HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No 35 - NFA Letter - Indcident No 36355 Morehead Common-OCRNCDENR North Caroina Department of Environment and Naturat Resources Michael Easley Governor Division of Waste ManagementWilliamRossJiSecretaryUndergroundStorageTankSection Dexter Matthews Director August 27 2007 Beazer Homes 1300 South Boulevard Suite Charlotte North Carolina 28203 Attention Jade Eastridge Re Notice of No Further Action 5A NCAC 2L JJ407d Risk-based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Morehead Common Area 1018 Post Street Mecklenburg County hicident Number 36355 Risk Classification Low Dear Mr Eastridge The Thitial Abatement Action report received by the Underground Storage Tank UST Section Mooresville Regional Office on August 21 2007 has been reviewed The review indicates that after tank closure and soil excavation soil contamination does not exceed the lower of the soil-to-groundwater or residential maximum soil contaminant concentrations MSCCs established in Title 5A NCAC 2L .04 II The UST Section determines that no further action is warranted for this incident This determination shall apply unless the UST Section later finds that the discharge or release poses an unacceptable risk or potentially unacceptable risk to human health or the environment Pursuant to Title5ANCAC2LM407ayouhavecontinuing obligation to notify the Department of any changes that might affect the risk or land use classifications that have been assigned This No Further Action determination applies only to the subject incident for any other incidents at the subject site the responsible party must continue to address contamination as required If you have any questions regarding this notice please contact me at 704 235-2172 Sincerely Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office PddiæDf 11.A INI HAL ASSESSMENT REPORTMOREHEAJCOMMONSITEAREA 1018 POST STREET CHARLOTTE NORTH 2AROLLNA INCIDENT NO NOT YET ASSIGNED ESI PROJECT NO E6-UD42.60.l Prepared For NCDENR UST Section MRO 919 North Main Street Mooresvillc North Carolina 28115 Prepared By ESP Associates P.A P.O Box 7030 Charlotte North Carolina 28241 August 20 2007 ESP Assodates PA August 20 2007 NCDENR UST Section Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville North Carolina 28115 Attention Mr Allen Schiff Reference INITIAL ASSESSMENT REPORT Morehead Common Site Area 1018 Post Street Charlotte Meclclenburg County North Carolina UST Incident No Not Yet Assigned ESP Project No E6-UD42.601 Dear Mr Schiff On behalf of the property owner Beazer Homes ESP Associates P.A is pleased to provide the attached Initial Assessment Report for the closure of the subject propertys petroleum releaseESPrespectivelyrequestsclassificationofthereleaseasLowRiskandissuanceofnofurther action notice Thank you for your attention in this matter If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 803 835-0915 Sincerely ESP Associates P.A Rog Christop Ward PG Staff Scientist Environmental Services ManagerNCLicenseNo1600 cc Mr Jade Eastridge Beazer Homes P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 1.800.960.7317 NC 704.583.4949 rax 704.583.4950 SC 803.802.2440 fax 803.802.2515 Www.espassudates.com Initial Assessment Report SITE INFORMAI1ON Site Identification Date of Report August 20 2007 IJ Facility ID N/A fl Incident Number Not Yet Assigned Site Rank Unknown ri Site Name Morehead Common Site Area Site Street Address 1018 Post Street ri City/County/Zip Code Charlotte Mecklenburg County 28278 Description of Geographical Data Point Approximate center of former vault Location Method Mecklenburg County Polaris GIS Map Latitude 352271 Longitude -80.8600 Information about Contacts Associated with the Release AST Owner Beazer Homes 1300 Blvd Suite Charlotte NC 28203-4265 704.370.7200 AST Operator N/A Property Owner Same as above Property Occupant Same as above Consultant/Contractor ESP Associates P.A Chris Ward PG PG Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 803.835.0915 Analytical Laboratory Prism Laboratories Inc P0 Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0403 704.529.6364 NC Certification No 402 Information about Release Date Discovered May 17 2007 Estimated Quantity of Release Unknown Cause of Release Unknown ri Source of Release Below ground septic system-type concrete vault Size and contents of AST or other containment from which the release occurred NA Ward Professional Geologist for ESP Associates P.A do certi that thecontainedinthisreportiscorrectandaccuratetothe best of my knowledge PA is licensed to practice both geology and engineering in North Carolina certification numbers are Geology C-347 and Engineering C-0587 In lila Assessment Report ESP Project E6-UD42.601 Morehead Conimon Site Area August 20 2007 INTRODUCTION The undeveloped subject site is located on the north side of Post Street approximately 400 feet west of its intersection with South Clarkson Street on Tax Parcel No 07325213 in Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina see Figures and The site had an address of 1018 Post Street and was reportedly once occupied by Ohio Chemical Surgical Equipment but has been vacant since 1965 The area of the subject release associated with an unearthed septic tank-type concrete vault has been designated by ESP as Area of the Morehead Common Site SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION On May 17 2007 ESP responded on behalf of Bearer Homes to an encounter with potentially impacted soil during mass grading operations at the subject site Upon arrival at the site ESP observed soils with slight petroleum odor located beneath an unearthed septic tank-type concrete vault which had just been excavated by the sites grading contractor As required following receipt of laboratory results confirming release had occurred ESP emailed notification of the release discovery to Mr Steve Bograd of the Mooresville Regional Office of NCDENR on May 30 2007 Release Location The subject site is located within an urban area of Charlotte which historically included warehouse and retail structures.The site is currently mass graded and being developed as mixed-use residential/commercial development see Figures and Based on our review of the Geologic Map of North Carolina 1985 the subject site is located within the Charlotte Belt locally comprised of intrusive metamorphosed granitic rocks locally pinkish gray massive to weakly foliated and containing hornblende Soils encountered in this area are the residual product of chemical weathering of rock presently underlying the site Soil weathering is more advanced near the surface grading with depth to less weathered rock and finally bedrock Initial Assessment Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 More/iced common Site Area August 20 2007 AST Information septic system-type concrete vault measuring approximately ft ft ft deep was uncovered and unearthed during mass grading operations at the subject site by Gelder Thompson of Midland North Carolina The roof of the vault had been covered with boards and layer of soil Piping protruded into the vault at two points but the piping ended within feet outside of the vault See site photographs in Appendix Previous Reporting As required ESP submitted 24-Hour Release Notification by email to the Mooresville Regional Office of NCDENR on May 30 2007 see Appendix Additionally ESP prepared 20-Day Report which was submitted to the Mooresville Regional Office of NCDENR on July 18 2007 Waste Characterization Sampling On May 17 2007 using backhoe ESP collected waste characterization soil sample SF-i from immediately below the recently excavated concrete vault at depth of approximately feet below land surface BLS representative portion of the soil sample was screened in the field with an organic vapor analyzer OVA and recorded reading of 10 ppm Soil sample SP-1 was submitted to Prism Laboratories of Charlotte North Carolina for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons TPH for diesel range organics DRO and gasoline range organics GRO oil grease OG by EPA Method 9071A volatile organic compounds VOCs by EPA Method 8260B pesticides by EPA Method 8081A PCBs by EPA Method 8082 and for total lead and chromium by EPA Method 60 lOB Waste characterization soil sample SF-I was collected and analyzed to document that release had occurred and to characterize contaminant types and concentrations to aid in the assessment and subsequent off-site permitted disposal/treatment of impacted soils InitialAssessrnent Report 51 Project E6-JD42 601 Murehead Common Site Area August 20 2007 As revealed by the laboratory data report for SP-l TPH.-liRO was reported at concentration of 420 mg/Kg OG at 3400 mg/Kg chromium at 22 mg/Kg lead at 51 mg/Kg and the PCB-1260 at 5.1 mg/Kg Results for all remaining analytes were reported to be below reporting limits BRLs Analytical results for SP-l are summarized on Table B-i See Figure for soil sample location map See the attached Prism laboratory data report in Appendix iNITIAL ABATEMENT ACTIVITIES Soil Excavation and Stockpile Sampling Following excavation and removal of the concrete vault and the May 17 collection of waste characterization sample SP-1 approximately two feet of structural fill was placed over the former vault excavation and surrounding area by the sites grading contractor as part of the sites mass grading On June 2007 ESP observed the removal of the recently placed non-impacted structurally placed fill from the concrete vault area until residual soils where encountered ESP then documented the excavation of 86.25 tons of impacted soils from Area by the sites grading contractor The excavation was advanced based on OVA readings and evidence of visible staining The resulting excavation including the non-impacted structural fill measured approximately 30 ft 50 ft 10 ft deep Neither groundwater bedrock nor free product were encountered within the tank pit Non-impacted structure fill was placed to the side while excavated impacted soil was placed on and covered with plastic awaiting subsequent off-site permitted disposal On June 2007 ESP collected two composite soil samples from the impacted soil stockpile for laboratory analysis The soil samples designated and were placed in laboratory provided containers labeled and hand delivered on ice to Prism Laboratories for compositing and subsequent analysis The samples were analyzed for TPH-GROIDRO BTEX by EPA Method 8260B TCLP-metals and TCLP-Total Organic Halides TOX Results of the laboratory analysis summarized on Table Initial Assessrn en Report ESP Project E6-UD42.601 Morehead Common Site Area August 20 2007 B-2 revealed elevated TPH-DRO and TCLP-TOX concentrations All other analyzed constituents were BRL Due to elevated TCLP-TOX results subsequent composite soil sample lab was collected from the stockpiled soil on July 18 2007 and analyzed for VOC by EPA Method 8260B and for semi-volatile organic compounds SVOCs by EPA Method 8270C Results of the laboratory analysis as summarized on Table B-2 revealed elevated concentrations of various SVOCs while VOCs were all reported to be BRL On July 31 2007 86.25 tons of previously stockpiled soil from the Area excavation was transported to the CMS Landfill in Concord North Carolina for permitted disposal see non- hazardous waste manifest in Appendix Confirmatory Sampling On June 2007 following excavation of the vault area Area confirmatory soil samples were collected at depth of feet BLS from each of the excavations four sidewalls WS-through WS-4 while one soil sample was collected at depth of 10 feet BLS from the base of the excavation B-i The five soil samples were hand delivered on ice to Prism Laboratories to be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260B SVOCs by EPA Method 8270C pesticides by EPA Method 8081A PCBs by EPA Method 8082 YPH/EPH by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MADEP Method and for total lead and chromium by EPA Method 60 lOB Sample locations and excavation dimensions are depicted on Figure Soil Sample Location Map Sampling was performed in general accordance with ESPs SOP see Appendix Results of the laboratory analysis of confirmatory soil samples WS-l through WS-4 and B-i revealed that all analyzed constituents were BRL with the exception of acetone conmion laboratory contaminant in WS-2 and total lead and chromium is all samples however all InitialAssessment Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area Auguist 20 2007 analyzed constituents were reported to be below their soil-to-groundwater MSCC Laboratory analytical results for the confirmatory soil samples are summarized on Table B-i The Prism laboratory data reports are included as Appendix 1500-RADIUS RECEPTOR SURVEY On July 20 2007 Mr Eddie Rogers of ESP performed receptor survey to document the presence or absence of active and/or inactive water supply wells within 1500-foot radius of the subject release see Figure Receptor Survey Map The receptor survey included interviews with available site occupants and visual observations for water supply wells and/or municipal water meters All properties within 500 feet of the site were visited to determine well status The area within 1000 feet of the subject release consists of commercial and industrial development with numerous vacant structures No active or inactive water supply wells were identified within 1000-foot radius of the subject release Municipal water and sewer have historically been available within the area of the site Additionally no surface water bodies were idenlifiediwithin 500 feet ofthe release see Figures and In itial Assessment Report ESP Project E6-UD42.601 Morehead common Site Area August20 2007 however all analyzed constituents were reported to be below their soil-to-groundwater MSCC Municipal water and sewer are available in the immediate vicinity of the release No water supply wells were identified within 1000 feet of the release and No surface water bodies were identified within 500 feet of the subject release Based on the documented absence of any analyzed parameter above North Carolina soil-to- groundwater MSCCs in site soils ESP recommends that the subject release be issued no further action notice and the incident closed Attachments Table B-i Summary of Soil Sampling Results Table B-2 Summary of Stockpile Sampling Results Figure Topographic Site Location Map Figure 2005 Aerial Photograph Figure Soil Sample Location Map Figure 4-Receptor Survey Map Appendix 24-Hour Release Notification Email Appendix Non Hazardous Waste Manifests Appendix Site Photographs Appendix ESPs SOP Appendix Prism Laboratory Data Reports ATTACITMIENTS TABLES 6/6/07 BRL Below ReportingMSCCmaximumsoil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported in mg/kg Health based level 100% Considered immobile NA Not Analyzed NL Not Listed Summary of Soil Sampling ResultsTableB-i ate 7/26/07 Incident No Not Yet Assigned AnIytical Method.Ionn j1.D üt $a iIc7 1ncident Collected Arci DLpth-Phase rn/ddv ft BGS 5/17/07 Table B-I Date 7/26/07 Incident No Not Yet Assigned An..il tical Method ætÆfflinaittófCoiictiii Sample Ddte Source-Sample Inudent ID Collected Area Depth Phase Vnste Initialil7/07 1D Abaternen Summary of Soil Sampling Results Morehead Common Area No Charlotte North Carolina 601GB 601GB 8270C 826GB 826GB 8260B 826GB 8260B 826GB 826GB C.iLc ..L ..L -.o If--o 22 51 NA 0.014 0.0068 0.027 0.021 0.021 0.014 0.014 WS-1 6/6/07 West Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.63 5.1 BRL 0.013 0.0066 0.026 0.020 0.020 0.013 0.013 WS-2 6/6/07 North Pit Wall Initial Abatement 21 4.4 BRL 0.012 0.0060 0.034 0.018 0.018 0.012 0.012 WS-3 6/6/07 East Pit Wall Initial Abatement 081 5.7 BRL 0.012 0006 0.025 0.018 0.018 0012 0.012 WS-4 6/6/07 South Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.71 4.1 BRL 0.020 0.0067 0.027 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 3.8 BRL 0.013 00063 0.025B-I 6/6/07 PitEloor 10 Initial Abatement Soil to GioundwatcrMSCC mg/kg Resideittial MSCC mg/kg Indutnal/ominerciaI MSCC mg/kg BRL Below Reporting Limit MSCC maximum soil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported in mg/kg Health based level 100% Considered immobileNANotAnalyzedNL Not Listed 0.019 0.019 0.013 0.013 27 270 --1.7 0.58 3.3 4.3 47 400 --626 313 1564 626 626 782 782 400 --16350 8176 40880 16350 16350 20440 20440 Sunimary of Soil Sampling Results 82608 82608 8082 0.0068 00068 ERL 5.1 0.0063 0.0063 BRL 0057 4.6 NL 3129 3200 1560 --NL Table B-I Date 7/26/07 Incident No Not Yet Assigned 8260B Sample Date SOUrL Sample Incident ID Collected Ar Depth PhasemIdd/y ft.BGS SP1 5/17/07 Wastc Initial ID Aoatemen Morehead Common Area No Charlotte North Carolina 8081A F- ti cI WS-I 6/6/07 West Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.0 13 0.0066 0.0066 BR 0.061 WS-2 6/6/07 North Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.012 0.0060 0.0060 BRL 0.058 WS-3 6/6107 East Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.012 0.0061 0.0061 BRL 0.060 WS-4 6/6/07 South Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.020 0.0067 0.0067 3RL 0.058 B-i 6/6/07 PiE Floor 10 Initial -0013Abatement .q 81760 BRL Below Reporting Limit MSCC maximum soil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported in mg/kg Health based level 100% Considered immobileNANotAnalyzedNL Not Listed 82000 40000 NL FIGURES FiGURE TOPOGRAPHIC 7E LOCA liON MAPUSGSCHARLOTTEEASTQUADRANGLE MCWEHEAD COMMON SI7E CHARLO17E NORTH CAROLINA $ESP 2005 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 10 U.6lUuo7 wL2.6O SHEET FiGURE ESP 34Th L4kmo.I VkRAHSTyPROJECTMOREHEAOCOMMONSITE O3-Th-24W tCICHARLOTTENORTHCAROLINA LEQEND WS-3 CONF7RMA TORY SOIL SAMPLE WS-4 WASTE CHARACTER1ZA17ON SAMPLE WS-2 2O APPA OX/M SCALE ws-1 FORMER CONCRETE VAULT EXCAVATiON DEPTH OF 10 FEET -PD9426O SHEET TITLE FiGURE At soctalIE1175SOILSAMPLEL0CA7IONMAPAREA.41E 7/ti/al 9ILThdRAIflVürPROJECTMIStThiIEOtED DM11 MOREHEAD COMMON SITE CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA APPENDiX 24-HOUR RELEASE NOTIFICATION EMAIL Page lof Chris Ward From Chris Ward Sent Wednesday May 30 2007 144 PM To Steve.BogradncmaiLnet Cc Jade Eastridge jeastrid@beazer.coriiY kholdenr@beazer.com Sub ject RE 24-Hour Notification Incidents No and Attachments Incidents Nos and 3pdf Please see attachment that wcis left off the original email From ChrIs Ward Sent Wednesday May 30 2007 140 PMToSteve.Bogradncmail.netCCJadeEastridgejeastrid@beazer.com khoidenr@beazer.com Subject 24-Hour Notification Incidents No and Steve On behalf of eazer Homes am herein providing 24-Hour Notification of the discovery of environmentally-impacted soils at two separate locations Incidents Nos and on Beazer Homes Morehead Commons residential development currently being graded The Morehead Commons property is located on the south side of West Morehead Street at its intersection with South Clarkson Street in Charlotte Meckleriburg County North Carolina Incident No On May 17 2007 during site grading operations concrete vault-like structure was encountered on the east side of Post Street Tax Parcel No 07325213 approximately 450 feet south of ifs intersection with South Clarkson Street see attached 2005 Site Map On May 172007MrChrisWardofESPobservedsoilsthatexhibitedsomeblackstaininghoweverfield screening with an OVA did riot reveal elevated readings In an attempt to confirm the absence or presence of potential contaminants on May 17 ESP collected wastecharacterizcjfion soil sample SP-1 of visibly stained soils from depth of approximately feet The soil sample was analyzed for volatile organic compounds VOCs by EPA Method 8260B pesticides by EPAMethod8081polychlorinatedbiphenylsPCBsbyEPAMethod8082oilandgreaseOcbyEPAMethod9071for total petroleum hydrocarbons TPH by EPA Methods 3550 arid 5030andfortotalleadandchromiumbyEPAMethod3051PreliminaryresultsoftheanalysisattachedrevealedelevatedlevelsofOcG3100mg/kg TPH-bRO 420 mg/kg and PCB12605.1 mg/kg The parcel was occupied by Air eduction Sales Company arid Ohio Chemicals Surgical Equipment from 1933 to between 1956 and 1965 before the property occupant waslistedasnolisting Incident No On May 29 2007 during site grading operations visibly stained soils with an obvious petroleum Page of odor were encountered on the west side of South Clarkson Street approximately 450 feet south of its intersection with West Morehead Street on Tax Parcel No 07325207 see thd 2OO Si1 Map The vicinity of The impacted goiI wa onca occupied by vehicular service facility with closed LISTs Incidents No 18101 and 9567 buke energy-Worth Keeter before being demolished On May 29 2007 Mr Chris Ward of ESP observed the environmentally-impacted soils and directed the collection waste characterization soil sample SP-3 of visibly impacted soils from depth of approximately feet The soil sample was submitted to Prism Laboratories to be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260B pesticides by EPA Method 8081 PCBs by EPA Method 8082 OG by EPA Method 9071 for TPH by EPA Methods 3550 and 5030 arid for total lead and chromium by EPA Method 3051 Encident No Please note that 24-Hour Notification for previously identified area of petroleum-impacted soils was emailed to your attention on May 16 2007 and is referred as Incident No See attached Site Map Results of the waste characterization analysis of the Soil sample collected from this area and designated PS-i revealed elevated concentrations of number of VOCs OG 10000 mg/kg TPH-bRO 3600 mg/kg and TPH-GRO 33 mg/kg See attached Prism laboratory report Starting today Incident No us being excavated with impacted soils stockpiled on site for subsequent off-site disposal Following receipt of the laboratory results for the waste characterization samples and landfill disposal authorization ESP will direct the excavation of impacted soils from Incidents Nos and and their subsequent off-site permitted disposal Confirmatory soil samples will then be collected from the walls and base of the excavation at Incidents Nos and Assuming acceptable results initial abatement action reports will then be prepared for submittal to NCbENR for each incident The Responsible Party for the property is Beazer Homes 1300 South Boulevard Suite Charlotte North Carolina 28203-4265 Mr Jade Eastridge 704.370.7200 Please call with any questions Thanks Chris Ward PG Environmental Services Manager E$P Associates P.4 803.835.0915 direct office 803.802.2515 fcix 704.506.7618 mobile Page of APPENDIX NON-IIAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFESTS on LPI LM4Ur ILL raX/U4Jfl77 Aug 16 2007 1040 P.02 ALLIED WA$TiNDU5RIESiNc 1000 Son2li Ciaæcson Street Generclos Phone dliP1C 223 Oelder Thompson 16 GENERAIJ CERTIFICAI1ON caitjIth Printed /IYped Name 17 Transporter Acknowledgement ol Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name lB ltensporter AcknaWledgemejn of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Company Name ORIGINAL RETURN TO GENERATOR tin uii LMWt-ILL I-ax 1047B221 77 Aug 2007 11341 03 18 GENERATORS ist certify the malerlata described above on thia menifsj ala not eithjuct to federalPrinted1jpedName 17 Transporter AcknowJecJgem0 of Receipt of Materials Printed /1specf Name 18 Transporter Acknowfedgemenf of Receipt of Printed 1jped Name 19 Discrepancy 1ndIaatIn Space ALLIED WA$TINDUSTRIESINC Mardfes Qoownent 1000 South CIark Sttet Charlotte NC 2g231 OMS LàndtHI 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description ORIGINAL RETURN TO GENERATOR UI-I CIS LANUILL Fax 1J47B22177 Au 2007 1041 P.04 ALLIED WASTEINDUSTftIE twc 1000 South Cladcsu Jtetchtj8JC231 16 GENERATOft$CERTIFICAyJON cenhty he materials declbed abv an this menU sat are not subject toPittted/Typed Name BeazerjJojng 17 Transporter Acknowledgement at Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Transpofter2A kno Jgemant of Receipt of Matertais PrInted fped Name 19 Discrepancy IndIcation Space 20 FacUlty Owner or OperetorCM$Landtllt Printed/Type Name ORIGINAL RETURN TO GENERATOR ur W4 LMIiIfl-ILL -a 7047B221 77 Aug lii 2007 1041 P.116 j4 G8flItOSPhOflG Ii Transporter Company ALLIED WASfEINDU$TRE INC fizerIoe 1000 South qadcBoa Stteet chaikij2 NC 223I 18 Printer4fType Name Beacrn 17 Transporir AcknowferJement 01 RecIp at Materials Printed/Typed Name Tiansporte- Printed/Typed Name Indication Spaca ORIGINAL RETURN To GENERATOR APPENDIX SITE PHOTOGRAPHS MOREHEAD COMMON SITE AREA VIEW OF CONCRETE VAULT PRIOR TO ITS EXCAVATION VIEW OF AREA NO.2 EXCAVATION -LOOKING SOUTHWITHFOSTSTREETINBACKGROUN VIEW OF AREA NO.2 EXCAVATION LOOKING SOUTH WITH POST STREET IN BACKGROUND VIEW OF AREA NO.2 EXCAVATION LOOKING WEST WITHPOSTSTREETTNBACKGROUND APPENDIX ESPS SOP STANbARb OPERATING PRCCEbURE 50P-6 SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION ESP Associates P.A Revision bate 3/7/06 This standard operating procedure SOP covers the collection of soil sample for laboratory analysis Follow these steps when collecting the soil sample unless otherwise instructed by the project manager Gather needed field supplies noted below Confirm lab