HomeMy WebLinkAboutSinger Furn_Geophysical Inv Rpt - Phase I Magnetometer Survey-OCRr I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUlv1l\.1.ARY: ............................................................................... l I 2.0 WTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................. 1 I 2.1 Site Description ......................................................................................... 1 2.2 Scope of Work .......................................................................................... 2 n 3.0 GEOPHYSICAL lvfEIBODS: ........................................................................... 2 3 .1 Magnetometer Theory ................................................................................ 2 3.2 Instrumentation .......................................................................................... 2 I 4.0 DATA ACQUISITION & ANALYSIS ............................................................ 2 4.1 Data Grid ................................................................................................... 2 I 4.2 Magnetometer Survey ................................................................................ 3 5.0 SU1v111.ARY OF RESULTS .............................................................................. 3 I 6.0 INl"ERPRETATION .......................................................................................... 5 I 7.0 CLOSURE ......................................................................................................... 6 I FIGURES: I 1) Site Dc~tail Map I Grid Layout ............................................................................. 7 I 2) Total Magnetic Field Intensity Map ..................................................................... 8 3) Cross Sections through Magnetometer Data ........................................................ 9 I 4) Magnetic Anomaly Map ...................................................................................... 10 I APPENDIX I I) Summary of Data and Reduction Calculations .................................................... 11 ... · I I I 11 I r I I I I I n I I I I I I I m I I I lines running north-south, and lettered lines running east-west. A professional survey team was on the site to accurately locate enough grid locations to give us line-of-site reference points for the entire survey area. These grid points were staked and labeled in the field. Pyramid staff filled in the grid using pin flags. The layout of the grid is shown in Figure l. 4.2 Magnetometer Survey Before acquiring the grided data, a recormaissance survey was conducted to get an understanding of the range of values we could ex:pect at the site, and to locate good locations for base stations from which we could measure the diurnal variations. The average magnitude of the ambient magnetic field at the site was determined to be 53000 gammas, and the magnetometer was calibrated for peak response at that magnitude. Two base stations were chosen, one (B-1) at grid location (110, D) for areas A and B, and another (B-2) for area C located at (220, Z). B-1 was considered the primary base station. Initial readings were obtained at the base station(s) at the beginning of each day of data acquisition, and additional readings were taken at the base station(s) periodically (appro>cimately every 1/2 hour to every hour) and at the end of the survey to record the magnitude of diumal changes at the site. The data were gathered along the numbered grid lines from south to north. Three readings were taken at each grid node, as well at each base station reading, to insure against erratic readings and to gage the repeatability of the data. The magnetometer automatically records the total magnetic field intensity, the time, and station identification information with each reading for later retrieval into a computer file. Careful field notes were taken to insure that the station IDs recorded by the instrument were properly located on the grid. Once retrieved, the data and notes were reviewed for consistency. For each grid node, the median vs.lue cf the three readings \.Vas retained and the other two values discarded. The values were then adjusted for the diurnal variations according to a linear interpolation between the two nearest base station readings, and adjusted to correspond to a reading at the time of the first base station reading at B-1. The data and calculations for these adjustments are tabulated in Appendix I. The final values of total magnetic field intensity are plotted in map view in Figures 2. 5.0 SUMMARY 011 RESULTS A map of the total magnetic field intensity for the site, as derived from the magnetometer survey, is shown in Figure 2. The total magnetic field intensity ranged from a low value of 50784 gammas at grid location (130, B) to a high of 58168 gammas at (180, C); however, both of these extreme values were located next to the metal building on the north side of area A. Most of the high and low anomalies on the north side of area A could be attributed to this building and/or other features such as the fence near grid Mag11atomater Survey R~porr -SFC. le11oir. NC -08/J 119S 3 I I I I -~. I I I I I I I I 11 I location (110, A), and the railroad track near (210, A). The southwestern corner of area A is characterized by a broad, negative anomaly, which runs from approximately (120, B- D) to ( 90, D-F) and (80, E). This anomaly may be due partially to the proximity of the building and fence, but may also indicate an area with significant buried metal debris. The area with the highest anomalies away from these features is along the steeply sloping northern edge of the landfill between areas A and B, where there was much metal and concrete debris visible. This area is characterized by a large positive anomaly running along the top of the slope and a large negative anomaly running along the bottom of the slop~, with maximum and minimum values of 55792 gammas at (120, I) and 51711 gammas at ( 