HomeMy WebLinkAbout19077_Blacknall Church_PRII_20150918 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES ................................................................... 3 2.1 Soil Assessment Activities ..................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Groundwater Assessment Activities ...................................................................................... 4 3.0 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ........................................................... 4 3.1 Summary of Groundwater Assessment Results ..................................................................... 4 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 5 DRAWINGS Drawing 1 .................................................................................................. Topographic Site Map Drawing 2 ................................................................. Site Summary Map with Sample Locations Drawing 3 ................................................................................................. Surrounding Area Map TABLES Table 1 .................... Soil Sample Field Screening Results and Temporary Monitoring Well Details Table 2 .............................................. Summary of Laboratory Test Results - Groundwater Samples APPENDICES Appendix A................................. Laboratory Analytical Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records 1.0 INTRODUCTION In accordance with Contract Change Order No. 01, dated July 7, 2015, and as amended, The John R. McAdams Company (McAdams) has prepared this Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report for the three parcels located at 714, 715 and 716 Iredell Street in Durham, North Carolina. Site maps showing the location and layout of the subject site are provided as Drawing 1 and Drawing 2. According to Durham County GIS Mapping (GoMaps), the southeastern parcel of the subject site, listed as Parcel Number 0822-18-32-5007, consists of 0.203 acres of land and has an address of 714 Iredell Street. The southwestern parcel of the subject site, listed as Parcel Number 0822-18-32-2098, consists of 0.227 acres of land and has an address of 715 Iredell Street. The northeastern parcel of the subject site, listed as Parcel Number 0822-18-32-5103, consists of 0.203 acres of land and has an address of 716 Iredell Street. Two of the parcels (714 and 716 Iredell Street) contain vacant residences and the third parcel (715 Iredell Street) contains a residential structure that is being used as office space. McAdams was contracted to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) to support acquisition of the subject site. In the process of conducting the PESA, McAdams identified multiple environmental database listings within the surrounding area of the subject site that have the potential to impact the subject site. Based on this information, recommendations were made to conduct Phase II assessment activities to evaluate the potential impacts from these adjacent/nearby sites. A summary of these regulatory records listings, referred to as Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) by address is provided below and their locations are shown in Drawing 2 and Drawing 3.  715 Broad Street - Based on the results of the PESA, the first concern for the subject site includes a release of petroleum that was documented on the eastern adjoining property to the subject site at 715 Broad Street. McAdams performed a file review to obtain addition from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Waste Management (DWM), Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Raleigh Regional Office about this release incident. According to regulatory records, the release occurred on May 14, 2008. Two incident numbers (Incident Nos. 33532 and 33539) were assigned to the release from one 1,127-gallon UST. The release was discovered during removal of the UST. Approximately 38 tons of soil was over excavated during UST removal. Subsequent testing detected the presence of petroleum constituents in groundwater above North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGWQS) but below Gross Contaminant Limits (GCLs). Based on assessment results, Incident No. 33539 was closed out on September 2, 2009. Incident No. 33532 was closed out on February 25, 2011 after it was discovered to be a duplicate incident number for the same release. The approximate excavation boundary of the former UST is shown in Drawing 2 and is located approximately 50 feet from southeast corner of the subject site. According to groundwater flow estimates from previous phase II assessment activities for the LUST incident, groundwater reportedly flows to the northwest from the UST source area toward the subject site. Therefore, available information indicates the potential for residual petroleum associated with the release from 715 Broad Street to migrate onto the subject site.  720 Ninth Street - The southwest adjoining property located at 720 Ninth Street was identified in multiple regulatory records listings. According to the listings, a dry cleaner (Cheek Laundry & Cleaners, Inc.) was formerly located at 720 Ninth Street from 1949 to 1979. Additionally, a documented UST petroleum release occurred on July 12, 1997 (Incident No. 15077). The incident appears to be related to the removal of three 550-gallon USTs on November 30, 1995. The incident was closed out on January 25, 2008 when soil-to-groundwater standards were achieved. However, the close-out was related to the UST Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report September 18, 2015 Blacknall Memorial Page 2 Durham, North Carolina closure and did not address potential releases from historical dry-cleaning operations. Based on this, the close proximity of this former dry-cleaner to the subject site (approximately 55 feet) and its topographical upgradient relationship, there is the potential for petroleum and/or chlorinated solvents to have impacted the site.  728 Ninth Street - The western adjoining property located at 728 Ninth Street was also identified as a historical dry cleaner. City directory information listed Clean Rite Dry Cleaners as being located at this address from 1949 until 1963 and as Cheek Dry Cleaners in 1969. Based on this, the close proximity of this former dry-cleaner to the subject site (approximately 90 feet) and its topographical upgradient relationship, there is the potential for petroleum and/or chlorinated solvents to have impacted the site.  734 Ninth Street – Bernard’s Formal Wear has been located at 734 Ninth Street (approximately 75 feet northwest of the subject site) since 1990 and was listed as a RCRA-CESQG for typical dry cleaning solvents in 1991. Based on the nature of the listings, proximity and topographical relationship of Bernard’s Formal Wear has the potential to impact the subject site with migrating chlorinated solvents.  2109 Hillsborough Road – It was identified that the former Burlington Industries (Durham Plant) textile plant is located to the west of the subject site on the corner of West Main Street and Ninth Street. A documented AST release incident (Incident No. 20604) of chlorinated solvents occurred on the site. In the EDR report it was listed that “low concentrations of solvent and semi-volatiles detected in groundwater, probably the result of previous manufacturing processes.” Additionally, this site is listed as a Brownfields site under Project Number Project ID 14032-10-32. The former Burlington Industries site is located cross-gradient to the subject site and has the potential for migration of constituents associated with the AST release and/or former textile operations to reach the site. Additional historic and current dry cleaners were also identified within the surrounding area that are considered to represent RECs for the subject site and include the following:  744 Ninth Street - Fields 24 Hour Laundromat since 1990 (approximately 200 feet to the northwest of the subject site).  752 Ninth Street - Jin Dry Cleaners since 2009 (approximately 250 to the northwest of the subject site).  756 Ninth Street - Former Southern Dry Cleaners & Laundry Inc., listed at 756 Ninth Street from 1935 to 1979 (approximately 300 feet to the northwest of the subject site).  1916 Perry Street – Former Cheek Dry Cleaning Co. Office located at 1916 Perry Street (approximately 220 feet to the southwest of the subject site).  637 Broad Street – Former White Star Laundry and Cleaners located at 637 Broad Street (approximately 450 feet to the south of the subject site). Note that the historical development of the subject site and surrounding area for high density industrial and commercial uses creates the potential for unidentified sources of contamination to be present that cannot be reasonably identified using available sources of information. This uncertainty was taken into consideration during the preparation of this Phase II Assessment Report. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report September 18, 2015 Blacknall Memorial Page 3 Durham, North Carolina 2.0 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES The objective of the Phase II scope of services was to determine if the subject site has been impacted by the release of chlorinated solvents or petroleum from known/potential contaminant sources identified on adjacent properties that were identified during the performance of our Phase I Environmental Assessment. The following sections of this report summarize Phase II assessment activities conducted at the site. On August 13, 2015, McAdams mobilized to the site to oversee the installation of four soil borings/temporary groundwater monitoring wells (SB-1/TMW-1 through SB-4/TMW-4). Temporary well installation services were provided by Quantex, Inc. of Raleigh, North Carolina. Prior to assessment activities, North Carolina One-Call was contacted to locate subsurface utilities. Additionally, a McAdams crew was mobilized to the site to provide private subsurface locating services. 2.1 Soil Assessment Activities The four sampling locations were distributed throughout the subject property to evaluate potential impacts from the previously-described adjacent/nearby properties. Soil boring SB-1 was advanced to a depth of approximately 17 feet BLS using direct push technology (DPT). Refusal using DPT was encountered at approximately 17 feet and solid-stem augers were used to advance boring SB-1 to a depth of approximately 39 feet BLS in an attempt to encounter the water table. Soil boring SB-2 was advanced to a depth of approximately 14 feet BLS, where refusal was encountered using (DPT). Solid-stem augers were used to advance boring SB-2 to a depth of approximately 39 feet BLS. Soil boring SB-3 was advanced to a depth of approximately 22 feet BLS, where refusal was encountered using (DPT). Solid-stem augers were used to advance boring SB-3 to a depth of approximately 31 feet BLS. Soil boring SB-4 was advanced to a depth of approximately 15 feet BLS, where refusal was encountered using (DPT). Solid-stem augers were used to advance boring SB-4 to a depth of approximately 32 feet BLS. In general, the lithology at the site consisted of sandy clays and silty clays towards the top of the borings transitioning to fine clayey silts towards the bottom of the borings. The soils are typical of those encountered in the Triassic Basin, the geologic formation that underlies the site. DPT refusal was encountered in each soil boring and the equipment was switched to solid-stem augers to advance the borings in an attempt to encounter groundwater. Using a GeoProbe “macrocore” sampling device and DPT and soild-stem augers, continuous soil samples were scanned for the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a photoionization detector (PID). The soil samples were visually inspected to identify soil types and evidence of contamination (i.e. staining, discoloration and sheens). Table 1 provides a summary of FID screening and field observations. No field evidence of contamination was observed in the soils that were collected and screened. Soil samples were only collected from the borings for the purpose of field screening activities. Soil samples were not collected for laboratory analysis. Representations of unsaturated soil conditions were not required as the purpose of the Phase II assessment was to determine the impact on groundwater from potential off-site contaminant sources. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report September 18, 2015 Blacknall Memorial Page 4 Durham, North Carolina 2.2 Groundwater Assessment Activities On August 13, 2015, Quantex, Inc, constructed four temporary monitoring wells (TMW-1 through TMW-4) under the supervision of McAdams (Drawing 2). The temporary monitoring wells were installed within the annulus of soil borings (SB-1 through SB-4). TMW-1 and TMW-2 were installed within SB-1 and SB-2, respectively, at a depth of approximately 39 feet BLS. TMW-3 was installed within SB-3 at a depth of approximately 31 feet BLS. TMW-4 was installed within SB-4 at a depth of approximately 32 feet BLS. These temporary wells were constructed using 1-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC casing with a 15-foot section of screen. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 12 to 25 feet BLS (Table 1). Due to the geology of the site, groundwater was not initially present in temporary monitoring wells TMW-2 and TMW-3. These wells were allowed to recharge overnight and eventually yielded sufficient volume to collect a sample. The water levels in each temporary monitoring well was observed to recharge slowly and did not have sufficient time to stabilize. Therefore, relative groundwater elevations could not be obtained for the purpose of evaluating shallow groundwater flow direction. Based on USGS topographic maps and site observations, the groundwater at the subject site is expected to flow from the subject site north along Iredell Street or north along Ellerbe Creek located on the southwest of the property. Each temporary monitoring well was purged with a peristaltic pump and dedicated tubing until dry or groundwater cleared of sedimentation. After the wells were purged, groundwater was decanted into pre-labeled laboratory-supplied bottles, packed in an ice-filled cooler and transported under chain-of-custody from the subject site to Prism Laboratories (Prism) in Charlotte, North Carolina by a Prism courier. Groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs according to EPA Method 6200B and SVOCs, including base neutrals and acid extractables, according to EPA Method 625. Upon completion of sampling activities, the wells were abandoned by removing the well casing from the subsurface and filling their borings with bentonite chips and patching the hole with backfill. 3.0 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 3.1 Summary of Groundwater Assessment Results Laboratory analytical reports and chain-of-custody records for water samples are provided in Appendix A. Table 2 provides a summary of laboratory results. As summarized in Table 2, tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was detected in groundwater from TMW-1 at a concentration of 1,300 micrograms per liter (ug/L) and in groundwater from TMW-3 at a concentration of 1.9 ug/L which exceeds its North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGWQS) of 0.7 ug/L. 1,1-Dichoroethylene, cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene, and Trichloroethylene (TCE) were also detected in groundwater from temporary monitoring well TMW-1 at concentrations of 1.4 ug/L, 3.7 ug/L and 13 ug/L respectively. These are common natural degradation constituents of PCE and only Trichloroethylene was detected in excess of its NCGWQS (3 ug/L). The only constituents detected in groundwater from TMW-2 were Di-n-butyl phthalate and Acetone at concentrations of 2.5J ug/L and 14 ug/L, respectively. The only constituent detected in groundwater from TMW-4 was chloromethane at a concentration of 1.4 ug/L. These constituents were not detected in excess of their respective NCGWQS’s. Di-n-butyl phthalate, acetone and chloromethane are common sampling/laboratory artifacts. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report September 18, 2015 Blacknall Memorial Page 5 Durham, North Carolina Concentrations of constituents detected in groundwater were compared against Division of Waste Management Residential and Non-residential Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (DWM VI GWSL). This was conducted to evaluate potential VI risk due to the presence of these constituents in groundwater. As shown in Table 2, results indicate that PCE and TCE concentrations in groundwater from Temporary monitoring wells TMW-1 exceed their respective Residential and Non-Residential standards. This information indicates a potentially unacceptable VI risk at the site for current and future residential and non-residential use of the site. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Petroleum related constituents were not detected in any of the groundwater samples collected as part of this investigation. Therefore, the results of this investigation indicate that the subject site has not been impacted by the documented releases of petroleum from the former USTs located on the eastern adjoining property (715 Broad Street) and the southwest adjoining property (720 Ninth Street). Based on available information, the constituents detected in groundwater from temporary monitoring wells TMW-2 and TMW-4 appear to be common sampling/laboratory artifacts. As such, the detection of these constituents in groundwater does not appear to be associated with impacts from known/potential off-site contaminant sources. Results indicate the presence of constituents commonly associated with dry-cleaning solvents in groundwater from temporary monitoring wells TMW-1 and TMW-3. As shown on Drawing 2, the likely source(s) of the chlorinated solvents are the former dry cleaners located topographically upgradient to the subject site on the west (728 Ninth Street) and southwest (720 Ninth Street) adjoining properties. The other previously described area dry cleaning facilities and the former Durham Plant textile mill could also be potential contributing sources. As previously mentioned, concentrations of PCE and TCE in groundwater from temporary monitoring well TMW-1 and PCE in groundwater from TMW-3 exceeded their respective NCGWQS. PCE and TCE concentrations in groundwater from TMW-1 also exceed their respective Residential and Non-residential DWM VI GWSLs. This information indicates a potentially unacceptable VI risk at the site for current and future residential and non-residential use of the site. Based on limited data available at this time, the VI risk appears to be mainly associated with the western portion of the site where the highest concentrations of common dry-cleaning solvents were detected. Note that the DWM VI GWSL are conservative in nature and are used to determine if additional evaluation of VI risk is warranted. The presence of these contaminants in groundwater provides evidence of a release of chemicals into the environment. As such, we recommend reporting this to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) in accordance with applicable regulations. Since available data indicates the likely source(s) are located off-site, the current property owner would likely not be identified as a responsible party. At this time we would suggest reporting this information to the NCDENR Dry-Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA) Program as the release appears to have originated from a former dry-cleaners. The reporting obligation should be the responsibility of the current property owner(s) based on the contractual obligations of the potential transaction. DRAWINGS 0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet1 inch = 2,000 feet ¯ Legend SUBJECT PROPERTY DRAWING 1TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAPBLACKNALL MEMORIALDURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DWG NO:DATE:JOB NO:DRAWN BY:DRAFT CHECK:ENG. CHECK:APPROVAL:FILE LOC: DRAWING 109/16/2015SPEC-15260KKRSTGSTGJT X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-15260\Environmental\GIS\SPEC15260_PHASE I TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP.mxd NOTES:1. USGS 7.5 MINUTE QUAD "NORTHWEST DURHAM", NORTH CAROLINA, 2013 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICSOCIETY2. PARCEL BOUNDARY DATA FROM DURHAM COUNTY GIS bd388a845f6d481c892be2d91c492b64 Override 1 Railroads Neighboring Counties Streets 1:19,200 <all other values> INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS LOCAL PRIVATE RAMP ALLEY PLANNED OR PENDING Parks Stream Culvert Stream Hydro Centerline Topo 10ft Topo 2ft Hydro Polygons Open Channels Ditch River Stream Unknown September 15, 2015 0 0.01 0.020.005 mi 0 0.015 0.030.0075 km 1:500 Information depicted hereon is for reference purposes only and is compiled from the best available sources. The City of Durham/Durham County assumes no responsibility for errors arising from use or misuse of this map. TABLES Soil Boring/ Temporary Monitoring WellID Depth Below Land Surface (ft.)PID Results (ppm)Technician Comment 0.0 - 5.0 0.0 5.0 - 10.0 5.9 10.0 - 15.0 0.9 15.0 - 17.0 0.7 17.0 - 20.0 1.7 20.0 - 25.0 1.4 25.0 - 30.0 0.6 30.0 - 35.0 0.0 35.0 - 39.0 0.8 0.0 - 5.0 0.0 5.0 - 10.0 0.0 10.0 - 14.0 0.0 14.0 - 20.0 0.0 20.0 - 24.0 0.0 24.0 - 29.0 0.0 29.0 - 34.0 0.0 34.0 - 39.0 0.0 0.0 - 5.0 0.0 5.0 - 10.0 0.0 10.0 - 15.0 0.0 15.0 - 17.0 0.0 17.0 - 20.0 0.0 20.0 - 22.0 0.0 22.0 - 25.0 0.0 25.0 - 30.0 0.0 30.0 - 31.0 0.0 0.0 - 5.0 0.0 5.0 - 10.0 0.0 10.0 - 15.0 0.0 15.0 - 20.0 0.0 20.0 - 25.0 0.0 25.0 - 30.0 1.3 30.0 - 32.0 0.0 Notes: BLS - Below Land Surface PID - Photoionization Detector (ppm) - Parts per Million DPT - Direct-push Technology using a Geoprobe rig TABLE 1 SOIL FIELD SCREENING RESULTS AND TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL DETAILS BLACKNALL MEMORIAL DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MCADAMS PROJECT NO. SPEC-15260 SB-4 / TMW-4 The boring was drilled using DPT from 0' to 15' BLS (refusal at 15'). Solid-stem augers were utilized to continue drilling to a depth of 32' BLS (refusal at 32'). A 1" PVC temporary well (TMW-4) was set at a depth of approximately 32' BLS, screened from approximately 17' to 32' BLS. Sand pack placed around well casing from approximately 15' to 32' BLS.Bentonite seal placed from approximately 13' to 15' BLS. Grouted and allowed to recharge overnight. Depth to water measured at approximately 12.8 feet BLS.