HomeMy WebLinkAbout5503_LincolnCountyMSWLFLined_ASD_DIN27390_20170105Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
Prepared for:
Lincoln County
5291 Crouse Road
Crouse, North Carolina 27777
Prepared by:
S&ME, Inc.
8646 W Market Street, Suite 105
Greensboro, NC 27409
January 5, 2017
S&ME, Inc. | 8646 W Market St, Ste 105 | Greensboro, NC 27409 | p 336.288.7180 | f 336.288.8980 | www.smeinc.com
January 5, 2017
Lincoln County
5291 Crouse Road
Crouse, North Carolina 27777
Attention:Mr. Mark Bivins, Solid Waste Manager
Reference:Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
Dear Mr. Bivins:
S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) has prepared this Alternate Source Demonstration for the lined portions of the Lincoln
County Landfill, in accordance with S&ME Proposal No. 43-1600676 dated August 29, 2016. This
assessment was conducted in response to the August 8, 2016, letter from the North Carolina Department
of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section (NCDEQ-SWS) to Lincoln
County requiring that facility owner or operator perform one of two actions in response to reported 15A
NCAC 2L Standard Exceedances for Appendix I inorganics. Lincoln County elected to pursue the option to
“demonstrate that a source other than the MSWLF unit caused the exceedance, or the exceedance
resulted from an error in sampling, analysis, statistical evaluation, or natural variation in groundwater
quality.” This report documents the findings for our assessment of the natural occurrence of certain
Appendix I inorganics in groundwater in the vicinity of the lined portion of the landfill. A copy of this
report should be provided to the NCDEQ-SWS and one placed in the operating record.
S&ME, Inc.
Lyndal Butler Edmund Q.B. Henriques
Environmental Scientist Project Manager / Senior Geologist
NC Geologist License No. 1216
Jasmine Tayouga, E.I.
Staff Professional
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 ii
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................1
2.0 Geology & Hydrogeology....................................................................................2
2.1 Site Geology.......................................................................................................................2
2.2 Soil Description.................................................................................................................2
2.3 Groundwater Hydrogeology..........................................................................................2
2.4 Published Data for Metals In Groundwater and Stream Sediments.........................3
3.0 Data Collection ......................................................................................................4
3.1 Soil Sampling.....................................................................................................................5
3.2 Groundwater Sampling...................................................................................................6
4.0 Results......................................................................................................................6
4.1 Soil Sample Analytical Results .......................................................................................6
4.2 Probable Natural Groundwater Concentration Computations.................................6
4.3 Groundwater Analytical Results....................................................................................7
4.4 Time vs Concentration Graphs.......................................................................................8
5.0 Conclusions ............................................................................................................9
6.0 Limitations............................................................................................................13
7.0 References.............................................................................................................13
List of Figures
Figure 1 – Site Plan
List of Tables
Table 1 – 2-Year Summary of Groundwater Analyses Results
Table 2 – Summary of Soil Sample Analyses Results
Table 3 – Summary of Groundwater Analyses Results
Appendix I – Analytical Reports
Appendix II – Time vs Concentration Graphs
Appendix III – USGS NURE Data Drawings
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 1
1.0 Introduction
The Lincoln County Landfill is located at 5291 Crouse Road in Crouse, North Carolina. The Facility includes
a closed municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill (Existing Area E), a Construction & Demolition (C&D) landfill
(Phase 1 and Phase 2), and lined MSW landfill Phases
1 I, II, and III depicted on Figure 1. Lincoln County
operates the lined Subtitle D landfill (Phase 1, 2, 3, and 4) under Solid Waste Permit #55-03. The facility’s
monitoring network includes one background well (MW-1A), twenty-nine compliance wells, six surface
water sample locations. It is our understanding that monitoring wells MW-8, MW-9, MW-10R, MW-12,
MW-15, MW-18, MW-19, MW-21, MW-24, MW-25, MW-25A, MW-32R, MW-33, MW-34, and MW-35
comprise the groundwater monitoring system for active lined MSW landfill phases. For detection
monitoring, groundwater samples are collected from each monitoring well on a semi-annual basis and
submitted for laboratory analysis using the Appendix I list of volatile organic and inorganic constituents.
The letter from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management,
Solid Waste Section (NCDEQ-SWS) to the Lincoln County dated August 18, 2016, required that Lincoln
County as owner and operator perform one of two actions in response to reported 15A NCAC 2L
groundwater standard exceedances (2L Standards) for certain Appendix I inorganics at compliance
monitoring wells associated with the lined MSW landfill. Lincoln County elected to pursue the option to
“demonstrate that a source other than the MSWLF unit caused the exceedance, or the exceedance
resulted from an error in sampling, analysis, statistical evaluation, or natural variation in groundwater
It is well-known that many inorganics occur naturally in groundwater. Consequently, the 2L Standards
contain a provision to exempt naturally occurring inorganic concentrations. Therefore, a direct
comparison of detected inorganic constituent concentrations to the 2L Standards is not conclusive
evidence of an exceedance.
Since naturally occurring inorganic constituents in soils at the Facility can influence inorganic constituent
concentrations detected in groundwater samples, this assessment was developed to examine the naturally
occurring concentrations of certain Appendix I inorganics (hereafter referred to as metals) in soils within
and surrounding the lined MSW landfill. The collected data would then be examine to assess if metals
detected groundwater at the facility were indicative of naturally occurring conditions, rather than a result
of a release from the Facility. Considering that a method used to develop an Alternate Source
Demonstration (ASD) for certain metals occurring in other Piedmont North Carolina landfills was
previously successful, a similar approach was used for this ASD.
Prior to conducting this ASD, groundwater analytical results for the last two years were reviewed for
appendix I inorganic constituents and concentrations which exceed the 2L Standards or the NCDEQ
Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) if no 2L Standards currently exists for these
constituents. This review revealed that one or more monitoring wells reported concentrations of
antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead, and vanadium that exceeded the corresponding 2L Standards
or IMACs. No other Appendix I inorganics were reported with concentrations greater than their respective
1 Phase IV is under construction south of Phase III.
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 2
2L Standards or IMACs, during this time frame. Accordingly, antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead,
and vanadium were recognized as Constituents Of Potential Concern (COPC) for this ASD. No other
Appendix I inorganics were evaluated as part of this ASD.Table 1 summarizes the lined landfill
groundwater analytical results for antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead, and vanadium over the past
two years.
