HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No 36 - NFA Letter - Indcident No 36354 Morehead Common-OCRNCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources MchaeI Easey Governor Division of Waste ManagementWitUamRossJrSecretaryUndergroundStorageTankSection Dexter Matthews Director August 27 2007 Beazer Homes 1300 South Boulevard Suite Charlotte North Carolina 28203-4265 Attention Mr Jade Eastridge Re Notice of No Further Action 5A NCAC 2L 0407d Risk-based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Morehead Common Area 1000 South Clarkson Street Charlotte Mecklenburg County Incident Number 36354 Risk Classification Low Dear Mr Eastridge The Initial Abatement Action report received by the Underground Storage Tank UST Section Mooresville RegiOnal Office on August 24 2007 has been reviewed The review indicates that after tank closure and soil excavation soil contamination does not exceed the lower of the soil-to-groundwater or residential maximum soil contaminant concentrations MSCCs established in Title iSA NCAC 2L .0411 The UST Section determines that no further action is warranted for this incident This determination shall apply unless the UST Section later finds that the discharge or release poses an unacceptable risk or potentially unacceptable risk to human health or the environment Pursuant to Title ISA NCAC 2L .0407a you have continuing obligation to notify the Department of any changes that might affect the risk or land use classifications that have been assigned This No Further Action determination applies only to the subject incident for any other incidents at the subject site the responsible party must continue to address contamination as required If you have any questions regarding this notice please contact me at the address or telephonenumberlistedbelow Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office Afl5.cvfiMIiftPrct nnsurnr Prr Prepared For NCDEN1 USTSection-MRO 919 North Main Street Mooresville North Carolina 28115 Prepared By ESP Associates P.A P.O Box 7030 Charlotte North Carolina 28241 August 23 2007 NCDENR UST Section Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville North Carolina 28115 Attention Mr Allen Schiff INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTION REPORT Morehead Common Site Area 1000 South Clarkson Street Charlotte Meeldenburg County North Carolina UST Incident No No Yet Assigned ESP Project No E6-UD42601 Dear Mr Schiff On behalf of the property owner l3eazer Homes ESP Associates P.A is pleased to provide the attached Initial Abatement Action Report for the closure of the subject propertys petroleum release ESP respectively requests classification of the release as Low Risk and issuance of no further action notice Thank you for your attention in this matter If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 803 835-0915 Sincerely ESPAssocjafes P.4 Edgar Roge PG Staff Scientist Environmental Services ManagerNCLicenseNo1600 cc Mr Jade Eastridge Beazer Homes P.O Box 7030 Charjoue NC 28241 1.800.960.7317 NC 704.583.4949 fax 704.583.4950 SC 803.802.2440 fax 803.802.2515 Www.eSpassocjates corn $ESP ESP Associates P.A August 23 2007 Reference Initial Abatement Action Report SITE INFORMATION Site Identification Date of Report August 23 2007 Facility ID NA UST Incident Number Not Yet Assigned Site Name Morehead Common Site Area Site Street Address 1000 South Clarkson Street City/County/Zip Code Charlotte Mecklenburg County 28278 Description of Geographical Data Point Approximate center of UST Location Method Mecklenburg County Polaris GIS Map Latitude 35227104 Longitude -80.858606 Information about Contacts Associated with the Leaking UST SystemUSTOwnerBeazerHomes 1300 Blvd Suite Charlotte NC 28203-4265 704.370.7200 UST Operator N/A Property Owner Same as above Property Occupant Same as above El Consultant/Contractor ESP Associates PA Chris Ward PG P0 Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 803.835.0915 Analytical Laboratory Prism Laboratories Inc P0 Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0403 704.529.6364 NC Certification No 402 Information about Release Date Discovered August 2007 Estimated Quantity of Release Unknown Cause of Release Unknown Source of Release UST Size and contents of UST System from which release occurred 1300-Gallon Diesel UST Certification is Ward Professional Geologist for ESP Associates P.A do certify that the contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge P.A is licensed to practice both geology and engineering in North Carolina certification numbers are Geology C-347 and Engineering C-0587 Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 More/wad common Site Area August 23 2007 iNTRODUCTION The subject site location of fonner Duke Energy-Worth Keeter facility has an address of 1000 South Clarkson Street in Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina see Figure Topographic Site Location Map The area of the subject release associated with 1300-gallon diesel underground storage tank UST uncovered on August 2007 has been designated by ESP as Area of the Morehead Common site SITE HISTORY ANT CHARACTERIZATION On August 2007 ESP responded on behalf of Beazer Homes to an encounter with UST and impacted soil during mass grading operations at the subject site Upon arriving at the site ESP observed 1300-gallon steel apparent diesel UST along with soils with petroleum odor located on the west side of South Clarkson Street approximately 300 feet south of its intersection with West Morehead Street on Tax Parcel No 07325207 see Figures and As required ESP emailed notification of the release discovery along with Release and USTLeak Reporting Form to Mr Steve Bograd of the Mooresville Regional Office of NCDENR on August 2007 Release Location The subject site is located within an urban area of Charlotte which historically included warehouse and commercial structures The site the former location of Duke Energy-Worth Keeter Inc was recently mass graded and is currently being developed as mixed-use residential/commercial development see Figures and Previously documented UST Incidents on the subject parcel include Incidents Nos 18101 9567 and 36331 Locations of these two previously documented incidents relative to the subject release Area are depicted on Figure Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42.601 Morehead Common Site Area August 23 2007 Based on our review of the Geologic Map of North Carolina 1985 the subject site is located within the Charlotte Belt locally comprised of intrusive metamorphosed granitic rocks locally pinkish gray massive to wealdy foliated and containing horublende Soils encountered in this area are the residual product of chemical weathering of rock presently underlying the site Soil weathering is more advanced near the surface grading with depth to less weathered rock and finally bedrock UST Information Following the August 2007 discovery of 1300-gallon diesel UST AD Environmental and Industrial Services AD of High Point North Carolina was contacted to remove remaining product/sludge from the tank following its removal from the excavation On August 2007 AD pumped 77 gallons of product/sludge from the tank for permitted recycling at their Archdale North Carolina facility see Product Material Manifest in Appendix Once removed the tank was transported by AD to the Griffin recycling facility in Greensboro North Carolina on August 2007 see Tank Disposal Manifest in Appendix See site photographs in Appendix PreviousTankInstallationRemovalSizeTankLastTankNoDateDateGallonsDimensionsContentsContents Unknown 8-1-07 1300 12 ft 4.3 ft Diesel Unknown completed UST-2 Form is included as Appendix The former location of the above UST is depicted on Figure Previous Reporting ESP ernailed release notification along with 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form to the Mooresville Regional Office of NCDENR on August 2007 see Appendix Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42.601 Morehead common Site Area August 23 2007 INITIAL ABATEMENT ACT WITIES Contaminated Soil Excavation On August and 2007 ESP documented the excavation of 39i4 tons of impacted soil from Area by the sites grading contractor Gelder Thompson of Midland North Carolina The excavation was advanced based on results of OVA field screening and evidence of visible staining The resulting excavation measured approximately ft 18 ft ft deep The excavated soil was placed on and covered with plastic awaiting subsequent off-site permitted disposal Neither groundwater bedrock nor free product were encountered within the tank pit See site photographs in Appendix Post-Excavation Confirmatory Sampling On August 2007 confirmatory soil samples were collected at depth of 3.5 feet BLS from each of the excavations four sides WS-l through WS-4 while one sample was collected at depth of feet BLS from the base of the excavation B-i The sidewall samples were collected at the 3.5 foot depth due to the prevalence of elevated OVA readings at that depth The five soil samples were hand delivered on ice to Prism Laboratories of Charlotte North Carolina to be analyzed for risk-based parameters which include volatile organic compounds VOCs by EPA Method 8260B semi-volatile organic compounds SVOCs by EPA Method 8270C VPHIEPH by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MADEP method and for total lead and chromium by EPA Method 601013 Sample locations and excavation dimensions are depicted on Figure Soil Sample Location Map Sampling was performed in general accordance with ESPs SOP see Appendix Results of the laboratory analysis of confirmatory samples WS-l through WS-4 and B-i revealed that all analyzed constituents were either below reporting limits BRLs or below the lowest of the soil-to-groundwater or residential MSCC Laboratory analytical results for the confirmatory soil samples are summarized on Table B-i The Prism laboratory data report is included as Appendix hitia Abatement Action Report ES Project E6-VD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area August 23 2007 Stockpile Sampling and Soil Disposal On August 2007 ES collected composite stockpile soil sample for laboratory analysis The stockpile soil sample designated lA/lB was placed in laboratory provided containers labeled and hand delivered on ice to Prism for compositing and subsequent analysis The sample was analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons TPH for gasoline range organics GRO and diesel range organics DRO by EPA Method 5030/3550 and for BTEX by EPA Method 8260B The composite sample was collected and analyzed to confirm that release had occurred and to characterize contaminant types and concentrations for subsequent off-site permitted disposal/treatment As revealed by the laboratory analysis of stockpile composite soil sample IA/1B TPH-DRO was reported at concentration of 710 mg/Kg and TPH-GRO at concentration of 6.9 mg/Kg while results for the remainder of analytes were BRLs Results of the stockpile sample analyses are summarized on Table B-2 while the laboratory data report is included as Appendix On August 16 and 17 2007 39.14 tons of stockpiled soil from the Area excavation was transported by Gelder Thompson to the CMS Landfill in Concord North Carolina for permitted disposal see Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest in Appendix RECEPTOR SURVEY On July 20 2007 Mr Eddie Rogers of ES performed receptor survey to document the presence or absence of active and/or inactive water supply wells within 1500-foot radius of the subject UST release see Figure Receptor Survey Map The receptor survey included interviews with available site occupants and visual observations for water supply wells and/or municipal water meters All properties within 500 feet of the site were visited to determine well status The area within 1000 feet of the subject release consists of commercial and industrial development with numerous vacant structures No active or inactive water supply wells were identified within 1000-foot radius of the subject release Municipal water and sewer have Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area August 23 2007 historically been available within the area of the site Additionally no surface water bodies were identified within 500 feet of the release see Figure CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions have been formulated based on our completion of field activities including abatement activities receptor survey and our review of laboratory data from the analysis of collected soil samples The subject site the location of former Duke Energy-Worth Keeter facility has an address of 1000 South Clarkson Street Tax Parcel No 07325207 in Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina On August 2007 ESP responded on behalf of Beazer Homes to an encounter with 1300-gallon steel apparent diesel UST along with soils with petroleum odor during mass grading operations at the subject site On August and 2007 ESP documented the excavation of 39.14 tons of impacted soils from the release area The resulting excavation measured approximately ft 18 ft ft deep Neither groundwater bedrock nor free product were encountered within the tank pit On August 2007 confirmatory soil samples were collected at depth of 3.5 feet BLS from each of the excavations four sides WS-l through WS-4 while one sample was collected at depth of feet BLS from the base of the excavation B-i Results of the laboratory analysis of confirmatory samples WS-i through WS-4 and B-i revealed that all analyzed constituents were either below reporting limits BRLs or below the lowest of the soil-to-groundwater or residential MSCC ci On August 2007 ESP collected composite stockpile soil sample designated IA/IB for laboratory analysis The composite sample was collected and analyzed to confirm that release had occurred and to characterize contaminant types and concentrations for subsequent off.site permitted disposal/treatment Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead common Site Area August 23 2007 As revealed by the laboratory analysis of stockpile composite sample 1A/1IB TPH-DRO was reported at concentration of 710 mg/Kg and TPH-GRO at concentration of 6.9 mg/Kg while results for the remainder of analytes were BRLs On August 16 and 17 2007 39.14 tons of stockpiled soil from the Area excavation was transported to the CMS Landfill in Concord North Carolina for permitted disposal Municipal water and sewer are available in the area of the release No water supply wells were identified within 1000 feet of the release and No surface water bodies were identified Within 500 feet of the subject release Based on the absence of analyzed risk-based soil parameters above the lowest of the North Carolina soil-to-groundwater or residential MSCCs lack of either groundwater bedrock or free product within the tank pit the documented absence of water supply wells within 1000 feet of the release and the absence of surface water feature within 500 feet of the release ESP recommends that NCDENR issue notice of no further action for the subject release Attachments Table B-i Summary of Soil Sampling Results Table B-2 Summary of Stockpile Soil Sampling Results Figure Topographic Site Location Map Figure 2005 Aerial Photograph Figure Soil Sample Location Map Figure 4-Receptor Survey Map Appendix 24-Hour Release Notification Appendix UST-2 Form Appendix Tank Disposal Manifest Appendix Product Material Manifest Appendix Site Photographs Appendix ESPs SOP Appendix Prism Laboratory Data Reports Appendix Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests ATTACHMENTS TABLES 4- 4- bO r- 4-0 II IE C/D 4- II Us BRL Below Reporting Limit MSCC maximum soil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported in mg/kg Health based level 100% Considered iirirnobileNANotAnalyzedNL Not Listed Table B-I Date 8/20/07 Suirunary of Soil Sampling Results Incident No Not Yet Assigned Morehead Common Area Charlotte North Analytical Method 8260B 8260B 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 827CC 8270C 8270C 8270C Contaminant of Concern I_____.. Collthd rei niple .Deith ft EGS Incident Phase 8/2/07 South Pit Wall Initial Abatement 00051 0.0051 0.25 0.32J 0.17 0.16 0.161 0.191 0.17 037 8/2/07 West Pit Wall Initial Abatement 00050 0.0050 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 037 037 8/2/07 North Pzt Wall Initial Abatement 0.0048 0.0048 0.17J O.21J 0.1 0.101 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.25 8/2107 Last Pit Wall Initial Abatement 00144 0.0044 0.28J 0.331 0.141 0.163 0.143 0141 0171 0.361 8/2/07 Pit Floor Initial Abatement 0.0052 0.0052 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 037 MSCC mg/kg 60 290 38 034 0091 12 280 MSCçjnigfkg 3129 200 469 459 88 88 00088 88 620 MSCC mg/kg 81750 82000 12254 12 264 780 078 78 16400 kg 3RL Below Reporting Limit MSCC maximum soil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported hi mg/kg unless otherwise noted Health based tevel 100% Considered immobileNANotAnalyzedNL Not Listed Table B-2 Date 8/20/07 FIGURES 6tJpISHEET177LE F1GURE2ALEN752005AERIALPHOTOGRAPH AW1 BrDMH PROJECT MOREHEAD COMMON SITEIECICED CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA WS-3 B-i WS-2 ____WS-4 ws-1 LEGEND DUNBAR STREET 1CONFJRMA TORY SOIL SAMPLE LOCA T1ON FORMER LOCA flON OF UST AREA EXCA VA flON DEPTH OF FEET 2tY APPIOX SCALE ESP PDESP TL4JLI IVUUD4240 ALE NTh 8/27/074MW8TDMH IEQB2 BYcw SHEET FiGURE SCYL SAMPLE LOCA liON MAP AREA PROJECT MOREHEAD COMMON S17 CHARLOTIE NORTH CAROUNA APPENDIX 24-HOUR RELEASE NOTIFICATION UST-61 24Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form For ReIeses This form should be completed and submitted to the UST Sectlons regional office loflowing known or suspected release from an underground storage tank UST system This form is required to be submiLled within 24 hours of discovery of known or ka HG suspected release DWM USE ONLY Suspected ContamInation YIN Facility ID Number 0ic1L13 incident Risk I-IlLU______Conlirmed GW Contamination YIN 1I Date Leak Discovered Received On Received By Conlirmed Sail Contamination YIN A/Comm/Non-Commercial rciffl Reported by circle one Phones Fax or Report Free Product YIN 11 Yes Stale Greatest Reg/Men-regulated Region Thickness INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name Address /080 5ii/æittd Tt67 County Regional Office circle one AshevlII1ltŁsvillgFaye1teviIle CRy/Town Zip COCta Z23 Raleigh WashIngton Wilmington WIitOrFS1em Latitude Lfitnni i-Longitude f55 Obtained by BrieRy describe suspected or confirmed release.