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HomeMy WebLinkAbout9223_BuffaloeLCID_20161230_Appl_DIN27135Buffaloe LCID Landfill and Wood Recycling Facility Wake County, North Carolina NC DEQ Permit #92-23 (LCID and TP) Permit Renewal March 2016 1100 Crescent Green Drive, Suite 208, Cary, North Carolina 27518 • O: 919-792-1900 • F: 866-311-7206 03/31/2016 APPROVED DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE SECTION Date 01/24/2017 By DIN 27135 Attachment 1 Part II Document 4 Permit 9223-LCID- Permit DIN 27136 1100 Crescent Green Drive, Suite 208, Cary, North Carolina 27518 • O: 919-792-1900 • F: 866-311-7206 April 8, 2016 Pat Backus North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 RE: Buffaloe LCID Landfill, Inc. Permit Renewal Dear Ms. Backus: This Permit Renewal for the Buffaloe LCID Landfill and Wood Recycling Facility (Permit 92-23 LCID and TP) located in Raleigh, N.C. is submitted on behalf of Buffaloe LCID Landfill, Inc. and is prepared to satisfy the requirements of North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule 15A NCAC 13B .560. We sincerely appreciate your assistance in this process. Thank you for your consideration, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, GARRETT & MOORE, INC. Bernie Garrett, PE Buffaloe LCID Landfill and Wood Recycling Facility Permit Renewal Application Contents 1 Permit Renewal ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Background ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Operational Owner ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Property Owner ................................................................................................................ 1 1.3 Siting Criteria .................................................................................................................... 2 2 Operation Plan ........................................................................................................................ 3 3 Site Plan ................................................................................................................................. 4 3.1 Current Site Plan .............................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Cross Section ................................................................................................................... 4 4 Permit Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 5 Attachments 1 – Wake County GIS Map 2 – Operations Plan 3 – Site Plan Section 1 Permit Renewal 1 1 Permit Renewal 1.0 Background Buffaloe Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill and Wood Recycling Facility is a solid waste management facility located south of Raleigh at 5525 Academy Drive, Raleigh, NC 27603, approximately 2 miles south of the US 401 - US 70 junction in the Swift Creek Township. The landfill and processing area were originally permitted separately with the landfill operation under Permit 92-O and the processing area under Permit No. 92-23-TP. The combined operations are now combined under Permit 9223-LCID-. 1.1 Operational Owner The facility is owned and operated by William Buffaloe Land LLC dba Buffaloe Landfill. The contacts for the facility are as follows: Facility Contact: Mr. Merrick Buffaloe Buffaloe Landfill 5525 Wake Academy Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone: (919) 772-4166 Fax: (919) 772-5815 Email: Billing Contact: Mr. Ken Jensen Buffaloe Landfill 5525 Wake Academy Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone: (919) 772-4166 Fax: (919) 772-5815 Email: 1.2 Property Owner The property owner and Wake County deed reference for the facility is as follows: Property Owner: Family Estate Trust under will of William S. Buffaloe, Bonnie B. Tilley, Trustee Deed Book: 14450 Section 1 Permit Renewal 2 Deed Pages: 02566-02571 PIN: 0791736482 Area (acres): 197.62 A map of the property from the Wake County GIS and a copy of the property deed are included in Attachment 1. 1.3 Siting Criteria Application requirements set forth in Section .0564 addressing siting criteria of the Solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13B) are addressed below: Local Government Approval – This permit application is for the renewal of a permit for an existing facility and therefore no local government approval is required. Wetlands Determination – This permit application is for the renewal of a permit for an existing facility and there are no proposed changes to the landfill area or stormwater management features, therefore no wetland determinations or permitting is required. Historical – Archaeological Sites – This permit application is for the renewal of a permit for an existing facility and there are no proposed changes to the landfill area or stormwater management features, therefore no historic/archaeological determinations or permitting is required. Endangered Species – This permit application is for the renewal of a permit for an existing facility and there are no proposed changes to the landfill area or stormwater management features, therefore no endangered species determinations or permitting is required. Sedimentation and Erosion Control - This permit application is for the renewal of a permit for an existing facility and there are no proposed changes to the landfill area or stormwater management features, therefore no sedimentation or erosion control determinations or permitting is required. Section 2 Operations Plan 3 2 Operation Plan See attached operations plan for the facility included as Attachment 2. Section 3 Site Plan 4 3 Site Plan 3.1 Current Site Plan A current site plan is included as Attachment 3. The site plan is based on aerial topography dated February 2016. The site plan includes approximate limits of waste for Phases 2-7 as adapted from the 2002 Permit Drawings (see Section 4). The wood processing area is currently located on top of the LCID Landfill. 