cooler contains needed sample containers fill cooler with ice Upon arriving at site check in with the property owner or company representative becontaminate the stainless steel hand auger before and between sample collection by washing with Alconox soap and scrub brush rinsing with distilled water and spraying with Isopropyl alcohol Wrap clean sampler in aluminum foil Wear disposal latex or nitrile gloves and change into new pair between samples buring advancement of the hand auger collect soil samples at regular intervals for describing lithology Note lithology and other characteristics of soils in field book relative to depth If appropriate place representative portion of soil sample into resealable plastic bag label with boring number and depth interval and allow to equilibrate Screen soil in bag for volatile organics using an OVA or Hnu Enter results into field book Advance hand auger boring to previously specified sampling depth Collect soil sample from this depth and place in laboratory provided containers Label containers with boring number and sample depth using the following sampling scheme i.e B-I ft B-i 10 ft B-2 ft etc benote boring location in field book relevant to pertinent site features 10 Following collection of The soil samples abandon alt boreholes feet or greater in depth with cement grout 11 Complete and sign the labs chain-of-custody 12 Keep the sample cooler in secure location until delivered under normal chain-of-custody procedures to laboratory 5OP-6 Soil Sample Collection Revision bate 3/7/06 E5PAssociates Page of SUPPUES SOP-6 Stainless steel hand auger with needed extensions or sampling spoon ci OVA orHnu ci Measuring tape ci Plastic zip-lock bags ci Isopropyl alcohol bistilled water ci 5-gallon wash bucket scrub brush and Alconox soap Cement with wheel barrow for mixing ci Cooler with sample containers and chain-of-custody tce ci Permanent marker bisposable gloves Knife ci Field book Site plan with Site specific sampling instructions Camera APPENDiX PRISM LABORATORY DATA REPORTS kU JUN 200/ Case NarrativePRISM LEORATORIES.INC Date 06119/07 ClIent Project ID Morehead Commons No Company ESP Associates PA Prism CCC Group No G0607179 Contact Chris Ward Collection Dates 06/06/07 Address P.O Box 7030 Lab Submittal Dates 06/06/07 Charlotte NC 28241 This data package contains the analytical results for the project Identified above and Includes Case Narrative Laboratory Report and Quality Control Data totaling 56 pages chain-of-custody is also attached for the samples submitted to Prism for this project Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative Quality control statements and/or sample specific remarks are included in the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sample affected Semi Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Metals Analysis Analysis Note for 024176 MS Chromium Matrix Interference is suspected Post-digestion spike recovery 79%is within the acceptance lImits 75-125% Analysis Note for 024176 MS Lead Matrix interference Is suspected Post-dlgeslior spike recovery 73%is outside the acceptance lImits 75-125% Analysis Note for 024176 MSD Chromium Matrix Interference Is suspected Analysis Note for 024176 MSD Lead Matrix Interference is suspected Wet Lab and Micro Analysis N/A Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report Date Reviewed by Paula Gilleland Project Managec Angela ercash Signature I1.JL.1tth.3L Signature _________________________ Review Date 06119107 Approval Date 06119/07 Data Qualifiers Key Reference Compound also detected In the method blank 1k Result outside of the CC limits DO Compound diluted out Estimated concentration1 calibration range exceeded The anaiyte was positively identified but the value Is estimated below the reporting limiL Estimated concenttatin with high bias Estimated concentration with law bias matrix effect is present Notes This report should not be reproduced1 excepL In Its entirety without the wriLtten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis 449 Sprlngbiook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0403 Phone 704/529.8364 Toil Free 600/529-6364 Fax 704/529.0409 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 183632 Sample Matrix Soil COO Group 00607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1400 Time Submitted 06/06107 1640 Percent Solids 82.6 SM2540 0611/07 1700 ibrown 44.DDD 44DDE 44-DDT 44-Methoxychtor a-SI-IC bSI-IC Chiordane d-BHC DIeIdrIn Endosulfan Endosulfan II Endosulfan Sulfate Endrin Endrtn Aldehyde Endain Ketone g-BHC g-Chlordane Heptachlor Heptachior Epoxlde Toxaphene BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.74 SRI pg/kg 2.4 0.52 SRI pg/kg 2.4 0.87 BRL pg/kg 4.8 1.7 BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.22 SRI pg/kg 2.4 0.42 BRI pg/kg 2.4 0.48 SRI pg/kg 2.4 0.61 SRL pg/kg 61 14 SRI pg/kg 2.4 0.34 BRI pg/kg 1.2 0.50 BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.43 BRI pg/kg 2.4 0.55 BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.63 SRL pg/kg 2.4 0.73 BRI pg/kg 2.4 0.68 SRI pg/kg 2.4 0.48 BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.28 BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.39 SRI pg/kg 2.4 0.57 BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.45 SRI pg/kg 61 14 06/13/07 2308 jvogel 06/13/07 2308 Jvcgel 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 08/13/07 2308 Jvogel 06/13/07 2308 ivogal 06/13/07 2308 Ivogal 06/13/07 2308 jvogel 06113/07 2308 Jvcgel 8081A 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 8081A 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 Q24275 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-64 Toll Free Number 1400/529.6384 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 31735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination Organochiot-ine Pesticides by Gas Chromatography a-Chlordane Aldrin 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 08/13/07 2308 jvogel 06/13/07 2308 Jvogei 06113/07 2308 ivogel 06/13/07 2308 Ivogel 05/13/07 2308 Jvogei 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 BORIA 8081A 8081A 8081A 8081A 8081A 8OBIA 8081A 8081A BOBIA 8081A BOBIA 8081A 8081A BOB1A 8081A 8081A 8081A 8081A 8081A 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 06113/07 2308 jvogel 06/13/07 2308 jvogei 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 Page of 45 NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06118/07 WS-i 183632 G06071 79 06106107 1400 06106107 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL DIIuUon Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Daternme ID Volatile Organic Comoouncjs by GCIMS 111 2-Tetrachloroethane 11 1-Trlchloroethane 1122-Tetractdoroetiane 112-Tjichloroethane 11D1chloroethane 11-Dichioroethene 11-Dithioropropene 123-Trlchlorobenzene This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-8364 Fax 704/525-0409 FuJI SrIvn AnJyIIcI IEnkunmubI SIuIIon ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted Sample PreparatIon 29.88 10 mL 355DB 06112/07 1000 tipope P18598 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachiombiphenyl DCB 128 26-204 Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 106 40-162 Polychlorlnated Biphenyls IPCBs by GC-ECD PCB-1016 BRL PCB-1221 BRL PCB-1232 BRL PCB-1242 BRL PCB-1 248 BRL PCB-1254 BRL PCB-1260 BRL Sample Preparation 0.061 0.12 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0061 0.011 0.049 0.019 0.021 0.0064 0.021 0.016 8082 8082 8082 8082 8082 8082 6082 06/13/07 2308 JvoseI 06/13/07 2308 jvogel 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 06/13/07 2308 Jvogel 06/13/07 2308 Ivogel 06/13107 2308 Jvogel 06/13/07 2308 jvogeI 024276 024276 024276 024276 024276 024276 024276 P1859729.88 10 mL 355DB 06/12/07 1000 dpope mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachlorobiphenyl DCB 109 34-182 Tetrachioro-m-xylene TCMX 109 36-182 BRL ERL BRL BRL BRI BRL BRL BRL 6.6 0.64 6.6 0.37 6.6 0.67 6.6 0.41 6.6 0.47 6.6 0.50 6.6 0.58 13 0.72 82608 8260B 826DB 8260B 826DB 828DB 826DB 826DB 06/08107 1610 ejussell 08/08/07 1610 erussell 06/08/07 1610 enisseil 06/08/07 1610 erussell 06/08/07 1610 erussell 06/08/07 1610 erusselt 06/08/07 1610 erussell 06/08/07 1610 erusseil 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Page of 45 Laboratory Report 06/1 8/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 183632 Sample Matrix Soil CCCGroup 00607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1400 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookReactP.O Box 240543 Charlofte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529.6354 Toll Free Number 1400/5294364 Fax 7041525.0409 NC Certification tio 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 123-Trichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.5 0.58 826DB 06108/07 1610 onissell Q24147 124-Trichforobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.63 8260B 06/08/07 1610 enissell 024147 124-Tifrnethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 050 826DB 0608/07 1610 erussall 024147 12-Dlbromo-3-chloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.6 1.0 82606 06108/07 1610 erussell 024147 12-DlbromoethaneEDB BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.12 8260B 0608/07 1610 enissell 024147 12-Dlchlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.36 8260B 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 12-Dlchloroethane BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.66 82608 0608/07 1610 esusset Q24147 2-Dlchloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.48 82608 0608/07 1610 enisset 024147 135-Trlmethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.55 826DB 0608/07 1610 erusseil 024147 3-Dlchlorcbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.57 82608 05/08107 1610 erussell 024147 13-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.45 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erusselt 024147 14-Dlchiorobenzeno BRL pg/kg 13 0.51 82608 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 22-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.33 8260B 06/08/07 1610 erusseil 024147 2-Chloroethyi vinyl ether-BRL pg/kg 13 0.49 8260B 06108/07 1610 erussoll 024147 2-Chiorololuene BRL pg/kg 13 0.49 826DB 06108/07 1610 erussefl 024147 2-Hexanone BRL pg/kg 66 0.68 82608 06/08/07 1610 enissell 024147 .4-Chiorotoluene BRL pg/kg 13 0.34 826DB 0608/07 1610 enissell 024147 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BRL pg/kg 13 0.66 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 Acetone BRL pg/kg 26 2.6 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erusselt Q24147 Benzene BRL pg/kg 3.9 0.53 828DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 Brornobenzene BRL pg/kg 6.5 0.46 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 Bromochloromethane BRL pg/kg 6.5 0.39 826DB 06/08/07 1610 enisseil 024147 Bromodlchlorometharie BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.58 826DB 06/08/07 1610 enisseR 024147 Bromofomi BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.49 82608 06/08/07 610 erussafl 024147 Bromometharie BRL pg/kg 13 0.76 8260B 06/08/07 1610 anisset 024147 Carbon disutilde BRL pg/kg 13 0.42 8260B 08/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 Carbon tetraohlojde BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.38 826DB 0608/07 1610 erussell 024147 Page of 45 Chlcrobenzene Chlcrodibromomethane Chioroethane Chloroform Chioromethano dc-I 2-Dlchloroeth one cls-I 3-Dichloropropene Dibromornethane Dlchlorcdffluoromethane Ethylbenzene Hexachlorobutadlene Isopropyl ether IPE lsopropylbenzene mp-Xylenes Methyl ethyl kelone MEK Methyl t-butyl ethei-MTBE Methylene chloride n-Butylbenzene n-Propylbenzene Naphthatene o-Xylene p-Isoprcpyltatuene seo-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachioroethene Toluene This repret should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6354 Fax 704/525-0409 NC CertificatIon No.402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 .ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 183632 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 30607179 Time Collected 0606/07 1400 Time Submitted 08106/07 1640 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst aatch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 6.6 0.50BRLpg/kg 826DB 06108/07 1610 erussefl 024147 BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.45 826DB 06/08/07 1610 enissI Q24147 BRL pg/kg 13 0.54 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erusaefl 024147 BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.49 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erusset 024147 BRL pg/kg 13 0.46 82608 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BR pg/kg 6.6 0.29 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erusseil 024147 BR pg/kg 6.6 0.42 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erusseil 024147 BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.49 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 13 1.5 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BR pg/kg 6.6 0.46 826DB 06/08107 1610 esussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 20 0.82 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.22 826DB 06/08107 1610 enisseil 024147 BRL pg/kg 13 0.53 826DB 06/08107 1610 erussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 13 0.82 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 26 1.8 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BR pg/kg 6.6 0.38 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 13 0.54 82608 06/08/07 1610 erusselt 024147 BR pg/kg 20 0.53 826DB 06/06/07 1610 erussell 024147 BR pg/kg 13 0.39 82608 06/08/07 1610 erusse 024147 BR pg/kg 6.6 0.76 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 6.6 1.39 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 BRL pg/kg 20 0.54 826DB 06/08107 1610 erusesfl 024147 BRL pg/kg 20 0.43 826DB 06/08/07 1610 enisseil 024147 BR pg/kg 6.6 0.66 82608 06/08/07 1610 erussoll 024147 BRL pg/kg 26 0.41 82608 08/08/07 1610 orusse 024147 BRL pg/kg 13 1.1 82609 06/08/07 1610 erusseil 024147 BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.45 82608 06/08/07 1610 erussell 024147 Page of 45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportScCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 183632 Sample Matrix Soil coc Group G06071 79 Time Collected 06106107 1400 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter trans-i2-Dlchloroethene trans-I 3-Dlchloropropene Trichioroethene Trlchiorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride 5035 06/13/07 000 brown 5035 06/1307 000 brown 5035 0613/07 000 ibrown Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS I24-Trichlombenzene BRL 12-Dlchiorobenzene BRL 13-Dichjorobenzene ORL 4-Dichlorpbenzene BRL 245-Trichiorophenot BRL 248-Tiichlorophenoi BRL 24-Dlchlorophenol BRL 24-Dimethyiphenol BRL 24-4Jlnltrophenol BRL 24-Dinitrotoluene BRL 26-Dlnltrotoltjene BRL This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SprlngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543-Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time ID BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.50 826DB 06/06/07 1610 erusselt Q24147 BRI pg/kg 6.6 0.46 626DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell Q24147 BRL rig/kg 6.6 0.39 826DB 06/08/07 1610 enisseil Q24147 BRL pg/kg 6.6 0.54 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussefl Q24147 BRL pg/kg 13 0.84 826DB 06/08/07 1610 erussell Q24147 Sample Weight Determination weight Bisulfate Weight Blsulfate Weight Methanol Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Bromofluorcbenzene 104 77-128 Dlbromofluoromethane 92 67-143 Toluene-dB 96 81 128 5.02 4.60 4.43 pg/kg 400 39 8270C 08/1107 1117 kcamptotto Q24124 pg/kg 400 29 8270C 06111/07 1117 kcamplgotto Q24124 pg/kg 400 29 8270C 06111/07 1117 kcampigalto Q24124 pg/kg 400 36 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto Q24124 pg/kg 400 41 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto Q24124 pg/kg 400 38 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto Q24124 pg/kg 400 33 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 pg/kg 400 38 8270C 06111/07 1117 kcamplgollo 024124 pg/kg 400 45 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcampigotto Q2414 pg/kg 400 23 8270C 06/1 1/07 1117 kcamplQoito 024124 pg/kg 400 42 8270C 06111/07 1117 kcmpIgott 024124 PageS of 45 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 183632 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1400 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should net be repmduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6254 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 2-Chforonaphthafene BRL pg/kg 400 41 827CC 06/11/07 1117 keamplgotto 024124 2-Chiorophenol BRL pg/kg 400 31 82706 00/11/07 1117 kcampigotb Q24124 2-Methyinaphthalene BRL pg/kg 400 32 62706 06/11/07 1117 kcampfgotto 024124 2-Methyiphenol BRL pg/kg 400 37 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 2-Nitrophenol BRL pg/kg 400 48 82706 05/11/07 1117 kcamplgottu 024124 34-Methyiphenol BRL pg/kg 400 41 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotta 024124 33-Dichlorobenzidlne BRL pg/kg 400 25 827CC 06/1107 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 46-Dlnitro-2-methylphenol BRI pg/kg 400 24 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL pg/kg 400 36 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgetto 024124 4-Chloro-3-methylpherioi BRL pg/kg 400 29 8270C 0611/07 1117 kcamplgottc 024124 4-Chiorophenyiphenylether BRL pg/kg 400 25 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgottci 024124 4-Nitrophenol BRL pg/kg 400 26 82706 05/11/07 1117 kcarnplgotto 024124 Acenaphthene BRL pg/kg 400 39 B270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgottc 024124 Acenaphthylene BRL pg/kg 400 39 82706 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 Anthracene BRL pg/kg 400 30 62706 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 Benzoaanthracerie BRL pg/kg 400 56 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 Benzoapyrene BRL pg/kg 400 46 82706 08/11/07 1117 kcamptgotto 024124 Benzobfluomnthene BRL pg/kg 400 18 82706 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 Benzcghjperylene BRL pg/kg 400 19 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgollo 024124 BenzokIluoranthene BRL pg/kg 400 32 82706 06/1107 1117 kcamplgotlo 024124 Bls2-chloroethoxymethane BRL pg/kg 400 46 62706 06/11107 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 BIs2-chloroethylather BRL pg/kg 400 43 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamptgotto 024124 BIs2-chlorolsopropyleuier BRI pg/kg 400 34 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcarnplgotio 024124 Bis2-ethylliexylphthalate BRL pg/kg 400 20 82706 05/11/07 1117 kcamplgctto 024124 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL pg/kg 400 24 82706 06/11/07 1117 koamplgotto 024124 Chrysene BRL pg/kg 4CC 66 82706 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 DI-n-butylphthaf ate BRL pg/kg 400 18 82706 06/11/07 1117 kcamplotto 024124 Page o145 Dl-n-octylphthalate Dlbenzoahanthraceno Dlbenzofuran Diethylphthalate Dirnethylphthal3te Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachiorobutadlene Hexachlorocyclopentadlene Hexachforoethane lndeno123-cdpyrene Isophorone N-Nltrosodl-n-propylamlne N-Nltmsodlphenylamlne Naphihatene Nltmbenzene Pentachiomphenot Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Prism Sample ID 183632 Sample Matrbc Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1400 Time Submitted 06106/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Ins 449 Spnngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn ChrIs Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Datemrne ID BRL pg/kg 400 30 827CC 06/11/07 1117 koamplgotto 024124 SRI pg/kg 400 40 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcarnplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 34 827CC 06/11/07 1117 koaniplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 24 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 27 827CC 08/11/07 1117 kcamplgolto Q24124 BRL pg/kg 400 27 827CC 08/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 BR pg/kg 400 24 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgottc 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 21 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgollo 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 39 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 42 8270C 06111/07 1117 kcsmplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 40 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotlo 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 41 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 38 827CC 06/11/07 1117 keamplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 45 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 20 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgouo 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 43 827CC 08/11/07 1117 kcamplgolth 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 39 827CC 06/11/07 1117 keamplgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 33 827CC 08/11/07 1117 koamplgolto 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 19 827CC 06/11/07 1117 kcamplgollo 024124 BRL pg/kg 400 43 8270C 06/11/07 1117 kcampTgotto 024124 BRL pg/kg 401 27 8270C 06/11107 1117 kcamplgotto 024124 Page 70145 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06/18/07 FLII5wvko AnIytJcaI EvkonmrnietSatUtirnis ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 183632 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/06/07 1400 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample Preparation 30.16 rnL 355GB 06/08/07 700 dpope P18579 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 246-Tribromophenol 76 25 123 2-Fluoroblphenyl 54 21 -108 2-Fluorophencl 57 14-89 Nltmbenzene-d5 55 14-103 Phenokl5 59 13-95 Terphenyl-d14 84 41-136 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC.FIl C11-C22Aromatlcs BRL mg/kg 13 6.8 MADEP EPH 0611607 2047 grappaccloli 024301 C19-C3OAllphaUcs BRL mg/kg 13 1.9 MADEP EPH 06116/07 2047 gmppaccloii 024301 C9-C18 Allphatics BRL mg/kg 13 4.0 MADEP EPI-l 06116/07 2047 grappacciot 024301 analysis Note for C11-C22 Aromatics Adjusted value Sample Preparation 9.62 niL EPH 0613/07 800 dpope P18614 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chlora-octadecane 112 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalena 135 40-140 2-Fluoroblphenyl 131 40-140 o-Terphenyl 102 40-140 Metals by ICP Chromium 0.63 mg/kg 0.30 0.018 601GB 06111/07 2050 mcampbetl 024176 Lead 5.1 mg/kg 0.30 0.025 601DB 06/11/07 2050 mcarnpbeft 024176 Sample PreparatIon 2.03 50 niL 30506 06/11/07 905 Jhoppel P18580 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFU C5-C8 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 1.2 MADEP VPH 06/12/07 2127 hwagner 024220 C9-C10 Aromatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 0.036 MADEP VPH 06/12/07 2127 hwagner 024220 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent or Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6354.Fax 704/525-0409 Page 8o145 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID C9-C12 AtIphatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 1.9 MADEP VPH 06112/07 2127 hwa9ner Q24220 Analysis Note for C5-CB Aliphatics Adjusted value Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value One surrogate recovery was outside the control limits No target compounds were detected inthissampleNofurtheractionwastaken Surrogate Recovenj Control Limits 25-Dlbromotoluene-PID 118 70-130 25-Dlbromotoluene-FID 155 70-130 Sample WelghtDetormlnatjon WeIght 20.05 MADEP VPH 08113/07 000 thrown WeIght 17.23 MADEP VPH 06/13/07 000 brown Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Limit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report rn/ate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements of hor thanNELACcertificationexceptforthoseInstances Indicated In the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on dry-weight basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except In its entirely without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 _______ NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 iIcs AnsIytfaI EmuembSotuthjn ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-1 183632 G0607179 06/06/07 1400 06/06/07 1640 Phone 7041529-6384 Toll Free Number 1500/529-6364 Fax 704/525.0469 Page of 45 NC CertIfication No.402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 Prism Sample ID 183633 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1415 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination 44-DDD 44-DDE 44-DDT 44-Methoxychlor a-BHC a-Chlordane Aidrin b-BIC Chiordane d-BHC Dieldrin Enclosulfan Endosuffan II Endosulfan Sulfate Endiin Endrin Aldehyde Endrin KetOne g-BHC g-Chiordane l-teptchlor Heptachlor Epoxfde