110, K). This represents a peak of almost l 000 gammas above the average field intensity, and a trough of greater than 1000 gammas below the average field intensity. Figure 3 shows a cross-section through this area along grid line 110. This cross section also shows what appears to be an isolated positive anomaly at (110, N) of 54266 gammas. A large amount of metal debris was observed at the surface at this location. The smaller negative anomaly next to it at (120, 0) is probably also due to this metal. The rest of area B along the flood plain showed no significant magnetic anomalies, with the exception of a small negative anomaly at (30, K), with an intensity value of 52757 gammas. This is approximately 250 garrunas below the average field intensity. Most of area C, including the softball field, also showed no significant anomalies (Figure 2). The large positive and negative peaks at (250, W) and (260, X), respectively, are probably due to the proximity of the softball field backstop. The high positive values at (200, AA) and (210, BB) are probably due to an old fence near those stations. The large values at the northeastern corner of area C are probably due to the proximity of the bridge, but the presence of buried metal objects in th.is vicinity carmot be ruled out. The only unaccountable anomaly in area C is a negative anomaly of 52662 gammas (approximately 340 gammas below average field) at grid location (220, X). This anomaly is shown in a cross section along grid line 220 in Figure 3. Because of the large range of magnetic intensities observed in the survey, the magnetic inrensities in Figure 2 were plotted with a contour interval of200 ganunas, making small amplitude anomalies and/or lineations difficult to see. The magnetometer data were also examined with smaller contour intervals to look for lower amplitude anomalies than those visible in Figure 2. This was only useful in areas away from the large anomalies. Two lineations of positive and negative anomalies with amplitudes between 20 and 50 gammas were noted in the softball field area. These lineations are shown in Figure 4. Magnetometer Survey R11por1 -SFC, /..euoir, NC • 08131195 4 .. tiiill !iill .. ~ flm Rim 1'511 F.lim fl!il sa lliill ~· mm iiiM ~ ISfll iill I~.,.'\.~'" t:OOTH, =-= " '\A ~ ~. .. ,'-.u•u .JO 10 so ,. 8 C D C F ~ H J /( v '""0\\, :SrUVH)( Y ~ MUCC:IJDIXFrtZ ~v ~\II\ 'XJ1\. ./ d'\ -(A ... Ir,_ • ,. 17 . j1'\\\t ..... SD • l \~ii.it-,., l/.iJ'' I I ~ \\ 't &o ,,. ..,. ':\~ '\"I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... ·" ,.../ I I ~' ~ \ . ~ / IF<E.A ~ :t--' ••• ~ Bf) I / / \ B \. \O._f\ 1 • ....J-,i.,,..,1 ...... ih I p I I =~~~--~.~~ ,,, / :/ \ . I~ \ \ I 1 ~· ·1--, I I l"L~l'.!Jlll.l;:'.=-';,1\11--· ·~ ,, v -• -· \ ....;.;, ', DO ' -~ V ··-\~ ·~--!:':~-' / '"-"""' \\ Jtr·· -='-\ L/ )-~ \ : "'1l• \_ / V-·~." ... ..:r-••• L.-·~·Q1?.-'--1~: \'~ ... "' · \ ·~ llO~ 1 ' • • ,,,. •• .. ).,~.--·······-·· ·-\ •• : ~ • ~ / <b:-\ ~ \ \ .~~ f] ~J . AREA "· ~.. . ./-\ .,~ -" '\. !