HomeMy WebLinkAbout25B_MCASCherryPointLCID_20160701_PTO_DIN26317 Permit No: 25B
MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
Document ID No. 26317
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Waste Management
Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart
Governor Secretary
1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646
Phone: 919-707-8200 Internet: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section
An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer
Permit No. 25B
is hereby issued a
25B-LCID-, MCAS Cherry Point Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill
Not Applicable
Located adjacent to and north of the existing closed Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Landfill, in
the Whitehall Mine Township, Craven County, North Carolina, in accordance with Article 9, Chapter
130A, of the General Statutes of North Carolina and all rules promulgated thereunder and subject to the
conditions set forth in this permit. The legal description of the site is identified on the deed recorded for
this property listed in Attachment 1 of this permit.
Edward F. Mussler, III, P.E.
Permitting Branch Supervisor
Solid Waste Section
Permit No. 25B
MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
Document ID No. 26317
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Permit Issuance Expiration
25B-LCID- July 1, 2016 November 15, 2020
Part I General Facility
1. This permit is issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division
of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section (Section). In accordance with North Carolina
Solid Waste Management Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0201(d), a solid waste management facility
permit shall have two parts: a permit to construct and a permit to operate. The permit to
construct must be implemented in accordance with Attachment 2 of this permit. The permit
to operate must be implemented in accordance with Attachment 3 of this permit.
2. The persons to whom this permit is issued (“permittee”) are the owners and operators of the
solid waste management facility.
3. The permit to operate for this facility issued November 23, 1982, was recorded in the
Craven County Register of Deeds on October 12, 1982, in Deed Book 806, Page 1010.
4. When this property is sold, leased, conveyed, or transferred in any manner, the deed or other
instrument of transfer must contain in the deed description section, in no smaller type than
that used in the body of the deed or instrument, a statement that the property has been used
as a solid waste management facility and a reference by book and page to the recordation of
the permit.
5. By receiving waste at this facility the permittee shall be considered to have accepted the
terms and conditions of this permit.
6. Operation of this solid waste management facility shall be in accordance with the North
Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC 13B; Article 9 of the Chapter 130A
of the North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S. 130A-290, et seq.); the conditions
contained in this permit; and the approved plan. Should the approved plan and the rules
conflict, the Solid Waste Management Rules shall take precedence unless specifically
addressed by permit condition. Failure to comply may result in compliance action or permit
7. This permit is issued based on the documents submitted in support of the application for
permitting the facility including those identified in Attachment 1, “List of Documents for
Permit No. 25B
MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
Document ID No. 26317
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Approved Plan,” and which constitute the approved plan for the facility. Where
discrepancies exist, the most recent submittals and the Conditions of Permit shall govern.
8. This permit may be transferred only with the approval of the Section, through the issuance
of a new or substantially amended permit in accordance with applicable statutes and rules. In
accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(g) the permittee shall notify the Section thirty (30)
days prior to any significant change in the identity or business structure of either the owner
or the operator, including but not limited to a proposed transfer of ownership of the facility
or a change in the parent company of the owner or operator of the facility.
9. The permittee is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals necessary for the
development of this project including approval from appropriate agencies for a General or
Individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Discharge Permit.
Issuance of this permit does not remove the permittee’s responsibilities for compliance with
any other local, state or federal rule, regulation, or statute.
Craven County Register of Deeds
Book Page Grantee Acres
336 0061 U.S. Government Property
The LCID facility occupies approximately 40 acres.
Part II Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part III Construction and Demolition Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part IV Industrial Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part V Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill Unit(s)
Permitting History
Permit Type Date Issued DIN
Permit to Operate (Demolition Landfill) September 23, 1982 11635
PTC-PTO (LCID Renewal November 15, 2010 12138
PTC-PTO Renewal July 1, 2016 26317
Permit No. 25B
MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
Document ID No. 26317
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List of Documents for the Approved Plan
1. Site Plan prepared by McDowell-Jones, P.A. Dated June 3, 1982. Approved September
23, 1982.
2. Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill permit application report and operations plan.
Dated September 6, 1995. Receipt confirmed July 7, 2003.
3. Correspondence regarding application to renew LCID Permit 25-B for next five years,
prepared by Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, July 14, 2006, and permission to
continue operations under previous permit. (DIN 10998).
4. Application to renew LCID Permit 25-B for next five years, prepared by Marine Corps
Air Station Cherry Point, June 23, 2010. (DIN 10998).
5. Application to renew LCID Permit 25-B. Includes revised operation plan and site plan.
Prepared by Environmental Affairs Department, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point.
