HomeMy WebLinkAbout7607_GreatOakWellReport_DIN26280_20160615 Golder Associates NC, Inc. 5B Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, North Carolina, 27407 Tel: (336) 852-4903 Fax: (336) 852-4904 www.golder.com Engineering Lic. No. C-2862/Geology Lic. No. C-399 Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation June 15, 2016 1547090 Ms. Christine Ritter, Hydrogeologist Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section – Permitting Branch 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 christine.ritter@ncdenr.gov RE: SUMMARY OF PIEZOMETER ABANDONMENTS, GROUNDWATER AND LANDFILL GAS MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONS, MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT, GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL IMPROVEMENTS, AND AQUIFER TESTS GREAT OAK LANDFILL, PERMIT NO. 76-07 Dear Ms. Ritter: On behalf of Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc. (Waste Management), Golder Associates NC, Inc. (Golder) is submitting this letter report summarizing environmental services associated with the Great Oak Landfill in Randolph County, North Carolina. This report details piezometer abandonments, groundwater and landfill (LFG) monitoring well installations, monitoring well development and aquifer tests, and well improvements conducted by Golder in April and May 2016. ABANDONMENT OF PIEZOMETERS Between April 18, 2016, and May 10, 2016, Golder geologists provided oversight for the decommissioning of twenty piezometers in accordance with Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2C .0113(b). The piezometers were decommissioned by South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company, Inc. (SAEDACCO) of Fort Mill, South Carolina, a North Carolina certified well drilling company. Six piezometer locations (PZ-24, PZ-44, PZ-50, PZ-61S, PZ-61D, and PZ-62) are outside of the future waste units and were abandoned by grouting in place. Four piezometers (OW-8, PZ-27, PZ-28, and PZ-52), which were installed in saprolite or partially weathered rock (PWR), were overdrilled to remove well construction materials and then grouted due to their locations in the future waste units. Ten piezometers (OW-1, OW-2S, OW-2D, OW-3, PZ-29, PZ-30, PZ-31, PZ-33, PZ-34, and PZ-64), which were installed into bedrock, were abandoned by a combination of grouting the annular space in bedrock in place, and overdrilling the portion of the piezometers in saprolite and PWR to remove well construction materials. The piezometer locations are shown on Drawing 1. Copies of the well abandonment records (Form GW-30 Rev. 5/06) for the decommissioned piezometers are included as Attachment A. Details of each abandonment procedure are provided below. Grouting in Place For piezometers located outside of the proposed waste units, abandonments were performed by filling the polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) well annulus with neat cement grout from bottom to ground surface via tremie pipe. Additionally, surface completions of each piezometer were removed. The following table summarizes the piezometers and total depths that were abandoned in place. Ms. Christine Ritter, Hydrogeologist June 15, 2016 NC DEQ – Division of Waste Management 2 1547090 PIEZOMETER IDENTIFICATION TOTAL DEPTH [FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE (FT BGS)] PZ-24 70.0 PZ-44 65.0 PZ50 50.0 PZ-61S 29.0 PZ-61D 69.5 PZ-62 40.0 Overdrilling Piezometers located within proposed waste units that were completed above bedrock were overdrilled with hollow stem augers (HSAs) of sufficient size to remove all well construction materials from the borehole before being back-filled with neat cement grout from the bottom of the borehole to the top of proposed base grades via tremie pipe procedures. The remaining annulus was backfilled with cuttings. Surface completions of each piezometer were removed. The abandonments were performed with Deidrich D-60 Turbo, track-mounted drilling rig with either 4.25-inch inner diameter (ID) HSAs or 6.25-inch ID