3.2 Cross Section A cross section is provided on the site plan illustrating the fill heights and slopes for the current conditions. Section 4 Permit Drawings 5 4 Permit Drawings 4.1 Permit Drawings The current permit drawings, Buffaloe LCID Landfill Expansion Phases 2-7 Permit Drawings April 2002, are on file with NCDEQ. DisclaimeriMaps makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible.However, the maps are produced for information purposes,and are NOT surveys. No warranties, expressed or implied,are provided for the data therein, its use,or its interpretation. 0 860 1,720430 ft 1 inch = 800 feet± Wake GIS Property Line - Buffaloe LCID Landfill Buffaloe LCID Landfill and Wood Recycling Facility Wake County, North Carolina NC DEQ Permit #92-23 (LCID and TP) Operations Plan March 2016 1100 Crescent Green Drive, Suite 208, Cary, North Carolina 27518 • O: 919-792-1900 • F: 866-311-7206 i Buffaloe LCID Landfill and Wood Recycling Facility Operations Plan Contents SECTION 1.0 - GENERAL FACILITY OPERATIONS .................................................... 1 SECTION 2.0 - WASTE HANDLING OPERATIONS ....................................................... 5 SECTION 3.0 - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ...................................................... 9 SECTION 4.0 - CONTINGENCY PLAN ........................................................................ 11 Appendix 1 - WASTE SCREENING AND INSPECTION PROGRAM ........................... 13 Appendix 2 - HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTINGENCY PLAN ....................................... 16 Appendix 3 - FIRE OCCURRENCE NOTIFICATION FORM ......................................... 18 1 SECTION 1.0 - GENERAL FACILITY OPERATIONS 1.1 OVERVIEW This Operations Plan was prepared for the Buffaloe Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill (Phases 2 - 7) and the wood recycling facility (Facility). Revisions to the Operations Plan should be reviewed and approved by the Design Engineer. 1.2 CONTACT INFORMATION For fire, medical, or police emergencies dial 911. All correspondence and questions concerning the operation of the facility should be directed to the appropriate personnel listed below. 1.2.1 Buffaloe Landfill, Administrative Offices Merrick Buffaloe, Operator 5525 Academy Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone (919) 772-4166 Fax (919) 772-5815 For After Hours Emergencies: Phone: (919) 815-5182 (Merrick Buffaloe) 1.3 ACCESS CONTROL Access to the site will be limited to the operational hours posted. Current operating hours are as follows: Monday 7AM–4:45PM Tuesday 7AM–4:45PM Wednesday 7AM–4:45PM Thursday 7AM–4:45PM Friday 7AM–4:45PM Saturday 8–11:45AM Sunday Closed Limiting access to the Facility is important for the following reasons: • Prevention of unauthorized and illegal dumping of waste materials, • Trespassing, and possible injury resulting therefrom, is discouraged, • The risk of equipment theft or vandalism is greatly reduced. 2 Access to active areas of the landfill will be controlled by a combination of fences and natural barriers, such as the creeks, and strictly enforced operating hours. A landfill attendant will be on duty at all times when the facility is open for public use to enforce access restrictions. 1.3.1 Physical Restraints - The site will be accessed only via the main entrance along Academy Drive. A gate house is located for waste receiving and customer/visitor check in. The entrance gates will be securely locked during non-operating hours. Otherwise, the site is inaccessible. 1.3.2 Security - Frequent inspections of gates and fences will be performed by landfill personnel. Evidence of trespassing, vandalism, or illegal operation will be reported to the Owner. 1.4 SIGNAGE A prominent sign will provide information on operating hours, operating procedures, and acceptable wastes. Additional signage will be provided within the landfill complex to distinctly distinguish the roadway to the LCID landfill active disposal area. Service and maintenance roads will be clearly marked and barriers (e.g., traffic cones, barrels, etc.) will be provided as required. 1.5 COMMUNICATIONS Visual communications will be maintained between the LCID landfill/wood processing area and the landfill gate house. Radios or walk-talkies shall be used for communications between the gate attendant and the working face supervisor. The gate house has telephones in case of emergency and for the conduct of day-to-day business. Emergency telephone numbers are displayed in the scale house. 1.6 SAFETY All aspects of the Buffaloe LCID Landfill and Wood Recycling Facility operation were developed with the health and safety of the landfill's operating staff, customers, and neighbors in mind. A superintendent of the landfill operating staff will be designated as Site Safety Officer (SSO) and shall undergo a landfill operator's training course. The SSO, together with the facility's management, will administer a site safety and emergency response program to be consistent with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidance. Safety equipment to be provided includes equipment rollover protective cabs, seat belts, audible reverse warning devices, hard hats, safety shoes, communications equipment, portable fire extinguishers and first aid kits. Staff will be encouraged to complete the American Red Cross Basic First Aid Course. 1. 