HomeMy WebLinkAbout20028_Alcatel Facility_Phase II GW Assessment 1994'. 1 1 1, 1 '.,''::1 1 1 1 I I",Ii, • I I 'I'I', I • Phase II Ground Water Assessment Report Keebler Company Facility Raleigh,North Carolina October 18,1994 Prepared For Keebler Company Elmhurst,Illinois Prepared By Aquaterra,Inc. Raleigh,North Carolina ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 410791fTVT/pjc Sincerely, CQflPQ(~A,'f~I-fI::AOQUARTERS: ?OSl OFFICE Box 37579 •RALEIG:H,NC.i06?7.7579.(9HI)859-9987 •fAx (919)859-9930 Mr.Howard Hsu,Environmental Compliance Manager Keebler Company 545 Lamont Road Elmhurst,Illinois 60126 Reference:Phase II Ground Water Assessment Report Keebler Company Raleigh,North Carolina Aquaterra Job No.4107601 Dear Mr.Hsu: Aquaterra has completed the attached Phase II Ground Water Assessment Report for the work conducted at the vacant Keebler facility in Raleigh,North Carolina.The Phase II activities have been successful in continuing the definition of the ground water contaminant plume beneath the central portion of the site.This report describes the scope of work and field methods,provides analytical results,conclusions,and recommendations. As previously mentioned,if Alcatel's progress at the site is less than desirable,Aquaterra would be pleased to assist Keebler in continuing the assessment activities. Aquaterra appreciates continuing to assist Keebler in finalizing their negotiations with Alcatel and the property buyer.If you have any questions or comments concerning this report,please call me at (919)859-9987. A ATERRA,INC. l~~ Thomas V.Taylor,P.G. Project Manager SrJ}~u~~L.Duncklee,P.G. Branch Manager October 18,1994 A\,~aQUaTerra AGFi!EATL.,AKE;SCHEIYlICAL CORPORATIONCOMPANY 1 I I 1 I I,, I I I I, I I I 1 I I 1 Introduction Page 10f7 Phase II Ground Water Assessment Report Keebler Company Facility Raleigh,North CarOlina October 18,1994 2 Objectives and Scope ofWork The objective of the Phase II ground water assessment was to further delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of ground water impact on the Keebler property in accordance with DEM guidelines. July 29,1994,Phase II Environmental Site Assessment prepared for Tri Properties,Inc. August 2,1994,Addendum to Phase II Environmental Site Assessment prepared for Tri Properties,Inc. September 27,1994,Ground Water Assessment Report prepared for Keebler Company • • • Based on the above information,Keebler authorized Aquateua to COmmence with additional (i.e.,Phase II)ground water assessment activities to further determine the extent of ground water impact as presented in this report.For more detailed information regarding previous assessment activities,please reference the following reports prepared by Aquateua: The Keebler Company (Keebler)retained Aquateua,Inc.,(Aquaterra)to conduct Phase II ground water assessment activities at the vacant Keebler facility at 2900 Wake Forest Road in Raleigh,North Carolina (see Figure 1).Aquateua had previously conducted a Phase II environmental site assessment (ESA)for a potential buyer of the property and a Phase I ground water assessment for Keebler at the site. The Phase II ESA included the installation and sampling of four temporary monitoring wells at locations of potential ground water impact from both on-sIte and off-site sources.The analytical results from two of these wells located along the north property boundary of Keebler,adjacent to Alcatel Network Systems (Alcatel), indicated impact from several volatile organic compounds (VOCs)at concentrations exceeding North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards under Title 15A NCAC 02L .0202 (g)(2L Standards). The results of the Phase II ESA prompted Keebler to conduct Phase I ground water assessment activities by installing six permanent ground water monitoring wells to determine the source and extent of the VOC impacted ground water identified along the northeastern property boundary.The analytical results from these wells indicated VOC impact apparently limited to the northeastern-central portion of the Keebler property extending downward into fractured bedrock.The most likely source of the ground water contamination appears to originate on the Alcatel property located to the northeast of Keebler,based primarily on the shallOW ground water flow direction and documented ground water impact of chlorinated solvents at Alcatel. , 1, I J, I -.'.' 'I 1 ~ I I, 1 •, I I I Keebler Company 41D791 October 18,1994 The scope of work included the following tasks: •Install two shallow and three intermediate ground water monitoring wells (i.e.,EPA type II wells)to further assess the horizontal extent of ground water impact in the unconsolidated and top of fractured bedrock water bearing units. •Install one deep monitoring well (i.e.,EPA type III well)to assess the vertical extent ofimpacted ground water near existing wells MW-2 and MW·2i. •Develop and sample the wells for analysis of purgeable halocarbons, and total chromium,copper,lead,and nickel. •Survey the measuring point at the top of the well casings for referencing water level measurements and determine ground water flow directions and gradients. •Prepare a Phase II Ground Water Assessment Report for submittal to Keebler that describes field methods,provides analytical results, conclusions,and recommendations. 3 Field Activities 1 I I, I I I,, I•.·." 3.1 Monitoring Well Installation 3-1.1 Shallow and lntennediate Wells Two shallow (MW-6s and MW-7s)and three intermediate ground water monitoring wells (MW-1i,MW-6i,and MW-7i)were installed on-site from September 26 to October 3,1994,to further delineate the horizontal extent of ground water impact in the unconsolidated (shallow wells)and top of competent fractured bedrock (intermediate wells)hydrogeologic units (see Figure 2).Wells MW-6s and MW-6i were installed withm the warehouse portion of the building and wells MW-7s and MW-7i were installed within the old snack plant portion of the building.Well MW-li was paired with existing well MW-1s near the north corner of the Keebler property. The wells were installed under the direct supervision of an Aquaterra geologist. It should be noted that the five original shallow wells installed during the Phase I ground water assessment,designated as MW-1 through MW-S,have been redesignated as MW-Is through MW-Ss.The suffix "s"indicates a shallow well where the well screen intersects the water table.The wells designated with the suffix "i" indicate an intermediate well where the well screen is located entirely within the top of competent fractured bedrock.These wells mayor may not be constructed with a surface casing (i.e.,EPA type III well).The well designated with the suffix "d" indicates a deep well where the well screen is installed within competent bedrock well below the soil/bedrock interface.This well will be constructed with a surface casing (see Section 3.1.2). Page 2 of7 I-..'.I 1 I •••• !,:'. I I Keebler Company 410791 October 18,1994 Access for the four wells located inside the plant was provided by coring a lO-inch hole through the concrete floor slab at each well location.The borings for the shallow and intermediate monitoring wells were drilled with either a CME-75, Mobile B-53 ATV,or a CME-45 ATV drilling rig using 4.25-inch inside diameter hollow-stem augers to the boring termination depths (shallow wells)or auger refusal (intermediate wells).The borings for the intermedIate wells were advanced into competent bedrock with a 4-inch diameter air-hammer to the desired depth using the augers or steel threaded pipe as temporary casing to keep the hole from collapsing. Well MW-7i was advanced into rock with a 4-inch diameter core barrel due to difficulties with the air-hammer. Soil samples were not collected with a split-spoon sampler due to vertical space constraints inside the building or the well was paired with an existing well where split- spoon samples were already collected.Field classification of auger cuttings was performed by the geologist or technician according to the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2488-84).Soil boring and well construction information are recorded on the Boring/Well Construction Lo~s,Well Construction Schematic,and DEM Well Construction Records (Form GW-l)in Appendix A. The shallow and intermediate wells were constructed of 2-inch diameter PVC casing with lO-foot length,O.OlD-inch slot,PVC screen in the shallow wells and either 5 or 15-foot length,O.OlD-inch slot,PVC screen in the intermediate wells as described in the standard procedures in Appendix B.A sand pack was not installed around the screens of the intermediate wells due to annular space restrictions.Instead,a well screen sock was slipped over the screen interval and time release bentonite pellets were placed inside the top of the sock,just above the screen,and secured with stainless steel hose clamps above and below the bentonite.The well screen and bentonite was then installed in the boring and the bentonite was allowed to set up over night.On the following morning,the integrity of the bentonite seal was checked by tugging slightly on the well.Additional time release bentonite was then added from the surface to ensure a competent seal.The seal was then checked again by pumping water from the well WIth a 2-inch,low flow,submersible pump while measuring the water level in the annular space outside the well. The bottom of the well screens for the shallow wells (MW-6s and MW-7s)were positioned at a depth of 23 feet below grade to intersect the water table measured at approximately 15 to 17 feet below grade.The intermediate well screens were installed to 42.5 (MW-li)to 73 (MW-7i)feet below grade.Each wellhead was fitted with a water-tight lockable cap and a flush-mount steel manhole type cover. Cuttings generated during all drilling activities were placed in labeled 55-gallon drums and left on-site for future characterization and possible disposal. 