HomeMy WebLinkAboutSLAS0205_APPLICATION_RENEWAL_2024APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO OPERATE A SEPTAGE LAND APPLICREUAIM North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management — Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Site and Operator Irf^r^^n};^^ 1. Applicant h'1` Address 9 Phone Contact person 1 Title or position Address 3. Landowner Address 4. Site Location: County -2irections Jo., site: k N, 5. Indicate whether request is: new DEC GEQ.FAYETTEVILLE RMONAL OFFICE -- -- 1.1 _ A j if _ State Road Nkmber 141` Z 4 renewal 4`1 modification For a permit renewal or modification, provide the following information: Existing site permit number: —02 �$� permit expiration date: 2 Z 6. Number of acres meeting the requirements of the N.C. Septage Management Rules: acres. 7. Substances other than septage or grease trap pumpings previously disposed of on the site: (a) None , or b) Attach a list indicating other substances, the amounts discharged, and the dates of discharge. 8. Attach written, notarized landowner authorization to operate a septage disposal site signed by the landowner (if the permit applicant does not own the property). If a corporation owns the land use a corporate landowner authorization form. If Limited Liability Company owns the land, use a limited liability company landowner authorization form. 9. Attach site evaluation report, including aerial photograph and soil analysis with metals results, unless the Division. prepared the report. 10. Attach a vicinity map (county road map showing site location). (over) S�Q E+ wngorro'lt r 1iC+�'191r;; fGitYMQ "M tw indodpo with -a,; ap Ik-vti .j r,. Im: (a) Nlg iM !ionavomr3 Pw y (b) Sg l f rmm a-M RurDff Co llrul Riaw Alara o%v pt3n ter :1rsp�Is Rcsat lean iwiit� Rit f :I '.:er at ton 3. Tp�r ��r,?s: �a � dtrtiner�r� �➢' � - • �� �r all I�:�t �opt�� � - t�) �• fret �,� c.-� - y i f--nI i�"tS! 6D�lalyd l cis fir; a ED 'ju W':) I applied ( tlil i paper z ,y S, � �d of �'� septage to lard, hokdr g �9e dWrEj ian ff rx aired " �� _ pet � exPt�rti IIYi k -� - -. �2Lp fe: 6. aWopriato sWa yr fade„ gmMment y t_t U* larld FPf7' �n siie oompties riitls the E"OM � Law" er tf any perk of ow site spew fietf k m� 1 *utWfg bV (use additional paper to e 10. Celtkla ian hereby cer* lhat i. T' ho'nlorrsa''aOn pra v Ud on this aPPiication Is tree, carrrpiets. aqd E-cl i0 the b91 ref 1w k►iow�gs. 2 l rave read and errand ttre N. C. e � �.,a�errOM dl and '-- w�++:••ar wr".ar�►t<iirC6�. Y1GRl4A+i1� Sll?haT+!aq a.4± ..w•�+.ri rt'"' "^" � . rr • y� �•.. r„GZ.,,,y M1ii 1�1y1 $ i ew�xnpanyo r� pa - Garr err. Al; it vor }r� . li 0 i j- - rich: Ttlia *Pkom lla nd he nwbmw Mo all pads Of go oppocom an comp' a ja Rirr � �'ti� .O�.tr{e� o! hbrr IEI�. >tapl�Iplr �ra+grsra�t �w4e. " Amer bl> tl orr Ap7(p} d 1M k.C. &0't,W ftnVamt Rules.. S:3Wd 1Adr�ee+ r ,bm+y+SE�SS Appt u�ore19 A:rnwtralton&.AS po,,au APPjQftu+-aarti 7[11 or I Landowner's Authorization to Operate a Septage Land Application Site North Carolina Department of. Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 I, 0 [a¢A4P_ _(D (name of site owner) hereby certify that I am the owner of c acres of land located C* _and identified by ::rei If V dD c _ - �����_ (book nd page of recorded deed or tax map �Ic parcel) and that I agree to allow -lCe_(site operator name) to use said land for i le- septage land application for a period of (length of time), beginning ?give date) and that I have read the North Carolina Septage Management Rules *, and I understand and agree to maintain the restrictions on land use after septage land application ends". I further understand that no septage may be land applied until the Division of Waste Management has issued a permit for laLseptage land application site. The above described property is owned solely by me or jointly with �Z 0-loC awer (names of all co -owners, or state none). Date /- Sic nature of landowner 4-2 02-1 Si nature of landowner Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2-211d , day of (Notary Public) `�A ON W.VNIF L SEAL) My Commission expires: i) h,J?.2 ,,i * 15A N.C. Admin. Code 13B Section .0800 _ v: As required by Rule .0843 �� Z C�`,```�� Rev. 01-07-16 EPTAGE LAND APPLICATION LOG CERTIFICATION SKe OperMor_zn �' Site Lc: atlow &&Je edtkTFZ W he *HIT rr 171Um& ,-d IorQiWtrs} Number of acres permit _- Iperm"kAec zips?➢icattofl Crop nkMen requirement(s): J 1 ` _ — ►pt!'-nids rtl rec r. -V C-' RTQFICA'7'ON: '! certify* under panaEty of law. that tht palhoqeft mgviW=hts in (ln nt e0har 503.32 (c)(1) Ix 0132 (c)(2)) and the vecor a&.2ctaon reduction requirements r_ ti ert$03.33 (b)(9). 