7 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS The facility will maintain on-site equipment required to perform the necessary landfill activities. Periodic maintenance of all landfilling equipment, and minor and major repair work will be performed at designated maintenance zones outside of the landfill. 3 1.8 UTILITIES Electrical power, water, telephone, and restrooms will be provided at the office and maintenance buildings and in the nearby main office/shop. 1.9 FIRE PREVENTION Fires in LCID landfills and wood waste stockpiles have become a concern to the Solid Waste Section - not only as health and safety issues for customers, staff and the neighbors, but long-term air and quality issues arise and the effort required to fight a major facility fire is costly and disruptive to operations. The Operator shall be vigilant about preventing fires and keeping access available to fight fires. Material stockpiles shall be separated by a minimum clear distance of 25 feet on all sides to allow equipment access. Stockpiles shall be turned once per quarter to prevent composting and the associated heat build up. Within the landfill, periodic soil cover requirements shall be observed. An ample supply of soil shall be kept on-hand, observing proper measures for erosion control, and access to undeveloped portions of the footprint (additional soil resources) shall be kept free of unnecessary debris. Portable fire extinguishers shall be kept in operating order. The Wake County Fire Marshall's requirements for fuel storage shall be observed. Equipment shall be kept in good working order and facility roads shall be kept passable. A daily "ride-through" shall be conducted to look for smoke - steam does not necessarily mean a fire is present, but continual steaming should be monitored and vents should be checked periodically for signs of charring or detectable heat. 1.10 RECORD KEEPING PROGRAM The Landfill staff shall maintain the following records related to the LCID landfill in a permanent operating record at the landfill: A Waste inspection records; B Daily intake records - including waste type and source; C List of generators and haulers that have attempted to dispose of restricted wastes; D Employee training procedures and records of training completed; E All closure and post-closure information, where applicable, including: 1. Testing; 2. Certification; and 3. Completion records. F Cost estimates for financial assurance documentation. The operating record shall be kept up to date by the Owner or his designee. These records shall be presented upon request to DWM for inspection. A copy of this Operations 4 Manual shall be kept at the gate house and be available all times. All staff should be familiar with this manual 5 SECTION 2.0 - WASTE HANDLING OPERATIONS 2.1 OVERVIEW This section describes the waste handling operations for the landfill and the wood recycling facility. 2.2 ACCEPTABLE WASTES The LCID disposal facility shall only accept the following wastes: • Land Clearing and Inert Debris Waste (yard waste, stumps, trees, limbs, brush, grass, concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soils and rock, untreated and unpainted wood, etc.) • Other Wastes as Approved by the NC DEQ Solid Waste Section. The Wood Recycling (T&P) facility shall only accept the following wastes: • Naturally occurring tree debris (stumps, trees, limbs, brush) - no grass or yard waste • Clean wood waste derived from construction only and pallets- no demolition materials, no painted or treated wood, no engineered or laminated wood products The waste streams for the two facilities must not be co-mingled! Please note that inert debris (brick, block, recycled asphalt, etc.) may be used as "beneficial fill" at the facility for making all-weather road surfaces and as aggregate for storm water runoff measures, subject to particle-size suitability - consult the Project Engineer. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) shall be directed to an appropriate facility, e.g., the Wake County landfill, and never buried at this site. 2.3 PROHIBITED WASTES No municipal solid waste (MSW), hazardous waste, or liquid waste will be accepted at this facility. In addition, no polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) waste will be accepted. The Owner will implement a waste screening program, described in Section 2.4, to control these types of waste. Asbestos wastes will not be accepted by the facility. Animal carcasses will not be accepted. 2.4 WASTE SCREENING PROGRAMS In order to assure that prohibited wastes are not entering the facility, screening programs have been implemented. The incoming wastes receive two inspections - at the entrance gate and at the working face of the disposal area or the raw material stockpile at the T &P area. The following sections are abbreviated from the original Operations Plan and have been supplemented by Appendices 2 and 3. 