HomeMy WebLinkAbout19039_Oneida Mill_VIR_20160713MINERAL SPRINGS ENVIRONMENTAL, P.C. 4600 MINERAL SPRINGS LANE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, 27616 919.261.8186 INDOOR AIR SAMPLING REPORT ONEIDA MILLS FACILITY 219 WEST HARDEN STREET GRAHAM, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA JULY 13, 2016 MSE JOB NO. 838 Prepared For: MR. RICHARD ANGINO PUMPKIN HILL MILL, LLC 463 1/2 CAROLINA CIRCLE WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA, 27104 INERAL PRINGS environmental, p.c. 4600 Mineral Springs Lane Raleigh. NC 27616 July 13, 2016 Mr. Lebeed Kady North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: Dear Mr. Kady: Indoor Air Sampling Workplan and Report Oneida Mills Loft Site Graham, North Carolina MSE Job 838 Mineral Springs Environmental (MSE) has prepared the following workplan and report for your review. The document outlines the methods used to perform an Indoor Air Sampling within certain portions of the Building 1 and Building 1 Annex. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 261-8186. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 INDOOR AND OUTSIDE AIR SAMPLING PROGRAM 2 3 CONCLUSIONS 3 DRAWINGS Drawing 1 Topographic Site Map Drawing 2 Site Map Tables Table 1 Summary of Indoor and Outside Air Quality Analytical Results Appendices Appendix A Photographs Appendix B Air Quality and Groundwater Analytical Results INDOOR AIR SAMPLING WORKPLAN AND REPORT ONEIDA MILLS LOFT SITE 219 Hardin Street Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina July 13, 2016 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Information The subject site is the former Oneida Mills facility located at 219 Hardin Street in Graham, North Carolina (see Drawing 1). The subject property is currently comprised of approximately seven acres of land and developed with two large buildings, which are currently vacant. The total square footage of the buildings is approximately 105,000 square feet. This workplan and report are associated with Building 1 and Building 1 Annex, which is located on the eastern portion of the property. It should be noted that construction activities are ongoing in Building 1 and Building 1 Annex. Slightly elevated concentrations of benzene and 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene were detected in a sub- slab air sample collected by others in 2013. The air sample was collected at a depth of four feet below land surface. Based on the identified concentrations the North Carolina Brownfields Program required that Indoor Air Samples be collected from within the existing Building 1 and Building 1 Annex areas to determine if vapor intrusion is occurring through the building’s concrete slab. 1.2 Purpose Mineral Springs Environmental PC (MSE) was contracted to perform an indoor air assessment of the potential for benzene and 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene vapors to be present in the building. This assessment will consist of collecting air samples for laboratory analysis at various locations within the building using summa canisters. 1.3 Scope of Work The scope of work is based on a telephone discussion between Lebeed Kady with the North Carolina Brownfields Program and Will Warren with Blanket Creek LLC on June 16, 2016. MSE will collect up to six indoor air quality samples to determine if concentrations of volatile organic compounds are present in the building. Indoor air samples will be collected in accordance with procedures provided in the most recent version of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management Vapor Intrusion Guidance document. The samples will be collected in various areas of Building 1 and Building 1 Annex to obtain a thorough representation of the air quality inside the building. The preliminary sample locations are shown on Drawing 2. The summa canisters used to collect the samples will be deployed for a period of eight hours with regulators pre-set at the laboratory. The run time of eight hours represents an eight hour work day. The samples will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds benzene and 1,2,4 MINERAL SPRINGS ENVIRONMENTAL PC Indoor Air Sampling Workplan and Report July 13, 2016 Former Oneida Mills Site Page 2 trimethylbenzene according to EPA TO-15 SIM. All results will be reported in micrograms per cubic meter. Each canister will be set at a height of approximately five feet above the concrete floor of the building Pictures will also be obtained to document the locations of the canisters. During the sample collection activities periodic temperature readings will be obtained within the building and outside the facility. Overall weather conditions will also be documented. In addition to the above, a background air sample will be collected outside and on the property. The canister will be placed in an area upwind of the facility. The sample will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds, benzene and 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene according to EPA TO-15. 