HomeMy WebLinkAboutIH0765_20241114_C- RTCPSoil Gas-TempWell FinalInactive Hazardous Sites Branch Orphan Contract Request for Task Cost Proposal (RTCP) 11/14/2024 Objectives: Collect two (2) soil gas samples at the Moving Storage warehouse property located at 94-98 Western Boulevard and install four (4) temporary groundwater monitoring wells and two (2) soil gas probes in the vicinity of the Brynn Marr Coin Laundry (in the Brynn Marr Shopping Center), located at 100 Western Boulevard in Jacksonville, Onslow County. This sampling is being performed to determine if the former dry cleaner located in the shopping center is the source of VOCs previously detected in the area. Site: AOPC-10 IHSB ID# NCN000410765 Jacksonville, Onslow County General Site Location: 100 Western Blvd. and 94-98 Western Blvd. in Jacksonville, Onslow County Site Status: In 2014 and 2016, several temporary groundwater monitoring wells were installed by the NC Superfund Section and US EPA near possible source areas of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may have impacted nearby Camp Lejune. During this investigation temporary monitoring wells were installed in the area. Various VOCs were detected in groundwater that are typically associated with dry cleaning, however, because of the well location the source could not be definitively identified. Additional sampling is needed to identify the source and determine if a vapor intrusion issue exists. General Requirements: •Submit an itemized cost estimate that identifies personnel and materials involved. Provide personnel qualifications to demonstrate they are qualified to identify contaminated material, conduct the work outlined in this RTCP, and will comply with OSHA-required health and safety training. •The contractor will not make any changes to the project scope within an approved cost proposal without permission from IHSB. •Refer to the most recent Hazardous Sites Program Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup and the DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance for details regarding sampling and analytical procedures. These documents are available on the IHSB website at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/waste-management-permit-guidance/inactive-hazardous-sites-guidance- 2 documents. Additionally all sample collection must comply with the USEPA Quality System and Technical Procedures for SESD Field Branches found at: https://www.epa.gov/quality/quality-system-and-technical-procedures-sesd-field- branches. • The location of all utilities is the responsibility of the contractor. • The contractor will be responsible for locating and protecting all subsurface infrastructure and utilities; obtaining any permits or registrations; properly abandoning any sub-slab vapor pins, soil borings, or groundwater wells; removing all assessment equipment; and conducting site restoration to a similar condition prior to sample collection. • Collect GPS coordinates of each sample location. Report coordinates in decimal degrees to the seventh order using the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) format and latitude and longitude using WGS 84 format. • For any invasive activities, include in the cost proposal a plan and costs to properly manage investigation derived waste (IDW). If sampling results indicate IDW does not exceed unrestricted use standards (after adjustment using the DWM risk calculator for soils) it may be spread on the site in the general vicinity of the sample locations. If sampling results indicate IDW exceeds unrestricted use standards, analyze containerized waste as required by waste hauler, dispose in accordance with local, state and federal regulations and include details of IDW handling and disposal procedures in the report submitted in accordance with this RTCP. Remove all drummed waste from site within 90 days after field activities are concluded. The handling/disposal of all IDW is the responsibility of the contractor. • Include a proposed schedule/timeline. • IHSB project manager will obtain access permission. The contractor shall not conduct the work until: 1. IHSB has obtained site access permission, 2. IHSB has authorized this task, and 3. the contractor has coordinated scheduling of work with the property owner(s) and the IHSB project manager. Scope of Work: Soil Gas Sampling – Summa Canister Grab Samples • Using direct push technology (DPT), install a temporary exterior soil gas probe at the two (2) locations shown on Figure 1 at 100 Western Blvd and at each the two (2) locations shown on Figure 2 at 94-98 Western Blvd. • Collect samples using batch-certified Summa canisters fitted with flow regulators. • If a soil gas probe cannot be constructed in the location as proposed, the contractor may relocate the point within a 10-foot radius. Otherwise, the contractor must contact the IHSB project manager to discuss alternate location, construction, or sampling. • Soil gas samples shall be collected at a depth of 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). If the depth to groundwater is shallower than 10 feet, but at least 5 feet bgs, the contractor should collect the sample between 5-10 feet bgs. If the depth is 5 feet or less, a subsurface passive air monitoring sampler should be deployed. The contractor must be prepared to employ a passive sampler while in the field on first mobilization to avoid a second one. The contractor shall include a summary of installation techniques, vendor, and materials in the cost proposal for the passive sampler. 