HomeMy WebLinkAbout2315 N Davidson - Wetlands 5-20-15F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc SUMMIT Engineering and Construction Services, Inc. (SUMMIT) 3575 Centre Circle Fort Mill, SC 29715 www.summit-companies.com Phone: 704-504-1717 Fax: 704-504-1125 May 20, 2015 Mr. Kenneth J. Abner Bishop, Dulaney, Joyner, & Abner P.A. 4521 Sharon Road, Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28211 Subject: Wetlands Determination Hickory Grocery Site Hickory, North Carolina SUMMIT Project No. 2910-14 Dear Mr. Abner: SUMMIT ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. (SUMMIT) is pleased to submit the following report of our Wetlands Determination of the properties located at 2315 N Davidson Street and 421 E 26th Street in Charlotte, North Carolina (Mecklenburg County Tax IDs: 08305206 and 08305204). The wetlands determination was performed in general accordance with the 1987 US Army Corps of Engineers “Wetland Delineation Manual.” This report includes a description of the methodology of our investigation and a summary of our findings and conclusions. If you have any questions regarding our assessment of the subject property or our conclusions, please do not hesitate to call us at (704) 504-1717 Sincerely, SUMMIT Michael D. Zavislak, NRCC-EAC, CHMM, CIH, PE Environmental Department Manager F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc WETLANDS DETERMINATION 2315 N DAVIDSON STREET 421 E 26th Street CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SUMMIT PROJECT NO. 3621.01 Prepared For: Bishop, Dulaney, Joyner, & Abner P.A. 4521 Sharon Road, Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28211 Prepared By: SUMMIT Engineering and Construction Services, Inc. (SUMMIT) P.O. Box 7384 Charlotte, North Carolina 28241 May 20, 2015 Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 1  2.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 2  2.1. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 2  2.2. SCOPE OF SERVICES ......................................................................................................................... 2  3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 3  3.1. PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCES ...................................................................................................... 3   3.1.1. Topography ...................................................................................................................... 3  3.1.2. Geology and Hydrogeology ........................................................................................... 3  4.0 RECONNAISSANCE FINDINGS ............................................................................................. 5  4.1. WETLAND METHODOLOGY AND LIMITING CONDITIONS .................................................. 5  5.0 QUALIFICATION(S) OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ..................................... 6  APPENDICES Appendix I: FIGURES Appendix II: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORMS Appendix III: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On October 7, 2014, SUMMIT ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. (SUMMIT) field- reviewed the properties located at 2315 N Davidson Street and 421 E 26th Street in Charlotte, North Carolina (Mecklenburg County Tax IDs: 08305206 and 08305204) for the presence of jurisdictional water of the U.S. The study was conducted to determine the presence of areas which would be expected to be jurisdictional and subject to permitting and regulatory authority of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ). This investigation was conducted according to methodologies described in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Delineation Manual, as well as recent guidance from the USACE. The results of the field investigation indicate that there are two (2) jurisdictional channels within the property limits. There is an un-named creek along the northern property boundary of parcel 08305204, and Little Sugar Creek borders parcel 08305204 to the west. The site has not been verified by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). This report was submitted to USACE. If a site visit is scheduled by USACE, SUMMIT requests the opportunity to be present during the USACE site visit. Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1. PURPOSE The purpose of a jurisdictional wetland determination is to identify boundaries and acreage of waters of the United States (including wetlands) within the survey area for verification by the USACE. The wetlands determination presents areas that are potentially under the jurisdiction of the USACE and the verifications would determine the final jurisdictional areas. 