 -3.09282 11/6/2000 5 U 0.907179 4/30/2001 5 U 0.907179 10/22/2001 5 U 0.907179 4/29/2002 7 2.90718 10/28/2002 5 U 0.907179 3/24/2003 5 U 0.907179 9/29/2003 2 U -2.09282 3/29/2004 2 U -2.09282 9/27/2004 2 U -2.09282 4/12/2005 2 U -2.09282 9/26/2005 2 U -2.09282 3/24/2006 2 U -2.09282 9/26/2006 5 U 0.907179 3/27/2007 ND<0.92 J -3.17282 9/27/2007 ND<1.3 J -2.79282 3/26/2008 0.4 U -3.69282 9/30/2008 5 U 0.907179 3/26/2009 5 U 0.907179 10/2/2009 5 U 0.907179 4/2/2010 5 U 0.907179 10/6/2010 5 U 0.907179 3/25/2011 5 U 0.907179 10/5/2011 5 U 0.907179 4/5/2012 5 U 0.907179 10/3/2012 5 U 0.907179 4/11/2013 5 U 0.907179 4/11/2013 2 U -2.09282 10/9/2013 5 U 0.907179 4/17/2014 5 U 0.907179 10/1/2014 5 U 0.907179 4/8/2015 5 U 0.907179 10/2/2015 5 U 0.907179 4/6/2016 5 U 0.907179 10/11/2016 5 U 0.907179 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-6 44.5 29.725 7.069 16.4978 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 60 15.5 11/11/1998 64 19.5 4/26/1999 30 -14.5 11/2/1999 32 -12.5 4/3/2000 3 -41.5 11/6/2000 5.2 -39.3 4/30/2001 5 U -39.5 10/22/2001 350 305.5 4/29/2002 260 215.5 10/28/2002 5 U -39.5 3/25/2003 5 U -39.5 9/29/2003 290 245.5 3/30/2004 2 U -42.5 9/27/2004 37 -7.5 4/12/2005 300 255.5 9/26/2005 16 -28.5 Page 10 3/24/2006 2.5 -42 9/26/2006 95 50.5 3/27/2007 ND<1.2 J -43.3 9/27/2007 ND<2.5 J -42 3/26/2008 31.6 -12.9 9/30/2008 5 U -39.5 3/26/2009 6.6 -37.9 10/2/2009 5 U -39.5 4/2/2010 29.6 -14.9 10/6/2010 5 U -39.5 3/25/2011 5 U -39.5 10/5/2011 5 U -39.5 4/4/2012 5 U -39.5 10/3/2012 5 U -39.5 4/9/2013 5 U -39.5 4/9/2013 2 U -42.5 10/9/2013 5 U -39.5 4/11/2014 5 U -39.5 10/1/2014 5 U -39.5 4/7/2015 5 U -39.5 10/2/2015 30.3 -14.2 4/6/2016 5 U -39.5 10/11/2016 5 U -39.5 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-7 31.1436 16.3686 7.069 16.4978 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 80 48.8564 11/11/1998 66 34.8564 4/26/1999 5 -26.1436 11/2/1999 6 -25.1436 4/3/2000 2 -29.1436 11/6/2000 14 -17.1436 4/30/2001 9.9 -21.2436 10/22/2001 370 338.856 4/29/2002 190 158.856 10/28/2002 17 -14.1436 3/25/2003 5.1 -26.0436 9/29/2003 81 49.8564 3/30/2004 2 U -29.1436 9/27/2004 15 -16.1436 4/12/2005 220 188.856 9/26/2005 23 -8.14359 3/24/2006 2 -29.1436 9/26/2006 6.1 -25.0436 3/27/2007 ND<9 J -22.1436 9/27/2007 ND<2.7 J -28.4436 3/26/2008 0.4 U -30.7436 9/26/2008 6.2 -24.9436 3/26/2009 5 U -26.1436 10/1/2009 5 U -26.1436 4/2/2010 5 U -26.1436 10/6/2010 5 U -26.1436 3/25/2011 5 U -26.1436 10/5/2011 5.2 -25.9436 4/4/2012 5 U -26.1436 Page 11 10/3/2012 5 U -26.1436 4/9/2013 5 U -26.1436 4/9/2013 2 U -29.1436 10/9/2013 5 U -26.1436 4/11/2014 5 U -26.1436 10/2/2014 5 U -26.1436 4/9/2015 5 U -26.1436 10/2/2015 5 U -26.1436 4/6/2016 5 U -26.1436 10/11/2016 5 U -26.1436 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8 12.4275 -2.3475 7.01145 16.3635 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 60 47.5725 11/10/1998 70 57.5725 4/26/1999 12 -0.4275 11/1/1999 8 -4.4275 4/3/2000 2 -10.4275 11/7/2000 5 U -7.4275 4/30/2001 5 U -7.4275 10/22/2001 110 97.5725 1/14/2002 7.9 -4.5275 4/29/2002 53 40.5725 10/28/2002 5 U -7.4275 3/25/2003 5 U -7.4275 9/30/2003 5.2 -7.2275 3/30/2004 9.5 -2.9275 9/27/2004 8.3 -4.1275 4/12/2005 14 1.5725 9/27/2005 2.5 -9.9275 3/23/2006 2 U -10.4275 9/26/2006 5 U -7.4275 3/27/2007 ND<2.5 J -9.9275 9/28/2007 ND<2.2 J -10.2275 3/27/2008 5.1 -7.3275 9/29/2008 14.7 2.2725 3/25/2009 5 U -7.4275 10/5/2009 5.8 -6.6275 4/6/2010 5.4 -7.0275 10/8/2010 5 U -7.4275 3/29/2011 5 U -7.4275 10/6/2011 5 U -7.4275 4/6/2012 5 U -7.4275 10/5/2012 5 U -7.4275 4/9/2013 5 U -7.4275 4/9/2013 2 U -10.4275 10/11/2013 5 U -7.4275 4/16/2014 5 U -7.4275 10/2/2014 5 U -7.4275 4/8/2015 5 U -7.4275 10/9/2015 5 U -7.4275 4/7/2016 5 U -7.4275 10/11/2016 5 U -7.4275 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value Page 12 MW-8D 4.18462 -10.5904 7.069 16.4978 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 10 U 5.81538 11/10/1998 3 -1.18462 4/26/1999 3 -1.18462 11/1/1999 2 -2.18462 4/3/2000 2 -2.18462 11/7/2000 5 U 0.815385 4/30/2001 5 U 0.815385 10/22/2001 6.2 2.01538 4/29/2002 9.2 5.01538 10/28/2002 5 U 0.815385 3/25/2003 5 U 0.815385 9/30/2003 2 U -2.18462 3/30/2004 2 U -2.18462 9/27/2004 2 U -2.18462 4/12/2005 2 U -2.18462 9/27/2005 2 U -2.18462 3/23/2006 2 U -2.18462 9/26/2006 5.1 0.915385 3/27/2007 ND<1.9 J -2.28462 9/28/2007 ND<1.4 J -2.78462 3/27/2008 0.4 U -3.78462 9/29/2008 5 U 0.815385 3/25/2009 5 U 0.815385 10/5/2009 5 U 0.815385 4/6/2010 5 U 0.815385 10/8/2010 5 U 0.815385 3/29/2011 5 U 0.815385 10/6/2011 5 U 0.815385 4/6/2012 5 U 0.815385 10/5/2012 5 U 0.815385 4/9/2013 5 U 0.815385 4/9/2013 2 U -2.18462 10/11/2013 5 U 0.815385 4/16/2014 5 U 0.815385 10/2/2014 5 U 0.815385 4/8/2015 5 U 0.815385 10/9/2015 5 U 0.815385 4/7/2016 5 U 0.815385 10/11/2016 5 U 0.815385 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9 10.225 -4.55 9.82675 22.9339 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 100 89.775 11/9/1998 16 5.775 4/27/1999 2 -8.225 11/1/1999 2 -8.225 4/3/2000 1 U -9.225 11/7/2000 5 U -5.225 4/30/2001 5 U -5.225 10/22/2001 5 U -5.225 4/29/2002 5 U -5.225 10/28/2002 5 U -5.225 Page 13 3/25/2003 5 U -5.225 9/30/2003 2 U -8.225 4/26/2004 2 U -8.225 9/27/2004 2 U -8.225 4/11/2005 4.6 -5.625 9/27/2005 2 U -8.225 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9D 3.73125 -11.0437 9.82675 22.9339 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 10 U 6.26875 11/9/1998 3 -0.73125 4/27/1999 2 -1.73125 11/1/1999 3 -0.73125 4/3/2000 1 -2.73125 11/7/2000 5 U 1.26875 4/30/2001 5 U 1.26875 10/22/2001 5 U 1.26875 4/29/2002 5 U 1.26875 10/28/2002 5 U 1.26875 3/25/2003 5 U 1.26875 9/30/2003 2.7 -1.03125 3/29/2004 2 U -1.73125 9/27/2004 2 U -1.73125 4/11/2005 2 U -1.73125 9/27/2005 2 U -1.73125 Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Iron, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 1.63276e+010 1 1.63276e+010 0.943808 Error (within wells)3.80593e+011 22 1.72997e+010 Totals 3.96921e+011 23 0.943808 does not exceed 4.30094 indicating no significant difference in group comparisons Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Lead, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 1801.35 20 90.0677 5.7467 Error (within wells)10234.4 653 15.673 Totals 12035.8 673 5.7467 exceeds 1.57 indicating a significant difference in group comparisons Individual Well Comparisons 674 total observations - 21 wells = 653 degrees of freedom 1% Invidual Well Comparison Rate Bonferroni t = 2.33383 at 5, 653 degrees of freedom Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10 5.54839 -1.20296 0.84698 1.97671 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 10 U 4.45161 10/29/2002 10 U 4.45161 3/25/2003 10 U 4.45161 9/30/2003 5 U -0.548387 3/30/2004 5 U -0.548387 9/27/2004 5 U -0.548387 4/12/2005 5.9 0.351613 9/27/2005 5 U -0.548387 3/23/2006 5.3 -0.248387 9/26/2006 5 U -0.548387 3/27/2007 ND<7.4 J 1.85161 9/27/2007 5.4 -0.148387 3/26/2008 4 U -1.54839 9/26/2008 5 U -0.548387 3/26/2009 5 U -0.548387 10/1/2009 5 U -0.548387 4/2/2010 5 U -0.548387 10/7/2010 5 U -0.548387 3/29/2011 5 U -0.548387 10/5/2011 5 U -0.548387 4/4/2012 5 U -0.548387 10/3/2012 5 U -0.548387 4/11/2013 5 U -0.548387 4/11/2013 4 U -1.54839 10/9/2013 5 U -0.548387 4/11/2014 5 U -0.548387 10/1/2014 5 U -0.548387 4/7/2015 5 U -0.548387 10/6/2015 5 U -0.548387 4/8/2016 5 U -0.548387 10/11/2016 5 U -0.548387 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value Page 2 MW-10D 5.64839 -1.10296 0.84698 1.97671 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 10 U 4.35161 10/29/2002 10 U 4.35161 3/25/2003 12 6.35161 9/30/2003 5 U -0.648387 3/30/2004 5 U -0.648387 9/27/2004 5 U -0.648387 4/12/2005 5.1 -0.548387 9/27/2005 5 U -0.648387 3/23/2006 5 U -0.648387 9/27/2006 5 U -0.648387 3/27/2007 10 U 4.35161 9/27/2007 5 U -0.648387 3/26/2008 4 U -1.64839 9/26/2008 5 U -0.648387 3/26/2009 5 U -0.648387 10/1/2009 5 U -0.648387 4/2/2010 5 U -0.648387 10/7/2010 5 U -0.648387 3/29/2011 5 U -0.648387 10/5/2011 5 U -0.648387 4/4/2012 5 U -0.648387 10/3/2012 5 U -0.648387 4/11/2013 5 U -0.648387 4/11/2013 4 U -1.64839 10/9/2013 5 U -0.648387 4/11/2014 5 U -0.648387 10/1/2014 5 U -0.648387 4/7/2015 5 U -0.648387 10/6/2015 5 U -0.648387 4/8/2016 5 U -0.648387 10/11/2016 5 U -0.648387 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11 5.70968 -1.04167 0.84698 1.97671 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 10 U 4.29032 10/29/2002 10 U 4.29032 3/25/2003 10 U 4.29032 9/29/2003 5 U -0.709677 3/30/2004 6.5 0.790323 9/27/2004 5 U -0.709677 4/12/2005 5 U -0.709677 9/26/2005 5 U -0.709677 3/23/2006 7.5 1.79032 9/26/2006 5 U -0.709677 3/27/2007 10 U 4.29032 9/27/2007 5 -0.709677 3/27/2008 4 U -1.70968 9/30/2008 5 U -0.709677 3/26/2009 5 U -0.709677 10/5/2009 5 U -0.709677 4/6/2010 5 U -0.709677 10/8/2010 5 U -0.709677 Page 3 3/29/2011 5 U -0.709677 10/5/2011 5 U -0.709677 4/6/2012 5 U -0.709677 10/5/2012 5 U -0.709677 4/9/2013 4 U -1.70968 4/9/2013 5 U -0.709677 10/9/2013 5 U -0.709677 4/17/2014 5 U -0.709677 10/1/2014 5 U -0.709677 4/8/2015 5 U -0.709677 10/2/2015 5 U -0.709677 4/7/2016 5 U -0.709677 10/11/2016 5 U -0.709677 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11D 5.58065 -1.17071 0.84698 1.97671 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 10 U 4.41935 10/29/2002 10 U 4.41935 3/25/2003 10 U 4.41935 9/29/2003 5 U -0.580645 3/30/2004 5 U -0.580645 9/27/2004 5 U -0.580645 4/12/2005 5 U -0.580645 9/26/2005 5 U -0.580645 3/23/2006 5 U -0.580645 9/26/2006 5 U -0.580645 3/27/2007 10 U 4.41935 9/27/2007 5 U -0.580645 3/27/2008 4 U -1.58065 9/30/2008 5 U -0.580645 3/26/2009 5 U -0.580645 10/5/2009 5 U -0.580645 4/6/2010 5 U -0.580645 10/8/2010 5 U -0.580645 3/29/2011 5 U -0.580645 10/5/2011 5 U -0.580645 4/6/2012 5 U -0.580645 10/5/2012 5 U -0.580645 4/9/2013 5 U -0.580645 4/9/2013 4 U -1.58065 10/9/2013 5 U -0.580645 4/17/2014 5 U -0.580645 10/1/2014 5 U -0.580645 4/8/2015 5 U -0.580645 10/2/2015 5 U -0.580645 4/7/2016 5 U -0.580645 10/11/2016 5 U -0.580645 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13 5.17917 -1.57218 0.929966 2.17038 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 5 U -0.179167 3/27/2006 6.3 1.12083 9/28/2006 5 U -0.179167 Page 4 3/27/2007 10 U 4.82083 9/28/2007 5 U -0.179167 3/27/2008 4 U -1.17917 9/29/2008 5 U -0.179167 3/26/2009 5 U -0.179167 10/2/2009 5 U -0.179167 4/2/2010 5 U -0.179167 10/7/2010 5 U -0.179167 3/25/2011 5 U -0.179167 10/6/2011 5 U -0.179167 4/5/2012 5 U -0.179167 10/4/2012 5 U -0.179167 4/9/2013 5 U -0.179167 4/9/2013 4 U -1.17917 10/9/2013 5 U -0.179167 4/17/2014 5 U -0.179167 10/1/2014 5 U -0.179167 4/7/2015 5 U -0.179167 10/6/2015 5 U -0.179167 4/6/2016 5 U -0.179167 10/11/2016 5 U -0.179167 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13D 5.37083 -1.38052 0.929966 2.17038 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 8.9 3.52917 3/27/2006 7 1.62917 9/28/2006 5 U -0.370833 3/27/2007 10 U 4.62917 9/28/2007 5 U -0.370833 3/27/2008 4 U -1.37083 9/29/2008 5 U -0.370833 3/26/2009 5 U -0.370833 10/2/2009 5 U -0.370833 4/2/2010 5 U -0.370833 10/7/2010 5 U -0.370833 3/25/2011 5 U -0.370833 10/6/2011 5 U -0.370833 4/5/2012 5 U -0.370833 10/4/2012 5 U -0.370833 4/9/2013 5 U -0.370833 4/9/2013 4 U -1.37083 10/9/2013 5 U -0.370833 4/17/2014 5 U -0.370833 10/1/2014 5 U -0.370833 4/7/2015 5 U -0.370833 10/6/2015 5 U -0.370833 4/6/2016 5 U -0.370833 10/11/2016 5 U -0.370833 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2 12.4051 5.65378 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 20 7.59487 11/11/1998 19 6.59487 Page 5 4/27/1999 4 U -8.40513 11/2/1999 5 -7.40513 4/4/2000 4 -8.40513 11/6/2000 10 U -2.40513 4/30/2001 10 U -2.40513 10/22/2001 22 9.59487 4/29/2002 33 20.5949 10/28/2002 10 U -2.40513 3/24/2003 10 U -2.40513 9/29/2003 12 -0.405128 3/29/2004 11 -1.40513 9/27/2004 31 18.5949 4/11/2005 47 34.5949 9/26/2005 22 9.59487 3/23/2006 45 32.5949 9/28/2006 8 -4.40513 3/27/2007 10 U -2.40513 9/28/2007 27.8 15.3949 3/26/2008 4 U -8.40513 9/29/2008 5 U -7.40513 3/26/2009 12.3 -0.105128 10/1/2009 27.7 15.2949 4/6/2010 5 U -7.40513 10/8/2010 5 U -7.40513 3/25/2011 5 U -7.40513 10/5/2011 5 U -7.40513 4/4/2012 5 U -7.40513 10/5/2012 5 U -7.40513 4/10/2013 4 U -8.40513 4/10/2013 5 U -7.40513 10/11/2013 5 U -7.40513 4/17/2014 5 U -7.40513 10/1/2014 5 U -7.40513 4/7/2015 5 U -7.40513 10/6/2015 5 U -7.40513 4/6/2016 5 U -7.40513 10/11/2016 5 U -7.40513 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2D 5.79487 -0.95648 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 5 -0.794872 11/11/1998 6 0.205128 4/27/1999 4 U -1.79487 11/2/1999 4 U -1.79487 4/4/2000 4 U -1.79487 11/6/2000 10 U 4.20513 4/30/2001 10 U 4.20513 10/22/2001 10 U 4.20513 4/29/2002 10 U 4.20513 10/28/2002 10 U 4.20513 3/24/2003 10 U 4.20513 9/29/2003 5 U -0.794872 3/29/2004 5 U -0.794872 9/27/2004 5 U -0.794872 4/11/2005 5 U -0.794872 Page 6 9/26/2005 5 U -0.794872 3/23/2006 5 U -0.794872 9/28/2006 5 U -0.794872 3/27/2007 10 U 4.20513 9/28/2007 5 U -0.794872 3/26/2008 4 U -1.79487 9/29/2008 5 U -0.794872 3/26/2009 5 U -0.794872 10/1/2009 5 U -0.794872 4/6/2010 5 U -0.794872 10/8/2010 5 U -0.794872 3/25/2011 5 U -0.794872 10/5/2011 5 U -0.794872 4/4/2012 5 U -0.794872 10/5/2012 5 U -0.794872 4/10/2013 4 U -1.79487 4/10/2013 5 U -0.794872 10/11/2013 5 U -0.794872 4/17/2014 5 U -0.794872 10/1/2014 5 U -0.794872 4/7/2015 5 U -0.794872 10/6/2015 5 U -0.794872 4/6/2016 5 U -0.794872 10/11/2016 5 U -0.794872 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-3R 5 -1.75135 1.68046 3.92191 Date Conc.Residual 7/29/2014 5 U 0 10/1/2014 5 U 0 4/7/2015 5 U 0 10/2/2015 5 U 0 4/6/2016 5 U 0 10/11/2016 5 U 0 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4 6.75526 0.00391181 0.79009 1.84393 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 23 16.2447 11/9/1998 6 -0.755263 4/26/1999 6 -0.755263 11/1/1999 4 U -2.75526 4/4/2000 4 U -2.75526 11/6/2000 10 U 3.24474 4/30/2001 10 U 3.24474 10/22/2001 10 U 3.24474 4/29/2002 10 U 3.24474 10/28/2002 10 U 3.24474 3/24/2003 