* * Water level may not have stabilized prior to abandonment. SB-1 / TMW-1 The boring was drilled using DPT from 0' to 17' BLS (refusal at 17'). Solid- stem augers were utilized to continue drilling to a depth of 39' BLS (refusal at 39'). A 1" PVC temporary well (TMW-1) was set at a depth ofapproximately 39' BLS, screened from approximately 24' to 39' BLS. Sand pack placed around well casing from approximately 22' to 39' BLS. Bentonite seal placed from approximately 20' to 22' BLS. Depth to water measured at approximately 15.1 feet BLS.* SB-2 / TMW-2 The boring was drilled using DPT from 0' to 14' BLS (refusal at 14'). Solid-stem augers were utilized to continue drilling to a depth of 39' BLS (refusal at 39'). A 1" PVC temporary well (TMW-2) was set at a depth of approximately 39' BLS, screened from approximately 24' to 39' BLS. Sand pack placed around well casing from approximately 22' to 39' BLS.Bentonite seal placed from approximately 20' to 22' BLS. Grouted and allowed to recharge overnight. Depth to water measured at approximately 25.3 feet BLS.* SB-3 / TMW-3 The boring was drilled using DPT from 0' to 22' BLS (refusal at 22'). Solid- stem augers were utilized to continue drilling to a depth of 31' BLS (refusal at 31'). A 1" PVC temporary well (TMW-3) was set at a depth of approximately 31' BLS, screened from approximately 16' to 31' BLS. Sand pack placed around well casing from approximately 14' to 31' BLS. Bentonite seal placed from approximately 12' to 14' BLS. Grouted and allowed to recharge overnight. Depth to water measured at approximately 22.0 feet BLS.* NC2L GWQS DWM Residential VI GWSL DWM Non- Residential VI GWSL TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-4 Di-n-butyl phthalate 700 NL NL ND 2.5J ND ND 1,1-Dichloroethylene 7 39.1 164 1.4 ND ND ND Acetone 6000 4520000 19000000 5.1J 14 ND ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 70 NL NL 3.7 ND ND ND Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 11.5 48.4 1300 ND 1.9 ND Trichloroethylene 3 1.04 4.35 13 ND ND ND Chloromethane 3 52.1 219 ND ND ND 1.4 Notes: NL - Standard Not Listed for Analyte Bold -Indicates exceedence of NC2L Underlined - Indicates exceedence of DWM residential vapor intrusion groundwater screening level (VI GWSL) Shaded - Indicates exceedence of DWM non-residential vapor intrusion groundwater screening level (VI GWSL) ND - Not detected above the detection limit NC2L - North Carolina groundwater quality standard (GWQS) J - Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). EPA Method 6200 B (ug/L) EPA Method 625 (ug/L) Sample ID TABLE 2 AUGUST 14, 2015 BLACKNALL MEMORIAL SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS - GROUNDWATER SAMPLES DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MCADAMS PROJECT NO. SPEC-15260 Analyte Regulatory Standards APPENDIX A LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 Case Narrative 08/25/2015 McAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Sean Gallagher 2905 Meridian Pkwy Durham, NC 27713 Project: Blacknall Lab Submittal Date: 08/17/2015 Prism Work Order: 5080263 VA Certification No. 460211 DoD ELAP: L-A-B Accredited Certificate No. L2307 ISO/IEC 17025: L-A-B Accredited Certificate No. L2307 Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. President/Project Manager Reviewed ByRobbi A. Jones Robbi A. Jones President/Project Manager Data Qualifiers Key Reference: D RPD value outside of the control limits. J Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). L Parameter reported with possible low bias. LCS recovery below the QC limit. LH High LCS recovery. Analyte not detected in the sample(s). No further action taken. Method Detection LimitMDL Below Reporting LimitBRL Relative Percent DifferenceRPD *Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 1 of 31 Sample Receipt Summary 08/25/2015 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Client Sample ID MatrixLab Sample ID Date Sampled Date Received 5080263-01 08/13/15TMW-1 08/17/15Water 5080263-02 08/13/15TMW-2 08/17/15Water 5080263-03 08/14/15TMW-3 08/17/15Water 5080263-04 08/14/15TMW-4 08/17/15Water Samples were received in good condition at 3.2 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 2 of 31 Client ID ResultParameterMethod UnitsPrism ID Prism Work Order: 5080263 08/25/2015 Summary of Detections 1.4 ug/L5080263-01 TMW-1 1,1-Dichloroethylene SM6200 B 5.1 J ug/L5080263-01 TMW-1 Acetone SM6200 B 3.7 ug/L5080263-01 TMW-1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene SM6200 B 1300 ug/L5080263-01 TMW-1 Tetrachloroethylene SM6200 B 13 ug/L5080263-01 TMW-1 Trichloroethylene SM6200 B 2.5 J ug/L5080263-02 TMW-2 Di-n-butyl phthalate 625 14 ug/L5080263-02 TMW-2 Acetone SM6200 B 1.9 ug/L5080263-03 TMW-3 Tetrachloroethylene SM6200 B 1.4 ug/L5080263-04 TMW-4 Chloromethane SM6200 B This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 3 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-1 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-01 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:50 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.61,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.71,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.71,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.71,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.61-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.52,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 0.542,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.42,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.42,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.82-Chloronaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.42-Chlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.72-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.52-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.53,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.23/4-Methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.24,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.34-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloroaniline BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.24-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571508/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.04-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.7Acenaphthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Acenaphthylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Anthracene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 2.9Benzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.5Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.8Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.0Benzoic Acid BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.2Benzyl alcohol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.3bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.7Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.3Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.4Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.4Chrysene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzofuran This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 4 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-1 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-01 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:50 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 0.98Diethyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.4Dimethyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.8Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.4Fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.5Fluorene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.2Hexachlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachloroethane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 2.2Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.5Isophorone BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.6Naphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.4Nitrobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 0.96N-Nitrosodimethylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.2N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.4N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.5Pentachlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.4Phenanthrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 0.90Phenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 17:17 JMVug/L 1.5Pyrene Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 31-14481 %2,4,6-Tribromophenol 49-11879 %2-Fluorobiphenyl 22-8453 %2-Fluorophenol 43-12373 %Nitrobenzene-d5 10-6334 %Phenol-d5 49-15182 %Terphenyl-d14 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.111,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0611,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0361,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0661,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethane 1.4 SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0511,1-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.401,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.141,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.131,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0541,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.171,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0511,2-Dibromoethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0761,2-Dichlorobenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 5 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-1 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-01 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:50 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0661,2-Dichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.111,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0761,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0541,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0431,3-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0501,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.112,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0662-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0504-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.0894-Isopropyltoluene 5.1 SM6200 B P5H03311108/20/15 16:26 MSCJug/L 0.31Acetone BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.048Benzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.057Bromobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.14Bromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.062Bromodichloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.040Bromoform BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.18Bromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.11Carbon Tetrachloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.062Chlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.22Chloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.076Chloroform BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.079Chloromethane 3.7 SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.056cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.079cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.081Dibromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.065Dibromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.11Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033112008/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 27Ethanol BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.061Ethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.16Hexachlorobutadiene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.050Isopropyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.054Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.12m,p-Xylenes BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.065Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.24Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.078Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.083Methylene Chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.042Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.19Naphthalene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.076n-Butylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.087n-Propylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.044o-Xylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.076sec-Butylbenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 6 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-1 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-01 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:50 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.047Styrene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.088tert-Butylbenzene 1300 SM6200 B P5H0331100508/20/15 16:52 MSCug/L 9.8Tetrachloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.044Toluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.070trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.12trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 13 SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.078Trichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.062Trichlorofluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.060Vinyl acetate BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.097Vinyl chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.5 8/20/15 16:26 MSCug/L 0.15Xylenes, total Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 70-130107 %4-Bromofluorobenzene 70-130105 %Dibromofluoromethane 70-130101 %Toluene-d8 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 7 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-2 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-02 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:40 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.61,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.71,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.71,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.71,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.61-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.52,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 0.542,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.42,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.42,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.82-Chloronaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.42-Chlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.72-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.52-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.53,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.23/4-Methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.24,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.34-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloroaniline BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.24-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571508/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.04-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.7Acenaphthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Acenaphthylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Anthracene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 2.9Benzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.5Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.8Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.0Benzoic Acid BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.2Benzyl alcohol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.3bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.7Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.3Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.4Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.4Chrysene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzofuran This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 8 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-2 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-02 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:40 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 0.98Diethyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.4Dimethyl phthalate 2.5 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVJug/L 1.6Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.8Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.4Fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.5Fluorene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.2Hexachlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachloroethane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 2.2Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.5Isophorone BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.6Naphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.4Nitrobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 0.96N-Nitrosodimethylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.2N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.4N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.5Pentachlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.4Phenanthrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 0.90Phenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:21 JMVug/L 1.5Pyrene Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 31-14491 %2,4,6-Tribromophenol 49-11884 %2-Fluorobiphenyl 22-8459 %2-Fluorophenol 43-12371 %Nitrobenzene-d5 10-6343 %Phenol-d5 49-15185 %Terphenyl-d14 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.111,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0611,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0361,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0661,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0511,1-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.401,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.141,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.131,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0541,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.171,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0511,2-Dibromoethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0761,2-Dichlorobenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 9 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-2 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-02 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:40 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0661,2-Dichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.111,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0761,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0541,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0431,3-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0501,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.112,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0662-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0504-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.0894-Isopropyltoluene 14 SM6200 B P5H03311108/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.31Acetone BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.048Benzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.057Bromobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.14Bromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.062Bromodichloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.040Bromoform BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.18Bromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.11Carbon Tetrachloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.062Chlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.22Chloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.076Chloroform BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.079Chloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.056cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.079cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.081Dibromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.065Dibromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.11Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033112008/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 27Ethanol BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.061Ethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.16Hexachlorobutadiene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.050Isopropyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.054Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.12m,p-Xylenes BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.065Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.24Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.078Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.083Methylene Chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.042Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.19Naphthalene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.076n-Butylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.087n-Propylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.044o-Xylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.076sec-Butylbenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 10 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-2 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-02 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/13/15 16:40 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.047Styrene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.088tert-Butylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.098Tetrachloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.044Toluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.070trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.12trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.078Trichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.062Trichlorofluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.060Vinyl acetate BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.097Vinyl chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.5 8/20/15 13:49 MSCug/L 0.15Xylenes, total Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 70-130106 %4-Bromofluorobenzene 70-130109 %Dibromofluoromethane 70-130104 %Toluene-d8 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 11 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-3 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-03 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 08:45 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.61,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.71,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.71,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.71,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.61-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.52,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 