HomeMy WebLinkAbout20064_Simpson Oil_FNEMAIL_201608311 Harriger, Joselyn From:Harriger, Joselyn Sent:Wednesday, August 31, 2016 2:30 PM To:Aja, Deborah; Alexander, Delonda; Andersen, Jan; Barnhardt, Art; Basinger, Corey; Bateson, James; Bolich, Rick; Booe, Steve; Bradford, Teresa; Bullock, Scott; Burch, Brent; Burnette, Mark; Caulk, Kim; Davidson, Landon; Day, Collin; Doorn, Peter; Gallagher, Tony; Gregson, Jim; Hammonds, Andrew; Hunneke, William F; Jackson, Vance; Jesneck, Charlotte; Karoly, Cyndi; King, Morella s; Knight, Sherri; Kritzer, Jamie; Kromm, Carin; Lorscheider, Ellen; Lown, David; Marks, Cheryl; May, David; Mccarty, Bud; Mussler, Ed; Patterson, Jenny; Phelps, Michael; Pitner, Andrew; Poupart, Jeff; Powers, Mark; Qi, Qu; Randolph, Wayne; Risgaard, Jon; Scott, Georgette; Smith, Danny; Swope, Eric; Taraban, Ron; Walch, John; Watkins, Jason; Woosley, Julie; Zimmerman, Jay Cc:Scott, Michael; Nicholson, Bruce; Wahl, Tracy; Liggins, Shirley; Edwards, Caroline Subject:DEQ Internal Notice - Brownfields Property Application for Simpson Oil, Franklin, NC Attachments:Site Map for Notification Email.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged To DEQ Cleanup Programs:    This is an internal courtesy notice to inform your program that the DEQ Brownfields Program has received a Brownfields  Property Application submitted by Mainspring Conservation Trust, Inc. as the Prospective Developer (PD) seeking entry  into the Brownfields Program for the following property:    Site Name:                        Simpson Oil Company  Address:                            544 E Main Street  City/County/Zip:             Franklin, Macon County, 28734  BF Project Number:        20064‐16‐057  PIN:                                     6595318254 and 6595317214  UST Incident No.:            19007  Map link:                           https://goo.gl/maps/mStZAaYsPLJ2 (See attached Site Map)     We are now evaluating Mainspring Conservation Trust, Inc. and the subject property for eligibility for entry into the  Brownfields Program. The property consists of two parcels located at 544 E Main Street that total approximately 0.67  acres.  The subject property was developed as a bulk oil plant and service station in the 1960's and was operated as  Simpson Oil and Simpson Gas & Oil, Inc. until the company was administratively dissolved in 2010 and was suspended by  NC Dept. of Revenue in 2015. Between 2010 and 2015, the property was used as a small gun shop. As of Summer/Fall  2016, the property is being used as the Macon County Democratic Headquarters through November 2016. The PD plans  to use the property for greenspace, public park, greenway, and/or parking for a nearby associated greenway and  Nikwasi Indian Mound cultural site, located near the property. The property has petroleum contamination in soil and  groundwater associated with ASTs and USTs that were previously located on the property.    PD Contact Name:          Benjamin R. Laseter  PD Company:                   Mainspring Conservation Trust, Inc.  PD Address:                      PO Box 1148  Franklin, NC 28744  Phone No.:                        828‐524‐2711 x308  Fax No.:                              828‐524‐4741  Email:                                 blaseter@mainspring.org  2   PD Representative:        Sharon F. Taylor  Phone:                                828‐524‐2711 x311  Fax No.:                              828‐524‐4741  Email:                                 staylor@mainspringconserves.org  PD Website:                      www.mainspringconserves.org     Under the Brownfields Property Reuse Act, only entities that did not cause or contribute to the contamination at the  property are eligible to enter the program.  The applicant PD listed below have asserted that:  1) they have not caused or  contributed to the contamination at the property, and 2) they have substantially complied with laws, regulations, and  rules for the protection of the environment.  If you have any information to suggest otherwise, please provide that  information to me at joselyn.harriger@ncdenr.gov by September 14, 2016.    A Brownfields Agreement (BFA) has no legal effect on your agency's authority to regulate or enforce against any and  all parties who caused or contributed to the contamination at the property.  In fact, the BFA will require the  developer to provide access to the property to any party doing work under any DEQ program.     A BFA provides liability protection only to a non‐causative redeveloper of the property.  The developer will be  required to make the property safe for its intended re‐use.  Cleanup to unrestricted use standards will not be required  unless deemed necessary based on the developer's proposed use of the property.  Furthermore, the BFA will not  change the developer's responsibility to obtain any and all DEQ permits (e.g. storm water, sediment control, NPDES,  etc.) as required under applicable law.    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.        Thank you,    Joselyn Harriger, PG Project Manager Brownfields Program Department of Environmental Quality   704-235-2195 office 704-431-9825 mobile joselyn.harriger@ncdenr.gov 610 E. Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115       Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.   P P P P B - 1 B - 2 B - 3 B - 4 B - 5 B - 9 B - 6 B - 7 B - 8 B - 1 0 B - 1 1 B - 1 2 B - 1 3 B - 1 5 B - 1 6 B - 1 4 B - 1 7 B - 1 8 B - 2 0 B - 1 9 P P P P P P P 0 G R A P H I C S C A L E 3 0 1 5 3 0 S C A L E : 1 " = 3 0 ' F O R M E R R E T A I L S T O R E A N D O F F I C E NORTHEAST MAIN STREET B I G B E A R L A N E E A S T M A I N S T R E E T RETAIL STORES S A T E L L I T E S Y S T E M S O F W E S T E R N N C G R A S S TRE E S T R E E S T R E E S T R E E S A S P H A L T A S P H A L T G R A V E L P A R K I N G L O T G R A V E L P A R K I N G L O T F O R M E R D I S P E N S E R I S L A N D F O R M E R A S T s F O R M E R U S T s F O R M E R D I S P E N S E R I S L A N D LEGEND- TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION SURVEYED BY ED HOLMES A N D L A N D S U R V E Y O R S , P A O N J U L Y 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 - APPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATION- APPROXIMATE PRODUCT LINE LOCATION- FORMER SIMPSON OIL PROPERTY BOUNDARY S O U R C E : 2 0 1 0 A E R I A L P H O T O G R A P H O B T A I N E D F R O M w w w . n c o n e m a p . g o v . 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