Toxaphene BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 5M2540 06/11/07 1700 Ibrown 8OBIA 8081A 8081A 8081A BOBIA 8081A 8OB1A 8081A 8081A 8081A 8061A 8081A 8081A BOBIA BOBIA 8081A 8081A 8081A 8081A 8081A 8081A 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 jvogel 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 Jvog 05/13/07 2350 Ivogel 06/13/07 2350 Jvoget 06/13/07 2350 Ivogel 06/13/07 2350 VogeI 06/13/07 2350 JYogel 06/13/07 2350 iVogel 08/13/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 Jyogel 08113/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 Ivpgei 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 Jvoget 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 06/13/07 2350 JvogeI 06/13/07 2350 Ivogel Q24275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 Q24275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 This report should not be reproducefJ except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratones Inc449SprlngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 CharJotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Percent Solids 86.4 Organochiorine Pesticides by Gas Chromatography pg/kg 2.3 0.71 pg/kg 2.3 0.49 pg/kg 2.3 0.83 pg/kg 4.6 1.6 pg/kg 2.3 0.21 pg/kg 2.3 0.40 pg/kg 2.3 0.46 pg/kg 2.3 0.59 pg/kg 58 13 pg/kg 2.3 0.33 pg/kg 1.2 0.48 pg/kg 2.3 0.41 pg/kg 2.3 0.52 pg/kg 2.3 0.60 pg/kg 2.3 0.70 pg/kg 2.3 0.65 pg/kg 2.3 0.46 pg/kg 2.3 0.27 pg/kg 2.3 0.36 pg/kg 2.3 0.55 pg/kg 2.3 0.43 BRL pg/kg 58 13 8081A 06/13/07 2350 Ivogel Page 10 0145 NC CertIfIcatIon No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cod No 37735 Sample Preparation 29.75 10 mL 3550B 06/12/07 1000 dpape P18598 Polychiorinated Biphenyis 1PCBs by GC-ECD PCB-1016 BRL PCB-1221 BRL PCB-l 232 BRL PCB-1 242 BRL PCB-1248 BRL PCB-1254 BRL PCB-l 260 BRL Volatile Oruanic Compounds by GCIMS 111 2-Telrachlaroethane 11 1-Trichloroethane ii 2.2-Tetrathloroethane 11 2-Trtchloroethane 11-Dldiloroethane 11-Dichiaroethene 11-Dichioropropene 123-Trlchlorobenzene This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories inc 449 Sprlrigbroak Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704529-6364 Toil Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Assoclat6s PA AIIm Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/18107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-2 183633 G0607179 06/06/07 1415 06106/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 0.058 0.12 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.011 0.047 0.019 0.020 0.0080 0.020 0.016 Sample Preparation Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 103 40 182 Decachiorobiphenyl DCB 121 26 204 8082 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 024276 8082 06/13/07 2350 Jvogei 024275 8082 06/13/07 2350 lvDgeI 024276 8082 06/13/07 2350 Ivogel 024276 8062 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 024276 8082 06/13/07 2350 Jvogel 024276 8082 06/13/07 2350 Jvoge 024276 10 mL 355DB 06/12/07 1000 dpope P18597 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachiorobiphenyl DCB 89 34 -182 Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 101 36 182 mg/kg mg/kg mg/hg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 119/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg 29.76 6.0 0.55 6.0 0.33 6.0 0.61 6.0 0.37 6.0 0.43 6.0 0.45 6.0 0.52 12 0.65 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 06/08/07 1642 eru5seU 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussef 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/01 1642 ecussalt 06/08/07 1642 etussell 06/06/07 1642 erussell 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Page 11 of 45 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Waler Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 PrIsm Sample ID i83633 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06106/07 1415 Time Submitted 06/06107 1640 Parameter ID 23-Trichloropropane 826oB 024147 24-Trtchlorôbenzene 826DB 024147 124-Trimethylbenzene 826DB 024147 12-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 626DB 024147 12-Dibromoethane EDB 826GB 024147 12-Dichlorobenzene 826DB 024147 12-Dichloroethane 826DB 024147 12-Dichtoropi-opane 626DB 024147 135-TrimŁthylbenzene 826DB 024147 13-Dlchiorobenzene 826DB 024147 13-Dlchloropropane 826GB 024147 4-Dichlorobenzene 626DB 024147 2.2-Dlchioropropane 826DB 024147 2-Chioroethyl vinyl other 826DB Q24 147 2-Chloreloluene 826DB 024147 2-Hexanono 826DB 024147 4-Chlorotoluene 826DB 024147 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK 826GB 024147 Acetone 526DB 024147 Benzene 826DB 024147 Bromobenzene 826DB 024147 Bromochiurornethane BRL 826DB 024147 BromOdlchloromelhane SRI 52603 024147 Bromofomi SRI 826DB 024147 Bromometharig BRL 82603 024147 Carbon disultide BRL 82609 024147 Carbon tetrachlojjda BRL 82609 024147 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlflgbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phono 704/529-5364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 06/18/07 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time BRL pg/kg 6.0 0.52 BRL pg/kg 12 0.57 BRL pg/kg 12 0.45 BRL pg/kg 6.0 0.94 BRL pg/kg 6.0 0.11 BRL pg/kg 12 0.32 BRL pg/kg 6.0 0.60 BRL pg/kg 60 0.44 BRL pg/kg 12 0.50 SRI pglkg 12 0.51 BRL pg/kg 6.0 0.4D BRL pg/kg 12 0.46 BRL pg/kg 6.0 0.30 BRL pg/kg 12 0.44 BRL pg/kg 12 0.44 BRL pg/kg 60 0.62 BRL pg/kg 12 0.31 BRL pg/kg 12 0.60 34 pg/kg 24 2.3 BRL pg/kg 3.6 0.48 BRL pg/kg 6.0 0.42 pg/kg 6.0 0.36 pg/kg 6.0 0.52 pg/kg 6.0 0.44 pg/kg 12 0.69 pg/kg 12 0.38 pg/kg 8.0 0.35 06/08/07 1642 erusseil 06/08/07 1642 erussetl 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08107 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusst 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06108/07 1642 erusseH 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussejt 06/08/07 1642 orussetl 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusselt 06/08/07 1642 erusself 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusselt 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusselt 06/08/07 1642 erussetl 06/08107 1642 erusseli 06/08/07 1642 erussejl 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusselt 06/08/07 1642 erusseli Page 12 of 45 NC Certification No.402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06/18107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 Prism Sample ID 183633 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Coliected 06/06/07 1415 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Chtorobenzene Chlorcdibromomethane Chioruethane Chloroform Chloromethane cls-12-Dichloroethene cls-1 3-Dlchloropropene Dibromomethane Dlchlorodlfluoromethane Ethylbenzene Hexachiorobutadlene Isopropyl ether IPE lsopropylbenzene mp-Xylenes Methyl ethyl ketone MEK Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE Methylene chloride n-Butylbenzene n-Propylbenzene Naphthalene o-Xylene p-lsopropyltaluene sec-Sutylbenzene Styrene tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachioroethene Toluene BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL SRI BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL RRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 826GB 826GB 826GB 826DB 826GB 826GB 626GB 826GB 826DB 826GB 826GB 826GB 826GB 8260B 826DB 826GB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 826GB 826DB 826DB Analysis Analyst Date/Time 06108/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 enisselt 06/08107 1642 erussell 05/08/07 1642 erussejj 06/08107 1642 erussell 05/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusseli 06/08/07 1642 erussell 05/08/07 1642 erussall 06/08/07 1642 erusseli 08/08/07 1642 erussell 08/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusselt 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusseli 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusseff 0608/07 1642 erusselt 06/08/07 1642 erussell 05/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusselt 06/08/07 1642 enissell 06/08107 1642 erussett 06/06/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erussell 06/08/07 1642 erusseli Batch ID 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor jig/kg 6.0 0.45 pg/kg 6.0 0.40 pg/kg 12 0.49 pg/kg 6.0 0.44 jig/kg 12 0.42 pg/kg 6.0 0.26 pg/kg 6.0 038 pg/kg 6.0 0.44 pg/kg 12 1.3 pg/kg 6.0 0.42 pg/kg 18 0.74 pg/kg 6.0 0.20 pg/kg 12 0.48 pg/kg 12 0.83 pg/kg 24 1.7 jig/kg 6.0 0.35 pg/kg 12 0.49 jig/kg 18 0.48 jig/kg 12 0.36 jig/kg 6.0 0.89 jig/kg 6.0 0.36 pg/kg 18 0.49 pg/kg 18 0.39 pg/kg 6.0 0.60 jig/kg 24 0.37 pg/kg 12 1.0 pg/kg 6.0 040 Page 13 o145 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Sample Weight Determination Weight Blsullate Weight Blsulfate Weight Methanol ESP Associates PA Atm Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06118107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-2 183633 G06071 79 06106/07 1415 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method trans-i2-Dithloroethene trans-i .3-Dichioropropene Trichioroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 6.0 0.45 826DB 06/08/07 1642 erussell Q24147 6.0 0.42 826DB 06108107 1642 erussell 024147 6.0 0.36 826DB 06/08/07 1642 erussell 024147 6.0 0.49 82608 06/08/07 1642 erusseU Q24147 12 0.76 82608 06/08107 1642 erussell 024147 SRI BRL BRL BRL BRL 5.08 4.86 4.29 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Bromotluorobenzene 106 77-128 Toluene-dB 101 81 128 Dlbromofluoromethane 95 67-143 pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 24-Trichkntbenzene BRL 2-DlchlorobØnzene BRL .3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 4-Dlchlorobenzene BRL 245-Trichiorophenol BRL 246-Trlchlorophenol BRL 24-DkthIorophenol BRL 24-Dimethyiphenol ERL 24-Dinitrophenol BRL 24-Dinltrotoluene BRL 2.6-Dinitrotojuene BRL 2-Chloronaphthalerie BRL 5035 5035 5035 390 38 8270C 390 28 8270C 390 28 82700 390 35 8270C 390 39 82700 390 37 8270C 390 32 8270C 390 37 8270C 390 43 8270C 390 22 8270C 390 41 8270C 390 40 8270C 06/13/07 000 06/13/07 000 06/13/07 000 06/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 06111/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 08/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 06/11/07 1209 Ibrown brown brown kcarnpigotto kcamplgotto kcamplgolto kcamplgotta kcamplgctto kcamplgotto kcamplgoto kcamplgotto kcamplgotto kcarnplgotto kcamplgotto kcamplgotto 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 Q24124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 26224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 14 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 PrIsm Sample ID 183633 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06106107 1415 Time Submitted 06106/07 1640 2-Chiorophenol 2-Methy1naphthaIene 2-MehlphenoI 2-Nitrophenol 34-Methylphenol 33-DlchIorobenldlne 46-Dlnitro-2-methylphenol 4Bromophenylphenylether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chiorophenyiphenylether 4-Nitrophenol Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Arithracene Benzoaanthracene Benzoapyrene Benzobfiuoranthene Benzog.hjpenfiene Benzokfiuoranthene Bls2-chtoroethoxymethane 61s2-chloroethylether Bls2-chlorolsopropylether Bts2-ethylhexylphthatate Butylbenzylphthalate Chrysene Di-n-butylphthatate Di-n-octytphthaf ate Analysis Date/Time 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcsmplgotto 06/11/07 1203 kcmp1gotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamptgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamprgotLo 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamptgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcsmplgcitto 06/11/07 1209 kamp1gotto 06/11/07 1209 kcarnplgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcampl9otlo 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotlo 06/11/07 1209 kcampIgoo 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgorio 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 08/11/07 1209 hcamplgotta 06/11/07 1209 kcampigotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgottc 06/1107 1209 kcamplgotlo 06/11/07 1209 kcarnplgoflo 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgouo 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotb 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto Analyst Batch ID 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 Q24124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 Q24124 024124 024124 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety withDut the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6364 Fax 704/525-0409 F1 Ski An1UaI uvkanmnW Sulins ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 26241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor BRL pg/kg 390 30 8270C BRL pg/kg 390 31 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 36 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 46 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 39 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 24 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 23 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 37 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 28 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 24 8270C BRL pg/kg 390 26 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 38 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 38 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 29 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 54 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 45 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 17 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 18 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 31 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 44 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 42 827CC BRI pg/kg 390 33 527CC BRL pg/kg 390 19 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 24 8270C BRL pg/kg 390 64 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 18 827CC BRL pg/kg 390 29 827CC Page 15 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCrtiIlcatlonNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 0618107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 Prism Sample ID 183633 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1415 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spnngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Olbenzoahanthracene BRL pg/kg 390 39 821CC 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 Dlbenzofijran BRL pg/kg 390 33 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 DIethyphthalate BRL pg/kg 390 24 827CC 06/11107 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 Dlmethylphthalate BRL pg/kg 390 26 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcampl9otto 024124 Fluoranthene BRL pg/kg 390 27 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 Fluorene BRL pg/kg 390 23 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgDtto 024124 1-lexachlcrobenzena BRL pg/kg 390 20 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgollo 024124 Flexachlorobutadlene BRL pg/kg 390 37 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcampigotto 024124 1-lexachiorocyclopentadlene BRL pg/kg 390 41 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 Rexachioroethane BRL pg/kg 390 39 82706 06/11/07 1209 kcamptgotlo 024124 Indeno123-cdpyrene BRL pg/kg 390 40 82706 06/11/07 1209 kcamptgotto 024124 lsophorone BRL pg/kg 390 34 82706 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotta 024124 N-Niti-osodl-n-propylamine BRL pg/kg 390 44 82706 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotlo 024124 N-Nltrosodlpherylarnlne BRL pg/kg 390 20 82706 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 Naphthalene BRL pg/kg 390 42 82706 06/11/07 1209 kcampigolta 024124 Nitrobenzene BRL pg/kg 390 38 827CC 06111/07 1209 kcamplgatto 024124 Pentachlorophenol BRL pg/kg 390 32 827CC 08/11/07 1209 kcamplgolto 024124 Phenanthrene BRL pg/kg 390 19 827CC 06/11/07 1209 kcaniplgotto 024124 Phenol BRL pg/kg 390 42 827CC 06/11107 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 Pene BRL pg/kg 390 26 8270C 06/11/07 1209 kcamplgotto 024124 Page 160145 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 WS-2 183633 G06071 79 06106107 1415 06/06107 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID Cl 1-C22 Arornatics BRL mg/kg C19-C36 Allphatics BRL mg/kg C9-C18 Atiphatics BRL mg/kg Analysis Note for Cll-C22 Aromaties Sample Preparation Surrogate 1-Chloro-octadecane 2-Bromonaphthalene 2-Fluorobiphenyl o-Terphenyl Recovery 95 111 107 98 Control Limits 40-140 40-140 40-140 40-140 2.1 mg/kg 4.4 mg/kg Sample Preparation Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PlD/FID CS-CS Aliphatics BRL Cg-C10 Aromatics BRL 0.29 0.017 60108 0.29 0.024 601DB 06111107 2113 mcampbell 06/11/07 2113 mcampbell 024176 024176 Full Srlc Anullkl En nmdut Zolullcn NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Ceit No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project 1D Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COG Group Time Collected Time Submitted Sample Preparation 29.7 mL 35508 06/06/07 700 dpope P16579 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2-Fluoroblphenyl 65 21 108 Terphenyl-d14 91 41 136 2-Fluorophenol 49 14-89 Nitrobenzene-d5 57 14 103 246-Tribromophenol 93 25 123 Phenol-d5 58 13-95 12 6.4 MADEP EPII 06/16/07 1123 grappaccloll 024301 12 l.5 MADEP EPH 06/16/07 1123 grappaccloll 024301 12 3.8 MADEP EPH 06/16/07 1123 grappaccloll 024301 Adjusted value 9.73 mL EPH 06/13/07 800 dpope P18614 Metals by ICP ChromIum Lead 2.02g 5OmL 30508 06/11/07 905 Jhoppel mg/kg 5.8 1.1 MAIDEPVPf-f mg/kg 5.8 0.035 MADEP VPH This report should not be reproduced except in Its entIrety without the written consent Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6384 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 0612/07 2208 bwagner 06/12/07 2208 hwagner P1 8560 024220 Q24220 Page 17 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Ceil No 37735 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Dateflime ID BRL mg/kg 5.8 1.8 MADEP VPH 06/12/07 2208 hwagner Analysis Note for C5-C8 Aliphatics Adjusted value Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value Two surrogate recoveries were outside of the control limits No target compounds were detectedinthissampleNofurtheractionwastaken Sample Weight Determination Weight Welght2 Sample Comments BRL Below Reprtlng Uniit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet stale certification requirements other thanNELACcertificationexceptforthose instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on diy-welght basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services misreport should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 CharIotte NC 28224-0543 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-2 183633 G0607179 06/06/07 1415 06/06/07 1640 C9.C1 Allphatics Q24220 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluene-FID 183 70-130 25-Dlbrornotoluene.plD 138 70-130 23.18 23.97 MADEP VPH 05/13/07 000 brown MADEP VPH 06/13/07 000 thrown Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 18 of 45 F...3Q1v1c0 A.............nvIriirnutI Sdijllwi ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids Organochiorine Pesticides liv Gas Chromatoctraphy This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6354 Fax 7041525-0409 Laboratory Report 06118107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Prism Sample ID 183634 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/0607 1430 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 82.9 5M2540 06/11/07 1700 Ibrown 44-DDD BRL pglkg 2.4 0.74 8081A 06/14/07 032 Jvcgel 024275 44-DDE BRI pg/kg 2.4 0.51 BOBIA 05/14/07 032 Ivogel 0.24275 44-DDT BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.87 BOS1A 06/1407 032 Ivogel 024275 44-Methoxycthlor BRL pg/kg 4.8 1.6 8081A 06/1407 032 Ivogel 024275 a-BHC BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.22 8081A 06/14/07 032 Jvogel 024275 a-Chlordane BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.42 8081A 06/14107 032 ivogel 024275 Aidrin BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.48 BOS1A 06/14107 032 Jvogel 024275 b-BHC BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.61 BDBIA 06/1407 032 JvogeI 024275 Chlordane BRL pg/kg 60 14 BOBIA 05/14/07 032 ivogel 0.24275 d-BHC BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.34 8081A 06/14/07 032 Jvogel 024275 Dicldrin BRL pg/kg 1.2 0.50 SOfiA 06/14/07 032 ivogel 024275 Endosullan BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.43 8081A 0614/07 032 Jvogel 024215 Endosullan ii BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.54 8081A 06/14/07 032 Jvo9eI 024275 Endosulfan Sulfate BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.63 8081A 06114107 032 Ivogel 024275 Endrin BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.72 8081A 06/14/07 032 Jvogel 024275 Endrin Aldehyde BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.65 SOfIA 06/14/07 032 Jvogel 024275 Endrin Ketone BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.48 8081A 06/14/07 032 JvogeI 024275 gBHC BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.25 8081A 06/14/07 032 Ivogel 0.24275 g-Chlordane BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.39 BOB1A 06/14/07 032 Jvogel 024275 Heptachior RRL lJ/kg 2.4 0.57 8081A 06/14107 032 Jvogel 024275 HeptabhlorEpoxide BRL pg/kg 2.4 0.44 8081A 06/14/07 032 Ivogel 024275 Toxaphene BRL pg/kg 60 14 8081A 06/14/07 032 Jvoel 024275 Page 19 of 45 iI $i.vI AIytkI Encnmnb1tjIizUan ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-3 183634 G0607179 06/06/07 1430 06/06/07 1640 Volatile Orqanic Compounds by GCMS 11 12-Tetrachloraethane ljj-Trichioroethane ii 22-Tetrachloroethane 12-Trlchloroethane 11-Dkhloroethane 11-Dichloroethene 11-Dichloropropene 123-Trichlorobenzene This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 26224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6364 Fax 104/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 29.1 10 mL 35506 06/12/07 1000 dpope P18598SamplePreparation Polychiorinated Biphenyls PCBs by GC-ECD PCB-1015 BRL PCB-1221 BRL PCB-1232 BRL PCB-1 242 BRL PCB-1 248 BRL PCB-1254 BRL PCB-1260 BRL Sample Preparation Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 105 40 162 Decachlorobiphenyl 0GB 143 26 204 0.060 0.12 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.011 0.049 0.019 0.021 0.0083 0.021 0.016 8082 8082 8082 8052 8082 8082 8082 06/14/07 032 0614/07 032 06/14/07 032 06/14/07 032 06/14/07 032 06/14/07 032 06/14/07 032 JvogeI JvogaI Jvogei jvcget jvogel Ivogel Jvogel Q24276 024276 024276 024276 024276 024276 024276 P1859729.7 10 mL 355DB 06/12/07 1000 dpope mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachiorobiphenyl DCB 105 34-182 Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 103 36 182 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 6.1 0.60 6.1 0.34 6.1 8.63 6.1 0.35 6.1 0.44 6.1 0.47 6.1 0.54 12 0.67 826DB 826DB 82608 82608 82608 82608 82608 82608 06/08/07 1714 enmseil 06/08/07 1714 erusseil 06/0807 1714 erusseH 06/08/07 1714 erussell 06/08/07 1714 enissell 06/0807 1714 erussell 06/08/07 1714 enisseJi 0608/07 1714 enisseli 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Page 20 of 45 F.. .irvu ntàI $hjthrna ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 CharloUe NC 28241 This report should not be reproduced except In its enfirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Tall Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water CerL No 37735 Laboratory Report 0618107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Prism Sample ID 183634 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 00607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1430 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/lime ID 123-Trithloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.54 82606 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 124-Trichioroberizene BRL pg/kg 12 0.59 82608 06/08/07 1714 erusset 024147 124-Trimethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 12 0.47 82608 06/09/07 1714 erussell 024147 12-Dlbromo-3-chloropropane BRI pg/kg 6.1 0.97 82608 06/08/07 1714 eruaseil 024147 12-Dibromoethane EDO BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.11 826GB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 12-Dlchlorobonzerie BRL pg/kg 12 0.33 826GB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 12-Dlchloroethane BRL pg/kg 5.1 061 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 1.2-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.45 8260B 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 135-Trimethylbenzene ORL pg/kg 12 0.51 82608 05/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 1.3-Dichlorobenzene BRL pglkg 12 0.53 82608 05/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 13-Dichloroprupane BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.42 82606 06108/07 1714 emssell 024147 