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Public Notice/Anson Landfill
Affidavit of Publication
Gwen Tyson, being duly sworn, says:
That she is a Customer Service Representative of the
Anson Record, a daily newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in Wadesboro, Anson County, North
Carolina; that the publication, a copy of which is attached
hereto, was published in the said newspaper on the
October 04, 2023
That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated
on those dates.
a Customer Sery ceOkepresentative
Subscribed to and sworn to me this 4th day of October
k,,n,hNotary Public, Anson County, North
My commission expires: June 17, 2026
20164448 01135469
Donna Wilson
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
RE: Anson Landfill
375 Dozer Drive, Polkton, North Carolina
The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality's
Solid Waste Section has prepared draft Solid Waste
Permit No. 0403-MSWLF-2010 that would approve
a horizontal and vertical expansion to the Anson
Landfill, located at 375 Dozer Drive, Polkton in Anson
County. The landfill receives municipal solid waste and
is owned and operated by Chambers Development
of North Carolina, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of
Waste Connections, Inc., 3 Waterway Square Place,
#110,The Woodlands, TX 77380.The expansion would
add approximately 65 acres of disposal area, and an
additional 70 feet to the maximum landfill height.
The disposal area would increase from 133.10 acres to
198.44 total acres. The capacity would increase from
approximately 21.6 million cubic yards to 41.5 million
total cubic yards. In accordance with North Carolina
General Statute 130A-294(a3)(1)b&c, a proposed
increase of 10 percent or more of a landfill's capacity,
and an expansion to the disposal boundaries, requires
a new permit. This permit action would not change
the landfill property boundaries, waste types, amount
received per day, or the service area. A 45-day public
comment period regarding this draft permit begins
on October 4, 2023, and ends at 5 p.m. on November
20, 2023. Comments should be submitted in writing to
Donna Wilson, email, or by
mail at the following address.
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
A public hearing is scheduled for October 26, 2023,
at 6:30 p.m. in the Anson County Courthouse, 114
North Greene Street, Wadesboro. The administrative
record, including the factsheet, draft permit, and
permit application, can be viewed online at https://bit.
ly/3PCx93A.They also may be viewed by appointment
between 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., Monday -Friday at the
Department of Environmental Quality office, 217
West Jones Street, Raleigh. All comments received
within the 45-day period will be considered prior to
the final determination to approve or disapprove the
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