HomeMy WebLinkAbout09013_Mitchells Formal Other Grant Application to CLT 20050627Carol Jones Van Buren 704.331.7532 Fax: 704.353.3232 cvanburen~kennedycovington. com ,-7(MVø4 /:_'A'AA ~.vlAA.._. d ~V'Vf'~~_ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMO RA)\TT" 1-- - VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL AND U TO:Mr. Tom W FROM:Carol Jones Van DATE:June i 6, 2005 RE:Brownfields Grant, i i 5- i 45 Scaleybark Road, Charlotte, North Carolina (the "Si ")'.# Please find enclosed herewith the following: i) A letter to Ian Bruce from Carolyn Minnich, Brownfields Project Manager, of DENR requiring certain assessment work at the Site to continue through the North Carolina Brownfields Program (the "Brownfields Scope of Work "); A proposal from Greg Icenhour of Shield Environmental to complete the Brownfields Scope of Work for an estimated cost of $ i 2,893. The proposal from Shield Environmental also contemplates registering the monitoring wells on the Site as required by recent Mecklenburg County Ordinances; and 3) A Brownfields Program Application/Brownfields Assessment Grant Application for the Site requesting a grant for 50% of the Brownfields Scope of Work. Please call with any questions. CJV/cww Enclosures cc: Mr. Greg Icenhour (via e-mail, wI encls.) Wiliam W. Toole, Esq. (via e-mail, wI encls.) Mr. Ian Bruce (via e-mail and U.S. mail, with encls.) KENNEDY COVlf\!CTON OBDE,L & I-IICKMAN, LL.P, UJ1VU1,kCllllcdycovInglon,coll CHARLOTTE RALEIGH RESEj\RCH THfANGtE PARE( nOCl( HltL telep11o1tc 704.331.7400 2336360.01 LIB: CHAOTTE HEARST TOWER 47th FLOOR 214 NORTH TRYON STREET HARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 8202 ~i~~ . NCDENR. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dext!;r R. Matthews, Director Division of Waste Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Willam G. Ross Jr., Secretary May 17,2005 Sent Via E-mail and USPS Ian Bruce Merrifield Parers, LLC 125 Scaleybark Road Charlotte, NC 28209 i bruce~merrfieldparers. com Subject:Request for Additional Assessment Former Mitchells Formal Wear Site 115-145 Scaleybark Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownelds Project Number 09013-05-60 Dear Mr. Bruce: The North Carolina Deparment of Environment and Natual Resources (DENR) reviewed the curently available site information for the referenced site and data gaps have been identified. Additional assessment activities are required to assist in making risk management decisions for inclusion in the brownfields agreement. During the evaluation process, the following sources were utilized: historical site information from the DENR fies and the Letter of Intent with supporting reports. A significant amount of investigation and remedial work has been completed at the site to date. However, the following assessment activities are necessaa to complete the brownfields review process: . Receptor Survey: Conduct an updated receptor survey for the surounding area. Attached is the receptor survey form for easy submittal. . Groundwater Sampling: Collect groundwater samples from the all the site monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW -17, DW -1, OW -1, OW -2.) Record depth of static groundwater in each well prior to purging activities, and field parameters (e.g., temperatue, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and conductivity) prior to sampling activities for sumaa report. Contain purge water for analysis prior to disposal following approval by DENR. In lieu of sampling the containers, the consultant may rely on sample analysis for disposal options. The ultimate disposal information must be included in the report. 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone 919-733-4996 \ FAX 919-715-3605 \ Internet hUp://wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer - Printed on Dual Pj,rpose Recycled Paper Mr. Ian Bruce May 17,2005 Page 2 of2 . Laboratory Analysis: Submit groundwater samples to a NC-certified laboratory and analyze for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 5035/8260 and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EP A Method 8270. Provide complete original laboratory reports and associated laboratory QNQC documentation in the final report to DENR. . Figures & Tables: Provide groundwater elevation map and concentration map(s) for contamnants detected above applicable standards for groundwater. Include groundwater iso-concentration lines above state standards. Provide sumar analytical table for contamnate detected by the laboratory versus the state standard and include historical data, if available. . Summary Report: Provide a written letter report with discussion of the extent of contamnation, maximum concentrations, and sumar of sampling activities. Once these activities are complete, we will determine if any additional information is needed to complete our evaluation of site risks and preparation of the draft Brownfields Agreement. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me at (704) 661-0330 or via e-mail at carol"n.minnich(ÜJ,ncmail. net. Sincerely,~~ Carolyn Minnich Brownelds Project Manager Division of Waste Management cc: Project File ec: Bruce Nicholson, DENR Sandra Moore, DENR Carol Jones Van Buren, KC , I .SllIEhJ) Via E-Mail: cvanburen(fkennedycovington.com June 14,2005 Mr. Ian Bruce Crosland Commercial i 25 Scaleybark Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 clo Carol Jones Van Buren, Esq. Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman, LLP Hearst Tower, 4ih Floor 214 North Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Subject:Proposal for Additional Assessment (Revised) Former Mitchell's Formal Wear 115-145 Scaleybark Road, Charlotte, NC Shield Proposal No. P-2005-191R Dear Mr. Bruce: Shield submits for your review our proposed scope of work to conduct additional assessment at the above site. Our scope is based on our conversations with Carol Jones Van Buren of Kennedy Covington and the Request for Additonal Assessment letter ffom Carolyn Minnich of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) dated May 17, 2005. These activities are necessary to complete the brownfields review process. Our proposal includes our scope of work, opinion of probable costs, schedule, assumptions made in preparing this proposal, and a method for allowing us to proceed. Scope of Work Based on the above information, Shield proposes the following tasks be included in our scope of work. Task i - Receptor Survey Using the previously completed receptor survey completed by ERM, Shield wil verify the receptor information using the form provided by the NCDENR. j/ 4301 Taggart Creek Road Charlolle, NC 28208 ~ Telephone 704.394.6913 Fax 704.394.6968 www.shieldengineering.com Proposal for Additional Assessment (Revised) Former Mitchell's Formal Wear Site Crosland Commercial Shield Proposal No. P-2005-19IR June 14,2005 Page 2 of4 Task 2 - Groundwater Sampling Shield will collect representative groundwater samples from the following wells: MW-I through MW-17, DW-I, OW-I and OW-2. Shield wil collect field parameters from each of these 20 wells, purge and containerize the appropriate amount of water and collect one sample from each well. Wells range in size from I-inch to 6-inch diameter wells. Investigative Derived Waste (IDW) from purging each well wil be containerized in 55-gallon drums. Our sampling protocol wil segregate the purge water based on previous sampling results to minimize wastes that may be determined to be hazardous. We anticipate 5 drums of purge water wil be generated during this sampling event. After collecting field parameters and purging each well of at least 3 volumes of water, Shield will collect one groundwater sample from each welL. These samples wil be properly documented and placed on ice for delivery to a North Carolina-certified laboratory for analysis for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EP A Method 5035/8260 and for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EP A Method 8270 (Base NeutralslAcid Extractables only). We have also included one trip blank for each method in our proposed scope of work. Task 3 - Reporting Upon receipt of laboratory data, Shield will prepare a summary report including tabulation of analytical data, isoconcentration maps for contaminants of concern (COCs) above the 15A NCAC 2L Standards, along with a groundwater elevation map and a historical data summary table. Task 4 - Mecklenburg County Well Registration Shield will prepare the Mecklenburg County Monitor Well Registration for all on site monitoring wells as required by the Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Service Agency. Opinion of Probable Cost Based on the above scope of work, Shield proposes to complete our activities on a time- and-materials basis in accordance with our Client Services Agreement and attached Fee Schedule. You wil be invoiced only for the actual amounts of time and materials used in completion of the above scope, which may be more or less than our cost opinion. Circumstances that may materially affect our scope and/or cost opinion will be brought to your attention. --SHIELD~ ENGINEERING, INC. Proposal for Additional Assessment (Revised) Former Mitchell's Formal Wear Site Crosland Commercial Shield Proposal No. P-2005-l91R June 14, 2005 Page 3 of 4 Task 1 - Receptor Survey verification, form completion...................... $ 825 Task 2 - Groundwater Sampling, including 21 samples by EPA Methods 8260/8270, purge water disposal, equipment, supplies, labor...... $ 8,958 Task 3 - Report, Tables, Figures Preparation......... ...... ...... ...... ......... $ 2,500 Opinion SubtotaL. .. .. .. .. ...... $ 1 2,283 Task 4 - Mecklenburg County Well Registration (includes first year's well fees ($450) )......$ 610 COST OPINION TOTAL............................. .