This ASD assessment focused on two primary objectives:
1.Assess naturally occurring concentrations of the COPCs in the residual soils within and up-
gradient of the landfill. Utilize the observed natural soil concentrations to predict plausible
naturally occurring groundwater concentrations.
2.Assess dissolved metals vs total metals in current groundwater samples obtained from the
monitoring wells associated with the lined landfill. Utilize this data to determine if suspended or
colloidal solids in groundwater samples might influence the reported total metals concentrations,
which are used to judge compliance with applicable groundwater standards.
The following section provide a summary of local soils, geology, and hydrogeology information. Relevant
background information is followed by a discussion of the ASD assessment methods employed, analytical
results, findings, and conclusions.
2.0 Geology & Hydrogeology
2.1 Site Geology
The Crouse area of North Carolina lies in the Piedmont Physiographic province of the Appalachian
Highlands. The Piedmont is comprised of five northeast southwest trending rock belts of various
metamorphic grades. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina, 1985, the subject facility lies
within the Charlotte Belt. Bedrock was mapped as mica schist, with possible inclusions of quartzite, calc-
silicate rock, biotite gneiss, amphibolite, and phyllite. These rocks were believed to be Cambrian in age.
The depth to bedrock rocks varies with topography, but is generally less than 30 feet. When partially
weathered, these subsurface materials are generally referred to as saprolite. Saprolite is a residual soil
which retains some of the original structural features of the parent rock. The demarcation between the
soil and rock materials is transitional, as the difference is one of consistency and degree of weathering
between very stiff soil and relatively soft rock.
2.2 Soil Description
According to the Soil Survey of Lincoln County, the soil at surrounding the landfill were dominantly
classified as Pacolote sandy clay loam (PaB), Pacolet sandy loam (PaD), and Appling sandy loam (ApB).
2.3 Groundwater Hydrogeology
In the Piedmont region, groundwater occurs in two hydraulically interconnected zones. The upper zone,
or regolith, consists of an unconsolidated or semi-consolidated mixture of clay fragmental material
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 3
ranging in size from silt to sand boulders. The porosity of the regolith is generally on the order of 20 to
30 percent (Heath, 1984). Because of its high porosity, the regolith functions as a reservoir which slowly
feeds water downward into the bedrock. Water is introduced to the regolith by precipitation and stream
flow. Once in the regolith, groundwater moves between intergranular pore spaces.
This “water table” zone is controlled by climactic factors. Groundwater levels vary seasonally, declining
during the summer when atmospheric conditions favor evaporation and plants transpire large amounts of
water, and rising during the winter when plants are dormant.
Groundwater also occurs below the regolith, in the bedrock zone where it moves through sheet-like
openings formed along fractures. Fractures in bedrock are of two types: joints, which are fractures along
which there has been no differential movement, and faults, which are fractures along which the adjacent
rocks have undergone measurable differential movement. Groundwater in the bedrock zone is generally
more stable and less readily influenced by climactic conditions. The regolith and bedrock zones are
connected hydraulically.
Precipitation generally occurs in the form of rainfall, which is variable throughout the year. Depending on
factors such as ground saturation, ground cover, and slope, a portion of the precipitation forms runoff.
This natural runoff flows to areas of lower elevation where some of the runoff water infiltrates in the
unconsolidated material (i.e. soil) and some flows into local surface waters. The precipitation that does
not form runoff infiltrates through the unsaturated zone where it can merge with underlying aquifers,
providing aquifer recharge.
Most aquifer recharge in the study area takes place in inter-stream areas. In the case of this facility, the
lined landfill footprint area limits local aquifer recharge. In general, recharge from precipitation enters the
surficial aquifer through the porous regolith. It is believed that much of the recharge water moves
laterally through the regolith aquifer and discharges to nearby streams. Near surface groundwater flow
generally mimics surface topography, with groundwater moving from topographic highs to topographic
lows, with flow lines perpendicular to lines of equal elevation. Indian Creek to the south is the expected
dominant discharge area for this Facility.
The saprolite regolith and bedrock underlain the Facility could contain antimony, arsenic, chromium,
cobalt, lead, and vanadium as natural trace minerals. Dissolution of minerals in the bedrock and residual
soils releases naturally occurring constituents to the underlying groundwater. Dissolved concentrations of
trace constituents can vary widely based on their occurrence and distribution in the regolith and bedrock.
In addition, many site specific factors including but not limited to exact bedrock minerology, the solubility
of constituents, and a range of site specific geochemical conditions impact mobility and transport of
metals. This preliminary assessment did not attempt to define the vast array of complex site specific
variables which could control the natural occurrence of COPC in site groundwater.
2.4 Published Data for Metals In Groundwater and Stream Sediments
For this ASD, data published by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) from the National Uranium
Research Evaluation (NURE) program which included an evaluation of certain metals in North Carolina
groundwater and stream sediments; was reviewed to provide general knowledge of known or probable
background metals concentrations in the vicinity of the landfill. The NURE study did not explore the
potential for anthropogenic sources of these metals, which if present, would represent outlier data points
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 4
relative to natural background levels. The following observations can be made from the NURE data set
for the general vicinity of the Lincoln County landfill, in Crouse North Carolina:
1.Groundwater vanadium concentrations could range from between less than 0.3 parts per billion
(ppb) to 10 ppb.
2.Stream sediment chromium concentrations could range from approximately 10 to 15 parts per
million (ppm).
3.Stream sediment cobalt concentrations could range from approximately 5 to 15 ppm.
4.Stream sediment lead concentrations could range from less than 5 to approximately 5 ppm.
Acknowledging potential inherent limitations of the NURE data set, one can conclude that it is probable
to find natural groundwater vanadium concentrations in the vicinity of the landfill, which would be greater
than the IMAC for vanadium set at 0.3 µg/L.
The stream sediment data may provide indications of probable natural metal concentrations in the
bedrock and soil in the region, although the data set does not identify potential anthropogenic source
influences. Acknowledging this potential limitation, the stream sediment concentrations for chromium
and lead were generally less than the concentrations observed in near surface soil samples obtained from
the landfill and discussed in Section 4.1. The stream concentrations for cobalt are generally similar to the
concentrations observed in near surface soil samples obtained from the landfill.