2.4.1 Waste Receiving and Inspection-All vehicles must stop at the entrance gate. The attendant shall question each driver about the nature and source of the incoming materials and record the load. 6 Other visitors are required to check in. The attendant(s) may visually check the load if the vehicle or diver is unfamiliar. Vehicles shall be selected for random screening at a minimum of three times per quarter (i.e. three months). Procedures and forms to be used during the waste screening activities are found in Appendix 1. Signs informing users of the acceptable and unacceptable types of waste are posted at the entrance. Vehicles containing non-recyclable LCID wastes are directed to the landfill. Vehicles carrying clean recyclable wood waste are directed to the raw material stockpile in the T &P area. Directional signs are used to guide traffic to the correct unloading area. Each incoming load shall be unloaded at its designated area (either the disposal area or the raw material stockpile, depending on the material type). The gate attendant shall alert the yard operators via radio with information on the incoming load, e.g., material type, truck description. The yard operator shall be present when each vehicle is unloaded to make sure the material is acceptable, or he shall inspect the load soon after unloading (prior to the vehicle leaving the premises). Each load shall be sifted to make sure nothing unacceptable is buried within the load. If the load is deemed suitable for the designated unloading area, the vehicle shall be cleared to exit with the gate attendant. If unacceptable materials are found, the driver and/or owner of the vehicle shall be notified and measures shall be taken to correct the problem - the driver may be detained in order to compel him to remove the unacceptable materials. Ideally, unacceptable materials will be detected prior to unloading, or they will be reloaded onto the delivery vehicle and sent away (with directions to an appropriate facility). Any attempts to unload unacceptable materials at the facility, either in the disposal area of the wood recycling area, shall be documented by the operator, Repeat offenders may be banned from using the facility at the discretion of the Owner. 2.4.2 Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan - If hazardous materials are detected, the Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan outlined in Appendix 2 shall be followed. Hazardous materials might be identified by unusual appearances, colors, odors, fumes, or the materials may be hot or burning. In the event that identifiable hazardous waste or waste of questionable character is detected at either the landfill or the wood recycling facility, protection of personnel shall take precedence. If the materials have not been unloaded, the delivery vehicle shall be isolated and appropriate personnel called in. If the vehicle has been unloaded, the area shall be cleared until appropriate haz-mat personnel arrive. If a "hot load" enters the facility, the vehicle will be directed to an isolated and unleaded immediately, then the vehicle and driver shall be moved to safety and the fire department shall be called. In any event where a hazardous material is detected, the Solid Waste Section shall be notified immediately (see Section 1.2.2), and hazardous material responders may need to be contacted. The event shall be documented by landfill staff in the Operational Record. The driver or owner of the vehicle may be held responsible for the cost of the haz-mat response and/or any required clean up. 2.5 WASTE GRINDING 7 Grinding may occur either on landfill working face or the wood recycling area. Within the landfill, wastes may be ground with a tub grinder to reduce airspace consumption and to lessen the likelihood of a fire. The grinder shall be operated on a 2·foot thick soil pad with perimeter soil berms that will soak up spills or leaking fluids, which shall be removed from the landfill if a spill or leak occurs. The allowed grinder location shall be construed as anywhere in the landfill, with the provision that the prescribed measures for spill control are observed. Extra care shall be taken when fueling the grinder to avoid spills. The Operator shall exercise proper judgement in enforcing the waste acceptance policy. CAUTION: grinding the waste does not remove or disguise improper materials that may be encountered in the waste stream. Solid Waste Section inspectors will be vigilant about examining the ground waste for evidence of unauthorized wastes. The Operator shall be equally vigilant about avoiding the placement of unauthorized waste in the landfill. A portable container for unauthorized wastes shall be kept near the grinder. The grinder will not be kept on the landfill unless it is operating. The allowable waste streams between the LCID disposal area and the T&P area are different, thus the operation of these areas shall be kept entirely separate. 2.6 WASTE DISPOSAL 2.6.1 Access - The location of access roads during waste placement will be determined by operations personnel in order to reflect waste placement strategy. 2.6.2 General Procedures - Waste transportation vehicles will arrive at the working face at random intervals. There may be a number of vehicles unloading waste at the same time, while other vehicles are waiting. In order to maintain control over the unloading of waste, a certain number of vehicles will be allowed on the working face at a time. The actual number will be determined by the "spotter," i.e., the operator on duty at the working face. This procedure will be used in order to minimize the potential of unloading unacceptable waste and to control disposal activity. Operations at the working face will be conducted in a manner which will encourage the efficient movement of transportation vehicles to and from the working face, and to expedite the unloading of waste. The use of portable signs with directional arrows and portable traffic barricades along the access route to the working face will facilitate the unloading of wastes at proper locations. The approach to the working face will be maintained such that two or more vehicles may safely unload side by side. A vehicle turn-around area large enough to enable vehicles to arrive and turn around safely with reasonable speed will be provided adjacent to the unloading area. The vehicles will back to a vacant area near the working face to unload. Waste unloading at the landfill will be controlled by the Operator