-including but not ftuiled to nature of release date of release amount GPS atm/ease amount of Tree product present and recovery elbrts intl/al responses conducted impacts to receptors 477 c4 %i 8ec-4jL4 /Jd Topographic maphJurEGlSAddressmatching Other Unknown-ppp Describe lace Lion1octcce-tHOWRELEASEWAS DICOVERED Check one During UST Closure/Removal Cl Water in Tank Surface Water Contamination Release Detection Equipment or Methods Visual/Odor CI Groundwater Contamination Li Property Transfer LI Water Supply Well Contamination J4 Other specity1//Ll SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION P_riniarv Source of Contamination Primary Contaminant Tvua Location ting Check one Checkone Checkone Gasollne/flleseWerosene acility Residential Continued UST Release Check one below Heating Cli Residence CI Industrial Dispenser Other Petroleum Products MOther UrbanLineReleaseMSIaiSRuralTankReleaseOtherinorganicsCIliSpHu/OverliR Other OrganicsExactFailureLocationUnknownor Multiple Failures Ownership Municipal Military Unknown 4ale Federal County State flpemliori Tvne PublicService AgrIcultural EducaiionlRalig Industrial MIning USI t-orjnb1 11/05 Page of2 IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Welts Affected 1.Yes riri Number at Water Supply Wells Attested MU-WI7it/IJ Water Supply Wells Contaminated Include VEers Names Addresses and Phone Numbers Atlach addional.sheet Unessaj Point of Contact/11W 6reicc Gly SlateCIZ277a NC UST SYSTEM OPERATOR UST ciperatorlcani7y StateCity Aaurass Zip Code elepnone Number LANDOWNER AT LOCATIO Landowner4iWe %-5 CIty ilate 9OFUSTINCIDENT Address Zip uone Telephone umoer Draw Sketch of Area showing two major road intersections or Attach Map k714llD 4t9 Person Reporting Incident Chr15 1Jai4 Company 5/J ft Telephone Number50hUeAddressODale LIST Farm 1105 UST SYSTEM OWNER LIST Ownerlcornpany Address v2 fTºIC Zip Coue Telephone Number Page of APPENDIX UST-2 FORM APPENDIX TANK DISPOSAL MANIFEST APPENDIX PRODUCT MATERIAL MANIFEST AO1OIi 4Manifcst Docurient NoMATERIALEnvironmentaland ..- ivi ANIFEST IndustrialServices Inc of EMERGENCY PHONE NO POST OFFICE BOX 484 TEl 336 434-7750 Job No 800 434 7750 HIGH POINTNC 27261 FAX 336 434-7752 .-GENERATOR INFORMATION Name ..-USEPA ID No StreeL Address Phone No 9j-t t4I1 -f_c1jC1C-Cont7y %v DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS USDOT.Proper Shipping Name Hazard UN NA Packing Containers Total Unit HM Complete Alt Items br Hazardous Materials Class or Div tD No Group Qty Type Quantity WtJ VolL/O4ck-5 1.dAk P4 /V4 .77 -DDITiOPJAL INFORMATION ERG No Profile Code acJtIty Use L2 5r çL4e jr 3ENERATORS CERTIFiCATION hisis to certify that the above-described materials are properly classified described packaged marked and labeled and a7i roper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation.further certifyhatnoneof the materials described above are hazardous waste as defined by EPA 40 CFR Part 261 or.any applicable state lawndunlessspecificallyidentifiedabovethematerials contain less than 1000 ppm total halogens and don at contain quantifiableevels2.pprn of PCBs as defined by EPA 40 CFR Parts 279 and 761 rinted Typed Name Signature Mo IDay Y. .... TRANSPORTER lNFOMATiON ransporter Ilherebv acknowledge recelpfof the above-described materials or tran5 portENVIRONv.IENTAL AND NDUSTRLAL SERVICES Jfrorn the generator silo listed above ctdress 718 UWHARR1EROA RCHDALE NC 27263 __Jlhereby acknowledge tihe above-desÆrlbed materials were received ru1sporter or Unit No from thi generator site and were transported toihe facil/ty hEed belowPAIDNoNCD986232221/1 ione 336 434-7750 Signature FACILITY INFORMATION acuity hereby acknowledge receipt of the materials covered by this manifestENVIRONMENTALANDINDUSTRIAL SERVICES Æxcept for any discrepancy noted blowddress 718 1JWHARRIE ROADtTS.Tf-Signature Receipt DateI%1UJ.IL.j 1.rDIscØpaijciesJ Routing Codes .HindtinMethOd acility or .L PA ID No NCD986232221 hone 336 434-7750 ERIC McMANUS ORIGINAL Facility Retain COPY Return to Generator COPY .-Trnsr4pr PpI.in OV APPENDIX SITE PHOTOGRAPHS MOREHEAD COMMON SITE AREA VIEW OF 1.300-GALLON DIESEL UST BEING PUMPED OF REMAINING PRODUCT/SLUDGE VIEW OF 1.300-GALLON DIESEL UST ON SIDE OF FORMER TANK PIT LOOKING NORTHEAST VIEW OF SEVERAL HOLES WITHIN SIDE OF liST STANbARb OPERATING PROCEbURE Sop -6 SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION ESP Associates P.A Revision bate 3/7/06 This standard operating procedure SOP covers the collection of soil sample for laboratory analysis Follow these steps when collecting the soil sample unless otherwise instructed by the project manager Gather needed field supplies noted below Confirm lab cooler contains needed sample containers fill cooler with ice Upon arriving at site check in with the property owner or company representative Decontaminate the stainless steel hand auger before and between sample collection by washing with Alconox soap and scrub brush rinsing with distilled water and spraying with Isopropyl alcohol Wrap clean sampler in aluminum foil Wear disposal latex or nitrile gloves and change into new pair between samples During advancement of the hand auger collect soil samples at regular intervals for describing lithology Note lithology and other characteristics of soils in field book relative to depth If appropriate place representative portion of soil sample into resealable plastic buy label with boring number and depth interval and allow to equilibrate Screen soil in bag for volatile organics using an OVA or Hnu Enter results into field book Advance hand auger boring to previously specified sampling depth Collect soil sample from this depth and place in laboratory provided containers Label containers with boring number and sample depth using the following sampling scheme i.e -1 ft -1 10 ft -2 ft etc benote boring location in field book relevant to pertinent site features 10 Following collection of the soil samples abandon all boreholes feet or greater in depth with cement grout 11 Complete and sign the labs chain-of-custody12Keepthesamplecoolerinsecurelocation until delivered under normal chain-of-custody procedures to laboratory SOP-6 Soil 5amp/e Collection Revision bate 3/7/06 ESP Associates Page of SUPPLIES ci SOP-6 Stainless steel hand auger with needed extensions or sampling spoon ci OVA orHnu ci Measuring tape ci Plastic zip-lock bags ci Isopropyl alcohol ci bistilted water ci 5-gallon wash bucket scrub brush and Alconox soap ci Cement with wheel barrow for mixing ci Cooler with sample containers and chain-of-custody Ice ci Permanent marker bisposable gloves ci Knife Field book ci Site plan with site specific sampling instructions Camera APPENDIX PRISM LABORATORY DATA REPORTS Case NarrativePRISM E.OflfiTOflIESINC Date 08/10107 Cftent Project ID Morehead Commons No Company ESP Associates PA Prism CCC Group No G0807064 Contact Chris Ward Collection Dates 0802107 Address P.O BOX 7030 Lab Submittal Dates 08102/07 Charlotte NC 28241 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes Case Narrative Laboratory Report and Quality Control Data totaling 44 pages chain-of-custody is also attached far the samples submitted to Prism Ear this project Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample key reference for the data qualifiers appears atthe end of this case narrative Quality control statements and/or sample specific remarks are included in the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sample affected Semi Volatile Analysis Mo Anomalies Reported Volatile Analysis Analysis Note for 025555 MS C9-Cl2AllphaUcs Recovery above the control limits Analysis Note for Q25565 MSD C9-Cl2Allphatlcs Recovery above the control limits Metals Analysts Analysis Note for 025521 MS Chromium MS recovery outside of the conlrol limits Analysis was repealed with similar QC results Analysis Nate for 025521 MS Lead MS recovery outside of the control limits Analysis was repeated with sImilar CC results Analysis Note for 025521 MSD Chromium RPD recovery outside of the control limits Analysis was repeated with similar CC results Analysis Note for Q25621 MSD Lead MSD recovery RPD were outside of the control ilmits Analysis was repeated with similarCCresults Wet Lab and Micro Analysis NJA Please call if you have any questions relating to this anaiytical report Date Reviewed by Paula Gilleland Project Manager Mgela Overcash Signature CA t31JAkS Signature Qa d0 113i1A Olca4I Review Date 08/10/07 Approval Date 08/1 0/07 Data Qualifiers Key Reference Compound also detected in the method blank 1k Result outside of the CC limits DO Compound diluted out Estimated concentration calibration range exceeded The analyte was positiveiy friend led but the value is estimated below the reporting limit Estimated concentration with hIgh bias Estimated concentration with low bias matrix effect Is present Notes This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the wriltten consent of Prism Laboratories trio The results iii this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis 449 Springbmok Road P.O Box 240543 Chadotto MC 28224-0403 Phone 704/529.6364 TDllFme 800/529.6364 Fec 7041525-0409 Percent Solids flelerminatlon Percent Spflds NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 138652 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0807064 Time Collected 08/02/07 915 Time Submitted 03/02107 1325 5.31 5.32 5.73 5035 5035 5035 08110107 00D ibrown 08/10107 000 Ibrown 08110/01 000 lbrown ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/1 0/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 902 SM2540 08/03/07 1555 ddixon Sanmle Weight Determtnaflog WeIght Blsu1lte Weight Bisulfato Weight Methanol /olattIa Organic Compounds by GC1MS 111-Trichioroethane BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.00029 8260B 08/03/01 1702 Iwiby 025514 1122.Tstrachlomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00052 82609 08/03/07 1702 Iwltjy 025514 112-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00032 82609 08/03/07 1702 iwitjy 025514 11.Dlohloroothane BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.00037 82609 08/03/07 1702 Iwiby 025514 ITI-DIchIoroeth000 BRL mg/kg 0.0051 000039 82609 08/03/07 1702 Iwiliy 025514 11-Dichioropropene BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.06045 826DB 08/03/07 1702 iwitiy 025514 123-Trlchorobenzone BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.00056 92609 08/03107 1702 Iwitmy 025514 123-Trichioropropane SRI mg/kg 0.0051 0.00045 8260B 08/03/07 1702 Iwliy Q25514 1124-TrithIorobenzene SRI mgkg 0.0051 0.00049 8260B 08/03/07 1102 Iwitiy Q25514 124-Trimnethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.D0039 8260B 08/03/07 1702 iwlby 025514 12-Dlbromoethane EDB BR mg/kg 0.0031 0.000092 82609 08/03107 1702 Iwitry 025514 12-Dlchtorcbenzene BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.00028 82603 08/03/07 1702 Iwitry 025514 12-Dlchloroettiane BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.00051 8260B 08/03107 1702 IWitI 025514 12-Dichtoropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00038 82609 08/03/07 1702 Iwiby 025514 135-Trlrnethyjbenzene 901 xnglkg 0.0051 0.00043 8260B 08/03/07 1702 Iwihry 025514 13-Dlchtorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00044 8260B 09/03/07 1702 Iwiby 025514 13-Dlchioropropano BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.00035 8260B 08/03107 1702 Iwiby 025514 14-Dlchtorcbenzeno BR mg/kg 0.0051 0.0004 8260B 08/03107 1702 twIll 025514 22-Dlchlorapmpane BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00026 82609 08/03/07 1702 Iwtmry 025514 2-Chlorotoluepe BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00038 826DB 08/03107 1702 iwllry 025514 This report should not be repmcluced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories lno 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 26224-0543 Phone704/529.6364.Toll Free Number-1-808/529-0354-Fax 704/525-0409 Page of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 This roport should not be repmduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543-Charlotto NC 29224-0543 Phone 70415294364 Toll Free Number 1400/5294354 Fax 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Ctient Sample ID WS-i ttn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 188652 Box 7030 Sample Matthc Soil coo Group 00307064 Thariotte NC 28241 Time Collected 08102107 915 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 ammeter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Umit Factor Date/Time ID -Hexanone BRI mg/kg 0.051 0.00053 826DB 08/03/07 1702 Iwilry Q25514 1-Chiorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00027 82609 08/03/07 1702 lwitry Q25514 i-Methyi-2-pentanone MIBK BRI mg/kg 0.051 0.00051 82603 08/03/07 1702 wllry Q25514 tsetone URL mg/kg 0.051 0.0020 826DB 08/03/07 1702 Iwihy 025514 lenzene BRJ.mg/kg 0.0031 0.00041 82609 08/03/07 1702 lwiliy 025514 lromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00036 82608 08/03/07 1702 lwitiy 025514 romochIoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00031 826DB 08/03/07 1702 twitry 0215514 romod1chloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00045 82603 08/03/07 1702 iwitry 025514 3romoforrn BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00038 826DB 08/03/07 1702 lwitry 025514 3mmomethane BRL mg/kg 0.010 DM006 826DB 08103/07 1702 IwlIry 025514 arbon totrachioride BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.0003 826DB 08/03/07 1702 Iwitxy 025514 hIorobanzene BRL mg/kg 0.0061 0.00039 826DB 08/03/07 1702 why 025514 hlorodlbrornomethane BRI mg/kg 0.0051 0.00035 826DB 08/03/07 1702 lwlliy 025514 hloroethane BRL mg/kg 0010 0.00042 826DB 08/03/07 1702 lwiy 025514 hloroibrm BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00038 82608 08/03/07 1702 hwitry 025514 hloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00036 82608 08103/07 1702 Iwitry 025514 is-12-Dlchloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00023 82609 08/03/07 1702 lwitri 025514 1s-13-DIchIompropene BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00033 826DB 06/03/07 1702 Iwitri 025514 Dlcliiorodlfluoromethane BRL mg/kg 00051 0.0011 826DB 08/03/07 1702 lwttiy 025514 thyIbenzene URL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00036 82603 08/0307 1702 twftiy 025514 sopropyt ether IPE BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00017 82603 08/03/07 1702 iwilry Q25514 sopmpylbenzene BRL mg/kg 00051 0.00041 82603 08/03/07 1702 lwitr 025514 np-Xylanes BRL mg/kg 0010 0.00072 82608 08/03/07 1702 lwihy 025514 Viethyt ethyl ketoneMEK BRL mg/kg 0.10 00014 82609 08103/07 1702 Iwitiy 025514 ViothyI t-butyl ether MTBE BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.0003 826DB 08103/07 1702 Iwilry 025514 Viethylene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00042 82609 03/03/07 1702 IwitrY 025514 -ButyIbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0051 0.00041 826DB 06/03/07 1702 lwity 025514 Page of 35 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 188652 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0807064 Time Collected 08102107 915 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification 14o 99012 NC Ddnldng Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analyst Batch ID Analysis Limit Factor Date/Time 0.0051 0.00031 52605 08/03/07 1702 lwitiy 025514 0.010 0.0006 82605 08103/0 1702 IWlIJY Q25514 0.0051 0.00031 826DB 08103/07 1702 lwltry Q25514 0.0051 0.00042 82606 08103107 1702 witry Q5514 0.0051 0.00034 82606 0810307 1702 lwitJy 025514 0.0051 0.00051 826DB 08/03/07 1702 twftiy 025514 0.0051 0.00032 826DB 08/03107 1702 IwliJy 025514 0.0051 0.00088 826DB 08/03/07 1702 lwiby 025514 0.0051 0.00035 826DB 08103/07 1702 lwftiy 025514 DM051 0.00039 826DB 08103107 1702 Iwitry Q25514 0.0051 0.00036 82605 08/03/07 1702 lwitiy Q25514 0.0051 0.00031 826DB 08/03/07 1702 Iwitry 025514 0.0051 0.00042 826DB 08103/07 1702 Iwitry 025514 0.026 0.0019 826DB 08103/07 1702 Iwitry 025514 0.0051 0.00066 82606 08103/07 1702 lwity 025514 -Pmpylbenzena BRL Maphthalene BRL D-Xylene BRL -Isopmopyltoluene BRL reoButylbenzene BRL 9tyrene BRL tert-Butylbenzene BRI. Tetrachiomethene SRI Toluone BRL Lrans-1 2-Oichloroethene BRL trans-i 3-Dlchloropropene SRI. Trichiomethens BRL rrichtoronuommeihane LIRL Vinyl acetate BRI. Vinyl chloride BRL Semi-volatile Oroanic Comnounds by CC/MS 1.24-Tdchlorobenzene BRL 12-Dlthlorobenzene BRL 1.3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 14-Dlchlorobenzene BRL 2.45TrlchlorophenoI BRL 2.46-Trtchlorophenol SRI mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Toluene-dB 97 81 -128 Dlbromofluommethane 90 67-143 Bmmafiuombenzene 110 77-128 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.035 0.027 0.026 0.033 0.037 0.035 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 52700 08107/07 1402 kcamplgotto 08/01/07 1402 kcamp1otto 08/07/01 1402 kcamp1otto 08/07/07 1402 kcaniplotto 08/07/01 1402 kcamplgotto 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotb Q25550 025550 Q25550 Q25550 025550 025550 This report should not be reproduced except In It entirety wthout the written consent or Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-6364 Toll Free Number l-800/529.5364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No g9012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 vlci An1tIcI Lnvhnmcn5I Sthiicns ESP Associates PA \ttn Chris Ward .0 Box 7030 harlotte NC 2824i This report should not be reproduced exoept in Its entireLy without the written conseritof Prism Labomtortes Inc 449 Spilngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 29224-0543 Phone 704/529-8364 Toll Free Number 1400/529-6354 Fax704/529-0409 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 188652 Sample Matrix Soil coc Group G0807064 Time Collected 05/02107 915 Time Submitted 0802107 13-25 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Datefflme ID DIchkimphenc$BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.031 827CC 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgoflo 025550 4-D1methyIphenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 827CC 08107/07 1402 kcamptgotto Q25550 4-Dlnhtrophenol BRL mg/kg tB 0.041 8270C 