3 • Each soil gas sample shall be analyzed for PCE, TCE, cis 1,2 DCE, trans 1-2 and Vinyl Chloride using US EPA Method TO-15. Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling - Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Wells • Install four temporary 1-inch wells at the locations indicated on Figure 1 (may use pre-packs if approved by IHSB). The well must be screened to encounter the top of the water table surface or if necessary, just above top of rock surface if auger refusal occurs. • Once samples have been collected from the well, the well(s) should be properly abandoned in accordance with state regulations. • Well installation must comply with the most current 15A NCAC 2C well construction standards. • If groundwater is not encountered in borings or other physical access prohibits installation, the contractor can move a sample location point within a 10-foot radius. If a further distance is required in the field, the contractor must contact the IHSB project manager before proceeding further. • The contractor is responsible for providing the appropriate drilling equipment in the field to achieve the desired boring depths. • Log each boring in the field. Boring log information will include but is not limited to, top of ground elevation, detailed soil description and lithology at depths, depth of groundwater observed during drilling, notable reaction of drill rig during advancement, depth of competent rock encountered, detailed notes/remarks, and a well construction diagram. • Provide well construction details in a table and include installation date, top of casing elevation, ground surface elevation, total well depth, well screen interval, depth to groundwater, and groundwater elevation. • Determine groundwater elevation for each well and collect water level measurements using all available groundwater wells. • Collect one groundwater sample from each well to submit for laboratory analysis. • All wells shall be properly developed and purged prior to sampling. • Turbidity readings should be collected during and following purging. If there is a >5 NTU turbidity reading, additional well development should occur prior to sampling. If the contractor is unable to reduce the turbidity with extra efforts on well development, the contractor should contact the IHSB prior to sample collection. • Submit samples to a laboratory that is either certified under 15A NCAC 2H .0800 to run the analyses or is a contract laboratory under the US EPA Contract Laboratory Program and analyze for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using US EPA 8260. • Provide records of each wells’ abandonment. Report Requirements: • The contractor shall conduct a data validation and quality assurance review of all laboratory data and provide a written summary outlining the review conducted, any quality control issues affecting the sample data and efforts made to resolve the issues. • The contractor shall provide a brief letter report summarizing sample procedures and findings and include: 4 ➢ A concise synopsis of methods, observations, and findings. The activities described in the report must comply with the RTCP and the approved contractor proposal. ➢ Written confirmation that sample collection procedures and equipment complied with DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Inactive Hazardous Sites Program Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup, and the USEPA ESD Analytical Support Branch Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual. ➢ A location map showing where samples were collected for this field event only. ➢ Laboratory data and chain-of-custody documentation. ➢ The soil gas/indoor air data should be tabulated, and the risk calculated for each sample using the DEQ Risk Calculator according to the Risk Calculator User Guide. Risk Calculator results shall be shown for each sample on a map and/or in tabular form. Pertinent sheets from the Risk Calculator should be included as an attachment. ➢ The contractor shall not provide recommendations on health risks or need for further sampling unless samples collected failed the contractor’s data validation and quality assurance review. ➢ Please forward your cost proposal to me and Bruce Lefler (contract administrator) for review within seven (7) business days of receipt of this request. We will review the proposal and discuss any changes before a task order is approved to begin work. An Access/Permission form will be needed from each resident before work is performed. The IHSB project manager will confirm that Access/Permission forms are current for each of the property owners and provide copies to the contractor. The contractor may need to answer questions from the property owners related to access and sampling procedures. This may be accomplished over the phone or as a site visit occurring days or weeks before the sampling event. Once the IHSB has received access, it is the responsibility of the contractor to coordinate with the IHSB project manager as well as with the property owner to schedule site work. If you have any questions, please call me at (919) 707-8355 or email me at keith.snavely@ncdenr. If you cannot reach me, please contact my supervisor John Walch at (919) 707-8356 or at his email at John.Walch@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, Keith Snavely Keith Snavely Hydrogeologist Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch NC Division of Waste Management Attachments