HomeMy WebLinkAbout9810_D&DCompost_PTO_26818_20161216 Permit No: 9810-COMPOST-2016
D&D Organic Farming Compost Facility
December 16, 2016 Doc ID 26818
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart
Governor Secretary
1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646
Phone: 919-707-8200 Internet: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section
An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer
Permit No. 9810-COMPOST-2016
is hereby issued a
Located on the north side of Pelt Road, approximately 0.4 mile north of the intersection with Jaycross
Road, east of Fremont, in Wilson County, North Carolina, in accordance with Article 9, Chapter 130A,
of the General Statutes of North Carolina and all rules promulgated thereunder and subject to the
conditions set forth in this permit. The legal description of the site is identified on the deeds recorded for
this property listed in Attachment 1 of this permit.
Ellen B. Lorscheider
Section Chief
Solid Waste Section
Permit No: 9810-COMPOST-2016
D&D Organic Farming Compost Facility
December 16, 2016
Doc ID 26818
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Permit Issuance Date Doc ID
Permit to Operate December 16, 2016 26818
1. The facility was initially operated as a compost demonstration from 2008 through 2016.
2. The owner operates a septage detention and treatment facility, permit SDTF 98-08, and a
septage land application site, permit SLAS 98-08, on the same parcel as the compost
facility. Land application is on adjacent fields to the compost facility.
Note – Documents referenced in this permit (e.g., Doc ID 26817) can be viewed online at the NC
Solid Waste Section website in the Documents database.
1. Application for Compost Permit to Operate. July 2014, revised through December 2016.
Doc ID 26817.
Wilson County, N.C. Register of Deeds
Book Page
2469 881 D&P Land Company, LLC
2508 955 D&P Land Company, LLC
Total Property Acreage: 325 acres
Note - Wilson County Parcel PIN 3637-35-1432. The actual composting area is approximately
7.7 acres. The address for the compost area is 7984 Pelt Road, Fremont, NC 27830.
1. This permit is issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality,
Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section (Section). In accordance with
North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0201(d), a solid waste
management facility permit shall have two parts: a Permit to Construct and a Permit to
Operate. The Permit to Operate shall expire December 16, 2021. The Permit to Operate
must be implemented in accordance with Attachment 3 of this permit.
2. The persons to whom this permit is issued (“permittee”) are the owners and operators of
the solid waste management facility.
3. By receiving waste at this facility the permittee shall be considered to have accepted the
terms and conditions of this permit.
Permit No: 9810-COMPOST-2016
D&D Organic Farming Compost Facility
December 16, 2016
Doc ID 26818
Page 3 of 7
4. Operation of this solid waste management facility must be in accordance with the Solid
Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC 13B, Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the North
Carolina General Statutes (NCGS 130A-290, et seq.), the conditions contained in this
permit, and the approved plan. Should the approved plan and the rules conflict, the Solid
Waste Management Rules shall take precedence unless specifically addressed by permit
condition. Failure to comply may result in compliance action or permit revocation.
5. This permit is issued based on the documents submitted in support of the application for
permitting the facility identified in the “List of Documents for Approved Plan,” which
constitutes the approved plan for the facility. Where discrepancies exist, the most recent
submittals and the Attachment 3 “Conditions of Operating Permit” shall govern.
6. This permit may be transferred only with the approval of the Section, through the
issuance of a new or substantially amended permit in accordance with applicable statutes
and rules. In accordance with NCGS 130A-295.2(g), the permittee must notify the
Section thirty (30) days prior to any significant change in the identity or business
structure of either the owner or the operator, including but not limited to, a proposed
transfer of ownership of the facility or a change in the parent company of the owner or
operator of the facility.
7. The permittee is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals necessary for the
development of this project including approval from appropriate agencies for
sedimentation and erosion control, and a General or Individual National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit, if applicable.
Issuance of this permit does not remove the permittee’s responsibilities for compliance
with any other local, state or federal rule or statute.
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Permit No: 9810-COMPOST-2016
D&D Organic Farming Compost Facility
December 16, 2016
Doc ID 26818
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Permit No: 9810-COMPOST-2016
D&D Organic Farming Compost Facility
December 16, 2016
Doc ID 26818
Page 5 of 7
1. The Permit to Operate shall expire December 16, 2021. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 13B
.0201(g), no later than August 16, 2021, the permittee must submit a request to the
Section for permit review and must update pertinent facility plans.
2. The facility must be adequately secured by means of gates, chains, berms, fences, or
other measures approved by the Section to prevent unauthorized entry.