08/07107 1402 kcmpIotto 025550 4-DInItroto1uene SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.021 827CC 08107/07 1402 kcamp1otto Q25550 5Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.039 827CC 08/07107 1402 kampgotto 025550 -ChIcmnaphthaIene SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.038 827CC 08107107 1402 kcamplgatto 025550 -Chorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.029 827CC 08/07/37 1402 kcampotto 025550 -Methylnaphtha1one BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.029 827CC 08/07/07 1402 Iccamplgotto Q2555 -Methylphenol SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.034 827CC 08/07/07 1402 kcampIotto Q2555Q -NItmphenoI SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.044 8270C 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto Q25550 l4-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.037 8270C 08107/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 33-Dichloroben2idlne BRL mg/kg 0.73 0.023 8270C 08/07107 1402 kcamphotto 025550 l.6-DlnIlro-2-methytpheno BRL mg/kg 1.8 0.022 8270C 08107107 1402 kcenplgolto 025550 1-Bromophenyiphenylether SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.035 827CC 0807/07 1402 hcarnpIgotto 025550 t-Chloro-3-methylphenol SRI mg/kg 0.73 0.027 827CC 03/07/07 1402 kcampiotto 025550 t-Chloroanlllne SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.047 827CC 08/07/07 1402 kcampIgotto 025550 l-Chlompheriylphenylether SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.023 82700 08107/07 1402 kcamphouo 025550 1-Nitrophenol SRI mg/kg 1.8 0.024 8270C 08/07/07 1402 hvamplgotto 025550 cenaphIhene SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.035 8270C 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 cenaphthylene SRI mg/kg 0.37 1.036 8270C 08/07/07 1402 hcanphotto 025550 nthracene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.028 827CC 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 .zobenzene BRL mg/kg 1.8 0034 8270C 08/07/07 1402 kcampigotto Q25550 3enzoaanthracene 0.16 .i mg/kg 0.37 0.051 827CC 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 3enzoapyrene 0.18 mg/kg 0.37 0.042 8270C 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto Q25550 3enzobfiunranlhene 0.19.1 mg/kg 0.37 0.016 827CC 08/07/07 1402 kcampIotto 025550 3enzog.hjpe4ene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.017 82700 08/07107 1402 keamplgotto 025550 3enzokfiucranthene 0.17 mg/kg 0.37 0.030 82700 0807/01 1402 kcamplgolto 025550 Page of 35 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 188652 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0807064 Time Collected 08102/07 915 Time Submitted 08102107 1325 SRI SRI BRI SRi SRI SRI BRI 0.17 BRL BR BRL I3RL ERL BRL 0.37 aRt BR BRL BRL BRL SRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BR mg/kg 1.8 0.16 mg/kg 0.73 0.039 mg/kg 0.37 0.042 mg/kg 0.37 0.040 mg/kg 0.37 0.031 my/kg 0.37 0.018 mg/kg 0.37 0.022 mg/kg 0.37 0881 mg/kg 0.37 0.017 mg/kg 0.37 0.027 mg/kg 1.37 0.037 mg/kg 0.37 0.031 mg/kg 0.37 0023 mg/kg 0.37 0.025 my/kg 0.37 0.025 mg/kg 0.37 0.022 mg/kg 0.37 0.019 mg/kg 0.37 0.036 mg/kg 1.37 0.039 mg/kg 0.37 0.037 mg/kg 037 0.038 mg/kg 0.37 0.033 mg/kg 0.37 1.042 mg/kg 0.31 0.019 mg/kg 0.37 0.040 mg/kg 0.37 0.036 mg/kg 1.8 0.031 8270C 827CC 827CC 8270C 827CC 827CC 82700 82700 82700 827CC 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 827CC 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 821CC 82700 82700 827CC 827CC 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgolto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcarnpigotlo 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcampigotlo 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcarnpiotto Q25550 08/07/07 1402 kcamptgotto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgofln 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotlo 025550 08107/07 1402 kcampIotto 025550 08/01/07 1402 kcampiofto 025558 08107107 1402 kcainptgotio Q25550 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgolto 025550 08107/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 08107/07 1402 kcampIatta Q25550 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcampigotto 025551 08/07/07 1402 kcamplootto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcampiotto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcampigotb 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcatnptgotto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcsmplaotlo 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcamploLto 025550 08/07/07 1402 koamplgotto 025550 08/07107 1402 kcampigctio 025550 08/07107 1402 kcampigotto 025550 08/07/07 1402 kcamplgotto 025550 This report should not be reproduced except In ha entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Chadotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.8384 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certilicalion No 402 SC Certlflcation No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 SP Associates PA ttn Chjis Ward .0 Box 7030 hartotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 0810107 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Daternme ID 3erizolo acid 3enzyl alcohol 31s2-thloroethoxymethane 3is2-chtoroethdether 31s2-chbroisopropylether 31s2-ethylhexylphthalate 3utylbenyIphthalate Chtysene D1-n-butylphthatate Dl-n-ootyiphthalate lbenzoahanlhracene Dlbenzoluran Dlothylphthalate Dlmethytphthalate Fluoranthene Fluorene -lexachlorobenzeno 1exachlorobutad1ene tiexathlorocycicpentadlene Ilexathloruelhone Indeno1 23-cdpyrene sophorone t1-Mtrosodl-n.propyamjne M-Nhtrosodlphenylarnino Naphthalene titrobenzene Pentachlcrophenol Page 35 henanthrerle henol yrene Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-Fll 1-C22 Asomatics ORL mg/kg Analysis NoIe for CU-C22 Aromatica 19-C36AflphaUcs BRL mg/kg 9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg Sample Preparation MDI IDilulion Factor 29.Og ImL 35509 08/07/07 1402 kcasnpigoilo 08/07/07 1402 kcampigotto 08/07/07 1402 keampigotto 08/04/07 900 pbaw 025550 025550 025550 P19082 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 80 41 136 Phenol-d5 89 13-95 Nitrobennene-d5 75 14-103 2-Fluomphancl 80 14-89 2-Fluombiphenyl 76 21 -108 246-Trlbromophenol 87 25-123 21 mg/kg 027 0.015 6010B 110 mg/kg 0.27 0.018 60109 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety ydthout the written consent of Pilam Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 2B224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toil Free Number 1-800/529.8364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 SP AssociateS PA ttn Chris Ward .0 Box 7030 hartotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID PrIsm Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COG Group Time Collected lime SubmItted arameter Result Units wS-I 1B8652 G0807064 06/02/07 915 08102/07 1325 Method Analysis Analyst Batch Datamme IDReport Limit 0.37 0.37 0.25 BRL 0.32 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.018 0.040 0.37 0.025 Sample PreparaUom 8270C 827CC 82700 11 5.9 AdjuBIed value Ii 1.6 11 3.5 MADEP EPI-I 08/07/07 2107 grappacrioll 025548 MADEP EPH MADEP EPH 08/07/07 2107 grappaccioli 08/07107 2107 grappaccioli 10.14 mL EPH 08103/07 700 pbarr 025548 025548 P19081 1etals by ICP hromIum ead Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 82 40-140 2-Fkrorobiphenyl 84 40-140 2-Bmmonaphthalefle 90 40-140 1-Gb oro-octadecane 57 40-140 08/03/07 1959 mcampbefl 08/03107 1959 mcampbeil Q25521 025521 Page Cr35 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 wS-1 188652 00807064 08102/07 915 08/02107 1325 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample PreparatIon 2.02 50 mL 30503 08/03107 745 ddixon P19078 ilolatlle Petroleum Hydrocarbons by 3C-PIOIFID 5-C8 Atiphatics BRL mg/kg 5.5 1.1 MADEP VPH 08107107 431 hwagner Q25565 analysis Note for C5-C8 Aliphatioa Adjusted value 9-C10 Aromatics BR.mg/kg 5.5 0.033 MADEP VPK 08107/07 431 hwagner Q25565 C9.Cl2AllphatJcs ERL mg/kg 5.5 1.7 MADEPVPH 08107/07 431 hwagnar Q25565 xialysis Note for C9-C12 AliphaticS Adjusted value Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dlbromotoluene-PID 102 70-130 25-Dlbromotoluene-flD 109 70-130 3amplo Weight Detennnaton Nelght 21.79 MADEP VP1-l 08/08/07 000 Ibrown P/eight 20.04 MADEP VPI-I 08/08/07 000 Ibrown sample Comments 3R1 Below Reporting Limit I-Estimated value between the Reporting Umit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certlflcathn requirements other than VELAC certification except for those Instances Indicated in the case nanativo ancYor lest comments 4ff results are reported on dy-wefght basis This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent ci Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Char7otte NC 28224-0543 NC Certilication No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 ESP Associates PA 4.ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 hartotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COG Group Time Collected Time Submitted ngeIa Overcash V.P Laboratory Services Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Numban 1-800/529-6384 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of 35 percent Solids Determination percent Solids NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 90012 NC Drinking Water Cert Un 37735 5.60 5.78 5.59 5035 5035 5035 0811007 000 lbrcari 08110/07 000 08/10107 000 rolatile Organic Compounds by GCMS 11-Tdchloroethane 22.Tetrachtoroethane l2-Trichioroethane I..Dlchloroethanu 1-Dlchloraethene 1-Dlchloropropene 23-TrIthlorobenzene 23-Tilchloroprcpane 24-Trichlorobenzene 24-Trimethy1benzene 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2-Dlchlorobenzene 2-Dlchloroothane 2-Dlchloropropano 35-Trtmethylbenzene .3-Dlchtorobenzerie 3-Dlcbloropropane 4-Dlchiorobenzcne 2-Dlchtoropropana -Chiorotoiuene mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 826DB 82608 82608 826GB 82608 82609 82603 82608 82608 82608 82608 826GB 826DB 82608 82609 62609 826GB 826GB 826GB 82608 08/03/07 17A5 Iwitiy 08/03/07 1745 twity 08/03/07 1745 lwitiy 08103/07 1745 Iwby 08103/07 1745 IwlIzy 08/03/07 1745 IW1IIY 08103/01 1745 1MIty 08/03/07 1745 wIlly 08/03107 1745 wiry 08/03/07 1745 Iwilly 08/03/07 1745 lwitiy 08/03/07 1745 willy 08/03/07 1745 willy 08/03107 1745 wiry 08/03107 1745 twitry 08103107 1745 MW 08/03/07 1745 lwitiy 08/03/07 1745 Iwitry 08/03/07 1745 wIlly 08/03/07 1745 lwilry 025514 025514 025514 Q25514 025514 Q25514 025514 025514 Q25514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 Tharlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08110/07 ProJ9ct ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrbc Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS4 188853 30807064 08102107 930 0802107 1325 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 88.8 amnie Weight Determination Veight Blsulfte Veight BisuUte Veight Methanol SM2540 08103/07 1555 ridlxon Ibrown brown 0.0050 0.0050 000028 0.00051 0.0050 0.00031 0.0050 0.00038 0.0050 000038 BRL BRL BRL BRI BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL URL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.00044 0.00055 0.00044 0.00048 0.00038 0.00009 0.00027 0.0005 0.00037 000042 0.00043 0.0050 0.00034 0.0050 0.00039 0.0050 0.00025 00050 0.00037 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 282.24-0543 Phone 704/529-8364 Toll Free Number 1-8110/529-6354 fax 704/525-0409 Page8of35 ESP Associates PA Atm Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 PrIsm Sample ID 188653 Sample Matnx Soil COC Group G0807064 lime Collected 08102107 930 Time Submitted 08102/07 1325 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 ToU lreo Numbec 1-8001529-0364 Eax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC CerLificatlon No 99012 NC DrInking Water Cert No 37735 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.050 0.00052 826DB 08103107 1745 lw/ky Q25514 4-Chlarotaluene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00026 826DB 08103/07 1745 Iwliry 025514 4-Methyt.2-pentanoneMIBK BRL mg/kg 0.050 0.0005 82608 08103/01 1745 IwlIiy 025514 Acetone BR mg/kg 0.050 0.0020 825DB 08/03/07 1745 IWiLiy 025514 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0030 0.0004 825DB 08103/07 1745 lwitnr 025514 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 00050 000035 82609 08/03/07 1745 Iwitry 025514 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.0003 826DB 08/03/07 1745 1w/ky 025514 Bmmodlchlororuethana BR mg/kg 0.0050 0.00044 82608 08/03107 1745 lw/ky Q25514 Bromoform BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00037 826DB 05/03107 1745 lwltzy 025514 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.00058 826DB 08/03/07 1745 lw/ky Q25514 Carbon tetrachioride BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00029 82608 08/03/07 1745 lw/ky 025514 Chlorobenzene SRI mg/kg 0.0050 0.00038 826DB 08/03/07 1745 1w/ky Q25514 Chtorodibromomothane BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00034 82608 08/03/01 1745 lw/ky 025514 Chioroethane BR mg/kg 0.010 0.00041 82603 08/03/01 1745 lw/ky 125514 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00037 826DB 08/03107 1745 lw/ky 125514 Chioromethane BRL rug/kg 0.0050 0.00035 82603 08/03/07 1745 IwIby 025514 ds-12-DIchoroethene SRI mg/kg 0.0050 0.00022 82608 08/03107 1745 lwitiy 025514 cls-13-Dlchloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00032 826DB 08/03/07 1745 IWILTY 125514 Dlchlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.0011 826DB 08103/07 1145 lw/kY 025514 EthyIbenene BR mg/kg 0.0050 000035 826DB 08/03/07 1745 1W/ky 125514 Isopropyl ether IPE BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00017 826DB 08/03/07 1745 lw/ky 025514 Isopropylbenzene BR.mg/kg 0.0050 0.0004 826DB 08/03/07 1745 lW/ky 025514 mp-Xyteries BR.mg/kg 0.010 0.0007 826GB 08/03/07 1745 lwllr 125514 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL mg/kg 0.10 0.0014 826DB 08/03/07 1745 lw/ky 025514 Methyl ether MTBE SRI mg/kg 0.010 000029 626DB 00/03107 1745 lw/ky 125514 MethyleneohtorTde SRI mg/kg 0.0050 0.00041 826GB 08103107 1745 lw/ky 025514 n-Butylbonzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.0004 826DB 08/03107 1745 lw/ky 025514 Page of 35 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward 0.Box7030 harloUe NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil coo Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-2 188653 G0807064 08102/07 930 18/02/07 1325 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety 4thout the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-5364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6384 Fax 7041525-0409 NC CertificatIon No.402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water CerL No 37735 Laboratory Report 08/1007 -I Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Limit Method Factor -Prcpylbenzene JaphthaIene -Xylene u-Isopropyltoluene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butyibenzene retrachtoroethens Toluene tmns-1 2-Dlchloroethene trans-I 13-Dlchloropropene Frichioroethene rricblorofiuoromethano Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride BRL BRL BRL I3RL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL URL BRL BRL BRL 0.0050 0.0003 0.010 0.00058 0.0050 0.0003 0.0050 0.00041 00050 0.00033 0.0050 0.0005 0.0050 0.00031 0.0050 0.00086 0.0050 0.00034 0.0050 0.00038 0.0050 0.00035 0.0050 0.0003 0.0050 0.00041 0.025 0.0018 0.0050 0.00064 Analysis Analyst Batch Date/lime ID 826DB 08103/07 1745 iwitry Q25514 82606 08103107 1745 twitry 025514 826DB 08/03/07 1745 lwiliy Q25514 826DB 08/03/01 1745 lwitxy 025514 026DB 08103107 1745 iwitry 025514 828DB 08/03/07 1745 Iwitry 025514 826DB 08/03/07 1745 Iwitry 025514 82503 00/03/07 1745 Iwitry 026514 82503 08/03/07 1745 Iwitry 025514 826DB 08/03/07 1745 Iwitry 025514 626DB 08103/07 1745 Iwitry 025514 82608 08/03/07 1745 lwitry 025514 82603 08103107 1745 IWitry 025514 82608 08/03/07 1745 twitry 025514 826DB 08/03/07 1745 iwitiy 025514 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 99 81 128 Dibromoltuoromethane 92 67-143 Bromofiuorobenzene 108 77-128 SemI-volatIle Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1Z4-Tflchtorobenzene BRL 12-Dlchlorobenzene BRL 13-Dlchlorobenzene BRL t4-Plchlorobenzene BRL a41.Trlchlorophenol BRL 2416-Trlchlorophenol BRL 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0038 0.027 0027 0.033 0.038 0.035 82700 6270C 82700 8210C 827QC 82700 00107/07 1451 00/07/07 1457 08/07/07 1457 08/07/07 1457 08/07/07 1457 08/07/07 1457 kcampIotto kcaniplotto kcamplgotto kcamptgotto kcainplgotto kcamplgotto 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 Q25550 Page 10 of 35 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the wtitten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlrigbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529.8384 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Pt NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA /\ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08110107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS.2 PrIsm Sample ID 188653 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 30807064 Time Collected 08/02107 930 Time Submitted 08/02107 3.25 Parameter Result Units Report MDL DIluliort Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time II 4-DichIorophenoI BR mg/kg 0.37 0031 82706 08107/07 1457 kcampleattD Q25550 24.Dlmethylphenol BR.mg/kg 0.37 0.035 8270C 08107/07 1457 kcampluolio 025550 24-Dinitrophenol URL mg/kg 1.8 0.041 82706 08/07/07 1457 kcainplgotto 025550 24-Dlnltrotoluene BRL mg/kg D.37 0.021 82706 08107/07 1457 kcainplgottu 025550 8-DlnItmtoluene BR.mg/kg 0.37 0.039 82706 08/07101 1457 kcarnplgollo Q25550 a.Chloronaphthatene BR mg/kg 0.37 0.038 82706 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 a-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.029 8270C 08/07/07 1457 hcarnplgotto 025550 ..MethylnaphthaIene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.029 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto Q25550 -Metbytphenol BRL mg/kg 037 0.034 82706 08107/07 1457 kcamplgotto Q2555Q a-Nurophanal BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.044 82100 08/07/07 1457 hcamplotto 025550 34-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.038 82706 08107/07 1457 kcarnp1oUo 025550 33-Dlchlorobonzldlne I3RL mg/kg 0.74 0.023 82700 