HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No 24 - Initial Abatement Action Report Incident 9567 M-OCRepar ESP Associates P.A Dear Mr Schiff On behalf of the property owner Beazer Homes ESP Associates P.A is pleased to provide the attached Initial Abatement Action Report for the closure of the subject propertys petroleum release ESP respectively requests classification of the release as Low Risk and issuance of no further action notice pending completion of Notice of Residual Petroleum and recordation of deed restriction on groundwater usage Thank you for your attention in this matter If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 803 835-0915 Sincerely cc Jade Eastridge Beazer Homes P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 L800.960.7317 NC 7045834949 fax 704.583.4950 SC 803.8022440 fax 803.802.2513 www.espassociates.com July 27 2007 NCDENR UST Section Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville North Carolina 28115 Attention Mr Allen Schiff Reference INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTION REPORT Morehead Common Site Area No 1000 South Clarkson Street Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina UST Incident No 9567 ESP Project No E6-UD42.601 ESP Associates P.A Christopher Ward Environmental Sez NC License No Initial Abatement Action Report SITE iNFORMATION Site Identification El Date of Report July 27 2007 El Facility ID 0-0 14432 El UST Incident Number 9567 El Site Name Morehead Common Site Area No El Site Street Address 1000 South Clarkson Street El City/County/Zip Code Charlotte Mecklenburg County 28278 El Description of Geographical Data Point Approximate center of UST El Location Method Mecklenburg County Polaris GIS Map El Latitude 5.2266 El Longitude -80.8589 Information about Contacts Associated with the Leaking UST System El UST Owner Beazer Homes 1300 Blvd Suite Charlotte NC 28203-4265 704.370.7200 El UST Operator N/A El Property Owner Same as above El Property Occupant Same as above El Consultant/Contractor ESP Associates P.A Chris Ward PG P0 Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 803.835.0915 El Analytical Laboratory Prism Laboratories Inc P0 Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0403 704.529.6364 NC Certification No 402 Information about Release El Date Discovered September 1992 El Estimated Quantity of Release Unknown El Cause of Release Unknown El Source of Release Diesel Fuel USTs El Size and contents of UST System from which release occurred Five USTs ranging from 1000 to 6000 gallons in size Certification Iris Ward Professional Geologist for ESP Associates P.A do certify that the rrnation contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge Associates P.A is licensed to practice both geology and engineering in North Carolina Associates certification numbers are Geology C-347 and Engineering C-0587 Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area No July 27 2007 INTRODUCTION The subject site has an address of 1000 South Clarkson Street Tax Parcel No 07325207 in Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina see Figure Topographic Site Location Map The area of the subject petroleum release associated with five former diesel underground storage tanks USTs abandoned in 1992 has been designated by ESP as Area No of the Morehead Common site The subject release site UST Incident No 9567 is the location of former Duke Energy-Worth Keeter facility SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION On May 29 2007 ESP responded on behalf of Beazer Homes to an encounter with apparent impacted soil during trackhoe excavation associated with planned mass grading operations at the subject site Upon arriving at the site ESP observed soils with an apparent petroleum odor located on the west side of South Clarkson Street approximately 500 feet south of its intersection with West Morehead Street see Figure As required ESP emailed notification of the release discovery to Mr Steve Bograd of the Mooresville Regional Office of NCDENR on May 30 2007 Following NCDENR notification ESP reviewed available files at the NCDENR Mooresville Regional Office and determined that impacted soils encountered on May 29 2007 were associated with open UST Incident No 9567 Phase Limited Site Assessment LSA performed by MACTEC documented soil impact and revealed that groundwater in one of the three Phase LSA monitor wells had been impacted slightly above NC 2L Standards for MADEP EPH Aliphatics C9-C22 0.340 mg/L Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area No July 27 2007 Release Location The subject site is located within an urban area of Charlotte which historically included warehouse and commercial structures Site structures associated with the former Duke Energy- Worth Keeter Inc facility were recently demolished and the site mass graded as part of re development as mixed-use development see Figures and Based on our review of the Geologic Map of North Carolina 1985 the subject site is located within the Charlotte Belt locally comprised of intrusive metamorphosed granitic rocks locally pinkish gray massive to weakly foliated and containing hornblende Soils encountered in this area are the residual product of chemical weathering of rock presently underlying the site Soil weathering is more advanced near the surface grading with depth to less weathered rock and finally bedrock UST Information As reported by others total of five diesel USTs were excavated and removed from the subject release area in 1992 These USTs included the following PreviousTankInstallationRemovalSizeTankLastTankTankNoDate Date Gallons Dimensions Contents Contents Unknown 9-15-92 6000 Unknown Diesel Unknown Unknown 9-15-92 3000 Unknown Diesel Unknown Unknown 9-15-92 2000 Unknown Diesel Unknown Unknown 9-15-92 1000 Unknown Diesel Unknown Unknown 9-15-92 6000 Unknown Diesel Unknown Locations of the above USTs are depicted on Figure Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area No July 27 2007 Previous Reporting Atlantic Environmental Services submitted UST Closure Report dated October 30 1992 following closure of the subject sites USTs Report of Phase ILimited Site Assessment dated April 15 2005 was submitted by MACTEC to NCDENR for the subject release Notice of Residual Petroleum NORP was submitted by MACTEC to NCDENR on April 11 2007 NCDENR file notes indicate that the NORP has not been approved due to insufficient data ESP emailed 24-Hour release notification to the Mooresville Regional Office of NCDENR on May 30 2007 see Appendix MACTEC Phase LSA Groundwater Assessment Details of an LSA groundwater assessment are provided in MACTECs Report of Phase Limited Site Assessment dated April 15 2005 Three monitor wells designated 9567-1 9567-2 and 9567-3 were completed at the site on March 21 2005 see Figure The monitor wells were installed to depth of 12 to 14.5 feet BLS while groundwater was gauged to be at depths of 10.35 to 12.54 feet below the wells top of casing which was approximately feet above land surface Groundwater samples collected from the three monitor wells by MACTEC on March 23 2005 were analyzed for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds VOCs and SVOCs by EPA Methods 602 and 625 and for MADEP VPH and EPH Results of the laboratory analyses revealed that all constituents were below NC2L Standards with the exception of MADEP aromatics C9-C22 in monitor well 9567-3 which was detected at concentration of 0.340 mgIL which is slightly above its NC2L Standard of 0.210 mgIL Results of the laboratory analyses are summarized on Table B-2 Monitor well 9567-3 was completed within the former UST pit for Tank Nos and see Figure All three LSA monitor wells have since been abandoned by others Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area No July 27 2007 INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTIVITIES Waste Characterization Sampling On May 29 2007 ESP collected waste characterization soil sample SP-3 from the area of impacted soils at depth of approximately feet below land surface BLS using trackhoe representative portion of the soil sample was screened in the field with an organic vapor analyzer OVA and recorded reading of 42 ppm Soil sample SP-3 was submitted to Prism Laboratories of Charlotte North Carolina for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons TPH for diesel range organics DRO and gasoline range organics GRO oil grease OG by EPA Method 9071A volatile organic compounds VOCs by EPA Method 8260B pesticides by EPA Method 8081A PCBs by EPA Method 8082 and for total lead and chromium by EPA Method 60 lOB Waste characterization soil sample SP-3 was collected and analyzed to confirm that release had occurred and to characterize contaminant types and concentrations for subsequent off-site permitted disposal/treatment As revealed by the laboratory analysis of SP-3 TPI-I-DRO was reported at concentration of 140 mg/Kg TPH-GRO at 23 mg/Kg OG at 270 mg/Kg while several VOCs were reported above reporting limits Results for pesticides and PCBs were all below reporting limits BRLs while total chromium and lead were both reported to be below soil-to-groundwater MSCCs See Figure for soil sample location map Results of the waste characterization analyses are summarized on Table B-i while the laboratory data report is included as Appendix Contaminated Soil Excavation and Stockpile Sampling On June 11 and 12 2007 ESP documented the excavation of 972.27 tons of impacted soil from Area No by the sites grading contractor Gelder Thompson of Midland North Carolina The excavation was advanced based on OVA readings and evidence of visible staining The resulting excavation measured approximately 20 ft 47 ft 10 ft deep see Figure Previously abandoned MACTEC monitor wells 9567-1 and 9567-3 associated with their April 15 2005 Phase LSA were uncovered during excavation of impacted soils Encountered soils generally Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area No July 27 2007 consisted of reddish-brown clayey silt and silty sand Neither groundwater bedrock nor free product was encountered within the tank pit See site photographs in Appendix On June 11 and 12 2007 the 972.27 tons of excavated soil was transported by Gelder Thompson to the CMS Landfill in Concord North Carolina for permitted disposal see non-hazardous waste manifest in Appendix Post-Excavation Confirmatory Sampling On June 13 2007 following completion of the above excavation activities confirmatory soil samples were collected at depth of feet BLS from each of the excavations four sides WS-1 through WS-4 while one sample was collected at depths of 10 feet BLS from the base of the excavation B-i The sidewall samples were collected at the foot depth due to the occurrence of elevated OVA readings at that depth The five soil samples were hand delivered on ice to Prism Laboratories to be analyzed for NCDENR risk-based parameters which include VOCs and SVOCs by EPA Methods 8260B and 8270C and for VPH/EPH by the MADEP method Sample locations and excavation dimensions are depicted on Figure Soil Sample Location Map Sampling was performed in general accordance with ESPs SOP see Appendix Results of the laboratory analysis of confirmatory samples WS-1 through WS-4 and B-i revealed that all analyzed constituents were either BRL or below the lowest of the soil-to-groundwater or residential MSCC with the exception of the SVOC benzoaanthracene 0.48 mg/Kg which was reported to be above its soil-to-groundwater MSCC 0.34 mg/Kg but below the residential MSCC 0.88 mg/Kg Laboratory analytical results for the confirmatory soil samples are summarized on Table B-i The Prism laboratory data report is included as Appendix RECEPTOR SURVEY On July 20 2007 Mr Eddie Rogers of ESP performed receptor survey to document the presence or absence of active and/or inactive water supply wells within 1500-foot radius of the Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area No July 27 2007 subject UST release see Figure Receptor Survey Map The receptor survey included interviews with available site occupants and visual observations for water supply wells and/or municipal water meters All properties within 500 feet of the site were visited to determine well status The area within 1000 feet of the subject release consists of commercial and industrial development with numerous vacant structures No active or inactive water supply wells were identified within 1000-foot radius of the subject release Municipal water and sewer have historically been available within the area of the site Additionally no surface water bodies were identified within 500 feet of the release see Figure CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions have been formulated based on our completion of field activities including abatement activities receptor survey and our review of laboratory data from the analysis of collected soil samples rJ The subject site the location of former Duke Energy-Worth Keeter facility has an address of 1000 South Clarkson Street in Charlotte North Carolina and is identified as UST Incident No 9567 On May 29 2007 ESP responded on behalf of Beazer Homes to an encounter with apparent impacted soil during trackhoe excavation associated with planned mass grading operations at the subject site 2005 Phase LSA performed in the release area by MACTEC documented soil impact and revealed that groundwater in one of the three Phase LSA monitor wells had been impacted slightly above NC 2L Standards for MADEP EPH Aliphatics C9-C22 Analysis of SP-3 collected on May 29 2007 revealed that TPH-DRO was at concentration of 140 mg/Kg TPH-GRO at 23 mg/Kg OG at 270 mg/Kg while several VOCs were reported above reporting limits Results for pesticides and PCBs were all BRLs while total chromium and lead were both reported to be below soil-to-groundwater MSCCs Initial Abatement Action Report ESP Project E6-UD42 601 Morehead Common Site Area No July 27 2007 On June 11 and 12 2007 ESP documented the excavation of 972.27 tons of impacted soil from Area No by the sites grading contractor Geider Thompson The excavation was advanced based on OVA readings and evidence of visible staining The resulting excavation measured approximately 20 ft 47 ft 10 ft deep On June 11 and 12 2007 the 972.27 tons of excavated soil was transported by Gelder Thompson to the CMS Landfill in Concord North Carolina for permitted disposal Results of the laboratory analysis of confirmatory samples WS-through WS-4 and B-i revealed that all analyzed constituents were either BRL or below the lowest of the soil-to- groundwater or residential MSCC with the exception of the SVOC benzoaanthracene 0.48 mg/Kg which was reported to be above its soil-to-groundwater MSCC 0.34 mg/Kg but below the residential MSCC 0.88 mg/Kg Municipal water and sewer are available in the area of the release No water supply wells were identified within 1000 feet of the release and No surface water bodies were identified within 500 feet of the subject release Based on the documented presence of one confirmatory soil sample with an analyzed risk-based parameter above its North Carolina soil-to-groundwater but below its residential MSCCs the detection of C9-C 18 Aliphatics above the NC2L Standard the absence of water supply wells within 1000 feet of the release and the absence of surface water feature within 500 feet of the release ESP recommends that NORP restricting groundwater usage be completed and following recordation of deed restriction no further action notice be issued for the subject release Attachments Table B-i Summary of Soil Sampling Results Table B-2 Summary of Groundwater Sampling Results Figure Topographic Site Location Map Figure 2005 Aerial Photograph Figure Former UST Location Map Figure Soil Sample Location Map Figure Receptor Survey Map Appendix 24-Hour Release Notification Email Appendix Manifests Appendix Site Photographs Appendix ESPs SOP Appendix Prism Laboratory Data Reports ATTACHMENTS TABLES GroundwaterNLSCC nib/kg Residential MSCC mg/k Industrial/Comniercial MSCC mfg 0.0005 Analyte less than the noted report limit BRL Below Reporting Limit MSCC maximum soil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported in mg/kg Health based level 100% Considered immobileNANotAnalyzedNL Not Listed Date 7/10/07 Incident No 9567 5/29/07 Table Date 7/10/07 Incident No 9567 SP-3 5/29/07 Waste Initial ID Abatement 0.0005 Analyte less than the noted report limit BRL Below Reporting Limit MSCC maximum soil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported in mg/kg Health based level 100% Considered immobileNANotAnalyzedNL Not Listed Summary of Soil Sampling Results Morehead Common Area No Charlotte North 6010B 6010B Carolina 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B j--C -0 c3 ... ti .. E-o E-o 26 8260B 35 0.0053 0.024 0.029 0.0053 0.0053 0.0053 0.0053 B-i 6/13/07 Pit Floor WS-l 6/13/07 North Pit Wall Initial Abatement NA NA 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 WS-2 6/13/07 West Pit Wall Initial Abatement NA NA 0.0040 0.0040 0.0040 0.0040 0.0040 0.0040 0.0040 WS-3 6/13/07 South Pit Wall Initial Abatement NA NA 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 WS-4 6/13/07 East Pit Wall Initial Abatement NA NA 0.0055 0.0055 0.12 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 Initial Abatement NA 0.0047 0.0047 0.048 0.0047 0.0047 0.0047 0.0047 1226 400 27 270 1.7 0.58 2.8 3.3 4.3 7.5 7.3 47 400 626 313 1564 626 626 782 782 16350 8176 40880 16350 16350 20440 20440 Table Summary of Soil Sampling Results Date 7/10/07 Incident No 9567 Morehead Common Area No Charlotte North Carolina tiua1ticat Method titaminIŁtt oo cern- Sample hate ouce ljIncident ID CollctedU Ii asriQIrnI SP-3 5/29/07 Waste Initial ID Abatement 8260B 8260B 8260B 8081A 8082 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C ut 0.0053 0.0053 0.0053 BRL BRL NA NA NA NA NA WS-1 6/13/07 North Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 NA NA 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 WS-2 6/13/07 West Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.0040 0.0040 0.0040 NA NA 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 WS-3 6/13/07 South Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 NA NA 0.45 0.80 0.41 0.55 0.48 WS-4 6/13/07 East Pit Wall Initial Abatement 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 NA NA 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.0047 0.0047 0.0047 NA NA 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41B-i 6/13/07 Pit Floor 10 Imtial Abatement Soil to Ground ate SCC Reside tial MSCC mg/kg Industrial/Co er a1 CC g/kg 0.0005 Analyte less than the noted report limit BRL Below Reporting Limit MSCC maximum soil contamination concentration ft BGS feet below ground surface Results reported in mg/kg Health based level 100% Considered immobileNANotAnalyzedNL Not Listed 7.3 4.6 ----38 280 60 290 0.34 3129 3200 1560 ----88 620 469 469 0.88 81760 82000 40000 ----780 16400 12264 12264 Summary of Groundwater Sampling Results Morehead Common Area No Charlotte North Carolina 602 602 602 602 602 625 200 55 1000 530 21 420 5000 200000 84500 257500 87500 15500 Table B-2 Date 7/23/07 Incident No 9567 1ii 1d 9567-1 3/23/05 9567-1 LSA 1.0 MADEP VPH MADEP EPH MADEP EPH MADEP EPH 00-i r1c1c 00ca 1.0 9567-2 3/23/05 Fuel Island 9567-2 LSA 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 5.0 100 170 640 140 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 100 100 170 100 1.09567-3 3/23/05 AB 9567-3 LSA 1.0 __________________2L Standard ug/L 2B Standard or EP ati6l1Tteria ugIL 0.0005 Analyte less than the noted report limit Results reported in micrograms per liter ugIL Results reported in mg/kg GCL gross contaminant level 1.0 1.0 5.0 100 340 170 170 210 4200 42000 Above groundwater samples were collected by MACTEC as reported in their April 15 2005 Report of Phase LSA FIGURES FiGURE TOPOGRAPHIC 7E LOCA liON MAPUSGS CHARLOTTE EAST QUADRANGLE MOREHEAD COMMON SiTEcHARLOTTENORThCAROliNA FiGURE 2005 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH MOREHEAD COMMON ShE CHARLOTTEI NORTH CAROLINA 0ECTNO SHEET TITLE FiGURECALfNTSFORMER UST LOGA 77CH MAP ESI PA AlE 7/24/07 AREA 1Y RAbWs BY PROJECT knIh CHECKED BY MOREHEAD COMMON SiTE CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA CDE TANKS LEGEND ABANDONED MACTEC LSA MOM TOR WELL LOCA 770N JUNE 2007 EXCA VA 710N DEPTH OF 10 FEET FORMER LOCA 770N OF DIESEL USTs REMOVED IN 1992 20 LEGEND 1JCONF1RMA TORY SOIL SAMPLE LOCA 710N EXCA VA 770N DEPTh OF 10 FEET ABANDONED MACTEC LSA MONITOR I4fLL LOCA T1ON ws-1 WS-2 20 APPROXIMA IE SCALEINFEET MOREHEAD COMMCW 7E cHARLOTTE NORTh CAROLINA APPENDIX 24-HOUR RELEASE NOTIFICATION EMAIL Page of3 Chris Ward _________________ ____ ____ From Chris Ward Sent Wednesday May 30 2007 144 PM To Steve.Bograd@ncmail.net Cc Jade Eastridge jeastrid@beazer.com kholdenr@beazer.com Subject RE 24-Hour Notification Incidents No and Attachments Incidents Nos and 3.pdf Please see attachment that was left off the original email From Chris Ward Sent Wednesday May 30 2007 140 PM To Steve.Bograd@ncmail.net Cc Jade Eastridge jeastrid@beazer.com kholdenr@beazer.com Subject 24-Hour Notification Incidents No and Steve On behalf of Beazer Homes am herein providing 24-Hour Notification of the discovery of environmentally-impacted soils at two separate locations Incidents Nos and on Beazer Homes Morehead Commons residential development currently being graded The Morehead Commons property is located on the south side of West Morehead Street at its intersection with South Clarkson Street in Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina Incident No On May 17 2007 during site grading operations concrete vault-like structure was encountered on the east side of Post Street Tax Parcel No 07325213 approximately 450 feet south of its intersection with South Clarkson Street See attached 2005 Site Map On May 17 2007 Mr Chris Ward of ESP observed soils that exhibited some black staining however field screening with an OVA did not reveal elevated readings In an attempt to confirm the absence or presence of potential contaminants on May 17 ESP collected waste characterization soil sample SP-1 of visibly stained soils from depth of approximately feet The soil sample was analyzed for volatile organic compounds VOCs by EPA Method 8260B pesticides by EPA Method 8081 polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs by EPA Method 8082 oil and grease OG by EPA Method 9071 for total petroleum hydrocarbons TPH by EPA Methods 3550 and 5030 and for total lead and chromium by EPA Method 3051 Preliminary results of the analysis attached revealed elevated levels of OG 3100 mg/kg TPH-DRO 420 mg/kg and PCB 1260 5.1 mg/kg The parcel was occupied by Air Reduction Sales Company and Ohio Chemicals Surgical Equipment from 1933 to between 1956 and 1965 before the property occupant was listed as no listing Incident No On May 29 2007 during site grading operations visibly stained soils with an obvious petroleum Page of odor were encountered on the west side of South Clarkson Street approximately 450 feet south of its intersection with West Morehead Street on Tax Parcel No 07325207 see attached 2005 Site Map The vicinity of the impacted soils was once occupied by vehicular service facility with closed USTs Incidents Nos 18101 and 9567 buke Energy-Worth Keeter before being demolished On May 29 2007 Mr Chris Ward of ESP observed the environmentally-impacted soils and directed the collection waste characterization soil sample SP-3 of visibly impacted soils from depth of approximately feet The soil sample was submitted to Prism Laboratories to be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260B pesticides by EPA Method 8081 PCBs by EPA Method 8082 OG by EPA Method 9071 for TPH by EPA Methods 3550 and 5030 and for total lead and chromium by EPA Method 3051 Incident No Please note that 24-Hour Notification for previously identified area of petroleum-impacted soils was emailed to your attention on May 16 2007 and is referred as Incident No see attached Site Map Results of the waste characterization analysis of the soil sample collected from this area and designated PS-i revealed elevated concentrations of number of VOCs OG 10000 mg/kg TPH-bRO 3600 mg/kg and TPH-GRO 33 mg/kg See attached Prism laboratory report Starting today Incident No is being excavated with impacted soils stockpiled on site for subsequent off-site disposal Following receipt of the laboratory results for the waste characterization samples and landfill disposal authorization ESP will direct the excavation of impacted soils from Incidents Nos and and their subsequent off-site permitted disposal Confirmatory soil samples will then be collected from the walls and base of the excavation at Incidents Nos and Assuming acceptable results initial abatement action reports will then be prepared for submittal to NCbENR for each incident The Responsible Party for the property is Beazer Homes 1300 South Boulevard Suite Charlotte North Carolina 28203-4265 Mr Jade Eastridge 704.370.7200 Please call with any questions Thanks Chris Ward PG Page3of3 Environmental Services Manager ESP Associates 803.835.0915 direct office 803.802.2515 fax 704 506 7618 mobile APPENDIX MANIFESTS Aw WASTEINDU5.TRIES INC N.c.NHAzARDous Generators US EPA ID No Mani PageWASTEMANIFESTDocumentNoof 278 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck No NC 2iiJGeneratorsPhons Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number TransporteisIhe11 7.Trthisporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Facility Name and Site Address...10 us EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782 20045Q5.preheadRdConcordNC28027 ii.Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity Wt/Vol Pt$L It I_________________________ 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16..GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of 1-tazardois Waste PrWtted/Tipad Name Signature..t ..Month Dat Year It -i Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space......___ Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 LadfilI..____ Month Day YearSignature.i AWl Form 121 Please print or type for Use.oæ.elite 12 pitch typewriter q7 Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above Transpprter Acknowledgement of Receiptof Materials /i l/TypeNÆm TISIDIF/COPY ALL WASTE rint or 17 1degned forüseon elite 12 pitch pewrerJ WASTE MANIFES .Get0r Name end Maii GenetatOrS Phone ____________________________________________ TrnsQr Company Name ick ftçt US EPA ID Number TranpOrter Company Name US EPA ID Number 9.Designated Fac CMS Landfill 5105 Morehe Concord NC il.Waste Shippin -R Additio 15 Sneniel 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Printed IType Name Signature 07 Veer AWIFOrm121 TISIDIFI COPY Manifest Document No ALLD WASTETPIESiJC -yr Uenerators US.EPAID No Manifest Document No Page of Truck No 1.27834 US EPA ID Number Transporter US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone 10 USEPA ID Number Facilitys Phone 704 7822004 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWtfVol iI1 257 .. dI1PSe on elite 12 pitch typewriterNON-HAZARDOUSWASTEMANIFEST Geneitors--FJame and Mailing Address Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name Designated Facility Name and Site Address CMS Landfill 51.05 Morehead Rd Concbrd NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description -A Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typd Name Signature Month Da.V Yearth-/1 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Rectof Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Year \%.. 