HomeMy WebLinkAboutSinger Furn_Correspondence Regarding Singer Bankruptcy Filing-OCR£00 'd William R. Miller, Esq. December 3, 1999 Page2 I look forward to hearing from you. CLW:Jbs Enclosure cc: Mr. R. Brock Qualls Stephen D. Williamson Esq. Paul J. Huff Jr., Esq. Mr. Torn Robertson Ms Jill Burton Ms. Kathleen z. Lawson Mr. Craig Ehde ( W·\i~ns~ct\6574\ 18\00662075.0QC I lil::N I t<Y LUCKt RAKES & MCDRE Very truly yours, GENTRY LOCKE RAKES & MOORE ~-(~ Charles L. Williams 89r6 £86 0H:131 l .~ - 900 "d after a period du.ring which third pl:II'ties have had fill opportunity to seek wormation and enter into di&cussions or negotiatiollS witb the Pebioni, concemillg a $al.e for tbe Propetries. D. The Debtors and tbt .Purclw.sers have excc:uted asrements for the Sale and ~hiue of Properties, wlueh agree~nts ~an.ached to the Motion as Exhibits A and B (logot.b.er with the Amendments and orhe:r related closmg docu• 131ents, the "A~ement~") pu.l'WOmt 'CO which th.¢ Dl!btot'$ l\gl'eer,J to 'SJ:lt ~Pm~ to the Purchas~ for an ~~gare-purchase price of S3, 700,000. E. Tue Agm:m~ constiMc valid and binding con~ts bt:tweeu t:be Debtors and Pu.n:basers. F. Pu.rcha:im and the Oebto.rs engaged in good mm, arm's-l~gtb nt:sotiation~ prior to entering into the A~emcmts. 0. .Purch~m wi:re represented by cou?iscl of their choo3ing . .H. Ptachas~ ate thitd-pany ~st:r.s, unrelated to the Debtoni. Neither ofrhe Purchasers are a :iu.cce:asor in interest to the Debtors. I. Purchasers are each a "good faith" purchasi!< as such tel'Jll IS ~ea iu section 363(m) o!w .Bankruptcy Code. J. No agrecmentS prohibited by sectioD 363(n) of the Bankruptcy Code exi!ts with zespecr 10 Pmchasc:N. 3 89~6 £86 Or~:131 W1SS3)1¥~ ·3~~01 'Ull\30 IC: 91 I IH:J I 66 .£0 -·~30 600 'd 6. lbd Di:btots and t~ offit:m, ~ployees and agenr.s are authorized to perform all of their obligation!, take w~ver actiClll.S necessary, IUlt1 issue, exocute ~ deli"IO'f whlrt~~ documents, de::eds IUld hilu of sale as may be nec.:~:s:sacy or appropriate to itnplement and effectuate the ~cmts in ziecord.ance with tb.e TC?m6 of this OWt!:-. 7. tn accordance with section l 146(c;) of~ Bmi.krupiey Cod.e, i,he sale an4 eo;iveymice ofthr: PropeTties Jo Pw."obasc:ni i~ hmby eite=pt frcin the imposition and payn:ient of any Stalllp tax, transfer tax a: similar tax. imposed by any law. 8. Each and cver:t ftdentl, mtt and lJlcal govemment agency or ~arunem is hereby clincted to accept atiy and all documt:nts and tnStru.:i:o~;:its necessary or aPPropriate 10 consununate the sale ofilie J>.roperties, all without mlposirion and pzyme:nt of aoy stamp WI., ntn:sfer uu, or sitllila.r we, pllt'l1U21lt to sectiOn 1146(cJ of the Bankruptcy Code. ~ regisuar or~corder of Clt!t!~ (or other similar recording ab'ellCY} is hereby dim=te4 to aceep1 and include a eertified copy of rhi~ Order along with any other appropriate conveyan:e documems used to r~rd and index the traJl.Sf.er o{ thi: Propinti.e! m th~ .:pp;opria!C pu.bHt:i records. 9. Thi~ O~r ~d th~ Agreemems shall be bituiing upon. and inure to the benef t of, the Debt PT'S Md ?utehase:s, and their ~ivc successorn and astiigllll, including, without limiwion1 any chapter 11 U'llSlee beremafter appointed for 89t6 £86 Ot~:131 K~S3~¥N '3~001 ',HiH3D £(:91 llN3)66 .£0-·~30