08/07/01 1457 kcarnplgotto 025550 16-Dlnltro--2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 15 0.022 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 1-Bromophenylphanylether BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 8270C 08107/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 i-Chloro-3-rnethylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.74 0.027 82706 08107/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 1-Chioroaniline BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.047 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcampigotto 025550 1-Chlomphenytphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.023 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 1-Nltrophenol BRL mg/kg 1.8 0.024 82706 08/07/01 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 cenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 82700 08107/01 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 oenaphlhylene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.037 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamptgotto 025550 nthmcene BR.mg/kg 0.37 0.028 82700 08107/07 1457 koamplgotto 025550 4zobenzene BRL mg/kg 1.8 0034 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 3enzoaanthracene BR mg/kg 0.37 0.051 82706 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgo%to Q25550 3erzoapyrene BRL mg/kg 037 0.042 82700 08/07/01 1457 kcarnplpotto 025550 3enzobfluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.015 82700 08/07/07 1457 koarupigotto 025550 3erizog.hIperylene BR mg/kg 0.37 0.017 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamplotto 025550 3enzoktluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.030 82700 08107/07 1457 kcarnp1otb 025550 Page 11 ci 35 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spdngbrook Read P.O Box 240543-Charlotte NC 26224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 ToIl Free Number 1-8001529.6364 Fax 704/525.0409 SOC cation No 99012 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06/10/07 Ii SP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 \thi Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 188653 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0807064 harIotte NC 28241 TIme Collected 08102/07 930 Time Submitted 08102107 1325 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Daternme ID 1.8 0.163enzolc acid BRL mg/kg 82700 08/07107 1457 kcamplgottn 025550 3enzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.74 0.039 827CC 08/07/01 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 31s2-chioroethoxymethane BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.042 827CC 08/07107 1457 kcamplatto 025550 3ls2-chloroethylether BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.040 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 31s2.chloroiscpropylether SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.031 82700 08/07/07 1457 keampigouo 025550 31s2-ethyihexylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.018 82700 08/07/07 1451 kcamplgotto Q25550 3utylbenzylphthaiate SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.023 82700 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 Thrysene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.061 827CC 08101/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 l-n-butylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.017 82700 08/07/07 1451 kcamplgotto 025550 J..n.octylphthoiate SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.027 827CC 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 Ibenzoahanthracene URL mg/kg 0.37 0.037 827CC 08/07/07 1451 kcarnpigolto 025550 Ibenzofuran BRI mg/kg 0.37 0.032 821CC 08107/07 1457 kcarnplgotto 025550 lethylphthalate SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.023 8270C 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgctto Q25550 imethyiphthalata BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.025 827CC 08107/07 1457 koampigotic 025550 Iuoranthone BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.025 82700 08/07/07 1457 keamplgotto 025550 luorene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.022 8270C 08107/07 1457 kcamplgotlo 025550 lexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.019 821CC 08107/01 1457 kamipigotto 025550 lexachtorobutadlerie BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 827CC 08/07/07 1457 Iccamplgotto 025550 iexachlorocyclopentadlene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.039 82700 08/07107 1457 kcamplgolto 025550 exachloroethane SRI mg/kg 0.31 0.037 827CC 08/07/07 1457 kcamplgoth1 025550 ndeno123-cdpyrene SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.038 82700 0807/07 1467 kcamplgotto 025550 sophorone SRI mg/kg 037 0.033 82700 08107101 1457 kcarnpigolto 025550 1-Nltrosodl-n-propylamino SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.042 82700 08107107 1457 kcampigotto 025550 I-NltrosodIphenyIamIne SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.019 827CC 08/07/07 1457 kcampigclio 025550 daphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.040 82700 0807/07 1457 kcampigofto 025550 4itrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 827CC 0807/07 1457 kcainplgotto 025550 entachlorophenoi BRL mg/kg 1.8 0.031 82700 0807107 1457 kcamplgotto 025550 Page 12 of 35 0.1 _.UcaI EwIzornunIMO31i ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil CCC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-2 188653 G0807064 08102/07 930 08/02/07 325 Parameter Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene Report Limit 0.37 0.37 0.37 Analysis Date/lime C810707 1457 Kcamplgollo 08/07107 1457 kcamplotto 08/01/07 1457 kcamplgotto 08104/07 900 pbarr 025550 Q25550 Q25550 P19082 Surrogate Terphenyl.ii14 Phenol-d5 Nlirobenzened5 2-Fluorophenol 2-Phiorobiphenyl 24.Tribromophenol Recovery 74 62 63 57 75 72 Control Limits 41-136 13-95 14-103 14-89 21-1013 25-123 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22 Aromalics Analysis Note or C19-C36 Aliphalics CD-Cia Aliphatics 18 mgkg 58 mg/kg 11 13.0 Aduted value 11 1.7 11 3.6 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety1 without the written consent of Prism Laboratories trio 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/5294364 Toil Free Number 14001529.6364 Fax 7041525.0409 NC Cartlflcatlon No 402 SC Certifloatlon No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 08110107 Result Units Analyst Batch IDMDLMethod saL BRL BRL mglkg mg/kg mglkg Dilution Factor 0.018 0.040 0.025 Sample Preparation 82700 82700 82700 30.32 mt 355013 BRL mg/kg Cl1-C22 7romatics DRL mglkg BRL mg/kg Sample Preparation MADEP EPH 08107107 2251 grappaccloll 025548 MADEP EPH 08/07/07 2251 grappaccloll 025545 MADEP EPH 08107/07 251 grappaccioli 025548 10.1 niL EPH 08/03107 700 pbarr P19081 Metals bVICP Chromium Lead Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyt 87 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 96 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 99 40-140 1-Chloro-octadecana 80 40-140 0.28 0.016 601DB 08/03107 2022 mcampbsll 025521 0.28 0.018 601DB 08/03/07 2022 mcampbelt 025521 Page 13 of 35 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory Report SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Ceit No 37135 08/1007 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 AUn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 188653 P.O Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 00807064 Charlotte NC 28241 lime Collected 08/02/07 930 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample Preparation 2.01 50 ml-305GB 08/03/07 745 ddixon P19078 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-P1D1FID CS-CS AQphatics SRI mg/kg 5.6 1.1 MADEP VFH 08/07/07 515 hwaner Q25565 na1ysis fate for C5-C8 Aliphatics Idjusted value C9-C10 Aroniatfcs BRL mg/kg 56 0.034 MADEP VPH 08/07/07 516 hwagner Q25565 C9.Cl2AIlphatlcs BRL mg/kg 6.6 1.7 MADEP VPH 08/07107 515 hwaner 025565 7na1ysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dlbromotoluene-PID 99 70-130 25.Dlbromotaluene-FID 102 70-131 Sample Woiaht Doterminpflon Weight 22.04 MADEP VPH 08/08107 000 Ibrown WeIght2 18.22 MADEPVPH 08108107 000 Ibrown Sample Comments BRL BelowReporung Limit J-Estimated value between the Reposting Limit end the MDL The results hp Ms report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state cerllllcallon requirements other than NELAC certiffcation except for those instances indicated In the case nanativo and/or test comments All results are reportedon drj-weght basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001520.6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page 14 ci 35 ES Associates PA Atth Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 0811007 Project ID Morehead Cornnions No Client Sample ID WS.3 Prism Sample ID 188654 Sample Matrix Soil coc Gup 30807064 Time Collected 08/02/07 945 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 5035 5035 5035 08/10/07 000 ibrcwn 06/10/07 000 Ibrown 08110107 000 Ibrown NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Datelflme ID 88.2 SM2540 06/03/07 1555 ddkon Samnie Weloht Determination Weight Bisuliete 5.88 Weight Blsulmte 5.79 Weight Methanol 5.23 Volatile Organic Compounds byGC/MS 111-Trtchloroathane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00027 62608 06/03/07 1829 twity 025514 1122-Tetrachloroethane BRL mglkg 0.0048 0.00049 826DB 08/03107 1829 Iwby 025514 112-Trlchloroathane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0003 826DB 08/03/07 1029 Iwitry 025514 tl-Dlchloroethana BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00035 826DB 08103/07 1829 lwitry Q25514 11-Dichloroethene SRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00037 82608 08/03107 1829 twhy Q25514 lj-Dlthlompmpene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00042 826DB 08/03107 1829 Iwitry Q25514 123-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00053 826DB 08/03107 1029 IWhy 025514 123-Trlobloropropane SRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00042 826DB 08/03/07 1829 lwhy 025514 124-Tiichlorobenzeno SRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00046 826DB 08/03101 1829 twilly 025514 12.4-Trimethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 000031 826DB 08/03/07 1829 Iwitry 025514 12-Dibromoethane EDB BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.000087 826DB 0803/07 1829 Iwlby Q25514 12-Dlchtorobenzene BR.mg/kg 0.0048 000026 826DB 06/03107 1829 lwitiy 025514 12-Blchloroethane BIlL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00048 826DB 08/03/07 1829 lwiIiy Q25514 12-Dichloroprupane BIlL mg/kg 0.0043 0.00036 82609 08/03/07 129 Iwitry Q25514 135-Trlmathylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0004 826DB 0803/07 1829 IWIIIY Q25514 13-Dtchlorobanzene SRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00041 826DB 08/03/07 1829 iwitry Q25514 3-Dlchloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00033 826DB 0803/07 1829 Iwitry 025514 14-Dlchlorobenzene SRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00038 82609 08/03I07 1829 Iwiby 025514 22-Dichioropropane SRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00024 82608 08/03/07 i29 twlhii 025514 2-Chiorotoiuene BR.mg/kg 0.0048 0.00036 826DB 08/03/07 1829 lwttry 025514 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spdngbrook Road P.O Box 240543-Charlotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 704/529-0364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 15 o135 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529.8394 ToIl Free Numben 1-8001529-8394 Fax 7041525-0409 .1 .9 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 ttn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 188654 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil CCC Group G0807064 har1otte NC 28241 Time Collected 08/02/07 945 Time Submitted 08102/07 1325 aremeter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analyst Batch ID Analysis Limit Factor Date/lime -Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.048 0.0005 828GB 08/03107 1829 wiIrr 025514 -Chiorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00025 82608 08/03107 1829 Iwltiy 025514 -Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BR mg/kg 0.048 0.00048 526GB 08103/07 1829 Iwltry 025514 BR mg/kg 0.048 0.0019 82608 08103/07 1829 iwlIry Ienzene BR mg/kg 0.0029 0.00039 826GB 08/03/07 1829 IWIry 026514 Irumcbenzene ORL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00034 82608 08103107 1629 Iwitc Q25514 trornochloromethane BR mg/kg 0.0048 0.00029 826GB 08/03/07 1829 Iwttry 025514 lromodlchlommethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00042 826GB 08103/07 1829 Iwttry 025514 lramoforrn BRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00036 82608 08103/07 1829 twltiy 025514 tromoruethane BR mg/kg 0.0096 0.00056 82608 08/03/07 1829 Iwiry 025514 athon tetiachlorlde BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00028 82608 08/03/07 1829 Iwby 025514 hlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 00048 0.00037 826GB 08/03/07 1829 tstty 025514 htorodIbromomothane BR mg/kg 0.0048 000033 82605 08/03/07 1829 twhy 025514 hloroathane BR1 mg/kg 0.0096 0.0004 82600 08/03107 1829 Iwitry 025514 thloroIrm BRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00036 8260B 08/03/07 129 lwity 025514 hloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00034 82608 08/03/07 1829 hæIry 025514 is-I 2.Dlchloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00021 826GB 0810307 1829 IwihY 025514 Is-13-Dlchloropropene BRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00031 82608 08/0307 1829 Iwby 025514 tlchlorodifluommethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0011 826GB 08/03/07 129 twItry 025514 ilhylbenzane BR mg/kg 0.0048 0.00034 82608 08/03107 129 lwitiy 025514 ether IPE BR mg/kg 0.0048 0.00016 826GB 08/03107 1829 twitry Q25514 3opropylbenzene BR mg/kg 0.0048 0.00039 8260B 08/03/07 129 IwitiY 025514 ip-Xylenes 881 mg/kg 0.0096 0.00067 82608 08103107 1829 IWihy 025514 4ethyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL mg/kg 0.096 0.0013 82608 08/03/07 1829 Iwtty 025514 tethyl t-bu ether MTBE BRL mg/kg 0.0096 0.00028 826GB 08/03/07 129 twitiy 025514 4ethylane chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0004 82608 08/03107 1829 lwltY 025514 -Butylbenzena SRI mg/kg 0.0048 0.00039 826DB 08/03107 1829 lwity 025514 Page 16 of 35 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent or Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbroak Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800I529.6364 Fax 7041525.0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected lime Submitted WS-3 188654 00807064 08/02/07 945 08/02/07 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Analyst n-.Pmpylbenzene Naphthalene o-Xylene p-lsopropyltoluene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butylbenzcne Tetrachioroethene Toluene trans-12-Dlchloroethene trans-13-Dlchlompropene Trlchlaroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride BRL DRL BRL BRL SRI BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL DRL 0.0048 000029 0.0096 0.00056 0.0048 0.00029 0.0048 0.0004 0.0048 0.00032 00048 0.00048 0.0048 0.0003 0.0048 0.00083 0.0048 0.00033 0.0048 0.00031 0.0040 0.00034 0.0048 0.00029 0.0048 0.0004 0.024 00017 0.0048 0.00062 Factor Analysis Dateflime 08103/07 1829 lwItiy 08103107 1829 lwiLty 09/03/07 1829 IWitly 08103/07 1829 Iwhy 08103/07 1829 Iwitry 0803/07 1829 lwhy 08/03107 18.29 Iwiby 09/03/07 1829 IwIby 08/03/07 1829 twitiy 08103/07 1829 twIIiy 08/03/CT 1829 twitiy 08/0307 1829 iwby 08103/07 1829 Iwitry 08/03107 1829 Iwitry 08/03/07 1829 lwitry 82608 82608 82608 82608 826GB 826GB 825GB 526DB 82600 82608 826GB 826GB 82608 826GB 82608 Batch ID Q25514 025514 Q25514 025514 025514 025514 Q25514 Q25514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 Q25514 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg rng/lcg mg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control LImits Toluene-dU 91 81 -128 Dltimmolluoromethana 91 67-143 Bromofluombonzene 108 77-128 Semi-volatIle Organic Compounds by GCIMS 124-Trichlambenzene BRL 12-Dlchlorobenzene SRI 13-Dlchloroboozene BRL 14-Dlchlorobenzene SRI 245-Trichiomphenol SRI 2.48-Trtchlomphenaj SRI. 