HomeMy WebLinkAboutElkin Chrysler Rede_1999.03.24_LTR RPT of Envir Svcs-OCRI l Letter Report of Environmental Services Elkins Chrysler Plymouth Dealers/lip FIEW ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES Area of Concern No. 1: March 24, 1999 Page 2 LAW advanced soil borings S-1 and S-2 in the vicinity of the fonner gasoline USTs, S-3 and S-4 in the vicinity of the fonner paint thinner USTs, and S-13 in the vicinity of the fonner new oil UST (see attached ·Drawing), each to a depth of approximately I 0 feet belo\V land surface (bis). LAW contracted with Probe Technologies who used the GeoprobeTM direct-push system to collect these samples. At selected intervals, we collected soil samples and placed the samples in pre-labeled, airtight, paired plastic bags. Using one of the paired samples, the gas contained in the headspace of the bag was tested with a Toxic Vapor Analyzer (TV A) and the sample from the unsaturated zone that exhibited the highest headspace reading was submitted to the laboratory for testing. LAW placed the selected soil samples into laboratory-supplied jars and stored the jars in a cooler with ice. The samples were transported under chain-of custody to GeoChem, Incorporated Environmental Laboratories in Morrisville, North Carolina. The laboratory tested samples S-1 and S-2 for volatile and semi-volatile total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) according to EPA Preparation/Testing Methods 5030/8015 and 3550/8015, respectively. The laboratory tested samples S-3 and S-4 for volatile and semi-volatile TPH and halogenated compounds according to Method 802 I. The laboratory tested sample S-13 for semi-volatile TPH. Petroleum odors or soil staining were not observed in any of the samples from these borings. The depths and TV A readings for the soil samples are summarized in Table 1. Area of Concern No. 2 LAW advanced soil borings S-5, S-6, S-7, and S-8 just outside the service area where the below-ground hydraulic li.fts were fonnerly located. Boring S-5 was also located within an area where surface staining by petroleum was apparent. The Geoprobe was advanced to a depth of approximately 10 feet bis at each boring location. LAW collected and screened the soil samples, and selected samples for laboratory testing using the procedures previously described. The laboratory tested the soil samples for semi-volatile TPH. Area of Concern No. 3 LAW advanced soil borings S-9, S-10, S-11, and S12 in the vicinity of the existing waste oil UST. A slight petroleum odor was detected in the samples from S-11 and S-12. The Geoprobe was advanced to a depth of approximately 10 feet bis at each boring location. LAW selected one soil sample from each boring based on the results of the TV A screening and sent the sample to the laboratory using the procedures previously described. The laboratory tested the soil samples for volatile and semi-volatile TPH, and for total chromium and lead by EPA Method 6010. LAW collected two groundwater samples (W-1 and W-2) from the two groundwater monitoring wells located in the vicinity of the waste oil UST. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 4.6 feet bis in MW-I and at a depth of 5.8 feet bis in MW-2. The monitoring wells were purged prior to sample collection to remove stagnant water from the well casings and sand packs in an effort to collect samples representative of the water quality in the surticial aquifer. The wells were purged using a dedicated pre- cleaned disposable bailer. Specific conductance, pH, and water temperature were measured and recorded throughout the purging process. Well purging continued until three standing well volumes were removed and the indicator parameters listed above had stabilized. Water generated during the well purging process was discharged onto the ground downgradient from the monitoring well from which it was collected. A water sample was then collected and decanted gently from the bailer into pre-labeled \ Letter Repon of Environmental Services Elkins Chrysler