14-Dichlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 12 0.48 82608 06/08/07 1714 arussell 024147 22-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.31 82608 06/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether BRL pg/kg 12 0.45 82608 06/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 2-Chlorotoluene BRL pg/kg 12 0.45 826GB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 2-Hexanone BRL pg/kg 61 0.64 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 4-Chiorotoluene BRL pg/kg 12 0.32 82606 06/08/07 1714 enrnset 024147 4-Methyl-2-pentanoneMIBK BRL pg/kg 12 0.61 826GB 06/0B/07 1714 erussell 024147 Acetone BRL pg/kg 25 2.4 826GB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Benzene BRL pg/kg 3.7 0.49 826GB 06/08/07 1714 enissetl 024147 Bromobenzene BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.43 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussetl 024147 Bromochioramethane BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.37 826DB 06/08/07 1714 enisseil 024147 Bromodlahloromethane BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.54 826DB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Bromoform BRL pg/kg 6.1 045 82608 06/08/07 1714 crusseti 024147 Bromometharie BRL pg/kg 12 0.71 82608 06/0807 1714 enisseU 024147 Carbon disulfide BRL pg/kg 12 0.39 82608 08/08107 1714 erussett 024147 Carbon tetractiloride BRL pg/kg 61 0.36 826DB 06/08/07 1714 erussetl 024147 Page 21 of 45 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Prism Sample ID 183634 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1430 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 CharIatte NC 282240543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Waler Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 6.1ChlorobenzeneBRLpg/kg 0.47 8260B 06108107 1714 eruselI Q24147 Chiorodibromomethane BRL pg/kg 8.1 0.42 826DB 06/08/07 1714 enJssell 024147 Chioroethane BRL pg/kg 12 0.50 8260B 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Chloroform BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.45 826DB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Chloromethane BRL pg/kg 12 0.43 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 cls-1.2-Dlchlcroethene BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.27 825DB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 cls-13-Dlchlcropropene BRL pg/kg 5.1 0.39 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Dlbromomethane BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.45 82608 06108/07 1714 arussetl 024147 Dlchlorodifluoromethaae BRL pg/kg 12 1.4 826DB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Ethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.43 8260B 06/08/07 1714 erusset 024147 Hexachlorobutadlene BRL pg/kg 18 0.76 826GB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 IsopropyletherIPE BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.21 826GB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 lsopropylbenzene BRL pg/kg 12 0.49 82608 06/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 mp-Xylenes BRL pg/kg 12 0.86 826GB 06/08/07 1714 enisset 024147 Methyl ethyl ketoneMEK BRL pg/kg 25 1.7 826GB 06/08/07 1714 ezussI 024147 Methyl t-butyt ether MTBE BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.36 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Methylene chloride BRL pg/kg 12 0.50 826GB 06/08/07 1714 euse1I 024147 n-Butylbenzene BRL pg/kg 18 0.49 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 n-Prapylbenzene BRL pg/kg 12 0.37 826GB 06/08/07 1714 erussetl 024147 Naphthalene BRL pg/kg 5.1 0.71 8260B 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 oXylene BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.37 826GB 06/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 p-Isopropyltoluene BRL pg/kg 18 0.50 826DB 06/08/07 1714 erussell Q24147 sec-Butylberizene BRL pg/kg 18 0.40 826DB 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Styrene BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.61 826DB 06/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 tert-Butylbenzene BRL pg/kg 25 0.38 82608 06/08/07 1714 enissell 024147 Tetrachioroethene BRL pg/kg 12 1.1 82608 06/08/07 1714 erussell 024147 Toluene BRL pg/kg 8.1 0.42 826GB 06/08/07 1714 ewssell 024147 Page 22 of 45 Laboratory Report 06/18107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS3 Prism Sample ID 183634 Sample Matrix Soil ccc Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1430 Time Submitted 06106107 1640 trans-i .2-Dichloroethene trans-i .3-Dichioropropene TrlchloroØthene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride 826DB 82608 826DB 826DB 626DB 5035 5035 5035 06/08/07 1714 erussell 06/08107 1714 erussell 06/08107 1714 erussell 06/08/07 1714 enissell 06/06/07 1714 enissell 06/13/07 000 Ibrown 05/13107 000 brown 05/13/07 000 Ibrown 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 124.TrIchlorobenzene BRL jig/kg 400 39 82700 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 12-Dlchlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 400 29 82700 00/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 3-Dlchlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 400 29 82700 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 14-Dlchlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 400 36 62700 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 245-Trichlorophenol BRL pg/kg 400 41 82700 06/11/07 1300 kcampfgotto 024124 246-Trlchlorophenol BRL pg/kg 400 38 82700 08/11/07 1300 kcamplgouo 024124 24-Dichiorophonol BRL pg/kg 400 33 8270C 08/11/07 1300 kcamplgotlo 024124 24-Dimethyiphonol BRL pg/kg 400 38 82700 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 24-Dinitrophenol BRL pg/kg 400 45 6270C 06/11/07 1300 Iccamplgotto Q24124 24-Dinitrotoluene ERL pg/kg 400 23 82700 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 26-Dinitrotoluene BRL pg/kg 400 42 82700 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 2-Chlororiaphthalene RRL pg/kg 400 41 82700 06/11/07 1300 kcampgotb 024124 This report should net be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent or Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525.0409 Page 23 of 45 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 990i NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Atm Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte MC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.47 BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.43 BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.37 BRL pg/kg 6.1 0.50 BRL pg/kg 12 0.78 Surrogate Sample Weight Determination Weight Blsulfate Weight Bisulfate Weight Methanol Recovery Control Limits Bromofluorobenzene 103 77 128 Toluene-d8 97 81 128 Dibromofluoromeihane g2 67 -143 5.13 492 4.91 Fill Sw Miali1ll EnvnmrtISip ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRI BRL BRL BRL pg/kg 400 31 pg/kg 400 32 pg/kg 400 37 pg/kg 400 48 pg/kg 400 41 pg/kg 400 25 pg/kg 400 24 pg/kg 400 38 pg/kg 400 29 pg/kg 400 25 pg/kg 400 26 pg/kg 400 39 pg/kg 400 40 pg/kg 400 30 pg/kg 400 58 pg/kg 400 46 pg/kg 400 18 pg/kg 400 19 pg/kg 400 32 pg/kg 400 46 pg/kg 400 43 pg/kg 400 34 pg/kg 400 20 pg/kg 400 24 pg/kg 400 66 pg/kg 400 18 pg/kg 400 30 82700 8270C 82700 82700 8270C 82700 8270C 8270C 82700 8270C 82700 82700 82700 82700 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 82700 8270C 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 82700 06/11/07 1300 kamp1gollo 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampgotc 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgolto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotlo 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampigouo 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampigolio 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotb 024124 0611/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotio 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcarnplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcmpigotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampigauo 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgouo 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampl9otto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplollo 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgottQ Q24124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgolto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotio 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotiu 024124 This report should not be reproducecJ except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-B00I529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NO Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Prism Sample ID 183634 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1430 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/TIme ID 2-Chlorophenol 2-Methylnaphthalene 2-Methyiphenol 2-Nitrophenol 34-Mathyiphenoi 33-Dichlorobenzidine 46-Dlnltro-2-methylphenol 4-Bromophenyiphenylether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chiorophenyiphenylether 4-Nltrophenai Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Benzoaanthracene Benzoapyrene Benzobfluoranlhene Benzoghjperylene Benzokfluoranthene BIs2-chloroethoxymethane Bls2-chloroethylother Bls2-chloroisopropylether BIs2-ethylhexyiphthalate Butylbenzylphthalata Chrysene Dl-n-butyiphthalate Di-n-octylphthalate Page 24 of 45 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 WS-3 183634 G06071 79 06/06/07 1430 06/06107 1640 This report should not be reproduced1 except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529.8384 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Fufl5eAnIyUcI ESP Associates PA Attn ChrIs Ward Box 7030 Charlotte MC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analyst Batch ID Analysis Limit Factor Date/Time Dibenzoahanthracene BRL pg/kg 400 40 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcampigolto 024124 DibenzofUran BRL pg/kg 400 34 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 Diethylphthaiate BRL pg/kg 400 24 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotto 024124 Dlmethylphthalate BRL pg/kg 400 27 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcampfgoUo 024124 Fluoranthena BRL pg/kg 400 27 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcampigoUo 024124 Fluorene BRL pg/kg 400 24 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotto 024124 Hexachlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 400 21 8270G 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 Hexachiorobutadicrie BRL pg/kg 400 39 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcarnpigouo 024124 Hexachlomoyclopentacliene BRL jig/kg 400 42 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotlo 024124 Hexachloroethane BRL pg/kg 400 40 8270C 00/11/07 1300 hcampigotlo 024124 lndeno123-cdpyrene BRL jig/kg 400 41 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotto 024124 lsophorone BRL pg/kg 400 36 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto Q24124 N-Nitrosodl-n-propyiamine BRL jig/kg 400 45 8270C 06/11/07 1300 kcampigotio 024124 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL pg/kg 400 20 827CC 06/11107 1300 kcamplgoun 024124 Naphthalene BRL pg/kg 400 43 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 Nitrobenzene BRL jig/kg 400 39 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotlo 024124 Pentachlorophenol BRL pg/kg 400 33 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcamptgotto 024124 Phenanthrene BRL jig/kg 400 19 8270C 0611/07 1300 kcamplgolto 024124 Phenol BRL pg/kg 400 43 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 Pyrene BRL pg/kg 400 27 827CC 06/11/07 1300 kcamplgotto 024124 Page 25 of 45 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time II Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg C9-C1 Aliphatics BRL mglkg Analysis Note for C11-C22 Aromnatics Sample Preparation Metals by ICP Chromium Lead Sample Preparation Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FID CS-Ca Aliphatics BRL C9-C10 Aromätlcs BRL Adjusted value 9.55 mL EPH 06113/07 800 dpope Laboratory Report 06/18/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 183634 Box 7030 Sample Matrix SOB COC Group G0607179 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/06/07 1430 Time Submitted 06106/07 1640 Sample Preparation 30.03 mL 35506 06/0607 700 dpope P18579 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 88 41 136 246-Tribromophenol 86 25-123 Phenol-d5 65 13-95 2-Fluomphenol 63 14 89 2-Fiucroblphenyl 75 21 108 Nitrobenzene-d5 69 14-103 13 6.8 MADEP EPH 06/17/07 950 grappaccloli 024301 13 1.9 MADEP EPI-I 06117/07 950 grappaccloll 024301 13 4.0 MADEP EPH 06/17/07 950 grappacctoll 024301 P18614 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane 138 40 140 2-Fluoroblphenyl 128 40-140 o-Terphenyl 114 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 132 40-140 0.81 mg/kg 5.7 mg/kg 0.29 0.018 0.29 0.025 60106 601DB 2.05g SOmL 06/11/07 2121 mcampbelt 06/11/07 2121 mcampbelt mg/kg mg/kg 024176 024176 6.0 1.2 6.0 0.036 30506 0811/07 905 Jhoppei P18580 MADEP VPH 0612/07 2249 hwagnnr 024220 MADEP VPH 06/12/07 2249 hwagner 024220 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240843 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Numbec 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 26 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID C9-Gl2Allphatics BRL mg/kg 6.0 t9 MADEP VPII 06/12/07 2249 hwagner 024220 Pnalysis Note for C5-C8 Aliphatics Adjusted value inalysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value One surrogate recovery was outside the control limits No target compounds were detected inthissampleNofurtheractionwastaken Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dlbromotoluene-FID 165 70 130 25Dibromotoluene-PID 129 70 130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 20.39 MADEP VPH 06/13/07 000 ibrown Weight 21.94 MADEP VPH 06/13/07 000 brown Sample Comments RL Below Reporting Limit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other thanNELACcertificationexceptforthose instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on dry-weight basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced1 except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 183634 P.O Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/06/07 1430 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 27 ot45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Prism Sample ID 183635 Sample Matrix Soil coc Gup G0607179 Time Collected 06/06107 1445 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination 86.5 SM2540 06/11/07 1700 brown gnochiorjne Pesticides by Gas Chromatography 44LDDO 44-DDE 44-DOT 4.4-Methoxychlor aBHC a-Chlordane Aidrin b-BHC Chlordane d-BHC Dleldrln Endosulfan Endosulfan II Endosulfan Sulfate Endrin Endrin Aldehyde Endrin Ketone g-BlIC g-Chlordane 1-leptachlor Heptachlor Epoxide Toxaphene This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529.6364 Toll Free Number l-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 06/18/07 Percent Solids BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.71 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.49 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.83 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 4.6 1.6 BOB1A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.21 BOR1A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.40 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.46 8081A 06/14/07 114 JvogeI 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.58 BOB1A 06/14/07 114 Ivogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 58 13 8081A 06/14/07 114 jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.33 8081A 06/14/07 114 jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 1.2 0.48 BOBIA 06/14/07 114 Ivogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.41 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.52 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.60 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel Q24275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.69 BOB1A 06/14/07 114 Jvngal 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 065 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.46 OOBIA 06/14/07 114 ivogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.27 BOBIA 06/14/07 114 ivogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.38 8081A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 URL pg/kg 2.3 0.55 80IA 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.43 8081A 0814/07 114 Jvogel 024275 BRL pg/kg 58 13 BOO1A 06/14/07 114 Jvogel 024275 Pge 28 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 if NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 0618/07 Fu Swk.AwIyIJcI EiiwumntI Saruucri ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Attn Chris Ward PrIsm Sample ID 183635 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil GOC Group G0607179 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/06/07 1445 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample PreparatIon 29.55 10 mL 355GB 06/12/07 1000 dpope P18598 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachiorobiphenyl DCB 124 26-204 Tetrathloro-m-xylene TCMX 109 40-162 Polychiorinated Biphenyls 1PCBs by GC-ECD PCB-1016 BRL mg/kg 0.058 0.011 8082 06/14/07 114 JvoeI 024276 PCB-1221 BRL mg/kg 0.12 0.047 8082 06/14/07 114 Ivogel 024276 FCB-1232 BRL mg/kg 0.058 0.018 8082 0614/07 114 Jvoet 024276 PCB-1242 BRL mg/kg 0.058 0.020 8082 06/14/07 114 Jvogsl 024276 PCB-1248 BRL mg/kg 0.058 0.0080 8082 06/14/07 114 ivD951 024276 PCB-1254 BRL mg/kg 0.058 0.020 8052 0614/07 114 JvoeI 024276 PCB-1260 BRL mg/kg 0.058 0.015 6082 06/14/07 114 jvogel 024276 Sample Preparation 29.55 10 mL 355GB 06/12/07 1000 dpope P18597 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachiorobiphenyl DCB 90 34-182 Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 98 36-182 Volatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS 1112-Tetrachloroethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.66 826GB 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 111-Trichioroethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.38 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 1122-Tetrachloroethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.69 82805 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 112-Trtchloroethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.42 82606 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 11-Dichioroethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.49 826GB 06/08/07 1747 enissetl 024147 11-Dichloroetheno BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.51 826GB 06/08/07 1747 erusseti 024147 11-Dlchloropropene BRL pg/kg 5.7 0.59 82608 08/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 123-Trlchlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.74 826DB 06/08/07 1747 enissell 024147 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 29 oM5 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Prism Sample ID 183635 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1445 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except lii its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toil Free Number 1400/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Limit Factor Datelflme ID Batch 323-Trlchloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.59 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 124-Trichlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.65 82608 06108/07 1747 erussell 024147 124-Trimethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.51 826DB 06/0807 1747 erusseU 024147 12-Dlbrorno-3-chloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.7 1.1 826DB 0608/07 1747 erussell 024147 12-DlbromoethaneEDB BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.12 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erusseO 024147 12-Dlchlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.36 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 12-Dichloroethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.57 826DB 06108/07 1747 erussell 024147 12-Dichloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.50 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 t35-Trimethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.57 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 13-Dichlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.58 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erusset 024147 13-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.46 82608 060807 1747 erussell 024147 14-Dlchlorobenzerie BRL pg/kg 13 0.53 826DB 06108/07 1747 eru5sell 024147 22-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.34 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erusselt 024147 2-Chioroethyl vinyl ether BRL pg/kg 13 0.50 826DB 0610807 1747 erussell 024147 2-Chiorotoluene BRL pg/kg 13 0.50 826DB 0610807 1747 erusseli 024147 2-Hexanone BRI pg/kg 67 0.70 8260B 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 4-Chlorotoluene BRL pg/kg 13 0.35 82608 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BRL pg/kg 13 0.67 626DB 06/0807 1747 erussolt 024147 Acetone BRL pg/kg 27 26 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erusselt 024147 Benzeno BRL pg/kg 4.0 0.54 826DB 0608/07 1747 enissell 024147 Bromobenzene BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.47 826DB 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 Bromochioromethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.40 82608 06/08/07 1747 erussefl 024147 Bromodithioromethane BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.59 826DB 05/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 Bromoform BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.50 82608 06/08/07 1747 erussell Q24147 Brornomethane BRL pg/kg 13 0.78 82608 06/08/07 1747 ezussell 024147 Carbon dlsulfide BRL pg/kg 13 0.43 8260B 06/08107 1747 eiusselt Q24147 Carbon tetrachloride BRL pg/kg 6.7 0.39 826DB 00/08/07 1747 enjssell 024147 Page 30 of 45 NC Cettlficatlon No 402 SC Certification No 90012 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Prism Sample ID 183635 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06106/07 1445 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Chlorobenzene Chiorodibromomathane Chloroethane Chloroform Chioromethane cis-1 2-Dlchloroethene cls-1 3-Dlchloropropene Dibromomethane Dichiorodifluoromethane Ethylbenzene Hexachiorobutadlene Isopropyl ether IPE tsopropytbenzene mp-Xylenes Methyl ethyl ketone MEK Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE Mothylene chloride n-Butylbenzene n-Propylbenzene Naphthalone o-Xylene p-Isopropyltoluene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butylbenzene Tetrathlcroethene Toluene BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL ORL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 826DB 826DB 826DB 82608 826DB 826DB 826DB 826DB 82508 826DB 82608 826DB 826DB 826DB 82608 826DB 82608 826DB 826DB 82608 82600 626GB 826GB 826DB 826DB 8260B 82608 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erussetl 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 enissell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erusselt 06/08/07 1747 enissell 06/08/07 1747 erusselt 06/08/07 1747 enissell 06/08/07 1747 eiussell 06/0801 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 enisseli 06/08/07 1741 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erusseU 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 enissell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erusselt 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/08/07 1747 elussell 06/08/07 1747 erussell 06/06/07 1747 erussell 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Q24147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Q24147 024147 024147 024147 024147 This report should riot be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Full SpMc AnulyUl munlul SdutiunE ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box7030 Charlotte NC 28241 0618/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID pg/kg 6.7 0.51 pg/kg 5.7 0.46 pg/kg 13 0.55 pg/kg 6.7 0.50 pg/kg 13 0.47 pg/kg 6.7 0.30 pg/kg 6.7 0.43 pg/kg 6.7 0.50 pg/kg 13 1.5 pg/kg 6.7 0.47 pg/kg 20 0.84 pg/kg 6.7 0.23 pg/kg 13 0.54 pg/kg 13 0.94 pg/kg 27 1.9 pg/kg 6.7 0.39 pg/kg 13 0.55 pg/kg 20 0.54 pg/kg 13 0.40 pg/kg 6.7 0.78 pg/kg 6.7 0.40 pg/kg 20 055 pg/kg 20 0.44 pg/kg 6.7 0.67 pg/kg 27 0.42 pg/kg 13 1.2 pg/kg 6.7 0.46 Page 31 of 45 wInmunt SoUiIoM ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisullate Weight Bisulfate Weight Methanol NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/18107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Prism Sample ID 183635 Sample Matrix Soil coc Group 00607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1445 Time SubmItted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units MDL