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed-/-Tiied Name 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill .- Printed Type Name _7 signature Month Day Year4Jz2// 17 TISID/FI COPY AWIForm ALLD WASTE please print or type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed Tped Name -z Si naturŁ Month bay Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signatui Month 8Y Yer .- 18 Transpotter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space if 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMsLandfill Prii hype Name TISIDIFI COPY NONHAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No.Manifest PageWASTEMAMFESTDocumentNoof 127835 Generators Name and Mailirig Address Truck No 4tt aUX titj ....-rt Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporh4 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 i1.Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WINoI 3ti Th Eb Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Please print or type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter 14fr AWl Form .121 ALU.WASTINDUSTRIESINC NONHAZARDOUs Generators US EPA iD No Manifest PageWASTEMANIFESTDocumentNoof 127836 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck Noc$ Generators Phone Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Designated Faóility Name and Site Address io US EPA ID Number CMS Landfill 5105MorØjäd Rd Conord NC it Waste 5hjppjn Name and Description Transporter Transporters Phone Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWtIVol fl ....c.2/1 Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .1.a 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the matenals described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed lTypeq Name Sjatura Month Day Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Nethe SinaiV Month Day 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Ysr 19 Discrepancy Indication Space .A 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 OMS Landfill .. Printed/Type Name Signature.onth Day It \k 11510/Fl COPY Please print or type Form designed fOr use on elite 12 pitch typewriter MpnttL Lay YearIT AWl Form 121 LL WASTtSTRIESINC Transporter Company Name 6..U$ EPA ID Number -NON-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No Manifest PageWASTEMANIFESTDocumentNoof Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck No Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 MOrehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description .. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name Signature7 MoiJh DyurIJ 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Feceipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name .1.Signature Mith DaY Yeartvm 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year Discrepancy lidicàtiori Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Printed /Type Name c-. t1.Th .signature.i.\i If fi ..._ TIS/DIFI COPY Pleae punt or type Form dŁned for use on elite 12 ttch typewriter VALL WASTEtNbUS1piESitic. .T IF 17 Transporter Acknowiedgrnent of Receipt àf Materials Printed Typed Name 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject fdewFregulations for rØprting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste/Typed Name jnature Month Day Year .r Sigtature Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19.Discrepancy Indication Space 20 lacility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed Type Name Signature T/S/D/F/COPY Month Day Year IWI Icirr742/1 Please print or type Form dsigned for uepn elite 12 pitch tYpewriter NON-HAZARDOUSJTEMANIEST WASTEiNDUSTRIES INC Generators Name and Mailin Address Generators Phone ..J No .-LLi i. Manifest Iage Document No of Truck No Ljft Ih Transporter Company Name 4r US EPAID Number Transpor4 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Faciuty Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11.Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Container 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity Wt/VoI .. ./\ __f Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name gnatur Month Day Year YY 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month paY Yet1tfje 18 Transpofler Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed ITyped Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in em 19 CMS Landfill Printed Type Name Signature Molt Da ear TIS/D/Fl COPY WFdrm11 wi INDUSTR IES Document No Name and Milin9 Aress i3 kb eneatOS Phone -- .___j.__ TranspOrter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site 5105 Morehead Rd 704 782-2004 ConcQrdNC28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description tI Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed Typed Name SgntUe Month Day Year 17 Transporter cknoWledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Stpnature Month Day Year __.__ 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cenf cation of receipt of waste m5te ala co ed by this manifest xcept as noted in item 19 I_I r- -- NONHAZARDOUS Generators US EPA.ID No Manifest Page WASTE MAN WEST Document No of 27841 GenerÆtors Name and Mailing Address Truck No OLX1 tk.N1 Generators Phone jt Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number TransportŒLlhofle Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Laridf ill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit NO Type Quantity Wt/Vol iti1 S._._SSS____ Additional Descriptions for Materials listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not sublect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Piinted Typed Name ituW Manh Day Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Lnatut Morjtli 18 Transpol-ter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Menth Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cenficalion of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill ii Printed /Type Name iiiici Signature \j\ DCY f.S TIS/OIFt IFOrm121 ALLD WASTh please print or type ii 77 Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter GeneratorS Name and L..Address Gener rND it$ Generators Phone Transporter Company Name 11wp It 37EV 2U0 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity Wt/Vol 17 ......... Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .f 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 17 Transporter Acknotedgemeflt of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name SignaturePrinted/Typed Name 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials PrintedI Typed Name ../ 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste ___________________________________________Month Day Year Signatur Month Day Year 1/I Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space EAALL WASTE PleaseprintortyPe Form designed for use On elite 12 pitch typewriterNONHAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No Manifest Page WASTE MANIFEST Document No of GeneratorS Name and Mailing Address Generators Phone 12.7.24 Truck No 5..lranspórter Company Name Cd-US EPA ID Number Transporehopp1æ Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Mdrehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol Ptm Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not sublect to federal regulations for rpporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed/Typed Name .4$inthri./2 .2 Moth Day YaI 17 Transporter Acknowledgement 01 Receipt of Materials Prtned ITyped Ærrie Signature /2 1/Year Ii 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Plinted/.Typed Name Signature Month Day L_ 19.Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill .. .1 Printed/Type Name _.../7 ._Signature\\j\/- TISIDIFI COPY Month Day YearojJ AWIForm121. Vse priritotYpe Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter NON-HAZARDOusWASTEMANFEST WASTtINDUSTRIESINC Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number .-Generators US EPA ID No Manifest Page ..Document No of 78 Generators Nameand Mailing Address Truck No -Mgb nItt .t Thttk4L Generators Phone 9.Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number CMS Landfill 5105 Morehead Rd Corrcord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description Transporters Phone LUtfl.Wt/d Soil Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 12 Containers No Type 13 Total Quantity 14 Unit Wt/Vol 12Y..-- .Li t2 Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste .P Print /Typed Name Signture 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Mon Day Year Printed/Type Name Signature Printed /TypCd Name Brlj InatuJ..fonhii Dai Year/L ignaturePrinted/Typed Name 17 Transporter.1 AckiOwIedØæiØnt of Receipt of Materials -.i .. 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Moth Day Year 1.9 Discrepancy Indication Space MOnth Day Year AWl Form 12 TIIflII rflDV LE WASTbuSTPIEINC GenerdtorS Name and Mäilihg Address enerators Generators Phone Manifest Document No 4Yi çr Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10..US EPA ID Number Facilitys hone CMS Laildfill 704 782 2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 ..Total Unit No Type Quantity WtJVol Additional Descriptions for Materialv Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Lisfed Above yh 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed/Typed Name SiQature2 pm Yrft1/ .- 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month bay Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed hyped Name Signature Month Dajr Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill --c-Month DayPrinted/Type Name Signature k- 1/Sb/Fl COPY Awl Form 121 5.1iansporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transportnfl7 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA-ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 78220045105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 .11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WW0I jJi 15 Specil I4andling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Haardous Waste Printed/Typed Name Sigture 11 f.7 Month Day YearJ4Y$4 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .P Printed/Typed Name SjgriatiirQ Month Day Year 11/ 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials cOvered by this manife1sl except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Printed /Type Name Signature /4onth DayLl LLW WAS Please print or type orm designed for use on elite 12 pit Manifest Page Document No of Geri Generators Phone __t Truck NotY-tIh -ff NC 127823 Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above AWl Form 121 TiçIflIF flrV Please print or type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch tYpewriter ALL WASTEINC NON-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No Manifest 2.PaWASTEMANiETDocumentNo.of Generators Name and Maili Address Generators Phone 2h ifohhe 127813 Truck No TranspOrter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number bnsporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address tO US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMSLandiiI 704 782-20045105MbreheadRd ConOord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity Wt/Vol Mditiônal Decriptions for Materials Listed Above Handlirig Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Tped Name jgnature Month Day VearA4 17.TranspOrter AcknoIŁdgerneOiof Receipt of Materials p.Printed Typed Name 18 Transpoiler Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature JSnature 19 Discrepancy Indication Space Printed /Type Name td 20.Facility Owner or Operator Cerificatjti of receipt of aste materials coveröd by thiC manifest exCept as noted initem 19 CMS Landfill Signature TISIDIFI CCPV pasepnntorp AIIJR 5.Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number 9.Desigtiated Facility Name and Site Address 10 us EPA ID NumberCMSLandfill 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 Aaste Siipping Name and Description Transporters Phone Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 hpmd Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above ________________15.Special Handling Instructions and Additional Infoi-mation Li Printed/Typed Name patur.en Montf Day Year fr /117TransporterAcknowledgementofReceiptof Materials Printed/Typed Name Signaturej /f A4Onth YeàriX 18 Transponer Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Oai Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space CMSLandfifl or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest cept as noted in item 19 Printed/Type Name TISIDIFI COPY AWl hkie Generators Phone Thtnsporter1CompanyName 7.1iansporter Company Name 20 Facilty Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill ___________________________Printed Type Name \. US EPA ID Number Designated Facility Name and Site Address CMS Landfill 5105 Morehôacl Rd...Cohcórd NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description Transporters Phone 10 US EPA Number Facilitys Phone 704 7822O04 Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the matenals descnbed above on this manifest are not sublect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste.Printed./TName .rJ iaturP Month Day Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name inatur-Month Day Year 18 Transpotter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Pnnted Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space Signature ______ AWl1FrVj21 TISID/FI COPY Month Day rear k1 I/f/ill ALLWATPleaseprintorpe Generators Phone Transporter Company Name hr Us EPA ID Number nsrter2CompanyName Designated Facility Name and Site Ac_-jp-CMS Landfill 704 782-20045105 Morehead Rd ----- ..-- Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information ed/TpedN Si9nature Month 07 Year 17 Transporter Acknowlecjgement of Receipt of Materials P.Printed/Typed Name Snatu Month Daj Year 18 Transpoer Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerificatiort of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifestCMSLandfill litys Phone AWl Form 121 131-Z--- Please print or type Forrndesigned for use on elite 12 PitcIflypewrlNON-HAZARDC WASTE MANjj ___Generators Name and Mailing Address yb Generators Phone Transporter Company Transporter Company Name USEPAlDiber Designated Facility Name and Site Address .10CMSLandfill 704 782-20045105MoreheadRd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description ia-1 .-...p ... Additional Descriptions for Matertal Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certuty the materials escrubed above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous WastePrintedTypedName ..igntuje Mànth bay YearHtw 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signatur Month Dai Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Recetpf of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerutication of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed /Type Name Signature Mona Day Ye AWl Form 121 TISID/FI COPY 11 Please print Or typedesinŁdfàr use on elite 12.pitchtypeWriter ALL WASTINDUSTRIESINC q-.2NON-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No Manifest PageWASTEMANIFESTDocumentNoof 127812GeneratdrlameandMailingAddressTruckNo tUft bt Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number TransporsPhaieV Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone DesignatedVFacilily Name and Site Address 1.0 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-20045105 MorŁhead Rd Concord NC 28027 11.Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWINoI -L _..l Additional Desdrlptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not sublect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed/Typed Name .JSi9natu 7.7 i.Mocth DaY Year/1 /t4 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Sigflaiur Month Day Year V_J%V tfjLjW .V..... 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space ......j ....p 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Month Day YearPrinted/Type Name -.-...I Signaturej5J7/ T/SIDIFI COPY AWl Form 21 NON-HAZARDOUS Generatos US EPA ID No Manifest PageWASTEMANIFESTDocumentNOof 127820 Generators Name and MaiIrib Address Truck No 82Q .s Generators Phone .i--._-.....Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transportr hore1 ...........-Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-20045105MoreheadRd... Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWtNol v/-fl j../7114Vj ID Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Printed/Typed Name .y .Sianature Month Day Yearfi _i_fdJ fi 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name .1 .SifltUrs Day Yr4kflil1ttLti 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /TypØd Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space .- 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerificatioh of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 1.9 CMS Landfill Printed/Type Name i\1- \i Signature \J 5fnthi Day PlŁasØ print or typeEmdesignedfor use on elite 12 pitch typewriter pr ALUE WASTDUSJPIESINC TT7If-- 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described aboveon..this manifest are not subiact.to tederal reguIatio1a for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste -I It T/SID/FI COPY AWIForm11 eprintortype ALL1 WA57 designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter rTflrc 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name siv LFOtt 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 7T7 1/.2fü2NONHAlRDOUS1.GeneratorsUSEPMDNo Manifest 2.Pagel WASTE MANIFEST Document No of 127804 Generators Name and Mailing Address .7 Truck No tt iat t$t IW tN Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporterhoyi-1 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS LandfiIl 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd Codcord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Cpntainers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtIVol ISS1 di Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Printed hyped Name 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subtect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste .. Month .Ij .i/ei yi Day Year i.I Month Day Year 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill -. Printed Type Name signature _//__- T/S/D/F/COPY AW Form 121 Please print or type Form ddsigned for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter ALU WASTEwc /1 /1 NONHAZARDOUS Gnerators USEPAID No Manifest Page WASTE MANIFEST Document No of 127811 Generators Name and Mailing Address UIt Truck No w4i $tfart.k Generators Phone 41j Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transport lone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address io US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS LandfiI 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 .. II Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol ..1fr2 tY F__________________________________ Additional Descriptions for Materials isted Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hszardous Waste P1ntØd /.Typed Name inature3 s...j/.MOnth acs fr/7O 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name signr ./M91th Day ThU 18 Transpoiter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name ..Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Printed/Type Name signap/.27 TIS/D/F/COPY AW Form 121 Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 .scriptions for Materials Listed Above 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name t$4 Spnatur.r2 Morth Day Year itc .-17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Mt7h Yeap1 18 Transpotler Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Veer 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of recetpt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19OMSLandfill Month Day YearPrinted/Type Name Signature ..AWIForm121 TISID/F/COPY VOo WTINC ohe Manifest Document No .1 Company Name 2.Pagel .127803 Truck No US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number 10 .11 Transporters Phone US EPA ID Number acial Handling Instructions and Additional Infornation 12.7810 Truck No ALL WASTE IN STPleaseprintortype Form designed for use fl elite 12 pItch typewriterNON-HAZARDOUSWASTEMANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address Generators Phone Generators US EPA ID No Mahifst Page Docuræent NO of XZLT 1tj NC 223 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters ho1pph Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address io us EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782 20045105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 1.1 Waste $hipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantify WW0I .. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 6.GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Pnnted Typed Name Signatur Month 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill ............. Printed Type Name Signatur d7 Month Oa Year TISIO/FI COPY AWl Form%121 Please print or type Forn designed for use on elite 12 pitch NON-H4.A WAS1E Gdneratbrs Name and Generators Pidne Transporter Company Name .AwE WSTINDtSTRIES Manifest Document No NC 744 US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WI/Vol 71 fL ./L/_.j Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name Month Day Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Sl9nature/Monih Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Year DisOrepancy.lndication Space .1 2O Facility Owner or Operator CØrification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 .CMS..Landfill ....5 Printed/Type Name Signature 1Manth Day Year T/SIDIF/COPY kwtF/21 print or type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter WASTE MANIF Generators Name and Mailing Address NON-HAZARE Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name Designated Facility Name and Site Address CMS Landfill 51 05 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 j1--tf f/-j et th dtt dir T1i US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number 10 US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Fabilitys Phone 704 782-2004 11 WasteSbipingNarne and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWWoI .b .. 0. .n .. .. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subiect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Pinted /Tped Fane Signature /7 Monh Da Year// llTrartsporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Nathe 1Sinr Month bay Year 18 Transpolter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials PrInted Typed Name Signature Month bay Year l9Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfillNamec4/4-/ TIS/D1FI cp AWl Form 121 /1 1278.17 AWl Form 121 Please print or type Form designed for use on elite Generators Name arid Mafling Address ALUDUS1RIES INC Generators Phone Manifest Page Document No of f14 -1\ Truck Noct Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name U.S EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead.Rd ConOord NC 28027 ... 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14..Total Unit No Type Quantity WtN0I AC Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above ...Y712 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subiect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed/Typed Name ina .t .....rn17TransporterAcknowledgementofReceiptofMaterials.. Printed/Typed Name .. ....igatq Monft Day ....18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space ..... 20 Facility Owner orOperaoreiCati.on ofrqeiptOf.iNaSte materiIs covered by this manifest excØpt1asnoted nitem 19 CMS Landfill /Y\ Printed/Type Name Jj Signature TIS/DIF/COPY iJt US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number 10 US EPA ID Number Transporth.- 12 Containers No Type 13 Total Quantity .iOOL 14 Unit WtNol 1ZO WST paasepflntOrtYPe US Foçia designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter NON-HAZARDOUS Manifest Page WASTEMANIFEST .. DocumentNo of i78O7 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck NoWt4thc1y Generators Phone 14 Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-20045105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description _____ Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 SpeciaL Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTlFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subiect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name 17 Trsporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Mateals Printed Typed Name Signatur Month Day Year Xr 18 Transpolter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepanóy Indication Space _____________20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification 01CMSLandfill Printed Type Name AW1 Form 121 TISIDIFI cOpy Handling CodeC for Wastes Listed Above jnaturej /7 Mont Day Year Please print or type Form designed for use on eite 12 pitch typevriter 1P ALL WASTtINDUSTRIESINC V/I 17ØA Generators Name and Mailing Address .1Xd1t Truck No Cb kt Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Okkw frmrT US EPA ID Number Transpor Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated FacIity Name and Site Address 10 us EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-20045105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWtNol 1. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name nature7 Month Day year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name SJ Moth Da.v Year3UŁtt 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 DIscrepancy Indication Space .... 20 Facility Owner orOperator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted initem 19 CMSLandfitI Printed Type Name .J-/ -it Signature ___________ TISIDIFI COPY Month Day Year.. f.. AWtForm 121 12 pltcfr typewriter IAZARDOIJS 1.MA IFEST iie arid MailingAddress 01 Manifest DocUment No lNc .- IUUU US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004.. me and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantity WtIVol -7.