to prevent unauthorized materials and potentially unsafe conditions. Such control will also be used to confine the working face to a minimum width, yet allow safe and efficient operations. The width and length of the working face will be maintained as small as practical in order to maintain the appearance of the site, control windblown waste, and minimize the amount of cover required each day. Upon completion of the unloading operation, the transportation 8 vehicles will immediately leave the working face area. Personnel will direct traffic as necessary to expedite safe movement of vehicles. Normally, only one working face will be active on any given day, with all deposited waste in other areas covered by either periodic or final cover, as appropriate. The procedures for placement and compaction of solid waste include: unloading of vehicles, spreading of waste into 2 foot lifts, and compaction on relatively flat slopes (i.e., SH: IV max.) using a minimum number of three full passes. A maximum slope ratio of 3H: 1 V shall be observed at all times. 2.6.3 Periodic Cover - At the completion of waste placement on a monthly basis or sooner if the working face exceeds one acre in size, a 6 inch layer of earthen material will be placed over the exposed waste. This periodic cover is intended to control vectors, fire, odors, and blowing debris. 2. 7 HEIGHT MONITORING The landfill staff will monitor landfill top and side slope elevations on a weekly basis. This shall be accomplished by use of a surveyor's level and a grade rod. When such elevations approach the grades shown on the Final Cover Grading Plan, the final top-of-waste grades will be staked by a licensed surveyor to limit over placement of waste. An annual survey of the landfill shall be performed to confirm that lines and grades are within the specified requirements and to facilitate a volumetric analysis of the airspace. 9 SECTION 3.0 - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 3.1 OVERVIEW This section reviews the overall environmental management tasks required for the successful operation of the LCID landfill and the Wood Recycling facility. 3.2 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A separate erosion and sedimentation control plan is provided with this Permit Application. This plan describes the engineered features and practices for preventing erosion and controlling sedimentation at this site. The erosion and sediment control system consists of the following components: 1. Diversion Berms/Benches 2. Ditches 3. Down channels 4. Sediment Basin. The landfill side slopes are designed with 3H:1V slopes and diversion berms or benches placed at slope breaks. These features are designed to keep water volumes and velocities low enough to minimize erosion of the landfill cover. Maintenance of the cover system will involve periodic mowing and repair of any erosion problems and bare spots. These features will be inspected at least once a month and after any significant rainfall events. The down channels are designed to carry concentrated flows of surface water from the landfill surface. The down channels will be inspected at least once a month and after any significant rainfall event. Additional erosion control measures have been taken within the drainage channels and at points of storm water discharge. All final cover areas should be inspected regularly for erosion damage and promptly repaired. Stormwater run-off from the LCID landfill and the Wood Recycling facility is conveyed to the existing sedimentation basins located outside the landfill footprint. The basins should be inspected regularly for sediment build-up or erosion damage. The basin should be cleaned out by excavating when sediments fill the lower half of the basin. 3.3 LANDFILL GAS CONTROL Due to the nature of the waste disposed in this landfill, landfill gas control is not anticipated to be of concern. No methane monitoring is prescribed for this facility. 10 3.4 VECTOR CONTROL Due to the nature of the waste disposed in this landfill, vector control will not be of concern. Note that the use of periodic cover will discourage animals from nesting in the waste. 3.5 ODOR CONTROL Due to the nature of the waste disposed in this landfill, odor control will not be of concern. 3.6 DUST CONTROL Dust related to waste hauler traffic on the access roads will be minimized by using a water truck to limit dust on the gravel portion of the road. Dust generated by excavation of cover soil will be limited by watering the cut soil areas. Staff should avoid breathing in dust generated by the operations. 11 SECTION 4.0 - CONTINGENCY PLAN 4.1 SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS Unusual weather conditions can directly affect the operation of the facility. Some of these weather conditions and recommended operational responses are as follows. 4.1.1 Ice Storms - An ice storm can hinder access and prevent safe movement or placement of periodic cover, and, thus, may require closure of the landfill until the ice is removed or has melted. 4.1.2 Heavy Rains - Exposed soil surfaces can create a muddy situation in some portions of the facility during rainy periods. Proper drainage control and use of crushed stone on unpaved roads should provide all-weather access and protect drainage away from critical areas. In areas where the aggregate surface is washed away or otherwise damaged, aggregate should be replaced. Intense rains can affect newly constructed drainage structures such as swales, diversions, cover soils, and vegetation. After such a rain event, inspection by staff will be initiated and corrective measures taken to repair any damage found before the next rainfall. 