HomeMy WebLinkAboutSinger Furn_Geophysical Inv Rpt - Phase II Seismic Refraction-OCRI m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PHASE II: SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY SINGER FURNITURE COMPANY SlTE LENOIR, NC Prepared for: March 31, 1995 Environmental Quality Management, Inc. 3325 Chapel Hill Blvd., Suite 250 Durham, NC 27707 PYRAMID ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 2706 PINEDALE ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27408 (910) 282-9030 m I I I I I I I I I I I I I w m ; m I TABLE OF CONTENTS l.O E.x:ECUTIVE SlJMMAR.Y: ............................................................................... l 2.0 INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................. 2 2. 1 Site Description ......................................................................................... 2 2.2 Scope of Work .......................................................................................... 2 3.0 GEOPHYSICAL ?vfETHODS: ........................................................................... 2 3 .1 Seismic Refraction Theory ......................................................................... 2 3.2 Instrumentation ..................................................... : .................................... 3 4.0 DATA ACQUISITION ...................................................................................... 3 4.1 Layout of Lines ........................................................................................ 3 4.2 Seismic Data Acquisition ............................................................................ 4 .5 O DA.TA .A.N.AL YS!S & !NTERPRETAT!ON .................................................... 4 6.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................ 6 7.0 CLOSURE ......................................................................................................... 7 I 00 g n I I I ~ ~ a I m m g I n I m I l l I FIGURES: l) Site Detail Map I Line Layout ............................................................................. 8 2) Example of Seismic Data ........................................................... , ......................... 9 3) Example of Time-Distance Diagram ................................................................... 10 4) Line 1 Cross Section ......................................................................................... l l 5) Line 2 Cross Section ......................................................................................... 12 6) Line 3 Cross Section ......................................................................................... 13 7) Line 4 Cross Section ......................................................................................... 14 8) Line 5 Cross Section ......................................................................................... 15 9) Layer 2 Structure Map ..................................................................................... 16 I 0) Layer 3 Structure Map ..................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX I) SIPT Output ...................................................................................................... 18 ;- I I I I I I ~· I ml I I I w m ~ g I m I seismic waves traveling through the faster, deeper layers begin to arrive at the geophones first, revealing the velocities and depths of those layers. The seismic refraction method assumes increasing velocity with depth and relatively flat lying layers, and cannot easily distinguish velocity inversions, layers with very large dips, or lateral changes in velocity within a layer. 