HomeMy WebLinkAbout19039_Oneida Mill_VIMS_20160108INERAL PRrNGS enviranmontaJ. p.c. .taoo Mineral Springs Lane Raleigh, NC 27616 January 8, 2016 Mr. Lebeed Kady North Carolina Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: Dear Mr. Kady Letter Report for the Proposed Sub Slab Vapor Mitigation System Oneida Mills/Former Kayser Roth Facility 219 Hardin Street Graham, North Carolina MSElob838 Mineral Springs Environmental, (MSE) on behalf of our client, Pumpkin Hill Mill, LLC is pleased to submit this Letter Report for the Proposed Sub Slab Vapor Mitigation System for the Oneida Mills Site in Graham, North Carolina. The purpose of this letter is to outline the system design specifications for the sub slab vapor mitigation system and is respectfully submitted to the North Carolina Brownfields Program (NCBP) for review and comment. MSE contracted a North Carolina Professional Engineer to design the system. Potential sub-slab vapors in the indoor air space will be mitigated by a vapor ventilation system installed beneath building slabs and within crawl space areas of three buildings at tine site. The basis for the mitigation design is EPA Document EPA/625/R-92/-016, Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings, 1994. Drawings of the proposed system layout are attached. The vapor mitigation system will consist of: 1. Ten, two-inch diameter vertical vent extraction wells installed just beneath the building floor slab within two building footprint areas (defined as "Building 3" and the northern portion of "Building 2"). The wells will be installed within a 18-20" cored hole in the slab (12"·16" diameter hole excavated in the sub slab soil), at a depth just beneath the base of the slab, and will each consist of an open-ended, two inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC pipe. In location (s) where the well will be installed within a common utility trench beneath the slab, the end of the pipe will be fitted with a two-inch Schedule 40 PVC tee. The slab penetrations will be sealed with a liquid boot trowel grade seal or equivalent. The riser piping will be installed within the interior walls of the buildings, and equipped with an electric vent fan installed within the interstitial space between the drop ceilings of the bathroom areas and roof deck within the building interior. The exhaust piping from the fan will be solid, Schedule 40 PVC pressure piping, four-inch diameter, and connected to the vertical vent points through fittings and unions installed to remove contaminant vapors under negative pressure induced by the vent fans. Based on the depth of the extraction points, size of extraction vent fan and sub-slab soil characteristics, the design radius of influence of each extraction point is estimated to be 20 feet. 2. A horizontal extraction piping network consisting of a total of approximately 500 feet of two- inch, Schedule 40 PVC piping that will be installed within the crawl spaces of two building footprint areas (defined as "Building 4" and the southern portion of "Building 2"). The piping will be perforated, with '12' diameter weep holes installed at six-inch separation on each pipe, will be capped at the un-mainfolded ends, and will connect to a total of approximately 600 feet of three-inch, Schedule 40 PVC pipe manifold through wye connections. Vapors collected in the horizontal piping will be directed to the exterior atmosphere through a total of approximately 200 feet of three-inch, Schedule 40 PVC riser pipe installed within the internal bathroom walls of the building. The riser piping will be equipped with an electric vent fan installed within the interstitial space between the drop ceilings of the bathroom areas and roof deck within the building interior. The exhaust piping from the fan will be solid, Schedule 40 PVC pressure piping, four-inch diameter, and connected to the vertical vent points through fittings