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0037 0.027 0.027 0.034 0038 0.036 827CC 827CC 82700 82700 82700 82700 0807/01 1834 kcamplgolto 08107/UT 1834 kcmptgcIto 08107107 1834 kcamplgolto 0807/07 1834 kcamplgolto 08/01107 1834 kcamp1olIo 08/01107 1834 kcamplgotto Q25550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 Page 17 of 35 ........I....k....P.IJ ESP Associates PA Qtn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 3hadotte MC 28241 NC Certillcallon No.402 Sc Certilicalion No 99012 NC Drinking Water CaL No 37735 Laboratory Report 11 08110/07 Pt -t 24-Dlchlorophenol 24-Dirnethyiphenol 2Dlnitrophenot 24-Dlnllrotoluene 28-Dlnitrotoluene Z-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chiorophenol 2-Methylnaphihalene 2-Methyiphenol 2-Nilrophenol 34-Methylphenol 33-Dlthlorobenzldlne 46-DinIlro-2-methylphenol 4-Bromophenylphenylether l-Chlom-3-methylphenol 4-Chioroaniline 4-Chlorophenylphenylether 4-Nitrophenol Acenephthene Aoenaphthytene Anthracene Azoberizene Benzoaanthracene Benzoapyrene BenzobIluoranthene Benzoghlperylene Benzokfluoranthene This report should not be repmduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spylngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 282240543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6384 Pat 704/525-0409 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Prism Sample ID 188654 Sample Matrbc Soil CCC Group 00807064 Time Collected 08/02/07 945 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL DilutIon Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time It 82700 00/07/07 1834 koamplgotto 025550BRLmg/kg 0.37 0.031 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotlo 025550 ain mg/kg 1.9 0042 8270C 08/07/07 1834 kcainplgotto 025550 SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.021 8270C 08107/07 1834 kcamplgoilo 025550 SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.040 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0038 82700 08107/07 1834 kcampigotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.029 82700 08107/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.030 82700 08107/07 1834 kcampigotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.035 82700 08107/07 1834 kcampigotto 025559 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.045 82700 08107/07 1824 kcampigotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.31 0.038 82700 08107/07 1834 kcamplgoito 025550 BRL mg/kg 0.75 0.023 82700 08/07/07 1834 keamplgatto 025550 BR mg/kg 1.9 0.023 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcetnplgotto 025550 SRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 82700 08/07107 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BRL mg/kg 0.75 0.027 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.048 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.023 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BR mg/kg 1.9 0.025 827CC 08/07/07 1834 kcampigotto 025550 URL mg/kg 0.37 0.037 82700 08/07/07 1834 keamplgotto 025550 SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.037 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.028 82700 08/07/07 1834 keamplgotto 025550 BR mg/kg 1.9 0.035 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcaznpigotto 025550 0.10.1 mg/kg 0.37 0.052 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcanwtootto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.043 82700 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.017 82700 08/01/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.018 82700 08/01/07 1834 kcamplgolb 025550 BR mg/kg 0.37 0.030 82700 08107/07 1834 kCatTIpIgDUO 025550 Page 18 of 35 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 harlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08110107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample 1D WS-3 Prism Sample ID 188654 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 60807064 lime Collected 08102/07 945 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 BRL BRL BRI BRL BRL 8RL BRL 0.11 URL BRL URL BRL BRL BRL 025 BRL BRL BRL BRI BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL SRI SRI BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.16 mg/kg 0.75 0.039 mg/kg 0.37 0.043 mg/kg 0.37 0.041 mg/kg 0.37 0.032 mg/kg 0.37 0.018 mg/kg 0.37 0.023 mg/kg 0.37 0.062 mg/kg 037 0.017 mg/kg 0.37 0.028 mg/kg 0.37 0.037 mg/kg 0.37 0.032 mg/kg 0.37 0.023 mg/kg 0.37 0.025 mg/kg 037 0026 mg/kg 0.37 0.022 mg/kg 0.37 0.019 mg/kg 0.37 0.036 mg/kg 0.37 0.039 mg/kg 0.37 0.039 mg/kg 0.31 0.038 mg/kg 037 0.033 mg/kg 0.37 0.042 mg/kg 037 0.019 mg/kg 0.31 0.041 mg/kg 037 0.036 mg/kg 1.9 0.031 8270C 82700 82700 82700 8270C 82700 82700 8270C 82700 827CC 82700 82706 82706 82700 827CC 8270C 82700 82700 82700 82700 827CC 82706 82700 8270C 82700 82706 82100 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 koampigotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgouo 025550 08/07/07 1834 koamplgolto 025550 08/07/07 834 kcamplgolto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 08/0707 1834 kcainplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgottn 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 koamplgotto Q2555D 08107107 1834 kcamplgolto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamptgotlo 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07107 1834 kcamplgotto Q25550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgolto 025550 08107/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 koamplgotto 025550 08107/07 1834 kcampigotto Q25550 08/07107 1834 kcamptgotto 025550 08107/07 1834 kcamplgntto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcamplgotb 025550 08/07/07 1934 kcampfgotto 025550 08107/01 1834 kcampigotto 025550 08/07/07 1834 koampigolto 025550 08/07/07 1834 kcarnplgotto 025550 This report should not be repnduced except inks entirely without the written consentof Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spilngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6384 Toll Free Numbon 1400/529-6364 Fax 704/525.0409 Page 19 of 35 .1 NC Certitication No 402 SC Ceitlilcatlon No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cat No 37735 aranieter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID ii 3enzolc acid 3enzyl alcohol 31s2-chlomethoxymethano 31s2-cbloroethylother 31s2-chioroisopropylether 31s2-athylhexylphthalate utylbenz1phthalate hrysene I-n.butylphthalate 31-n-octylphthalate Ibenzoahanlhracene ibenzoftiran Diethyiphihalate Dlmethylphthaiate Fluoranlhene Fluorono hfexachiorobenrene F-Iexachlorobutadlene l-iexachlorooyclopentadlene Hexachioroethane Indeno1 23-cdpyrene Isophomne N-Nitrosodl-n-propylamlre N-Nltrosodlphenylamlne Naphihalerte Nltrobenzene Pentachlorophenol ESP Associates PA \ttn Chris Ward .0 Box 7030 harlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/1 0/07 WS-3 163654 00807064 08/02/07 945 08/02/07 1325 henanthrene henol yrene MDL Dilution Factor Method 30.08 mL 35508 Analysis Date/lime 08107/07 1834 keamplgotlo 08107107 1834 keampfgotlo 08107/07 1834 kcampigotb 08104/07 900 pbarr 025550 025550 025550 ixtractablc Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FlD 1-C22 Aromatlcs BRL mg/kg Ina1ysis Note for 011-022 Jromatics 9-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg Sample Preparation 9.89g 2mL EPI-1 0810307 700 pbarr P19081 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent or Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1400/529-6384 Fax 704/525.0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil Coc c3roup Time Collected Time Submitted arameter Result Units Analyst Batch IDReport Limit 0.37 0.37 0.17J URL 0.21 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.018 0.041 0.37 0.025 Sample Preparation 8270C 8210C 8270C P19082 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 78 41 -136 Phenol-d5 59 13-95 Nltrobonzened5 63 14-103 2-Fluómphenol 61 14-89 2-Fluoroblphenyl 75 21 -100 246-Tiibromophenal 81 25-123 11 6.2 MADEP EPI-I 08/08/07 035 grappacclofl Q25548 Adjusted value 11 1.1 MADEP EPH 08108/01 035 grappeectoll 025548 11 3.7 MADEP EPI-I 0808/07 035 greppacclolt 025548 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Teiphen4 94 40-140 Intajs bviCp hromium .ead 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90 40-140 2-Bmmonaphthatene 95 40-141 1-Chloro-octadecarro 90 40-140 19 mg/kg 0.28 0.016 60108 08/03/07 2029 mcampbell Q25521 100 mg/kg 028 0.010 ODIOB 08/03/07 2029 mcampbell 025521 Page 20 ci 35 Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Urn J-Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results In this report relate only to the samples submitted lbr analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification eccept forthose Instances Indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments Al results are reported on dry-weight basis Angela ft Overcash V.P Laboratory Services Ths report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-0364 Toll Free Number 1400529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 .4 SP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 NC CertificatIon No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Sample Matrix Soil hartotte NC 26241 Laboratory Report 06110107 Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-3 108654 30807064 08102/07 945 08/02/07 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/lime ID Sample PreparatIon 1.99 50 mL 30509 08/03/07 745 ddIXO3l P19078 llolatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDJ Fin l5-C8 ilphat1cs BRL mg/kg 5.7 1.1 MADEP VPI-I 08107/07 55B hwagnar 025565 Analysis Note for CS-Cli Aliphatics Aajusted value C9-C10 Ammalics BRL mg/kg 5.7 0.034 MADEP VPI-I 08107/07 558 hwagnar 025565 09-Cl2AllphaIIcs BRL mg/kg 5.7 1.7 MADEP VPH 08/07107 558 tiwagner 025565 Analysis Note for C9-C12 Miphatics Adjusted value Surrogate Recovery Control LImits 25-Dibromotofuene-PID 97 70-130 25-Dlbromotoluene-FID 104 70-130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 21.95 MADEP VPH 08108107 000 thrown Weight 16.95 MADEP VPI-l 0808/07 001 thrown Page 21 of 35 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 har1otte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08110107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sampla ID WS4 Prism Sample ID 188655 Sample Matrix Soil COO Group G0507064 Time Collected 08/02/01 1000 Time Submitted 08/02/07 25 Fercent Solids Determination ercent Solids 5.91 6.42 5.51 5035 05110107 000 5035 05/10107 000 5035 08/10/07 000 brown Ibrown Ibrown NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Datefllme ID SLT SM2540 08/03/07 1555 ddixon 2rn Die Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate Weight Bisulfata Weight Methanol Ifttlptile Organic Compounds by GCIMS I1i-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00025 82605 05/03/07 1912 Witty 025514 L122-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00045 826DB 08103/07 1912 IWiby 025514 I12-Ttichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 000027 82603 05103/07 1912 IwlIry 025514 11-Dichioroothana BRI mg/kg 0.0044 000032 826DB 08/03107 1912 Iwflty 025514 lj-Dlchioroethene RRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00034 826DB 08/03/07 1912 twltry 025514 1-Dlthloropropene URL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00039 82603 08/03/07 1912 iwlIjy 025514 123-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 000049 826DB 08/03107 1912 twitty Q25514 l23-Trlchloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00039 826DB 03/03107 1912 twiby Q25514 l.24-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00042 82608 08/03107 1912 Iwfby 025514 124-Trimethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00034 82608 08103/07 1912 LwIUy 025514 12-Dibromoethane EDB 8RL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00008 82608 08/03/07 1912 tWitry 025514 t.2-Dlchlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00024 82608 08103/07 1912 iwitty 025514 t2-Dlchloroethane EIRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00044 826DB 08103/07 1912 iwitry Q2551 12-Dichioroprapane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00033 826DB 08103/07 1912 Iwib 025514 l3.5-Trimethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00037 826DB 08/03/07 1912 IWitty 026514 l3-Dichlarobenzene ERL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00038 82608 08103107 1912 IwItry Q25514 13-Dichioropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0003 826DB 08/03/07 1912 iwiliy 025514 l4-Dlchlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00034 82608 08/03/07 1912 iwltry 025514 2-DIchIoropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00022 82603 08/03/07 1912 Iwitty 025514 -Chtorotoiueno URL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00033 82608 08/03/07 1912 IWitty Q25514 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent or Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbroolc Read P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-0364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 22 of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC DrinkIng Water Cert No 37735 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of PrIsm Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6384 Toll 1ree Number 1-8081529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 ttn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 188655 P.O Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil coc Gmup 00807064 Chadotte NC 28241 Time Collected 08/02/07 1000 Time Submitted 08102/07 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.044 0.00046 826GB 08/03107 1912 lwltW 025514 4-Chiorotolueno URL mg/kg 0.0044 000023 826DB 08/03/07 1912 Iwiliy 025514 4-MethyI-2-pentanone MIBK BRI mg/kg 0.044 0.00044 826GB 08103107 1912 IWkIy 025514 cetone BRL mg/kg 0.044 0.0017 826DB 08103107 1912 IWltry 025514 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0027 0.00035 826DB 08/03/07 1912 Lwitry 025514 Brornobenzene BR.mg/kg 0.0044 0.00031 626GB 08/03/07 1912 lwitty 025514 Bromochtommethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00027 82608 08/0307 1912 IwlIry 025514 Bromodlchloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00039 82606 08103/07 1912 twitrY 025514 Bronioform BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00033 82606 08103107 1912 Iwitry 025514 Brornomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0088 0.00051 825GB 08103/07 1912 Iwitry 025514 Carbon tetrachiodde BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00026 826GB 08/0307 1912 Iwitry 025514 Chloivbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00034 826DB 08103/07 1912 IwItry 025514 Chlorodlbmmomelhano BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0003 826DB 08/03/07 1912 Iwiby 025514 Chtoroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0088 0.00036 82608 08/03107 1912 IwIby 025514 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00033 826DB 08/03/07 1912 twltry 025514 Chloromethane BR mg/kg 0.0044 0.00031 82608 08/03107 1912 wRry 025514 cls-12-Dlchlcmethene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00019 826GB 0803/07 1912 lwitry 025514 cls-13.Dlchloroprcpene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00028 826DB 08/03/07 1912 twitlY 025514 Dlchlorodlfluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00099 82808 08/03/07 1912 Iwitry 025514 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00031 825DB 08/03/07 1912 wiry 025514 leopropyl ether IPE BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00015 82606 08/03/07 1912 IWILIY 025514 lsopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00035 826DB 08/03/07 1912 lwitry 025514 mp-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0088 0.00062 82608 08/03/07 1912 Iwilsy 025514 Methyl ethyl ketone MK BRL mg/kg 0088 0.0012 826GB 08/03/07 1912 IwiUy 025514 Methyl t-butyl other MTBE BRL mg/kg 0.0088 0.00026 62603 08/03/07 1912 LWIJY 025514 Methylene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00036 826DB 08103/07 1912 Iwitry Q25514 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00035 82606 08/03/07 1912 iwiry 025514 Page 23 of 36 ESP Associates PA Athi Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morohead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrbc Soil coo Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 188655 00807064 08/02107 1000 08/02/07 1325 This report should not be reproduced except In Ils entirety without the written consent ci Prism labaratorles Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 2B2244543 Phone 704/529.6354 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-8364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification Nc 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 31735 .1 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method AnalystAnalysis Batch Untit Factor Date/Time ID 0.0044 0.00027 8260B 08/03/07 1912 Iwitsy Q25514 0.0088 0.00051 82608 08/03/07 1912 iwilry 025514 0.0044 000027 82608 08/03/07 1912 lwilty 025514 0.0044 0.00036 82605 08/03/07 1912 iwltry 025514 0.0044 0.00029 B260B 08/03/07 1912 lwilzy Q25514 0.0044 0.00044 8260B 08/03/07 1912 twitiy 025514 00044 0.00027 82608 08/03/07 1912 lwltty Q25514 0.0044 0.00076 8260B 08/03/07 1912 Iwitfy 025514 0.0044 0.0003 82608 08/03/07 1912 IwIky Q25514 00044 0.00034 8260B 08/03/07 1912 Iwitry 025514 0.0044 0.00031 8260B 08/03/01 1912 Iwitry 025514 0.0044 0.00027 8260B 08/03/07 1912 Iwitry Q25514 0.0044 0.00036 82608 08103107 1912 witiy 025514 0.022 0.0016 8260B 08/03/07 1912 Iwitry 025514 0.0044 0.00057 82608 08/03/07 1912 Iwitry 025514 n-Propylbenzene SRI Naphihalene BRL o-X4ene BRL p-isopropyltoluene BRL soc-Butylbenzsna BRL Styrene BRL tert-Butylbenzene BRL Tetzachloroethene BRL Toluene SRI trans-I 2-Dlchforcethene BRL trans-I .3-Dichioropropeno SRI Irichioroethene BRI rdchtorofluoromethane BRL Vinyl acetate BRL Vinyl chloride BRL Seml-votatffB Orcanta Compounds by GC/MS l24-Trlchlorobenzerte SRI l2-Dlchlorobenzene SRI l3-Dlchlorobenzena BRL 14-Dlchlorobeazene SRI M45-Trlthlorophenol SRI a46-Trlchlorophenol BRI mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Sunogate Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 97 81 -128 Dlbromofluommethane 93 67-143 Bromofluorobenzerie 109 77-128 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.31 0.37 0.037 0.027 0.027 0.033 0.038 0.035 82700 82700 82700 82100 8270C 8270C 08/07/07 1553 kcampigatto 08107/07 1553 kcanipFgntio 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgolio 08101/07 1553 kcampJotto 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgolto 08/07/07 1553 kcamplaoita 025550 025550 025650 026550 025550 025550 Page 24 of 35 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 harlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS4 Prism Sample ID 88655 Sample Matrbc Soil COO Group 00807064 Time Collected 08/02107 1000 Time Submitted 08102/07 1325 BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg aRt mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRI mg/kg BRI mg/kg BRI.mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg Bat mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRL mg/kg BRI mg/kg BRt mg/kg 0.16 mg/kg 0.14 mg/kg 0.14 mg/kg BRL mg/kg 0.17 mg/kg Limit Factor 0.37 0.031 82700 82700 82100 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82100 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 82700 82700 0.37 0.036 1.8 0042 0.37 0.021 0.37 0.039 0.37 0.038 037 0.029 0.37 0.029 0.37 0.035 0.37 0.044 0.31 0.038 0.74 0.023 1.8 0.022 0.37 0.035 0.74 0.027 0.37 0.047 0.31 0.023 1.8 0.025 0.37 0.036 0.37 0.037 0.37 0.028 1.8 0.034 0.37 0.052 0.37 0.043 0.37 0.017 0.37 0.018 0.37 0.030 Analysis Artayst Batch Date/Time ID 08/07/Ui 1553 kcamptsotto 025550 08/07107 1553 kcamplgoflO 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgoUD 025550 08/07/01 1653 kcainpigofto 025550 08107107 1553 keamplgotto Q25550 08/01/07 1553 kcamplgutto 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcampigotto 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgoflo 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgolto Q25550 08/07/07 1553 kcsmplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgotto Q25550 08107/07 1553 kip1go 025550 08107107 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07107 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07107 1563 kcamplgotto 025550 08/0107 1553 kcamplgaltc 025550 08/01/07 1553 kvamptgotto 