trans-I 2-Dlchtoroethene trans-I 3-Dlchloropropene Trichioroethene Trlchlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride Method AnalystReportDilutionAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 6.7 0.51 05/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 6.7 0.47 06/08/07 1747 crussetl 024147 6.7 0.40 0610B107 1747 erusseti 024147 6.7 055 06/08/07 1747 erussell 024147 13 0.86 06/08/07 1747 eruasetl 024147 826DB 8260B 8260B 82008 8260B BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 4.51 4.29 4.58 pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Toluene.d8 101 81-128 Bromofluorobenzene 106 77-128 Dibromofluoromethane 62 67-143 06/13/07 06/13/07 06/13/07 000 000 000 SemI-volatile Organic Compounds by GMS 124-Trichlorobenzene BRL 2-Dlthlorobenzene BRL 13-Dlchlorobenzene BRI 4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 245-Trichiorophenol BRL 246-Trichlorophenol BRL 24-Dichiorophenol BRL 24-Dimethyiphenol ERL 2.4-Dlnltrophenol BRL 24-Dinitrotoluerie BRL 20-Dinltrotoluene BRL 2-Chlororiaphthalene BRL 5035 5035 5035 pg/kg 380 38 8270C pg/kg 380 28 821CC pg/kg 380 27 8270C pg/kg 380 34 8270C pg/kg 380 39 827CC pg/kg 380 36 827CC pg/kg 380 32 827CC pg/kg 380 37 8270C pg/kg 380 43 827CC pg/kg 380 21 827CC pg/kg 380 40 8270C pg/kg 380 39 827CC Ibrown thrown thrown kcampigotto kcamplgotto kcampigotto kcamptgotto kcamplgotto kcemplgotto kcamplgotto kcamplgotlo kcamplgotto kcamplgotto kcampigottc kcampigolth 06/11/07 1352 06/11/07 1352 06/11/07 1352 06/11/07 1352 00/11/07 1352 06/11/07 1352 06/11/07 1352 00111/07 1352 06/11/07 1352 00111/07 1352 06/11/07 1352 06/11107 1352 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 024124 This report should not be reproduced except In Its enUrBty without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529.6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 32 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06/1 8/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS4 Prism Sample ID 183635 Sample Matrix Soil coc Group G0607179 Time Collected 06106/07 1445 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent oF Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800l529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 2-Chiorophanol BRL iig/kg 380 30 827CC 06111/07 1352 kcampigotto 024124 2..Methyinaphthalerie BRL pg/kg 380 30 827CC 06111107 1352 kcamplgo8o 024124 2-Methylphenol BRL pg/kg 380 36 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgouo Q24124 2-Nitrophenol BRL pg/kg 380 45 827CC 06111/07 1352 kcamplgolto Q24124 34-Methylphenol BRL pg/kg 380 39 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 33-Dichiorobenzidine BRL pg/kg 380 24 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcmpgotto 024124 46-Dlnltro-2-rnethylphenol BRL pg/kg 380 23 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgoLo 024124 4-Bromophenylphenyielher BRL pg/kg 380 36 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcampIoIto 024124 4-Chioro-3-methylphenol BRL pg/kg 380 28 827CC 08/11/07 1352 kcampgDtto 024124 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BRL pg/kg 380 23 827CC 06I11/07 1352 kcarnplgollo 024124 4-Nitrophenol BRL pg/kg 380 25 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgouo 024124 Acenaphihene BRL pg/kg 380 37 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgouo 024124 Acenaphthylene BRL pg/kg 380 38 8270C 06/11/07 1352 hcamplgctto 024124 Anthracene BRL pg/kg 380 29 827CC 06111/07 1352 kcampigottn 024124 Benzoaanthracene BRL pg/kg 380 53 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Benzoapyrene BRL pg/kg 380 44 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcainplgofto 024124 Benzobfluoranthene BRL pg/kg 380 17 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Benzaghiperylene BRL pg/kg 360 18 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgottu 024124 Benzokfiuoranthene BRL pg/kg 380 31 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgOtlo 024124 BIs2-chloroethoxymethane BRL pg/kg 380 44 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgottu 024124 BIs2-chloroethylethor BRI pg/kg 380 41 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcomplgotto 024124 Bis2-chlorolsopropylether BRL pg/kg 380 32 8270C 06/11107 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 BIs2-ethylhexylphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 19 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgDttc 024124 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 23 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgoto 024124 Chrysene BRL pg/kg 380 63 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcampigOtI 024124 Di-n-butyIphthaIate BRL pg/kg 360 17 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Di-n-octyIphthaite BRL pg/kg 380 28 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcampigctto Q24124 Page 33 of 45 NC Certification No.402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-6001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 183635 G0607179 06106/07 1445 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Batch ID Analysis Analyst Limit Factor Date/Time Dibenzoahanthracene BRL pg/kg 380 38 827DC 06/11/01 1352 kcamplgctlo 024124 Dibenzofuran BRL pg/kg 380 33 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Dlethylphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 23 8270C 06/11107 1352 kcarnplgotto 024124 Dlmethyiphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 26 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotta 024124 Fluorantherie BRL pg/kg 380 26 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotlo 024124 Fluorene BRL pg/kg 380 23 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Hexachlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 380 20 6270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Hexachlorobutacllene BRL pg/kg 380 37 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcarnplgotto 024124 Hexachlarocyclopentadierie BRL pg/kg 380 40 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Hexachloroethane BRL pg/kg 380 39 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcampfgoIo 024124 lrideno1 23-cdpyrerie BRL pg/kg 380 39 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Isophorone BRL pg/kg 380 34 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 N-Nltrosodi-n-propylamtne BRL pg/kg 380 43 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 N-Nltrosodlphenylamine BRL pg/kg 380 19 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgottc 024124 Naphthalene BRL pg/kg 380 41 827CC 08/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto 024124 Nitrobenzene BRI pg/kg 380 37 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotto Q24124 Pentachioropheriot BRE pg/kg 380 32 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgottci 024124 Phenanthrene BRL pg/kg 380 19 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcaniplgoflo 024124 Phenol BRL pg/kg 380 41 827CC 06/11/07 1352 kcamplgotlo 024124 Pyrene BRL pg/kg 380 26 8270C 06/11/07 1352 kcamptgoto Q24124 Page 34 of 45 .óvk AwVU Envbwmbt.......Jrn ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Cflent Sample ID PrIsm Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 183635 G0607 179 0610607 1445 06106/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample Preparation 30.17 mL 3550B 05/08/07 700 dpope P18579 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg Cl 9-C36 Aliphatics BRL mglkg C9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg Analysis Note for C1l-C22 Aromatics Sample Preparation Sample Preparation Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFID C5-C8 Alipha tics BRL C9-C10 Aromatics BRL NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Waler Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2-Fluorophenol 60 14-89 2-Fluoroblphenyl 73 21 108 Phenol-d5 62 13-95 246-Trlbromophenol 83 25 123 Nirobenzene-d5 53 14-103 Terphenyl-d14 86 41 136 12 6.5 MADEPEPI-I 12 1.8 MADEPEPH 12 3.8 MADEPEPH Adjusted value 9.64g 2mL EPH 06/15/07 939 06/15107 939 06/16/07 939 gappaccIoIt giappaccolI grappacci oil 024301 024301 024301 P1861406/13/07 800 dpope Metals by ICP Chromium Lead Surrogate Recovery Control LImits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 126 40 -140 1-Chloro-octadecane 106 40-140 o-Terphenyl 105 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 129 40-140 0.71 mg/kg 4.1 mg/kg 0.28 0.017 0.28 0.024 6010B 06/11/07 2129 mcampbeit 024176 6010B 06/11/07 2129 mcampbll 024176 2.OGg 50 mL mg/kg mg/kg 30508 06111/07 905 Jhoppel 5.8 1.1 5.8 0.035 MADEPVPH MADEPVPI-I This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 06/12/07 2330 hwagner 06/12/07 2330 hwagner P1 8580 024220 024220 Page 35 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo98012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06118107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 PrIsm Sample ID 183635 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1445 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID C9-Cl2Allphatlcs BRL mg/kg 5.8 1.8 MADEPVPII 06/12/07 2330 hwagner 024220 Analysis Note for CS-C9 Aliphatics Adjusted value Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value One surrogate recovery was outside the control limits No target compounds were detected inthissampleNofurtheractionwastaken Sample Weight Determination Weight Weight Sample Comments SAL Below Reporting Limit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The resulls In this report relate only fri the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other thanNELACcertificationexceptforthose instances indicated In the case narrative arid/or test comments All results are reported on dry-weight basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluerte-PID 118 70 130 25-Dibrornotoluane-FID 176 70-130 19.14 18.65 MADEP VPH 06/13/07 000 Ibrown MADEP VPH 06/13107 000 Ibrown Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6364 Fax 704/525.0409 Page 36 of 45 SC Gerttilcatlan No 99012 Laboratoiy Report NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-i Prism Sample ID 183636 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group 00607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1500 Time Submitted 06106/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination 884 SM2540 06/11/07 1700 ibrown BOB1A 06/14/07 156 Jvogel Q24275 ROBIA 06/14/07 156 jvogei 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 Jvogel 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 JvogeI 024275 BOB1A 06/14/07 156 Jvogel 024275 BOBIA 06/14/07 156 Jvogei 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 ivogel 024275 8081A 06114/07 156 JvogeI 024275 6081A 06/14/07 156 JvogeI 024275 BOBIA 06/14/07 156 Jvogel 024275 6081A 06/14/07 158 Jvagel 024275 BOB1A 06/14107 156 Jvogel 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 Jvogel 024275 6051A 08/14/UT 156 IvogEt 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 jvogel 024275 BOB1A 06/14/07 156 Ivogel 024275 BOBIA 06/14/07 156 Jvogel 024275 BOBIA 06/14107 156 Ivogel 024275 BOB1A 06/14/07 156 Jvogel 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 Jvogel 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 jvog 024275 8081A 06/14/07 156 Jvogei 024275 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism LabOratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7O4/529634 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-63M Fax 704/525-0409 Fu1 ..wIcs AnatkàI EnvkvnInr4ÆjDtidIDfl ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Chatlotte NC 28241 06/18/07 Percent SolIds Organochiorine Pesticides by Gas Chromatography 44-DDD BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.69 44-DDE BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.48 44-DDT BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.81 44-Methoxychlor BRL pg/kg 4.5 1.5 a-BHC BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.20 aCh1oidane BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.39 Alcirin BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.45 b.BHC BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.57 Chiordane BRL pg/kg 57 13 d-BHC BRL pg/kg 23 0.32 Dieldrin BRL pg/kg 1.1 0.47 Endosulfan BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.40 Endosulfan II BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.51 Endosutfan Sulfate BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.59 Endrin BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.68 Endrin AidØhyde BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.63 Endrin Ketone BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.45 g-RHC BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.26 g-Chlordane BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.37 Hepfachlor BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.53 Heptachlor Epoxide BRL pg/hg 2.3 0.42 Toxaphene BRL pg/kg 57 13 Page 37 cf45 NC CertlflcaUon No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Sample Preparation 29.71 10 mL 35508 06112/07 1000 dpope P18598 Volatile Organic Comnounds by GC/MS 11 j2-Tetrachloroethane 11 1-Trichloroethene ii 2.2-Tetrachloroethane 11 .2-Trichloroethane 11-Dichioroethane 1-Dlchforoethene 1-Diohioropropene 23-Trtchlojobemene This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6354 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 0618/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soft COG Group Time Collected Time Submitted B-i 183636 G0607179 06106/07 1500 06/86/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachloroblphenyl DCB 136 26 204 Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 108 40-162 Polychiorinated Biphenyls PCBs by GC-ECD PCB-i016 BRL PCB-1221 BRL PCB-1 232 BRL PCB-1242 BRL PCB-1248 BRL PCB-1254 BRL PCB-1260 BRL Sample Preparation 0.057 0.11 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.010 0.046 0.018 0.020 0.0078 0.020 0.015 8062 8082 8082 8052 8082 8082 8082 06/14/07 156 06/14/07 156 06/14/07 156 06/14/07 156 06/14/07 156 06/1407 156 06/14/07 156 JYog Jvogel Ivogel JYogel Jvogel JvogeI JvogeI 024276 024276 024276 024276 024276 Q24276 024276 P1859729.71 10 mL 355DB 06/12/07 1000 dpope mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg pg/kg pg/kg jig/kg pg/kg jig/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachiorobiphenyt DCB 96 34 182 Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 106 36 182 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 6.3 0.62 6.3 0.36 6.3 0.65 6.3 0.39 6.3 0.46 6.3 0.48 6.3 0.56 13 0.70 826GB 82608 8260B 82606 82606 826GB 826GB 826GB 0610807 1820 ezussell 06/0807 1820 erussell 06/08/07 1820 eussl 06/06/07 1820 erussell 06/08/07 1820 enisselt 06/08/07 1820 erusset 06/08/07 1820 erussell 06/08/07 120 erussell 024147 Q24147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Page 38 of 45 Laboratory Report 0618/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-I Prism Sample ID 183636 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1500 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 25224-0543 Phone 704/529-6354 Toll Iree Number 1-800529.6364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC CertIfication No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37736 Fult ..urva AnuIyIIcuI EnvhumtinaI Sóhiflu ESP Associates PA Attri Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Datemme ID .23-Trichloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.56 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 124-Trichlorobenene BRL pg/kg 13 0.51 826GB 06/08107 1820 erussell 024147 124-Trirnethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.48 826DB 06/08/07 1820 eruzsI 024147 1.2Dlbromo-3-chloropropane BRL pg/kg 6.3 10 826DB 0608/07 1820 erussell 024147 12-Dlbromoethane EDB BRL pg/kg 63 0.11 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erusseH 024147 12-Dichlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.34 82608 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 12-Dichloroethane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.63 52608 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 12-Dlchlcrropropane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.47 826GB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 13.5-Trimathylbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.53 826GB 06/08/07 1520 erussell 024147 13-Dlthtorobenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.55 826GB 06/08/07 1820 enisseIl 024147 13-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.43 826GB 06/08/07 1820 enissetl 024147 14-Dichiorobeuzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.49 826GB 06/06/07 1820 erussell 024147 22-Dichioropropane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.32 826GB 06/0807 1820 erusedi 024147 2-Chloroethyi vinyl ether BRL pg/kg 13 0.47 82608 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 2-Chlarotoluene BRL pg/kg 13 0.47 826GB 06/0807 1820 erussell 024147 2-Hexanone BRL pg/kg 63 066 82508 06/0807 1820 erusselt 024147 4-Chiorotoluene BRL jig/kg 13 0.33 82608 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BRL pg/kg 13 0.63 826GB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 Acetone BRL pg/kg 25 2.5 82608 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 Benzane BRL pg/kg 3.8 0.51 826DB 06/06/07 1820 erussell 024147 Bromobenzene BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.44 826GB 06/08/07 1820 enissefl 024147 Bromochloromethane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.38 8260B 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 Bromodichloromethane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.56 82608 06/08/07 1820 enissell 024147 Bromofomi BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.47 826GB 06/08/07 1820 erussefl 024147 Bromomethane BRL pg/kg 13 0.74 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussetl 024147 Carbon disullide BRL pg/kg 13 0.41 82608 06/08/07 1820 eruessfl 024147 Carbon tetrachloride BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.37 826GB 06/0807 1820 erussell 024147 Page 39 of 45 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-i Prism Sample ID 183636 Sample Matrix Soil coc Gmup 60607179 Time Collected 06106/07 1500 Time Submitted 06106107 1640 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent Prism LaboratorIes Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Chlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.48 826DB 06/08/07 1820 arussell 024147 Chlorodibromomehane BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.43 826DB 06108/07 120 erussell 024147 Chioroethane BRL pg/kg 13 0.52 826DB 06/08107 1820 erussell 024147 Chloroform BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.47 826DB 06/08107 1820 erussell 024147 Chioromethane BRL pg/kg 13 0.44 82608 06/08107 1820 erussell 024147 cis-12-Dichloroethene BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.28 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 cls-i3-Dlchloropropene BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.41 826DB 06/08/07 1820 enisseH 024147 Dibrornometharie BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.47 826DB 05/08/07 1820 erusseli 024147 Dlchlorodifiuorornetharre BRL pg/kg 13 1.4 826DB 06/08/07 1820 eiussell 024147 Ethylbenzene BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.44 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 Hexachlorobutadlene SRI pg/kg 19 0.79 826DB 06/08/07 1820 enissell 024147 Isopropyl ether IPE BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.22 828DB 06/08107 1820 erussell 024147 Isopropyibenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.51 82606 06/08/07 1820 enissell 024147 mp-Xylenes BRL pg/kg 13 0.89 826GB 06/08/07 1820 eiuszell 024147 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL pg/kg 25 18 826DB 05/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 Methyl t-butyi ether MTBE BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.37 86DB 06/08/07 .1820 erussef 024147 Methylene chloride SRI pg/kg 13 0.52 826DB 06/0807 1820 erusseil 024147 n-Butylbenzene BRL pg/kg 19 0.51 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 n-Propylbenzene BRL pg/kg 13 0.38 826GB 06/06/07 1820 erussell 024147 Naphthalene BRL pg/kg 6.3 074 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 o-Xylene SRI pg/kg 6.3 0.38 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erusseli 024147 p-lsopropyltoluene SRI pg/kg 19 0.52 82609 06/08/07 1820 erusseH 024147 sec-Butylbenzene BRL pg/kg 19 0.42 82608 06/08/07 1820 erusseil 024147 Styrene BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.63 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 tert-Butylbenzene BRL pg/kg 25 0.39 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 Tetrachioroethene BRL pg/kg 13 1.1 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erussell 024147 Toluerre BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.43 826DB 06/08/07 1820 erusseil 024147 Page 40 of 45 ..1 SrvciArntytkLI EiImnmnbI SolutJon3 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 trans-i 2-Dlchloroethene trans-i .3-Dichioropropene Trichioroethene Trichiorofluaromothane Vinyl chloride Analysis Date/Time 06/08/07 1820 erussell 06/08/07 1820 erussell 06108107 1820 erussell 06/08/07 1620 erussell 06/08107 1820 erussell 5035 5035 5035 06/13/07 000 brown 05/13/07 000 brown 06/13/07 000 Ibrown Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by CC/MS 124-Trichlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 380 37 8270C 05/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 2-Dichlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 380 28 B270C 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgbllo 024124 13-Dlchiorobenzene BRL pg/kg 350 27 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 4-Dlchlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 380 34 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotlo 024124 245-Trlchlorophenol BRL pg/kg 380 39 8270C 06/11/07 1442 keamplgotto 024124 246-Trichiorophenol BRL pg/kg 380 36 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 24-Dichlorophenol BRL pg/kg 380 32 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamptgotto 024124 24-Dimethyiphenol BRL pg/kg 380 36 8270C 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 24-Dinitrophenol BRL pg/kg 380 42 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotlc 024124 24-Dlnitrotoluene BRL pg/kg 380 21 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotta 024124 26-Dlnitrotoluene BRL pg/kg 380 40 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto Q24124 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL pg/kg 380 39 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgofto 024124 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 282244543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC DrinkIng Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-i PrIsm Sample ID 183636 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1500 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor BRL pg/kg 5.3 0.48 82608 BRL pg/kg 8.3 0.44 82603 BRL pg/kg 6.3 0.38 82603 BRL pg/kg 5.3 0.52 82603 BRL pg/kg 13 0.61 826GB Analyst Batch ID 024147 024147 024147 024147 024147 Samole Weight Determination WeIght Bisulfate 4.36 Weight Bisulfate 446 Weight Methanol 4.07 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Bromofluorobenzene 106 77 128 Toluene-dB 101 81-128 Dlbromofluoromethane 92 67-143 Page 41 of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Sample Matrix Soil Laboratory Report 06/18107 Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-I Prism Sample ID 163636 COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06107 1500 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time IDLimitFactor 2-Chiorophenol BRL pg/kg 380 30 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 2-Methylnaphthalene BRL pg/kg 380 30 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotlo 024124 2-Methylphenol BRL pg/kg 380 35 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampigouo 024124 2-Nitrophenol BRL pg/kg 380 45 8270C 06/11/07 1442 kcarnplgotto 024124 34-Methyiphenol BRL pg/kg 380 39 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgouo 024124 33-Dlclilorobenzidine BRL pg/kg 380 24 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcarnplgouo 024124 46-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL pg/kg 380 23 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 4-Bromophenyiphenylether BRL pg/kg 380 36 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampigotto 024124 4-Chloro-3-methyiphenoi BRL pg/kg 390 28 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 4-Chlorophenyiphenylether BRL pg/kg 380 23 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 4-Nitrophenol BRL pg/kg 380 25 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgolto 024124 Acenaphthene BRL pg/kg 380 37 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampgotto 024124 Accnaphthylene BRL pg/kg 380 38 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampigotto 024124 Anthracene BRL pg/kg 380 