Facility Annual Report
For the period of July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015
According to (G.S. 130A-309.09D(b)) completed forms must be returned by August 1, 2015 and a copy of this report must be sent to the
County Manager of each county from which waste was received. If you have questions or require assistance in completing this report, contact
your Regional Environmental Senior Specialist.
Permit: 3402-MSWLF -1997
Street 2: 789 CAMPBELL ROAD Street 2:
City: WOODLEAF County: Rowan City:
State: North Carolina Zip: 27054 State: North Carolina Zip:
Phone: (704) 216-8593 Fax: Phone: Fax:
Email: Email:
1. Tipping Fee:$ _________ per Ton (Attach a schedule of tipping fees if appropriate.)
2. Does the tip fee above include the $2.00 Solid Waste Tax? 18] Yes D No
3. Did your facility stop receiving waste during this past Fiscal Year? D Yes 18] No
If so, please report the date this occurred: ------
4. What other activities occur at this facility? (check all that apply)
18] Recycling/Reuse Collection 18] Scrap Tire Collection 18] White Goods Collection 18] Household Hazardous Waste Collection
If you checked Recycling/Reuse Collection, please indicate the materials accepted: (check all that apply)
18] Paper 18] Wood 18] Concrete/rubble/asphalt D Gypsum/drywall
18] Cardboard 18] Glass 18] Aluminum Cans 18] Steel Cans
18] PETE (#1) Plastic 18] HOPE (#2) Plastic 18] Computer Equipment 18] Televisions
18] Fluorescent lightbulbs 18] Used oil/oil filters 18] Other Metal 18] Other Plastic
D Other (specify) Rowan County Recycling Processing Center, East Spencer, NC is the recipient of most of the items a
Airspace (Capacity): Questions in this section relate to all cells/units of
the lined facility operated under the current 4-digit permit number
regardless of whether the cells/units are closed or are not contiguous
at the time of this report. Tonnage questions must be based on scale
records and cover the period between the opening date and the date of
the last survey unless another time period is approved. Airspace
measurements include daily, intermediate and final cover.
5. Date Facility Last Surveyed: 5/22/2015 --------
6. Airspace Used (cubic yards):3,749,665
7. Total Tons Disposed in
Airspace Used (tons): 123,632.82
8. How is your leachate transported to the waste water treatment plant? 18] Sewer Connection D Pump Truck
ll. Are there SWANA or other certified operator(s) atthis facility? ~Yes O No
If yes, indicate the following:
Name: See Below Certification type and expiration date: ------------------------
Name: Certification type and expiration date: ------------------------------------------
Name: Certification type and expiration date: ------------------------------------------
Name: Certification type and expiration date: ------------------------------------------
Name: Certification type and expiration date: ------------------------------------------
12. Comments, suggestions or notes:
Rowan County Government Department of Environmental Management Certifications
Kathryn Pringle Jolly, Director
• REM: Registered Environmental Manager (11843)
• CESCO: Certified Environmental Safety Compliance Officer (16168244778)
• CIAQM: Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager (162013)
• MOLO: SW ANA Management of Landfill Operation Certification (MOLO #60 19)
• TSO: SWAN A Transfer Station Operator Certification/SWANA Landfill Operator Certification
• 40 Hour OSHA Certification/8 Hour Hazwoper Certification (12 _2014)
• NC STATE ASTM Certification Due Diligence: Management and Investigation of Contaminated Property
• NC STATE ISO 1400 I Environmental Internal Auditor Training Certification
• NC STATE MESH lii Environmental Compliance Certification
Greg Greene, MOLO, CPESC
Jeff Boyd, MOLO
Brent Carlton, MOLO
Caleb Sinclair, CRS, • 40 Hour OSHA Certification/8 Hour Hazwoper Certiftcation (12_2014)
All Landfill Staff: SW ANA Landfill Equipment Operator Certification
CERTIFICATION: I certifY that the infonnation provided is an accurate representation of the activity at this facility.
Signature: --'~L....r.CI,.,.tl,,._· 4•1)...lJPL....,>:c5~o-.coC'f\.~.,.--------Date: 1/~Cf/act-c-
Narne: Kathryn Pringle J ally Title: Director
Phone Number: Email:
Permit: 3402-MSWLF-1997
City: WOODLEAF State: North Carolina Zip: 27054 --------------------
Person completing Assessment: HDR AND GOLDER ASSOCIATES Date: Jun 27, ~ o 1 S"
Phone Number: (704) 798-6025 Fax: Email: --~-----------------------------------------------
Please indicate either Yes or No for each Receptor and Post Closure Maintenance question. Then please
determine the distance or distances for each Receptor from the Edge of Waste (using range finders and/or GIS
maps) and type that information into the form. Please attach additional information including GIS maps, lists of
potable well locations, etc.