HSAs. The following table summarizes the piezometers, total depths, and top of base grades for piezometers installed above bedrock. PIEZOMETER IDENTIFICATION TOTAL DEPTH (FT BGS) TOP OF BASE GRADES (FT BGS) OW-8 23.2 16.0 PZ-27 44.0 17.0 PZ-28 59.0 22.0 PZ-52 60.0 33.0 Grouting in Place and Overdrilling For piezometers located within proposed waste units that were completed within bedrock, the portion below the top of bedrock was backfilled (via tremie pipe) with neat cement grout and allowed to cure for 24 hours. Once sounded and depth of grout confirmed to meet the specified depth, the remaining upper borehole was overdrilled with HSAs to remove well materials and grouted to the top of proposed base grades via tremie pipe procedures. The remaining annulus was backfilled with cuttings. Surface completions of each piezometer were removed. The abandonments were performed with Deidrich D-60 Turbo, track-mounted drilling rig with either 4.25-inch inner diameter (ID) HSAs or 6.25-inch ID HSAs. The following table summarizes the piezometers, total depths, top of bedrock, and top of base grades for piezometers installed into bedrock. Ms. Christine Ritter, Hydrogeologist June 15, 2016 NC DEQ – Division of Waste Management 3 1547090 PIEZOMETER IDENTIFICATION TOTAL DEPTH (FT BGS) TOP OF BEDROCK (FT BGS) TOP OF BASE GRADES (FT BGS) OW-1 30.9 20.0 5.0 OW-2S 20.2 9.0 2.0 OW-2D 39.7 9.0 2.0 OW-3 30.2 12.0 6.0 PZ-29 30.0 12.0 6.0 PZ-30 60.0 22.0 18.0 PZ-31 50.0 29.0 18.0 PZ-33 66.0 20.0 9.0 PZ-34 70.0 35.0 22.0 PZ-64 66.0 5.0 4.0 METHANE MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONS Between April 19 – 21, 2016, Golder geologists provided oversight for the installation of four methane monitoring wells (MMW-1, MMW-2, MMW-3, and MMW-4) in accordance with 15A NCAC Subchapter 13B .0544(d)(2) and in the Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance (November 2010). The methane monitoring wells were installed by SAEDACCO using a Deidrich D-60 Turbo drilling rig utilizing 4.25-inch ID HSAs. The borings were advanced to auger refusal, which was interpreted as the top of bedrock. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings. The methane monitoring probes were constructed with 2-inch schedule 40 PVC screen and riser pipe. The 0.010-inch slotted screen was installed from the bottom of each probe to 5 ft bgs. Concrete aprons and lockable aluminum protective casings were installed at each methane monitoring well location. Sampling ports were installed on the top of each riser pipe. The methane monitoring wells were surveyed by Charles Morgan Surveying, PLLC of Asheboro, North Carolina in May 2016. A sealed survey summary table is provided as Attachment B. A summary of methane monitoring well drilling and construction information is attached as Table 1. Boring and well construction logs for the methane monitoring probes and the Well Construction Records (Form GW-1B Rev. 2/09) are included in Attachment C. The locations of the methane monitoring probes are shown on Drawing 1. Photographs of the completed methane monitoring wells are included as Figure 1. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS INSTALLATIONS Between April 18, 2016 and May 9, 2016, Golder geologists provided oversight for the installation of two monitoring wells (MW-2 and MW-3) in accordance with 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C .0100 and in the Draft North Carolina Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document for Solid Waste Facilities; Solid Waste Section, Division of Solid Waste Management; Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (March 1995). The wells were drilled and installed by SAEDACCO using a Deidrich D-60 Turbo drilling rig with 4.25-inch ID HSAs and a 4-inch outer diameter (OD) downhole hammer. Split-spoon samples were collected on 5-foot centers for geologic description and SPT blow-counts. The borings were advanced through saprolite and PWR utilizing HSAs to auger refusal. Groundwater was not encountered above bedrock. The borings were then advanced