2.2. SCOPE OF SERVICES Wetland determinations were made using the parameters described in the "Routine Onsite Determination Method" as described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (COE, 1987). The examination was made on October 7, 2014. To begin the site examinations, soil survey maps were examined to determine the probable location of wetland soils and habitats within the area of proposed impact. A qualified environmental scientist, knowledgeable in plant identification, wetland soil characteristics, and wetland determination techniques made the site examination. The scientist was responsible for identifying major plant communities within the proposed project area and identifying the presence of wetlands. In each plant community and landscape position hydrology, soils, and plant communities were examined to verify that all three wetland parameters occurred. Plants were classified as hydrophytic or non-hydrophytic. The wetland indicator status for each of the dominant species was determined using the manual "National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Southeast (Region 2)" (May 1988). The dominance by the particular category was determined using the techniques specified in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Munsell Soil Color Charts (2000 Revised) were used to identify the hue, value, and chroma of soil samples. A soil survey of Cumberland County was examined to determine the type soils mapped for the area. “Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States” (version 5.9) was used in addition to the Corps Manual for hydric soil determination. Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc 3 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1. PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCES 3.1.1. Topography The United States Geological Survey (USGS) “Charlotte, North Carolina, United States” topographic quadrangle map was reviewed on May 11, 2015. According to the contour lines on the topographic maps, the elevation of the subject property ranges from approximately 690 feet (along eastern property boundaries) to approximately 680 feet (along western property boundaries) above Mean Sea Level (MSL). The contour lines indicate the general direction of downward slope is to the west along an un-named creek. The un-named creek flows into Little Sugar Creek. Little Sugar Creek flows into Sugar Creek. Sugar Creek flows into the Catawba River, near Goat Island. 3.1.2. Geology and Hydrogeology The property is located in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, which is located in the south central Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Piedmont Province generally consists of well-rounded hills and ridges which are dissected by a well-developed system of draws and streams. The Piedmont Province is predominantly underlain by metamorphic rock (formed by heat, pressure and/or chemical action) and igneous rock (formed directly from molten material) which were initially formed during the Precambrian and Paleozoic eras. The volcanic and sedimentary rocks deposited in the Piedmont Province during the Precambrian era were the host from the metamorphism and were changed to gneiss and schist. The more recent Paleozoic era had periods of igneous emplacement, with at least episodes of regional metamorphism resulting in the majority of the rock types seen today. The topography and relief of the Piedmont Province has developed from differential weathering of the igneous and metamorphic rock. Ridges and hills have been developed on the more easily weathered and erodible rock. Because of the continued chemical and physical weathering, the rocks in the Piedmont Province are now generally covered with a mantle of soil that has weathered in place from the parent bedrock. These soils vary in thickness and are referred to as residuum or Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc 4 residual soils. The residuum is typically finer grained and has higher clay content near the surface because of the advanced weathering. Similarly, the soils typically become coarser grained with increasing depth because of decreased weathering. As the weathering decreases, the residual soils generally retain the overall appearance, texture, gradation and foliations of the parent rock. Based on a review of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) “Charlotte, North Carolina, United States” quadrangle topographic map, the inferred groundwater flow direction based on topography appears to be to the west along an un-named creek. Refer to Figure 1 in Appendix I for a topographic map for the subject properties. Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc 5 4.0 RECONNAISSANCE FINDINGS 4.1. WETLAND METHODOLOGY AND LIMITING CONDITIONS The wetlands determination was conducted by SUMMIT personnel (Michael Zavislak) by walking the property boundaries and accessible portions of the interior of the property to locate possible wetland areas. SUMMIT personnel completed the “Routine Wetland Determination Data Form” by performing several transects across the subject properties. SUMMIT personnel sampled and investigated the subject properties for the three wetland parameters (vegetation, soils and hydrology). Table 1. Definitions for Wetland Indicator Status Obligate Wetland (OBL) contain plants that almost always occur in wetlands (99% of the time) Facultative Wetland (FACW) contain plants that usually occur in wetlands (67-99% of the time) Facultative (FAC) includes plants that are just as likely to occur in wetland or non- wetland areas (34-66% chance of occurring in wetlands or non- wetlands) Facultative Upland (FACU) contain plants that occasionally occur in wetlands (1-33% of the time) Upland (UPL) contain plants that almost always occur in uplands (99% of the time) The results of the field investigation indicate that there are two (2) jurisdictional channels within the property limits. There is an un-named creek along the northern property boundary of parcel 08305204, and Little Sugar Creek borders parcel 08305204 to the west. Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc 6 5.0 QUALIFICATION(S) OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS The environmental professionals for this project are listed below. Mr. Zavislak is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the States of North Carolina, Georgia and Virginia, a certified Environmental Analytical Chemist (NRCC-EAC), a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and the Environmental Department Manager for SUMMIT. Mr. Zavislak has over twenty years of experience in the environmental field. Previous environmental experience includes managing and operating several environmental laboratories, performing numerous environmental research projects, and managing and performing a multitude of environmental projects that include asbestos, lead-based paint, Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA), Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCBs), hazardous waste, industrial hygiene, mold, indoor air quality, wetlands, storm water, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans, Underground Storage Tank (UST) closures, soil and groundwater contamination monitoring and remediation, and construction management. Mr. Zavislak is also Adjunct Faculty at Greenville Technical College teaching classes on asbestos, health and safety, lead-based paint and hazardous waste. Wetlands Determination, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\R-Wetlands - 2315 N Davidson.doc APPENDIX I FIGURES F: \ ! M i c h a e l ! \ ! S U M M I T ! \ 3 6 2 1 - F a i s o n \ 3 6 2 1 . 0 1 N D a v i d s o n a t 2 6 t h S t re e t \ E n v i r o n m e n t a l \ P h a s e I E S A \ Re p o r t F i l e s \ R - P h I - F i g u r e 1 T o p o . d o c SU M M I T E C S , I n c . Project: 3621.01 Fi g u r e 1 US G S T o p o g r a p h i c M a p 23 1 5 N D a v i d s o n S t Ch a r l o t t e , N C Su b j e c t S i t e F: \ ! M i c h a e l ! \ ! S U M M I T ! \ 3 6 2 1 - F a i s o n \ 3 6 2 1 . 0 1 N D a v i d s o n a t 2 6 t h S t re e t \ E n v i r o n m e n t a l \ P h a s e I E S A \ Re p o r t F i l e s \ R - P h I - F i g u r e 2 A e r i a l . d o c SU M M I T E C S , I n c . Project: 3621.01 Fi g u r e 2 Ae r i a l P h o t o g r a p h 23 1 5 N D a v i d s o n S t Ch a r l o t t e , N C F: \ ! M i c h a e l ! \ ! S U M M I T ! \ 3 6 2 1 - F a i s o n \ 3 6 2 1 . 0 1 N D a v i d s o n a t 2 6 t h S t re e t \ E n v i r o n m e n t a l \ P h a s e I E S A \ Re p o r t F i l e s \ R - P h I - F i g u r e 3 S i t e M a p . d o c SU M M I T E C S , I n c . Project: 3621.01 Fi g u r e 3 Si t e L o c a t i o n M a p 23 1 5 N D a v i d s o n S t Ch a r l o t t e , N C Wetlands, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015   F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\Appendix II.rtf APPENDIX II ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORMS  Wetlands, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015   F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Wetlands\Appendix III.rtf APPENDIX III SITE PHOTOGRAPHS   Phase I ESA, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Phase I ESA\Report Files\R-Ph I - Site Photographs.doc 1 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 2315 N Davidson St., looking south. 2315 N Davidson St., looking south. Phase I ESA, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Phase I ESA\Report Files\R-Ph I - Site Photographs.doc 2 2315 N Davidson St., looking west. 2315 N Davidson St., looking east. Phase I ESA, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Phase I ESA\Report Files\R-Ph I - Site Photographs.doc 3 E 26th St., looking west. Rear of 2315 N Davidson St., looking east. Phase I ESA, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Phase I ESA\Report Files\R-Ph I - Site Photographs.doc 4 Rear of 2315 N Davidson St., looking north. 421 E 26th St., looking west. Phase I ESA, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Phase I ESA\Report Files\R-Ph I - Site Photographs.doc 5 421 E 26th St., looking north. 421 E 26th St., looking north. Phase I ESA, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Phase I ESA\Report Files\R-Ph I - Site Photographs.doc 6 421 E 26th St., looking east. 421 E 26th St., looking east. Phase I ESA, 2315 N Davidson SUMMIT Project No. 3621.01 Charlotte, North Carolina May 20, 2015 F:\!Michael!\!SUMMIT!\3621 - Faison\3621.01 N Davidson at 26th Street\Environmental\Phase I ESA\Report Files\R-Ph I - Site Photographs.doc 7 Un-named creek on northern portion of site, looking west. Un-named creek on northern portion of site, looking east.