HomeMy WebLinkAbout2401_ARSColumbusCounty_GWMR_26290_20160504 May 25, 2016 Mr. Ervin Lane, Hydrogeologist NC Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Mail Service Center 1646 Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Re: 2016 First Semi-Annual Water Quality Monitoring Results Closed Columbus County Landfill Whiteville, North Carolina Permit #24-01 Dear Ervin: Babb & Associates, P.A. has completed the 2016 first semi-annual sampling event at the closed Columbus County Landfill. On April 18, 2016, nine groundwater monitoring wells and two surface water monitoring stations were sampled and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 and Appendix I inorganic compounds. A site map is provided with this report which shows the groundwater and surface water sample locations and shallow potentiometric surface. Additional attachments to this report include tables summarizing the groundwater and surface water analytical results (Tables 1 & 2), field parameters collected during the monitoring event (Table 3), well construction information (Table 4), and groundwater flow rates (Table 5). The laboratory analytical report, in pdf and EDD formats, is included as Appendix A. If there are any questions regarding the attached information, please contact me at (919) 325-0696. Respectfully, Babb & Associates, P.A. Gary D. Babb, P.G. President Enclosures cc: Mr. Danny Fowler, Director Columbus County Public Utilities Water Quality Monitoring Report Columbus County Municipal Solid Waste Landfill 354 Landfill Road Whiteville, North Carolina Permit No. 24-01 Prepared for: Columbus County Department of Public Utilities 612 N. Madison Street Whiteville, NC Prepared by: Babb & Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 37697 Raleigh, North Carolina 27627 April 2016 __________________________________ Gary D. Babb, Licensed Geologist Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Site Information 1.2 Site Geology 1.3 Site Hydrogeology 2.0 Water Quality Monitoring Program 3 2.1 Groundwater Monitoring Network 2.2 Surface Water Monitoring Network 3.0 Water Quality Sample Collection 4 3.1 Field Sample Procedures 3.2 Field Quality Assurance 3.3 Sample Delivery/Chain-of-Custody 4.0 Laboratory Analysis 6 5.0 Hydrogeological Conditions 7 6.0 Laboratory Analytical Results 8 6.1 Groundwater Analytical Results 6.2 Surface Water Analytical Results 6.3 Quality Control Sample 7.0 Conclusions 9 Figure 1 Water Quality Monitoring Sample Locations/Potentiometric Map Table 1 Groundwater Analytical Results Table 2 Surface Water Analytical Results Table 3 Field Parameter Measurements Table 4 Well Construction Information/Elevations Table 5 Groundwater Flow Rates Appendix A ENCO Laboratory Analytical Report Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Site Information The Columbus County Landfill site is located approximately 4.5 miles to the southwest of the Town of Whiteville in Columbus County, North Carolina. The site is bordered to the west by Spring Branch and to the northeast by Deep Branch. The site is occupied by a closed solid waste landfill, a transfer station for solid waste, an office trailer, a truck weigh scale and associated scale house, and two maintenance buildings. With the exception of one maintenance building, these structures are located on the northwestern portion of the site and are currently in use. One maintenance building, no longer in use, is located near the northeastern corner of the site. When the landfill was in use, the office and maintenance operations were located in this area. Surrounding properties within 1,500 feet of the site are currently either undeveloped or are being used for farming and residential purposes. Land use south of the site is mostly farmland with a few wooded areas and residential properties. Land use west of the site is mostly farmland with wooded areas and residential properties. Land use north of the site is mostly wooded areas with a few residential properties and farmland. Land use east of the site is mostly wooded areas and residential properties with a few areas of farmland. The area of Columbus County where the site is located is not zoned. 1.2 Site Geology The Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985) describes the site as being located in the Coastal Plain physiographic province of North Carolina. More specifically, the map indicates that sediments in the area of the Columbus County Landfill are classified as being in the Yorktown Formation. Sediments of the Yorktown Formation are fossiliferous clay with varying amounts of fine-grained sand, bluish gray, with shell material concentrated in lenses. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 2 Soils encountered during prior assessment activities at the site consisted of fine sand with varying amounts of silt from land surface to approximately 8.5 feet below land surface. Sandy clay was encountered from approximately 8.5 to 18.0 feet below ground surface. Below this sandy clay zone, silty sand soil was present. 1.3 Site Hydrogeology Groundwater flow at the site has been determined to be directly north, toward Deep Branch. The groundwater gradient across the site is approximately 0.0092 ft/ft. An estimate of the hydraulic conductivity across the site was determined by Trigon Engineering and presented in an August 12, 1997 report entitled “Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Data, Columbus County Landfill, Columbus County, North Carolina”. The estimated hydraulic conductivity at the site ranges from 0.011 ft/day to 0.97 ft/day. This translates to a groundwater flow rate in the shallow saprolite from 0.001 ft/day to 0.388 ft/day. The average hydraulic conductivity, gradients, total porosity, and transmissivity values for the site are provided on Table 5. A review of water quality data over the past several years indicates the presence of several volatile organic compounds. These compounds have included benzene, chlorobenzene, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene. These compounds are generally reported in low concentrations in MW-11 (Figure 1). A review of historical water quality data from the monitoring wells at the landfill indicates the concentrations of volatile organic compounds have decreased over time and now only benzene and 1,4-dichlorobenzene slightly exceed the NC 2L Groundwater Standards. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 3 2.0 Water Quality Monitoring Program The water quality monitoring network at the closed Columbus County Landfill is evaluated on a semi-annual basis. The location of the groundwater and surface water samples collected during the semi-annual monitoring events is shown on the attached Figure 1. 2.1 Groundwater Monitoring Network The existing monitoring well network consists of MW-1A (upgradient), MW-2A, MW- 3A, MW-5A, MW-7, MW-11, MW-12, CD-4, and CD-4D. Several of these wells appear to be located immediately adjacent to buried waste. This may result in non-representative groundwater samples as landfill gas and leachate may impact groundwater quality in the immediate vicinity of the waste. 2.2 Surface Water Monitoring Network In addition to the on-site groundwater monitoring wells, two surface water samples are collected from Spring Branch, which flows along the western border of the closed landfill. The samples will be designated US-1 (upstream) and DS-1 (downstream). The location for the surface water samples is shown on the attached site map. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 4 3.0 Water Quality Sample Collection Samples of groundwater and surface water were collected in accordance with the NC Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling Guidance Document, 2008. A brief description of the sample collection procedure is provided below. 3.1 Field Sample Procedures Prior to groundwater sampling, water levels were obtained from each well using an electric water level meter capable of measuring the depth to water to the nearest 0.01 feet. This information was later used to determine the elevation of the water table in each monitoring well relative to surveyed datum (Table 3). The depth to water in each well was also used to determine the volume of standing water in the well casing. This information allowed for the purging of a minimum of three casing volumes from each well prior to sample collection to assure a fresh groundwater sample was collected. New disposable laboratory gloves were worn by sampling personnel and each well was purged and sampled with a new disposable bailer which was discarded after use. After the monitoring wells had been allowed to recover from purging, samples are collected in the following order:  Volatile organic compounds  Inorganic compounds  Field Parameters (pH, Conductivity, Temperature) The samples are collected directly in the laboratory-supplied containers which are pre- filled with the appropriate preservative. No filtering of the samples is performed prior to collection. After collection, the samples are placed in a cooler on ice for overnight shipment to the analytical laboratory. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 5 Surface water samples are collected directly into the laboratory-supplied containers as grab samples. Sampling personnel wear new disposable laboratory gloves for each surface water sample collected. As with the groundwater samples, these samples are stored in a cooler on ice prior to overnight delivery to the analytical laboratory. 3.2 Field Quality Assurance One trip blank sample was prepared by the analytical laboratory and accompanied the sample shipment until receipt back at the laboratory. The trip blank sample was analyzed for volatile organic compounds only. Temperature blanks are also provided with the sample shipments to assure the proper temperature is maintained until delivery to the analytical laboratory. 