- Il Additional Descriptions for MatriaIs Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions end Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Wasie Printed Typed Name Month Day Year-1 // 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name 18 Traiisporter2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Pnnted Type Name jf Signature MonDay Month Day Year rn AWIForm121 vc Pleaseprint orfype FornclŁsIgnedfOi use an elite 12 pitch typewriter ALL WASTEUSTPJESINC NON-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA No Manifest PageWASTEMANIFESTDocumentNooj 127815 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck NoCkrtt Generators Phone cJi Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Faôilhy Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys PhoneCMSLandfill70478220045105MoreheadRd Concord NC 28027 Waste Shiping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWt/VoI JL1 Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional hformation 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name nature ////Monjh Day Year iF l7Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed ITyped Name nature Month Day Year l8Transponer Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ft PrirtØd /TpØd Nama i9 Discreancy Indication Space Signature Month Day Year 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials coered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMSLandfjIl Printed /Tpe Æme Signature \1 ____________\__4. TISID1F/COPY Mont JDayf Yefr AWl Form 121 Please print or type Form designed bruce on elite 12 pitch typewriter ALLE WASTEINDUSTRIESINC //f/jNON-HAZARDOUS 1.GeneratorsUS EPAlD No.Manifest.2PagŁWASTEMANIFESTDocumentNoof 127816 Generators Name and Mailing Address tW%Y Truck No sjtot strfl sIL Generators Phone Transporter Company Name 6.US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CviS Landfill ..704 782-20045105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14......Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWt/VoI .- -G -- Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above /--e 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the matenals described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typad jpatüre ..Mh Day Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Da VeerAflt1vttf 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature MQnih Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space -.- 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Month Day YearPrinted/Type Name Signature i\J-\-i1-- T1S/D/FI COPY AWl.Fôfr1i.12i 16..GENEI3TOHSCERTIFICATON certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper diposal of Printed Typed Name Signature7 I1 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed ITyped Name ________________________ 18 Taæspte 2Aàlno ledgeAtof Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Printed I.Type Name Please print or type Form designed for use on eiite 12 pItch typewriter ML WTA.INDUSTRIES ri.c 77 NON-HAZARDOUS GeneratorsiJSERlD Mo Manifest Page WATE MANVFEST .. Document No of 27808 Generators Name and Mailing Address .j2iflCflTi Truck Noa14tiLt Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transportpojiy Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 MorehØad Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity Wt/Vol rt Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Signature Signature T/SID/F/COPY Yeargnatu4 AWl Fmi1 ALU WASTE tForm designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter.N.ONHRDOUS Generators us EPMD No ManifestASTEMANIFESTDocument NoGeneralbrsNameandMailingAddress$i 1/9W3kIttSI W1kiGeneratorsPhone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys PhoneCMSLandfill 704 782 2004 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description ..- .. .. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION Printed/Typed Name ignatur Mh Yes17TransporterAcknowledgementofReceiptofMaterials Printed /.Typed Name Signature Month ow Year 18 Transpol-ter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month bay Year 1.9 PiscrØpancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed/Type Name Signature Mon Day ear AWIForæi 121 TIS/DIF/COPY 7ç__ct7 // ALL WST 17Pleasephntorlye Foçm desied for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter NO1-HAZARDQUS Generators US EPA ID NowAsrEMANIFEST Gdnerators Name and Mailing Address d- Generators Phôie Tianborteri Company Name f-bc4 pflT US EPA ID Number Transportr Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys PhoneCMSLandfill704782-20045105 MorŁhead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit ____________________________________________________________________________________________No Type Quantity Wt/Vol _________________________________-b -O ________________________________________________________________________ Additi6nal Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additiotral Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name ignature______________________17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above ____ 19 Discrepanôy IndicationSpace 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifeCt except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed/Type Name signature Mth Day Year AWl Form121 TISID/FI COPY 1.transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Signature Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Year LU WA$ypleaseprintor Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter ________NONHAZAI US EPA ID No Manifest PageWASTEMAIDocumentNoof 127829GeneratorsNameandMailingAddress Truck No Generators phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number TransporterphOne Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Athress 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys PhoneCMSLandfill 704 782-20045105MoreheadRd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description i.- Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Addi al Informatiot _.- 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cent cat ion of receipt of waste maCMS-Landfffl Printed Type Name PY AWl Form 121 ALL WASTEUSTRIE Generators USEPA ID No ManIfest Page Document NO of piŁàse print or type Foim deied for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ________Generators Name and Mailing Address Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name Designated Facility Name and Site Address CMS Landfill 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description Truck No cI73 gi2 127831wrnca tI US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number Transportehe- 10 US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWt/Vol -..- .0 .1 rr....__i Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .-- 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION cerilfy the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed/Typed Name fr .4 /2 Moh .Yea7 .17.Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Sigiature Month Day Year 18 Traspoter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Sigriure ..Month Day Year .19.Discrepancy Indiôation Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMSLandfill Pnnted/TypeName Signatur4 Day Year TISIDIF/copy Form 21 GØneratbrs US EPA ID No Manifest PageDocumentNoof Truck Nothctnt huIIe4._______________________________________ortipany Name 6.Us EPA ID Number Transporte hop rnpany Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone ty Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys PhànŁ 704 782-2004 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit _____________________________________________________No Type Quantity WtNol zcr Y7 tions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above Instructions apd Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal reguiatlons for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /TypedNanie ..Signature Month Pa Year /1 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Da Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Veer 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted ri item 19CMSLandfill Printed Name Signature _7 Msnih Day Year AWl Form 121 TISIOIFI COPY pewriter lame and Description lease print or typeFormdesignedfor use on elite pitbli typewriterNONuuUS .._USRIE .NC -.DNo Manifest Document No Page of LL.I I.127863 Transporter Company Name t4Pr--çg US EPA ID Number Generators tan eOnd Mailing Address IM Truck No. .4. .. Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Tranporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd ConOord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol 171J/L1L/ Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Intructions and Additional Information Printed /Typed Name 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certif thematerials described above on thi rnahlfest are imtsubiect to federal 17..TaæsporteriAŁknowledgemerit of Receipt of Materials regulations forreporting proper disposal of I- Printed /Typd Name. ye 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name .l9Dscreancy Indication Space C.. 20 Facility Owner or Operator COrification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19. Signature Please print or type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter ALLD WASThINDUSTRIESINC -.NONHAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No Manifest PageWASTEMANWEST..Document No of 127865 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck No Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporterdharie Transporter Company Name us EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 us EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-20045105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14TotalunitNoTypeQuantityWtN0Iki Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 1.6 .cENER.ATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above gn this manifestare not subjecf to federal regulations for reOrting proper disposal of Hazardous Wasta Prfrited/TypedName nture Ji /7 nth ba j4j 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .Printed.ilyped tame ...1/4/Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility.Owner Or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item.19.T CMS Landfill .-....._ Printed /Type Narne Signature M/n AWl Form 121 -rt.rr e..n-tt Please print or type FornideØigned_for use oiiele12 Generators Narrie and WASTENbSTrJESH.LNC to Manifest DoOument No Generators Phone fr7 i2t 11f wc 2.Pagel 127864 Truck No Transporter Company Name Us .EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 Morehead Rd. Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit NO Type Quantity WINo ium Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not sublect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Frinted/TypedName Siçature Mph Day Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials pa Printed /TypŁd Name signatur Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19 Dicrdcy.Indication Space .. 20 F.acility.Owner or Operator Cerificatioæ of receipt of waste materiOls covered by this maiiifst except as noted in item 19 CMSLandfjlI Printed/Type Name .I\ \\ Signature 70th JYf7 T/S/D/F/COPY AWl Fbrrn 121 ALLD WAST on elite 12 pitch typewriter RIES NQN-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID NoWASTEMANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address 41 Generatois Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number .... ...i ..Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number LŁnated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number-CMLndf ill 51Ojv1orehead Rd Conbtird NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description iipI w%dIij $ignature_2 Month Day Year C.. Addittonal Descriptions for Materials isted Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .1 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not sublect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal ot Hazardous Waste Printed Typed Name TISIDIF1 COPY AWl Form 4t 121 77 DocunientNo Page Truck Mg-M .k Transport haf1ej Transporters Phone Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 12 Containers No Type 13 Total Quantity 14 Unit WtNol .1 iT 17 Transporler AcknoWledgeAient of Receipt of Materials .Pnted/Typed Name titt l8Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .PriætØdTiped Name 19.Discreparcy Indication Space.520FacilityOwnerorOperatorCerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed Type Name Month Day Year J..J.2 Month Day Year c52EJ 47 Signature //Monrt Day .0 Transportephonp- US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Handg Codes for Wastes Listed Above 12 pltch ALLjD WASTEINDtjSTfIESINC IL No Manifest Document No i$3k _________ rnpany Name US EPA ID Number I. any Name Thnd Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Pºscriptipn 704 782-2004 Information 16 GENRATORs CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above ott this manliest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting prôpŁr disposal of Hezardous Waste signature Ptryped Name 17 Transporter AcknoWledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name 18 Tranporter AcKnowledgement .f Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Discrepancy Indication Space Signature JMthr Month Day Year 20 Facility Owner orCMSLandfill Printed Type Narrie Month Dy Year T1SIDIFI COPY AWl Form 121 Generators US EPA ID No Manifest PageDocumentNoof ALLIED WASTINDUSTRIESINCPleaseprintrtype rm_de3lflediOr use on elite 12 pitCh typewriterEN9N-HAZARDOUSWASTEMAMFEST GeneratorS Name and Mailing Address GeneratorS Phone rnsPoiter Company Name sporter Company Name cZ/i // -ç .r Truck No.a US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Desigrtted.Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 5105 .Morhead Rd Concord NC 28027 .11 hA/aste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol a. // .. AdditiOnal Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .- 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subiect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed/Typed Name Signature Maclb Day Year n.ç i.... 17 TrØrisporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Nane Signature.Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signature Month or 19 discrepancy lndicÆtiôn Säce .20 Facility OwnØr.or Operator CØrification of receipt ofwadte materials covered by this inanifest xcept as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Printed/Type Name /-7 Signature/7 .____._..i_ AWl Form 1211 TISID/FI COPY Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Designated Facility Name and Site Address io us EPA ID Number CMS Landfill 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 T/ r.NONHAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No Manifest PageWATEMANWESTçocumGmNoof 127 857 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck No .Yk $1L Generators Phone Transporters Phone Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers No Type 13 Total Quantity 14 Unit Wt/VoI t- Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .5/S .5 SIgnature Month Day YearPrinted/TpØdNe 18 Transpo1e AcknôwledgØment of Receipt of Materials Printed Tiped Name.Signature Month Day Year 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed/Type Name .L..__\.\r-Signature Mynth f/ Please print or type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter S...ALL WT 11 19 Discrpancy Indiàatien Space AWl Form 121 TISIDIF/COPY ALLD WASTE NON-HAZARDOUS tGeneratorsSEpAIDNo .Mat.2.PageIWASTEMANIFESTDocumntNoof 127855 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck Notouthl4tf 4- Generators Phone Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number TransporthotŁ Transporter Company Name US EPA 10 Nuinber Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys PhoneCMSLandfill70478220045105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name nd Description Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed Typed Name... 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Tyed Name ttc l8Transpoter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name 19 Discrepancy Indication Space .cility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in itemCMSLandfill Printed Type Name Sinature TIS/DIF1 COPY AWl Form 121 Plbase print or type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter 11 22_-__2 Ii j/yiI Day Month Day Year Month Day Yeaf Month Day Year ALUID WASTh ________INDUSTRIES INC NON-HAZARDoTj 1.GeneratorsUsEpA.IDN0WASTEMAMFFTtgti td tkOUM.i US EPA ID Number Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 USEPA ID Number Faàilitys PhbneCMSLandfill704782 20045105 Morehºad Rd Concord NC 28027 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWtNoI i.4 .. ._...__________iJ Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Hànilling Instructions and Additional Information 20.FacilityOwner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed hype Name Please print or type Forin designed for use on elite 12 pItch typewriter Generators Name and MaiIin Address Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name Manifest Page Document Nd of Ii ILiIIiiJi5i Truck No US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Printed TypedName 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATON certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste p. i9naturp /7kiLr 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Phnted /Typed Name Si9nCtuj Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Year I.biscrepancy Indication Spice Month Day Year .7 I/z Signature i\.1 11l.\ .TIS/rJ/FI..COPV Month Day Year fr77 Please printor type Form designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter LUD WASTINDUSTRIESINC 2y-L_ Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporte1hoç NON-HAZARDOUS 1.GenratruEIp.No Manifest Page WASTE MANFEST Document No of 27853 Generators Name and Mailing Address Truck No bNh Generators Phone Transporter Company Name 8.US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782 2004 5105 Morehead Rd .... Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol L-3flf/ AC fL/j Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Addiioiial lnfdrmatión 16 GENERATOR CERTIFICATION certify the matenals described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed/Typed Name gç Jignat 4.0 Monjh Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Matenals Printed Typed Name Mon3tl Year 18 Transpotter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Oair Year 19 DIscrepancy Indication Space ...... 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill fl.... Printed /Type Name Signature liJ ttonth Li OSY Year d_ T/S/D/F/copy AWtDrm 121 Please print or type FoTh designed for t1e..Pn elite 12 pitch typewriter ALJDINDUST .iNC Generators Name and Mailing Address Generators Phone HNON-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No Manifest Page MANIFEST Document No of 127 85.cw Truck No Trapsporter Company Name us EPA ID Number Transporters lhore Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facility Phone CMS Landfill 704 782 20041Q5MoŁhadRd Concord NC 28027 .it Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol .... ..j Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information .16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manliest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name .Signaturp-Month Day Year 11.Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Name 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .Pirid./Typed Name .. 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or OperatdrCerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfill Printed /Type Name Signature ignature Month Day Year T/SD/F/COPY AWl Form 121 .arne and Description Truck No Transport4h.7 Transporters Phone Signature _________________ T/Sl p/Fl COPY Moyth LLE WA.TINC ine Manifest Document No NC ompany Name cttp Dmpany Name US EPA ID Number ty Name and Site Address US EPA ID Number 10 US EPA ID Number 1km ztd tJ Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 12 Containers No Type 13 Total Quantity 14 Unit WtJVoI .b ._ ._ Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above $3 15 SpeciaI.Hahdlingintruationsand Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION Certify the materials described above on this mantfet are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name Signature Month Day Year ./17 Transporter Acknowledgementof Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name ignatui j... 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Matenats Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day 19 Discrepancy Indication Space Month Da -i4J -720FacilityOwnerorOperatorCerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19. CMSLandfffl PriætØd Type Name Printed /Tye iŁ on elite 12 pitch typewriter NON-HAZARDC ijsWASTEMANIF Generators Name arid Mailing Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name LLa.WAST lNDtJRJE5 INC Manifest Document No Page of at wIC ii .127850 Truck No US EPA ID Numbe US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone DØsinàted.Faqiiity Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfifl 704 782 20045105MoreheadRd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 18 14 Total Unit .No Type Quantity WtNol 4j3 $Th ........ 1-/ Ft Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .. .. 15 Special Handling lnstrudtions and Additional Information 16.GENERATORS CERTIFIcATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Prine yped Name igpature Month aY Year 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /.Typed Nàiiie Signature it Month Day Year 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name Signatyr Month Day Veer 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Signature TIS/b/FI AWl orm 121 Manifest Document No _7Li Li VVVrkt Nt ALU WASTE ndeSigfld10U5 on elite 12 pitch typewriter NON-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID NoWASTEMANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name Designated Faqility Name and Site Address CMS Landfill5105Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone io US EPA ID Number Facilitys.Phone 704 782-2004 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantity WtiVol hk Itt..h -.7I2 Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above VVV4 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENEAVATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name -Signature Month Day 17 Transpotthr Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed Typed Name .. 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name -Signature 19 Discrepancy Indication Space Month Day Year 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerificaflon of receipt of waste materials covered by this hianifest except as rioted in item 19CMSLandfill Printed /Type Name Signature Month Day Year TISIDI Fl COPY AWl Form.121 elite 12 pitch typEMA dame and Mailing Address WASy .... RIES ljc EzrliCiIf Truck NoiXSbtIjCLidAo iQQ.hi Nç 223 Ompany Name GJ$Jr IOQD US EPA ID Number fld US EPA ID Number rwtij Soil for Materials Listed Above 3i Y7712 .. Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORrS CERTIFICATION cety the materialsPrintedTypedName .Irnspçrter l.Acknowledgernent of Receipt of Materials-.- Printed Typed Nar Month DO Year18TrarispoterAcknowledgementofReceiptofMatenats Printed Typed Name Signature Month Day Year19DIscrepancyIndicationSpace .1 .1 20 FaciIi Owner or Operator Cerificatton of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19 CMS Landfilljede Signature TRANSPflRT 15 Special Handling Instructions and JE WA$TINNCD00 h4.-..... .ompany Name US EPA ID Number ............. .Itpany Name Ly Name arid Site Address 10 027 and Description Additional Dt 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materialsnted/TypedName. Hazardous WastePrinted/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year .R 18 Transpoi-tei-2 Acknowledgemnt of ReCeipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature _______________________ Signature Month Ye ..19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Faculty Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this riianifest except as noted In item 19CMSLandfill Panted hype Name Month Day Year Signatuy/7 TISIDIF/ Month Day YeaY AWIForm21 i27846 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol --C/7i 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Matenals Printed Typed Name Signature 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 12 pitCh ty II ALLfl WAST /1INDUSTRIESINC Generators US EPA ID No lalling rnass ..-MZ tiHi- Truck No fly Name dcr Name US EPA ID Number US EPA ID Number Transporterhonç Transporters Phone Iàme and Description ty Name and Site Address 10 US EPA-ID Number Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 Rd 8027 Additiànal Descriptions for Materials Listed Above -Handling Codes or Wastes Listed Above Printed Typed Name 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above onihis manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper.di 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed iTypdd Name-p 1- Signature _k2 //L--- Signature 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this CMS Landfill ____________- Printed Type Name ..-Signature ririlrflPV -i ALLIED WASTE .1 NDU S1 RI ES IN __________127845 rtth er ui _________________________________ US EPA ID Number Transporte US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone 10 us EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 sçcial Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CER11FICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typd Name ignatUre Month Day YearIo 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed lTyped Name Signature /-Mo1t Day Yea 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials My Year 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receijt of waste materials cpyeredby this manifest except as noted in item 19 AWForrp 1.21 IDNo.ManlIest Fage Document No of 2// Truck No ease printor type FOrm dsigj1ecl for use on elite 12 pitch typewriterNOfHRDOUSWASTEMANIFEST GerieratqrS Name and Mailing Addrdss Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name Designated Facility Name and Site Address CMS Landfill 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 Ii Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers No Type 13 Total Quantity j7 14 Unit WtNol Additional Descriptions for Materials listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above Printed Typed Name 11 -T Ii 19 Discrepancy Indication Space Signature Printed /Type Name TISIDIFI COPY --A please print or type rjesined for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter NON-HAZARDOUS Generators US EPA ID No WASTE MANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address Generators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter Company Name ALL WASTEINDUSTRIESINC ./tiOO- tg ifl US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10 Us EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782-2004 51.O MoiØhead Rd ConcOrd NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtNol // 27 .R 0. ... .d ...Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15.Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed \Jame Sigrtuie --..-MOfltIl Da Year 71 17 Trarispoiter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature .--- Month Day Year rat 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year .-.19 Discrepanoy Indication Space .C 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item CMS Landfill Printed Type Name Signature 1th Day Year TISIDIFI COPY AW1 Form 121 Plese print or type Eorm designed for use on elite 12 pitch typewriterNON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MAMFES GeheratosFjame and Malung Address Generators Phone 5..