$12,893 Schedule Shield can schedule the above tasks immediately upon your written authorization to proceed. Field activities can be completed within 3 days; laboratory analyses are typically available with 14 days of the laboratory's receipt and our report can be completed within 3 business days after receipt of laboratory data. Assumptions and Limitations In preparing our proposal, Shield has made assumptions, the validity of which may impact project scope and costs. Specifically, we have assumed the following: . The monitoring wells are accessible and Shield personnel will have access during normal business hours to complete our activities. . Shield personnel will be permitted access to the site and the wells, including those located inside the facility. . Shield is not the generator of any waste. Shield will arrange for proper disposal of wastes generated, but the ownership of these wastes are not Shields. . Cost for disposal for IDW wil be determined post-sampling. Disposal options and costs will be based on the classification of waste and the chosen disposal option, which is not included in our proposed scope of work or cost opinion. Authorization To facilitate ongoing activities, Shield recommends establishment of a Master Client Services Agreement (MSA) between Shield and Crosland. This MSA wil allow any future scopes of work to be completed without re-review/approval of our standard contract for each new project. Our proposed MSA is attached. To allow us to proceed with the above scope of work, please sign in the approval box below. 6SHIELD ~ ENGINEERING. INC. Proposal for Additional Assessment (Revised) Former Mitchell's Formal Wear Site Crosland Commercial Shield Proposal No. P-2005-191R June 14, 2005 Page 4 of 4 Shield appreciates the opportunity to continue our relationship with Crosland. Should you have questions concerning our approach, please contact the undersigned directly at (704) 971-4156. With best regards, SHIELD ENGINEERING, INC. Â Qg-" Greg D. Icenhour, P.G., MBA Vice President Attachments: Master Client Services Agreement 2005 Fee Schedule Scope Approval: Date H:\Marketing\Proposals\2005\P-2005-l91 Crosland Brownffelds\Proposal for Additional Assessment-Brownffeld-REVISED.doc âSHIELD~ ENGINEERING, INC. .((Economic Development A Division of the City Manager's OfficeCHWT- BROWNFIELD PROGRAM APPLICATION ~ ASSESSMENT o BCRLF (Select One) RETUR APPLICATION TO: .City ofeharlotte Tom WarshauerEconomic Development Division twarshaueriQci.charlotte.nc.us600 East Trade Street 704-336-4522Charlotte, NC 28202 704-336-2527 (fax) PLEASE NOTE, TilS APPLICATION WILL BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE AN RETURED IF ALL ITEMS AR NOT ANSWERED AN ALL REQUIRD ATTACHMNTS INCLUDED. SECTION 1: APPLICANT INFORMTION (ALL ITEMS MUST BE ANSWERED) Every applicant that is not a natural person must provide to the City the name, date of birth, address and telephone number of every person or other entity that holds 10% or more of the beneficial ownership of the applicant as member, partner, shareholder, or otherwise. Upon the City's request, the applicant must provide documentation to support the infonnation that the applicant provides pursuant to this paragraph. Applicant's Name:Crosland Centre Associates L.L.L.P. (CCA) Contact Person's Name (if applicant is not an individual):Carol Jones Van Buren, Esq. Title (if applicant is not an individual):Attorney for CCA Phone:(704)331-7532 Fax:(704) 353-3232 Email:cvan burenêkennedycovington .com See Attachment (A) regarding Beneficial Ownership APPLICANT PERSONAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION (ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED) The City conducts a criminal background check on all program applicants and/or all principals of the Company. For this reason, it is important that the questions in this section be answered completely and truthfully. An arrest or conviction record wil not necessarily disqualify you. An untruthful answer, however, wil cause your application to be denied. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Provide the full name, birth date (DaB), address, years at address for each applicant, and % of ownership in company for each company principal if applicant is a company. Name DOB Address Yrs There %Ownership Crosland Center Management 1/29/96.227 West Trade Street, Suite 800 I %Company, Inc.Charlotte, NC 28202 CEA VII 2/1/85 Same 14.85 %Crosland, Inc.3/30/37 Same 84.15 CCA 101Ztl/l ~Same ADD.icant Each applicant andlor company principal must provide a list of all of hislher prior addresses for the past five years, including street address, city and state.(This must be provided for each applicant and/or principal in the company and attached to this application fonn).See Attachment A. Have you ever been charged with or arrested for any criminal offense other than a minor vehicle r8 Noviolation?(This question must be answered for each applicant / principal in the business.All DYes arrests and charges must be explained, including the outcome of each, on an attached sheet.) Are the personal local, state and federal taxes of each applicant I principal paid up-to-date?r8 Yes DNo Please list aU propert owned in Mecklenburg County.Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary. See Attachment B Page 1 ofJ Revised March 2003 SECTION 2: SITE INFORMATION (ALL ITEMS MUST BE ANSWERED) Current Propert Owner Name:Crosland Center Associates, L.L.L.P. Property Address:115-145 Scaleybark Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 Tax Parcel Number:149-054-68A; 149-054-68B Propert Square Footage:71,833 on approximately 9.71 acres Zoning of Propert:B-2 What is Y,our legal interest in the propert? (Chose One)Propert Owner CURNT SITE OWNERSHIP Address:227 West Trade Street, Suite 800, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Phone:(704) 561-5270 (Ian Bruce)Fax:(704) 523-6140 Email:i bruceØ)merri ff eld partners .com OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Name:Carol Jones Van Buren, Esq. Address:Hearst Tower, 47'h Floor, 214 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Phone:(704) 331-7532 Fax:(704) 353-3232 Email:cvanburenØ)kennedycovington.com PROPOSED SITE BUYER Proposed Buyer's Name:The Prospective Developer is CCA, a limited liabilty limited partnership Address:227 West Trade Street, Suite 800, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Phone:(704) 561-5270 (Ian Bruce)Fax:(704) 523-6140 Email:i bruceØ)merri ff e i d partners .com BUYER'S REPRESENTATIVE Name:Same as above Address: Phone:Fax: Email: SECTION 3: FINAL PROJECT INFORMATION Provide a brief description of the proposed end-use ofthe propert. Include plans andlor conceptual information regarding the future use of the propert, zoning changes, etc. Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary. Attach any plans and specs, if available, together with any other related documentation regarding the site's proposed future use. See Attachment (C) Provide an estimate of the number of permanent jobs that will be housed in the completed project: This depends on new tenant obtained for vacant Mitchell's space. Page 2 of3 Revised March 2003 SECTION 4: ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION - Attach any and all environmental reports. Explain, below, what evidence of suspected - or actual - contamination exists on the site.Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary. See Attachment (D) Have any environmental studies on the site been started - or completed - on this project?i; Yes DNo If yes, indicate the amount expended to-date on environmental assessment activities:Approx. $150,000 - $200,000 Have any cleanup activities already occurred - or been started - on the site?i; Yes DNo If yes, provide the amount expended on clean-up activities to-date:Approximately $250,000 If yes, provide a description of the cleanup activities and the status of each below: See Attachment (D) Provide an estimate of the number of construction and cleanup jobs that wil be created by this project: Construction Jobs: Approximately 5 - 10 Cleanup Jobs:Approximately 5 - 10 What is the total estimated construction cost of the project?Thi s wi 11 depend on new tenant obtai ned for Mi tche 11 's space. SECTION 5: ATTACHMENTS i; Copies of all reports addressing environmental conditions at the site. Check here if not applicable: D See Attachment (F D Plans and specs or other conceptual designs of proposed end-use of propert. Check here if not applicable: i; i; Personal Background Exhibits, if applicable (see Section 1). Check here if not applicable: D D Other: SECTION 6: APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE The Applicant assures that the above infonnation is true and correct and agrees to comply with all City of Charlotte guidelines applicable to this program. The applicant also agrees that in the event of their breach of any condition or provision, or whenever deemed to be in the interest of the City of Charlotte, the Economic Development Division has the right to tenninate this agreement. If Applicant is not an individual, by signing below the Applicant acknowledges he/she is duly authorized to act on behalf of the Company, andlor for each principal of the Company and that the Company is properly organized and licensed to conduct business in the state of North Carolina. The Applicant, andlor each Company principal having 10% or more ownership in the Company, authorizes the City of Charlotte to request criminal record infonnation about him/her for the purpose of detennining eligibility for this program. The Applicant understands that the City will conduct a review of local propert taxes for the purpose of detennining eligibility for this program. The Applicant will pay all co . cu d by the City pursuant to these records searches. Date Signed Page 3 of3 Revised March 2003 ATTACHMENT (A) Beneficial Ownership Crosland Centre Associates, L.L.L.P. (CCA) Date of Formation: Address: Telephone: 10/28/04 227 West Trade Street, Suite 800 Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 529-1166 Crosland, Inc. (84.15% interest in CCA) Date of Formation: Address: Telephone: 3/30/37 227 West Trade Street, Suite 800 Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 