HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW_F_3201-MSWLF-1979_11-28-2011_EA_AM.pdf Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation A world ofcapabilities delivered locally SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL 2011 SAMPLING EVENT Closed City of Durham Landfill Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina Submitted To: City of Durham Department of Water Management 1600 Mist Lake Drive Durham, North Carolina 27704 Submitted By: Golder Associates NC, Inc. 5B Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 USA April 2012 0739-604211.100 WA T E R Q U A L I T Y M O N I T O R I N G RE P O R T Mr. Ervin Lane, Hydrogeologist April16, 2012 NCDENR DWM Division of Waste Management 3 0739-9504211.100 C: Simon Lobdell, Civil Engineer III, City of Durham, 1600 Mist Lake Drive Durham, NC 27704. 919-560-4381. Simon.Lobdell@durhamnc.gov Chris Marriott, Waste Disposal Manager, City of Durham, 1833 Camden Avenue, Durham, NC 32253. 919-560-4186. Chris.Marriott@durhamnc.gov g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx April 2012 i 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Site Description and Background ................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Compliance Monitoring History .................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Hydrogeologic Setting .................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 FIELD PROGRAM, MONITORING RESULTS, AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 4 2.1 Visual Inspection Program ........................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Well Network and Groundwater Elevation Measurements .......................................................... 4 2.3 November 2011 Groundwater Monitoring Event.......................................................................... 4 2.4 Laboratory Analysis Program ....................................................................................................... 5 2.5 November 2011 Sampling Results .............................................................................................. 5 3.0 LABORATORY AND FIELD QA/QC ................................................................................................ 6 4.0 DATA EVALUATION ........................................................................................................................ 6 4.1 Statistical Evaluations .................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 North Carolina Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Standard Comparisons ....................... 6 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................... 7 6.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 7 List of Tables Table 1 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data in Monitoring Wells Table 2 Summary of Estimated Horizontal Flow Velocities Table 3 Summary of Well Construction Information Table 4 Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater Table 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results List of Drawings Drawing 1 Groundwater Contour Map, November 28, 2011 List of Appendices Appendix A Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Logs Appendix B November 2011 Groundwater Certificate-of-Analysis, Chain of Custody Form(s), and Laboratory Data Review Appendix C Statistical Evaluation Summary Table and Worksheets April 2012 1 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the monitoring results from the November 28, 2011, groundwater and surface water sampling and analysis event at the closed City of Durham Landfill in Durham County, North Carolina in accordance with Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Subchapter 13B.1632. The City of Durham Landfill is a closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWL) and is maintained by the City under Permit No. 32-01 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Groundwater beneath the landfill is currently monitored by six groundwater compliance wells and four surface water monitoring points. The City is currently evaluating the source of organic constituents in monitoring well MW-10. 1.1 Site Description and Background The subject property is a closed, unlined municipal solid waste landfill that ceased waste acceptance in 1997. The location of the facility is shown on the inlay on Drawing 1. As presented, the closed City of Durham Landfill is located northeast of downtown Durham, off East Club Boulevard and southwest of Falls Lake. Topographic elevations at the facility range from approximately 280 to 400 feet above mean sea level. In general, surface drainage from the facility and surrounding areas is routed by drainage channels and storm water control structures toward Ellerbee Creek to the west of the facility. Locally, surface water flows radially away from the closed and capped landfill toward unnamed streams to the northeast, south and west. These streams are tributaries of Ellerbe Creek, which flows into Falls Lake, located northeast of the landfill. 1.2 Compliance Monitoring History Groundwater quality at the landfill has been monitored since 1989, beginning with annual monitoring, and is currently monitored semi-annually in accordance with the approved Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) prepared by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. in April 1994. Assessment Monitoring was conducted at the landfill from November 1996 through June 1999 due to the detection of benzene in monitoring well MW-3. Following the June 1999 monitoring event, DENR granted approval for the City to return to Detection Monitoring. Detection Monitoring was conducted at the site from October 1999 through December 2004. However, based on additional detections of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the landfill returned to Assessment Monitoring during the June 2005 monitoring event (Weston Solutions, 2006). April 2012 2 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx In May 2008, monitoring well PZ-6 was replaced by monitoring well MW-9R as the up- gradient/background monitoring well due to the poor water quality and elevated metals concentrations detected in PZ-6. Also in May 2008, monitoring well MW-3 was replaced by MW-3R as a downgradient compliance monitoring well and MW-6R was replaced by MW-10 as a down-gradient monitoring well. Both MW-3 and MW-6R were determined to be located within or in close proximity to the landfill waste boundary. As previously stated, the City is currently in the process of completing a NES in response to the concentrations of detected NC Appendix I constituents above their respective groundwater protection standards in monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-10. As part of this assessment seven temporary piezometers and three stream gauges were installed in the vicinity of MW-10. One of the piezometers installed as part of the NES (NES-3) was sampled during the November 2010 semi-annual sampling event to establish a water quality baseline for the possible replacement of compliance well MW-10. On January 21, 2011, MW-11 was installed in the area beyond the waste boundary near MW-5. MW-11 was installed as a possible replacement for the down-gradient compliance well MW-5, due to the historical detections of barium above the NC 2L Drinking Water Standard. A letter report documenting the installation of MW-11 was prepared by S&ME and was submitted as part of the May 2011 water quality report. At the time of the November 2011 sampling event, MW-11 had not been approved to replace MW-5 as a down-gradient compliance monitoring well and therefore no sample was collected. On May 12, 2011, S&ME submitted a request to the NC DENR to reduce the number of up-gradient monitoring wells from the semi-annual sampling schedule. On May 17, 2011, NC DENR granted approval to remove monitoring wells MW-7R and MW-8 from the compliance well sampling list. The current approved facility monitoring network consists of one upgradient/background monitoring well (MW-9R) and five downgradient compliance monitoring wells (MW-2, MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5, and MW-10) which monitor the uppermost aquifer. Groundwater samples are typically analyzed for the NC Appendix II list during the spring events and for the NC Appendix I plus detected NC Appendix II constituents during the fall events. The facility’s monitoring network also includes one upstream surface water monitoring point (S-4) and three downstream surface water monitoring points (S-1, S-2 and S-3), which are sampled in conjunction with the groundwater monitoring wells. Surface water samples are analyzed semi-annually for NC Appendix I constituents. 1.3 Hydrogeologic Setting Geologically, the facility is located within the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina and within the Durham Basin (NCGS, 1985). The Durham Basin is comprised of Triassic sedimentary rocks April 2012 3 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx including sandstones, mudstones, conglomerates and unconsolidated sediments occurring from the erosion of adjoining Paleozoic metamorphic rocks of the Raleigh Belt (Weston Solutions, 2006). The uppermost aquifer beneath the facility is comprised of saprolite and weathered rock, which transitions into bedrock. Bedrock consists of arkosic sandstones, siltstones, and mudstones, which comprise the Pekin Formation. Site monitoring wells are screened in silty sands, silty to sandy clays, and sandstones of the Chatham Group of the Triassic Formations (Malcolm Pirnie, 1994 and 1996). The depth to groundwater typically ranges from approximately 4 feet below grade along the western and southern perimeter of the facility to nearly 50 feet below grade in the central and eastern portion of the facility. Historical groundwater elevation data are presented on Table 1. As presented on Table 1, the hydraulic head level in the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility is fairly consistent, with temporal variation from the long-term average limited to approximately 8 feet (plus or minus) in the up-gradient well, with generally lower variations in the down-gradient wells. As expected, the range in fluctuation appears to be greater in the area near the up-gradient wells, as these wells are more centrally located to the regional groundwater recharge area. The range in fluctuation in the down- gradient compliance wells, which are generally located nearer groundwater discharge areas, is less, likely due to the stabilizing effect of hydraulic discharge boundaries. Static water level measurements obtained on November 28, 2011, were used to prepare the groundwater contours presented on Drawing 1. Groundwater flow across the majority of the site is to the northwest, west and southwest, which is consistent with previous groundwater contour flow interpretations. Based on the November 28, 2011, groundwater contour map, the hydraulic gradient in the uppermost aquifer underlying the site was measured along the conceptual flow paths shown on Drawing 1. As shown on Table 2, the average hydraulic gradient for the groundwater flow was calculated to be approximately 0.0243 ft/ft. An estimated effective porosity of 0.2 was used for the uppermost aquifer (Heath, 2001). Using the above values, the estimated rate of groundwater flow for the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility was calculated using the following modified Darcy equation: Vgw = Ki/ne where Vgw = average linear velocity (feet/year), K = hydraulic conductivity (feet/year), i = horizontal hydraulic gradient, and ne = effective porosity. April 2012 4 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx As shown on Table 2, the average estimated linear groundwater flow velocity under the waste management unit is approximately 111 feet/year to the northwest, west and southwest, which is generally consistent with previous estimates. The range of groundwater flow is expected to vary depending on the hydrogeologic unit in which it occurs. However, the linear velocity equation above makes the simplified assumptions of a homogeneous and isotropic aquifer. Therefore, this equation represents a likely average value for the uppermost aquifer and does not account for heterogeneous and/or anisotropic conditions that may be present in the uppermost aquifer at the facility. 2.0 FIELD PROGRAM, MONITORING RESULTS, AND DISCUSSION Field activities conducted as part of the November 28, 2011, sampling event are discussed in the following sections. 2.1 Visual Inspection Program In order to ensure that a potential release is detected at the earliest possible time, a visual inspection program is used at the closed City of Durham Landfill. This program includes physical indicators such as potential water table mounding beneath the waste management unit, physical examination of any stresses in biological communities, visible signs of leachate migration (i.e., leachate seeps), unexplained changes in soil characteristics, and any other change to the environment due to the waste management unit. During the November 2011 compliance monitoring event, no physical indicators were observed in the vicinity of the waste management areas. 2.2 Well Network and Groundwater Elevation Measurements The network of groundwater monitoring wells at the closed City of Durham Landfill consists of up-gradient monitoring well MW-9R and five down-gradient monitoring wells MW-2, MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5, and MW-10. Monitoring well construction information is summarized in Table 3 and the well locations are shown on Drawing 1. The network of monitoring wells was constructed to target the preferential flow path for groundwater underlying waste disposal areas. Depth-to-water measurements were recorded to the nearest 0.01 foot prior to initiating groundwater purging and sampling activities. Additional depth-to-water measurements were collected from MW-6R, MW-7R, MW-8, NES-3, PZ-2R, PZ-3, PZ-4R, and PZ-6 to assist in constructing the groundwater contour map for the facility. A summary of measured groundwater elevations for this event are presented in Table 1. 2.3 November 2011 Groundwater Monitoring Event Personnel from Golder visited the facility on November 28, 2011, to purge and sample monitoring wells MW-2, MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5, MW-9R, and MW-10. In addition to the groundwater samples, surface April 2012 5 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx water samples were collected from upstream S-4 and downstream monitoring locations S-2 and S-3. Downstream surface water point SW-1 was dry during the November 2011 sampling event and therefore, no sample was collected. Monitoring wells MW-2, MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5, MW-9R, and MW-10 were purged and sampled using dedicated bladder pumps and low-flow micropurge techniques. The surface water samples were collected directly from the stream flow, by lowering the sample containers into the stream flow with the opening facing into the current flow, taking care to prevent the over flow of the sample containers and to minimize sample-induced turbidity. Measurements of temperature, pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential, and turbidity were recorded during the purge and at the time of sampling. Prior to sampling, the laboratory-supplied sample containers were prepared. Each sample container was labeled with the sample identification number, sampling personnel, date and time of sample collection, project name and number, and requested chemical analyses. The required groundwater samples were collected directly from the pump tubing in the labeled, laboratory-supplied, pre-preserved sample containers after purging. After collection, the samples were placed in a cooler on ice, under chain-of-custody control. Copies of the sampling logs are presented in Appendix A. Included in each log is a description of the sampling equipment, sampling method, field observations, and water quality measurements. 2.4 Laboratory Analysis Program The November 2011 groundwater and surface water samples were received by Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) of Cary, North Carolina on November 29, 2011, under chain-of- custody control for analysis of NC Appendix I constituents. 2.5 November 2011 Sampling Results Analytical results for the November 2011 groundwater and surface water samples are summarized in Tables 4 and 5 with available historical data. The laboratory certificates-of-analysis, chain-of-custody forms and laboratory data reviews for the sampling event are included in Appendix B. As presented in Table 4 and the laboratory certificates-of-analysis, two inorganic and five organic constituents were detected in samples from one or more downgradient monitoring wells at concentrations above their respective Solid Waste Section Reporting Limits (SWSLs) during the November 2011 sampling event. Barium was detected in the samples from MW-2, MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5, and MW-10 at concentrations greater than the SWSL during the event. Barium has consistently been detected in samples from upgradient monitoring wells and appears to indicate that barium is naturally occurring. Zinc April 2012 6 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx was detected in the samples from downgradient wells MW-2 and MW-11 at concentrations greater than its SWSL during the January 2011 event. Zinc was also detected in the sample from background well MW-9R at a similar concentration to those detected in samples from the downgradient wells, as it has been during previous events, and indicates that the zinc detections are naturally occurring. Five organic constituents (benzene; cis-1,2-dichloroethene; 1,2-dichloropropane; trichloroethene; and vinyl chloride) were detected at concentrations above their respective SWSLs in the sample from MW-10 during the November 2011 sampling event. The detected constituents and concentrations reported during this sampling event are consistent with historical data for this facility. As presented in Table 5, zinc was detected in the sample from downstream surface water monitoring point SW-3 at a concentration greater than the SWSL. Zinc has been historically detected in both upstream and downstream surface water monitoring points and the concentration in the sample from SW-3 is consistent with historical detections reported for this sampling location. No other NC Appendix I constituents were reported to be present at concentrations that exceeded respective SWSLs from the surface water monitoring points during the November 2011 sampling event. 3.0 LABORATORY AND FIELD QA/QC A field blank was collected by Golder personnel as part of the November 2011 groundwater sampling event. In addition to the field blank, a laboratory-prepared trip blank accompanied the volatile sample containers to and from the laboratory. ENCO analyzed the field blank for the same constituents as the groundwater samples, and the trip blank for NC Appendix I volatile organic compounds. A review of the laboratory data was performed by Golder personnel. Arsenic was detected in the field blank at an estimated concentration. The estimated concentrations of arsenic in samples from groundwater monitoring wells MW-3R, MW-5, MW-9R, and surface water monitoring point SW-2 are blank-qualified based on the concentration detected in the field blank. No other NC Appendix I constituents were detected in the field, trip, or method blanks. 4.0 DATA EVALUATION The results of the data evaluations are presented in the following sections. 4.1 North Carolina Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Standard Comparisons As presented on Table 4, barium was detected in the sample from MW-5 at a concentration that exceeded the SWSL and NC 2L Standard. As described below, the barium concentration appears to be naturally occurring. Cobalt, thallium, and vanadium were detected in samples from one or more downgradient wells at estimated concentrations below their respective SWSL, but above their respective April 2012 7 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx Solid Waste Section Groundwater Protection Standard (GPS). These constituents have historically been detected at comparable concentrations in upgradient and downgradient monitoring wells at the site and are considered naturally occurring. No other NC Appendix I inorganic constituents were detected above applicable groundwater standards during the November 2011 event. As presented on Table 4, benzene; cis-1,2-dichloroethene; 1,2-dichloropropane; trichloroethene; and vinyl chloride were detected in the sample from MW-10 at concentrations above their respective SWSLs and NC 2L Standards, as they have been during previous events. No other NC Appendix I organic constituents were detected above their respective NC 2L Standards during this event. As presented on Table 5, no NC Appendix I constituents were detected above applicable surface water standards in samples from downstream surface water monitoring points during the November 2011 event. 4.2 Statistical Evaluations Barium was detected in the sample from MW-5 at a concentration that exceeded the SWSL and NC 2L Standard and was, therefore, statistically evaluated to determine if the reported concentration exceeded the facility background concentration. The statistical worksheets for barium are presented in Appendix C. As presented, the reported concentration of barium in the sample from MW-5 is below its background concentration and no further action is recommended. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS During the November 2011 event, one NC Appendix I inorganic constituent (barium in the sample from MW-5) was detected at a concentration that exceeded its SWSL and applicable groundwater standard. The barium detection in the sample from MW-5 was statistically evaluated and determined to not be a statistically significant increase over background concentrations. Five organic constituents (benzene; cis-1,2-dichloroethene; 1,2-dichloropropane; trichloroethene; and vinyl chloride) were detected in MW-10 at concentrations that exceeded their respective SWSLs and NC 2L Standards, as they have been during previous events. Based on the results summarized herein, the City of Durham will continue monitoring the uppermost aquifer beneath this facility in accordance with the requirements of the Assessment Monitoring Program as outlined in Title 15A NCAC 13B.1634. The next compliance monitoring event for this facility is tentatively scheduled for May 2012. 