Plymouth Dealership March 24, 1999 Page3 sample containers provided by the laboratory. The filled containers were sealed and stored in a chilled .cooler. The laboratory tested the groundwater samples for volatile organic compounds and base-neutral, semi-volatile organic compounds according to EPA Methods 8260 and 8270, respectively. RESULTS OF THE LABORATORY TESTING Copies of the laboratory test reports are attached. Laboratory test results for the soil samples are summarized in Table 2. The laboratory detected toluene, xylenes, naphthalene, and sec-butylbenzene in the sample from S-3. However, concentrations detected did not exceed the North Carolina Action Levels for these compounds. The laboratory detected chromium and lead in the samples from S-9, S- 10, S-11, and S-12. However, concentrations detected did not exceed the Action Levels for these metals. Semi-volatile TPH was detected in the sample from S-5 at a concentration of 50.2 mg/Kg. This concentration exceeds the Action Level of I 0 mg/kg for semi-volatile TPH. The laboratory detected carbon disulfide at a concentration of 17 .2 ug/L in the groundwater sample from MW-2. This concentration is below the North Carolina groundwater standard (Action Level) of 700 ug/L ·for carbon disulfide. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Laboratory analytical results indicated the presence of semi-volatile TPH at a concentration of 50.2 mg/Kg in the sample from S-5. This concentration exceeds the North Carolina Action Level of 10 mg/Kg for semi-volatile TPH. This sample was taken from a depth ranging from approximately zero to two feet bis. LAW recommends removing and properly disposing of affected soil in the vicinity of this boring to remove soils which appear to have been contaminated from surface spills of petroleum. Soil samples should be collected and tested following excavation activities to confirm that the affected soils have been removed. LAW also recommends submitting a copy of this report to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management, UST Section, Raleigh Regional Office. This letter report is intended for use solely by Elkins Chrysler Plymouth, The contents should not be relied upon by other parties without the expressed, written consent of LAW. The findings are relevant to the date of our site work and should not be relied upon to represent site conditions on other dates. We appreciate the opportunity to provide environmental services for you. If any questions arise regarding the attached report or if we may be of further assistance. please contact us. Sincerely, ~ ~~ -~- L~AW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. , c ty E.l.T. t?.;;~ Staff Engineer Principal Hydrogeologist CEl/BJB/cei Attachments: Drawing Tables l and 2 Laboratory Reports 19to€{Jtm llntorpornlt/J ittrlifit/J §nnlplitnl Jln/Jorntorp NC# 3 77-15, NC# 336, NC# ./61, EPA ID # 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Chrysler Cone. PQL Dilulion NCAC2L GCI Project 9902-012 in ugll in ugil Faelor in ugll Field ID l\IWI Date Analyzed: Lab!D 314 2/B/99 8260 MTBE BDL s I. 200. IPE DDL s I. 70. n-Butylbcnzcne BDL s I. 70. Dichlorodilluoromelhane BDL 10 I. 1,400. Chloromethane BDL 10 I. 2.6 Vinyl Chloride BDL s I. .QIS Bromomethane BDL 10 I. NIA Chloroethanc BDL 10 I. 2,800. Trichlorofluoromethanc DDL 10 I. 2,100. Acrolcin BDL 100 I. NIA Acetcme BDL so I. 700. I, 1-Dichlorocthene DDL s I. 7. lodomethanc BDL s I. NIA Carbon Disulfide BDL s I. 700. Methylene Chloride BDL s I. s. Acrylonilrilc BDL s I. NIA trans-1,2-Dichloroethcne DDL s I. 70. I, 1-Dichloroethanc BDL s I. 700. Vinyl Acelatc BDL 10 I. NIA 2,2-Dichloropropane BDL s I. NIA cis-1,2-Dichloroethcnc BDL s I. 70. 2-Buianone DDL so I. 170. Bromochloromethane BDL s I. NIA Chloroform BDL s I. .19 I, I, I· T richlorocthanc BDL s I. 200. I, 1-Dichloropropcne BDL s I. NIA Carbon Tetrachloride BDL s I. .3 Benzene BDL s I. I. 