3.0 Data Collection
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA’s) developed guidance for predicting what soil
concentrations will not cause contamination to groundwater at levels that exceed applicable groundwater
cleanup levels. According to the EPA’s Soil Screening Guidance
2 “As contaminants in soil leach and move
through soil and groundwater, they are subjected to physical, chemical, and biological processes that tend
to reduce the eventual contaminant concentration at the receptor point” (i.e., groundwater monitoring
well). This reduction or attenuation in the concentration of parameters as they percolate through the soils
to a ground water aquifer is governed by a variety of processes, the sum of which, are referred to as a
Dilution/Attenuation Factor. The Dilution/Attenuation Factor (DAF) is defined as “the ratio of contaminant
concentration in soil leachate to the concentration in ground water at the receptor point. EPA chose a
default DAF of 20 to account for contaminant (parameter) dilution and attenuation during transport
through the saturated zone to a compliance point (i.e., a receptor well).
15A NCAC 02L .0411 “Establishing Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations” relied substantially upon
the EPA’s Soil Screening Guidance for the development of the published equation used to establish the
NCDEQ’s “Soil to Groundwater, Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations” (Soil-to Groundwater MSCCs)
for organic and inorganic constituents. This equation is used by the NCDEQ to predict a maximum
concentration of a given constituent in the soil that would not yield a resultant groundwater
2 EPA’s Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document, Second Edition, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/540/R95/128, May 1996
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 5
concentration equal to or greater than the associated 15A NCAC 02L groundwater quality standard. As a
predictive tool, this equation was generally intended to be conservative (overly protective) of the
protection of groundwater quality.
For this ASD the equation was reworked to calculate predicted groundwater concentrations relying upon
site specific measured soil concentrations. The reworked equation is as follows:
GWC (mg/L) = soil concentration (mg/kg) ÷ [(20 x Kd) + 41 + (1.733 x 41 x HLC)}
GWC = predicted natural concentration of inorganic constituent in groundwater
Soil Concentration = to be measured with site-specific soil sample analytical data
Kd = soil/water partitioning coefficient for the inorganic constituent
HCL = Henry’s Law Constant for the inorganic constituent
Relying on this equation as a conservative tool for predicting plausible naturally occurring concentrations
of the COPC, this ASD included the collection of in-situ soils within the immediate vicinity of the affected
down-gradient compliance monitoring wells, as well as soil samples collected in the up-gradient and
presumed undisturbed portion around Phase 3. The collected soil samples were analyzed for the full
Appendix I metals list. The above equation was then used to calculate predicted natural concentrations of
the COPC at the landfill.
To examine potential influences of suspended solids or colloids in groundwater samples, this ASD
included the collection of split groundwater samples from monitoring well locations. For each sample
pair, one sample was laboratory filtered and the other unfiltered prior to the analysis for Appendix I
metals. Analytical results for each sample pair were evaluated for probable inorganic constituent
contributions due to suspended solids in the groundwater sample (e.g. total constituent concentrations)
verse true dissolved concentrations for the monitored shallow groundwater.
3.1 Soil Sampling
Soil samples were collected at the Facility between October 17
th and 19
th, 2016. Fourteen individual grab
samples were obtained. At each of the selected ten groundwater monitoring wells (e.g. sample IDs =
MW-1, MW-8/9, MW-10, MW-12, MW-21, MW-24, MW-25, MW-32, MW-33, and MW-35), one sample
was collected within no more than fifty feet of the well. Four additional soil samples (e.g. sample IDs =
BG-1, BG-2, BG-3, BG-4) were collected at random locations judged to be relatively undeveloped or
undisturbed. Historic aerial photographs and other field observations were used to make these
judgement calls. These grab soil samples were collected using a properly decontaminated hand-auger,
from depths generally ranging from approximately 1-2 feet below the land surface. These sample depths
were selected to reduce the chance of obtaining soil samples which could have been influenced by
anthropogenic activities. Each soil sample was transferred by hand using disposable nitrile gloves from
the hand auger bucket to laboratory-provided containers. Following collection, the soil sample containers
were placed in an ice-filled cooler, stored, and transported by courier to ENCO Laboratories under proper
chain-of-custody procedures. The collected samples were analyzed for Appendix I metals.
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 6
Figure 1 depicts the Lincoln County Landfill and the facility monitoring well locations. The fourteen soil
sample locations, adjacent to existing monitoring wells provide reasonable spatial coverage for this
landfill unit, sufficient to quantify some of the expected natural variations in constituents and
concentrations present in the native soils.
3.2 Groundwater Sampling
During the routine semi-annual detection monitoring event completed in October 2016, the lined MSW
landfill monitoring wells were sampled using the hand bailing and pumping methods generally consistent
with those used during prior semi-annual compliance monitoring events. For this event a turbidity meter
was used to quantitatively measure the turbidity of groundwater samples obtained, whereas prior monitoring
events relied upon a visual and subjective qualitative approach. Split groundwater samples were collected at
monitoring wells: MW-1A, MW-8, MW-9, MW-10R, MW-12, MW-21, MW-24, MW-25, MW-25A, MW-32R,
MW-33A, MW-34, MW-35 and MW-35A (see Figure 1). Each groundwater sample was transferred from
the bailer or well pump tubing directly into laboratory-provided containers. Following collection, the
sample containers were placed in an ice-filled cooler, stored, and the shipped by courier to ENCO
Laboratories under proper chain-of-custody procedures. The collected samples were analyzed for
Appendix I metals. For each sampled location, one split sample was filtered in the laboratory with a 45
micron filter prior to laboratory analysis, to represent total “dissolved” metals in the sample. The other split
sample was analyzed for total metals without field or laboratory filtering, representing total metals present in
the groundwater sample obtained (dissolved plus suspended solids or colloidal solids).
4.0 Results
4.1 Soil Sample Analytical Results
Table 2 summarizes the analytical results for the soil samples collected. Arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead,
and vanadium were detected in each soil sample. Antimony was detected in six of the fourteen soil
samples collected.Table 2 also includes some basic statistics for each COPC such as maximum detected
concentration, minimum detected concentration, mean concentration, and standard deviation. The
standard deviation statistic was particularly valuable since it illustrates the magnitudes of reported
concentrations of the COPC; which were expected to vary based on anticipated spatial variations in the
underlying parent bedrock mineralogy.