6.0 REFERENCES Golder Associates NC, Inc., September 2007. Groundwater Monitoring Report, First Semiannual 2007 Sampling Event, City of Durham Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill, Permit No. 32-01, Durham County, North Carolina. Heath, Ralph C., 1993, Basic Ground-Water Hydrology, USGS Water Supply Paper 2220. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., April 1994. City of Durham Sanitary Landfill Water Quality Monitoring Plan. April 2012 8 0739-604211.100 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., December 1996. City of Durham Municipal Solid Waste Landfill November 1996 Assessment Monitoring. NCGS (North Carolina Geologic Survey), 1985. Geologic Map of North Carolina. Scale 1:500,000. S&ME, October 2011. May 2011 Semi-Annual Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Report, City of Durham, Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (DWM Permit No. 32-01). Weston Solutions, Inc., February 2006. December 2005 Semiannual Event - Closed Durham City Landfill. g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\final second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx TABLES April 2012 Page 1 of 1 0739-604211.100 Well ID MW-2 MW-3R MW-4R MW-5 MW-6R MW-7R MW-8 MW-9R MW-10 NES-3 PZ-2R PZ-3 PZ-4R PZ-6 TOC Elevation (ft AMSL)285.65 285.19 294.48 298.56 290.51 317.12 311.96 360.58 282.81 283.56 346.90 349.33 338.82 349.21 Date 05/26/98 280.20 NI NI 290.20 NI NI 304.40 NI NI NI NI 318.80 NI 308.10 12/01/98 280.06 NI NI 298.43 NI NI 304.40 NI NI NI NI 321.29 NI 304.79 06/07/99 275.71 NI NI 285.79 NI NI 300.87 NI NI NI NI 319.05 NI 303.68 07/08/99 NM NI 289.09 NM NI NI NM NI NI NI NI NM NI NM 12/13/99 279.09 NI 289.49 288.28 NI NI 302.19 NI NI NI NI 319.83 NI 303.64 06/06/00 277.15 NI 289.37 287.10 NI NI 301.98 NI NI NI NI 319.45 NI 305.02 12/11/00 277.10 NI 289.15 288.05 NI NI 302.01 NI NI NI NI 320.27 NI 303.71 06/04/01 278.37 NI 289.67 286.67 NI NI 301.42 NI NI NI NI 318.52 NI 304.90 12/04/01 275.19 NI 289.15 288.25 NI NI 299.32 NI NI NI NI 319.11 NI 304.71 06/10/02 275.59 NI 288.52 288.38 NI NI 302.55 NI NI NI NI 317.57 NI 304.11 12/16/02 280.13 NI 290.51 292.22 NI NI 305.28 NI NI NI NI 318.72 NI 305.12 06/09/03 278.90 NI 290.04 288.21 NI NI 301.45 NI NI NI NI 317.81 NI 305.75 12/08/03 278.49 NI 289.82 288.06 NI NI 310.00 NI NI NI NI 319.84 NI 305.53 06/28/04 276.34 NM 290.00 287.15 275.79 297.73 300.87 349.02 NI NI 318.70 319.37 313.74 308.83 12/20/04 275.48 NM 289.78 288.18 276.89 299.55 301.72 334.52 NI NI 318.98 321.02 319.78 307.16 06/06/05 280.35 NM 289.87 287.31 275.79 297.82 300.74 349.62 NI NI 320.93 321.07 320.42 306.90 12/05/05 274.26 NM 289.94 287.72 275.59 299.17 300.09 346.25 NI NI 319.65 320.75 317.42 302.60 06/05/06 277.45 NM 291.10 287.45 275.81 298.91 300.51 347.47 NI NI 319.74 318.85 317.89 304.85 12/04/06 279.40 NM 290.02 288.80 277.18 300.86 301.80 349.22 NI NI 319.56 319.30 317.42 304.10 05/30/07 279.38 NM 291.00 289.89 278.59 300.48 303.60 348.47 NI NI 320.18 318.56 319.08 300.51 11/19/07 273.92 NM 292.72 287.60 276.62 298.07 302.37 343.35 NI NI 319.20 318.91 316.28 304.41 05/19/08 282.10 281.76 293.41 291.72 280.04 302.98 304.87 349.36 NI NI 319.85 317.82 317.18 308.27 11/19/08 280.36 281.55 293.30 291.25 279.42 302.46 304.58 346.98 277.32 NI 319.64 318.31 317.07 306.72 06/30/09 279.07 280.11 292.11 290.00 278.45 300.40 303.39 347.71 276.86 NI 321.11 317.77 318.08 308.08 11/30/09 279.48 281.70 292.34 290.15 278.89 301.66 303.85 346.84 276.07 NI 319.33 317.49 315.67 305.04 05/20/10 281.47 281.76 292.51 290.12 279.20 301.44 304.11 351.95 276.16 NI 321.12 317.76 317.98 306.88 11/19/10 276.43 281.08 292.00 289.31 277.35 300.31 305.37 344.38 275.74 274.74 320.28 317.80 316.40 304.18 05/19/11 281.17 281.92 292.18 290.16 278.81 301.45 303.26 347.10 276.00 276.56 320.70 316.38 316.07 NM 11/28/11 276.20 281.31 292.00 289.35 277.62 300.52 302.05 342.60 275.57 275.82 320.87 317.36 315.10 303.62 MEAN 278.17 281.40 290.73 289.14 277.63 300.24 302.82 346.55 276.25 275.71 319.99 318.89 317.22 305.23 MAXIMUM 282.10 281.92 293.41 298.43 280.04 302.98 310.00 351.95 277.32 276.56 321.12 321.29 320.42 308.83 MINIMUM 273.92 280.11 288.52 285.79 275.59 297.73 299.32 334.52 275.57 274.74 318.70 316.38 313.74 300.51 Notes: ft AMSL = feet above mean sea level NA = not applicable NM = not measured TOC = top of well casing NI = not installed TOC elevations were surveyed by SEPI Engineering in September 2009. Durham County, North Carolina TABLE 1 Summary of Historical Groundwater Elevation Data in Monitoring Wells Static Water Elevation (ft AMSL) City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 1 of 1 0739-604211.100 Gradient Calculation Segment Flow Direction Gradient Segment Length (feet) Gradient Segment Elevations (feet) Horizontal Gradient (i, feet) Effective Porosity (ne) Hydraulic Conductivity (K, cm/sec) Velocity (Vgw, feet/year) 320 280 320 280 320 290 Notes: Horizontal velocities based on the modified Darcy equation Vgw = Ki/ne. Values for K and ne based on estimates from Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.'s City of Durham Municipal Solid Waste Landfill December 1998 Groundwater Monitoring Letter Report dated January 29, 1999 and Weston Solutions, Inc.'s December 2005 Semiannual Event--Closed Durham City Landfill 0.0182 145.82 105.04 83.41 0.2 0.2 0.2 8.87E-04 8.87E-04 8.87E-04 0.0229 i3 NW W SW 1259 1747 1650 i2 TABLE 2 Summary of Estimated Horizontal Flow Velocities City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 November 2011 i1 0.0318 Durham County, North Carolina G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 1 of 1 0739-604211.100 Well Well Ground Surface TOC Well Well Screened Identification Type Elevation Elevation Depth Diameter Interval (ft AMSL)(ft AMSL)(feet)(inches)(ft AMSL) MW-2 Compliance Well 283.69 285.65 19.62 2 264.07 - 274.07 MW-3R Compliance Well 282.18 285.19 17.65 2 264.53 - 274.53 MW-4R Compliance Well 291.91 294.48 17.39 2 274.52 - 284.52 MW-5 Compliance Well 297.16 298.56 21.77 2 275.39 - 285.39 MW-6R Water Level Only 287.62 290.51 26.72 2 260.90 - 270.90 MW-7R Water Level Only 314.60 317.12 44.01 2 270.59 - 295.59 MW-8 Water Level Only 308.24 311.96 16.52 2 291.72 - 299.22 MW-9R Compliance Well 358.03 360.58 22.55 2 335.48 - 345.48 MW-10 Compliance Well 280.75 282.81 16.61 2 264.14 - 274.14 NES-3 Water Level Only 280.69 283.56 12.35 2 268.34 - 273.34 P-2R Water Level Only 343.12 345.90 34.59 2 308.53 - 318.53 PZ-3 Water Level Only 345.71 349.33 42.40 2 303.31 - 318.31 PZ-4R Water Level Only 335.85 338.82 38.38 2 297.47 - 312.47 PZ-6 Water Level Only 346.79 349.21 61.50 2 285.29 - 305.29 Notes: ft AMSL = feet above mean sea level TOC = Top of Well Casing Elevation TOC and Ground Surface Elevation surveyed for all wells by SEPI Engineering in September 2009. Screened Interval is approximate, based on field measurements by S&ME in May 2008. TABLE 3 Summary of Well Construction Information City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 1 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 Antimony ug/L 09/19/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- GPS = 1 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 -------------------------------- ug/L 06/10/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND --6 ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------ND --ND ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 6 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 6 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --0.36 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 6 --ND ND --0.26 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 6 --0.51 B 0.59 B --0.68 B --0.65 B 0.53 B ------0.53 B 0.54 B 0.59 B 0.53 J ug/L 06/30/09 6 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 6 --ND ND --0.196 J --ND ND ------ND 0.365 J ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 6 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND 1.42 J ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 6 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 6 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 6 --ND 0.269 J --0.277 J --0.635 J ND ----------ND ND Arsenic ug/L 09/19/94 5 11 --ND ND --ND --ND 6.8 --ND --ND -- NC 2L = 10 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 9.1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --8.2 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND 7 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 5 --ND 6 ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 5 6 --ND 6 ------ND ----ND -------- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------5 --7 ------ND ---- ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 5 6 --ND 6 ----ND 7 ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 5 ND --ND 18 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND --ND 6 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND 6 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND 6 ----ND 6 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND --ND 5 ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND --ND 5 ----ND 7 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 5 ND --ND ND ----ND 6 --ND --6 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND --ND 5 ----ND 7 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND --ND 5 ----ND 6 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 10 ND --ND ND ----ND 3.4 B --ND --2.0 B 3.1 B --3.8 J ug/L 11/19/07 10 2.3 --0.46 6.3 ----0.69 4.4 --8.4 --4.8 1.2 --0.89 ug/L 05/19/08 10 --ND ND --2.7 --ND 1.9 --0.36 --0.72 ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 --0.26 J 0.59 J --5.9 J --1.2 J 4.4 J ------1.7 J 1.3 J 3.7 J ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 --ND ND --6.2 B --8.2 B 4.9 B ------4.4 B ND ND 4.3 J ug/L 11/30/09 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND 5.98 B ------ND ND ND 3.22 J ug/L 11/19/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------5.23 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 --4.99 B ND --2.99 B --ND 3.24 B ----------ND 4.35 J TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 2 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Barium ug/L 09/19/94 --1834 --199 810 --590 --9400 531 --113 --2115 ---- NC 2L= 700 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 --760 --32 492 --580 --2300 84 --1775 --119 ---- ug/L 02/07/95 --2648 --48 1047 --737 --2436 118 --1484 --111 ---- ug/L 03/13/95 --524 --37 706 --534 --1630 144 --716 --118 ---- ug/L 11/01/95 --970 --25 1500 --1030 --3360 90 --770 --120 ---- ug/L 06/10/96 --891 --50 1246 --683 --992 140 --459 --123 ---- ug/L 11/12/96 --1555 --47 879 --547 --976 104 --512 --84 ---- ug/L 03/18/97 --850 --70 1287 --774 --1154 87 --509 --138 ---- ug/L 10/02/97 --840 --48 3390 --623 --1250 111 --558 --312 ---- ug/L 05/26/98 --779 --48 1177 --600 --1637 249 --482 --103 ---- ug/L 12/01/98 --2390 --45 1024 ------867 126 --655 --118 ---- ug/L 06/07/99 --1850 --106 1498 ------996 ----2780 --373 ---- ug/L 07/08/99 --------------1217 --507 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 --944 --84 1510 ----315 942 122 --366 --116 ---- ug/L 06/06/00 --2488 --46 1281 ----377 3979 ----1018 --114 ---- ug/L 12/27/00 --1826 --144 1504 ----1120 5757 768 --518 --104 ---- ug/L 06/04/01 --2804 --128 1433 ----964 3649 284 --862 --475 ---- ug/L 12/03/01 --965 --153 1219 ----1053 1441 723 --750 --778 ---- ug/L 06/10/02 --849 --53 1117 ----943 1167 295 --554 --843 ---- ug/L 12/16/02 --620 --59 1121 ----544 909 128 --429 --209 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 --432 --67 1175 ----437 941 103 --450 --120 ---- ug/L 12/08/03 --2881 --85 1115 ----544 3692 221 --648 --141 ---- ug/L 06/29/04 --5664 --97 1024 ----551 1899 --3039 --763 139 ---- ug/L 12/20/04 --578 --90 1236 ----543 4192 --1444 --639 111 ---- ug/L 06/05/05 --952 --64 1065 ----607 1845 --589 --817 93 ---- ug/L 12/05/05 --435 --126 1331 ----585 1758 --512 --703 92 ---- ug/L 06/05/06 --575 --97 1339 ----796 3778 --939 --880 90 ---- ug/L 12/05/06 --635 --63 2018 ----890 3134 --819 --924 71 ---- ug/L 05/30/07 100 619 --67.2 J 1490 ----472 1240 --400 --622 69.0 J --ND ug/L 11/19/07 100 1300 --120 1400 ----510 1400 --970 --820 300 --ND ug/L 05/19/08 100 --55 J 66 --530 --580 1300 --430 --600 33 --ND ug/L 11/19/08 100 --38 J 82 J --380 --510 1400 ------580 64 J 250 ND ug/L 06/30/09 100 --51.2 J 80.8 J --440 --552 1590 ------618 106 341 ND ug/L 11/30/09 100 --45.8 J 58 J --80.8 J --513 1450 ------580 39.4 J 168 ND ug/L 05/20/10 100 --45.1 J 64.7 J --166 --564 1460 ------578 41.5 J 122 ND ug/L 11/19/10 100 --53.3 J 114 --102 --485 1500 ------572 56.1 J 238 ND ug/L 05/19/11 100 --53.1 J 83 J --116 --562 1860 ----------248 1.14 J ug/L 11/28/11 100 --80.4 J 195 --130 --540 1870 ----------268 ND Beryllium ug/L 09/19/94 1 8.1 --1.5 ND --ND --9.8 6.9 --ND --7.3 ---- SWS GPS = 4 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 1 3.1 --ND ND --ND --5 ND --3.9 --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 1 8.6 --ND ND --ND --4.7 ND --1.9 --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 1 1.5 --ND ND --ND --5.2 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 1 18 --ND ND --ND --8 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 1 3 --1.5 ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 1 5 --ND 3 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 1 1.5 --ND 1.3 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 1 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 1 2 --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 1 5 --ND 3 ------ND ----4 --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 1 ------------2 --2 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 1 2 --ND 2 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 1 7 --ND ND ----ND 5 2 --2 --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 1 2 --ND ND ----ND 8 1 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 1 4 --ND ND ----ND 2 3 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/09/03 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 1 2 --ND ND ----ND 2 ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 1 2 --ND ND ----ND ND --2 --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 2 --1 --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 2 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 1 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 3.1 --ND ND ----ND ND --1.4 --0.79 0.93 --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --0.38 J ND --0.25 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --0.73 J 0.73 J --ND --ND 0.34 J ------0.3 J 0.37 J ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --0.47 J 0.11 J --ND --0.13 J ND ------ND ND 0.46 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --0.534 B 0.182 B --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 0.131 B 0.121 J ug/L 05/20/10 1 --0.521 J 0.21 J --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --0.608 J 0.191 J --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --0.549 J 0.242 J --ND --ND ND ----------0.14 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --0.770 J 0.204 J --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 3 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Cadmium ug/L 09/19/94 1 ND --ND ND --ND --1.6 4 --ND --ND ---- NC 2L =2 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 1 ND --1 ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 1 2.2 --ND ND --ND --1.6 ND --32 --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND 1.2 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 1 ND --1.8 ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 1 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 1 ND --ND ND ------3 ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 1 ------------ND --1 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND 1 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 1 ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 1 2 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND 1 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND 2 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 1 ND --7 ND ----ND 2 3 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 1 ND --1 ND ----ND ND 2 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/09/03 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND 7 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 1 1 --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 1 1 --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --1.1 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 0.93 --ND ND ----ND ND --2.1 --0.34 ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --0.29 B 0.49 B --0.34 B --0.4 B 0.28 B ------0.29 B 0.31 B 0.32 B 0.28 J ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --0.12 B --ND 0.13 B ------ND ND 0.26 B 0.22 J ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND Chromium ug/L 09/19/94 5 207 --25 5.4 --ND --699 148 --12 --139 ---- NC 2L = 10 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 71 --ND ND --ND --142 13 --95 --9.7 ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 271 --ND ND --ND --128 9.6 --45 --8.3 ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 5.8 --ND ND --ND --36 5.7 --14 --13 ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 40 --ND 21 --8 --129 5 --7 --6 ---- ug/L 06/10/96 5 65 --ND 49 --ND --12 122 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 133 --ND 96 --7 --19 5 --10 --9 ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND --ND 22 --ND --ND 165 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 65 --ND 15 --ND --ND ND --7 --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 37 --ND 6 --ND --6 8 --5 --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 176 --ND 47 ------ND 5 --9 --11 ---- ug/L 06/07/99 5 46 --ND 69 ------7 ----35 --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------108 --89 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 121 --5 68 ----5 5 5 --5 --5 ---- ug/L 06/06/00 5 297 --5 40 ----5 7 ----33 --5 ---- ug/L 12/27/00 5 102 --7 6 ----ND 150 40 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 5 41 --ND ND ----ND ND ND --25 --13 ---- ug/L 12/03/01 5 54 --ND 23 ----ND 24 12 --16 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 5 21 --ND 16 ----ND 7 26 --ND --6 ---- ug/L 12/16/02 5 32 --ND 19 ----30 ND ND --5 --17 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 5 88 --5 28 ----9 ND 9 --7 --10 ---- ug/L 12/08/03 5 89 --ND 62 ----17 40 11 --19 --10 ---- ug/L 06/29/04 5 104 --13 71 ----ND 16 --65 --13 12 ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 11 --6 9 ----ND 67 --41 --7 ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 5 32 --ND 32 ----ND 14 --5 --18 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 5 ND --5 53 ----5 22 --ND --7 ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 5 69 --6 39 ----ND 41 --8 --9 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 5 9 --ND ND ----ND 5 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 10 7.0 J --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 10 90 --4.7 7.1 ----2.3 8.8 --24 --18 20 --ND ug/L 05/19/08 10 --ND ND --2.4 J --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 --ND ND --3.0 J --2.5 J ND ------ND 2.3 J 6.3 J ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 --0.7 J 1.4 J --1.2 J --0.7 J 1.3 J ------1.2 J 0.7 J 6.1 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 10 --1.21 J ND --1.45 J --ND ND ------2.12 J ND 1.02 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 --ND ND --1.64 J --ND ND ------ND 1.72 J 2.07 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 --5.65 J 2.27 J --1.47 J --ND ND ------3.28 J ND 2.62 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --1.3 J 8.21 J --4.85 J --1.37 J 1.29 J ----------4.17 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 --7.67 J 4.88 J --3.02 J --ND 1.27 J ----------ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 4 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Cobalt ug/L 09/19/94 ------ND ND --ND --89 26 --ND --32 ---- SWS GPS = 1 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 --ND --ND ND --ND --39 26 --11 --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 --30 --ND ND --ND --23 18 --14 --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 ------ND ND --ND --18 24 --12 --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 10 12 --ND 11 --ND --47 13 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 10 ND --ND 15 --ND --ND ND --ND --12 ---- ug/L 11/12/96 10 34 --ND 25 --ND --ND ND --ND --13 ---- ug/L 03/18/97 10 16 --ND 15 --ND --ND 12 --ND --16 ---- ug/L 10/02/97 10 20.6 --ND 40 --ND --ND ND --ND --21.5 ---- ug/L 05/26/98 10 45 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --15 ---- ug/L 12/01/98 25 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 10 34 --ND 25 ------ND ----55 --14 ---- ug/L 07/08/99 10 ------------29 --14 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 10 16 --ND 24 ----ND ND ND --ND --14 ---- ug/L 06/06/00 10 32 --ND 19 ----ND 76 ----ND --14 ---- ug/L 12/27/00 10 ND --ND 19 ----ND 150 210 --ND --19 ---- ug/L 06/04/01 10 50 --ND 30 ----ND 60 85 --ND --13 ---- ug/L 12/03/01 10 33 --ND 31 ----ND 11 200 --26 --17 ---- ug/L 06/10/02 10 16 --ND 24 ----ND 14 ----12 --20 ---- ug/L 12/16/02 10 14 --ND 21 ----11 ND 27 --ND --25 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 10 ND --ND 24 ----ND ND 12 --ND --16 ---- ug/L 12/08/03 10 87 --ND 21 ----ND 65 13 --ND --16 ---- ug/L 06/29/04 10 91 --ND 24 ----ND ND --48 --ND 26 ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 7.4 --ND 19 ----ND 47 --25 --ND 20 ---- ug/L 06/05/05 ------ND ------------------------ ug/L 12/05/05 ------ND ------------------------ ug/L 06/05/06 ------ND ------------------------ ug/L 12/05/06 ------ND ------------------------ ug/L 05/30/07 10 3.2 J --ND 4.3 J ----ND ND --10.2 --ND 11.2 --ND ug/L 11/19/07 10 16 --2.3 J 10 ----2 J 2.5 J --21 --7 J 21 --ND ug/L 05/19/08 10 --5.1 J ND --7.3 --ND ND --17 --ND 2.6 J --ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 --5.0 J ND --4.7 J --ND ND ------ND 7.8 J 16 ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 --5.9 J 0.7 J --6.7 J --0.8 J ND ------ND 5.7 J 21.7 ND ug/L 11/30/09 10 --5.43 J ND --1.95 J --ND ND ------ND 4.28 J 8.89 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 --5.75 J ND --4.42 J --ND ND ------ND 6.01 J 3.89 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 --6.12 J ND --2.5 J --ND ND ------ND 4.41 J 8.05 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --6.93 J ND --1.7 J --ND ND ----------5.31 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 --7.63 J ND --2.74 J --ND ND ----------5.64 J ND Copper ug/L 09/19/94 5 109 --7 