0.542,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.42,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.42,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.82-Chloronaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.42-Chlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.72-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.52-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.53,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.23/4-Methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.24,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.34-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloroaniline BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.24-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571508/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.04-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.7Acenaphthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Acenaphthylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Anthracene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 2.9Benzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.5Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.8Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.0Benzoic Acid BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.2Benzyl alcohol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.3bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.7Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.3Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.4Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.4Chrysene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzofuran This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 12 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-3 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-03 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 08:45 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 0.98Diethyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.4Dimethyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.8Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.4Fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.5Fluorene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.2Hexachlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachloroethane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 2.2Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.5Isophorone BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.6Naphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.4Nitrobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 0.96N-Nitrosodimethylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.2N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.4N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.5Pentachlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.4Phenanthrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 0.90Phenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 12:42 JMVug/L 1.5Pyrene Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 31-14484 %2,4,6-Tribromophenol 49-11885 %2-Fluorobiphenyl 22-8453 %2-Fluorophenol 43-12378 %Nitrobenzene-d5 10-6334 %Phenol-d5 49-15185 %Terphenyl-d14 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.111,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0611,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0361,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0661,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0511,1-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.401,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.141,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.131,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0541,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.171,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0511,2-Dibromoethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0761,2-Dichlorobenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 13 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-3 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-03 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 08:45 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0661,2-Dichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.111,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0761,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0541,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0431,3-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0501,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.112,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0662-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0504-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.0894-Isopropyltoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H03311108/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.31Acetone BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.048Benzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.057Bromobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.14Bromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.062Bromodichloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.040Bromoform BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.18Bromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.11Carbon Tetrachloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.062Chlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.22Chloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.076Chloroform BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.079Chloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.056cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.079cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.081Dibromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.065Dibromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.11Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033112008/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 27Ethanol BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.061Ethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.16Hexachlorobutadiene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.050Isopropyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.054Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.12m,p-Xylenes BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.065Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.24Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.078Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.083Methylene Chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.042Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.19Naphthalene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.076n-Butylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.087n-Propylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.044o-Xylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.076sec-Butylbenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 14 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-3 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-03 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 08:45 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.047Styrene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.088tert-Butylbenzene 1.9 SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.098Tetrachloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.044Toluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.070trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.12trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.078Trichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.062Trichlorofluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.060Vinyl acetate BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.097Vinyl chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.5 8/20/15 14:15 MSCug/L 0.15Xylenes, total Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 70-130105 %4-Bromofluorobenzene 70-130106 %Dibromofluoromethane 70-130101 %Toluene-d8 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 15 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-4 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-04 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 09:10 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.61,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.71,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.71,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.71,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.61-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.52,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.62,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 0.542,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.42,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.42,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.82-Chloronaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.42-Chlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.72-Methylnaphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.52-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.53,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.23/4-Methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.24,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.34-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.64-Chloroaniline BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.24-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 625 P5H02571508/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.04-Nitrophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.7Acenaphthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Acenaphthylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Anthracene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 2.9Benzidine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.5Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.8Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.7Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H025711008/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.0Benzoic Acid BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.2Benzyl alcohol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.3bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.7Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.3Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.4Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.4Chrysene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Dibenzofuran This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 16 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-4 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-04 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 09:10 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 0.98Diethyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.4Dimethyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.8Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.4Fluoranthene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.5Fluorene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.2Hexachlorobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 2.0Hexachloroethane BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 2.2Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.5Isophorone BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.6Naphthalene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.4Nitrobenzene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 0.96N-Nitrosodimethylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.2N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.4N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.5Pentachlorophenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.4Phenanthrene BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 0.90Phenol BRL 625 P5H02571108/19/15 13:03 JMVug/L 1.5Pyrene Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 31-14467 %2,4,6-Tribromophenol 49-11897 %2-Fluorobiphenyl 22-8450 %2-Fluorophenol 43-12390 %Nitrobenzene-d5 10-6334 %Phenol-d5 49-15195 %Terphenyl-d14 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.111,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0611,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0361,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0661,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0831,1-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0511,1-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.401,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.141,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.131,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0541,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.171,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0511,2-Dibromoethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0761,2-Dichlorobenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 17 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-4 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-04 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 09:10 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0661,2-Dichloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.111,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0761,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0541,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0431,3-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0501,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.112,2-Dichloropropane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0662-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0504-Chlorotoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.0894-Isopropyltoluene BRL SM6200 B P5H03311108/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.31Acetone BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.048Benzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.057Bromobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.14Bromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.062Bromodichloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.040Bromoform BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.18Bromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.11Carbon Tetrachloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.062Chlorobenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.22Chloroethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.076Chloroform 1.4 SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.079Chloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.056cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.079cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.081Dibromochloromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.065Dibromomethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.11Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033112008/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 27Ethanol BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.061Ethylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.16Hexachlorobutadiene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.050Isopropyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.054Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.12m,p-Xylenes BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.065Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.24Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.078Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL SM6200 B P5H033112.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.083Methylene Chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.042Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.19Naphthalene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.076n-Butylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.087n-Propylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.044o-Xylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.076sec-Butylbenzene This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 18 of 31 Laboratory Report 08/25/2015 ResultParameter Batch ID Report Limit Analysis Date/Time MethodDilution Factor Units MDL Analyst 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-4 Prism Sample ID: 5080263-04 Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Collected: 08/14/15 09:10 Time Submitted: 08/17/15 09:10 BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.047Styrene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.088tert-Butylbenzene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.098Tetrachloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.044Toluene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.070trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.12trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.078Trichloroethylene BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.062Trichlorofluoromethane BRL SM6200 B P5H033115.0 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.060Vinyl acetate BRL SM6200 B P5H033110.50 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.097Vinyl chloride BRL SM6200 B P5H033111.5 8/20/15 14:42 MSCug/L 0.15Xylenes, total Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 70-130105 %4-Bromofluorobenzene 70-130107 %Dibromofluoromethane 70-130101 %Toluene-d8 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 19 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0331 - SM6200 B Blank (P5H0331-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 08/20/15 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/LBRL0.50 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/LBRL0.50 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/LBRL0.50 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/LBRL0.50 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/LBRL0.50 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/LBRL0.50 1,1-Dichloropropylene ug/LBRL0.50 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/LBRL0.50 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/LBRL0.50 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/LBRL0.50 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/LBRL0.50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/LBRL2.0 1,2-Dibromoethane ug/LBRL0.50 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/LBRL0.50 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/LBRL0.50 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/LBRL0.50 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/LBRL0.50 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/LBRL0.50 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/LBRL0.50 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/LBRL0.50 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/LBRL2.0 2-Chlorotoluene ug/LBRL0.50 4-Chlorotoluene ug/LBRL0.50 4-Isopropyltoluene ug/LBRL0.50 Acetone ug/LBRL10 Benzene ug/LBRL0.50 Bromobenzene ug/LBRL0.50 Bromochloromethane ug/LBRL0.50 Bromodichloromethane ug/LBRL0.50 Bromoform ug/LBRL0.50 Bromomethane ug/LBRL1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/LBRL0.50 Chlorobenzene ug/LBRL0.50 Chloroethane ug/LBRL0.50 Chloroform ug/LBRL0.50 Chloromethane ug/LBRL0.50 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ug/LBRL0.50 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene ug/LBRL0.50 Dibromochloromethane ug/LBRL0.50 Dibromomethane ug/LBRL0.50 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/LBRL1.0 Ethanol ug/LBRL200 Ethylbenzene ug/LBRL0.50 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/LBRL2.0 Isopropyl Ether ug/LBRL0.50 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ug/LBRL0.50 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 20 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0331 - SM6200 B Blank (P5H0331-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 08/20/15 m,p-Xylenes ug/LBRL1.0 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone)ug/LBRL1.0 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)ug/LBRL5.0 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/LBRL1.0 Methylene Chloride ug/LBRL2.0 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether ug/LBRL1.0 Naphthalene ug/LBRL1.0 n-Butylbenzene ug/LBRL0.50 n-Propylbenzene ug/LBRL0.50 o-Xylene ug/LBRL0.50 sec-Butylbenzene ug/LBRL0.50 Styrene ug/LBRL0.50 tert-Butylbenzene ug/LBRL0.50 Tetrachloroethylene ug/LBRL0.50 Toluene ug/LBRL0.50 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ug/LBRL0.50 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene ug/LBRL0.50 Trichloroethylene ug/LBRL0.50 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/LBRL0.50 Vinyl acetate ug/LBRL5.0 Vinyl chloride ug/LBRL0.50 Xylenes, total ug/LBRL1.5 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10552.6 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 11055.0 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10351.7 LCS (P5H0331-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 08/20/15 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L21.1 0.50 20.00 70-130106 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L22.1 0.50 20.00 70-130111 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L21.6 0.50 20.00 70-130108 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L22.1 0.50 20.00 70-130111 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L20.7 0.50 20.00 70-130104 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/L19.7 0.50 20.00 70-13099 1,1-Dichloropropylene ug/L20.9 0.50 20.00 70-130105 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L19.1 0.50 20.00 70-13096 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L21.1 0.50 20.00 70-130105 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L21.6 0.50 20.00 70-130108 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L22.0 0.50 20.00 70-130110 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L23.0 2.0 20.00 70-130115 1,2-Dibromoethane ug/L21.8 0.50 20.00 70-130109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L21.6 0.50 20.00 70-130108 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L20.8 0.50 20.00 70-130104 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L21.5 0.50 20.00 70-130108 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L21.4 0.50 20.00 70-130107 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L21.6 0.50 20.00 70-130108 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/L22.0 0.50 20.00 70-130110 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L21.0 0.50 20.00 70-130105 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 21 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0331 - SM6200 B LCS (P5H0331-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 08/20/15 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/L25.8 2.0 20.00 70-130129 