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Solid Waste Section
May 13, 2016
Mr. Lynn Everett
Everett’s Clearing and Grading, Inc.
2402 Fred Everett Rd
Kinston, NC 28504
Re: Comments on the Permit Application
Everett’s Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Pit
Lenoir County, North Carolina
Location No. P1303, Document ID No. (DIN) 25941
Dear Ms. Everett:
On March 30, 2016 the Division Waste Management (DWM), Solid Waste Section (SWS)
received the permit application documents for the above-referenced new landfill facility which,
on your behalf, are prepared by J. Branch Smith, PE Consultant Engineer. The documents are
listed below:
“LCID Maps” – two copies.
“Operations Plan LCID” – one copy.
“Site Narrative with Supporting Documents” – one copy
“Permit Application and Signature Page” – one copy
“Lenoir County Zoning Compliance Letter” – one copy
To facilitate electronic filing of the above-mentioned documents to the DWM document tracking
system, they are combined into a single document (permit application) with a DIN 25880.
Pursuant to the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules (Rule) 15A NCAC 13B .0563
through .0566 and Article 9 of the Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS
130A-290, et seq.), the SWS has reviewed on the permit application and conducted a site visit on
May 10, 2016. Based on the review and the observation at the proposed landfill site, the SWS
has several comments on the application stated below. Your timely responses to the comments
will expedite the completion of the reviewing processes.
Landfill Siting Criteria
1. Please provide the approved applications and/or approval documents that demonstrate the
proposed area is suitable for constructing and operating a LCID Landfill and meets the
requirements stated in the Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0563(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) & (8).
According to the “LCID Narrative” the facility has or had a mining permit issued by the
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources. If the permitted mining area
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owned by the Everett’s Clearing and Grading, Inc. (ECANDG) including the proposed
landfill property, and the above-referenced siting requirements for a LCIDLF were
included in the mining application, please provide the SWS copies of the previously
approved mining applications including drawings, approval letters, and/or permits.
2. The remarks in March 28, 2016 transmittal described that the mining facility has a valid
and current Erosion and Sediment Control Plan approved by the NC Land Quality
Section (NC LQS). Please provide a copy of the approved plan and approval letter.
3. Please conduct a subsurface investigation and conclude:
i. If the standing water in the mining pit is interconnecting to the nearby water body
– Falling Creek.
ii. A water well owned by North Lenoir Water Corporation is located approximately
150 feet from the proposed waste boundary of the LCIDLF-Phases 2 area. Please
determine if the pumping operations from this water well will impact the landfill
operation such as subsidence and if the waste operations at the proposed landfill
will impact the water quality in this well.
4. (Drawing No. LCID-1) According to the info obtained from the Lenoir County Register
of Deed, the acreage of the landfill property (Deed Book 987, Page, and Parcel # 4596) is
17.51 acres which is different from that (17.98 acres) on the Drawing No. LCID-1 and
the one (13 acres) in the second paragraph of Section I. Site Description of LCID
Narrative. Please clarify and provide a consistent data in the permit application.
5. (Drawing No. LCID-2) please add the rule-required info to the drawing:
i. Delineate the 100-feet buffer and set back lines according to Rule 15A NCAC
13B .0564(9)(b) [Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0565(3)(e)].
ii. Add all best management practices BMP(s) to the layout drawing in addition to
the details on Drawing No. LCID-3.
6. Please provide a site plan (with topographical contours) drawing to show the proposed
final cover system (also referring Comment No. 13).
Operations Plan LCID
7. (Section 1 Waste Disposal Plan, items (c) & (d)) The land clearing and inert debris
landfill (LCID Landfill), as defined in the Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0101(22), means a
facility for the land disposal of land clearing waste, concrete, brick, concrete block,
uncontaminated soil, gravel and rock, untreated and unpainted wood, and yard trash. The
descriptions in the items (c) & (d) of this Section are not considered as the acceptable
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waste stream for a LCID Landfill but the waste stream for a construction and demolition
landfill. Please remove the items (c) & (d) from the Operations Plan [Rule 15A NCAC
13B .0566(2)].
8. (Section 1 Waste Disposal Plan, items (j)) Please provide additional information stated
i. Will this landfill facility open for the general public use for disposal of permitted
waste streams? Please clarify.
ii. Will there the landfill operator on-site to conduct waste screening (in consistent
with the item (m) of this Section) while the landfill is active for waste disposal
activities? Please clarify.
