HomeMy WebLinkAbout26015_Sawmill Hollow VIMP_FINAL_rev1_20240711 Prepared for Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated P.O. Box 1673 Boone, North Carolina 28607 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN REPORT SAWMILL HOLLOW PROPERTY SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD BURNSVILLE, NC Brownfields Project Number: 26015-22-100 Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 161 South Lexington Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Project Number GN9110 June 2024 Revision 1 CERTIFICATION PAGE VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN REPORT SAWMILL HOLLOW SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD,BURNSVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO.26015-22-100 Prepared by: Morgan A.Randolph,EIT Profcssional Revicwed by: Todd N.Creamer,P.G.(NC,CA, PA,WY) Senior Principal PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SIGNATURE I,Michacl S,Burcham,a Licensed Professional Engineer for Geosyntec Consultants of NC,P.C.,do certify that the information in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS)detailed herein is designed to mitigate the intrusion of subsurface vapors into building features in accordance with the most recent and applicable DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance,Interstate Technology &Regulatory Council (1TRC)guidance,and American National Standards Institute (ANSI/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards,or alternative standards approved in writing in advance by DEQ,and that a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina,as cvidenccd by said cngineer's professional seal,is satisfied that the system has been designcd so as to be fully protective of public health within the meaning of NCGS 130A-310.32 (a)(2),from known Brownficlds Property contaminants. GeosyntecConsultants of NC,P.C.is licensed to practicc cngincering in North Carolina.The certification number (Firm's License Number)is C-3500,H CA 'o 050312 blh/24GINEAEL8URCHAM S Michacl S.Burcham,PE (Nc,TX) Senior Engincer North Carolina P.E.License No.O50312 Expiration Date:December 31,2024 GeosyntecConsultants of NC,P.C. 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 430 Raleigh,NC 27607 Telephone:(919)870-0576 Michael S.Burcham,PE (Nc,TX) Senior Engineer Prepared by: GN9110/CAR230139 i June 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Site Description ......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Redevelopment Plans ................................................................................ 1 1.3 Site Environmental History ....................................................................... 2 1.4 Methane Assessment ................................................................................. 4 1.5 Regulatory Setting ..................................................................................... 4 1.6 Report Organization .................................................................................. 5 2. DESIGN BASIS ................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Design Objective ....................................................................................... 7 2.2 Design and Mitigation Approach .............................................................. 7 2.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 8 2.4 Mitigation Method Overview .................................................................... 8 2.5 Mitigation Monitoring Overview .............................................................. 9 2.6 VIMS Components ................................................................................... 9 2.7 Vapor Barrier Components ..................................................................... 10 2.8 Subslab Venting Layer Components ....................................................... 11 2.8.1 Aggregate Venting Layer ............................................................ 11 2.8.2 Extraction Piping ......................................................................... 11 2.8.3 Air Inlet Piping ............................................................................ 13 2.8.4 Mitigation Fan ............................................................................. 13 2.9 Monitoring System .................................................................................. 13 2.9.1 Subslab Vapor Monitoring Probes .............................................. 14 2.9.2 Indoor Air Reference Monitoring Port ........................................ 15 2.9.3 Extraction Riser Monitoring Port ................................................ 15 2.9.4 Extraction Riser Differential Pressure Sensor ............................. 16 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL ............................... 17 4. POST-CONSTRUCTION DIAGNOSTIC TESTING AND PRE-OCCUPANCY MONITORING .............................................................. 18 4.1 Pre-Occupancy Methane Screening ........................................................ 18 4.1.1 Methane Screening Procedure ..................................................... 18 GN9110/CAR230139 ii June 2024 4.1.2 Results Transmittal ...................................................................... 19 4.2 VMS Diagnostic Testing ......................................................................... 19 4.2.1 Pressure Field Extension Testing ................................................ 20 4.2.2 Flow and Vacuum Monitoring .................................................... 20 4.2.3 VOC Monitoring ......................................................................... 20 4.3 Pre-Occupancy Monitoring ..................................................................... 20 4.3.1 Pre-Occupancy Operational Evaluation ...................................... 21 4.3.2 Pre-Occupancy Subslab Soil Gas Sampling ............................... 21 4.3.3 Pre-Occupancy Indoor Air Sampling .......................................... 22 4.3.4 Pre-Occupancy Risk-Based Screening Evaluation ..................... 23 5. POST-OCCUPANCY SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS TESTING .................... 24 5.1 VIMS Operational Monitoring ................................................................ 24 5.2 VIMS VOC Sampling ............................................................................. 24 5.3 Post-Occupancy Methane Screening ...................................................... 25 6. FUTURE VIMS MODIFICATIONS ............................................................... 26 7. REPORTING ................................................................................................... 27 8. OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE, AND MONITORING PLAN ................. 29 9. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER STATEMENT ............................................... 30 10. REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 31 GN9110/CAR230139 iii June 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Recommended VIMS Products Table 2 Design Air Exchange Rates Table 3 Monitoring System LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Proposed Redevelopment Plan Figure 3 Proposed Redevelopment Plan and Soil Gas Sampling Results Map Figure 4 Proposed Redevelopment Plan and Methane Results LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Construction Drawings Appendix B Technical Specifications Appendix C Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Appendix D Typical Material Product Sheets Appendix E VIMS POC Information Appendix F Historical Environmental Data Appendix G Example VIMS OM&M Forms GN9110/CAR230139 1 June 2024 1. INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) on behalf of Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated (NHE), the Prospective Developer (PD) has prepared this Vapor Intrusion (VI) Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Report (VIMS Design or Report) for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Brownfields Redevelopment Section (BRS) for the Sawmill Hollow Brownfields Property (Site). A Letter of Eligibility (LOE) was received for the property on November 10, 2022, indicating that the Site was eligible for entry into the Brownfields program and the Site was assigned the Brownfields Project Number 26015-22-100. As of this Report submittal, a Brownfields Agreement (BFA) has not been finalized. This Report presents the design basis for VIMS to be installed at each of the 26 new affordable rental tiny homes (referred to herein as “residential units”) and the community building with amenities. The Report also provides the Construction Drawings (Appendix A), Technical Specifications (Appendix B), and the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Monitoring Plan (Appendix C), collectively referred to herein as the Construction Documents. Product specification sheets for typical products to be used in the construction of the VIMS are included as Appendix D. Actual products to be used will be approved by Geosyntec’s Engineer of Record (EOR) following the review of proposed product submittals issued by the Contractor and will be provided to the BRS as part of postconstruction documentation (Section 7). If the products identified in Appendix D deviate, the BRS will be notified prior to installation. Point of contact (POC) information for the developer, VIMS consultant, and Brownfields Project Manager are provided in Appendix E. The VIMS installation contractor has not been selected at the time of submittal. 1.1 Site Description The Site is located at the intersection of Sawmill Hollow Road and US Highway 19E in Burnsville, North Carolina, as shown on Figure 1. The Site is identified as Yancey County Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 083003244675000 and is a 3.86-acre parcel that includes two noncontiguous properties separated by Fair Haven Drive that are accessed from the Site’s western boundary via Sawmill Hollow Road. The Site is owned by NHE and is vacant. 