HomeMy WebLinkAbout12033_N Tyron Well Approval 2013_11_26 1646 Mail Phone: 91 An Equal Op Pat McCrory Governor   Sent Via Joselyn H Hart & Hi 2923 Sout Charlotte, JHarriger@ Subject: Dear Mrs T Installati reference Notice of Investiga Remedia IHSB Ind B to obtain it waive a questions Sincerely Carolyn Carolyn M Brownfie Division ec: B Service Center, R 9-707-8200 \ Inte portunity \ Affirmative A North y E-mail Harringer, PG ickman th Tryon Stre , NC 28203-5 @harthickma Work North Charlo Brown s. Harringer: The North Ca on and Grou ed site. The w f Brownfield ation Derived ation Goals ( dustrial PSR Be advised th any necessa any requirem s or commen y, n Minnich Minnich elds Project of Waste M Bruce Nichol Raleigh, North Car rnet: http://portal.n Action Employer – 50% Carolina De eet, Suite 100 5449 an.com Plan Approva Tryon Comm otte, Mecklen nfields Projec : arolina Brow undwater Mo work plan w ds Property. d Waste. Th PSRGs), if t RGs. hat this appro ary permits, ment to comp nts, please co h Manager Management lson, NCDEN rolina 27699-1646 ncdenr.org/web/wm Recycled \ 10% Post C epartment o Division of W Dext Novem al- Well Insta mercial burg County t Number 120 wnfields Prog onitoring Wo was submitted NCBP appro he soil cuttin they are expo oval from th licenses or c ply with app ontact me at NR 6 m Consumer Paper of Environm Waste Manag ter R. Matthews Director mber 26, 201 allation & Gro 033-08-60 gram, (NCB ork Plan date d based on L oves the wor ng must be b osed. If they e NCBP doe certifications plicable law 704/661-03 ment and Na gement s 13 oundwater M P) has receiv ed Novembe Land Use Re rk plan with elow IHSB R y are in cove es not waive s for the abo for such acti 330. tural Resou Monitoring ved and revi er 25, 2013 f estriction Nu h one excepti Residential ered area, th e any applica ove listed act ivities. If yo urces John E. S Sec iewed the W for the above umber 4 in th ion in Sectio Preliminary ey can below able requirem tivities nor d ou have any Skvarla, III cretary Well e he on 4.0 Soil w ment does