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL s I. .38 Trichloroclhcne BDL s I. 2.8 1,2-Dichloropropane BDL I. .56 Dibromomethanc BDL I. NIA Bromodichloromethane DDI, s I. .6 Page# J for 9902-012 11gll data section '19to€{Jem J/Juorporult/J tltrlifitb fflnulpticu/ 'Jlu/Jorotorp NC# 377-15, NC# 336, NC# ./61, EPA ID# 155 T11esday, Febr11ary 16, 1999 Site Name: Elkitrs Chrysler GCI Project 9902-012 Cone. PQL Dilution NCAC2L in ug/I in ug/I Factor in ug/I 2-Chlorocthylvinylether BDL 10 I. NIA cis· l ,J·Dichloropropene BDL s I. .2 4-Methyl·2·pentanonc BDL so I. NIA Toluene BDL s I. 1.000. tr31\S· I ,3·Dichloropropene BDL s I. .2 I, l ,2· Trichlorocth:mc BDL s I. Nf A Ethylmcthacrylatc BDL s I. NIA Tctrachloroclhenc BDL s ). .7 1,3-Dichloropropane BDL s I. .19 2-Hcxanonc BDL so I. ~IA Chlorodibromomethanc BDL s 1. NIA 1,2-Dibromocthanc BDL s I. .0004 Chlorobenzene BDL s I. so. 1,1,1,2· Tetrachloroethane BDL s I. NIA Ethylbenzcne BDL ). 29. m,p-Xylenc BDL s I. 530. o-Xylcnc BDL s I. S30. Styrene BDL s 1. 100. Bromofonn BDL s I. .19 lsopropylbenzcnc BDL s ). 70. Bromobenzenc BDL s I. NIA 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BDL 10 I. .oos I, 1,2,2· Tctrachlorocthane BDL s I. NIA n·Propylbcnzcnc BDL ). 70. 2·Chlorotoluenc BDL 5 I. 140. l ,4-Dichloro-2-butene BDL JO I. NI:\ 4-Chlorotolucne BDL 5 ). NIA 1,3,S-Trimethylbcnzene BDL 5 ). 350. tcrt-Butylbenzcne BDL 5 I. 70. 1,2,4-Trimelhylbenzene BDL s I. 350. sec-Butylbenzenc BDL s ). 70. 1,3-Dichlorobenzcnc BDL s ). 620. 1,4-Dichlorobcnzcne BDL 5 I. 75. 4·lsopropyltoluene BDL s ). NIA 1,2-Dichlorobcnzene BDI. s 1. 620. I ,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BDL s I. ,025 Page# 2 for 9902-012 11gll data section l!Oro€!J£m Jlncorpornte/J itrrtifir/J ffnnlpticnl JlnfJorntorp Site Name: Elkins Chrysler GCJ Project 9902-012 1,2, 4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Hcxachlorobutadiene l,2,3·Trichlorobenzene NC# 377.15, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Cone. PQL Dilution in ugll in ug1l Factor BDL .5 I. BDL .5 I. BDL . .s I. BDL .5 I. End of 8160 Page II ) for 9902-01 2 ugll dala sec11on NCAC2L in ug'I NIA 21. NIA NIA '19to€fJem llntorpornttb iltrtifitb §nnlptic11/ Jln/Jorntorp NC# 377-15, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Chrysler GCI Project 9902-012 Cone. PQL Dilution NCAC2L in ug/I in ug/I Factor inug/I 8270BNA n-N ittosodimcthylamine BDL 10 I. .0007 Aniline BDL 10 I. NIA Bis(2-chJoroethyl)ether BDL JO I. NIA 2-Chlorophenol BDL 10 I. .I Phenol BDL 10 I. 300. 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene BDL JO I. 620. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDL 10 I. 1S. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 10 I. 620. Benzyl Alcohol BDL 20 I. NIA Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BDL 10 I. NIA 2-MelhylphenoJ (o-cresol) BDL JO I. NIA HcxachJoroethanc BDL 10 I. NIA n-NittosodipropyJamine BDL 10 I. NIA Nitrobenzene BDL JO I. NIA 4-Methylphenol (p-cresol) BDL 10 I. 3.S lsophoronc BDL 10 I. 36.8 2-Nittophenol BDL 10 I. NIA 2,4-Dimethylphenol BDL 10 I. 140. Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane BDL 10 I. NIA 2,4-DichJorophenol BDL IO I. NIA 1,2,4-TrichJorobenzene BDL 10 I. NIA Naphthalene BDL JO I. 21. Bcnzoic acid BDL so I. NIA 4-Chloroaniline BDL IO I. NIA HexachJorobutadiene DDL 10 I. NIA 2-MethyJnaphthalene BDL IO I. 28. 4-Chloro-3-mcthylphenol BDL 20 I. NIA Hcxachlorocyclopentadicne BDL IO I. NIA 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BDL 10 I. NIA 2,4,S-Trichiorophenol BDL 10 1. NIA 2-ChJoronaphthalene BDL 10 I. NIA 2-Nitroaniline HDL 50 I. NIA Acenaphthylenc HDL IO I. 210. DimcthylphthaJate BDL 10 I. NIA 2,6-Dinitrotoluene HDL 10 I. NIA Pag!!.: ./ for 9902-012 11g!/ data secllon '1Jro€fJem Jf ncorporntrJJ €ertifitll §n11/ptir11l 'Jl.11fJor11torp NC# 377./5, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA JD # 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Site Name: Elkilis Chrysler GCI Project 9902-012 Cone. PQL Dilution 1'CAC2L in ug/I in ugll Factor in ug'I Ac:en3phthcnc DDL IO I. 80. 