to fractured water bearing zones utilizing a downhole hammer with an external air compressor. Ms. Christine Ritter, Hydrogeologist June 15, 2016 NC DEQ – Division of Waste Management 4 1547090 The monitoring wells were constructed of 2-inch schedule 40 PVC riser pipe and 10 ft of 0.010-inch slotted pre-packed screens. Concrete aprons, lockable aluminum protective casings, and bollards were installed at each well location. A summary of well construction information is provided as Table 2. Photographs of the completed monitoring wells are provided on Figure 2. The groundwater monitoring wells were surveyed by Charles Morgan Surveying, PLLC of Asheboro, North Carolina in May 2016. A sealed survey summary table is provided as Attachment B. Boring and well construction logs for the groundwater monitoring probes and the Well Construction Records (Form GW-1B Rev. 2/09) are included in Attachment D. IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS On May 9, 2016, a Golder geologist provided oversight of improvements to existing groundwater monitoring wells. The improvements were made by a drilling crew from SAEDACCO. Steel bollards were placed around monitoring wells MW-4 (formerly PZ-60), MW-5 (formerly PZ-32), and MW-6 (formerly PZ-47). A concrete apron and aluminum protective casing was installed at MW-1 (formerly PZ-22). The concrete apron of MW-6 was replaced because the original apron was cracked. Photographs of the monitoring wells are provided on Figure 2. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT Golder personnel developed the two newly-installed monitoring wells (MW-2 and MW-3) on May 23 and 24, 2016 using a Waterra Hydrolift Pump. Water levels were measured during the development activities with an electronic water level indicator, and water quality measurements (pH, temperature, specific conductance, and turbidity) were collected during development. Between approximately 45 and 146 gallons of water were pumped from the wells MW-2 and MW-3, respectively. Monitoring well development data sheets are included in Attachment E. AQUIFER TESTS Between May 23 and 26, 2016, aquifer testing (slug tests) was performed by a Golder geologist on the six facility groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6) to estimate the horizontal hydraulic conductivity at each well location. Falling- and rising-head tests were performed on each well except MW-2; because the water level in MW-2 intersected the well screen, only a rising-head test was performed. Prior to performing the slug tests, the wells were opened to the atmosphere for several minutes allowing groundwater levels to equilibrate. Groundwater levels were then measured using an electronic water level indicator referenced to a surveyed point on the top of the piezometer casing. An In-Situ Level Troll 700 pressure transducer was lowered inside the well casing and placed approximately 5 to 25 feet below the top of the water table. A PVC slug measuring 5 feet in length was then used to displace water inside the well. After the slug was placed in the well, the pressure transducer measured water levels at logarithmic time intervals inside the piezometer casing until the water inside the piezometer casing returned to its static level. This portion of the aquifer test is referred to as the falling-head test. Falling-head tests were terminated after water levels had recovered to within at least 99% of their pre-test level. After the completion of the falling-head test, a rising-head test was performed. At this point, the slug was removed from the piezometer as the pressure transducer measured the water level at a logarithmic time interval inside the piezometer casing until the water level returned to its static water level measured before the start of the test. The results of rising- and falling-head tests provide a quantitative estimate of horizontal hydraulic conductivity. The slug test data were analyzed using the Bouwer and Rice (1976) equation, which is applicable to fully or partially penetrating wells in unconfined or