The complete Laboratory Analytical Report of the soil sampling results in included in Appendix I. The soil
sample results were used in the computation discussed in section 4.2.
4.2 Probable Natural Groundwater Concentration Computations
Table 2 includes predicted groundwater concentrations for each COPC using the site-specific soil sample
concentrations. The ASD predicted natural groundwater concentrations were calculated utilizing the
method outlined in Section 3.0 and site specific values for minimum, maximum, and mean soil
concentration for each COPC.Table 2 includes a reference to the corresponding 2L Standard and/or
IMAC concentrations for each COPC. Based upon the predicted natural groundwater concentrations
calculated utilizing the soil concentration for each COPC, the following observations can be made:
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 7
•The maximum soil antimony concentration was predicted to yield a groundwater concentration
generally equal to the highest groundwater concentration observed in the last two years. The
mean soil antimony concentration predicts a groundwater concentration that is equal to the 2L
•The mean soil arsenic concentration was predicted to yield a groundwater concentration that is
generally greater than the highest groundwater concentration observed in the last two years.
•The mean soil chromium concentration was predicted to yield a groundwater concentration that
is generally greater than actual groundwater concentrations which were verified by a report of a
similar concentration during one or more subsequent monitoring events over the last two years.
•The range based on the minimum and mean soil cobalt concentrations yield predicted
groundwater concentrations that are generally consistent with actual concentrations detected
over the last two years. Two of the actual groundwater concentrations which exceed the
predicted range (e.g. suspect outlier data points) were concentrations that are less than the
concentration predicted using the maximum observed soil cobalt concentration.
•The maximum soil lead concentrations predicted groundwater concentrations that are less than
estimated or quantified groundwater concentrations reported over the last two years.
•The calculated mean soil vanadium concentration predicts a groundwater concentration that is
generally equal to the vast majority of the detected groundwater concentrations observed in the
last two years. Observed groundwater concentrations greater than the concentration predicted
using the mean soil concentration do occur; however, these occurrences were typically not
substantiated with a detection of a similar concentration at the same well during the subsequent
monitoring event.
These finding suggests that the COPCs could occur naturally in groundwater at concentrations greater
than the corresponding published 2L Standards or IMACs if applicable.
Table 2 presents the HLC and Kd values used in the performance of the underlying calculations. It is
important to note that generic Kd values for inorganic constituents can vary. To manage this uncertainty
mean values for Kd were utilized in the computations, when available. Furthermore, this equation is
sensitive to variations in Kd values; therefore, the resultant predicted natural groundwater COPC
concentrations should be consider as plausible values rather than as absolute or ceiling values. Other
lines of evidence were considered to assess if these predicted concentrations were realistic.
4.3 Groundwater Analytical Results
The analytical results for the filtered vs unfiltered groundwater sample pairs obtained were compared to
aid in assessing the potential for suspended solids or colloids in the groundwater samples, introducing
bias to the conclusions reached regarding groundwater quality. A focus was placed on if a prior 2L
Standard or IMAC exceedance might be due to suspended solids or colloids in a groundwater sample,
which are not representative of dissolved metals in groundwater quality.Table 3 provides a summary of
the groundwater analytical results for total metals (unfiltered) and dissolved metals (filtered). The table
also provides the field measured turbidity values for comparison.Appendix I contains the groundwater
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 8
analytical report for the filtered groundwater samples, whereas the unfiltered sample analytical report was
included with the semi-annual water quality monitoring report, for which the data was obtained.
As indicated in Table 3:
♦Antimony was detected at five of the twelve monitoring well locations. The differences between
reported total metal and dissolved metal concentrations were generally considered insignificant.
♦Arsenic was not detected in the groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells.
♦Chromium was detected at six monitoring of the twelve monitoring well locations. The
differences between reported total metal and dissolved metal concentrations were generally
considered insignificant, with the exception of the data for monitoring MW-10R where the total
concentration was seven time greater than the dissolved concentration. Monitoring well MW-10R
exhibited a field turbidity value of 117.5 NTU, the highest for the twelve wells.
♦Cobalt was detected at two of the twelve monitoring well locations. The differences between
reported total metal and dissolved metal concentrations were generally considered insignificant.
♦Lead was detected at one of the twelve monitoring well locations. The differences between
reported total metal and dissolved metal concentration was generally considered insignificant.
♦Vanadium was detected at three of the twelve monitoring well locations. The differences between
reported total metal and dissolved metal concentrations were generally considered insignificant,
with the exception of the data for monitoring MW-10R where the total concentration was
approximately ten time greater than the dissolved concentration. Monitoring well MW-10R
exhibited a field turbidity value of 117.5 NTU, the highest for the twelve wells.
Based a comparison of analytical results for the total metals verses dissolved metals for the sample pairs
collected, and giving consideration to measured field turbidity values, the data collected suggests that the
samples obtained at monitoring well MW-10R contained suspended or colloidal solids at levels sufficient
to influence the reported total metal concentrations for chromium and vanadium. From this finding we
can conclude that suspended or colloidal solids could contribute to the prior reported exceedances of the
2L Standards or IMAC at this well, assuming that the prior samples exhibited turbidity values similar or
greater than that observed during October 2016. This form of possible sampling and/or analytical errors,
could impact decisions made regarding site groundwater quality based on the analytical results.
The vast majority of the field turbidity values measured (see Table 3) for the samples collected during
October 2016 were greater than a 10 NTU goal often utilized with low-flow sampling procedures. Since
prior groundwater sampling practices relied upon qualitative visual assessments of turbidity rather than
quantitative field measurements, potential impact of turbidity upon apparent historic exceedances of a 2L
Standard or an IMAC can only be judged qualitatively.
4.4 Time vs Concentration Graphs
Time vs concentration graphs for historic concentrations of antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead, and
vanadium in groundwater were reviewed for indications of the natural occurrence of metals in
groundwater vs indications of a release from the monitored unit. These graphs are contained in
Appendix II.
