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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0403_AnsonLF_EmailModNeeded_20241213Wilson, Donna J From: Wilson, Donna J Sent: Friday, December 13, 2024 2:22 PM To: Queen, Jonathan; Brady Stewart; Tyler Fitzgerald Cc: Stanley, Sherri; Bradford, Teresa; Nguyen, John V Subject: Anson Landfill - Mods needed to include info for Phase 4 Cell 2Hell Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Hello Tyler and Brady, As were discussing last Friday, there is information needed to the approved permit documents concerning Phase 4, Cell 2 east and west. Some of the details from the original approval were not included in the comprehensive landfill permit document set, that was approved in May 2024. Also, I have a question about the two smaller cells adjacent to the current construction. The goal is to have one set of permit application documents, that includes everything, instead of having separate addendums. The modifications can be submittals of the parts of the original that have changed, so that those parts are replaced in the bigger document set. Questions and comments concerning the Phase 4 Cell 2 east/west cell, Phase 3 Cell 3C, and Phase 3 Cell 2B, to add to the approved permit application document: 1. For Phase 3 Cell 2B and Phase 4 Cell 3C, clarify that they will be built to the previously approved cell base elevations, and leachate collection, or submit a modification request for any changes. 2. Currently the Phase 4 cell 2 East cell is open and operating. Leachate in the east (upgradient) cell is sloped and diverted to the middle of the cell, and pumped by flexible hosing to a forcemain leachate pipe by Phase 4 Cell 1. How long will this temporary leachate collection continue? What is the leachate head on the Liner in this area? Clarify how leachate pumping is monitored. 3. What is the planned sequence of construction for the Phase 4 cell 2 west cell? The west cell construction will include the leachate diversion trench that will eventually collect the leachate from the upper east cell, and direct it to temporary sumps on the sides of the cell. Will the west cell be built at the same time as Phase 4 cell 5? Then the temporary sump on the north side of the west cell would not be needed, is this right? But the temporary sump would be f PHASE e .0, CELL 3G ■ H5E 1* ELL 3C / PHA.S'E 3 Nx TIK CELL 213 } PHASE CELL + PHASE 5 ,�r' 4� f J CELL 2 y EWISTIh i 'HeSE a vEll 2 v-ET � HASE 4 CELL f ^� PHASE 5 i CELL ; CELL S `* 1 .5 { PHASE 5 `y .::ELL � .~ rtrn•,y . �R• � jf ' -Y err~ � , '• f PHG5E i CELL 1 i, •' 'HAZE 5 EX15TING PF 1 needed on the southwest side of the west cell. You can include/describe different options of how the construction sequence will be (If this, then this). 4. If the temporary sump on the southwest side is built, and Phase 5 cell 3 is later constructed, how will the cell be built to incorporate an active leachate collection input? How will the temporary leachate sump be modified to join the new cell under construction? Is the temporary sump in Phase 4 cell 1 the same design as the temporary sump for the downgradient center sump for the west cell? How will this sump area be reconstructed when the rest of the downgradient cell, Phase 5 Cell 2 is constructed, and with active leachate collection for the west cell? 6. Drawings: a. For the fill progression drawings F200, provide accurate fill progression, with at least 4 or 5 intermediate contours. b. For top of liner elevations, C302 — C303, the elevations are hard to read with the elevation line crossing through the text. c. In general, provide any details of the east and west cells, from the modification submittal, that were not included in the current approved drawings (link below). 7. For the west cell, provide text description and detail drawings: d. the HDPE sump. How is it sealed, leak prevention, specifications e. the interim riser and sumps f. the interceptor leachate trench within Phase 4 Cell 2 (east/west) has extra rock & thicker walled pipe g. Temporary forcemain, design and purpose h. Describe - Riser removed, pipe connected, flap removed and flattened to allow sheet flow, and other transition when the west cell is built Confirm that the forcemains are temporary and will be removed with construction of the adjacent cells. Describe removal of forcemain and forcemain vault. F'H4��E n ♦� CELL x ;4 :,WiE a ti �F1.L 4 � rHA-SE 5�� I CELL 2�HASr 4- K E 15E 4 cELL 2 wEST PHASE 5 } CELL 3 }# ' west east -P* . # -RASE i SELL 1 _ If I have missed any of these details that are already in the application - it's 0, AP' possible, please let me know. The current approved application is at this link - httos:// If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Donna Donna J. Wilson Engineering Project Manager Solid Waste Section - Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office - Raleigh: (919) 707-8255 Email - Websites - - - Solid Waste Section - - - Composting N01 I! ­,�A;1, �_ lri Q/00, OepafNnnl o} EnvlfflnmaMal p,alny Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records taw and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Ignaski, Johnna <> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 2:08 PM To: Wilson, Donna J <> Cc: Queen, Jonathan <>; Brady Stewart<> Subject: [External] Anson County Landfill Phases 4 and S Expansion Drawing Updates CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Donna, Since we submitted the name changing modification we wanted to go ahead and begin updating the permit drawings as you had requested. Attached are the marked -up drawings. We just want to make sure we aren't missing anything before we update them all. Please let us know if the attached markups are sufficient. Thankyou,