ND --ND --598 119 --ND --73 ---- NC 2L = 1000 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 44 --ND ND --ND --113 14 --43 --7.3 ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 150 --ND ND --ND --75 9.9 --50 --5.2 ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 17 --ND ND --ND --58 13 --11 --6.8 ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 20 --ND 7 --11 --145 ND --7 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 5 62 --ND 50 --6 --8.7 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 73 --ND 50 --ND --10 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND --ND 50 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 27 --ND 16 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 30 --ND 6 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 60 --ND 8 ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 5 69 --ND 23 ------10 ----43 --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------89 --30 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 30 --5 30 ----5 6 5 --5 --5 ---- ug/L 06/06/00 5 101 --5 12 ----5 ------17 --5 ---- ug/L 12/27/00 5 48 --5 ND ----5 34 34 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 5 95 --ND 20 ----ND 28 28 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 5 28 --ND 13 ----ND 15 15 --14 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 5 30 --ND 10 ----ND 20 20 --5 --7 ---- ug/L 12/16/02 5 16 --ND 15 ----20 16 16 --10 --23 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 5 52 --ND 16 ----ND 14 14 --5 --8 ---- ug/L 12/08/03 5 92 --ND 7 ----6 26 26 --6 --7 ---- ug/L 06/29/04 5 211 --5 6 ----ND ----75 --12 5 ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 7 --ND ND ----ND ----39 --ND 6 ---- ug/L 06/05/05 2 28 --ND ND ----ND ----8 --11 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 2 ND --4 10 ----4 ----3 --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 2 6 --3 4 ----3 ----14 --7 4 ---- ug/L 12/05/06 2 4 --ND 2 ----ND ----3 --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 10 7.2 J --1.1 B ND ----1.7 B ND --1.8 B --0.6 B ND --0.7 J ug/L 11/19/07 10 50 --2.1 B 1.7 B ----1.1 B 4 B --60 --7.2 17 --1.1 ug/L 05/19/08 10 --2.4 B 1.8 B --7.3 B --4.6 B 1.7 B --2 B --1.3 B 1.8 B --5.7 ug/L 11/19/08 10 --1.2 B 1.4 B --3.4 B --1.5 B 1.3 B ------1.2 B 2.6 B 3.7 B 1.1 J ug/L 06/30/09 10 --1.14 B ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 1.33 B 2.36 J ug/L 11/30/09 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 11.5 ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --1.99 J 2.62 J --2.50 J --ND ND ----------6.08 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 --5.69 J 2.95 J --ND --ND ND ----------1.79 J ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 5 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Lead ug/L 09/19/94 5 40 --ND ND --ND --199 46 --8.8 --47 ---- NC 2L = 15 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 30 --14 6.6 --ND --77 19 --53 --10 ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 76 --7.8 6.3 --7 --63 7.1 --34 --12 ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 11 --ND ND --ND --35 12 --14 --63 ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 14 --ND 12 --5 --60 ND --9 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 5 25 --ND 42 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 30 --ND 29 --ND --8 ND --10 --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND --ND 8 --ND --ND ND --10 --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 16 --ND 55 --ND --14 ND --22 --7 ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 11 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 36 --ND 8 ------ND ND --8 --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 5 19 --ND 29 ------8 ----54 --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------29 --30 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 14 --ND 33 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 5 37 --ND 12 ----ND 16 ----28 --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 5 20 --10 ND ----ND 82 52 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 5 35 --8 20 ----ND 68 21 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 5 23 --ND 13 ----ND 23 36 --30 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 5 6 --ND 10 ----ND 7 13 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --5 11 ----8 ND 8 --5 --12 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND 24 ----ND ND ND --8 --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 5 35 --ND ND ----ND 47 14 --8 --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 5 83 --ND ND ----28 11 --51 --6 ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND --ND 5 ----ND 75 --19 --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 5 13 --ND ND ----ND 39 --ND --7 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 5 ND --ND 9 ----ND 13 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND 38 --6 --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND 12 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 10 3.5 B --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --3.1 J ug/L 11/19/07 10 25 --11 B ND ----3.8 B 5.1 B --12 B --13 B 17 B --3.5 ug/L 05/19/08 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 --3.2 B 0.5 B --1.3 B --0.19 B 0.29 B ------4.7 B 1.2 B 3.8 B 3.1 J ug/L 06/30/09 10 --ND ND --ND --3.6 B 2.1 B ------ND 2.3 B 8.8 B ND ug/L 11/30/09 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 2.22 B 3.09 J ug/L 05/20/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND 2.51 J 2.04 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------2.62 J ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 --2.81 J ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND Nickel ug/L 09/19/94 10 17 --15 ND --ND --468 13 --13 --77 ---- NC 2L = 100 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 10 56 --ND 10 --ND --96 35 --55 --14 ---- ug/L 02/07/95 10 211 --ND ND --ND --64 26 --31 --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 10 30 --ND 9.1 --ND --61 40 --25 --11 ---- ug/L 11/01/95 10 32 --ND 15 --ND --68 28 --16 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 10 49 --ND 22 --ND --ND 100 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 10 103 --ND 24 --49 --12 10 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 10 50 --ND 16 --ND --ND 29 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 10 52 --ND 18 --ND --ND 11 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 10 43 --ND 19 --11 --ND 23 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 10 124 --ND 12 ------ND 10 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 10 126 --ND 35 ------16 ----34 --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 10 ------------37 --57 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 10 227 --10 64 ----ND ND 44 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 10 343 --ND 37 ----ND 13 ----25 --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 10 144 --ND 14 ----ND 132 34 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 10 88 --ND 13 ----11 20 13 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 10 54 --ND 21 ----ND 19 34 --16 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 10 21 --ND 16 ----ND ND 27 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 10 33 --ND 19 ----ND ND 25 --ND --14 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 10 26 --ND 23 ----ND ND 19 --ND --11 ---- ug/L 12/08/03 10 99 --ND 13 ----ND 29 36 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 10 130 --12 15 ----ND 14 --10 --10 ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 10 10 --ND ND ----ND 46 --37 --10 ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 10 35 --ND ND ----ND 13 --18 --11 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 10 ND --10 19 ----ND 15 --18 --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 10 61 --ND 21 ----ND 33 --19 --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 10 32 --ND 10 ----ND ND --18 --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 50 27.4 J --ND 2.5 J ----2.9 J 4.0 J --23.1 J --ND 2.9 J --ND ug/L 11/19/07 50 140 --9.9 16 ----ND 11 --45 --19 37 --ND ug/L 05/19/08 50 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --17 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 50 --ND ND --11.0 --ND ND ------ND ND 10.0 J ND ug/L 06/30/09 50 --3.6 B 3.4 B --8.7 B --5.0 B 5.7 B ------2.1 B 7.6 B 13.1 B 0.6 J ug/L 11/30/09 50 --2.17 B ND --5.81 B --2.29 B 2.81 B ------ND ND 4.28 B 4.59 J ug/L 05/20/10 50 --2.61 J ND --6.78 J --2.56 J 3.20 J ------ND ND 1.98 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 50 --4.33 J 3.13 J --5.34 J --2.37 J 1.89 J ------ND ND 6.23 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 50 --3.03 J 2.99 J --6.92 J --3.94 J 3.31 J ----------6.16 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 50 --5.78 J 8.84 J --7.08 J --2.95 J 2.84 J ----------5.47 J ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 6 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Selenium ug/L 09/19/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- NC 2L = 20 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 ND --7.6 ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND --ND 9 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------ND --ND ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND --ND 9 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND --ND 9 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --ND 6 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 10 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.8 B --ND 3.2 B --5.7 J ug/L 11/19/07 10 1.4 B --0.51 B 5.3 ----1.5 B 1.5 B --4.2 --1 B 2.5 B --0.52 ug/L 05/19/08 10 --ND ND --0.85 --0.47 ND --0.96 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 --0.55 B ND --1.5 B --0.42 B 0.64 B ------ND 0.67 B 1.5 B 0.36 J ug/L 06/30/09 10 --3.6 B 3.4 B --8.7 B --5.0 B 5.7 B ------2.1 B 7.6 B 13.1 B 0.6 J ug/L 11/30/09 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 --ND ND --2.79 J --1.22 J 1.42 J ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 --ND ND --2.41 J --0.928 J 1.12 J ------ND 0.863 J 2.11 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --ND ND --2.87 J --1.76 J 2.14 J ----------3.01 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND Silver ug/L 09/19/94 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND 2.2 --ND --ND ---- NC 2L = 20 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 1 5 --2 ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND 7 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --1 ---- ug/L 12/01/98 1 1 --ND ND ------ND ND --2 --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 1 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 1 ------------ND --ND ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 1 ND --10 ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 1 ND --ND 1 ----ND ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 2 2 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 1 ND --3 1 ----ND 2 1 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 1 ND --ND 1 ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 1 ND --ND 1 ----1 ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/09/03 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 3 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/29/04 1 8 --1 ND ----ND ND ND --ND ND ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --1 ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --2 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 1 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND 1 ----ND 2 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 10 ND --ND ND ----2.0 J ND --2.8 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 10 ----ND ------ND ND ------ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 ------------------------------ ug/L 11/30/09 10 --ND ND --ND --ND 2.57 J ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 --ND ND --2.11 J --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 --ND 2.01 J --ND --ND ND ----------7.19 J ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 7 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Thallium ug/L 09/19/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --6.1 ND --ND --ND ---- SWS GPS = 0.28 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 1 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 1 ------------ND --ND ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND -------- ug/L 06/06/00 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND -------- ug/L 12/27/00 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 1 ND --ND -------- ug/L 06/04/01 1 ND --ND ND ----ND 1 ND --ND -------- ug/L 12/03/01 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND -------- ug/L 06/10/02 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND -------- ug/L 12/16/02 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND -------- ug/L 06/09/03 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND -------- ug/L 12/08/03 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND -------- ug/L 06/29/04 1 2 --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 5.5 0.108 J --ND 0.086 J ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 5.5 ----ND ------ND ND ------ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 5.5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 5.5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 5.5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 5.5 --ND ND --ND --3.14 J ND ------ND 0.75 J ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 5.5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 5.5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 5.5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 5.5 --ND 0.142 J --ND --0.281 J ND ----------ND ND Vanadium ug/L 09/19/94 5 203 --23 ND --ND --411 167 --16 --122 ---- SWS GPS = 0.3 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 51 --ND ND --ND --124 6.7 --68 --7.9 ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 206 --ND ND --ND --99 6.9 --37 --6 ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 16 --ND ND --ND --85 6.7 --9.7 --9.4 ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 37 --ND 17 --8 --16 ND --5 --7 ---- ug/L 06/10/96 5 50 --ND 34 --67 --14 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 5 141 --ND 52 --9 --25 ND --11 --12 ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 141 --ND 16 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 65 --ND 17 --ND --ND ND --8.5 --5.8 ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 20 --ND 5 --ND --ND ND --5 --5 ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 110 --ND 10 ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 5 45 --ND 59 ------11 ----45 --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------16 --48 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 38 --ND 14 ----ND 6 ND --ND --6 ---- ug/L 06/06/00 5 109 --ND 34 ----ND 23 ----36 --6 ---- ug/L 12/27/00 5 26 --ND 11 ----ND 44 38 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 5 22 --ND ND ----ND ND 6 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 5 25 --ND 19 ----ND 26 38 --16 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 5 12 --ND 13 ----ND 8 27 --ND --9 ---- ug/L 12/16/02 5 7 --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --17 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 5 5 --ND ND ----ND ND 8 --6 --9 ---- ug/L 12/08/03 5 46 --ND 8 ----ND 43 13 --ND --5 ---- ug/L 06/29/04 5 59 --ND 6 ----ND 17 --49 --12 ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 5 8 --ND 7 ----ND 69 --34 --5 5 ---- ug/L 06/05/05 5 27 --ND ND ----ND 17 --ND --17 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/05 5 ND --ND 14 ----ND 16 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND 42 --9 --7 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND --ND ND ----ND 7 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 25 5.4 J --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 25 20 --3.1 J ND ----ND 3.8 --13 --13 17 --ND ug/L 05/19/08 25 --4.0 ND --9.0 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 25 --ND ND --2.3 J --ND ND ------ND ND 3.6 J ND ug/L 06/30/09 25 --ND ND --1.1 J --ND ND ------ND ND 6.9 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 25 --1.58 J ND --2.48 J --ND ND ------ND ND 2.29 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 25 --ND ND --3.25 J --ND ND ------ND 2.60 J 4.70 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 25 --3.74 J ND --1.47 J --ND ND ------2.03 J ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 25 --ND 3.86 J --1.47 J --ND ND ----------3.89 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 25 --9.59 J ND --1.77 J --ND ND ----------ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 8 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Zinc ug/L 09/19/94 10 303 --34 ND --ND --1030 445 --ND --207 ---- NC 2L = 1000 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 10 106 --ND 17 --ND --202 169 --140 --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 10 477 --ND ND --ND --183 76 --74 --70 ---- ug/L 03/13/95 10 291 --ND 17 --17 --185 150 --114 --59 ---- ug/L 11/01/95 10 65 --ND 12 --13 --225 ND --15 --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 10 125 --ND 69 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 10 134 --ND 132 --12 --26 22 --16 --11 ---- ug/L 03/18/97 10 ND --ND 30 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 10 96 --23 52 --ND --ND ND --19 --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 10 20 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 10 121 --11 16 ------ND 12 --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 10 77 --31 87 ------31 ----156 --92 ---- ug/L 07/08/99 10 ------------64 --198 ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 10 100 --38 56 ----56 50 22 --26 --33 ---- ug/L 06/06/00 10 267 --17 20 ----ND 28 ----67 --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 10 100 --28 22 ----257 414 200 --46 --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 10 80 --24 60 ----162 269 96 --191 --121 ---- ug/L 12/03/01 10 73 --59 39 ----214 55 87 --37 --249 ---- ug/L 06/10/02 10 41 --52 27 ----141 20 93 --68 --168 ---- ug/L 12/16/02 10 27 --12 34 ----26 14 150 --28 --37 ---- ug/L 06/09/03 10 12 --19 49 ----10 ND 72 --19 --27 ---- ug/L 12/08/03 10 261 --18 16 ----13 216 212 --11 --11 ---- ug/L 06/29/04 10 369 --18 15 ----ND 35 --226 --59 ND ---- ug/L 12/20/04 10 17 --52 35 ----ND 134 --77 --15 13 ---- ug/L 06/05/05 10 56 --44 ND ----ND 103 --16 --55 20 ---- ug/L 12/05/05 10 ND --74 28 ----ND 35 --10 --ND ND ---- ug/L 06/05/06 10 14 --31 11 ----ND 98 --24 --18 ND ---- ug/L 12/05/06 10 ND --14 16 ----ND 26 --ND --ND ND ---- ug/L 05/30/07 10 18.4 --10.4 B ND ----1.1 B 3.3 B --6.8 B --12.3 4.4 B --2.4 J ug/L 11/19/07 10 160 --21 55 ----20 58 --100 --66 52 --90 ug/L 05/19/08 10 --12 8.7 --45 --30 54 --23 --34 4.6 --ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 --7.7 J 14 --23 --22 58 ------26 9.8 J 26 ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 --5.8 B 7.9 B --3.5 B --ND ND ------4.7 B ND 22.4 B 15.2 ug/L 11/30/09 10 --5.99 J 6.40 J --3.93 J --ND ND ------ND 11.7 19.9 ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 --5.76 J 4.95 J --ND --ND ND ------ND 4.15 J 90.3 ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 11.5 ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 --6.26 B 7.80 B --ND --ND ND ----------9.03 B 4.26 J ug/L 11/28/11 10 --21.7 18.6 --ND --ND ND ----------26.6 ND Benzene ug/L 09/19/94 ----------------------ND --ND ---- NC 2L= 1 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 1 ND --ND 2 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 09/03/96 --------1.8 ---------------------- ug/L 10/02/96 --------1.2 ---------------------- ug/L 11/12/96 1 ND --ND 1.7 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND --ND 1.6 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 1 ND --ND 2.1 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/01/98 1 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------ND --ND ----------ND ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/27/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/08/03 3 ND --ND 0.83 J ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/29/04 3 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 0.5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 0.5 ND --ND 1.1 ----ND ND --2.7 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 0.5 ND --ND 0.9 ----ND ND --2.8 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 0.5 ND --ND 0.87 ----ND ND --3.8 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 0.5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.4 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND 0.47 J ----ND ND --2.6 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 ND --ND 0.52 ----ND ND --3.1 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --4.3 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 4.0 ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 4.6 ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 1.8 ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 0.89 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 2.3 ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------1.7 ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------1.6 ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 9 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Chlorobenzene ug/L 09/19/94 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- NC 2L= 50 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 09/03/96 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/96 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/99 --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 07/08/99 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/15/99 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/06/00 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/27/00 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/04/01 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/03/01 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/02 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/16/02 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/09/03 --ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/08/03 1 ND --ND 1 J ----ND ND ND ND ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/29/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND ND ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND 1.2 ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND 1.4 ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND 1.6 ----ND ND --0.73 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ------ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 3 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --1.6 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 3 ND --ND 0.71 ----ND ND --0.66 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 3 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --0.73 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 3 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND ug/L 06/30/09 3 --ND ND --0.41 J --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 3 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 3 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 3 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 3 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 3 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 12/08/03 1 ND --ND 0.87 J ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND NC 2L=6 ug/L ug/L 06/28/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND 1.0 ----ND ND --3.