HomeMy WebLinkAboutSinger Furn_EPA Review of RFI Work Plan-OCRI I 6/15/93 NOV Explanatory/New Collllnent Addressed Adequate Comment I 36 y N 68 37 y N 68 8 38 N/A N/A Reference to VOA analysis removed. 39 y y I 40 y N 65 41 y N 65 42 y y 43 y y I 44 Y. y 45 N/A N/A Referenced sentences removed. I 46 N/A N/A Groundwater monitoring to be performed under Phase I. I 47 y y 48 y N 76 49 y N 75 I 50 N/A N/A Phase II sampling removed. 51 N/A N/A Pit excavation no I longer proposed. 52 y y 53 y y 54 y y I 55 N N 23 56 N N 61 57 y N 36 I 58 y y 59 N N 44 60 N N 43 61 y y I 62 y N 49, 52, 57, 63, 65, 70 63 y N 46, 53, 80, 82, 85, I 86, 88 64 y N 78 65 y y I 66 N N 49, 52, 57, 63, 65, 70 67 N/A N/A Paragraph referenced removed. I 68 y N 91 69 y y I. I ·1 i .. I 6/15/93 NOV Explanatory/New I Comment Addressed Adequate Comment 70 y N 82 a 71 y Y. 72 N/A N/A Sentence referenced removed. I 73 N N/A Text modified. 74 N N 55 75 N N/A Text modified; Table deleted. 76 N/A N/A Text deleted. I 77 y N 94 I. 78 y y I 79 y N 82 80 N N 88 81 y '[ 82 y y Info now contained I in Appendix C. 83 y y Info now contained . in Appendix c. I 84 y y Info now contained in Appendix c. 85 y y Info now contained I in Appendix c. 86 y y Info now contained in Appendix c. 87 y y Rationale presented I in Work Plan Section 5. 88 N N 49, 52, 57, 63, 65, I 70 89 y y 90 N N 79 91 y y I 92 y y 93 y y 94 y y i 95 y y 96 y y 97 Y. y 98 y y I 99 y y Organizational structure discussed in Project I Management Plan 100 y 'l 101 y 'l I I I SINGER FURNITURE COMPANY LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA EPA I.D. No. NCD000604322 GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The figures included in the October update did not directly correspond with the current referenced figures in the document. In addition, many of the figures (e.g., cross sections, potentiometric maps) provided, including those from the previ ous investigations of the landfill, are illegible and should be replaced with the best available copies of the maps. Figure 2 needs to be improved for readability. 2. The entire Work Plan (especially the Sampling and Analysis Plan in Appendix 0) is poorly written and contains many typographical and grammatical errors. The text should be revised accordingly. This was also a General Comment (on page 3) in the previous NOV. In addition, several numbered sections have been omitted from the text1 and it is not clear if sections were edited out from the last revisi on . 3. The cover page of the June 15, 1993 NOV letter frorn EPA to Singer Furniture states (in the fourth paragraph) that "Singer Furniture must submit a revised RFI Work Plan (visibly indicating revisions to Work Plan in the text using )?old or italicized text) ... ". The revised Work Plan contains neither bold nor italicized type. As a result, it is not possible to determine where the revisions have been incorporated. Any additional revisions should be visibly indicated to clearly show any modifications which have been made. 4. The lateral and vertical extent of ground-water contamination at the Landfill (SWMU #1) is not adequately assessed by ground-water monitoring plans proposed in the Work Plan. The locations of shallow and deep wells are not specified in the Work Plan, thus it is not possible to determine whether the lateral extent of contamination is going to be assessed. Additionally, geological/ hydrogeological information presented in the report indicates that deeper aquifers (saprolite/bedrock) are potentially hydraulically connected to the shallow, contaminated aquifers. However, only one well is proposed for installation in the bedrock, while no wells are proposed for the saprolite. Furthermore, there are no geophysical/hydrogeological studies (i.e., permeability tests, slug tests, etc.) proposed to establish 1 u I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·D I I I I SINGER FURNITURE COMPANY LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA EPA ID No. NCD000604322 SPEctFIC DEFICIENCIES l~ :INTRODtTCTION 1. The Work Plan states in the third paragraph on page 1 that wastes from off-site plants were transported by EPA-approved hazardous waste transporters to the Singer Plant for incineration. In accordance with the requirements of Appendix B.II.B.2 of the Permit, revise the'text to indicate the place of origin and contents of these wastes. If the contents of these wastes differed from those routinely managed by the Lenoir facility, identify the content of the wastes, the origin of the wastes, and onwsite waste management procedures. The proposed sampling and analysis strategy should be reviewed and modified (if necessary) to ensure that all potential waste constituents will be detected during the RFI activities. 2. The SWMUs on Figure 2 are not labelled. For example, the first paragraph ·on page 2 indicates that the Container storage Area (SWMU #6) is shown on Figure 2. Although Figure 2 contains a stippled pattern for the Storage Area, the SWMU is not labeled. Revise the figure to cleal':ly delineate the location of the unit. Also delineate Plant No. 33 on the figure. 2 . ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3. 