The historic groundwater monitoring data set for the lined MSW landfill contains a few wells which
predate the unit’s receiving of waste; therefore, the data set could provide evidence of the natural
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 9
background concentrations. Unfortunately, historic analytical method reporting limits were higher than
they are today, which hindered an evaluation of naturally occurring metals concentrations prior to waste
disposal. This is particularly true for constituents detected at relatively low concentrations. Time vs
concentration graphs depict both detected concentrations and the changes in the method reporting
limits over time.
These time vs concentration graphs do not provide definitive evidence for increasing concentrations of
antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead, and vanadium over time at the lined MSW landfill monitoring
wells. Despite the aforementioned limitation associated with the data set, the absence of trends of rising
concentrations over time provides an additional line of evidence for the natural occurrence of antimony,
arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead, and vanadium in groundwater associated with Facility.
It is noteworthy that:
♦Historically, antimony, chromium, cobalt, and lead have been detected periodically in
groundwater at background monitoring well MW-1A. The concentrations detected at monitoring
well MW-1A have were generally similar to those detected at other Facility compliance
monitoring wells. The groundwater analytical data set does contain periodic detections of higher
than average concentrations of these inorganic constituents. For these outlier data points we
infer that the elevated concentrations were not indicative of a release from the Facility, based
upon the absence of a subsequent confirming elevated concentrations at the same sample point.
Rather, sample turbidity is a more probable contributor to the reporting of periodic elevated
♦Historically, vanadium has been detected periodically in groundwater at background monitoring
well MW-1A. The concentrations detected at monitoring well MW-1A have were generally similar
to those detected at other Facility compliance monitoring wells. Furthermore, according to the
USGS NURE program database, portions of Lincoln County, North Carolina was found to have
elevated vanadium concentrations in wells sampled 1976-1979. Based on USGS NURE database
North Carolina diagram, contained in Appendix III, many of the sampled Lincoln County wells
were reported to contain vanadium concentrations greater than 1 part per billion (or 1 µg/L), with
some wells reported to contain greater than 10 parts per billion vanadium. These assumed
natural concentrations are generally consistent with the vanadium groundwater concentrations
observed at this Facility.
5.0 Conclusions
For this ASD, natural groundwater concentrations for each COPC were predicted using the site-specific
soil concentrations and an NCDEQ equation. The ADS also compared total metals concentrations verses
dissolved metals in the groundwater sample pairs obtained during the October 2016 monitoring event, to
assess if sample turbidity might influence the groundwater analytical results. Although less conclusive,
trends in groundwater concentrations over time were also examined. Available USGS NURE data were
also considered as an indicator of probable background metals concentrations in groundwater. This ASD
assessment finds the following:
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
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January 5, 2017 10
♦The historic data set for groundwater compliance monitoring wells contains a high percentage of
non-detect values. When antimony was detected the concentrations were frequently estimated
♦The concentrations detected at compliance monitoring wells during the last two years were
similar to those detected at background well MW-1A.
♦The maximum soil antimony concentration was predicted to yield a groundwater concentration
generally equal to the highest antimony concentration observed in the last two years.
♦Time vs concentration graphs reveal no clear trend of increasing concentrations over time; thus
providing no indications of a release from the monitored unit
Conclusion: Based on this ASD, the detected antimony concentrations observed over the last two years
were assessed to be probably naturally occurring groundwater concentrations.
♦The historic data set for groundwater compliance monitoring wells contains a high percentage of
non-detect values. Arsenic was detected at compliance wells twice during the last two years and
since 1993 it was detected three times at background monitoring well MW-1A. During the last
two years the detected concentration exceeding the 2L Standard was not verified with similar
concentrations during subsequent monitoring events.
♦The mean soil arsenic concentration was predicted to yield a groundwater concentration that is
generally greater than the highest arsenic concentration observed in the last two years.
♦Arsenic was not detected in the groundwater samples collected during October 2016; therefore,
the potential impacts of sample turbidity on sample analytical results could not be assessed.
Conclusion: Based on this ASD, the detected and substantiated arsenic concentrations observed over the
last two years were assessed to be probable naturally occurring groundwater concentrations, or
potentially a sampling related error.
♦The historic data set for groundwater compliance monitoring wells contains a high percentage of
non-detect values. When chromium was detected the vast majority of the concentrations were
estimated concentrations.
♦Chromium was detected in the background monitoring well at concentrations similar to that
detected at the compliance monitoring wells.
♦The mean soil chromium concentration was predicted to yield a groundwater concentration that
is generally greater than detected groundwater concentrations observed in the last two years.
The two anomalous concentrations greater than 10 µg/L occurred during the October 2015 event,
during which one of the anomalous concentrations was detected at background well MW-1.
Since these outlier data points were not verified with similar concentrations during subsequent
monitoring events, these data points were rejected and assumed to be sampling related errors.
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 11
♦The comparison of total vs dissolved chromium groundwater concentrations revealed no
significant differences with the exception of the data for monitoring MW-10R where the total
concentration was seven time greater than the dissolved concentration. Monitoring well MW-10R
exhibited a field turbidity value of 117.5 NTU, the highest for the sample set. For this example,
sample turbidity was found to influence the total chromium concentration.
♦Time vs concentration graphs for chromium indicate no clear trend of rising concentrations over
time; thus providing no indications of a release from the monitored unit.
Conclusion: Based on this ASD, the detected and verified chromium concentrations observed over the last
two years were assessed to be probable naturally occurring groundwater concentrations.
♦The historic data set for groundwater compliance monitoring wells contains a high percentage of
estimated concentrations.
♦Cobalt has been detected in background well MW-1A at concentrations similar to that detected
at the compliance monitoring wells.
♦The range represented by the minimum and mean soil cobalt concentrations yield predicted
groundwater concentrations that are generally consistent with actual concentrations detected
over the last two years. Two of the actual groundwater concentrations which exceed this
predicted range were concentrations that are less than the concentration predicted using the
maximum observed soil cobalt concentration. These apparent outlier data points were not
confirmed with similar concentrations during subsequent monitoring events, therefore these data
points were rejected and judge to be sampling related errors.
♦The comparison of total vs dissolved cobalt groundwater concentrations revealed no significant
differences between the data sets. It should be noted that cobalt was only detected in two of the
twelve sample pairs examined for this ASD.