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcampigotto 025550 08101/07 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 0810707 1553 kcamplgoUo 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgotiz 025550 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgotto Q25550 08/07101 1553 koamplgotto fl2555Q 08/07/07 1553 kcarnplgotti3 025550 08107/07 1553 kcampigotto 025550 08/01/07 1553 kcamplaoLto Q25550 08/07107 i553 kcampgotto 026550 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism l.aboratoæes Inc 449 Spiingbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1.800/529.8364 Fax704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 if Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Parameter 24.DlChlo1OPh8nOl 24-DimethyipheROl 24-Dlnltrophefloi 24-UlnItrotolUSne 26-DlnItrotoIURfle 2-ChloronaphUlaisfle 2-ChloropheflOl 2-Methylnaphthaleflo 2-Methyiphoflol 2-NitrophenOl 34.Methylphenol 33-DIchlorobefl7idiflB 46.DinILro-2-methylPheflOI 4.BromophenylpheflYlether 4-Chloro-3-methYlPhenOl 4-Chioroanlilne 4.Chlorophenylphenylothor 4-Nltrophenol Acenaphtbene Acenaphthylena Mthracene Azobenzerte Benzoaanthracefle Benzoapyrene Benzobfluoranthene Benzoghtperyiene Benzokfluoranthene Page 26 of 35 ESP Associates PA tth Chris Ward Box 7030 charlotte1 NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 188655 G0807064 08/02/07 1000 08/02/07 1325 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spdngbrooh Road P.O Box 240543 Cherlotte NC 25224-0543 Phone 704/529-0384 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-8364 Fax 704/525.0409 NC CertIfication No 402 SC Cerlllloation No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL DliuUon Method Umlt Factor 18 AnalystAnalysis Batch Date/lime ID Benzolc acid BRL mg/kg 0.16 82700 08107/01 1553 hcamplgolio 025550 8enzyt alcohol BRI mg/kg 074 0.039 8270C 0807/07 1553 kcampigotto Q25550 Bis2-thloroethoxymethafle ORL mg/kg 037 0.042 8270C 08/01/07 1553 kcampigotto Q25550 Sls2-chloroethytether SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.040 82700 08/07/07 1553 kcainplgotio 025550 Bls2-chlomlsopropyiether BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.032 8270C 08/07107 1553 kcampigotlo 025550 Bls2-ethylhexylphthalate SRI mg/kg 037 0.018 8270C 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgotio 025550 Butylbenzylphthaiate SRI mg/kg 037 0.023 8270C 08/07/07 1553 kcmp1tto 025550 lhrysene 0.14 mg/kg 0.37 0051 8270C 08107/07 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 D1-n-butylphthalate BR.mg/kg 0.37 0.017 827CC 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgctto 025550 Dl-n-octylphthalate SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.028 82700 08107/01 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 Dibenzoahanthracene BR.mg/kg 0.37 0.037 82700 08/07107 1553 kcamptgotta Q25550 DlbenzoIuran BRL mg/kg 0.37 0032 82700 08107/07 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 Dlelhytphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.37 0023 82700 08/07/07 1553 kcampiotto 025550 Dlmethylphthalato ERL mg/kg 0.37 0.025 82700 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 Fluoranthene 036 mg/kg 0.37 0.025 82700 08/07/07 1553 kcampigotto 025550 Fluorene BR mg/kg 0.37 0.022 82700 08107/07 1553 kcamplgotto 025550 -Iexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0019 82700 08107/07 1553 kCaJflplgotto 025550 llexachlorobutadlene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 82100 08107/07 1553 lccarnphouo 025550 riexaclilorocyclopentadlene SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.039 82700 09/07/07 1553 kCampIgOtiO 025550 Hexachioroethana BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.038 821CC 08107/07 1553 kcamplgotlo 025550 Indenol23-cdpyrene BRI mg/kg 0.37 0.036 82700 08/07/07 1553 Iccamplgoflo 025550 lsophoione SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.033 827CC 08/07/07 1553 kcarnplgotio Q555Q NJ-Nltrosodi-n-propylamlne SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.042 827CC 08107/07 1553 kcamploUo 025550 N-Nllrosodlphenyiamlne BR.mg/kg 0.37 0.019 827CC 08107/07 1553 kcaznplgotto 025550 Naphthalene BRI mg/kg 0.31 0.040 82700 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgatto 025550 Mltrobenzene SRI mg/kg 0.37 0.036 8270C 08107107 1553 kcampigotto 025550 Penlachloroplienol BRI mg/kg 1.8 0.031 62700 08/07/07 1553 kcampigouo 025550 Page 26 of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC DrInking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS.4 Prism Sample ID 188655 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 00807064 Time Collected 08102107 1000 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 -1 Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene Sample Preparatlom 23 mg/kg 150 mg/kg Report Limit 0.37 0.37 0.37 l0.18g 2rnL 0.28 0.016 60106 0.28 0.018 6010B Anaysis Date/lime 08/07/07 1553 Iccamplgotto 08/07/07 1553 kcampgattQ 08/07/07 1553 kcamplgollo 08/04/07 900 pbarr EPH 08/03/07 700 pbwr 08/03/07 2036 mcampbeli 08103/07 2036 mcarnpbell Q26550 Q25550 Q25550 P19082 P19081 Q25521 Q25521 This report should not be repmduced except In Its entirety without the written consent or Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 7041529.8384 ToIl Free Number 1400/529.8364 Fax 7041525-0409 jII BioAisIyIkaJ ESP Associates PA Attr Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Parameter Result Units MDL MethodDiluSon Factor 0.OIB 0.040 0.025 Analyst Batch ID 8270C 8270C 82TOC 30.22 mL 35508 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Terphenykll4 82 41 -136 Phenol-d5 56 13-95 Nitrobanzene-d5 65 14-103 2-Aucrophenol 69 14-89 2-Fluombiphenyl 70 21 -108 2.46-Tdbromophenol 81 25-123 0.28 mg/kg BRL mg/kg 0.33J mg/kg Sample Preparation Extractable Petroleum Hg1rocarbons by 3C-FID C11-C22Aromatics 15 mg/kg na1ysis Note for Cl1-C22 1rornatics C19.C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg C9-Ci8AllphaUcs BRL mg/Kg Metals bv Chromium Lead 11 6.0 Adjusted value. 11 1.7 ii 3.5 MADEP EPI-I 08/08101 403 grappaccloll Q25548 MADEP EPH MADEP EPH 08/08/07 403 08/08/07 403 9rappaccloll 9rappaccioll Q2i1548 Q26548 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyt 102 40-140 2-Fluoroblphenyl 97 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 102 40-140 1-Chioro-octadecane 85 40-140 Page 27 of 35 Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 188655 G0807064 08/02/07 1000 08/02/07 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample Preparation 2.02 50 mL 305DB 08103/07 745 ddbon P19078 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDJFID CS-Ca Allphatca BRL mg/kg 5.6 1.1 MADEP VPI-I 09107701 641 hwagnor Q25555 Pnalysis Note for C5-C8 AUphatics Adjusted value 09-ClOAromatics BRL mg/kg 5.6 0.034 MADEP VPH 08/07107 641 hwagner Q25555 C9-Cl2Aliphatlcs BRL rngikg 56 1.7 MADEPVPH 08/07/07 641 hwegner Q25565 Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjustzed value Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Z5-Dlbromotoluene-PID 82 70-130 25-Dlbromotoluane-FID 94 70-130 SamDla Weight Datermhiatlors Weight 16.74 MADEP VPH 08/08/07 000 brown WeIght 20.11 MADEP WH 08108/07 000 brown Sample Comments BR Below Reporting Limit J-Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results In this report relate only to the samples submiltod for analysis and meet state certiticatlon requirements other thanWELACcartificatknexceptforthose instances Indicated In the case narrative and/or test comments 4/1 results are ropoitodon di -weight be s/s Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the wTitteri consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprinbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 29224-0543 Phone 704/529-5364 Toil Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041528-0409 NC CerllflcatJon No 402 SC Certification No.99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Sample Matrix Soil Page 28 of 35 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 08/10/07 Full sMaAulyUta mlmmuntal SMutiuns ESP AssocIates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample 1D B-I fQtn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 188656 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0807064 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 08/02107 1015 Time Submitted 08/02107 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Daternma ID Percent Solids Determination ement Solids 89.9 SM2540 08/03/07 1555 ddixort Sample Weiqht Determination Neight Bisulfate 5.31 5035 08/10/07 000 ibrown Neight Bisulfate 5.57 5035 0810107 000 brown Iveight Methanol 4.91 5035 0810/07 000 Lbruwn Volatile Orianlc Compounds by GCIMS 1.tl-Trlchloroethane BR rag/kg 0.0052 0.00029 8260B 0803/07 1955 lwhy Q25514 I122-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00053 82608 08/03/07 1955 Iwitry 025514 l.12-Thchtoroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00032 82608 08/03/07 1955 lwltnt 025514 1.1-Dichiomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00031 826DB 08/03/07 1955 Iwlhy 025514 l1-Dlchtomethene BR mg/kg 0.0052 0.00039 8260B 08/03/07 1955 lwitry Q25514 1.1-Dichlomproperie BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00045 826DB 08/03/OT 1955 lefty 025514 I23-Tdchloroberizene BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00057 826DB 08/03/07 1955 iwitry Q25514 123.Trlthloropropane BR mg/kg 0.0052 0.00045 826DB 08/03/07 1955 lwflry 025514 124-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00049 82608 08/03/07 1955 iwilry 025514 124-Trirriethylberizene BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00039 826DB 08/03/07 1955 Iwiby Q25514 12-Dibromoathane 5DB BRL rug/kg 0.0052 0.000093 826DB 08/03/07 1955 lefty 025514 l2-Dlchlorobenzene BR mg/kg 0.0052 0.00028 82608 08/03/07 1955 iwitiy 025514 12-Dichlomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00052 82608 08103/07 1955 iwitry 025514 l2-Dichlcropropane BRI mg/kg 0.0052 0.00038 826DB 08/03/07 1955 Iwitry 025514 l.35-Tritnethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 00052 0.00043 82603 08/03107 1955 Lwitiy 025514 13-Diohlorebeuzene BR.mg/kg 00052 0.00044 826DB 08103/07 1955 iwitty 025514 13-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00035 82608 08/03/07 1955 Iwitiy 025514 l4-Dlchlowbenzena BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.0004 826DB 08/03/07 1955 twitly 025514 a2-Dlchlompropane BR mg/kg 0.0052 0.00026 826DB 08103/07 1955 twthy 025514 a-Chlorotoiuene BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00038 8260B 08/03107 1955 twfty 025514 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 2822.4-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1.800/529-6384 Fax 704/525-0409 Pags 29 of 35 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories lnc 449 Sprlngbroak Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 104I529.43$4 Toll Free Number 1.8001529-6384 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification Wa 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 08110107 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-I \ttn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 188665 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 30807064 harlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 08/02107 1015 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilutton Method Analysis Analyst Batch Date/lime IDLimitFactor -Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0052 0.00054 8260B 08103/07 1955 Iwitiy 025514 1-ChIorutoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00027 826GB 08/03/07 1955 lWItJy 025514 t-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BRL mg/kg 0.052 0.00052 826GB 08/03/07 1955 iwiby 025514 \cetone BRL mg/kg 0.052 0.0020 826GB 08/03/07 1955 Iwifry 025514 3enzena BRL mg/kg 0.0031 0.00041 82603 0803/07 1955 IwIhy 025514 3romoberizene J3RL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00036 826DB 08103/07 1955 Iwihy 025514 3romochloromelbane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00031 826013 08103/07 1955 IWI1IY 025514 3mrnodlchloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0152 0.00045 826013 08/03107 1955 lwilry Q25514 3romofbrm BRI mg/kg 0.0052 0.00038 826013 08/03107 1955 IWitry 025514 roniomethane BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.0006 826DB 08/03/07 1955 Iwlhy Q25514 arbon tetrachlortde BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.0003 826DB 08/03/07 1955 IwlIy 025514 hlorobanzene BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00039 826DB 08/03/07 1955 lWIuiy 025514 Thlorodlbromomsthane DPi mg/kg 0.0052 0.00035 82608 08103/07 1955 IWIhy 025514 h1oreethane BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.00042 826DB 08/03/07 1955 Iwihy 025514 hlorofbrm BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00038 826DB 08103107 1955 iwiliy 025514 htoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00036 826DB 08103/01 1955 Iwitw 025514 ts-12-Dlchloroethene DPI mg/kg 0.0052 0.00023 826DB 08/03/07 19.55 Iwitsy 025514 1s-13.Dlchlaropropene BRI mg/kg 0.0052 0.00033 82603 08/03/07 1955 Iwitw Q25514 Ichlorodlfluommethane BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.0012 826GB 08/03/01 1955 lwitiy 025514 thylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00036 82603 08103107 1955 lwilry 025514 sopropyl ether IPE SRI mg/kg 0.0052 0.00018 826013 08/03/07 1955 lwiIri 025514 sopropylbenzeno BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00141 82608 08/03/07 1955 IwitrY 025514 up-Xyienes BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.00072 82603 08/03/07 1955 Iwitry 025514 ethyl ethyl ketone ME1 BRL mg/kg 0.10 0.0014 626GB 08/03/07 1955 Iwiby 025514 ilethy1 t-butyl ether MTBE BRI mg/kg 0.010 0.0003 82603 08/03/07 1955 lwitiy Q25514 1ethy1ene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0052 0.00042 826DB 08103/07 1955 Iwitty 025514 i-Butylbenzeno BRL mg/kg 00052 0.00041 82608 08/03/07 1955 iwiIr 025514 Page 30 of 35 ESP Associates PA LUn Chris Ward Box 7030 TharJotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-I Prism Sample 1D 188656 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0807064 Time Collected 08/02/07 1015 Time SubmItted 08/02/07 1325 NC CerlfficaUon No 402 SC Certiftoation No 99012 NC Drtnklng Water Cert No 37735 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analyst i-Propyibenzene iaphthaiene -Xytene -lSopmpyitOlUene ec-Butylbenzena 5tyrene ert-Rutylbenzene retrathloroelhane foluene rans-1 .2-Dichioroethene ians-13-Dlcliloropropene rriclnoroethene rorofluoromethne dlnyl acetate /inyl chloride BRL BRL BRI BRL BRI BRL BRL BR. BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Analysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 0.0052 000031 8260B 08/03/07 1955 lwllq Q25514 0.010 0.0005 8260B 08/03107 1955 lwity Q25514 0.0052 0.00031 82608 08/03101 1955 Iwihy 025514 0.0052 0.00042 8260B 08/03/07 1955 lwitiy 025514 00052 0.00034 8260B 0803/07 1955 Iwiliy 025514 00052 0.00052 82609 08/03/07 1955 Iwitry 025514 0.0052 0.00032 82508 08/03/07 1955 Lwitiy 025514 0.0052 0.00089 8260B 08103/07 1955 IwIky 025514 0.0052 0.00035 8260B 08/03/07 1955 Iwtry 025514 0.0052 0.00039 8260B 08/03107 1955 iwItry Q25514 0.0052 0.00036 82608 08/03/07 1955 iwiby 025514 0.0052 000031 8260B 08/03/07 1955 iwitry Q25514 0.0052 0.00042 8260B 08103/07 1955 Iwilty 025514 0.026 0.0019 82608 08103/07 1955 Iwiliy 02551 0.0052 000066 82608 08103/07 1955 twitry 025514 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg rug/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Toluene-18 95 81 -128 Dlbmmofluoromelhane 94 67-143 Bromofluorobarrzene 103 77-128 eml.votaflle Organic Compounds by 13C/MS l2.4-Trichlombanzeno BRL I2-Dlthlorobenzene BRL L3-Dlchtarebanzene BR. I4-Dlchlorobenzene BRL 4.5-Tr1thIorcphenol BR1 46-TrIchlorophenol BRL 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.037 0.027 0.027 0.033 0.038 0.036 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 827CC 08/07/07 1307 keamplgono 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 08/07/07 1307 kcampigalto 08107/07 1307 kcampToIto 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety wilhout the written consent Pijam Laboratories lnc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Numben 1-800/529.5364 Fax 704/52-0409 Page 31 o35 FuO 8one MaytI4 En ES Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte1 NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08/10107 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent at Prism Laboratories Inc 448 $prlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1409/529.6354 Fax704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B..1 Prism Sample ID 188656 Sample Mahix Soil COC Group 60807064 Time Collected 08/02/07 1015 Time Submitted 08/02/07 13.25 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 24-Dlthlorophenol BR1.mg/kg 0.37 0.031 8270C 08/07/07 1307 kcampigoftc Q25350 24-Dimethyiphenof BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 827CC 08107101 1307 kcamplgotto Q25550 24-Dlnitmphenol BRL mg/kg 19 0.042 827CC 08107107 1307 kcanipigotto 025550 24-Dlnltrotoluene BRL mg/kg 037 0.021 82700 08/01/07 1307 kcassplgtilto 025550 26-Dlnltmtoluene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.039 82700 08/07/07 1307 kcampigotto 025550 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.038 8270C 08/07/07 1307 kcamptgotto Q25550 2-Chiorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.029 8270C 08/07107 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 2-Methylnaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.030 827CC 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 2-Methphenof BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 8270C 08/07/07 13 kcampintto 025550 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.044 0270C 08/07/07 1307 kcampigotto 025551 34-Methylphenoi BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 827CC 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 33Dith1orohenzidIne ERL mg/kg 0.74 0.023 827CC 08107/07 1307 kcampigotto 025550 46-Of nhtro-2-m ethf phenol BRI mg/kg 1.9 0.023 827CC 08/07107 1307 hcampiQotto Q25550 4-Bromophenylpheriylether BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 8270C 08/01/07 1307 kcampigotto 025550 4-Chloro-3-methyiphenol BRL rug/kg 0.74 0.027 8270C 08/07/07 1307 kcaznpieotto Q25550 4-Chiomaniline BR mg/kg 0.37 0.047 827CC 08107107 1307 kcainplgotto 025550 4-Chiorophenyiphenylether ORL mg/kg 0.37 0.023 827CC 08107/07 1307 hcamplgoilo 025550 4.Nltrophenol BR1 mg/kg 1.9 0.025 8210C 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgntto 025550 Acenaphthene URL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 827CC 05/07/07 1307 kc2mpigotto 025551 Acenaphthyiene BRI.mg/kg 0.37 0.037 82700 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotb 025550 Anthracene BRL mg/kg 1.37 0.028 827CC 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.034 827CC 08/07/07 1307 keampitiotto 025550 Bonzoaanthracene BRI mg/kg 0.37 0.052 827CC 08/07/07 1307 kcampigotio 025550 Benzoapyrene BRI mg/kg 0.31 0.043 827CC 09/07/07 1307 kcamplgotlo Q25550 Benzobfluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.017 827CC 08/07/07 1307 kcampfgotto 025550 Benzog.hlpeylene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.018 82700 08/07/01 1307 kcampigotto Q25550 8enzokfluoranthene BR mg/kg 0.37 0.030 82700 08/07/07 1307 kcampigQtto 025550 Page 32 of 35 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 charlotte NC 28241 onz0Ic acid Bunayl alcohol 31s2-chioroethoxymetharie 31s2-chloroethylether 3Is2-chlorolsopropylether Bls2-ethylhex1phthalate 3utylbenzylphthalate ChEysene DI-n-butylphthatate DI-n-octylphthatate Dlbenzoahanthracene flbenzofiiran Dlethylphthalate Dimethylphihalate Pluoranthene Fluorene lexachtorobenzene loxachlorobutadiene Rexathlorocyclopentacjjene Rexachiomethane ndeno123-cdpyrene sophorono Z-NUrosodl-n-pmpyJamtne N/-Nltrosodlphenylamlne Nlaphthalene llrobenzene Pentachiomphent mg/kg 1.9 0.16 mg/kg 0.74 0.039 mg/kg 0.37 0.043 mg/kg 0.37 0.040 mg/kg 0.37 0.032 mg/kg 0.37 0.018 mg/kg 0.37 0.023 mg/kg 0.37 0.062 mg/kg 0.37 0.017 mg/kg 0.37 0.028 mg/kg 0.37 0.037 mg/kg 0.37 0.032 mg/kg 0.37 0.023 mg/kg 0.37 0.025 mg/kg 0.37 0.026 mg/kg 0.37 0.022 mg/kg 0.37 0.019 mg/kg 0.37 0.036 mg/kg 0.37 0.039 mg/kg 0.37 0.038 mg/kg 0.37 0.038 mg/kg 0.37 0.033 mg/kg 0.37 0042 mg/kg 0.37 0.019 mg/kg 0.37 0.040 mg/kg 037 0.036 mg/kg 1.8 0.031 82706 327CC 82700 8270C 827CC 827CC 827CC 82706 82700 827CC 82700 B2706 82700 827CC 82700 8270C 82706 8270C 8270C 82700 827CC 827CC 82700 827CC 827CC 827CC 82706 This report should not be repnxfuced except In Its entirety without the sltten consent of Prism Laboiatmies Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529.11364 Toll Free Number 1400/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC CertifIcation No.402 SC Certification No 9812 NC Drinking Water CerL No 37735 Laboratory Report 08/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID 8.