3.1.2 Deep Well As of this writing,the construction of deep well MW-2d has not been completed. This well will be installed in the vicinity ofwells MW-2s and MW-li to determme the vertical extent of VOC impacted ground water on the northeastern portion of the site (see Figure 2). Page 3 of7 I 1 J ;1•''. 1 I I I, 1 I I, I 1 I !I I Keebler Company 410791 October 18,1994 During October 1 through 6,1994,The boring for well MW-2d was advanced with a 7 7/8-inch tricone roller bit using air to the top of competent bedrock.Due to collapsing of the borehole in the unconsolidated material,a 6-inch diameter PVC surface casing was installed to 28.5 feet below grade and was tremie grouted in-place. Once the grout set,the hole was advanced to 80 feet with a 5 7/8-inch air hammer through competent gneissic bedrock with zones of extremely hard quartz-rich layers. A 4-inch diameter PVC surface casing was installed in the hole to 80 feet and was tremie grouted in-place to prevent a carrying down of contaminants from the shallow zone to deeper zones during subsequent drilling.Once the grout set,the hole was advanced WIth a 4-inch diameter air hammer while looking for potential water bearing fracture zones.No apparent water bearing zones were encountered to a depth of 150 feet below grade.Therefore,the boring was terminated at 150 feet in very competent gneiss with no apparent fractures. After approximately 48 hours of completion,the boring was determined to be dry with an electric water level probe.Construction of well MW-2d will commence following removal of drilling tools that the subcontractor is having difficulty in removing from the borehole.Well construction information and analytical results from the sampling of the well,if water is present,will be included in an addendum to this report. 3.2 Ground Water SamplingActivities Following well development activities with either a disposable Teflon bailer or a decontaminated low-flow 2-inch submersible pump,wells MW-li,MW-6s,MW-6i, and MW-7s were purged of at least three well volumes with disposable Teflon bailers just prior to sampling on October 4,1994,according to the procedures in AppendixB.Wells MW-ls and MW-7i were purged to dryness before three well volumes ofwater could be removed. All six ground water samples were submitted for analysis of purgeable halocarbons according to EPA Method 601 and for total chromium,copper,lead,and nickel according to standard preparation Method 3030C.Preparation Method 3030C for metals involves a filtering process conducted in the laboratory and is recommended by the North Carolina Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management (DEM).Method 3030C was not requested for the total metals analysis performed from the original sampling of wells MW-l, MW-2,MW-2i,MW-3,MW-4,and MW-5. 3.3 Survey and Ground Water Flow Direction The reference point of each well was surveyed for vertical control against a temporary benchmark at an assumed elevation of 100.00 feet located on the north corner of the concrete slab for the former corn hopper and food grade oil aboveground tanks.Static water levels were measured in all wells on-site with an electric water level prohe on October 11,1994.Intermediate depth wells MW-2i, MW-6i,and MW-7i were measured again on October 17,1994,to verify the original data. Page 40f7 I I, I I I, I 1 I I I J I, I J, I Keebler Company 410791 October 18,1994 The water levels were used to calculate the water table elevation (shallow wells)or potentiometric elevation (intermediate wells)at each well location.These elevatlons were used to create a water table contour map and an intermediate potentiometric contour map (see Table 1 and Figures 3 and 4).Figure 3 indicates the generalized shallow ground water flow direction toward the west and figure 4 indicates the generalized intermediate ground water flow direction toward the west-northwest (see Section 4.2). 4 Hydrogeology 4.1 Site Geology Based on the boring logs,apparent fill material was encountered to depths of approximately 7 (MW-7!7i)to 15 feet (MW-6/6i)below the finished floor elevation. The material beneath the apparent fill consisted primarily of micaceous silty fine sand and fine sandy silt underlain by relatively thin layers of fairly competent and weathered rock with flowing silts and sands to the ultimate auger refusal depths of 51 (MW-6i)to 54 (MW-7i)feet below grade.Boring MW-li did not encounter the layered weathered rock zone and met with auger refusal at 32.5 feet below grade. Bedrock consists of slightly to moderately fractured gneiss with small dikes and/or sills of coarse grained granite. According to the Geology and Mineral Resources of Wake County,North Carolina Department of Resources and Community Development,Division of Land Resources,Geological Survey Section,Bulletin 86,1979,the bedrock beneath the site is classified as injected gneiss and schist and described as layered mica gneiss and schist with numerous dikes and sills ofgranite,pegmatite,and aplite. 4.2 Hydraulic Gradients As mentioned in Section 3.3,the generalized shallow ground water flow direction is toward the west in response to a horizontal hydraulic gradient that ranges from approximately 0.014 to 0.020 foot per foot.The generalized intermediate ground water flow direction is toward the west-northwest in response to a horizontal hydraulic gradient of approximately 0.0017 foot per foot. The water levels measured in well nest MW-lsIMW-li were not included in either of the contour maps due to the location of the wells on the northwest side of the filled- in stream that traverses the property (see Figures 3 and 4).It is believed that the filled-in stream may be a ground water discharge boundary, whereby ground water is generally flowing toward the filled-in stream from all locations on-site (i.e.,ground water to the southeast of the filled-in stream is flowing to the west and ground water to the northwest of the stream is flowing generally to the southeast).Insufficient water level data exists to the northwest of the filled-in stream to verify the ground water flow direction in that area.Water level data was included from well MW-5 on the water table contour map because of its proximity to the filled-in stream. The vertical hydraulic gradients at well nests MW-lsIMW-li,MW-2sIMW-2i, MW-6s/MW-6i,and MW-7sIMW-7i were calculated by dividing the difference in the water level elevation between the respectively paired shallow and intermediate wells, Page 5 of7 I I I I I I I I 1 I IIIil I II :i':" I I I, 1 ,I Keebler Company 410791 October 18,1994 based on the October 11,1994,water level data,by the difference in elevation between the midpoint of the saturated filter pack in the two wells.The vertical gradient at well nests MW-ls/MW-li and MW-6s/MW-6i were 0.032 and 0.042 foot per foot upward,respectively.The vertical gradient at well nests MW-2s/MW-2i and MW-7s/MW-7i were -0.014 and -0.009 foot per foot downward,respectively.The upward vertical gradient in the two well nests located nearest the tilled-in stream (MW-ls/MW-li and MW-6s/MW-6i)indicates that these well are located in the vicinity of a ground water discharge area.Conversely,The downward vertical /lradient in the two well nests located furthest from the filled-in stream (MW-2s!MW-2i and MW-7s/MW-7i)indicates that these wells are located in a ground water recharge area. 5 Analytical Results The purgeable halocarbon analytical results from the October 4,1994,sampling event revealed several VOCs in shallow wells MW-6s and MW-7s and intermediate wells MW-6i and MW-7i at total VOC concentrations ranging from 23.5 (MW-6i)to 7,022.7 JLg/L (parts per billion) (MW-7i).The samples from wells MW-7s and MW-7i contained dichloromethane.The laboratory report indicated that dichloromethane is a possible laboratory contaminant. No purgeable halocarbons were detected at or above the method detection limit in the samples collected from wells MW-ls and MW-li (see Table 2 and Appendix C). Several of the VOCs detected in wells MW-6s,MW-6i,MW-7s,and MW-7i exceeded 2L Standards (see Tables 2 and 3). The total metals analytical results by standard preparation Method 3030C revealed concentrations of lead exceeding the 2L Standard in wells MW-ls,MW-6s,MW-6i, MW-7s,and MW-7i.These lead concentrations may be indicative of background (i.e.,naturally occurring)conditions (see Tables 2 and 3 and Appendix C). Shallow and intermediate total VOC isopleth maps were generated based on the analytical results from the sampling of the shallow and intermediate wells conducted on August 22,1994,(wells MW-2s,MW-2i,MW-3s, MW-4s,and MW-5s)and October 4,1994,(MW-ls,MW-li,MW-6s,MW-6i,MW-7s,and MW-7i)(see Figures 5 and 6).Figure 5 indicates a VOC plume migrating generally to the west from the Keebler!Aicatel property border with the highest concentrations in the vicinity of well cluster MW-2s!2i!2d.Figure 6 indicates a VOC plume migrating generally to the west from the Keebler!Alcatel property border with the highest concentrations in the vicinity ofwell nest MW-7s/71. 