HomeMy WebLinkAboutAwenasaLLC_Receptor_Survey_FINAL (1)-OCROctober 3, 2008 Land-of-Sky Regional Council Local Government Services Section 339 New Leicester Hwy., Suite 140 Asheville, North Carolina 28806 Attention: Mr. Jon Beck •s&ME Celebrating 35 Years 1973. 2008 Reference: Brownfields Area Reconnaissance and Receptor Survey Awenasa, LLC Dear Mr. Beck: 48 Swannanoa River Road Asheville, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1411-08-106 S&ME, Inc. has completed the Brownfields Area Reconnaissance and Receptor Survey at the above referenced property (see Figure 1). The reconnaissance and survey were completed in accordance with S&ME Proposal No. ENV-153-08 dated June 30, 2008. The site reconnaissance was performed by our Scott Spinner on September 18, 2008. S&ME has completed the Brownfields Area Reconnaissance and Receptor Survey Form provided by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). A copy of the form is attached. The following sections provide additional information corresponding to select sections of the form. POTENTIAL RECEPTORS Basement or Subsurface Foundation At least four structures within 500 feet of the site's property boundaries contain basements or subsurface structures. The depths of the basements range from 6 feet below land surface (bls) to 8 feet bls. The depth of the subsurface structure in the northeast corner of the fabrication building on the subject property was between 6 and 8 feet bls. This area contained a water sump and a water circulation system associated with the boiler located in this area. The locations of the properties with basement structures are indicated on Figure 3. Schools and Daycare Centers During site reconnaissance activities, no schools and daycare centers were identified within 1,000 feet of the site's property boundaries. S&ME , INC. / 44 Buck Shoals Road, Unit C-3 /Arden, NC 28704 I p 828.687.9080 f 828.687.8003 I www.smeinc.com Brownfields Area Reconnaissance and Receptor Survey Awenasa. LLC. Asheville. North Carolina Storm Sewer S&ME Project No. 1411-08-106 October 3. 2008 Stormwater catch basins were observed throughout the subject property and on the property to the east of the subject property. Outlet pipes were observed along the southern boundary of these properties discharging to a drainage ditch on the north side of Swannanoa River Road. The drainage ditch enters culverts beneath Swannanoa River Road terminating in the Swannanoa River. The approximate location of the observed stormwater catch basins and culverts under Swannanoa River Road are depicted on Figure 2. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer manholes were observed south and east of the subject property. Sanitary sewer lines and associated structure locations were obtained from the City of Asheville GIS website (www.mapasheville.com). The location of the sewer lines and structures within 100 feet of the subject property are depicted on Figure 2. Septic System Leach Field Sanitary sewer manholes where observed throughout the area located within 500 feet of the subject property. Based on this observation, none of the properties located within this distance from the subject property are believed to utilize a septic system. Water Line Water meter covers were observed on the subject property, and south and east of the subject property. Water main line locations were obtained from the City of Asheville GIS website (www.mapasheville.com). The location of the water main lines within 100 feet of the subject property are depicted on Figure 2. Natural Gas S&ME contacted the North Carolina One-Call system prior to performing the site reconnaissance of the property and surrounding area. According to the PSNC gas response to the locate ticket; natural gas lines are not located within 100 feet of the subject property. Telephone/Cable Main S&ME contacted the North Carolina One-Call system prior to performing the site reconnaissance of the property and surrounding area. According to the cable and telephone response to the locate ticket; buried cable and telephone lines are not located within 100 feet of the subject property. During the reconnaissance, S&ME observed that the main phone and cable lines within 100 feet of the site's property boundaries are overhead. 2 Brownfields Area Reconnaissance and Receptor Survey Awenasa, LLC, Asheville, North Carolina Electrical Main S&ME Project No. 1411-08-106 October 3. 2008 S&ME contacted the North Carolina One-Call system prior to performing the site reconnaissance of the property and surrounding area. According to the power company response to the locate ticket; buried electrical main lines are not located within 100 feet of the subject property. During the reconnaissance, S&ME observed that the main electrical lines within 100 feet of the site's property boundaries are overhead. LOCAL WATER SUPPLY According on the City of Asheville's Water Resources Department website (http://www.ashevillenc.gov/uploadedFiles/Departments/Water Resources/2007 Water Quality Report.pdf), the source of the City of Asheville's water supply are the North Fork and Bee Tree Reservoirs. They reservoirs are located in Black Mountain (14 miles northeast of the subject site) and Swannanoa (11 miles northeast of the subject site), respectively. WATER SUPPLY WELLS Public Water Supply Wells Based on a review of the NCDENR Public Water Supply Section Source Water Assessment Program (SW AP) info website (http://swap.deh.enr.state.nc.us/Swap%5Fapp/viewer.htm) no public water supply wells are located within one mile of the subject property. Private Water Supply Wells No private water supply wells were identified within one-half mile of the subject property during the site reconnaissance. The site reconnaissance consisted of looking for well houses on the subject property from the street adjacent to the properties. Irrigation Supply Wells One private irrigation supply well was identified within one-half mile of the subject property during the site reconnaissance. The well is located at 7 Stoner Road, approximately 1450 feet southeast of the subject property. According to Elmore Harper, owner of the subject property, this well was left in place for irrigation purposes after the residence was connected to city water. Mr. Harper was not aware of any other irrigation supply wells or water supply wells in the area. The site reconnaissance consisted of looking for well houses on the subject property from the street adjacent to the properties. 