529-1166 CEA, VI (14.85% interest in CCA) Date of Formation: Address: Telephone: 2/1/85 227 West Trade Street, Suite 800 Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 529-1166 The current address ofCCA, Crosland, Inc. and CEA, VII is provided above. All three (3) entities have been located at this address since March 2004. Prior to March 2004, all three entities were located at the following address: 125 Scaleybark Road, Charlotte, NC 28209 2330999.01 LID: CHAROTTE ATTACHMENT (B) Mecklenbure County PrODert CCA owns the following tax parcels in Mecklenburg County: 1) 149-054-68A; 2) 149-054-68B; and 3) 149-054-71. Tax Parcell 49-054-68B and a portion of Tax Parcel 149-054-68A comprise the property that is the subject of the grant. Tax Parcel 149-054-71 is an adjacent parcel ofland where the library is located. A list has been attached of all properties owned by Crosland, Inc., a partner in CCA. CEA VII and Crosland Center Management Company, Inc. , the remaining partners in CCA, do not own any property in Mecklenburg County. (It was unclear whether the application required a list of properties owned by principals ofCCA.) 2 2330999.01 LIB: CHAOTTE Polaris Search: Tax Parcels Deeded to Crosland, Inc. Tax Parcel 1 10704123 2 12305309 3 12305310 4 12502405 5 12502406 6 14905101 7 14905111 8 14905112 9 14905113 10 14905114 11 14905115 12 14905201 13 14905202 14 14905203 15 14905204 16 14905205 17 14905206 18 14905207 19 14905208 20 14905209 21 14905210 22 14905304 23 14905413 24 14905414 25 14905415 26 14905416 27 14905417 28 14905418 29 14905419 30 14905420 31 14905421 32 14905422 33 14905423 34 14905424 35 14905425 36 14905426 37 14905427 38 14905432 39 14905433 40 14905436 41 14905437 42 14905438 43 14905439 44 14905440 45 14905441 Address The Plaza 824 E. Morehead Street 800 E. Morehead Street 223 S. Brevard Street 229 S. Brevard Street 3545 Sloan Street 300 Holls Road 3515 Sloan Street 3527 Sloan Street 3533 Sloan Street 3539 Sloan Street 201 Hollis Road 207 Hollis Road 213 Holls Road 219 Holls Road 225 Hollis Road 231 Holls Road 237 Holls Road 301 Hollis Road 307 Holls Road 313 Holls Road 127 Hollis Road 3601 Sloan Street 3607 Sloan Street 3613 Sloan Street 3619 Sloan Street 3625 Sloan Street 3614 Sloan Street 3608 Sloan Street 3600 Sloan Street 209 Stamey Circle 210 Stamey Circle 208 Stamey Circle 3554 Sloan Street 3548 Sloan Street 3540 Sloan Street 211 Ormand Court 212 Ormand Court 3528 Sloan Street 230 Hollis Road 224 Holls Road 220 Holls Road 212 Holls Road 206 Holls Road 134 Hollis Road Tax Parcel 46 14905442 47 14905443 48 14905444 49 14908602 50 15302105 51 15302106 52 15302107 53 17110505 54 17110543 55 17315404 56 17318165 57 18319119 58 18319851 59 21313574 60 02748121 61 07302126C 62 17110542B 63 17110542A Address 134 Holls Road 128&30 Hollis Road . 122 Holls Road 3415 Anson Street 1626 Lombardy Circle 1620 Lombardy Circle 1614 Lombardy Circle 1237 Tyvo1a Rd. 5221 South Blvd. 3238 Northampton Dr. Red Barn Lane Simsbury Road Chevington Road Sunnywood Lane Radbourne Blvd. 316 S. Tryon Street 5215 South Blvd. 5101 South Blvd. ATTACHMENT (C) Final Proiect Information Property Historv The Site is comprised of 9.71 acres and is located at the intersection of South Boulevard and Scaleybark Road in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The Site consists of the following tax parcels: a portion of Tax Parcel #149-054-68A and all of Tax Parcel #149-054-68B. According to aerial photographs, the Site was undeveloped in 1956. In the late 1950s, a shopping center was built on the Site. The original shopping center had a grocery store anchor, Winn Dixie. Winn Dixie occupied the Site until approximately 1979. In September 1979, Mitchell's Formal Wear ("Mitchell's") leased approximately 12,490 square feet of one of the buildings on the Site (the "Mitchell's Premises"). Mitchell's extended its original lease several times over the course of its 23 year history on the Site. Mitchell's was acquired by Afer Hours Formal Wear in 2001, and the Mitchell's Premises was vacated by Mitchell's in November 2002. The address of the Mitchell's Premises was 1 15A and 1 15B Scaleybark Road. Mitchell's operated a tuxedo rental business. As part of that business, Mitchell's needed to clean the garments after their use by its customers. For a period, Mitchell's subleased a portion of the Mitchell's Premises to dry-cleaning operators (Sir George's Cleaners, Long's Cleaners) for that purpose. During the mid-I980s, Mitchell's took over the dry-cleaning operations on the Mitchell's Premises. In 1997, Crosland retained HR/Spectrum to conduct a brief compliance inspection of the dry-cleaning facility. At that time, Mitchell's was operating two dry-to-dry cleaning units at the Site. Only one of the machines had secondary containment, and the secondary containment was insuffcient to contain all tetrachlorethylene ("PCE") within that machine. An open floor drain was located immediately in front of one of the dry- cleaning units. PCE was stored in an aboveground