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND 1.2 ----ND ND --3.6 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.4 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.4 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.7 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --4.6 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 1.3 J ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 2.2 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 0.77 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 0.65 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 0.92 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND NC 2L= 6 ug/L ug/L 06/28/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.7 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.4 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --5.3 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.3 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.2 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.6 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --5.6 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --4.2 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 9.8 ND ug/L 06/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 7.8 ND ug/L 11/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 4.2 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 1.6 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 5.3 ND ug/L 05/19/11 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------3.2 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------3.1 J ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 10 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient cis-1,2-dichloroethene ug/L 09/22/94 -------------------------------- NC 2L= 70 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 -------------------------------- ug/L 02/07/95 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/96 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 09/03/96 --------1.0 ---------------------- ug/L 11/13/96 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 2 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------ND --ND ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/13/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/28/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --46 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --45 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --90 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --1.1 ND ----ND ND --68 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --97 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --78 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --89 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 5 ND --0.62 ND ----ND ND --98 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --140 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 5 --ND 0.84 J --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 370 ND ug/L 06/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 370 ND ug/L 11/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 190 ND ug/L 05/20/10 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 86 ND ug/L 11/19/10 5 --ND 1.4 J --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 210 ND ug/L 05/19/11 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------110 ND ug/L 11/28/11 5 --ND 3.7 J --ND --ND ND ----------140 ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND NC 2L= 100 ug/L ug/L 06/28/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.6 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.4 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.8 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --5.1 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.7 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --5.9 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --5.7 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 12.0 ND ug/L 06/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 9.7 ND ug/L 11/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 4.7 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 1.8 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 4.9 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------4.2 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------3.4 J ND 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND NC 2L= 0.6 ug/L ug/L 06/28/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --1.8 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.4 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.4 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.3 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.0 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.8 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --3.3 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 11.0 ND ug/L 06/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 9.4 ND ug/L 11/30/09 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 4.7 ND ug/L 05/20/10 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 1.9 ND ug/L 11/19/10 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 5.6 ND ug/L 05/19/11 5 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------2.2 ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------4.0 ND Ethylbenzene ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND ----ND ND --ND NC 2L = 600 ug/L ug/L 11/19/07 1 0.38 --0.6 0.48 ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 11 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Methylene Chloride ug/L 09/22/94 ----------------------14.6 --ND ---- NC 2L= 5 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/07/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/13/96 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND --ND ND --ND --22 ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------ND --ND ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/22/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/03/01 5 77 --92 66 ----ND 68 91 --68 --66 --ND ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/28/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 0.42 --0.47 0.046 ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --0.49 ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND Tetrachloroethene ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --1.9 --ND ND --ND NC 2L= 0.7 ug/L ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --1.9 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --0.55 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --0.64 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --0.46 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 1.8 ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 2.6 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 0.60 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 0.42 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 12 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Toluene ug/L 09/19/94 ----------------------ND --ND ---- NC 2L= 600 ug/L ug/L 12/02/94 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/01/95 5 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 06/10/96 1 ND --ND ND --1.9 B --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 11/12/96 1 ND --ND 1.7 --1.2 --ND ND --1.2 --ND ---- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 10/02/97 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 05/26/98 1 ND --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --ND ---- ug/L 12/01/98 1 ND --ND ND ------ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND --ND ND ------ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 07/08/99 5 ------------ND --ND ------------ ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ----ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/22/00 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --1.2 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --0.33 J ug/L 11/19/07 1 ND --0.37 ND ----ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --ND --0.45 ND --0.66 ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------ND ND Trichloroethene ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND NC 2L= 3 ug/L ug/L 06/28/04 5 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.4 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.5 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --4.7 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.9 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.9 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.2 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --2.6 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --3.1 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --1.6 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 30.0 ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 38 ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 14 ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 6.9 ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 9.5 ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------12.0 ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------5.9 ND Vinyl Chloride ug/L 12/08/03 10 ND --ND ND ----ND ND ND --ND --ND --ND NC 2L= 0.03 ug/L ug/L 06/28/04 10 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --9.9 J --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/20/04 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --12 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --16 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/05 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --13 --ND ND --ND ug/L 06/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --16 --ND ND --ND ug/L 12/05/06 2 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --15 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --14 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/07 1 ND --ND ND ----ND ND --23 --ND ND --ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND --21 --ND ND --ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 25 ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 23 ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 17 ND ug/L 05/20/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 6.8 ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ------ND ND 17 ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------12 ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 --ND ND --ND --ND ND ----------9.9 ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 13 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient pH (field)S.U.05/26/98 --7.30 --6.00 6.20 --7.4 --7.20 6.50 --7.00 --7.30 ---- S.U.12/01/98 --7.10 --5.00 6.00 ------6.70 6.60 --5.90 --6.50 ---- S.U.06/07/99 --6.98 --6.19 5.99 ------6.70 ----6.45 --5.98 ---- S.U.07/08/99 --------------7.29 --6.36 ------------ S.U.12/13/99 --7.21 --5.37 5.72 ----6.96 6.88 ----6.68 --5.96 ---- S.U.06/06/00 --7.75 --5.80 6.14 ----7.31 7.15 dry --7.04 --6.38 ---- S.U.12/11/00 --7.92 --5.82 6.11 ----7.14 7.36 6.47 --6.94 --6.36 ---- S.U.06/04/01 --7.75 --5.65 6.21 ----7.02 7.27 6.43 --6.39 --6.60 ---- S.U.12/03/01 --7.64 --5.45 5.92 ----7.04 7.18 6.40 --6.27 --6.40 ---- S.U.06/10/02 --7.71 --5.81 5.95 ----6.74 6.07 6.50 --7.3 --6.51 ---- S.U.12/16/02 --7.84 --5.67 6.20 ----7.27 7.60 5.83 --7.21 --6.24 ---- S.U.06/09/03 --7.91 --5.44 6.08 ----7.08 7.23 5.78 --7.18 --6.46 ---- S.U.12/09/03 --8.71 --5.9 6.87 ----7.67 --6.76 --8.01 --7.07 ---- S.U.06/24/04 --7.76 --5.78 6.12 ----6.96 7.30 --5.84 --7.51 6.37 ---- S.U.12/20/04 --7.78 --7.39 7.70 ----7.52 7.68 --7.71 --7.85 7.58 ---- S.U.06/08/05 --7.76 --5.68 6.20 ----6.94 7.23 --5.71 --7.79 6.52 ---- S.U.12/07/05 --7.73 --5.76 6.08 ----7.13 7.16 --5.63 --7.74 6.09 ---- S.U.06/05/06 --7.63 --5.93 6.13 ----7.01 7.19 --5.81 --7.78 6.76 ---- S.U.12/05/06 --7.62 --5.85 6.23 ----7.06 6.95 --5.65 --7.73 6.53 ---- S.U.05/30/07 --7.07 --6.12 7.17 ----6.67 8.57 --6.52 --7.23 5.55 ---- S.U.11/19/07 --6.21 --5.27 6.19 ----7.51 6.99 --5.79 --7.3 6.92 ---- S.U.05/19/08 ----6.40 5.21 --6.27 --6.85 7.11 --5.62 --7.78 6.14 ---- S.U.11/19/08 ----4.82 5.74 --6.4 --7.05 7.18 ------7.87 6.19 5.87 -- S.U.06/30/09 ----4.63 5.76 --6.13 --6.82 6.94 ------7.52 6.06 5.54 -- S.U.11/30/09 ----4.77 5.38 --7.06 --7.01 7.10 ------7.72 6.04 5.69 -- S.U.05/20/10 ----4.75 5.29 --6.63 --6.69 7.00 ------7.62 5.92 5.57 -- S.U.11/19/10 ----4.53 5.64 --6.73 --6.59 6.83 ------7.42 6.01 5.45 -- S.U.05/19/11 ----4.72 5.35 --6.6 --6.75 6.83 ----------5.53 -- S.U.11/28/11 ----4.81 5.35 --6.66 --6.73 6.77 ----------5.54 -- Conductivity (field)µS/cm 05/26/98 --454 --80 1200 --460 --383 518 --338 --348 ---- µS/cm 12/01/98 --394 --59 1660 ------388 456 --305 --406 ---- µS/cm 06/07/99 --447 --95.1 1511 ------467 ----359 --490 ---- µS/cm 07/08/99 --------------608 --439 ------------ µS/cm 12/13/99 --246 --81.4 1564 ----692 487 ----341 --426 ---- µS/cm 06/06/00 --461 --85.8 1626 ----726 474 dry --385 --479 ---- µS/cm 12/11/00 --449 --103 1239 ----463 445 559 --367 --460 ---- µS/cm 06/04/01 --432 --66.5 1240 ----539 366 365 --305 --334 ---- µS/cm 12/03/01 --432 --107 1389 ----534 437.1 561 --309 --422 ---- µS/cm 06/10/02 --425 --78.0 1545 ----625 444 450 --308 --430 ---- µS/cm 12/16/02 --460 --84.0 1601 ----668 529 344 --343 --242 ---- µS/cm 06/09/03 --286 --78.0 1713 ----652 543 267 --322 --386 ---- µS/cm 12/08/03 --390 --103 1442 ----645 --220 --325 --401 ---- µS/cm 06/28/04 --449 --92.0 1642 ----630 471 --467 --340 379 ---- µS/cm 12/20/04 --489 --87.0 1660 ----689 583 --553 --431 440 ---- µS/cm 06/08/05 --429 --768 1343 ----575 467 --443 --349 386 ---- µS/cm 12/08/05 --408 --171 1712 ----708 623 --590 --450 388 ---- µS/cm 06/05/06 --469 --66 1397 ----604 535 --488 --348 237 ---- µS/cm 12/05/06 --545 --76 1998 ----731 724 --665 --437 269 ---- µS/cm 05/30/07 --503 --67 192 ----720 748 --621 --427 302 ---- µS/cm 11/19/07 --240 --163 1800 ----587 639 --518 --431 402 ---- µS/cm 05/19/08 ----50 70 --1650 --770 770 --700 --445 146 ---- µS/cm 11/19/08 ----53 104 --1584 --711 846 ------423 231 654 -- µS/cm 06/30/09 ----47 86 --1577 --652 774 ------381 250 525 -- µS/cm 11/30/09 ----45 50 --895 --555 715 ------328 138 244 -- µS/cm 05/20/10 ----51 61 --1269 --704 832 ------401 142 173 -- µS/cm 11/19/10 ----49 167 --1055 --671 809 ------334 293 373 -- µS/cm 05/19/11 ----49 54 --920 --501 637 ----------223 -- µS/cm 11/28/11 ----65 329 --1383 --710 1013 ----------389 -- G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 14 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Temperature (field)°C 05/26/98 --15.9 --14.6 14.4 --14.3 --15.3 16 --14.8 --15.2 ---- °C 12/01/98 --17.3 --16 15 ------16.5 15.7 --12 --16.8 ---- °C 06/07/99 --18.0 --15.1 15.8 ------15.3 ----16.8 --16.2 ---- °C 07/08/99 --------------17.3 --16.2 ------------ °C 12/13/99 --15.1 --13.7 17.9 ----16.1 17.5 ----11.5 --16.3 ---- °C 06/06/00 --15.4 --17.4 14.8 ----16.2 15.4 dry --15.0 --16.5 ---- °C 12/11/00 --13.8 --14.2 15.3 ----12..6 16.0 14.4 --14.8 --14.2 ---- °C 06/04/01 --16.8 --15.1 14.3 ----13.6 14.7 14.7 --14.7 --15.7 ---- °C 12/03/01 --15.1 --14.4 15.7 ----15.8 19.4 15.3 --15.1 --15.7 ---- °C 06/10/02 --18.2 --19.0 14.8 ----15.8 15.2 17.0 --16.4 --16.3 ---- °C 12/16/02 --14.6 --12.6 14.9 ----14.1 15.9 14.0 --11.3 --14.1 ---- °C 06/09/03 --21.9 --15.6 15.1 ----16.4 14.8 16.3 --14.4 --16.6 ---- °C 12/09/03 --15.0 --14.8 15.9 ----14.0 --15.4 --16.1 --14.6 ---- °C 06/24/04 --17.5 --17.0 14.8 ----16.3 15.3 --14.65 --14.4 16.8 ---- °C 12/20/04 --13.08 --12.57 15.30 ----13.48 14.59 --15.72 --14.62 13.92 ---- °C 06/08/05 --17.14 --16.62 14.95 ----18.58 15.60 --14.5 --15.08 15.69 ---- °C 12/07/05 --14.07 --14.40 15.10 ----13.36 15.05 --15.86 --14.51 14.53 ---- °C 06/05/06 --16.24 --15.44 14.91 ----15.18 17.50 --14.43 --14.58 15.63 ---- °C 12/05/06 --14.01 --14.12 15.46 ----14.91 16.21 --16.1 --14.04 14.15 ---- °C 05/30/07 --17.81 --16.10 15.41 ----20.39 20.52 --16.53 --17.11 19.31 ---- °C 11/19/07 --14.54 --16.44 16.29 ----16.48 18.07 --16.6 --15.13 17.12 ---- °C 05/19/08 ----16.20 14.41 --14.2 --14.7 14.46 --14.41 --14.9 14.7 ---- °C 11/19/08 ----16.60 14.86 --15.84 --15.45 17.22 ------14.84 16.01 15.99 -- °C 06/30/09 ----16.62 17.52 --15.43 --17.74 15.96 ------15.44 16.38 16.57 -- °C 11/30/09 ----18.16 15.37 --15.28 --15.67 17.00 ------15.10 15.47 15.65 -- °C 05/20/10 ----15.15 14.24 --14.28 --14.51 15.46 ------14.46 14.27 14.45 -- °C 11/19/10 ----18.45 16.18 --16.29 --16.51 17.69 ------14.91 16.09 16.89 -- °C 05/19/11 ----16.3 14.39 --13.87 --14.45 14.17 ----------14.42 -- °C 11/28/11 ----17.67 16.91 --16.69 --17.17 17.38 ----------16.60 -- Turbidity (field)NTU 05/26/98 -->1000 --66.2 479 --46.1 --118 29.2 --143 --73.9 ---- NTU 12/01/98 --585 --34 >1000 ------201 12.1 --105 --14.7 ---- NTU 06/07/99 --very turbid ----very turbid ------125 ----70.8 --172 ---- NTU 07/08/99 --------------turbid ---------------- NTU 12/13/99 ------52.6 1278 ----265 107 ----122.4 --127.1 ---- NTU 06/06/00 --105 --5.74 365 ----48.2 686 dry --230 --75 ---- NTU 12/11/00 -->200 -->200 >200 ----51.3 >200 >200 ------161 ---- NTU 06/04/01 -->1000 --23.6 >1000 ----35 >1000 130 --36.7 --130 ---- NTU 12/03/01 -->999 --14 >999 ----11 >999 >999 --130 --65 ---- NTU 06/10/02 --600 --6.61 500 ----20 ----------190 ---- NTU 12/16/02 -->1100 --12.0 406 ----245 130 200 --130 --1000 ---- NTU 06/09/03 --106 --128 510 ----45.0 75.0 69.5 --230 --275 ---- NTU 12/09/03 -->990 --110 400 ----15.0 --990 -->990 --280 ---- NTU 06/04/04 -------------------------------- NTU 12/20/04 --79.8 --48 68.4 ----3.5 372 --472 ----32.9 ---- NTU 06/08/05 --887 --5.0 67.0 ----8.9 611 --140 --275 9.1 ---- NTU 12/07/05 --20 --63.0 983.0 ----1.0 >1000 --40 --11 15.0 ---- NTU 06/05/06 --254 --70.4 102.0 ----5.3 >1000 --383 --133 100.0 ---- NTU 12/05/06 --280 --15.8 58.0 ----2.8 597 --64.54 --45 25.0 ---- NTU 05/30/07 --436 --0.0 1.8 ----0.0 0 --0 -->1000 61.8 ---- NTU 11/19/07 --NM --52 76 ----9.3 259 --85.4 --233 121.4 ---- NTU 05/19/08 ----21.5 5.6 --60.4 --3.1 6.9 --15.9 --3 8.4 ---- NTU 11/19/08 ----11.3 11.4 --56.3 --3.9 7.4 ------10.9 14.7 124.2 -- NTU 06/30/09 ----7.5 9.2 --9.9 --0 3 ------22 9 98 -- NTU 11/30/09 ----9 22.4 --13 --12 10 ------22.5 10 41.5 -- NTU 05/20/10 ----9.8 9.6 --8.8 --0.4 9.6 ------5.5 14 19.9 -- NTU 11/19/10 ----21 16 --10.9 --1.2 3.3 ------16.7 12.2 9.5 -- NTU 05/19/11 ----18.5 36 --8.4 --1.4 11.7 ----------12 -- NTU 11/28/11 ----86.9 15.1 --10.9 --2.89 5.51 ----------9.47 -- Oxidation Reduction Potential mV 05/30/07 --178 --228 -43.0 ----95 ----82 --193 156 ---- (field)mV 11/19/07 ------218 7 -------82 -------103 ------ mV 05/19/08 ----291 225.1 --40 --151 -75.2 --170.1 ---45 49 ---- mV 11/19/08 ----199.3 103.7 ---92.4 --40.9 -103.7 -------69.5 -33.8 -8.8 -- mV 06/30/09 ----246 154 ---47.7 --30.4 -43 ------55 137 20.8 -- mV 11/30/09 ----238 241 ---51.8 ---5.4 -107.9 -------109 65.3 8.8 -- mV 05/20/10 ----286.6 262.5 ---23 --25.8 -48.7 -------23.4 85.7 89.9 -- mV 11/19/10 ----310.2 176 ---37.3 --12.7 -76.6 -------118.4 16.8 49.7 -- mV 05/19/11 ----194 91 ---151 ---9.4 -29.9 -----------23 -- mV 11/28/11 ----207.7 138.8 --4.0 --79.0 -26.6 ----------56.1 -- G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 15 of 15 0739-604211.100 PZ-6 MW-9R MW-2 MW-3 MW-3R MW-4 MW-4R MW-5 MW-6 MW-6R MW-7 MW-7R MW-8 MW-10 TABLE 4 City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit #32-01 Blanks Durham County, North Carolina Summary of Detected Constituents in Groundwater SWS Reporting LimitDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date DowngradientUpgradient Dissolved Oxygen (field)mg/L 12/01/01 --4.70 --4.00 2.05 ----3.90 3.50 2.80 --5.30 --2.25 ---- mg/L 06/10/02 --5.28 --9.08 18.58 ----7.00 16.85 4.03 --4.86 --5.69 ---- mg/L 12/16/02 --5.50 --7.92 12.38 ----5.99 10.2 8.67 --6.72 --3.30 ---- mg/L 06/09/03 --7.65 --9.58 3.02 ----4.63 2.65 9.92 --5.25 --3.69 ---- mg/L 12/08/03 --5.90 --5.00 3.60 ----7.90 --3.60 --2.10 --4.30 ---- mg/L 06/24/04 --6.50 --8.44 2.84 ----5.37 2.96 --5.69 --5.23 6.20 ---- mg/L 12/20/04 --6.21 --7.52 3.29 ----3.65 3.61 --4.69 --4.60 4.63 ---- mg/L 06/08/05 -------------------------------- mg/L 06/05/06 --4.00 --4.48 4.19 ----4.31 3.48 --2.77 --2.19 2.69 ---- mg/L 12/05/06 --3.81 --7.19 3.32 ----2.83 -20.00 --4.06 --2.40 3.91 ---- mg/L 05/30/07 --2.1 --2.6 5.7 ----4.6 ----7.4 --5.6 2.8 ---- mg/L 11/19/07 ------2.72 0.15 ----1.57 0.24 --0.19 --0.12 1.18 ---- mg/L 05/19/08 -------------------------------- mg/L 11/19/08 ----4.89 9.21 --3.84 --7.62 0.89 ------3.48 0.82 3.36 -- mg/L 06/30/09 ----8.5 67.5 --2.9 --33.6 6.1 ------24.6 30 3.3 -- mg/L 11/30/09 ----4.77 8.32 --2.84 --0.95 0.23 ------3.41 0.31 0.34 -- mg/L 05/20/10 ----0.54 8.8 --0.12 --0.37 0.19 ------1.68 0.26 0.49 -- mg/L 11/19/10 ----0.84 3.4 --2.67 --2.09 1.82 ------0.48 0.91 1.91 -- mg/L 05/19/11 ----1.83 6.48 --0.2 --0.77 0.09 ----------0.13 -- mg/L 11/28/11 ----1.93 1.74 --0.93 --1.71 0.47 ----------0.56 -- Notes: ug/L =micrograms per liter mg/L=milligrams per liter S.U. =Standard Units NTU =Nephelometric Turbidity Units mV=millivolts ND =Not detected above laboratory detection limit oC =degrees Celsius J =estimated concentration B =blank-qualified result µS/cm=microsiemens per centimeter -- =no data available Blanks =field, trip, and method blanks Shaded = Concentrations above the NC 2L or Solid Waste Section Groundwater Protection Standards have been shaded Sample data from September 1994 through December 1998 compiled and reported by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Sample data from June 1999 through December 2006 collected, compiled and reported by Weston Solutions, Inc. Sample data from May 2007 collected, complied, and reported by Golder Associates NC, Inc. Sample data collected