-.Traripprter1 Company Name Mr Transporter Company Name .E pate1.FacilitY Name and Site Address 10 US EPA ID Number Facilitys Phone CMS Landfill 704 782 200451.05 eheàd Rd Concord NC 28027 Shipping Name and Description 12 Containers 13 14TolUnit .1 No Type Quantity Wt/VoI Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject 10 federal regulalions for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed /Typed Name Signatur Month Day Year /--V 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day YearnV-n 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed /Typed Name Signature nth Day Year 19 Discrepancy Indication Space .. 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill .V Month Day .YarPrinted/Type Name Signature TISID/Fi COPY AWl Form 121 1.Generators US EPA ID No Manifest Page Document No ofrri4ik-y7i Printed Typed Name Signature 19 Discrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19. CMS Landfill Printed Type Name ress ALL WASTh -7/IINDUSTRIESIFC thone Company Name Truck Nd Company Name US EPA ID Number TransportersPhot me and Site Address -d Rd8O27 US EPA ID Number 10 US EPA ID Number Name arid Description Transporters Phone Facilitys Phone 704 782-20Ô4 12 Containers No Type 13 Total Quantity 14 Unit Wt/Vol 2i al Descriptions for Materials Listed Above -. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .7 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Printed Typed Name 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed Typd Name SinatUre /L 4/ Mart Dy/5//._ 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .r 18 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Matenals Signature Month Day Year ..1.ci --/- Signature TIS/DIFI COPY ALuE/wAsrND5T/lE s.i wc 7/ Page of Manifest Document No.1a 12.7858 Truck No ________ for use on elite 12 pitch typewriter rTTiON-HAZARD0USWASTEMANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address Generators Phone Transporter Company Name ..- Transporter Company Name Designated Facility Name and Site Address CMS Landfill 5105 Morehead Rd Concord NC 28027 11 Waste Shipping Name and Description US EPA ID Number Transporters Fhcne US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone 10 Us EPA ID Number Facilitys Phofle 704 782-2004 12 Containers 13 14 Total Unit No Type Quantity WtIVol ..fc .c Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above .15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Printed /Typed Name 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Matetials described above on this wanei are not subject to federal regulations for reporting prOper a1 of Hazardous Wast 3i Signature 18 Transporter Acknowledgement bf Receipt of Materialsnted/TypedName 19 Discrepancy Indication Space Month Month 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this TIS/DIFI COPY EWAS1 GeneratorS Na Geherators Phone Transporter Company Name Transporter2 Company Name Designatedjjjty Name and Site Address CMS Landfill 5105 Morehead Rd Concoid NC 28027 11 .Wasfe Shipping Name and Description _______ _________________________ Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed AbOve EPAIDNo wAsTND ofoditc hMe q1 27-tØ72J Page of Truck No 12786F1 US EPA ID Number TransporhdMy US EPA ID Number Transporters Phone 10 US EPA Number Facilitys Phone 704 782-2004 12 Containers 13 14 Total UnitNoTypeQuantityWt/VolL452 Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste Printed Typed Name Day 17 Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials -A -T Printed Typed Name iS Transporter Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Pdnted Name Signature 19 .Dwcrepancy Indication Space 20 Facility Owner or Operator Cerification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19CMSLandfill Punted /Typ Narn Maath1L Signature 41i-- T/SIDIF/.CQpY APPENDIX SITE PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX ESPS SOP STANbARb OPERATING PROCEbURE SOP-6 SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION ESP Associates P.A Revision bate 3/7/06 This standard operating procedure SOP covers the collection of soil sample for laboratory analysis Follow these steps when collecting the soil sample unless otherwise instructed by the project manager Gather needed field supplies noted below Confirm lab cooler contains needed sample containers fill cooler with ice Upon arriving at site check in with the property owner or company representative becontaminate the stainless steel hand auger before and between sample collection by washing with Alconox soap and scrub brush rinsing with distilled water and spraying with Isopropyl alcohol Wrap clean sampler in aluminum foil Wear disposal latex or nitrile gloves and change into new pair between samples buring advancement of the hand auger collect soil samples at regular intervals for describing lithology Note lithology and other characteristics of soils in field book relative to depth If appropriate place representative portion of soil sample into resealable plastic bag label with boring number and depth interval and allow to equilibrate Screen soil in bag for volatile organics using an OVA or Hnu Enter results into field book Advance hand auger boring to previously specified sampling depth Collect soil sample from this depth and place in laboratory provided containers Label containers with boring number and sample depth using the following sampling scheme i.e B-i ft B-i 10 ft B-2 ft etc Denote boring location in field book relevant to pertinent site features 10 Following collection of the soil samples abandon all boreholes feet or greater in depth with cement grout 11 Complete and sign the labs chain-of-custody 12 Keep the sample cooler in secure location until delivered under normal chain-of-custody procedures to laboratory SOP-6 Soil Sample Collection levision bate 3/7/06 ESP Associates Page of SUPPLIES SOP-6 Stainless steel hand auger with needed extensions or sampling spoon OVA or Hnu Measuring tape Plastic zip-lock bags Isopropyl alcohol bistilled water 5-gallon wash bucket scrub brush and Alconox soap Cement with wheel barrow for mixing Cooler with sample containers and chain-of-custody Ice Permanent marker bisposable gloves Knife Field book Site plan with site specific sampling instructions Camera APPENDIX PRISM LABORATORY DATA REPORTS PRISM LABORATORIESINC Date 06/25/07 Company ESP Associates PA Contact Chris Ward Address Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Client Project ID Prism COC Group No Collection Dates Lab Submittal Dates Case Narrative Morehead Commons No G0607392 06113/07 06/13107 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes Case Narrative Laboratory Report and Quality Control Data totaling 44 pages chain-of-custody is also attached for the samples submitted to Prism for this project Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative Quality control statements and/or sample specific remarks are induded in the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sample affected Semi Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Metals Analysis N/A Wet Lab and Micro Analysis N/A Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report Date Reviewed by Paula Gilleland Project Manager Signature ....A ii2t k_Signature Review Date 06/25/07 Data Qualifiers Key Reference Compound also detected in the method blank Result outside of the QC limits DO Compound diluted out Estimated concentration calibration range exceeded The analyte was positively identified but the value is estimated below the reporting limit Estimated concentration with high bias Estimated concentration with low bias matrix effect Is present Notes This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the writtten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis 449 Sptingbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 2B224-0403 Phone 704/529 6364 ToIl Free 800/529.6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Approval Date 06/25/07 Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Sample Weight Determination Weight BisulIate Weight Bisulfate Weight Methanol StvkeAnycI EnvIrannrn ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-1 l84315 G0607392 06/13/07 1330 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 90.5 SM2540 06118/07 1700 brown brown brown brown 6.19 5035 06/18/07 000 5.65 5035 06/18/07 000 7.05 5035 06/18/07 000 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 11 1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00027 8260B 06/15/07 1728 enissI Q24312 1.1 .22-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0005 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 112-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0003 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erusset 024312 tI-Dichioroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00035 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 11-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00037 82608 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 11-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00043 82608 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 123-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00054 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erusset 024312 23-Tichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00043 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 12.4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00047 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell Q24312 24-Trimethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00037 82608 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 .2-Dibromoethane EDB BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.000088 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erusset 024312 2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00026 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 2-Dichloroethana BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00049 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00036 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 35-Trimethylbenzerie BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00041 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussefl 024312 13-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00042 8260B 06/15107 1728 erussell 024312 13-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00033 82608 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00038 8260B 06/15107 1728 erussefl 024312 22-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00024 8260B 06115/07 1728 erussell 024312 2-Chiorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00036 8260B 06/15/07 1728 enissell 024312 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/525364 Toll Free Number 1-800529-664 Fax 7041525-0409 Pagelof3s F..5ervce AI.......nvIonmna SOIutIor%s ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix SOil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-1 184315 G0607392 06/13/07 1330 06/13/07 1545 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analyst Batch ID Analysis Limit Factor Date/Time 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.049 0.00051 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erusseR Q24312 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00025 826GB 06115/07 1728 erussell 024312 .-4-Methyl-2-pentanone MISK BRL mg/kg 0.049 0.00049 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Acetone BRL mg/kg 0.049 0.0019 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussefl Q24312 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0029 0.00039 8260B 06/15/07 1728 mussell 024312 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00034 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erusseil 024312 Bromochioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00029 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Bromodichioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00043 826GB 06I15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Bromoforrn BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00036 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.00057 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell Q2431 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00028 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Chloroberizene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00037 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Chiorodlbromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00033 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Chioroethane BRL mgfkg 0.0098 0.0004 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00036 626GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00034 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 cis-12-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00022 826GB 06/15/07 1728 ewesell 024312 cis-13-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00031 82608 06/15/07 1728 erusseli 024312 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0011 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00034 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell Q24312 Isopropyl ether IPE BRL mg/kg 00049 0.00017 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 lsopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00039 826GB 06/15/07 1728 enissell 024312 mp-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.00068 826GB 06115/07 1728 enissell 024312 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL mg/kg 0.098 0.0014 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell Q24312 Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.00028 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Methylene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0004 826GB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00039 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 Page of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06125107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-1 184315 G0607392 06/13/07 1330 06113/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 0.0049 0.00029 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.0098 0.00057 8260B 06/15107 1726 erussell 024312 0.0049 0.00029 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.0049 0.0004 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.0049 0.00032 826DB 06/15/07 1728 ewesell 024312 0.0049 0.00049 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell Q24312 0.0049 0.0003 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell Q24312 0.0049 0.00084 826DB 06/15/07 1728 enissell 024312 0.0049 0.00033 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.0049 0.00037 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.0049 0.00034 826DB 06/15/07 1728 enissell 024312 0.0049 0.00029 8260B 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.0049 0.0004 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.024 0.0018 826DB 06/15/07 1728 erussell 024312 0.0049 000063 82609 06/15/07 1728 ensseiI 024312 n-Propylbenzene BRL Naphthalene BRL o-Xylene BRL p-lsopropyltoluene BRL sec-Butylbenzene BRL Styrene BRL tert-Butylbenzene BRL Tetrachloroethene BRL Toluene BRL trans-I 2-Dichloroethene BRL trans-I 3-Dichloropropene BRL Trlchloroethene BRL Trichlorofluoromethane BRL Vinyl acetate BRL Vinyl chloride BRL Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by CC/MS 24-Trichlorobenzene BRL 2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 2.45-Trichiorophenol BRL 246-Trithlorophenol BRL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Bromofluorobenzene 100 77-128 Dibromofluoromethane 106 67 143 Toluene-d8 98 81 128 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.036 0.027 DM26 0.033 0.037 0.035 82700 82700 827CC 8270C 8270C 82700 06/18/07 1309 kcarnplgotlo 06/18/07 1309 kcampigOttO 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotlo 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 This report shoud not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter 24-IDichlorophenol 24-Dimethyiphenol 24-Dinitrophenol 24-Dinitrotoluene 26-Dinitrotoluene 2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chiorophenol 2-Methylnaphthalene 2-Methyiphenol 2-Nitropherol 34MethylphenoI 33-Dichloroberizidine 46-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4-Bromophenyiphenylether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroaniline 4-Chlorophenyiphenylettier 4-Nitrophenol Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Arithracene Azobenzene Benzoeanthracerie Benzoapyrene Benzobfluoranthene Benzog.hiperylene Benzokfiuoranthene 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kvarnpigotto Q24348 06118/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06116/07 1309 kcampgotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcanpigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigolto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampiotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 koampigotto Q2434a 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 8270C 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024346 8270C 06118/07 1309 kcampigotto Q24348 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 184315 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607392 Time Collected 06/13/07 1330 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.031 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.035 827CC BRL mg/kg 1.8 0.041 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.021 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.039 827CC BRL mg/kg 036 0.038 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.029 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.029 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.034 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.044 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.037 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.73 0.023 8270C BRL mg/kg 1.8 0.022 827CC BRI mg/kg 0.36 0.035 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.73 0.027 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.047 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.023 627CC BRL mg/kg 1.8 0.024 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.036 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.036 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.028 82700 BRL mg/kg 18 0.034 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.051 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.042 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.016 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.017 BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.030 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1400/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 FuU $BrYlcs Aualytkul vtrnmntat S01ut011 ESP Associates PA Project ID Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Morehead Commons No GIiet Sample ID WS-1 Prism Sample ID 184315 COG Group 00607392 Time Collected 06/13/07 1330 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Piisrn Laboratories Inc 449 Spring brook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Sample Matrix Soil Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1.8 0.15BenzoicacidBRLmg/kg 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.73 0.038 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kampigotto Q24348 Bis2-chloroethoxymethane BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.042 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Bis2-chloroethylether BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.040 8270C 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Bis2-chloroisopropylether BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.031 8270C 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Bis2-ethylhexylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.018 8270C 06/18/07 1309 koampigotto 024343 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.022 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Chrysene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.061 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.017 827CC 08/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.027 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Dibenzoahanthracene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.037 827CC 06118/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.031 3270C 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Diethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.022 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigolto 024348 Dimethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.025 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Fluorantherie BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.025 827CC 06118/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Fluorene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.022 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampi9otto Q24348 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.019 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Hexachiorobutadiene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.035 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigofto 024348 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.039 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Hexachioroethane BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.037 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Indeno123-cdpyrene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.037 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024343 Isophororie BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.033 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto Q24343 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.041 827CC 06/18/07 1309 keampigotto 024348 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.019 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024343 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.040 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.035 827CC 06/18/07 1309 kcampigotto 024348 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg 1.8 0.031 8270C 06/18/07 1309 kcamplgotto 024348 Page of 35 ESP Associates PA Attri Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 WS-1 184315 00607392 06/1 3/07 1330 06/13/07 1545 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID Cl 1-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg C19-C36Aliphatics BRL mg/kg C9.C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg analysis Note for CllC22 Aromatics Sample Preparation MDL erylce Arcelydcel Enonrrcenel Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted Parameter Result Units Report Limit Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.018 Phenol BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.040 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.36 0.025 Method Sample Preparation Dilution Factor Analyst 8270C 8270C 8270C Analysis Date/Time 06/18/07 1309 kc.ampigotto 06118/07 1309 keampigotto 06/18/07 1309 koampigotto Batch ID 024348 Q24348 Q24348 29.98 mL 355DB 06115/07 900 dpope P1 8642 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Nitrobenzene-d5 88 14-103 Phenol-d5 85 13-95 Terphenyl-d14 101 41 136 246-Tribromophenol 113 25-123 2-Fluorobiphenyl 91 21 108 2-Fluorophenol 89 14 89 MADEP EPH MADEP EPH MADEP EPH 11 5.7 11 1.6 11 3.4 Adjusted value 1O.5g 2mL 06/20/07 06/2007 06/20/07 2228 grappaccioli 2228 grappaccioli 2228 grappaccioli 024425 024425 024425 P1 8669EPH06/19/07 1000 jvogel Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane 104 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 110 40-140 2-Fluoroblphenyl 117 40-140 o-Terpheriyl 101 40-140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFID CS-Ca Aliphatics BRL C9-Cl0Aromatics BRL C9-C12 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg mg/kg mglkg 5.5 1.1 5.5 0.033 5.5 1.7 MADEPVPH MADEPVPI-1 MADEPVPH 06/21/07 032 hwagner 06/2107 032 hwagner 06/21/07 032 hwagner This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Q24410 Q2441 024410 Page of 35 NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Analysis Note for C5-C8 Aliphatics Adjusted value Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluene-FID 124 70-130 25-Dibromotoluene-PID 101 70-130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 14.85 MADEP VPH 06/18/07 000 thrown Weight 16.34 MADEP VPH 06/18/07 000 thrown Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Limit J-Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other thanNELACcertificationexceptforthose instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on dry-weight basis This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Sevk AiatJI Environmnta Soh5on Laboratory Report 06 /25107 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-1 Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 184315 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607392 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/13/07 1330 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of 35 Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids NC CertificaUon No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate Weight Bisulfate Weight Methanol ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06 /25107 WS-2 184316 G0607392 06/13/07 06113107 1345 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 86.8 SM2540 06/18/07 1700 lbrown 5.12 7.16 5.23 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 11 -Trichloroethane 11 22-Tetrachloroethane 11 2-Trichloroethane 1-Dichloroethane 1-Dichioroethene 11 -Dichloropropene 23-Trichlorobenzene 23-Trichloropropane .24-Trichlorobenzene 24-Trimethylbenzene 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Dichloroethane 2-Dichloropropane 35-Trimethylbenzene 3-Dichlorobenzene 3-Dichloropropane 4-Dichlorobenzene 22-Dichioropropane 2-Chlorotoluene mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 mg/kg 0.0040 5035 5035 5035 8260B 8260B 82608 82608 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 82608 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 82608 8260B 8260B 8260B 06/18/07 000 06/18/07 000 06/18/07 000 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15107 1811 06/15/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 06115/07 1811 06/15/07 1811 0.00023 0.00041 0.00025 0.00029 0.00031 0.00035 000044 0.00035 0.00039 0.00031 0.000072 0.00022 0.0004 0.0003 0.00034 0.00035 0.00027 0.00031 0.0002 0.0003 Ibrown Ibrown Ibrown ensselI enssel erussefl en.jssell enissell erussell enissefl erussell erusselJ erussell erussel erusse enjssefl ewssefl erussell erussell erussell erussoll erussel erussell 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 Q2431 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 Q24312 024312 024312 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page 8of35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-8364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COO Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-2 184316 G0607392 06/13/07 1345 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0040 0.00042 8260B 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00021 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BRL