29 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampigotto 024124 Benzoaanthracere BRL pg/kg 380 53 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgoito 024124 Benzoapyrene BRL pg/kg 380 44 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Berizobfiuoranthene BRL pg/kg 380 17 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgoLlo 024124 Benzoghjpetyiene BRL pg/kg 380 18 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampigottd 024124 Benzokfiuoranthene BRL pg/kg 380 31 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotlo 024124 BIs2-chloroethaxymethane BRL pg/kg 380 43 8270C 06/11/07 1442 kcampgotla 024124 Hls2-chioroethylether BRL pg/kg 380 41 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgoLto 024124 Bls2-chloroisopropyiether BRL pg/kg 380 32 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 BIs2-ethylhexylphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 19 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampigottc 024124 Butylbenzyiphthaiate BRL pg/kg 380 23 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampIotto 024124 Chrysene BRL pg/kg 380 63 8270C 06/11/07 1442 kcampIotto 024124 Dl-n-butylphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 17 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Di-n-octyiphthaiate BRL pg/kg 380 28 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Page 42 ot45 FutycnAntytJcI EwbnSilws ESP Associates PA ALtn Chris Ward P.O Bdx 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 ThIs report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SprlngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 CharIotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6354 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No.402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-i Prism Sample ID 163636 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1500 Time Submllled 06/06/07 1640 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Dibenzoahanthracene BRL pg/kg 380 38 82706 06111107 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Dibenzofuran BRL pg/kg 380 32 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampigolto Q24124 Dlethylphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 23 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotlo 024124 Dlmethylphthalate BRL pg/kg 380 26 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampIgoto 024124 Fluoranthene BRL pg/kg 380 26 627CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamprgotlo 024124 Fluorene BRL pg/kg 380 22 8270C 06/11/07 1442 kcarnplgoLto 024124 Hexachlorobenzene BRL pg/kg 380 20 8270C 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Hexachiorobutadlene BRL pg/kg 380 37 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgollo 024124 Hexachlorocyclopentadjena BRI pg/kg 380 40 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgolto 024124 Hexachicroethane BRL pg/kg 380 38 82706 06/11/07 1442 kcarnplgotto 024124 lndeno12.3-cdpyrene BRL pg/kg 380 39 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Isophorone BRL pg/kg 380 34 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcanlgoUo 024124 N-Nltrasodl-n-propylamlne BRL pg/kg 380 43 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcamprgotto 024124 N-Nltrosodlphenylamjne BRL pg/kg 380 19 82706 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Naphthalene BRL pg/kg 380 41 82706 06/11/07 1442 kcamplgotto 024124 Nitrobeazene BRL pg/kg 360 37 82706 06/11/07 1442 kcarnplgolto 024124 Pentachiorophenol BRL pg/kg 380 32 82706 06111/07 1442 kampIgoto 024124 Phenanthrene BRL pg/kg 380 18 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcarnplgotto 024124 Phenol BRL pg/kg 380 41 82706 06/11107 1442 kcamptgotto 024124 Pyrene BRL pg/kg 360 26 827CC 06/11/07 1442 kcampIotto 024124 Page 43 of 45 Laboratory Report 06/18/07 Project ID Morehoad Commons No Client Sample ID B-I PrIsm Sample ID 183636 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607179 Time Collected 06/06/07 1500 Time Submitted 06/06/07 1640 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID Cl 1.022 Aromatics BRL mg/kg C19-036 Atlphatics ERL mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg Analysis Note for Cll-C22 Aromatics Sample Preparation MtalsbylCP Chromium Lead Sample Preparation Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PlD/FID Cs-Ca Aliphatics BRL CO-ClO Aromatics BRL Adjusted value I0.04g 2mL NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Sample Preparation Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Daternme ID 29.64 mL 355DB 06/08/07 700 dpope P18579 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 246-Tribromophenol 82 26-123 2-Fluoroblphenyl 83 21 -108 2-Fluorophenol 60 14-89 Nltrobenzene-d5 71 14 103 Phenoki5 69 13-95 Terphenyl-d14 89 41 136 11 6.1 MADEPEPI-I 11 1.7 MADEPEPH 11 3.6 MADEP EPH 06/16/07 1031 06/16/07 1031 0611607 1031 grappacdoll greppacciall grappaccioll EPH 024301 024301 024301 P1861406/13/07 800 dpope Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2-Fluoroblphenyl 132 40 140 1-Chloro-ocladocane 105 40 140 o-Torphenyl 103 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 136 40 140 1.0 mg/kg 0.28 0.017 801DB 06/11107 2137 mcampbelt 024176 3$mg/kg 0.28 0.024 60108 06/11/07 2137 mcampbet 024176 50 mL 30508 06/11/07 905 lhoppel P18580 mg/kg 5.7 1.1 MADEP VPH 06113107 012 hwagner 024220 mg/kg 5.7 0.034 MADEP VPH 06/13/07 012 hwagner Q24220 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prim Laboratories Inc 449 Spdngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 44 of 45 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportScCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06118107 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID C9-C12 Aliphalics BRL mg/kg 5.7 1.7 MADEP VPH 06113107 012 liwagner 024220 Analysis Note for C5-CB Aliphatics Adjusted value Analysis Note for C9-C12 A.iphatics Adjusted value One surrogate recovery was outside the control limits No target compounds were detected inthissampleNofurtheractionwastaken Sample Weight Determination Weight Weight 19.38 26.09 MADEP VPH 06/13/07 000 brown MADEP VPH 06/13/07 000 Ibrown Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Umit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certilication requirements other thanNELACcertificationexceptforthose instances indicated In the case narrative and/or test comments Al/results are reported on dry-weight basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirely without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 24054 Charlotte NC 2B224-0543 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 26241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted B-I 183636 G0607179 06/06107 1500 06/06/07 1640 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluerie-FID 145 70-130 25-Dibromotoluene-PJD 102 70-130 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page 45 of 45 NC CertflicaUon No 402 Level Ii QC ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 6/19/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehoad Commons No COC GrOUp Number 00607179 Attrt Chris Ward Date/Time Submitted 6/6/07 1640 Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Snmt.nkfll flrnnb tnm....rn.h IIRII 7fl...SJSflIfl IIJCIIIJU Method Blank QC Batch Result RL Control Umit Unfla ID 124-TnchIoroberizeje ND 330 185 pg/kg 024124 2-Dlchlorobenzene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 13-Dlchlorobenzene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 14-Dlchicrobenzene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 245-Ttlchlorophenol ND 330 155 pg/kg 024124 246-Trichiorophenot ND 330 165 hg/kg 024124 24-Dichloropheriul ND 330 165 hg/kg 024124 24-Dimethyiphenol ND 330 165 hO/kg 024124 24-Dinitrophenol MD 330 165 pg/kg 024124 24-Dlnltmtoiuene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 26-Dlnttmtoiuene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 2-Chloronaphthaiene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 2-Chtorophenol ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 2-Methylnaphthalene MD 330 165 pg/kg 024124 2-Methyiphenot ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 2-Nllrophenoi ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 34-Methylphenol ND 330 155 pg/kg 024124 33Dichlorobenzidlne ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 4.6-Dlnltro-2-methytphenol ND 330 165 pg/kg Q24124 4-Bromophertyiphenylether ND 330 165 ig/kg 024124 4-Chioro-3-methylphenot ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 4-Chiorophenyiphenylether ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 4-Nltmphenol ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Acenaphthene ND 330 165 pg/kg Q24124 Acenaphthylene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Anthracene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Benzoaanlhracene MD 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Benzoapyrene ND 330 165 pglkg 024124 Benzobfiuoranthene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Benzoghlpeylene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Benzokfiuoranhene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Bis2-chloroethoxymcthane ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Bls2-chioroethylether Nt 330 165 pg/kg 024124 BIs2-chlorolsopropylether ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SprinybrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-6354 IoU Free Numben 1-80W529-6354 Fax 7041525-0409 Page oflO ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6119/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number G0607179 Date/Time SubmItted 6/6107 1640 Method Blank OC Batch Result RL Control Umit Untla ID BIs2-ethylhexytphthalate ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Butylbeuzyiphthalate ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Chrysene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 DI-n-butylphthalate ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 DI-n.octylphthalate ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Dibenzoajiaflthracene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Dlbenzoftjran ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Dlethylphthalate ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Dlmethylphthalate ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Fluoranthene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Fluorene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Hexathlorobertzene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 1-foxachiorobutacitene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Hexachiorocyclopentadlene NI 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Hexachloroethane ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 lndeno123-cdpyrene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Isophorone ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 N-Nltrosodl-n-propylamlne ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 N-Nttrosodlphenylamine ND 330 165 pg/kg Q24124 Naphthalene ND 330 165 pg/kg Q24124 Nltrobenzene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Pentachiorophenol ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Phenanthrene ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Phenol ND 330 165 pg/kg 024124 Pyrene NI 330 165 p9/kg 024124 Laboratory Control Sample Recovey QC BelchResultSpIkeAnwuntJoltsID 124-Trtchlorobenzene 1293.98 1663.1 pg/kg 78 39-99 Q24124 14-Dichlorobenzene 1228.79 1663.1 pg/kg 74 37-95 024124 24-Dlnitrotoluene 1502.15 1663.1 pg/kg 90 56-128 024124 2-Chlorophenol 1187.56 16631 pg/kg 71 37-98 024124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1360.15 1663.1 pg/kg 82 45-111 024124 4-Nitrophenol 1595.27 1663.1 pg/kg 96 20-157 024124 Acenaphthene 1335.55 1663.1 pg/kg 80 44-110 024124 N-Nitrosodl-n.propylamine 1382.10 1663.1 p9/kg 83 38-101 024124 Peritachiorophenol 1774.55 16631 pg/kg 107 53-127 024124 ThIs report should not be reproduced except In Its entirely without the written censent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529.6354 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-1j40g Page of 10 NC CerllflcaUon No 402 Level II QC ReportSCCertifIcatIonNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 6119107 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number G0607179 Atm Chris Ward Date/TIme Submitted 6/6/07 1640 Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Control Sample Recovejy RecoveY CIC Eatch Result Spike Amount Units Ii Phenol 1249.41 1663.1 pg/kg 75 34-102 024124 Pyrene 1525.44 1663.1 pg/kg 92 54-131 024124 Matrix Spike Reunvey Ranges QCEaICh Sample 10 Result Spike Amount Urea ID 183523 124-Trictiiorobenzene 1401.93 1665.3 pg/kg 84 26-97 024124 14-Dlchlorobenzene 1292.04 1665.3 pg/kg 78 23-92 024124 24-Dlnltrotoluene 1659.67 1665.3 pg/kg ICC 45-127 024124 2-Chlorophenol 1225.77 1665.3 pg/kg 74 25-94 024124 4-Chloro-3-melhylphenol 1382.95 1665.3 pg/kg 83 31-113 024124 4-Nllrophenoi 1736.26 1665.3 pg/kg 104 17-150 024124 Acenaphthene 1423.90 1665.3 pg/kg 86 36-107 024124 N-Nltrosodl-n-propylarnlne 1427.57 1665.3 pg/kg 86 22-105 024124 Pentachlorophenol 1823.17 1665.3 pg/kg 109 39-137 024124 Phenol 1305.69 1665.3 pg/kg 78 23-97 024124 Pyrene 1547.45 1665.3 pg/kg 93 45-133 024124 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Ravery RPD Ranges RPO Range OS BatchSampleIDReSUltSpikeAmountUnitsID 183523 24-Trichtorobenzene 1166.55 1662.5 pg/kg 7Q 26-97 18 0-37 024124 14-Dlchlorobenzene 1196.47 1662.5 pg/kg 72 23-92 0-36 024124 24-DInjtntoluene 1824.33 1562.5 pg/kg 98 45-127 0-29 024124 2-Chiorophenol 1144.28 1662.5 pg/kg 69 25-94 0-37 024124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1250 1662.5 pg/kg 75 31-113 10 0-32 024124 4-Nltrophonol 1670.21 1662.5 pg/kg 100 17-150 0-32 024124 Acenaphthene 1376.99 1682.5 pg/kg 83 36-lOT 0-32 024124 N.NlthsodI-n.propylamlne 1309.17 1662.5 pg/kg 79 22-105 0-37 024124 Pentachlorophenol 1867.35 1662.5 pg/kg 112 39-137 0-27 024124 Phenol 1190.15 1662.5 pg/kg 72 23-97 0-42 024124 Pyrene 1564.16 1562.5 pg/kg 94 45-133 0-27 024124 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoad P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone7041529-0364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page of 10 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking WaLer Cert No 37735 11-Trlchloroe 1.1 22-Tetrachloroethane 11 2-Trlchloroethane 1-Dlchloroethane 1-Dichloroethene 11-Dlchloropropene 23-Tdchlorobenzene .2.3-Trichioropropane 24-TrjchIorrbenzene 124-Trimethylbenzene 2-Djbromoethane EDB 12-Dichiorobeozene 12-Dichioroethane .2-Dichioropropane .35-Trimethylbenzene 3-DlchIorobnen 3-Dlchloropropane .4-Dlchtcrobenzene 2.2-Dichloropropane 2-Chiorotoluene 2-Hexanone 4-ChlorotOluene 4-MeIhyI-2-pentanone Ml8K Acetone Berizene Bromobenzene Brcnlociijoromethane Bromodichioromethane Bromotbim Bromomefliane Carbon tetrachioride Chlomberjzene Chiorodibromomethane Chioroetharie tvkaAn.iI ewmIsQ. Level II QC Report 6/19/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0607179 Date/Time Submitted 6/6107 1640 VoIatll flrninu rnmnniinI by CC/MS Method Blank OCResultRIConircILimitUnits ID ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.0D5 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24t47 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.003 0.0015 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24147 ND 0005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147ND0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024147ND0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147ND0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147ND0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024147 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529-6354 Toll Free Number 1400/529-5364 Fax 7041525.0409 Page of 10 NC CertificatIon No.402 Level II QC ReportScCettifloallonNo99012 6119107NCDrinkingWaterCertNo37735 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number 30607179 Attn Chris Ward Date/Time Submitted 6/6/07 1640P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Method Blank cc Saith Result RL Conloi LimiL tints ID Chlorotbrm ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Chioromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 cls-12-Dlchloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 cls-13..Dlchloropropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 4j47 Dichiorodifluorornethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24147 Isopropyl ether IPE ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 mp-Xylenes ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024147 Methyl ethyl ketone ME1 ND 0.1 0.05 mg/kg 024147 Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024147 Methylane chloride ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Naphthalene ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024147 oXylene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 plsopmpyltoIuene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 seo-Butylbenzene Nfl 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Styrene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 tert-Butylbenzane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24147 Tetrachioroethene Nt 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Toluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 trans-i2-Dithloroethene Ni 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 trans-i 3-DlchIompropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Tiichloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Tlichlorofluoromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Vinyl acetate ND 0.025 0.0125 mg/kg 024147 Vinyl chibrido ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024147 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery ac BntcIResultSpikeAmountUniID 11-Dichlcroethene 0.04482 0.05 mg/kg 91 57-122 024147 Benzene 0.05086 0.05 mg/kg 102 62-119 Q24147 Chlorobenzene 0.05259 0.05 mg/kg 105 61-124 024147 Toluene 0.05299 0.05 mg/kg 106 57-122 024147 Trlctiloroethene 0.05365 0.05 mg/kg 107 69-129 024147 This report should not be repmduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SprIngbrooRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224.0543Phone7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax704/525-0409 Page of 10 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 This report should not be reproduced except in its enUrety without the wiitten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SprlngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone7041529-6354 ToIl Free Numbec 1-800/529.6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC CertificatIon No.402 SC Cerilficalion No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 619/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Numbec G0607179 Date/Time SubmItted 6/6107 1640 Matrix Spike Recovoy Rocovesy Sample ID Result Spike Miount Units ngas QC Batch ID 183205 11-Dichloroethene 0.04446 0.05 mg/kg 89 44-140 024147 Benzene 0.0476 0.05 mg/kg 95 46-136 024147 Chlorobenzene 0.04586 0.05 mg/kg 92 47-135 024147 Toluene 0.0476 0.05 mg/kg 95 47-136 024147 Trlchloroethene 0.04859 0.05 mg/kg 97 45-141 024147 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovwy Recove RPD Sample to ReSUlt SpIke Amount Units gas RPD iitange OC Batch 183205 11-Dlchtoroethene .04499 005 mg/kg 90 44-140 0-23 024147 Renzene 0.04937 0.05 mg/kg 99 46-136 0-22 024147 Chlorobenzene 0.0472 0.05 mg/kg 94 47-1 35 0-22 024147 Toluee 0.04972 0.05 mg/kg 99 47-136 -22 024147 Trichloroethene 0.05061 0.05 mg/kg 101 45-1 41 0-23 024147 Metals by ICP method 6010BBlan 00 BatchResultRIControlUmitUnItsto Chromium 0.0513 0.25 0.125 mg/kg 024176 Lead 0.0553 0.25 0.125 mg/kg 024178 Laboratory Control Sample Recovwy Recovery Result Spike Amount Units 00 Batch ID Chromium 22.4412 25 mg/kg 90 80-120 024176 Lead 21.4504 25 mg/kg 86 80-120 024176 Matrix Spike Recovery ReCOVCfY Sample ID Result SpIke Amount Units Rarees 00 Batch II 183632 Chromium 16.5648 24.875 mg/kg 65 78-125 024176 Lead 20.5958 24875 mg/kg 66 //75-125 024176 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Sntjle Ilk Result Spike Amount Units RPD Range 00 Batch ID 183632 Chromium Lead 16.0388 18.9135 24.630 24.630 mg/kg 63 //75-125 0-20 024178 mg/kg 60 //75-125 0-20 024176 Page of 10 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Chariotte NC 28241 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written Consent ci Prism Laboratories Inc449SprlngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529.8354 Toll Free Number 1.8001529.6364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Level Ii QC Report 6/1 9/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0607179 Daterflrne SubmItted 6/6/07 1640 %hIHI De.....t.....U......method MADPP VPHtSSJI4IfJIYIMIJI.flI UIJI ia UV Method Blank ac BatchResultRtCorrtmiLimitUnitsto C5-C8 Allphatics ND 2.5 mg/kg 024220 CS-Cl Arcmatlcs ND 2.5 mg/kg 024220 C9-C12 Aliphatics ND 2.5 mg/kg 024220 Laboratory Control Sample Rocoveiy Recovery Rarges QCBalCliResultSpikeAmountUnitsID C5-C8Aliphatics 14.906 15 mg/kg 99 70-130 024220 C9-C10 Aromatics 3.909 mg/kg 78 70.130 024220 C9-Cl2Allphatics 9.460 10 mg/kg 95 70-130 024220 Matrix Spike Recovery Ranges DC BatchSampleioRemitSpikeAmountUnitsID 183632 CS-CS Allphatics 11.352 15 mg/kg 76 70-130 024220 C9-Cj0Ammatjcs 3.501 mg/kg 70 70-130 024220 C9-Cl2AIlphatlcs 7.313 10 mg/kg 73 70-130 024220 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recove Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range ESResult Spike Amount UnitsSamptelo 183632 C5-CSAIiphatIcs 12.679 15 mg/kg 85 70-130 11 0-25 024220 CO-Cia Aromatlcs 3.573 mg/kg 71 70-1 30 -25 024220 C9-C12 Aiiphatics 7.963 10 mg/kg 80 70-130 0-25 024220 Page of 10 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 44-DDD 44-DDE 44-DDT 44-MethoxychIor a-BHC a-Chlordane Aidrin b-BHC Chlordane d-BHC Oleldrin Endosulfan Endosulfan II Endosullan Sulfate Endrin Enddn Aldehyde Endrin Ketona g-BHC g-Chlordane Heptathlor Heptachior Epoxide Toxaphene Laboratory Control Sample ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND 51 25 pg/kg ND pg/kg ND 0.5 pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND pg/kg ND 50 25 pg/kg 33.4 33 26.0 33 pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg 024275 024275 024275 Q24275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 QC Satcii ID 024275 024275 024275 024275 024275 00 Belch ID 103 75-141 105 66-132 105 72-1 36 103 74-147 100 72-134 Reve 84 56-163 024275 101 57-137 024275 79 60-141 024275 NC CertificatIon No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6/19/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G06071 79 Date/Time Submitted 6/6/07 1640 flrn1nnhlnrtnA DÆaIb.ld-......S.JtII flflIflttPLlI Oilily ulctiuuu Method Blank OC BatchResistRLContrctUrrdtunitsID Recovey Recavejy Result Spike Amount Units Ranges 44tDDT 33.83 33 Aidrin 3473 33 DleldrIn 34.69 33 Efldrln 34.14 33 Heptachlor 32.89 33 Matrix Spike Sample ID Result SpIke Amount 183801 444-DDT 27.6 33 Aidrin Oleidrin Unite pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the wuitten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SprtngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Chartotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529.6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6354 Fax 7041525-0409 Page of 10 ESP Associates PA Attn Chiis Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Matrix Spike Recovery Ranges OCRatch Sample ID Result Spike Anrctmt Units ID 183801 Endrln 28.0 33 pg/kg 85 65-164 Q24275 lIeptathlor 27.2 33 pg/kg 82 63-142 024275 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD CatchRangesRHRangeSampleIDResultSpikeAmountUnits 183801 44-DDT 31.1 33 pg/kg 94 56-163 12 0-38 024275 Aldriri 35.8 33 pg/kg 108 57-137 0-29 024275 Dleldrin 28.9 33 pg/kg 88 60-1 41 11 0-30 024275 Endrin 30.9 33 pg/kg 94 65-164 10 0-21 Q24275 Heptadilor 29.7 33 pg/kg 90 63-142 0-27 024275 Polychioririated Biphenyls PCBs by GC-ECD method 9082 Method Blank DC Batch Result RI Control Limit Units ID PCB-1016 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024276 PCB-1221 ND 0.1 0.05 mg/kg 024276 PCB1232 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024276 PCB-1242 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024276 PCB-1248 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024276 PCB-1254 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024276 PCB-1260 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024276 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery Ranges DC Batch Result SpIke Mieurit Units ID P00-1016 0.308 0.333 mg/kg 92 64-151 024276 PCB.1260 0.306 0.333 mg/kg 92 45-166 024276 Matrix Spike gecovey Recovery Ranges CC BatchSSmpIaIDResult Spike Amount Units ID 183632 PCB-1016 0.325 0.333 mg/kg 98 14192 024276 PCB-1260 0.337 0.333 mg/kg 101 10-192 024276 Matrix Spike Duplicate RSCOV Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range DC BatchSampleIDResultSpikeAmountUnitsID 183632 PCB-1016 0.290 0.333 mg/kg 87 14-192 11 0-40 024276 PCB-1 260 0.298 0.333 mg/kg 39 10-192 12 0-40 024276 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O BOx 240543 Charlotte NC 28224.0543Phone7041529-6354 Toll Free Number 14001529-6334 Fax 7041525.0409 NC Certification No 402 SC CertificatIon No.99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Level II QC Report 6/19/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number G0607179 Date/TIme Submitted 6/6/07 1640 Page of 10 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification Na 99012 NC lrinklng Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6/19/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Numbcr G0607179 Date/Time Submitted 6/6107 1640 vhI MAflP FPH...yt.JeW SJUIJ icuuu Method Blank UC Batch Result RL Ccnlroi limit Units C11-C22Amrnatics ND 10 mg/kg 024301 C19-C36Aliphatics ND 10 fig/kg 024301 C9-.C1 Aliphatics ND 10 mg/kg 024301 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery Ranges 00 Batch Result Spike Amount Units ID C11-C22Aromafics 168.1 170 mg/kg 99 40-140 024301 C19-C36AlIphatlcs 76.7 80 mg/kg 96 40-140 024301 C9-C18 Allphatics 44.3 60 mg/kg 74 40-140 024301 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery cc Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 183819 C11-C22 Aromatics 15668 170 mg/kg 92 40-140 Q243D1 C19-C36 Allphatics 74.04 90 mg/kg 93 40-140 024301 C9-ClBAllphatIcs 43.36 60 mg/kg 72 40-140 024301 Matrix SpIke Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD dlRangesRPDRangeOCBat Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 183819 C11-C22 Aromatics C19-C36 Aliphatics C9-C18 Afiphafics 4-See Case Narrative 164.44 170 mg/kg 97 40-140 -50 024301 75.54 80 mg/kg 94 40-1 40 0-50 Q24301 44.22 60 mg/kg 74 40-140 0-50 Q24301 Page 100110 Full Seivloo Mlytlaal EnvlranmBntai Satutlona 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704l529.634 Fax 704I5254y Client Company Name_______________________ Report To/Contact Name Reporting Address ____________________________ Phone Fax Yes No Email Yes No Email Address EDD Type PDF_Exce _Ohor1 Site Location Name /LfO/t4d41f/P1o9 Site Location Physical Address ____________________ ERÔE9 usel7 TO BE FILLED IN BY CUENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Certification NELAC_.USACE_FL____NC_L_ SC_OTHER _____N/A_____ Water Chlorinated YES_NO_ Sample Iced Upon Collection YES NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PACE OF_.L QUOT TO NSURE PR ER aIL.LING M....1Lt11i IiL.7.t Short Hold Analysis Yes No USI Project Yes No please ATTACH any provisions and/or Invoice To project pacific Rmegts reporting QC LEVE Ill III IV Address I4 Purchase Order NoJBiIIing Reference1 equesled Due Data Cl Day Days 04 Pa Days 44WorIcing Days 06-9 Days Sta1d 10 days pproveJ Samples receIved after 1500 will be processed next bu5lrress day Turnaräund lime Is based an busIness days excluding weekends and holidays SEE REVERSE FOR TERMS CONDITiONS REGARDING SERVICES RENDERED BY PRISM LABORATORIES INC TO CUENTI CLIENT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 1i5bs-1341q DATE COLLECTED çL TIME COLLECTED MILITARY HOURS j_cjc /ir /gqf5 MATRIX SAMPLE CONTAINERSOiL WATER OR TYPE SLUDGE SEE BELOW NO SIZE fl../Cio PRESERVA- lIVES ANALYSES REQUESTEDAO%j D/Li /0 // 17 liiiIJ_ LJ .L REMARKS PS5M ID NO 35 lB3b3 annqurane ay uignaiure .