HomeMy WebLinkAbout18051_Raleigh_Residence_Risk_Assess_VISL_Add_20160421Aptus Management, PLLC Environmental Management Solutions April 21, 2016 Lebeed Kady VIA EMAIL: lebeed.kady@ncdenr.gov Environmental Engineer Brownfields Program N.C. Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Subject: VAPOR INTRUSION - PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT ADDENDUM SALISBURY STREET HOTEL, LLC (RALEIGH RESIDENCE INN) 616 S. SALISBURY STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 18051-14-092 Dear Mr. Kady: On April 6, 2015, Aptus submitted a preliminary risk assessment for the Raleigh Residence Inn site that found no unacceptable vapor intrusion (VI) risk and concluded no additional assessment or mitigation was required. Given the site redevelopment considerations at that time, the risk assessment was based on a commercial (non-residential) exposure scenario. Your office concurred with our assessment findings on April 20, 2015. The data used in the assessment (from an EPA-funded investigation for the City of Raleigh) indicated no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in groundwater that exceeded the DEQ’s Division of Waste Management (NCDWM) non-residential vapor intrusion screening levels (NRGWSLs), with the exception of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) at 150 ug/l in MW-8. The NRGWSL for 1,2-DCA at that time was 97.8 ug/l (based on the June 2014 table), and it remains the same under the current table (March 2016). In response to recent conversations with your office about a possible land use restriction (LUR) limiting the site to commercial use, we performed an additional risk assessment to evaluate the residential exposure scenario (this Addendum). This was done to allow future flexibility for residential development, which could include conversion of the hotel to condominiums. Following the same general approach as our earlier assessment, groundwater data were compared to the current March 2016 Residential Ground Water Screening Levels (RGWSLs) and the risk assessment was done using the current OSWER Vapor Intrusion Assessment Groundwater Concentration to Indoor Air Concentration (GWC-IAC) Calculator Version 3.45 (which employs the EPA’s November 2015 regional screening levels (RSLs) that the current NCDWM tables are based upon). The current RGWSL for 1,2-DCA is 22.4 ug/l – which represents a 4.4-fold decrease compared to the commercial NRGWSL. Findings We found that even using the more conservative residential exposure, an unacceptable risk does not exist. Additionally, given the depth to groundwater at the site is approximately 50 feet, we believe the assessment modeling is conservative and the potential for a VI issue is further diminished. Aptus Management, PLLC 109 Amber Court Carrboro, NC 27510 Preliminary Risk Assessment Summary April 21, 2016 616 S. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Aptus Management, PLLC Page 2 The residential exposure scenario results indicate that the cumulative cancer risk for MW-8 is 4.5E-05 and the cumulative non-cancer hazard quotient for the well is HQ=0.73. As before, 1,2- DCE was the only contaminant found in groundwater to exceed the RGWSL, but each of the detected analytes were included in the assessment (assuming all six chemicals have similar critical health effects, inclusive of each of the above contaminants, plus di-isopropyl ether and xylenes). In our earlier assessment, no analytes from MW-7 exceeded their respective NRGWSLs. However, 1,2-DCE in groundwater (72.0 ug/l) does exceed its RGWSL. As was the case for MW-8, a risk calculation was performed for each of the contaminants detected in this well. The cumulative cancer risk for MW-7 was found to be 2.4E-05 and the cumulative non-cancer hazard quotient was HQ=0.64. For both wells, the cumulative cancer risk was less than 1.0E-04 and the HQ was less than one. Therefore, our assessment findings indicate that there is not an unacceptable VI risk for the residential use scenario. Thus, according to current regulatory guidance, no additional assessment or mitigation is required. We hope that these updated risk assessment conclusions and recommendations will be acceptable to the Brownfields Program. Please contact us at your convenience at (919) 636- 6812 if you would like to discuss this analysis or any other details regarding the site. Sincerely, APTUS MANAGEMENT, PLLC Robert D. Hill, PE John Gallagher, PE Principal Consultant Engineer of Record Attachments: EPA OSWER VISL-Calc Risk Spreadsheet Printouts (MW-7 and MW-8) NCDWM Residential Screening Level (March 2016) cc: Tony Duque, Project Manager – NCDWM Brownfields Program (tony.duque@ncdenr.gov) Aptus Management, PLLC ATTACHMENTS Aptus Management, PLLC OSWER VAPOR INTRUSION ASSESSMENT, GROUNDWATER CONCENTRATION TO INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATION (GWC-IAC) CALCULATOR VERSION 3.45, NOVEMBER 2015 RSLs x OSWER VAPOR INTRUSION ASSESSMENT x Groundwater Concentration to Indoor Air Concentration (GWC-IAC) Calculator Version 3.45, November 2015 RSLs x x Parameter Symbol Value Instructions x Exposure Scenario Scenario Residential Select residential or commercial scenario from pull down list x Target Risk for Carcinogens TCR 1.00E-06xTarget Hazard Quotient for Non-Carcinogens THQ 1 