confined aquifers. An aquifer thickness of 50 ft was assumed for the bedrock portion of the aquifer. The computer software program AQTESOLV, produced by HydroSOLVE, Inc., was used to assist in the analysis and plotting of data. The individual data points and computer plots of time versus groundwater displacement are presented in Attachment F. A summary of the aquifer testing and the calculated geometric mean for hydraulic conductivity of the hydrogeologic unit are presented in Table 3. TABLES June 2016 1 of 1 1547090 Tables - Well Inst Report.xlsx from to from to MMW-1 04/19/16 2 571.90 574.52 15 556.9 5 15 566.9 556.9 MMW-2 04/21/16 2 614.1 617.04 43 571.1 5 43 609.1 571.6 MMW-3 04/20/16 2 661.4 663.44 10 651.9 5 10 656.4 651.9 MMW-4 04/20/16 2 617.7 620.45 21 596.7 5 20 612.7 597.7 Notes: 1. ft AMSL = feet above mean sea level 2. ft bgs = feet below ground surface 3. TOC = top of casing Ground Surface TOC Elevations (ft AMSL)Methane Monitoring Well Identification Date Installed Casing Diameter (inches) TABLE 1 Summary of Methane Monitoring Well Construction Information Great Oak Landfill, Permit No. 76-07 Depth (ft bgs) Elevation (ft AMSL) Depth (ft bgs)Elevation (ft AMSL) Total Depth Drilled Screened Interval June 2016 1 of 1 1547090 Tables - Well Inst Report.xlsx from to from to MW-2 05/09/16 2 612.15 614.36 36 229.17 26 36 586.2 576.2 Bedrock MW-3 05/09/16 2 583.2 585.48 41 542.19 31 41 552.2 542.2 Bedrock Notes: 1. ft AMSL = feet above mean sea level 2. ft bgs = feet below ground surface 3. TOC = top of casing TOC Depth (ft bgs) Elevation (ft AMSL) Depth (ft bgs)Elevation (ft AMSL) Well Elevations Total Depth Drilled Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction Information TABLE 2 ft AMSL Ground Surface Great Oak Landfill, Permit No. 76-07 Screened Interval Lithology of Screened IntervalWell Identification Date Installed Casing Diameter (inches) June 2016 Page 1 of 1 1547090 G:\Projects\Waste Management\Great Oak Landfill\2016 Well Installation and Piezometer Abandonment\Tables - Well Inst Report.xlsx SCREENED LITHOLOGY PIEZOMETER IDENTIFICATION SATURATED AQUIFER THICKNESS VALUE (feet) SCREEN LENGTH (feet) PIEZOMETER DIAMETER (inches) AQUIFER ANALYSIS METHOD AQUIFER TEST TYPE HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (cm/sec) Falling 2.58E-04 Rising 2.25E-04 MW-2 50 10 2 Bouwer-Rice Rising 7.80E-04 Falling 3.56E-05 Rising 2.28E-05 Falling 4.50E-05 Rising 1.59E-05 Falling 1.40E-06 Rising 5.21E-07 Falling 1.93E-04 Rising 1.68E-04 Geomean =4.14E-05 NOTES: 1. Geomean = geometric mean 2. cm/sec = centimeter per second 15 2 Bouwer-Rice MW-6 50 10 2 Bouwer-Rice 2 Bouwer-Rice 10 2 Bouwer-Rice TABLE 3 Summary of Aquifer Test Data Great Oak Landfill, Permit No. 76-07 BE D R O C K MW-1 50 20 2 Bouwer-Rice MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 50 50 50 10 FIGURES Reviewed By: Prepared By: Project# 1547090 DATE: 06/12/16 Figure No. 1 Title: PHOTOGRAPHS OF METHANE MONITORING WELLS Great Oak Landfill, Permit No. 76-XX MMW-1 MMW-4 MMW-3 MMW-2 Reviewed By: Prepared By: Project# 1547090 DATE: 06/12/16 Figure No. 2 Title: PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS Great Oak Landfill, Permit No. 76-XX MW-1 MW-5 MW-4 MW-2 MW-6 MW-3 Reviewed By: Prepared By: Project# 1547090 DATE: 06/12/16 Figure No. 3 Title: PHOTOGRAPHS OF SURFACE WATER MONITORING LOCATION SIGNS Great Oak Landfill, Permit No. 76-XX SW-2 SW-1 DRAWING PZ-1 PZ-10D PZ-10S PZ-11 PZ-12 PZ-13 PZ-14 PZ-16 PZ-17D PZ-17S PZ-18 PZ-19 PZ-2 PZ-20 PZ-21 PZ-26 PZ-43 PZ-5 PZ-57DPZ-57S PZ-58 PZ-59 PZ-8 PZ-9DPZ-9S www.golder.com 0 1 i n 1547090 PHASE 004 DRAWING10 GOLDER ASSOCIATES NC, INC. 5B OAK BRANCH DRIVE GREENSBORO, NC USA (336) 852-49030 2016-06-08 ORIGINAL BSDDYR RPK DYR 1 1 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION/ABANDONMENT WASTE MANAGMENT GREAT OAK LANDFILL, PERMIT NO. 76-07 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC SITE MAP TITLE PROJECT NO.REV. PROJECTCLIENT CONSULTANT Pa t h : \ \ g r e e n s b o r o \ C A D \ _ 2 0 1 5 \ 1 5 4 7 0 9 0 - W M - G r e a t O a