♦Time vs concentration graphs for cobalt indicate no clear trend of rising concentrations over time;
thus providing no indications of a release from the monitored unit.
Conclusion: Based on this ASD, the detected and verified cobalt concentrations observed over the last two
years were assessed to be probable naturally occurring groundwater concentrations.
♦The historic data set for groundwater compliance monitoring wells contains a high percentage of
non-detect concentrations, with most detected concentrations representing estimated values.
♦Lead has been detected in background well MW-1A at concentrations similar to that detected
and verified at the compliance monitoring wells.
♦The mean and maximum soil lead concentrations predicted groundwater concentrations that are
less than estimated or quantified groundwater concentrations reported over the last two years.
The detection of lead at 18 µg/L at monitoring MW-10R during October 2015, represents the only
apparent exceedance of the 2L Standard set at 10 µg/L. This apparent outlier data point was not
verified with similar concentration during subsequent monitoring events, therefore this data point
was rejected and judge to be sampling related error. Well MW-10R is recognized to have
groundwater sample turbidity that is higher than other wells.
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 12
♦The comparison of total vs dissolved lead groundwater concentrations revealed no significant
differences between the data sets. It should be noted that lead was only detected in one of the
twelve sample pairs examined for this ASD.
♦Time vs concentration graphs indicate no clear trend of rising concentrations over time; thus
providing no indications of a release from the monitored unit.
Conclusion: Based on this ASD, the detected and verified lead concentrations observed over the last two
years were assessed to be probable naturally occurring groundwater concentrations.
♦The historic data set for groundwater compliance monitoring wells contains a high percentage of
estimated concentrations.
♦Vanadium has been detected in background well MW-1A at concentrations similar to that
detected at the compliance monitoring wells.
♦The calculated mean soil vanadium concentration predicts a groundwater concentration that is
generally equal to the vast majority of the detected groundwater concentration observed in the
last two years. Observed groundwater concentrations greater than the concentration predicted
using the mean soil concentration do occur; however, these occurrences were typically not
substantiated with a detection of a similar concentration at the same well during the subsequent
monitoring event. These apparent outlier data points were not confirmed with similar
concentrations during subsequent monitoring events, therefore these data points were rejected
and judge to be sampling related errors.
♦The comparison of total vs dissolved cobalt groundwater concentrations revealed no significant
differences between the data sets with the exception of the data for monitoring MW-10R where
the total concentration was approximately 10 times greater than the dissolved concentration.
Monitoring well MW-10R exhibited a field turbidity value of 117.5 NTU, the highest for the sample
set. For this example, sample turbidity was found to influence the total vanadium concentration.
It should be noted that vanadium was only detected in three of the twelve sample pairs examined
for this ASD.
♦Time vs concentration graphs for vanadium indicate no clear trend of rising concentrations over
time; thus providing no indications of a release from the monitored unit.
♦The USGS NURE database indicated that many Lincoln County, North Carolina wells located in the
vicinity of the landfill contained vanadium concentrations could range from between less than 0.3
parts per billion (ppb) to 10 ppb. The IMC for vanadium is set at 0.3. The NURE data establishes
that it is probable to have naturally occurring vanadium concentrations above the IMAC in the
vicinity of the landfill.
Conclusion: Based on this ASD, the detected and verified vanadium concentrations observed over the last
two years were assessed to be probable naturally occurring groundwater concentrations.
These findings suggest that the COPCs could naturally occur at concentrations greater than the
corresponding published 2L Standards or IMACs, if applicable. As a result, the prior verified detections of
antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead and vanadium at concentrations greater than their
corresponding 2L Standards or IMACs were not likely due to a release from the landfill, rather they can be
reasonably attributed to the natural occurrence of these metals in the native, residual soil.
Alternate Source Demonstration
Lincoln County Landfill
Crouse, North Carolina
S&ME Project No. 1356-07-004
January 5, 2017 13
The historic site groundwater database provides evidence of fluctuating; occasionally substantially
fluctuating, total metals concentrations over time. This finding together with the ASD finding of sample
turbidity influencing chromium and vanadium concentrations at well MW-10R points to the potential for
sample turbidity introducing possible error to total metals analytical results at other wells in the past and
into the future. This error could impact the conclusions reached regarding site groundwater quality.
Based on the above observations and S&ME’s experience with other sites, Lincoln County should consider
implementing additional groundwater sampling procedures at the site focused upon reducing sample
turbidity. This could include implementing low-flow sampling methods during future compliance
monitoring events. The goal of the procedure changes would be to reduce suspended or colloidal solids
in future groundwater samples, to the extent practical; thereby, reducing the potential for certain
sampling and/or analytical errors.
6.0 Limitations
This ASD was conduct to initiate an assessment of the potential natural occurrence of antimony, arsenic,
chromium, cobalt, lead and vanadium in shallow groundwater around the lined MSW landfill units. For a
larger scale site like this, underlain by a complex metamorphic bedrock unit, the distribution of metals in
residual soil can vary spatial due to their natural heterogeneous distributions. This condition can make
the use a single background monitoring well, impractical as a definitive tool to define naturally occurring
metals concentrations in groundwater. Similarly, a heterogeneous distribution of metals in residual soils
and bedrock make it impractical to establish absolute background concentrations of certain metals,
present or likely present. Therefore, this assessment has established probable natural concentrations for
certain metals in groundwater. Review of this ASD by the NCDEQ-SWS is required to confirm if the
regulatory requirements for this matter have been met.
7.0 References
Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document, Second Edition, May 1996, United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), EPA/540/R95/128, OSWER-9355.4-17A.
Geologic Map of North Carolina, 1985. North Carolina Geologic Survey, North Carolina Department of
Natural Resources and Community Development
USGS National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program Database, http://mrdata.usgs.gov/nure/water/.
Accessed April 15, 2015.