3.3 Sample Delivery/Chain of Custody All groundwater and surface water samples are stored in coolers on ice immediately after collection. Individual sample containers for each well or surface water sample are placed in separate zip lock plastic bags to reduce the potential for cross contamination. Chain- of-Custody control documents are prepared and shipped with each cooler. Custody seals are also used for each cooler to maintain sample integrity until delivery to the analytical laboratory. The sample coolers are shipped via Federal Express for next morning delivery to the analytical laboratory. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 6 4.0 Laboratory Analysis The samples were analyzed for parameters specified by the NC Solid Waste Section for Detection Monitoring at permitted solid waste facilities. The standard Detection Monitoring Program for groundwater and surface water samples consists of the Appendix I parameters. The Appendix I analysis consists of volatile organic compounds by EPA Method 8260B and inorganic compounds by EPA Methods 6010C/6020A. The laboratory performing the water quality analysis is Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) of Cary, North Carolina, which is a NC Certified Laboratory. Internal quality control samples, including matrix spikes/matrix spike duplicates, are performed by ENCO for each set of samples. The ENCO laboratory report, including internal quality control samples, is provided with this report in Appendix A. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 7 5.0 Hydrogeological Conditions The depth to groundwater was measured in the nine compliance monitoring wells during the April 18, 2016 monitoring event. The groundwater elevations were calculated relative to the surveyed measuring point (top of casing) for each monitoring well. The groundwater elevations are summarized on Table 3 and the potentiometric surface of the shallow water table is shown on Figure 1. The general direction of groundwater flow, based on the water level information collected during this monitoring event, is also shown on Figure 1. Groundwater flow direction is generally to the north, toward Spring Branch. Based on the results of prior hydrologic tests conducted at the site, the groundwater flow rate in the shallow saprolite ranges from 0.001 ft/day to 0.388 ft/day. The average hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity values for the site are provided on Table 5. The vertical component of groundwater flow is determined from an evaluation of groundwater elevations observed in nested well pairs. The one nested well pair at the site was evaluated for vertical groundwater flow at the site. The vertical groundwater gradient was calculated from the elevations determined from monitoring wells CD-4/CD-4D during the April 18, 2016 monitoring event. The vertical component of groundwater flow in this well nest is 0.076 ft/ft downward. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 8 6.0 Laboratory Analytical Results Final laboratory analytical results for the samples collected on April 14, 2016 were received from the analytical laboratory on April 28, 2016. A summary of the analytical results are provided on Table 1 (groundwater), Table 2 (surface water), and Table 3 (field parameters). 6.1 Groundwater Analytical Results Only two volatile organic compounds (VOC) were detected at a concentration equaling or exceeding the NC 2L Groundwater Standard in any of the nine monitoring wells. The compound benzene was reported at a concentration of 3.0 ug/l in monitoring well MW- 11, which slightly exceeds the 2L Groundwater Standard of 1.0 ug/l. The compound 1,4- dichlorobenzene was reported at a concentration of 6.1 ug/l, also in monitoring well MW- 11, which slightly exceeds the 2L Groundwater Standard of 6.0 ug/l. The inorganic analyses reported concentrations of arsenic in three monitoring wells above the established 2L Groundwater Standard of 10 ug/l: MW-3A – 135 ug/l; MW-7 – 17.2 ug/l; and MW-11 – 10.6 ug/l. The inorganic compound chromium was reported in monitoring well CD-4 at a concentration of 10.3 ug/l, which is slightly above the established 2L Groundwater Standard of 10 ug/l. No other VOC or inorganic compounds were reported in any of the monitoring wells at or above the established NC 2L Groundwater Standards. 6.2 Surface Water Analytical Results No VOCs were detected at a concentration equaling or exceeding the laboratory method reporting limit or NC 2B Surface Water Standards in either of the two surface water samples. No inorganic compounds were detected in the surface water samples above the established 2B Surface Water Standards. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 9 6.3 Quality Control Sample One trip blank was submitted and analyzed for quality assurance purposes. No VOCs were detected at a concentration equaling or exceeding laboratory quantitation limits in the trip blank. Columbus County MSWLF Water Quality Monitoring Report April 2016 Page 10 7.0 Conclusions The results of this monitoring event report only minor variants from the established 2L Groundwater Standards. A historical review of the groundwater data for the site indicates a decreasing trend for the observed contaminants. Based on the results of this water quality monitoring event, the closed Columbus County Landfill will remain in Detection Monitoring in accordance with Title 15A NACA 13B .0601. The 2016 fall semi-annual water quality monitoring event is tentatively scheduled for October/November 2016. Attachments to this report include tables summarizing the groundwater and surface water analytical results (Tables 1 & 2), field parameters collected during the monitoring event (Table 3), well construction information (Table 4), and hydrologic test results (Table 5). A copy of the laboratory analytical report in pdf and EDD formats is also included with this report in Appendix A. SITE MAP TABLES TA B L E 1 20 1 6 F i r s t S e m i - A n n u a l G r o u n d w a t e r A n a l y t i c a l R e s u l t s Co l u m b u s C o u n t y L a n d f i l l Wh i t e v i l l e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pa r a m e t e r M W - 1 A M W - 2 A M W - 3 A M W - 5 A M W - 7 M W - 1 1 M W - 1 2 C D - 4 C D - 4 D 2 L S t a n d a r d s In o r g a n i c s ( u g / l ) An t i m o n y B Q L B Q L 1 . 1 8 J B Q L 2 . 1 1 J B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L N E Ar s e n i c B Q L B Q L 13 5 BQ L 17 . 2 1 0 . 6 BQ L B Q L B Q L 1 0 Ba r i u m 2 0 . 8 J 4 4 . 8 J 7 6 . 0 J 1 5 9 . 0 1 8 3 . 0 1 8 2 . 0 1 6 9 . 0 2 0 1 . 0 1 4 4 . 0 7 0 0 Be r y l l i u m B Q L 0 . 1 1 2 J B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 0 . 9 6 2 J B Q L N E Ch r o m i u m B Q L B Q L B Q L 2 . 4 6 J B Q L B Q L B Q L 10 . 3 BQL 1 0 Co b a l t B Q L 1 . 8 6 J 8 . 1 6 J B Q L 3 . 3 3 J 1 5 . 8 2 . 8 1 J 5 . 4 6 J B Q L N E Co p p e r B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 1 0 0 0 Le a d B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 4 . 6 7 J B Q L B Q L 4 . 5 3 J B Q L 1 5 Ni c k e l B Q L 2 . 4 7 J 1 6 . 5 J B Q L 4 . 6 7 J 2 0 . 7 J 6 . 6 5 J 8 . 0 1 J B Q L 1 0 0 Se l e n i u m B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 2 0 Th a l l i u m B Q L 0 . 1 1 4 J B Q L B Q L B Q L 0 . 1 1 9 J 0 . 2 6 5 J B Q L B Q L N E Va n a d i u m B Q L B Q L 1 . 8 2 J 4 . 8 9 J 2 . 9 8 J 4 . 3 7 J 3 . 9 8 J 1 4 . 2 J B Q L N E Zi n c B Q L 6 . 1 0 J B Q L B Q L 8 . 8 4 J 2 6 . 6 3 1 . 4 1 7 . 8 B Q L 1 0 0 0 Me t h o d 8 2 6 0 B ( u g / l ) Ac e t o n e B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 2 . 9 J B Q L B Q L B Q L 6 , 0 0 0 Be n z e n e B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 3. 0 0. 9 4 J B Q L B Q L 1 Ch l o r o b e n z e n e B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 1 5 . 0 1 . 7 0 J B Q L B Q L 5 0 Ch l o r o e t h a n e B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 3 0 0 0 1, 4 - D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L B Q L 6. 1 0. 9 5 J B Q L B Q L 6 No t e s : Sa m p l e s c o l l e c t e d o n A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 J - B e t w e e n M D L a n d R L B - A m o u n t i n P r e p B l a n k > M D L BQ L - B e l o w l a b o r a t o r y q u a n t i t a t i o n l i m i t Bo l d c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e q u a l o r e x c e e d 2 L G r o u n d w a t e r S t a n d a r d s NE - n o t e s t a b l i s h e d NA - N o t A n a l y z e d Ta b l e 2 20 1 6 F i r s t S e m i - A n n u a l S u r f a c e W a t e r L a b o r a t o r y A n a l y t i c a l R e s u lt s Co l u m b u s C o u n t y L a n d f i l l Wh i t e v i l l e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pe r m i t # 2 4 - 0 1 Pa r a m e t e r U S - 1 D S - 1 2 B S W S t a n d a r d In o r g a n i c s ( u g / l ) An t i m o n y B Q L 0 . 4 4 4 J 5 . 6 Ba r i u m 4 9 . 4 J 8 0 . 2 J 1 0 0 0 Be r y l l i u m 0 . 1 2 1 J B Q L 6 . 5 Co b a l t 1 . 3 9 J 5 . 8 2 J N E Co p p e r B Q L 1 . 8 9 J 7 Va n a d i u m B Q L 2 . 0 1 J N E Zi n c 5 . 3 5 J 3 3 . 6 5 0 Me t h o d 8 2 6 0 B ( u g / l ) BQ L B Q L No t e s : Sa m p l e s c o l l e c t e d o n A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 BQ L - B e l o w l a b o r a t o r y q u a n t i t a t i o n l i m i t . J - B e t w e e e n M D L a n d R L Bo l d c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c e e d 2 B S u r f a c e W a t e r S t a n d a r d NE - N o t e s t a b l i s h e d TA B L E 3 20 1 6 F i r s t S e m i - A n n u a l F i e l d P a r a m e t e r s Co l u m b u s C o u n t y L a n d f i l l Wh i t e v i l l e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pe r m i t # 2 4 - 0 1 We l l I D Sa m p l e D a t e S a m p l e T i m e D e p t h t o G W G W E l e v a t i o n C o n d u c t i v i t y T e m p e r ature - C p H MW - 1 A 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 3 0 2 1 0 . 3 9 9 3 . 4 6 1 2 1 2 0 . 1 5 . 8 MW - 2 A 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 3 1 4 4 . 7 6 8 6 . 5 9 2 6 5 2 5 . 1 5 . 5 MW - 3 A 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 2 2 1 6 . 3 6 7 1 . 2 5 7 4 2 2 1 . 3 7 . 0 MW - 5 A 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 3 4 6 5 . 0 8 6 2 . 0 8 5 2 7 2 1 . 8 7 . 1 MW - 7 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 3 2 7 3 . 6 2 7 8 . 6 5 1 6 0 8 2 4 . 7 6 . 6 MW - 1 1 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 2 3 0 8 . 3 9 7 9 . 2 4 1 5 8 2 2 3 . 