HomeMy WebLinkAbout3402_INSP_20241024NORTH CARnLINAD_E Q�� oen.mmem m c.w.mmenai a.i� FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section UNIT TYPE: Lined X LCID YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Forsyth MSWLF PERMIT NO.: 3402-MSWLF-1997 Closed HHW White X Incin T&P FIRM MSWLF goods FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE CDLF Tire T&P/ X Tire Industrial DEMO SDTF Collection Monofill Landfill Date of Site Inspection: October 24, 2024 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Hanes Mill Municipal Solid Waste Landfill 325 West Hanes Mill Road Winston-Salem, NC 27105 GPS COORDINATES (decimal degrees): Lat.: 36.18806' FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Name: Jan McHargue, Assistant Utilities Director/Solid Watse Telephone: (336) 747-7310 Email address: janm@cityofws.org FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2511 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Date of Last Inspection: August 15, 2024 Long.:-80.28263' PARTICIPANTS: Gordon Dively, Solid Waste Operations Manager — Coty-County Utilities Robert Pike, Environmental Senior Specialist — Solid Waste Section STATUS OF PERMIT: Life of Site Permit to Operate Phases 1 & 2 (Cells 1 through 5) issued: February 27, 2024 PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Inspection STATUS OF PAST NOTED VIOLATIONS: None. OBSERVED VIOLATIONS: None. The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules. Pagel of 3 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT D_E Q�� Division of Waste Management NORTH CAROLINA OepaN W Emironm l puelily Solid Waste Section ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Records Review: 1. The Permit to Operate and the approved Operations Plan are stored at the landfill office and are available for review upon request. 2. Digital copies of the facility tonnage records were provided electronically by Mr. Dively after the inspection for review. The facility tonnage records from February 2024 through October 2024 were provided for review after the inspection by Gordan Dively. Records indicated that the facility has received a total of 231,159.78 tons of waste. 3. Incoming loads are randomly selected for inspection as required by the permit. Waste screening records were provided for review from February 2024 through October 24, 2024, and were found to be complete and random. 4. A digital copy of the white goods collection program records was provided by Mr. Dively after the inspection. The records indicated a total of 179.32 tons of white goods were collected from February 2024 through September 2024. 5. A digital copy of the scrap tire collection program was provided after the inspection by Mr. Dively. The records indicated that the facility has collected 4,417.68 tons of scrap tires from February 2024 through September 2024. 6. Leachate tank inspections are conducted weekly by facility staff. Inspection forms were reviewed for February 2024 through October 21, 2024. 7. Leachate lines were inspected and cleaned in January 2024, by JetClean America. Leachate lines are inspected and cleaned every five years. 8. The facility separates clean loads of concrete, asphalt, and brick (CAB) at the scale house and directs them to the CAB collection area on the eastern side of the active landfill. When the loads arrive at the CAB collection area staff inspect the material as it is unloaded to ensure no unpermitted material is accepted. Facility staff complete a log noting the types of materials received and if any material was removed to be disposed of on the active face. These records were reviewed for February 2024 through October 24, 2024. 9. Ground water and leachate monitoring are conducted semiannually as required. The two most recent sampling events, October 2023 and March 2024, were reviewed. 10. Landfill gas monitoring takes place quarterly as required. The sampling is performed by the contractor that manages the gas extraction plant. The two most recent sampling events were provided by Mr. Dively for review. The records indicated sampling occurred on July 16, 2024, and March 21, 2024. It. Training records for facility staff were reviewed: a) Gordon Dively, Manager of Landfill Operations Certification No. 874221, expires 02/04/2026 b) Adam Butler, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. 2024007, expires 02/05/2027 c) George Tilley, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF-2008025, expires 02/08/2026 d) Brian Parker, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF-2018002, expires 02/20/2027 e) Caleb Tilley, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF-2007093, expires 11/02/2025 f) Dwayne Stevens, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF- 2019028, expires 04/16/2025 g) Barry F. Harris, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF-2011012, expires 03/01/2026 h) Jason Hutchens, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF-2021012, expires 02/26/2027 i) Clayton Hart, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF-2017003, expires 02/17/2026 j) Chris Zirpolo, Landfill Operations Specialist Certification No. LF-2021015, expires 02/26/2027 Field Inspection: 12. The facility is composed of a closed MSW landfill, a scrap tire collection area, a white goods collection area, scrap metal collection area, a collection and processing area for concrete, asphalt, and brick (CAB), and an active, lined MSW landfill. The closed MSW landfill was not inspected during this inspection. 13. The facility is beginning the construction for the landfill retaining wall. The temporary gas and leachate lines were being installed at the time of the inspection. 14. The facility access roadways are of all-weather construction and were found to be in good repair. At the time of the inspection construction of the new access roadway for the working face during the active construction was Page 2 of 3 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT D_E Division of Waste Management NORTH CAR EL ! °�°°'a`°""=°� °' Solid Waste Section nearing completion. 15. The facility was observed to be clean and well maintained. Windblown litter was observed to be minimal with litter pick-up crews actively picking up any windblown litter on site. 16. Proper signage was observed at the entry gate and on the access roadway leading to the scales. 17. The leachate collection system consists of two leachate tanks contained in a secondary containment pit. The leachate tanks were observed to be in good condition along with the secondary containment pit. 18. The residential convenance center is located to the southwest of the scale house on a concrete pad with trailer loading spaces below each drop-off location. The convenience area is manned during operating hours. The area appeared to be well maintained with no windblown material observed. 19. Scrap tire collection area is located to the west of the scale house. The facility contracts with US Tire to operate the scrap tire collection area. A total of 4 trailers were on site at the time of the inspection. US Tire staff directs residents to back up to the loading dock where they offload the tires and load them into the trailers. 20. The scrap tire collection area has ample room to allow residents to maneuver there vehicles safely. 21. The facility has a concrete, asphalt, and brick collection area (CAB) to keep this material separate from the landfill. The CAB is secured by a locking gate that is kept locked except when facility staff is present. CAB material is directed to the CAB Area at the scale house and facility staff are present during any material unloading. Any unacceptable material is identified and directed to the active landfill. No unacceptable material was observed during the inspection. 22. White goods and scrap metal are collected in an area located west of the CAB collection area. 23. White goods are staged in an upright position on a large concrete pad. The units are arranged in a way to allow easy access for refrigerants to be removed. Mr. Dively stated that the facility contracts with G-Gas Rapid Recovery to remove the refrigerants. 24. Scrap metal is collected and staged on the opposite side of the concrete pad as the white goods. At the time of the inspection a large amount of scrap metal was observed. 25. Monitoring wells were inspected and found to labeled and were in compliance with the regulations. 26. At the time of the inspection Mr. Dively stated that the active working face was located in Phase 2 Cell 4. The working face was observed to be of a manageable size. No unacceptable waste was observed in the working face at the time of the inspection. 27. The operations and tipping areas were observed to be in good condition. Facility staff stationed at the working face act as spotters and directs traffic to ensure traffic flow. 28. The facility uses tarps as a form of alternate daily cover along with soil that is brought in from the borrow area throughout the day. 29. Landfill side slopes were observed to be in good condition with no woodsy vegetation observed. 30. No evidence of leachate seeps was observed along the landfill side slopes during the inspection. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report. D Digitally signed by James R. Pike James R . I e Date: 2024.11.0816:11:31-05'00' Phone: (336) 776-9672 Robert Pike Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative Sent on: November 8, 2024 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. !,1 Copies: Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section Gordon Dively, Solid Waste Operations Manager — City -Counties Utilities Page 3 of 3