6 Conclusions Aquaterra concludes the following based on testing and observations conducted to date: •The area of ground water impact from VOCs appears to extend from the northeastern property border with Alcatel to the central portion of the Keebler property. Page 6 of7 7 Recommendations Page 70f7 Aquaterra recommends that Keebler continue to assist Alcatel in their assessment activities by providing them access to the installed wells for monitoring purposes and access to the Keebler property for additional well installation,as needed.Aquaterra suggests that Keebler have an environmental representative on-site during all activities performed by Alcatel to document such actIVities for liability reasons. The next phase of ground water assessment at the site should include two paired shallow and intermediate wells located to the south and southwest of well nest MW-tsm outside the snack plant facility. To determine whether impacted ground water is moving off-site,monitoring well installation should proceed at approximately three locations along the central section of the southwest property border.These wells should be installed as intermediate wells in the top of fractured bedrock with the central well being nested with a shallow well. 'I, I 1 I, 1 I 1, II, I, 1 .1, ~ 1 1, • • • • • • • Keebler Company 410791 October 18,1994 The data indicate that the VOC plume concentrations and migration rates appear to be greater in the top of fractured bedrock hydrogeologic unit as compared to the shallow unconsolidated hydrogeologic unit. The filled-in stream located on the northwestern portion of the site is probably a ground water discharge area indicated by the upward vertical hydraulic gradients noted in well nests MW-ls/li and MW-6s/6i.This condition could assist preventing further migration of the plume to the west. Downward vertical hydraulic gradients exist at well nests MW-2s/2i and MW-7s/7i,which could enhance the downward movement of contaminants in these areas to the fractured rock unit. The relatively low concentrations of VOCs in well nest MW-6s/6i appear to indicate that these wells are located near the downgradient edge of the plume. If the highly competent rock identified at depth in the boring for well MW-2d extends across the site,this condition would help prevent further vertical migration of contaminants into the deep competent rock unit. Neither the shallow nor intermediate horizontal extent of VOC impact has been adequately defined to the south and southwest of the plant. The data indicates that Alcatel continues to appear to be the most likely source of the ground water contamination identified beneath the Keebler property. 1 I.....-----=-:"---:--::::~~~~=:::;::~~~~~ I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I, 1 1 I 1l~~~2~~~~~~:"'~=--,:~~-rn~~~~;;'':'''::~~::jm.'''::''-:''::''::'''-;S~lte~Lo;;;c:;;ation;;;;;;:-;Ma;;;p__===JaI-r,;hN,""-1-1/;;;:;:r.:r.;:n~g:u;,,---1o;'7-~Z~8:-94:-"Pr<;;ecr--~~~~;-:=----lJ.~aauaTl!!!lrra r ev,""on ,gu'""'"")Be Koebler Site :"',,--~0 0.1 1-;;;:2000'RaWSh,North ,Carolina-4106300A.QIltA.'I'~CHmlIC.AL CORPORA'lWN wwPANT \ I I I I I I I I I I ___J L Tn..d<Parkl1J hre '=4s~ (Rallroed Spu- oxa I ParI<rg Srec!<Plant FacIlity MW ~MW-~-7s~ -f----------------1-- r-- AJcatai N3tv.aI<Systans MW-2s MW-2d~MW-~r- ---- ~MW-ff3 ~MW-!l Laadln;) hre WarrJu.£i> E>pmsbn ,___.._/W-----,-y-:----- ///( //// ~ ~ ~ I~!MW-jl ~,M"...;~,I //// •/ij /I /ij ,.- I //// I •/// I I II r 1 :~::I j I I II I " I I II I I I I I II I ," !I I IIII I • I I ,1::;: I I , ,f ,I:t • i " /I 0,i :M#-&; i:/,' I I ' I !..Fcon::r-A::utai : /Of StrrernRIIOO h RErcuted Strea",\i.:':For Wa'a'>::u>3 E>pmsloo h !21 84',"1 / Corrugate:l I 1 "IMetalPip;e •1 II I : I I II I rIII;;i I :~I r Proprty~YI L __Una,--._~-------_._----._--.-._-- n ~i'?ir__"_~"'-lIlillL-II"~~~__i~_".'~~:7~;;';"i"-7 71 •.. .....I ,, /, /,,, / Six Faksfbatj Legend o Shallow M::fJtorIrg Walilocallm ~In_lalaMJnItcrirg Well LocatiCfl ~~M:JnIIcrIrg Wall Location (ho:xrp'ete) Autlwr Drawing Layers ful''!'itl. EVe 4l1Ji1>1 0,1~7-25-94 Mrltori1J Walll.ocatloo M3p Jab No.Revision Figure-Scale-Frojeot I<aal::kSIte 4107001 10-17-94 2 l'=100'RaIaIgh,North CaroIlra I /If,Gt::A1 I.N!:±i Q-B..oCAL o:::Ff'CPAn::N C£J.PI1Nt A~aClUaTE!rra ---. \I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I, I I I, I I ___J L TrUd<Par1<IrgIVea 88 "'" 86 Parking 84 -l----------------t-.-- Neate!N3lm1<SysIErm -~-, J , I Formar Fb.rte Of Stream A!Ied h FcrW"eI1l>.J;>3 E>j:anslcrl 7a-."'0/ij /MW-11 ~,MWc1s' /ij / //// //// /ij / /// r L, ___.~_!'W.....~~...;--- //I ( ....ij /, ~ ~ ~ 1, I, I I, I I, I I I I I I'1 II I • I ill J / I 'II I I J II I 0, I ''1 I r-<'e•j II I fJ7) 1 I H I1ilI ~~~:::t: I I II I ~.~straam?\h':'I :"'1t:H~~84'I E I • 1,.1::/I!ICarugatedIIIiI Metal Pipes !I II I /l I II I r l :::Y r Prcprty~lfl L __Urn-_._---------------~---._--- ....7 7 7 7 ,a 7 , , 7 , 7 7 ,, ,....I \ , I,,. /,, J SixFo1<s Fbad Legrmri .., ~ ~ /'---- Shallow Mlnltor1rg Well Lccatlcrl 1n1Em1Edla1e MonItor1rg Well Location D€<p MonItorlrQ WrJllccatIoo Ihmrrplate) Ci"c.rdWater Ccnrou- Ci"c.rdWater Plow ClrocIIoo K€OOIEr Sits f'al8Igh,N:<1h C>YoIlra water Table Coo'<cu Mer:>(1~11-941 tject TillEAuthorDrawingLayers!Jaw EVe 4i'<lill-1 0.1,3 7-25-94 Joo No.Revi..sion F1.guTe Scale 4107E0t 10-17-94 B 1'~1WA(ffAT 'I.#<ES o-e.t::PL o::FFQlo',Tl:).,I CQ.PlNt ~aauaTerra ---- ---- \ I, I I I I I I, I I__.J L Trud<ParkJrg Nea t-4S0 ~"fIend e Shallow MJnItoIYq Well location <§>.,_IataMonltCllt1l Welt locatkn ~!JEep M:f'Itcro-g WeillocaIIon (h:,:)rqolotel ~Cro.rrl Wata"Cootcu ___Cro.rrl WatEr Row llroc1tm Raitoad ~ % rxxxo ParIdrg MW-3se 84,00' ~WJ-71MW-7s~184$1 \ -l----------------t- r-;::: Abltsll\l3tv,a\<e,mare _ ,- 845ll' Six Forks fbaj , I,, I I,, I Fctrr<rFbutB OfStream RIIOO n For VoIar€l"lc<m E>q:anslon ~,'"I /ij /f e/ MW-Ss /,, t,, 7r:Jl."'0/ij /MW-11 ~--Mlll'1'" //// I'ij / /ij / /ij / lj ,- I II I II I II I II," 1 " " " " " " " ,,, I,, / / ~ E i """II "II Fbi<culOO S1room7th''I~{2la4'1l:ICorruJated.I 11 I M3taI PIpes 1 I II I : I I II I ~ I II :/ •I II j /Prq::a1y~t;1 L __Urn------------------------------ .......IIliiii 7 7 7 P n , ,J ;?.5',i i __________of'~------------ - K€<t:IEr Sits -(f1,N:>r1h Carollra hlErrra:liata Po1EntlcmalrioCcntcu M3p 110-17-941 'ject 'TiHe Scale l'~'!bII lfJa..te 7-25-S4 Au-thor .Drawing Laygrs EVe 41076-1 0,1,4 Job No.Revisi.an fi"igure- 4101l'01 10-t!l-S4 4......~I ~Q-B.Co!i..c:a:F'CRol!."ID{oo.,.p,o'N'f ~aCluaTerra ~....-.r-.~,•. \ I I I I I I I I I I I, I I ___J L Tru::k Pa1<Irg A'ea rxXX:CJ Pa1<Irg -f----------------t- .---- Ak:atal N>tw:xk 8,'s!Etns )---...., loadlrg I Area \,I /~,ee0 Snad<Pmt Fadnly (1'0.1)~MN-71 1//~MW-66 MN-7s '" '"MW-fl 128'l.61 W~I I / E:qEns1on / NJ /' /' ,-i /' ~---- / j j Farr<:<Fl:ute OfStreem Riled h Fer Wara'lcuse &pension '1/MW-6s 1m ,, t ___________/W -~~_._~-------- ///( /ij /I.,~~I MW-Il <y'M».;;',,i /~ I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I ~ J ~t I, "'I II II II R::rcuta:l -?In'II I 'h (2]84'I II I jO:m.gated I 11 I lI"taI Ppeo !I II I " I I II I • I II ;;i I ~~J r Property~lf'L __Line---_.-----------_.-.-._--.- ...'7 n ",7 a ,n 71 7 5 7 ....,-.- ,, / j,, I Notes: Six R:<I<s Fl:ad Cl:Jrrpcrn:Js 1<lenlIIEd as possible Ial:aatrxy<XlIlIamInants IYEffirot m.ded in btals. Wflls MW-2s>21,as,Os.an:l5s_e sarrped 00 &22-1l4, Wflls MW-1s.11,6s,El,78,a>:I71_e sarrPEd 00 1M-94, Legend '"~ ~ (326) NJ ~M:lrdl:flrg we,Locatbn I_lateM::rttcrrg W€lI Localan !JEEp M::rItor'rg Well Location ~letel Total VoIatJla CXQanIc Carpc<n:! (vCCl Cora:t1tJ3\Ion Not [),tooted At a-/lI:xM3lhe M3lhOO CX*ctbn UmIt Author EVe A l:i"tA1 l.o"N:;::j a-e.cAL ca::FCAATQ.I o::t.oPPN'f Joob No. 410i1'01 Drawing Layers Dale 1'i~Sh3IIcw Total VCf::<;O::o::Entratl::fl Map410il3-1 0,1,5 7-25-94 Revisi<Jn Figure Scale-jeol _Site 1~1&94 5 1'~1W Raleigh,N:JrIh Carollm liM ,7'7 F R , 7 r s t J ,in,'...., \I I I I I I, I ! I I I I I I I I I, I. 1 I 1 1, I ___J L Tn.d<Pa<t<trg hea I I I / I I I I I I I f'a<I<I"Q I / NJ / '/ /'-1,ooa M1'1-3s", ./ -f----------------1-- r- 5£00 Sred<Rant Fadtlty\ MW-71 / \M1'1-7s~flI/JT:!y "-./ '- \ ---l--; \ \ \ "-"" looolr(l MOO \ \ '\ ~MW-Bs~MW-(,/ 12351 W<!tfh:Jt.se Expansl::o I,, j I,, !, ",,I MW.os / -/41 /ij /1 ,, '..Forrra Fbuta (OfStream R/aj ",For Wa€!louEe Expansion ~ ~ i ~I., /ij /!M1'1-11 '"AM"1s''\:jIWI////~ •/-'l /I /ij / I /lj / I /// I II I I,I II I I II 1 i : i : i : i : 1 :tf i : i : i : i :i : i : I, ,j ,,, I',,,, FaculEd Streemr1M',h(2)84',,! ():mgated " Metal PIPes !'I,' !:I}/Prapny~~L L1r<l ~-----~_.- , / , j, / Notes: Six FcfI<s fba:j Ccrrp:lm:Is Ida1Ufla:l as possi>1e 1alx:mtory=tarnrantE 'Jo'fSe 001 h<:iJ:la:j In totals. W€l1s MW-2s,21,as,4s,ard 56 Wff8 mrp1eden 8-22-94. W€l1s MW-1s,11,63,6,7s,ard 71 Wff8 ~en 10-4-94. Legend '"~ ~ 1235) NJ Shallow M:Jntl:ftrg Well Location tn_lata Mnt<Xt1J Well Localoo D>zp ~Wf'fJ Localoo Ih::<:nl'letsl Tolat VoIa~1a C<oanb O:xrp:lm:l (I,I(X;I Countrallon NotD3looled At ex Ai:>:Ml The M3lh:xI Dets:olm L1mt Author EVe .Drawing 41076-1 WY"'" 0,1,6 ful. 7-25-94 TWe htermEdla1e Total VCf::s CcrcentratJon M3p A (rE.lo,T ~Q-B,.Co!t..o::fF'(Ro\n:::N CI:1:.PINI JQO Ne.. 4tl7l'0t Revision 1e.-1B-94 FigUTr! 6 Soale l'=100' tjed __Site Palelgh,~eaullna Aquaterra Job No.4107601 410791 All units in feet referenced to temporary site benchmark at assumed elevation of100.00feet a Measured On October 17,1994 Monitoring Well Reference Point and Ground Water Elevations, Keebler Company Facility,Raleigh,North Carolina. 