0 6 . 2 MW - 1 2 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 2 4 3 5 . 2 3 8 7 . 5 7 1 2 3 2 2 2 . 1 6 . 4 CD - 4 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 2 0 2 1 1 . 3 3 6 8 . 1 6 2 2 4 1 9 . 7 7 . 3 CD - 4 D 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 4 . 0 0 6 4 . 9 6 4 0 5 2 1 . 6 7 . 8 US - 1 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 2 5 0 N A N A 1 5 6 2 2 . 4 7 . 7 DS - 1 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 1 3 3 7 N A N A 4 6 4 2 4 . 1 7 . 8 NA - N o t A p p l i c a b l e Ta b l e 4 Gr o u n d w a t e r M o n i t o r i n g W e l l C o n s t r u c t i o n Co l u m b u s C o u n t y L a n d f i l l Wh i t e v i l l e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pe r m i t # 2 4 - 0 1 We l l I D Da t e Dr i l l e d We l l Di a m e t e r To t a l De p t h TO S De p t h Sc r e e n e d In t e r v a l Gr o u n d El e v a t i o n TO C El e v a t i o n Gr o u n d w a t e r De p t h Gr o u n d w a t e r El e v a t i o n La t / L o n g G e o l o g y MW - 1 A N A 2 " 2 6 . 1 ' 8 ' 8 ' - 2 3 ' 1 0 1 . 4 8 1 0 3 . 8 5 1 0 . 3 9 9 3 . 4 6 19 4 5 5 1 . 8 2 7 7 ' N 20 7 5 7 5 8 . 1 1 1 ' E silty Clay MW - 2 A N A 2 " 2 1 . 3 ' 3 ' 3 ' - 1 8 ' 8 8 . 8 5 9 1 . 3 5 4 . 7 6 8 6 . 5 9 19 6 5 0 1 . 1 2 4 0 ' N 20 7 5 7 1 8 . 8 5 9 ' E sandy Clay MW - 3 A N A 2 " 2 1 . 2 ' 3 ' 3 ' - 1 8 ' 7 5 . 5 0 7 7 . 6 1 6 . 3 6 7 1 . 2 5 19 7 3 1 5 . 6 9 7 9 ' N 20 7 5 1 8 7 . 1 7 8 ' E sandy Clay MW - 5 A N A 2 " 1 9 . 4 ' 1 . 3 ' 1 . 3 ' - 1 6 . 8 ' 6 4 . 8 0 6 7 . 1 6 5 . 0 8 6 2 . 0 8 19 8 1 2 3 . 7 5 6 2 ' N 20 7 5 6 6 4 . 9 6 5 ' E sandy Silt MW - 7 N A 2 " 1 5 . 0 ' 3 ' 3 ' - 1 3 ' 8 0 . 6 8 8 2 . 2 7 3 . 6 2 7 8 . 6 5 19 6 8 2 8 . 5 2 7 1 ' N 20 7 5 9 9 6 . 9 1 7 ' E clayey Sand MW - 1 1 3 / 1 8 / 0 4 2 " 2 0 . 0 ' 5 ' 5 ' - 2 0 ' 8 5 . 2 8 8 7 . 6 3 8 . 3 9 7 9 . 2 4 19 6 2 0 5 . 9 8 4 9 ' N 20 7 4 1 9 4 . 8 8 5 ' E sandy Clay MW - 1 2 3 / 1 8 / 0 4 2 " 2 0 . 0 ' 5 ' 5 ' - 2 0 ' 9 0 . 9 6 9 2 . 8 0 5 . 2 3 8 7 . 5 7 19 5 0 2 0 . 9 7 3 6 ' N 20 7 4 7 7 2 . 5 5 6 ' E sandy Clay CD - 4 N A 2 " 1 8 . 0 ' N A N A 7 6 . 9 1 7 9 . 4 9 1 1 . 3 3 6 8 . 1 6 19 7 3 6 8 . 8 8 8 2 ' N 20 7 4 9 9 8 . 8 8 9 ' E NA CD - 4 D 3 / 1 7 / 0 4 2 " 6 0 . 0 ' 5 0 . 0 ' 5 0 ' - 6 0 ' 7 6 . 3 2 7 8 . 9 6 1 4 . 0 0 6 4 . 9 6 19 7 3 7 0 . 1 7 5 0 ' N 20 7 4 9 6 9 . 0 2 9 ' E sandy Clay TO S - T o p o f S c r e e n T B D - T o B e D e t e r m i n e d TO C - T o p o f C a s i n g N A - N o t A v a i l a b l e Gr o u n d w a t e r d e p t h s c o l l e c t e d o n 4 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 6 Ta b l e 5 Gr o u n d w a t e r F l o w R a t e s Co l u m b u s C o u n t y L a n d f i l l Wh i t e v i l l e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pe r m i t # 2 4 - 0 1 Mo n i t o r i n g W e l l I D Es t i m a t e d H y d r a u l i c Co n d u c t i v i t y f t / d a y 1 Es t i m a t e d H y d r a u l i c Gr a d i e n t f t / f t 2 Es t i m a t e d T o t a l Po r o s i t y 3 Es t i m a t e d E f f e c t i v e Po r o s i t y 4 Estimated Migration Rate ft/day 5 MW - 1 A 9 . 7 0 E - 0 1 0 . 0 0 4 0 . 5 3 0 . 0 1 0 . 3 8 8 MW - 2 A 2 . 2 0 E - 0 2 0 . 0 1 2 0 . 4 8 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 2 7 MW - 3 A 1 . 1 0 E - 0 2 0 . 0 1 4 0 . 5 3 0 . 1 5 0 . 0 0 1 MW - 5 A 1 . 3 0 E - 0 1 0 . 0 1 4 0 . 4 8 0 . 0 1 0 . 1 8 2 MW - 7 9 . 1 0 E - 0 1 0 . 0 1 4 0 . 4 2 0 . 2 0 . 0 6 4 1 F r o m " S e m i - A n n u a l G r o u n d w a t e r S a m p l i n g D a t a , C o l u m b u s C o u n t y L a n d f i l l , C o l u m b u s C o u n t y , N o r t h C a r o l i n a " b y T r i g o n E n g i n e e r i n g dated 8/12/97 2 E s t i m a t e d f r o m p o t e n t i o m e t r i c c o n t o u r s u s i n g e l e v a t i o n s m e a s u r e d o n 6 / 1 2 / 0 1 a n d 6 / 1 3 / 0 1 3 F r o m W a t e r Q u a l i t y M o n i t o r i n g P l a n d a t e d 6 / 7 / 9 4 b y T r i g o n E n g i n e e r i n g 4 F r o m " S t a t i s t i c a l A n a l y s i s o f G r o u n d a t e e r M o n i t o r i n g D a t a a t R C R A F a c i l i t i e s " U S E P A 1 9 8 9 5 E s t i m a t e d M i g r a t i o n R a t e = ( c o n d u c t i v i t y x g r a d i e n t ) / e f f e c t i v e p o r o s i t y Appendix A Laboratory Report 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 919.467.3090 919.467.3515Phone:FAX:www.encolabs.com Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. ENCO Workorder(s): CZ04684 Raleigh, NC 27606 Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Enclosure(s) Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Columbus County Landfill Attn: Gary Babb Babb & Associates (BA024) 3605 Country Cove Lane Bill Scott Project Manager Thursday, April 28, 2016 RE: Laboratory Results for Dear Gary Babb, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Tuesday, April 19, 2016. The total number of pages in this report, including this page is 53. www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE 2401-MW1A CZ04684-01 Sampled:04/18/16 13:02 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:31 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 10:59 EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/26/16 13:15 4/27/2016 01:33 2401-MW2A CZ04684-02 Sampled:04/18/16 13:14 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:33 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 11:58 2401-MW2A CZ04684-02RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 13:14 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 13:16 4/27/2016 19:55 2401-MW3A CZ04684-03 Sampled:04/18/16 12:21 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:36 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:02 2401-MW3A CZ04684-03RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 12:21 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 13:16 4/27/2016 20:24 2401-MW5A CZ04684-04 Sampled:04/18/16 13:46 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:39 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:06 2401-MW5A CZ04684-04RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 13:46 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 13:16 4/27/2016 20:54 2401-MW7 CZ04684-05 Sampled:04/18/16 13:27 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:41 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:09 Page 2 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW7 CZ04684-05RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 13:27 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 13:16 4/27/2016 21:23 2401-MW11 CZ04684-06 Sampled:04/18/16 12:30 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:52 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:13 2401-MW11 CZ04684-06RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 12:30 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 08:04 4/27/2016 14:47 2401-MW12 CZ04684-07 Sampled:04/18/16 12:43 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:55 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:17 2401-MW12 CZ04684-07RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 12:43 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 08:04 4/27/2016 15:16 2401-CD4 CZ04684-08 Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 13:58 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:32 2401-CD4 CZ04684-08RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 08:04 4/27/2016 15:44 2401-CD4D CZ04684-09 Sampled:04/18/16 12:11 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 14:01 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:36 2401-CD4D CZ04684-09RE1 Sampled:04/18/16 12:11 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 08:04 4/27/2016 16:30 Page 3 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-US1 CZ04684-10 Sampled:04/18/16 12:50 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 14:03 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:40 EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 08:04 4/27/2016 16:59 2401-DS1 CZ04684-11 Sampled:04/18/16 13:37 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 6010D 10/15/16 04/22/16 09:30 4/26/2016 14:06 EPA 6020B 10/15/16 04/24/16 11:59 4/25/2016 12:43 EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 08:04 4/27/2016 17:27 2401-Tripblank CZ04684-12 Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Received:04/19/16 10:00Client ID:Lab ID: Prep Date/Time(s)Hold Date/Time(s)Parameter Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 8260B 05/02/16 04/27/16 08:04 4/27/2016 17:56 Page 4 of 53 www.encolabs.com NORTH CAROLINA SWS SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW1A CZ04684-01 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 20.8 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW2A CZ04684-02 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 44.8 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total 0.112 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 11.000.1001Beryllium - Total 1.86 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 2.47 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 5010.02.201Nickel - Total 0.114 ug/L EPA 6020BJ - Total 6.10 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.04.401Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW3A CZ04684-03 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 1.18 ug/L EPA 6020BJ 62.000.2201Antimony - Total 135 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.06.801Arsenic - Total 76.0 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total 8.16 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 16.5 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 5010.02.201Nickel - Total 1.82 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW5A CZ04684-04 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 159 ug/L EPA 6010D 10010.01.001Barium - Total 2.46 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.401Chromium - Total 4.89 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW7 CZ04684-05 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 2.11 ug/L EPA 6020BJ 62.000.2201Antimony - Total 17.2 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.06.801Arsenic - Total 183 ug/L EPA 6010D 10010.01.001Barium - Total 3.33 