2 INDOOR AND OUTSIDE AIR SAMPLING PROGRAM On June 23, 2016 MSE collected six indoor air quality samples (IA-1 thru IA-6) to determine if concentrations of benzene and 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene were present in the building. Indoor air samples were collected in accordance with procedures provided in the most recent version of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management Vapor Intrusion Guidance document. The samples were collected in various areas of Building 1 and Building 1 Annex to obtain a thorough representation of the air quality inside the building. The sample locations are shown on Drawing 2. The summa canisters used to collect the samples were deployed for a period of eight hours with regulators pre-set at the laboratory. The run time of eight hours represents an eight hour work day. The samples were analyzed for benzene and 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene according to EPA TO- 15. A beginning and end regulator flow rate was recorded. Each canister was set at a height of approximately five to six feet above the concrete floor of the building. Pictures are included in Appendix A. During the sample collection activities periodic temperature readings were obtained within the building and outside the facility. At 8:30 p.m. the temperature inside the buildings was 88 degrees Fahrenheit. At 5:00 a.m. the temperature inside the building was 720 Fahrenheit. The weather conditions during the testing were fair with a slight breeze coming from the southwest. The outside temperature at 7:45 p.m. was 920 Fahrenheit and at 5.00 a.m was 75.000 Fahrenheit. Barometric readings for the area were between 30 and 31 inches of mercury. In addition to the above, a background air sample (IA-7) was collected outside and on the property. The canister was placed in an area upwind of the facility and southwest of the building (see Drawing 2). The samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds according to EPA TO-15 by Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) located in Jacksonville, Florida. Analytical results obtained from the indoor and outside air samples are summarized in Appendix B and summarized in Table 1. None of the six indoor air samples indicated the presence of benzene or 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene above the IHSB Residential Screening Values. 3 CONCLUSIONS Based on the indoor air quality analytical results, it does not appear chemical vapor intrusion through the concrete floor is occurring inside the building. At this time we request that you move forward with the Brownfields Agreement for the site. MINERAL SPRINGS ENVIR O NMENTAL PC Indoor Air Sampling Workplan and Report Former Oneida Mills Site July 13, 2016 Page3 DRAWINGS DRAWING NO. 1 TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP ONEIDA MILLS SITE GRAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Date: September 2015 Job No.: MSE 838 File: 838/Drawing 1 By: KP SITE N I LEGEND f:::.. AS-7 b._ AS-1 AIR SAMPLE LOCATION CADDATE: JULY2016 PROJECT NO: MSE838 CAD FILE: MSE-838-001 DRAWN BY: BAM APPROVAL: REFERENCE: MSE FIELD NOTES 6, AS-6 BUILDING 1 6, AS-5 f:::.. AS-4 SITE MAP AIR SAMPLING LOCATIONS ONEIDA MILLS GRAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 6, AS-1 BUILDING 1 ANNEX f:::.. AS-2 f:::.. AS-3 -i' tii o- --' < u (/) miNERAL SPRINGS environmental, p.c;_ I DRAWING NO: TABLES TA B L E 1 CO N C E N T R A T I O N O F S E L E C T E D C O N S T I T U E N T S I N I N D O O R A I R FO R M E R O N E I D A M I L L S GR A H A M , N O R T H C A R O L I N A MS E J O B N O . 8 3 8 An a l y t i c a l R e s u l t ( m i c r o g r a m s p e r c u b i c m e t e r ) IA - 1 I A - 2 I A - 3 I A - 4 I A - 5 I A - 6 I A - 7 Re s i d e n t i a l S c r e e n i n g V a l u e Be n z e n e 0. 