storage tank ("AST") located at the rear of the building. The tank is believed to have been first installed at the time of the original lease signing. The AST did not have secondary containment. The AST supplied PCE by gravity feed to the machines through flexible tubing with a valve on the end. Mitchell's used a hydromister to separate PCE from condensate in the refrigerated condensers. The water vapor exiting the hydromister was sprayed inside the building and then over the parking lot on the western side of the building. According to the Report of Dry-Cleaning Process Evaluation dated July 1998, a release ofPCE occurred due to a leak in one of the dry-cleaning units in 1995 or 1996. The leak emptied the entire machine of PCE. According to an employee, approximately 50 gallons of PCE was discharged to the floor of the Mitchell's Premises. Mitchell's 3 2330999.01 LIB: CHARLOTTE employees cleaned up the release as soon as it was discovered. This release was not disclosed to CCA. Short Term Plans-Leasim! and Refinancine of Mitchells Premises Mitchell's lease expired in Januar 2003. Since Mitchell's vacated the Mitchell's Premises in November 2002, the Mitchell's Premises has sat vacant. CCA has actively marketed the Mitchell's Premises to potential tenants. CCA has stored building maintenance supplies and offce equipment in the Mitchell's Premises while it has been vacant. In the summer of2004, the Mitchell's Premises (as well as a large block of other space in the same building) was on the "short list" of properties being considered by a potential tenant. The tenant ultimately chose another site. The potential tenant gave the following reasons for terminating lease negotiations: 1) Uncertainty surrounding the scope and timing of remediation efforts; 2) The location of the interior monitoring wells conflcted with the potential tenant's planned offce layout; and 3) Fear of health hazards caused by vapor releases to indoor air from contaminated soils and groundwater. In the short term, CCA plans to upfit and re-lease the Mitchell's Premises to a commercial tenant. CCA also has to refinance the Site by March 1, 2006. Without a traditional cleanup plan or a Brownfields Agreement in place, CCA faces significant hurdles in refinancing the Site. Lone Term Plans - Transit Supportive Development The Site is located directly across the street ITom the South Corridor Light Rail Line and the Scaleybark Station. Afer the South Corridor Light Rail Line is operating and established, CCA's goal is to redevelop the Site to its highest and best use. Given the close proximity of the Site to the Scaleybark Station, it is likely that the Site will be redeveloped to a higher density residential or mixed use development; however, any long term plans at the Site would be based on existing market conditions at the time of the future redevelopment. The City of Charlotte Scaleybark Station Area Plan states that its goal is to encourage the largely industrial and warehouse areas, as well as the strip commercial areas near the LRT station, to evolve into a mixed use urban center for the surrounding neighborhoods. The Plan expressly references the Site, stating "Over time the Crosland Shopping Center should be encouraged to be more transit supportive." CCA should be well positioned to take advantage of these opportumties with a Brownfields Agreement in hand. Brownfields Agreements typically take twelve to eighteen months to negotiate and finalize. By negotiating its Brownfields Agreement now, CCA will be able to immediately move forward with redevelopment of the Site, as well as obtain financing for such redevelopment, when conditions are right. A 4 2330999.0 i LIB: CHARLOTTE Brownfields Assessment Grant from the City of Charlotte helps facilitate and defray some ofthe expenses associated with the Brownfields Agreement. 5 2330999.01 LIB: CHARLOTTE ATTACHMENT (D) OVERVIEW OF ASSESSMENT AN REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES TO DATE Assessment CCA retained Resolve to collect soil and groundwater samples at the Mitchell's Premises in 1998. Resolve installed four geo-probe borings at the Site (GP-I through GP-4). Significant levels ofPCE (up to 17,000 ppb) were detected in groundwater at the Site. See Limited Soil and Groundwater Ouality Assessment Report dated May 28, 1998. Mitchell's retained ERM to further investigate the release. ERM installed fifteen geo- probe borings (GP- 1 through GP- 1 5) and converted seven of these borings into shallow monitoring wells (MW -1 through MW -7) on the Site. PCE contamination was found in soil and groundwater. ERM also cored through the floor of the Mitchell's Premises in the dry-cleaning area and collected eight soil samples via hand auger (HAS-1 through HAS- 8). See Limited Soil and Groundwater Ouality Assessment Report dated May 28, 1998. Free product was observed at about 4' below ground surface in HAS-5/B-5 in the area of the PCE AST. See Letter from Gel entitled "Summarization of Field Activities" dated September 