10 U 3.24474 3/29/2004 5.9 -0.855263 9/27/2004 5 U -1.75526 4/11/2005 18 11.2447 9/26/2005 5 U -1.75526 3/24/2006 6.8 0.0447368 9/27/2006 5 U -1.75526 Page 7 3/27/2007 10 U 3.24474 9/28/2007 5 U -1.75526 3/26/2008 4 U -2.75526 9/29/2008 5 U -1.75526 3/26/2009 5 U -1.75526 10/2/2009 5 U -1.75526 4/6/2010 5 U -1.75526 10/7/2010 5 U -1.75526 3/29/2011 5 U -1.75526 10/5/2011 5 U -1.75526 4/5/2012 5 U -1.75526 10/4/2012 5 U -1.75526 4/10/2013 5 U -1.75526 4/10/2013 4 U -2.75526 10/10/2013 5 U -1.75526 4/11/2014 5 U -1.75526 10/1/2014 5 U -1.75526 4/7/2015 5 U -1.75526 10/6/2015 5 U -1.75526 4/6/2016 5 U -1.75526 10/11/2016 5 U -1.75526 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4D 5.94872 -0.802633 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 13 7.05128 11/9/1998 4 U -1.94872 4/26/1999 4 U -1.94872 11/1/1999 4 U -1.94872 4/4/2000 4 U -1.94872 11/6/2000 10 U 4.05128 4/30/2001 10 U 4.05128 10/22/2001 10 U 4.05128 4/29/2002 10 U 4.05128 10/28/2002 10 U 4.05128 3/24/2003 10 U 4.05128 9/29/2003 5 U -0.948718 3/29/2004 5 U -0.948718 9/27/2004 5 U -0.948718 4/11/2005 5 U -0.948718 9/26/2005 5 U -0.948718 3/24/2006 5 U -0.948718 9/27/2006 5 U -0.948718 3/27/2007 10 U 4.05128 9/28/2007 5 U -0.948718 3/26/2008 4 U -1.94872 9/29/2008 5 U -0.948718 3/26/2009 5 U -0.948718 10/2/2009 5 U -0.948718 4/6/2010 5 U -0.948718 10/7/2010 5 U -0.948718 3/29/2011 5 U -0.948718 10/5/2011 5 U -0.948718 4/5/2012 5 U -0.948718 10/4/2012 5 U -0.948718 4/10/2013 4 U -1.94872 Page 8 4/10/2013 5 U -0.948718 10/10/2013 5 U -0.948718 4/11/2014 5 U -0.948718 10/1/2014 5 U -0.948718 4/7/2015 5 U -0.948718 10/6/2015 5 U -0.948718 4/6/2016 5 U -0.948718 10/11/2016 5 U -0.948718 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5 6.28205 -0.4693 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 18 11.7179 11/11/1998 12 5.71795 4/26/1999 4 U -2.28205 11/2/1999 4 U -2.28205 4/3/2000 4 U -2.28205 11/6/2000 10 U 3.71795 4/30/2001 10 U 3.71795 10/22/2001 10 U 3.71795 4/29/2002 10 U 3.71795 10/28/2002 10 U 3.71795 3/24/2003 10 U 3.71795 9/29/2003 5 U -1.28205 3/30/2004 5 U -1.28205 9/27/2004 5 U -1.28205 4/12/2005 5 U -1.28205 9/26/2005 5 U -1.28205 3/24/2006 5 U -1.28205 9/26/2006 5 U -1.28205 3/27/2007 10 U 3.71795 9/27/2007 5 U -1.28205 3/26/2008 4 U -2.28205 9/30/2008 5 U -1.28205 3/26/2009 5 U -1.28205 10/2/2009 5 U -1.28205 4/2/2010 5 U -1.28205 10/6/2010 5 U -1.28205 3/25/2011 5 U -1.28205 10/5/2011 5 U -1.28205 4/5/2012 5 U -1.28205 10/3/2012 5 U -1.28205 4/11/2013 4 U -2.28205 4/11/2013 5 U -1.28205 10/9/2013 5 U -1.28205 4/17/2014 5 U -1.28205 10/1/2014 5 U -1.28205 4/8/2015 5 U -1.28205 10/2/2015 5 U -1.28205 4/6/2016 5 U -1.28205 10/11/2016 5 U -1.28205 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5D 5.71795 -1.0334 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual Page 9 4/13/1998 4 U -1.71795 11/11/1998 4 U -1.71795 4/26/1999 4 U -1.71795 11/2/1999 4 U -1.71795 4/3/2000 4 U -1.71795 11/6/2000 10 U 4.28205 4/30/2001 10 U 4.28205 10/22/2001 10 U 4.28205 4/29/2002 10 U 4.28205 10/28/2002 10 U 4.28205 3/24/2003 10 U 4.28205 9/29/2003 5 U -0.717949 3/29/2004 5 U -0.717949 9/27/2004 5 U -0.717949 4/12/2005 5 U -0.717949 9/26/2005 5 U -0.717949 3/24/2006 5 U -0.717949 9/26/2006 5 U -0.717949 3/27/2007 10 U 4.28205 9/27/2007 5 U -0.717949 3/26/2008 4 U -1.71795 9/30/2008 5 U -0.717949 3/26/2009 5 U -0.717949 10/2/2009 5 U -0.717949 4/2/2010 5 U -0.717949 10/6/2010 5 U -0.717949 3/25/2011 5 U -0.717949 10/5/2011 5 U -0.717949 4/5/2012 5 U -0.717949 10/3/2012 5 U -0.717949 4/11/2013 4 U -1.71795 4/11/2013 5 U -0.717949 10/9/2013 5 U -0.717949 4/17/2014 5 U -0.717949 10/1/2014 5 U -0.717949 4/8/2015 5 U -0.717949 10/2/2015 5 U -0.717949 4/6/2016 5 U -0.717949 10/11/2016 5 U -0.717949 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-6 7.96154 1.21019 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 8 0.0384615 11/11/1998 10 2.03846 4/26/1999 4 -3.96154 11/2/1999 4 U -3.96154 4/3/2000 4 U -3.96154 11/6/2000 10 U 2.03846 4/30/2001 10 U 2.03846 10/22/2001 14 6.03846 4/29/2002 12 4.03846 10/28/2002 10 U 2.03846 3/25/2003 10 U 2.03846 9/29/2003 34 26.0385 3/30/2004 5 U -2.96154 Page 10 9/27/2004 10 2.03846 4/12/2005 30 22.0385 9/26/2005 6 -1.96154 3/24/2006 5.5 -2.46154 9/26/2006 16 8.03846 3/27/2007 10 U 2.03846 9/27/2007 5 U -2.96154 3/26/2008 4 U -3.96154 9/30/2008 5 U -2.96154 3/26/2009 5 U -2.96154 10/2/2009 5 U -2.96154 4/2/2010 5 U -2.96154 10/6/2010 5 U -2.96154 3/25/2011 5 U -2.96154 10/5/2011 5 U -2.96154 4/4/2012 5 U -2.96154 10/3/2012 5 U -2.96154 4/9/2013 5 U -2.96154 4/9/2013 4 U -3.96154 10/9/2013 5 U -2.96154 4/11/2014 5 U -2.96154 10/1/2014 5 U -2.96154 4/7/2015 5 U -2.96154 10/2/2015 5 U -2.96154 4/6/2016 5 U -2.96154 10/11/2016 5 U -2.96154 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-7 6.16667 -0.584685 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 9 2.83333 11/11/1998 8 1.83333 4/26/1999 4 U -2.16667 11/2/1999 4 U -2.16667 4/3/2000 4 U -2.16667 11/6/2000 10 U 3.83333 4/30/2001 10 U 3.83333 10/22/2001 10 3.83333 4/29/2002 10 U 3.83333 10/28/2002 10 U 3.83333 3/25/2003 10 U 3.83333 9/29/2003 6.5 0.333333 3/30/2004 5 U -1.16667 9/27/2004 5 U -1.16667 4/12/2005 12 5.83333 9/26/2005 5 U -1.16667 3/24/2006 5 U -1.16667 9/26/2006 5 U -1.16667 3/27/2007 10 U 3.83333 9/27/2007 5 U -1.16667 3/26/2008 4 U -2.16667 9/26/2008 5 U -1.16667 3/26/2009 5 U -1.16667 10/1/2009 5 U -1.16667 4/2/2010 5 U -1.16667 10/6/2010 5 U -1.16667 Page 11 3/25/2011 5 U -1.16667 10/5/2011 5 U -1.16667 4/4/2012 5 U -1.16667 10/3/2012 5 U -1.16667 4/9/2013 4 U -2.16667 4/9/2013 5 U -1.16667 10/9/2013 5 U -1.16667 4/11/2014 5 U -1.16667 10/2/2014 5 U -1.16667 4/9/2015 5 U -1.16667 10/2/2015 5 U -1.16667 4/6/2016 5 U -1.16667 10/11/2016 5 U -1.16667 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8 6.31 -0.441351 0.77693 1.81322 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 4 -2.31 11/10/1998 13 6.69 4/26/1999 4 U -2.31 11/1/1999 4 U -2.31 4/3/2000 4 U -2.31 11/7/2000 10 U 3.69 4/30/2001 10 U 3.69 10/22/2001 16 9.69 1/14/2002 10 U 3.69 4/29/2002 10 U 3.69 10/28/2002 10 U 3.69 3/25/2003 10 U 3.69 9/30/2003 5 U -1.31 3/30/2004 5 U -1.31 9/27/2004 5 U -1.31 4/12/2005 5 U -1.31 9/27/2005 5 U -1.31 3/23/2006 5 U -1.31 9/26/2006 5 U -1.31 3/27/2007 10 U 3.69 9/28/2007 9.4 3.09 3/27/2008 4 U -2.31 9/29/2008 5 U -1.31 3/25/2009 5 U -1.31 10/5/2009 5 U -1.31 4/6/2010 5 U -1.31 10/8/2010 5 U -1.31 3/29/2011 5 U -1.31 10/6/2011 5 U -1.31 4/6/2012 5 U -1.31 10/5/2012 5 U -1.31 4/9/2013 4 U -2.31 4/9/2013 5 U -1.31 10/11/2013 5 U -1.31 4/16/2014 5 U -1.31 10/2/2014 5 U -1.31 4/8/2015 5 U -1.31 10/9/2015 5 U -1.31 4/7/2016 5 U -1.31 Page 12 10/11/2016 5 U -1.31 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8D 5.71795 -1.0334 0.783369 1.82825 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 4 U -1.71795 11/10/1998 4 U -1.71795 4/26/1999 4 U -1.71795 11/1/1999 4 U -1.71795 4/3/2000 4 U -1.71795 11/7/2000 10 U 4.28205 4/30/2001 10 U 4.28205 10/22/2001 10 U 4.28205 