\. ) ~ ~ & ·1 1 A • ' •' ,, \ ~ ~ •SO\ I I I I .,. -/ \ \ .... <(, I -.. L l'I I I I I I I " ·'·-\ ~~ ~ ''i ::'.~ I I I~' I .!,.· ' ::r.t-~-:::. l .ft)-,1 Srob' ~ ~/lf1m:""' lttfN. .IU.. 11.l fl' It SrtllFI -..::::::-• f gt•lf'if"f .,.. .... STR££T .. I: ta .. II 6f / ' : [\ ~~Jrii-1 /-l I,./ /1 v,~ ~ " -~ ~1»~-·""w az.n• t ~ ,.., ~ .· C:i: ll": ~~ t~ ;:~ .. 11 .. !! .. ;i SCALE: I . =200' l t Gr•d s,_~o • .40·x40', \ .. : PYRAMID ENV }RCN"\ENT AL Singer Furn1lure Co . LenoJr-, NC S1le Dsl::.01 l Mop Feb. 1995 -J F Jgure I iiiil - I I I I I APPENDIX I I I Magnetometer Data I and Data Reduction Calculations I I I I I I 1• I I I I I I I I I I I I D I I I I I m I I I I I STN.# 0 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34? 40 47 .. 52 57 63 71 75 82 89 92 94 98 101 103 107 110 111? 114 119? 120 123 128 130 133 137 139 142 144? 148 151 154 158 160 163 166 168 172 176? 177 181 183 DATE TIME Dec. Time dT 21 84722 8.78 0.00 21 85344 8.90 0.12 21 85520 8.92 0.14 21 85612 8.93 0.15 21 85704 8.95 0.17 21 9031'7 9.05 0.27 21 90426 9.07 0.29 21 90530 9.08 0.30 21 90624 9.10 0.32 21 90729 9.12 0.34 21 90931 9.15 0.37 21 91313 9.22 0.44 21 91623 9.27 0.49 21 91747 9.30 0.52 9.32 0.54 .::: 21 .. 918S3 .. !·<" ·9:':32 0.54: 21 92016 9.33 0.55 21 92131 9.37 0.59 21 923'14 9.38 0.60 21 92436 9.42 0.64 21 92621 9.43 0.65 .21 105350 10.90 2:12 21 105821 10.97 2.19 21 105908 10.98 2.20 21 105949 10.00 1.22 21 110046 11.02 2.24 21 110133 11.03 2.25 21 111227 11 .20 2.42 21 111302 11.22 2.44 21 111335 11.23 2.45 21 111432 11 .25 2.47 21 111908 11.32 2.54 21 112001 11 .33 2.55 21 112054 11.35 2.57 21 112208 11.37 2.59 21 112242 11.38 2.60 21 112341 11.40 2.62 21 112453 11.42 2.64 21 112520 11.42 2.64 21 112612 11.43 2.65 21 113345 11.57 2.79 ~':.:: .. 2'.1: .1137-33 ~-1l:63 a:~5 21 114252 11.72 2.94 21 114348 11.73 2.95 21 114440 11 .75 2.97 21 114533 11.77 2.99 21 114621 11.77 2.99 21 114717 11.78 3.00 21 114811 11 .80 3.02 21 120458 12.08 3.30 21 120604 12.10 3.32 21 120910 12.18 3.40 21 121042 12.18 3.40 21 121139 12.20 3.42 81 Reading Temp.Adi. Grid Line Grid Let. Reading Adi. Read. . : 52643 ~:·.·.: ;:-:· .··o BASE?::.',7 i: a~:rr-. -:-..::.' ~· t526~3· ~. ·526'\(3' -1 ·3 80 E 52412 52414 .3 90 D 52369 52372 -3 90 E 52557 52561 -4 90 F 52897 52900 ·6 100 B 52429 52435 -6 100 c 52378 52384 ·7 100 D 52473 52480 -7 100 E 52731 52738 -7 100 F 52921 52928 -8 100 G 53049 53057 ·1 0 110 A 54485 54494 -11 110 B 51957 51968 -12 110 c 52330 52342 -12 110 D 52630 52642 ~~,>~::;52~30 n~~~~~t-i;2 ,$»:;SE~il" s~·r~-~ i':).:t_~263q 'l.Jf.;::."';:.'526ii'3 -12 110 E 52844 52856 -13 110 F 52947 52960 -13 110 G 53013 53026 -14 110 H 53178 53192 -15 110 I 53931 53946 -;.C.<':~:'=54619 :-t~ '.§'?:{"'~~2.3r EfASE--... _, ~ ~": :.-~-;.:> Btf . .'"-:·:.::: ;: :;-.526.1$1. ': ,:·.:-:s2~a ·24 120 B 51602 51626 -24 120 c 52348 52372 ·11 120 D 52728 52738 ·25 120 E 52893 52918 ·25 120 F 52933 52957 -27 120 G 53027 53054 ·21 120 H 53295 53322 -28 120 I 55765 55792 ·28 120 J 53302 53330 -29 130 B 50756 50784 ·29 130 c 52031 52060 -29 130 D 52786 52815 -29 130 E 52945 52974 -30 130 F 52973 53003 -30 130 G 53031 53081 ·30 130 H 53152 53182 ·30 130 I 53567 53617 -30 130 J 53902 53933 -32 130 K 54086 54119 ~?