North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Waste Management — Solid Waste Section
1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
Operator and Facility Information
1. Applicant Mountain Falls Resort Property Owners Association, Inc.
Address 20 Resorts Blvd
Lake Toxawav, NC 28747
Phone (828) 579-4678
2. Contact person for site operation (if different from applicant):
Title or position General Manager Phone (828) 507-3446
Address 20 Resorts Blvd
Lake Toxaway, NC 28747
3. Landowner Mountain Falls Resort Property Owners Association, Inc.
Address 20 Resorts Blvd
Lake Toxaway, NC 28747
4. Site Location: County Transylvania State Road Number
Directions to site: Take US 64 West from Brevard for 16 miles. Turn left on Resorts Boulevard
and into the Mountain Falls communitv.
5. Is the location on a permitted Septage Land Application Site? No
If yes, give the site permit number here:
Indicate whether project is: new renewal X modification —
For a permit renewal or modification, indicate the existing permit number.
permit expiration date 3/22/2023
and the
7. Attach written, notarized landowner authorization to operate a septage storage or treatment facility
form signed by the landowner (if the permit applicant does not solely own the property). if a
corporation owns the land use a corporate landowner authorization form. if Limited Liability
Company owns the land, use a limited liability company landowner authorization form.
8. Aerial photograph scale 1 inch = 400 feet with site property lines accurately located on the photograph
must be enclosed (if 1 inch = 400 feet is not available, 1 inch = 660 feet may be substituted).
9. Vicinity map (county road map showing site location).
10. Land application site or wastewater treatment plant to be used after treatment or storage:
II. Facility Information: the following information shall be included with the application form.
1. Facility to be used for: Storage
2. Types of septage to be stored or treated:
Domestic Septage X Grease Trap Pumpings
Portable Toilet Waste Commercial/Industrial Septage
3. Types of treatment to be provided: pH Adjustment (lime stabilization)
Screening Other X (attach explanation if other)
4. A description of the proposed detention or treatment facility including the size, type, and number of
structures to be used and how those structures will be constructed or installed (use additional
paper to explain, if necessary): 3000 gallon pre -cast concrete storage tank, with
dump, alarm, and lateral alarm and float.
5. An explanation of how septage will be discharged into and removed from the facility (use
additional paper to explain, if necessary):
Tank will be routinely checked (weekly) and pumped as needed using a licensed
septage pump/waste hauler. Waste will be disposed of at a municipal
wastewater treatment plant facility in Brevard, Hiahlands,or Franklin NC
6. An explanation of how any leaks or spills at the facility will be cleaned and how odors will be
controlled (use additional paper to explain, if necessary):
If odors are a problem we will add measures such as charcoal filters or air scrubber.
III. Certification
hereby certify that:
1. The information provided on this application is true, complete, and correct to the best of my
knowledge, and
2. 1 have read and understand the N.C. Septage Management Rules.
3. 1 am aware of the potential consequences, including penalties and permit revocation, for
failing toxlow all applica ;files and the conditions of a Septage Detention or Treatment
Facilit per
Signature (Signature of company official required) Date
Mike Whitmer
Print name
General Manager
Note: This application will not be accepted for review until all parts of the application are complete.
S:Sol idWaste\cla\septage\forms\SDTF-Application & Authorization\SDTF Permit Application -Jan 2016.docx
Rev 0 1 -07-16