4/29/2002 10 U 4.28205 10/28/2002 10 U 4.28205 3/25/2003 10 U 4.28205 9/30/2003 5 U -0.717949 3/30/2004 5 U -0.717949 9/27/2004 5 U -0.717949 4/12/2005 5 U -0.717949 9/27/2005 5 U -0.717949 3/23/2006 5 U -0.717949 9/26/2006 5 U -0.717949 3/27/2007 10 U 4.28205 9/28/2007 5 U -0.717949 3/27/2008 4 U -1.71795 9/29/2008 5 U -0.717949 3/25/2009 5 U -0.717949 10/5/2009 5 U -0.717949 4/6/2010 5 U -0.717949 10/8/2010 5 U -0.717949 3/29/2011 5 U -0.717949 10/6/2011 5 U -0.717949 4/6/2012 5 U -0.717949 10/5/2012 5 U -0.717949 4/9/2013 5 U -0.717949 4/9/2013 4 U -1.71795 10/11/2013 5 U -0.717949 4/16/2014 5 U -0.717949 10/2/2014 5 U -0.717949 4/8/2015 5 U -0.717949 10/9/2015 5 U -0.717949 4/7/2016 5 U -0.717949 10/11/2016 5 U -0.717949 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9 7.75 0.998649 1.09149 2.54735 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 18 10.25 11/9/1998 9 1.25 4/27/1999 4 U -3.75 11/1/1999 4 U -3.75 4/3/2000 4 U -3.75 11/7/2000 10 U 2.25 4/30/2001 10 U 2.25 Page 13 10/22/2001 10 U 2.25 4/29/2002 10 U 2.25 10/28/2002 10 U 2.25 3/25/2003 10 U 2.25 9/30/2003 5 U -2.75 4/26/2004 5 U -2.75 9/27/2004 5 U -2.75 4/11/2005 5 U -2.75 9/27/2005 5 U -2.75 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9D 6.81875 0.0673986 1.09149 2.54735 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 4 U -2.81875 11/9/1998 7 0.18125 4/27/1999 4 U -2.81875 11/1/1999 4 U -2.81875 4/3/2000 4 U -2.81875 11/7/2000 10 U 3.18125 4/30/2001 10 U 3.18125 10/22/2001 10 U 3.18125 4/29/2002 10 U 3.18125 10/28/2002 10 U 3.18125 3/25/2003 10 U 3.18125 9/30/2003 6 -0.81875 3/29/2004 5.1 -1.71875 9/27/2004 5 U -1.81875 4/11/2005 5 U -1.81875 9/27/2005 5 U -1.81875 Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Manganese, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 5.16302e+006 1 5.16302e+006 0.955342 Error (within wells)1.18896e+008 22 5.40437e+006 Totals 1.24059e+008 23 0.955342 does not exceed 4.30094 indicating no significant difference in group comparisons Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Nickel, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 57048.4 20 2852.42 4.10747 Error (within wells)449307 647 694.447 Totals 506356 667 4.10747 exceeds 1.57 indicating a significant difference in group comparisons Individual Well Comparisons 668 total observations - 21 wells = 647 degrees of freedom 1% Invidual Well Comparison Rate Bonferroni t = 2.33383 at 5, 647 degrees of freedom Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10 10.2742 -4.71905 5.6379 13.1579 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 16 5.72581 10/29/2002 35 24.7258 3/25/2003 36 25.7258 9/30/2003 23 12.7258 3/30/2004 8.7 -1.57419 9/27/2004 18 7.72581 4/12/2005 36 25.7258 9/27/2005 14 3.72581 3/23/2006 18 7.72581 9/26/2006 14 3.72581 3/27/2007 ND<1.8 J -8.47419 9/27/2007 5.6 -4.67419 3/26/2008 1.7 U -8.57419 9/26/2008 7.3 -2.97419 3/26/2009 5 U -5.27419 10/1/2009 5.9 -4.37419 4/2/2010 5 U -5.27419 10/7/2010 5 U -5.27419 3/29/2011 5 U -5.27419 10/5/2011 5 U -5.27419 4/4/2012 5 U -5.27419 10/3/2012 5 U -5.27419 4/11/2013 2.5 U -7.77419 4/11/2013 5 U -5.27419 10/9/2013 5 U -5.27419 4/11/2014 5 U -5.27419 10/1/2014 5 U -5.27419 4/7/2015 5 U -5.27419 10/6/2015 5 U -5.27419 4/8/2016 5 U -5.27419 10/11/2016 5 U -5.27419 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value Page 2 MW-10D 21.4633 6.47009 5.70374 13.3115 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 240 218.537 10/29/2002 48 26.5367 3/25/2003 47 25.5367 9/30/2003 10 -11.4633 3/30/2004 8.8 -12.6633 9/27/2004 12 -9.46333 4/12/2005 35 13.5367 9/27/2005 63 41.5367 3/23/2006 18 -3.46333 9/27/2006 9.8 -11.6633 3/27/2007 ND<4.8 J -16.6633 9/27/2007 15.2 -6.26333 3/26/2008 7.9 -13.5633 9/26/2008 5.5 -15.9633 3/26/2009 6 -15.4633 10/1/2009 9.5 -11.9633 4/2/2010 10.2 -11.2633 10/7/2010 5.3 -16.1633 3/29/2011 5.5 -15.9633 10/5/2011 7.4 -14.0633 4/4/2012 6.8 -14.6633 10/3/2012 6.9 -14.5633 4/11/2013 10 -11.4633 10/9/2013 11.3 -10.1633 4/11/2014 6.8 -14.6633 10/1/2014 6.9 -14.5633 4/7/2015 5 U -16.4633 10/6/2015 8.7 -12.7633 4/8/2016 6.6 -14.8633 10/11/2016 6 -15.4633 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11 27.61 12.6168 5.70374 13.3115 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 120 92.39 10/29/2002 5 U -22.61 3/25/2003 21 -6.61 9/29/2003 20 -7.61 3/30/2004 48 20.39 9/27/2004 19 -8.61 4/12/2005 32 4.39 9/26/2005 35 7.39 3/23/2006 68 40.39 9/26/2006 29 1.39 3/27/2007 ND<23 J -4.61 9/27/2007 80.3 52.69 3/27/2008 59.8 32.19 9/30/2008 26.8 -0.81 3/26/2009 48.6 20.99 10/5/2009 31.6 3.99 4/6/2010 10 -17.61 10/8/2010 8.3 -19.31 3/29/2011 15.7 -11.91 Page 3 10/5/2011 7.9 -19.71 4/6/2012 9.2 -18.41 10/5/2012 12.8 -14.81 4/9/2013 5.3 -22.31 10/9/2013 15.4 -12.21 4/17/2014 8.9 -18.71 10/1/2014 6.6 -21.01 4/8/2015 5 U -22.61 10/2/2015 26.6 -1.01 4/7/2016 19.6 -8.01 10/11/2016 9.9 -17.71 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11D 7.05484 -7.9384 5.6379 13.1579 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 20 12.9452 10/29/2002 5 U -2.05484 3/25/2003 13 5.94516 9/29/2003 5 U -2.05484 3/30/2004 5 U -2.05484 9/27/2004 5 U -2.05484 4/12/2005 5 U -2.05484 9/26/2005 5 U -2.05484 3/23/2006 5 U -2.05484 9/26/2006 6.5 -0.554839 3/27/2007 50 U 42.9452 9/27/2007 5 U -2.05484 3/27/2008 1.7 U -5.35484 9/30/2008 5 U -2.05484 3/26/2009 5 U -2.05484 10/5/2009 5 U -2.05484 4/6/2010 5 U -2.05484 10/8/2010 5 U -2.05484 3/29/2011 5 U -2.05484 10/5/2011 5 U -2.05484 4/6/2012 5 U -2.05484 10/5/2012 5 U -2.05484 4/9/2013 2.5 U -4.55484 4/9/2013 5 U -2.05484 10/9/2013 5 U -2.05484 4/17/2014 5 U -2.05484 10/1/2014 5 U -2.05484 4/8/2015 5 U -2.05484 10/2/2015 5 U -2.05484 4/7/2016 5 U -2.05484 10/11/2016 5 U -2.05484 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13 8.31739 -6.67585 6.29109 14.6823 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 5 U -3.31739 3/27/2006 5 U -3.31739 9/28/2006 5 U -3.31739 3/27/2007 50 U 41.6826 9/28/2007 ND<2.4 J -5.91739 Page 4 3/27/2008 1.7 U -6.61739 9/29/2008 5 U -3.31739 3/26/2009 5 U -3.31739 10/2/2009 5 U -3.31739 4/2/2010 12 3.68261 10/7/2010 5 U -3.31739 3/25/2011 9 0.682609 10/6/2011 5 U -3.31739 4/5/2012 5 U -3.31739 10/4/2012 5 U -3.31739 4/9/2013 7.2 -1.11739 10/9/2013 5 U -3.31739 4/17/2014 9.3 0.982609 10/1/2014 5 U -3.31739 4/7/2015 5 U -3.31739 10/6/2015 5 U -3.31739 4/6/2016 24.7 16.3826 10/11/2016 5 U -3.31739 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13D 25.0652 10.072 6.29109 14.6823 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 58 32.9348 3/27/2006 47 21.9348 9/28/2006 38 12.9348 3/27/2007 ND<26 J 0.934783 9/28/2007 24.3 -0.765217 3/27/2008 35.6 10.5348 9/29/2008 23.1 -1.96522 3/26/2009 26.2 1.13478 10/2/2009 29 3.93478 4/2/2010 22.2 -2.86522 10/7/2010 15.3 -9.76522 3/25/2011 18.5 -6.56522 10/6/2011 23.2 -1.86522 4/5/2012 19.3 -5.76522 10/4/2012 17.7 -7.36522 4/9/2013 18.8 -6.26522 10/9/2013 22.4 -2.66522 4/17/2014 17.1 -7.96522 10/1/2014 16.8 -8.26522 4/7/2015 15.4 -9.66522 10/6/2015 19.2 -5.86522 4/6/2016 21.2 -3.86522 10/11/2016 22.2 -2.86522 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2 27.1263 12.1331 5.25922 12.2741 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 49 21.8737 11/11/1998 40 12.8737 4/27/1999 5 -22.1263 11/2/1999 18 -9.12632 4/4/2000 16 -11.1263 11/6/2000 6.5 -20.6263 Page 5 4/30/2001 5 U -22.1263 10/22/2001 61 33.8737 4/29/2002 92 64.8737 10/28/2002 5 U -22.1263 3/24/2003 6.7 -20.4263 9/29/2003 32 4.87368 3/29/2004 21 -6.12632 9/27/2004 66 38.8737 4/11/2005 97 69.8737 9/26/2005 54 26.8737 3/23/2006 92 64.8737 9/28/2006 23 -4.12632 3/27/2007 50 U 22.8737 9/28/2007 80.6 53.4737 3/26/2008 1.7 U -25.4263 9/29/2008 10.1 -17.0263 3/26/2009 40.9 13.7737 10/1/2009 84.8 57.6737 4/6/2010 5 U -22.1263 10/8/2010 5 U -22.1263 3/25/2011 5 U -22.1263 10/5/2011 7.5 -19.6263 4/4/2012 5 U -22.1263 10/5/2012 5 U -22.1263 4/10/2013 6 -21.1263 10/11/2013 5 U -22.1263 4/17/2014 5 U -22.1263 10/1/2014 5 U -22.1263 4/7/2015 5 U -22.1263 10/6/2015 5 U -22.1263 4/6/2016 5 U -22.1263 10/11/2016 5 U -22.1263 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2D 6.30513 -8.68812 5.21448 12.1697 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 5 U -1.30513 11/11/1998 8 1.69487 4/27/1999 5 U -1.30513 11/2/1999 5 U -1.30513 4/4/2000 5 U -1.30513 11/6/2000 5 U -1.30513 4/30/2001 5 U -1.30513 10/22/2001 5 U -1.30513 4/29/2002 11 4.69487 10/28/2002 5.5 -0.805128 3/24/2003 5 U -1.30513 9/29/2003 7.2 0.894872 3/29/2004 5 U -1.30513 9/27/2004 5 U -1.30513 4/11/2005 5 U -1.30513 9/26/2005 5 U -1.30513 3/23/2006 5 U -1.30513 9/28/2006 5 U -1.30513 3/27/2007 50 U 43.6949 9/28/2007 5 U -1.30513 Page 6 3/26/2008 1.7 U -4.60513 9/29/2008 5 U -1.30513 3/26/2009 5 U -1.30513 10/1/2009 5 U -1.30513 4/6/2010 5 U -1.30513 10/8/2010 5 U -1.30513 3/25/2011 5 U -1.30513 10/5/2011 5 U -1.30513 4/4/2012 5 U -1.30513 10/5/2012 5 U -1.30513 4/10/2013 5 U -1.30513 4/10/2013 2.5 U -3.80513 10/11/2013 5 U -1.30513 4/17/2014 5 U -1.30513 10/1/2014 5 U -1.30513 4/7/2015 5 U -1.30513 10/6/2015 5 U -1.30513 4/6/2016 5 U -1.30513 10/11/2016 5 U -1.30513 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-3R 7.25 -7.74324 11.186 26.1061 Date Conc.Residual 7/29/2014 ND<4.6 J -2.65 10/1/2014 10.7 3.45 4/7/2015 5.1 -2.15 10/2/2015 7.2 -0.05 4/6/2016 8.2 0.95 10/11/2016 7.7 0.45 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4 12.5263 -2.46693 5.25922 12.2741 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 126 113.474 11/9/1998 33 20.4737 4/26/1999 15 2.47368 11/1/1999 13 0.473684 4/4/2000 20 7.47368 11/6/2000 6.7 -5.82632 4/30/2001 6 -6.52632 10/22/2001 21 8.47368 4/29/2002 18 5.47368 10/28/2002 8.5 -4.02632 3/24/2003 5.5 -7.02632 9/30/2003 5 U -7.52632 3/29/2004 13 0.473684 9/27/2004 5 U -7.52632 4/11/2005 35 22.4737 9/26/2005 9.4 -3.12632 3/24/2006 12 -0.526316 9/27/2006 6.9 -5.62632 3/27/2007 ND<2.5 J -10.0263 9/28/2007 6.5 -6.02632 3/26/2008 5 -7.52632 9/29/2008 8.1 -4.42632 Page 7 3/26/2009 5 U -7.52632 10/2/2009 6.2 -6.32632 4/6/2010 5 U -7.52632 10/7/2010 5 U -7.52632 3/29/2011 5 U -7.52632 10/5/2011 5 U -7.52632 4/5/2012 5 U -7.52632 10/4/2012 5 U -7.52632 4/10/2013 18.7 6.17368 10/10/2013 5 U -7.52632 4/11/2014 5 U -7.52632 10/1/2014 5 U -7.52632 4/7/2015 5 U -7.52632 10/6/2015 5 U -7.52632 4/6/2016 5 U -7.52632 10/11/2016 5 U -7.52632 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4D 7.19231 -7.80094 5.21448 12.1697 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 5 U -2.19231 11/9/1998 6 -1.19231 4/26/1999 5 U -2.19231 11/1/1999 5 -2.19231 4/4/2000 5 U -2.19231 11/6/2000 6.5 -0.692308 4/30/2001 5 U -2.19231 10/22/2001 24 16.8077 4/29/2002 14 6.80769 10/28/2002 5 U -2.19231 3/24/2003 5 U -2.19231 9/29/2003 5 U -2.19231 3/29/2004 7 -0.192308 9/27/2004 5 U -2.19231 4/11/2005 5 U -2.19231 9/26/2005 5 U -2.19231 3/24/2006 5 U -2.19231 9/27/2006 5.5 -1.69231 3/27/2007 50 U 42.8077 9/28/2007 5 U -2.19231 3/26/2008 1.7 U -5.49231 9/29/2008 8 0.807692 3/26/2009 7.1 -0.0923077 10/2/2009 13.2 6.00769 4/6/2010 5 U -2.19231 10/7/2010 5 U -2.19231 3/29/2011 5 U -2.19231 10/5/2011 5 U -2.19231 4/5/2012 5 U -2.19231 10/4/2012 5 U -2.19231 4/10/2013 2.5 U -4.69231 4/10/2013 5 U -2.19231 10/10/2013 5 U -2.19231 4/11/2014 5 U -2.19231 10/1/2014 5 U -2.19231 4/7/2015 5 U -2.19231 Page 8 10/6/2015 5 U -2.19231 4/6/2016 5 U -2.19231 10/11/2016 5 U -2.19231 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5 11.7308 -3.26247 5.21448 12.1697 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 88 76.2692 11/11/1998 52 40.2692 4/26/1999 5 U -6.73077 11/2/1999 5 U -6.73077 4/3/2000 5 U -6.73077 11/6/2000 34 22.2692 4/30/2001 5 U -6.73077 10/22/2001 5.1 -6.63077 4/29/2002 49 37.2692 10/28/2002 5 U -6.73077 3/24/2003 5 U -6.73077 9/29/2003 5 U -6.73077 3/30/2004 5.1 -6.63077 9/27/2004 5 U -6.73077 4/12/2005 5 U -6.73077 9/26/2005 5 U -6.73077 3/24/2006 5 U -6.73077 9/26/2006 9.5 -2.23077 3/27/2007 50 U 38.2692 9/27/2007 5 U -6.73077 3/26/2008 5.1 -6.63077 9/30/2008 6.2 -5.53077 3/26/2009 7.3 -4.43077 10/2/2009 11.8 0.0692308 4/2/2010 5 U -6.73077 10/6/2010 5 U -6.73077 3/25/2011 5 U -6.73077 10/5/2011 5 U -6.73077 4/5/2012 5 U -6.73077 10/3/2012 5 U -6.73077 4/11/2013 2.5 U -9.23077 4/11/2013 5 U -6.73077 10/9/2013 5 U -6.73077 4/17/2014 5 U -6.73077 10/1/2014 5 U -6.73077 4/8/2015 5 U -6.73077 10/2/2015 6.9 -4.83077 4/6/2016 5 U -6.73077 10/11/2016 5 U -6.73077 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5D 6.2359 -8.75735 5.21448 12.1697 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 8 1.7641 11/11/1998 6 -0.235897 4/26/1999 5 U -1.2359 11/2/1999 5 U -1.2359 4/3/2000 5 U -1.2359 Page 9 11/6/2000 7.1 0.864103 4/30/2001 5 U -1.2359 10/22/2001 6 -0.235897 4/29/2002 9 2.7641 10/28/2002 5 U -1.2359 3/24/2003 5 U -1.2359 9/29/2003 5 U -1.2359 3/29/2004 5 U -1.2359 9/27/2004 5 U -1.2359 4/12/2005 5 U -1.2359 9/26/2005 5 U -1.2359 3/24/2006 5 U -1.2359 9/26/2006 5 U -1.2359 3/27/2007 50 U 43.7641 9/27/2007 ND<2.9 J -3.3359 3/26/2008 1.7 U -4.5359 9/30/2008 5 U -1.2359 3/26/2009 5 U -1.2359 10/2/2009 5 U -1.2359 4/2/2010 5 U -1.2359 10/6/2010 5 U -1.2359 3/25/2011 5 U -1.2359 10/5/2011 5 U -1.2359 4/5/2012 5 U -1.2359 10/3/2012 5 U -1.2359 4/11/2013 2.5 U -3.7359 4/11/2013 5 U -1.2359 10/9/2013 5 U -1.2359 4/17/2014 5 U -1.2359 10/1/2014 5 U -1.2359 4/8/2015 5 U -1.2359 10/2/2015 5 U -1.2359 4/6/2016 5 U -1.2359 10/11/2016 5 U -1.2359 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-6 20.6692 5.67599 5.21448 12.1697 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 24 3.33077 11/11/1998 28 7.33077 4/26/1999 12 -8.66923 11/2/1999 10 -10.6692 4/3/2000 5 U -15.6692 11/6/2000 31 10.3308 4/30/2001 12 -8.66923 10/22/2001 170 149.331 4/29/2002 94 73.3308 10/28/2002 5 U -15.6692 3/25/2003 5 U -15.6692 9/29/2003 100 79.3308 3/30/2004 5 U -15.6692 9/27/2004 12 -8.66923 4/12/2005 92 71.3308 9/26/2005 8 -12.6692 3/24/2006 6.3 -14.3692 9/26/2006 24 3.33077 Page 10 3/27/2007 50 U 29.3308 9/27/2007 ND<1.8 J -18.8692 3/26/2008 12.2 -8.46923 9/30/2008 5 U -15.6692 3/26/2009 5 U -15.6692 10/2/2009 