May 29, 2015. Revised through June 15, 2016. (DIN 26316)
Part VI Transfer Station/Treatment & Processing Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part VII Miscellaneous Solid Waste Management
Not Applicable
- End of Section -
Permit No. 25B
MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
Document ID No. 26317
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Part I: General Facility
1. Construction of all solid waste management units within this facility must be in accordance
with the pertinent approved plans included in Attachment 1, List of Documents for the
Approved Plan.
2. Modification or revision of the approved plans or changes during construction require
approval by the Section and may constitute a permit modification and be subject to a
permitting fee.
3. All sedimentation and erosion control activities must be conducted in accordance with the
Sedimentation Control Act N.C.G.S. 113A-50, et seq., and rules promulgated under 15A
NCAC 4. The facility must furnish a copy of the approved Sedimentation and Erosion
Control Plan from the NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources, Land Quality
Section, to the Solid Waste Section.
4. Modifications to the approved sedimentation and erosion control activities require approval
by the NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources, Land Quality Section. The
Solid Waste Section must be notified of any modifications.
5. Facility construction must not cause or result in a discharge of pollution, dredged material,
and/or fill material into waters of the state in violation of the requirement under Sections 401
and 4040 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.
Part II Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part III Construction and Demolition Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part IV Industrial Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part V Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill Unit(s)
1. The landfill is permitted for a total gross capacity of 101,431 cubic yards. Gross capacity is
defined as the volume measured from the permitted site base grades through the top of
proposed final cover.
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MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
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2. The following are required prior to receiving solid waste in a new phase:
a. Written certification from a licensed professional engineer must be submitted to the
Section certifying that the phase(s) has been constructed in accordance with the
approved plans.
b. The disposal unit boundary must be accurately identified with permanent markers.
c. A site inspection and pre-operative meeting must be conducted by a representative of
the Section. The permittee must notify the Section Environmental Senior Specialist and
arrange for the site inspection and pre-operative meeting.
d. After completion of the requirements in subparagraphs a. through c. above, the Section
Environmental Senior Specialist shall notify the permitting branch supervisor by letter
or email that the pre-operative requirements have been met and that the unit(s) may
commence receiving waste. The permittee will be copies on the notification and may
begin receiving waste at that time.
Part VI Transfer Station/Treatment & Processing Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part VII Miscellaneous Solid Waste Management
Not Applicable
-End of Section-
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MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
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Part I: General Facility
1. The facility must be adequately secured by means of gates, chains, berms, fences, or other
security measures approved by the Section to prevent unauthorized entry.
2. Signs must be posted at the entrance to the facility that state that no hazardous waste or
liquid waste can be received at the facility; and provide information on dumping procedures,
the hours of operation, the permit number, contact name, telephone number, and other
pertinent information. Traffic signs or markers must be provided as necessary to promote an
orderly traffic pattern to and from the discharge area and to maintain efficient operating
3. Interior roadway must be of all-weather construction and maintained in good condition.
4. A responsible individual trained and certified in facility operations must be on-site at all
times during all operating hours of the facility, in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-309.25.
An attendant must be present to oversee the loading and unloading of waste.
5. Copies of this permit, the approved plans, and all records required to be maintained by the
permittee must be maintained at the facility and made available to the Section upon request
during normal business hours.
6. All sedimentation and erosion control activities must be conducted in accordance with the
Sedimentation Control Act, N.C.G.S. 113A-50 et seq., and rules promulgated under 15A
NCAC 4. The Section must be notified of any approved modifications to the sedimentation
and erosion control plan.
7. Facility construction, operations or practices must not cause or result in a discharge of
pollution, dredged material, and/or fill material into waters of the state in violation of the
requirements under Sections 401 and 4040 or the Clean Water Act, as amended.
8. Fire lanes must be established and maintained at all times. The dimensions of the fire lanes
must be coordinated with the Fire Marshall having jurisdiction over the site.
9. Open burning of solid waste is prohibited. Fires must be reported to the regional waste
management specialist with 24 hours or the occurrence, followed by a written notification
within 15 calendar days of the occurrence.
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MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
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10. Financial assurance as required by state rules and statutes must be continuously maintained
for the duration of the facility and updated and submitted annually to the Section by the
anniversary date of the issuance of this permit.
Part II: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part III: Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part IV: Industrial Landfill Unit(s)
Not Applicable
Part V: Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill Unit(s)
1. The permit to operate will expire November 15, 2020. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 13B
.0201(c), the permittee must submit a permit amendment application prepared in accordance
with 15A NCAC 13B .0565 and .0566 to the Section no later than May 5, 2020.