from November 2007 to May 2011 collected, complied, and reported by S&ME. Laboratory data prior to November 2011 was not validated by Golder Associates. SWS Reporting Limit =NCPQL from 09/14/94 through 12/05/06 and NCSWSL for 05/30/07 and later * =EPA Maximum Contaminant Level Secondary Standard G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 1 of 7 0739-604211.100 Upstream SW-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 Antimony ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND ND ND ND -- (No Standard)ug/L 06/05/05 5 ND ND 5 ND -- ug/L 12/07/05 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND ND dry ND -- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/30/07 6 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/07 6 0.94 J dry dry 0.97 J ND ug/L 05/19/08 6 0.40 J ND 0.24 J 0.36 J ND ug/L 11/19/08 6 0.76 B 0.59 B 0.7 B 0.76 B 0.53 J ug/L 06/30/09 6 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 6 0.212 J ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 6 0.881 J ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 6 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 6 0.271 J ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 6 ND dry ND ND ND Arsenic ug/L 05/30/07 10 ND dry dry ND 3.8 J SW Standard = 10 ug/L ug/L 11/30/07 10 1.5 B dry dry 1.7 B 0.89 J ug/L 05/19/08 10 ND ND 1.2 J ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 1.2 J 1.4 J 1.2 J 1 J ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 ND dry dry ND 4.3 J ug/L 11/30/09 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 ND ND ND ND 3.22 J ug/L 11/19/10 10 2.94 J 3.35 J ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 ND 5.0 J ND ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 ND dry 4.77 B ND 4.35 J Barium ug/L 02/07/95 --27 69 82 39 -- SW Standard = 1000 ug/L ug/L 03/13/95 25 51 61 59 ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 25 42 86 75 ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 25 32 37 59 ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 --44 126 41 27 -- ug/L 10/02/97 25 92 162 62 ND -- ug/L 05/26/98 --35 94 72 106 -- ug/L 12/01/98 --47 dry dry 25 -- ug/L 06/07/99 25 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/01/99 --54 174 85 96 -- ug/L 06/06/00 --73 dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/22/00 --66 dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 25 ND 97 80 ND -- ug/L 12/03/01 25 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/10/02 25 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/16/02 --76 58 64 29 -- ug/L 06/10/03 25 ND 111 93 28 -- ug/L 12/08/03 25 14 59 62 ND -- ug/L 06/29/04 25 ND 83 49 ND -- ug/L 12/20/04 25 ND 42 71 ND -- ug/L 06/05/05 25 ND 73 6 28 -- ug/L 12/07/05 --39 59 52 46 -- ug/L 06/05/06 25 ND 126 dry ND -- ug/L 12/05/06 --28 106 79 25 -- ug/L 05/30/07 100 8.1 J dry dry 7.6 J ND ug/L 11/30/07 100 3.2 J dry dry 9.1 J ND ug/L 05/19/08 100 17 J 64 J 66 J 18 J ND ug/L 11/19/08 100 13 J 96 J 64 J 11 J ND ug/L 06/30/09 100 9.78 J dry dry 8.29 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 100 10.5 J 70.1 J 61.4 J 14.1 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 100 19.6 J 64.1 J 76 J 19.7 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 100 6.12 J 94.8 J 43.9 J 4.59 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 100 14.3 J 108 65.2 J 15.5 J 1.14 J ug/L 11/28/11 100 63.3 J dry 72.7 J 8.82 J ND Beryllium ug/L 05/30/07 1 ND dry dry ND ND SW Standard = 6.5 ug/L #ug/L 11/30/07 1 0.4 J dry dry 0.43 J ND ug/L 05/19/08 1 ND ND 0.34 J ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 1 ND 0.35 J ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 1 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 1 ND ND ND ND 0.121 J ug/L 05/20/10 1 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 1 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 1 ND ND 1.35 J ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 1 ND dry ND ND ND TABLE 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina BlanksDownstreamDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date SWS Reporting Limit G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 2 of 7 0739-604211.100 Upstream SW-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 TABLE 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina BlanksDownstreamDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date SWS Reporting Limit Chromium ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND ND ND ND -- SW Standard = 50 ug/L #ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND 5.9 ND ND -- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND 5 ND ND -- ug/L 12/01/98 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/01/99 --7 16 8 8 -- ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/22/00 5 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/03 5 ND 5 ND ND -- ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND 5 ND ND -- ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/20/04 5 5 ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/05 5 ND ND ND 5 -- ug/L 12/07/05 5 5 ND ND 9 -- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND ND dry ND -- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/30/07 10 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/07 10 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 05/19/08 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 ND ND 3.0 J ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 ND dry dry 1.1 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 10 ND 2.64 J ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 1.18 J 3.03 J 4.65 J ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 ND 1.44 J 2.95 J ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 ND dry ND ND ND Copper ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND ND ND ND -- SW Standard = 7 ug/L #**ug/L 03/13/95 5 5.5 6.8 8.6 ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 5 6.3 5.9 5.7 ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 5 6 ND ND 6 -- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/26/98 --6 8 6 9 -- ug/L 12/01/98 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/01/99 --10 14 10 11 -- ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/22/00 5 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 5 13 ND 8 ND -- ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND dry dry ND 0.7 J ug/L 12/16/02 5 21 8 10 8 -- ug/L 06/10/03 5 ND 8 6 ND -- ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND 5 6 5 -- ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND 8 ND ND -- ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/05 --3 5 5 2 -- ug/L 12/07/05 --9 7 10 11 -- ug/L 06/05/06 --3 9 dry 3 -- ug/L 12/05/06 --2 3 6 3 -- ug/L 05/30/07 10 1.3 B dry dry 0.8 B 0.7 J ug/L 11/30/07 10 1.3 B dry dry 2.1 B 1.1 J ug/L 05/19/08 10 4 B 6 B 10 B 3.8 B 5.7 J ug/L 11/19/08 10 2.7 B 4.3 B 4.7 B 3.3 B 1.1 J ug/L 06/30/09 10 ND dry dry ND 2.36 J ug/L 11/30/09 10 ND 2.83 J 2.34 J ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 2.73 J 4.41 J 9.21 J ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 1.6 J 2.11 J 3.75 J 1.93 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 3.71 J dry 2.89 J 2.19 J ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 3 of 7 0739-604211.100 Upstream SW-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 TABLE 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina BlanksDownstreamDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date SWS Reporting Limit Lead ug/L 02/07/95 5 11 ND 6.2 ND -- SW Standard = 25 ug/L #*ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND ND 7.5 ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 5 5 ND ND 5 -- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/01/98 5 5 dry dry 5 -- ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/01/99 --17 5 5 7 -- ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/27/00 5 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND 9 ND ND -- ug/L 12/03/01 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/03 5 9 ND 6 ND -- ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/05 5 9 ND 6 ND -- ug/L 12/07/05 5 10 ND ND 10 -- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND ND dry ND -- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/30/07 10 ND dry dry ND 3.1 J ug/L 11/30/07 5 ND dry dry ND 3.5 J ug/L 05/19/08 5 ND ND 4.1 J ND ND J ug/L 11/19/08 5 0.5 B 0.79 B 1.7 B 0.45 B 3.1 J ug/L 06/30/09 5 2.4 B dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 10 ND ND ND ND 3.09 J ug/L 05/20/10 10 ND 3.15 J 3.61 J ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 2.31 J ND 2.90 J ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 ND dry ND ND ND Nickel ug/L 02/07/95 10 ND ND ND ND -- SW Standard = 25 ug/L ug/L 03/13/95 10 ND 13 16 ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 10/02/97 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/26/98 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/01/98 10 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/07/99 10 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/01/99 --10 12 10 10 -- ug/L 06/06/00 10 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/22/00 10 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/03/01 10 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/10/02 10 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/16/02 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/03 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/08/03 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/29/04 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/20/04 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/05 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/07/05 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/06 10 ND ND dry ND -- ug/L 12/05/06 10 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/30/07 50 2.7 J dry dry 2.7 J ND ug/L 11/30/07 50 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 05/19/08 50 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 50 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 50 3.1 B dry dry 3.8 B 0.6 J ug/L 11/30/09 50 ND 2.60 B 3.25 B ND 4.59 J ug/L 05/20/10 50 2.23 J 2.36 J 3.83 J 1.97 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 50 ND 4.72 J ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 50 2.11 J 4.4 J 3.14 J 2.05 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 50 3.30 J dry 3.11 J 1.90 J ND Selenium ug/L 05/30/07 10 2.9 B dry dry 2.3 B 5.7 J SW Standard = 5 ug/L #ug/L 11/30/07 10 2.6 B dry dry ND 0.52 J ug/L 05/19/08 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 1.2 B ND 0.54 B 0.39 B 0.36 J ug/L 06/30/09 10 ND dry dry ND 0.6 J ug/L 11/30/09 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 1.88 J 1.7 J 1.32 J 1.81 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 ND dry ND ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 4 of 7 0739-604211.100 Upstream SW-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 TABLE 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina BlanksDownstreamDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date SWS Reporting Limit Silver ug/L 02/07/95 1 ND ND ND ND -- SW Standard = 0.06 ug/L #**ug/L 03/13/95 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 1 ND 1.8 3.3 ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 10/02/97 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/26/98 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/01/98 1 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/07/99 1 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/01/99 --1 1 1 1 -- ug/L 06/06/00 1 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/22/00 1 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/03/01 1 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 06/10/02 1 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/16/02 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/03 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/08/03 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/29/04 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/07/05 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/06 1 ND ND dry ND -- ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/30/07 10 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/07 10 2.7 J dry dry 2.7 J ND ug/L 05/19/08 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 11/30/09 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 10 ND dry ND ND ND Thallium ug/L 05/30/07 5.5 ND dry dry ND ND (No Standard)ug/L 11/30/07 5.5 0.61 J dry dry 0.62 J ND ug/L 05/19/08 5.5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 5.5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 5.5 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 5.5 ND ND ND 0.685 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 5.5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 5.5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 5.5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 5.5 ND dry ND ND ND Vanadium ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND ND ND ND -- (No Standard)ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 5 ND ND 7.7 ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 5 ND 8 ND ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 10/02/97 5 ND 8.5 ND 5.7 -- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND 5 5 5 -- ug/L 12/01/98 5 ND dry dry 5 -- ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 12/01/99 --11 22 10 11 -- ug/L 06/06/00 --5 dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/22/00 --5 dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND ND 5 ND -- ug/L 12/03/01 --6 dry dry 6 -- ug/L 06/10/02 --6 dry dry 6 -- ug/L 12/16/02 5 7 ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/03 5 ND 7 5 ND -- ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/29/04 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/20/04 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/05/05 5 5 ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/07/05 5 7 ND ND 6 -- ug/L 06/05/06 5 ND ND dry ND -- ug/L 12/05/06 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/30/07 25 ND dry dry 1.2 J ND ug/L 11/30/07 25 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 05/19/08 25 ND ND 3.1 J ND ND ug/L 11/19/08 25 ND ND 2.6 J ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 25 2.4 J dry dry 2.4 J ND ug/L 11/30/09 25 1.96 J 1.52 J 1.96 J 2.03 J ND ug/L 05/20/10 25 4.02 J 5.14 J 7.89 J 5.27 J ND ug/L 11/19/10 25 1.78 J ND ND 1.64 J ND ug/L 05/19/11 25 2.97 J ND 5.0 J 2.84 J ND ug/L 11/28/11 25 ND dry ND ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 5 of 7 0739-604211.100 Upstream SW-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 TABLE 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina BlanksDownstreamDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date SWS Reporting Limit Zinc ug/L 02/07/95 10 33 ND ND 21 -- SW Standard = 50 ug/L #**ug/L 03/13/95 --34 63 87 67 -- ug/L 06/10/96 10 ND ND ND 13 -- ug/L 11/12/96 10 20 ND 16 22 -- ug/L 03/18/97 10 32 ND ND 32 -- ug/L 10/02/97 10 10 14 21 146 -- ug/L 05/26/98 --25 26 19 48 -- ug/L 12/01/98 10 ND dry dry 56 -- ug/L 06/07/99 --76 dry dry 42 -- ug/L 12/01/99 --89 58 45 66 -- ug/L 06/06/00 --10 dry dry dry -- ug/L 12/22/00 10 ND dry dry dry -- ug/L 06/04/01 --39 14 16 28 -- ug/L 12/03/01 --42 dry dry 80 -- ug/L 06/10/02 --25 dry dry 36 -- ug/L 12/16/02 --106 18 16 39 -- ug/L 06/10/03 --18 22 15 19 -- ug/L 12/08/03 10 106 11 ND 42 -- ug/L 06/29/04 10 21 ND ND 19 -- ug/L 12/20/04 10 31 ND ND 30 -- ug/L 06/05/05 10 33 ND ND 30 -- ug/L 12/07/05 --38 10 16 33 -- ug/L 06/05/06 --21 17 dry 17 -- ug/L 12/05/06 10 38 ND 11 41 -- ug/L 05/30/07 10 51.9 dry dry 52.5 2.4 J ug/L 11/30/07 10 73 B dry dry 62 B 90.0 ug/L 05/19/08 10 48 10 38 47 ND ug/L 11/19/08 10 29 12 12 26 ND ug/L 06/30/09 10 24.7 B dry dry 28.3 B 15.2 ug/L 11/30/09 10 44.6 8.39 J 8.54 J 39.2 ND ug/L 05/20/10 10 26.6 9.7 J 18.5 29.7 ND ug/L 11/19/10 10 39.5 9.74 J 4.01 J 40.3 ND ug/L 05/19/11 10 37.1 4.56 B 10.1 B 36.8 4.26 J ug/L 11/28/11 10 7.24 J dry 5.77 J 36.6 ND Acetone ug/L 05/30/07 100 ND dry dry 5.4 B 3.8 J (No Standard)ug/L 11/30/07 100 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 05/19/08 100 ND ND ND ND 13.0 J ug/L 11/19/08 100 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/30/09 100 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 11/30/09 100 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/20/10 100 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/19/10 100 ND 2.0 J 2.5 J ND ND ug/L 05/19/11 100 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 11/28/11 100 ND dry ND ND ND Chloroform ug/L 09/19/94 --ND dry dry ND -- (No Standard)ug/L 02/07/95 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 03/13/95 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/10/96 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 11/12/96 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 03/18/97 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 10/02/97 1 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/26/98 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 12/01/98 2 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 06/07/99 5 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 12/15/99 5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/06/00 5 ND dry dry dry ND ug/L 12/22/00 5 ND dry dry dry ND ug/L 06/04/01 5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 12/13/01 5 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 06/10/02 5 ND dry dry ND ND ug/L 12/16/02 5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/09/03 5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 12/08/03 5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/28/04 5 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 12/20/04 1 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/05/05 1 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 12/07/05 1 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 06/05/06 1 0.65 J ND ND 0.59 J ND ug/L 12/05/06 1 ND ND ND ND ND ug/L 05/30/07 5 0.60 J dry dry 0.55 J ND ug/L 11/30/07 5 0.6 J dry dry 0.42 -- ug/L 05/19/08 5 0.66 J ND ND 0.58 -- ug/L 11/19/08 5 0.39 J ND ND 0.42 -- ug/L 06/30/09 5 ND dry dry ND -- ug/L 11/30/09 5 0.52 J ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/20/10 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 11/19/10 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 05/19/11 5 ND ND ND ND -- ug/L 11/28/11 5 ND dry ND ND ND G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 6 of 7 0739-604211.100 Upstream SW-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 TABLE 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina BlanksDownstreamDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date SWS Reporting Limit pH (field)S.U.05/26/98 ------------ S.U.12/01/98 ------------ S.U.06/07/99 --6 dry dry 5.76 -- S.U.07/08/99 ----dry dry ---- S.U.12/13/99 --6.47 6.3 6.44 6.58 -- S.U.06/06/00 --6.54 dry dry dry -- S.U.12/11/00 --7.48 dry dry dry -- S.U.06/04/01 --7.08 6.92 6.94 7.11 -- S.U.12/03/01 --6.59 dry dry 5.99 -- S.U.06/10/02 --7.81 dry dry 8.13 -- S.U.12/16/02 --7.28 7.66 6.81 7.2 -- S.U.06/09/03 --7.14 7.58 --7.49 -- S.U.12/09/03 --8.46 7.82 8.58 8.46 -- S.U.06/24/04 --7.53 6.91 7.4 7.57 -- S.U.12/20/04 --7.64 8 --7.66 -- S.U.06/08/05 --7.5 7.69 7.31 7.59 -- S.U.12/07/05 --7.2 7.3 7.14 7.47 -- S.U.06/05/06 --7.58 7.24 dry 7.49 -- S.U.12/05/06 --7.39 7.63 8.54 15.2 -- S.U.05/31/07 --8.55 dry dry 8.64 -- S.U.11/30/07 ----dry dry ---- S.U.05/19/08 --8.26 8.25 8.35 8.3 -- S.U.11/19/08 --7.51 7.36 7.53 7.18 -- S.U.06/30/09 --7.21 dry dry 7.36 -- S.U.11/30/09 --8.21 7.80 7.75 8.30 -- S.U.05/20/10 --7.61 7.83 6.67 7.73 -- S.U.11/19/10 ----7.44 7.71 7.75 -- S.U.05/19/11 --7.67 7.50 6.27 7.86 -- S.U.11/28/11 --7.41 dry 6.57 6.73 -- Conductivity (field)µS/cm 05/26/98 ------------ µS/cm 12/01/98 ------------ µS/cm 06/07/99 --198 dry dry 167 -- µS/cm 07/08/99 ----dry dry ---- µS/cm 12/13/99 --257.4 272.8 137.8 134.5 -- µS/cm 06/06/00 --202.3 dry dry dry -- µS/cm 12/11/00 --277.5 dry dry dry -- µS/cm 06/04/01 --372.6 184.8 166.9 393.4 -- µS/cm 12/03/01 --445 dry dry 433.5 -- µS/cm 06/10/02 --451 dry dry 250 -- µS/cm 12/16/02 --123 60 110 341 -- µS/cm 06/09/03 --186 177 --316 -- µS/cm 12/08/03 --411.1 29.9 24.3 410 -- µS/cm 06/28/04 --451 284 277 431 -- µS/cm 12/20/04 --434 249 --424 -- µS/cm 06/08/05 --336 197.1 190.5 345.8 -- µS/cm 12/08/05 --250 129 140 176 -- µS/cm 06/05/06 --391 161 dry 412 -- µS/cm 12/05/06 --392 194 232 391 -- µS/cm 05/31/07 --477 dry dry 485 -- µS/cm 11/30/07 ----dry dry ---- µS/cm 05/19/08 --120 120 300 320 -- µS/cm 11/19/08 --370 160 160 380 -- µS/cm 06/30/09 --330 dry dry 310 -- µS/cm 11/30/09 --400 190 200 400 -- µS/cm 05/20/10 --287 99 159 267 -- µS/cm 11/19/10 ----226 473 469 -- µS/cm 05/19/11 --313 163 137 311 -- µS/cm 11/28/11 --207 dry 251 465 -- Temperature (field)°C 05/26/98 ------------ °C 12/01/98 ------------ °C 06/07/99 --17.2 dry dry 18 -- °C 07/08/99 ----dry dry ---- °C 12/13/99 --18.1 20.1 17.8 19.2 -- °C 06/06/00 --17.7 dry dry dry -- °C 12/11/00 --8.9 dry dry dry -- °C 06/04/01 --22.3 18.7 20.2 22.5 -- °C 12/03/01 --19.5 dry dry 16.2 -- °C 06/10/02 --23.49 dry dry 23.43 -- °C 12/16/02 --11.19 3.52 4.3 10.53 -- °C 06/09/03 --23.36 23.23 --23.08 -- °C 12/09/03 --13.3 6.6 7.8 13.2 -- °C 06/24/04 --22.92 21.22 23.4 22.84 -- °C 12/20/04 --12.07 1.95 --9.37 -- °C 06/08/05 --23.06 20.83 21.45 22.9 -- °C 12/07/05 --12.26 9.29 8.98 10.33 -- °C 06/05/06 --21.8 20.12 dry 21.75 -- °C 12/05/06 --15.02 8.32 8 15.2 -- °C 05/31/07 --24.28 dry dry 23.8 -- °C 11/30/07 ----dry dry ---- °C 05/19/08 --19.0 19.0 22.6 21.7 -- °C 11/19/08 --14.7 7.5 6 14.6 -- °C 06/30/09 --20.4 dry dry 20.3 -- °C 11/30/09 --18.4 17.3 17.6 18.6 -- °C 05/20/10 --23.04 18.36 20.8 22.38 -- °C 11/19/10 ----7.69 19.34 19.43 -- °C 05/19/11 --21.01 15.61 18.00 21.49 -- °C 11/28/11 --13.91 dry 15.05 19.17 -- G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 7 of 7 0739-604211.100 Upstream SW-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 TABLE 5 Summary of Surface Water Monitoring Results City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina BlanksDownstreamDetected Monitoring Constituent/Parameter Reporting Units Sample Date SWS Reporting Limit Turbidity (field)NTU 05/26/98 ------------ NTU 12/01/98 ------------ NTU 06/07/99 --12 dry dry ---- NTU 07/08/99 ----dry dry ---- NTU 12/13/99 --139.2 229 139.8 146.7 -- NTU 06/06/00 --42.8 dry dry dry -- NTU 12/11/00 --27.3 dry dry dry -- NTU 06/04/01 --17.2 18.2 90 7.6 -- NTU 12/03/01 ----dry dry 2.2 -- NTU 06/10/02 --3.2 dry dry 2.6 -- NTU 12/16/02 --6.4 9 10 5.8 -- NTU 