5 U -15.6692 4/2/2010 10.4 -10.2692 10/6/2010 5 U -15.6692 3/25/2011 5 U -15.6692 10/5/2011 5 U -15.6692 4/4/2012 5 U -15.6692 10/3/2012 5 U -15.6692 4/9/2013 2.5 U -18.1692 4/9/2013 5 U -15.6692 10/9/2013 5 U -15.6692 4/11/2014 5 U -15.6692 10/1/2014 5 U -15.6692 4/7/2015 5 U -15.6692 10/2/2015 10.9 -9.76923 4/6/2016 5 U -15.6692 10/11/2016 5 U -15.6692 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-7 39.9737 24.9804 5.25922 12.2741 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 85 45.0263 11/11/1998 64 24.0263 4/26/1999 9 -30.9737 11/2/1999 10 -29.9737 4/3/2000 8 -31.9737 11/6/2000 52 12.0263 4/30/2001 36 -3.97368 10/22/2001 340 300.026 4/29/2002 170 130.026 10/28/2002 41 1.02632 3/25/2003 12 -27.9737 9/29/2003 92 52.0263 3/30/2004 13 -26.9737 9/27/2004 28 -11.9737 4/12/2005 250 210.026 9/26/2005 42 2.02632 3/24/2006 13 -26.9737 9/26/2006 18 -21.9737 3/27/2007 ND<18 J -21.9737 9/27/2007 14.2 -25.7737 3/26/2008 14.2 -25.7737 9/26/2008 13.3 -26.6737 3/26/2009 7.3 -32.6737 10/1/2009 11.8 -28.1737 4/2/2010 7 -32.9737 10/6/2010 5 U -34.9737 3/25/2011 6 -33.9737 10/5/2011 10.8 -29.1737 4/4/2012 8.8 -31.1737 10/3/2012 12.2 -27.7737 4/9/2013 12.4 -27.5737 Page 11 10/9/2013 14.7 -25.2737 4/11/2014 13 -26.9737 10/2/2014 10.4 -29.5737 4/9/2015 14 -25.9737 10/2/2015 10.3 -29.6737 4/6/2016 20.5 -19.4737 10/11/2016 12.1 -27.8737 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8 10.53 -4.46324 5.17161 12.0697 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 38 27.47 11/10/1998 40 29.47 4/26/1999 8 -2.53 11/1/1999 7 -3.53 4/3/2000 5 U -5.53 11/7/2000 7.8 -2.73 4/30/2001 16 5.47 10/22/2001 65 54.47 1/14/2002 5 U -5.53 4/29/2002 30 19.47 10/28/2002 5 U -5.53 3/25/2003 5 U -5.53 9/30/2003 5 U -5.53 3/30/2004 5.2 -5.33 9/27/2004 5 U -5.53 4/12/2005 9.7 -0.83 9/27/2005 5 U -5.53 3/23/2006 5 U -5.53 9/26/2006 5 U -5.53 3/27/2007 50 U 39.47 9/28/2007 5 U -5.53 3/27/2008 1.7 U -8.83 9/29/2008 9.7 -0.83 3/25/2009 5 U -5.53 10/5/2009 5 U -5.53 4/6/2010 5 U -5.53 10/8/2010 5 U -5.53 3/29/2011 5 U -5.53 10/6/2011 5 U -5.53 4/6/2012 5 U -5.53 10/5/2012 5 U -5.53 4/9/2013 5 U -5.53 4/9/2013 2.5 U -8.03 10/11/2013 5 U -5.53 4/16/2014 5 U -5.53 10/2/2014 5.6 -4.93 4/8/2015 5 U -5.53 10/9/2015 5 U -5.53 4/7/2016 5 U -5.53 10/11/2016 5 U -5.53 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8D 6.25385 -8.7394 5.21448 12.1697 Date Conc.Residual Page 12 4/17/1998 5 U -1.25385 11/10/1998 5 U -1.25385 4/26/1999 5 U -1.25385 11/1/1999 5 U -1.25385 4/3/2000 5 -1.25385 11/7/2000 5 U -1.25385 4/30/2001 5 U -1.25385 10/22/2001 12 5.74615 4/29/2002 7.7 1.44615 10/28/2002 5 U -1.25385 3/25/2003 5 U -1.25385 9/30/2003 5 U -1.25385 3/30/2004 5 U -1.25385 9/27/2004 5 U -1.25385 4/12/2005 5 U -1.25385 9/27/2005 5 U -1.25385 3/23/2006 5 U -1.25385 9/26/2006 5 U -1.25385 3/27/2007 50 U 43.7462 9/28/2007 5 U -1.25385 3/27/2008 1.7 U -4.55385 9/29/2008 5 U -1.25385 3/25/2009 5 U -1.25385 10/5/2009 5 U -1.25385 4/6/2010 5 U -1.25385 10/8/2010 5 U -1.25385 3/29/2011 5 U -1.25385 10/6/2011 5 U -1.25385 4/6/2012 5 U -1.25385 10/5/2012 5 U -1.25385 4/9/2013 5 U -1.25385 4/9/2013 2.5 U -3.75385 10/11/2013 5 U -1.25385 4/16/2014 5 U -1.25385 10/2/2014 5 U -1.25385 4/8/2015 5 U -1.25385 10/9/2015 5 U -1.25385 4/7/2016 5 U -1.25385 10/11/2016 5 U -1.25385 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9 18.8125 3.81926 7.26549 16.9564 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 58 39.1875 11/9/1998 15 -3.8125 4/27/1999 6 -12.8125 11/1/1999 12 -6.8125 4/3/2000 9 -9.8125 11/7/2000 11 -7.8125 4/30/2001 6.7 -12.1125 10/22/2001 7.9 -10.9125 4/29/2002 7.4 -11.4125 10/28/2002 5 U -13.8125 3/25/2003 36 17.1875 9/30/2003 21 2.1875 4/26/2004 23 4.1875 Page 13 9/27/2004 20 1.1875 4/11/2005 33 14.1875 9/27/2005 30 11.1875 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9D 6.875 -8.11824 7.26549 16.9564 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 5 U -1.875 11/9/1998 7 0.125 4/27/1999 5 U -1.875 11/1/1999 8 1.125 4/3/2000 5 U -1.875 11/7/2000 5 U -1.875 4/30/2001 5 U -1.875 10/22/2001 6 -0.875 4/29/2002 6.8 -0.075 10/28/2002 5 U -1.875 3/25/2003 5.9 -0.975 9/30/2003 10 3.125 3/29/2004 8.6 1.725 9/27/2004 5 U -1.875 4/11/2005 8.7 1.825 9/27/2005 14 7.125 Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Thallium, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 158.182 20 7.9091 1.00999 Error (within wells)5097.9 651 7.83087 Totals 5256.08 671 1.00999 does not exceed 1.57 indicating no significant difference in group comparisons Page 1 Parametric Analysis of Variance Parameter: Vanadium, Total Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Squares F Between Wells 182696 20 9134.82 3.18011 Error (within wells)1.8585e+006 647 2872.49 Totals 2.0412e+006 667 3.18011 exceeds 1.57 indicating a significant difference in group comparisons Individual Well Comparisons 668 total observations - 21 wells = 647 degrees of freedom 1% Invidual Well Comparison Rate Bonferroni t = 2.33383 at 5, 647 degrees of freedom Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10 18.26 -7.64411 11.6232 27.1265 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 21 2.74 10/29/2002 50 31.74 3/25/2003 69 50.74 9/30/2003 42 23.74 3/30/2004 18 -0.26 9/27/2004 46 27.74 4/12/2005 74 55.74 9/27/2005 22 3.74 3/23/2006 33 14.74 9/26/2006 27 8.74 3/27/2007 ND<7.3 J -10.96 9/27/2007 9 -9.26 3/26/2008 7.8 -10.46 9/26/2008 15.4 -2.86 3/26/2009 5 U -13.26 10/1/2009 9.1 -9.16 4/2/2010 5 U -13.26 10/7/2010 6.2 -12.06 3/29/2011 5 U -13.26 10/5/2011 5 U -13.26 4/4/2012 5 U -13.26 10/3/2012 5 U -13.26 4/11/2013 5.5 -12.76 10/9/2013 7.9 -10.36 4/11/2014 7.8 -10.46 10/1/2014 5 U -13.26 4/7/2015 6.7 -11.56 10/6/2015 6.8 -11.46 4/8/2016 5 U -13.26 10/11/2016 16.3 -1.96 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-10D 12.5742 -13.3299 11.4896 26.8146 Page 2 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/2002 190 177.426 10/29/2002 14 1.42581 3/25/2003 25 12.4258 9/30/2003 5 U -7.57419 3/30/2004 5 U -7.57419 9/27/2004 5 U -7.57419 4/12/2005 9.8 -2.77419 9/27/2005 27 14.4258 3/23/2006 6.6 -5.97419 9/27/2006 5 U -7.57419 3/27/2007 ND<3.9 J -8.67419 9/27/2007 5.8 -6.77419 3/26/2008 0.2 U -12.3742 9/26/2008 5 U -7.57419 3/26/2009 5 U -7.57419 10/1/2009 5 U -7.57419 4/2/2010 5 U -7.57419 10/7/2010 5 U -7.57419 3/29/2011 5 U -7.57419 10/5/2011 5 U -7.57419 4/4/2012 5 U -7.57419 10/3/2012 5 U -7.57419 4/11/2013 5 U -7.57419 4/11/2013 2.5 U -10.0742 10/9/2013 5 U -7.57419 4/11/2014 5 U -7.57419 10/1/2014 5 U -7.57419 4/7/2015 5 U -7.57419 10/6/2015 5 U -7.57419 4/8/2016 5 U -7.57419 10/11/2016 5 U -7.57419 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11 11.9032 -14.0009 11.4896 26.8146 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 130 118.097 10/29/2002 5 U -6.90323 3/25/2003 7.7 -4.20323 9/29/2003 7.9 -4.00323 3/30/2004 19 7.09677 9/27/2004 5 U -6.90323 4/12/2005 5 U -6.90323 9/26/2005 6.1 -5.80323 3/23/2006 30 18.0968 9/26/2006 5 U -6.90323 3/27/2007 ND<2 J -9.90323 9/27/2007 58.6 46.6968 3/27/2008 