78.31 79.01 84.67 84.39 84.57a 86.29 88.96 78.97 82.59 84.06 84.2~ 85.01 84.60 84.65a Water Level Elevation Water Level Measurement (October 11,1994) Reference Point Elevation Monitoring Well Table 1. MW-ls 95.29 16.98 MW-li 95.17 16.16 MW-2s 99.24 14.57 MW-2i 98.47 14.08 98.47 13.90" MW-2d well incomplete Dry@80' MW-3s 98.84 12.55 MW-4s 99.98 11.02 MW-5s 93.99 15.02 MW-6s 99.80 17.21 MW-6i 99.80 15.74 99.80 15.51a MW-7s 99.88 14.87 MW-7i 99.76 15.16 99.76 15.Ua 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1IIIiIi __.... Table 2.October 4,1994,Ground WaterAnalytical Results,Keebler Company Facility,Raleigh,North Carolina. SamplelD Parameter MW-Is MW-li MW-6s MW-6i MW-7s MW-7i Purgeable Halocarbons (EPA Method 601) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ?1,1,1-TCA)NO NO 1.7 1.6 16 230a 1,1,2-Trichloroethene TeE)NO NO 27a 4.4a NO 11a 1,1-Dichloroethane ~I,I-DCA)NO NO 4.8 ND 2.8 9.5 I,I-Dichloroethene I,I-DCE~NO ND 23a 12a 89"640" 1,2-0ichloroethane 1,2-DCA ND NO NO NO NO 5a 1,2-0ichloropropane ND NO NO ND ND 7.4a Chloroform ND NO 0.6 NO 0.8a 4.sa Oichloromethaneb ND NO NO NO 1.1 15a Tetrachloroethene (PCE)NO NO 13a 5.5a 120"6,100" Total ND ND 70.1 23.5 229.7 7,022.7 Total Metals (Standard Preparation Method 3030q Chromium NO NO NO NO NO NO Copper NO NO NO NO NO NO Lead 3sa 11 23a l03a 2la 19" Nickel NO NO 16 NO NO NO Allunits in pg/kg (parts per bi/lum) ND =Not detected ator above the methoddetection limit a Concentration exceeds T15A NCAC 02L Groundwater Quality Standards;see Table 3 b Dichloromethane is apossible laboratory contaminant Aquaterra Job No.4107601 410791 All units in parts per billion Aquaterra Job No.4107601 410791 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '. 1 1 1 Table 3.North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards,Keebler Company Facility,Raleigh,North Carolina. T15ANCAC02L Compound Groundwater Quality Standard I, I,I-Trichloroethane (1,1,I-TCA)200 1,1,2-Trichloroethene (TCE)2.8 l,l-Dichloroethane (1,I~DCA)700 1,I-Dichloroethene (l,l-DCE)7.0 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA)0.38 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.56 Chloroform 0.19 Dichloromethane 5.0 Tetrachloroethene (PCE)0.7 Lead 15 Nickel 100 1 Boring !Well Construction Log Wen Construction Permit Number 1 1..I.D.Number Project Name Project No.1 Geologist Start Date 9/26194 Complete Date NA Aquaterra,Inc. Ground Water Monitoring Bore &Core,Inc. 763 Tony Debetsky CME-7S Drilling Method 41/4"ID hollow stem augers to refusal at32.5';4"air hammerto-,-- Comments 42.5';very Ilighflow ofwater during drilling;installS'screen with filter sock (no sandpack)to 42.5';time release bentoniteplaced in-top ofsock above screen with hose clamps.No split-spoon samples taken.FID/PID Wen Construction Depth (ppm) Information From -To Soil /Rock Description /Comments @ Depth (ft.) Borehole Dia.8"/4"0'-3"Topsoil Riser Type PVC 3"-11'Dark gray slightly clayey silty mIcaceousfme-, fine to medium sand-possiblefillDiameter2"_. Screen Type PVC 11'-15'Gray slightly clayey silty micaceousfine to medium Diameter 2"-SAND(SM) ~ Riser Interval 0'-37.5'15'-16'Gray slightly clayey silty micaceousfine to medium Screen Interval 37.5'-42.5'-SAND (SM)with rockfragments Slot Size 0.010"16'-25'Greenish gray silty CLA Y (CL)with minor organic Grout Type Portland #1 -debris (very stiff) Interval 0'-33'25'-32.5'Silty fine to medium micaceous SAND (SM)with Bentonite Type Time Release -rockfragments-, Interval 33'-37.5'32.5'-42.5'Gneissic bedrock (fracture notedfrom 38.8'to ,•.~ Filter Pack Screen Sock -40.01- Interval 37.5'-42.5'- Total Depth 42.5'-Auger refusal@32.5'--R.P.Elevation 95.17'-Boring terminated@42.5' Datum TBM - Water Level Information - Date W.L.Below RP.- 10/11/94 16.16'- - - Refer to Standard Well Construction Schematic Style 2. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R.P.=Reference Point W.L.=Water Level TEM ~Temporary Benchmark MSL =Mean Sea Level Aqua''''a Doc·41076LOO.xLS.Pagel 1 Boring !Well Construction Log Well Construction Permit Number 1 NA 10/2/94 Aquaterra,Inc. Ground Water Monitoring Bore &Core,Inc. 763 Robert Cassell Mobile B·S3ATV I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Drilling Method 41/4"ID hollow stem augers. Comments No split.spoon samples taken;wellinstalled inside warehouse.,. ,,~- FIO/PIO Wen Construction Depth (ppm) Information From·To Soil I Rock Description /Comments @ Depth (ft.) Borehole Dia.8"0'-7"ConcreteSlab Riser Type PVC 7u -1'GravelSubbase ~.•.~ Diameter 2"1'·IS'Reddish-brown fine sandy silt •Probable Fill-, Screen Type PVC IS'-23'Gray siltyfine SAND (SM) Diameter 2"· Riser Interval 0'·13'· Screen Interval 13'-23'·Boring terminated@ 23'., Slot Size 0.010"·, Grout Type Portland #1 · Interval 0'·9'· Bentonite Type Pellets · Interval 9'·11'· filter Pack Coarse Sand ·--,- Interval 11'·23'- Total Depth 23'· R.P.Elevation 99.80'· Datum TBM - Watel"Level Infol"mation - Date W.L.Below R.P.· 10/11/94 t lJ\>'.:'i'9·11,U · · -1 R,P.;Reference Point W L.;Water Level TBM;Temporary Benchmark MSL ;Mean Sea Level 1 1 Refer to Standard Well Construction Schematic Style 2. Aqua/en"a Dcc-41076LOG.XLS,Pagel 1 Boring !Well Construction Log 1 Wen Construction Permit Number NA Aquaterra,Inc. 'I 1 I.D.Number Project Name Project No. Geologist Start Date MW-6i Purpose-------,-----------Keebler Company -Raleigh Contractor 4107601 Registration No. Tom TaylorlDave Stewart Driller-------:--------9/27/94 Complete Date 10/2194 Equipment Ground Water Monitoring Bore &Core,Inc. 763 Tony Debetsky Mobile B-53 ATV MSL ~Mean Sea LevelTBM~Temporary BenchmarkWL.~Water Level Drilling Method 41/4"ID hollow stem augers to refusal at 51 ';4"air hammer to Comments 58';well installed inside warehouse;5'SCreen with filter sock (no.--santipack);time release bentonite placedin top ofsockabove screen with hose clamps.No split-spoon samples taken. FID 1PID Wen Construction Depth (ppm) Information From -To Soil 1Rock Description 1Comments @ Depth (ft.) Borehole Dia.8"/4"0'-7"CMcrete slab-Riser Type PVC 7"-1;Gravelsubbase Diameter 2"1'-15'Reddish-brownfine santly silt-probablefill-,--Screen Type PVC 15'-28.5'Gray siltyfine SANlJ (SM) Diameter 2"28.5'-51'Layers ofweathered rock anti clayeyfine /0 Riser Interval or~53'-medium sand-....- Screen Interval 53'-58'51'-58'Competent gneissic hedrock (4"fracture no/etl-Slot Size 0.010"-atabou/537 Grout Type Par/land #1 --,,-- Interval 0'-51'- Bentonite Type Time Release -Augerrefusal@ 51' ~.~.. Interval 51'-53'-Boring /ermina/ed@58' Filter Pack Screen Sock - Interval 53'-58'- Total Depth 58'- R.P.Elevation 99.80'- Datum TBM -.-Water Level Information -.. Date W.L.Below R.P.- 10/11194 15.'74'- - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R.P.~Reference Paint 1 Refer to Standard Well Construction Schematic Style 2. 1 Aquaterra Doe-41076LOOXLS,Page3 1 Boring !Well Construction Log Wen Construction Permit Number L D.Number Keebler Company -Raleigh 4107601 1 I Project Name Project No. 1 Geologist Start Date MW-7. Dave Stewart 10/3/94 Complete Date 10/3/94 NA Aquaterra,Inc. Ground Water Monitoring Bore &Core,lI,c. 763 Robert Cassell CME-4SATV Drilling Method 4114"ID hollow stem augers. Comments No split-spoon samples taken;well installed inSide plam building.- -FID/PID Wen Construction Depth (ppm) Information From ·To Soil/Rock Description /Comments @Depth(ft) Borehole Dia.8"0'-7"Concrete slab ---Riser Type PVC 7"-l'Gravel Subbase Diametcr 2"1'-7'Reddish-brown to dark brown slightly clayey-Screen Type PVC -silt with wood debris -probablefill Diameter 2"7'-12'Reddish-brownfine sandy clayey micaceous SILT-Riser Interval 0'-13'·(ML)-possiblefill_. Screen Interval 13'-23'12'-23'Orange-brown fine sandy SILT (ML)..• Slot Size 0.010"-,-Grout Type PorI/and #1 - Interval 0'-9'--Bentonite Type Pellets -Boring terminated@23' Interval 9'-1l'- Filter Pack Coarse Sand ·-Interval 11'-23'- Total Depth 23'- R.P.Elevation 99.88'- Datum TBM - Water Level Information · "Date W.L.Below R.P.- 10/1l/94 14.87'-. - · Refer to Standard Well Construction Schematic Style 2. 1 1 1 1 1 'I 1 1 1 'I 1 1 1 I 1 R.P.~Reference Point W.L.~Water L,""el TBM ~Temporary Benchmark MSL ~Mean Sea L,""el Aquaterra Doc-41076LOG,XLS,Page4 1 Boring !Well Construction Log 1 Well Construction Permit Number NA Aquaterra,Inc. CME-45 ATV10/2/94 Purpose Ground Water MOllitoring--:::------------------Contractor Bore &Core,Inc.----- Registration No.763------------------- Driller Tony,Larry,Jim-----'-----------~-------------=-'---------'------- 1 L D.Number MW-7i Project Name Keebler Company -Raleigh Project No.4107601 1 Geologist T.TaylorlM.TischlerlD.Stewart Start Date 9/29/94 Complete Date MSL ~Mean Sea LevelTEM=Temporary BenchmarkWL=Water Level Drilling Method 41/4"ID hollow stem augers to refusal at 54';cOre rockfrom 54'. Comments to 73 ';well illstalled inside plant building.15'screen with jiltersock-(no sandpack);time release bentoniteplaced in top ofsock above-_.- screell with hose damps.No split-spoon samples takell. ,~.~ FID!PID Wen Construction Depth (ppm) Information From -To Soil!Rock,Description !Comments @ Depth (ft.) Borehole Dia.8"/4"0'-7"Concrete slab .~".." Riser Type PVC 7"-l'Gravel subbase Diameter 2"l'-7'Reddish-brown to dark brown slightly dayey Screen Type PVC -silt with wood debris -probablejill Diameter 2"7'-12'Reddish-brownjine sandy dayey micaceous SlLT ,~~. Riser Interval 0'-58'-(ML)-possiblejill ~ Screen Interval $8'-73']2'-25'Orange-brownjine sandy SILT (ML).. Slot Size 0.010"25'-54'Layers ofweathered rock and dayeyjine to -Grout Type Portland #1 -medium sandy silt .~~~ Interval 0'-56'54'-73'Competent gneissic bedrock (jew smallseams Bentonite Type Time Release -noted@69'and7I',II2"each) Interval 56'-58'- Filter Pack Screell Sack -.. Interval 58'-73'- " Total Pepth 73'-Auger refusal@54'_.". R.P.Elevation 99.76'-Boring terminated@ 73' Datum TBM - Water Level Information - Date W.L.Below RP.