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 4.67 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.03.101Lead - Total 4.67 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 5010.02.201Nickel - Total 2.98 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total 8.84 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.04.401Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW7 CZ04684-05RE1 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 3.9 ug/L EPA 8260BJ 1005.01.21Acetone Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW11 CZ04684-06 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 10.6 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.06.801Arsenic - Total 182 ug/L EPA 6010D 10010.01.001Barium - Total 15.8 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 20.7 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 5010.02.201Nickel - Total 0.119 ug/L EPA 6020BJ - Total Page 5 of 53 www.encolabs.com Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW11 CZ04684-06 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 4.37 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total 26.6 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.04.401Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW11 CZ04684-06RE1 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 6.1 ug/L EPA 8260B 11.00.1911,4-Dichlorobenzene 3.0 ug/L EPA 8260B 11.00.151Benzene 15 ug/L EPA 8260B 31.00.171Chlorobenzene Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW12 CZ04684-07 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 169 ug/L EPA 6010D 10010.01.001Barium - Total 2.81 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 6.65 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 5010.02.201Nickel - Total 0.265 ug/L EPA 6020BJ - Total 3.98 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total 31.4 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.04.401Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-MW12 CZ04684-07RE1 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 0.95 ug/L EPA 8260BJ 11.00.1911,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.94 ug/L EPA 8260BJ 11.00.151Benzene 1.7 ug/L EPA 8260BJ 31.00.171Chlorobenzene Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-CD4 CZ04684-08 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 201 ug/L EPA 6010D 10010.01.001Barium - Total 0.962 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 11.000.1001Beryllium - Total 10.3 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.01.401Chromium - Total 5.46 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 4.53 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.03.101Lead - Total 8.01 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 5010.02.201Nickel - Total 14.2 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total 17.8 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.04.401Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-CD4D CZ04684-09 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 144 ug/L EPA 6010D 10010.01.001Barium - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-US1 CZ04684-10 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 49.1 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total 0.121 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 11.000.1001Beryllium - Total 1.39 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 5.35 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.04.401Zinc - Total Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-DS1 CZ04684-11 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 0.444 ug/L EPA 6020BJ 62.000.2201Antimony - Total 80.2 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 10010.01.001Barium - Total Page 6 of 53 www.encolabs.com Analyte MethodUnitsResults Lab ID:Client ID:2401-DS1 CZ04684-11 Flag NotesMDLNC SWSLMRLDF 5.82 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.101Cobalt - Total 1.89 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 1010.01.601Copper - Total 2.01 ug/L EPA 6010DJ 2510.01.401Vanadium - Total 33.6 ug/L EPA 6010D 1010.04.401Zinc - Total Page 7 of 53 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS 2401-MW1ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-01 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:331,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:332-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:332-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:334-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 Page 8 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW1ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-01 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:33Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13693 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:336D260374750.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129117 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:336D260375950.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-13499 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 01:336D260375050.0 1 Page 9 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW1ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-01 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 10:59Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.020.8 J 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.02.20 U 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 10:59Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 10:59Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:31Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.04.40 U 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 10 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW2ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-02 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:14 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:551,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:552-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:552-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:554-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:55Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 11 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW2ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-02 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:14 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-136101 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:556D270325150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129108 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:556D270325450.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-13496 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 19:556D270324850.0 1 Page 12 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW2ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-02 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:14 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 11:58Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.044.8 J 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.112 J 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.01.86 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.02.47 J 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 11:58Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 11:58Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.114 J 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:33Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.06.10 J 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 13 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW3ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-03 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:21 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:241,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:242-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:242-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:244-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:24Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 14 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW3ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-03 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:21 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-136102 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:246D270325150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129105 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:246D270325250.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-13498 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:246D270324950.0 1 Page 15 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW3ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-03 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:21 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:02Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.001.18 J 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.0135 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.076.0 J 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.08.16 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.016.5 J 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:02Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:02Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.01.82 J 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:36Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.04.40 U 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 16 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW5ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-04 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:46 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:541,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:542-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:542-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:544-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:54Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 17 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW5ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-04 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:46 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-136102 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:546D270325150.