3 Page 1 of 4 General Instructions 1.) 2.) 3.) Site: Awenasa, LLC Site (aka Former Silverman Property) Address: 48 Swannanoa River Road City: Asheville County: Buncombe Property Characteristics 4.19 4.19 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 25% 0% 75% 90% Surrounding Properties x North (City Zoning: None listed) x South (City Zoning: None Listed) x East (City Zoning: None Listed) x West (City Zoning: Not Listed) Vacant/ River Vacant/River Vacant Lot Vacant Lot Antique Store/Warehouse Antique Store/Warehouse Size of Property (acres) % of property that is wooded BROWNFIELDS AREA RECONNAISSANCE AND RECEPTOR SURVEY GUIDANCE FORM Provide Information for the following potential receptors Current Usage Proposed Usage This form was created to clarify and simplify preparing a receptor survey for a brownfield site. The form was designed to minimize unnecessary delays in processing brownfield applications. This is a guidance document only and Potential Developers may complete and submit their own receptor survey, if they desire. The shaded fields on the form marked “Applicable to Site” will be determined by the DENR Brownfields Project Manager on a site by site basis. The distances to potential receptors from the Property boundary will be determined by the DENR Brownfields Project Manager on a site by site basis. Distances are measured from the site Property Boundary unless otherwise indicated by the DENR Brownfield’s Project Manager. % of property that is scrub/shrub % of property that is open land Vacant/Wooded Vacant/Wooded % of property that is grass area % of property that is agricultural crops % of property that is barren % of property that is used for commercial or industrial usage including paved areas Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Surrounding Properties Zoning/Land Use Current Usage Proposed Usage Page 2 of 4 Potential Receptors - include depth to top, construction material and diameter of the utilities, if available Distance Direction Depth x Is a basement or subsurface foundation within 500 ft of the Property boundary? Y Y 9/17/2008 Subject Prop 350 ft 450 ft 500 ft Subject Prop NW NW NW x Is a school or daycare center within 1000 ft of the Property boundary? N Y 9/17/2008 x Is a storm sewer within 100 ft of the Property boundary?Y Y 9/17/2008 Subject Prop x Is a sanitary sewer within 100 ft of the Property boundary?Y Y 9/17/2008 Adjacent South and East x Is a septic system leach field within 500 ft of the Property boundary? NNNA x Is a water line main within 100 ft of Property boundary?Y Y 9/17/2008 Adjacent South and East x Is a natural gas line main within 100 ft of the Property boundary?Y No Conflict Per NC One- Call 9/12/2008 x Is a buried telephone/ cable main within 100 ft of the Property boundary? N No Conflict Per NC One- Call 9/12/2008 x Is a buried electrical cable main within 100 ft of Property boundary? N No Conflict Per NC One- Call 9/12/2008 Local Water Supply Public: City of Asheville Water Resources Dept. Private: None Potable Water Supplier Name: City of Asheville Water Resources Department Potable Water Supply Source: Bee Tree and North Fork Reservoirs Distance: 11 and 14 miles Direction: Northeast Potable Water Source Intake: Distance: >10 miles Direction: Northeast Complete and attach map as appropriate Date Verified Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Provide Information for the following potential receptors Y/N Field Verified Page 3 of 4 Water Supply Wells Distance Direction Depth x Is a public water supply well within 1 mile of the Property boundary? N N x Is a private water supply well within 1/2 mile of the Property boundary? N Y 9/18/2008 x Is a irrigation supply well within 1/2 mile of the Property boundary? Y Y 9/18/2008 1450 ft SE x Is a monitoring well within 1500 ft of the Property boundary?Y N See Fig 2 See Fig 2 Water Bodies on Property x Is water body naturally developed or man made?NA x List the uses of the water body NA x What is the source of the water for the water body NA x What is the nature of the bottom of the water body (e.g., rocky or concrete bottom, drainage ways or impoundments) NA x Are there any wetlands present on the property?N Y 9/17/2008 Complete and attach map as appropriate Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Provide Information for the following potential receptors Y/N Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Provide Information for the following potential receptors Comments Field Verified Date Verified Page 4 of 4 Surface Water Body Distance Direction Depth x Are there surface waters located within 500 ft of the Property boundary? Y Swannanoa River River 75 ft South <10 feet Y Sweeten Creek Stream 125 ft SW <5 feet Additional Requests/ Observations Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Provide Information for the following potential receptors Y/N Name Type Complete and attach map as appropriate Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Provide Information for the following potential receptors Comments SC A L E : As s h o w n Pr o j e c t L o c a t i o n M a p FIGURE NO. CH E C K E D B Y : WH W Aw e n a s a , L L C So u r c e o f S t r e e t M a p : h t t p : / / w w w . m a p q u e s t . c o m / DR A W N B Y : SA S 48 S w a n n a n o a R i v e r R d , A s h e v i l l e , N C DA T E : 8/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 8 JO B N O . 14 1 1 - 0 8 - 1 0 6 1 SU B J E C T SI T E Thompson Street ~ NOTTO SCALE -LEGEND I I • Soil Sample Location -Ej3-Soil Boring Location I I 0 Monitoring Well Location 20 Stoner Road (J) ..... 0 :::i CD -. (J) ..... (il CD ..... MW-1 ~ Warehouse Soi i-A .,. '"'Soi IB lJ (,,) (,,) (ii" Soil-H Ill ;;><; ;;><; 4 Soil-C 0. 3 G) G) 0 Ol Ol :::i (JI (JI ..... 0 0 lJ Soil-G • :::i :::i 4 Soil-D -Ol CD CD -0 (!) , Sc ·1-F • -.!'=:o; E TsB-1 Figure 2 AouNTAIN Site Map Piedmont Paper -Asheville! NC <';le, S·i.,AP ~ ((,;; _ .. Environmental Services, Inc.