4 5 J 0. 5 0 J 0. 5 1 J 1. 4 0. 3 7 J 0. 4 6 J 0. 5 6 3. 6 0 1, 2 , 4 T r i m e t h y b e n z e n e 0. 4 2 J 0. 4 0 J 0. 5 1 J 1. 3 0. 4 0 J 0. 4 3 J 0. 4 4 J 1. 4 6 No t e s : NS - N o S t a n d a r d N E - N o t E s t a b l i s h e d ND - n o t d e t e c t e d Co n s t i t u e n t APPENDICES APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX B INDOOR AND OUTSIDE AIR QUALITY AND GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4810 Executive Park Court, Suite 111 Jacksonville FL, 32216-6069 904.296.3007 904.296.6210Phone:FAX: ENCO Workorder(s): BZ02692 Raleigh, NC 27616 Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Jacksonville. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Enclosure(s) Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Oneida Mills Attn: Kirk Pollard Mineral Springs Environmental (MI017) 4600 Mineral Springs Lane Chris Tompkins Project Manager Thursday, June 30, 2016 RE: Laboratory Results for Dear Kirk Pollard, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Monday, June 27, 2016. Enclosure(s) Page 1 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL www.encolabs.com PROJECT NARRATIVE Client: Mineral Springs Environmental (MI017) Project: Oneida Mills ENCO Project ID: BZ02692 Overview All samples submitted were analyzed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. in accordance with the methods referenced in the laboratory report. Any particular difficulties encountered during sample handling and processing will be discussed in the Remarks section below. Remarks Analysis: TO-15 Affected Samples: AS-4[BZ02692-04] At sample receipt, the analyst noticed that the connection between the stem and the valve was loose. The summa canisters are leaked checked before they leave the laboratory and this canister passed all requirements. Chris Tompkins Project Manager Page 2 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE AS-1 BZ02692-01RE1 Sampled:06/23/16 05:20 Received:06/27/16 11:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) TO-15 07/07/16 06/28/16 22:11 06/28/16 22:11 AS-2 BZ02692-02RE1 Sampled:06/23/16 05:22 Received:06/27/16 11:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) TO-15 07/07/16 06/28/16 22:52 06/28/16 22:52 AS-3 BZ02692-03 Sampled:06/23/16 05:24 Received:06/27/16 11:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) TO-15 07/07/16 06/28/16 23:32 06/28/16 23:32 AS-4 BZ02692-04RE1 Sampled:06/23/16 05:30 Received:06/27/16 11:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) TO-15 07/07/16 06/29/16 00:13 06/29/16 00:13 AS-5 BZ02692-05 Sampled:06/23/16 05:21 Received:06/27/16 11:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) TO-15 07/07/16 06/28/16 18:19 06/28/16 18:19 AS-6 BZ02692-06 Sampled:06/23/16 05:22 Received:06/27/16 11:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) TO-15 07/07/16 06/28/16 18:59 06/28/16 18:59 AS-7 BZ02692-07 Sampled:06/23/16 05:19 Received:06/27/16 11:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) TO-15 07/07/16 06/28/16 19:39 06/28/16 19:39 Page 3 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Lab ID:Client ID:AS-1 BZ02692-01RE1 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.42 0.70 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.11 0.45 0.46 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD Benzene 0.07 Lab ID:Client ID:AS-2 BZ02692-02RE1 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.40 0.79 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.13 0.50 0.51 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD Benzene 0.08 Lab ID:Client ID:AS-3 BZ02692-03 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.51 0.82 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.13 0.51 0.54 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD Benzene 0.08 Lab ID:Client ID:AS-4 BZ02692-04RE1 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 1.3 0.82 ug/m³ Air TO-15D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.13 1.4 0.53 ug/m³ Air TO-15D Benzene 0.08 Lab ID:Client ID:AS-5 BZ02692-05 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.40 0.82 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.13 0.37 0.54 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD Benzene 0.08 Lab ID:Client ID:AS-6 BZ02692-06 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.43 0.79 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.13 0.46 0.51 