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129109 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:546D270325550.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-13498 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 20:546D270324950.0 1 Page 18 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW5ADescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-04 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:46 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:06Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.0159 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.02.46 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.02.20 U 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:06Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:06Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.04.89 J 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:39Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.04.40 U 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 19 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW7Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-05 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:27 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:231,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:232-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:232-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:234-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.03.9 J 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:23Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 20 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW7Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-05 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:27 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-136100 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:236D270325050.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129109 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:236D270325550.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-13496 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 21:236D270324850.0 1 Page 21 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW7Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-05 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:27 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:09Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.002.11 J 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.017.2 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.0183 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.03.33 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.04.67 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.04.67 J 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:09Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:09Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.02.98 J 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:41Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.08.84 J 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 22 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW11Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-06 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:30 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:471,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.06.1 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:472-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:472-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:474-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.03.0 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.015 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:47Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 23 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW11Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-06 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:30 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13692 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:476D270334650.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129121 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:476D270336050.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-134103 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 14:476D270335250.0 1 Page 24 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW11Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-06 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:30 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:13Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.010.6 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.0182 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.015.8 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.020.7 J 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:13Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:13Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.119 J 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.04.37 J 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:52Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.026.6 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 25 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW12Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-07 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:43 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:161,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.95 J 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:162-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:162-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:164-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.94 J 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.01.7 J 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:16Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 26 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW12Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-07 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:43 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13692 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:166D270334650.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129125 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:166D270336250.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-134104 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:166D270335250.0 1 Page 27 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-MW12Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-07 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:43 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:17Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.0169 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.02.81 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.06.65 J 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:17Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:17Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.265 J 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.03.98 J 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:55Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.031.4 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 28 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-CD4Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-08 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:441,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:442-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:442-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:444-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:44Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 29 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-CD4Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-08 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13690 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:446D270334550.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129126 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:446D270336350.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-134102 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 15:446D270335150.0 1 Page 30 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-CD4Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-08 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:32Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.0201 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.962 J 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.010.3 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.05.46 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.04.53 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.08.01 J 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:32Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:32Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.014.2 J 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 13:58Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.017.8 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 31 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-CD4DDescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-09 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:11 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:301,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:302-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:302-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:304-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:30Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 32 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-CD4DDescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-09 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:11 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13690 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:306D270334550.