Average Groundwater Temperature (oC)Tgw 16.7 Enter average of the stabilized groundwater temperature to correct Henry's Law Constant for groundwater target concentrations x x Site Groundwater Concentration Calculated Indoor Air Concentration VI Carcinogenic Risk VI Hazard Inhalation Unit Risk Reference Concentration x Cgw Cia IUR RfC x CAS Chemical Name (ug/L)(ug/m3)(ug/m3)-1 (mg/m3)i x 71-43-2 Benzene 1.3 2.00E-01 5.6E-07 6.4E-03 15.9 7.80E-06 I 3.00E-02 I x 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.5 5.22E-02 4.3E-07 5.1E-04 8.14 2.30E-05 I 9.80E-02 A x 107-06-2 Dichloroethane, 1,2-72.0 2.31E+00 2.1E-05 3.2E-01 22.4 2.60E-05 I 7.00E-03 P x 108-20-3 Diisopropyl Ether 2.3 2.41E-01 No IUR 3.3E-04 1390 7.00E-01 Px100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 7.5 1.48E+00 1.3E-06 1.4E-03 34.9 2.50E-06 CA 1.00E+00 Ix91-20-3 Naphthalene 3.0 2.90E-02 3.5E-07 9.3E-03 34.8 3.40E-05 CA 3.00E-03 Ix103-65-1 Propyl benzene 1.1 2.74E-01 No IUR 2.6E-04 486 1.00E+00 Xx127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 3.20E-01 3.0E-08 7.7E-03 11.5 2.60E-07 I 4.00E-02 Ix108-88-3 Toluene 8.7 1.52E+00 No IUR 2.9E-04 3840 5.00E+00 Ix79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.5 1.34E-01 2.8E-07 6.4E-02 1.04 see note I 2.00E-03 I TCE x 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-8.9 1.28E+00 No IUR 1.8E-01 5.8 7.00E-03 P x 1330-20-7 Xylenes 39.0 6.46E+00 No IUR 6.2E-02 76.9 1.00E-01 I x 2.4E-05 x Notes:6.4E-01 (1)Inhalation Pathway Exposure Parameters (RME):Units Exposure Scenario Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Averaging time for carcinogens (yrs)ATc_R_GW 70 ATc_C_GW 70 ATc_GW 70 Averaging time for non-carcinogens (yrs)ATnc_R_GW 26 ATnc_C_GW 25 Atnc_GW 26 Exposure duration (yrs)ED_R_GW 26 ED_C_GW 25 ED_GW 26Exposure frequency (days/yr)EF_R_GW 350 EF_C_GW 250 EF_GW 350Exposure time (hr/day)ET_R_GW 24 ET_C_GW 8 ET_GW 24 (2)Generic Attenuation Factors: Source Medium of Vapors Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Groundwater ( - )AFgw_R_GW 0.001 AFgw_C_GW 0.001 AFgw_GW 0.001 Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil Gas ( - )AFss_R_GW 0.03 AFss_C_GW 0.03 AFss_GW 0.03 (3)Formulas Cia, target = MIN( Cia,c; Cia,nc) Cia,c (ug/m3) = TCR x ATc x (365 days/yr) x (24 hrs/day) / (ED x EF x ET x IUR) Cia,nc (ug/m3) = THQ x ATnc x (365 days/yr) x (24 hrs/day) x RfC x (1000 ug/mg) / (ED x EF x ET) (4)Special Case Chemicals Trichloroethylene Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value mIURTCE_R_GW 1.00E-06 mIURTCE_C_GW 0.00E+00 mIURTCE_GW 1.00E-06 IURTCE_R_GW 3.10E-06 IURTCE_C_GW 4.10E-06 IURTCE_GW 3.10E-06 Mutagenic Chemicals The exposure durations and age-dependent adjustment factors for mutagenic-mode-of-action are listed in the table below: 0 - 2 years 2 2 - 6 years 4 6 - 16 years 10 16 - 26 years 10 Mutagenic-mode-of-action (MMOA) adjustment factor This factor is used in the equations for mutagenic chemicals. Vinyl Chloride See the Navigation Guide equation for Cia,c for vinyl chloride. Notation: I = IRIS: EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Available online at: http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html Sample MW-7 - 616 S Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC Cumulative Cancer Risk Cumulative Non-Cancer Hazard Quotient NCDENR Residential GWSL Mutagenic Indicator CR HQ Note: This section applies to trichloroethylene and other mutagenic chemicals, but not to vinyl chloride. Age Cohort Exposure Duration Age-dependent adjustment factor10 3 Enter target risk for carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI carcinogenic risk in column F) Enter target hazard quotient for non-carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI hazard in column G) 3 1 72 Selected (based on scenario) Selected (based on scenario) Selected (based on scenario) Residential Commercial Residential Commercial Residential Commercial RFC Source* IUR Source* VISL Calculator Version 3.4.5, November 2015 RSLs Page 1 of 2 x OSWER VAPOR INTRUSION ASSESSMENT x Groundwater Concentration to Indoor Air Concentration (GWC-IAC) Calculator Version 3.45, November 2015 RSLs x x Parameter Symbol Value Instructions x Exposure Scenario Scenario Residential Select residential or commercial scenario from pull down list x Target Risk for Carcinogens TCR 1.00E-06xTarget Hazard Quotient for Non-Carcinogens THQ 1 Average Groundwater Temperature (oC)Tgw 16.7 Enter average of the stabilized groundwater temperature to correct Henry's Law Constant for groundwater target concentrations x x Site Groundwater Concentration Calculated Indoor Air Concentration VI Carcinogenic Risk VI Hazard Inhalation Unit Risk Reference Concentration x Cgw Cia IUR RfC x CAS Chemical Name (ug/L)(ug/m3)(ug/m3)-1 (mg/m3)i Sample MW-7 - 616 S Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC NCDENR Residential GWSL Mutagenic Indicator CR HQ Enter target risk for carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI carcinogenic risk in column F) Enter target hazard quotient for non-carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI hazard in column G) RFC Source* IUR Source* P = PPRTV. EPA Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTVs). Available online at:http://hhpprtv.ornl.gov/pprtv.shtml A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Minimum