1. Are there Residential Dwellings Within 1,500 feet ofthe Edge of Waste? ~Yes DNa
If Yes, how many? 19
What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? est 370 Feet est 400 Feet est 500
2. Are there Potable Wells Within 1, 500 feet of the Edge of Waste? ~Yes DNa
If Yes, ·how many? 22
What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? est 450 Feet est 450 Feet est 540
3. Are there Community/Municipal Wells Within 1 ,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? ~Yes DNa
If Yes, how many? NONE KNOWN
What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? Feet Feet
4. Are there Surface Water Bodies Within 1,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? ~Yes DNo
If Yes, how many? 3
What are the three closest distances from the Edge of Waste? est 1130 Feet est 1450 Feet est 1500
Please list the names of the water bodies:
5. Is Public Water Available Within 1,500 feet of the Edge of Waste? DYes ~No
If Yes, how many of the Residential Dwellings noted above are connected? ----------
Corrective Measures
6. Is there an active methane extraction system (blower, flare, etc.)?
7. Is there a passive methane extraction system (trench, vents in cap, flare, etc.)?
8. Is there groundwater remediation taking place on site?
If Yes, what is the specific remedial technology used? ----------------------
Rowan County landfill July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 kpjolly
Cabarrus 506.95 482.77 474.72 460.25 382.58 485.86 390.84 383.75 469.08 461.63 443.45 494.62 5,436.50
Davidson 28.42 24.12 27.31 21.92 23.03 29.94 24.19 26.60 20.56 31.20 22.51 34.84 314.64
Davie 1,305.45 1,402.38 1,216.62 1,359.30 1,037.05 1,196.77 1,063.62 1,017.16 1,371.61 1,341.77 1,426.79 1,599.99 15,338.51
Fors h 2.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.56
Iredell 97.80 129.35 81.62 127.91 98.07 103.16 111.24 70.89 118.11 78.28 63.84 93.26 1,173.53
Mecklenburg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.47 3.47
Mitchell 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.66 0.66
Stanley 188.26 175.51 168.68 183.91 121.56 164.59 168.16 122.12 162.90 141.20 118.35 150.41 1,865.65
Out of County 2,129.17 2,214.13 1,968.95 2,153.29 1,662.29 1,987.59 1,758.05 1,620.52 2,142.26 2,054.08 2,074.94 2,377.25 24,142.52
Rowan 9,733.16 7,928.29 8,504.31 8,801.13 6,968.62 8,157.47 7,731.20 6,633.03 8,743.20 8,816.48 8,241.84 9,231.57 99,490.30
Totals 11,862.33 10,142.42 10,473.26 32,478.01 10,954.42 8,630.91 10,145.06 29,730.39 9,489.25 8,253.55 10,885.46 28,628.26 10,870.56 10,316.78 11,608.82 32,796.16 123,632.82
Quarter Tons
'"' 1 -Se tember 30 32,478.01
October 1 -December 31 29,730.39
Janua 1-March 31 28,628.26
A rii1-June30 32,796.16
Total 123,632.82
HDR Computation IJob Number 351384-131877-018
I Project Rowan Count~ Landfill lcom11uted CWM
I subject Landfill Airspace Calculations !checked PAW
!Task Percent Full & Density I sheet 1
Total Constructed Airspace
Final Cover Airspace
4,146,000 cubic yards Based on draft permit
Constructed Waste Airspace
FY 13114 Airspace Consumed
3 ft thickness cap
51 acre cap
246,840 cubic yards
3,899,160 cubic yards
3,606,043 cubic yards Based on FY 13114 airspace calculation
FY 14115 Airspace Consumed (Based on Guillermo D. Anzota aerial dated 5/22/2015)
Cell1 114,348.4 cubic yards
Cell2 (740.7) cubic yards
Cell3 30,014.4 cubic yards
Total 143,622.1 cubic yards
3,749,665 cubic yards
I No.
loate 711312015
loate 7/16/15
lot 1
FY 14/15 Used Airspace
Percent full 96% Assumes NCDENR constructed airspace number is soley for waste.
Period Density of Waste
FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY13/14 FY 14/15
Fill Only* Cell1 41,913.4 5,181.9 54,237.6 93,384.5 68,607.4 98,752.3 118,647.1 cy
Fill Only* Cell2 3,954.6 8,850.1 2,009.0 3,947.4 2,779.7 6,294.6 955.3 cy
FiiiOnlt Cell3 193,803.6 190,897.5 107,461.2 106,293.6 t04,d98.7 79,320.2 50,900.0 cy
Fill Only* Total 239,671.6 204,929.5 163,707.8 203,625.5 175,885.8 184,367.1 170,502.4 cy
Waste Disposed 136,751 133,523 119,412 137,608 116,762 121,066 120,498 tons
Period Density 1,141 1,303 1,459 1,352 1,328 1,313 1,413 lbs/cy
Period Density 0.57 0.85 0.73 0.68 0.66 0.66 0. 71 tons/cy
'excludes cut value
Tonnage for FY 14115 was provided by Rowan County via email on July 2, 2015.
Michael D. Plummer, P.E.
I Project: Rowan County Landfill !computed: MOP loate: 7/13/2015 I subject: Landfill Airspace Calculations !checked: Prl W loate: 7/16/15
lrask: Airspace & Timeline 7/13/15 !sheet: 1 lot: 1
Date of Survey: 5/22/15
Remaining airspace for waste, D&l cover as of survey date: 149,495 cy
2009 -2015 Avg. Period Density: 1,330 lbs/cy
FY 14/15 Waste Disposal Rate: 120,496 tons 1
!Vfonth-Year Site Life Expires
Airspace Consumed
Incoming waste Density, lbs/cy
volume, tons/yr 1,200 1,250 1,300 1,330 1,350 1,400
100,496 Apr-2016 Apr-2016 May-2016 May-2016 May-2016 Jun-2016
110,496 Mar-2016 Mar-2016 Apr-2016 Apr-2016 Apr-2016 May-2016
120,496 Feb-2016 Feb-2016 Mar-2016 Mar-2016 Mar-2016 Apr-2016
140,496 Jan-2016 Jan-2016 Jan-2016 Feb-2016 Feb-2016 Feb-2016
160,496 Dec-2015 Dec-2015 De.c-2015 Jan-2016 Jan-2016 Jan-2016
1 Tonnage disposed is from 6/2/2014 to 5/22/2015 as provided by Rowan County via email.