3-Nitroaniline BDL so I. NIA 2, 4-Dinitrophenol BDL 10 I. NIA Dibenzofuran BDL JO I. NIA 2,4-Dinitrotolucne BDL JO I. NIA 4-Nitrophcnol DDL so I. NIA Fluorene DDL 10 I. 280. 4.Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether BDL JO I. NIA Diethylphthal:ite BDL JO I. S,000. 4-Nitroanilinc BDL so I. NIA 4,6·Dinitro-2-mcthylphcnol BDL 10 I. NIA n-Nitrosodiphcnylamine BDL JO I. NIA 4-Bromophcnyl Phenyl Ether BDL IO I. NIA Hcxachlorobcnzcnc BDL JO I. .02 Benzi dine BDL so I. NIA Pcntachlorophcnol BDL 10 I. .3 Phcnanthrcnc DDL JO I. 210. Anthraccnc BDL 10 I. 2,IOO. Di-n-butylphthal:itc BDI, IO I. 700. Fluoranthenc DDL JO I. 280. Pyrene BDL IO I. 2IO. Butyl Bcnzyl Phthalate DDL 20 I. JOO. Benzo(a)anthraccnc DDL 10 I. .OS 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine DDL 20 I. NIA Chrysene DDL s I. s. Bis(2-clhylhexyl)phthalatc DDL 10 I. NIA Di-n-oc:tylphlhalatc DDL JO I. 140. Benzo(b)nuoranthcne BDL IO I. .047 Benzo(k)nuoranthcne DDL JO I. .47 Benzo(a)pyrcnc DDL 10 I. .0047 Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrenc BDL 10 I. .047 Dibcnz(a,h)anthrac:cnc BDL JO I. .0047 Benzo(g.h.i}pcrylcnc DDL 10 ). 210. End of 8170 BNA End MW I Page II 5 for 9902-012 ugl/ data section l§eoitfJrm 3/morpor11leb ttertifie/J Dn11/plic11/ 'Jl11/Jor11tq_rp Site Name: Elkins Cltrysler GCI Project 9902-012 Field ID MW2 Dale Analyzed: Lab!D J/5 218199 8260 MTBE IPE n-Butylbenzene Dichlorodifluoromethanc Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Brornomelhane Chloroclhane Trichlorofluoromethanc Aero le in Acetone I, 1-Dichlorocthc:ne lodomc:thane Carbon Disulfide Methylene Chloride Acrylonitrilc trans· l ,2-Dichlorocthenc: .l. l-Dichlorocthane Vinyl Acetate 2,2-Dichloropropanc: cis-1,2-Dichloroelhc:nc: 2·Butanonc Bromochloromel!1ane Chloroform l, I, l ·Trichloroethane 1, 1-Dichloropropcnc Carbon Tetrachloride Benzene 1,2-Dichloroctha.nc: Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropanc Dibromomethane Bromodichloromethane NC# 37745, NC#336, NC# ./61, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Cone. in ug/I BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 17.2 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDI, Pago1 ~ 6 for PQL in ugil 5 5 5 10 10 s 10 IO 10 100 50 5 5 5 s s 5 5 10 5 s 50 s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9902-012 ugll data sec11on Dilution Factor I. I. I. I. I. I. ). I. ). I. ). I. ). I. ). I. I. ). I. ). I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. NCAC2L inugil 200. 70. 70. 1,400. 2.6 .015 NIA 2,800. 2,100. NIA 700. 7. NIA 700. 5. NIA 70. 700. NIA NIA 70. 170. NIA .19 200. l'IA .J I. .38 2.8 .56 .6 t!Dtoit{J£m 3/ncorpornttb €trlifitb §nnlpticnl lln/Jorntorp NC# 37745, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Chrysler Cone. PQL Dilution NCAC2L GC/ Project 9902-012 In u11/I in ugll Factor inugfl 2-Chloroethylvinylether BDL 10 I. NiA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL s I. .2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone BDL 50 I. NIA Toluene BDI. 5 I. 1,000. trans· l ,3·Dichloropropene BDL s I. .2 l, 1,2· T richloroeth:ine BDL 5 I. NIA Ethylmethactylate BDL s I. NIA Tetrachloroethcnc BDL s I. .7 l ,J.Dichloroprop1111c BDL s I. .19 2-Hexanone BDI, 50 I. NIA Chlorodibromomethanc BDL s ). NIA 1,2-Dibromoethanc BDL 5 ). .0004 Chlorobenzene BDL 5 I. 50. l , l , 1.2· T ctrachloroethane BDL s I. NIA Ethylbenzenc BDL s I. 29. m,p-Xylenc BDL 5 I. 530. o-Xylcne BDL 5 I. 530. Styrene BDL 5 I. 100. Bromoforrn BDL 5 ). .19 lsopropylbcnzenc BDL s I. 70. Bromobcnzcnc BDL s ). NIA 1,2,3· Trichloropropane BDL 10 I. .oos 1, 1,2,2-Tctrachloroethane BDL s I. NIA n-Propylbenzenc BDL s I. 70. 2-Chlorotoluenc BDL s I. 140. l ,4-Dichloro-2-butene BDL 10 ). NIA 4-Chlorotoluenc BDL s I. NIA 1,3,S-Trimethylbenzene BDL s I. 350. ten-Butylbenzene BDL 5 I. 70. 1,2, 4. Trimcthylbenzene JlDL s I. 350. sec-Butyl benzene BDL s I. 70. I ,3·Dichlorobenzene BDL s I. 620. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDL 5 I. 15. 4-lsopro pyltol ucnc BDL 5 I. NIA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene JlDL 5 ). 