HomeMy WebLinkAboutElkin Chrsyler Redev_2002-7-10 tank closure report-OCRI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 General Information ............................................................................................................. 1 2.1 Site Geology and Hydrogeology ..................................................................................... 2 3.0 Closure Procedures .... ; .......................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Closure Preparations ....................................................................................................... 2 3 .2 Product Removal and Disposal ....................................................................................... 2 3.3 Soil Excavation Activities and UST Removal.. .............................................................. 3 3.4 Excavated Soils ............................................................................................. : ................. 4 3.5 UST Disposal .......... ~ ................................................... '. ................................................... 4 4.0 Site Investigation .................................................................................................................. 5 4.1 Field Screening ............................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Soil Sampling ................................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Groundwater Sampling .................................................................................................... 5 4.4 Quality Control Measures ................................................................................................ 6 4.5 Soil Analytical Results ..................................................................................................... 6 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendation ...................................................................................... 7 Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Figure 1: Figure 2: TABLES Summary of UST Information and UST Owner/Operator Information Facility Information and Contacts Soil Analytical Data from June 10, 2002 Soil Analytical Data from June 11, 2002 FIGURES Portion of U.S.G.S. Southwest Durham, North Carolina topographic map illustrating the location and topography of the site (1:24000, photorevised 1987). Site map illustrating locations of Elkins Chrysler Plymouth, the surrounding properties, and the former underground storage tank. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 3: Figure 4: Site map illustrating locations of Elkins Chrysler Plymouth, former underground storage tank, former system piping, final limits of the excavation, and soil samples. Site map illustrating soil analytical test results from soil samples SS-1, SS-2, and SS-3. Data collected on June 10, 2002. ATTACHMENTS AITACHMENT A: UST-3 Form: Notice oflntent: UST.Permanent Closure or Change-in- Service A IT ACHMENT B: Permit issued by the City of Durham AITACHMENT C: Site Specific Health and Safety Plan A IT ACHMENT D: Manifest and Disposal Documentation A IT ACHMENT E: 24-Hr Release and UST Leak Reporting Form AITACHMENT F: Soil Analytical Laboratory Reports AITACHMENT G: UST-2 Form: Site Investigation Report for Permanent Closure or Change-in-Service of UST I I I I I I I ,, I I 1· I I I I I I I I 2.1 Site Geology and Hydrogeology The site geology is limited to soil descriptions from the excavated soil. The soil in the vicinity of the tank pit was characterized as brown silty clay to a depth of 4 ft below grade and then changing to brown sandy clay to a depth of at least 8.5 ft below grade. During the UST excavation and removal activities, groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 7 ft below grade. 3.0 Closure Procedures 3.1 Closure Preparations On June 3, 2002, Mark Powers of the NCDENR, DWM -UST Section was notified regarding the scheduled UST closure and removal activities. The UST-3 (Notice of Intent: UST Permanent Closure or Change-in-Service) form was submitted to DENR, DWM-UST Section on June 4, 2002. A copy of the UST-3 form is included as Attachment A. Prior to the initiation of field excavation activities, the North Carolina One-Call Center was contacted to locate all underground utilities at the site. No underground utilities were encountered in the vicinity of the UST. On June 3, 2002, the City of Durham was contacted in regards to the scheduled UST closure activities. A copy of the permit issued by the City of Durham is included as Attachment B. On June 10, 2002, prior to removal activities, IMS conducted an onsite safety meeting to review the Site Specific Health and Safety Plan. A copy of the Health and Safety Plan is included as Attachment C. 3.2 Product Removal and Disposal Prior to UST removal activities, Elkins Chrysler Plymouth had the waste oil UST pumped of its contents for disposal. IMS gauged the tank prior to excavating in order to determine the amount of residual material remaining in the tank. Approximately 3.5 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I inches of waste oil sludge was measured within the tank. The product lines were located and purged into the UST to remove any remaining product within the lines. Sludge and rinse water from cleaning the tank (after UST removal) was pumped and drummed into 55-gal drums for disposal. Residual material and rinse water was transported to Industrial Marine Service, Inc. in Norfolk, Virginia for disposal. The water and waste oil disposal manifest is included as Attachment D. 3.3 Soil Excavation Activities and UST Removal On June 10, 2002, IMS performed the UST closure and removal activities. The UST system consisted of one 1,500 gallon waste oil tank with associated piping. The location of the former UST is illustrated on Figures 2 and 3. Soil was excavated from above and adjacent to the UST until the tank was uncovered and accessible for removal. The product lines were encountered at a depth of approximately 1.5 ft below grade. All associated product lines were removed after cleaning during closure activities excluding a one foot section of copper line which remains in place. Due .to the location of this line within the foundation of the building, the line was drained, cut to the foundation of the building, and capped. All lines were purged prior to removal to remove any residual product within the lines. Depth from the land surface to the top of the tank was approximately 3.2 ft below grade. Approximately 30 tons of soil was excavated in association with the tank removal. The soil consisted of brown silty clay to a depth of approximately 4 ft below grade then changing to brown sandy clay to a depth of at least 8.5 ft below grade. The excavation dimensions were 11.5 ft in width by 16.5 ft in length (Figure 3). Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 7 ft below grade. IMS removed the tank and inspected the UST for obvious structural defects, leaking connections, ·rusted areas, and visible holes. The tank did not exhibit any defects or holes. IMS suspects that the product line fittings were not secure prior to tank removal. Water was observed within the tank and hydrocarbon odors were detected within the soils beneath the lines and surrounding the UST. The excavated soils were stockpiled onsite 3 I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I due to the presence of hydrocarbon odors. The UST excavation was backfilled with clean fill composed of silty sand. 3.4 Excavated Soils The soil surrounding the UST did not reflect any indications of hydrocarbon impact based on visual inspection. However, hydrocarbon odors were encountered within the soils during excavation activities. Soil was collected from beneath the product lines for screening by a photoionization detector (PID) meter. The PID reading for the soil sample collected from beneath the product lines was 80 ppm. Groundwater was encountered at 7 ft below grade, therefore only those soils necessary to remove the UST system were excavated. Approximately 2 ft to 4.5 ft of soil on either side of the tank was removed. Soil was not excavated below the UST due to the presence of groundwater. Based on the elevated PID reading from beneath the product lines and the presence of hydrocarbon odors throughout the excavated soils, the excavated soils were stockpiled onsite. Mark Powers of the NCDENR, DWM-UST Section was notified of the suspected release on June 11, 2002. At the direction of Mr. Powers, IMS submitted a 24-Hr Release and UST Leak Reporting Form to DENR and collected a composite soil sample (SS-4) from the stockpile. Composite soil sample SS-4 was analyzed for TCLP metals and by EPA method 9071 for Oil and Grease. Straw bales and a 20 mil liner was used to form the containment for the excavated soils until analytical results confirmed the suspected hydrocarbon impact. Based on these results, the stockpiled soils were transported by ES&J on July 8, 2002 to a land farm facility for proper disposal. A copy of the disposal manifest for the stockpiled soils is included as Attachment D. A copy of the 24-Hr Release and UST Leak Reporting Form is included as Attachment E. 3.5 UST Disposal The 1,500 gallon UST was removed from the subsurface and cleaned. Sludge and rinse water from cleaning the tank was pumped into three (3) 55-gallon drums for disposal. A hole was cut in the side of the steel tank with a pneumatic saw to aid in cleaning and to render the tank non-usable. Approximately 165 gallons of rinse water and waste oil sludge was pumped from the UST. Residual material and rinse water was transported to Industrial Marine Service, Inc. in Norfolk, Virginia for disposal. The UST was 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I transported to C & D Metals, Inc. doing business as Hollmet Recycling Corporation of Raleigh, NC for disposal. The water and waste oil disposal manifest as well as the UST disposal reciept is included as Attachment D. 4.0 Site Investigation 4.1 Field Screening As noted in the above sections, visual inspection of the excavated soils during UST removal activities revealed no indication of staining. However, hydrocarbon odors were detected within the soils. IMS collected a sample beneath the product lines for screening by a PID meter. Soil collected beneath the product lines resulted in a PID reading of 80 ppm. 4.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected during the UST closure activities. Soil sample SS-1 was collected beneath the product lines at a depth of 3 ft below surface grade. Soil samples SS-2 and SS-3 were collected from the floor of the tank excavation beneath each end of the UST at a depth of 8.5 ft below grade. The sample locations are depicted in Figure 3. All soil samples were immediately placed in laboratory supplied sample containers and placed on ice. The samples were shipped to Environmental Science Corporation of Mt. Juliet, TN - a North Carolina certified laboratory -for analysis by EPA Method 8260 (volatiles) with IPE and MTBE, EPA Method 8270, MADEP VPH and EPH: Aliphatics and Aromatics, and total metals (chromium and lead). Composite soil sample SS-4 was collected from the stockpile soils for disposal purposes. Soil sample SS-4 was analyzed for TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) metals and by EPA method 9071 for Oil and Grease. Soil analysis conforms with the requirements outlined in the April 2001 Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action published by the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, DWM-UST.Section. 4.3 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples were not collected during UST activities due to the absence of monitoring wells. 