~ .. ~·~526.;1 (); g;1;;~~4·3a ;s-~se.~~ ~8£1tt-:::~~·-:~; ~.:i5~&11T t'.·": '>.5'2p}J$3 -32 140 D 53207 53240 -32 140 E 53125 53157 -32 140 F 52982 53014 -32 140 G 53019 53051 -32 140 H 53046 53077 -32 140 l 53127 53159 -32 140 J 53522 53554 -29 140 K 53746 53775 -29 140 L 54239 54269 ·29 150 D 53563 53592 ·29 150 E 53105 53134 -28 150 F 53019 53048 ~::i ... I r I I 81 I 82 8·2 0.1: ·.: :: stn. # Date Time Dec. Time dT Reading 8-2 Adj. Grid Line Grid Let. Reading Adj . Read. 8-1 Adj. Adj. R~ag{ I .. 2 22 1024-12 ~ -ik · tcr~40 0;0000 ~2p.~O ~~~; ·t~ 13ase= ,-;; ~~:?;:.f; ~~rs2s~~ ~'.~526$t f'~?-12~40 :·· 52s.t3 '. 3 22 10341'.~' .. .. 10~57. :o:H36-1.. ~1 ·2:$3034. .,_:~10. o·ootr :.a,ase:· · .:A ~z;:..:.~.~:~~ r~~.S.3A~l ~~.,.. . :'.·:&."3.e_e}.t _.;.~;."t2~ifQ •1' y .53'0~6 , ..... ~~.. . 8 22 103734 10.63 0.23 -0.59 190 s 52995 52995 -13.03 ~r,: .: ·s3eo8 I 9 22 103953 10.67 0.27 -0.89 190 T 53017 53018 -13.35 p::· ·5303,~: 14 22 104040 10.68 0.28 ·1 .04 190 u 53024 53025 -1 3.51 .. . '5~0$~ 17 22 104116 10.68 0.28 -1 .04 190 v 53019 53020 -13.51 ~;--.-· '5303~ I 20 22 104150 10.70 0.30 -1.19 190 w 53015 53016 -13.67 w ,....... 530'$~0: 23 22 104226 10.70 0.30 ·1.19 190 x 53090 53091 -13.67 ?q;.; ... «~3,1i.OS. 26 22 104338 10.73 0.33 -1.49 190 y 53018 53020 -13.99 ~::::'.:;53prur I 29 22 104526 10.75 0.35 -1.64 200 T 53006 53008 -1 4.15 ~ '"'. ·53.02~ 32 22 104616 10.77 0.37 -1.78 200 u 53017 53019 -14.30 ·;·. -:-.5303.~ 35 22 104653 10.78 0.38 -1.93 200 v 53035 53037 -14.46 K. A 5311$1: 38 22 104730 10.80 0.40 ·2.08 200 w 53026 53028 -14.62 ''"""· ~·:·. ~ 53042 Ir 41 22 104811 10.80 0.40 -2.08 200 x 53008 53010 -14.62 ... ~· .. 5302.5 44 22 104852 10.82 0.42 -2.23 200 y 52948 52951 -14.78 ; ~-,·; 5296:S 47 22 104941 10.83 0.43 -2.38 200 z 53010 53012 -14.94 !;!'" .: .' 53021: 1. 50 22 105022 10.83 0.43 -2.38 200 AA 53009 53011 -14.94 ~:: 53026 52? 22 105124 10.85 0.45 -2.53 200 BB 53473 53476 -15.10 > ;.5~9~ 56 22 105719 10.95 0.55 -3.42 210 T 52991 52995 -1 6.05 . 53.01\1: I 59 22 105802 10.97 0.57 -3.57 210 u 52990 52994 ·16.21 , . 530'1.0 62 22 105840 10.98 0.58 -3.72 210 v 53015 53019 -16.37 ~ .. 53035 65 22 105915 10.98 0.58 -3.72 210 w 53013 53016 -16.37 ;;.: .. ·· 530.33 11 68 22 105947 11.00 0.60 -3.86 210 x 53010 53014 -16.53 i : 5303J 71 22 110022 11 .00 0.60 -3.86 210 y 53001 53005 -16.53 ::; . 530Z1 74 22 110056 11.02 0.62 ·4.01 210 z 53075 53079 -16.69 f, 5309;5 77 22 110135 11 .03 0.63 -4.16 210 AA 53007 53011 -16.85 y" 5~02.6 I 80 22 110213 11.03 0.63 -4.16 210 BB 53026 53030 ·16.85 ' : . 53.0~!l 82 22 110406 11 .07 0.67 -4.46 210 cc 53366 53370 -17.16 ~'-•. 533,a7 86 22 110642 11.12 0.72 -4.91 220 T 52974 52979 -17.64 . .529.96 I I i I 89 22 110739 11.13 0.73 -5.05 220 u 52984 52989 -17.80 ,. 