620. I ,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropanc BDL 5 I. .025 Page II 7 for 9902-012 ,,g1l data sec11orr t§ioitfJrm J/ncorpor11trb tlrrlifirb ffln11/plit11/ Jl11bor11torp Site Name: Elkins Chrysler GCI Project 9902-012 l,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Hexachlorobutadiene l ,2,3-Trichlorobenzene NC# 37745, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, Febr11ary 16, 1999 Cone. PQL Dilution In ug/I in ugtl Factor BDL 5 I. BDL I. BDI, 5 ). BDL 5 I. End of 8260 Page II 8 for 9902·012 11gl/ dalcl section NCAC2L inug11 NIA 21. NIA NIA l§rottfJrm llmorporotrh f£rrtifirh ffln11/ptic11/ 'Jl11fJor11torp NC# 377.15, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Chrysler GCI Project 9902-012 Cone. PQL Dilution NCAC2L in ugll in ug1I Factor in ugll 8270BNA n-Nitrosodimclhylaminc BDL 10 I. .0007 Aniline BDL 10 I. NIA Bis(2-chloroethyl)elher BDL 10 I. NIA 2-Chlorophcnol BDL 10 I. .I Phenol BDL 10 I. 300. 1,3-Dichlorobenzenc BDL 10 I. 620. 1,4-Dichlorobenzenc BDL 10 I. 7S. 1,2-Dichlorobenzenc BDL 10 I. 620. Benzyl Alcohol BDL 20 I. NIA Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)clher BDL 10 I. NIA 2-Methylphenol (o-crcsol) BDL 10 I. NIA Hcxadtloroethane BDL 10 I. NIA n-NilJOSOdipropylaminc BDL 10 I. '!'IA Nitrobcnzenc BDL 10 I. NIA 4-Metbylphcnol (p-crcsol) BDL 10 I. 3.S lsophoronc BDL 10 I. 36.8 2-Nitrophcnol BDL 10 I. NIA 2,4-Dimelhylphenol BDL 10 I. 140. Bis(2-chloroelhoxy)melhane BDL 10 I. NIA 2,4-Dichlorophcnol BDL 10 I. NIA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BDL 10 I. NIA Naphlhalene BDL 10 I. 21. Benzoic acid BDL so I. NIA 4-Chloroaniline BDL 10 I. NIA Hexachlorobutadiene BDL 10 I. NIA 2-Methylnaphlhalene BDL 10 I. 28. 4-Chloro-3-methylphcnol BDL 20 I. NIA Hexachlorocyclopentadicne BDL 10 I. NIA 2,4,6-Trichlorophcnol BDL 10 I. NIA 2, 4,S-Trichlorophcnol BDL 10 I. NIA 2-Chloronaphlhalene BDL 10 I. NIA 2-Nitroaniline BDL so I. l\:lt\ Acenaphthylcnc BDL 10 I. 210. Dimethylphthalate DDL 10 I. NrA 2,6-Dinitrololucne DDI. 10 I. NIA Page ii 9 for 9902-012 11gi/ data secllon '1Jtoflt{Jtm Jlmorpor11t1b flttrlifitb ffln11lptit11/ 'Jl11fJor11torp NC# 377-15, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Chrysler Cone. PQL Dilution NCAC2L GC/ Project 9902-012 In ug/I in ugil Factor inugil Acenaphthene BDL 10 I. 80. 3-N itroanilinc BDL so I. NIA 2,4-Dinitrophcnol BDL 10 I. NIA Dibenzofuran BDL 10 I. !':IA 2,4-0initrotoluene BDL 10 I. 1':1A 4-Nitrophenol BDL so I. NIA Fluorene BDL 10 I. 280. 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether BDL 10 I. NIA Diethylphthalale BDL 10 I. S,000. 4-Nitroaniline BDL so I. Ni A 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphcnol BDL 10 I. NIA n-Nitrosodiphcnylaminc BDL 10 I. NIA 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether BDL 10 I. NIA Hexachlorobenzene BDL 10 I. .02 Benzi dine BDL so I. NIA Pentachlorophcnol BDL 10 I. .3 Phenanlhrene BDI, 10 I. 210. Anthracene BDL 10 I. 2,100. Di-n-butylphthalatc BDL 10 I. 700. Fluoranthene BDL 10 I. 280. Pyrene BDL 10 I. 2IO. Butyl Benzyl Phthalate BDL 20 I. 100. Benzo( a )anthracenc BDL 10 I. .OS 3 ,3' -Dichlorobenzidine BDL 20 I. NIA Chrysene BDL s I. s. Bis(2-ethylhexyl )phthalale BDL 10 I. NIA Di-n-octylphthalate BDL 10 I. 140. Benzo(b )Uuoranthenc BDL 10 I. .047 Benzo{k)Uuoranthene BDL 10 I. .47 Benzo( a)pyrene BDL 10 I. .0047 Indeno( 1,2,3-cd)pyrene BDL 10 I. .047 Dibenz( a,h)anlhracene BDL 10 I. .0047 Benzo(g.h,i)perylenc BDI, 10 I. 2IO. End of 8270 BNA End MW2 Page a /{} for 990:!-0I :! 11xi/ data section t9rottfJrm llncorporolt/J tCtrllflt/J fflnolptlcol 'Jlo/Jorotorp GC/ Project 9902-012 Site Name: Elkins Cltrysler Field ID S-1 Date Analyzed: 218199 NC# 3 77.15, NC# 336, NC# ./61, EPA ID # 155 Lab JD 313 Dry Wt%: 0.92 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Com:. In mg/kg PQLinmglkg Anal)•1is: 5030 soil Gas range BDL S.44 Page /J J for 990!-0J ! TPJ! data .