k L F \ P R O D U C T I O N \ A _ W E L L I N S T A L L A T I O N & A B A N D O N M E N T R E P O R T \ | F i l e N a m e : 0 1 1 5 4 7 0 9 0 A 0 0 0 1 . d w g REV.DESCRIPTIONYYYY-MM-DD PREPARED REVIEWED APPROVEDDESIGNED of IF T H I S M E A S U R E M E N T D O E S N O T M A T C H W H A T I S S H O W N , T H E S H E E T S I Z E H A S B E E N M O D I F I E D F R O M : A N S I D LEGEND METHANE MONITORING WELL LOCATION LANDFILL LIMITS OF WASTE MINOR TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS (2' INTERVAL) MAJOR TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS (10' INTERVAL) PIEZOMETER / OBSERVATION WELL LOCATION GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION PHASE I LIMITS OF WASTE ABANDONED PIEZOMETER/OBSERVATION WELL LOCATION 1. TOPOGRAPHY, LIMITS OF WASTE, AND PROPERTY BOUNDARY TAKEN FROM DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY S&ME. NOTE(S) 0 FEET 300 600 900 PERMITTED PROPERTY BOUNDARY ATTACHMENT A PIEZOMETER ABANDONMENT RECORDS ATTACHMENT B SEALED SURVEY SUMMARY TABLE ATTACHMENT C METHANE MONITORING WELL BORING AND WELL CONSTRUCTION LOGS AND WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS 0.00 - 3.00LEAN CLAY, yellow, cohesive, w=PL, soft 3.00 - 4.00Boulder, ~ 1 ft thick 4.00 - 12.00SILT, trace clay, red yellow, cohesive, w<PL, soft 12.00 - 15.00PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, silt, hard 15.00: Auger Refusal at 15 ftBoring completed at 15.00 ft Riser PortlandType I Bentonite Pea Gravel Screen CL ML PWR 3.00 4.00 12.00 568.9 567.9 559.9 556.9 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 1 of 1 RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MMW-1 DE P T H (f t ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Richy Lemir GA INSPECTOR: Ben Draper, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 15.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/19/16DATE COMPLETED: 4/19/16 DEPTH W.L.:Not EncounteredDATE W.L.:NATIME W.L.:NA NORTHING: 726,257.55EASTING: 1,776,645.80GS ELEVATION: 571.9TOC ELEVATION: 574.52 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.5 ft - 5 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 5 ft - 15 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Threaded FILTER PACK Interval: 4 ft - 15 ft Type: Pea Gravel FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 3 ft - 4 ft Type: 3/8-inch BentoniteChips ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 3 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ft Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: NA BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 570 565 560 555 550 0.00 - 1.00LEAN CLAY, some fine sand, tan, cohesive, w~PL 1.00 - 12.00LEAN CLAY, some fine sand, red, cohesive, w<PL 12.00 - 18.00LEAN CLAY, red, cohesive, w~PL 18.00 - 24.00CLAY, red tan, cohesive, w~PL 24.00 - 29.00LEAN CLAY, some fine sand, brown red, cohesive, w~PL Riser PortlandType I Bentonite Pea Gravel Screen CL CL CL CH CL 1.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 613.11 602.11 596.11 590.11 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 1 of 2 Log continued on next page RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MMW-2 DE P T H (f t ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Michael Wilson GA INSPECTOR: David Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 43.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/21/16DATE COMPLETED: 4/21/16 DEPTH W.L.:Not EncounteredDATE W.L.:NATIME W.L.:NA NORTHING: 726,313.11EASTING: 1,776,126.65GS ELEVATION: 614.11TOC ELEVATION: 617.04 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.93 ft - 5 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 5 ft - 42.5 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Slip Cap FILTER PACK Interval: 4 ft - 43 ft Type: Pea Gravel FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 3 ft - 4 ft Type: 3/8-inch BentoniteChips ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 3 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: NA BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 