4. Figure 2 in the Work Plan shows the Abandoned Drums Area At Lower Creek (SWMU #2) at two locations: southeast of monitoring well No. N-2, a~d near well No. NE-1. Additionally, RFA Appendix No. 1 (Figure 1) in the RFA Report (located in Attachment 3 of the Work Plan) shows the drum area to the northwest of the monitoring well. In accordance with the requirements of Appendix 8.I.B.1.b. of the Permit, revise the text to indicate the correct location of the well relative to the location of the abandoned drums, and ensure that the proposed magnetometer survey (discussed on page 80) will encompass all potential drum disposal areas. The facility has been instructed in the past NOTI and NOV to add information concerning environmental setting, and to provide an adequate map showing topography, drainage, ground-water elevations, and general ground-water flow directions. The maps provided, Figures 2 and 3, are redundant. Ground-water flow directions, elevations, and direction of surface water drainage ·features are not shown 3 I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I~ -···---------··· .. ------ locations, which are the concerns in the investigation. Revise the map to show the figures more clearly. a I 10. The Work Plan states in the first paragraph in this section U that a water-table map was constructed from water-level measurements in the seven monitor wells and two water wells 1 located east of the site. Revise the text to indicate the depth to which screens were set within these wells, and indicate in which aquifer these screens are located, in ·accordance with the requirements of Appendix B.II.A.1.e. of u the Permit. 11. The third bullet on page 11 states that ground water flowing Ill through the Alluvial Aquifer disoharges to the Lower Creek Ii floodplain. Although ground water flows in the general direction of the alluvial floodplain, it has not been demonstrated from the data presented in the Work Plan that I deep ground water discharges to the creek. Flow nets have not been presented which suggest that the ground water gradients in the deeper intervals of the floodplain decrease ti in the direction of the creek. Furthermore, Figure 4 shows II that the Alluvial Aquifer extends approximately 25 feet below the base of the creek. Since the creek does not extend to the top of the saprolite, it is possible that If ground water in the Upper Alluvium unit {Unit 1A) below the B creek base, and in the Lower Alluvium unit {Unit lB) flows beneath and beyond the creek in a downgradient and off-site 1· direction. In accordance with Appendix B.II.A.1. and II.c.1. of the Permit, revise the RFI Work Plan to investigate the specific hydrologic flow regime in the area Ill of floodplain and determine the potential for off-site Ii migration of contaminants. Section, vertical Groundwater Movement (p. 12) 12. The first paragraph on page 12 states that ground water moves downward from the upper unit into the lower unit. Provide hydrologic cross sections showing ·the vertical gradients, and the vertical and horizontal components of flow as required by Permit Appendix B.II.A.1.e. 13. The last paragraph on page 12 indicates that the saprolite unit is believed to function as a confining bed which restricts the downward vertical movement of ground water from the Alluvial Aquifer into the Bedrock Aquifer. The ability of the saprolite unit to func~ion as a confining unit has not been qualitatively or quantitatively determined since ground-water monitoring wells have not been installed in the unit and the total thickness of the saprolite has not been penetrated. Furthermore, the ·saprolite unit is potentially used as an aquifer for the seven large-diameter wells located east of Virginia Street (as discussed on page 5 I I I I I I I accordance with the requirements of Appendix B.II-A-2 of the Permit. Section 2.4, surface Water and Sediment (p. 19) 19. Revise the Work Plan to provide surface water inforlllation for Lower Creek and the Landfill marsh including water elevation, flow velocity, depth, width, seasonal fluctuations, flooding tendencies, drainage patterns, evapotranspiration data, and a description of the surface water chemistry as required by Appendix B.II.A.3.a. and b of the HSWA Permit. In addition, surface water and sediment samples must be collected from the marsh and analyzed for the same analytical parameters as the ground-water samples. See Comment #25 below for further discussion of this sampling. 20. Revise the Work Plan to provide a description of the sediment characteristics of Lower Creek and the Landfill marsh including the thickness profile and physical/chemical parameters as required by the HSWA Permit Appendix B.II.A.3.c. If these data have not been collected, provide detailed plans in the revised Work Plan for collecting these data during RFI field activities. 