- 10/11/94 15.i6'- - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R.P.=Reference Point 1 Refer to Standard Well Construction Schematic Style 2. 1 Aquaterra Doc-4J076LOO.xLS,Page5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ~aCluaTerra Protective Manhole Casing With Lockable Cap &al'IdMt Tl/INlll Bslowgrade Mon~o,inll 111I'811 Clml!!iruclion SChen"'Ii<: WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD III Identification Drilling Contractor liller Registration Number North Carolina Dc::partment ofEnvironmental,Health &N:,ltural Resourl:es Division ofEnvil"onmcntal Management-Groundwater Sc=:clion P.O.Box 27687-Ralcigh.N.C.21611-7587 For Office Use Only Quad.No.Serial No.._ Lat.Long.Pc'---_ Minor Basin _ Basin Code _ HeadetEnt..GW-l Ent._ State Well Construction Permit Number:,...,~--:........;~------------ kw-li. 1 1 Drill Log Formation Description 11'~S.04 D kHOlv-.....S~­ PP$';,e.~F</",- fiM1 S£-U1"'Th1 CLA1I'i'7 "'ur<r n,~ f")H'€n 11.€'91 U'>'-s.~(SM\ Ifaddilional space is needed,use back ofform. To ~. I ocMioo Sketch (Sbow diro::tion &distilJl~c:from at l/last two State Roads.or oll'iet map refercn<:c:points,) County: Q - 3 1l -- 15 '-t(.,· Mm<ri>l PVC Top OfCasin.g Wall Thickness Sch40 AmOunt----- \I..- Zip Code Usc=:OfWell Monitoring Cuttings Cotlected---'-=N""'o;:';:>'--- No State Feet Above Land Surface Test Method----- Feet B~low 2" Djameter (Ff,o,,-d.Community.or Subdivi~iOn and LotNo.) 1?J?b-6L6f2-~P,;.,..,<t Addn:ss 1 City ~"Drill,d 9 -1.'l-"/4= otal D<pth 42 _5"• ~_es Well Replace Ex:isting Well 6.Static Water 1(.,_\Ie 1 Level ::pofCasing 0 7.Yield (gpm):N p.. ' Water Zones; (depth) .Chlorination: I .Casing; ':pepth (ft ) From To ,10 -'37.S .ell Location:(Show sketch ofthe location below) I,ares,Towno I2ALE'15;..\.N L. '2-9 c 0 IN A:~f!«h,---';''l J?,.O. M<lhQl! ~IE P/...ACfllIN sCfUElJ ~t>Cl",. l·G~Qut; :oepth eft) from To -~"3'~, !~ Depth (fl;) I rom To Diameter ~M.awiiU ".5 ~41..'5'__2.=-"---'0"'-'·'c::.l)-'..:'0::...·_·__----'-p_,,=L.'------_ Date SUbmit oritinal to Div;sion o~EnvirorunC:1'i131 f'danagc:ment &copy to well ownc:r. Ido hereby certify that this weU was consUucted in accordance with 1SNCAC 2C.w standards,and that acopy Ofthis record has been provided to the well owner. tW-l Revised 2190 Aqllaterra,Inc.Document-Well_Logi.Page-l . '....Gravel Pack: '".peptb (ft )From,To',IS -42..S 14.Rem","': i 1 ----- I" "--"I I I I~f}' I:1 I" • E • m I .....'U or 1lJ1.'1t{J 'Y(!f'$'\.e,~_a CI u a T -rra ,""""=--...,b==-+==---J"~7-;;28:..-=94:..-J,,;=,,....-__S_ite::-Loc....,..,...a_tiO.,,.n,....Ma.,...p ---I~IIi:ii:ii 0 0.e:V\Sl.01t 'l.g'I.LTB (l.i?JeC Keebler Site A mu:A.T Lill!::!l CHEWlCAL CO~IlATION t:!»lPJ.Kr 4106300 1 1"~2000'Raleigh.North Carolina For Office Use Only Quad.No..Secial No._ Lat Long.Pc _ Minot Basin ~_~__ Basin Code._ Beade,Enl.GW.\Enl.,_~_ State Well Construction Permit Number:_{l/"""d"'-~~~~~~~~~_ WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD MW-tos North Carolina Department ofEnvironmc=:nttll,Health &Natural Resources Division ofEnvironmental Mana.zcment-GrOl,lndwilter Section P.O.Box 27687·Raleigh,N.C.27611-7587 II III Identification Drilling Contractor JllerRegistration Number 1 T'dl Location:(Shj\sketch ofthe location below)" 'e"",stTown:'8le~i\)IJ crib C.aroLn.a '2-<1 0 w A1tf 'F'i:t=<k-~f?-.D .t - County: I',15' fulh From to 0'-']" 7 1 >...I' (Road.Community.or Subdivision and Lot No.)~~~b ~jl.S"t:f;nd~r~ (Street or Routo No.) El",h,,~~t I L (QCI::l(" Le, Address 1 City State Zip Code~le Drilled 10.1 Z./94-Use ofWell Monitoring ,otal Depth _J.'>I Cuttings cOliected====~~N:O==~~==~.c=:$Well Replace Existing Well,=--""",,N,--O~__ 6.Static Water ga+3 ,,;,C1.'2.\Feet Below Top OfCasing 1....,oLrce'",el"n".,0 ,::.Q ''I ,.....Fec=:t Above Land Surface 7.Yield (gpm):--":.,-.cA.-'-----Test MethodralerZones:----~-- (depth) J.hlonnaticn:NA Amount ~---- l'C",ins, ,:,Dentb (ft ) From To:f_'_'_I_~._ Diameter 2" Wall Thickness Seh 40 ~ PVC Ifaddilional space is needed,use back ofform. I,Qs:atjQO Sketch (Show ditet<tiQn &distance from allca:il twoStilte~oad~,QI'Qthet I'tIap rdeuDcepoints.) .1'~:;~~:(fi ) rom To ,"I'F<II' J..t..Screen; pepth (it) rI,"tO~Toi.~-;t~' Ml!llli;l/ 1.ftI,;,,,d I Bentonite Djamc=:ter ~ C ."10 ~X?t cO'POc..r(L poV'/t.. 1'".Grav"l Pack: IXnth (ft) From To· If-'-'_-....2""3"- 14.Remarks: OfContractor or Agent SUbmitoriginal to Divi:sion ofEnvironmental Mnnagc:mcnt &l:0PY to 'well owner. I do hereby certify that this well was c:onstn.1cted in accordance with 15 NCAC 2C,weI construction. stnndards,and tha.t acopy ofthis record h:as bc=:c=:n provided to the well owner. tW-1 Revised 2190 Aquaterra,Inc_DDcument~WdtLogJ,Page-l I I I I I I I I I I 1 'I North Carolina Department ofEn....ironmental.Health &Natural Resources Division ofEnvironmental Mana~emc:nt·Groundwaler Section P.O,Box 27687·Ralelgh,N,C.27611·75S7 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Office Use Only Quad.No.,Serial No._ Lat.LQn~.Pc'---_ Minor Basirt _ Basin Code'_ He.de,Ent.GW.\Ent.,_ lell Identification Drilling Contractor rner Registration Number Gqfl£.INc...State Well Construction Permit Number:__-'N'""'-!(l.,.co-_ Prj!!I og Forma.tion Description C.(1't..>C:fu5'€'"'.LA--i!. Count)': Iklllh From TI) D -J" :J'"-I' ., 5]-~ !2.Rro,SIl -e,~51:.117 .!Ok"Nr>'7 SI ....' I"S '-2.8·')'-=~~rn:=_~..-'!.r!hl....r;c4-fi.l::JFV:'-I>'."J1fJ<..___...,~~~.l<I-6""-1.<\+--_ 1.8.5\'5:,'LAA!f/ZS.6?~O<.cZ "'=A 0=A"Je<1 BtoR =m b&C>l<r<-\skMP Top or Casing p.l . Amount,_ Zip Code Use ofWell Monitoring-...:=~=­Cuttings Conected_~~N~O=_____ No fc~t Below Feet Above::Land Surface T"t M,thod,_ (Road r Community.orSubdlvhio";md Lot No.) (Stre,t 0'Rout,No.) EfU1 thcf!.:=.-t .1L... tvner Address ,~ell Location;(Show sketch ofthe location below) 1f<l"e51Towno @ALWl<:;H:,NL 2 'to0 ldAl.!.€\3r!U3T a..o, 1 City State 3.Dal. D,iII'd I0 -2.-"14lTOlalD,pth 5 e ' ;Does Well Replace Existing Well 6.Static Water \';>.,4 1 Levd porCasing '0 7.Yield (gpm):N I>e 8 Water Zones:1 (depth) ,Chlorination: I:'.Casing; ,Depth (ft) From To 1 r~-~~- Djameter 2" Wall Thickness Sch40 Ml!l<riol PVC Ifadditional space is needed,use back offonn. I amnion Sketch (Show dit~tion &dislan~e from at I~.\'I$~two Slate Roads,or other map ~f,=renee point$.) MlI\OIi.o1 e['!Ljl....WC Bentonite:tnk~ ~~E') t",.Grout ])s;ntb (ft ) rrom To ~l' ;:-S' " _Screen: Dtpth at) ~,.',rom To,I_ye'Djameter 2;' ~ "0.0\D" MollmilI PVC- construction Si8nature ofContractor Or Agent Dau.: Submit ori~in311()DivisionofEnvironmental Mana,gement &.copy towell owner. '.'.Gravel Pack: :~Dtgtb (ft ) ~. !~ Ido hcrt:by certify that this welt was constructe::d in accordance with 15 NCAC :lC, standards,and that a copy ofthis record has been provided to the well owner. fW.l Revised 2190 Aqtta!el7(l,Inc,DDClJment~Wi!ltLogl.Page·J I I I I IiIi I For Office Use Only Quad.No..Serial No._ Lat.Long.Pe'_ Minor Basin _ Basin Code,_ He.d«Ent.GW_1 Ent._ State Wen Construction Permit Number:...J.:::ot1u,g"'-~_ WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ..J!JW-1:; J)O(C ~{2,(e,Ir\"" North Carolina Departmen~ofEnvironmcntal,Health &Natural Resource$ Division ofEnvironmental Manil~emc:nt.GroundwaterSection P.O.Box 27687-Raleigh,N.C.27611-75871 1 lUldentification Drilling Contractor I JUt<Registration Number C e < LT L. L -5 L ("0 " prjll Jog Fonnatjon Description C~"lf'"t'"SI ab County: 1'-P-' 7"-I' From 10 o -'7" Top OfCasing Amount _ Zip Code Use ofwell_-:M::;o;::n:::it::o,::in::;g'---_ Curtinss Collected__-,N;;o::.....__ No IL State Foot Below Feet Above Land Surface:: Test Method ----- (Street or Route No.) E.\J""cs"l (RQad I Community.or Subdivi:';l¢n and Lot NQ.) B~~bk;f~S 'T:f~a1!k'L:lwner Address 1 Y,~II Location:(Show Skc:tc.h ofthe location below). 1",""Snown,R2(~t.,t:I.dh r ;:l/·d.u'nl...!2"'=--o---_ 7.qoo:r\A.,)W F;tfl.?TI t7-D, eity ~ale Drilled r~{31s1 "01,1 Depth .1 :!>' ~.oes Well R.c=place Existing Well 6.Stalie W,,,,,14..81 ' I Level "ofCasing I'l';;:' 7.Yiold (gpm),f\('" :tater Zones: ,(depth) ~hlormatlOn:A9- l easing' "R1!ptb (ft ) From To:1'-13' llli= 2- Wall Thickness Seh 40 Mm<ri.al PVC Ifadditional space is needed,use back ofform. Jocatjon Sketch (Show dir«:tiOn &.(!i$I.\UI.~~f'tQm 3.!lea!lt two State Roads.or otb~r map I'l::r~tetl~tl poin!.s:.) ~Grout:;1 Dtptb (ft) t'rom To ~',, -".I •Sc~cn~ l'kpth (ft) ii,','rom To'13'-.;J.:,:>' Mm<ri.alfcrtI2",e!.I Bentonite (Stm _,.Gravel Pack: ':.fknth eft ) From To ~':'~ Signature ofContractor Or Ag~nt Date Submit ori,&jn.;tl to Division ofEnvironmcnml MilDas,ement &copy to well OWl'\et. IW-1 Rev1Sed 2190 Aqua/eTTa.InC.DocumentwWell~LogI.Page-l I I do herebY certify that this welI was constructed in ac:cQrdance with 15 NCAC 2e, standards,and that a copy ofthis record has been provided to the:well owner. Lo-,-l8-"i ~aauaTG!rra J..GRtAT UKES ~COJ!POR4\'IU)N COMPANY u or o 0- 4106300 ."""",n 7-2IJ-94 co. I"~2000' oJ"C Site Location Map Keebler Site Raleigh,NQrth Carolina. I I""" I I·'~ I I .,.ilIi I I For Office Use Only Quad.No.~Serial No,_ Lat.Long.Pc,-_~_ Minor Baslil _ BasinCode,_ Header Ent.,GW-1 E"t.,~_ State Well Construction Permit Number:~~N:..:::..Ar-"'--~~~~~~~~_~~~_,C-3 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD MIN-I': North Carolina Department ofEnvir'onmental,Health &Natural Resourcc=:S Division ofEnvironmental Management-Groundwatc=:r Section P.O.aox 27687-R.le;gh,N.C.27611·7587 tIl Identification Drilling Contractor Jiller Registration Number 1 1 prjII Jog Fonnation.Desoription C<s'-N ~-::'l...A--C:. lht~OI"S\ol -I!