-i Prism Sample ID 188656 Sample Matrix Soil coc ou 00807064 Time Collected 08102/07 1015 Time Submitted 08/02/07 1325 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch LI mit Factor Date/lime ID BR BR BRL BR BRL BR BRL URL BRL BR BR BRL BRL BR BRL BRL BR ER BR BRL BR BRL ORL BR BR BR BR 08101/CT 1307 kcampgotiu Q5t 08/07/07 1307 kcamplijofto Q25550 08/07/07 1307 kcampigotto 025550 08107/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1301 kcamplutta 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamptgulto 025550 08107/07 1307 kcamplgotlo 025550 08/07107 1307 koamplgotto 025550 08/07107 1307 kcamplgotk 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 08107/07 1307 kcamplgotto Q25550 08/07/07 1307 kcamptgolta 025550 08/07/07 1307 koampigotto 026550 08/07/07 1307 koamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 08/07/01 1307 kcamptgotto 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamptgotto 025550 08107/07 1307 kcampigotto 025550 08/07/01 1307 kcampfgofto 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgoflo 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcaniplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamptgolto 025550 08107/07 1307 Iccamplgotto 025550 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025560 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 025550 Page 33 of 35 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-I Prism Sample ID 168656 Sample Matrix SoU COG Group G0807064 Time Collected 08/02107 1015 Time SubmItted 08/02/07 1325 Sample Preparation Sample Preparation 30g lmL 35506 10.Olg 2mL 08/04/07 900 pt3arr EPH 08103107 700 pbarr P19062 P19081 This report should not be repsoduced except In its entirety without the Written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O 8ox 240543-CharIotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 704/529.0364 Toll Free Number 1-808/529.6364 Fax 7041525.0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 SP Associates PA \ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 Tharbtte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08110/07 ii arameter Result Units MDL MethodReport Limit 0.37 0.37 0.37 Dilution Factor 0.018 0.040 0.025 Analyst Batch ID 821013 827013 827013 Analysis DatelTime 08/07/07 1307 kcamplgotto 08/07/07 1307 kcampiotto 08/07/07 1307 kcamplolte 025550 025550 025550 Surrogate Recovery Control LimIts Terphenyl-d14 76 41 136 Phenol-d5 70 13-95 Nltrobenzene-d5 72 14-103 2-Fkiomphenol 78 14-89 2-Fluomblphenyl 73 21 108 246-Tdbromaphenol 86 25-123 henanthrene BRL mg/kg Thenol BRL mg/kg yrene BRL mg/kg xtractabIa PEtroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22AromaIfcs BRL mg/kg Analysis Note for Cll-C22 romatics C19-C36Aliphatics URL mg/kg C9-Ci8 Mphatics BRL mg/kg Metals by ICP ChromIum Lead 11 6.0 Adjusted value 11 1.7 11 3.6 MADEP EPH 08/08107 547 grappoccloll 025548 MADEP EPH 08/08/07 547 MADEP EPH 08/08/0 547 giappacclotl grappacctot 025548 025548 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyt 73 40-140 2-Fluomblphenyl 81 40-140 2-Bromcnaphthalene 84 40-140 i-Chfom-octadecane 76 40-140 24 mg/kg 0.28 0.016 BQIOB 08/08/07 2044 mcampbell 025521 98 mg/kg 028 0.018 6010B 08/03/07 2044 mcampbell 025521 Page 34 of 35 ESP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward Box 7030 Tharlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 08110/07 Client Sample ID B-f Prism Sample ID COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample Preparation 1.98 50 mL 305DB 08/03/07 745 ddlxon P19078 Jolatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFID 5-C8 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 5.6 1.1 MADEP VPH 08/07/07 7.24 hwanrr 025565 Analysis Note for C5-C8 Aliphatics Adjusted value 9C10 Aromalics BRL mg/kg 5.6 0.034 MADEP VPH OBIO7R7 724 hwaener 025565 9-C12 Aliphallcs BRL mg/kg 5.6 1.7 MADEP VPH 08/07/07 724 hwagner Q25565 Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value. Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotolusne-PID 96 70-130 25-Dibmmototuene-FID 104 70-130 ampio WeIght Determination Nelght 21.79 MADEP VPH 08/08/07 000 tbrown Neight 20.04 MADEP VPH 08/08107 000 brcan 3ample Comments 3FtL Below Repelling Limit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results In this report iIata only to the samples submitted for analysts and meet slate certilication requirements other thanVELACcerllficatlonexceptforThoseInstancesIndicatedInthecasenan-alive andlor test comments 41/results are reported on thy-weight basis ngeia Overcash V.P Laboratoty Services This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbroopc Road.P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 ut AnaIdica3 m$imet.I 8uluIbn NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Sample Matrix Soil 188656 G0B07064 08/02107 1015 08/02/07 1325 Phone704/529-6354 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6354 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 35 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte1 NC 28241 Level II QC Report 8110107 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number 130807064 Date/Time Submitted 8/2107 1325 Volatile Organic Cornnaunds by GC/MS method 8260B Method J3Iank QO Ba/eli Result RI on/mi Umit UnIts ID 1111-Tdchloroethana 11 22-Tetmchtcroethana 12-Trichtomethane 11-Dichloroethane 1-Dlchloroethene 11-Dichloropmpene Z3-Tdchlorobenzene 23-Tdchlompropane 24-TrichIombenzene 24-lrhnethyibenzene 12-Qlbromoethane EDB I2-Dlchlorobenzene i2-Dichloroethane 112-Dichioropropane 1315-Trlmethylbenzene 113-Dithlorobenzene 113-Dlthioropropane i4-Dlchtorobenzene 212-Dlchloropropane 2-Chiorotohiene 2-Ilexanone 4-Chiorotolueno 4-Methyl.2-pentanone MIBK Acetone Benzene Brornobanzene Bromochiorornethane Bromodlchtoromethane Bromoform Bromomothane Carbon tetrachioddB Chtorobenzena Chlorodlbrornomethane Chioroulliane ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0026 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.05 0.025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.05 0.025 Nt 0.05 0.025 ND 0.003 0.0015 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.01 0.005 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/hg mg/kg mg/kg Q25514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 Q25514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 025514 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc440SprlngbrookRoad-P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 7041529-6364 ToIl Free Number 1-800/529.6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page 101 Level II QC Report 8/10107 SP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte1 NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No coc Group Number G0607064 Dateffime Submitted 812107 1325 Method Blank cc Result RL CnloI Umft Unlie tO Chloroform ND 0005 0.0026 mg/kg 025514 Chioromethano ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 dc-I 2-Dlchloroethene ND 0005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 cls.13.Dlchloropropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Dicidorodlfluoromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Ethytbenzene ND 0005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Isopropki ether IPE ND 0.005 0.0025 mglkg 025514 lsopmpyibenzene ND 0005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 mp-Xylenes ND 0.01 0.005 mo/kg 025514 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK NI 0.1 0.05 mg/kg 025514 Methyl t.butyl ether MTBE ND 0.01 0.005 mo/kg 025514 Methylene chloride ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 n-Butylbenzone Nt 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Naphthalene ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 025514 o-Xylene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 p.Jsopropyltoluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 seoButytherizene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Styrene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Tetmehioroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Toluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 trans-12-Dlchloinethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 trans-i3-Dlchloropropene Nt 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Trichioroethens ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Trichtorofluoromethare ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Viny acetate ND 0.025 0.D125 mg/kg 025514 VInyl chloride ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Laboratory Confrot Sample RJ3carwy Result Spike AmaunL Unib .2 1D 111-Dlthloroethene 0051 19 0.05 mg/kg 102 57-122 Q25514 Berizene 0.044 0.05 mg/kg 86 62-119 Q25514 Chlorobenzene 0.0478 005 mg/kg 96 61-124 Q25514 Totuena 0.05135 0.05 mg/kg 103 57-122 025514 Triclitorcelheno 0.0605 0.05 mg/kg 121 59-129 028514 This report should not be reproduced1 except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Ino449SprlngbrcokRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-5001523.6334 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certiflcalion No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cork No 37735 Page of Level II QC Report 8110/07 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte1 NC 28241 186652 ChromIum Lead Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number 30807064 Date/Time Submitted 8/2/07 1325 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpflngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Chaliotte NC 28224-0543 PhonB 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1400/529-6354 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No.402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Matrix Spike RBCOVS 1L1 Result SpfltaAsmunt Units ID 188597 11-Dichtoroethone 0.05093 0.05 mg/kg 102 44-140 025514 Benzena 0.04675 0.05 mg/kg 94 46-135 025514 Chlombenzene 0.04795 0.05 mg/kg 95 47-135 025514 Toluene 0.04701 0.05 mg/kg 94 47-136 Q25514 Trlchloroelherie 0.0499 0.05 mg/kg 100 45-141 025514 Matrix Spike Duplicate Rvey Recovwy RPD an usiri rnpla in Result Spike Amount Unils 188597 11.-Dlchioroethene 0.04928 0.05 mg/kg 99 44-140 0-23 025514 Benzane 0.04467 0.05 mg/kg 89 46-136 0-22 025514 Chlorobeazene 0.04666 0.05 mg/kg 93 47-135 0-22 025514 Toluene 0.04496 0.05 mg/kg 90 47-I 36 0-22 025514 Trichloroethena 0.04651 0.05 mg/kg 93 45-141 -23 025514 Metals by ICP method 601i38 Method Blank OCBSI Result RL Conlesi limit Unite ID Chromium 0.0186 0.25 0.125 mg/hg 025521 Lead 00268 0.25 0.125 mg/kg 025521 Laboratory Control Sample pjy 0V5 Result Spike Minuet Units ID Chromium 22.4199 25 mg/kg 90 80-120 025521 Lead 22.7376 25 mg/kg 91 80-120 025521 Matrix Splice Recovay RsCaVuSy QCBatth Ssrnpk ILl Result Spike Amount Units ID 188652 ChromIum 31.0259 25380 mg/kg 46 75-125 025521 Lead 132.172 25.380 mg/kg 142 75-125 025521 Matrix Spike Duplicate Renuvary RaCCVmy RPD phiD Result SpikoMiount Units Ibi Rano 10 40.6402 24.630 mg/kg 87 75-125 27 0-20 025521 969916 24.630 mg/kg 75-125 31 //0-20 025521 Page of NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Level QC Report 8/10107 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 26241 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number G0807064 Daternme Submitted 8/2107 1325 This report should not be repmduced1 except In Its entirely without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449Spdngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6354 Toli Free Number 14001529-6354 Fax 7041525-0409 Page of FnUSeMcMssI$IeslAEiivfranmepW Lm1$ by -F1D AFrIlICUIMUivittijcr Method Blank Result RL Confrot Limit Unite II C11-C22Aromatlcs ND 10 mg/kg Q25548 C19-C36Aliphatics ND 10 mg/kg Q25548 C9-C18 Mphatlcs MD 10 mg/kg Q25548 I..aboratory Control Sample Recovasy Recovac Ranges QC Batch Result Spike Amourt Unite C11-C22Ammatlcs 140.38 170 mg/kg 83 40-140 Q25548 G19-C36AlIphatics 54.74 80 mg/kg 55 40.440 Q25548 C9-C18 Aliphatlce 30.28 60 mg/kg 50 40-140 025545 Matrix SpIke Recovey cc Batch sampleio Result SplkoAmounl Units ID 188424 C11-C22AromaIics 131.86 170 mg/kg 75 40-140 Q25548 C19-C3SAIIphaUcs 69.66 80 mgllcg 87 40-140 Q25548 C9-C18 Aliphatics 37.14 60 mg/kg 62 40-140 Q25548 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery Ranges RPD RangeSampleioResultSpikeAmountUnits 188424 Cl 1-022 Aromatlcs 124.02 170 mg/kg 73 40-140 0-50 Q25548 C19-C3SAIIphatlcs 51.52 80 mg/kg 64 40-140 30 0-50 Q25548 C9-C18 Aliphatics 28.66 60 mg/kg 48 40-140 26 -50 Q25548 .1 -I ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Hox 7030 Chartotte NC 28241 SemivolaIIIe Organic Compounds by GC/MS method B270C Method Blank 00 Baldi Rasut RI Can%n4 Iitr1I UnRs ID l24-Tzichlorcbeiizene 112-Dicblorobanzeno 3-Dichlorobenzene 14-Dichlombenzene Z45-ThchIorophenoI 246.Trlthlorophenol 24-DcMorophenoI 24-D1methyiphenoI 2.4Dinitiophenol 24-D1n1ttoluene 26-Dinlimtoluene 2-ChioRInaphthalene 2-Chioropheriol 2-Methyinaphthalena 2-Methyiphenol 2-Nitrophenol 34-Methyiphenol 33-Dlchiorobenzldine 4BDinhIro-2-methylphenol 4-Bromophen4phenylether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chioroanilirie 4-Chlorophonylphenylether 4.Nltrophenol Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Azobenzene Benzoaanthracene Benzoapyrene Oenzobfluoranhene Benzogh.tperylcne Uenzokliuoranthene Benzolsacjd ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 1.55 0.825 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/hg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.155 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.66 0.33 mg/hg ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.66 0.33 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/hg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg NI 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 165 0.825 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 1.65 0825 mg/kg 025550 025550 025550 025550 Q25550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 Q25550 025550 025550 025550 025550 Q25550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 Q25550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 025550 NC Cerilhication No 402 SC CorUScation No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 8/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number 30807064 Date/TIme Submitted 8/2/07 1325 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written cansent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoad P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-6364 Toll Free Number l-800529.6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of ESP Associates PA Atta Chris Ward O.Box7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC CertificatIon No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 8/10/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No CCC Group Number G0807064 Date/Time SubmItted 8/2107 1325 Method Blank Hesuft RL Conm Llmt Unus Henzyl alcohol ND 0.65 0.33 mg/kg 025550 Bf52-chtoroethoxymethane ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Bls2-chtoroethylether ND 0.33 0.155 mg/kg 025550 BIs2-chlorclsopropylether ND 0.33 0.165 mg/hg 025550 Bls2.ethythexylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Butythenzylphthalate ND 033 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Chrysene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 DI-n.butytphthalate ND 0.33 0165 mg/kg 025550 Di-n.octylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Dthenzoahanthracene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Dtherizofuran ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Diethylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Dtmethylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Fluoranthene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Fluorerie ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Hexachlorobutadilene ND 033 