06/09/03 --34 65.2 --18 -- NTU 12/09/03 --12 25 23 13 -- NTU 06/04/04 ------------ NTU 12/20/04 ------------ NTU 06/08/05 --7.55 22.1 53 8.99 -- NTU 12/07/05 --88 31 66 120 -- NTU 06/05/06 --15.6 26.4 dry 17.9 -- NTU 12/05/06 --4.44 20.6 27.5 8.31 -- NTU 05/31/07 --0 dry dry 56.9 -- NTU 11/30/07 ----dry dry ---- NTU 05/19/08 ------------ NTU 11/19/08 ------------ NTU 06/30/09 ----dry dry ---- NTU 11/30/09 ------------ NTU 05/20/10 --11.2 38.6 64.6 26 -- NTU 11/19/10 ----10.5 0.3 0 -- NTU 05/19/11 --0.7 13.5 80.2 0.1 -- NTU 11/28/11 --26.0 dry 30.9 3.37 -- Oxidation Reduction Potential mV 05/31/07 --70 dry dry 45 -- (field)mV 11/30/07 ----dry dry ---- mV 05/19/08 ------------ mV 11/19/08 ------------ mV 06/30/09 ----dry dry ---- mV 11/30/09 ------------ mV 05/20/10 --91.6 52.4 53.4 7.65 -- mV 11/19/10 -----72 2.6 71.5 -- mV 05/19/11 --31 -122 5.1 42 -- mV 11/28/11 --7.2 dry 52.8 106.3 -- Dissolved Oxygen (field)mg/L 12/01/01 --5.9 dry dry 4.7 -- mg/L 06/10/02 --9.1 dry dry 13.3 -- mg/L 12/16/02 --11.64 10.81 10.51 11.57 -- mg/L 06/09/03 --10.16 7.8 --10.04 -- mg/L 12/08/03 --10.5 12.6 12.5 10.5 -- mg/L 06/24/04 --8.01 4.53 7.4 7.83 -- mg/L 12/20/04 --9.93 12.2 --10.01 -- mg/L 06/08/05 ------------ mg/L 06/05/06 --6.59 5.45 dry 6.74 -- mg/L 12/05/06 --8.25 4.46 9.89 7.24 -- mg/L 05/31/07 --8.1 dry dry 7.7 -- mg/L 11/30/07 ----dry dry ---- mg/L 05/19/08 ------------ mg/L 11/19/08 ------------ mg/L 06/30/09 ----dry dry ---- mg/L 11/30/09 ------------ mg/L 05/20/10 --8.08 8.53 7.84 7.85 -- mg/L 11/19/10 ----7.57 8.62 10.04 -- mg/L 05/19/11 --0.56 4.73 0.1 8.8 -- mg/L 11/28/11 --7.34 dry 8.10 8.87 -- Notes:mg/L =milligrams per liter ug/L =micrograms per liter S.U. =Standard Units NTU =Nephelometric Turbidity Units ND =Not detected at the stated reporting limit J =estimated concentration B =blank-qualified result dry =no flowing water at time of sampling µS/cm=microsiemens per centimeter mV =Millivolts -- =no data Blanks =field, trip and method blanks Surface Water Standards SW Standards are WS Standards (Ellerbee Creek is a WS-IV Classification) or Freshwater Aquatic Life Standards if no WS Standard exists. Shaded = Concentrations above the applicable Surface Water Standards have been shaded. # Freshwater Aquatic Life Standards *Standard is a Narrative Standard **Standard is an Action Limit Sample data from September 1994 through December 1998 compiled and reported by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Sample data from June 1999 through December 2006 collected, compiled and reported by Weston Solutions, Inc. Sample data from May 2007 collected, complied, and reported by Golder Associates NC, Inc. Sample data collected from November 2007 to May 2011 collected, complied, and reported by S&ME. Laboratory data prior to November 2011 was not validated by Golder Associates. SWS Reporting Limit =NCPQL from 09/14/94 through 12/05/06 and NCSWSL for 05/30/07 and later G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Tables\City of Durham tables Nov 2011.xlsx g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\draft second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx DRAWING 3 0 0 310 3 2 0 3 3 0 340 330 320 310 300 2 9 0 280 2 9 0 2 8 0 3 4 0 MW-5 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4R MW-8 289.35 302.05 292.00 NM 276.20 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 MW-6R 277.62 MW-9R 342.60 MW-7R 300.52 PZ-2R 320.87 PZ-6 303.62 PZ-3 317.36 PZ-4R 315.10 MW-3R 281.31 MW-10 275.57NES-3 275.82 X: \ P r o j e c t s \ C i t y O f D u r h a m \ 0 7 3 - 9 6 0 4 2 \ 0 7 3 9 6 0 4 2 ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 1 1 ) . d w g 1 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 1 : 3 6 P M GROUNDWATER CONTOUR MAP NOVEMBER 28, 2011 CITY OF DURHAM CLOSED LANDFILL PERMIT #32-01 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DWG 1 07396042(12-14-11) EXISTING 10' GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR EXISTING 2' GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF WASTE EXISTING ROAD GROUNDWATER ELEVATION 10' CONTOURS GROUNDWATER FLOW ARROW PIEZOMETER LOCATION AND GROUNDWATER ELEVATION SURFACE WATER MONITORING POINT COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL AND WATER LEVEL ELEVATION NOT MEASURED NON-COMPLAINACE MONITORING WELL AND WATER LEVEL ELEVATION LEGEND NOTES 1) TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2 FEET 2) GROUNDWATER SURFACE CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET 3) GROUNDWATER CONTOURS BASED ON LINEAR INTERPOLATION BETWEEN AND EXTRAPOLATION FROM KNOWN DATA, TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS, AND KNOWN FIELD CONDITIONS. THEREFORE, GROUNDWATER CONTOURS MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL CONDITIONS. 4) GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS MEASURED ON NOVEMBER 28, 2011. 5) TOC ELEVATIONS WERE SURVEYED BY MULKEY ENGINEERING IN JANUARY 2001. TOC ELEVATIONS WERE SURVEYED FOR WELLS PZ-2R, PZ-4R, MW-6R, MW-7R AND MW-9R IN 2005 BY MULKEY ENGINEERING. 6) MW-10 SURVEYED BY BATEMAN CIVIL SURVEY. 7) MW-3R HAS NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND WAS NOT USED IN THE INTERPRETATION OF CONTOUR LINES. 8) WELLS MW-1, MW-4, MW-6, MW-7, MW-9, PZ-1, PZ-2 AND PZ-4 HAVE BEEN ABANDONED, DAMAGED OR DESTROYED AND ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS MAP. 9) MW-3 WAS NOT GAUGED DURING THE SAMPLING EVENT. 10) BASE MAP TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PROVIDED BY WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC. (FROM THEIR GROUNDWATER REPORT FOR THE DECEMBER 2006 SAMPLING EVENT). 300 SITE LOCATION NM MW-2 SW-1 277.05 MW-2 PZ-2R 320.53 g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\draft second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx APPENDIX A Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Logs g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\draft second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx APPENDIX B November 2011 Groundwater Certificate-of-Analysis, Chain of Custody Form(s) and Laboratory Data Review 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 919.467.3090 919.467.3515Phone:FAX:www.encolabs.com Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. ENCO Workorder: C113671 Greensboro, NC 27407 Dear Dusty Reedy, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Enclosure(s) Project Number: 073-9604211.100, Project Name/Desc: City of Durham Attn: Dusty Reedy Golder Associates, Inc. (GO007) 5B Oak Branch Drive Stephanie Franz Project Manager Friday, December 9, 2011 RE: Laboratory Results for The total number of pages in this report, including this page is 45. www.encolabs.com PROJECT NARRATIVE Date: 09 December 2011 Client: Golder Associates, Inc. (GO007) Project: City of Durham Lab ID: C113671 Overview Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) analyzed all submitted samples in accordance with the methods referenced in the laboratory report. Any particular difficulties encountered during sample handling by ENCO are discussed in the QC Remarks section below. Quality Control Samples No Comments Quality Control Remarks No Comments Other Comments All samples received under this work order arrived in acceptable conditions. The samples were not checked for residual chlorine, as it is not required. Sample S-1 was not received, as no flow was observed at the sampling point. The analytical data presented in this report are consistent with the methods as referenced in the analytical report. Any exceptions or deviations are noted in the QC remarks section of this narrative or in the Flags/Notes and Definitions section of the report. Released By: Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. Stephanie Franz Project Manager Page 2 of 45 www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE 3201-MW2 C113671-01 Sampled:11/28/11 13:14 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:10 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:26 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 06:21 3201-MW3R MS/MSD C113671-02 Sampled:11/28/11 11:40 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:00 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:17 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 05:52 3201-MW4R C113671-03 Sampled:11/28/11 10:58 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:12 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:28 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 06:50 3201-MW5 C113671-04 Sampled:11/28/11 14:16 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:14 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:29 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 07:20 3201-MW9R C113671-05 Sampled:11/28/11 15:12 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:22 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:31 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 07:49 3201-MW10 C113671-06 Sampled:11/28/11 12:35 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:23 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:41 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 08:19 Page 3 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S2 C113671-07 Sampled:11/28/11 12:45 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:25 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:43 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 08:48 3201-S3 C113671-08 Sampled:11/28/11 13:31 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:27 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:44 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 09:18 3201-S4 C113671-09 Sampled:11/28/11 11:52 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:29 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:46 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 09:47 3201-Field Blank C113671-10 Sampled:11/28/11 15:20 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010C 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:05 12/5/2011 11:31 EPA 6020A 05/26/12 12/01/11 10:07 12/6/2011 14:48 EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 10:16 3201-Trip Blank C113671-11 Sampled:11/28/11 10:58 Received:11/29/11 12:15Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 12/12/11 11/30/11 14:37 12/1/2011 10:45 Page 4 of 45 www.encolabs.com NORTH CAROLINA SWS SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-MW2 C113671-01 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 0.269 ug/L EPA 6020AJ 62.000.2201Antimony - Total 195 ug/L EPA 6010C 10010.01.001Barium - Total 0.204 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 11.000.1001Beryllium - Total 4.88 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.001Chromium - Total 3.7 ug/L EPA 8260BJ 51.00.721cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.95 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.601Copper - Total 8.84 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 2.01 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.901Silver - Total 0.142 ug/L EPA 6020AJ - Total 18.6 ug/L EPA 6010C 1010.03.801Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-MW3R MS/MSD C113671-02 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 0.277 ug/L EPA 6020AJ 62.000.2201Antimony - Total 2.99 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.02.801Arsenic - Total 130 ug/L EPA 6010C 10010.01.001Barium - Total 3.02 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.001Chromium - Total 2.74 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 7.08 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 1.77 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-MW4R C113671-03 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 0.635 ug/L EPA 6020AJ 62.000.2201Antimony - Total 540 ug/L EPA 6010C 10010.01.001Barium - Total 2.95 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 0.281 ug/L EPA 6020AJ - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-MW5 C113671-04 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 3.24 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.02.801Arsenic - Total 1870 ug/L EPA 6010C 10010.01.001Barium - Total 1.27 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.001Chromium - Total 2.84 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-MW9R C113671-05 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 4.99 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.02.801Arsenic - Total 80.4 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total 0.770 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 11.000.1001Beryllium - Total 7.67 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.001Chromium - Total 7.63 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 5.69 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.601Copper - Total 2.81 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.901Lead - Total 5.78 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 9.59 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total 21.7 ug/L EPA 6010C 1010.03.801Zinc - Total Page 5 of 45 www.encolabs.com Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-MW10 C113671-06 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 3.1 ug/L EPA 8260BJ 51.00.08011,1-Dichloroethane 4.0 ug/L EPA 8260B 11.00.5911,2-Dichloropropane 268 ug/L EPA 6010C 10010.01.001Barium - Total 1.6 ug/L EPA 8260B 11.00.681Benzene 140 ug/L EPA 8260B 51.00.721cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.64 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 1.79 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.601Copper - Total 5.47 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 7.19 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.901Silver - Total 3.4 ug/L EPA 8260BJ 51.00.121trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.9 ug/L EPA 8260B 11.00.721Trichloroethene 9.9 ug/L EPA 8260B 11.00.601Vinyl chloride 26.6 ug/L EPA 6010C 1010.03.801Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-S2 C113671-07 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 4.77 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.02.801Arsenic - Total 72.7 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total 2.89 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.601Copper - Total 3.11 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 5.77 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.03.801Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-S3 C113671-08 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 8.82 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total 2.19 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.601Copper - Total 1.90 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 36.6 ug/L EPA 6010C 1010.03.801Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-S4 C113671-09 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 63.3 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total 3.71 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.01.601Copper - Total 3.30 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 5010.01.801Nickel - Total 7.24 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.03.801Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:3201-Field Blank C113671-10 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 4.35 ug/L EPA 6010CJ 1010.02.801Arsenic - Total Page 6 of 45 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS 3201-MW2Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-01 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 13:14 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:212-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:212-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:214-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.03.7 J 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 Page 7 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW2Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-01 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 13:14 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:21Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211K300315250.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-11798 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211K300314950.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127101 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:211K300315150.0 1 Page 8 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW2Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-01 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 13:14 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:26Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.269 J 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.02.80 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.0195 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.204 J 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.04.88 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.02.95 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.08.84 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.02.01 J 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:26Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.142 J 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:10Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.018.6 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 9 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW3R MS/MSDDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-02 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 11:40 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:522-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:522-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:524-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 10 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW3R MS/MSDDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-02 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 11:40 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:52Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521K300315150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-11799 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521K300314950.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 05:521K300315150.0 1 Page 11 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW3R MS/MSDDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-02 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 11:40 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:17Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.277 J 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.02.99 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.0130 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.03.02 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.02.74 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.07.08 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:17Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.77 J 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:00Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.03.80 U 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 12 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW4RDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-03 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 10:58 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:502-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:502-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:504-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 13 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW4RDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-03 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 10:58 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:50Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501K300315150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-11798 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501K300314950.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 06:501K300315150.0 1 Page 14 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW4RDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-03 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 10:58 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:28Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.635 J 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.02.80 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.0540 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.00 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.02.95 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:28Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.281 J 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:12Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.03.80 U 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 15 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW5Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-04 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 14:16 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:202-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:202-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:204-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 16 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW5Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-04 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 14:16 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:20Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201K300315150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-117100 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201K300315050.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:201K300315150.0 1 Page 17 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW5Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-04 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 14:16 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:29Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.03.24 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01870 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.27 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.02.84 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:29Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:14Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.03.80 U 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 18 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW9RDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-05 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 15:12 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:492-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:492-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:494-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 19 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW9RDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-05 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 15:12 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:49Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491K300315250.