1.2 Redevelopment Plans NHE intends to redevelop the Site into a rental community composed of 26 residential units and a community building with amenities, which will collectively be referred to as the Site’s “buildings.” The buildings will be part of a single rental entity; no residential units will not be sold individually. GN9110/CAR230139 2 June 2024 The proposed redevelopment plan is presented on Figure 2, and with buildings as follows: • The community building is approximately 1,500 square feet (ft2) and is planned to consist of tenant amenities 1 story high. • Single-story residential units will be approximately 450 to 650 ft2 and consist of four unit types of varying layouts (Units C, F, G, and H). 1.3 Site Environmental History A Site history is included in the Supplemental Assessment Report (Geosyntec 2022), which includes descriptions of the historical on-site operations (sawmilling and woody waste processing) and notable occurrences (two fires on-site). Also included is a summary of the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) performed in December 2021 by WithersRavenel. The Phase II ESA included limited groundwater and soil gas sampling (WithersRavenel 2022), and the Phase II ESA tables and figures presenting the results are provided in Appendix F. In general, the Phase II ESA results indicated that petroleum products and some chlorinated solvents were present at low concentrations in soil gas and that metals, some volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and formaldehyde were present at low concentrations in groundwater at the Site. WithersRavenel screened soil borings with a photoionization detector (PID) and those results indicated that VOCs were not present in Site soils evaluated. Geosyntec conducted soil gas and soil sampling at the Site in September 2022 and the results are presented in the Supplemental Assessment Report (Geosyntec 2022). Tables and figures summarizing the results of the supplemental assessment are provided in Appendix F and summarized below. • Soil sampling results indicated that pentachlorophenol, arsenic, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium were present in Site soil above their respective Residential NCDEQ Residential Health Based Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). • Soil gas sampling results indicated that benzene, ethyl benzene, and naphthalene were present in Site soil gas at concentrations above respective NCDEQ Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs) for subslab and exterior conditions (SGSLs). These soil gas results, as well as WithersRavenel’s, are summarized on Figure 3. • Buried woody debris was observed at multiple soil boring locations during soil sampling and soil gas probe installation. GN9110/CAR230139 3 June 2024 • Due to historical Site use as a sawmill, methane screening was conducted during soil gas sampling. Results indicated that methane was detected at or above 1.25 percent (%) by volume (%v) at two soil gas probes installed in the central portion of the Site, near where buried woody debris was observed during the supplemental assessment. Methane concentrations of 1.25%v is equal to 25% of the methane Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). Methane was detected below 1.25%v at three other soil gas probes. These methane screening results are summarized on Figure 4. • All on-site data collected to date were evaluated with the NCDEQ Risk Calculator following the Risk-Based Guidance (NCDEQ 2023). Risk Calculator output indicated that risks posed by Site soils, the groundwater to indoor air VI pathway, or the soil gas to indoor air pathway to the evaluated receptors were acceptable. Further details of the NCDEQ Risk Calculator evaluation are provided below: o The groundwater direct contact pathway Risk Calculator was not refined, as the unacceptable screening risk output from the initial Tier 1 analysis can be managed with institutional controls. o For the soil gas to indoor air pathway for residents, the cumulative calculated screening-level carcinogenic risk was 2.4E-5 and screening-level hazard index (HI) was 0.97. Geosyntec conducted test pitting at the Site on March 7, 2023, to evaluate the extent and nature of the buried debris observed on Site, notably in the area around the elevated methane detections. Geosyntec identified the approximate boundaries of a woody debris pile (appearing to be comprised of mulched wood) and a buried woody debris mound (appearing to be comprised of mulched wood and Site soils). The results of test pitting are presented in the Woody Debris and Soil Characterization Work Plan (Geosyntec 2023a). The Woody Debris and Soil Characterization Work Plan (Geosyntec 2023a) also presents the means and methods for characterizing these materials for future export from the Site. Between January 5, 2024 and February 9, 2024 excavation and off-site export of woody debris was conducted. Geosyntec provided limited oversight of the excavation activities and confirmed that work was completed in general accordance with the Site’s approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP)1. NHE’s grading contractor, Young & McQueen Grading Company, removed approximately 1,600 tons of woody debris from the Site and transported the materials to Foothills Environmental Landfill in Lenoir, North Carolina. These activities will be formally documented in the next EMP Redevelopment Summary Report. 1 North Carolina Brownfields Redevelopment Section Environmental Management Plan (Geosyntec 2023) GN9110/CAR230139 4 June 2024 The natural decay of organic material, such as woody debris, produces methane which can accumulate in subsurface soil as a gas. As described in Section 1.4 of this report, Geosyntec preformed a methane assessment to evaluate methane concentrations in soil gas after the removal of the woody debris. 1.4 Methane Assessment BRS required assessing the effectiveness of woody debris removal in reducing methane concentrations in soil gas at the Site. Unless otherwise stated by the BRS, requirements that provide acceptable levels of methane in soil gas for the Brownfields Property are detailed in the NCDEQ Brownfields Minimum Requirements for Townhome Developments (NCDEQ 2020a) Brownfields Program Threshold Criteria for Methane Site Development (BRS Methane Guidance) (NCDEQ 2020b). Geosyntec completed the methane assessment from February through May 2024 in general accordance with the Methane Assessment Work Plan (Geosyntec 2024a). Geosyntec oversaw the installation of three soil gas monitoring probes within the excavation footprint on February 22, 2024, approximately two weeks after completing the woody debris excavation. Geosyntec then monitored methane in soil gas purged from each soil gas monitoring probe during three screening events: (i) baseline on February 22 and 26, 2024; (ii) Month 1 on March 29, 2024; and (iii) Month 2 on May 1, 2024. Results indicated that methane concentrations decreased in the excavation area to below 1.25%v at each monitoring location and methane was not detected at two soil gas monitoring probes by the Month 2 event. Geosyntec submitted results to the BRS on May 15, 2024 and further details of the methane assessment are provided the Summary of Methane Assessment memorandum (Geosyntec 2024b). As such, development of a VIMS design, as presented herein, will focus on the presence of VOCs in soil gas at the Site As discussed with the BRS, limited additional methane screening will be conducted during construction and after occupancy as described in Sections 4 and 5 (respectively) to further evaluate whether residual methane remains on Site in soil gas beneath building slabs. These additional screening activities will be conducted pre-occupancy and post-occupancy and results will be used to evaluate if modification of the VIMS is needed to address the presence of methane. 1.5 Regulatory Setting Based on the results from the referenced reports, the design and installation of a VIMS at each residential unit and the community building has been required by the BRS. GN9110/CAR230139 5 June 2024 Since VOCs have been detected in Site soil gas, the Report has been prepared in general accordance with the VIMS Design Submittal Requirements (NCDEQ 2024a). Since methane was detected above 1.25%v in soil gas prior to woody debris excavation, and additional screening will be required to confirm that methane is no longer present above actionable levels, the VIMS design will include limited design requirements from the BRS Methane Guidance (NCDEQ 2020b). This approach will allow the VIMS to be modified to mitigate methane if needed, based on the pre-and post-occupancy screening results (described in Section 4 and 5, respectively). If the VIMS needs to be modified for methane mitigation, additional components (e.g., non-sparking motor fan, sensor, monitoring components) will be installed. If needed, recommendations for methane mitigation, and, if necessary, design details for methane mitigation and monitoring will be included under separate cover (as further discussed in Section 7). This Report, along with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Site prepared by Geosyntec and dated June 23, 2023 (Geosyntec 2023b), are intended to support NCDEQ in the development of the BFA for the Site. 1.6 Report Organization The remaining sections of this Report and their contents are listed below: • Section 2 – Design Basis: provides an overview of the VIMS objective, operational criteria, and a description of various components of the VIMS. • Section 3 – Quality Assurance and Quality Control: describes Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) measures for VIMS construction. • Section 4 – Post Construction Diagnostic Testing and Pre-Occupancy Monitoring: provides the planned testing and monitoring methods to evaluate operation of the VIMS. • Section 5 – Post-Occupancy Effectiveness Testing: provides details of the required VIMS post-occupancy monitoring. • Section 6 – Future VIMS Modifications: provides guidance on how to manage future modifications to the VIMS or the buildings, if building modifications could impact the VIMS. • Section 7 – Reporting: presents the approach to document the observations made during the construction of the VIMS and the results of the post-construction/pre- occupancy monitoring. GN9110/CAR230139 6 June 2024 • Section 8 – Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring: provides a concept plan to support the continued Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring of the VIMS. • Section 9 – Professional Engineer Statement: provides a statement by the EOR as to the quality of the VIMS design. • Section 10 – References: provides a list of references. GN9110/CAR230139 7 June 2024 2. DESIGN BASIS This section provides details of the VIMS design, including the design objective, approach to design and mitigation, operational criteria, and a description of various components of the VIMS. 2.1 Design Objective The objective of the VIMS design is to mitigate the potential migration of subsurface VOC vapors into indoor air at the proposed residential units and community building. This objective will be met in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, the NCDEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) VI Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. As previously discussed, the VIMS design was also developed with the objective of allowing for future VIMS modifications to mitigate methane based on pre- and post-occupancy screening results as discussed in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. The sealing professional engineer (PE) is satisfied that the design is fully protective of public health from known Site contaminants. 2.2 Design and Mitigation Approach The VIMS design presented herein includes details to install, operate, and monitor an active VIMS at each building. The primary mechanism for mitigating VI will be inducing a vacuum below each building’s concrete slab that will induce outdoor air to flow beneath the concrete slab and generate a negative pressure in subslab soil gas relative to indoor air. Each VIMS will include a geomembrane vapor barrier installed underneath the concrete slab that is applicable to both VOCs and methane. A mechanical fan installed at each VIMS will induce a vacuum within an aggregate venting layer installed underneath the geomembrane vapor barrier. Vapors that migrate upward from the subsurface beneath each building will be collected in the aggregate venting layer and exhausted outdoors by the mechanical fans. Monitoring systems will also be installed to monitor the operation of each VIMS. If methane mitigation is needed, select buildings may have their VIMS modified to include methane-specific components (fans and monitoring system); this would be described under a separate cover (Section 7). Other mitigation components will be the same for each building. GN9110/CAR230139 8 June 2024 2.3 Design Criteria The primary design criteria for the VIMS is to maintain subslab soil gas depressurization at a minimum of 4 pascal (Pa) or greater as compared to indoor air pressure in each building. This is consistent with NCDEQ VIMS Design Submittal Requirements (NCDEQ 2024a) that indicates that an active VIMS is considered “sufficiently depressurized” if it generates a pressure differential throughout the building footprint of at least 4 Pa. However, the proposed VIMS design relies upon a combination of subslab depressurization (SSD) and subslab venting (SSV) to mitigate subslab VOCs, to provide the potential to modify the VIMS in the future to address methane. SSV systems (also referred to by the BRS as “sweep” systems) are often used for methane and VOC impacted sites and are considered “alternate systems” in the NCDEQ VIMS Design Submittal Requirements (NCDEQ 2024) that are not designed to target depressurization thresholds. These types of sweep systems can effectively mitigate soil gas impacts while maintaining a pressure differential of less than 4 Pa. Therefore, in the event that the proposed VIMS does not maintain a pressure differential of at least 4 Pa additional performance metrics/lines of evidence will be employed to evaluate the effectiveness of VIMS operations, with the approval of the BRS. Other lines of evidence may include, but may not be limited to: • differential pressure and/or flow within extraction risers; and/or • subslab soil gas screening data at discrete points for total VOCs; and/or • subslab soil gas analytical results for VOCs; and/or • indoor air analytical results for VOCs. The approach for VIMS performance monitoring (both pre- and post-occupancy) is discussed further in Sections 4 and 5 of this Report. 2.4 Mitigation Method Overview The VIMS design relies upon a combination of SSD and SSV to mitigate subslab VOCs below each building (and methane, contingent on pre-occupancy and post-occupancy monitoring). SSD creates a lower relative pressure below the building slab, compared to the building interior, which can be achieved with either a passive (e.g., driven by natural wind and/or thermal gradients) or an active (e.g., the use of fans or blowers) system. The VIMS design presented herein relies on an active system. To document SSD effectiveness, the NCDEQ GN9110/CAR230139 9 June 2024 VIMS Design Submittal Requirements (NCDEQ 2024a) requires that pressure differential be measured at discrete point(s) throughout the building footprint. As described in Section 2.3, the NCEQ indicates that an SSD should achieve a minimum pressure differential of 4 Pa. SSV encourages communication with outside air to induce pressure gradients and move air beneath the slab-on-grade foundation through advection. Typically, fresh air inlet piping provides a mechanism for outdoor air to sweep through the venting aggregate, dilute vapor concentrations, and discharge the diluted vapors through vapor extraction piping. When operating with an active mechanical fan, SSV VIMS often achieve the design objectives of an SSD VIMS. Furthermore, an SSV VIMS can also be easily transitioned to an SSD VIMS by capping the fresh air inlet piping, if warranted. Due to the small footprint of each residential unit (approximately 450 to 650 ft2), fresh air inlets are not necessary to facilitate the movement of outside air beneath the slab-on-grade. The community building’s footprint is larger (approximately 1,500 ft2), so fresh air inlets will be installed to facilitate outdoor air flushing beneath the slab. 2.5 Mitigation Monitoring Overview The VIMS design uses a monitoring system installed at each building to evaluate the VIMS operational status and the effectiveness of each VIMS at achieving the design objective and criteria. The VIMS monitoring system installed at each building consists of at least one subslab vapor monitoring probe installed below the building’s footprint, one differential pressure transmitter installed at the extraction riser, and a telemetry system to provide remote notifications to individuals to be designated in the forthcoming Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring (OM&M) Plan (Section 8). 2.6 VIMS Components The VIMS installed at each building will include a vapor barrier, a subslab venting layer, and a monitoring system. The components of each are presented in the Construction Drawings (Appendix A) and described below: • Concrete slab • Non-woven cushion geotextiles (upper and lower) • Geomembrane vapor barrier • 6−inch-thick venting aggregate Subslab Venting Layer Vapor Barrier GN9110/CAR230139 10 June 2024 • Vapor extraction 1-inch thick vent strip connected to solid polyvinyle chloride (PVC) conveyance piping • Community Building Only: Air inlet 1-inch thick vent strip connected to solid PVC conveyance piping • Mitigation fan (under active operation) • Subslab vapor monitoring probe • Indoor air reference monitoring port (residential units only) • Extraction riser monitoring port • Extraction riser differential pressure sensor Details for each of these components is described in the subsections below and recommended products used to construct these VIMS components are included Table 1. As described in Section 1, actual products to be used will be approved by Geosyntec’s EOR following the review of proposed product submittals issued by the Contractor. All electrical work required to install electrified VIMS components will be completed by a licensed electrician according to applicable codes. 