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Hexachlorocyctopenfadlene ND 033 0.165 mg/kg Q25550 Hexachloroelhane ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Indeno123-cdpyrene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Isophorone ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 N-NsodI.n-propylamne ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q25550 NNltrosodlphenytanijne ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q2555D Naphthatene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Njtmbenzene NI 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Pentashlorophenol ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 025550 Phenonthrege ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q25550 Phenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Pyrene ND 033 0.165 mg/kg 025550 Laboratory Control Sample Rocovesy Resuft SpkeAmount Units If lZ4-Trichlorobenzene 1308.84 1669.7 mg/kg 73 39.98 025550 14-Dlctitorobgnzene 1239.73 1669.7 mg/kg 74 37..95 025550 24-Dinltmtclueng 1505.17 1659.7 mg/kg 90 56-128 025550 2-Chtorophenol 1236.39 1669.7 mg/kg 74 37-98 025530 4-Chloro-3-rnethylpherrnl 1440.40 1669.7 mg/kg 86 45.411 025550 ThIs report should riot be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone70415294364TollFreeNumber1-5001529-0334 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 MEcamaISoIitIcn ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 This report should not be repioduced except In Its entirety without the wiitten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SprlngbrooicRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-0364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6354 Fax 704/525.0409 Level II QC Report 8110/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number 00807064 Date/Time Submitted 8/2/07 1325 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Badi ResUlt Spike Mount Units Nltrophenol 1206.34 1669.7 mg/kg 72 20-157 025550 Acenaphthena 1351.25 1669.7 mg/kg 81 44-110 Q25550 N-Nltrosodl-n-propylamlne 1246.41 1669.7 mg/kg 75 38-101 025550 Pentachlorophenol 1687.14 1669.7 mg/kg 101 53-127 Q25550 Phenol 1279.13 1669.7 mglkg 77 34-102 025550 Pyrene 1379.96 1669.7 mg/kg 83 54-131 025550 Matrix Spike Recey QO Baldi Sample Result Spike /4flW4fll Unite ID 188424 1124-Trjchlorobenzeno 1171.66 1667 mg/kg 71J 26-97 025550 14-Dichlorobenzene 1110.33 1667 mg/kg 67 23-92 025550 24-Dlnltmtoluene 1409.66 1661 mg/kg 85 45-127 025550 2-Chlorophenci 114966 1687 mg/kg 69 25-94 025550 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1299.33 1667 mg/kg 78 31-1 13 Q25550 4-Nltrophenci 1172.66 1667 mg/kg 70 17-150 025550 Acenaphthene 1238.33 1667 mg/kg 74 36-107 Q25550 N-Nitrosodl-n-propylamlne 1121 1667 mg/kg 67 22-105 025550 Pentachlorophenol 178966 1667 mg/kg 107 39-137 025550 Phenol 111933 1667 mg/kg 67 23-97 026550 Pyrene 1603.66 1667 mg/hg 98 45-133 025550 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery RPD Range C20551th Sample ID Result Spike Amount outs ranges ID 188424 124-Trlchlorobenzene 103233 1667 mg/kg 62 26.91 13 0-37 025550 14-Dlchlorobenzene 1017 1667 mg/kg 61 23-92 0-36 Q25550 24-Olnhtmtoluene 1453.33 1667 mg/kg 87 45-127 0-29 025550 2-Chlorophenol 1098.33 1667 mg/hg 68 25.94 -37 025550 4-Chlora-3-methylphonol 1268 1687 mg/kg 76 31.-I 13 0-32 Q2555C 4-Nltrophenol 1219.66 1657 mg/kg 73 17-150 0-32 025560 Acenaphthene 1221.33 1667 mg/kg 73 36.417 0-32 025550 N-Nltrosodl.n.propylamjne 1081.66 1657 mg/kg 65 22-105 -37 025550 Penlachiomphenol 1709.66 1667 mg/kg 103 39-137 0-27 025550 Phenol 1062 1667 mg/kg 64 23.97 0-42 025550 Pyreno 1440 1651 mg/kg 88 45-133 11 0-27 025550 Page 7018 188652 CS-CS AJiphalics cs-cio Ammatics C9-C12 Aliphatics -See Case Narrative This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism laboratories Inc449SprlngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 CharIo1te NC 28224-0543Phone7041529-9354 Toll Free Nunibem 1-800529-5394 Fax 7041525-0409 Page of NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 8/10/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Mcrehead Commons No COG Group Number G0807064 Atm Chris Ward Daterflme Submitted 8/2107 Box 7030 Chariolte NC 28241 vnkut1r DAh-.Insin Mssr1rnrn4rnn GC-PIDIPID mthnd MADP VPH 1325 Method Blank QCBa1thRtRLConimi Umit Units ID C5-C8.4ilphatlcs ND 2.5 mg/hg Q25565 C9-C10 Aromatics ND 2.5 mg/kg 25565 C6-C12 Atiphatics ND 2.5 mg/kg Q25565 Laboratoiy Control Sample P.ecovey Result SplkaAniount Units C5-C8Allphatlcs 17165 18 mg/kg 114 70.130 026565 C9-C10 Aromatics 4.924 mg/hg 98 70-130 025565 C9-Cl2AIiphaflcs 10.981 10 mo/kg 110 70-130 025565 Matrix Spike Rs Recoveiy Result SplkeMicunt Unils 188652 CS-CR Allphatlcs 17.575 15 mg/kg 117 70-130 Q25565 C9-CiD Aromatics 5.116 mg/kg 102 70.130 Q25565 C9-ClZAliphatics 21.085 10 mg/kg 211 70-130 Q25565 Matrix Spike Duplicate Revovnsy Rvsry SeinplalD Result SpllraMount Units ID 18.442 15 mg/kg 123 70-130 0-25 Q25565 5.259 mg/kg 105 70-130 0-25 025565 22.641 10 mg/kg 226 70-130 0-25 Q25565 RA1-ornesrnc FuilSeMoMel1Icai Environmental Solutions 449 $prlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charloflo1 NC 25224-0543 Phone 704/529-0384 Fax 7041 Client Company Name _5 /o Report To/Contact Name .4he Reporting Address ______________________________ Phone Fax Yes No_ Email Yes No Email Address_____________________EDD Type PDF_ExceL....Othe P1 ..i PAaE4_._orj__QUOTE TO ENSU P54 FR BILLING Project Name jq1L-J Short Hold Analysis Yes No UST Proeot Yes No please ATTACH any project specific reportIri QO LEVEL ii III IV provisions and/or QO Require5ds Invoice To Samplers Signature /d Sampled By Print Name AWiliation_tiP RelinquIshad By Sigriaturo Received By S1natUre3 Relinquished By Muihou 01 OniprnonU NErLI BA OOL.BRS SHOULD SE TAPED SHUT WIT4 CUSTODY SEALS FOR TRANSPORTAnON TO ThE LABORATORY EAMpI5 ARE NOTAGOEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINS iCUN11L RECEIVED ATTHE LABORATORY Ci Fed Es ClUes nml.dIvarsd Ci Pdsm Field ServIce Other CO Group No 44 NPDES Ur GROUNDWATER DRINKING WATER SOLID WASTE RCRA CERCLA LANDFILL OThER ONO CiSCiNC 050 ONC CiSC ONC CiSC ONC DSC ONC CiSC ONC CISC ONC CISC CINC CiSC CONTAINER TYPE CODES Amber Clear Glass Plastic TL Tenon-LIned Cap VOA Volatile Organics Analysis Zero Head Space CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Sta Location Name Site Location PhysIo jr-.4I1.-4-I4 Jhra4 purchase Order No./Rilling Reference 1J 00 Requested Due Date 01 Day 02 Days 03 Days 04 Days It Days WorkIng Days 06-9 Days Standard 10 days U5I Be Samples received altor 15OO Will be procassod next business day Turnaround time Is based on busIness days excluding weekends and holidays BEE REVERSE FQRERMS CONDITIONS REGARDINS SERVICES RENDERED BY PRISM LABORATOR1ES INC TO CUENT ________________ i1o N/ASemptoauponlvaI ReceIvedÔNWT1CETeInP PROPERPRESERVATIVES indicated L......L RØce1d WFIHIN HOLDiNG TIMES CUSTDD SEALS INTACT VOLATILES rocd W/OJT I-IEADSPACE PROPER CQWIAINERS used To BE IILLED IN BY GUENT/SAMPUNG PERSONNEL Certification NELAQ..JJSACE_FL NGL.. SC OTHER __N/A _____ Water Chlorinated YES......NO_ Sample Iced Upon Collection YES ________ CUENT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DAIS COLLECTED TIME COLLECTED MiLITARY MATRIX SOIL WATER OR SAMPLE CONTAINER PRESERVA- flVES /0 4/çj//AY 7/REMARKSJ-ID NO SEE BELOW NO SIZEt_____J_--I4 HeiunqvEflDtl uy iuignaursj ecsivea ay lolenaluw Upon rellnqulshhig this Ctin of Custoy is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the onalyseSis requested above Ai submitted in writing to the Prism Project Manager There will be charges for any changes after analyses have been Initialized changes must be Ode Additional Comments PRtSM USE ONLY Arrival Time Site Departure Time Field Tech Fee Mlleage SEE REVEFISE FORTERMSCONDITIONS OB%G1NA1 VA pflr AUG 13 2007 Case NarrativePRISM LABDRATORIESINC Date 08/09/07 Client Project ID Morehead Commons No Company ESP Associates PA Prism COG Group No G0807065 Contact Chris Ward Collection Dates 08/02107 Address Box 7030 Lab Submittal Dates 08/02/07 Charlotte NC 28241 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes Case Narrative Laboratory Report and Quality Control Data totaling pages chain-of-custody is also attached for the samples submitted to Prism for this projecL Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative Quality control statements and/or sample specific remarks are Included In the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sample affected Semi Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Metals Analysis N/A Wet Lab and Micro Analysis N/A Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report Date Reviewed by Paula Gilleland Project Manager qela Overcash Signature auQa..Jt-QuD_Signature 344 OvJAc-L Review Date 080907 Approval Date 08/09/07 Data Qualifiers Key Reference Compound also detected In the method blank ResUlt outside of the QC limits DO Compound diluted out Estimated concentration calIbration range exceeded The analyte was positively Identified but the value Is estimated below the reporting limit Estimated concentration with hIgh bIas Estimated concentration with low bias matrtx effect is presenL Notes This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the writtten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc The results In this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis 449 Sprtngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Chadotte NC 28224-0403 Phone 704/529-6364 ToO Free 800/529-6364 Fax 704/525.0409 SP Associates PA Un Chris Ward Box 7030 harlotte NC 28241 lA/lB COMPOSITE 188657 00807065 08/02/07 1030 08/02/07 1325 ercent Solids Determination ercent Solids lesel Range Organlcs DR0 by GC-FID lesel Range Organics DRO Sample Preparation asoline Range Organics GROI by GC-FID asoline Range Organlcs GRO 6.9 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 99 81 128 Dibromofluoromethane 109 67-143 Bromofiuorobenzene 105 77 128 710 mg/kg 200 4.9 80156 08/07107 2314 ivogel 025614 25.OBg mL 3545 08106/07 1650 wconder P19099 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 49 124 mg/kg 6.7 3.6 50 6015B 08/08107 030 hwagner 025589 Surrogate aaa-TFT Recovery 90 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/625-0409 Control Urnits 55-129 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 08/09/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil coc Group Time Collected Time Submitted ammeter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 89.2 5M2540 08/03/07 1555 ddfxon olatile Organic Comeounds by GCIMS enzene BRL pg/kg 3.3 0.44 82606 06/08/07 2202 Iwitry 025514 thylbenzene BRL pg/kg 5.5 0.38 82606 08/08/07 2202 lwitry 025514 p-Xylenes 4.3 pg/kg 11 0.77 82606 08108/07 2202 Iwltry 025514 Xylene 3.7 pg/kg 5.5 0.33 82606 08/08/07 2202 IwiIJy 025514 otuene BRL pglkg 5.5 0.37 82606 08/08/07 2202 Iwitsy 025514 Pagel of2 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 08109107 SP Associates PA ttn Chris Ward .O.Box 7030 harfolle NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil coc Group Time Collected Time Submitted IA/lB COMPOSITE 188657 G0807065 08/02/07 1030 08/02/07 1325 arameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID ample Comments RL Below Reporting Limit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL he msuits In this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than ELAC certification except for those instances indicated In the case narrative and/or test comments II results are reported on dry-weight basis ngela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 It SatvksAulydcat EiwIrnmntI Itc1utJon Phone 704/529-63M Toil Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041625-0409 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehoad Commons No Level II QC Report 8/9/07 COC Group Number G0807065 Daternme Submitted 8/2/07 1325 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlolte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 bv 8260B.PIMflI In Jtfl11 IJJIJII.I --.JIWI%St fln.tIItnJ Method Blank 00 Batch Result RI Control Limit Units ID Benzerie ND 0.003 0.0015 mg/kg 025514 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 mp-Xylenes ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 025514 o-Xyiene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q25514 Toluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025514 Laboratory Control Sample Recovgxy Recovery Pines OC Batch IDResultSpikeAmountUnits Benzene 0.044 0.05 mg/kg 88 62-119 025514 Ethylbenzene 0.04939 0.05 mg/kg 99 57-128 025514 mp-Xylenes 0.09958 0.1 mg/kg 100 54-132 025514 o-Xytene 0.04956 0.05 mg/kg 99 57-131 025514 Toluene 0.051 35 0.05 mg/kg 103 57-122 025514 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery Ranges QCBaICI1 sampia ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 188597 Benzene 0.04675 0.05 mg/kg 94 46-136 Q25514 Ethyibanzene 0.05109 0.05 mg/kg 102 51-135 025514 mp-Xylenes 0.10369 0.1 mg/kg 104 51-136 025514 o-Xylene 0.051 62 0.05 mg/kg 103 49-137 025514 Toluerie 0.04701 0.05 mg/kg 94 47-136 025514 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recov Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range 00 Batch Sample Result Spike Amount Units 188597 Beozene 0.04467 0.05 mg/kg 89 46-136 0-22 025514 Ethylbenzene 0.04982 0.05 mg/kg 100 51-1 35 0-23 025514 mp-Xylenes 0.09579 0.1 mg/kg 96 51-136 0-20 025514 o-Xyiene 0.05082 0.05 mg/kg 102 49-137 0-22 025514 Toluene 0.04496 0.05 mg/kg 90 47-1 36 0-22 025514 Page of Rifi Sov AnstyUcal Envlmemgntal Soielipns NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level QC Report 8/9/07 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number 30807065 Date/Time Submitted 8/2/07 1325 D.........i..aflt htr .PIfl ......I.aaatJl.c SSOhI%.ffl It4fllfl %IStfl IIPCIIJUU PU .2tJ Method Blank OC Batch Result RI Conlrci Umit Units ID Gasoline Range Organics ND 0.5 mg/kg 025589CR0 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery ac atclRangesResultSpikeAmountUnitsID Gasoline Range Organlcs 2.050 mg/kg 103 64-124 Q25589GRO Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery QC BatchRanges Sample Result Spike Amount Units 1k ID 188906 Gasoline Range Organics 1.948 mg/kg 97 37-1 26 025589GRO Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range QC Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ii 188906 Gasoline Range Organics 2.075 mg/kg 104 37-126 0-34 025589CR0 Diesel Range Orcianics IDRO by CC-AD method 801 SB Method Blank QCBaIch Result Rt Control Umtr Units ID Diesel Range Organics DRO ND 35 mg/kg 025614 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery overy Ranges QC Batch IDResultSpikeAmountUnits1k Diesel Range Organics DRO 85.1 80 mg/kg 106 55-109 025614 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery Ranges QC Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units 1k 3D 188240 DIesel Range Orgartlcs DRO 72.9 80 mg/kg 91 50-117 025614 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPI Range OC Batch Sempie ID Result Spike Amount Units 1k ID This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Chai1otte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-6354 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-5364 Fax 7041525-0409 188240 Diesel Range Organlcs DRO 68.1 -See Case Narrative 80 mg/kg 85 50-117 0-24 025614 Page of Full Service Malytlcai Environmental Solutions 440 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6384 Fax 704/525-0409 Client Company Name _________________________ Report To/Contact Name lilt Reporting Address _______________________________ Phone _______________Fax Yes No Email Yes No Email Address______________________ EDI Type PDF_Excel Othpr Site Location Name ____________________________ I1MII UI UIJT I1%Ul1U PAGE...L OFJ....QUOTE TO PROPER BIWNG Project Name -k Short Hold Analysis Yes No UST Project Yes No please ATTACH any project specific reporting QC LEVEL 111111 lv provisions and/ar QC Re9i.iyemen invoice To JLH Addres Purchase Order NoJBiIllng Refere 1IiLi OO Requested Due Date ci Day 02 Days 03 Days 04 Days Days WorkIng Days ci 6-9 Days El Standard 10 days u3h Work MdU5t Be Samples received after 1600 will be processed next business day Turnaround time Is based on buslnes5 days excluding weekends and holidays SEE REVERSE FOR TERMS CONDITIONS REGARDING SERVICES RENDERED BY PRISM LABORATORIES INC TO CLIENT .....L PRCPR CONTA ESUaad L___L TO BE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Certification NELAC_LJSACE._.._FL____NCj2 SC_OTHER ______N/A _____ Water Chlorinated YES_NO Sample Iced Upon Collection YES Samplers Signature Sampled By Print Name e-Affiliation Upon relInquishing this am of Oust is your authorization for Prismto proceed with the analy es as requested above Any changes must be submitted in writing to the Prism Project Manager There will be charges for any changes after analyses have been Initialized iieiinqutsnea by bfl51UD Fecovs5 by Signature Dale MlIitatyMOL$tS Relinquished Dy Stgnature Received By 5irwlure Darn ReIlnquJ5hed By Signature flec For Pile boralorles By-__ MeWed of Shipment .fi.ltSxMF GaOI.ERS SHOULD SE TAPED SHU1WITI1CUsTODY SEALS FOR TRANSPORTA11ON ThE LAe0RATDHY SArPLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST Q9UNTIL RECEIVED AT THE LABORATORY Fed Ex UPS lfand.dsllvere$Pilem Fleki Seivice Other eli mup No leId.ieci Fee Site Location Physical Address MiwtIMTTnnarreIir/f SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CLIENT COLLECTEDDATE TIME MILITARY COLLECTED HOURS MATRIX WATER OR SOIL SLUDGE SAMPLE CONTAINER TIVES PRESERVA- ANALYSES REQUESTED ////REMARKS LAB PRISM ID NOTYPE SEE BELOW NO SIZE /_31/12 jL/1 O7j2 rc __ 4ic4e 5- Additional Comments NPDES GROUNDWATER DRiNKiNG WATER SOLID WASTE RCRA CERCLA LANDFILL OTHER NC SCC SC NC SC NC El SC NC USC NC SC NC El SC NC SC NC SC___io ____________________________ci ___ .flNTAIWEfl TVPE CQDE Amhr C1nir Giasa Pletir TL Thflnn-I inRd .ln VflA VnIIilp flrnnnlrc rroIoio /7rr i-load .nac.a\ SEE REVERSE FORTERMSCONDITIONS ORIGINAL APPENDIX NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFESTS UG-2-2O@ 1454 FROMBFI SCALE HOUSE 744e23097 nt or Ipt dnJçj eu mr rnB On Olito ptlufl fPflwTtIflr IALIJID WA$TNOt1Rt5INC TO IBEI3B@22515 5S ii-CNON-HAZARDOUS 1nmmraUsW .P1R1 IL WASTE MAMFEST r. enarntora Nrno end MniIIn Addrnaa Truck 4e utkCkzd NcGonorntrnPhone i1Bnapurter ConipElny 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