610 605 600 595 590 24.00 - 29.00LEAN CLAY, some fine sand, brown red, cohesive, w~PL(Continued) 29.00 - 35.00LEAN CLAY, some fine sand, some quartz gravel, orange brown,cohesive, w~PL 35.00 - 43.00CLAYEY SAND, fine, tan, non-cohesive, moist 43.00: Auger refusal at 43 ftBoring completed at 43.00 ft CL CL SC 29.00 35.00 585.11 579.11 571.11 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 2 of 2 RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MMW-2 DE P T H (f t ) 25 30 35 40 45 50 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Michael Wilson GA INSPECTOR: David Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 43.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/21/16DATE COMPLETED: 4/21/16 DEPTH W.L.:Not EncounteredDATE W.L.:NATIME W.L.:NA NORTHING: 726,313.11EASTING: 1,776,126.65GS ELEVATION: 614.11TOC ELEVATION: 617.04 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.93 ft - 5 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 5 ft - 42.5 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Slip Cap FILTER PACK Interval: 4 ft - 43 ft Type: Pea Gravel FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 3 ft - 4 ft Type: 3/8-inch BentoniteChips ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 3 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: NA BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 585 580 575 570 565 0.00 - 3.00SILTY SAND, fine, tan, non-cohesive, dry 3.00 - 7.00Boulder at 3 ft, ~1 ft thick 7.00 - 8.00Boulder at 7 ft, ~1 ft thick 8.00 - 9.50SILTY SAND, trace gravel, fine, tan, non-cohesive, dry 9.50: Auger Refusal at 9.5 ftBoring completed at 9.50 ft Riser PortlandType I Bentonite Pea Gravel Screen SM SM 3.00 7.00 8.00 658.37 654.37 653.37 651.87 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 1 of 1 RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MMW-3 DE P T H (f t ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Michael Wilson GA INSPECTOR: David Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 9.50 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/20/16DATE COMPLETED: 4/20/16 DEPTH W.L.:Not EncounteredDATE W.L.:NATIME W.L.:NA NORTHING: 726,367.17EASTING: 1,775,657.46GS ELEVATION: 661.37TOC ELEVATION: 663.44 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.07 ft - 5 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 5 ft - 9 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Slip Cap FILTER PACK Interval: 4.5 ft - 9.5 ft Type: Pea Gravel FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 3 ft - 4.5 ft Type: 3/8-inch BentoniteChips ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 3 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: NA BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 660 655 650 645 640 0.00 - 2.00SANDY SILT, fine, orange, non-cohesive, dry 2.00 - 9.00LEAN SILT, some fine sand, yellow tan, non-cohesive, dry 9.00 - 10.00LEAN SILT, some clay, yellow tan, non-cohesive, moist 10.00 - 16.00LEAN SILT, some clay, red tan, non-cohesive, moist 16.00 - 21.00LEAN SILT, some clay, tan, cohesive, w~PL 21.00: Auger Refusal at 21 ftBoring completed at 21.00 ft Riser PortlandType I Bentonite Pea Gravel Screen SM ML ML ML ML 2.00 9.00 10.00 16.00 615.72 608.72 607.72 601.72 596.72 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 1 of 1 RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MMW-4 DE P T H (f t ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Michael Wilson GA INSPECTOR: David Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 21.