21. As stated in the June 15, 1993 NOV, the facility must provide detailed information concerning surf ace water bodies surrounding the site, and provide a _detailed discussion of seasonal fluctuations affecting these water bodies. Page 16 of the Work Plan indicates that no seasonal cycle of ground water levels have been obtained, and proceeds to provide theories on what might occur due to seasonal fluctuations in ground ~ater. However, the effects of seasonal fluctuations are not addressed in the RFI Work Plan. Since the information is not currently available, in accordance with the requirements of Appendix B.II.A.3.a.iii. of the Permit, provide a plan in the Work Plan to obtain these data. Additionally, page 19 of the Work Plan states that surface water flow is perpendicular to landforms, and flows from higher to lower elevations. Provide more site-specific data, describing features onsite which direct surface water flow. Provide a figure which clearly shows surface water runoff, and include sufficient surrounding topography to show likely runoff receptors. If this information is not available, indicate how it will be obtained, in accordance with the requirements of Appendix B-II.A.3. of the Permit- Section 2.s, Climate (p. 20) 22-Revise the Work Plan to provide climate information including monthly temperature averages and extremes, wind .speed and direction, relative hUlllidity/dew point, 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I B I I B.II.A.1.e. and II.C.1. of the Permit, the proposed RFI Work Plan must be revised to investigate the specific hydrologic flow regime in the floodplain· area and determine the potential for offsite migration of contaminants. 26. The. last paragraph on page 31 states that the low concentration of priority pollutant solvent and metals detected in the downgradient Phase II wells suggests a small chemical source in the area of the Landfill. Low chemical concentrations in downgradient wells may also be caused by other factors including improper stratigraphic well screen placement, improper geographic well placement relative to the advancing plume front, improper use of analytical methods, and location of the contaminant source relative to the saturated.zone. In addition, the Work Plan does not consider the chemical characteristics (e.g., solubility, affinity for sorption} of the wastes relative to the detected concentrations. Revise the Work Plan to indicate that the reasons for the observed contaminant distributions will be investigated during the RFI activities. 27. Detection limits are not listed for several of the compounds and analytes listed in Table l . Include the missing detection limits in Table i, if available. Additionally, clarify whether these results are from one event or whether several sampling events are represented. 28. The first full paragraph on page 32 says chemical results from 1982 to 1989 are available. · Provide the results in the document. section 3.1.s, Potential Receptors (p. 38) 29. Although the saprolite wells located along Virginia Street east of the facility are upgradient and may not be impacted by onsite contamination, wells located downgradient of the area may be at risk. The potential for offsite ground- water/leachate flow beneath Lower creek has not been investigated (see Comment #11). As a result, the risk potential of downgradient ground-water users should be evaluated only after the proposed investigation has been completed. Revise the Work Plan to include a provision that the risk potential of downgradient ground-water users will be evaluated only after the proposed RFI investigation is completed. 30. Page 33 of the Work Plan states "additional data should be collected to further assess potential toxic air emissions via the integrity of the landfill cap.tr Provide a text explanation of contaminants which are potentially expected to contribute to air emissions, and either provide a reference to another portion of the document or a 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 3.4.S, Container Storage Area Analytical Results (p. 47) 37. The Work Plan states at the bottom of page 47 that no further investigation activities are planned for the Container Storage Area. This unit can only be deleted from further investigation if adequate documentation is provided which shows that the parameters analyzed during the previous soil sampling activities were sufficient to detect potential releases £rom all wastes previously stored at the unit. Since waste paints and paint scrapings (according to page 43 of the Work Plan) have been stored at this unit, justification must be presented to indicate why metals analyses a'nd a more complete list of voes are not required. In addition, all of the requirements specified in specific Deficiency #57 in the June 15, 1993 Notice of Violation must be met. Revise the Work Plan accordingly. 4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN 38. All references (italicized type and bracketed numbers) to previous Notice of Violation {NOV) comments should be deleted from the Work Plan . The approach used to address previous deficiencies must clearly indicate the actual text which was changed by using bold or italicized type, or some other method which delineates wording changes. section 4.1, overall Technical Approach (p. 51) 39. Comment #7 of the previous NOT! indicates that air monitoring information must be included in the RFI due to the presence of formaldehyde, a volatile organic compound; however, an air monitoring plan is neither discussed in the text, nor included in the table on page 57A which discusses the steps which will be taken in the assessment of all SWMUs covered by the RFI. In accordance with Section I.A. in Attachment B of the Permit. provide information on the technical approach, scheduies, and personnel with respect to the air assessment activities. 