9. (Section 1 Waste Disposal Plan, items (m)) Please address the following concerns:
i. Please describe the size (square footage) and physical structure of the berm
including the base/pad to be used for collecting & temporarily storing unpermitted
wastes. The location (s) of the storage unit(s) must be noted and shown on the
ii. Please provide the information (such as facility name, Solid Waste Permit
Number, address, phone number, etc.) of the waste management facilities that will
take the unacceptable wastes or recyclables for treatment, recycle, or final
10. (Section 1 Waste Disposal Plan, items (n)) Please add the following information to the
i. The Operations Plan shall implement that open burning of solid waste is
prohibited at the landfill property [Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0566(12)].
ii. The local fire department or fire marshal must be informed that landfill operations
and agree the fire-fighting assistance in a fire occurrence. The written agreement
or a letter issued by the local fire department/fire marshal must be provided as the
portion of the permit application document.
iii. All the on-site machinery must be equipped with functional fire extinguishers.
iv. Should a fire occur at the landfill, the fire reporting procedures in the Operations
Plan must be followed. The SWS recommends the following procedures added to
the Operations Plan.
Fires and explosions that occur at the landfill require verbal notice to the
DWM within 24 hours and written notification within 15 days. Written
notification must include the suspected cause of fire or explosion, the
response taken to manage the incident, and the action(s) to be taken to
prevent the future occurrence of fire or explosion.
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The FIRE OCCURRENCE NOTIFICATION FORM can be downloaded from the
DWM web site (link is provided below) and appended to the Operations Plan
11. (Section 1 Waste Disposal Plan, items (o)) Please provide the physical (911) address of
the main office of Everett’s Clearing and Grading, Inc. to assist the SWS representative
(s) in conducting routine audit/inspection activities.
12. (Section 1 Waste Disposal Plan, items (p)) Please provide additional information
regarding soil borrow and soil cover requirements.
i. According to the Drawing Nos. LCID-1 through LCID-3, the proposed landfill
base, approximately 85 feet above mean sea level (amsl), will be constructed by
backfilling earthen material, and there is no on-site soil borrow described or
located in the permit application documents. Please provide the estimate volume
of soil to be used for (a) constructing proposed landfill base (b) placing
periodical/monthly soil cover throughout the landfill operations and (c)
constructing the final cover system of the entire landfill (including proposed
Phase 1 through Phase 3) [Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0564(7)]. The plan must also
identify the sources of the required soil [Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0565(3)(k)].
ii. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0566(4), adequate soil cover shall be applied
over to cove the working face monthly or the active area reaches one (1) acre in
size, whichever occurs first. Please add this requirement to the Operations Plan.
13. (Section 1 Waste Disposal Plan, items (q)) Please specifically state that the landfill
closure, at a minimum, shall be according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0566(5).
14. (Section 2 Erosion and Sedimentation Control) This Section must describe the practices
or operation procedures to meet and satisfy the minimum requirements in the following
i. This Section must describe how to implement the erosion control and revegetation
requirements according to Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0566(6) & (7), specifications
stated in Drawing No. LCID-3, and approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
ii. The last paragraph of the Section I. Site Description describes the surface
drainage feature that “drainage runs into the pit and not offsite.” Pursuant to Rule
15A NCAC 13B .0566(10) & (11), the physical structures or devices and
operation practices described in the Operations Plan must ensure that solid waste
shall not be disposed in water. Please specify the best management practices
(BMPs) to prevent the disposed solid wastes in the standing water resulting in
run-in/surface water flow.
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iii. According to the Drawing Nos. LCID-2 & LCID-3, the landfill will be developed
by three phases. It is likely that ECANDG will construct and operate one phase at
a time; so the remaining phases/open mining pits expect accumulate precipitation
and run-in/surface flow. If this is the expected situation, please provide
engineering device and construction practice to prevent water inside open mining
pits and stormwater detention area seeping into the active landfill phase/cell.
iv. According to the Drawing Nos. LCID-2 & LCID-3, the proposed final cover is
flat without sloped surface. Should the final cap be designed with positive
grading to facilitate surface drain toward the proposed stormwater area? If not,
please provide the design, measure, or practice in the Operations Plan (including
drawings and typical details) to show how to prevent water from
ponding/standing on the top of the final cover system. (Please be advised that all
landfills will be subject to waste settlement.)
v. According to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0101(24) any liquid in contact with the
disposed solid wastes is defined as a leachate. Please describe the leach
management and disposal approaches, or stormwater separation practices
incorporating into the phased waste disposal plan accordance with Rule 15A
NCAC 13B .0566(14).
15. The Operations Plan must describe the practices or operation procedures to meet and
satisfy the minimum requirement in the Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0566(3).
16. (Section 3 Stormwater Management Plan) This Section proclaims that “there is no State-
permitted stormwater management permit necessary for this site.” Please provide a letter
or written document issued by the NC Division of Water Resources to demonstrate the
statement is true.