mg/kg 0.040 0.0004 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 Acetone BRL mg/kg 0.040 0.0016 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0024 0.00032 8260B 06115/07 1811 erussell 024312 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00028 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussetl Q24312 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00024 826DB 06/15/07 181 erussell 024312 Bromodichioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00035 8260B 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 Bromofomi BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.0003 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0080 0.00047 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00023 8260B 06/15/07 1811 erussefl 024312 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00031 826DB 08/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 Chiorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00027 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q2431 Chioroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0080 0.00033 82608 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.0003 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 Chioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00028 82609 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 dc-i 2-Dichloroetherie BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00018 8260B 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 cis-1 3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00026 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 Dichlorodifluorametharre BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.0009 82608 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00028 82609 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 Isopropyl ether IPE BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00014 826DB 06/15107 1811 erussell Q24312 lsopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00032 826DB 08/15/07 1811 erussel Q24312 mp-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0080 0.00056 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL mg/kg 0.080 0.0011 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 Methyl t-butyl ether MIBE BRL mg/kg 0.0080 0.00023 8260B 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 Methylerre chloride BRL mg/kg 00040 0.00033 826DB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0040 0.00032 826DB 06116/07 1811 erussell 024312 Page of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 WS-2 184316 G0607392 06/13/07 1345 06/13/07 1545 Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS 124-Trichlorobenzene BRL 2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 3-Dichlorobenzeno BRL 4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 245-Trichiorophenol BRL 246-Trichiorophenol BRL Furl Sric AnIytfcaI Envroimental SoI NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time lID n-Propylbenzene Naphthalene o-Xylene p-lsopropyltoluene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachioroethene Toluene trans-i 2-Dichloroethene trans-i3-Dichoropropene Trichioroethene Trichiorofluoromethane Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Limit Factor 0.0040 0.00024 826GB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 0.0080 0.00047 826GB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 0.00024 826GB 06/15107 1811 ecussell 024312 0.0040 0.00033 826GB 06115107 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 0.00027 826GB 06/15107 1811 erusseli 024312 0.0040 0.0004 826GB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 000025 826GB 06115/07 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 0.00069 626GB 06115107 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 0.00027 626GB 06/15/07 1811 erussell Q24312 0.0040 0.00031 82606 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 0.00028 626GB 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 0.00024 826GB 06/15/07 1811 erusseI Q24312 0.0040 0.00033 8260B 06/15/07 1811 erussell 024312 0.020 0.0015 8260B 06/15107 1811 erussell 024312 0.0040 0.00051 8260B 06/15/07 1811 erussefl Q24312 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Bromofluorobenzene 115 77-128 Dibromofluoromethane 104 67-143 Toluene-d8 98 81 128 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0038 0.028 0.028 0.034 0.039 0.037 82700 82700 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampFgotto 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 08/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1628 keampigotto 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 10 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 24-Dichlorophenol 24-Dimethylphenol 24-Dinitrophenol 24-Dinitrotoluene 26-Dinitrotoluerie 2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chlorophenol 2-Methylnaphthaiene 2-Methyiphenol 2-Nitrophenol 34-Methylphenol 33-Dichlorobenzidine 46-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4-Bromophenylphenylether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroanilirie 4-Chlorophenylphenyether 4-Nitrophenol Aceriaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Pzobenzene Benzoaanthracerie Benzoapyrene Benzobfluoranthene Benzoghiperylene Benzokftuoranthene Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.032 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.037 BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.043 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.022 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.040 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.039 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.030 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.030 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.036 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.046 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.039 BRL mg/kg 0.76 0.024 BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.023 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.036 BRL mg/kg 0.76 0.028 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.049 BRL mg/kg 038 0.024 BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.025 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.037 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.038 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.029 BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.035 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.053 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.044 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.017 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.018 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.031 Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time ID 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigOtto Q24348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1628 kcarnplgotto Q24348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotlo Q24348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcarnpigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06118/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kearnpigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1628 kcamplgotto Q24348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06118/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18107 1628 kcampigotto 024346 06/18107 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1628 kcarnpigotto 024348 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springb rook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224.0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 FIII SeMca Analytical EnvlnnnnlaISoIaUnna NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No.99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Laboratory Report 08/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 Prism Sample ID 184316 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607392 Time Collected 06/13/07 1345 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Parameter 827CC 827CC 827CC 6270C 827CC 827CC 827CC 8270C 827CC 8270C 8270C 827CC 6270C 827CC 827CC 8270C 827CC 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C 8270C Page 11 of35 IuII 2ervkeAiialyUcal Ennmnti $olutkus ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Benzoic acid Benzyl alcohol Bis2-chloroethoxymethane Bis2-chloroethylether Bis2.chloroisopropylether Bis2-ethylhexylphthalate Butylbenzylphthalate Chrysene Di-n-butylphthalate Di-n-octylphthalate Dibenoahanthracene Diberizoftiran Diethylphthalate Dimethylphthatate Fluoranthene Fluorene l-lexachlorobenzene Hexachiorobutadiene Hexachiorocyclopentadiene Hexachioroethane lndeno1 23-cdpyrene Isophorone N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Naphthalene Nitrobenzene Pentachiorophenol This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Piism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toil Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 90012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06125107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 Prism Sample ID 184316 Sample Matrix Soil coc Group G0607392 Time Collected 06113/07 1345 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time ID BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.16 8270C 06/18107 1625 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.76 0.040 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.044 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.041 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.033 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcamplgotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.019 527CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto Q24348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.023 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.063 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.017 827CC 06118/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.028 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcamplgotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.038 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.033 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.023 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.026 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.026 827CC 06/1 8/07 1628 kcarnpigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.023 8270C 06/18/07 1625 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.020 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.037 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.040 8270C 06/18/Cl 1628 kcamplgotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.039 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.030 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.034 827CC 06118/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.043 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.019 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.042 827CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.38 0.037 8270C 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.032 821CC 06/18/07 1628 kcampigotto 024348 Page 12 of35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 CharIotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-2 184316 G0607392 06113107 06/13/07 Sample Preparation 29.91 mL 3550B 06/15/07 900 dpope P18642 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID Cl 1-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg C19-C36Allphatics BRL mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg Analysis Note for Cll-C22 Aromatics Sample Preparation NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units 1345 1545 MDL Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg Phenol BRL mg/kg Pyrene BRL mg/kg MethodReport Limit 0.38 0.38 0.38 Dilution Factor Analyst 0.019 0.042 0.026 8270C 8270C 8270C Analysis Date/Time 06/18107 1628 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1628 koampigotto 06/18/07 1628 kcampigottO Batch ID 024345 024348 024348 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 246-Tribromophenol 109 25-123 2-Fluorobiphenyl 92 21 108 2-Fluorophenol 82 14-89 Nitrobenzene-d5 84 14-103 Phenol-d5 76 13-95 Terphenyl-d14 106 41 136 11 6.1 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 012 grappacclot Q24425 11 1.7 MADEP EPH 06121/07 012 grappaccioli 024425 11 3.6 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 012 grappaccioli 024425 Adjusted value 10.16 mL EPH 06/19/07 1000 ivogel P18669 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane 117 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 107 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 110 40-140 o-Terphenyl 98 40-140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FID C5-C8Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 5.8 1.1 MADEPVPH 06121107 114 hwagner 024410 C9-Cl0Aromatics BRL mg/kg 5.8 0.035 MADEPVPH 06/21/07 114 hwagner 024410 C9-C12 AliphaUcs BRL mg/kg 5.8 1.8 MADEP VPH 06/2107 114 hwagner 024410 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 13 of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Analysis Note for C5C8 Aliphatics Adjusted value Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value One surrogate recovery was outside the control limits No target compounds were detected inthissampleNofurtheractionwastaken Sample Weight Determination Weight Weight Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Limit J-Estimated value between the Reporting Umit and the MDL The results in this reportrelate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other thanNELAcertificationexceptforthose instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on dry-weight basis This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-2 Prism Sample ID 184316 Sample Matrix Soil coc Group G0607392 Time Collected 06/13107 1345 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluene-FID 133 70-130 25-Dibromotoluene-PID 104 70-130 12.07 12.08 MADEP VPR 06/18/07 000 brown MADEP VPH 06/18/07 000 brown Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 14 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil coc Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-3 184317 G0607392 06/13/07 1400 06113107 1545 Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids SamIe Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate Weight Bisulfate Weight Methanol Full Srjicu Analytiual Enukonmuriel Salutlonu NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 88.5 SM2540 06/18107 1700 brown 5.90 5.79 5.46 BRL BRI BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Volatile Organic Comoounds by GCIMS 11-Trichloroethane 11 22-Tetrachloroethane 112-Trichloroethane 1-Dichloroethane 1-Dichloroethene .1-Dichioropropene 23-Trichlorobenzene 23-Trichloropropane .24-Trichlorobenzene 24-Trimethylbenzene 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Dichioroethane 2-Dichioropropane 36-Trimethylbenzerie 3-Dichlorobenzene 3-Dichioropropare 4-Dichlorobenzene 22-Dicliloropropane 2-Chiorotoiuene mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg O.004 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 mg/kg 0.0049 5035 5035 5035 82608 826DB 82608 8260B 8260B 8260B 826DB 826DB 82606 6260B 826DB 82806 8260B 826DB 82608 626DB 8260B 82608 826DB 82608 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/1 8/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 05/18/07 06/18/07 000 000 000 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 0.00027 0.0005 0.0003 0.00035 0.00037 0.00043 0.00054 0.00043 0.00047 0.00037 0.000088 0.00026 0.00049 0.00036 0.00041 0.00042 0.00033 0.00038 0.00024 0.00036 Ibrown brown brown ewsseli erussell erusseil erusseU erusseif erussell erusseli erusseli erussell ensseii erusseil erusseii erussell erusseli erussef erussef ewssell erusseil erussell erussell 024312 Q24312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 Q24312 024312 024312 024312 024312 Q24312 024312 Q24312 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spring brook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page 15 of35 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected lime Submitted This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprinybrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert Mo 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/0 WS-3 184317 G0607392 06/13/07 06/13/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method 1400 1545 Analyst Batch ID Analysis Limit Factor Date/Time 2-Hexanone BRI mg/kg 0.049 0.00051 826DB 05/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 4-Chiorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00025 82609 06/18/07 1235 erusset Q24312 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BRL mg/kg 0.049 0.00049 826DB 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Acetone BRL mg/kg 0.049 0.0019 826DB 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0029 0.00039 82608 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00034 826DB 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00029 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erusselt 024312 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00043 526DB 06/18/07 1235 etussell 024312 Bromoform BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00036 826DB 05/18/07 1235 etussell 024312 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.00057 826DB 06/18/07 1235 ensselI 024312 Carbon tetrachioride BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00028 826DB 06/18/07 1235 etussell 024312 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00037 826DB 06/18/07 1235 erusseli 024312 Chiorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 000033 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Chioroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.0004 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00036 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Chioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00034 826DB 06/18/07 1235 ensseIl 024312 cis-12-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00021 826DB 06/18/07 1235 ejussell 024312 cis-13-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00031 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussetl 024312 Dchlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0011 826DB 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00034 826DB 06/18/07 1235 eiJssetl Q24312 Isopropyl etherIPE BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00017 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Isopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00039 826DB 06/18/07 1235 enissell 024312 mp-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.00068 826DB 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL mg/kg 0.098 0.00 14 8260B 06/15/07 1235 erussell 024312 Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.00028 82608 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Methylene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0004 8260B 06/16/07 1235 erusseH 024312 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00039 826DB 06/18/07 1235 erussel 024312 Page 16 of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-3 Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 184317 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607392 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/13/07 1400 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analyst Batch ID Analysis Limit Factor Date/Time n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00029 82608 06/18/07 1235 erus5eII 024312 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.0098 0.00057 82608 06118/07 1235 eruseII 024312 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00029 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 p-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0004 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00032 82608 06/18/07 1235 enissell 024312 Styrene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00049 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell Q24312 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0003 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Tetrachloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00084 82608 06/18/07 1235 ensselI 024312 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00033 82606 06/18107 1235 erussell 024312 trans-12-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00037 82606 06/18107 1235 erussell 024312 trans-13-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00034 82608 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Trichioroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00029 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erusseli 024312 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.0004 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell Q24312 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.024 0.0018 82608 06/18/07 1235 erussell Q24312 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0049 0.00062 8260B 06/18/07 1235 erussell 024312 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Brornofluorobenzene 104 77-128 Dibromofluoromethane 101 67 143 Toluene-d8 97 81 128 Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 124-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.037 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto Q24348 12-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.028 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 13-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.37 0.027 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 14-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.034 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcarnpigotto 024345 245-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.038 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 246-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 17 of 35 NC Certification Nc 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spring brook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-8364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 FIJ Srk AnalyaI EnviromenIai Sht1a ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-3 184317 G0607392 06/1307 1400 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analyst Batch Limit Factor ID Analysis DateiTime 24-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.031 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kCampigotlo 024348 24-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 24-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.042 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 24-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.021 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 26-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.040 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.039 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024345 2-Chorophenol BRI mg/kg 0.37 0.029 5270C 06/19/07 1044 kcanipigot 024348 2-Methylnaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.030 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcsmpigotto 024348 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.035 82700 0619/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.045 8270C 0619/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 34-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.038 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 33-Dichlorobenzldine BL mg/kg 0.75 0.023 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 46-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.023 82700 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024345 4-Chloro-3-rnethylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.75 0.027 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.048 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampgotto 024348 4-Chlorophenylpheriylether BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.023 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcanipigotto Q24348 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.025 8270C 06119/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.037 8270C 06119/07 1044 koampigotto 024348 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.037 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigc4to 024348 Anthracene 0.097J mg/kg 0.37 0.028 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampgoUo 024348 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.035 82700 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 Benzoaanthracene 0.48 mg/kg 0.37 0.052 8270C 06119/07 1044 kcanipigotto 024348 Benzoapyrene 0.30 mg/kg 0.37 0.043 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto Q24348 Benzobfluoranthene 0.37 mg/kg 0.31 0.017 82700 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto Q24348 Benzoghiperylerie BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.018 827CC 06119/07 1044 kcampigotlo 024348 Benzokfluoranthene 0.26 mg/kg 0.37 0.030 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcanipigotlo 024348 Page 18 of 35 Service Aibcal ImhtaI .soIttioji ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-3 184317 G0607392 06/13/07 1400 06/13/07 1545 Benzoic acid Benzyl alcohol Bis2-chlorcethoxymethane Bis2-chloroethylether Bis2-chloroisopropylether Bis2-ethylhexylphthalate Butylbenzylphthalate Chrysene Di-n-butylphthalate Dln-octyIphthaIate Dibenzoahanthracerie Dibenzofuran Diethylphthalate Dimethylphthalate Fluoranthens Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene 1-lexachiorocyclopentadiene Hexachioroethane lndeno1 23-cdpyrene leophorone N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Naphthalene Nitrobenzene Pentachlorophenol This report should not be reproduced except in its entirely without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor AnalystAnalysis Batch Date/Time ID BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.16 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.75 0.039 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 ERL mg/kg 0.37 0.043 527CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.041 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kc2nlplgotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.032 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.018 8270C 06/19/07 1044 keampigotto Q24348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.023 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 0.45 mg/kg 0.37 0.062 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.017 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.028 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.038 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.032 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.023 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.026 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcanipigotto 024348 0.80 mg/kg 0.37 0.026 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.022 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 RRL mg/kg 0.37 0.019 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 