Risk Levels (MRLs). Available online at:http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/index.html CA = California Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment assessments. Available online at:http://www.oehha.ca.gov/risk/ChemicalDB/index.asp H = HEAST. EPA Superfund Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST) database. Available online at: http://epa-heast.ornl.gov/heast.shtml S = See RSL User Guide, Section 5 X = PPRTV Appendix Mut = Chemical acts according to the mutagenic-mode-of-action, special exposure parameters apply (see footnote (4) above). VC = Special exposure equation for vinyl chloride applies (see Navigation Guide for equation). TCE = Special mutagenic and non-mutagenic IURs for trichloroethylene apply (see footnote (4) above). Yellow highlighting indicates site-specific parameters that may be edited by the user. Blue highlighting indicates exposure factors that are based on Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) or EPA vapor intrusion guidance, which generally should not be changed. Pink highlighting indicates VI carcinogenic risk greater than the target risk for carcinogens (TCR) or VI Hazard greater than or equal to the target hazard quotient for non-carcinogens (THQ). VISL Calculator Version 3.4.5, November 2015 RSLs Page 2 of 2 x OSWER VAPOR INTRUSION ASSESSMENT x Groundwater Concentration to Indoor Air Concentration (GWC-IAC) Calculator Version 3.45, November 2015 RSLs x x Parameter Symbol Value Instructions x Exposure Scenario Scenario Residential Select residential or commercial scenario from pull down list x Target Risk for Carcinogens TCR 1.00E-06xTarget Hazard Quotient for Non-Carcinogens THQ 1 Average Groundwater Temperature (oC)Tgw 16.7 Enter average of the stabilized groundwater temperature to correct Henry's Law Constant for groundwater target concentrations x x Site Groundwater Concentration Calculated Indoor Air Concentration VI Carcinogenic Risk VI Hazard Inhalation Unit Risk Reference Concentration x Cgw Cia IUR RfC x CAS Chemical Name (ug/L)(ug/m3)(ug/m3)-1 (mg/m3)i x 71-43-2 Benzene ------15.9 7.80E-06 I 3.00E-02 I x 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.5 5.22E-02 4.3E-07 5.1E-04 8.14 2.30E-05 I 9.80E-02 A x 107-06-2 Dichloroethane, 1,2-150.0 4.81E+00 4.5E-05 6.6E-01 22.4 2.60E-05 I 7.00E-03 P x 108-20-3 Diisopropyl Ether 2.2 2.30E-01 No IUR 3.2E-04 1390 7.00E-01 Px100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ------34.9 2.50E-06 CA 1.00E+00 Ix91-20-3 Naphthalene ------34.8 3.40E-05 CA 3.00E-03 Ix103-65-1 Propyl benzene ------486 1.00E+00 Xx127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 0.5 2.29E-01 2.1E-08 5.5E-03 11.5 2.60E-07 I 4.00E-02 Ix108-88-3 Toluene ------3840 5.00E+00 Ix79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.5 1.34E-01 2.8E-07 6.4E-02 1.04 see note I 2.00E-03 I TCE x 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-------5.8 7.00E-03 P x 1330-20-7 Xylenes 1.6 2.65E-01 No IUR 2.5E-03 76.9 1.00E-01 I x 4.5E-05 x Notes:7.3E-01 (1)Inhalation Pathway Exposure Parameters (RME):Units Exposure Scenario Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Averaging time for carcinogens (yrs)ATc_R_GW 70 ATc_C_GW 70 ATc_GW 70 Averaging time for non-carcinogens (yrs)ATnc_R_GW 26 ATnc_C_GW 25 Atnc_GW 26 Exposure duration (yrs)ED_R_GW 26 ED_C_GW 25 ED_GW 26Exposure frequency (days/yr)EF_R_GW 350 EF_C_GW 250 EF_GW 350Exposure time (hr/day)ET_R_GW 24 ET_C_GW 8 ET_GW 24 (2)Generic Attenuation Factors: Source Medium of Vapors Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Groundwater ( - )AFgw_R_GW 0.001 AFgw_C_GW 0.001 AFgw_GW 0.001 Sub-Slab and Exterior Soil Gas ( - )AFss_R_GW 0.03 AFss_C_GW 0.03 AFss_GW 0.03 (3)Formulas Cia, target = MIN( Cia,c; Cia,nc) Cia,c (ug/m3) = TCR x ATc x (365 days/yr) x (24 hrs/day) / (ED x EF x ET x IUR) Cia,nc (ug/m3) = THQ x ATnc x (365 days/yr) x (24 hrs/day) x RfC x (1000 ug/mg) / (ED x EF x ET) (4)Special Case Chemicals Trichloroethylene Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value mIURTCE_R_GW 1.00E-06 mIURTCE_C_GW 0.00E+00 mIURTCE_GW 1.00E-06 IURTCE_R_GW 3.10E-06 IURTCE_C_GW 4.10E-06 IURTCE_GW 3.10E-06 Mutagenic Chemicals The exposure durations and age-dependent adjustment factors for mutagenic-mode-of-action are listed in the table below: 0 - 2 years 2 2 - 6 years 4 6 - 16 years 10 16 - 26 years 10 Mutagenic-mode-of-action (MMOA) adjustment factor This factor is used in the equations for mutagenic chemicals. Vinyl Chloride See the Navigation Guide equation for Cia,c for vinyl chloride. Notation: I = IRIS: EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Available online at: http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html 3 1 72 Selected (based on scenario) Selected (based on scenario) Selected (based on scenario) Residential Commercial Residential Commercial Residential Commercial Note: This section applies to trichloroethylene and other mutagenic chemicals, but not to vinyl chloride. Age Cohort Exposure Duration Age-dependent adjustment factor10 3 Sample MW-8 - 616 S Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC Cumulative Cancer Risk Cumulative Non-Cancer Hazard Quotient NCDENR Residential GWSL Mutagenic Indicator CR HQ Enter target risk for carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI carcinogenic risk in column F) Enter target hazard quotient for non-carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI hazard in column G) RFC Source* IUR Source* VISL Calculator Version 3.4.5, November 2015 RSLs Page 1 of 2 x OSWER VAPOR INTRUSION ASSESSMENT x Groundwater Concentration to Indoor Air Concentration (GWC-IAC) Calculator Version 3.45, November 2015 RSLs x x Parameter Symbol Value Instructions x Exposure Scenario Scenario Residential Select residential or commercial scenario from pull down list x Target Risk for Carcinogens TCR 1.00E-06xTarget Hazard Quotient for Non-Carcinogens THQ 1 Average Groundwater Temperature (oC)Tgw 16.7 Enter average of the stabilized groundwater temperature to correct Henry's Law Constant for groundwater target concentrations x x Site Groundwater Concentration Calculated Indoor Air Concentration VI Carcinogenic Risk VI Hazard Inhalation Unit Risk Reference Concentration x Cgw Cia IUR RfC x CAS Chemical Name (ug/L)(ug/m3)(ug/m3)-1 (mg/m3)i Sample MW-8 - 616 S Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC NCDENR Residential GWSL Mutagenic Indicator CR HQ Enter target risk for carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI carcinogenic risk in column F) Enter target hazard quotient for non-carcinogens (for comparison to the calculated VI hazard in column G) RFC Source* IUR Source* P = PPRTV. EPA Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTVs). Available online at:http://hhpprtv.ornl.gov/pprtv.shtml A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Minimum Risk Levels (MRLs). Available online at:http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/index.html CA = California Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment assessments. Available online at:http://www.oehha.ca.gov/risk/ChemicalDB/index.asp H = HEAST. EPA Superfund Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST) database. Available online at: http://epa-heast.ornl.gov/heast.shtml S = See RSL User Guide, Section 5 X = PPRTV Appendix Mut = Chemical acts according to the mutagenic-mode-of-action, special exposure parameters apply (see footnote (4) above). VC = Special exposure equation for vinyl chloride applies (see Navigation Guide for equation). TCE = Special mutagenic and non-mutagenic IURs for trichloroethylene apply (see footnote (4) above). Yellow highlighting indicates site-specific parameters that may be edited by the user. Blue highlighting indicates exposure factors that are based on Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) or EPA vapor intrusion guidance, which generally should not be changed. Pink highlighting indicates VI carcinogenic risk greater than the target risk for carcinogens (TCR) or VI Hazard greater than or equal to the target hazard quotient for non-carcinogens (THQ). VISL Calculator Version 3.4.5, November 2015 RSLs Page 2 of 2 Aptus Management, PLLC NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING LEVELS TABLE MARCH 2016 DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING CONCENTRATIONS (March, 2016) Attenuation Factor (AF) = 0.001 0.03 IASL (A)IASL (B)IASL (C) TCR = 1.0E-06 TCR = 1.0E-05 TCR = 1.0E-04 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 6.88E+02 6.26E+01 NC 1.28E+00 C 1.88E+00 NC 1.88E+00 NC 67-64-1 Acetone 4.52E+06 2.16E+05 NC 6.47E+03 NC 6.47E+03 NC 6.47E+03 NC 75-05-8 Acetonitrile 8.87E+03 4.17E+02 NC 1.25E+01 NC 1.25E+01 NC 1.25E+01 NC 107-02-8 Acrolein 8.36E-01 1.39E-01 NC 4.17E-03 NC 4.17E-03 NC 4.17E-03 NC 79-10-7 Acrylic Acid 1.38E+04 6.95E+00 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile 7.32E+01 1.38E+01 C 4.13E-02 C 4.13E-01 C 4.17E-01 NC 309-00-2 Aldrin 3.19E+00 1.91E-01 C 5.73E-04 C 5.73E-03 C 5.73E-02 C 107-18-6 Allyl Alcohol 1.02E+02 6.95E-01 NC 2.09E-02 NC 2.09E-02 NC 2.09E-02 NC 107-05-1 Allyl Chloride 4.64E-01 6.95E+00 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 7664-41-7 Ammonia 3.17E+04 6.95E+02 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 75-85-4 Amyl Alcohol, tert-1.11E+03 2.09E+01 NC 6.26E-01 NC 6.26E-01 NC 6.26E-01 NC 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 1.72E+02 4.68E+01 C 1.40E-01 C 1.40E+00 C 1.40E+01 C 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 5.28E+00 1.64E+00 C 4.93E-03 C 4.93E-02 C 4.93E-01 C 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1232 1.64E+00 1.64E+00 C 4.93E-03 C 4.93E-02 C 4.93E-01 C 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 3.51E+00 1.64E+00 C 4.93E-03 C 4.93E-02 C 4.93E-01 C 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 2.74E+00 1.64E+00 C 4.93E-03 C 4.93E-02 C 4.93E-01 C 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1254 4.26E+00 1.64E+00 C 4.93E-03 C 4.93E-02 C 4.93E-01 C 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 3.59E+00 1.64E+00 C 4.93E-03 C 4.93E-02 C 4.93E-01 C 103-33-3 Azobenzene 1.64E+03 3.02E+01 C 9.06E-02 C 9.06E-01 C 9.06E+00 C 56-55-3 Benz[a]anthracene Not sufficiently toxic or volatile Not sufficiently toxic or volatile C 9.22E-03 C 9.22E-02 C 9.22E-01 C 71-43-2 Benzene 1.59E+01 1.20E+02 C 3.60E-01 C 3.60E+00 C 6.26E+00 NC 100-44-7 Benzyl Chloride 1.24E+01 6.95E+00 NC 5.73E-02 C 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 92-52-4 Biphenyl, 1,1'-6.63E+00 2.78E+00 NC 8.34E-02 NC 8.34E-02 NC 8.34E-02 NC 