HomeMy WebLinkAbout0403_Chambers_MSWLF_AFR13-14State ofNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division ofWaste Management MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL Facility Annual Report For the period of July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 According to (G.S. 130A-309.09D(b )) completed forms must be returned by August 1, 2014 and a copy of this report must be sent to the County Manager of each county from which waste was received. If you have questions or require assistance in completing this report, contact your Regional Environmental Senior Specialist. Facility Name: Chambers DEvelopment MSWLF Permit: Physical Address Mailing Address Street I: 375 Dozer Dr Street I: 375 Dozer Dr. Street 2: Street 2: City: Polkton County: Anson City: Polkton State: Nmth Carolina Zip: 28135 State: North Carolina Primary Facility Contact Person Billing Contact Person Name: David Jones Name: David Jones Phone: (704) 694-6900 Fax: (704) 694-2469 Phone: (704) 694-6900 Fax: Email: Davidj@wcnx.org Email: Davidj@wcnx.org I. Tipping Fee: $41.00 _________ per Ton (Attach a schedule of tipping fees if appropriate.) 2. Does the tip fee above include the $2.00 Solid Waste Tax? I:8J Yes 0 No 3. Did your facility stop receiving waste during this past Fiscal Year? 0 Yes I:8J No If so, please report the date this occurred: 4. What other activities occur at this facility? (check all that apply) 0403-MSWLF-2010 Zip: 28135 (704) 694-2469 I:8J Recycling/Reuse Collection I:8J Scrap Tire Collection I:8J White Goods Collection 0 Household Hazardous Waste Collection lfyou checked Recycling/Reuse Collection, please indicate the materials accepted: (check all that apply) 1:8:1 Paper I:8J Wood I:8J Concrete/rubble/asphalt 0 Gypsum/drywall I:8J Cardboard I:8J Glass I:8J Aluminum Cans I:8J Steel Cans I:8J PETE(# I) Plastic I:8J HDPE (#2) Plastic I:8J Computer Equipment I:8J Televisions 0 Fluorescent lightbulbs I:8J Used oil/oil filters I:8J Other Metal I:8J Other Plastic 0 Other (specif)') Airspace (Capacity): Questions in this section relate to all cells/units of the lined facility operated under the current 4-digit permit number regardless of whether the cells/units are closed or are not contiguous at the time of this report. Tonnage questions must be based on scale records and cover the period between the opening date and the date of the last survey unless another time period is approved. Airspace measurements include daily, intermediate and final cover. 5. Date Facility Last Surveyed: 3-14-14 6. Airspace Used (cubic yards):4,270,046 7. Total Tons Disposed in Airspace Used (tons): 8. How is your leachate transported to the waste water treatment plant? I:8J Sewer Connection MSW2014 ~~------------~~-0403-MSWLF-2010 3,667,609 0 Pump Truck Page I 9. Total waste landfilled at this facility during the period of July 1. 2013. through June 30. 2014. Indicate tonnage received by COUNTY of waste origin. If waste was received from a transfer station, indicate the COUNTY LOCATION OF THE TRANSFER ST A TJON. Do not include waste diverted for recycling, reuse, mulching, or composting. Please indicate COUNTY and STATE, if received from another state. Jul Received from Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Total Anson 1,748 02 1,570.2 1,464 01 6.91226 6,067 65 5,337 1 1,753 1 1.234.69 1,360 03 1,347.46 1,311 34 1,283 76 31,389 62 Berkeley, SC 3.2 24.92 28.12 Brunswick 24.08 137 06 1,879.18 97.37 2,137.69 Cabarrus 89 18 5.5 94.68 Chesterfield. SC 900.68 877.01 848.71 926.52 883.82 1.041.83 928 29 904 09 1.034.28 1,078 38 1.143.29 1,099.7 11.666.6 Darlington, SC 2.89 2.89 Lancaster, SC 2.32 4.53 8.19 6.36 11.01 2.79 35.2 Marlboro, SC 115.3 948.74 581 .3 9.34 24.45 18 11.97 1,709.1 Mecklenburg 15,851 .32 14.907.62 13,311 04 14.909.66 13,131.47 14,61976 15,059.26 14,65 1.66 16,886.96 18.566.79 18,367.44 16,189.97 186.452.95 Moore 21.32 241.17 429.24 838.44 422.18 50.33 2,002.68 Randolph 23.17 631.01 218.56 11.67 307.72 732 05 I ,214.19 3,138.37 Richmond 1,285.56 1,324.8 1,329.59 2,065.96 1,964.65 2.687 42 2,313 36 1,801 64 I ,940.38 2,345.71 1,885.09 1,839.07 22,783.23 Scotland 2.82 