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-11799 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491K300314950.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 07:491K300315250.0 1 Page 20 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW9RDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-05 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 15:12 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:31Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.04.99 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.080.4 J 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.770 J 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.07.67 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.07.63 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.05.69 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.02.81 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.05.78 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:31Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.09.59 J 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:22Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.021.7 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 21 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW10Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-06 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 12:35 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.03.1 J 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.04.0 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:192-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:192-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:194-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.01.6 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.0140 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.03.4 J 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.05.9 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.09.9 1 Page 22 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW10Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-06 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 12:35 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:19Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122104 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191K300315250.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-117100 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191K300315050.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:191K300315150.0 1 Page 23 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-MW10Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-06 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Ground Water Sampled:11/28/11 12:35 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:41Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.02.80 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.0268 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.00 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.05.64 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.01.79 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.05.47 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.07.19 J 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:41Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:23Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.026.6 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 24 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S2Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-07 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 12:45 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:482-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:482-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:484-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 25 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S2Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-07 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 12:45 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:48Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481K300315150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-117100 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481K300315050.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 08:481K300315150.0 1 Page 26 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S2Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-07 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 12:45 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:43Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.04.77 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.072.7 J 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.00 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.02.89 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.03.11 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:43Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:25Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.05.77 J 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 27 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S3Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-08 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 13:31 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:182-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:182-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:184-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 28 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S3Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-08 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 13:31 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:18Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181K300315150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-117100 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181K300315050.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:181K300315150.0 1 Page 29 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S3Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-08 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 13:31 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:44Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.02.80 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.08.82 J 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.00 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.02.19 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.01.90 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:44Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:27Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.036.6 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 30 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S4Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-09 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 11:52 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:472-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:472-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:474-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 31 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S4Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-09 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 11:52 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:47Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471K300315250.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-117102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471K300315150.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127103 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 09:471K300315150.0 1 Page 32 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-S4Description:Lab Sample ID:C113671-09 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Surface Water Sampled:11/28/11 11:52 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:46Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.02.80 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.063.3 J 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.00 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.03.71 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.03.30 J 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:46Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:29Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.07.24 J 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 33 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-Field BlankDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-10 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:11/28/11 15:20 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:162-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:162-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:164-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 34 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-Field BlankDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-10 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:11/28/11 15:20 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:16Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122104 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161K300315250.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-117102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161K300315150.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:161K300315150.0 1 Page 35 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-Field BlankDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-10 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:11/28/11 15:20 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:N. Rathjen/ K. Sizemore Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:48Antimony [7440-36-0] ^1 0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 6 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^1 2.80 JDH10.04.35 J 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Barium [7440-39-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.00 U 100 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^1 0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^1 0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 1 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1 1.00 JDH10.01.00 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1 1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Copper [7440-50-8] ^1 1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Lead [7439-92-1] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Nickel [7440-02-0] ^1 1.80 JDH10.01.80 U 50 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Selenium [7782-49-2] ^1 2.70 JDH10.02.70 U 10 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Silver [7440-22-4] ^1 1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 6020A 12/06/11 14:48Thallium [7440-28-0] ^1 0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.5 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1 1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 25 ug/L EPA 6010C 12/05/11 11:31Zinc [7440-66-6] ^1 3.80 JDH10.03.80 U 10 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 36 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-Trip BlankDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-11 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:11/28/11 10:58 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:ENCO Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^1 0.65 jkg1.00.65 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^1 0.080 jkg1.00.080 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^1 0.48 jkg1.00.48 U 13 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^1 0.11 jkg1.00.11 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^1 0.47 jkg1.00.47 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^1 0.59 jkg1.00.59 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^1 0.79 jkg1.00.79 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:452-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1 1.3 jkg5.01.3 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:452-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^1 0.88 jkg5.00.88 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:454-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1 1.1 jkg5.01.1 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Acetone [67-64-1] ^1 1.2 jkg5.01.2 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^1 3.5 jkg103.5 U 200 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Benzene [71-43-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^1 0.87 jkg1.00.87 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Bromoform [75-25-2] ^1 0.68 jkg1.00.68 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^1 0.58 jkg1.00.58 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1 1.5 jkg5.01.5 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^1 0.69 jkg1.00.69 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^1 0.74 jkg1.00.74 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^1 0.75 jkg1.00.75 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Chloroform [67-66-3] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^1 0.55 jkg1.00.55 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^1 0.075 jkg1.00.075 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^1 0.63 jkg1.00.63 U 3 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^1 0.90 jkg1.00.90 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^1 0.62 jkg1.00.62 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1 1.7 jkg5.01.7 U 10 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^1 0.14 jkg1.00.14 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Styrene [100-42-5] ^1 0.053 jkg1.00.053 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^1 0.73 jkg1.00.73 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Toluene [108-88-3] ^1 0.85 jkg1.00.85 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^1 0.12 jkg1.00.12 U 5 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^1 0.50 jkg1.00.50 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^1 0.70 jkg1.00.70 U 100 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^1 0.72 jkg1.00.72 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^1 0.66 jkg1.00.66 U 1 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^1 0.95 jkg5.00.95 U 50 ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^1 0.60 jkg1.00.60 U 1 Page 37 of 45 www.encolabs.com 3201-Trip BlankDescription:Lab Sample ID:C113671-11 11/29/11 12:15Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:11/28/11 10:58 Work Order:C113671 City of DurhamProject:Sampled By:ENCO Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:45Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^1 2.1 jkg3.02.1 U 5 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51-122101 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451K300315150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 68-117101 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451K300315050.0 1 Toluene-d8 67-127102 %jkgEPA 8260B 12/01/11 10:451K300315150.0 1 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 38 of 45 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 1K30031 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 11/30/2011 14:37 Analyzed: 12/01/2011 03:25Blank (1K30031-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L1.00.90 U 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.65 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.75 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.66 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.080 U 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.60 U 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.72 U 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L1.00.48 U 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L1.00.66 U 1,2-Dibromoethane ug/L1.00.11 U 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L1.00.47 U 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.59 U 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L1.00.79 U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L5.01.3 U 2-Butanone ug/L5.00.88 U 2-Hexanone ug/L5.01.1 U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ug/L5.01.2 U Acetone ug/L103.5 U Acrylonitrile ug/L1.00.68 U Benzene ug/L1.00.87 U Bromochloromethane ug/L1.00.75 U Bromodichloromethane ug/L1.00.68 U Bromoform ug/L1.00.58 U Bromomethane ug/L5.01.5 U Carbon disulfide ug/L1.00.69 U Carbon tetrachloride ug/L1.00.74 U Chlorobenzene ug/L1.00.75 U Chloroethane ug/L1.00.70 U Chloroform ug/L1.00.55 U Chloromethane ug/L1.00.72 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.075 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.63 U Dibromochloromethane ug/L1.00.90 U Dibromomethane ug/L1.00.62 U Ethylbenzene ug/L5.01.7 U Iodomethane ug/L1.00.14 U Methylene chloride ug/L1.00.053 U Styrene ug/L1.00.73 U Tetrachloroethene ug/L1.00.85 U Toluene ug/L1.00.12 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.50 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.70 U trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene ug/L1.00.72 U Trichloroethene ug/L1.00.66 U Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L5.00.95 U Vinyl acetate ug/L1.00.60 U Vinyl chloride ug/L3.02.1 U Xylenes (Total) ug/L 50.0 51-122Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10351 Page 39 of 45 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 1K30031 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 11/30/2011 14:37 Analyzed: 12/01/2011 03:25Blank (1K30031-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L 50.0 68-117Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 9949 ug/L 50.0 67-127Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10452 Prepared: 11/30/2011 14:37 Analyzed: 12/01/2011 03:54LCS (1K30031-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-1339820 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-13410321 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-1179920 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-1189820 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 75-11510922 Trichloroethene Prepared: 11/30/2011 14:37 Analyzed: 12/01/2011 04:24Matrix Spike (1K30031-MS1) Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-133870.60 U17 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-134940.68 U19 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-117920.74 U18 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-118900.85 U18 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 75-1151020.72 U20 Trichloroethene Prepared: 11/30/2011 14:37 Analyzed: 12/01/2011 04:53Matrix Spike Dup (1K30031-MSD1) Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L1.0 20.0 2075-13392 60.60 U18 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 1781-134100 60.68 U20 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1683-11796 40.74 U19 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1771-11894 50.85 U19 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 1875-115105 30.72 U21 Trichloroethene Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 1L01016 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:05 Analyzed: 12/05/2011 10:26Blank (1L01016-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L10.02.80 U Arsenic ug/L10.01.00 U Barium ug/L1.000.100 U Beryllium ug/L1.000.360 U Cadmium ug/L10.01.00 U Chromium ug/L10.01.10 U Cobalt ug/L10.01.60 U Copper ug/L10.01.90 U Lead ug/L10.01.80 U Nickel Page 40 of 45 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 1L01016 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:05 Analyzed: 12/05/2011 10:26Blank (1L01016-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L10.02.70 U Selenium ug/L10.01.90 U Silver ug/L10.01.40 U Vanadium ug/L10.03.80 U Zinc Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:05 Analyzed: 12/05/2011 10:55LCS (1L01016-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L10.0 200 80-120100201 Arsenic ug/L10.0 200 80-120101202 Barium ug/L1.00 20.0 80-1209819.7 Beryllium ug/L1.00 20.0 80-12010320.5 Cadmium ug/L10.0 200 80-12099199 Chromium ug/L10.0 200 80-120102205 Cobalt ug/L10.0 200 80-12098196 Copper ug/L10.0 200 80-120100200 Lead ug/L10.0 200 80-120101201 Nickel ug/L10.0 200 80-12099198 Selenium ug/L10.0 200 80-120104208 Silver ug/L10.0 200 80-120101202 Vanadium ug/L10.0 200 80-120101201 Zinc Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:05 Analyzed: 12/05/2011 11:02Matrix Spike (1L01016-MS1) Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L10.0 200 75-1251022.99207 Arsenic ug/L10.0 200 75-125101130331 Barium ug/L1.00 20.0 75-1251010.100 U20.1 Beryllium ug/L1.00 20.0 75-1251040.360 U20.9 Cadmium ug/L10.0 200 75-1251013.02204 Chromium ug/L10.0 200 75-1251022.74206 Cobalt ug/L10.0 200 75-1251041.60 U208 Copper ug/L10.0 200 75-1251001.90 U200 Lead ug/L10.0 200 75-1251027.08210 Nickel ug/L10.0 200 75-1251012.70 U202 Selenium ug/L10.0 200 75-1251091.90 U217 Silver ug/L10.0 200 75-1251051.77211 Vanadium ug/L10.0 200 75-1251043.80 U208 Zinc Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:05 Analyzed: 12/05/2011 11:04Matrix Spike Dup (1L01016-MSD1) Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L10.0 200 2075-125106 42.99214 Arsenic ug/L10.0 200 2075-125100 0.4130330 Barium ug/L1.00 20.0 2075-125100 0.040.100 U20.1 Beryllium Page 41 of 45 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 1L01016 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:05 Analyzed: 12/05/2011 11:04Matrix Spike Dup (1L01016-MSD1) Continued Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L1.00 20.0 2075-125105 0.80.360 U21.0 Cadmium ug/L10.0 200 2075-125101 0.43.02205 Chromium ug/L10.0 200 2075-125103 12.74209 Cobalt ug/L10.0 200 2075-125104 0.51.60 U207 Copper ug/L10.0 200 2075-125100 0.31.90 U200 Lead ug/L10.0 200 2075-125103 17.08213 Nickel ug/L10.0 200 2075-125101 0.52.70 U203 Selenium ug/L10.0 200 2075-125109 0.61.90 U219 Silver ug/L10.0 200 2075-125105 0.0051.77211 Vanadium ug/L10.0 200 2075-125105 13.80 U210 Zinc Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:05 Analyzed: 12/05/2011 11:06Post Spike (1L01016-PS1) Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-1201010.002990.204 Arsenic mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120940.1300.318 Barium mg/L0.00100 0.0200 80-12098-9.72E-50.0194 Beryllium mg/L0.00100 0.0200 80-120101-0.0001340.0201 Cadmium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120970.003020.196 Chromium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120990.002740.201 Cobalt mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120100-0.0001080.201 Copper mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-12097-0.0001870.193 Lead mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120980.007080.203 Nickel mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120104-0.006840.200 Selenium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-1201010.001720.204 Silver mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-1201000.001770.202 Vanadium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120990.003510.201 Zinc Batch 1L01017 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:07 Analyzed: 12/06/2011 14:03Blank (1L01017-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L2.000.220 U Antimony ug/L1.000.110 U Thallium Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:07 Analyzed: 12/06/2011 14:15LCS (1L01017-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L2.00 200 80-12093185 Antimony ug/L1.00 200 80-120102204 Thallium Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:07 Analyzed: 12/06/2011 14:19Matrix Spike (1L01017-MS1) Source: C113671-02 Page 42 of 45 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 1L01017 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:07 Analyzed: 12/06/2011 14:19Matrix Spike (1L01017-MS1) Continued Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L2.00 200 75-125940.277188 Antimony ug/L1.00 200 75-125910.110 U183 Thallium Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:07 Analyzed: 12/06/2011 14:21Matrix Spike Dup (1L01017-MSD1) Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L2.00 200 2075-12593 10.277185 Antimony ug/L1.00 200 2075-12590 10.110 U181 Thallium Prepared: 12/01/2011 10:07 Analyzed: 12/06/2011 14:22Post Spike (1L01017-PS1) Source: C113671-02 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResult Flag ug/L2.00 200 80-120980.277196 Antimony ug/L1.00 200 80-120960.0420192 Thallium Page 43 of 45 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. Page 44 of 45 www.encolabs.com Page 45 of 45 ENCO Cary WORK ORDER C113671 Golder Associates, Inc. (GO007) City of Durham 073-9604211.100Project: Project Number: Client: Printed: 12/9/2011 2:00:13PM Lab Project Mgr:Stephanie Franz PO #: Sample Receipt Conditions Report To: Golder Associates, Inc. (GO007) Dusty Reedy 5B Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Phone: (336) 852-4903 Fax: (336) 852-4904 Invoice To: Golder Associates, Inc. (GO007) Accounts Payable 5B Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Phone :(804) 358-7900 Fax: 804-358-2900 29-Nov-11 13:06 29-Nov-11 12:15 Date Logged In: Date Received:Miranda E Stamper Miranda E StamperLogged In By: Received By: Work Order Comments: C-005 received at 1.8°C COC/Labels AgreeProper Containers ReceivedContainers Properly PreservedContainers Intact Y Y Y Y Custody Seals Intact Volatile Containers Preserved Volatile Containers Headspace Free Aqueous Samples Checked for Residual Cl All Samples in PreLog Received Y Y Y N N Received On Ice Y Page 1 of 1 GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY DATA REVIEW Page 1 of 4 Project Name: City of Durham Project Reference Number: 0739-604211.100 Sampling Event Date: November 28, 2011 Review Date: December 21, 2011 Initials: KS Report #: C113671 Person(s) performing the review are to initial each item on this form as acknowledgement of data acceptance, or as acknowledgement of a review issue. In the case of the latter, a brief explanation should follow the applicable item. Golder Associates Inc. has reviewed the laboratory certificates of analysis, chain-of-custody form, and laboratory provided sample group quality assurance and quality control data for the above referenced sample group to identify potential bias or inaccuracy, in general accordance with the following United States Environmental Protection Agency documents:  Region III Modifications to Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration, September 1994;  Region III Modifications to the Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Inorganic Analyses, April 1993; and  Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Inorganic Analyses, July 1998. COMPLIANCE ANALYTE LIST(S) (check all that apply) NC Closed Facility List (.500 Rules) NC C & D List (New Rules) X NC Appendix I NC Appendix I + Detects NC Appendix II NC Subtitle D Leachate List Other: 1.0 CHAIN OF CUSTODY (COC) REVIEW KS COC was properly signed by all parties. KS Correct project name and number are on the form. KS Sample receipt condition at laboratory was acceptable. KS Each sample and blank submitted for analysis appears in the report. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY DATA REVIEW Page 2 of 4 2.0 SAMPLE HOLDING TIMES KS Holding times for extraction and/or analysis were met for each analytical Method (see below for reference). Notes: Review Criteria Method Analytes Holding Time SW-846 Method 8260 and 8011 VOCs 14 days SW-846 Methods 8270, 8080, 8081, 8082, and 8151 SVOCs, PCBs, pesticides and herbicides 7 days for extraction, 40 days from extraction for analysis SW-846 Methods 6000 and 7000 Series Metals except mercury 6 months (no temperature requirements) SW-846 Method 7470 Mercury 28 days SW-846 Method 376.1 Sulfide 7 days SW-846 Method 9010 Cyanide 14 days EPA Method 300 Nitrate/Sulfate 48 hours/28 days EPA Method 405.1 BOD 48 hours EPA Method 410.4 COD 28 days EPA Method 365.4 Phosphorous 28 days 3.0 LABORATORY QUALITY CONTROL REVIEW KS Laboratory analyzed at least one internal blank for each method, where applicable. KS Laboratory blank is interference-free. KS Surrogate recoveries are provided for each analytical method, where applicable. KS Surrogate recoveries for each method are within the acceptable limits (i.e., at least 50% of the surrogates were within range). KS MS/MSD/LCS data results are provided for each analytical method. KS MS/MSD/LCS recoveries for each method are within the acceptable limits (i.e., at least 1 of the 3 were within range). 4.0 ANALYTE LISTS/METHODS KS The proper number of constituents are present for each analyte list as identified above (including detects where applicable). KS Proper EPA SW-846 analytical methods were used for analysis. GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY DATA REVIEW Page 3 of 4 5.0 DATA REPORTING KS All analytical reporting associated with the event was performed by the contracted lab. KS Trip, field and/or equipment, and laboratory blank results have all been reported. All detects for blanks are listed below by constituent. All laboratory method blanks, if any, have been ‘flagged’ with a ‘B’ where detected in other samples as appropriate and a laboratory narrative was provided. If the sample was flagged by the laboratory and is not within 5X of the concentration in the blank (or 10X for commonly detected laboratory contaminants-acetone, methylene chloride and phthalates), list below with explanation if flags should be removed. If flags need to be added for samples, also list below. Field Blank: Arsenic @ 4.35J ug/L B-flags for the following: MW-3, MW-5, MW-9R, & S2 KS It is clear from the laboratory report that samples have or have not been diluted during analysis, and if the samples have been diluted, the result is reported as a multiple of the dilution (e.g., a sample diluted 10x resulting in an analytical detection of 1.0 should be reported as 10). Those that have been diluted are listed below with the dilution factor. KS The report provides the reporting limit for each constituent. KS The results were reported at or below their proper reporting limits (i.e., MDLs with SWSLs reported). Those that are not reported correctly are listed below (by constituent) with the proper reporting limit listed beside them. State if the reporting limit error is due to dilutions. KS No organic constituents were reported above their respective SWSLs, and no inorganic or organic constituents were reported above their respective NC 2L Drinking Water Standards/GWPS in wells, or field/equipment/trip blanks, or above applicable surface water standards in surface water points. Organic Constituents Above SWSLs and NC 2L: MW-10:  1,2-dichloropropane: 4.0 ug/L (NC2L = 0.6 ug/L)  Benzene: 1.6 ug/L (NC2L = 1.0 ug/L)  Cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 140 ug/L (NC2L = 70 ug/L)  Trichloroethene: 5.9 ug/L (NC2L = 3.0 ug/L)  Vinyl chloride: 9.9 ug/L (NC2L = 0.3 ug/L) GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY DATA REVIEW Page 4 of 4 Inorganic constituents above NC 2L and/or GWPS, or Surface Water Standards: MW-5:  Barium: 1870 ug/L (NC 2L = 700 ug/L) KS No inorganic or organic constituents were detected in a well or surface water point at quantified concentrations outside of their historical range (more than 5X previous concentrations or first-time detections). MW-9R:  Vanadium: 9.59 J ug/L (greater than 5x previous MW-10:  Silver: 7.19 J ug/L (greater than 5x previous) KS Other report issues/Communications with laboratory/etc.: Notes: n/a g:\projects\city of durham\gwmr\november 2011\draft second semiannual 2011 gw monitoring report.docx APPENDIX C Statistical Evaluation Summary Table and Worksheets April 2012 Page 1 of 1 0739-604211.100 NC 2L GWPS Interwell Intrawell Barium ug/L 100 700 --MW-5 1870 5564 NA Not SSI Notes: 1. Statistical worksheets are provided as Appendix C. 2. ug/L = micrograms per liter 3. NC 2L = North Carolina 2L Groundwater Standard 4. GWPS = North Carolina Solid Waste Section Groundwater Protection Standard 5. NA = not applicable 6. SSI = statistically significant increase 7. SWS = Solid Waste Section Summary of Statistical Analysis City of Durham Closed Landfill, Permit No. 32-01 Durham County, North Carolina November 2011 Detected Monitoring Constituent/ Analytes Reporting Units SWS Reporting Limit Groundwater Standard Downgradient Monitoring Well Constituent/ Analyte Concentration Statistical Analysis Statistical Determination 8. North Carolina Appendix I Inorganic constituents detected above their respective Solid Waste Section Reporting Limit and Groundwater Standard in samples from downgradient monitoring wells were statistically evaluated. G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Stats Summary Table November 2011.xls April 2012 Page 1 of 11 0739604211.100 Project Name:City of Durham - Closed Landfill Project No:739604211.100 Date:12/19/11 Analyte:Barium Quantitation Concentration Limit Sample No.Sample Date Location (ug/L)(ug/L) 1 9/19/94 PZ-6 1834 -- 2 12/2/94 PZ-6 760 -- 3 2/7/95 PZ-6 2648 -- 4 3/13/95 PZ-6 524 -- 5 11/1/95 PZ-6 970 -- 6 6/10/96 PZ-6 891 -- 7 11/12/96 PZ-6 1555 -- 8 3/18/97 PZ-6 850 -- 9 10/2/97 PZ-6 840 -- 10 5/26/98 PZ-6 779 -- 11 12/1/98 PZ-6 2390 -- 12 6/7/99 PZ-6 1850 -- 13 12/15/99 PZ-6 944 -- 14 6/6/00 PZ-6 2488 -- 15 12/27/00 PZ-6 1826 -- 16 6/4/01 PZ-6 2804 -- 17 12/3/01 PZ-6 965 -- 18 6/10/02 PZ-6 849 -- 19 12/16/02 PZ-6 620 -- 20 6/9/03 PZ-6 432 -- 21 12/8/03 PZ-6 2881 -- 22 6/29/04 PZ-6 5664 -- 23 12/20/04 PZ-6 578 -- 24 6/5/05 PZ-6 952 -- 25 12/5/05 PZ-6 435 -- 26 6/5/06 PZ-6 575 -- 27 12/5/06 PZ-6 635 -- 28 5/30/07 PZ-6 619 100 29 11/19/2007 PZ-6 1300 100 30 5/19/2008 MW-9R 55 J 100 31 11/19/08 MW-9R 38 J 100 32 6/30/09 MW-9R 51.2 J 100 33 11/30/09 MW-9R 45.8 J 100 34 5/20/10 MW-9R 45.1 J 100 35 11/19/10 MW-9R 53.3 J 100 36 5/19/11 MW-9R 53.1 J 100 37 11/28/11 MW-9R 80.4 J 100 Number of Data 37 Number of Truncated Data 0 Percentage of Truncated Data 0% Nonparametric Prediction Interval: 5664 ug/L G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 2 of 11 0739604211.100 Project Name:City of Durham - Closed Landfill Project No:739604211.1 Date:12/19/11 Probability Plots to determine the distribution of Barium Complete the following table where: i = ordered value of sample, arranged from smallest to largest X(i) = sample values arranged from smallest to largest LN[X(i)] = Natural Log Value of sample concentrations arranged from smallest to largest [i/(n+1)] = Cumulative probability n = number of samples = 37 X(i)LN[X(i)]i Rank [Rank/(n+1)]Quantiles 38 3.64 1 1 0.026 -1.94 45.1 3.81 2 2 0.053 -1.62 45.8 3.82 3 3 0.079 -1.41 51.2 3.94 4 4 0.105 -1.25 53.1 3.97 5 5 0.132 -1.12 53.3 3.98 6 6 0.158 -1.00 55 4.01 7 7 0.184 -0.90 80.4 4.39 8 8 0.211 -0.80 432 6.07 9 9 0.237 -0.72 435 6.08 10 10 0.263 -0.63 524 6.26 11 11 0.289 -0.55 575 6.35 12 12 0.316 -0.48 578 6.36 13 13 0.342 -0.41 619 6.43 14 14 0.368 -0.34 620 6.43 15 15 0.395 -0.27 635 6.45 16 16 0.421 -0.20 760 6.63 17 17 0.447 -0.13 779 6.66 18 18 0.474 -0.07 840 6.73 19 19 0.500 0.00 849 6.74 20 20 0.526 0.07 850 6.75 21 21 0.553 0.13 891 6.79 22 22 0.579 0.20 944 6.85 23 23 0.605 0.27 952 6.86 24 24 0.632 0.34 965 6.87 25 25 0.658 0.41 970 6.88 26 26 0.684 0.48 1300 7.17 27 27 0.711 0.55 1555 7.35 28 28 0.737 0.63 1826 7.51 29 29 0.763 0.72 1834 7.51 30 30 0.789 0.80 1850 7.52 31 31 0.816 0.90 2390 7.78 32 32 0.842 1.00 2488 7.82 33 33 0.868 1.12 2648 7.88 34 34 0.895 1.25 2804 7.94 35 35 0.921 1.41 2881 7.97 36 36 0.947 1.62 5664 8.64 37 37 0.974 1.94 G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 3 of 11 0739604211.100 Project Name:City of Durham - Closed Landfill Project No:739604211 Date:12/19/11 Probability Plots to determine the distribution of Barium R² = 0.7766 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Qu a n t i l e Concentration, Micrograms per Liter Normal Probability Plot Barium Concentrations R² = 0.8785 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Qu a n t i l e Log Normal Concentrations Log Normal Probability Plot Barium Concentrations G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 4 of 11 0739604211.100 Project Name:City of Durham - Closed Landfill Project No:739604211.1 Date:12/19/11 Determination of reported background value as an outlier Analyte:Barium Background Data Quantitation Concentration Limit Sample No.Sample Date Location (ug/l)(ug/l) 1 9/19/94 PZ-6 1834 -- 2 12/2/94 PZ-6 760 -- 3 2/7/95 PZ-6 2648 -- 4 3/13/95 PZ-6 524 -- 5 11/1/95 PZ-6 970 -- 6 6/10/96 PZ-6 891 -- 7 11/12/96 PZ-6 1555 -- 8 3/18/97 PZ-6 850 -- 9 10/2/97 PZ-6 840 -- 10 5/26/98 PZ-6 779 -- 11 12/1/98 PZ-6 2390 -- 12 6/7/99 PZ-6 1850 -- 13 12/15/99 PZ-6 944 -- 14 6/6/00 PZ-6 2488 -- 15 12/27/00 PZ-6 1826 -- 16 6/4/01 PZ-6 2804 -- 17 12/3/01 PZ-6 965 -- 18 6/10/02 PZ-6 849 -- 19 12/16/02 PZ-6 620 -- 20 6/9/03 PZ-6 432 -- 21 12/8/03 PZ-6 2881 -- 22 6/29/04 PZ-6 5664 -- 23 12/20/04 PZ-6 578 -- 24 6/5/05 PZ-6 952 -- 25 12/5/05 PZ-6 435 -- 26 6/5/06 PZ-6 575 -- 27 12/5/06 PZ-6 635 -- 28 5/30/07 PZ-6 619 -- 29 11/19/2007 PZ-6 1300 100 30 5/19/2008 MW-9R 55 100 31 11/19/08 MW-9R 38 100 32 6/30/09 MW-9R 51.2 100 33 11/30/09 MW-9R 45.8 100 34 5/20/10 MW-9R 45.1 100 35 11/19/10 MW-9R 53.3 100 36 5/19/11 MW-9R 53.1 100 37 11/28/11 MW-9R 80.4 100 mean = 1104.862 STD = 1136.825 G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 5 of 11 0739604211.100 Note: All concentrations are micrograms per liter Using the data listed above, form the statisitc Tn: Tn = (Xn - mean) / STD where:Xn = largest observed sample value mean = mean of the background values STD = standard deviation of the background values For Xn = 5664.000 mean = 1104.862 STD = 1136.825 Tn = 4.010 From Table 8 included in the Staistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities - Interim Final Guidance, the critical value for the given sample group is Number of samples =37 Tc = 2.835 Since Tc<Tn, the sample result is considered to be an outlier G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 6 of 11 0739604211.100 Project Name:City of Durham - Closed Landfill Project No:739604211.1 Date:12/19/11 Determination of reported background value as an outlier Analyte:Barium Background Data Quantitation ln(Concentration)Limit Sample No.Sample Date Location (ug/l)(ug/l) 1 9/19/94 PZ-6 7.514254653 -- 2 12/2/94 PZ-6 6.633318433 -- 3 2/7/95 PZ-6 7.881559917 -- 4 3/13/95 PZ-6 6.261491684 -- 5 11/1/95 PZ-6 6.877296071 -- 6 6/10/96 PZ-6 6.792344427 -- 7 11/12/96 PZ-6 7.349230825 -- 8 3/18/97 PZ-6 6.745236349 -- 9 10/2/97 PZ-6 6.733401892 -- 10 5/26/98 PZ-6 6.658011046 -- 11 12/1/98 PZ-6 7.779048645 -- 12 6/7/99 PZ-6 7.522940918 -- 13 12/15/99 PZ-6 6.850126166 -- 14 6/6/00 PZ-6 7.819234454 -- 15 12/27/00 PZ-6 7.509883061 -- 16 6/4/01 PZ-6 7.938802248 -- 17 12/3/01 PZ-6 6.872128101 -- 18 6/10/02 PZ-6 6.744059186 -- 19 12/16/02 PZ-6 6.429719478 -- 20 6/9/03 PZ-6 6.068425588 -- 21 12/8/03 PZ-6 7.965892735 -- 22 6/29/04 PZ-6 8.641885635 -- 23 12/20/04 PZ-6 6.359573869 -- 24 6/5/05 PZ-6 6.858565035 -- 25 12/5/05 PZ-6 6.075346031 -- 26 6/5/06 PZ-6 6.354370041 -- 27 12/5/06 PZ-6 6.453624999 -- 28 5/30/07 PZ-6 6.428105273 -- 29 11/19/2007 PZ-6 7.170119543 100 30 5/19/2008 MW-9R 4.007333185 100 31 11/19/08 MW-9R 3.63758616 100 32 6/30/09 MW-9R 3.935739532 100 33 11/30/09 MW-9R 3.824284091 100 34 5/20/10 MW-9R 3.808882247 100 35 11/19/10 MW-9R 3.975936331 100 36 5/19/11 MW-9R 3.972176928 100 37 11/28/11 MW-9R 4.387014176 100 mean = 6.347 STD = 1.408 Note: All concentrations are micrograms per liter Using the data listed above, form the statisitc Tn: G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 7 of 11 0739604211.100 Tn = (Xn - mean) / STD where:Xn = largest observed sample value mean = mean of the background values STD = standard deviation of the background values For Xn = 8.642 mean = 6.347 STD = 1.408 Tn = 1.629 From Table 8 included in the Staistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities - Interim Final Guidance, the critical value for the given sample group is Number of samples =37 Tc = 2.835 Since Tc>Tn, the sample result is not considered to be an outlier G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 8 of 11 0739604211.100 Project Name:City of Durham - Closed Landfill Project No:739604211 Date:12/19/11 Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic (W) for normality of total Barium Complete the following table where i = ordered value of sample, arranged from smallest to largest X(i) = sample values arranged from smallest to largest X(n-i+1) = sample values arranged from largest to smallest A(n-i+1) = coefficient from table A-1, Statistical Analysis of Ground-Water Data at RCRA Facilities B(i) = summation of (X(n-i+1)-X(i))A(n-i+1) i X(i)X(n-i+1)X(n-i+1) - X(i)A(n-i+1)B(i) 1 38.00 5664.00 5626 0.404 2272.90 2 45.10 2881.00 2835.9 0.2794 792.35 3 45.80 2804.00 2758.2 0.2403 662.80 4 51.20 2648.00 2596.8 0.2116 549.48 5 53.10 2488.00 2434.9 0.1883 458.49 6 53.30 2390.00 2336.7 0.1683 393.27 7 55.00 1850.00 1795 0.1503 269.79 8 80.40 1834.00 1753.6 0.1344 235.68 9 432.00 1826.00 1394 0.1196 166.72 10 435.00 1555.00 1120 0.1056 118.27 11 524.00 1300.00 776 0.0924 71.70 12 575.00 970.00 395 0.0798 31.52 13 578.00 965.00 387 0.0677 26.20 14 619.00 952.00 333 0.0559 18.61 15 620.00 944.00 324 0.0444 14.39 16 635.00 891.00 256 0.0331 8.47 17 760.00 850.00 90 0.0220 1.98 18 779.00 849.00 70 0.0110 0.77 19 840.00 840.00 0 0 0.00 20 849.00 779.00 21 850.00 760.00 22 891.00 635.00 23 944.00 620.00 24 952.00 619.00 25 965.00 578.00 26 970.00 575.00 27 1300.00 524.00 28 1555.00 435.00 29 1826.00 432.00 30 1834.00 80.40 31 1850.00 55.00 32 2390.00 53.30 33 2488.00 53.10 34 2648.00 51.20 35 2804.00 45.80 36 2881.00 45.10 37 5664.00 38.00 G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 9 of 11 0739604211.100 The test statistic W can be found using: W = SQR[B/(SD x SQRT(n-1))] where:B = summation of (X(n-i+1)-X(i))A(n-i+1)=6093.41 SD = standard deviation of the data group =1136.83 n = number of samples =37 W =0.798 Compare this value to the critical value in Table A-2 of Statistical Analysisof Ground-Water Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Addendum to Interim Final Guidance (Draft) July, 1992, to determine if the data is normally distributed. From Table A-2 with (n) samples and a 95% confidence level, the critical value is W(crit) = 0.936 and the calculated W = 0.798 Therefore the data is Non Normal G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 10 of 11 0739604211.100 Project Name:City of Durham - Closed Landfill Project No:739604211 Date:12/19/11 Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic (W) for log normality of Barium Complete the following table where i = ordered value of sample, arranged from smallest to largest X(i) = sample values arranged from smallest to largest X(n-i+1) = sample values arranged from largest to smallest A(n-i+1) = coefficient from table A-1, Statistical Analysis of Ground-Water Data at RCRA Facilities B(i) = summation of (X(n-i+1)-X(i))A(n-i+1) i X(i)X(n-i+1)X(n-i+1) - X(i)A(n-i+1)B(i) 1 3.64 8.64 5.0043 0.4040 2.0217 2 3.81 7.97 4.1570 0.2794 1.1615 3 3.82 7.94 4.1145 0.2403 0.9887 4 3.94 7.88 3.9458 0.2116 0.8349 5 3.97 7.82 3.8471 0.1883 0.7244 6 3.98 7.78 3.8031 0.1683 0.6401 7 4.01 7.52 3.5156 0.1503 0.5284 8 4.39 7.51 3.1272 0.1344 0.4203 9 6.07 7.51 1.4415 0.1196 0.1724 10 6.08 7.35 1.2739 0.1056 0.1345 11 6.26 7.17 0.9086 0.0924 0.0840 12 6.35 6.88 0.5229 0.0798 0.0417 13 6.36 6.87 0.5126 0.0677 0.0347 14 6.43 6.86 0.4305 0.0559 0.0241 15 6.43 6.85 0.4204 0.0444 0.0187 16 6.45 6.79 0.3387 0.0331 0.0112 17 6.63 6.75 0.1119 0.0220 0.0025 18 6.66 6.74 0.0860 0.0110 0.0009 19 6.73 6.73 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20 6.74 6.66 21 6.75 6.63 22 6.79 6.45 23 6.85 6.43 24 6.86 6.43 25 6.87 6.36 26 6.88 6.35 27 7.17 6.26 28 7.35 6.08 29 7.51 6.07 30 7.51 4.39 31 7.52 4.01 32 7.78 3.98 33 7.82 3.97 34 7.88 3.94 35 7.94 3.82 36 7.97 3.81 37 8.64 3.64 G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx April 2012 Page 11 of 11 0739604211.100 The test statistic W can be found using: W = SQR((B/SD x SQRT(n-1)) where:B = summation of (X(n-i+1)-X(i))A(n-i+1)=7.8447 SD = standard deviation of the data group =1.4084 n = number of samples =37 W =0.8618 Compare this value to the critical value in Table A-2 of Statistical Analysisof Ground-Water Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Addendum to Interim Final Guidance (Draft) July, 1992, to determine if the data is normally distributed. From Table A-2 with (n) samples and a 95% confidence level, the critical value is W(crit) = 0.936 and the calculated W = 0.862 Therefore the data is Non Normal G:\Projects\City of Durham\GWMR\November 2011\Stats\Barium November 2011.xlsx Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation Golder Associates NC, Inc. 5B Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 USA Tel: (336) 852-4903 Fax: (336) 852-4904