>~TI DM.#-~ 'i>L14 "'1U1 CA.......f'J SI vr '-'I L.,l ~ I peQUop Sketch (Show direction &di:sfanl;e fr¢m.-t II!i3$l two State Road:s.or othc:r mll:p ~fl!:~nce poinl!l.) County: fulh From To 0-'" :(~-l' l'-,' 9 '-,'3' I -L -'Z.:S' 1.:5'-5"1 ' MmriID PVC Amount---- Wall Thickness Sch 40 (Road I COffirt'll.lility ,or Subdivision and Lot No,) Q Feer Above Land Surface~-N""''''~---Te"Method _ Address wren Location:(Show sketch ofthe location below) re.,-estTown,~c,H=,Jo,J c.. "2-<1 ""0 w krJf Fra?sT w. 1 City State=:Zip Code 3.Date Drilled I o~'Z.-94-Usc ofWell Monitoringt"otal Depth :'1 "3 I Cunings Collected -----".:.:.:;N"'o='""-- Docs Well Replace:E;,dsting Well No 6.Static Water l "5'"•ll,\Feet Below Top OfCasing J;Level pofCasing J.ield (gprn): 8.Water Zones; 1.(depth) ,Chlorination: 1.Casing; Depth (ft) From To10-S8' I.G,ou" I':Denth (ft ) ~rOm To D-51,,' 'E;;c..:'-::.'5""'-1--8,-'':l;reen~ Depth (ft) ,~m TO 11}'--13' MillWl P~-nke (h-IRI\">l?) ~ ~,e' fLA<\ft:>l....l S~5'\)0:. ~:;..Gravel Pack: I Depth (ft) rom To'~':'~ Signa.tl1re ofContrac:tor Or Agent Da.te SUbmit original to Divi$ion (If EnvironmentalManllsement k (.(Ipy to well QWft(r, Ido hereby certity thar this well was constructed in accordance with IS NCAC 2C,c:eonstnlction standards,and that a <:opY ofthis record has been provided to the well owner. Aqualerra,Inc.DOCUment-WeICLagJ.Page-J GW-I Revised 2190 I 1 ",; u 01'W1."{/11'"''•Sit.Location Map7-28-94 0 ..eV'tSton '9"""O'H ]"e Keebler Site·•u.=""""""- __ """'AN'(4106300 1 I"~2000'!Weigh,North Carolina Ii,• IiiI I I I I I I 1'1 "'I 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Monitoring Well Installation Monitoring wells are installed in both unconsolidated and consolidated formations to provide secure sampling points for discrete intervals within confined or unconfined aquifers or hydrostratigraphic units.Following drilling activities,typically 2 or 4-inch diameter PVC,or other material,monitoring well screen and casing is placed in the boring in accordance with the standards specified in the RCRA Ground Water Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document. Well Construction Once the boring is complete,a ground water monitoring well is constructed by installing a casing and screen to the desired depth.The annulus is typically backfilled to approximately 1 to 2 feet above the well screen with a sand pack selected based on the size of the formation material.A 1 to 2-foot bentonite seal is emplaced above the sand pack. The remaining annulus is then grouted to the surface with No.1 Portland cement.The wellhead is secured with a watertight,lockable well cap and is protected by either a steel manhole cover (at grade)or steel casing (above grade).Refer to the well construction schematics for details of well construction. Well Development Monitoring wells are typically developed by using decontaminated Teflon bailers or new disposable bailers as surge blocks,by pumping,or by other acceptable well development procedures.Well development is performed to remove fines from the sand pack and well screen to minimize turbidity in samples and to improve the hydraulic connection between the well screen and the formation. Surveying Surveying is performed to determine the relative reference point elevation of the wells. Elevations are referenced to either the state grid system (mean sea level)or an assumed elevation at a temporary benchmark established on-site.Elevations are measured to the nearest 0.01 foot,and are used for creating ground water contour maps. Standard Procedures 5/94 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ground Water Sampling Field Parameters Prior to ground water sample collection,the water level in each well is measured with a decontaminated electric water level probe.Water level measurements are used to create ground water contour maps (either water table or potentiometric)and to calculate well volumes.The wel1s are purged by removing three to five times the wel1 volume,or until dry,with decontaminated Teflon bailers,new disposable bailers,or low-flow submersible pumps to remove stagnant water so that a representative ground water sample can be obtained.Depending on the site status,temperature,specific conductivity,and pH are measured and recorded in the field following removal of each volume of water.Samples are general1y not collected until the field parameters stabilize within approximately 10%of each other. Ground Water Sample Collection Ground water samples are typical1y collected within 1 hour of purging to minimize the loss of any volatile organic compounds (VQCs)that may be present.Laboratory decontaminated bottom~valve Teflon bailers,new disposable bailers,or low-flow submersible pumps may used to withdraw the samples. All ground water samples are decanted into laboratory provided containers appropriate for the parameters being analyzed,preserved as required by the analytical technique, and are labeled with the following information:sampler's name,date of col1ection, sample number,analysis to be performed,and project number.Samples are stored and transported to the analytical laboratory in an insulated cooler chilled to approximately 4°C.To ensure sample integrity,all samples are transported in accordance with EPA chain-of-custody protocols.All samples are typically transported to the laboratory within 24-hours ofsample collection,if possible. Standard Procedures 5/94 If you have any questions concerning this report,please feel free to contact us. Dear Mr.Taylor: Enclosed is the report of laboratory analyses for samples received October 04,1994. RECEIVED October 06,1994 Ocr 7./994 An Equal Opportunity Employer REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Footnotes are given at the end of the report. Kris H.Kommalan Project Manager Mr.Tom Taylor Aquaterra Environmental Consultants PO Box 37579 4901 Waters Edge Dr. Raleigh,NC 27627-7579 RE:PACE Project No.641004.509 Client Reference:Keebler Sincerely, lJ.y~llcY\-;~"C(L~ Enclosures 9aoo Kintey Avenue.Suite 100 Huntersville.NC 28078 TEl;70H75-0007 FAk 704-075-5051 1" 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------------_._- PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS l,l,l-Trichloroethane l,l,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,I,2-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethene 1,1-0lchloroethane 1,l-Dlchloroethene 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 200.7 200.7 239.2 249.2 An Equal Opportuntty Employ!;!!' October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 NO NO 0.038 NO 92 0273044 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-ls ____METHOD DATE ANALYZEDMOL 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.010 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 601 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L ,1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 0.5 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 0.5 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 0.5 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 0.5 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Units Consultants 9800 Kincey Avenue,Suite 100 Huntersville.NC 28078 TEL:704·875·9092 FAX,704·875-9091 ORGANIC ANALYSIS Chloroform Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichlorofluoromethane INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Chromium Copper Lead W/3030C Digestion Nickel 1,2-Dlchlorobenzene l,3-Dichlorobenzene l,4-0lchlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dlchloropropane 2-ChloroethoxYethane Aquaterra Environmental PO Box 37579 4901 Waters Edge Dr. Raleigh,NC 27627-7579 Bromodichlormethane Oibromochloromethane Bromoform 'Bromomethane cis-l,3-0ichloropropene Carbon tetrachloride I' I 1 1 Attn:Mr.Tom Taylor 1 C1 ient Reference:Keeb1er PACE Sample Number: Date Co 11 ected: I,Date Recei ved: "Client Sample 10: Parameter 1 INORGANIC ANALYSIS 1 1 1 1 'I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" 1 ENVIRONMENTAl..l..A60RATOAIES REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 9800 Kincey Avenue,Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 TEL:704-875·9092 FAX:704·875-9091 601 ug!L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/l 1.0 ND 10/05/94 ug/l 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/l 1.0 ND 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 ug/l 1.0 ND 10/05/94 ug/L 1.0 ND 10/05/94 1Mr.Tom Taylor Page 2 Client Reference:Keebler '11 PACE Sample Number: Date Collected: 1Date Received: •Client Sample 10: Parameter 11 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABlE HAlOCARBONS 1,Chlorobenzene Chloromethane Chloroethane 11 Di ch 1oromethane •trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Tetrachloroethene 11 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ,Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) I I 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 Units MOL October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 92 0273044 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-1s __________METHOD DATE ANALYZED An Eqr,t~1 Opportuni'ty Employer 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 200.7 10/05/94 200.7 10/05/94 239.2 10/05/94 249.2 10/05/94 601 An Equal Op~ortunity Employer NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ___________METHOD DATE ANALYZED NO NO 0.01l NO 92 0273052 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-1 i MOL 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.010 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 Units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 9800 Kincey Avenue.Suite 100 Huntersville.NC 28078 TE'-'70.