2.7 Vapor Barrier Components The purpose of the vapor barrier is to reduce the migration of soil gas into the structures. The vapor barrier will include a concrete slab, underlain by an upper non-woven cushion geotextile, a geomembrane vapor barrier, and a lower non-woven cushion geotextile. The extent of the geomembrane vapor barrier will include the entire proposed ground floor footprint for every building on Site. The geomembrane vapor barrier will be continuous between footings and will consist of a minimum 20-mil2 geomembrane manufactured for use in VI mitigation applications. The geomembrane vapor barrier seams, connections to the building foundation, and utility penetrations will be sealed using spray applicators specifically formulated for use in VI mitigation applications. The spray-applied geomembrane vapor barrier seams will have a minimum thickness of 60-mil. The Technical Specifications (Appendix B) includes a list of requirements for the geomembrane vapor barrier, including material properties and installation methodologies, that will require review and approval by the VIMS EOR. It is anticipated that the sprayed-seam geomembrane vapor 2 1 mil is equivalent to 0.001 inch. Monitoring System Subslab Venting Layer (cont.) GN9110/CAR230139 11 June 2024 barrier will consist of an EPRO Geo-Seal® EV40 geomembrane (described as “EV40” herein); however, an approved equivalent may be used, as determined by the EOR. One non-woven cushion geotextile (the “upper cushion geotextile”) will be placed over the geomembrane vapor barrier to provide puncture protection to the geomembrane vapor barrier during the installation of the overlying concrete slab. A second non-woven cushion geotextile (the “lower cushion geotextile”) will be deployed directly underneath the geomembrane vapor barrier to provide puncture protection from the underlying venting aggregate. Some geomembrane vapor barriers, such as the EV40, are composite membranes that contain a geotextile bonded to the base of the geomembrane vapor barrier; in this case, the bonded geotextile serves the purpose of the lower cushion geotextile. In the instance the Contractor elects to install a geomembrane vapor barrier without a bonded geotextile, a lower cushion geotextile as defined in the Technical Specifications (Appendix B) will be installed. CQA field personnel will monitor smoke testing of the geomembrane vapor barrier during construction. Smoke testing will be completed prior to the installation of the upper cushion geotextile, and the Technical Specifications (Appendix B) provide detail of the smoke testing requirements. Thickness testing will not be performed because the spray application is only to be applied at the membrane seams, penetrations, and foundation attachments. 2.8 Subslab Venting Layer Components The purpose of the subslab venting layer is to “sweep” or “flush” vapors from under the slab and exhaust them above the building. The subslab venting layer will include an aggregate venting layer, vapor extraction piping, air inlet piping (community building only), and a mitigation fan. 2.8.1 Aggregate Venting Layer The 6-inch-thick aggregate venting layer will consist of an aggregate that meets ASTM C33 specifications, that will provide a conduit for air flow beneath the concrete slab. The venting aggregate will be installed below the geomembrane vapor barrier and lower cushion geotextile described in Section 2.7. 2.8.2 Extraction Piping Subslab vapors will be extracted using 1-inch thick, 12-inch-wide vent strip that connects to solid 4-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipes (“extraction pipe”) set within the aggregate venting layer using a transition end outlet. The extraction pipe will be routed horizontally until it penetrates the building’s exterior footer, after which it will transition from horizontal to vertical, and will be routed above grade to a mitigation fan installed near grade level on the GN9110/CAR230139 12 June 2024 building’s exterior (described in Section 2.8.4). The extraction piping will continue to be plumbed vertically along the exterior wall of the building until it terminates at a discharge point above the building’s roof line. Extraction piping layout and routing are presented in the Construction Drawings (Appendix A) and design details are provided below. One extraction riser will be installed for each building. As presented in Table 2, this frequency is sufficient to accommodate at least 3 air exchanges of the aggregate venting layer per hour, while maintaining a riser pipe velocity below 1,600 feet (ft) per minute to reduce the chances for nuisance noise (ANSI/ARST 2020). Although the 3-air exchange rate was used as a design basis, the VIMS is not required to achieve these flushing rates to demonstrate adequate system performance. Further, pre-occupancy sampling, tentative diagnostic testing, and operational evaluation will be completed following construction to specify the active mitigation fans and VIMS air flow rates. A ½-inch monitoring port will be installed on each extraction riser on the intake side of the mitigation fan for monitoring extraction riser conditions at grade level. The monitoring port consists of a drilled hole that is sealed with a ½-inch NPT threaded plug. A continuous extraction riser differential pressure sensor will be installed and plumbed into each extraction riser to monitor the mitigation fan’s static vacuum. These items are discussed further in Section 2.9). Extraction riser piping runs and offsets will be minimized to the extent practicable. The extraction riser piping will be supported as dictated by the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumber (MEP) or local building codes. Labels will be placed on extraction riser piping indicating: “VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM: NOTIFY MAINTENANCE IN CASE OF DAMAGE” in at least 0.5-inch lettering every 10 feet along the length of the above grade pipe, as indicated in the Technical Specifications (Appendix B). Drainage holes will be drilled in the elbow fittings at the horizontal to vertical transitions below the slab, and a non-woven filter geotextile will be placed below the subslab drainage holes to prevent the drainage holes from becoming clogged with subgrade material. Any above ground horizontal piping will be sloped back toward the building to drain condensate back toward the subsurface. An inline condensate collar may be placed on the exhaust piping to collect condensate. The discharge point of each extraction riser will be a minimum of 10 feet from building intakes or building openings and extend a minimum of 18 inches above the eaves of the sloped roofs. GN9110/CAR230139 13 June 2024 2.8.3 Air Inlet Piping Outdoor air will be distributed below the slab of the community building using 1-inch thick, 12-inch-wide vent strip that connects to solid 4-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipes (“air inlet pipe”) set within the aggregate venting layer using a transition end outlet. The inlet pipe will be routed horizontally until it penetrates the building’s exterior footer, after which it will transition from horizontal to vertical, and will be routed above grade. The inlet pipe will extend a minimum of 2-feet above grade and have a screen installed on the end to prevent animals from entering, or other blockages. Air inlet piping layout and routing are presented in the Construction Drawings (Appendix A). 2.8.4 Mitigation Fan Electric powered fans will generate air flow and vacuum gradients to vent vapors from beneath the slab and flush atmospheric air through the ventilation layer below the slab. One extraction fan will be installed on each extraction riser pipe. The fan will be installed in-line with the extraction piping, approximately 4 to 5 ft above grade, for long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) of the mitigation system fans. The fan will be mounted on the building’s exterior wall in a manner that provides sufficient support for the fan and extraction piping. The exhaust from the fan will be routed to above the roof line. A shut-off switch will be installed at each fan housing in a weather enclosure per applicable building code for maintenance. Power will be supplied by individual circuit breakers to each fan. Alarming and monitoring infrastructure for the fans is discussed in Section 2.9. If the PD wishes to transition select buildings’ VIMS from active to passive based on post-occupancy monitoring data and BRS approval, this would be completed by uninstalling the mechanical mitigation fans, and replacing them with wind-driven turbines. Wind-driven turbines rely on pressure gradients produced by the turbines (which are turned by wind) to vent vapors from beneath the slab by flushing atmospheric air through the venting layer below the slab. The wind-driven turbines will be made from galvanized steel construction, mounted on top of the exhaust piping on the roof, and secured with galvanized or stainless- steel screws. The potential wind-driven turbines are documented in the Construction Drawings (Appendix A), Technical Specifications (Appendix B), and recommended VIMS products (Table 1). 2.9 Monitoring System The VIMS monitoring system installed at each building contains manual and active monitoring components presented in the Construction Drawings (Appendix A), summarized in Table 3, and described below: GN9110/CAR230139 14 June 2024 • Subslab vapor monitoring probes • Extraction riser monitoring port • Indoor air reference monitoring port (residential units only) • Extraction riser differential pressure sensor 2.9.1 Subslab Vapor Monitoring Probes Subslab soil gas conditions beneath each building will be monitored manually via subslab vapor monitoring probes. These subslab vapor monitoring probes can be used to collect subslab soil gas samples and to monitor subslab vacuum and subslab airflow. The locations of the proposed monitoring probes and construction details are presented in Appendix A. In each residential unit, one subslab vapor monitoring probe will be installed at a location distant from extraction riser inlet and at least 5 ft from the nearest exterior walls (i.e. building envelope). This results in a monitoring frequency of 1 subslab monitoring location per 546 to 704 ft2, depending upon the residential unit type. In the community building, two subslab vapor monitoring probes will be installed at a location distant from the extraction riser and at least 5 ft from the nearest exterior walls. This results in an approximate monitoring frequency of 1 subslab monitoring location per 760 ft2. The design of the subslab vapor monitoring probes is different depending on whether they are installed in the residential units or community building; design details are provided below. The subslab vapor monitoring probes installed in the residential units will be used to monitor subslab conditions remotely and will be accessible from the exterior of the building so that the O&M contractor does not have to enter residential units to monitor the system. The remote subslab vapor monitoring probes will consist of ¼-inch Nylaflow® tubing connected via a compression or barbed fitting to a 6-inch stainless-steel vapor implant. The Nylaflow tubing will be routed through solid 1-inch (minimum) Schedule 40 PVC conduits that run beneath the slab though the venting aggregate and terminates outside of the residential unit’s footprint. The PVC conduit will connect to a vertical PVC riser using a PVC tee. The PVC conduit and interior monitoring tubing will terminate in a flush-mounted 8-inch diameter well vault adjacent to the residential unit, and at a location accessible for ongoing VIMS operations, maintenance, and monitoring. The end of the monitoring tubing within the well vault will terminate with a ¼-inch compression fitting connected to a ball valve to allow for monitoring. The opposite end of the monitoring tubing (located in the venting aggregate) will contain a temporary ball valve to allow for leak testing to be completed (via a shut-in test) prior to pouring the concrete slab. The PVC conduit will be sealed on both ends, and at Active Monitoring Manual Monitoring GN9110/CAR230139 15 June 2024 each conduit joint, with polyurethane caulking per the Construction Drawings (Appendix A). The subslab vapor monitoring probes installed in the community building will be used to monitor subslab conditions directly and will be accessible from inside the community building. These subslab vapor monitoring probes will consist of a Vapor Pin® installed within a Vapor Pin Insert, a product manufactured by Vapor Pin Enterprises. The Vapor Pin Insert will be installed prior to pouring the foundation and allows the geomembrane vapor barrier to be properly sealed to the Insert tube using the manufacturer’s instructions on pipe penetration repair. The Vapor Pin Insert will be installed per the manufacturer’s standard operation procedure. The Vapor Pins will have a barb fitting for connecting monitoring equipment. When not in use, a secure, flush cover will be installed on the Vapor Pin to protect it from damage. 2.9.2 Indoor Air Reference Monitoring Port Since the access point of the residential units’ subslab vapor monitoring probes will be located outside, indoor air refence monitoring ports will be installed at each residential unit to allow for the measurement of the pressure differential between the indoors and the subslab. The indoor air reference monitoring ports will consist of ¼-inch Nylaflow tubing that begins in a monitoring panel mounted onto the exterior of the residential unit and terminates with an open end inside of the residential unit. The Nylaflow tube will be installed within a solid 1-inch (minimum) Schedule 40 PVC conduit. The end of the Nylaflow tubing in the monitoring panel will terminate with a ¼-inch compression fitting connected to a ball valve to allow for monitoring. The monitoring panel consist of a weathertight enclosure installed at an accessible location. The monitoring panel will also house the extraction riser differential pressure sensor (Section 2.9.4). 2.9.3 Extraction Riser Monitoring Port A ½-inch monitoring port will be installed on each extraction riser on the intake side of the mitigation fan at grade level. The monitoring port will consist of a ½-inch NPT threaded plug installed directly into the extraction riser pipe, at least 40 inches from where the extraction piping below grade transitions from horizontal to vertical. The monitoring port will be used for collecting manual measurements of air flow, static vacuum, or air samples from the extraction pipe. GN9110/CAR230139 16 June 2024 2.9.4 Extraction Riser Differential Pressure Sensor One differential pressure sensor will be installed at each VIMS to monitor the static vacuum being applied by the mechanical fan. The differential pressure sensor will be installed in a watertight enclosure (e.g., monitoring panel) and ¼-inch vacuum tubing will be installed between the differential pressure sensor and extraction riser. The ¼-inch vacuum tubing will terminate on the intake side of the mitigation fan, between the fan intake and the extraction riser monitoring port. The differential pressure sensor will be connected to a telemetry system that will trigger if a mitigation fan is operating below a minimum setpoint static vacuum. When triggered, an audible/visual alarm will be activated by the telemetry system and an automatic notification to the property owner and designated representative will be sent; both instances will indicate that a designated representative should investigate the cause of the alarm and inspect the fan. The telemetry system will be readily accessible. GN9110/CAR230139 17 June 2024 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) measures are necessary to maintain system integrity during construction. CQA will be conducted by qualified personnel under the supervision of the PE who designed the VIMS (EOR). A CQA Monitoring Plan is provided as Appendix C, within which the EOR, Contractor, and other pertinent project team members’ roles and responsibilities are defined. BRS will be provided a minimum of 48 business hour notification prior to starting CQA. Following construction, a final report will be prepared, as approved by the VIMS EOR, that will include a summary of VIMS installation monitoring. Reporting is discussed further in Section 7. GN9110/CAR230139 18 June 2024 4. POST-CONSTRUCTION DIAGNOSTIC TESTING AND PRE-OCCUPANCY MONITORING Prior to occupancy, pre-occupancy methane screening, diagnostic testing, and pre-occupancy VIMS monitoring will be completed. Details of the pre-occupancy methane screening, diagnostic testing, and pre-occupancy monitoring are provided in this section. 4.1 Pre-Occupancy Methane Screening To evaluate whether methane remains in soil gas and is accumulating below the building slabs during construction and if the VIMS need to be modified to mitigate methane, two pre- occupancy methane screening events will be completed as follows: • Two weeks after the concrete slabs are poured, methane screening will be completed at each residential unit and the community building. • One month after the concrete slabs are poured, methane screening will be completed at select buildings (buildings will be selected as described in Section 4.1.2). Subslab soil gas will be collected and screened from subslab vapor monitoring probes and extraction riser pipes using the methods described in Section 4.1.1 and results will be transmitted according to Section 4.1.2. 4.1.1 Methane Screening Procedure The subslab vapor monitoring probes and extraction riser pipes will be purged using a lung box (or equivalent) and purged subslab soil gas will be collected in a 1-liter (L) Tedlar® bag. Each Tedlar bag of purged subslab soil gas will be screened using a landfills gas meter and results for methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen will be recorded. When screening the subslab vapor monitoring probes, Nylaflow tubing will be connected directly from the lung box to the probe using airtight fittings. A shut-in test will be conducted to evaluate potential leaks in the screening assembly. When screening the extraction riser pipe, the extraction riser will not be capped and will be open, allowing subslab soil gas to vent to the atmosphere (this is similar to the future conditions when mechanical fans will be installed and operating at each building). The Nylaflow tubing will be connected directly to the lung box and placed within the extraction riser. A temporary seal will be made where the Nylaflow tubing enters the extraction riser and purging will commence. No shut-in test will be conducted since there are no fittings in the screening assembly and the Nylaflow tubing will be placed within the extraction riser. GN9110/CAR230139 19 June 2024 When screening the subslab vapor monitoring probes, subslab soil gas will be purged such that at least three times the volume of the subslab probe and sample train are purged prior to collecting and recording final subslab soil gas measurements. When screening the extraction riser pipe, subslab soil gas will be purged such that at least 3 L of subslab soil gas are purged and screened prior to recording final subslab soil gas measurements. 4.1.2 Results Transmittal A memorandum providing findings and recommendations will be prepared for each pre-occupancy methane screening event and submitted to the BRS for review and approval (i.e., two memorandums will be submitted). The two-week results memorandum will include a recommendation as to whether furth pre-occupancy methane screening is necessary for each building. The one-month screening scope will then be adjusted with BRS approval. The one-month results memorandum will include two recommendations: (i) whether further pre-occupancy methane screening is necessary for each building monitored; and (ii) whether the VIMSs for each building will need to be modified to include methane mitigation system components. 4.2 VMS Diagnostic Testing The objective of diagnostic testing is to evaluate the pneumatic connectivity below the slab footprint and to specify mechanical fans. Diagnostic testing will be completed at the community building; however, diagnostic testing may not be completed at each residential unit due to their small footprints and uniformity of construction; however, pre-occupancy monitoring will be completed at each residential unit as described in Section 4.2. Diagnostic testing will include subslab pressure field extension testing, extraction riser air flow and vacuum monitoring, and VOC monitoring at both the subslab and extraction riser. Additionally, the CQA field monitor may check for air leakage at accessible construction joints and floor penetrations via smoke testing, where smoke is introduced to the areas of potential leakage and evaluated for downward migration while the diagnostic test is occurring and a vacuum is being applied to the VIMS. The diagnostic testing will be performed after the entire subslab portion of the mitigation system has been installed, the concrete slab has cured, and the penetrations and joints have been sealed. GN9110/CAR230139 20 June 2024 A combination of flow and vacuum data will be used to specify a fan that achieves the design objective. 