HomeMy WebLinkAbout7607_GreatoakMSWLF_Leachatetankmaterial_DIN26626_201608091 Chao, Ming-tai From:Glenn, Albert <AGlenn@scsengineers.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 09, 2016 4:39 PM To:Mussler, Ed; Chao, Ming-tai; Murray, John E Cc:tdarragh@wm.com; Workman, John (jworkman@wm.com) Subject:RE: Great Oak Landfill Leachate Storage Facility Gentlemen, As a follow-up to the submittal for the new leachate storage facility at the Great Oak Landfill and subsequent conversations, Waste Management intends on using a glass fused coated bolted steel tank manufactured by Permastore rather than the epoxy coated tank. Let myself or John Workman of Waste Management know of any questions. Albert D. Glenn, P.E. SCS Engineers 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Office: (704) 504 - 3107 Fax: (704) 504 - 3174 Mobile: (704) 787 - 3074 aglenn@scsengineers.com From: Glenn, Albert Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 11:21 AM To: Mussler, Ed; 'ming.chao@ncdenr.gov' Cc: John.Murray@ncdenr.gov; tdarragh@wm.com; Workman, John (jworkman@wm.com) Subject: FW: Great Oak Landfill Leachate Storage Facility Ed and Ming, Please find attached for your review a digital submittal for the new leachate storage facility at the Great Oak Landfill. A hard copy of the submittal is being sent you as well to Ed Mussler’s attention. This submittal was already emailed and sent to John Murray. It is our understanding the leachate storage facility was already approved as part of the permit-to-construct (PTC) issued for the landfill and that these drawings are intended to elaborate on the PTC plan and specifications for the leachate storage facility. If this is not the case please advise. Let me or John Workman of Waste Management know of any questions or need of additional information about the proposed project. Albert D. Glenn, P.E. SCS Engineers 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Office: (704) 504 - 3107 Fax: (704) 504 - 3174 Mobile: (704) 787 - 3074 aglenn@scsengineers.com 2 From: Glenn, Albert Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 11:16 PM To: 'Murray, John E' Cc: tdarragh@wm.com; Workman, John (jworkman@wm.com) Subject: Great Oak Landfill Leachate Storage Facility John, For your review please find attached a digital submittal for the new leachate storage facility at the Great Oak Landfill. A hard copy of the submittal is being sent to you also. Let me know of any questions or need of additional information about the project. Albert D. Glenn, P.E. SCS Engineers 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Office: (704) 504 - 3107 Fax: (704) 504 - 3174 Mobile: (704) 787 - 3074 aglenn@scsengineers.com