3.2 Instrumentation The instrumentation used was an EG&G Geometrics Strataview signal enhancement seismometer with a 24 channel geophone spread using 8 Hz geophones. The geophone spacing for most spreads was 20', giving a total spread length of 460'. Spread 2 of Line 1, had a geophone spacing of 15', giving a total spread length of 345'. The source was a 12 pound sledge hammer striking a steel strike plate. An electronic trigger mechanism attached to the sledge hammer signaled the start time to the seismograph. The seismic data were recorded digitally on floppy discs, as well as on paper printouts. The digitally recorded data used a 125 ~ts (.125 ms) sample interval, and a total record length of l 92 ms, including a 10 ms delay. No filtering was performed of the digitally recorded data; however, a 25 Hz low-cut filter was applied to the printed output. 4.0 DATA ACQUISITION 4.1 Layout of Lines The survey consisted of ten lines of two spreads each (Figure l). Lines 1, 2, and 3 were oriented approximately southwest-northeast, which is roughly parallel to the topographic and assumed structural strike. Lines 4 and 5 were oriented approximately southeast- northwest, roughly parallel to the assumed structural dip. The 460' spread length worked ;.vell for most of the spreads, fitting within the physical boundaries consirain.ing the iayout. Spread 2 of Line 3 needed to be shortened to fit with in the physical space available, so the geophone spacing was reduced to 15', giving a total spread length of 345'. The two spreads of Line 5 were able to be laid linearly end-to-end, with no gap or offset. Physical barriers such as streams and fences required gaps of 70', 100', and 40' between spreads for Lines 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The two spreads for Line 1 were overlapped by 5'. In some cases there were also slight offsets and/or changes of orientation between spreads. Distances along each line was measured from geophone G-1 of Spread 1, which was arbitrarily defined as 100'. Five shot locations were chosen for each spread. For both spreads of Lines J, 3, and 5, Shot 1 was at 1 o> beyond the G-1 end of the spread, Shot 2 was between G-6 and G-7, Shot 3 was at the center of the spread between G-12 and G-13, Shot 4 was between G-18 and G-19, and Shot 5 was 10' beyond the G-24 end of the spread. For Lines 2 and 4, -------. ---------------Seismic Refraction Srirvey Report -SFC, Lenoir, NC -3/JJ/95 3 5!!l! ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ De ~... ~ €:15!! ~ ~ ~ ~ .p- I .- 1'0ITTH =- -.-~ ·1 \ (;{~ \ 41X-13 CRD "5 STfl(l]) N FUD /°'\ \ J A B C 0 E F G Ii I J !': L X ll 0/ P 'q i l U V W ~ y Z M 00 0C 00 IX: FF GC m / \ g A \ ~ al SJ <>:'. ~~ / \· I\-~ v ~ ' u 6' c;;i ./ \" I \ \ i;q / ,:, I \ \ . .fl !ii ~ /v \ \ ,\ 1B : ~~v J./ ~~ ,,,/ \.. I\ '\V \ V1 E9 IE tara 8 m' I/ ~~ L t7i l \ -7 "\ O 1ai \ • \: . " ' L<:. i"3-\ ; I/ '\ 131 \ \ ' 0 '\V' ,' ..... j: ll ' al \ n 1 ' ~.. ,,, < LI i.e ~. b-_, !O' \ ~ b:i " l3i -:1:._ Bl I\ l/f-~ ' _,v l, \ '--. ..., \I~\ 81 \ v ,V ·09v Iv' ~ v' \ I \ ,, "\ Bl .... 'ill o' ,, \ < v ,. 'V, lo. '\; w ' le I:/' \ I / I/ \ \ ' no I "'> I,/ ,,.._, ~·. I / ,' ·' · I/,, v . :0 L" _, . \ \ ~ 'I \I ea II! 91 • ..!:: D"~!O /. ,,,, ~: ----+ -.,... ~ ·-"' • v /" .,.-•< i\ \ f\ -,. • ', , \ <. \ ,, A"'~ ' a Q / L., ~'V \ k • ~--., \ \ I-" •-I \ ZB ' ./ . 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N: Lccollon of Setsmlc Refrocl!on Lines Hcrc:h. l995 Figure I Ga! ~ ~ lii2! ~ f:i!5!l ~ ~ ~ 15511 m§!I 155!!!1 ~ . ~ ~ ~ [fg fii!a S:ll SFC Seismic : Une 1 Int erpretation 1100.00 SW NE >3 fthi -Grou 1d Surface Vl = 15 ---1080.00 -.... -i-- -----~ ---~ ...... ------------...... 