503.33 (bj(10) or $E*.33 (D)(12)) ihave i n met This deiermination has been made under my d'umcffon and super►bion i'1 aowrdanca ikilh the :Warn, des!gned to ensure that qualified perdannel proper gather and evifuite the infdmratlon used to determine that the pat aru regu "nW, and v&cty attrachan jeducbon requirements have baan mat 1 am;vrre that Stem are s4nifrc ant penalties for false cerfification including the POSSU of fine and +mprrsonma at-' (signature) Ada r S;�"xaAd�Wsr+b�►�c+a��rpilgrliorn�slSWs-+�p�pti�otion a +RerllhvrWtia ;N 4. �+— Nutrient Management Plan for Septage Application to Tall Fescue Fescue A. General Information 1. The site designated Field 17b located on State Road 1440 in Alexander.County is being added to nutrient management plan as a land application site for septage. 5.3 2. Field 17b containsly acres which meet all the set back requirements. This field is established in a good stand of fescue. 3. Periodic sampling (at least 1 time/year) of the septage will be 'condticted for waste analysis. 4. The dominate soil series at this site is Cecil sandy clay loam. S. Septage will not be applied where the site is untrafficable (untrafficable is defined as soil that will allow a loaded truck to leave a depression in sod greater -than 3-inches in depth). 6.. Septage will be spread over -the -fescue grass Field 17b on a daily basis as weather permits (not raining, snowing, or when tho- ground is either frozen or saturated). When weather does not permit -spreading Septage on fescue, disposal of septage is discharged at the Tdwn of Taylorsville waste water treatment 'plant. 7. Sail samples will be taken on a yearly basis to monitor N-P-K levels in -the soil. 8. Method of Application: Septage will be evenly applied over 'the entire permitted site by being spread from the pump truck while driving across the field. 9. Soil Erosion and Runoff Control Plan: There will be a 50 foot set back from the site to all adjacent property lines. There will be a 100 foot set back between the application site and the stream to the Northwest of the site. The area to the South of the site is. steep, but does have adequate grass and adequate buffer to prevent any runoff of septage. a; B. Crops to be Grown and Approximate Planting Times: Field 17b consists of approximately cres and is established in a good stand of tall fescue. This field will be in tall fescue permanently. C. Nitrogen Needs For Crops Grown: RYE = Realistic Yield Expectations Crop R.Y.E. N. Application Rate Field 17b 3.5 ton/Ac x 50 lbs. N/dry ton Tall Fescue (hay) =175.5 lbs. N/Ac Total annual accumulation of septage is expected to be approximately 250,000 gallons. Relative Application Rate for Field 17b: sa Month Field 17b - X Ac icut for hay2 . January High 25000 February High 25000 March High 25000 April High 25000 May None Cut for Hay June High 25000 July High 25000 August High 25000 September None Cut for Hay October High 25000 November High 25000 December High 25000 None = 0 gallons/Ac Medium = 2500 gallons/Ac 250,000 gallons Low = 1250 gallons/Ac High = 5.000 gallons/Ac The relative application rate in the table above will allow for 250,000'gallons of septage to be applied if need be. D. Additional Fertility Requirements: With the relative application rate and the potential to apply 250,000 gallons to the 5 acres in Field 17b the nitrogen supplied from septage is: 250,000/5 Ac = 50,000 gallons/Ac 50,000 gallons/Ac (.0026) = 130 lbs. nitrogen/Ac Annual nitrogen recommendation for fescue/Ac is 175 lbs. N Needed: 175 - 130 (supplied from septage) = 45 An additional 45 lbs. of nitrogen could be applied to tall fescue.. Adc3 i tjLvaai fart ]4tV » tr., �a�� �C caa be met uftj a cmm"Eh al fertilise-r of Aso POUMIAlac of 17-17- 177 A s LUX,14s:�d L d There will � o -'" �'�#Re a lfea Ourinor thte months of !aa Icr this 30 day waiting peiriod. Y and SePtwjiber to 1Iz.te. (017190 :",am vwep-ratlo:r aRai-rcd ? I Dace: f addre" : P.O. Box 97, Yadki nville , HC 37955 PhOne: (336) 679-2061 ]• y,,,� vac AMENDMENT TO NUTRIENT M This site shall be managed as one field. 1'he fuscvewbaled whenever Ct reaches a upwWrnatety 11 Inches irr heigK or just before seedhead emergence (usuafiy fn May and Septembcr�. A 30-day W*iing period shall be observed between the ta31od application of septage and harvest. The detention facility (permit #JSDTF 0I-05) or an approved wastewater treatment plant sh211 be utilized during th@5 30-day waiting KdDd. The site Is estaWlshed in fescue. Areas that develop with less than W% groundcover by fesme shall be reseeded with fescue at a rate of lbs/acre by AjI (seeding method) daring the m moths of Weed control shall be needed in order to maintain 8D% groundcover for fescue are.. " and can be obUked xhro.ugh different methods (mowing or herbicides). Your focal cooperative extension agent or regional agronomist may be contacted for proper weed identification and specific reoommendations. Tie cumulative application rate is not to exceed the permitted application rate. The annuaI application rate Is not to exceed 50,000 gallons per acre. _ WT _- qr signature ate