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD Benzene 0.08 Lab ID:Client ID:AS-7 BZ02692-07 Analyte MethodUnitsPQLResultsFlag NotesMDL 0.44 0.79 ug/m³ Air TO-15JD 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.13 0.56 0.52 ug/m³ Air TO-15D Benzene 0.08 Page 4 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS AS-1Description:Lab Sample ID:BZ02692-01 06/27/16 11:00Received: BZ02692Work Order:06/23/16 05:20Sampled:AirMatrix: % Solids:Sampled By:Project:Oneida Mills Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS NotesFlagPQLBatchByAnalyzedMethodMDLResultsUnitsDFAnalyte [CAS Number] ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 22:111,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6]0.11 LTS6F280110.700.42 JD 1.14 ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 22:11Benzene [71-43-2]0.07 LTS6F280110.460.45 JD 1.14 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 64-13097 %LTSTO-15 06/28/16 22:116F280113031.2 1 AS-2Description:Lab Sample ID:BZ02692-02 06/27/16 11:00Received: BZ02692Work Order:06/23/16 05:22Sampled:AirMatrix: % Solids:Sampled By:Project:Oneida Mills Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS NotesFlagPQLBatchByAnalyzedMethodMDLResultsUnitsDFAnalyte [CAS Number] ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 22:521,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6]0.13 LTS6F280110.790.40 JD 1.28 ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 22:52Benzene [71-43-2]0.08 LTS6F280110.510.50 JD 1.28 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 64-13088 %LTSTO-15 06/28/16 22:526F280112831.2 1 AS-3Description:Lab Sample ID:BZ02692-03 06/27/16 11:00Received: BZ02692Work Order:06/23/16 05:24Sampled:AirMatrix: % Solids:Sampled By:Project:Oneida Mills Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS NotesFlagPQLBatchByAnalyzedMethodMDLResultsUnitsDFAnalyte [CAS Number] ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 23:321,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6]0.13 LTS6F280110.820.51 JD 1.34 ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 23:32Benzene [71-43-2]0.08 LTS6F280110.540.51 JD 1.34 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 64-13089 %LTSTO-15 06/28/16 23:326F280112831.2 1 AS-4Description:Lab Sample ID:BZ02692-04 06/27/16 11:00Received: BZ02692Work Order:06/23/16 05:30Sampled:AirMatrix: % Solids:Sampled By:Project:Oneida Mills Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS NotesFlagPQLBatchByAnalyzedMethodMDLResultsUnitsDFAnalyte [CAS Number] ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/29/16 00:131,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6]0.13 LTS6F280110.821.3 D 1.33 ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/29/16 00:13Benzene [71-43-2]0.08 LTS6F280110.531.4 D 1.33 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 64-13087 %LTSTO-15 06/29/16 00:136F280112731.2 1 Page 5 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS AS-5Description:Lab Sample ID:BZ02692-05 06/27/16 11:00Received: BZ02692Work Order:06/23/16 05:21Sampled:AirMatrix: % Solids:Sampled By:Project:Oneida Mills Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS NotesFlagPQLBatchByAnalyzedMethodMDLResultsUnitsDFAnalyte [CAS Number] ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 18:191,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6]0.13 LTS6F280110.820.40 JD 1.34 ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 18:19Benzene [71-43-2]0.08 LTS6F280110.540.37 JD 1.34 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 64-13098 %LTSTO-15 06/28/16 18:196F280113131.2 1 AS-6Description:Lab Sample ID:BZ02692-06 06/27/16 11:00Received: BZ02692Work Order:06/23/16 05:22Sampled:AirMatrix: % Solids:Sampled By:Project:Oneida Mills Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS NotesFlagPQLBatchByAnalyzedMethodMDLResultsUnitsDFAnalyte [CAS Number] ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 18:591,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6]0.13 LTS6F280110.790.43 JD 1.28 ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 18:59Benzene [71-43-2]0.08 LTS6F280110.510.46 JD 1.28 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 64-13091 %LTSTO-15 06/28/16 18:596F280112931.2 1 AS-7Description:Lab Sample ID:BZ02692-07 06/27/16 11:00Received: BZ02692Work Order:06/23/16 05:19Sampled:AirMatrix: % Solids:Sampled By:Project:Oneida Mills Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS NotesFlagPQLBatchByAnalyzedMethodMDLResultsUnitsDFAnalyte [CAS Number] ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 19:391,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6]0.13 LTS6F280110.790.44 JD 1.29 ug/m³ Air TO-15 06/28/16 19:39Benzene [71-43-2]0.08 LTS6F280110.520.56 D 1.29 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 64-13094 %LTSTO-15 06/28/16 19:396F280112931.2 1 Page 6 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 6F28011 - Same Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/2016 11:48Blank (6F28011-BLK1) FlagResult Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Analyte PQL Spike Source %REC RPD ug/m³ Air0.610.10 U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m³ Air0.400.06 U Benzene ppbv 31.2 64-1304-Bromofluorobenzene 10031 Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/2016 12:37LCS (6F28011-BS1) FlagResult Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Analyte PQL Spike Source %REC RPD ug/m³ Air0.61 49.2 70-14613164 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m³ Air0.40 32.0 68-14910132 Benzene ppbv 31.2 64-1304-Bromofluorobenzene 10433 Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/2016 20:16Matrix Spike (6F28011-MS1) Source: BZ02692-01 FlagResult Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Analyte PQL Spike Source %REC RPD ug/m³ Air31 2520 70-1461205.0 U3000 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m³ Air20 1640 68-1491133.1 U1800 Benzene ppbv 31.2 64-1304-Bromofluorobenzene 8627 Prepared & Analyzed: 06/28/2016 20:53Matrix Spike Dup (6F28011-MSD1) Source: BZ02692-01 FlagResult Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Analyte PQL Spike Source %REC RPD ug/m³ Air31 2520 4270-146123 35.0 U3100 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m³ Air20 1640 2668-149123 93.1 U2000 Benzene ppbv 31.2 64-1304-Bromofluorobenzene 9128 Page 7 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. The sample was analyzed at dilution. The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. MRL E U J D B N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a “tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. Page 8 of 9This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LABORATORIES CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD www.encolabs.com I 0775 Central Port Dr. Orlando. FL 3262~ {407) ll26·5314 Fax (41)7) 850·1)945 Client Name I ProJeCt Numb(" Mineral Springs Environmental (MI017) Address 4600 Mineral Springs. Lane CityiST/Zip Raleigh, NC 27616 Tel (9-19) 261 -8186 I Fax Sarnpler(sj Name, Affiliation (Print) Sampler(s) Signature Item ffl Sample ID {Field Identification) . Collection Date Project NameiDesc Oneida Mills PO ~J /Billing lnf(l Reporting Contact Kirk Pollard Billing Contact Kirk Pollard Sile Lo(;alion /Tirno Zone Collection Time Gompi Grab 11~-1 lb-t?:tz:·rs~z-o {!_, A .. -/ I I . I GZ-.'Z-p•"'' -~-d-5 2-'l.tt'(' ... -···--•. 48'10 Executive Park Court, Stule 111 Jacksonville. FL 322'l6-6Q69 (904) 296·3007 F<)x (901) 296-6210 Matrix Total /I of (see codes) Containers AIR 1 AIR 1 -4: :2 :a: ::) ~ 1.() ...... 0 1- 102-A Woodwinds lndustriul Ct. Cary, NC 27!; 11 (919i 467-3090 Fax (919) 467-3515 Requested Analyses --1 Preservation (See Co.ctes) (Combine ns necessary) ' Page ~-of __ Requested Turnaround Times Note ; Rush requests t;uhjccllo acceptance by ftle facility _Standard _Expedited Due_/_/_ Lab Workorder BZ02692 +---1--·--1-1 Sample Comments ___ , -I I ----~~--j-~·--1--+--f-------1----------·-, ~:___--t-r-~ili~~t-+~~-~+~-+---+--~~--l-L.J--+-----1---------1 ~ AIR 1 AIR 1 ~-·t--t---:.-:-:-+---l-::..:..+.--l--1---l---l--ll--t--+--l--+----AIR I 1 X ~~ X --+--l--~~ AIR 1 X -··----+·-· ___ .. , ......... ,____ --1----f- 1--1------:--------+-----t-----,----.J-------~ 1--+---1----·1 ------------ <·-Total # of Containers Sample Kit Prepared E!Y I Dateffimo Da';)!lt, Recerv~ By W-------.~ o-""'-'" _.., "'"'~"'" ~r:'i:r-/~ qiiJ "oc" ~--~) ( r~ #'s & Temps on Receipt Matrix : GW·Groundwater SO·Soi) OW-Drinking Water SE-Sediment SW-Surtace Water WW-Wastewater A-Air· 0-0ther (detail in comments) l)ate!Tune Recoervcd By DatelTrme f)~'~ COr'lditic)(~~eipt Acceptable Preservation: l-Ice H-~ICI N-HN03 S·H?S04 NO-NaOI-t O·Oih~>r (<i<>toil in comments) Note : All samples submitted t.o ENCO t.abs are in accordvnce with the ti?.rms and conditions listed on the reverse of this form. unless prior written agrr:crnenls fJxisl Unacceptable