·875-g0n FAX,704·875-909' Chloroform Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichlorofluoromethane Chlorobenzene Chloromethane Chloroethane INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Chromium Copper Lead W/3030C Digestion Ni cke1 Dichloromethane Client Reference:Keebler ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS l,l,l-Trichloroethane l,l,2,2-Tetrachloroethane l,l,2-Trichloroethane l,l,2-Trichloroethene l,l-0ichloroethane l,l-Dichloroethene l,2-Dichlorobenzene l,3-Dichlorobenzene l,4-Dichlorobenzene l,2-0ichloroethane l,2-Dichloropropane 2-Chloroethoxyethane Bromodichlormethane Dibromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene Carbon tetrachloride r 1 1..'Mr.Tom TaylorPage3 I PACE Sample Number: Date Collected: 1 Date Received: ..,Client Sample 10: Parameter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS ____________METHOD DATE ANALYZED October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 601 An Equal Opportunity Employer NO NO NO NO 92 0273052 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-1i MOL 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Units ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 9800 Kinee:y Avenue,Suite 100 Huntersville.NC ,a078 TEL:704·875·9092 FAX:704-975·9091 Client Reference:Keebler PACE Sample Number: Date Collected: Date Received:. Client Sample 10: Parameter Mr.Tom Taylor Page 4 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Tetrachloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) l I, J 1 II I 1 1 "I J 1 1 1 1 1 'I 1 I ~I I REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 1Mr.Tom Taylor October 06,1994 Page 5 PACE Project Number:641004509 Client Reference:Keebler 1PACE Sample Number:92 0273060 Date Collected:10/04/94 'I Date Received:10/04/94 Client Sample 10:MW-6s Parameter Units MOL METHOD DATE ANALYZED 1 INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS I Chromi um mg/L 0.010 NO 200.7 10/05/94 Copper mg/L 0.010 NO 200.7 10/05/94 Lead W/3030C Digestion mg/L 0.005 0.023 239.2 10/05/94 1 Ni cke1 mg/L 0.010 0.016 249.2 10/05/94 ORGANIC ANALYSIS 1 PURGEABLE HALO CARBONS 601 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L 1.0 1.7 10/05/94 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 '.1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94- 1,1,2-Trichloroethene U9/L 1.0 27 10/05/94 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 1.0 4.8 10/05/94 I 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L 1.0 23 10/05/94 1,2-0ichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 1,3-0ichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94II1,4-0ichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 1,2-0ichloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 1,2-0ichloropropane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94,2-Chloroethoxyethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 Bromodichlormethane ug/L 0.5 NO 10/05/94 Oibromochloromethane ug/L 0.5 NO 10/05/94 1 Bromoform ug/L 0.5 NO 10/05/94 Bromomethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 cis-l,3-0ichloropropene ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 1 Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 Chloroform ug/L 0.5 0.6 10/05/94 1 Oichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 Chlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 '.Chloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 Dichloromethane ug/L 1.0 NO 10/05/94 1 9aoo Kincey Avenue,Suite 100 An EClU~'Opportunity Employer I Huntersville,NC 28078 W-'704·875·9092 FAX:704·875·9091 1 11 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 1Mr.Tom Taylor Page 6 Client Reference: Keebler I PACE Sample Number: Date Co 11 ected: Date Received:1Client Sample ID: Parameter Units MDL October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 92 0273060 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-6s___________METHOD DATE ANALYZED S1300 Kincey Avenue.Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 TEl.:704-875·9092 FAX:704-875·9091 11 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS 1 trans~I,3-Dichloropropene Tetrachloroethene trans-l,2-0ichloroethene11Chloroethene(Vinyl chloride) 11 1 I I 11 ~I I 1 11 'I I 11 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 NO 13 ND NO 601 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 An EClual Opportunity Employer 1 1 ENVIAONMaNiAL lABORATORIES REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS .Chloroform Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichlorofluoromethane Chlorobenzene Chloromethane Chloroethane ",Mr.Tom Taylor•Page 7 Client Reference:Keebler ,PACE Sample Number: Date Collected: 1Date Received: ,Client Sample ID; Parameter October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 ___________METHOD DATE ANALYZED 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 200.7 10/05/94 200.7 10/05/94 239.2 10/05/94 249.2 10/05/94 601 An Equal Opportunity Employer 1.6 ND ND 4.4 ND 12 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.103 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND NO ND NO 92 0273079 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-6i MDL 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.010 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Chromium Copper Lead W/3030C Digestion Ni cke1 9800 Kincey Avenue,Suite 100 Hunts(sville.NC 28078 TEL:704-875·9092 FAX:704·875·9091 Dichloromethane ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS I,I,I-Trichloroethane I,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 2-Chloroethoxyethane Bromodichlormethane Dibromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Carbon tetrachloride 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I '. 1 1 I '. 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS ____________METHOD DATE ANALYZED October 06,1994 PACE Project NUmber:641004509 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 601 An Equal Opportunity emplaYE~ NO 5.5 ND NO 92 0273079 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-6i MOL 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Units 9800 Kincey Avenue.Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 TEL:704-875·9092 FAX,704·S75·9091 Client Reference:Keebler PACE Sample Number: Date Collected: Date Received: Client Sample 10: Parameter ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Tetrachloroethene trans-1,2-0ichloroethene Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) Mr.Tom Taylor Page 8 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 '. 1 1 I 1 I REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 11.,.Mr.Tom Taylor ••Page 9 Client Reference:Keebler October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 ____________METHOD DATE ANALYZED 92 0273087 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-7s An Eql,llill Opportunity Employe( 1 I 1 1 1 1 '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PACE Sample Number: Date Collected: Date Received: Client Sample ID: Parameter INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIOUAL PARAMETERS Chromium Copper Lead W/3030C Digestion Ni cke1 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS l,l,l-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethene I,I-Dichloroethane I,l-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 2-Chloroethoxyethane Bromodichlormethane Oibromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane cis-l,3-0ichloropropene Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Oichlorodifluoromethane Trichlorofluoromethane Chlorobenzene Chloromethane Chloroethane Oichloromethane 9800 Kincey Avenl,le,Suite 100 Huntersville.NC 28076 TEL:704-875-9092 fAX'704-875·9091 Units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L MDL 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.010 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ND ND 0.021 ND 16 ND ND ND 2.8 89 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.8 ND ND ND NO NO 1.1 200.7 200.7 239.2 249.2 601 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS __________METHOD DATE ANALYZED October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 601 An Equal Opportunity Employer ND 120 ND ND 92 0273087 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-7s MDL 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 Units ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L gEOa Kincey Avenl,ll'!.Suite '00 Huntersville.NC 28078 TEIc 704·875-5052 FAX:704-875·9091 Client Reference;Keebler Mr.Tom Taylor Page 10 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Tetrachloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) DRGANIC ANALYSIS PACE Sample Number; Date Collected; Date Received: Client Sample ID; Parameter I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS October 05,1994 PACE Project Number:541004509 ___________METHOD DATE ANALYZED 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 200.7 200.7 239.2 249.2 501 An Equal Opportunity Employer 92 0273095 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-7i NO NO 0.019 NO 230 ND NO 11 9.5 540 NO NO NO 5.0 7.4 ND ND ND NO NO NO NO 4.8 ND NO NO NO NO IS MDL 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 100 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.010 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Chromium Copper Lead W/3030C Digestion Ni cke 1 9800 Kinc:ey Avenue,Suite '00 Hl,Inle:niVille,NC 