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129118 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:306D270335950.0 1 Toluene-d8 59-134102 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:306D270335150.0 1 Page 33 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-CD4DDescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-09 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:11 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:36Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.0144 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.01.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.02.20 U 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:36Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:36Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:01Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.04.40 U 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 34 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-US1Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-10 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:50 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:591,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:592-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:592-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:594-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:59Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 35 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-US1Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-10 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:50 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13688 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:596D270334450.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129132 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:596D270336650.0 QS-031 Toluene-d8 59-134104 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 16:596D270335250.0 1 Page 36 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-US1Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-10 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:50 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:40Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.220 U 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.049.1 J 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.121 J 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.01.39 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.60 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.02.20 U 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:40Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:40Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:03Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.05.35 J 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 37 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-DS1Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-11 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:37 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:271,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:272-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:272-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:274-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:27Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 38 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-DS1Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-11 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:37 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13690 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:276D270334550.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129145 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:276D270337350.0 QS-031 Toluene-d8 59-134104 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:276D270335250.0 1 Page 39 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-DS1Description:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-11 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 13:37 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:43Antimony [7440-36-0] ^0.220 VLO2.000.444 J 61 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Arsenic [7440-38-2] ^6.80 JDH10.06.80 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Barium [7440-39-3] ^1.00 JDH10.080.2 J 1001 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Beryllium [7440-41-7] ^0.100 JDH1.000.100 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Cadmium [7440-43-9] ^0.360 JDH1.000.360 U 11 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Chromium [7440-47-3] ^1.40 JDH10.01.40 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Cobalt [7440-48-4] ^1.10 JDH10.05.82 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Copper [7440-50-8] ^1.60 JDH10.01.89 J 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Lead [7439-92-1] ^3.10 JDH10.03.10 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Nickel [7440-02-0] ^2.20 JDH10.02.20 U 501 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:43Selenium [7782-49-2] ^0.910 VLO3.000.910 U 101 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Silver [7440-22-4] ^1.90 JDH10.01.90 U 101 ug/L EPA 6020B 04/25/16 12:43Thallium [7440-28-0] ^0.110 VLO1.000.110 U 5.51 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Vanadium [7440-62-2] ^1.40 JDH10.02.01 J 251 ug/L EPA 6010D 04/26/16 14:06Zinc [7440-66-6] ^4.40 JDH10.033.6 101 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 40 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-TripblankDescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-12 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane [630-20-6] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,1,1-Trichloroethane [71-55-6] ^0.12 MSZ1.00.12 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane [79-34-5] ^0.28 MSZ1.00.28 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,1,2-Trichloroethane [79-00-5] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,1-Dichloroethane [75-34-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,1-Dichloroethene [75-35-4] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,2,3-Trichloropropane [96-18-4] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [96-12-8] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 131 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,2-Dibromoethane [106-93-4] ^0.66 MSZ1.00.66 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,2-Dichlorobenzene [95-50-1] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,2-Dichloroethane [107-06-2] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,2-Dichloropropane [78-87-5] ^0.10 MSZ1.00.10 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:561,4-Dichlorobenzene [106-46-7] ^0.19 MSZ1.00.19 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:562-Butanone [78-93-3] ^1.3 MSZ5.01.3 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:562-Hexanone [591-78-6] ^0.88 MSZ5.00.88 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:564-Methyl-2-pentanone [108-10-1] ^1.1 MSZ5.01.1 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Acetone [67-64-1] ^1.2 MSZ5.01.2 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Acrylonitrile [107-13-1] ^3.5 MSZ103.5 U 2001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Benzene [71-43-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Bromochloromethane [74-97-5] ^0.48 MSZ1.00.48 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Bromodichloromethane [75-27-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Bromoform [75-25-2] ^0.22 MSZ1.00.22 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Bromomethane [74-83-9] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Carbon disulfide [75-15-0] ^1.5 MSZ5.01.5 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Carbon tetrachloride [56-23-5] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Chlorobenzene [108-90-7] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Chloroethane [75-00-3] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Chloroform [67-66-3] ^0.18 MSZ1.00.18 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Chloromethane [74-87-3] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-59-2] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56cis-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-01-5] ^0.20 MSZ1.00.20 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Dibromochloromethane [124-48-1] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 31 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Dibromomethane [74-95-3] ^0.27 MSZ1.00.27 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Ethylbenzene [100-41-4] ^0.13 MSZ1.00.13 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Iodomethane [74-88-4] ^1.7 MSZ5.01.7 U 101 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56m,p-Xylenes [108-38-3/106-42-3] ^0.17 MSZ2.00.17 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Methylene chloride [75-09-2] ^0.23 MSZ1.00.23 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56o-Xylene [95-47-6] ^0.065 MSZ1.00.065 U NE1 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Styrene [100-42-5] ^0.11 MSZ1.00.11 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Tetrachloroethene [127-18-4] ^0.17 MSZ1.00.17 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Toluene [108-88-3] ^0.14 MSZ1.00.14 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [156-60-5] ^0.21 MSZ1.00.21 U 51 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56trans-1,3-Dichloropropene [10061-02-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene [110-57-6] ^0.70 MSZ1.00.70 U 1001 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Trichloroethene [79-01-6] ^0.15 MSZ1.00.15 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Trichlorofluoromethane [75-69-4] ^0.24 MSZ1.00.24 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Vinyl acetate [108-05-4] ^0.95 MSZ5.00.95 U 501 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Vinyl chloride [75-01-4] ^0.32 MSZ1.00.32 U 11 ug/L EPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:56Xylenes (Total) [1330-20-7] ^0.45 MSZ3.00.45 U 51 Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF Page 41 of 53 www.encolabs.com 2401-TripblankDescription:Lab Sample ID:CZ04684-12 04/19/16 10:00Received: Matrix:Water Sampled:04/18/16 12:02 Work Order:CZ04684 Columbus County LandfillProject:Sampled By:ROBERT WELDY Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte [CAS Number]DFUnitsResults MDL Method Analyzed ByMRLFlag NotesNC SWSL Surrogates Results Spike Lvl % Rec Batch Method Analyzed By% Rec Limits NotesDF 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53-13692 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:566D270334650.0 1 Dibromofluoromethane 67-129137 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:566D270336950.0 QS-031 Toluene-d8 59-134107 %MSZEPA 8260B 04/27/16 17:566D270335350.0 1 This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 42 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 6D26037 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/26/2016 13:15 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 22:11Blank (6D26037-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.00.17 U 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.12 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.28 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.14 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.13 U 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.21 U 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.23 U 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L1.00.48 U 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L1.00.66 U 1,2-Dibromoethane ug/L1.00.19 U 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L1.00.21 U 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.10 U 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L1.00.19 U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L5.01.3 U 2-Butanone ug/L5.00.88 U 2-Hexanone ug/L5.01.1 U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ug/L5.01.2 U Acetone ug/L103.5 U Acrylonitrile ug/L1.00.15 U Benzene ug/L1.00.48 U Bromochloromethane ug/L1.00.17 U Bromodichloromethane ug/L1.00.22 U Bromoform ug/L1.00.14 U Bromomethane ug/L5.01.5 U Carbon disulfide ug/L1.00.17 U Carbon tetrachloride ug/L1.00.17 U Chlorobenzene ug/L1.00.23 U Chloroethane ug/L1.00.18 U Chloroform ug/L1.00.13 U Chloromethane ug/L1.00.15 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.20 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.17 U Dibromochloromethane ug/L1.00.27 U Dibromomethane ug/L1.00.13 U Ethylbenzene ug/L5.01.7 U Iodomethane ug/L2.00.17 U m,p-Xylenes ug/L1.00.23 U Methylene chloride ug/L1.00.065 U o-Xylene ug/L1.00.11 U Styrene ug/L1.00.17 U Tetrachloroethene ug/L1.00.14 U Toluene ug/L1.00.21 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.15 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.70 U trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene ug/L1.00.15 U Trichloroethene ug/L1.00.24 U Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L5.00.95 U Vinyl acetate ug/L1.00.32 U Vinyl chloride ug/L3.00.45 U Xylenes (Total) Page 43 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 6D26037 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/26/2016 13:15 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 22:11Blank (6D26037-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9347 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10251 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 9648 Prepared: 04/26/2016 13:15 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 22:40LCS (6D26037-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-13311423 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-13410321 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-1179920 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-11810020 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 74-1199419 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9849 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10753 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10251 Prepared: 04/26/2016 13:15 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 23:09Matrix Spike (6D26037-MS1) Source: CZ05642-10 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-1331210.21 U24 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-1341060.15 U21 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-1171030.17 U21 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-1181040.14 U21 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 74-119960.15 U19 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10150 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10653 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10251 Prepared: 04/26/2016 13:15 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 23:38Matrix Spike Dup (6D26037-MSD1) Source: CZ05642-10 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 2075-133120 0.50.21 U24 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 1781-134101 50.15 U20 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1683-11799 40.17 U20 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1771-118101 30.14 U20 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 2274-11995 0.40.15 U19 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9749 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10754 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 9849 Batch 6D27032 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/27/2016 13:16 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 13:17Blank (6D27032-BLK1) Page 44 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 6D27032 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/27/2016 13:16 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 13:17Blank (6D27032-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.00.17 U 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.12 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.28 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.14 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.13 U 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.21 U 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.23 U 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L1.00.48 U 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L1.00.66 U 1,2-Dibromoethane ug/L1.00.19 U 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L1.00.21 U 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.10 U 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L1.00.19 U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L5.01.3 U 2-Butanone ug/L5.00.88 U 2-Hexanone ug/L5.01.1 U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ug/L5.01.2 U Acetone ug/L103.5 U Acrylonitrile ug/L1.00.15 U Benzene ug/L1.00.48 U Bromochloromethane ug/L1.00.17 U Bromodichloromethane ug/L1.00.22 U Bromoform ug/L1.00.14 U Bromomethane ug/L5.01.5 U Carbon disulfide ug/L1.00.17 U Carbon tetrachloride ug/L1.00.17 U Chlorobenzene ug/L1.00.23 U Chloroethane ug/L1.00.18 U Chloroform ug/L1.00.13 U Chloromethane ug/L1.00.15 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.20 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.17 U Dibromochloromethane ug/L1.00.27 U Dibromomethane ug/L1.00.13 U Ethylbenzene ug/L5.01.7 U Iodomethane ug/L2.00.17 U m,p-Xylenes ug/L1.00.23 U Methylene chloride ug/L1.00.065 U o-Xylene ug/L1.00.11 U Styrene ug/L1.00.17 U Tetrachloroethene ug/L1.00.14 U Toluene ug/L1.00.21 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.15 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.70 U trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene ug/L1.00.15 U Trichloroethene ug/L1.00.24 U Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L5.00.95 U Vinyl acetate ug/L1.00.32 U Vinyl chloride ug/L3.00.45 U Xylenes (Total) Page 45 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 6D27032 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/27/2016 13:16 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 13:17Blank (6D27032-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10150 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10854 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 9849 Prepared: 04/27/2016 13:16 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 13:46LCS (6D27032-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-13310521 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-1349018 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-1179319 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-1188818 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 74-11910321 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10653 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10954 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 9749 Prepared: 04/27/2016 13:16 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 14:16Matrix Spike (6D27032-MS1) Source: CZ05707-04 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-1331050.21 U21 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-134920.15 U18 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-117920.17 U18 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-118880.14 U18 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 74-1191010.15 U20 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10351 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10552 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 9749 Prepared: 04/27/2016 13:16 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 14:45Matrix Spike Dup (6D27032-MSD1) Source: CZ05707-04 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 2075-133101 40.21 U20 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 1781-13490 20.15 U18 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1683-11790 20.17 U18 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1771-11884 40.14 U17 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 2274-119100 0.90.15 U20 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10150 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 10653 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10150 Batch 6D27033 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/27/2016 08:04 