3. A sign must be maintained at the site entrance providing site information including the
permit number, prohibited materials, and emergency contact information.
4. A responsible individual trained in facility operations must be onsite during all operating
hours of the facility, in accordance with NCGS 130A-309.25.
5. Interior roadways must be of all-weather construction and maintained in good condition.
All sides of storage and compost areas for flammable materials must be clear and
drivable, to provide vehicular access in the event of a fire.
6. Feedstocks for composting are limited to dewatered grease trap waste and septic waste,
wood material (wood chips, yard waste, land clearing debris), hay, and tobacco dust. A
request must be submitted to receive additional feedstocks, and may require a permit
7. An appropriate Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) permit for
managing any stormwater or wastewater at the facility must be maintained as required.
Any leachate generated at the facility and any runoff from the facility must be managed
to prevent contamination of groundwater and surface water. The facility must be
maintained to prevent the accumulation of stormwater and leachate on processing areas,
composting areas, storage areas, and roads.
8. Feedstocks must not be received that are in an anaerobic state.
9. Windrow dimensions for active composting must be limited to a maximum of 7-feet high
and 12-feet wide, unless otherwise approved by the Section.
10. Storage of pre-processed debris and mulch must be limited to piles of maximum 30 feet
in height, 50 feet in width, with unlimited length within the approved boundaries, unless
otherwise approved by the Section.
11. Windrow turning must not occur without consulting weather forecasts for favorable
conditions including wind direction and precipitation.
12. The odor management procedures must be followed to minimize odors at the facility
boundary. Upon receipt of an odor complaint, the facility operator must investigate and
take action as necessary to minimize the cause of the complaint. A copy of all written
complaints regarding this facility must be maintained for the duration of the permit
including the operator’s actions taken to resolve the complaints.
Permit No: 9810-COMPOST-2016
D&D Organic Farming Compost Facility
December 16, 2016
Doc ID 26818
Page 6 of 7
13. Compost process data must be maintained in writing as required to document
temperatures, moisture levels, and turning/aeration intervals.
14. Thermometers used for documenting composting temperatures must be calibrated
annually. Documentation of calibration must be kept in the facility records.
15. All compost produced at the facility must meet the requirements of Rule .1407 of the
Solid Waste Compost Rules and the permit application.
16. Testing and reporting must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Rule
.1408 and the permit application.
a. The sample collected for metals analysis is to be a composite sample from
subsamples accumulated from each batch produced during the six-month period,
or 20,000 tons of compost produced, whichever comes first.
b. The sample collected for pathogens testing should not be collected and held over
a six-month period. The sample should be collected as a composite sample from
finished compost onsite on the same day it is to be taken to the lab for analysis.
The sample should be processed within the hold time required by the lab testing
17. In the event of a mechanical failure, the facility must immediately use its best effort to
utilize substitute equipment for completion of the composting operation.
18. Effective vector control measures must be applied to reduce the potential for vector
attraction, as needed.
19. The facility must be operated and maintained with sufficient dust control measures to
minimize airborne emissions and to prevent dust from becoming a nuisance or safety
hazard. Fugitive dust emissions from the facility that contribute to substantive
complaints may subject the facility to the Division of Air Quality requirements as listed
in 15A NCAC 2D .0540.
20. Unacceptable wastes received at the site must be stored in containers and promptly
removed from the site for proper disposal.
21. An annual report of facility activities for the fiscal year July 1 to June 30 must be
submitted to the Section by August 1 of each year on forms provided by the Section.
This report must include the amount of materials composted in tons, temperature records,
and metal, pathogen, and foreign matter testing analytical data.
22. Copies of this permit, the approved plans, and all records required to be maintained by
the permittee must be maintained at the facility and made available to the Section upon
request during normal business hours.
23. Open burning of waste is prohibited. Fires must be reported to the regional
environmental senior specialist with 24 hours of the occurrence, followed by a written
report of the details of the fire within 15 days of the occurrence.
Permit No: 9810-COMPOST-2016
D&D Organic Farming Compost Facility
December 16, 2016
Doc ID 26818
Page 7 of 7
24. Facility construction, operations or practices must not cause or result in a discharge of
pollution, dredged material, and/or fill material into waters of the state in violation of the
requirements under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.
25. Groundwater quality at this facility is subject to the classification, monitoring, and
remedial action provisions of 15A NCAC 2L. Groundwater monitoring may be required
if there is an indication for the potential for groundwater contamination.
- End of Permit Conditions -