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.22E+02 2.84E+00 C 8.51E-03 C 8.51E-02 C 8.51E-01 C 542-88-1 Bis(chloromethyl)ether 2.54E-03 1.51E-02 C 4.53E-05 C 4.53E-04 C 4.53E-03 C 10294-34-5 Boron Trichloride No Solubility 1.39E+02 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 7637-07-2 Boron Trifluoride No Henrys Law Constant 9.04E+01 NC 2.71E+00 NC 2.71E+00 NC 2.71E+00 NC 107-04-0 Bromo-2-chloroethane, 1-1.26E+00 1.56E+00 C 4.68E-03 C 4.68E-02 C 4.68E-01 C Tox Basis Note: The Residential screening level below or site specific screening concentrations (utilizing site specific attenuation and exposure factors) can be used. In either case the site’s remedy must include land use restrictions approved by the Division. CAS No. Cgw&Csg Tox Basis Indoor Air/Crawlspace Screening Levels at Target Risk 1.0E-04 (IASL C) to be Used if only One Carcinogen is Present Indoor Air and Crawlspace Screening Concentration (IASL)1,2 ug/m3 Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) 1,2 ug/m3 Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) 1,2 ug/L Contaminant GWSL=IASL (B) x 1/Henry's Constant x 1/AF SGSL =IASL (B) x 1/AF Tox Basis Tox Basis 1. Based on November 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Level Target Air Concentrations and the USEPA VI Screening Level Calculator. 2. TCR = Target Cancer Risk; THQ=Target Hazard Quotient; C= Carcinogenic; N = Non-Carcinognic DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING CONCENTRATIONS (March, 2016) Attenuation Factor (AF) = 0.001 0.03 IASL (A)IASL (B)IASL (C) TCR = 1.0E-06 TCR = 1.0E-05 TCR = 1.0E-04 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 Tox Basis CAS No. Cgw&Csg Tox Basis Indoor Air/Crawlspace Screening Levels at Target Risk 1.0E-04 (IASL C) to be Used if only One Carcinogen is Present Indoor Air and Crawlspace Screening Concentration (IASL)1,2 ug/m3 Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) 1,2 ug/m3 Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) 1,2 ug/L Contaminant GWSL=IASL (B) x 1/Henry's Constant x 1/AF SGSL =IASL (B) x 1/AF Tox Basis Tox Basis 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 1.24E+02 4.17E+02 NC 1.25E+01 NC 1.25E+01 NC 1.25E+01 NC 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 1.40E+02 2.78E+02 NC 8.34E+00 NC 8.34E+00 NC 8.34E+00 NC 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 8.76E+00 2.53E+01 C 7.59E-02 C 7.59E-01 C 7.59E+00 C 75-25-2 Bromoform 1.17E+03 8.51E+02 C 2.55E+00 C 2.55E+01 C 2.55E+02 C 74-83-9 Bromomethane 3.48E+00 3.48E+01 NC 1.04E+00 NC 1.04E+00 NC 1.04E+00 NC 106-99-0 Butadiene, 1,3-1.39E-01 1.39E+01 NC 9.36E-02 C 4.17E-01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 78-92-2 Butyl alcohol, sec-1.69E+07 2.09E+05 NC 6.26E+03 NC 6.26E+03 NC 6.26E+03 NC 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 2.48E+02 4.87E+03 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 4.15E+00 1.56E+02 C 4.68E-01 C 4.68E+00 C 2.09E+01 NC 463-58-1 Carbonyl Sulfide 8.36E-01 6.95E+02 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 12789-03-6 Chlordane Not sufficiently toxic or volatile 4.87E+00 NC 2.81E-02 C 1.46E-01 NC 1.46E-01 NC 7782-50-5 Chlorine 6.54E-02 1.04E+00 NC 3.13E-02 NC 3.13E-02 NC 3.13E-02 NC 10049-04-4 Chlorine Dioxide No Solubility 1.39E+00 NC 4.17E-02 NC 4.17E-02 NC 4.17E-02 NC 75-68-3 Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane, 1-4.34E+03 3.48E+05 NC 1.04E+04 NC 1.04E+04 NC 1.04E+04 NC 126-99-8 Chloro-1,3-butadiene, 2-4.08E-02 3.12E+00 C 9.36E-03 C 9.36E-02 C 9.36E-01 C 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 8.20E+01 3.48E+02 NC 1.04E+01 NC 1.04E+01 NC 1.04E+01 NC 98-56-6 Chlorobenzotrifluoride, 4-4.41E+01 2.09E+03 NC 6.26E+01 NC 6.26E+01 NC 6.26E+01 NC 75-45-6 Chlorodifluoromethane 6.28E+03 3.48E+05 NC 1.04E+04 NC 1.04E+04 NC 1.04E+04 NC 67-66-3 Chloroform 8.14E+00 4.07E+01 C 1.22E-01 C 1.22E+00 C 1.22E+01 C 74-87-3 Chloromethane 5.21E+01 6.26E+02 NC 1.88E+01 NC 1.88E+01 NC 1.88E+01 NC 107-30-2 Chloromethyl Methyl Ether 3.27E+00 1.36E+00 C 4.07E-03 C 4.07E-02 C 4.07E-01 C 76-06-2 Chloropicrin 9.95E-01 2.78E+00 NC 8.34E-02 NC 8.34E-02 NC 8.34E-02 NC 98-82-8 Cumene 1.77E+02 2.78E+03 NC 8.34E+01 NC 8.34E+01 NC 8.34E+01 NC 57-12-5 Cyanide (CN-)1.69E-01 5.56E+00 NC 1.67E-01 NC 1.67E-01 NC 1.67E-01 NC 110-82-7 Cyclohexane 2.04E+02 4.17E+04 NC 1.25E+03 NC 1.25E+03 NC 1.25E+03 NC 108-94-1 Cyclohexanone 3.97E+05 4.87E+03 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 110-83-8 Cyclohexene 1.12E+02 6.95E+03 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 72-55-9 DDE, p,p'-Not sufficiently toxic or volatile 9.65E+00 C 2.89E-02 C 2.89E-01 C 2.89E+00 C 96-12-8 Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-2.81E-01 5.63E-02 C,M 1.69E-04 C,M 1.69E-03 C,M 1.69E-02 C,M 106-93-4 Dibromoethane, 1,2-1.76E+00 1.56E+00 C 4.68E-03 C 4.68E-02 C 4.68E-01 C 74-95-3 Dibromomethane (Methylene Bromide)2.48E+01 2.78E+01 NC 8.34E-01 NC 8.34E-01 NC 8.34E-01 NC 764-41-0 Dichloro-2-butene, 1,4-1.92E-02 2.23E-01 C 6.68E-04 C 6.68E-03 C 6.68E-02 C 1476-11-5 Dichloro-2-butene, cis-1,4-2.46E-01 2.23E-01 C 6.68E-04 C 6.68E-03 C 6.68E-02 C 110-57-6 Dichloro-2-butene, trans-1,4-2.46E-01 2.23E-01 C 6.68E-04 C 6.68E-03 C 6.68E-02 C 95-50-1 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-5.31E+02 1.39E+03 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 1. Based on November 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Level Target Air Concentrations and the USEPA VI Screening Level Calculator. 