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I 4.4 Quality Control Measures Soil samples SS-2 and SS-3 were collected from the excavation floor using the excavator bucket. Grab samples were collected from the excavator bucket using new, Nitrile gloves and packed into laboratory cleansed jars. Soil samples SS-1 and SS-4 were collected using a clean, stainless-steel hand auger. Samples were packed into laboratory cleansed jars using Nitrile gloves. All samples were packed on ice and transported under a chain of custody to Environmental Science Corporation, in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee (NC certification# Env375-DW21704). Soil sample SS-1, SS-2, and SS-3 were collected on June 10, 2002. Composite soil sample SS-4 was collected on June 11, 2002. All soil samples were received by Environmental Science Corporation on June 12, 2002. 4.5 Soil Analytical Results Analytical results from soil samples SS-1, SS-2, and SS-3 were reported below Industrial/Commercial Soil Cleanup Levels established by April 2001 Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action published by the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, DWM-UST Section (Figure 4 and Table 3). However, soil samples SS-1 and SS-2 reported concentrations exceeding the soil to groundwater standards. Soil sample SS-1, collected beneath the product lines, reported VPH C9-C10 Aromatics, EPH Cll-C22 Aromatics, ethylbenzene, naphthalene, 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene and total xylene concentrations above the soil to groundwater standards. All other constituents for soil sample SS-1 were reported as non-detectable or below soil to groundwater standards. Soil sample SS-2 also reported VPH C9-C10 Aromatics, EPH Cll-C22 Aromatics, ethylbenzene, naphthalene, 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene and total xyienes above the soil to groundwater standards. All other constituents for soil sample SS-2 were reported as non-detectable or below soil to groundwater standards. Soil sample SS-3 reported all constituents as non-detectable or below soil to groundwater standards. Composite soil sample SS-4, collected from the soil stockpile, reported concentrations of oil and grease at 5,900 mg/kg, above the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) Action Level of 250 mg/kg (Table 4). TCLP metal concentrations were reported below detection levels or non-detectable. The Soil Analytical Laboratory Reports for soil samples collected on June 10, 2002 and June 11, 2002 are included as Attachment F. 6 I I 11 I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendation IMS Environmental Services has completed the UST system closure for Elkins Chrysler Plymouth located in Durham, Durham County, North Carolina. Forms UST-2, UST-3, and the 24-Hr Release and UST Leak Reporting Form are provided as Attachments G, A, and E, respectively. Based upon field activities, observations, and soil analytical results, IMS concludes that additional investigation action may be warranted. It is suspected that there was a release from the product line fittings at the UST, based on the presence of water within the tank, the absence of defects or holes within the UST, and elevated levels of hydrocarbon concentrations from the soils surrounding the UST and piping. Soil samples collected from the floor of the excavation and beneath the product lines reflect concentrations exceeding soil to groundwater concentrations. It should be noted, however, that the site is located within a commercial district of Durham, NC and all constituents were reported below Industrial/Commercial Soil Cleanup Levels. It should also be noted that groundwater was encountered during excavation activities at approximately 7 ft below grade. 7 I I I I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 2 FACILITY INFORMATION AND CONTACTS ELKINS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 125 EAST-WEST EXPRESSWAY DURHAM (DURHAM CO.). N.C. .u:i:·-.·u:u.-.· .. it::!~>::·.::::: H:c-:::::: .. :::-.u.::: HHHm~~~-:./::::: :_ \\> Elkins Chrysler Plymouth none . . _:::::::::::r:~IJJ!Y:~m::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::i:t~lti!p~~·~uml\t~r:::::::::<::: 125 East-West Expressway 919-687-2920 Durham (Durham Co.), NC 27701 ::•::::::::•:•cont;llct::::::::::•:•:•:•:::::::::::::::::::::•:•:•::Name:::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Aadres$:•::•:•:::::::::::::::•:•: •:•:::•:T:ete@one:1::::::::::: Primary Contact James Elkins. Owner 125 East-West Expressway 919-687-2920 Durham, NC 27701 Closure Contractor IMS Environmental Services 3901 B Commerce Park Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 Primary Consultant IMS Environmental Services 3901 B Commerce Park Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 Laboratory Environmental Science Corp. 12065 Lebanon Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 State Certificate # Env375-DW21704 919-231-0404 919-231-0404 1-800-767-5859 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 4 SOIL ANALYTICAL DATA FROM JUNE 11, 2002 ELKINS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ·125 EAST-WEST EXPRESSWAY ·DURHAM {DURHAM CO.), N.C. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::•:>:•:•:::::::::::::~~~·~rv·:: • • : : : : ••::::::::::::::: :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : :•.:::.::::::::::::: :: : : : :(c~m.F.i<;s:.it~:~r>.1i :fHIM.rd.~t:::::::::: :: : : : : : : : :: : : : : lilvef:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::cc:01~::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::mgii::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::m9Ji:::::::::::: Mercury <0.0010 0.2 Arsenic <0.050 5.0 Barium 1.2 100.0 Cadmium <0.050 1.0 Chromium <0.050 5.0 Lead 0.057 5.0 Selenium 0.053 1.0 Silver <0.050 5.0 .. · ..... ::;:;:::;::'.::::::;:::;:;:: ::;::;:::::;:::;::::;::;::::::::;:::};:::::::::::~~:::; :: :;:::;::::;:::;:::::: ::::: :;::::::1.P!'F: ;:::;:::: ::::;:;:::::::::::;:::;:;:::;:::::::::;:::::::::::•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::ttC>M.fw.S:!f~:~o1r:s~rn~1a}:::::::::::::::::/.\til~il'.~~1:•::: :::::<:: ><: :•cc>m~~::::::::::::::::><:>::::::::::::::::::::::::<maik:~f • ..... · ·::::::. ::~l.kq:::: ::::: Oil and Grease bold =above TPH Action Level TPH =Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon 5,900 * Soil sample SS-4 collected from soil stockpile for disposal 250 I I I I I i1 I I ATTACHMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I