4.2.1 Pressure Field Extension Testing A temporary fan will be connected to each extraction riser to exhaust gases from below the slab. Cross-slab differential pressure will be measured and recorded during the testing at each of the subslab monitoring locations installed within the building being tested. Since the community building VIMS uses venting rather than pressure differentials to achieve its design goals, vacuum may not be measurable at the subslab vapor monitoring probes even when the system is operating effectively. If no vacuum is observed, other methods may be employed, such as temporarily closing air inlet piping during testing to confirm pneumatic connectivity in the subslab. 4.2.2 Flow and Vacuum Monitoring While operating the temporary fan, the fan vacuum and airflow rate will be measured at monitoring ports installed on the extraction piping using a thermal anemometer and static pressure gauge. This information, along with the pressure field extension data, will be used to evaluate pneumatic performance of VIMS components. The fan flow rate will be varied and data will be collected at the subslab vapor monitoring probes to evaluate the effect of fan operational changes. The information obtained by operating the mechanical fans in various operating conditions will be used to specify a mitigation fan. 4.2.3 VOC Monitoring During operation of the temporary fan, VOC concentrations be screened with a handheld PID from each extraction pipe and subslab vapor monitoring probe. VOC analytical data will not be collected during diagnostic testing, but is planned for pre-occupancy monitoring (Section 4.2). 4.3 Pre-Occupancy Monitoring Once mitigation fans specified by the Contractor and approved by the EOR are installed and operating, pre-occupancy monitoring will be performed to evaluate if each VIMS is achieving the design objectives to support building occupancy approval from the BRS. If the construction schedule allows, the pre-occupancy monitoring will occur once each building is substantially complete; however, pre-occupancy monitoring may occur prior to that to meet the occupancy schedule. If pre-occupancy monitoring occurs prior to substantial completion of the buildings, each building will, at a minimum, be completely enclosed and the BRS will be informed of the change in pre-occupancy monitoring timing. The results of pre-occupancy monitoring will be submitted to the BRS for review and occupancy approval, GN9110/CAR230139 21 June 2024 as discussed in the Reporting section. The four pre-occupancy monitoring tasks are described in the subsections below. 4.3.1 Pre-Occupancy Operational Evaluation The pre-occupancy operational evaluation will consist of one round of operational monitoring, during which the following data will be collected: • Subslab to indoor air differential pressures will be measured from the subslab vapor monitoring probes. • Flow and static vacuum will be measured at each extraction riser. • As needed (based on field observations and measurements), limited smoke testing may be completed to evaluate potential slab leakage. 4.3.2 Pre-Occupancy Subslab Soil Gas Sampling Pre-occupancy subslab soil gas samples will be collected at each building’s subslab vapor monitoring probes while mitigation fans are operating, in accordance with the Minimum Mitigation and Sampling Requirements for Reuse guidance document (NCDEQ 2024b) and the DWM VI Guidance (NCDEQ 2018), as described below. Each subslab sample will be collected with a batch-certified clean 1-L SUMMA® canister with a 200 milliliter per minute (mL/min) flow controller. The initial SUMMA canister vacuum will be measured prior to sample collection, and no more than 24-hours in advance, to evaluate if canister leaks occurred during shipping. If the initial canister vacuum decreases by more than 10% from the vacuum as measured by the analytical laboratory, the canister will not be used for sampling. Each SUMMA canister will be connected to the subslab vapor probe using airtight fittings and new Nylaflow® tubing. Prior to each subslab sample collection, differential pressure (subslab to indoor air) will be collected and a shut-in test will be conducted to evaluate potential leaks in the sample assembly. Following the completion of a successful shut-in test, subslab vapor monitoring probes will be purged of three volumes (equal to the volume of the Nylaflow tubing below the slab and the sample train tubing) using a lung box or peristaltic pump. Subslab soil gas will be purged at a rate less than or equal to 200 mL/min and will be collected in a 1-L Tedlar bag. During purging, helium will be introduced into a shroud that encompassed the entire sample train and used as a tracer to check the sampling train and surface seal for leaks. The purged soil gas will be screened for: (i) oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane with a landfill gas meter; GN9110/CAR230139 22 June 2024 (ii) organic vapors with a PID; and (iii) helium with a helium detector. A helium shroud will be used as a tracer leak test to evaluate potential outdoor air entrainment into the samples. However, commonly used helium meters (e.g., MGD-2002) indicate in the operator manual that the presence of methane can interfere with the helium meter screening results, resulting in false positive detections. In cases where methane is detected during the sample train purge process, multiple lines of evidence will be used, beyond the helium tracer, to evaluate the integrity of the seal from atmospheric air entrainment, such as the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide relative to atmospheric conditions. After sample collection, the residual vacuum of each SUMMA canister will be measured. The targeted final vacuum for sample collection will be 5 inches of mercury (inHg) and final canister vacuums as measured by the laboratory will be provided in analytical reports. After sample collection, the canisters will be transported to an accredited laboratory under standard chain of custody procedures and analyzed for VOCs plus naphthalene using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method TO-15. A duplicate sample will be collected daily or every 20 sample locations whichever one occurs first. Also, one outdoor air sample will be collected during each sampling mobilization. 4.3.3 Pre-Occupancy Indoor Air Sampling Pre-occupancy indoor air monitoring will be performed concurrently with subslab sampling at each building while mitigation fans are operating. Indoor air samples will be collected in accordance with the Minimum Mitigation and Sampling Requirements for Reuse guidance document (NCDEQ 2024b) and the DWM VI Guidance (NCDEQ 2018) as described below. Each indoor air sample will be collected in the breathing zone 3 to 5 ft above the ground in a 6-L, individually certified SUMMA canister fitted with a 24-hour flow controller. Indoor air samples in residential units can be collected concurrently with subslab soil gas samples because the subslab soil gas sampling ports will be routed outdoors, eliminating the potential for excess soil gas introduced to indoor air during subslab sampling to bias indoor air sample results. The indoor air sample collected in the community building will be collected the day before the subslab soil gas samples are collected because the subslab probes are indoors. Prior to deploying the 6-L SUMMA canisters, a building survey will be completed to evaluate potential background sources that may impact indoor air quality and analytical results. An initial vacuum will be recorded from each canister prior to sampling; if the initial canister vacuum has decreased by more than 10% from the vacuum as measured by the analytical laboratory, the canister will not be used for sampling. After sample collection, the SUMMA GN9110/CAR230139 23 June 2024 canisters’ residual vacuum will be measured and recorded in the field. The targeted final vacuum after sample collection will be 5 inHg and final canister vacuums as measured by the laboratory will be provided in analytical reports. After sample collection, the canisters will be transported to an accredited laboratory under standard chain of custody procedures and analyzed for VOCs previously detected in Site media using EPA Method TO-15. The list of VOCs included in the indoor air analysis will be provided to the BRS prior to sampling for review and approval. 4.3.4 Pre-Occupancy Risk-Based Screening Evaluation Pre-occupancy sampling results will be compared to the most up-to-date NCDEQ Residential SGSLs and indoor air IASLs at the time of sampling. Data will then be evaluated using the most up-to-date NCDEQ Risk Calculator as described below. The analytical results input into Risk Calculator will include the maximum concentration of each detected compound, including estimated values ( “J flags”), and the Method Detection Limits (MDLs) for compounds that were not detected in samples but where the MDL exceeded the residential SGSL or IASL. Cumulative calculated screening-level cancer risks less than 1E-4 and screening-level cumulative non-cancer hazard indices less than 1.0 are considered acceptable as indicated in the Risk-Based Guidance (NCDEQ 2023). Further refinement of the Risk Calculator input may occur, pending results. The pre-occupancy sampling result and Risk Calculator output for each building will be submitted to BRS. It is anticipated that the Risk Calculator outputs will be used to guide future post-occupancy monitoring (e.g. monitoring frequency, monitoring locations, etc.) and operating activities (e.g. potential to go passive) for each building. GN9110/CAR230139 24 June 2024 5. POST-OCCUPANCY SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS TESTING Following occupancy approval, VIMS monitoring will be performed in general accordance with BRS guidance documents for each residential unit and the community building. Details of the VIMS monitoring are provided in the following subsections. Following one year of post-occupancy VIMS monitoring, modifications to the operation and monitoring frequency may be requested by the PD or their designated representative, pending the data findings and approval by the BRS. Note that the monitoring procedures described below only apply to the VIMS for mitigation of VOCs. As previously described, modification of the VIMS to mitigate methane (if needed) will require modification of post- occupancy system effectiveness testing and will be conducted under separate cover. 