40. 41. 42 . Specify that the RFI Report will summarize all information acquired under the RFI and will define further corrective actions which are required within the Technical Approach. The last sentence on page 51 states that investigation- deri ved data will be cornpa:red with health and environmental criteria to determine whether a CMS or interim corrective measures may be necessary. Re-V-J:.se-the--Wo·rk-~-an--tcr-spec±fy·. the--·cr-.i:te:l'--i-a--re:fer~to. /,}.,v .tlll£4 wi./f., -p4>..-hv& n.-1-::-i•f l'Ni!k·~·;,,,s,+" .... ~ '? {.'4'{lJ}-Afe{-I ,,.;e.,.. ,f.p ~ (/l't6 ...ff..v... ~1111)11Atd. -t-,j.J._,,_, t!A-lo.J A-1-t:-d. .k.f,,,.-c '<~<id<:> -!-<> dei4 Ind/~ .If' /2bl '4·h/h I-;!> l'l?G~S ?C<-Vlf.: . The work Plan do s not inciuae a ~iscussion on the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) required for the proposed study. Revise the Work Plan to include the site-specific Data 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ~ 1• g n • ll II ;3 !I 9 1. ,. " I ' ?J ,'l Quality Objective levels (e.g., DQO Levell for field screening activities, DQO Level IV for laboratory analyses) required to achieve the RFI objectives. Section 4.2, Schedule and Reportinq (p. 57) 43. If the RFI is to be performed in a phased approach, Phase Reports must be submitted at the end of each phase. In addition, Section 5 of the Work Plan must be revised to outline which tasks will be performed as part of each phase, and describe what criteria will be used to determine whether subsequent tasks will be required. In accordance with Section I.A. contained in Attachment B of the HSWA Permit, also includes the planned phase activities within the schedule shown on page 57A. This comment was previously identified within Specific Deficiencies #17 and #60 in the June 15, 1993 Notice of Violation. 44. The last paragraph on page 57 indicates that a report will be submitted within 30 days of completion of the approved interim measure. In addition, the second sentence on page 81 states that interim measures will be in strict accordance with the Permit. Revise the text to indicate that all interim measures will also be approved by EPA prior to implementation. This comment was previously identified as Specific Deficiency #59 in the June 15, 1993 Notice of Violation. Section 4.3, Personnel and Laboratory Quaiifications (p. 59) 45. The Work Plan states that with the exception of Singer Furniture Company, ENSCX Engineering Group, P.A., Enseco Incorporated, and AnalytiKEM personnel, no additional subcontractors will be used for the RFI. This section fails to identify the drilling subcontractor which will be used for the drilling and installation of the soil borings and monitoring wells. In addition, several other subcontractors or personnel are mentioned throughout the document, including a land surveyor registered in the State of North Carolina and a biologist (page 61). Revise the Work Plan to specify each subcontractor which will be used along with their qualifications. I 5. RFI WORR PLAN I ftl rl I 46. The Work Plan states on page 59 that all sampling and analyses will be conducted in strict accordance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP, Appendix D) and in accordance with ECBSOPQAM. However, Appendix D references the 1986 EPA Region IV standard Operating Procedures, which have been superseded by the us EPA Region IV Environmental services Division (ESD) Envirorunental Compliance Branch 12 Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual (ECBSOPQAM, February l, 1991). Revis~ the Work Plan and appendix to reference the updated version of the SOPs. 47. The second paragraph on page 66 indicates that a soil scientist will select the boring locations on the cap. Provide the rationale the scientist will use, and indicate how deep the borings will be advanced. se~tion s.1.2.1, Landfill Delineation (p. 68) 48. Since the landfill has been regraded and sodded, indicate how the margin of the landfill will be delineated. 49. Revise the Work Plan to provide a piezometers used to delineate the installed, including construction the proposed well screen depths. previously identified as Specific 15, 1993 Notice of Violation. description of how the landfill will be methods, materials, and This oomroent was Deficiency #62 in the June 50. The second paragraph on page 69 states that only samples which exhibit OVA readings significantly above background level or evidencing visual impacts will be sent to a laboratory for appropriate analysis. Under the proposed approach, only soils which are visually stained or are contaminated by volatile organic compounds will be sent to the laboratory for analysis. The proposed approach does not allow for the detection of soils contaminated by semi- volatile or metal contaminants. Since there is no record of the quantities or types of materials disposed in the landfill (first sentence on page 68), it is not known whether these contaminants are present. Furthermore, metals have been detected in the ground water flowing from the landfill in concentrations exceeding the Primary Drinking Water Standards. As a result; the Work Plan must be revised to submit a minimum of at least one soil sample (collected .. f.o -~~ .. -~E.~ ~a-~~!:_.tal?~§: __ S..