and unions installed to remove contaminant vapors under negative pressure induced by the vent fans. Based on the length and layout of horizontal vent piping, size of extraction vent fan and sub-slab soil characteristics, the design radius of influence of each manifold pipe branch is estimated to be 20 feet 3. A vapor membrane barrier installed on the concrete floor slab of Building 3 and the northern portion of the Building 2 slab. The barrier will consist of a 3/8" thick layer of Geo-Seal® Core (60 mil), overlain by a 3/8" thick layer of Geo-Seal® Base that will be spray or mop- applied to the existing concrete slab. The barrier will be covered with a 3/4" layer of Gyp- Crete® Floor Underlayment with 2,000 psi compressive strength, over which will be installed the finished floor. The barrier will be sealed around the vertical vent riser piping with overlapping layers of Geo-Seal® Core, Base and Bond, secured around the pipe with cable ties 4. A vapor membrane barrier installed across the entire crawlspace footprint area of Buildings 2 and 4. The barrier will consist of a 20 mil, polyethylene (PE) or high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner material (VaporBiock® PlusTM 20 or like). The barrier will be placed over the horizontal vent piping and manifolds, with about six inches of barrier extending up the walls of the crawlspace and sealed to the wall with weather-proof tape. Pipe and building footer penetrations through the barrier will be sealed with a polyurethane seal. s. Twelve, Fantech® HP 220, and two, HP190 electric radon-type vent fans installed on the vent pipe risers to induce a vacuum in the piping and remove sub-slab contaminant vapors. Each fan will be designed at a maximum flow rate of up to 200 CFM at up to 2" of static head pressure, and operate at 11SV DC power. The fans will be installed at locations ~s shown on the proposed system layout drawings, and the exhaust stack from each fan will extend two feet above the roofline of the building. The fans will be spaced a minimum distance of 10 feet away from air intake ducts on the building roof, per EPA guidelines for radon ventilation systems. The exhaust piping from each fan will be fitted with a galvanized steel rain cap to reduce moisture intrusion into the piping. Neoprene boot seal/roof flashing will be placed at the vent pipe exhaust penetration locations through the roof structure. A 3/8" diameter hole will be drilled through the exhaust piping above the roofline to allow for flow monitoring and sampling of exhaust vapors, if necessary. 6. MSE proposes to implement the following testing protocol following system installation: • Smoke testing in the vicinity of all extraction points, pre-building occupancy. The test will consist of waiving a smoke pen around interior slab penetrations and/or wall and floor seams at several locations in the buildings to verify sub-slab de- pressurization, identify any leaks in the concrete slab seal, and evaluate the radius of influence of the system. • Indoor air quality testing in the crawl space areas of Buildings 2 and 4 and in selected interior building locations of all buildings pre-occupancy. The crawl space and indoor air quality monitoring will consist of the placement of one-liter Summa canisters with flow regulators in selected locations in the crawl space of Buildings 2 and 4 and interior spaces of Buildings 2, 3 and 4. The canisters will be placed at floor level to collect samples in the air space just above floor level. Indoor air quality samples will be obtained from the locations in general accordance with IHSB guidelines. The samples will be collected over an eight-hour interval and sent to a laboratory for analyses of VOCs by EPA Method T0-15. Results will be compared to applicable IHSB and EPA Residential Screening levels to establish baseline VI risk levels for comparison to post-occupancy levels and evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation system. • Following one year of building occupancy, follow-up sub slab vapor and indoor air quality monitoring will be conducted at the same locations. Results of the follow-up sampling will be compared to the pre-occupancy sampling to evaluate mitigation system effectiveness. Ideally, the pre-and post-occupancy testing will be conducted during different times of year to evaluate the effect of environmental conditions on sub slab vapors and indoor air quality. • Additional testing may include verification of flow within the vent piping through insertion of a flow meter or manometer probe in the stack test ports upstream of the fan. Following the completion of each sampling event, a summary letter of the test results will be submitted to the NCBP, which will be sealed by a licensed engineer. Since vapors will be collected from the vadose zone and beneath the building slab, and weep holes are provided for release of accumulated moisture within the horizontal piping, a moisture separator to separate liquids from the vapor stream vented from the subsurface will not be included as part of this system. Emissions from the vapor system are not projected to be more than five tons per year (based on available sub-slab vapor-phase contaminant data); therefore, no additional vapor-phase equipment is proposed for the design. Operating noise levels of the vent fans are expected to be less than 70 dB; therefore, no additional noise dampening equipment is proposed with the design. If you should have questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 261-8186. Sincerely: if;:0iJ~s~;rc. Kirk B. Pollard, L.G. Principal Geologist Andy Rodak PE Professional Engineer 20 ' Pe r f o r a t e d , C a p p e d 2 " Sc h 4 0 P V C p i p e i n s t a l l e d be n e a t h v a p o r b a r r i e r 3" R i s e r P i p e 10 ' 15 ' 10 ' 3" x 2 " W y e co n n e c t i o n 3" M a n i f o l d P i p e Pe r f o r a t e d , C a p p e d 2 " Sc h 4 0 P V C p i p e i n s t a l l e d be n e a t h v a p o r b a r r i e r 3" M a n i f o l d P i p e 3" x 2 " W y e c o n n e c t i o n 3" R i s e r P i p e 2" V a p o r v e n t t h r o u g h s l a b 2" V a p o r v e n t t h r o u g h s l a b 20 ' 20 ' Pe r f o r a t e d , c a p p e d 2 " S c h 4 0 P V C pi p e u n d e r v a p o r b a r r i e r 3" R i s e r P i p e 3" x 2 " W y e co n n e c t i o n 3" M a n i f o l d P i p e 30 ' 3" R i s e r P i p e Pe r f o r a t e d , c a p p e d 2 " S c h 4 0 P V C pi p e u n d e r v a p o r b a r r i e r 3" x 2 " W y e co n n e c t i o n 3" R i s e r P i p e 0. 0 0 0 5 0. 0 0 8 6 0. 0 1 1 0. 1 1 0. 0 2 7 1. 2 0. 0 0 3 6 < 0 . 0 0 0 5 < 0 . 0 0 0 5 2. 5 CA D D A T E : PR O J E C T N O : CA D F I L E : RE F E R E N C E : AP P R O V A L : DR A W N B Y : DRAWING NO: SI T E M A P W I T H P R O P O S E D V A P O R M I T I G A T I O N S Y S T E M L A Y O U T BU I L D I N G S 2 , 3 , 4 - G R O U N D F L O O R ON E I D A M I L L S GR A H A M , N O R T H C A R O L I N A DE C - 2 0 1 5 RN L AM R WA T E R S E D G E E N V D R A W I N G G 1 - 0 6 - 8 ( 5 / 3 0 / 0 1 ) , A R C H I T E C T D R A W I N G S 1"=40'0 SCALE:40'80' 0. 0 1 1 PC E C O N C E N T R A T I O N ( M G / L ) 01 / 1 0 / 0 6 A N D 0 6 / 0 5 / 1 4 M O N I T O R I N G C A D D A T E : P R O J E C T N O : C A D F I L E : R E F E R E N C E : A P P R O V A L : D R A W N B Y : D R A W I N G N O : D W G # 1 " = 5 0 ' 0 S C A L E : U N I T 1 6 1 - B D U N I T 1 7 1 - B D U N I T 1 9 1 - B D U N I T 2 3 2 - B D U N I T 2 4 2 - B D UNIT 2 6 1 - B D U N I T 2 5 2 - B D UNIT 2 7 1 - B D UNIT 2 7 1 - B D U N I T 1 8 2 - B D U N I T 1 9 1 - B D UNI T 2 8 2 - B D U N I T 1 7 1 - B D U N I T 2 1 2 - B D U N I T 2 2 2 - B D 2 5 ' 5 0 ' BUI L D I N G 4 B U I L D I N G 3 B U I L D I N G 2 3 " M a n i f o l d P i p e 15' 2 0 ' 20' 2 " V a p o r v e n t t h r o u g h s l a b 2 0 ' 2 0 ' P e r f o r a t e d , c a p p e d 2 " S c h 4 0 