2-Chlorotoluene ug/L21.3 0.50 20.00 70-130107 4-Chlorotoluene ug/L21.8 0.50 20.00 70-130109 4-Isopropyltoluene ug/L23.0 0.50 20.00 70-130115 Acetone ug/L37.4 10 40.00 40-16094 Benzene ug/L21.0 0.50 20.00 70-130105 Bromobenzene ug/L21.3 0.50 20.00 70-130106 Bromochloromethane ug/L20.7 0.50 20.00 70-130103 Bromodichloromethane ug/L23.3 0.50 20.00 70-130116 Bromoform ug/L22.7 0.50 20.00 70-130114 Bromomethane ug/L21.5 1.0 20.00 60-140108 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L21.0 0.50 20.00 70-130105 Chlorobenzene ug/L21.0 0.50 20.00 70-130105 Chloroethane ug/L20.4 0.50 20.00 60-140102 Chloroform ug/L23.4 0.50 20.00 70-130117 Chloromethane ug/L19.2 0.50 20.00 60-14096 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ug/L21.5 0.50 20.00 70-130108 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene ug/L21.6 0.50 20.00 70-130108 Dibromochloromethane ug/L24.2 0.50 20.00 70-130121 Dibromomethane ug/L22.2 0.50 20.00 70-130111 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L14.9 1.0 20.00 60-14074 Ethanol ug/L429200 500.0 60-14086 Ethylbenzene ug/L22.1 0.50 20.00 70-130110 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/L23.3 2.0 20.00 70-130117 Isopropyl Ether ug/L22.7 0.50 20.00 70-130114 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ug/L20.8 0.50 20.00 70-130104 m,p-Xylenes ug/L42.8 1.0 40.00 70-130107 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone)ug/L21.3 1.0 20.00 60-140107 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)ug/L20.8 5.0 20.00 60-140104 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L21.6 1.0 20.00 60-140108 Methylene Chloride ug/L19.9 2.0 20.00 70-130100 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether ug/L21.8 1.0 20.00 70-130109 Naphthalene ug/L20.1 1.0 20.00 70-130100 n-Butylbenzene ug/L22.6 0.50 20.00 70-130113 n-Propylbenzene ug/L22.6 0.50 20.00 70-130113 o-Xylene ug/L21.5 0.50 20.00 70-130108 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L21.4 0.50 20.00 70-130107 Styrene ug/L19.6 0.50 20.00 70-13098 tert-Butylbenzene ug/L19.9 0.50 20.00 70-13099 Tetrachloroethylene ug/L22.0 0.50 20.00 70-130110 Toluene ug/L21.2 0.50 20.00 70-130106 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ug/L22.1 0.50 20.00 70-130111 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene ug/L22.2 0.50 20.00 70-130111 Trichloroethylene ug/L21.8 0.50 20.00 70-130109 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L20.0 0.50 20.00 60-140100 Vinyl acetate ug/L21.0 5.0 20.00 60-140105 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 22 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0331 - SM6200 B LCS (P5H0331-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 08/20/15 Vinyl chloride ug/L18.5 0.50 20.00 60-14092 Xylenes, total ug/L64.3 1.5 60.00 70-130107 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9949.5 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10250.8 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10150.4 LCS Dup (P5H0331-BSD1)Prepared & Analyzed: 08/20/15 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L20.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130102 3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L21.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130106 4 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L20.9 0.50 20.00 2070-130104 3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L20.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130102 8 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L20.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130100 4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/L19.1 0.50 20.00 2070-13096 3 1,1-Dichloropropylene ug/L19.7 0.50 20.00 2070-13098 6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L20.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130101 5 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L20.6 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 2 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L22.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130110 2 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L21.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130107 3 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L23.3 2.0 20.00 2070-130117 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ug/L20.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130102 6 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L21.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130106 2 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L20.1 0.50 20.00 2070-130100 4 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L20.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130101 6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L21.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130105 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L20.6 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 5 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/L20.6 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L20.7 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 2 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/L23.2 2.0 20.00 2070-130116 11 2-Chlorotoluene ug/L21.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130106 0.5 4-Chlorotoluene ug/L21.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130106 3 4-Isopropyltoluene ug/L22.6 0.50 20.00 2070-130113 2 Acetone ug/L36.3 10 40.00 2040-16091 3 Benzene ug/L20.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130100 4 Bromobenzene ug/L21.1 0.50 20.00 2070-130106 0.8 Bromochloromethane ug/L19.5 0.50 20.00 2070-13098 6 Bromodichloromethane ug/L22.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130112 4 Bromoform ug/L20.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130102 11 Bromomethane ug/L21.7 1.0 20.00 2060-140108 0.7 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L20.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130100 5 Chlorobenzene ug/L20.5 0.50 20.00 2070-130102 3 Chloroethane ug/L19.3 0.50 20.00 2060-14097 6 Chloroform ug/L22.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130110 6 Chloromethane ug/L17.4 0.50 20.00 2060-14087 10 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ug/L20.6 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 4 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene ug/L20.8 0.50 20.00 2070-130104 4 Dibromochloromethane ug/L23.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130115 5 Dibromomethane ug/L20.7 0.50 20.00 2070-130104 7 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 23 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0331 - SM6200 B LCS Dup (P5H0331-BSD1)Prepared & Analyzed: 08/20/15 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L13.7 1.0 20.00 2060-14068 8 Ethanol ug/L478200 500.0 2060-14096 11 Ethylbenzene ug/L20.6 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 7 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/L23.3 2.0 20.00 2070-130117 0 Isopropyl Ether ug/L21.7 0.50 20.00 2070-130109 4 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ug/L21.0 0.50 20.00 2070-130105 1 m,p-Xylenes ug/L40.7 1.0 40.00 2070-130102 5 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone)ug/L19.6 1.0 20.00 2060-14098 9 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)ug/L18.8 5.0 20.00 2060-14094 10 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L19.9 1.0 20.00 2060-140100 8 Methylene Chloride ug/L19.1 2.0 20.00 2070-13096 4 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether ug/L20.8 1.0 20.00 2070-130104 5 Naphthalene ug/L20.1 1.0 20.00 2070-130101 0.2 n-Butylbenzene ug/L22.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130111 2 n-Propylbenzene ug/L22.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130111 2 o-Xylene ug/L20.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130102 5 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L20.8 0.50 20.00 2070-130104 3 Styrene ug/L18.4 0.50 20.00 2070-13092 6 tert-Butylbenzene ug/L19.9 0.50 20.00 2070-130100 0.05 Tetrachloroethylene ug/L20.7 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 6 Toluene ug/L20.2 0.50 20.00 2070-130101 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ug/L20.6 0.50 20.00 2070-130103 7 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene ug/L21.4 0.50 20.00 2070-130107 4 Trichloroethylene ug/L20.5 0.50 20.00 2070-130102 6 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L18.8 0.50 20.00 2060-14094 6 Vinyl acetate ug/L19.6 5.0 20.00 2060-14098 7 Vinyl chloride ug/L17.2 0.50 20.00 2060-14086 7 Xylenes, total ug/L61.1 1.5 60.00 2070-130102 5 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10351.4 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10150.4 ug/L 50.00 70-130Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10150.7 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 24 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0257 - 625 Blank (P5H0257-BLK1)Prepared: 08/18/15 Analyzed: 08/19/15 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/LBRL10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/LBRL10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/LBRL10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/LBRL10 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/LBRL10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/LBRL10 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/LBRL10 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/LBRL10 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/LBRL10 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/LBRL10 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/LBRL10 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/LBRL10 2-Chlorophenol ug/LBRL10 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/LBRL10 2-Nitrophenol ug/LBRL10 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/LBRL10 3/4-Methylphenol ug/LBRL10 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ug/LBRL10 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/LBRL10 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/LBRL10 4-Chloroaniline ug/LBRL10 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/LBRL10 4-Nitrophenol ug/LBRL50 Acenaphthene ug/LBRL10 Acenaphthylene ug/LBRL10 Anthracene ug/LBRL10 Benzidine ug/LBRL100 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/LBRL10 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/LBRL10 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/LBRL10 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/LBRL10 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/LBRL10 Benzoic Acid ug/LBRL100 Benzyl alcohol ug/LBRL10 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/LBRL10 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ug/LBRL10 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ug/LBRL10 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/LBRL10 Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/LBRL10 Chrysene ug/LBRL10 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ug/LBRL10 Dibenzofuran ug/LBRL10 Diethyl phthalate ug/LBRL10 Dimethyl phthalate ug/LBRL10 Di-n-butyl phthalate ug/LBRL10 Di-n-octyl phthalate ug/LBRL10 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 25 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0257 - 625 Blank (P5H0257-BLK1)Prepared: 08/18/15 Analyzed: 08/19/15 Fluoranthene ug/LBRL10 Fluorene ug/LBRL10 