4.1.3 Electrical Storms -The open areas of the facility are susceptible to the hazards of an electrical storm. If necessary, facility activities will be temporarily suspended during such an event. To promote the safety of field personnel, refuge will be taken in buildings or in rubber-tire vehicles. 4.1.4 Windy Conditions - Blowing debris can constitute safety hazards and/or environmental concerns. Normally, this authorized waste stream should not be susceptible to light wind, but high winds could blow smaller debris. Daily operations should minimize exposure to prevailing winds - operations should be sheltered by locating activities on the lee-side of slopes and other natural wind barriers. The work area may need to be temporarily shifted to a more sheltered area. 4.1.5 Violent Storms - In the event of a hurricane, tornado, or severe winter storm warning issued by the National Weather Service, facility operations should be temporarily suspended until the warning is lifted. If there is adequate time, soil cover should be placed on exposed waste (in the landfill), and buildings and equipment should be properly secured. If there is eminent danger to staff, personal safety shall take precedence over concerns regarding the waste or equipment. 4.2 FIRE IN THE FACILITY The waste may compost under normal circumstances and attain high enough temperatures to combust. Telltale early signs of fires in stockpiles or the in-situ waste may be smoke or charring observed at "vents" (cracks in the surface). It is normal to see steam rising from the waste, especially on cold mornings - this does not necessarily indicate a fire, but areas that steam 12 frequently should be watched closely. In the event of an actual fire, steps should be taken to safeguard site workers and the general public, including notifying the fire department and the Solid Waste Section specialist. 4.2.1 Minor Fires - The possibility of a brush fire or a piece of equipment must be anticipated. A combination of factory installed fire suppression systems and/or portable fire extinguishers shall be operational on all heavy pieces of equipment at all times. Spreading dirt or using water on a small surface fire is effective. For larger or more serious outbreaks, call the local fire department. 4.2.2 Hot Loads - The gate attendant shall prevent vehicles containing waste that is suspected to be hot, e.g., smoldering or smoking. If a "hot" load is detected at the entrance gate, the driver shall be directed to an isolated location away from the public (but accessible to fire-fighting equipment), and the driver shall dump the load on the ground and move the truck to a safe location - emphasis shall be placed on the driver and staff's safety first, and the then the truck if safe enough to do so. If a hot load is placed on the working face, then the load will be spread as thin as possible and cover soil will be immediately placed on the waste to extinguish the fire. 4.2.3 Major Fires - If the waste catches fire, efforts will be made to extinguish the fire by smothering it with dirt. Stockpiles of dirt should be kept on hand during the operational phases in order to combat a fire. Water is the least desirable means of fighting a large landfill fire, but placing water on a small fire is acceptable. The application of water has not proven to be an effective means of extinguishing deep fires in LCID landfills. It should be realized that water used to fight a fire will become a water quality issue. The most effective means of combating a fire in the waste is to carefully excavate the fire and smother it with dirt. All fires should be reported to the Solid Waste Inspector or Area Specialist. 13 Appendix 1 - WASTE SCREENING AND INSPECTION PROGRAM BUFFALOE LCID LANDFILL AND WOOD RECYCLING FACILITY 1.0 INTRODUCTION This waste screening program is designed to prevent prohibited wastes from entering the facility and designated landfill. Prohibited wastes include hazardous wastes, PCB wastes, and other wastes prohibited by state or local regulations or permit conditions. The Facility is NOT permitted to accept asbestos wastes. Personnel shall be trained in recognition of hazardous and otherwise prohibited wastes, and procedures for accepting or rejecting wastes shall be implemented. 2.0 PROHIBITED WASTES This facility is allowed to receive wastes classified as Land Clearing Inert Debris. The facility shall not accept the following: • Construction and demolition debris - except clean wood waste • Municipal/commercial solid wastes and household waste • Hazardous wastes • Special wastes - except as permitted by the Solid Waste Section • PCB wastes • Other prohibited wastes 3.0 LOAD INSPECTION PROGRAM The purpose of the load inspection program is to detect prohibited wastes and discourage attempts to handle them at the facility. 3.1 INITIAL PROCEDURES The initial step in the inspection program is to review incoming loads at the scalehouse. The operator will observe incoming loads for any indication of the presence of prohibited wastes. Should the operator encounter suspicious-looking loads, they will summon appropriate personnel for further evaluation of the load. If prohibited wastes are identified during inspection of a load, the prohibited load will be reloaded, rejected and sent back to the generator. 3.2 WASTE SCREENING SCHEDULE AND DOCUMENTATION A waste screening form follows this text; this (or a similar form) shall be used for random load inspections and for documentation of rejected waste loads. The inspections are to be conducted on a random basis, at a minimum of twice per day, including (but not limited to) any suspicious load (e.g., that which might contain prohibited or unauthorized wastes). 