Analyte Sample MW-1A MW-8 MW-9 MW-10R MW-12 MW-15 MW-18 MW-19 MW-21 MW-24 MW-25 MW-25A MW-32R MW-33 MW-33A MW-34 MW-35 MW-35A Standard IMAC
Collected (µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(µg/L)(ug/L)
13 Antimony
10/18/2016 -
10/19/2016 1.42 J dry well <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.849 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.708 J <0.220 <0.220 4.05 J **<0.220 0.545 J ns 1
4/12/2016 -
4/13/2016 <0.220 0.338 J 0.779 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 2.79 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 1.86 J <0.220 <0.220 3.89 J <0.220 <0.220 1.22 J ns 1
10/6/2015 -
10/7/2015 2.27 J <0.220 3.03 J 0.232 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 2.08 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.981 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.924 J 2.12 J ns 1
4/14/2015 -
4/15/2015 0.647 J 0.440 J 0.563 J 0.641 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.418 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.910 J <0.220 <0.220 1.98 J <0.220 0.433 J 0.971 J ns 1
14 Arsenic
10/18/2016 -
10/19/2016 <6.80 dry well <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 **<6.80 <6.80 10 ns
4/12/2016 -
4/13/2016 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 10 ns
10/6/2015 -
10/7/2015 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 10 ns
4/14/2015 -
4/15/2015 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 9.14 J 10.5 10 ns
51 Chromium
10/18/2016 -
10/19/2016 1.52 J dry well 2.69 J 7.58 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 1.98 J 4.70 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 **<1.40 3.20 J 10 ns
4/12/2016 -
4/13/2016 <1.40 3.66 J 2.43 J 1.52 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 0.399 J 4.21 J 1.83 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 2.83 J 10 ns
10/6/2015 -
10/7/2015 16.0 <1.40 1.95 J 30.4 <1.40 <1.40 2.55 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 4.91 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 3.11 J 10 ns
4/14/2015 -
4/15/2015 5.91 J 3.90 J 2.95 J 1.78 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 7.02 J 5.31 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 3.89 J 10 ns
53 Cobalt
10/18/2016 -
10/19/2016 <1.10 dry well <1.10 2.35 J 17.5 <1.10 1.68 J <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 3.56 J <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 **<1.10 <1.10 ns 1
4/12/2016 -
4/13/2016 <1.10 2.38 J <1.10 <1.10 28.9 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 4.11 J 1.39 J <1.10 5.15 J <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 4.43 J <1.10 <1.10 ns 1
10/6/2015 -
10/7/2015 3.83 J <1.10 <1.10 15.5 2.28 J <1.10 5.06 J 1.33 J 1.15 J <1.10 <1.10 8.91 J 1.16 J <1.10 1.21 J 6.99 J 1.53 J <1.10 ns 1
4/14/2015 -
4/15/2015 1.15 J 2.32 J <1.10 <1.10 14.2 <1.10 1.20 J <1.10 <1.10 1.32 J <1.10 5.03 J <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 6.03 J 1.67 J <1.10 ns 1
131 Lead
10/18/2016 -
10/19/2016 <3.10 dry well <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 **<3.10 <3.10 15 ns
4/12/2016 -
4/13/2016 <3.10 3.89 J <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 3.85 J <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 15 ns
10/6/2015 -
10/7/2015 5.27 J <3.10 <3.10 18.0 <3.10 <3.10 7.07 J <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 4.84 J <3.10 <3.10 4.27 J <3.10 <3.10 15 ns
4/14/2015 -
4/15/2015 3.10 J <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 3.41 J <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 15 ns
209 Vanadium
10/18/2016 -
10/19/2016 <1.40 dry well <1.40 13.9 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 1.63 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 **<1.40 2.15 J ns 0.3
4/12/2016 -
4/13/2016 <1.40 9.40 J 1.70 J 3.10 J <1.40 <1.40 1.44 J 1.59 J 2.24 J <1.40 <1.40 4.07 J 5.58 J <1.40 1.47 J <1.40 <1.40 2.91 J ns 0.3
10/6/2015 -
10/7/2015 10.4 J <1.40 2.20 J 70.7 1.59 J <1.40 7.37 J 2.07 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 5.99 J 3.07 J <1.40 1.52 J 2.88 J 5.41 J 4.04 J ns 0.3
4/14/2015 -
4/15/2015 2.77 J 8.69 J 1.56 J 2.42 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 1.55 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 3.52 J 2.88 J <1.40 1.60 J 2.06 <1.40 1.52 J ns 0.3
µg/L = Concentrations reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L)
< = Concentrations is less than the method detection limit shown
J = Reported concentration is considered estimated
Yellow highligted cells denote detected concentrations, estimate and quantified
NCAC 2L Standards = 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2L .0200, GW Quality Standards for Class GA groundwater. Concentrations in BOLD exceed the corresponding 2L Standard
NCDEQ IMAC = NCDEQ Interim Maximum Allowed Concentration. Concentrations in bold print exceed the corresponding IMAC value.