>ect1on Dilution Factor 1.0 '9eo(/[{Jem llncorpor11te/J t!J1111lil!' €ontrol 1Lle1111/t11 GCI Project # 9902-012 8260 l, 1-Dichloroethene Benzene Trichloroethene Toluene Chlorobenzene 8270BN1I 2-Chlorophenol Phenol 1,4-Dichlorobenzene n-Nitrosodipropylamine 1,2, 4-Trichlorobenzene 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Acenaphthene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 4-Nitrophenol Pentachlorophenol Pyrene NC# 37745, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID# 155 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Percent Recovery Lab Blank: 100 0 97 0 96 0 102 0 89 0 End of 8260 99 0 85 0 100 0 108 0 61 0 74 0 69 0 57 0 62 0 77 0 73 0 End of 8270 BNA lowest detection @ ideal conditions MDL in ugll 1.39 0.69 0.71 0.64 0.49 2.39 2.44 2.96 4.77 2.68 2.45 6.83 2.48 6.65 2.4 3.34 GCI Project# 9902-012 DateAnalyzed: 218199 iO.eattfJ.em 31morpornltll <!011nlftp Control ifitdult.d NC# 37745, NC# 336, NC# 461, EPA ID # I 55 Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Percent Recovery Lab Blank 'Dry Wt%: 0.91 Gas range 78.6 0 ,\,/DL in mg/kg 1.88 '910€/Jtm J/ncorporattll €trlifitll fflnalptital Jla/Jor11torp Site Name: Elkins Chrysler Plymouth GCI Project# 9902-015 FieldlD S-l Lab/D .313 8021 soil Date Analyzed: 21 J 7199 Dichlorodifluoromelhanc Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Chloroethanc Trichlorofluoromcthanc l, l ·Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride lrans• I ,2·Dichloroethene I, l ·Dichloroethanc 2,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropenc Chloroform Bromochloromethane l,l,l·Trichlorocthane l, l ·Dichloropropene Carbon Tetrachloride Benzene 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethenc 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromcthanc Dibromomethane Toluene I, 1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene l ,3-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethanc 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Ethyl benzene I, l, l ,2· Tetrachloroethane m,p-Xylene a-Xylene Styrene lsopropylbcnzene Bromoform I, 1,2,2-Tctrachloroethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane n-Propylbenzene Bromobenzene NC#37745, NC#336, EPA ID# 155 Th11rsday, February 25, 1999 Page# Cone. in uglkg Dry \\1 % 85.2 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 1.5 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 1.3 1.0 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL for 9902-015 1<glkg data section lowest detection on sample PQLin ugikg .S .s .s .S .s .s .s .s .s .5 .s .5 .5 .S .s .s .s .s .s .5 .s .s .s .s .5 .S .s .s .s .s .s .5 1.0 .S .s .s .I .5 .5 .s .s Dilution Factor l.O l.O l.O 1.0 l.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 l.O l.O l.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ).0 1.0 l.0 l.O l.O 1.0 ).0 1.0 1.0 l.0 1.0 l.O l.O 1.0 l.0 l.O 1.0 l.O 1.0 l.0 l.O 1.0 l.O l.O 1.0 l.0 l.0 . I '9toit{Jtm Jlmorpornttb ittrtifitb Dnnlpticnl lln/Jorntorp Site Name: NC#37J.15, NC#336, EPA ID# 155 Elkins Chrysler Plymouth Thllrsday, February 25, 1999 lowest detection on sample Cone. in PQLin GC/ Project# 9902-015 uglkg uglkg l,3,5-Trimethylbcnzenc BDL .5 2-Chlorotolucne BDL .5 4-Chlorotolucni; BDL .5 trans· 1.3-Dichloropropene BDL .s 1,2,4-Trimethylbcnzcnc BDL .s sec-Butyl benzene 3.1 .s p-Isopropyltolucnc BDL .s 1,3-Dichlorobenzenc BDL .s 1,4-Dichlorobenzeno; BDL .5 n-Butylbcnzcnc BDL .s 1,2-Dichlorobenzcne BDL .5 I ,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropa BDL .5 1,2,4-Trichlorobcnzenc BDL .s Hcxachlorobutadicnc BDL .5 Naphthalene 1.0 .5 1,2,3-Trichlorobcnzcnc BDL .s cis-1,2-Dichloroethcnc BDL .5 tcrt-Butylbcnzcnc BDL .s End of 8021 soil Page:; 2 for 9902-015 ug1kg dara seclton Dilution Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 lleoilfJem llncorporate/J ilertifie/J §nalptic11l Jla/Joratorp Site Name: Elkins Chrysler Plymouth GC/ Project# 9902·015 Field ID S-4 Lab!D JU 8021 soil Date Analyzed: 2117199 Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomcthanc Chloroelhane T richlorofluoromelhane l , 1-Dichloroethenc Methylene Chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethcnc l, 1-Dichlorocthanc 2,2-Dichloropropanc cis-1,3-Dichloropropcnc Chlorofonn Bromochlorometh:mc l, l,1-Trichloroethane I , 1-Dichloropropcnc Carbon Tetrachloride Benzene l ,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethcne l ,2-Dichloroprop:mc Bromodichloromethane Dibromomcthanc Toluene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1,3-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromcthane l ,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene l, l, l,2-Tetrachloroc:thane m,p-Xylene o-Xylene St)TenC lsopropylbenzenc Bromofonn l, l ,2,2-Tetrachloroethanc l ,2,3-Trichloropropanc n-Propylbenzenc Bromobenzene NC# 37745, NC# 336, EPA ID # 155 Thursday, February 25, 1999 Cone. In uglkg Dry \\t o/o 72.6 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDJ, BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL Page # J for 9902-015 ug1kg daw secr1on lowest detection on sample PQLin uglkg .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .s .5 .s .s .s .5 .s .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .s .5 .5 .s 1.0 .5 .s .5 .2 .5 .5 .5 .s Dilution Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 l.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 l.O l.O 1.0 l.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 l.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 l.O l.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 '9to€{J£m l/11.torpora/£/J ittrtifit/J ffnalptlcnl 'Jln/Jorntorp Site Name: NC# 37745, NC# 336, EPA ID# 155 Elkins Chrysler Plymouth T/Ulrsday, February 25, 1999 lowest detecnon on sample Cone. in PQLin Dilution GC/ Project# 9902-015 ugfkg ugkg Factor 1,3,5-Trimelhylbenzene BDL .S 1.0 2-Chlorotoluene BDL .s 1.0 4-Chlorotoluenc BDL .s 1.0 lrans·l,3·Dichloropropcnc BDL .5 1.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbcnzene BDL .5 1.0 sec-Butylbenzene BDL .s 1.0 p-lsopropyltoluene BDL .s 1.0 1,3-Dichlorobcnzene BDL .s 1.0 l,4·Dichlorobcnzene BDL .5 1.0 n-Butylbcnzene BDL .S 1.0 1,2-Dichlorobcnzene BDL .s 1.0 I ,2~Dibromo-3·Chloropropa BDL .5 1.0 1,2,4· Trichlorobcnzenc BDL .5 1.0 Hexachlorobutadienc BDL .5 1.0 Naphthalene BDL .5 1.0 1,2,3-Trichlorobcnzene BDL .S 1.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroelhcne BDL .5 1.0 lert·Butylbenzene BDL .s 1.0 End of 8021 soil Page" ./ for 9902-0f 5 11gikg data section "1Jtoit{Jtm 3/nrorporultll €trlifitll §nulpticul JlnfJorutorp NC# 37745, NC# 336, EPA ID# 155 Thursday, February 25, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Chrysler Plymouth lowest detect on sample GCI Project# 9902-015 Cone.in PQLln Dilulion mgl1!g mg11!g !-'actor FieldlD S-9 Date Analyzed: lab!D 129 2124199 Cr Chromium 12.685 2. 200.0 Pb Lead 22.879 3. 200.0 Field ID S-10 Date Analyzed: lab!D JJO 2124199 Cr Chromium 13.344 2. 200.0 Pb Lead 22.272 3. 200.0 Field ID S-11 Date Analyzed: lab!D jj/ 212./199 Cr Chromium 17.518 1.599 159.9 Pb Lead 10.242 1.199 79.9 Field ID S-12 Date Analyzed: lab!D 332 2124199 Cr Chromium 15.129 1.6 160.0 Pb Lead 7.621 1.2 80.0 Page I: I for 9902-015 mg1kg data sec/Ion (§eoCfJtm 3/ncorpornltb Ctrlifitb Dnn/plitnl Jl11/Jor11torp NC#37745, NC#336, EPA ID# 155 GCI Project# 9902-015 Thursday, February 25, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Cltrysler Plymoutlr Cone. in mg/kg PQL in mg/kg Dilution Factor Field ID S-2 Lab ID 322 Date Analyzed: 2111199 Dry Wt%: 0.82 Analysis: 5030 soil Gas range BDL 6.098 l.O Field ID S-3 Lab ID 323 Date Analyzed: 2110/99 Dry Wt%: 0.85 Analysis: 3550 Diesel range BDL S.872 l.O Analysis: 5030soil GllS range BDL S.872 1.0 Field ID S-4 Lab ID 324 Date Analyzed: 2110/99 DryWt%: 0.73 Analysis: 3550 Diesel range BDL 6.89 l.O Analysis: 5030 soil Gas range BDL 6.89 l.O Field ID S-5 Lab ID 325 Date Analyzed: 2110199 Dry Wt%: 0.84 Analysis: 3550 Diesel range 50.2 S.927 1.0 Field ID S-6 Lab ID 326 Date Analyzed: 2110199 Dry Wt %: 0.84 Analysis: 3550 Diesel range BDL 5.958 1.0 Field ID S-7 Lab!D 327 Date Analyzed: 2110/99 Dry Wt %: 0.85 Analysis: 3550 Diesel range BDL 5.878 1.0 Field ID S-8 