3.3 LOAD INSPECTION PROCEDURES 14 The major elements of load inspections are: • spread, break up, and visually examine wastes • flag suspicious wastes • maintain proper records The origin of all loads is identified prior to proceeding onto the scales and tipping floor. All load inspections are performed at the tipping floor. The Facility Manager will train facility operations employees in waste identification procedures. 4.0 PROHIBITED OR UNAUTHORIZED WASTES 4.1 IDENTIFYING PROHIBITED WASTES • Questioning the driver about the source of the load and the nature of generators. • Examining product labels, especially warning labels. • Rejecting bulk liquids in containers and sludges. • Separating powders, granular material or materials with unusual colors for evaluation and possible rejection. • Inspecting containers to ensure that they are empty or do not contain prohibited wastes. • Inspecting for "hot loads" (smoldering or burning materials) emitting fumes or vapors. • Evaluating the load for odors that are not characteristic of C&D waste. • Inspectors should never inhale vapors from suspicious materials or containers because this may lead to injury or death. • Searching for special items that have a high probability of containing prohibited waste: - transformers - batteries - filters - compressors (freon) - mechanical equipment (capacitors) - red bags (medical waste) - bags that may contain asbestos (without prior notification to the operator) - obvious prohibited wastes such as tires, etc. 4.2 MANAGING PROHIBITED WASTES The results of the load inspection will identify wastes as: • Acceptable • Prohibited Acceptable waste can be moved from the tipping area to the LCID disposal area or the wood waste raw material stockpile, depending on the material type. LCID materials and clean wood wastes (C&D) for recycling shall always be kept separate. The inspection 15 area should be cleaned to the extent that materials from this inspection do not impact the next load to be inspected. Prohibited wastes detected during the inspection shall be prevented from being unloaded (if possible) and/or reloaded onto the delivery vehicle (if safe to do so) - in such cases the driver shall be advised of the hazardous waste contingency plan (see below). A contingency plan for removal/clean-up of hazardous, liquid or other unacceptable waste follows. Refer to the HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTINGENCY PLAN (Appendix 3). 5.0 TRAINING The management staff, equipment operators, and scale house staff will be trained in the contents of this plan. Training will address the following topics: • Inspection of tipping area and load inspection procedures. • Identification of hazardous wastes, PCB wastes and other prohibited wastes. • Waste handling procedures (acceptable and prohibited wastes). • Health and safety. • Record keeping. 6.0 RECORD KEEPING Records of all incoming waste should be kept by the facility - at a minimum, the date, tonnage, material type and hauler should be recorded. Random waste screening forms and hazardous waste records, if any, shall be kept in a file at the facility office - i.e., the Operating Record - and these records shall be available for inspection at any time by Solid Waste Section compliance inspectors. If prohibited wastes are detected requiring notification of haulers and/or regulatory agencies, records of time of notification, the agency and individuals contacted with phone numbers, and the information that was reported. Records documenting the successful completion of training will be maintained on-site. WASTE SCREENING FORM Day /Date: Truck Owner: Truck Type: Weight: Facility I.D. Permit No. Time Weighed in: Driver Name: Vehicle ID!fag No: Tare: Waste Generator I Source:---------------------------- Inspection Location: Reason Load Inspected: Random Inspection Detained at Scales Detained by Field Staff Description of Load: Staff Initials Staff Initials Staff Initials Approved Waste Determination Form Present? (Check one) Yes __ _ No Load Accepted (signature) Date Load Not Accepted (signature) Date NIA_ Reason Load Not Accepted (complete below only ifload not accepted) ------------ Description of Suspicious Contents: Color ___ Haz. Waste Markings----- Texture___ Odor/Fumes. _______ _ Drums Present Other---------- Est. Cu. Y ds. Present in Load Est. Tons Present in Load (describe) ________ _ Identified Hazardous Materials Present: ______________________ _ County Emergency Management Authority Contacted? Yes __ _ No Generator Authority Contacted? Hauler Notified (check if waste not accepted)? __ Phone------Time Contacted--~ Final Disposition of Load---------------------------- Signed Solid Waste Director Attach related correspondence to this fomt File completed form in Operating Record. 16 Appendix 2 - HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTINGENCY PLAN BUFFALOE LCID LANDFILL AND WOOD RECYCLING FACILITY 1.0 HOT LOADS CONTINGENCY PLAN In the event of a "hot" load attempting to enter the facility, the scale house staff will turn away all trucks containing waste that is suspected to be hot, unless there is imminent danger to the driver, in which case the situation will be treated as a fire - the vehicle will be isolated away from structures and other traffic and the fire department will be called. The vehicle driver will be instructed unload - if safe to do so - and to move the vehicle to a safe location. Other traffic will be redirected to another portion of the tipping area (away from the fire), or other waste deliveries may be suspended until the fire is out. Facility staff may assist the fire department (at the scene manager's direction) by smothering the fire with dirt from an on-site stockpile. If the fire cannot be controlled, the fire department will be notified and the area cleared of nonessential personnel. Once the fire is out the waste shall be inspected in accordance to the Waste Screening Plan (Appendix 2) and, if the material is deemed acceptable under the waste acceptance criteria, it will be loaded into transport vehicles. If the material is not acceptable, it will be loaded back onto the delivery vehicle and sent to an appropriate landfill. 