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/20/16DATE COMPLETED: 4/20/16 DEPTH W.L.:Not EncounteredDATE W.L.:NATIME W.L.:NA NORTHING: 726,357.64EASTING: 1,775,189.62GS ELEVATION: 617.72TOC ELEVATION: 620.45 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.73 ft - 5 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 5 ft - 20 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Threaded FILTER PACK Interval: 4 ft - 21 ft Type: Pea Gravel FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 3 ft - 4 ft Type: 3/8-inch BentoniteChips ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 3 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: NA BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 615 610 605 600 595 ATTACHMENT D GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL BORING AND WELL CONSTRUCTION LOGS AND WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.80 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 - 4.00 4.00 - 9.00SILT, yellow, cohesive, w<PL, soft 9.00 - 14.00SILT, yellow, cohesive, w<PL, soft 14.00 - 19.00SILT, yellow, cohesive, w<PL, soft 19.00 - 24.00PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, silt,pale brown, cohesive, w<PL, hard 24.00 - 25.00PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, rockfragments with silt Riser PortlandType I Bentonite 4-7-14-20 4-6-13-36 5-8-11-17 8-50/5.5 8-21-50/5.5 ML ML ML ML PWR PWR SPT SPT SPT SPT SPT 4.00 9.00 14.00 19.00 24.00 608.15 603.15 598.15 593.15 588.15 587.15 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 1 of 2 Log continued on next page RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MW-2 DE P T H (f t ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Richy Lemir GA INSPECTOR: B. Draper, PG & D. Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 36.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/18/16DATE COMPLETED: 5/9/16 DEPTH W.L.:31.89DATE W.L.:5/9/16TIME W.L.:18:21 NORTHING: 726,691.90EASTING: 1,776,453.59GS ELEVATION: 612.15TOC ELEVATION: 614.36 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.21 ft - 26 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 26 ft - 36 ft Material: PVC, Pre-Packed Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Threaded FILTER PACK Interval: 24 ft - 36 ft Type: #2 Sand FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 21.5 ft - 24 ft Type: 1/4-inch BentonitePellets ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 21.5 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: 4-inch DownholeHammer BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 BLOWSper 6 in 140 lb hammer30 inch drop N- V A L U E DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 610 605 600 595 590 1.00 2.00 Auger Refusal at 25 ft25.00 - 27.00WEATHERED ROCK, tan, dry 27.00 - 30.00Apparent fracture at 27 ft, ~0.5 ft thick 30.00 - 31.50Apparent fracture at 30 ft, ~1 ft thick, moistcuttings 31.50 - 36.00Wet cuttings at 31.5 ft Boring completed at 36.00 ft #2 Sand Screen 8-21-50/5.5 BR BR SPT25.00 27.00 30.00 31.50 585.15 582.15 580.65 576.15 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 2 of 2 RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MW-2 DE P T H (f t ) 25 30 35 40 45 50 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Richy Lemir GA INSPECTOR: B. Draper, PG & D. Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 36.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/18/16DATE COMPLETED: 5/9/16 DEPTH W.L.:31.89DATE W.L.:5/9/16TIME W.L.:18:21 NORTHING: 726,691.90EASTING: 1,776,453.59GS ELEVATION: 612.15TOC ELEVATION: 614.36 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.21 ft - 26 ft Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 26 ft - 36 ft Material: PVC, Pre-Packed Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Threaded FILTER PACK Interval: 24 ft - 36 ft Type: #2 Sand FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 21.5 ft - 24 ft Type: 1/4-inch BentonitePellets ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 21.5 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: 4-inch DownholeHammer BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 BLOWSper 6 in 140 lb hammer30 inch drop N- V A L U E DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 585 580 575 570 565 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.70 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 - 4.00SILTY CLAY, some silt, yellow red,cohesive, w<PL, firm 4.00 - 9.00SILT, yellow red to grey, cohesive, w<PL,soft, relect texture 9.00 - 14.00SILT, very pale brown to light