- Samplers Signature /rjf7 Sampled By Print Name I2t Je Atfihlatlo Upon relinquIshing this Cn of ciody is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the anaIysas requested above AnysubmittedinwritingtothePrismProjectManagerTherewillbechargesforanychangesafteranalyseshave been Initialized /P changes must be rieceweo ay raignature Dale RellnquI5hod 8y Sinalure 5A FLES ARE Fad Ex UPS tnnd-deItvered Received By SI nature TAP TO Th LABoRATORYACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST COD UNTIL RECEIVED AT ThE LABORATORY Cl Pdsm FIeld ServIce Cl Oilier Data SP1 MItllaryfrIOurs Additional Comments NPDES UflT GROUNDWATER DRINKING WATER SOLID WASTE RCRA CERCLA LANDFILL OTHERNCcscINNCDSCONCDSC ONC DSC ONC QSC ONO OSC ONC 050 ONC OSC UNC OSC____O___JO _Io _______lo ______lo________________ SEE REVERSEFORTERMSCONDITIONS Full Swe Analyilcal nvlrocimantal SolUUon CLIENT ESP 4Ssk P14 A1TN JVi Ward PRISM COC GROUP Please fill In the Site Location information on the attached VPH and/or EPH Forms I\NaSO1\FOLDCOMMON\FbRMS\H EPHSjte Location for Cllentdac VPH AliphaticslAromatics Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ESP Associates PA Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories Inc Project Name Morehead Commons No NC Certification Lab 402 Site Location ______________________________Sample Matrix Soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic 25-Dibromotoluene Aromatic 25-Dibromotoluene rr rkf .JIth Iii 1t Sample Identification iIP -i1r 183632 183633 183634 183835 183636 Collection Option for soil iJlf Date Collected 6/612007 ______________________________ __________ Date Received .Qiii4 fli 6/612007 __________ __________ _____________________ Date Extracted ii 8/12/2007 __________ ____________________ __________ Date Analyzed tit1 612/2007 __________ ____________________ __________ Dry Solids 82.6 _________ _________ _________ _________ Dilution Factor __________ ____________________ __________ Hydrocarbon Ranges In mg/kg ilbh Sample Results __________ ____________________ __________ CS_CS Aliphatics _________ _________ _________ _________ C9_Cl Aliphatics ______________________________ __________C9 Cl Aromatlcs __________ ____________________ __________ Blank C5 C8 Aliphatrcs i._______________________________ __________C9 C12 Aliphatics __________C9-C1 0_Aromatics ___________ _______________________ ____________RL C5 CS Aliphatics ____________________ __________C9-C12 Aliphatics h_i __________________ _________ _________C9-C1 Aromatics ______________________________ __________MDL C5-C8 Aliphatics C9-C12 Alrphatics __________ ______________________________ ________C9-C10 Aroniatics Surrogate Acceptance Ranee Blank 70-130 70-130 70-130 70-130 70-130 Aliphatic Surrogate Rec FID 116 Aromatic Surrogate Rec PID 91 6.1 Si 6.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 1.2 1.9 0.036 55 118 6/6/2007 6/6/2007 6/1 2/2007 61212007 86.4 Sample Results 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.6 5.8 5.8 1.1 1.8 0.035 163 138 6/6/2007 6/6/2007 6/1 2/2007 6I12I2007 82.9 Sample Results 6.0 6.0 6.050 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 1.2 1.9 0.036 65 129 6/6/2007 6/6/2007 6/1212007 8/12/2007 88.5 Sample Results 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.8 5.8 5.8 1.1 1.8 0.035 176 118 6/6/2007 6/6/2007 6/13/2007 6/13/2007 88.4 Sample Results 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.7 5.7 5.7 1.1 1.7 0.034 145 102 OptIon Established fill line on vial Option Sampling device indicate brand e.g EnCore TM Option Field weight of soil --Unadjusted value should exclude the concentration of any surrogates Internal standards and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range ---Adjusted value MDL Method Detection Limit RL Reporting Limit Blank Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever Is higher indicate typeWereallperformance/acceptance standards for required OAIQC procedures achieved YES No Details Attached Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made NO Yes Details Attached Comments VPH trip blank was not submitted to the laboratory Result outside of the QC limits Page of VPI-I Sell EPH AliphatlcslAromatics Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name Project Name Site Location ESP Associates PA Morehead Commons No Laboratory Name NC Certification Lab Sample Matrix Prism Laboratories Inc 402 Soil Sample Information and Analytical Results EPH Fractionation Surrogates Sample Identification Date Collected Date Received Date Extracted Date Analyzed Dry Solids Dilution Factor Hydrocarbon Ranges in mg/kg C9-C1B Aliphatics CI 9-C36 Aliphatics Cl 1-C22 Aromatics Blank C9-C18 Aliphatics 019-036 Aliphatics _________Cl 1-C22 Aromatics RL C9-C18 Aliphatics Cl 9-C36 Aliphatics _________011-022 Aromatics C9-C18 Aliphatics 019-036 Aiiphatics ________Cl 1-C22 Aromatics Surrogate Acceptance Range Atiphatic Surrogate Rec Aromatic Surrogate Rec Fractionation Surrogate Accep Range Frac Surrogate D/Rec Frac Surrogate Rec 6/17/2007 6/16/2007 82.9 86.5 Method for Ranges MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic 1-Chioro-octadecane Aromatic o-Terphenvl 183633 6/6/2007 6/6/2007 6/13/2007 183634 183635 183636 6/8/2007 6/62007 6/6/2007 6/6/2007 6/62007 6/6/2007 6/13/2007 6/13/2007 6113/2007 6/16/2007 88.4 2-Bromonaphthalene Fluoroblohen tI 183632 _________ 6/612007 _________ML 6/6/2007 _________ lit.6/13/2007 ___________i1 616/2007 6/16/2007 jriiE 82.6 86.4 Sample Results ____________ iiliit ___________________________ I. 1II ttflt4 tI.t Blank ____________________128 107 __________________ MDL c13 13 13 10 10 10 13 13 13 4.0 1.9 6.8 40-1 40 Sample Results 12 12 12 10 10 10 12 12 12 3.8 1.8 6.4 40-1 40 Sample Results Sample Results Sample Results 13 12 11 13 12 Ii 13 12 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 12 11 13 12 11 13 12 11 4.0 3.8 3.6 1.9 1.8 1.7 6.8 6.5 6.1 40-140 40-140%40-140 112 102 95 Blank 134 132 98 138 40-1 40 135 131 114 106 40-140 111 107 105 105 103 40-140 40-140 40-140 132 129 136 128 126 132 Unadjusted value should exclude the concentration of any surrogates internal standards and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range Adjusted value MDL Method Detection Limit RL Reporting Limit Blank Laboratory Method Blank Wore all performance/acceptance standards for required QAIQC procedures achieved Was blank correction applied as significant modification of the method Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made Comments No Details Attached Yes NO NO Yes Details Attached Page of EPI-Sell RtU Ut4 Case NarrativePRISM.44 LABORATORJES114C Date 06/15/07 Client Project ID Morettead Commons No.2 Company ESP Associates PA Prism COC Group No G0607193 Contact Chris Ward Collection Dates 06/07/07AddressBox 7030 Lab Submittal Dates 06/07107 Chariotte NC 28241 This data package contains the analytical results for the project Identified above and includes Case Narrative Laboratory Report QualityControlandSubcontractedLaboratoryReportwithcorresponding Chain-cl-Custody totaling 22 pages chain-of-custody is also attached forthesamplessubmittedtoPrismfor this projecL Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample key reference for the data quafifiers appears at the end of this case narrative Qualitycontrolstatements and/or sample specific remarks are Included in the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sampleaffected Semi Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Volatile Analysis Analysts Note for 024193 MSD Ethylbenzene Recovery below the control lImits Analysis Note for 024193 MSD m.p-Xylenes RPD value outside the control limits Analysis Note for 024193 MSO o-Xylene RPD value outside the control limits Metals Analysis Analysis Note for 024208 MS Barium Matrix Interference is suspected Analysis Note for 024208 MSD Barium Matrix Interference is suspected Wet Lab and Micro Analysis Total Halogens analysis subcontracted to GCAL Laboratory report Is attached Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report Date Reviewed by Rabbi Jones Project Manager _____________________________ Signature Io-_.e-i.-Signature ____________________________ Review Date 7i5/07 Approval Date __________________________ Data Qualifiers Key Reference Compound also detected in the method blank Result outside of the QC limits DO Compound dIluted out EsUmated concentrallon calibration range exceedert The analyte was positively Identified but the value is estimated below the reporting limit Estimated concentration with high bias Estimated concentration with low bias matrix effect Is present Notes This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the writtten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc The results in thisreportrelateonlytothesamplessubmittedforanalysis 449 Springbroak Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0403 Phone 704/529.6354 To Free 800/529.6364 Fax 704/525-9409 Angela D6cashJ/ NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06115/07 ESP Msociates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COG Group Time Collected Time Submitted 1b-234 Comp 183685 G0607193 06/07/07 1315 06/07/07 1400 ercent Solids Determination Percent Solids Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS Benzene Ethylbenzene mp-Xylenes o-Xylene Tolu ens BRL pg/kg 3.5 0.46 5260B 06/13/07 012 erussell BRL pg/kg 5.8 0.41 82608 06/13/07 012 erussell BRL pg/kg 12 0.81 826GB 06/13/07 012 erussell BRL pg/kg 5.8 0.35 8260B 06/13/07 012 erussell BRL pg/kg 5.8 0.39 826GB 06/13/07 012 erussell Q24193 Q24193 Q24193 Q24193 024193 Diesel Range Organics DRO by GC-FID Diesel Range Organics DRO Sample Preparation Gasoline Range Organics tGRO by GC.FID Gasoline Range Organics GRO BRL TCLP Extraction for Metals TCLP Extraction 98 mg/kg 7.7 1.9 49.78 mg/kg 1.1 0.070 Complete Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 104 81-128 Bromofluorobenzene 111 77-128 Dlbromofluoromethane 106 67-143 80158 06/11/07 2347 Jvogel Q24213 mL 35505 08/1107 900 dpope P1860Y Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 107 48-130 80158 06/13/07 1359 hwayner 024199 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits aaa-TFT 89 55-129 1311 06/11/07 1340 Ihoppel This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 91.5 SM2540 06/12/07 1640 ithao Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number l-800/52983M Fax 7041525-0409 Page of 5rvkMIyl EnvlwmtmI Sk5an ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID TCLP Leachable Mercury by CVAA Mercury BRL mg/L 0.010 0.000042 7470A 06/13/07 1231 Ihoppel 024234 Sample Preparation 20 mL 30 mL 7470A 06/13107 735 Ihoppel P18612 TCLP Leachable Metals by ICP Arsenic BRL mg/L 0.050 0.0029 601GB 06/13/07 015 rncampbetl Q24208 Barium 0.61 mg/L 5.0 0.0019 6010B 08/13/07 015 mcampbeft 024208 CadmIum 0.0006 mg/L 0.025 0.00034 6010B 06/13/07 015 mcampbell 024208 Chromium 0.0083 mgIL 0.25 0.0006 601GB 06/13/07 015 mcampbell 024203 Lead 0.011 mg/L 0.050 0.0021 60108 06/13/07 015 mcampbell 024208 Selenium BRL mgIL 0.050 0.0035 601GB 06/13/07 015 mcampbelt 024208 Silver RRL mg/L 0.25 0.00025 601DB 06/13/07 015 mcarnpbeli 024208 Sample Preparation so mL 50 mL 3010A 06/12/07 715 Jhoppel P18602 Total Halogen by Method 9076 Subcontract Report See 9076 Attached Analysis Note for Subcontract Report Analysis subcontracted to NC certified lab 618 Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Umit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in 1/ifs report relate only to the samples submitted lbr analysis and meet state certification requirements other thanNELACcertificationexceptforthose instances indicated in the case narrathe and/or test comments All results are reported on thy-weight basis This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety wIthout the Written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/15/07 Prolect ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID lb-234 Camp Prism Sample ID 183685 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607193 Time Collected 06/07/07 1315 Time Submitted 06/07107 1400 Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services Page of ESP Associates PA Atm Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC CertIfication No.402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37135 Project ID Morehead Commons No Level QC Report 6/15/07 COG Group Number G0607193 Date/Time Submitted 611/07 1400 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800I529.54 Fax 704525-0409 Volatile --by IR 8260B..MSJIJWO .annn.3 cti.uu Method Blank UC Batch ReSUU RL Contnol Umtt Units ID Benzene ND 0.003 0.0015 mg/kg 024193 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024193 mp-Xylenes ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024193 o-Xylene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24193 Toluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024193 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery RecuR Spike Miount Units Ranges OC Batch ID Benzene 0.0473 0.05 mg/kg 95 62-119 024193 Ethylbenzene 0.04943 0.05 mg/kg 99 57-128 024193 mp-Xyterjes 0.10007 0.1 mg/kg 100 54-132 024193 o-Xylene 0.05009 0.05 mg/kg 100 57-131 024193 Toluene 0.04451 0.05 mg/kg 90 57-122 024193 Matrix Spike Recovery Sample Eli Result Spike Miount Units sages DC Batch ID 183910 Benzene 0.04076 0.05 mg/kg 82 46-136 024193 Ethylbenzene 0.03384 0.05 mg/kg 68 51-135 Q24193 mp-Xylenes 0.07635 0.1 mg/kg 76 51-135 024193 o-Xylene 0.04017 0.05 mg/kg 80 49-137 024193 Toluene 0.03654 0.05 mg/kg 73 47-138 024193 Matrix Spike Duplicate necy Recovery RPD Sample 1D RecuR Spike Mount Units RPD Range OCicts 183910 Benzene 0.03704 0.05 mg/kg 74 46-136 10 0-22 024193 Ethylbeozene 0.02507 0.05 mg/kg 50 51-1 35 30 0-23 024193 mp-Xylenes 0.05752 0.1 mg/kg 58 51-138 28 0-20 024193 o-Xylene 0.03177 0.05 mg/kg 64 49-1 37 23 0-22 024193 Toluene 0.03077 0.05 mg/kg 62 47-136 17 0-22 024193 Page of4 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No.37735 Level II QC Report 6/15/07 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Numbec G06071 93 DateITime Submitted 6/7107 1400 Charlotte NC 28241 tconlln Pann flrni by ---Oft4 Method Blank cc Result RL Control UmIt Uolfs ID Gasoline Range Organics GRO ND 0.5 nigkg 024199 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery Ranges DC BatchResultSpikeAmountUnitsID Gasoline Range Organics GRO 2.055 mgfkg 103 64-124 024199 Matrix Spike ReC0VGJ Recovery RangesSampleResultSpikeAmountUnits 183776 Gasoline Range Organlcs ORG 1.385 mgllrg 69 37-126 024199 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range OC Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 183776 Gasoline Range Organlcs GRO 1.442 mkg 72 37-125 0-34 024199 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories It449SprlngbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone7041529.6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-8394.Fax 7041525-0499 Cadmium Chromium Lead NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water CerL No 37735 mg/I 76 75-125 0-20 024208 mg/I 77 75-125 0-20 024208 mg/L 75 75-125 0-20 024208 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 TCIP Imaihnht Mmtln by ICP riuthnI 6010B Level II QC Report 6115/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number 00607193 Date/Time Submitted 6/7107 1400 Method Blank 00 Batch Result RI ContmI Umit Units ID ArsenIc 0.0016 0.05 0.025 mg/I 024208 Barium -0.0012 2.5 mg/I 024208 Cadmium -0.0016 0.025 0.0125 mg/I 024208 Chromium 0.0035 0.25 0.125 mg/I 024208 Lead 0.0064 0.05 0.025 mg/I 024208 Selenium -0.0005 0.05 0.025 mg/L 024208 Silver 0.0002 0.25 0.125 mg/I 024206 Laboratory Control Sample Rcoveiy R8COVOtY Ranges Batch Result Spike Amount Units 3k ID Arsenic 0.2555 0.25 mpJL 102 80-120 024208 Barium 0.2298 0.25 mg/I 92 80-120 024208 Cadmium 0.2408 0.25 mgIL 96 80-120 024208 Chromium 0.2262 0.25 mg/I 90 80-120 024208 Lead 0.2276 0.25 mg/I 91 80-120 024208 Selenium 0.2475 0.25 mg/I-99 60-120 024208 SlIver 0.2393 0.25 mg/I 96 80-120 024208 Matrix Spike ReCOVS Reovej Ranges 00 eatch Sample iD Flasull Spike Amount Units ID 183684 Arsenic 0.2149 0.25 mg/I-90 75-125 024208 Barium 0.8706 0.25 mg/I 72 75-125 024208 CadmIum 0.1885 0.25 mg/I 75 75-125 024208 Chromium 0199 0.25 mg/I 77 75-125 024208 Lead 0.1996 0.25 mg/I 75 75-125 024208 Selenium 0.1899 0.25 mg/I 88 75-125 024208 SlIver 0.2304 0.25 mg/I 93 75-125 024208 Matrix Spike Duplicate RaCOV RPJ Sample Result Spike Amnt Ranges RPI QC Batch 3k 3k ID 183684 ArsenIc Barium 0.2148 0.25 0.8661 0.25 0.1911 0.2006 0.2001 mg/I 90 75-125 mg/I 71 75-125 Selenium Silver 0.25 025 0.25 0-20 024208 0-20 024208 0.1891 0.25 0.2321 025 mg/I 85 75-125 mg/I 93 75-1 25 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories In449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fac 7041525-0409 0-20 Q2420P 0-20 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 09012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Level II QC Report 6/15/07 COC Group Number G0607193 Date/Time Submitted 6/7107 1400 flincrvl P2nnn flrnmni lflPflt GC.FD method SOISB Method Blank Result RL Control Urntt Units IL Diesel Range Organlcs DRO ND 3.5 mglkg Q24213 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery Ranges iiResult Spike Miounl Unite 1k Diesel Range OrganlcsDRO 41.4 40 mg/kg 104 53-118 024213 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery RangesSample10ResultSpikeMrounUnttc Ii 183671 DIesel Range Organics DRO 47.0 40 mg/kg 118 52-119 024213 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovely RPD Ranges HP RangesampleResultSplicefunountUnits1k 183671 DieselRangeOrganlcsDRO 39.9 40 mg/kg 100 52-119 16 0-25 024213 TCLP Leachable Mercury by CVAA method 7470A Method Blank QC BatchResultHIControlUrnSUniteii Mercury -0.00007 0.01 0.005 mg/I 024234 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery itanges CC BatchResultSpikevnountUnits11 Mercury 0.00973 0.0093 mg/I 104 80-120 024234 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery Ranges CC BatCh Sample ID Result Spike hnaunt Unite tic ID 183685 Mercury 0.00928 0.0093 mg/I 100 80-120 024234 Matrix SpIke Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD RangeSample10ResultSpliceAmountUnits 183685 Mercury 0.00939 0.0093 mg/I 101 80-120 0-20 024234 -See Case Narrative This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449Spdngbrook Road P.O BOx 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-6354 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6354 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of ACCESS ANALYrICAL Iwc ANALYTICAL REPORT CLIENT Prism Laboratories Inc P0 BOX 240543 Charlotte NC 28224 ATTENTION Angie Overcash PROJECT ID Prism Lab-G06071 93 LABORATORY REPORT NUMBER 207060924 DATE 06/1 4/2007 Primary Data Review By Secondary Data Review By _____ Curtis Ekker Ashley AmickDataValidationManagerGCALProjectManager Access Analytical aamickaccessanalytrcalinc corn PLEASE NOTE Unless otherwise noted all analysis on this report performed at Gulf Coast Analytical Labs GCAL 7979 GSRIRdBatonRougeLA70820 GCAL ISSCDHEC certified laboratory 73006 NCDENR certified lab 618 GA certified lab LA-01955 NELAPcertifiedlaboratory01955 Local support services for this project are provided by Access Analytical1 Inc.Access Analytical is representative ofGCALservingclientsintheSC/NC/GA areas All questions regarding this report should be directed to your local AccessAnalyticalrepresentativeat803.7814243 or toll free at 888.315.4243 CASE NARRATIVE Client Prism Laboratories Inc Report 207060924 Gulf Coast Analytical Laboratories received and analyzed the samples listed on the sample cross-reference page of this report Receipt of the samples is documented by the attached chain of custody This applies only to the samples listed in this reportNosampleintegrityorqualitycontrolexceptionswereidentifiedunlessnotedbelow No anomalies were found for the analyzed samples Laboratory Endorsement Sample analysis was performed in accordance with approved methodologies provided by the Environmental Protection Agency or other recognized agencies The samples and their corresponding extracts will be maintained for period of 30 days unless otherwise arranged Following this retention period the samples will be disposed in accordance with GCALs Standard Operating Procedures Common Abbreviations Utilized in this Report ND Indicates the result was Not Detected at the specified RDLDOIndicatestheresultwasDilutedOut Ml Indicates the result was subject to Matrix Interference TNTC Indicates the result was Too Numerous To Count SUBC indicates the analysis was Sub-Contracted ELD Indicates the analysis was performed In the Field PQL Practical Quantitation Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RDL Reporting Detection Limit 0000 Reported as time equivalent to 1200 AM Reporting Flags Utilized in this Report Indicates an estimated value Indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected ORGANICS Indicates the analyte was detected in the associated Method Blank INORGANICS Indicates the result is between the RDL and MDL Sample receipt at GCAL is documented through the attached chain of custody In accordance with ISOGuide25 and NELAC this report shall be reproduced only in full and with the written permission of GCALTheresultscontainedwithinthisreportrelateonlytothesamplesreportedThedocumentedresultsare presented within this report This report pertains only to the samples listed in the Report Sample Summary and should be retainedas permanent record thereof The results contained within this report are intended for the use of the clientAnyunauthorizeduseofthe information contained In this report Is prohibited certify that this data package