2.0 HAZARDOUS WASTE EMERGENCIES CONTINGENCY PLAN In the event that an obvious hazardous waste is detected, appropriate steps shall be implemented to safeguard the staff and public. Hazardous waste identification may be based on (but not limited to) the detection of strong odors, fumes or vapors, unusual colors or appearance (e.g., liquids), smoke, flame, or excess dust. All waste receipts shall be suspended and non-essential personnel cleared from the facility. The fire department will be called immediately in the event a hazardous material is detected. The waste will not be allowed to unload if hazardous waste is detected in advance of unloading. If unloaded waste is deemed to be hazardous, an attempt will be made to isolate the wastes in a designated area where runoff is controlled, and/or personnel will be cleared from the vicinity of the waste. Staff will act prudently to protect personnel, but no attempt will be made to remove the material until trained emergency personnel (fire department or haz-mat team) arrive. The Operator will notify the Division of Waste Management regional specialist that an attempt was made to dispose of hazardous waste at the facility. If the vehicle attempting disposal of such waste is known, attempts will be made to prevent that vehicle from leaving the site until it is identified (license tag, truck number driver and/or company information) or, if the vehicle leaves the site, immediate notice will be served on the owner of the vehicle that hazardous waste, for which they have responsibility, has been disposed of at the facility. The cost of the removal and Buffaloe LCID and Wood Waste Recycling disposing of the hazardous waste may be charged to the owner of the vehicle involved. Any vehicle owner or operator who knowingly dumps hazardous waste in the landfill may be barred from using the facility and/or reported to law enforcement authorities. 17 3.0 NON-EMERGENCY HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTINGENCY PLAN Some wastes that are considered as hazardous or otherwise prohibited from the facility – even those that do not constitute an emergency - may require special handling by licensed contractors. Such materials shall be prohibited from being unloaded, if possible, and the driver of the delivery vehicle made aware of options for legal disposal (addressed below). Some hazardous materials may be inadvertently unloaded at the facility and require the services of licensed contractors, who will be sought to dispose of the prohibited materials. Should such materials be detected at the facility after unloading, the materials will be located to a holding area away from personnel and away from drainage ways, isolated to prevent contact with water or runoff (e.g., covering with tarps, surrounding the materials with absorbent booms or soil berms, as appropriate), and the appropriate licensed contractor contacted immediately. In either case (still loaded or unloaded), arrangements shall be made for the isolated materials to be removed as soon as possible. 4.0 RECORD KEEPING State notification is required whenever a hazardous or PCB waste is detected. Records of these notifications will be kept and will include the date and time of notification, agency and individual contacted with phone numbers, and the information that was reported. Any hazardous waste found at the facility that requires mitigation under this plan shall be documented by staff using the Waste Screening Form provided in Appendix 2. Records of information gathered as part of the waste screening programs will be maintained throughout the operational life of the facility. SPECIAL NOTE: The Operator of this facility is encouraged to keep a current list of Hazardous Waste Responders handy, as the firms and/ or contact numbers may change over time. 18 Appendix 3 - FIRE OCCURRENCE NOTIFICATION FORM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY FIRE OCCURRENCE NOTIFICATION NC DENR Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Notify the Section verbally within 24 hours and submit written notification within 15 days of the occurrence. (If additional space is needed, use back of this form.) NAME OF FACILITY:PERMIT # DATE AND TIME OF FIRE:@ HOW WAS THE FIRE REPORTED AND BY WHOM: LIST ACTIONS TAKEN: WHAT WAS THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE: DESCRIBE AREA, TYPE, AND AMOUNT OF WASTE INVOLVED: WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN DONE TO PREVENT THIS FIRE: DESCRIBE PLAN OF ACTIONS TO PREVENT FUTURE INCIDENTS: NAME:TITLE:DATE: *********************************************************************************************************** THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY SOLID WASTE SECTION REGIONAL STAFF DATE RECEIVED _________________________________ List any factors not listed that might have contributed to the fire or that might prevent occurrence of future fires: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOLLOW-UP REQUIRED: NO PHONE CALL SUBMITTAL MEETING RETURN VISIT BY:____________________ (DATE) ACTIONS TAKEN OR REQUIRED: Revised 6/8/09 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 12/30/16