2.82 Stanley 9.28 8.22 12.43 28 66 712 65 71 Union 15,282.94 14,507.95 12,602.64 13,843 37 13.395.1 14.303.9 14,352 28 12,344.79 13,585.57 12,862.37 16,258.41 21,883.51 175.222.83 York, SC 21.48 21.48 Grand Total I 436,753.971 I 0. Provide the four qumterly tonnages this facility reported on NC E-500K forms between July I, 2013 and June 30, 2014: Quarter Tons Reported July I -September 30 98,644.85 October I -December 31 Ill ,855.75 January 1 -March 31 104,428.67 April I -June 30 129,399.08 Total 444,328.35 MSW2014 0403-MSWLF-2010 Page2 II. Are there SWAN A or other certified operator(s) at this facility? I:8J Yes D No Ifyes, indicate the following: Name: Brian Blalock Certification type and expiration date: Certified Landfill Operator 12/6/2015 Name: William Melton Certification type and expiration date: Certified Landfill Operator 3/16/16 Name: Charles Gilliland Certification type and expiration date: Certified Landfill Operator 12/6/15 Name: Steven Fincher Certification type and expiration date: Cettified Landfill Operator 5/4/15 Name: Certification type and expiration date: 12. Comments, suggestions or notes: REMJNUER: According to (G.S. l30A-309.09D(b)), this report must be sent to the Regional Environmental Senior pecialist for your area and a copy of this report must be sent to the County Manager of each county from which waste was received. Please return your completed report to: Robert Hearn 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 phone: 919.707.8292 email: Robert.Hearn@ncdenr.gov I certifY that the information provided is an accurate representation of the activity at this facility. Signature: Name: David Jones Title: District Manager Phone Number: (704) 694-6900 Email: Davidj@wcnx.org MSW2014 0403-M WLF-2010 Page 3 NC DENR Division of Waste Management -Solid Waste Section Risk Assessment Form Facility Name: Chambers DEvelopment MSWLF Permit: 0403-MSWLF-201 0 Address: 375 Dozer Dr City: Polkton State: North Carolina Zip: 28135 Person completing Assessment: David Jones Date: 7/30/2014 ---------------------------------------------- Phone Number: (704) 694-6900 Fax: (704) 694-2469 Email: Davidj@wcnx.org Instructions: Please indicate either Yes or No for each Receptor and Post Closure Maintenance question. Then please determine the distance or distances for each Receptor from the Edge of Waste (using range finders and/or GIS maps) and type that information into the form. Please attach additional information including GIS maps, lists of potable well locations, etc. Receptors 1. Are there Residential Dwellings Within 1 ,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? DYes 1ZJ No If Yes, how many? ------------------- What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? 1575 Feet 1975 Feet 2100 2. Are there Potable Wells Within 1 ,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? DYes 1ZJ No If Yes, how many? -------------------What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? 1800 Feet >2000 Feet >2000 3. Are there Community/Municipal Wells Within 1,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? DYes 1ZJ No If Yes, how many? ------------------- What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? >5000 Feet >5000 Feet >5000 4. Are there Surface Water Bodies Within 1 ,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? DYes 1ZJ No If Yes, how many? ------------------- What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? 2500 Feet 2700 Feet >5000 --------- Please list the names of the water bodies: 5. Is Public Water Available Within 1 ,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? 1ZJ Yes DNo If Yes, how many of the Residential Dwellings noted above are connected? _N_/A __________________ __ Corrective Measures 6. Is there an active methane extraction system (blower, flare, etc.)? 7. Is there a passive methane extraction system (trench, vents in cap , flare, etc.)? 8. Is there groundwater remediation taking place on site? 1ZJ Yes DYes DYes DNo 1ZJ No 1ZJ No Feet Feet Feet Feet _____ l!bf.!Y..o::;e~s .• ,what is the SRecific remedial technology used?·========================~--­ Comments MSW2014 0403-MSWLF-20 to Page4