\l~Jac~) from each b<;>r7hole to. the ....... -·· laboratory for Appendix IX analyses. Addi. tional soil .. •-: ~ ..... 1--salllples should be submitted to the laboratory contingent :'-~.:.. ·· upon the previously proposed criteria. Revise the Work Plan \rl.'\ · accordingly. \ ,, .. Section S.1.3.2, Groundwater (p. 72) 51. The first sent~nce on page 72 states that nine ground-water monitoring wells are shown on Figure 7. However, Figure 7 shows only eight proposed wells. Correct the text or figure accordingly. The second sentence goes on to state that the "proposed monitoring well system is designed to assess both the upper and lower alluvial aquifer units and the underlying saprolite/bedrock aquifer ... (e.g., 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I m n I I I reqular schedule (e.g., quarterly). Revise the Work Plan to describe the proposed sampling schedule. This comment was previously identified as Specific Deficiency #74 in the June 15, 1993 Notice of Violation. 56. The second paragraph on page 73 additionally states that analysis of the RFI Phase I landfill ground-~ater assessment will determine what additional measures will be taken. Provide specific criteria (i.e., constituent levels present in the samples) which will trigger further corrective action studies. As requested in previous NOT! #ZS, provide a description of any further investigation which will be performed if contamination is present at less than ~ater quality standards to determine if contamination may result from future releases from the source area. Provide a description of further actions which will confirm that further contamination is unlikely. Section S.1.3.3, Surface Water and Sediment Contamination (p. 73) 57. The bullet at the bottom of page 73 states tnat one sediment and one surface water sample will be collected from the :marsh, while the second bullet on page 74 states that two sediment samples and two surface water samples will be collected from Lower Creek. Revise the Work Plan to show the proposed locations of these samples. Additionally, it does not appear that two samples can adequately assess releases to surface water from the landfill. Indicate how sampling will be performed to adequately characterize drainage features between the landfill and the creek. This comment is similar to those previously identified as Specific Deficiencies #66 and #88 in the June 15, 1993 Notice of Violation. 58. The first sentence on page 75 states that additional samples will be collected durina Phase I if contamination is detected. Identify the-criteria that will be used for determining the necessity for further work {e.g., what contaminant concentration levels are required to justify furthe.r sampling). Section s. 1. 3 . 4 I Air Contamination ( p. 7 s·) 59. The Work Plan states in the description of the landfill that the cap assessment will be used to assess potential air releases. However, Se.ct ion 5. 1. 3. 4 indicates that air monitoring/assessment will not be performed. Reconcile the discrepancy. 15 u I I I I I I I I I I I E I I I I 84. The second bullet on page 12 states that the soil sample with the highest headspace reading will be collected for laboratory analysis at the end of each boring. This implies that the sample will be transferred from the headspace bottleware to the sample bottleware at the termination of the boring. Revise the text t o indicate what measures will be taken to prevent the volatilization of the salllple during the transfer waiting period. section 2.4, Monitoring Well Instaliation (p. 12) 85. The Work Plan indicates that selected soil bo~ings will be completed as TYPe II monitoring wells. Revise the text to specify what Type II monitoring wells are. Also, PVC is not an acceptable well construction material where the analytical program includes volatile organic compounds (ECBSOPQAM Appendix E.5.1). Furthermore, the selection of well screen slot size and filter pack materials must be determined by a sieve analysis of the formation materials, as required by ECBSOPQAM Appendix E.5.3. This comment was previously identified as Specific Deficiency #63 in the June 15, 1993 Notice of Violation. The first sentence on page 13 indicates that a schematic diagram of a tYPical monitoring well is· included as Figure **· correct the Work Plan to address each of the above-referenced concerns. section 2.4.3, Installation Procedure (p. 14) 86. Item number 6 on page 14 states that well development will continue until the water is observed to be clear of suspended sediments. Revise the text to indicate that development will continue until the water quality pararoeters (conductivity, pH, temperature) have stabilized, as required by ECBSOPQAM Appendix E.7. This comment was previously identified as Specific Deficiency #63 in the June 15, 1993 Notice of Violation. section 2.s.3, Procedure (p. 16) I I u I I I I I I I I .I 87. Item number 2 on page 16 indicates that a field data sheet l1 is included as Figu.re **· Correct the Work Plan accordingly Ii to name and include the f igure . . as. Item number 6 on page 16 does not indicate the method of I~ disposition of the purge water. Revise the text to provide fi this information. This comment was previously identified as Specific Deficiency #80 in the June 15, l993 Notice of ~ Violation. Ii I 21 I I