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 12:22Blank (6D27033-BLK1) Page 46 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 6D27033 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/27/2016 08:04 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 12:22Blank (6D27033-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.00.17 U 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.12 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.28 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L1.00.14 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L1.00.13 U 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.21 U 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.23 U 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L1.00.48 U 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L1.00.66 U 1,2-Dibromoethane ug/L1.00.19 U 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L1.00.21 U 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L1.00.10 U 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L1.00.19 U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L5.01.3 U 2-Butanone ug/L5.00.88 U 2-Hexanone ug/L5.01.1 U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ug/L5.01.2 U Acetone ug/L103.5 U Acrylonitrile ug/L1.00.15 U Benzene ug/L1.00.48 U Bromochloromethane ug/L1.00.17 U Bromodichloromethane ug/L1.00.22 U Bromoform ug/L1.00.14 U Bromomethane ug/L5.01.5 U Carbon disulfide ug/L1.00.17 U Carbon tetrachloride ug/L1.00.17 U Chlorobenzene ug/L1.00.23 U Chloroethane ug/L1.00.18 U Chloroform ug/L1.00.13 U Chloromethane ug/L1.00.15 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.20 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.17 U Dibromochloromethane ug/L1.00.27 U Dibromomethane ug/L1.00.13 U Ethylbenzene ug/L5.01.7 U Iodomethane ug/L2.00.17 U m,p-Xylenes ug/L1.00.23 U Methylene chloride ug/L1.00.065 U o-Xylene ug/L1.00.11 U Styrene ug/L1.00.17 U Tetrachloroethene ug/L1.00.14 U Toluene ug/L1.00.21 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L1.00.15 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L1.00.70 U trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene ug/L1.00.15 U Trichloroethene ug/L1.00.24 U Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L5.00.95 U Vinyl acetate ug/L1.00.32 U Vinyl chloride ug/L3.00.45 U Xylenes (Total) Page 47 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Volatile Organic Compounds by GCMS - Quality Control Batch 6D27033 - EPA 5030B_MS Prepared: 04/27/2016 08:04 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 12:22Blank (6D27033-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9045 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 12261 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10050 Prepared: 04/27/2016 08:04 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 12:51LCS (6D27033-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-13312024 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-13410120 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-1179820 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-1189820 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 74-1199218 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9447 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 11658 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10251 Prepared: 04/27/2016 08:04 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 13:20Matrix Spike (6D27033-MS1) Source: CZ05707-05 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 75-1331230.21 U25 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 81-1341080.15 U22 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 83-1171000.17 U20 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 71-1181030.14 U21 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 74-1191040.15 U21 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9749 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 11759 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10352 Prepared: 04/27/2016 08:04 Analyzed: 04/27/2016 13:49Matrix Spike Dup (6D27033-MSD1) Source: CZ05707-05 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L1.0 20.0 2075-133122 10.21 U24 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L1.0 20.0 1781-134102 60.15 U20 Benzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1683-11799 0.50.17 U20 Chlorobenzene ug/L1.0 20.0 1771-118100 30.14 U20 Toluene ug/L1.0 20.0 2274-11996 80.15 U19 Trichloroethene ug/L 50.0 53-136Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9447 ug/L 50.0 67-129Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 11557 ug/L 50.0 59-134Surrogate: Toluene-d8 9950 Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 6D22023 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 04/22/2016 09:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 12:43Blank (6D22023-BLK1) Page 48 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 6D22023 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 04/22/2016 09:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 12:43Blank (6D22023-BLK1) Continued RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.06.80 U Arsenic ug/L10.01.00 U Barium ug/L1.000.100 U Beryllium ug/L1.000.360 U Cadmium ug/L10.01.40 U Chromium ug/L10.01.10 U Cobalt ug/L10.01.60 U Copper ug/L10.03.10 U Lead ug/L10.02.20 U Nickel ug/L10.01.90 U Silver ug/L10.01.40 U Vanadium ug/L10.04.40 U Zinc Prepared: 04/22/2016 09:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 12:47LCS (6D22023-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 200 80-120102205 Arsenic ug/L10.0 200 80-12097195 Barium ug/L1.00 20.0 80-1209719.4 Beryllium ug/L1.00 20.0 80-12010120.2 Cadmium ug/L10.0 200 80-12097194 Chromium ug/L10.0 200 80-12099198 Cobalt ug/L10.0 200 80-12095190 Copper ug/L10.0 200 80-12099199 Lead ug/L10.0 200 80-12099197 Nickel ug/L10.0 200 80-120101203 Silver ug/L10.0 200 80-12099198 Vanadium ug/L10.0 200 80-12098195 Zinc Prepared: 04/22/2016 09:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 13:06Matrix Spike (6D22023-MS1) Source: CZ04796-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 200 75-125986.80 U196 Arsenic ug/L10.0 200 75-1258973.6251 Barium ug/L1.00 20.0 75-125920.100 U18.4 Beryllium ug/L1.00 20.0 75-125920.360 U18.5 Cadmium ug/L10.0 200 75-125921.40 U184 Chromium ug/L10.0 200 75-125931.10 U186 Cobalt ug/L10.0 200 75-125921.60 U184 Copper ug/L10.0 200 75-125943.10 U188 Lead ug/L10.0 200 75-125922.20 U184 Nickel ug/L10.0 200 75-125961.90 U192 Silver ug/L10.0 200 75-125951.40 U189 Vanadium ug/L10.0 200 75-125915.66187 Zinc Prepared: 04/22/2016 09:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 13:17Matrix Spike Dup (6D22023-MSD1) Page 49 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 6D22023 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 04/22/2016 09:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 13:17Matrix Spike Dup (6D22023-MSD1) Continued Source: CZ04796-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L10.0 200 2075-12598 0.36.80 U196 Arsenic ug/L10.0 200 2075-12588 0.573.6250 Barium ug/L1.00 20.0 2075-12592 0.10.100 U18.4 Beryllium ug/L1.00 20.0 2075-12593 0.40.360 U18.5 Cadmium ug/L10.0 200 2075-12592 0.051.40 U184 Chromium ug/L10.0 200 2075-12593 0.11.10 U186 Cobalt ug/L10.0 200 2075-12592 0.061.60 U184 Copper ug/L10.0 200 2075-12593 13.10 U185 Lead ug/L10.0 200 2075-12592 0.12.20 U184 Nickel ug/L10.0 200 2075-12596 0.21.90 U191 Silver ug/L10.0 200 2075-12594 0.21.40 U189 Vanadium ug/L10.0 200 2075-12590 0.55.66186 Zinc Prepared: 04/22/2016 09:30 Analyzed: 04/26/2016 13:20Post Spike (6D22023-PS1) Source: CZ04796-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-1201020.00680 U0.205 Arsenic mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120940.00100 U0.261 Barium mg/L0.00100 0.0200 80-120970.000100 U0.0194 Beryllium mg/L0.00100 0.0200 80-120980.000360 U0.0195 Cadmium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120970.00140 U0.194 Chromium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120980.00110 U0.195 Cobalt mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120960.00160 U0.194 Copper mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120960.00310 U0.194 Lead mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120970.00220 U0.194 Nickel mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-1201010.00190 U0.202 Silver mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120990.00140 U0.199 Vanadium mg/L0.0100 0.200 80-120980.00440 U0.201 Zinc Batch 6D24003 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 04/24/2016 11:59 Analyzed: 04/25/2016 10:56Blank (6D24003-BLK1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L2.000.220 U Antimony ug/L3.000.910 U Selenium ug/L1.000.110 U Thallium Prepared: 04/24/2016 11:59 Analyzed: 04/25/2016 11:03LCS (6D24003-BS1) RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L2.00 200 80-120100200 Antimony ug/L3.00 200 80-120107213 Selenium ug/L1.00 200 80-120102204 Thallium Page 50 of 53 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Metals (total recoverable) by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 6D24003 - EPA 3005A Prepared: 04/24/2016 11:59 Analyzed: 04/25/2016 11:07Matrix Spike (6D24003-MS1) Source: CZ04684-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L2.00 200 75-1251030.220 U206 Antimony ug/L3.00 200 75-1251060.910 U211 Selenium ug/L1.00 200 75-125980.110 U197 Thallium Prepared: 04/24/2016 11:59 Analyzed: 04/25/2016 11:10Matrix Spike Dup (6D24003-MSD1) Source: CZ04684-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L2.00 200 2075-125104 10.220 U208 Antimony ug/L3.00 200 2075-125106 0.20.910 U212 Selenium ug/L1.00 200 2075-125101 20.110 U202 Thallium Prepared: 04/24/2016 11:59 Analyzed: 04/25/2016 11:14Post Spike (6D24003-PS1) Source: CZ04684-01 RPD%RECSourceSpike MRL Analyte Notes LimitRPDLimits%RECResultLevelUnitsResultFlag ug/L2.00 200 80-1201030.220 U206 Antimony ug/L3.00 200 80-1201100.910 U220 Selenium ug/L1.00 200 80-120990.110 U198 Thallium Page 51 of 53 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. Surrogate recovery outside acceptance limitsQS-03 Page 52 of 53