0.2 U -11.7032 9/30/2008 5 U -6.90323 3/26/2009 5 U -6.90323 10/5/2009 5 U -6.90323 4/6/2010 5 U -6.90323 10/8/2010 5 U -6.90323 3/29/2011 5 U -6.90323 Page 3 10/5/2011 5 U -6.90323 4/6/2012 5 U -6.90323 10/5/2012 5 U -6.90323 4/9/2013 2.5 U -9.40323 4/9/2013 5 U -6.90323 10/9/2013 5 U -6.90323 4/17/2014 5 U -6.90323 10/1/2014 5 U -6.90323 4/8/2015 5 U -6.90323 10/2/2015 5 U -6.90323 4/7/2016 5 U -6.90323 10/11/2016 5 U -6.90323 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-11D 4.8129 -21.0912 11.4896 26.8146 Date Conc.Residual 4/29/2002 13 8.1871 10/29/2002 5 U 0.187097 3/25/2003 5 U 0.187097 9/29/2003 5 U 0.187097 3/30/2004 5 U 0.187097 9/27/2004 5 U 0.187097 4/12/2005 5 U 0.187097 9/26/2005 5 U 0.187097 3/23/2006 5 U 0.187097 9/26/2006 5 U 0.187097 3/27/2007 ND<2.1 J -2.7129 9/27/2007 ND<1.4 J -3.4129 3/27/2008 0.2 U -4.6129 9/30/2008 5 U 0.187097 3/26/2009 5 U 0.187097 10/5/2009 5 U 0.187097 4/6/2010 5 U 0.187097 10/8/2010 5 U 0.187097 3/29/2011 5 U 0.187097 10/5/2011 5 U 0.187097 4/6/2012 5 U 0.187097 10/5/2012 5 U 0.187097 4/9/2013 2.5 U -2.3129 4/9/2013 5 U 0.187097 10/9/2013 5 U 0.187097 4/17/2014 5 U 0.187097 10/1/2014 5 U 0.187097 4/8/2015 5 U 0.187097 10/2/2015 5 U 0.187097 4/7/2016 5 U 0.187097 10/11/2016 5 U 0.187097 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13 5.47917 -20.4249 12.611 29.4318 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 5 U -0.479167 3/27/2006 5 U -0.479167 9/28/2006 5 U -0.479167 3/27/2007 25 U 19.5208 Page 4 9/28/2007 ND<0.7 J -4.77917 3/27/2008 0.2 U -5.27917 9/29/2008 5 U -0.479167 3/26/2009 5 U -0.479167 10/2/2009 5 U -0.479167 4/2/2010 5 U -0.479167 10/7/2010 5 U -0.479167 3/25/2011 5 U -0.479167 10/6/2011 5 U -0.479167 4/5/2012 5 U -0.479167 10/4/2012 5 U -0.479167 4/9/2013 5 U -0.479167 4/9/2013 2.5 U -2.97917 10/9/2013 8.1 2.62083 4/17/2014 5 U -0.479167 10/1/2014 5 U -0.479167 4/7/2015 5 U -0.479167 10/6/2015 5 U -0.479167 4/6/2016 5 U -0.479167 10/11/2016 5 U -0.479167 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-13D 16.1738 -9.73036 12.611 29.4318 Date Conc.Residual 9/27/2005 130 113.826 3/27/2006 80 63.8263 9/28/2006 34 17.8262 3/27/2007 30 13.8262 9/28/2007 ND<0.67 J -15.5038 3/27/2008 9.6 -6.57375 9/29/2008 5.2 -10.9738 3/26/2009 17.3 1.12625 10/2/2009 5 U -11.1738 4/2/2010 5 U -11.1738 10/7/2010 5 U -11.1738 3/25/2011 5 U -11.1738 10/6/2011 5 U -11.1738 4/5/2012 5 U -11.1738 10/4/2012 5 U -11.1738 4/9/2013 2.5 U -13.6738 4/9/2013 5 U -11.1738 10/9/2013 5.4 -10.7738 4/17/2014 5 U -11.1738 10/1/2014 5 U -11.1738 4/7/2015 5 U -11.1738 10/6/2015 8.5 -7.67375 4/6/2016 5 U -11.1738 10/11/2016 5 U -11.1738 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2 26.5605 0.656417 10.721 25.0211 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 47 20.4395 11/11/1998 36 9.43947 4/27/1999 5 U -21.5605 Page 5 11/2/1999 16 -10.5605 4/4/2000 14 -12.5605 11/6/2000 7.8 -18.7605 4/30/2001 5 U -21.5605 10/22/2001 77 50.4395 4/29/2002 87 60.4395 10/28/2002 5 U -21.5605 3/24/2003 6.8 -19.7605 9/29/2003 30 3.43947 3/29/2004 23 -3.56053 9/27/2004 74 47.4395 4/11/2005 98 71.4395 9/26/2005 59 32.4395 3/23/2006 92 65.4395 9/28/2006 23 -3.56053 3/27/2007 ND<1.4 J -25.1605 9/28/2007 76.1 49.5395 3/26/2008 0.2 U -26.3605 9/29/2008 11.8 -14.7605 3/26/2009 37.8 11.2395 10/1/2009 96.8 70.2395 4/6/2010 5 U -21.5605 10/8/2010 5 U -21.5605 3/25/2011 5 U -21.5605 10/5/2011 12.5 -14.0605 4/4/2012 5 U -21.5605 10/5/2012 5 U -21.5605 4/10/2013 7.1 -19.4605 10/11/2013 5 U -21.5605 4/17/2014 5 U -21.5605 10/1/2014 5 U -21.5605 4/7/2015 5 U -21.5605 10/6/2015 5 U -21.5605 4/6/2016 5 U -21.5605 10/11/2016 5 U -21.5605 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-2D 5.89487 -20.0092 10.6303 24.8092 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 5 U -0.894872 11/11/1998 14 8.10513 4/27/1999 5 U -0.894872 11/2/1999 6 0.105128 4/4/2000 5 U -0.894872 11/6/2000 5.3 -0.594872 4/30/2001 8.1 2.20513 10/22/2001 5 U -0.894872 4/29/2002 17 11.1051 10/28/2002 10 4.10513 3/24/2003 5 U -0.894872 9/29/2003 13 7.10513 3/29/2004 8.2 2.30513 9/27/2004 9.9 4.00513 4/11/2005 5 U -0.894872 9/26/2005 5 U -0.894872 3/23/2006 5 U -0.894872 Page 6 9/28/2006 5 U -0.894872 3/27/2007 ND<2.6 J -3.29487 9/28/2007 ND<3.1 J -2.79487 3/26/2008 0.2 U -5.69487 9/29/2008 5 U -0.894872 3/26/2009 5 U -0.894872 10/1/2009 5 U -0.894872 4/6/2010 5 U -0.894872 10/8/2010 5 U -0.894872 3/25/2011 5 U -0.894872 10/5/2011 5 U -0.894872 4/4/2012 5 U -0.894872 10/5/2012 5 U -0.894872 4/10/2013 2.5 U -3.39487 4/10/2013 5 U -0.894872 10/11/2013 5 U -0.894872 4/17/2014 5 U -0.894872 10/1/2014 5 U -0.894872 4/7/2015 5 U -0.894872 10/6/2015 5 U -0.894872 4/6/2016 5 U -0.894872 10/11/2016 5 U -0.894872 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-3R 7.51667 -18.3874 22.7617 53.122 Date Conc.Residual 7/29/2014 6.8 -0.716667 10/1/2014 12.1 4.58333 4/7/2015 7.8 0.283333 10/2/2015 5 U -2.51667 4/6/2016 5 U -2.51667 10/11/2016 8.4 0.883333 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4 26.1784 0.274269 10.8159 25.2425 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 342 315.822 11/9/1998 55 28.8216 4/26/1999 22 -4.17838 11/1/1999 11 -15.1784 4/4/2000 56 29.8216 11/6/2000 5 U -21.1784 4/30/2001 5 U -21.1784 10/22/2001 23 -3.17838 4/29/2002 24 -2.17838 10/28/2002 5 U -21.1784 3/24/2003 19 -7.17838 3/29/2004 38 11.8216 9/27/2004 5.1 -21.0784 4/11/2005 110 83.8216 9/26/2005 31 4.82162 3/24/2006 32 5.82162 9/27/2006 11 -15.1784 3/27/2007 ND<4.3 J -21.8784 9/28/2007 ND<4.5 J -21.6784 Page 7 3/26/2008 10.5 -15.6784 9/29/2008 7 -19.1784 3/26/2009 6.8 -19.3784 10/2/2009 6.5 -19.6784 4/6/2010 5 U -21.1784 10/7/2010 5 U -21.1784 3/29/2011 5 U -21.1784 10/5/2011 7.2 -18.9784 4/5/2012 5 U -21.1784 10/4/2012 5 U -21.1784 4/10/2013 67.7 41.5216 10/10/2013 5 U -21.1784 4/11/2014 5 U -21.1784 10/1/2014 5 U -21.1784 4/7/2015 5 U -21.1784 10/6/2015 5 U -21.1784 4/6/2016 5 U -21.1784 10/11/2016 5 U -21.1784 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-4D 17.1868 -8.71727 10.721 25.0211 Date Conc.Residual 4/15/1998 6 -11.1868 11/9/1998 18 0.813158 4/26/1999 5 -12.1868 11/1/1999 5 U -12.1868 4/4/2000 5 U -12.1868 11/6/2000 44 26.8132 4/30/2001 21 3.81316 10/22/2001 100 82.8132 4/29/2002 59 41.8132 10/28/2002 12 -5.18684 3/24/2003 22 4.81316 9/29/2003 8.6 -8.58684 3/29/2004 39 21.8132 9/27/2004 6.2 -10.9868 4/11/2005 6.1 -11.0868 9/26/2005 5.1 -12.0868 3/24/2006 5 U -12.1868 9/27/2006 21 3.81316 3/27/2007 ND<4.3 J -12.8868 9/28/2007 ND<3.7 J -13.4868 3/26/2008 9.7 -7.48684 9/29/2008 46.7 29.5132 3/26/2009 30.5 13.3132 10/2/2009 60.7 43.5132 4/6/2010 8.3 -8.88684 10/7/2010 6.9 -10.2868 3/29/2011 6.9 -10.2868 10/5/2011 7.6 -9.58684 4/5/2012 8.5 -8.68684 10/4/2012 5 U -12.1868 4/10/2013 31 13.8132 10/10/2013 5.3 -11.8868 4/11/2014 5 U -12.1868 10/1/2014 5 U -12.1868 Page 8 4/7/2015 5 U -12.1868 10/6/2015 5 U -12.1868 4/6/2016 5 U -12.1868 10/11/2016 5 U -12.1868 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5 28.9211 3.01694 10.721 25.0211 