8270C 06/19/07 1044 keampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.040 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.038 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 0.24348 0.24 mg/kg 0.37 0.038 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcarnpigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.033 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.042 8270C 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.019 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotlo Q24348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.041 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 BRL mg/kg 0.37 0.036 827CC 06/19/07 1044 kcampigotto 024348 ERL mg/kg 1.9 0.031 827CC 06/19/07 1044 keampigotto 024348 Page 19 p135 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Sample Preparation 29.88 rnL 3550B 06/15107 900 dpope P18642 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COG Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-3 184317 00607392 06/1 3/07 1400 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Analyst Batch ID MDL Phenanthrene 0.41 mg/kg Phenol BRL mg/kg Pyrene 0.55 mg/kg MethodReport Limit 0.37 0.37 0.37 Dilution Factor 0.018 0.041 0.026 Analysis Date/Time 06/19/07 1044 06/19/07 1044 06/19/07 1044 8270C 8270C 8270C kcampigotto kcampigotto kcarnpigotto Q24348 024346 024348 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 246-Trlbromophenol 120 25-123 2-Fluorobiphenyl 97 21 108 2-Fluorophenol 87 14-89 Nitrobenzene-dS 96 14-103 Phenol-d5 85 13 95 Terphenyl-d14 105 41 136 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22Aromatics BRL mglkg 11 6.1 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 11 1.7 C9-Cl8Aliphatics 21 mg/kg 11 3.6 Analysis Note for Cll-C22 Aromatics Adjusted value Sample Preparation 10.08 mL EPH 06/19/07 1000 jvogel MADEP EPH 06/21/07 156 grappaccioii 024425 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 156 grappaccioli 024425 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 156 grappacdoli 024425 P18669 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane 108 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 102 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 101 40 140 o-Terphenyl 99 40-140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFID C5-C8Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 5.6 1.1 MADEPVPH 06/21/07 156 hwagner 024410 C9-Cl0Aromatics BRL mg/kg 5.6 0.034 MADEPVPI-06/21/07 156 hwagner 024410 C9C12AJiphatics BRL mg/kg 5.6-1.7 MADEPVPH 06/21/07 156 hwagner 024410 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springb rook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 20 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-3 184317 G0607392 06113107 1400 06113107 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Dateflime ID Pnalysis Nate for C5-C8 Aliphatics Adjusted value na1ysia Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluene-FID 122 70-130 25-Dibromotoluene-PID 100 70-130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 12.53 MADEP VPH 06/15107 000 Ibrown Weight 16.01 MADEP VPH 06/18107 000 brown Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Limit J-Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on dr/-weight basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprinybrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 -__ FL dcal Envlronmeiflal StuUons NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax704/525-0409 Page 21 of 35 Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate Weight Bisulfate Weight Methanol ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O ox 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil coc Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 184318 G0607392 06/13107 1415 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 84.6 SM2540 06/18/07 1700 brown 06/18/07 000 06/18/07 000 06/18/07 000 brown Ibrown brown 06/18/07 1319 erussell 06/18/07 1319 eiissell 06/18/07 1319 erussell 06/18/07 1319 erussell 06/18/07 1319 ejusselI 5.35 5.33 4.87 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Volatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS 11 1-Tiichtoroethane 11 22-Tetrachloroethane 11 2-Trichloroethane 1-Dichloroethane 1-Dichloroethene .1-Dichioropropene 23-Trichlorobenzene .23-Trichioropropane 24-Trichlorobenzene 24-Trimethylbenzene 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Dichloroethane 2-Dichloropropane 35-Trimethylbenzene 3-Dichlorobenzene 3-Dichloropropane 4-Dichorobenzene 22-Dichloropropane 2-Chiorotoluene 5035 5035 5035 8260B 826GB 826GB 826GB 826GB 826GB 826GB 826DB 826DB 826GB 826DB 826GB 826DB 826GB 826DB 826GB 826DB 826DB 826DB 8260B 0.0055 0.00031 0.0055 0.00057 0.0055 0.00034 0.0055 0.0004 0.0055 0.00042 0.0055 0.00G49 0.0055 0.00061 0.0055 0.00049 00055 0.00053 0.0055 0.00042 0.0055 0.0001 0.0055 0.0003 0.0055 0.00055 0.0055 0.00041 0.0055 0.00047 0.0055 0.00048 0.0055 0.00038 0.0055 0.00043 0.0055 0.00028 0.0055 0.00041 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 06/I 8/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/18/07 06/1 8/07 06/18/07 06/1 8/07 06/18/07 1319 erusseU 1319 erussefl 1319 erussell 1319 eiussell 1319 erusselt 1319 enissell 1319 erussell 1319 erusseU 1319 erussell 1319 erussell 1319 erussell 1319 erussel 1319 erusseil 1319 ewssefl 1319 erussellBRLmg/kg This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page 22 of 35 Pull SerykeAiialytlcal ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil coc Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 184318 G0607392 06/13/07 1415 06/13/07 1545 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spring brook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7O4I529-634 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No ggoi NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Analyst Batch ID Analysis Factor Date/Time 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.055 0.00058 82608 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 4-Chiorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00029 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK BRL mg/kg 0.055 0.00055 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Acetone 0.12 mg/kg 0.055 0.0022 8260B 06/18/07 1319 eiussell 024312 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0033 0.00044 82603 06/18/07 1319 erussell Q2431 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00039 826GB 06/16/07 1319 erusselL 024312 Bromochioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00033 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussefl 024312 Bromodichioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00049 8260 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Bromoform BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00041 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell Q24312 Bromomethano BRL mg/kg 0.011 0.00064 8260B 06I18/07 1319 enissell 024312 Carbon tetracliloride BRI mg/kg 0.0055 0.00032 82608 06/1 8/07 1319 erussell 024312 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00042 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussell Q24312 Chiorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00038 8260B 06/18/07 1319 enissell 024312 Chioroethane BRL mg/kg 0Oil 0.00045 8260B 06/18/07 1319 enissell 024312 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00041 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Chiorornethane BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00039 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 cis-12-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00024 82608 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 cis-13-Dlchloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00035 82608 06118/07 1319 erussell 024312 Dichiorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.0012 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 000039 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Isopropyl ether IPE BRL mg/kg 0.0055 000019 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 lsopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00044 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 mp-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.011 0.00078 826GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL mg/kg 0.11 0.0016 82608 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE BRL mg/kg 0.011 0.00032 626GB 06/18/07 1319 erussell Q24312 Methylene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00045 826DB 06/18/07 1319 ewsasll 024312 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0055 0.00044 826DB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 Page 23 of 35 This report should not be reproduced except in its entrety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 70415250409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 05/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil CbC Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 184318 G0607392 06/13/07 1415 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit AnalystAnalysis Batch Factor Dateffime ID 8260B 06/18/07 1319 snissell Q24312 826DB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 826DB 06/18/07 1319 enissell 024312 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussell Q24312 826DB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 826DB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 826DB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussel 024312 826DB 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussel 024312 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussell Q24312 826DB 06/18/07 1319 erusseI 024312 8260B 06/18/07 1319 erussell 024312 82609 06/18/07 1319 erussell Q24312 n-Propylbenzene BRL Naphthalene BRL o-Xylene BRL p-lsopropyltoluene BRL sec-Butylbenzene BRI Styrene BRL tert-Butylbenzene BRL Tetrachioroethene BRL Toluerie BRL trans-I 2-Dichloroethene BRL trans-I 3-Dichloropropene BRL Trichloroethene BRL Trichiorofluoromethane BRL Vinyl acetate BRL Vinyl chloride BRL Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by GC1MS 24-Tiichlorobenzene BRL 2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 245-Trichiorophenol BRL 246-Trichiorophenol BRL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.0055 0.011 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.0055 0.028 0.0055 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.00033 0.00064 0.00033 0.00045 0.00037 0.00055 0.00034 0.00095 0.00038 0.00042 0.00039 0.00033 0.00045 0.0020 0.00071 0.039 0.029 0.028 0.035 0.040 0.038 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Bromofluorobenzene 88 77 128 Dibromofluoromethane 92 67 143 Toluene-d8 102 81-128 827CC 8270C 827CC 8270C 827CC 8270C 06/18/07 1718 kcamplgotto 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 06/I 8/07 1718 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1718 kcamprgotto 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 Page 24 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter 24-Dichiorophenol 24-Dimethyiphenol 24-Dinitrophenol 24-Dinitrotoluene 26-Dinitrotoluerie 2-Chomnaphthalene 2-Chiorophenol 2-Methylnaphthalene 2-Methyiphenol 2-Nitrophenol 34-Methylphenol 33-Dichlorobenzidine 46-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4-Bromophenylphenylether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chioroaniline 4-Chlorophenylphenylether 4-Nitrophenol Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Azobenzene Benzoaanthracene Benzoapyrene Benzobuluoranthene Benzoghiperylene Benzokfluoranthene Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Prism Sample ID 184318 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0607392 Time Collected 06/13/07 1415 Time Submitted 06/1 3/07 1545 06118107 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1715 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigOtto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampgotto 024348 06/18107 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06118/07 1718 kcempigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1718 kcamplgotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18107 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06118107 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18107 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcamplgotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Full Srvlc AnaIytfc Ewiroimuilal L...llonu NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.033 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.038 82706 BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.044 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.022 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.042 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.040 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.031 82706 ERL mg/kg 0.39 0.031 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.037 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.047 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.040 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.79 0.025 82706 BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.024 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.037 82706 BRI mg/kg 0.79 0.029 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.050 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.024 8270C BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.026 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0039 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.039 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.030 82706 BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.036 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.055 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.045 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.018 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.019 82706 BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.032 82700 Page 25 of 35 Laboratory Report 0612 5107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Prism Sample ID 184318 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607392 Time Collected 06/1 3/07 1415 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Benzoic acid Benzyl alcohol Bis2-chloroethoxyrnethane Bis2-chloroethylether Bis2-chloroisopropylether Bis2-ethylhexylphthalate Butylbenzylphthalate Chrysene Di-n-butylphthalate Di-n-octylphthalate Dibenzoahanthracerie Dlbenzofurari Diethylphthalate Dimethylphthalate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachiorobutadiene Hexachiorocyclopentadiene Hexachloroethane lndeno1 .23-cd pyrene Isophorone N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Naphthalene Nitrobenzene Peiitachlorophenol mg/kg 2.0 0.17 mg/kg 0.79 0.041 mg/kg 0.39 0.045 mg/kg 0.39 0.043 mg/kg 0.39 0.034 mg/kg 0.39 0.019 mg/kg 0.39 0.024 mg/kg 0.39 0.065 mg/kg 039 0.018 mg/kg 0.39 0.029 mg/kg 0.39 0.039 mg/kg 0.39 0.034 mg/kg 0.39 0.024 mg/kg 0.39 0.027 mg/kg 0.39 0.027 mg/kg 0.39 0.023 mg/kg 0.39 0.020 mg/kg 0.39 0.038 mg/kg 0.39 0.042 mg/kg 0.39 0.040 mg/kg 0.39 0.040 mg/kg 0.39 0.035 mg/kg 0.39 0.045 mg/kg 0.39 0.020 mg/kg 0.39 0.043 mg/kg 0.39 0.038 mg/kg 2.0 0.033 Method Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time ID 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06118/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18107 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigofto Q24348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06118/07 1718 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto Q24348 06/18/07 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 koampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024346 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 024348 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the written consent of Piism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Sric Ana4icl Envlronmm._..-_._._ns NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Limit Factor BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 827CC 82700 827CC 82700 82700 8270C 827CC 8270C 827CC 827CC 827CC 827CC 8270C 827CC 827CC 827CC 827CC 827CC 827CC 8270C 8270C 827CC 82700 8270C 827CC 827CC 827CC Page 26 of 35 PuB SeMu AiiI ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Prolect ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COG Group Time Collected Time Submitted WS-4 184318 G0607392 06/13107 1415 06113107 1545 Parameter Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene Report Limit 0.39 0.39 0.39 Analysis Date/Time 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1718 kcampigotto Q24348 Q24348 Q24348 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID Cl 1-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg C19-C36Aliphatics BRL mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg Analysis Note for Cl1-C22 Aromatics Sample Preparation Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FID C5-C8 AliphaUcs BRL C9-C10 Aromatics BRL C9-C12 Aliphatics BRL Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Result Units MDL Method BRL BRL BRL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Sample Preparation Dilution Factor 0.019 0.043 0.027 Analyst Batch ID 8270C 827CC 827CC 29.78 mL 35508 06/15/07 900 dpope P18642 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 246-Tribromophenol 104 25 123 2-Fluorobiphenyl 82 21 108 2-Fluorophenol 72 14-89 Nitrobenzene-d5 75 14-103 Phenol-d5 71 13-95 Terphenyl-d14 115 41-136 11 6.1 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 340 grappaccioli Q24425 11 1.7 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 340 grappaccioti Q4425 11 3.6 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 340 grappaccioli Q24425 Adjusted value 10.52 mL EPH 06/19/07 1000 jvoget P18669 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane 89 40 140 2-Brornonaphthalene 101 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 100 40-140 o-Terpheriyl 83 40-140 mg/kg 5.9 1.1 MADEPVPH 06/21/07 237 hwagner 024410 mg/kg 5.9 0.035 MADEP VPH 06/21/07 237 hwagner Q24410 mg/kg 5.9 1.8 MADEP VPH 06/21/07 237 hwagner Q24410 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 ToIl Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page 27 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Analysis Note for C5-C8 Aliphatics Adjustedvalue Analysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluerie-PID 83 70 130 25-Dibromotoluene-FID 116 70 130 Sam1e Weight Determination Weight 12.71 MADEP VPH 06/18/07 000 brown Weight 13.01 MADEP VPH 06/18/07 000 Ibrown Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Umit J-Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on dry-weight basis This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Ffl e.icMytical Envronmta NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID WS-4 Prism Sample ID 184318 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607392 Time Collected 06/13/07 Time Submitted 06/13107 1415 1545 Angela ID Overcash V.P Laboratory Services Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704525.0409 Page 28 of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 EnvTmnISeFiHJons ESP Associates PA Project ID Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted B-I 184319 G0607392 06/13107 1430 06/13/07 1545 Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate Weight Bisulfate Weight Methanol 1-Dichloroethane 1DichIoroethene 1-Dichloropropene 23-Trichiorobenzene 23-Trichloropropane 24-Trichlorobenzene 24-Trimethylbenzene 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Dichloroethane 2-Dichloropropane 35-Trimethylbenzene 3-Dichlorobenzene 3-Dichloropropana 4-Dlchlorobenzene 22-Dichloropropane 2-Chiorotoluene Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Sample Matrix Soil Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID SM2540 06118/07 1700 brown Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 11 1-Trichloroethane 11 22-Tetrachloroethane 11 2-Trichloroethane 80.0 5.31 6.62 6.15 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00026 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00048 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00029 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00034 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00036 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00042 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00052 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00042 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00045 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00036 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.000085 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00025 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00047 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00035 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0004 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0004 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00032 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00037 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00024 BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00035 5035 5035 5035 826DB 826DB 826GB 82603 82603 82608 826DB 826DB 8260B 826DB 826GB 826DB 826DB 826GB 826DB 826DB 82608 826GB 826DB 826GB 06/18/07 000 06/18/07 000 06/18107 000 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 08/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19107 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19107 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 06/19/07 1631 Ibrown Ibrown brown en2sselI enissell ejussell erussell enissell erussell erussell erussell erussell erussell erussell erusselt erusselt erussell erussell enissell erussell erussefl erussell Q24312 Q24312 024312 Q24312 024312 024312 024312 Q24312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 Q24312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/526-0409 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Page 29 of 35 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8O0l5296364 Fax 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID 8-1 Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 184319 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607392 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/13/07 1430 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 Parameter Resutt Units Report MDL Dilution Method Factor AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Date/Time ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.047 0.00049 82608 06/19/07 1631 erussell Q24312 4-Chiorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00025 8260B 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 4-Methyl-2-pentancne MIBK BRL mg/kg 0.047 0.00047 8260B 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Acetone 0.048 mg/kg 0.047 0.0019 82608 06/19/07 1631 ewssell 024312 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0028 0.00038 82608 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00033 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Bromochioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00028 826GB 06/19/07 1631 eiussell 024312 Broniodichloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00042 826GB 06/19/07 1631 eiussell 024312 Bromoform BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00035 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussefl Q24312 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0094 0.00055 8260B 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Carbon tetrachioride BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00027 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00036 8260B 06/19/07 1631 en.issel 024312 Chiorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00032 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0094 0.00039 82608 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00035 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Chioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00033 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 cis-1 2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00021 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 cis-13-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0003 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussel 024312 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0011 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00033 82608 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Isopropyl ether IPE BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00016 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Isopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00038 82608 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 mp-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0094 0.00066 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK BRL mg/kg 0.094 0.0013 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE BRL mg/kg 0.0094 0.00027 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 Methytene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00039 826GB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 000038 826GB 06/19/07 1631 eussell 024312 Page 30 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted B-I 184319 G0607392 06/13/07 1430 06/13/07 1545 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method AnalystAnalysis Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 0.0047 0.00028 826DB 06/19/07 1631 eniseIl 024312 0.0094 0.00055 826DB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 0.0047 0.00028 82606 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 0.0047 0.00039 826DB 06/19/07 1631 enissefl 024312 0.0047 0.00031 826DB 06/19/07 1631 erussell Q2431 0.0047 0.00047 826DB 06/19/07 1631 erussell Q24312 0.0047 0.00029 826DB 06/19/07 1631 erussefl Q24312 0.0047 0.00081 826DB 06/19/07 1631 enissell 024312 0.0047 0.00032 82606 06/19/07 1631 wsse11 024312 0.0047 0.00036 82606 06/19/07 1631 erussel 024312 0.0047 0.00033 826DB 06/19107 1631 erussell 024312 0.0047 0.00028 826DB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 0.0047 0.00039 826DB 06/19/07 1631 erussell 024312 0.024 0.0017 826DB 06/19/07 1631 erussell Q24312 0.0047 0.0006 826DB 06/19/07 1631 en.rsseU Q24312 n-Propylbenzene BRL Naphthalene BRL o-Xylene BRL p-lsopropyltoluene BRL sec-Butylbenzens BRI Styrene BRL tert-Butylbenzene BRL Tetrachloroethene BRL Toluene BRL trans-i 2-Dichloroethene BRL trans-i 3-Dichloropropene BRI Trichloroethene BRL Trichiorofluoromethane BRL Vinyl acetate BRL Vinyl chloride BRI Semi-volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 24-Trichlorobenzene BRL 2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 245-Trichlorophenol BRL 246-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 95 67 143 Bromolluoroberizerie 79 77 128 Toluene-d8 97 81-128 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.041 0.030 0.030 0.037 0.042 0.039 8270C 827DC 8270C 8270C 8270C 627DC 06/18/07 1807 06/18/07 1807 06/18/07 1807 06/18/07 1807 06/18/07 1807 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto kcampigotto kcampigotto