Lab ID 328 Date Analyzed: 2111199 Dry Wt%: 0.85 Analysis: 3550 Diesel range BDL S.891 1.0 Page" I for 9902·015 TPH da1a sec11on l9to€fJtm llncorpor11/tb €trlifitl1 §n11/plit11l Jl11/Jor11torp NC# 377./5, NC#336, EPA ID# 155 GCI Project # 9902-015 Thursday, February 25, 1999 Site Name: Elkins Chrysler Plymouth Cone. in mg/kg PQL In mg/kg Dilution Factor Field ID S-9 Lab ID 329 Date Analyzed: 2111199 Dry Wt%: 0.86 Analysis: 3550 Diesel 1'11Jlge BDL S.819 1.0 rlnalysis: SOJO soil Gns 1'11Jlge BDL S.819 1.0 Field ID S-10 Lab ID 330 Date Analyzed: 2111199 Dry Wt%: 0.83 Analysis: 3550 Diesel 1'11Jlge BDL 6. 1.0 1tnaly1is: 5030soiJ Gas 1'11Jlge BDL 6. 1.0 Field ID S-11 Lab ID 331 Date Analyzed: 2111199 Dry Wt%: 0.81 Analysis: 3550 Diesel r:ange BDL 6.184 1.0 Analysis: 5030 soil Gas range BDL 6.184 1.0 Field ID S-12 Lab/D 332 Date Analyzed: 2111199 Dry Wt%: 0.86 Analysis: 3550 Diesel range BDL S.844 1.0 Analysis: 5030 soil Gas range BDL 5.844 1.0 Field ID S-13 Lab ID 333 Dale Analyzed: 2111199 DryW1%: 0.91 Atraly.sis: 3550 Diesel range BDL S.504 1.0 !'C1gc 11 2 for 9902-015 TP!l r.h11a secllon 19ro€!Jtm l/n.corpornltb tflunlltp Control 1Rr11u/t11 GC/ Project# 9902-015 8021 soil Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1, 1-Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1, 1-Dichloroethane 2,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Chloroform Bromochloromethane 1, 1, I -Trichloroethane I, 1-Dichloropropene Carbon Tetrachloride Benzene 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane Dibromomethane Toluene l, 1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene l, 3-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene I, I, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane m,p-Xylcne NC#37745, NC#336, EPA ID# 155 Thursday, February 25, 1999 Percent Recovery Lab Blank: 109 0 108 0 102 0 102 0 103 0 109 0 106 0 106 0 99 0 112 0 94 0 108 0 106 0 101 0 109 0 106 0 110 0 99 0 108 0 106 0 104 0 101 0 112 0 98 0 112 0 97 0 110 0 92 0 98 0 113 0 86 0 98 0 99 0 loll'est detection @ideal co111/ilion1 MDL.in ugll 0.22 0.16 0.14 0.07 0.25 0.33 0.37 0.19 0.23 0.33 0.46 0.13 0.18 0.16 0.2 0.28 0.38 0.22 0.37 0.36 0.3 0.3 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.19 0.39 0.24 0.28 0.13 0.26 0.31 0.35 • t!§10€!Jtm Jf ncorporalt/J tl}unlltp Control 1Ltr11u/IJ1 NC#37745, NC#336, EPA ID# 155 GCI Project# 9902-015 Thurstlay, February 25, 1999 o-Xylene 98 0 0.18 Styrene 88 0 0.18 Isopropylbenzene 82 0 0.28 Bromoform 88 0 0.22 I, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 88 0 0.28 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96 0 0.24 n-Propylbenzenc 94 0 0.22 Bromobenzene 88 0 0.18 1,3,5-Trimelhylbenzene . 87 0 0.19 2-Chlorotoluene 84 0 0.2 4-Chlorotoluene 84 0 0.22 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 100 0 0.17 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 87 0 0.22 sec-Butyl benzene 97 0 0.26 p-lsopropyltoluenc 80 0 0.23 1,3-Dichlorobenzcnc 96 0 0.21 I, 4-Dichlorobenzcnc 84 0 0.23 n-Butylbenzene 84 0 0.47 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 91 0 0.25 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropanc 103 0 0.16 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 89 0 0.17 Hexachlorobutadiene 108 0 0.17 Naphthalene 110 0 0.15 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 99 0 0.12 cis-1,2-Dichlorocthene 96 0 0.15 tert-Butylbenzene 86 0 0.23 Endo/ 8021 soil • c. f ) . 6.tolt{Jtm Jlncorporattll (f}11alftp ltontrol ill.tdultJJ' NC#37745, NC#336, EPA I_D #155 GCI Project# 9902-015 Tli11rsday, February 25, 1999 Cr lowest detect@ ideal conditions Percent Lab Blank: MDL.in .. Recovery mg/kg Chromium 83 0 0.0005 Lead 74 0 0.001 GC/ Projed # 9902-015 Date Analyzed: 2111199 DateAnalyzed: 2111199 19to€!Jtm .lf nrorpor11/t/J C!!Ju11lltp Control Jiltsults Dry Wt%: 0.82 Gas range Dry Wt%: 0.91 Diesel range NC# 37745, NC# 336, EPA ID# 155 Tliursday, February 25, 1999 Percent Recovery 84.6 Percent Recovery 109.5 LabBla11k 0 LabB/aiik 0 MDLui mg/kg 1.88 MDL i11 mg/kg 2.5