2. TCR = Target Cancer Risk; THQ=Target Hazard Quotient; C= Carcinogenic; N = Non-Carcinognic DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING CONCENTRATIONS (March, 2016) Attenuation Factor (AF) = 0.001 0.03 IASL (A)IASL (B)IASL (C) TCR = 1.0E-06 TCR = 1.0E-05 TCR = 1.0E-04 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 Tox Basis CAS No. Cgw&Csg Tox Basis Indoor Air/Crawlspace Screening Levels at Target Risk 1.0E-04 (IASL C) to be Used if only One Carcinogen is Present Indoor Air and Crawlspace Screening Concentration (IASL)1,2 ug/m3 Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) 1,2 ug/m3 Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) 1,2 ug/L Contaminant GWSL=IASL (B) x 1/Henry's Constant x 1/AF SGSL =IASL (B) x 1/AF Tox Basis Tox Basis 106-46-7 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-2.59E+01 8.51E+01 C 2.55E-01 C 2.55E+00 C 2.55E+01 C 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.49E+00 6.95E+02 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-7.64E+01 5.85E+02 C 1.75E+00 C 1.75E+01 C 1.75E+02 C 107-06-2 Dichloroethane, 1,2-2.24E+01 3.60E+01 C 1.08E-01 C 1.08E+00 C 1.46E+00 NC 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-3.91E+01 1.39E+03 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 78-87-5 Dichloropropane, 1,2-7.24E+00 2.78E+01 NC 2.81E-01 C 8.34E-01 NC 8.34E-01 NC 542-75-6 Dichloropropene, 1,3-2.87E+01 1.39E+02 NC 7.02E-01 C 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 77-73-6 Dicyclopentadiene 2.45E-02 2.09E+00 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 75-37-6 Difluoroethane, 1,1-1.01E+04 2.78E+05 NC 8.34E+03 NC 8.34E+03 NC 8.34E+03 NC 94-58-6 Dihydrosafrole 4.33E+03 7.20E+01 C 2.16E-01 C 2.16E+00 C 2.16E+01 C 108-20-3 Diisopropyl Ether 1.39E+03 4.87E+03 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 68-12-2 Dimethylformamide 2.07E+06 2.09E+02 NC 6.26E+00 NC 6.26E+00 NC 6.26E+00 NC 57-14-7 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1-7.91E-01 1.39E-02 NC 4.17E-04 NC 4.17E-04 NC 4.17E-04 NC 540-73-8 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,2-6.18E+01 5.85E-03 C 1.75E-05 C 1.75E-04 C 1.75E-03 C 513-37-1 Dimethylvinylchloride 4.85E-01 7.20E+01 C 2.16E-01 C 2.16E+00 C 2.16E+01 C 123-91-1 Dioxane, 1,4-2.86E+04 1.87E+02 C 5.62E-01 C 5.62E+00 C 6.26E+00 NC 106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin 1.68E+02 6.95E+00 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 106-88-7 Epoxybutane, 1,2-5.67E+02 1.39E+02 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 111-15-9 Ethoxyethanol Acetate, 2-9.57E+04 4.17E+02 NC 1.25E+01 NC 1.25E+01 NC 1.25E+01 NC 110-80-5 Ethoxyethanol, 2-2.17E+06 1.39E+03 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 2.67E+03 4.87E+02 NC 1.46E+01 NC 1.46E+01 NC 1.46E+01 NC 140-88-5 Ethyl Acrylate 1.20E+02 5.56E+01 NC 1.67E+00 NC 1.67E+00 NC 1.67E+00 NC 75-00-3 Ethyl Chloride (Chloroethane)4.60E+03 6.95E+04 NC 2.09E+03 NC 2.09E+03 NC 2.09E+03 NC 97-63-2 Ethyl Methacrylate 2.67E+03 2.09E+03 NC 6.26E+01 NC 6.26E+01 NC 6.26E+01 NC 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 3.49E+01 3.74E+02 C 1.12E+00 C 1.12E+01 C 1.12E+02 C 75-21-8 Ethylene Oxide 5.27E+01 1.06E+01 C 3.19E-02 C 3.19E-01 C 3.19E+00 C 151-56-4 Ethyleneimine 2.99E+00 4.93E-02 C 1.48E-04 C 1.48E-03 C 1.48E-02 C 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 1.48E+05 6.81E+01 NC 2.16E-01 C 2.04E+00 NC 2.04E+00 NC 64-18-6 Formic Acid 9.16E+03 2.09E+00 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 98-01-1 Furfural 6.77E+04 3.48E+02 NC 1.04E+01 NC 1.04E+01 NC 1.04E+01 NC 765-34-4 Glycidyl 9.98E+03 6.95E+00 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 76-44-8 Heptachlor 1.80E+00 7.20E-01 C 2.16E-03 C 2.16E-02 C 2.16E-01 C 1024-57-3 Heptachlor Epoxide 1.26E+01 3.60E-01 C 1.08E-03 C 1.08E-02 C 1.08E-01 C 39635-31-9 Heptachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 189)Not sufficiently toxic or volatile 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 1. Based on November 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Level Target Air Concentrations and the USEPA VI Screening Level Calculator. 2. TCR = Target Cancer Risk; THQ=Target Hazard Quotient; C= Carcinogenic; N = Non-Carcinognic DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING CONCENTRATIONS (March, 2016) Attenuation Factor (AF) = 0.001 0.03 IASL (A)IASL (B)IASL (C) TCR = 1.0E-06 TCR = 1.0E-05 TCR = 1.0E-04 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 Tox Basis CAS No. Cgw&Csg Tox Basis Indoor Air/Crawlspace Screening Levels at Target Risk 1.0E-04 (IASL C) to be Used if only One Carcinogen is Present Indoor Air and Crawlspace Screening Concentration (IASL)1,2 ug/m3 Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) 1,2 ug/m3 Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) 1,2 ug/L Contaminant GWSL=IASL (B) x 1/Henry's Constant x 1/AF SGSL =IASL (B) x 1/AF Tox Basis Tox Basis 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 8.78E-01 2.03E+00 C 6.10E-03 C 6.10E-02 C 6.10E-01 C 38380-08-4 Hexachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4',5- (PCB 156)4.37E+00 