Hexachlorobenzene ug/LBRL10 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/LBRL10 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/LBRL10 Hexachloroethane ug/LBRL10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/LBRL10 Isophorone ug/LBRL10 Naphthalene ug/LBRL10 Nitrobenzene ug/LBRL10 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/LBRL10 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/LBRL10 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/LBRL10 Pentachlorophenol ug/LBRL10 Phenanthrene ug/LBRL10 Phenol ug/LBRL10 Pyrene ug/LBRL10 Unknown blank 2 ug/L17.3 Unknown blank 1 ug/L10.9 ug/L 100.0 31-144Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 9998.9 ug/L 50.00 49-118Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 10552.4 ug/L 100.0 22-84Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 6968.7 ug/L 50.00 43-123Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 10351.6 ug/L 100.0 10-63Surrogate: Phenol-d5 4140.8 ug/L 50.00 49-151Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 11055.1 LCS (P5H0257-BS1)Prepared: 08/18/15 Analyzed: 08/19/15 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L87.1 10 100.0 44-14287 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L84.6 10 100.0 32-12985 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L83.8 10 100.0 20-12484 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L84.2 10 100.0 20-12484 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/L90.1 10 100.0 40-13590 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L93.8 10 100.0 37-14494 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L87.6 10 100.0 39-13588 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L88.2 10 100.0 32-11988 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L82.8 10 100.0 10-19183 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L11110 100.0 39-139111 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L11210 100.0 50-158112 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/L12010 100.0 LH60-118120 2-Chlorophenol ug/L83.0 10 100.0 23-13483 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/L89.5 10 100.0 18-12190 2-Nitrophenol ug/L88.5 10 100.0 29-18288 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L10010 100.0 10-262100 3/4-Methylphenol ug/L73.3 10 100.0 L76-10773 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ug/L99.3 10 100.0 10-18199 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L99.2 10 100.0 53-12799 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L91.1 10 100.0 22-14791 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 26 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0257 - 625 LCS (P5H0257-BS1)Prepared: 08/18/15 Analyzed: 08/19/15 4-Chloroaniline ug/L96.7 10 100.0 44-16397 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L96.4 10 100.0 25-15896 4-Nitrophenol ug/L47.8 50 100.0 J10-13248 Acenaphthene ug/L96.6 10 100.0 47-14597 Acenaphthylene ug/L97.1 10 100.0 33-14597 Anthracene ug/L10710 100.0 27-133107 Benzidine ug/L170100 100.0 LH15-150170 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L97.6 10 100.0 33-14398 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L10110 100.0 17-163101 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L95.1 10 100.0 24-15995 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L96.0 10 100.0 10-21996 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L79.0 10 100.0 11-16279 Benzoic Acid ug/L40.8 100 100.0 J10-12541 Benzyl alcohol ug/L76.6 10 100.0 16-10777 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/L93.5 10 100.0 33-18494 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ug/L84.8 10 100.0 12-15885 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ug/L94.6 10 100.0 36-16695 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/L10210 100.0 10-158102 Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/L10010 100.0 10-152100 Chrysene ug/L10010 100.0 17-168100 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ug/L95.7 10 100.0 10-22796 Dibenzofuran ug/L97.7 10 100.0 39-11498 Diethyl phthalate ug/L94.2 10 100.0 10-11494 Dimethyl phthalate ug/L85.6 10 100.0 10-11286 Di-n-butyl phthalate ug/L99.3 10 100.0 10-11899 Di-n-octyl phthalate ug/L93.9 10 100.0 10-14694 Fluoranthene ug/L10210 100.0 26-137102 Fluorene ug/L99.4 10 100.0 59-12199 Hexachlorobenzene ug/L99.9 10 100.0 10-152100 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/L87.5 10 100.0 24-11688 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/L95.2 10 100.0 32-11795 Hexachloroethane ug/L81.8 10 100.0 40-11382 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/L96.4 10 100.0 10-17196 Isophorone ug/L10210 100.0 21-196102 Naphthalene ug/L91.0 10 100.0 21-13391 Nitrobenzene ug/L10010 100.0 35-180100 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/L61.8 10 100.0 10-11962 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/L93.6 10 100.0 10-23094 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/L10210 100.0 69-152102 Pentachlorophenol ug/L96.4 10 100.0 14-17696 Phenanthrene ug/L10210 100.0 54-120102 Phenol ug/L43.4 10 100.0 10-11243 Pyrene ug/L99.0 10 100.0 52-11599 ug/L 100.0 31-144Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 106106 ug/L 50.00 49-118Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 11457.1 ug/L 100.0 22-84Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 7171.4 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 27 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0257 - 625 LCS (P5H0257-BS1)Prepared: 08/18/15 Analyzed: 08/19/15 ug/L 50.00 43-123Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 10854.0 ug/L 100.0 10-63Surrogate: Phenol-d5 5050.3 ug/L 50.00 49-151Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 10954.6 LCS Dup (P5H0257-BSD1)Prepared: 08/18/15 Analyzed: 08/19/15 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L86.5 10 100.0 2044-14286 0.7 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L81.8 10 100.0 2032-12982 3 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L80.9 10 100.0 2020-12481 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L81.9 10 100.0 2020-12482 3 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/L88.7 10 100.0 2040-13589 2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L91.2 10 100.0 2037-14491 3 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L87.8 10 100.0 2039-13588 0.3 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L86.1 10 100.0 2032-11986 2 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L34.0 10 100.0 20 D10-19134 84 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L10710 100.0 2039-139107 4 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L10810 100.0 2050-158108 4 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/L12510 100.0 20 LH60-118125 5 2-Chlorophenol ug/L82.3 10 100.0 2023-13482 0.9 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/L89.0 10 100.0 2018-12189 0.6 2-Nitrophenol ug/L87.3 10 100.0 2029-18287 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L96.0 10 100.0 2010-26296 5 3/4-Methylphenol ug/L72.3 10 100.0 20 L76-10772 1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ug/L91.9 10 100.0 2010-18192 8 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L96.0 10 100.0 2053-12796 3 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L89.4 10 100.0 2022-14789 2 4-Chloroaniline ug/L95.8 10 100.0 2044-16396 0.9 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L95.1 10 100.0 2025-15895 1 4-Nitrophenol ug/L46.4 50 100.0 20 J10-13246 3 Acenaphthene ug/L94.8 10 100.0 2047-14595 2 Acenaphthylene ug/L95.3 10 100.0 2033-14595 2 Anthracene ug/L10210 100.0 2027-133102 5 Benzidine ug/L171100 100.0 20 LH15-150171 0.6 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L95.8 10 100.0 2033-14396 2 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L93.8 10 100.0 2017-16394 8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L90.1 10 100.0 2024-15990 5 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L87.7 10 100.0 2010-21988 9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L72.0 10 100.0 2011-16272 9 Benzoic Acid ug/L12.9 100 100.0 20 D, J10-12513 104 Benzyl alcohol ug/L76.4 10 100.0 2016-10776 0.4 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/L91.5 10 100.0 2033-18491 2 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ug/L88.6 10 100.0 2012-15889 4 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ug/L91.8 10 100.0 2036-16692 3 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/L98.7 10 100.0 2010-15899 4 Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/L95.0 10 100.0 2010-15295 5 Chrysene ug/L95.5 10 100.0 2017-16895 5 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ug/L88.2 10 100.0 2010-22788 8 Dibenzofuran ug/L96.2 10 100.0 2039-11496 2 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 28 of 31 8/25/15 Level II QC Report 2905 Meridian Pkwy Project: BlacknallMcAdams (John R.) Company, Inc. Durham, NC 27713 Attn: Sean Gallagher Prism Work Order: 5080263 Time Submitted: 8/17/2015 9:10:00AM Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Batch P5H0257 - 625 LCS Dup (P5H0257-BSD1)Prepared: 08/18/15 Analyzed: 08/19/15 Diethyl phthalate ug/L91.9 10 100.0 2010-11492 2 Dimethyl phthalate ug/L83.3 10 100.0 2010-11283 3 Di-n-butyl phthalate ug/L97.1 10 100.0 2010-11897 2 Di-n-octyl phthalate ug/L87.8 10 100.0 2010-14688 7 Fluoranthene ug/L10110 100.0 2026-137101 0.9 Fluorene ug/L97.4 10 100.0 2059-12197 2 Hexachlorobenzene ug/L98.3 10 100.0 2010-15298 2 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/L83.7 10 100.0 2024-11684 5 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/L89.5 10 100.0 2032-11790 6 Hexachloroethane ug/L80.4 10 100.0 2040-11380 2 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/L87.9 10 100.0 2010-17188 9 Isophorone ug/L10210 100.0 2021-196102 0.1 Naphthalene ug/L89.8 10 100.0 2021-13390 1 Nitrobenzene ug/L98.9 10 100.0 2035-18099 1 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/L59.8 10 100.0 2010-11960 3 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/L91.9 10 100.0 2010-23092 2 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/L99.2 10 100.0 2069-15299 3 Pentachlorophenol ug/L92.0 10 100.0 2014-17692 5 Phenanthrene ug/L99.2 10 100.0 2054-12099 3 Phenol ug/L42.2 10 100.0 2010-11242 3 Pyrene ug/L93.8 10 100.0 2052-11594 5 ug/L 100.0 31-144Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 9897.9 ug/L 50.00 49-118Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 10351.5 ug/L 100.0 22-84Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 6666.0 ug/L 50.00 43-123Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 10050.2 ug/L 100.0 10-63Surrogate: Phenol-d5 4645.8 ug/L 50.00 49-151Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 9949.4 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 29 of 31 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: 625 Lab Number Batch Date/TimeInitialFinal P5H02575080263-01 08/18/15 9:0010001mLmL P5H02575080263-02 08/18/15 11:4010001mLmL P5H02575080263-03 08/18/15 11:4010001mLmL P5H02575080263-04 08/18/15 11:4010001mLmL Prep Method: SM6200 B Lab Number Batch Date/TimeInitialFinal P5H03315080263-01 08/20/15 9:411010mLmL P5H03315080263-01 08/20/15 9:411010mLmL P5H03315080263-02 08/20/15 9:411010mLmL P5H03315080263-03 08/20/15 9:411010mLmL P5H03315080263-04 08/20/15 9:411010mLmL This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 30 of 31 Page 31 of 31