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 198 169.079 11/11/1998 116 87.0789 4/26/1999 50 21.0789 11/2/1999 50 21.0789 4/3/2000 52 23.0789 11/6/2000 55 26.0789 4/30/2001 51 22.0789 10/22/2001 38 9.07895 4/29/2002 130 101.079 10/28/2002 13 -15.9211 3/24/2003 38 9.07895 9/29/2003 28 -0.921053 3/30/2004 15 -13.9211 9/27/2004 25 -3.92105 4/12/2005 13 -15.9211 9/26/2005 26 -2.92105 3/24/2006 11 -17.9211 9/26/2006 25 -3.92105 3/27/2007 ND<7.8 J -21.1211 9/27/2007 8.3 -20.6211 3/26/2008 13.7 -15.2211 9/30/2008 8.8 -20.1211 3/26/2009 20.7 -8.22105 10/2/2009 24.2 -4.72105 4/2/2010 5 U -23.9211 10/6/2010 5 U -23.9211 3/25/2011 6.4 -22.5211 10/5/2011 5 U -23.9211 4/5/2012 5 U -23.9211 10/3/2012 5 U -23.9211 4/11/2013 5.1 -23.8211 10/9/2013 5 U -23.9211 4/17/2014 5 U -23.9211 10/1/2014 5 U -23.9211 4/8/2015 5 U -23.9211 10/2/2015 14.4 -14.5211 4/6/2016 5 U -23.9211 10/11/2016 5.6 -23.3211 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-5D 5.3359 -20.5682 10.6303 24.8092 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 12 6.6641 11/11/1998 6 0.664103 4/26/1999 5 U -0.335897 11/2/1999 5 U -0.335897 4/3/2000 5 U -0.335897 Page 9 11/6/2000 8.3 2.9641 4/30/2001 5 U -0.335897 10/22/2001 7.3 1.9641 4/29/2002 15 9.6641 10/28/2002 5 U -0.335897 3/24/2003 5 U -0.335897 9/29/2003 5 U -0.335897 3/29/2004 5 U -0.335897 9/27/2004 5 U -0.335897 4/12/2005 5 U -0.335897 9/26/2005 5 U -0.335897 3/24/2006 5 U -0.335897 9/26/2006 5 U -0.335897 3/27/2007 ND<2.4 J -2.9359 9/27/2007 ND<1.9 J -3.4359 3/26/2008 0.2 U -5.1359 9/30/2008 5 U -0.335897 3/26/2009 7.5 2.1641 10/2/2009 5 U -0.335897 4/2/2010 5 U -0.335897 10/6/2010 5 U -0.335897 3/25/2011 5 U -0.335897 10/5/2011 5 U -0.335897 4/5/2012 5 U -0.335897 10/3/2012 5 U -0.335897 4/11/2013 2.5 U -2.8359 4/11/2013 5 U -0.335897 10/9/2013 5 U -0.335897 4/17/2014 5 U -0.335897 10/1/2014 5 U -0.335897 4/8/2015 5 U -0.335897 10/2/2015 5 U -0.335897 4/6/2016 5 U -0.335897 10/11/2016 5 U -0.335897 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-6 62.9795 37.0754 10.6303 24.8092 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 74 11.0205 11/11/1998 86 23.0205 4/26/1999 35 -27.9795 11/2/1999 30 -32.9795 4/3/2000 8 -54.9795 11/6/2000 49 -13.9795 4/30/2001 15 -47.9795 10/22/2001 550 487.021 4/29/2002 350 287.021 10/28/2002 5 U -57.9795 3/25/2003 5 U -57.9795 9/29/2003 380 317.021 3/30/2004 5 U -57.9795 9/27/2004 49 -13.9795 4/12/2005 430 367.021 9/26/2005 29 -33.9795 3/24/2006 18 -44.9795 9/26/2006 120 57.0205 Page 10 3/27/2007 ND<2.2 J -60.7795 9/27/2007 7.7 -55.2795 3/26/2008 48.1 -14.8795 9/30/2008 6.1 -56.8795 3/26/2009 8.2 -54.7795 10/2/2009 5 U -57.9795 4/2/2010 38.3 -24.6795 10/6/2010 5 U -57.9795 3/25/2011 5 U -57.9795 10/5/2011 5 U -57.9795 4/4/2012 5 U -57.9795 10/3/2012 5 U -57.9795 4/9/2013 5 U -57.9795 4/9/2013 2.5 U -60.4795 10/9/2013 5 U -57.9795 4/11/2014 5 U -57.9795 10/1/2014 5 U -57.9795 4/7/2015 5 U -57.9795 10/2/2015 40.1 -22.8795 4/6/2016 5 U -57.9795 10/11/2016 5 U -57.9795 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-7 57.4923 31.5882 10.6303 24.8092 Date Conc.Residual 4/13/1998 134 76.5077 11/11/1998 105 47.5077 4/26/1999 7 -50.4923 11/2/1999 10 -47.4923 4/3/2000 5 U -52.4923 11/6/2000 46 -11.4923 4/30/2001 39 -18.4923 10/22/2001 620 562.508 4/29/2002 310 252.508 10/28/2002 49 -8.49231 3/25/2003 11 -46.4923 9/29/2003 140 82.5077 3/30/2004 5 U -52.4923 9/27/2004 26 -31.4923 4/12/2005 480 422.508 9/26/2005 48 -9.49231 3/24/2006 5.5 -51.9923 9/26/2006 11 -46.4923 3/27/2007 ND<23 J -34.4923 9/27/2007 8.3 -49.1923 3/26/2008 9.6 -47.8923 9/26/2008 9.9 -47.5923 3/26/2009 7.7 -49.7923 10/1/2009 5 U -52.4923 4/2/2010 5 U -52.4923 10/6/2010 5 U -52.4923 3/25/2011 5 U -52.4923 10/5/2011 58.4 0.907692 4/4/2012 5 U -52.4923 10/3/2012 5 U -52.4923 4/9/2013 5 U -52.4923 Page 11 4/9/2013 2.5 U -54.9923 10/9/2013 5 U -52.4923 4/11/2014 5 U -52.4923 10/2/2014 5 U -52.4923 4/9/2015 6.3 -51.1923 10/2/2015 5 U -52.4923 4/6/2016 5 U -52.4923 10/11/2016 5 U -52.4923 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8 15.5775 -10.3266 10.5433 24.6063 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 23 7.4225 11/10/1998 81 65.4225 4/26/1999 12 -3.5775 11/1/1999 8 -7.5775 4/3/2000 5 U -10.5775 11/7/2000 13 -2.5775 4/30/2001 16 0.4225 10/22/2001 160 144.423 1/14/2002 18 2.4225 4/29/2002 72 56.4225 10/28/2002 5 U -10.5775 3/25/2003 7 -8.5775 9/30/2003 7.6 -7.9775 3/30/2004 15 -0.5775 9/27/2004 14 -1.5775 4/12/2005 26 10.4225 9/27/2005 5 U -10.5775 3/23/2006 5 U -10.5775 9/26/2006 5 U -10.5775 3/27/2007 ND<5.4 J -10.1775 9/28/2007 ND<3.1 J -12.4775 3/27/2008 11.5 -4.0775 9/29/2008 6.5 -9.0775 3/25/2009 5.7 -9.8775 10/5/2009 10.3 -5.2775 4/6/2010 7.2 -8.3775 10/8/2010 5.9 -9.6775 3/29/2011 5.4 -10.1775 10/6/2011 6.9 -8.6775 4/6/2012 5 U -10.5775 10/5/2012 8.7 -6.8775 4/9/2013 5 U -10.5775 4/9/2013 2.5 U -13.0775 10/11/2013 6.4 -9.1775 4/16/2014 5 U -10.5775 10/2/2014 5 U -10.5775 4/8/2015 5 U -10.5775 10/9/2015 5 U -10.5775 4/7/2016 5 U -10.5775 10/11/2016 5 U -10.5775 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-8D 5.07436 -20.8298 10.6303 24.8092 Page 12 Date Conc.Residual 4/17/1998 5 U -0.074359 11/10/1998 5 U -0.074359 4/26/1999 5 U -0.074359 11/1/1999 5 U -0.074359 4/3/2000 5 U -0.074359 11/7/2000 5 U -0.074359 4/30/2001 5 U -0.074359 10/22/2001 8.5 3.42564 4/29/2002 18 12.9256 10/28/2002 5 U -0.074359 3/25/2003 5 U -0.074359 9/30/2003 5 U -0.074359 3/30/2004 5 U -0.074359 9/27/2004 5 U -0.074359 4/12/2005 5 U -0.074359 9/27/2005 5 U -0.074359 3/23/2006 5 U -0.074359 9/26/2006 5 U -0.074359 3/27/2007 ND<1.8 J -3.27436 9/28/2007 ND<1.9 J -3.17436 3/27/2008 0.2 U -4.87436 9/29/2008 5 U -0.074359 3/25/2009 5 U -0.074359 10/5/2009 5 U -0.074359 4/6/2010 5 U -0.074359 10/8/2010 5 U -0.074359 3/29/2011 5 U -0.074359 10/6/2011 5 U -0.074359 4/6/2012 5 U -0.074359 10/5/2012 5 U -0.074359 4/9/2013 2.5 U -2.57436 4/9/2013 5 U -0.074359 10/11/2013 5 U -0.074359 4/16/2014 5 U -0.074359 10/2/2014 5 U -0.074359 4/8/2015 5 U -0.074359 10/9/2015 5 U -0.074359 4/7/2016 5 U -0.074359 10/11/2016 5 U -0.074359 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9 14.2563 -11.6479 14.7946 34.528 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 130 115.744 11/9/1998 26 11.7438 4/27/1999 5 U -9.25625 11/1/1999 5 U -9.25625 4/3/2000 5 U -9.25625 11/7/2000 5 U -9.25625 4/30/2001 5 U -9.25625 10/22/2001 5 U -9.25625 4/29/2002 5 U -9.25625 10/28/2002 5 U -9.25625 3/25/2003 5 U -9.25625 9/30/2003 5 U -9.25625 Page 13 4/26/2004 5 U -9.25625 9/27/2004 5 U -9.25625 4/11/2005 7.1 -7.15625 9/27/2005 5 U -9.25625 Well Mean Dif from Bkg Std. Error Critical Value MW-9D 5.6625 -20.2416 14.7946 34.528 Date Conc.Residual 4/30/1998 5 U -0.6625 11/9/1998 8 2.3375 4/27/1999 5 U -0.6625 11/1/1999 5 U -0.6625 4/3/2000 5 U -0.6625 11/7/2000 5 U -0.6625 4/30/2001 5 U -0.6625 10/22/2001 5.4 -0.2625 4/29/2002 5 U -0.6625 10/28/2002 5 U -0.6625 3/25/2003 5 U -0.6625 9/30/2003 11 5.3375 3/29/2004 6.2 0.5375 9/27/2004 5 U -0.6625 4/11/2005 5 U -0.6625 9/27/2005 5 U -0.6625