kcampigouo kcampigotto kcamplgotto 024348 Q24348 024348 Q24348 024348 024348 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories lnc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 31 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project lD Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted B-i 184319 00607392 08/13/07 1430 06/1 3/07 1545 24-Dichlorophenol 24-Dimethyiphenol 24-Dirritropherrol 24-Dinitrotoluene 26-Dirritrotoluene 2-Choronaphthalerre 2-Chlorophenol 2-Methylnaphthalene 2-Methylphenol 2-Nitrophenol 34-Methylphenol 33-Dichlorobenzidine 46-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4-Bromophenyiphenylether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroaniline 4-Chlorophenylphenylether 4-Nitrophenol Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Arrthracene 4zobenzene Benzoaanthracene Benzoapyrene Benzobfluoranthene Benzoghiperylene Benzokfluomntherre AnalystAnalysis Date/Time 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06118107 1807 kcampigotto 06118/07 1807 kcamptgotto 06118/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 keampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcamplgotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 0618/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 koampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 06/18/07 1807 kcarnpigotto 024348 024348 024348 024348 Q24348 Q24348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 Q24348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 .024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 024348 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7D4/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor Batch ID BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.034 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.039 827CC BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.046 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.023 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.043 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.042 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.032 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.033 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.038 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.049 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.042 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.82 0.026 82700 BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.025 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.039 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.82 0.030 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.052 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.025 82700 BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.027 827oC BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.040 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.041 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.031 82700 BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.038 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.057 82700 BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.047 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.018 827CC BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.019 8270C BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.033 82700 Page 32 of 35 Laboratory Report 06125/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-I Prism Sample ID 184319 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0607392 Time Collected 06/13/07 1430 Time Submitted 06/13/07 1545 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Eu Service MalyScul EnvIronmcrfl ........ionu ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor _______________ Analyst Batch ID Analysis Date/Time Benzoic acid BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.17 8270C 06118/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.82 0.043 8270C 06/18/07 1507 kcampigotto 024348 Bis2-chloroethoxymethane BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.047 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Bis2-chloroethylether BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.044 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto Q24348 Bis2-chloroisopropylether BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.035 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Bis2-ethylhexylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.020 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.025 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Chrysene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.068 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.019 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.030 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Dibenzoahanthracene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.041 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.035 8270C 06/18/07 1807 keampigotto 024348 Diethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.025 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Dimethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.028 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto Q24348 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.028 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Fluorene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.024 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.021 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024345 Hexathlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.040 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Hexachiorocyclopentadierie BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.043 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigetto Q24348 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.042 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 lndeno1 23-cdpyrene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.042 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Isophorone BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.037 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcarnpigotto 024348 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL mglkg 0.41 0.046 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto Q24348 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.021 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.045 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigofto 024348 Nitrobenene BRL mg/kg 0.41 0.040 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto 024348 Perttachlorophenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.034 8270C 06/18/07 1807 kcampigotto Q24348 Page 33 of 35 lceAnCytfcotEwironsontol Solutions ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted B-I 184319 G0607392 06/13107 1430 06/I 3/07 1545 Sample Preparation 30.25 mL 35508 06/15107 900 dpope P18642 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID ClI-C22 Aromatics 6.8 mg/kg Cl 9-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics 36 mg/kg Analysis Note for C1l-C22 Aromatics Sample Preparation NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Laboratory Report 06/25/07 Parameter Result Units Analyst Batch ID MDL Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg Phenol BRL mg/kg Pyrene BRL mg/kg MethodReport Limit 0.41 0.41 0.41 Dilution Factor 0.020 0.045 0.028 8270C 8270C 827CC Analysis Date/Time 06/18/07 1807 06/18/07 1807 06/18/07 1807 koampigotto kcamplgotto kcampigotto 024348 Q24348 Q24348 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 98 41 136 Phenol-d5 77 13-95 2-Fluorobiphenyl 85 21 108 Nitrobenzene-d5 79 14-103 246-Tribromophenol 99 25-123 2-Fluorophenol 73 14 89 12 6.5 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 524 grappaccioli 024425 12 1.8 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 524 grappaccioli 024425 12 3.9 MADEP EPH 06/21/07 524 grappacciofl 024425 Adjusted value 10.35 mL EPH 06/19/07 1000 jvogel P18669 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 86 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 90 40-140 o-Terphenyl 78 40-140 1-Chloro-octadecane 90 40 140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFIO C5-C8AIiphatics BRL mg/kg 6.3 1.2 MADEP VPH 06/21/07 319 hwagner 024410 C9-C10 Aromatics BRL mg/kg 6.3 0.037 MADEP VPH 06/21/07 319 hwagner 024410 C9-C12 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 6.3 1.9 MADEP VPH 06/21/07 319 hwagner Q24410 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 70415296364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525.0409 Page 34 of 35 fl NO.12 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06/25/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID B-I Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 184319 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil coc Group 00607392 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 06/13/07 1430 Time Submitted 06/I 3/07 1545 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID na1ysis Note for C5-C8 Aliphatics Adjusted value ria1ysis Note for C9-C12 Aliphatics Adjusted value Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 25-Dibromotoluene-FID 117 70-130 25-Dibromotoluene-PID 115 70 130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 17.01 MADEP VPH 06/18/07 000 Ibrown Weight 12.45 MADEP VPH 06/18/07 000 Ibrown Sample Comments BRL Below Reporting Limit J-Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on thy-weight basis Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page 35 of 35 ESP Associates PA Attn Chils Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 11-Trichloroethane 122-Tetrachloroethane 12-Trichloroethane 1-Dichloroethane l-Dtchloroethene 1.1-Dichioropropene 23-Trichorobenzene 123-Trichioropropane 24-.Trichtorobenzene 24-Trimethylbenzene 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Dichloroetharie 2-Dichloropropane 135-Trimethylbenzene 3-Dichlorobenzene 3-Dichloropropane 14-Dichlorobenzene 22-Dichioropropane 2-Chiorotoluene 2-Hexanone 4-Chiorotoluene 4-Meth4-2-pentanone MIBK Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichioromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chioroethane ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.05 0.025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.05 0.025 ND 0.05 0.025 ND 0.003 0.0015 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.01 0.005 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 Q24312 024312 024312 024312 024312 024312 Q2431 Q24312 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-5364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COG Group Number G0607392 Date/Time Submitted 6/13/07 1545 Volatile 1.......I..I OflDJIL4dIuII..UJIIFJUUIIUD UT IIIuIUU .UULJ Method Blank QC Batch Result RL Conimi Urrut Units ID Page 018 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6125/07 Method Blank QC Batch Result RI Contm limit Units ID Chloroform ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24312 Chloromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24312 cis-12-Dichloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 cis-13-Dichloropropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Dichiorodifluoromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Isopropyl ether IPE ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 lsopropylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 mp-Xylenes ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg Q24312 Methylethyl ketoneMEK ND 0.1 0.05 mg/kg Q24312 Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024312 Methylene chloride ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Naphthalene ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 024312 o-Xylene Nt 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 p-lsopropyltoluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Styrene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24312 Tetrachkroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Toluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q24312 trans-12-Dichloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 trans-I 3-Dichloroproperie ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Trichioroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Trichiorofluoromethano ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 Vinyl acetate ND 0.025 0.0125 mg/kg 024312 Vinyl chloride ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 024312 tw control sample RecoveY QCBSCh Result Spike Amount Units ID 11-Dichloroethene 0.03403 0.05 mg/kg 68 51-122 024312 Benzene 0.03684 0.05 mg/kg 74 62-119 024312 Chlorobenzene 0.04043 0.05 mg/kg 81 61-124 024312 Toluerte 0.03928 0.05 mg/kg 79 57-122 024312 Trichloroethene 0.04412 0.05 mg/kg 88 59-129 024312 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0607392 Date/Time Submitted 6/13/07 1545 Page of NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No.99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 448 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-8364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Full ceAnlytlcaJ Enulmumontal Sotutienu ESP Associates PA Attn Chils Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Level II QC Report 6/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Nurnber G0607392 Date/Time Submitted 6/13/07 1545 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery OC BatthRanges Sample ID Result SpikeAmount Units 0k ID 184326 11-Dichloroethene 0.03513 0.05 mg/kg 70 44-140 024312 Benzene 0.03664 0.05 mg/kg 73 46-136 024312 Chlorobenzene 0.03947 0.05 mg/kg 79 47-135 024312 Toluene 0.03821 0.05 mg/kg 76 47-136 024312 Trichloroethene 0.04101 0.05 mg/kg 82 45-141 024312 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD pange QC BStth Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 184326 11-Dichloroethene 0.03565 0.05 mg/kg 71 44-140 -23 024312 Benzene 0.03548 0.05 mg/kg 71 46-136 0-22 024312 Chlorobenzene 0.04002 0.05 mg/kg 80 47-135 0-22 024312 Toluene 0.03763 0.05 mg/kg 75 47-136 0-22 024312 Trichloroethene 0.0411 0.05 mg/kg 82 45-141 0-23 024312 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241II tGCIMS method 8270C Method Blank CC Batch Result RL Control Umit Units ID This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224.0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 1...eAuly5cal Envlmnmental Shjtlona NC Certification No 402 SC CertIfication No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6/25/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No coc Group Number G0607392 Date/Time Submitted 6/13107 1545 24Trichlorobenzene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 12-Dichlorobenzerte ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 13-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 14-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 245-Trichiorophenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 246-Trithiorophenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 2.4-Dichiorophenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 2.4-Dimethyiphenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 24-Dinilmphenol ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 024348 24-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 26-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 2-Chlorophenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 2-Methylphenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 2-Nitrophenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 34-Melhylphenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 33-Dichlorobenzidine ND 0.66 0.33 mg/kg 024348 46-Dinitro-2-methyiphenol ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 024348 4-8romophenylphenylether ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 4-Chloro-3-methylpheno ND 0.66 0.33 mg/kg 024348 4-Chioroaniline ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 4-Chiorophenyiphenylether ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 4-Nitrophenol ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 024348 Acerraphthene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 Acenaphthylene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Anthracene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Azobenzene ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 024348 Benzoaanthracene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Benzoapyrene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Benzobfluoranthene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 BenzoghJperylene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 8enzokfluoranthene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 BenoicacjcJ ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 024348 Page of NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Assodates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Level II QC Report 6/25/07 Project ID Marehead Commons No coc Group Number G0607392 Date/Time Submitted 6/13/07 1545 ftllethod Blank Result RL Control Umit Units II Benzyl alcohol ND 0.66 0.33 mg/kg 024348 Bis2-chloroethoxymethane NI 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Bis2.-chloroethylether ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Bis2-chIoroisopipyIether ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 Bis2-ethylhexylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Butylbenzylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 Chrysene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 Di-n-butylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Dibenzoahanthracene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Dibenzofuran ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Diethylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Dimethylphthalate ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Fluoranthene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Fluorene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 I-Iexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Hexachioroethane ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 Indeno123-cdpyrene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Isophorone ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine MD 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Naphthalene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Nitrobenzene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Pentachlorophenol ND 1.65 0.825 mg/kg 024348 Phenanthrene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Phenol ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg 024348 Pyrene ND 0.33 0.165 mg/kg Q24348 Laboratory Control Sample Recovey Recover QC SaIth Result Spike Motint Units PU 124-Thchojtbenzene 1.39016 1.6620 mg/kg 84 39-98 Q24348 14-Dichlorobenzene 1.27185 1.6620 mg/kg 77 37-95 024348 24-Dinitrotoluene 1.72881 1.6620 mg/kg 104 56-128 024348 2-Chlorophenol 1.30242 1.6620 mg/kg 78 37-98 024348 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.47391 1.6620 mg/kg 89 45-111 024348 This report should not be reproduced except In its entirety without the wiitten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprlngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Chaulotte MC 282240543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-3001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Page of This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without The written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800I529..6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Full SeniceAnaIytlal Environmental Sthfllon ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Level II QC Report 6/25/07 COC Group Number 00607392 DatelTime Submitted 6113/07 1545 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery QC BaRanges Result Spike Amount Units 4-Nitrophenol 2.24094 1.6620 mg/kg 135 20-157 024348 Acenaphthene .521 43 1.6620 mg/kg 92 44-110 024348 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylarnine 1.32436 1.6620 mg/kg 80 38-101 024348 Pentachlorophenol 2.01495 1.6620 mg/kg 121 53-127 024348 Phenol 1.21801 1.6620 mg/kg 73 34-102 024348 Pyrene 1.51944 1.6620 mg/kg 91 54-131 024348 Matrix Spike Recovety Recovery QC BatchRanges Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 184315 124-Trichtorobenzene 1.35823 1.6603 mg/kg 82 26-97 Q24348 14-Dichlorobenzene 127124 1.6603 mg/kg 77 23-92 024348 24-Dinitrotoluerie 1.85292 1.6603 mg/kg 112 45-127 024348 2-Chlorophenol 1.301 79 1.6603 mg/kg 78 25-94 024348 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.64774 1.6603 mg/kg 99 31-113 Q24348 4-Nitrophenol 2.07835 1.6603 mg/kg 125 17-150 024348 Acenaphthene 158366 1.6603 mg/kg 95 36-107 024348 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamino 1.50332 1.6603 mg/kg 91 22-1 05 024348 Pentathlonphenol 2.03353 1.6603 mg/kg 122 39-137 024348 Phenol 1.24302 1.6603 mg/kg 75 23-97 024348 Pyrene 1.77954 1.6603 mg/kg 107 45-133 Q24348 Matrix Spike Duplicate Reco Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range QC Batch Sample Itk Result Spike Amesrit Units 184315 24-Tnchlorobenzene 1.26892 1.6603 mg/kg 76 26-97 -37 024348 14-Dichlorobenzene 119223 1.6603 mg/kg 72 23-92 0-36 024348 24-Dinitrotoluene 1.75298 1.6603 mg/kg 106 45-127 0-29 024348 2-Chiorophenol 1.20019 1.6603 mg/kg 72 25-94 0-37 024348 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.49535 1.6603 mg/kg 90 31-113 10 0-32 024348 4-Nitrophenol 2.22045 1.6603 mg/kg 134 17-150 -32 Q24348 Acenaphthene 1.45252 1.6603 mg/kg 87 36-1 07 0-32 024348 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1.27954 1.6603 mg/kg 77 22-1 05 16 0-37 024348 Pentachlorophenol 1.97908 1.6603 mg/kg 119 39-137 0-27 024348 Phenol .202 19 1.6603 mg/kg 72 23-97 0-42 024348 Pyrene 1.57270 1.6603 mg/kg 95 45-133 12 0-27 024348 Page of NC Certificaon No 402 Sc Certificalion No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC28241 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Full rvlceAmalyaI Ewlrenmenlal Solutions Level II QC Report 6125/07 COG Group Number Date/Time Submitted by GC.PID/FID method MAflP VPH G0607392 6/13/07 1545 Method Blank QC Batch Result RL Control Limit Units ID C5-CBAliphatics ND 2.5 mg/kg 024410 C9-C10 Aromatics ND 2.5 mg/kg Q24410 C9-C12 Aliphatics ND 2.5 mg/kg 024410 Laboratory Control Sample Rver Recovery QCRanges Result Spike Amount Units ID C5-C8Aliphalics 16.564 15 mg/kg 110 70-130 024410 C9-Cl0Aromatics 5.780 mg/kg 116 70-130 024410 C9-Cl2Aliphatics 11.106 10 mg/kg 111 70-130 Q24410 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery QC BatchRanges Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units 1k ID 183776 C5-CBAliphalics 16.758 15 mg/kg 112 70-130 024410 C9-C10 Arornatics 5.291 mg/kg 106 70-130 024410 C9-Cl2Aliphatics 11.837 10 mg/kg 118 70-130 024410 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RP1 Range QC Batch sample 1D Result Spike Amount Units 1k ID 183776 C5-C8 Atiphatics 19.497 15 mg/kg 130 70-130 15 0-25 024410 C9-C10 Aromatics 5.249 mg/kg 105 70-1 30 -25 024410 C9-Cl2Aliphatics 12.558 10 mg/kg 126 70-130 0-25 024410 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charfotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Level II QC Report 6/25/07 COC Group Number G0607392 DatelTime Submitted 6113/07 1545 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0449 __I Furl .me ArityrIcal EnTtninoriI 5tutins tFIfl EPH....flVUIUUWUUuI UT Method Blank 00 Batch Result RL Control Umit Units ID Cl l-C22 Aromatics MD 10 mg/kg 024425 C19-C36AIiphaiics ND 10 mg/kg 024425 C9-C1 Aliphatics ND 10 mg/kg 024425 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery RecoverY QC Batch Result Spike Amount Units C11-C22Aromatics 152.84 170 mg/kg 90 40-140 024425 C19-C36Aliphatics 67.34 80 mg/kg 84 40-140 Q24425 C9-C18 Aliphatics 47.44 60 mg/kg 79 40-140 024425 Matrix Spike Recovery 00 Batch Sample ID Result SpikeArnount Units ID 184329 Cl 1-C22 Arornatics 174.78 170 mg/kg 103 40-140 024425 C19-C36 Atiphatics 61.66 80 mg/kg 77 40-140 024425 C9-C18 Aliphatics 44.08 60 mg/kg 73 40-140 024425 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Range QC Batch Sample ii Result Spike Amount Units 9u ID 184329 Cl 1-022 Arornatics 162.54 170 mg/kg 96 40-140 0-50 024425 C19-C36 Atiphatics 61.88 80 mg/kg 77 40-140 0-50 024425 C9-C18 Aliphatics 42.84 60 mg/kg 71 40-140 0-50 024425 -See Case Narrative Page of NPDES UJ GROUNDWATER ONC USC NC.0SC ONC OSO________ Requested Due Date Day 02 Days 03 Days 4.Days Days Working Days 06-9 Days Standard 10 days us ust Be Samples received after 15bO will be processed next business day Turnaround time is based on business days excluding weekends and holidays SEE REVERSE FOR TERMS CONDITIONS REGARDING SERVICES RENDERED BY PRISM LABORATORIES INC TO CLIENT Full SeMco Analytical Environmenlal Solutions 449 $prlngbràok 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CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PAGE _/_OF _.L QUO EN USE ILLING Project Name Short Hold Analysrs Yes No UST Project Yes No please ATTACH arty project specific reporting QC LEVEL 111111 IV provisions and/or QC Requjents invoice To Id ii Address 54 Phone ________________Fax Yes No Email Yes No Email Address______________________EDO Type PDF_Excel_O7SiteLocationName____________________________ Site Location Physical Address TO BE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Certification NELAC__USACE_FL____NC_IL SC__OTHER ______N/A _____ Water Chlorinated YES_NO Sample Iced Upon Collection YES _Z$lO CLIENT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Ui W52 -4-I DATE COLLECTED -/-C TIME COLLECTED MILITARY tW/i /4oz/4j MATRIX SOILWATER OR SAMPLE CONTAINER PRESERVA- TIVES tJ ftALY ifLIL_ LJ_ SES UESTED PRISM LAB /REMARKS1 ID NO .-c 3Lc SEE BELOW NO SIZE -______.r Raiinqulsflecl by uignature Saples Signature Sampled By Print Name Afffflaon 5P Upon relinquishing this Chiof CustoSs your authorization forPrism to proceed with the analyses as requested above Any changes must be submitted in writIng to the Prism Project Manager There will be charges for any changes after analyses have been InitIalIzed Miiihn/I1flflReceivedBySi9fltUtDate Relinquish Relinquish Method Fed Ex ad By Sig ed By UPS nature re/ SAM.kES ARE NO 1nd.deIivered SHOULDTAGEPTEDANDVERIF Prism Field Service Received By Signature TED SH UUSTODY SEALS FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE LABORATORY lED AGAINST UNTIL RECEIVED AT THE LABORATORY Other Date Datej COO roup No Additional Comments DRINKING WATER SOLiD WASTE RCRA CERCLA LANDFILL OTHER Owe USC ONC USC ONC OSCI ONC USC UNC USC UNC DSC_____________o10 ________ ____ SEE REVERSE FORTERMSCONDITIONS ORIGINAL Case Narrative Piusivi LA3ORATOlIES.INC Date 06/05107 Client Project ID Morehead Commons No Company ESP Associates PA Piism COC Group No 00507786 Contact Chris Ward Collection Dates 05/29/07 Address Box 7030 Lab Submittal Dates 05/29/07 Chariotte NC 28241 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes Case Narrative Laboratory Report and Quality Control Data totaling 14 pages chain-of-custody is also attached for the samples submitted to Prism for this project Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative Quality control statements andlor sample specific remarks are included in the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sample affected Semi Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Metals Analysis Analysis Note for Q23929 MS Chromium MS recovery outside of the control limits Post-digstion spike recovery 81%is within the acceptance limits 75-125% Analysis Note for Q23929 MS Lead MS recovery outside of the control limits Post-digstion spike recovery 81%is within the acceptance limits 75-125% Analysis Note for Q23929 MSD Lead Matrix interference is suspected Wet Lab and Micro Analysis N/A Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report Date Reviewed by Paula Gilleland Project Manager AngelgD vercash Signature a..uS .