10, 1998. On June 24, 1998, Mitchell's gave notice of a groundwater incident to the Groundwater Section in the Mooresvile Regional Offce ofDENR. A letter confirming this notice was sent to Mr. Landon Davidson in the Groundwater Section ofDENR on July 13, 1998. On September, 17 1998, Mitchell's sent a Notification of Inactive Hazardous Substance or Waste Disposal Site to Charlotte Jesneck in the Inactive Hazardous Sites Section of DENR. Mitchell's received a Notice of Violation from the Division of Water Quality of DENR on September 22, 1998, directing it to "assess the cause, significance and extent of the violation, submit a plan and schedule for eliminating the source and for restoration of the groundwater. . . ." A Comprehensive Site Assessment Report (the "CSA Report") was submitted to DENR on February 3, 1999. During the preparation of the CSA Report, ERM installed three additional shallow monitoring wells (MW -8 through MW -10) and one transitional zone monitoring well (D W -1) to the top of bedrock. No monitoring wells have been installed to determine the quality of the bedrock aquifer at this Site to date. Petroleum constituents were detected in several of the groundwater samples collected on the Site. The CSA Report prepared by Mitchell's attributes these petroleum constituents to a potential release from a Sinclair gasoline station, repair shop and heating oil distributorship that operated at 3913 South Boulevard in Charlotte, North Carolina (the "Former Sinclair Site"). CCA disputes Mitchell's assertions in the CSA Report that CCA or its predecessors obtained permits for the underground storage tanks ("USTs") installed at the Former Sinclair Site. The Former Sinclair Site was located on a portion of Tax Parcel # 149-054-068A now occupied by a strip mall facing South Boulevard. This 6 2330999.01 LIB: CHAOTTE portion of Tax Parcel # 149-054-068A has not been submitted as part of the Site in the Brownfields Letter ofIntent. AFVR Events In March 1999, a 6" diameter monitoring well (MW-l1) was installed adjacent to MW-8 for use as an AFVR extraction well. MW-8 contained some of the highest contaminant concentrations found on the Site. An eight hour AFVR remediation event was conducted at the Site in March 1999. During the event, 700 gallons of groundwater were extracted from MW-ll and MW-8. The concentration of PCE in MW-8 prior to the AFVR event was 146,000 ppb. The concentration ofPCE in MW-8 one week after the AFVR event was 22,900 ppb. In June 1999, a second 6" diameter monitoring well (MW- 12) was installed adjacent to the former dry-cleaning room. In July 1999, a second, eight hour AFVR remediation event was conducted at the Site. During the event, 800 gallons of groundwater were extracted ITom MW -8, MW - 1 1 and MW-12. Groundwater samples collected after the second AFVR event showed that levels of PCE decreased slightly in MW-8, but went up significantly in MW-I2. ERM concluded that PCE was drawn ITom beneath the dry-cleaning room into MW-I2 due to the AFVR event. The AFVR events were successful in removing 4.2 pounds (.31 gallons) ofPCE from the subsurface environment at the Site. See AFVR Ground Water Remediation Monitoring Reports dated April 12, 1999 and August 17,1999. Afer conducting the AFVR events, Mitchell's monitored the effects on groundwater at the Site for several years. Levels of PCE in MW-8 and MW-12 remained high during these monitoring events. See September 1999 Ground Water Monitoring Report, August 2000 Ground Water Monitoring Report and July 2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report. During this period, two additional, shallow monitoring wells (MW-I3 and MW-14) were installed inside the portion of the building used as the Mitchell's Premises. AS/SVE Pilot Study In June 2000, ERM completed an Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction (AS/SVE) Pilot Test. The results of the pilot test indicated that AS/SVE would be only marginally effective at the Site. Air injection into the aquifer appeared to be highly channelized and did not result in a higher SVE mass removal rate as measured by the concentration of PCE in SVE emissions. Chemical Oxidation Pilot Study An in-situ chemical oxidation bench test was performed on soil and groundwater samples collected from the Site in March 2002. In October 2002, Mitchell's received an Underground Injection Control Permit to allow a pilot study to inject potassium permanganate to oxidize the PCE in soil and groundwater at the Site. ERM conducted 7 2330999.01 LIB: CHAOTTE the chemical oxidation pilot study at the Site from December 9 through December 13, 2002. ERM injected a solution of 3.7% potassium permanganate in three injection locations (IP-I through IP-3) at the Site. Approximately 9,250 gallons of potassium permanganate solution was injected into these three locations. The pilot test did not significantly change the concentration or extent ofPCE in groundwater at the Site. Soil Excavation In January 2003, Mitchell's excavated 40.06 tons of