HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD122263825_JFD ELECTRONICS CHANNEL MASTER_R_20240822_July Prog Report1/3
5438 Wade Park Boulevard, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27560
August 22, 2024
William Godsey
Remedial Project Manager
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region IV
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303-8960
Subject: Monthly Report for Activities Performed in July 2024
JFD Electronics/Channel Master NPL Site, Oxford, North Carolina
Dear Mr. Godsey,
On behalf of JFD Electronics Corporation and Channel Master Satellite Systems, Inc., AECOM Technical Services of
North Carolina, Inc. (AECOM) is submitting the monthly status report for the above referenced facility. Should you
have questions or require additional information, please contact Michelle Friedman at (919) 461-1422 or William
Doucette at (919) 780-8058.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Friedman, L.G.
Project Manager
William H. Doucette, Jr., Ph.D., L.G.
Project Coordinator for the Responsible Parties
cc: S. Kempf and C. Ciklic, Unimax Corporation
D. Jackson, Avnet, Inc.
K. Davis, Fox Rothschild
S. Murphy, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
B. Bonner, EPA CIC
J. Ferreira, EPA Region 4, Hydrogeologist
JFD Electronics/Channel Master NPL Site
Oxford, North Carolina
Prepared by: Michelle Friedman, Project Manager – August 20, 2024
Activities in July 2024
Groundwater Remedial Action Implementation
─ The April 2024 quarterly POTW sampling letter was submitted on July 19, 2024.
─ AECOM submitted the Recovery Well PW-05D, Post-Startup Monitoring Plan on July 19, 2024.
─ System operations and maintenance was conducted on July 30, 2024, which included collection of the
quarterly POTW samples. The system was operating normally.
Activities Planned for August / September 2024
─ The current schedule for various tasks to be conducted in the next six weeks is presented below:
Task Description Planned Schedule
Perform Monthly O&M August, September
Submit quarterly POTW sampling report September 2024
Submit April 2024 semi-annual groundwater sampling report September 2024
Work with Ms. Bonner (CIC) on receptor survey As needed
Submitted AECOM reports for EPA review and/or discussion with
- CSIA results of April and October 2020 CSIA (3/1/2021)
(investigation initiated by EPA for April 2020 CSIA samples)
- Distribution of 1,4-dioxane (2/8/2021) (part of 4th 5 year review)
- Evaluation of western edge of CVOC plume on Oxford Printing
(3/4/2021) (part of 4th 5-year review)
discussed briefly in July
Groundwater extraction system upgrades and PW-05D connection Fall 2024
Prepare work plan to assess PFAS beneath building slab, if needed Pending internal
Prepare work plan for remediation of CVOC impacts beneath building slab
Pending results of
PFAS assessment/
Coordinate with City on future activities associated with the future sewer
repair.As needed
Task Description
Updated Per 7/26/2023
call and subsequent
Conduct investigations and reporting as required in the Five-Year Review.
-Item 1: Awaiting EPA documentation to clarify the no further
action on the sludge drying beds. See S. Capel email dated July
7, 2021. Awaiting deed restriction templates for properties with
impacted groundwater (source property and off-source property).
Milestone date 6/1/2022.
-Item 2: Selection and implementation of revised remedy, if
needed, in progress by RPs. Milestone date 6/1/2024.
-Item 3: In a letter dated 2/8/2021, AECOM summarized available
information on 1,4-dioxane distribution at the Site and Cristex.
Awaiting response from EPA. Milestone date 6/1/2023.
-Item 4: Evaluation of western edge of VOC plume submitted to
EPA on 3/4/2021. Shallow monitoring well CMMW28 was
sampled in April 2021 (no detections). Milestone date 6/1/2023.
-Item 5: A work plan to install monitoring wells (Work Plan for
Installation of Bedrock well CMMW24d and Shallow Well
CMMW43) was approved by EPA on January 14, 2022. Well
installation was completed in April 2022, as was sampling of
CMMW43. Bedrock well CMMW24d was sampled in October
2022. Milestone date 6/1/2024.
-Item 6: The Receptor Survey was submitted 4/6/2021 and
revised 12/10/2021. Additional email communication between
AECOM and EPA in early May 2023. Milestone date 3/31/2022
-Protectiveness Statement: EPA to issue a protectiveness
statement. Milestone date originally 3/31/2022. Per 2/25/2022
call with EPA, the milestone date has been extended to
February 2024.
Item 1: In progress, but
not resolved by EPA
Milestone date passed
Item 2: In progress. EPA
approved 5/30/2024.
AECOM received quote
from subcontractors on
Item 3: In progress, but
not yet resolved by EPA
Milestone date passed
Item 4: EPA anticipates
stating this is resolved
in the next FYR
Milestone date passed
Item 5: EPA anticipates
stating this is resolved
in the next FYR
Item 6: EPA anticipates
stating this is resolved
in the next FYR
Milestone date passed.
PS: EPA to complete.