\h.kck Signature Review Date 06/05/07 Approval Date 06/05107 Data Qualifiers Key Reference Compound also detected in the method blank Result outside of the QC limits DO Compound diluted out Estimated concentration calibration range exceeded The analyte was positively identilied but the value is estimated below the reporting limit Estimated concentration with high bias Estimated concentration with low bias matrix effect is present Notes This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the wiittten consent of Prism Laboratories Inc The resuJts in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis 449 SprtngbiDok Road P.0 Box 240543 Chajlotte NC 28224-0403 Phone 704/529.6364 Toll Free 800/529-6364 Fax 704/529-0409 NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 06105107 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID SP-3 Prism Sample ID 182794 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group G0507786 Time Collected 05/29/07 1430 Time Submitted 05/29/07 1520 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor Analysis Analyst Batch Date/Time Percent Solids DethrminHnn Percent Solids 85.4 SM2540 05131107 1450 atliso This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road .-P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward 0.Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Orcianochiorine Pesticides by Gas Chromatography 44-DDD BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.71 8081A 06/05/07 759 ivogel 024026 44-DDE BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.50 8081A 06/05/07 759 Jvogel 024026 44-DDT BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.84 8081A 06/05/07 759 ivogel 024026 44-Methoxychlor BRL pg/kg 4.7 1.6 8081A 06/05/07 759 Ivogel 024026 a-BHC BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.21 8081A 06/05/07 759 Jvogel 024026 a-Chlordane BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.41 8081A 06/05107 759 Jvogel 024026 /Jdrin BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.47 8081A 06/05/07 759 jvogel 024026 b-BHC BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.59 8081A 06/05/07 759 jvogel 024026 Chiordane BRL pg/kg 59 13 8081A 06/05101 759 jvogel 024026 d-BFIC BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.33 8081A 06/05107 759 vogel 024026 Dieldrin BRL pg/kg 1.2 0.49 8081A 06/05/07 759 Jvogel 024026 Endosulfan BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.42 8081A 06/05/07 759 Jvogel 024026 Endosulfan II BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.53 8081A 06/05107 759 Jvogel 024026 Endosulfan Sulfate BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.61 8081A 06/05/07 759 .ivogel 024026 Endrin BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.70 8081A 06/05/07 759 Ivogel 024026 EndrinAldehyde BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.66 8081A 06/05/07 759 jvogel 024026 Endrin Ketone BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.46 8081A 06/05/07 759 jvogel 024026 g-Bl-IC BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.27 8081A 06/05/07 759 jvogel 024026 g-Chlordane BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.38 8081A 06/05/07 759 lvogel 024026 Heptachior BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.55 8081A 06/05/07 759 Jvogel 024025 Heptachior Epoxide BRL pg/kg 2.3 0.43 8081A 06105/07 759 jvogel 024026 Toxaphene BRL pg/kg 59 13 8081A 06/05/07 759 jvogel 024026 Page of NC Certification No 402 Sc Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Sample Preparation 30.02 10 mL 355GB 05/30/07 1100 Jvogel P18490 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529.6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report 06/05/07 ESP Associates PA Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID SP-3 Attn Chris Ward Prism Sample ID 182794 Box 7030 Sample Matrix Soil COG Group 00507786 Charlotte NC 28241 Time Collected 05/29/07 1430 Time Submitted 05129/07 1520 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 30.02 lOraL 3550B 05/30/07 1100 Jvogel P1 8489SamplePreparation Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCBs by GC-ECD PCB-1016 BRL PCB-1221 BRL PCB-1232 BRL PCB-1242 BRL PCB-1248 BRL PCB-1254 BRL PCB-1260 BRL Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 90 40 162 Decachiorobiphenyl 0GB 114 26 204 0.059 0.12 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.011 0.047 0.019 0.020 0.0081 0.020 0.016 8082 8082 8082 8082 8082 8082 8082 06/05/07 759 06/0507 759 06/05/07 759 06/05/07 759 06/05/07 759 06l05/07 759 06/05/07 759 jvogel jvogel jvogel jvogel jvogel jvogel jvoge 024024 024024 024024 024024 024024 024024 Q24024 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg pg/kg Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Decachiorobiphenyl 0GB 115 34 182 Tetrachloro-m-xylene TCMX 91 36 182 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 111 2-Tetrachloroethane 11 1-Trichloroethane 11 22-Tetrachloroethane 11 2-Trichloroethane 11-Dichioroethane 1-Dichloroethene 1-Dichloropropene 23-Trichlorobenzene BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 5.3 0.52 5.3 0.30 5.3 0.54 5.3 0.33 5.3 0.38 5.3 0.40 5.3 0.47 11 0.58 8260B 8260B 826GB 82608 82603 8260B 82608 82608 05/31/07 029 05/31/07 029 05/31/07 029 05/31107 029 05/31/07 029 05/3 1/07 029 05/31/07 029 05/31/07 029 erussell erussell enissell ezussell erussell erussell erusset erussell Q23880 Q23880 023880 Q23880 023880 023880 023880 023880 Page of NC Certification No 402 Laboratory ReportSCCertificationNo99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID SP3 Prism Sample ID 182794 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group G0507786 Time Collected 05/29/07 1430 Time Submitted 05/29/07 1520 Bromomethane Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachioride BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg 5.4 pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg 2.2 pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRI pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg 29 pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg BRL pg/kg 8RL pg/kg BRL pg/kg 5.3 0.47 11 0.51 11 0.40 5.3 0.84 5.3 0.096 11 0.29 5.3 0.53 5.3 0.39 11 0.45 11 0.46 5.3 0.36 11 0.41 5.3 0.27 11 0.39 11 0.39 53 0.55 11 0.28 11 0.53 21 2.1 3.2 0.43 5.3 0.37 5.3 0.32 5.3 0.47 5.3 0.39 11 0.62 11 0.34 5.3 0.31 05/31/07 029 erus5eH 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 enissell 05/31/07 029 erusseH 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05131/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussefl 05/31/07 029 erusseD 05/31/07 029 enissell 05/3107 029 erussell 05/31107 029 enissefl 05131/07 029 erusset 05/3107 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussefl 05/31/07 029 erusseU 826GB 05/31/07 029 erusset 826GB 05/31/07 029 erussell Q23880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023680 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 Q23680 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 This report should not be reproduced except in its entFrety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Iris 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 06/05/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 23-Trichloropropane 24-Trichlorobenzene 24-Tiimethylbenzene 2-Dibronio-3-choropropane 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2Dichlorobenzene 2-Dichloroethane 2-Dichloropropane 35-Trimethylbenzene 3-Dichlorobenzene 3-Dichloropropane 4-Dichlorobenzene 22-Dichioropropane 2-Chioroethyl vinyl ether 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 4-Chiorotoluene 4-Methyl-2-pentanone MIBK Acetone Benzene Bromobenzeæe Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform 826GB 8260B 826GB 826GB 826GB 826GB 826GB 8260B 82608 826GB 8260B 8260B 82608 826GB 826GB 826GB 826GB 82608 82608 82608 8260B 826GB 826GB 826GB 82608 Page of NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 BRL BRL BRL BRI BRL BRI BRL BRI BRI BRI BRL BRI BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 4.1 BRL 24 BRL BRI 6.3J BRL BRL BRL BRL Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID SP-3 Prism Sample ID 182794 Sample Matrix Soil COC Group 00507786 Time Collected 05129/07 1430 Time Submitted 05/29/07 1520 8260B 82608 8260B 826GB 826GB 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 82603 8260B 82608 8260B 8260B 82603 826GB 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 8260B 82608 8260B 8260B 82608 05/31/07 029 eru3sefl 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 eJussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 enissell 05131107 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussefl 05/31/07 029 erussl 05/31/07 029 erusset 05/31/07 029 erusset 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erusselt 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erusseil 05/31/07 029 enissell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussefl 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 enissell 05/31/07 029 erussell 05/31/07 029 erussefl This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 Q23880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 Q23880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 Q23680 023880 023860 023880 023880 023880 023680 023880 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 06/05/07 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Chlorobenzene Clilorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1 2-Dichloroetherie cis-1 3-Dichloropropene Dibromomethane Dichiorodifluoromethane Ethylbenzene Hexachiorobutadiene lsopropyl ether IPE lsopropylbenzene m.p-Xylenes Meth1 ethyl ketone MEK Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE Methylene chloride n-Butylbenzene n-Propylbenzene Nlaphthalene o-Xylene p-lsopropyltoluene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachioroethene Toluene pg/kg 5.3 0.40 pg/kg 5.3 0.36 pg/kg 11 0.44 pg/kg 5.3 0.39 pg/kg 11 0.37 pg/kg 5.3 0.23 pg/kg 5.3 0.34 pg/kg 5.3 0.39 pg/kg 11 1.2 pg/kg 5.3 0.37 pg/kg 16 0.66 pg/kg 5.3 0.18 pg/kg 11 0.43 pg/kg 11 0.74 pg/kg 21 1.5 pg/kg 5.3 0.31 pg/kg 11 0.44 pg/kg 16 0.43 pg/kg 11 0.32 pg/kg 5.3 0.62 pg/kg 5.3 0.32 pg/kg 16 0.44 pg/kg 16 0.35 pg/kg 5.3 0.53 pg/kg 21 0.33 pg/kg 11 0.91 pg/kg 5.3 0.36 Page 4of6 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Laboratory Report 06/05/07 SP-3 182794 G0507786 05/29/07 1430 05129/07 1520 5035 5035 5035 06101/07 000 Ibrown 06/01/07 000 Ibrown 06/01/07 000 Ibrown Oil and Grease by Soxhiet Extraction Od and Grease 270 mg/kg 41 32 9071A 06/04/07 700 smanivanh 024000 Sample Preparation Sample Weight Determination Weight Weight This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 FuISgvkeAtatytiaI Envhonment3t NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID Sample Matrix Soil COG Group Time Collected Time Submitted Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor Analyst Batch ID trans-I 2-Dichloroethene BRL pg/kg 5.3 0.40 8260B trans-I 3-Dichloropropene BRL pg/kg 5.3 0.37 8260B Trichloroethene BRL pg/kg 5.3 0.32 8260B Trlchiorofluoromethane BRL pg/kg 5.3 0.44 626GB Vinyl chloride BRL pg/kg 11 0.68 8260B Analysis Date/Time 05131/07 029 05131/07 029 05131/07 029 05/31/07 029 05/31/07 029 erussell erusselt erussell erusseli emssell 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits Bromofluorobenzene 105 77-128 Dibromofluoromethane 101 67-143 Toluene-d8 97 81 128 Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate 5.51 Weight Blsulfate 5.66 Weight Methanol 5.23 Diesel Range Organics 1DR0 by GC-FJD Diesel Range Organics DRO 140 mg/kg 8.2 1.0 8015B 06/04107 1209 jvogel Q23955 25.04 mL 3545 05/31/07 1100 onder P18515 5.55 5.45 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 92 49 124 CR0 06/04/07 000 Ibrown GRO 06/04/07 000 Ibrown Page of Client Sample ID Prism Sample ID COC Group Time Collected Time Submitted SP-3 182794 G0507786 05129/07 1430 05/29/07 1520 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Dale/Time ID Gasoline Range Orianics GRO by GC-FID Gasoline Range Organics GRO 23 mg/kg 5-9 0.61 50 801 SB 05/31/07 416 hwagner 023897 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits aaa-TFT 86 55-129 Metals by iCR Chromium 26 mg/kg 0.58 0.035 60103 05/31/07 2257 mcampbell 023929 Lead 35 mg/kg 0.58 0.048 6010B 05/31/07 2257 mcampbell 023929 Sample Preparation 2.03 50 mL 3050B 05/31/07 750 jhoppel P18497 Sample Comments BRL Be/ow Reporting Limit Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on dr/-weight basis This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 23224-0543 ESP Associates PA AUn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Sample Matrix Soil Laboratory Report 06/05/07 Angela Overcash V.P Laboratory Services Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 L.VQJaUI JIgIuI I.uulspuuIIu tJy Method Blank OC Batch Result RL Control Limit Units ID 11 I-Trichloroethane 11 22-Tetrachloroethane 11 2-Trichloroethane 1-Dichioroethane 1-Dichloroethene 1-Dichloropropene 23-Trichlorobenzene 23-Trichloropropane 24-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trimethylbenzene 2-Dibromoethane EDB 2-Dichlorobenzene 12-Dichioroethane 2-Dichloropropane 135-Trimethylbenzene 13-Dichlorobenzene 13-Dichioropropane 4-Dichlorobenzene 22-Dichioropropane 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 4-Chiorotoluene 4-Methyl-2-pentanorie MIBK Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Brornochlorometharte Bromodichioromethane Bromoform Brornomethane Carbon tetrachioride Chlorobenzene Chiorodibrornomethane Chioroethane ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 MD 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.05 0.025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.05 0.025 ND 0.05 0.025 ND 0.003 0.0015 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.01 0.005 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.005 0.0025 ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Q23880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 Q23880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 023880 Q23880 023880 023880 023880 023880 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240643 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-5364 Toll Free Numbec 1-800/529.6364 Fax 7041525-0409 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6/5107 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0507786 Date/Time Submitted 5129/07 1520 Page of NC Certificaflon No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water CerL No 37735 Method Blank ac Result RL Control limit Units ID Chloroform ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q23880 Chloromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q23880 cis-1 2-Dichloroetherie ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 cis-i3-Dichloropropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023881 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Isopropyl ether IPE ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 lsopropylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 mp-Xylenes ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 023880 Methyl ethyl ketone MEK ND 0.1 0.05 mg/kg 023880 Methyl t-butyl ether MTBE ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 023880 Methylene chloride ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023881 n-Butyibenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Naphthalene ND 0.01 0.005 mg/kg 023880 o-Xylene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 p-lsopropyltoluene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 sec-Butylbenzene NI 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Styrene NI 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Lert-Butylbenzene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Tetrathloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Toluene NI 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 trans-i 2-Dichloroethene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023860 trans-i 3-Dichloropropene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg Q23880 Trichlorocihene ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Trichiorofluoromethane ND 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Vinyl acetate ND 0.025 0.01 25 mg/kg 023880 Vinyl chloride Nt 0.005 0.0025 mg/kg 023880 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Result Spike Amount Units ID 11-Dichloroethene 0.05073 0.05 mg/kg 101 57-122 023880 Benzene 0.04917 0.05 mg/kg 98 62-119 023880 Chlorobenzerie 0.04957 0.05 mg/kg 99 61-124 023880 Toluene 0.04974 0.05 mg/kg 99 57-1 22 023880 Trichloroethene 0.05313 0.05 mg/kg 106 59-129 Q23880 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Level 11 QC Report 615/07 Project ID Moreheaci Commons No COC Group Number 00507786 Date/Time Submitted 5129107 1520 Page of NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 182585 Gasoline Range Organics GR 46.6 50 mg/kg 93 57-113 10 0-23 023897 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spnngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 ESP Associates PA Atm Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Level II QC Report 6/5/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0507786 Date/Time Submitted 5129/07 1520 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery cCRangesResultSpikeAmountUnitsSampleID 182653 11-Dichloroethene 0.04636 0.05 mg/kg 93 44-140 023880 Benzene 0.0468 0.05 mg/kg 94 46-1 36 023880 Chlorobenzene 0.04473 0.05 mg/kg 89 47-1 35 023880 Toluene 0.04502 0.05 mg/kg 90 47-1 36 Q23880 Trichioroethene 0.04446 0.05 mg/kg 89 45-141 023880 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range Sample ID Resuft Spike Amount Units 182653 11-Dichloroethene 0.04718 0.05 mg/kg 94 44-140 0-23 Q23880 Benzene 0.04679 0.05 mg/kg 94 46-136 0-22 023880 Chlorobenzene 0.04475 0.05 mg/kg 90 47-1 35 -22 023880 Toluene 0.04557 0.05 mg/kg 91 47-136 0-22 023880 Trichloroethene 0.04564 0.05 mg/kg 91 45-1 41 0-23 023880 Gasoline Range Organics GRO by GC-FID method 8015B Method Blank QC Batch Result RL Control Limit Units ID Gasoline Range Organics GR ND 2.5 mg/kg Q23897 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Ranges cc Batch IDResultSpikeAmountlinus Gasoline Range OrganicsGR 47.35 50 mg/kg 95 67-116 023897 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery Ranges QC Batch Sample 10 Result Spike Amount Units II 182585 Gasoline Range Organics GR 51.45 50 mg/kg 103 57-113 023897 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recoverr RPD 0tchRangesRPDRange Sample ID Result Spike Amount UnitS Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 MtaIs 1w ICP BOIOB 182472 DIesel Range Organics DRO 92.8 80 mg/kg 82 50-117 22 0-24 023966 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laborotories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Pu.ie AnalytimIS Envirenmental Solutions NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level 11 QC Report 615107 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0507786 DatelTime Submitted 5/29/07 1520 Method Blank ctc Batch Result RL Control Limit Units ID Chromium 0.0273 0.25 0.125 mg/kg 023929 Lead -0.0246 0.25 0.125 mg/kg 023929 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery QC BelchRanges Result Spike Amount Units 10 Chromium 23.8683 25 mg/kg 95 9-12O 023929 Lead 23.5127 25 mg/kg 94 80-120 023929 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery Ranges Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 182794 Chromium 561913 24.630 mg/kg 138 75-125 Q23929 Lead 28.7777 24.630 mg/kg -5 75-125 Q23929 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range OC Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 182794 Chromium 47.9427 24.875 mg/kg 103 75-125 16 0-20 Q23929 Lead 27.7151 24.875 mg/kg -10 75-125 -20 023929 Diesel Range Organics IDRO by OC-FID method 801 SB Method Blank QCBatth Result RL Control Umit Units ID Diesel Range Organics DRO ND 3.5 mg/kg Q23966 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery DC Batch Result Spike Amount Units Ranges Diesel Range Organics DRO 58.6 80 mg/kg 73 55-109 023966 Matrix Spike Recovery Ranges DC Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units 15 ID 182472 Diesel Range Organics DRO 74.5 80 mg/kg 59 50-117 023966 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPO Range DC Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units It Page4of7 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 This report should riot be repreduced except in its entirety without the written óonsent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte1 NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6364 Toll Free Number 1.800/529-6364 Fax 704/525-0409 ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Level II QC Report 6/5107 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number 00507786 Date/Time Submitted 5/29/07 1520 Oil ----mmthnd O71A-oeone IJv Method Blank CC Batch Result RI Control Limit Units ID Oil and Grease ND 35 17.5 mg/kg 024000 Laboratory Control Sample Recovay Recovery oc BatchRangesIDResultSpikeAmountUnits Oil and Grease 4933 4899 mg/kg 101 80-120 Q24000 Matrix Spike Recovery oceatch Ranges Sample lL Result Spike Amount Units ID 182049 Oil and Grease 27420 24295 mg/kg 100 80-120 024000 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range QC BatCh ItSampleIDResult Spike Amount Units 182049 Oil and Grease 30660 24653 mg/kg 112 80-120 11 0-20 Q24000 Polychiorinated Blohenvis PCBs by GC-ECD method 8082 Method Blank CC Batch Result RL Control Limit Units PCB-1016 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024024 PCB-1221 ND 0.1 0.05 mg/kg 024024 PCB-1232 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024024 PCB-1 242 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg Q24024 PCB-1248 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024024 PCB-1254 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024024 PCB-l 260 ND 0.05 0.025 mg/kg 024024 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery Ranges IDResultSpikeAmountUnitS70 PCB-1016 0.351 0.333 mg/kg 105 61-151 024024 PCB-1 260 0.365 0.333 mg/kg 110 45-166 Q24024 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery Ranges CC B3tCh Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units II 182794 PCB-1016 0.330 0.333 mg/kg 99 14-192 024024 PCB-1260 0.416 0.333 mg/kg 125 10-192 024024 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPI Range QC Batch Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 182794 PCB-1016 0.347 0.333 mg/kg 104 14-192 0-40 024024 PCB-1 260 0.361 0.333 mg/kg 108 10-1 92 14 0-40 024024 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 NC Certification No 402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Project ID Morehead Commons No Level II QC Report 6/5/07 COC Group Number G0507786 Date/Time Submitted 5129107 1520 This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without the written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Spnngbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 7041529-6354 Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 by Gas nighnd RC1A.11 304 Id.IIIdIflUI Method Blank 00 Batch Result RL ContrOl Umit Units ID 44-DDD ND pg/kg 024026 44-DDE ND pg/kg 024026 44-DDT ND pg/kg 024026 44-Methoxychlor ND ijglkg 024026 a-BHC ND pg/kg 024026 a-Chlordane ND pg/kg 024026 Atdiin ND pg/kg 024026 b-BHC ND pg/kg 024026 Chiordane ND 50 25 pg/kg 024026 d-BHC ND pg/kg 024026 Dieldrin NI 0.5 pg/kg 024026 Endosulfan ND pg/kg 024026 Endosulfan II ND pg/kg 024026 Endosulfan Sulfate ND pg/kg 024026 Endrin ND pg/kg 024026 Endrin Aldehyde ND pg/kg 024026 Endrin Ketone ND pg/kg 024026 g-BHC ND pg/kg 024026 g-Chtordane ND pg/kg 024026 Heptachiom NI pg/kg Q24026 1-leptachlor Epoxide ND pg/kg 024026 Toxaphene ND 50 25 pg/kg 024026 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery Recovery RangesResultSpikeAmountUnits 44-DDT 36.117 33 pg/kg i09 75-141 024026 Aldrin 39.657 33 pg/kg 120 66-132 024026 Dieldrin 37.597 33 pg/kg 114 72-1 36 024026 Endrin 37.507 33 pg/kg 114 74-147 024026 Heptachlor 38.32 33 pg/kg 116 72-134 024026 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery OCBatchRanges Sample Result SpikeAmount Units 182794 44-DDT 32.1 33 pg/kg 97 56-1 63 024026 AIdrin 34.3 33 pg/kg 104 57-137 024026 Dieldiin 33.9 33 pg/Kg 103 60-141 024026 Page of ESP Associates PA Attn Chris Ward P.O Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 .See Case Narrative This report should not be reproduced except in its entirety without The written consent of Prism Laboratories Inc 449 Sprirtgbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Toil Free Number 1.8001529-6364 Fax 7041525-0409 Full Survicu Anulytlcl Eiwlronmuril1r NC Certification No.402 SC Certification No 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No 37735 Level II QC Report 6/5/07 Project ID Morehead Commons No COC Group Number G0507786 Dateilime Submitted 5129/07 1520 Matrix Spike Recovery Recovery QODatciRanges Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units ID 182794 Endrin 31.8 33 pg/kg 96 65-164 024025 Heptachlor 33.5 33 pglkg 102 63-142 024026 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Recovery RPD Ranges RPD Range OC Batch sample ID Result Spike Amount Units 16 ID 182794 44-DDT 29.3 33 pg/kg 89 56-1 63 0-38 024026 Aldrin 35.3 33 pg/kg 107 57-1 37 0-29 024026 Dieldrin 32.9 33 pg/kg 100 60-1 41 -30 024026 Endrin 30.5 33 pglkg 92 65-164 -21 024026 Heptachlor 35.9 33 pg/kg 109 63-1 42 0-27 024026 Page of Full Service AnelyUcal Envinnmentai Solutions 449 Springbrook Road P.O Box 240543 Charlotte NC 28224-0543 Phone 704/529-6364 Fax 704/525- Client Company Name .fr4a.hS Report To/Contact Name Reporting Address .-c__ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD QUOT If TO NSURE BILUNG.PAGE..LOF_L Project Name Short Hold Analysis Yes No LIST Project Yes No please ATTACH any project specific 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L......J i......l..._I...p7....I.....J C%__-.._ SEEREVERSEFORTERMSCONDITIONS ORIGINAL Corporate Office Mailing P0 Box 7030 Charlotte North Carolina 28241 Physical 3475 Lakemont Boulevard Fort Mill SC 29708 803.802.2440 Raleigh 14001 Weston Parkway Suite 100 Caty North Carolina 27513 919.678.1070 Wilmington 2120-B Capital Drive Wilmington North Carolina 28405 910.313.6648 Concord 4601 Corporate Drive NW Suite 165 Concord North Carolina 28027 704.793.9855 800.960.7317 www.espassociales.com ESP Associates P.A