grey, w~PL,soft 14.00 - 19.00PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, silt withfine angular gravel, light grey,non-cohesive, dry 19.00 - 24.00PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, silt withfine gravel, light grey, hard Riser PortlandType I 3-8-13-24 6-7-16-39 4-15-43-50/3 26-37-50/5 17-28-41-48 CL ML ML PWR PWR ML SPT SPT SPT SPT SPT 4.00 9.00 14.00 19.00 24.00 579.19 574.19 569.19 564.19 559.19 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 1 of 2 Log continued on next page RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MW-3 DE P T H (f t ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Richy Lemir GA INSPECTOR: B. Draper, PG & D. Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 41.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/18/16DATE COMPLETED: 5/9/16 DEPTH W.L.:32.09DATE W.L.:5/9/16TIME W.L.:14:28 NORTHING: 726,577.01EASTING: 1,777,085.14GS ELEVATION: 583.19TOC ELEVATION: 585.48 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.29 ft - 31 Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 31 ft - 41 ft Material: PVC, Pre-Packed Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Threaded FILTER PACK Interval: 29 ft - 41 ft Type: #2 Sand FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 27 ft - 29 ft Type: 1/4-inch BentonitePellets ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 27 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: 4-inch DownholeHammer BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 BLOWSper 6 in 140 lb hammer30 inch drop N- V A L U E DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 580 575 570 565 560 2.00 2.00 24.00 - 25.50SILT, trace coarse sand, brown, cohesive,w~PL, hardAuger Refusal at 25.5 ft (Continued) 25.50 - 26.50WEATHERED ROCK, quartzite, tan, dry 26.50 - 27.00Fracture at 27 ft, ~1-inch thick 27.00 - 33.50Fracture at 27 ft, ~2.5 ft thick 33.50 - 34.50Fracture at 33.5 ft, ~0.5 ft thick 34.50 - 36.00BEDROCK, light grey, more competent 36.00 - 37.00BEDROCK, chert, red grey, some moisture 37.00 - 38.00Fracture at 37 ft 38.00 - 39.00Moisture on cuttings 39.00 - 41.00Fracture from 39 ft to 41 ft, wet Boring completed at 41.00 ft Bentonite #2 Sand Screen 17-28-41-48ML BR BR SPT25.50 26.50 27.00 33.50 34.50 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 557.69 556.69 556.19 549.69 548.69 547.19 546.19 545.19 544.19 542.19 EL E V A T I O N (f t ) WELLCONSTRUCTIONDETAILS SAMPLES DESCRIPTION SOIL PROFILE SHEET 2 of 2 RE C LOCATION: Randleman, NC RECORD OF BOREHOLE MW-3 DE P T H (f t ) 25 30 35 40 45 50 LOG SCALE: 1 in = 3 ft DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO DRILLER: Richy Lemir GA INSPECTOR: B. Draper, PG & D. Reedy, PG CHECKED BY: David Reedy, PG DATE: 5/31/16 PROJECT: Great Oak LandfillPROJECT NUMBER: 1547090DRILLED DEPTH: 41.00 ft DRILL RIG: Deidrich D-50 TurboDATE STARTED: 4/18/16DATE COMPLETED: 5/9/16 DEPTH W.L.:32.09DATE W.L.:5/9/16TIME W.L.:14:28 NORTHING: 726,577.01EASTING: 1,777,085.14GS ELEVATION: 583.19TOC ELEVATION: 585.48 ft MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETERDIAGRAM and NOTES WELL CASING Interval: -2.29 ft - 31 Material: PVC Diameter: 2-inch Joint Type: Threaded SURFACE CASING Interval: NA Material: NA Diameter: NA WELL SCREEN Interval: 31 ft - 41 ft Material: PVC, Pre-Packed Diameter: 2-inch Slot Size: 0.010-inch End Cap: Threaded FILTER PACK Interval: 29 ft - 41 ft Type: #2 Sand FILTER PACK SEAL Interval: 27 ft - 29 ft Type: 1/4-inch BentonitePellets ANNULUS SEAL Interval: 0 ft - 27 ft Type: Portland Type I WELL COMPLETION Pad: 2 ft x 2 ft x 0.5 ftConcrete Protective Casing: 4-inchAluminum DRILLING METHODSSoil Drill: 4.25-inch ID HollowStem AugersRock Drill: 4-inch DownholeHammer BO R E H O L E R E C O R D G O L B O R I N G L O G S . G P J P I E D M O N T . G D T 6 / 1 3 / 1 6 BLOWSper 6 in 140 lb hammer30 inch drop N- V A L U E DEPTH(ft)US C S ELEV. TY P E GR A P H I C LO G SA M P L E N O . 555 550 545 540 535 ATTACHMENT E MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEETS ATTACHMENT F AQUIFER TEST DATA