53.0.0-J;: 92 22 110816 11.13 0.73 -5.05 220 v 53015 53020 ·17.80 I'-.. 5303? 95 22 110857 11.15 0.75 -5.20 220 w 53028 53033 -17.96 -.. 5305-it 96 22 110927 1 i .15 O.i5 -5.2u 220 x 52639 52644 -17.96 ~-'-· s2e:s2 101 22 111027 11.17 0.77 ·5.35 220 y 53019 53024 -18.12 . 53U42 104 22 111104 11.18 0.78 -5.50 220 z 53028 53034 -18.27 .. ·53·~;2 ! I ? :~104 : . 22 11:·1:.fQ'ili t?At'.2 ·J;$'.12;:t.s ;om~:~a ~ff,:[~~:028: ~~;f.$15.0:00 ~»iSEi@; ~~f~~~lf:l i~t5302.~: 1~/:i:.::-!.~~o .. ~ -18.27 ;;~· .• ·'.:5~0'52 107 22 111147 11.20 0.80 -5.61 220 AA 53009 53015 -18.43 ~:·· 53..Q$.3' 108 22 111218 11 .20 0.80 -5.61 220 BB 53040 53046 -18.43 ;,;:: . .-·~·5SJ)~ 111 22 111257 11.22 0.82 -5.72 220 cc 53021 53026 -18.59 x~ ;53·cr~s I 116 22 112206 11 .37 0.97 -6.69 230 u 52989 52996 -20.02 /~ . swa:~ 119 22 112254 11 .38 0.98 -6.80 230 v 53037 53043 -20.18 ~-.. :~:::-.5,3:013'4 121 22 112333 11 .38 0.98 -6.80 230 w 53039 53046 -20.18 rP~-·53€l\3.6- I 123 22 112406 11.40 1.00 -6.91 230 x 52887 52893 -20.34 ,_.;: -.5W .. t~ 126 22 112446 11.42 1.02 -7.02 230 y 53017 53024 -20.50 ~y·.'53:U@ 131 22 112542 11.43 1.03 -7.13 230 z 53019 53026 -20.66 ~-..... · 53"Q4:1 I 134 22 112623 11 .43 1.03 -7.13 230 AA 53037 53044 -20.66 ;,;:: ?~Ot?.4 135 22 112644 11 .45 1.05 -7.23 230 BB 53034 53041 -20.81 r :"·530.~? -:rt~ --.. :; . ,..,. .. ... gt. I , ... ......... : \:,'.;.:'1~ n Page 1 r I I ~ .. .. .;~: I 81 I 82 8-2 ~-· . ,.B-1· ·:;,•r,, stn. # Date Time Dec. Time dT Reading B-2 Adj. Grid Line Grid Let. Reading Adj. Read. B-1 Adj. ~d:: ·:R.ifa]>: • J:. . " ~ 140 22 112743 11.47 1.07 -7.34 230 cc 53078 53085 -20.97 1£, : .5-3-t06 142 22 112819 11.47 1.07 -7.34 230 DD 53080 53087 -20.97 '1i::; .. _,,:5~{Q& I n 146 22 113128 11.52 1.12 -7.67 240 u 52964 52972 -21.45 t~ ... "':5~.9.~ 147 22 113159 11 .53 1.13 -7.78 240 v 52989 52996 -21.61 -~·!·:~..;530;.t.:S 150 22 113234 11.55 1.15 -7.88 240 w 52940 52948 -21.77 ,;c:I 155 22 113330 11.55 1.15 -7.88 240 x 52973 52981 -21.77 [;?>'/>I ; """""·.PS ).;!• ....... 156 22 113357 11 .57 1.17 -7.99 240 y 52991 52999 -21 .93 »·.:.::· ' 1;.,;~.... . 161 22 113451 11.58 1.18 -8.10 240 z 53016 53024 -22.08 i';~3:.·:s I 164 22 113529 11 .58 1.18 -8.10 240 AA 53024 53032 -22.08 y,~~-:.~sps~ 167 22 113611 11 .60 1.20 ·8.21 240 BB 53032 53040 -22.24 ~f:;·1:~53.0$ 170 22 113706 11.62 1.22 -8.32 240 cc 53049 53057 -22.40 ~;i,·· ~s.3"0,'Z9 1727 22 113739 11.63 1.23 -8.43 240 DD 53058 53066 -22.56 "f' : : 530.89 B 175? 22 113844 11 .65 1.25 -8.53 240 EE 53242 53250 -22.72 ('... •5321;~ ·! :.~::118 22 tt405.3: i·';.,.;:-= "1it lsa·: :~1 :28· ~·¥;!1LL~ .. ~:~:: !li H .:'.'' .:;;3 :1..5 B'A~E\.i~;~ B'~~:i:;:f'.~· c:i~;~~:i:12!1l t;.~~~:::s~oa·2 t.::'·::~31(@' ~; .. : 5305.5 180 22 114310 11.72 1.32 -8.97 250 v 52936 52945 -23.35 ·:· 529'68 I 185? 22 114431 11.73 1.33 ·9.08 250 w 53603 53612 -23.51 ·53636 188 22 114525 11.75 1.35 -9.18 250 x 52563 52572 -23.67 52696 189 22 114549 11 .77 1.37 -9.29 250 y 52949 52958 -23.83 ' '529'82 I 194 22 114646 11 .78 1.38 -9.40 250 z 52988 52997 -23.99 ! 