contaminated soils from beneath the floor of the Mitchell's Premises where dry-cleaning activities took place. Mitchell's treated the soils on-site using a mobile thermal desorption soil treatment unit. The treated soil was then disposed off-site. The final dimensions of the excavation were 8.5 ft. x 10 ft. x 8 ft. deep. A 1.5 foot strip along the western side of the excavation could not be excavated due to the presence of three water lines along the former floor drain location. The excavation was also limited to the west and north by the existing concrete block walls of the building. The excavation was backfilled with crushed stone and patched with concrete. Confirmation samples were collected from the sidewalls and bottom of the excavation by ERM (Mitchell's consultant), who split the samples with Shield (CCA's consultant). Both sets of confirmation samples were analyzed by Prism Laboratories. The levels of PCE in the split samples were similar, except that Shield's samples detected higher amounts ofPCE in SW-I from the east wall of the excavation and SW-4 from the north wall of the excavation. See Remedial Excavation Summary Report dated February 14, 2003 and the post-excavation correspondence regarding Shield's split samples. Based on the soil confirmation results, significant amounts of PCE remain in the eastern sidewalls (440 ppb to 12,000 ppb of PC E) and western sidewalls (13,000 ppb to 16,000 ppb) of the excavation. These numbers reflect the ranges of laboratory results received by Shield and ERM for the split soil samples collected from the excavation sidewalls. VaDor Survev A soil vapor survey was conducted inside the Mitchell's Premises in late January 2005. Eight samples of indoor air were analyzed at the Mitchell's Premises. These samples contained levels ofPCE that ranged from .020 ppm to 1.8 ppm. 8 2330999.01 LIB: CHARLOTTE ATTACHMENT (E) List of Environmental Reports- Mitchell's Formal Wear Site Charlotte. North Carolina ERM ERM ERM NCDENR Shield, Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman, L.L.P., and Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. ERM Soil Solutions ERM NCDENR NCDENR ERM ERM Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. ERM ERM ERM ERM Geo-Environmental Consultants, Inc. ERM 2/2005 12/22/2004 9/1 6/2003 8/1 3/2003 2/1 7/2003 2/14/2003 1/2003 12/13/2002 10/29/2002 10/1/2002 9/26/2002 9/12/2002 6/27/2002 6/1 9/2002 4/5/2002 9/20/2001 6/2000 12/8/1999 10/28/1999 Industrial Hygiene Exposure Assessment Survey Permanganate Injection Summary Report - Addendum Interim Remedial Action and Potassium Permanganate Injection Pilot Test Report DSCA Priority Ranking Letter Post-Excavation Correspondence Regarding Shield Split Samples Remedial Excavation Summary Report Remediation Report Remedial Excavation Workplan Final UIC Permit Notification of Certification into the Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Program UIC Permit Application Addendum July 2002 Soil and Ground Water Monitoring Report Mitchell's DSCA Program Petition UIC Permit Application Revision UIC Permit Application August 2001 Ground Water Monitoring Report SVE/ AS Pilot Test Data Package Facility Reinspection Report September 1999 Ground Water Monitoring Report 9 2330999.01 LIB: CHAROTTE ERM 8/1 7/1999 ERM 4/12/1999 ERM 2/8/1999 ERM 2/8/1999 ERM 2/3/1999 ERM 1/1999 Geo-Environmental 1/ 1 999 Consultants, Inc. Geo-Environmental 11/5/1998 Consultants, Inc. ERM 10/20/1998 NCDENR 9/22/1998 Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson,9/17/1998 P.A. Geo- Environmental 9/10/1998 Consultants, Inc. Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson,7/13/1998 P.A. Will mer Engineering, Inc.7/7/1998 Geo-Environmental 6/1998 Consultants, Inc. Resolve 5/28/1998 HR/Spectrum 12/19/1997 AFVR Groundwater Remediation Monitoring Report AFVR Groundwater Remediation Monitoring Report Well Abandonment Records Transmittal to Mr. Matt Heller, NCDWQ - Mooresvile, NC CSA Report Addendum CSA Report Irrigation Well Sampling Results Report of Historical Property Usage Summarization of 9/3/98 Field Observations Interim Environmental Assessment Report Notice of Violation to Mitchell's Formal Wear Notification of an Inactive Hazardous Substance or Waste Disposal Site Summarization ofField Observations Letter 24-hour Notice Letter of Groundwater Contamination From Bil Toole to Landon Davison - NCDENR - Mooresvile Report of Dry Cleaning Process Evaluation Report of Environmental Investigation and Re-Inspection Limited Soil and Ground Water Quality Assessment Brief Environmental Compliance Inspection COPIES OF ALL THESE REPORTS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED TO CAROLYN MICH OF THE NC BROWNFIELDS PROGRA. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED A SEPARTE COPY MADE. CAROLYN MIICH'S CONTACT INORMATION IS BELOW: Name: Phone: Address: Carolyn Minnich (704) 661-0330 City of Charlotte, Neighborhood Development Department, 600 East Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 10 2330999.01 LIB: CHAOTTE