1060.00 --... ------.... .... , ' ' " -----., ' 104-0.00 ' V2 = 5 4-28 ft/s . ' ,,,...... ' Q) 1020.00 ' ·-.... Cl) VJ "' 1€ 844 ft/s .... -..._, ' ' .... ,, ... g 1000.00 ,, .... .,, .... ~--. ., -~ 0 ' > ..... "* 980.00 ... _ .,. 960.00 940.00 - 920.00 . . 80.00 180.00 280.00 380.00 480.00 580.00 680.00 780.00 880.00 980.00 1080.00 distance (feet) .. ~ PYRJJ1 lD ENV J RO/'V1ENT "1. , IN:. S1~oer Furn1lure Co .. Lenoir. NC Geoph o n e S p o c i ng = 20 · lnlerprcl~d Crooa Sec~lon T ime Scale ln m1l1 s e c onds Cmsl clan9 Li ne I Ma rch. 1995 I F1Qura 4 ~ ~ If"-!' ~-.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c.r..1#.\' ~ ~: ~ ~ ,..3'J W@ ~ ~ SFC ~ . . ~e1sm 1c: I . .... me 2 lnterpretation 1100.00 SW NE 1080.00 ........... V1 = 15, W ft/s "-..... r.rt 11nti S11rf h~e 1060.00 -lo----- -v--------/ 104-0.00 V2 = 51 156 ft/s /-.. ,.-... / ... _ -Qi 1020.00 / -------, ~--.,,,,. .... Q) ... / .... ----.... ' .... ___ .._. ' / g 1000.00 .... -,, , ' '\ / :;:; / " 0 ' / '---, / V3 I: 19082 f /s > '---~ ' " 4l 980.00 ' , 4i \ I _ _, \I ' 960.00 940.00 920.00 . . . . .. . 80.00 . 180.00 280.00 380.00 480.00 580.00 680.00 780.00 880.00 980.00 1080.00 distance (feet) .... . PYRA1110 ENVIRONMENTAL, JN:. Singer Fur n 1lure Co .. Lenoir. NC (nlerprcled Cro3s Secllon alon g Line 2 Merch. 1995 I Fioure 5 -----------····· . ······------------ ~™~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SFC Seismic: Line 3 J nterpretation 1.100.00 SW NE . 1080.00 Grou1 d Suriace 1060.00 V1 = 1 ?46 ft/s --~ --------... ---..... -----------. --------- 1040.00 . V2 :: SA f46 ft/s ........ 411020.00 q) ~ .. ----------..... / ............ __ ... _ a 1000.00 ..,.. --:p ---', g --.,, ..... --, "* 980.00 ,, -,, V'J = 2~ 151 ft/s ---,_ .,, --. --,,. 960.00 J/ ,,. . __ , ,,. , __ L..----- 940.00 920.00 I I • .. I 80.00 180.00 280.00 380.00 480.00 580.00 680.00 780.00 880.00 980,00 1 OBC .00 distance (feet) v PYRAMID ENVJ RO!ffNT AL, cr-c. SI no er F urn1 t.ure Co . . Lano 1 r" NC (nlerprcled Crosa Secllon .,long Llnc 3 Merch. 1995 I F 101..1re 6 ~ e!l w iil!i_. gs ~ iS ~ ~ ~ ell ~ ~ -: ~ ~ ~ ~ Yiil E:i!I \ SFC Seismic: Line 4 Interpretation 11 00.00 SE NW 1080.00 Grour\ti Surfoc1 1060.00 - - --- --V1 -1i::. :t, ft;.,. --'---- --I.... - ----...... 1040.00 '--V2 :: 52 43 ft/s --------.--. Q) 1020.00 ' ,,. .... ' ~ .... --;' ' .,_, ---..... ;' ~ ;' -----............. .... ---' g 1000.00 ,-_,, -. :;; _, ... _ --- 0 > : 980.00 V3 = 1 ~ •897 ft/s 960.00 940.00 920.00 ' T ( . . 80.00 180.00 280.00 380.00 480.00 580.00 680.00 780.00 880.00 980.00 1080.00 distance (feet) ~ ....... PYRAMID ENV l RDNl1ENT f.L , lf'C. S1ncar Furntlur e Co .. Lono1r, NC [nlerpr eled Cro~~ Sae li on olong lino 4 Merch. 1995 I f iour a ? lSffi QW! ~ ™·: ~ i:i!I ~ ~ liDI ~ a .. ~ .. ~.·, ~ ~ . ~ f5li ~ ~ SFC Sei$mic: Line 5 Inter pretation 1100.00 SE NW 1080.00 ----V1 = 1241 ft/~ ......___ Grou1 .d Surfoc e - ---. -v --~r-. 1060.00 -.... ........ /-----,_ . ------t-- 1040.00 . V2 = 6605 fl /s ... ~ I' ' -/ . QI 1020.00 ' , ' / ' qi ' ' " .... -----.... ......... -, ... ----,,, \ / '\ / \ ~ ·1000.00 -.... _ / \ :p ' 0 -\ > \ QI 980.00 QI ' ' .I \ /s " ' V3 = ~ 19018 ft .... .... -, 960.00 ' ,.... ' ---. 940.00 920.00 ... . I . 80.00 180.00 280.00 380.00 480.00 580.00 680.00 780.00 880.00 980.00 1080.00 distance (feet) v PYRN1IO ENVIRONMENTAL, Jt-C. S inger Furn Llur e Co .. Lenoi r . NC lnler pr elod Croeo Sec llon o long Line 5 Morch. 1995 I F 1oure B