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 69782-90-7 Hexachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4',5'- (PCB 157)Not sufficiently toxic or volatile 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 52663-72-6 Hexachlorobiphenyl, 2,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 167)Not sufficiently toxic or volatile 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 32774-16-6 Hexachlorobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 169)9.11E-03 8.51E-04 C 2.55E-06 C 2.55E-05 C 2.55E-04 C 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 3.03E+00 4.25E+01 C 1.28E-01 C 1.28E+00 C 1.28E+01 C 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3.78E-02 1.39E+00 NC 4.17E-02 NC 4.17E-02 NC 4.17E-02 NC 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1.60E+01 8.51E+01 C 2.55E-01 C 2.55E+00 C 6.26E+00 NC 822-06-0 Hexamethylene Diisocyanate, 1,6-1.06E+00 6.95E-02 NC 2.09E-03 NC 2.09E-03 NC 2.09E-03 NC 110-54-3 Hexane, N-1.98E+00 4.87E+03 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 591-78-6 Hexanone, 2-1.64E+03 2.09E+02 NC 6.26E+00 NC 6.26E+00 NC 6.26E+00 NC 302-01-2 Hydrazine 2.29E+02 1.91E-01 C 5.73E-04 C 5.73E-03 C 6.26E-03 NC 7647-01-0 Hydrogen Chloride 5.00E-08 1.39E+02 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 74-90-8 Hydrogen Cyanide 3.07E+01 5.56E+00 NC 1.67E-01 NC 1.67E-01 NC 1.67E-01 NC 7664-39-3 Hydrogen Fluoride 6.87E+02 9.73E+01 NC 2.92E+00 NC 2.92E+00 NC 2.92E+00 NC 7783-06-4 Hydrogen Sulfide 1.19E+00 1.39E+01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 67-63-0 Isopropanol 1.26E+05 1.39E+03 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 7439-97-6 Mercury (elemental)1.78E-01 2.09E+00 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 126-98-7 Methacrylonitrile 6.20E+02 2.09E+02 NC 6.26E+00 NC 6.26E+00 NC 6.26E+00 NC 67-56-1 Methanol 2.24E+07 1.39E+05 NC 4.17E+03 NC 4.17E+03 NC 4.17E+03 NC 110-49-6 Methoxyethanol Acetate, 2-1.64E+04 6.95E+00 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 109-86-4 Methoxyethanol, 2-3.09E+05 1.39E+02 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 96-33-3 Methyl Acrylate 5.13E+02 1.39E+02 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)4.48E+05 3.48E+04 NC 1.04E+03 NC 1.04E+03 NC 1.04E+03 NC 60-34-4 Methyl Hydrazine 3.37E+01 1.39E-01 NC 2.81E-03 C 4.17E-03 NC 4.17E-03 NC 108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone)1.11E+05 2.09E+04 NC 6.26E+02 NC 6.26E+02 NC 6.26E+02 NC 624-83-9 Methyl Isocyanate 5.51E+00 6.95E+00 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 80-62-6 Methyl Methacrylate 1.12E+04 4.87E+03 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 1.46E+02 NC 25013-15-4 Methyl Styrene (Mixed Isomers)7.79E+01 2.78E+02 NC 8.34E+00 NC 8.34E+00 NC 8.34E+00 NC 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)4.50E+03 3.60E+03 C 1.08E+01 C 1.08E+02 C 6.26E+02 NC 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 9.42E+02 4.17E+03 NC 1.01E+02 C 1.25E+02 NC 1.25E+02 NC 2385-85-5 Mirex 1.66E-01 1.84E-01 C,M 5.51E-04 C,M 5.51E-03 C,M 5.51E-02 C,M 91-20-3 Naphthalene 3.48E+01 2.09E+01 NC 8.26E-02 C 6.26E-01 NC 6.26E-01 NC 13463-39-3 Nickel Carbonyl 1.43E-04 9.73E-02 NC 2.92E-03 NC 2.92E-03 NC 2.92E-03 NC 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 7.15E+02 2.34E+01 C 7.02E-02 C 7.02E-01 C 1.88E+00 NC 1. Based on November 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Level Target Air Concentrations and the USEPA VI Screening Level Calculator. 2. TCR = Target Cancer Risk; THQ=Target Hazard Quotient; C= Carcinogenic; N = Non-Carcinognic DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING CONCENTRATIONS (March, 2016) Attenuation Factor (AF) = 0.001 0.03 IASL (A)IASL (B)IASL (C) TCR = 1.0E-06 TCR = 1.0E-05 TCR = 1.0E-04 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 Tox Basis CAS No. Cgw&Csg Tox Basis Indoor Air/Crawlspace Screening Levels at Target Risk 1.0E-04 (IASL C) to be Used if only One Carcinogen is Present Indoor Air and Crawlspace Screening Concentration (IASL)1,2 ug/m3 Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) 1,2 ug/m3 Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) 1,2 ug/L Contaminant GWSL=IASL (B) x 1/Henry's Constant x 1/AF SGSL =IASL (B) x 1/AF Tox Basis Tox Basis 75-52-5 Nitromethane 8.92E+02 3.48E+01 NC 3.19E-01 C 1.04E+00 NC 1.04E+00 NC 79-46-9 Nitropropane, 2-2.14E+00 3.47E-01 C 1.04E-03 C 1.04E-02 C 1.04E-01 C 62-75-9 Nitrosodimethylamine, N-9.73E+00 2.41E-02 C 7.24E-05 C 7.24E-04 C 7.24E-03 C 924-16-3 Nitroso-di-N-butylamine, N-3.25E+01 5.85E-01 C 1.75E-03 C 1.75E-02 C 1.75E-01 C 10595-95-6 Nitrosomethylethylamine, N-7.57E+01 1.49E-01 C 4.46E-04 C 4.46E-03 C 4.46E-02 C 111-84-2 Nonane, n-3.00E-02 1.39E+02 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 4.17E+00 NC 32598-14-4 Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4'- (PCB 105)2.21E+00 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 74472-37-0 Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,4,4',5- (PCB 114)6.76E+00 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 31508-00-6 Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2,3',4,4',5- (PCB 118)2.17E+00 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 65510-44-3 Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2',3,4,4',5- (PCB 