17. Permanent markers that accurately identify the edge of the approved waste disposal boundary
must be installed and properly maintained. Please add this requirement to the Operations Plan.
18. The Operations Plan must describe the projected use of the land after the landfill is closed
[Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0565(4)(b)].
19. The Operations Plan must provide description of systematic usage/phased development &
operation of each proposed disposal area, operation, orderly development and closure of
the landfill [Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0565(4)(c)].
20. Please provide the quantity of waste (gross capacity) will be disposed at each of three
landfill phases. The data will be incorporated into the solid waste management permit for
this landfill. A table to summary the info for each landfill phase will be acceptable:
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Landfill Phase Waste Footprint (acre)a Gross Capacity (cubic yard)b
a. Please refer the Comment Nos. 19, 21, & 24 for delineation of the waste footprint.
b. The gross capacity is defined as the volume of the landfill calculated from the
elevation of the initial waste placement (top surface of the landfill base approximately
85 feet amsl) through the top of the final cover, including any periodic cover [Rule
15A NCAC 13B .0565(4)(d)].
Site Narrative with Supporting Documents
21. (Section 1 Site Description) According to the info obtained from the Lenoir County
Register of Deed, the acreage of the landfill property (Deed Book 987, Page, and Parcel #
4596) is 17.51 acres, not 13 acres stated in this Section, nor 17.98 acres noted in Drawing
No. LCID-1. Please clarify. Additionally, according to info present in Drawing No.
LCID-2, the total waste boundary of the proposed landfill is approximately 9.6 acres
(Phase 1 is 3.4 acres, Phase 2 is 1.3 acres, & Phase 3 is 4.9 acres). Please add this info to
this Section.
22. In addition to the flood map included in the permit application, please provide conclusion
if the landfill is located in the 100-year floodplain [Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0564(1)].
23. Please provide the copy of the property deed – Deed Book 987, Page 0001. The deed
info Deed Book 987, Page 0002 in the permit application is likely irrelevant to the project
24. According to Drawing Nos. LCID-2 & LCID-3, the proposed landfill disposal area/waste
footprint – Phases 1, 2 & 3 don’t not meet the lateral buffer requirement - 100 feet from
the disposal area to property lines and commercial buildings [Rule 15A NCAC 13B
.0564(9)(b)]. Therefore, the permit application shall provide the requested revision to
the existing document or drawings and additional information:
i. Delineate and identify the waste boundary on the drawings according to the lateral
buffer requirements stated in Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0564(9)(b) & .0565(3)(e) &
ii. Use the new identify the waste boundary please redefine waste footprint (in acre)
for each phase of the landfill – Phases 1, 2, & 3.
iii. The proposed side slope for the landfill phases are greater than 3 (horizontal) to 1
(vertical) [Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0565(3)(j)]. Please revise the side slope to meet
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the rule requirement. Or provide geotechnical design and slope stability analysis
to demonstrate that the proposed side slopes are stable during the active life of the
iv. Provide two cross-sections, for each of the three proposed phases [Rule 15A
NCAC 13B .0565(3)(o)].
v. The proposed fill elevation of Phase 1 area shown on Drawing No. LCID-3 is
inconsistent with that on Drawing No. LCID-2. Please clarify and make
necessary correction.
25. Pleases address the following concerns of standing water in the proposed landfill
unit/former mining area:
i. As described in the SHWT Report Evaluation, standing water was in the proposed
landfill unit/former mining area. What is estimated amount of water to be
removed at each landfill phase?
ii. Please provide the dewatering plan. If the water will be pumped to the nearby
waterbody, the applicable discharge permit must be provided in the permit
application. If the water is planning to drain to the proposed stormwater detention
area/pond as shown Drawing No. LCID-2, please describe the dewatering
processes, the capacity of the stormwater area and BMPs which shall be approved
by NC LQS.
iii. Please describe construction sequences (such as removing of slough material,
spreading and compacting suitable earthen material by layers, final grading for
drain), BMPs for dewatering & pumping operation, and applicable specifications
to properly construct/backfill the proposed landfill base for each of the three
Lenoir County Zoning Compliance Letter
26. The attached zoning compliance letter is directly relating the mining permit, not
applicable to construction and operation of a landfill. Please provide a copy of zoning
letter issued by Lenoir County to demonstrate that the proposed landfill facility meets all
requirements of any applicable zoning ordinance.
The SWS requires a hard copy of the written responses to each above-mentioned comment, and
one copy of the revised permit application (one hard copy and one electronic copy in pdf
format). Please contact me if you have any questions of the comments or the permitting
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Ming-Tai Chao, P.E.
Environmental Engineer
Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ
J. Branch Smith, P.E. Ed Mussler, Permitting Branch Supervisor
Wes Hare, DWM Central File