ns = no standard
** = Well removed by others due to the construction of new landfill cell Phase IV
ID #
PHASE 3 - PERMIT # 55-03
S&ME PROJECT NO. 1356-07-004
Groundwater Sample Locations
PHASE 3 - PERMIT # 55-03
S&ME PROJECT NO. 1356-07-004
Soil Sample ID Antimony
Qualifier Arsenic
Qualifier Chromium
Qualifier Cobalt
Qualifier Lead
Qualifier Vanadium
MW-1 0.293 BRL 17.6 53.5 1.90 J 32.7 113
MW-8/9 0.276 BRL 6.99 J 3.03 J 6.28 J 15.3 16.1 J
MW-10 0.272 BRL 8.78 J 23.4 7.69 J 11.9 65.1
MW-12 3.29 J 5.32 J 36.8 8.82 J 25.1 43.5
MW-21 1.54 J 3.52 J 18.5 6.92 J 16.7 41.3
MW-24 3.17 J 4.61 J 24.6 16.6 14.6 84.9
MW-25 0.263 BRL 2.32 J 10.4 3.69 J 11.7 25.4
MW-32 0.229 BRL 3.73 J 17.8 2.42 J 13.3 29.9
MW-33 0.246 BRL 4.10 J 10.8 1.74 J 11.8 26.2
MW-35 0.257 BRL 5.5 J 11.2 2.54 J 13.3 42
BG-1 0.294 BRL 27.4 82.6 15.4 16.9 75.8
BG-2 4.23 J 13.6 104 5.64 J 19.3 119
BG-3 0.994 J 4.82 J 27.0 2.85 J 9.97 J 28.2
BG-4 1.27 J 2.77 J 6.81 J 3.08 J 14.9 21.8 J
Maximum 4.23 27.4 104 16.6 32.7 119
Minimum 0.229 2.32 3.03 1.74 9.97 16.1
Mean 1.01 8.80 33.59 6.49 16.88 54.21
Std. Deviation 2.35 13.88 58.57 9.37 11.94 66.58
Alternate Source Demonstration (ASD) Calculations
Kd 45 26 180 45 900 1000
HLC 1 0 0 0 0 0
Predicted Natural Groundwater
Concentration in mg/L (based on
minimum soil concentration)0.0002 0.0044 0.0008 0.0019 0.0006 0.0008
Predicted Natural Groundwater
Concentration in mg/L (based on
maximum soil concentration)0.0043 0.0523 0.0289 0.0184 0.0018 0.0059
Predicted Natural Groundwater
Concentration in mg/L (based on
mean soil concentration)0.0010 0.0168 0.0093 0.0072 0.0009 0.0027
2L Standard or IMAC in mg/L 0.001 0.010 0.010 0.001 0.015 0.0003
mg/L = Milligram per liter mg/kg = micrograms per kilogram
J = concentration is estimated JD = concentration is estimated and based on sample dilution
BRL = Analyte reported as below method detection limit (MDL). Concentrations shown is 1/2 of the MDL. This value used for general statistics computations
ASD Calculation Formula:
Predicted groundwater conc. (mg/L) = [soil concentration (mg/kg)]÷ [(20 x Kd) + 4 + (1.7333 x 41 x HLC (amt. m3/mole))]
Note: 1.733 = conversion factor from organic matter to organic carbon (fom= 1.733 foc)
Kd = Soil/water partitioning coefficient (from published literature)
HCL = Henry's Law Constant (from published literature)
\\charnc\Active\Projects\2007\Energy\1356-07-004 Lincoln Co. Landfill Groundwater\ASD for Metals_Lined Landfill\ASD Tables_FINAL.xlsx
MW-1A MW-9 MW-10R MW-12 MW-21 MW-24 MW-25 MW-25A MW-32R MW-33A MW-35 MW-35A Standard IMAC
13 Antimony (total)1.42 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 4.05 J <0.220 0.545 J 0.220 ns 1
(dissolved)1.59 J <0.220 0.437 J <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 0.271 J <0.220 3.25J <0.220 0.230 J 0.220 ns ns
% change -12%0%-98%0%0%0%0%-23%0%-25%0%-58%
14 Arsenic (total)<6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 6.80 10 ns
(dissolved)<6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 <6.80 6.80 ns ns
% change 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
51 Chromium (total)1.52 J 2.69 J 7.58 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 1.98 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 3.20 J 1.40 10 ns
(dissolved)<1.00 2.57 J <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 4.30 J <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 2.89 J 1.00 ns ns
% change 34%-5%86%0%0%0%49%-201%0%0%0%-71%
53 Cobalt (total)<1.10 <1.10 2.35 J 17.5 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 1.10 ns 1
(dissolved)<1.10 <1.10 <1.10 17.4 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 <1.10 1.10 ns ns
% change 0%0%53%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
131 Lead (total)<3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 3.10 15 ns
(dissolved)<3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 3.10 J <3.10 <3.10 <3.10 3.10 ns ns
% change 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
209 Vanadium (total)<1.40 <1.40 13.9 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 2.15 J 1.40 ns 0.3
(dissolved)<1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 1.59 J <1.40 <1.40 <1.40 2.58 J 1.40 ns ns
% change 0%0%90%0%0%0%0%-13%0%0%0%-16%
9.81 1.32 117.5 28.45 23.97 2.20 37.12 6.86 14.35 1.71 12.04 12.04
µg/L = Concentrations reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L)
< = Concentrations is less than the method detection limit (MDL) shown
Shaded cells indicate parameter detected above the MDL
SWSL = North Carolina Solid Waste Section Limit
J = Concentration reported greater than the MDL but less than the SWSL, thus it is considered estimated
NCAC 2L Standards = 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2L .0200, GW Quality Standards for Class GA groundwater. Concentrations in BOLD exceed the corresponding 2L Standard
NCDEQ IMAC = Interim Maximum Allowed Concentration, NCDEQ
Analyte (total) = Analyte result for total metal concentration with no field or laboratory filtering of the groundwater sample
Analyte (dissolved) = Analyte results for groundwater samples 0.45 micron filtered by the laboratory prior to analysis for total metals
% change = Percent change between total concentration and dissolved concentrations reported for each sample pair
PHASE 3 - PERMIT # 55-03
Field Turbidity (NTUs)
S&ME PROJECT NO. 1356-07-004
ID #
Monitoring Well Locations
Appendix I Metals (Methods 6010B & 6010D)
Well ID
Sample ID
Date Collected
\\charnc\Active\Projects\2007\Energy\1356-07-004 Lincoln Co. Landfill Groundwater\ASD for Metals_Lined Landfill\ASD Tables_FINAL.xlsx
MW-21 MW-15 MW-18MW-19
MW-14 MW-20
MW-36 MW-30
MW-31 MW-26
86 4
8 5 2
8 4 8
8 4 4
8 3 6
87 6
8 9 6
9 0 8
912 916
9 2 4
9 2 8
9 1 6
7 8 4
8 1 2
9 1 2
9 1 2
8 9 2
7 8 8
9 2 8
8 8 8
8 5 6
9 0 4
8 7 2
8 5 2
9 0 8
9 2 4
8 8 4
8 1 2
9 3 2
0 500 1,000Feet
C R O U S E , N O R T H C A R O L I N A
1 3 5 6 -0 7 -0 0 4
1 " = 5 0 0 '
J A N 2 0 1 7
S C A L E :
P R O J E C T N O :
D A T E :
D R A W N B Y :
C H E C K E D B Y :
N C E N G . L I C E N S E #F -0 1 7 6
3 2 0 1 S P R I N G F O R E S T R D , R A L E I G H , N C 2 7 6 1 6
W W W .S M E I N C .C O M
D R A W I N G N U M B E R :
B -2 6 8 3
Appendix I – Analytical Reports
Appendix II – Time vs Concentration Graphs
Appendix III – USGS NURE Data Drawings
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