2. This permit authorizes the continued operation of the LCID landfill.
3. The facility is permitted to receive land clearing waste; yard trash; untreated and unpainted
wood; uncontaminated soil; inert debris such as unpainted rock, brick, concrete, and
concrete block, asphalt in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-294(m), asbestos; coal
combustion by products, and Spiractor sand. Wooden pallets as defined in the N.C.G.S.
130A-290(a)(44a) are permitted for disposal and shall be handled as specified in the
Operations Plan.
4. Revisions to the design or operation of the facility require written approval of the Section
and may be subject to a permitting fee.
5. Solid waste must be restricted to the smallest area feasible, compacted as densely as
practical into cells by proper construction equipment.
6. Excavation, grading, and fill material side slopes must not exceed three horizontal to one
vertical (3:1).
7. Permanent markers that accurately delineate the waste disposal boundary must be
8. An attendant must be on duty at all times while the landfill is open for public use to assure
compliance with operational requirements and to prevent acceptance of unauthorized wastes.
9. Open burning of land clearing waste is prohibited. If a fire occurs, the permittee must
provide oral notification to the Section within 24 hours of the occurrence followed by a
written report of the details of the fire within 10 working days of the occurrence. The report
must include the cause, the location(s) on the premises, the dimension and volumes of
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MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
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material involved, a description of emergency response activities with results, and a
description of mitigation measures implemented to reduce or eliminate conditions leading to
the fire. Other conditions may be required based on the severity or nature of the fire.
Cover Material Requirements
10. Adequate soil cover shall be applied monthly, or when the active area reaches one acre in
size, whichever occurs first, or more often when necessary to prevent the site from
becoming a nuisance or to mitigate conditions associated with fire, windblown materials,
vectors, or excessive water infiltration.
11. The facility must maintain a supply of cover material adequate to cover the working face in
case of an emergency or fire, at all time.
12. Vegetative ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be established within 30 working
days over areas that are not do not receive wastes for 30 calendar days or upon completion
of any phase of LCID landfill development or as addressed in the approved Sedimentation
and Erosion Control permit.
13. Within 120 calendar days after completion of the final disposal operations, the disposal area
must be closed and covered with a minimum of one foot of suitable soil cover sloped to
allow surface water runoff in a controlled manner. However, for ditches with depths
greater than six inches and widths less than three feet located on the landfill, at least two feet
of soil is required between the bottom elevation of the ditches and the waste mass.
Drainage Control and Water Protection Requirements
14. All required sedimentation and erosion control measures must be installed and operable to
mitigate excessive on-site erosion and to prevent silt from leaving the site of the landfill unit
during the service life of the facility.
15. Ground water quality at this facility is subject to the classification and remedial action
provisions of 15A NCAC 2L.
16. Solid waste must be placed a minimum of four feet above the seasonal high water table.
17. Solid waste must not be disposed in standing water. Surface water must be diverted from
18. Leachate must be properly managed on site through the use of current best management
Recordkeeping and Reporting
19. The permittee must maintain a record of the amount of solid waste received at the facility.
On or before August 1 annually, the permittee must submit an annual facility report to the
Solid Waste Section, on forms prescribed by the Section.
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MCAS Cherry Point LCID Landfill
July 1, 2016
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Part VI: Transfer Station / Treatment and Processing Unit
Not Applicable
Part VII: Miscellaneous Solid Waste Management
Land Clearing/Yard Waste Debris Collection Area
1. The facility is permitted to operate a treatment and processing operation defined in 15A
NCAC 13B .0101(49). The operation consists of a grinder for land clearing and yard waste.
2. The facility is permitted to receive land clearing debris and yard waste as defined in 15A
NCAC 13B, Rules .0101(23) and .0101(56), respectively.
3. Volume of material that will be processed is within the dimensions shown on site plan
included in the approved plan.
4. If wood material/mulch containing yard trash is provided to the public, the permittee must
submit a plan for composting the yard trash in accordance with the requirements of 15A
NCAC 13B .1400, et. seq.
Coal Combustion By Products
5. Coal combustion by-products shall be handled in accordance with the Operations Plan. The
ash may be staged at the landfill for future recycling and/or beneficial fill. Mixing of waste
with coal ash is prohibited. Disposal in the LCID landfill is prohibited.
Asbestos Handling Conditions
6. Asbestos waste received shall be managed in accordance with 40 CFR 61. If the waste is to
be disposed onsite, disposal must be in the area specifically designated for asbestos disposal
on the site plan in the approved documents. Waste must be immediately covered in a
manner that will not cause airborne conditions.
Spiractor Sand Handling Conditions
7. Spiractor sand waste received at the site shall be handled as described in the Operations
Plan. The waste will be used as cover material.
- End of Permit Conditions -