123)3.29E+00 8.51E-01 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 2.55E-01 C 57465-28-8 Pentachlorobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4',5- (PCB 126)9.51E-04 2.46E-04 C 7.39E-07 C 7.39E-06 C 7.39E-05 C 109-66-0 Pentane, n-4.08E+00 6.95E+03 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 75-44-5 Phosgene 9.16E-02 2.09E+00 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 7803-51-2 Phosphine 6.27E-02 2.09E+00 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 123-38-6 Propionaldehyde 5.56E+02 5.56E+01 NC 1.67E+00 NC 1.67E+00 NC 1.67E+00 NC 103-65-1 Propyl benzene 4.86E+02 6.95E+03 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 115-07-1 Propylene 7.81E+01 2.09E+04 NC 6.26E+02 NC 6.26E+02 NC 6.26E+02 NC 107-98-2 Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether 1.11E+07 1.39E+04 NC 4.17E+02 NC 4.17E+02 NC 4.17E+02 NC 75-56-9 Propylene Oxide 2.20E+03 2.09E+02 NC 7.59E-01 C 6.26E+00 NC 6.26E+00 NC 100-42-5 Styrene 1.86E+03 6.95E+03 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 2.09E+02 NC 7446-11-9 Sulfur Trioxide No Solubility 6.95E+00 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 2.09E-01 NC 1746-01-6 TCDD, 2,3,7,8-3.61E-04 2.46E-05 C 7.39E-08 C 7.39E-07 C 7.39E-06 C 70362-50-4 Tetrachlorobiphenyl, 3,4,4',5- (PCB 81)2.80E-01 8.51E-02 C 2.55E-04 C 2.55E-03 C 2.55E-02 C 630-20-6 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-3.71E+01 1.26E+02 C 3.79E-01 C 3.79E+00 C 3.79E+01 C 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-3.23E+01 1.61E+01 C 4.84E-02 C 4.84E-01 C 4.84E+00 C 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 1.15E+01 2.78E+02 NC 8.34E+00 NC 8.34E+00 NC 8.34E+00 NC 811-97-2 Tetrafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2-8.16E+03 5.56E+05 NC 1.67E+04 NC 1.67E+04 NC 1.67E+04 NC 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran 1.45E+05 1.39E+04 NC 4.17E+02 NC 4.17E+02 NC 4.17E+02 NC 7550-45-0 Titanium Tetrachloride No Solubility 6.95E-01 NC 2.09E-02 NC 2.09E-02 NC 2.09E-02 NC 108-88-3 Toluene 3.84E+03 3.48E+04 NC 1.04E+03 NC 1.04E+03 NC 1.04E+03 NC 76-13-1 Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2-2.91E+02 2.09E+05 NC 6.26E+03 NC 6.26E+03 NC 6.26E+03 NC 120-82-1 Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-7.19E+00 1.39E+01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-1.48E+03 3.48E+04 NC 1.04E+03 NC 1.04E+03 NC 1.04E+03 NC 79-00-5 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-1.24E+00 1.39E+00 NC 4.17E-02 NC 4.17E-02 NC 4.17E-02 NC 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 1.04E+00 1.39E+01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 4.17E-01 NC 1. Based on November 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Level Target Air Concentrations and the USEPA VI Screening Level Calculator. 2. TCR = Target Cancer Risk; THQ=Target Hazard Quotient; C= Carcinogenic; N = Non-Carcinognic DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING CONCENTRATIONS (March, 2016) Attenuation Factor (AF) = 0.001 0.03 IASL (A)IASL (B)IASL (C) TCR = 1.0E-06 TCR = 1.0E-05 TCR = 1.0E-04 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 THQ = 0.2 Tox Basis CAS No. Cgw&Csg Tox Basis Indoor Air/Crawlspace Screening Levels at Target Risk 1.0E-04 (IASL C) to be Used if only One Carcinogen is Present Indoor Air and Crawlspace Screening Concentration (IASL)1,2 ug/m3 Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) 1,2 ug/m3 Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) 1,2 ug/L Contaminant GWSL=IASL (B) x 1/Henry's Constant x 1/AF SGSL =IASL (B) x 1/AF Tox Basis Tox Basis 96-18-4 Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-4.46E+00 2.09E+00 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 96-19-5 Trichloropropene, 1,2,3-8.70E-02 2.09E+00 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 6.26E-02 NC 121-44-8 Triethylamine 2.40E+02 4.87E+01 NC 1.46E+00 NC 1.46E+00 NC 1.46E+00 NC 420-46-2 Trifluoroethane, 1,1,1-1.33E+02 1.39E+05 NC 4.17E+03 NC 4.17E+03 NC 4.17E+03 NC 526-73-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,3-5.85E+00 3.48E+01 NC 1.04E+00 NC 1.04E+00 NC 1.04E+00 NC 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-5.80E+00 4.87E+01 NC 1.46E+00 NC 1.46E+00 NC 1.46E+00 NC 126-72-7 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate 4.77E+01 1.42E+00 C 4.25E-03 C 4.25E-02 C 4.25E-01 C 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 2.00E+03 1.39E+03 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 4.17E+01 NC 593-60-2 Vinyl Bromide 1.24E+00 2.09E+01 NC 8.77E-02 C 6.26E-01 NC 6.26E-01 NC 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 2.03E+00 7.68E+01 C 2.30E-01 C 2.30E+00 C 2.09E+01 NC 108-38-3 Xylene, m-7.11E+01 6.95E+02 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 95-47-6 Xylene, o-9.85E+01 6.95E+02 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 106-42-3 Xylene, P-7.39E+01 6.95E+02 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 1330-20-7 Xylenes 7.69E+01 6.95E+02 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 2.09E+01 NC 1. Based on November 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Level Target Air Concentrations and the USEPA VI Screening Level Calculator. 2. TCR = Target Cancer Risk; THQ=Target Hazard Quotient; C= Carcinogenic; N = Non-Carcinognic