53021 196 22 114719 11.78 1.38 -9.40 250 AA 53018 53027 -23.99 ~ 53051 198? 22 114753 11 .80 1.40 -9.51 250 BB 53007 53016 -24.1 5 ':':: ·. .53IY4Q 201? 22 114849 11.82 1.42 -9.62 250 cc 53341 53350 -24.31 i"-:_·:. ·.5:3.3U I 204 22 115731 11.95 1.55 -10.48 260 v 52922 52933 -25.58 · ... · ·5'2958 207 22 115813 11 .97 1.57 ·10.59 260 w 52661 52671 ·25.74 ;."''. 52691 212 22 120018 12.00 1.60 -10.81 260 x 52071 52082 -26.05 ~.. . 521.QB m 214 22 120048 12.02 1.62 -10.92 260 y 52913 52923 -26.21 ~ .:5.29p0 218? 22 120147 12.03 1.63 -11 .03 260 z 52937 52948 -26.37 ii : ... .529.7.5 220? 22 120303 12.05 1.65 -11.13 260 AA 53003 53014 -26.53 ":··: ·.5304:1: I 222? 22 120738 12.13 1.73 -11.68 270 w 52832 52844 -27 .32 >. :s?,~1;,1 227? 22 120845 12.15 1.75 -11.78 270 x 52847 52858 -27.48 v' N ·528'8:6 ·~;2-28 22 12.tDSB-~: ·~:.· :1 !2.t8 , ., :t.:i;8 33. -~~5.3~22 A2'.·0.0c:JO B~:se~~:~·: ~~·§ffe~.:~~ ,,~53.0-.2~ ::.Ji:4-~53'03:4 -27:80 '; .~: .... :530~2 I ~:;23tt': 22 121q.r,o ::;~;,-:· .f2.2~ ::1:~8833 '.f,'.§.4~1:~ .~n.~··:,.·:: ·;~~ B.A'..$1;•'.'i.~· ~~~~~i~~i~t ~~:i'(.5:E§ri,5; ~t ~:.~~:;6.1,$. ,t.1T.;:27~ieQ :~ : : '. S-26~~ a I I I I I Page2 I D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sta.# ~ r-:., ·:234 241? 245? .: .... , 292? 3227 325? 330? 338? 347? 357? 362? . ·.~ 370? ;1 . '--·- 239 248 249 254 255 260 261 266 267 272 273 276 281 ~"283 287 288 296 297 302 303 308 309 314 315 320 32S 339 342 350 353 356 .-363 367 374 376 379 Date ·nme Dec. Time dT ·~.·:i'.'~:".:'.~3 .·. ~:00.035 10.02 ;. :O' 23 100157 10.03 0,01 23 100226 10.03 O.Q1 23 100335 10.07 0.05 23 100438 10.08 0.06 23 100544 10.1 0.08 23 100728 10.12 0.1 23 100820 10.13 0.11 23 100909 10.15 0.13 23 100944 10.17 0.15 23 101044 10.18 0.16 23 101108 10.18 0.16 23 101155 10.2 0.18 23 101255 10.22 0.2 23 101634 10.28 0.26 23 101753 10.3 0.28 ':" '.':'~ ...... ,2$ , .. : 1:02·3'-1~5 ·: '10:3& Q::'.$6' 23 102458 10.42 0.4 23 102730 10.45 0.43 23 102837 10.48 0.46 23 102939 10.5 0.48 23 103142 10.53 0.51 23 103235 10.55 0.53 23 103332 10.57 0.55 23 103439 10.58 0.56 23 103520 10.58 0.56 23 103606 10.6 0.58 23 103630 10.62 0.6 23 103736 10.63 0.61 23 104359 10.73 0.71 23 104452 10.75 0.73 .'.,: .. 23 '.' •10485:? :, ·i0.82 -. o;a: 23 105143 10.87 0.85 23 110358 11.07 1.05 23 110834 11 .15 1.13 23 111)959 11 .17 1.15 23 11 1110 11.18 1.16 23 11'1233 11 .22 1.2 23 11 1316 11 .22 1.2 23 111351 11.23 1.21 23 111519 11.25 1.23 23 111701 11 .28 1.26 ; .·::.{,4f23' ' . -~ 1:?t:3:3'tff '.·. '1.1~;55 ~. ·:r,53· 23 11?,729 11.62 1.6 23 113831 11.65 1.63 23 113941 11 .67 1.85 23 114307 11 .72 1.7 23 114422 11 .73 1.71 81 Grid Grid ' .1\di~~9,>fj Reading emp. Adj Line Let. Reading Adj. 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I 692 24 113528 11.58 3.06 -3.50 140 w 52987 52990 Vi-1.SS 693 24 113600 11.60 3.08 -3.63 140 x 52974 s29n ~ .. ; ... ,l6J43 .. 696 24 .11!-l138 .-. 1-1'.70 .3.t8' ~·.5303~.8 : ·~·..;~MO . 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