P V C p i p e u n d e r v a p o r b a r r i e r 2 0 ' 2 " V a p o r v e n t t h r o u g h s l a b P R O P O S E D V A P O R M I T I G A T I O N S Y S T E M L A Y O U T B U I L D I N G S 2 , 3 , 4 - G R O U N D F L O O R O N E I D A M I L L S G R A H A M , N O R T H C A R O L I N A 3 " M a n i f o l d P i p e Perforated, Capped2" Sch 40 PVC pipeinstalled beneathvapor barrier 3 " R i s e r P i p e 3 " R i s e r P i p e 1 0 ' 15' 1 0 ' 15'20' 1 0 ' 15' 1 0 ' 3 " x 2 " W y e c o n n e c t i o n P e r f o r a t e d , c a p p e d 2 " S c h 4 0 P V C p i p e i n s t a l l e d u n d e r v a p o r b a r r i e r 3 " R i s e r P i p e 3 " R i s e r P i p e 3 " R i s e r P i p e 3 " x 2 " W y e c o n n e c t i o n 3 " M a n i f o l d P i p e Perforated, Capped2" Sch 40 PVC pipeinstalled beneathvapor barrier 3 0 ' 3 " R i s e r P i p e P e r f o r a t e d , c a p p e d 2 " S c h 4 0 P V C p i p e i n s t a l l e d u n d e r v a p o r b a r r i e r 3 " M a n i f o l d P i p e N O V - 2 0 1 5 R N L A M R A R C H I T E C T D R A W I N G S 3" "PVC PIPE MANIFOLD (BLDG 3 ONLY) 3" "PVC UNION 4" ROOF PENETRATION AND RUBBER SLEEVE SEALED FLOOR PENETRATION (SEE DETAIL VENT FAN (RATED FOR EXTERIOR USE) 2' (MAX.) 115 V ELEC (MOUNT ON ROOF JOIST) 4" PIPE HANGER EVERY 10' FROM ROOF TRUSS (BLDG 3 ONLY) 3" VENT PIPE STUB-UP (INSTALL WITHIN INTERIOR WALL) FLEXIBLE COUPLING 4" EXHAUST (RELEASE ABOVE ROOF-LINE) 2" "PVC VENT PIPE (INSTALL WITHIN WALL) 2" "PVC UNION 4" ROOF PENETRATION AND RUBBER SLEEVE VENT FAN (RATED FOR EXTERIOR USE) 115 V ELEC VENT PIPE SLAB PENETRATION 4" EXHAUST (RELEASE ABOVE ROOF-LINE) 2" PERFORATED SCH 40 PVC PIPE 20 MIL VAPOR BLOCK PLUS OR LIKE MEMBRANE SEAL AROUND WALL, FOOTER, AND PIPE PENETRATION WITH POLYURETHANE SEAL EXTERIOR BLDG WALL 4' BALL VALVE VENT PIPE PROFILE VIEW CRAWL SPACE VENT PIPE PROFILE VIEW SLAB ON GRADE 3" PVC MANIFOLD GEO-SEAL PENETRATION (SEE DETAIL) 2" PVC PIPE STUB 6" ABOVE FLOOR SLAB EXT. FLOOR SLAB GEO-SEAL BASE 18-20" VAPOR VENT CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. INSTALLATION OF THE VAPOR PIPE SHALL INVOLVE SAW-CUTTING A 4" DIAMETER HOLE IN THE FLOOR / CONCRETE SLAB AND INSERTING THE VENT PIPE TO A DEPTH JUST BENEATH THE BOTTOM OF SLAB GRADE. 2. IF OBSTACLES ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING PIPE INSTALLATION, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL REASONABLE ATTEMPTS TO CARRY THE WORK PAST SUCH OBSTACLES . IF THE CONTRACTOR CANNOT COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION, THE HOLE SHALL BE ABANDONED AND ANOTHER HOLE SHALL BE MADE WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ON-SITE BUILDING CONTRACTOR. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. WELL CASING: NOMINAL 4" DIAMETER, TYPE I, SCH 40 FLUSH-JOINT THREADED PVC (ASTM -D 1785 OR LATEST REVISION) 2. LIQUID BOOT TROWEL GRADE SEAL OR LIKE SHALL BE POURED AROUND PERIMETER OF HOLE TO JUST ABOVE SLAB GRADE PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. TERMINATE VENT PIPE AT BOTTOM OF SLAB 6-8" RADIUS OPEN HOLE CAD DATE: PROJECT NO: CAD FILE: REFERENCE: APPROVAL: DRAWN BY: DRAWING NO: NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM DETAILS BUILDINGS 2,3,4-CRAWL SPACE AND S-O-G ONEIDA MILLS GRAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA INTERIOR DROP CEILING (BATHROOM) SECURE MEMBRANE ON EXTERIOR WALL, MIN. 6' OVERLAP, WITH WEATHER-PROOF TAPE OR SEALANT 3/8" VACUUM TEST/SAMPLE PORT 2' (MAX.) FLEXIBLE COUPLING 4' BALL VALVE 3/8" VACUUM TEST/SAMPLE PORT 4" RAIN CAP 4" RAIN CAP INTERIOR DROP CEILING (BATHROOM) 2" TEE (IF INSTALLED IN UTILTY TRENCH) INSTALL 2" TEE FOR VENT INSTALLATION EXT. SUB SLAB SOIL IN UTILITY TRENCH NOV-2015 RNL AMR VENT PENETRATION THROUGH SLAB DETAIL 3/8" THICK GEO-SEAL CORE (60 MIL) GEO-SEAL BASE (3/8") 3/4" GYP-CRETE FLOOR UNDERLAYMENT, 2,000 PSI GEO-SEAL CORE (30 MIL) REINFORCEMENT FABRIC GEO-SEAL CORE (30 MIL) GEO-SEAL BOND CABLE TIE