28078 TEL:70H75-9092 fAX:704-875·9091 Mr.Tom Taylor Page 11 Client Reference:Keebler PACE Sample Number: Date Co11 ected: Date Received: Client.Sample ID: Parameter Oichloromethane ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS 1,1,I-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethene I,I-Dichloroethane I,I-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 1,4-0ichlorobenzene 1,2-0ichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 2-Chloroethoxyethane Chloroform Dichlorodifluoromethane Trichlorofluoromethane Chlorobenzene Chloromethane Chloroethane Bromodichlormethane Dibromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane cis-I,3-Dichloropropene Carbon tetrachloride I I 1 I 'I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS and are approved for release. ~METHOD DATE ANALYZED IO/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 601 October 06,1994 PACE Project Number;641004509 92 0273095 10/04/94 10/04/94 MW-7i NO 6100 NO NO MOL 5.0 100 5.0 5.0 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Units Client Reference:Keebler Mr.Tom Taylor Page 12 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Tetrachloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) These data have been reviewed i2~~~Charles M Cabaniss Manager,norganic Chemistry PACE Sample Number: Date Collected: Date Received: Client Sample 10: Parameter 1 I I I I 1 1 "I 1 1 1 rgaret S.Harding Mnager,Organic Chemistry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9800 Kincey Avenue.Suite 100 Huntersville.NC Ze078 TEL:704-875·9092 FAX:704-875·9091 An Equal Opportunity Employer MOL Method Detection Limit NO Not detected at or above the MOL. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 1 '. 1 I ill I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 «I 1 1 1 I Mr.Tom Taylor Page 13 Client Reference:Keebler 9800 Kincey Avenue.Suite 100 Huntersville.NC 28078 Tn:704·875·9092 FAX,704"875-9091 FOOTNOTES for pages 1 through 12 October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 An Equal Opportunity Employer Lead W/3030C Digestion Batch:92 30962 Samples:92 0273044,92 0273052,92 0273060,92 0273079,92 0273087 92 0273095 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS QUALITY CONTROL DATA l I An Equal Opportunity Employer Reference Value Recv 0.020 98% October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 MOL 0:005 Method MOL Blank 0:005 NO Units mg/L Units mg/L 9800 Klnc:ey Avenue,Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 2607S TEl.:704·875-5052 FAX:704-67,·5051 ENVIRONMi::NTAl LABORATORIES METHOD BLANK: Client Reference:Keebler Parameter Lead W/3030C Digestion Parameter Lead W/3030C Digestion LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Mr.Tom Taylor Page 14 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 QUALITY CONTROL DATA1..Mr.Tom Taylor •Page 15 Client Reference:Keebler I lCP QUALITY CONTROL Batch:92 30921 1..·.Samples:92 0273044,92 0273052,92 0273060,92 0273079,92 0273087 92 0273095 I METHOD BLANK:Method Parameter Units MDL BlankII-- INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Calcium mg/L 0.10 NO 1 Magnesium mg/L 0.10 ND Molybdenum mg/L 0.020 ND Potassium mg/L 0.10 ND Sodium mg/L 0.10 ND 1 ICP QUALITY CONTROL Ni ckel mg/L 0.010 NO '.Cadmium mg/L 0.010 ND Vanadium mg/L 0.010 NO Lead mg/L 0.10 ND 1 Barium mg/L 0.010 ND Copper mg/L 0.010 ND Chromium mg/L 0.010 ND 1 Beryll i urn mg/L 0.010 ND Zinc mg/L 0.010 NO Cobalt mg/L 0.010 NO 1 Iron mg/L 0.010 NO Sil ver mg/L 0.005 NO 1 Manganese mg/L 0.010 NO Aluminum mg/L 0.010 ND 1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Reference Parameter Units MOL Value Recv-- I INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Calcium mg/L 0.10 5.0 102% 1 Magnesium mg/L 0.10 5.0 98% Molybdenum mg/L 0.020 0.500 94% Potassium mg/L 0.10 5.0 86% 1 ssoo Kincey Avenue,Suits 100 An Equal Opportunity Employer I Huntersville,NC 28078 TEL:704-875·9092 FAX,704·875-90S1 saoo Klncey Avenue.Suite 100 An EClual Opportunity Employer HuntE:(sville,file :lS078 TEl:704-875·9092 FAX;70H75·9091 ICP QUALITY CONTROL Batch:92 30921 Samples:92 0273044,92 0273052,92 0273060,92 0273079,92 0273087 92 0273095 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Reference Parameter Units MDL Value Recv-- ICP QUALITY CONTROL Sodium mgjL 0.10 5.0 90% Ni cke1 mgjL 0.010 0.500 96% Cadmium mgjL 0.010 0.500 95% Vanadium mgjL 0.010 0.500 98% Lead mgjL 0.10 0.50 96% Barium mgjL 0.010 0.500 102% Copper mgjL 0.010 0.500 100% Chromium mgjL 0.010 0.500 97% Beryllium mgjL 0.010 0.500 91% Zinc mgjL 0.010 0.500 96% Cobalt mgjL 0.010 0.500 97% Iron mgjL 0.010 0.500 98% Silver mgjL 0.005 0.050 90% Manganese mgjL 0.010 0.500 97% Aluminum mgjL 0.010 0.500 101% October 06,I994 PACE Project Number:641004509 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS QUALITY CONTROL DATA Client Reference:Keebler Mr.Tom Taylor Page 16 1 1 1 1 '11 1 1 1 1 '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eeoo Kincey Avenue,Suite 100 An EQual Opportunity Emplover Huntersville,NC 28078 TEl.:10.-815·9092 FAK 704·815-9091 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS Batch:92 30976 Samples:92 0273044,92 0273052,92 0273060,92 0273079,·92 0273087 92·0273095 METHOD BLANK: Method Parameter Units MOL Bl ank PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS (1) I,I,I-Trichloroethane U9/L 1.0 NO I,I,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO I,I,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO l,l,2-Trichloroethene ug/L 1.0 NO I,I-Dichloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO I,I-Oichloroethene ug/L 1.0 NO I,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO I,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO I,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 1.0 NO 2-Chloroethoxyethane ug/L J.O NO Bromodichlormethane ug/L 0.5 NO Dibromochloromethane ug/L 0.5 NO Bromoform ug/L 0.5 NO Bromomethane ug/L 1.0 NO cis-l,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 1.0 NO Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 NO Chloroform ug/L 0.5 NO Oichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 1.0 NO Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 1.0 NO Chlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 NO Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 NO Chloroethane ug/L 1.0 NO Dichloromethane ug/L 1.0 0trans-I,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 1.0 Tetrachloroethene ug/L 1.0 NO trans-I,2-0ichloroethene ug/L 1.0 NO Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ug/L 1.0 NO October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS QUALITY CONTROL DATA Client Reference:Keebler Mr.Tom Taylor Page 17 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 '. 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Reference Parameter Units MOL Value Recv 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L r:o 20 85% 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 1.0 20 110% 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 1.0 20 95% 1,1,2-Trichloroethene ug/L 1.0 20 85% 1,1-0ichloroethane ug/L 1.0 20 95% 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L 1.0 20 80% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 20 100% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 20 95% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 20 95% 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 1.0 20 95% 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 1.0 20 90% 2-Chloroethoxyethane ug/L 1.0 20 75% Bromodichlormethane ug/L 0.5 20 95% Dibromochloromethane ug/L 0.5 20 100% Bromoform ug/L 0.5 20 90% Bromomethane ug/L 1.0 20 85% cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 1.0 20 100% Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 20 95% Chloroform ug/L 0.5 20 95% Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 1.0 20 100% Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 1.0 20 95% Chlorobenzene ug/L 1.0 20 90% Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 20 95% Chloroethane ug/L 1.0 20 95% Dichloromethane ug/L 1.0 20 90% trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 1.0 20 95% Tetrachloroethene ug/L 1.0 20 95% trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 1.0 20 85% Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ug/L 1.0 20 100% PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS Batch;92 30976 Samples:92 0273044,92 0273052,92 0273060,92 0273079,92 0273087 92 0273095 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS An Equal O~portl,ll'ljty Employer October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 QUALITY CONTROL DATA gaoo Kincey Avenue.Suit!;!100 Hvntersville,NC :za07a TEL:104-875·9092 rAK 10H15·9091 Mr.Tom Taylor Page 18 Client Reference;Keebler 1 1 1 1 '. 'I I 1 1 ~I '. 'I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 MDL Method Detection Limit ND Not detected at or ,above the MDL. (1)Dichloromethane is a possible lab contaminant. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mr.Tom Taylor Page 1g Client Reference:Keebler 9600 Kincey Avenue,Suite 100 HunW$vilie.NC 28078 TEL:704·875-9092 FAX,704-S75-9091 FOOTNOTES for pages 14 through 18 October 06,1994 PACE Project Number:641004509 An EQual Opportunity Employer 1870N? ~O""'Olfl~~ CHAIN·Of-CUSTODY RECORD ANALYTI CAL REaUEST ......................... A GREAT LAKES CHEMrCAL COHt-"UHAI lVi'll ....u m"'AI'll T "':-.;_.-Ii .....-Ii ....... ~aC1UaTerra ---~.__.--~._...~~ ;;n.:)09:5 uj3B./ d,'72JJ&;.O c((?-rf!-.ti di30').<1 ;J1...3t6.:J. 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