Is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract andStatementofWorkbothtechnicallyandforcompletenessforotherthantheconditionsInthecasenarrativeReleaseofthedatacontainedInthishardcopy data package and In the computer-readabledatasubmittedhasbeenauthorizedbytheQualityAssuranceManagerorhis/her designee as verified bythefollowingsignature CURTIS EKKER DATA VALIDATION MANAGERGCALREPORT207060924 THIS REPORT CONTAINS ______PAGES Report Sample Summary GCAL ID Client ID Matrix Collect Date/Time Receive Date/Time 20706092401 103684 Solid 06/07/2007 1300 06/09/2007 0825 20706092402 183685 Solid 06/07/2007 1315 06/09/2007 0925 GCAL Report 207060924 Summary of Compounds Detected rGcAL ID Client ID Matrix Collect Date/Time Receive DaIe/Tirnf 20706092401 183684 SolId 36/0712007 1300 06/09/20070925 SW-846 9056 Organic Halides CAS Parameter Result RDL MDL Units 59473-04-0 Total Organic Halides 39.IB 46.0 19.9 mg/kg GCAL ID Client ID Matrix Collect Date/Time Receive Dateflimi 20706092i02 183685 Solid 06/07/2007 13 15 06/09/20070925 SW-846 9056 Organic Halides CAS Parameter Result RDL MDL Units 59473-04-0 Total Organic Halides 50.8 48.4 209 mg/kg GCAL Report 207050924 SM 2540G Dry Weight Prep Date Prep Batch Prep Method Dilution Analyzed By Analytical Batch 06111/2007 1350 JEM 350931 CAS Parameter Result RDI MDL Units WET-037 Total MoIsture 13.0 0.010 0.010 RESULTS REPORTED ON DRY WEIGHT BASIS GCAL Report 207060924 SW-846 9056 Organic Halides Prep Date Prep Batch Prep Method Dilution Analyzed By Analytical Batch 06111/2007 0900 350917 SW-846 5050 06111/2007 1348 AEL 350918 CAS Parameter Result RDL MDL Units 59473-04-0 Total Organic Halides 39.1B 46.0 19.9 mg/kg RESULTS REPORTED ON DRY WEIGHT BASIS GCAL Report 207060924 SM 2540G Dry Weight Prep Date Prep Batch CAS WET-037 Parameter Total MoIsture Prep Method Dilution Analyzed By Analytical Batch 06111/2007 1350 JEM 350931 RESULTS REPORTED ON DRY WEIGHT BASIS Result RDL MDL Units 17.4 0.010 0.010 GCAL Report 207060924 RESULTS REPORTED ON DRY WEIGHT BASIS SW-846 9056 Organic Halides Prep Date Prep Batch 06111/2007 0900 350917 CAS 59473-04-U Total Organic Halides Parameter Prep Method DIlutIoN Analyzed By Anaytlcal Batch SW-846 500 05111/2007 1405 AEI a50919 Result RDL MDL 50.8 48.4 20.9 Units mglkg GCAL Report 207060024 General Chemistry Quality Control Summary naIyticaL Batch 350931 CHant ID Prep patch N/A GCALID Sample Type Analytical Date Matrix CONTAMINATED SOIL 20706066501 SAMPLE O11/2007 15C Solid 495491 DUP 495912 DUP 0611112007 1360 Solid SM 25400 Dry Weight Units Result RDL RPDResultRPDLimit 20.8 207 25WET-037 Total MoIsture 16.9 0.010 QCAL Report 207060924 General Chemistry Quality Control Summary nalytical Batch 350918 Prep Batch 350917 Prep Method SW-845 5050 Client ID GCAL 10 Sample Type Prep Date Analytical Date Matrix MB350917 495874 Method Blank 0611112007 0900 08111/2007 1203 Solid LCS350917 495875 ICS 06/11/2007 0900 05/11/2007 1220 Solid SW-846 9056 Organic Halides Units mg/kg Result Spike Rlided ControlRasult Limits 59473-04-0 Total Organic Flalides 17.3U 17.3 2000 1990 80 120 nalytical Batch 350916 Prep Batch 350917 Prep Method SW-845 5050 Client ID GCAL ID Sample Typo Prep Date Analytical Date Matrix 183690 20706092301 SAMPLE 06/11/2007 0900 06/11/2007 1238 Solid 4956921DLJP 495076 DUP 06/11/2007 0900 06/11/20071255 Solid SW-846 9056 OrganIc Halides Units mg/kg Result RDL RPDResultRPDLimit 113 2559473-04-0 Total Organic HalIdes 108 17.3 Analytical Batch 351004 Prep Batch 351003 Prep Method SW-845 5050 ClIent ID GCAL ID Sample Type Prop Date Analytical Date Matrix MB351003 496190 Method Blank 00/11/2007 1100 08/11/2007 1450 Solid LCS351003 496191 LOS 06/11/2007 1100 08/11/2007 1516 Soild ControlResultLimits SW-846 9056 Inorganic Anions UnIts mg/kg Result Spike RUded 16837-00-6 ChlorIde 16984-48-8 FluorIde 24959-67-9 Bromide WET-036 Total HalIdes 2.50U 2.50 2.401 2.40 5.40U 5.40 17U 17 500 500 1000 2000 474 501 1020 1990 94.8 100 102 99.6 80 120 80 120 00 120 80 120 GCAL Repoit 207060924 General Chemistry Quality Control Summary naIytical Batch 351004 Prep Batch 351003 Prep Method SW-846 5050 Client ID GCAL ID Sample Typo Prep Date Analytical Date Matrix 163690 20706092301 SAMPLE 0611112007 1100 06/1112007 1533 Solid 495892M9 496193 MS 06/11/2007 1100 05/11/2007 1608 Solid SW-846 9056 Inorganic Anions UnIts mg/kg Result Spike Rl1ded Result Control Limits 16881-00-6 Chloride 16984-48-B Fluoride 2495957-9 Bromide WET-036 Tolal Halides 43.0 2.50 74.0 2.40 0.000 5.40 117 17 500 500 1000 2000 542 574 1020 2140 99.8 100 102 101 75 125 75 125 75 125 75 125 thalytical Batch 351004 Prep Batch 351003 Prep Method SW-846 5050 Client ID GCAL.ID Sample Type Prep Date Analytical Date Matrix 183690 20706092301 SAMPLE 08/11/2007 1100 05/11/2007 1533 Solid 495692DL1P 496192 DLIP 06/11/2007 1100 06/11/2007 1551 Solid SW-846 9056 Inorganic Anions Result RPD 16887-00-6 Chloride 16984-48-8 Fluoride 24959-67-9 Bromide WET-038 Total Halides 43.0 2.50 74.0 2.40 0000 5.40 117 17 44.0 74.0 0.000 118 2.3 0.65 25 25 25 25 GCAL Report 207060924 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PAGE _L 0F.L QU ENSU PER BILLINGu_______________ Project Name 41 W..1...c Short Hold Analysis Yes No UST Project Yes No please ATTACH any project specific reportçig OC LEVEL 111111 IV provisions and/or OC Re rnpnts Invoice To //4v Address 4I7 Purchase Order No./SliIing Reference 1/D Requested Due Data 01 Day 02 Days Days Days OiDays WorkIng Days 5-5 Days Standard 10 days 0ust Be Samples received after 1500 will be processed next business dayTurnaroundtimeIsbasedonbusinessdaysexcludingweekends and holIdaysSEEREVERSEFOR TERMS CONDITIONS REGARDING SERVICESRENDERED BY PRISM LABORATORIES INC TO CUENT Samplers Signature Sampled By Print Name Arfillatlon Upon relInquishing this 9ftiii of Cs dy Is your authorlzaUon for Prism to proceed with the andIyses as requested above Any changes must besubmittedInwriting to the Prism Project Manager There will be charges for any changes after analyses have been initialized Relinquished Ey SlnuIure ttgnewreJ ReunqlJlaheis By Sllnalure Recveu by Siglialure elu Relinquished Dy SIgnature el ad or us Lsbaratorie By/iMethodofShlprneiftSAMPLECDEISSHOULDSETAPED SH CUSTODY SEALS FOR TRANSPORTATION TO ThE LABORAYORYSAMLESARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST COG UNTIL RECEIVED AT ThE LABORATORY lFadEx DUPS and-delivered 0PdsmFleidSrvfe ClOther DaIj /7ba rctip No Full Service Analytical Environmental SolutIons 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529-6364 Fax 704/525-40..7 lient Company Name leport To/Contact Name Li Vi Leporting Address ______________________ hone _Fax Yes No mail Yes No Email Address______________________DD Type PDF_Excel _Opler ite Location Name J1f ife Location Physical Address J-r1 .g TO BE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL CertIfication NELAC USACE FL____NC OThER _____N/A_____ Water Chlorinated YES_NO Sample iced Upon Collection YES.jNO_ CLIENT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DATE COLLECTED TIME COLLECTED MILITARY HOURS MATRIX SOILWATER OR SLUDGE SAMPLE CONTAINER PRESERVA-TIVES ANALYSES REQUESTED4k4VAJY REMARKS PSBM ID NO TYPE SEE BELOW Np SIZE-I -- -7- /io jjj MLrr______ ___ vj $L I83e 3183 usia VIflyOVUD Additional Comments JPDES US GROUNDWATER DRINKING WATER I- SOLID WASTE RCRA CRCLA LANDFILL OTHERNCESCW1CQSC1ONCZISC1DNCUSCUNçUM.USCJ ONC DSCfDNC USC UNC USC SEE flEVEUSE FOR REtt1 Case NarrativePRISM LA5ORAT0AE5.INC Date 07126/07 ClIent Project ID Morehead Commons No.2 Company ESP Associates PA Prism CCC Group No 00707487 Contact Chris Ward Collection Dates 07/18/07 Address P.O Box 7030 Lab Submittal Dates 07/18/01 Charlotte NC 28241 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and Includes Case Narrative Laboratory Report and Quality Control Data totaling 13 pages chain-of-custody is also attached for the samples submitted to Prism for this project Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case naælive Quality control statements and/or sample specific remarks are included in the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sample aftected Semi Volatile Analysis Analysis Note for 025204 MSD 24-Trlchlorobenzene RPD value outside the control limits Analysis Note for 025204 MSD 4-Dlclilorobenzene RPD value outside the control limits Analysis Note for 025204 MSD 2Chlorophenoi RPD value outside the control limits Analysis Note for 025204 MSD N-Nltrosodl-n-propylamlne RPD value outside the control limits Analysis Note for 025204 MSD Phenol RPL value outside the control limits Analysis Note for 025204 MSD Pyrene RPD value outsIde the control limits Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Metals Analysis N/A Wet Lab and Micro Analysis N/A Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report Date Reviewed by Paula Glileland Project Managec Signature t.SL tIm.iL Signature Review Date 07/26/07 Approval Date Data Qualifiers Key Reference Compound also detected in the method blank Result outside of the QC limits DO Compound diluted out Estimated concentration calibration range exceeded The anaiyte was positively Idenlified but the value is estimated below the reporting lImit I-I Estimated concentration with high bias Estimated concentration with law bias matrix effoct is present Angela Overcash /0 Notes This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the writuen consent of Prism Laboratories1 Inc The results in thisreportrelateonlytothesamplessubmittedforanalysis 449 Sprtngbmak Road P.O Box 240543 Ghaztotte NC 28224-0403 Phone7Ol529-6354 ToVFree800/529.6384 Fax7041529.0409 .4 FuH$iAnaytkat EdmnmntaI5atuUon ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the wiliten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-9364 Fax 7041525-0409 __ NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Laboratory Report 07126/07 Sample Matrix Soil Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Camp of lal-S and 1b2-4 Prism Sample ID 187383 COC Group G0707487 Time Collected 07/18/07 1600 Time Submitted 07/18/07 1635 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Datefflme ID Bls2-chloroethylether BRI pg/kg 370 40 821CC 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgouo 025204 Bls2-chloroisoprcpylether BRL pg/kg 370 31 8270C 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgoUo 025204 Bls2-ethylhexylphthalate BRI pg/kg 370 18 827CC 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgatto 025204 Butylbeny1phIhaJate SRI pg/kg 370 22 827CC 07/25107 1815 kcamplgouo 025204 Chrysene 640 pg/kg 370 61 8270C 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotjo 025204 0I-n-butylphthajate BRL pg/kg 370 17 827CC 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotto 025204 DI-n-octylphthalate SRI pg/kg 370 27 8270C 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotlo 025204 Dlbenzoahanthracene BRL pg/kg 370 37 821CC 07/25/07 1815 kcsmplgotto 025204 Dlbenzofuran BRL pg/kg 370 31 8270C 07/25/07 1815 kcamptgoUo 025204 Dlethylphthalate BRL pg/kg 370 23 827cC 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgottu 025204 Dlmethylphthalate BRL pg/kg 370 25 827CC 07/2507 1815 kcarnplgotto 025204 Fluoranthene 2300 pg/kg 370 25 827CC 07/25/07 1815 kcarnplotto 025204 Fluorene BRL pg/kg 370 22 827CC 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotto 025204 Hexachlorobenzene SRI pg/kg 370 19 827CC 07/25/07 1815 koamplgotto 025204 Hexachiorobutadlene BR.pg/kg 370 36 82700 07125/07 1815 keampigotto 025204 Hexachlorocyclopantadlene BRL pg/kg 370 39 827CC 07/25/07 1815 koaniplgoflo 025204 Hexachioroethane BRL pg/kg 370 37 8270C 07/25/07 1815 kcamptgotto 025204 lndeno123-cclpyrene BR.pg/kg 370 38 8270C 07/25/07 1815 kcarnplgotto Q25204 Isophorone SRI pg/kg 370 33 827CC 07/2507 1815 kcampIotIo 025204 N-Nltrosodl-n-propylamlne BRL pg/kg 370 42 8270C 07/25/07 1815 koamplgotto 025204 N-Nltrosodlphenytamjne BRL pg/kg 370 19 82700 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotto 025204 Naphthalene BR.pg/kg 370 40 827CC 07/25/07 1815 koamplgotto 025204 Nitrobenzene BRL pg/kg 370 36 827CC 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotto Q25204 Pentaclilorophenol SRI pg/kg 370 31 82700 07/25/07 1815 kcampigotto 025204 Phenanthrene 1200 pg/kg 370 18 82700 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotto 025204 Phenol BRL pg/kg 370 40 82700 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotto 025204 Pyrene 2100 pg/kg 370 25 82700 07/25/07 1815 kcamplgotto 025204 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 EnvkcnmenolSuiglon NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Level II QC Report 7/26/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG GmUp Number G0707487 Date/Time Submitted 7/18/07 1635 InIett flm..nT 1.r.r.Ims ------826DB...-..y IIU2LIIUU Method Blank 00 BatchResultFtControlLiniltUnttsto 11 1-Trichloroelhane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 122-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mglkg 025155 12-Thchloroethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 111-Dlchloroefhane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 11-DichloroeUierie ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 11-Dichloropropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 23-Thchlorobeazene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 123-Trictilompropane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 24-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 124-Trlmethyibenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 2-Dlbromoethane EDB ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 12-Dlchlorobenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 12-Dlchiornethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q25185 1.2-Dichioropropane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q25185 135-Trimethylbeozene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 13-Dlchiorobenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 13-Dichioroprupane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q25185 14-Dtchlorobenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 22-Dichioropropane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 2-Chiorototusne ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 2-1-lexanone ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 025185 4-Chtorotoluene MD 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 4-Methyi-2-pentanone MlBK ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 025185 Acetone ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg Q251 85 Benzene NI 0.003 0.0015 mg/kg 025185 Bromobenene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Bromochiommethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Bromodjchforomethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Brorooform ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Bramomethane ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 025185 Carbon tetrachjojkle ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Chlorobenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Chlorocfibromomethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 ChIonethgne ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg Q25185 This report should not be reproduced except in Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrooicRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone704/529-6364 Toll Free Number l-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Pagel of6 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Prism LaboratorIes Inc449SpringbrookRoad P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone704/529-6854 Tell Free Number 1-800/529.6364 Fax704/529-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water CerL No 37735 Level II QC Report 7/26/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number G0707487 Datefflme Submitted 7/18/07 1635 Method Blank QC Batth Result RI CoroUmlt Unils ID Chloroform ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Chioromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 cls-1 2-Dichlorcetherte ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 ole-I .3-Dichioropropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 0251 85 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Ethyibenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Isopropyl ether IPE ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 lsopropylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q251 85 mp-Xylenes ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 0251 85 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK ND 0.1 0.05 mg/kg 025185 Methyl ether MTBE ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg Q25185 Methylene chloride ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 n-Butylberizerte ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 n-Propylhenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Naphthalene NI 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 025185 o-Xylene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 p-lscpropyltoluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mu/kg 025185 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Styrene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Toluerie ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 trans-I 2-Dichloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 trans-I .3-DichiorOpropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Trichioroetbene ND 0.005 00025 mg/kg 025185 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Vinyl acetate ND 0.025 0.0125 mg/kg 025185 Vinyl chloride Nt 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 025185 Laboratory Control Sample pyy ove Result SplknArnount Unfis to .1-Dfchloroelhene 0.05615 0.05 mg/kg 112 57-122 025185 Benzene 0.0506 0.05 mg/kg 101 62-119 025185 Chtombenzene 0.05235 0.05 mg/kg 105 61-124 025185 Toluerte 0.05132 0.05 mg/kg 103 57-122 025185 Trichloroetliene 0.05338 0.05 mg/ks 107 59-129 025185 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 This report should not be reproduced except in lb entirely without the written consent of Prism LaboratorIes Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone7041529-454 Toll Free Number 1-8001529.6364 Fax 704I525-ui4o NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cerl No 37735 Level 11 QC Repori 7/26/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0707487 Date/Time Submitted 7/18/07 1635 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery RangesSampleIDResultSpikeMiountUnits ID 187298 11-Dlchloroethene 0.05573 0.05 mg/kg 111 44-140 025185 Benzene 0.05019 0.05 mg/kg 100 46-136 025185 Chlorobenzene 0.05013 0.05 mg/kg 100 47-135 025185 Toluene 0.0514 0.05 mg/kg 103 47-136 025185 Tricliloroethene 0.05146 0.05 mg/kg 103 45-141 025185 Matrix Spike Duplicate Rvery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range 00 BSIdlSample ID Result Spike Miount Untie ID 187298 1-Dlchlorcethene 0.05476 0.05 mg/kg 110 44-140 0-23 Q25185 Benzene 0.05001 0.05 mg/kg 100 46-136 0-22 025185 Chlcrabenzerie 0.05017 0.05 mg/kg 100 47-135 0-22 025185 Toluene 0.05054 0.05 mg/kg 101 47-1 36 0-22 025185 Trichloroethene 0.05102 0.05 mg/kg 102 45-1 41 0-23 025185 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 24-Trichiorobenzene .2-Dlchiorcbenzene 3-Dlthlorobenzene 4Dlchtorobenzene 245-Tiiclilorophenol 246-Itichiorophenol 24-Dichiorophenol 24-Dlmethylplienol 2.4Dinitrophenol 24-Dlnilrotoluene 26-Dinitrotoluene 2-Chloronaphthaene 2-Chlorcphenol 2-Methyinaphthaiene 2-Methyiphenol 2-Nitrophenol 34-Methylphenol S3-Dlchlorobenzldlrie 4.6-Dinitro-2methyiphenoI 4Bronlophenylphenylether 4-Chlom-3-methyipheno 4-Chloroanillne 4-Chtorophenylphenylether 4Nitrophenol Acenaphthene Acenaphthytene Anthracene Azobenzene Benzoaanthracano Benzoapyrene Benzobfluoranlliene Benzoghipejylene Benzoklluuranthene Benzolc acid NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 7126107 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number 00707487 DatelTime Submitted 7/18/07 1635 SemI-voI2fltP flminir Cnmnnrn IIIMO .k....l aYsnf Method Blank OCBatciiResultRIControltJmkUnitsin ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q25204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.66 0.33 mg/kg 025204 ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.66 0.33 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.155 mg/kg 025204ND0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204ND1.65 0.825 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.155 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q25204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204 ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204ND0.33 0.165 mg/kg 025204ND1.65 0.825 mg/kg 025204 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written censent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringhrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6354 Far 7041526-0409 Page of Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 Level II QC ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cerl No 37735 Project ID Moreheaci Commons No COC Group Number 30707487 Date/Time Submitted 7/18107 1635 Method Blank 00 BatchResuLRLControlUmitlinUs Benayl alcohol Bls2-chforoelhoxymethane BIs2-chloroethylether BIs2-chlorolsopropylether Bis2-ethylhexylphthalate Butylbenzylphthalate Chrysena Di-n-butylphthalate D1-n-octyfphthalate Dlbenzoa.hanthracene DIbenofuran Diethylphthalate Dimethylphthalate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachiorobeazene HexaÆhjorobutadjene Hexachlorocycloperitadiene Hexacliloroethane lndeno123-cdpyrene Isophorone N-Nltmsodl-n-pmpylamine N-Nltiosodlphenylarnlna Naphthalene Nltrobenzerte Pentachiorophenot Phenanlhrene Phenol Pyrena 14-Dkilorobenzene 24-Dinltrotoluene 2-Chiomphenol 4-Chloro..3-methylphenol ND 0.66 0.33 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg ND 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mg/kg 77 37-98 mg/kg 81 45-111 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543Phone7041529-6354.Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page of NC CertifIcation No.402 Level II QC ReportScCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Celt No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number G0707487 Daternme Submitted 7/18/07 1635 4-DIchJorobenzne 24-Dlnlhntoluene 2-Chlomphenol 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Nltrophenol Acenaphihene N-Nltrosodi-n-propylamine PentathlOrophonol Phenol Pyrene 0.66433 1.667 0.61333 1.667 1.38933 1.667 0.72933 1.667 1.14633 1.667 1.52533 1.667 1.24933 1.667 0.95666 1.667 1.50033 1.667 0.71933 1.667 1.54568 1.667 mg/kg 40 26-97 mg/kg 37 23-92 mg/kg B3 45-127 mg/kg 44 25-94 mg/kg 69 31-113 mg/kg 92 17-150 mg/kg 75 36-107 mg/hg 57 22-105 mg/kg 90 39-131 mg/kg 43 23-97 mg/kg 93 45-133 63 0-37 025204 66 0-36 025204 10 0-29 025204 62 0-37 025204 21 0-32 Q25204 0-32 025204 0-32 025204 40 0-37 025204 0-27 025204 61 0-42 Q25204 32 0-27 Q25204 This report should not be reproduced except In Its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc449SpringbrookRoadP.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543Phone704/520-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/5294364 Fax704/525-5409 ESP Associates PA Attti Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 7/26/07 Laboratoiy Control Sample Recovery QC Batth Result Spike Miount ID 4-Nitrophenol 1.64014 1.6929 mg/kg 97 20-157 025204 Acenaphthene 1.32159 1.6929 mg/kg 78 44-110 025204 N-Nltmsodl-n-propylamjrie 1.28672 1.6929 mg/kg 76 38-101 025204 Pentachlorophenol 1.65132 1.6929 mg/kg 98 53-127 025204 Phenol 1.41299 1.6929 mg/kg 83 34-102 025204 Pyrene 1.81482 1.6929 mg/kg 107 54-131 025204 Matrix Spike Pcovery Recoveiy OC Bich Sample ID Result Spike Miount Units ID 187298 124-Trichjorobenzene 1.27366 1.667 mg/kg 76 26-97 025204 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1.22065 1.667 mg/kg 73 23-92 025204 24-Dlnitrotoluene 1.53066 1.667 mg/kg 92 45-127 025204 2-Chlomphenol 1.383 1.667 mg/kg 83 25-94 025204 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.42233 1.667 mg/kg 85 31-113 025204 4-Nitmpllanol 1.633 1.667 mg/kg 98 17-150 025204 Acenaphthene 1299 1.667 mg/kg 78 36-107 025204 N-Nltrosodl.n-propylamine 1.43266 1.667 mg/kg 86 22-105 025204 Penlachlorcphenol 1.61033 1.667 mg/kg 97 39-137 025204 Phenol 1.34865 1.667 mg/kg 81 23-97 025204 Pyrene 2.1 3833 1.657 mg/kg 128 45-133 025204 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Ruveni ppi OC BatchSampleI/k Resull Spike ount ID 187298 124-Trjchlorobenzene 5-See Case Narrative Page of Full ServicMelytlca1 Eflvfmnmental Sohvtlons 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 2405431 Charlotte NO 282241543Phone7041529.6364 Fax 7042E-09 Client Company Name Aaij Report Te/Contact Name 44.Y Reporting Address ______________________________ Fax Yes No CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PAGE.J.0F...L QUOTE EN ROPER B1LUN0 Project Name Jr Short Hold Analysis Yes No UST Projeot Yes No eplease ATFACH any 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