5.1 VIMS Operational Monitoring Routine post-occupancy monthly operational monitoring will be completed at each building, following the same processes described in Section 4.3.1. Monthly operational data will be submitted to the BRS quarterly. 5.2 VIMS VOC Sampling One concurrent subslab soil gas and indoor air sampling event will be completed between 6 and 12 months after occupancy in general accordance with the sample collection methods described in Sections 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. One subslab soil gas analytical sampling event will be completed every 5 years after occupancy, per the Townhome Guidance (NCDEQ 2020a), in general accordance with the sample collection methods described in Section 4.3.2. Within 90 days of completing a subslab soil gas and/or indoor air monitoring event a summary of the monitoring event will be submitted to the BRS. Within 14 days of receiving indoor air analytical data, NCDEQ Risk Calculator outputs from the most up-to-date Risk Calculator will be submitted to the BRS. If the Risk Calculator output exceeds acceptable levels as defined in the Risk-Based Guidance (NCDEQ 2023), a resampling event will be completed within 2 weeks of submitting the Risk Calculator output to the BRS. During the resampling event, an inventory of chemicals stored within the building will be taken to evaluate potential background sources. GN9110/CAR230139 25 June 2024 5.3 Post-Occupancy Methane Screening One post occupancy methane screening event will be completed at each building concurrently with the first monthly operational evaluation (approximately one month after building occupancy). Subslab soil gas will be collected and screened from subslab vapor monitoring probes using the same method described in Section 4.1.1. Subslab soil gas will be collected and screened from extraction riser pipes using a modified method as described in Section 4.1.1, since the VIMS at each building will be operating. Nylaflow tubing will be connected directly to the lung box and inserted into the extraction riser via the monitoring port. A temporary seal will be made around the Nylaflow tubing and purging will commence. No shut-in test will be conducted since there are no fittings in the screening assembly and the Nylaflow tubing will be placed within the extraction riser. Subslab soil gas will be purged such that at least 3 L of subslab soil gas are purged and screened prior to recording final subslab soil gas measurements. Following completion of the post-occupancy methane screening, a summary of the event and the results will be submitted to the BRS for review. In the submittal, two recommendations will be included for BRS review and approval: (i) whether further post-occupancy methane screening is necessary; and (ii) whether the VIMSs for each building will need to be modified to include methane mitigation system components. If methane mitigation is required by the BRS, post-occupancy methane mitigation effectiveness testing will be required, and will be described under a separate cover, as discussed in Section 7. GN9110/CAR230139 26 June 2024 6. FUTURE VIMS MODIFICATIONS The Site owner, or an authorized representative, will be responsible for property management and day-to-day operation of the VIMS. This will include confirmation that the VIMS alarms are operational and that work that could potentially damage components of the VIMS is not conducted without developing a plan for approval by the BRS and in consultation with the EOR. In the event the VIMS requires modification or repair, the work will be conducted in general accordance with the Construction Drawings (Appendix A) and Technical Specifications (Appendix B) and the BRS will be notified at least 48 business hours prior to implementing the modifications, unless emergency repairs are required, in which case the repair will be made and the BRS will be notified as soon as practicable. The VIMS modification or repair will be completed under the supervision of the VIMS EOR or North Carolina PE. If future improvements require modifications to the VIMS in excess of typical slab repairs (e.g., repairing geomembrane) and involve movement of VIMS components (e.g., rerouting subslab vapor monitoring probes), a brief addendum report will be submitted to the BRS documenting potential improvement activities and post-construction performance monitoring (if deemed necessary by the VIMS EOR) for BRS review and approval. If subslab data collected prior to improvements indicate that TCE is present in subslab soil gas above acceptable risk-based thresholds, temporary mitigation measures (e.g., installing temporary ventilation of the space) will be implemented prior to performing the improvements. VIMS modifications that disturb subsurface soil will need to be conducted in accordance with an approved environmental management plan (EMP). Future tenants/lessees will be notified of a presence of a VIMS through the leasing agreement. The information provided will include a description of the VIMS and pertinent information regarding VIMS management for future improvements or subslab modifications (consistent with the information presented herein). This document will be provided to the BRS for review prior to Building occupancy. GN9110/CAR230139 27 June 2024 7. REPORTING Assessment, mitigation, and monitoring results will be summarized and submitted to the BRS for review and approval. Details of the submittals are provided below: • Pre-Occupancy Methane Screening Results: Two memorandums will be submitted to the BRS for review and approval summarizing results from the two-week and one-month post-slab pour methane screening, as described in Section 4.1.2. Each memorandum will include a recommendation as to whether further pre-occupancy methane screening should occur at each building. The one-month memorandum will also include a recommendation as to which buildings, if any, will need to be modified to include methane mitigation system components. • Pre-Occupancy Monitoring: Results from the pre-occupancy monitoring, including operational evaluation, subslab soil gas sampling, and indoor air sampling will be submitted to the BRS for review and approval. Depending on timing, the pre-occupancy monitoring results may be submitted with the Construction Completion Report discussed below. • Post-Occupancy Methane Screening: Results from the post-occupancy methane screening will be submitted to the BRS for review and approval, as described in Section 5.3. The results submittal will include a recommendation as to which buildings, if any, will receive methane mitigation components. • Contingent Methane Mitigation Design: Based on the methane assessment results described in Section 1.4, methane is unlikely to be present in soil gas at concentrations requiring mitigation. However, based on results from the pre- and post-occupancy methane screening events, the BRS may require that select VIMS be modified to mitigate methane in general accordance with the BRS Methane Guidance (NCDEQ 2020b). If the BRS requires methane mitigation, details of the modifications to the VIMS design (e.g., methane monitoring equipment), CQA monitoring, pre-occupancy monitoring, post-occupancy effectiveness testing, and reporting will be provided in an addendum to this Design Report for the BRS to review and approve. • Construction Completion Reporting: Within 90 days of completion of pre-occupancy monitoring or completion of VIMS construction (whichever comes last), a report summarizing the installation monitoring, QA/QC measures, and notable deviations from the design will be submitted to the BRS. The report will also provide an opinion of whether the VIMS was delivered in a condition consistent with the Construction Documents, which is designed to mitigate public exposure to VOCs (and potentially GN9110/CAR230139 28 June 2024 methane) within acceptable levels. The report will include field monitoring documentation (field logs and photographs) and as-built drawings as appendices. If appropriate, Safety Data Sheets for construction materials used near ground surface that might contribute to background interference will be included as an appendix. The report will include the PE statement (Section 9), be signed and sealed by the EOR (Licensed in North Carolina), and submitted to the BRS for review and approval. • OM&M Plan: A description of the OM&M Plan that will be submitted to the BRS is provided in Section 8. GN9110/CAR230139 29 June 2024 8. OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE, AND MONITORING PLAN An OM&M Plan will be developed and is anticipated to be submitted prior to occupancy of the residential units and community building. The OM&M Plan will be submitted at least 30 days prior to occupancy. The OM&M Plan will be provided for implementation by the Site owner (and/or their authorized representative) and will include documentation of the as-built systems (as provided by the Contractor), product information and manuals for the components, and OM&M requirements for the VIMS in the instance there are future modifications to the building and/or slab. The objective of the OM&M Plan will be to provide recommendations for effective ongoing system operation and monitoring, which will include the inspection process for the first-floor slab, mitigation fans, and support equipment, procedures for collecting field screening data from the various VIMS monitoring components, and a recommended reporting frequency. If methane mitigation is required, the OM&M Plan will also include recommended frequencies for calibrating and replacing methane sensors. An example OM&M form is provided in Appendix G showing the types of monitoring data that may be collected; this OM&M form is not Site-specific and is not planned for use at the Site. Site-specific OM&M form(s) will be developed for this Site and will be included in the OM&M Plan. GN9110/CAR230139 30 June 2024 9. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER STATEMENT The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate the intrusion of subsurface vapors into building features in accordance with the most recent and applicable DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards, or alternative standards approved in writing in advance by DEQ, and that a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina, as evidenced by said engineer’s professional seal, is satisfied that the system has been designed so as to be fully protective of public health within the meaning of NCGS 130A-310.32 (a)(2), from known Brownfields Property contaminants. GN9110/CAR230139 31 June 2024 10. REFERENCES ANSI/ARST, 2020. Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings, RMS-MF 2018 with 12/20 revisions prepared by AARST Consortium On National Radon Standards. 2020. WithersRavenel, 2022. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Buzzard Rock LLC Property, 1.92-acre Site, Sawmill Hollow Road, Burnsville, Yancey County, NC 28714 WR Project No. 08210844.00. January 2022. Geosyntec Consultants, 2022. Supplemental Assessment Report, Site: Sawmill Village Brownfields Redevelopment Sawmill Hollow Road, Burnsville, North Carolina 28714. December 2022. Geosyntec Consultants, 2023a. Woody Debris and Soil Characterization Work Plan: Sawmill Village Brownfields Redevelopment Sawmill Hollow Road, Burnsville, North Carolina 28714. April 2023. Geosyntec Consultants, 2023b. Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Site: Sawmill Village Brownfields Redevelopment Sawmill Hollow Road, Burnsville, North Carolina 28714. June 2023. Geosyntec Consultants, 2024a. Methane Assessment Work Plan: Sawmill Hollow Property, Sawmill Hollow Road, Burnsville, North Carolina 28714. January 2024. Geosyntec Consultants, 2024b. Summary of Methane Assessment, Site: Sawmill Village Brownfields Redevelopment, Sawmill Hollow Road, Burnsville, North Carolina 28714, NCDEQ BRS Project No. 26015-22-100. May 2024. Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS), 2010. Methane Hazard Mitigation Measures Standard Plan. Rev. March 2010. NCDEQ,2020a. North Carolina Brownfields Program Minimum Requirements for Townhome Developments. May 2020. NCDEQ, 2020b. Threshold Criteria for Methane Site Development. December 2020. NCDEQ, 2023. Revised Technical Guidance for Risk-Based Environmental Remediation of Sites. January 2023. GN9110/CAR230139 32 June 2024 NCDEQ, 2024a. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements. May 2024. NCDEQ, 2024b. Brownfields Program. Minimum Mitigation and Sampling Requirements for Reuse. May 2024. TABLES Manufacturer Product Name/Number Geomembrane Vapor Barrier Vapor Barrier EPRO Services, Inc. Upper Cushion Geotextile Protective Layer Above Geomembrane CETCO Ultrashield G-1000 Lower Cushion Geotextile2 Protective Layer Below Geomembrane SKAPS GE-160 Mitigation Fan Active Mitigation Fan RadonAway RP145 Differential Pressure Sensor Measure Static Vacuum at Extraction Riser OBAR GBR25-T Wireless Transmitter Transmits Static Vacuum Measurement to the Control Panel OBAR EDG 0-10V sensor Wind Turbine Passive System Empire TV04G Notes: 1. The vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) products listed in this table are recommendations and Engineer of Record (EOR) approved equivalent products may be used. 3. Passive system fans are not included in the initial VIMS design. They are provided in anticipation of future requests for modifying VIMS operation. 2. If the EV40 geomembrane vapor barrier is used, a separate lower cushion geotextile is not required because the EV40 geomembrane includes one in the product. Telemetry System OBAR EDG Cellular Gateway Table 1 - Recommended VIMS Products Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Report Sawmill Hollow Brownfields Property - Burnsville, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 26015-22-100 VIMS Component Function (or Equivalent)1 1 of 1 Variable Unit Residential Unit C Residential Unit F Residential Unit G Residential Unit H Community Building Number of Proposed Buildings --6 10 8 2 1 Approximate Building Area square foot 546 704 700 700 1,513 Venting Aggregate Void Volume cubic feet 90 116 116 116 250 Riser Diameter inches 4 4 4 4 6 Design Air Exchanges per Hour --3 3 3 3 3 Maximum Riser Air Velocity feet per minute 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 Maximum Riser Air Flow Rate cubic feet per minute 140 140 140 140 140 cubic feet per hour 270 348 347 347 749 cubic feet per minute 5 6 6 6 13 Number of Risers Required for Maximum Riser Air Velocity --1 1 1 1 1 Air Flow Rate per Riser cubic feet per minute 5 6 6 6 13 Notes: Table 2 - Design Air Exchange Rates Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Report Sawmill Hollow Brownfields Property - Burnsville, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 26015-22-100 Design Air Flow Rate (3 Air Exchanges per Hour) 1. The Venting Aggregate Void Volume is calculated assuming a 6-inch thick aggregate layer with a porosity of 0.33 below the entire building footprint. 2. The Design Air Exchanges per Hour presented in this table served as the basis for design of the vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS). 3. The Design Air Flow Rate is calculated by multiplying the Design Air Exchanges per Hour by the Venting Aggregate Void Volume. 1 of 1 Building Type Residential Unit C Residential Unit F Residential Unit G Residential Unit H Community Building Building Area (ft2)546 704 700 700 1,513 Number of Air Inlets 0 0 0 0 1 Number of Subslab Vapor Monitorin Probes 1 1 1 1 2 Number of Extraction Riser Monitorin Ports 1 1 1 1 1 Number of Indoor Air Reference Monitoring Port 1 1 1 1 -- Number of Continuous Extraction Riser Differential Pressure Sensor 1 1 1 1 1 Notes: 2. -- indicates that indoor air pressure reference ports will not be installed in the community building because Vapor Pins® will be installed within the building's footprint. ft2: square feet Table 3 - Monitoring System Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Report Sawmill Hollow Brownfields Property - Burnsville, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 26015-22-100 Building Footprint Manual Monitoring1 Active Monitoring1 1. Manual and active monitoring components will be installed at each residential units and the community building. 1 of 1 FIGURES \\Raleigh-01\PRJ\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\202307_VIMS Design\F1_Site Location Map.mxd 7/26/2023 5:08:48 PM NC 0 1,000Feet ³Sawmill Hollow Brownfields PropertyBrownfields Project No: 26015-22-100Burnsville, North Carolina Site Location Map Figure 1Asheville, NC June 2024 Legend Notes:1. Base map from USGS National Topogrpahpic Map.2. Parcel Boundary Data from Yancey County GIS. Site Location ^_ Site Location Sa w m i l l H o l l o w R o a d US High w a y 1 9 E Horizo n D r i v e Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit FUnit F Unit H Unit F Unit F Unit H Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit C \\Raleigh-01\PRJ\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\202307_VIMS Design\F4_Proposed Redevelopment.mxd 9/1/2023 8:52:28 AM EHoward Legend ³Proposed Redevelopment Plan Figure 2Raleigh, NC June 2024 > > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Sawmill Ho llow Road US Highway 19E Fair Haven Drive SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 Unit H Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit H Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit F Unit C Unit C VP-1 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 \\Raleigh-01\PRJ\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\202307_VIMS Design\F2_Soil Gas Results Map.mxd 9/1/2023 8:47:37 AM Sawmill Hollow Road Burnsville, North Carolina Proposed Redevelopment Plan and Soil Gas Sampling Results 0 50 Feet ³Figure 3Asheville, NC June 2024 Legend Site Boundary Proposed Community Center Proposed Housing Unit Proposed Road !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor Probe >Historical Off-Site Soil Vapor Probe Notes: 1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS. 2. Only presenting results for tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), or compounds with a detection greater than its respective Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) in at least one sample. 3. Orange shading indicates compound detected above its Residential VISL. 4. Italics indicates compound was not detected and had a reporting limit above its Residential VISL. 5. Laboratory Reporting Limits presented for compounds not detected. 6. NA indicates that VP-2, VP-3, VP-4, and VP-5 were not analyzed for naphthalene. 7. Results are presented in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3). 8. Basemap from Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and 1,3-Butadiene 3.1 Benzene 12 Ethyl Benzene 37 m,p-Xylene 600 Naphthalene 2.8 Tetrachloroethene 280 Trichloroethene 14 Residential SGSL 1,3-Butadiene 2.5 U Benzene 3.6 Ethyl Benzene 4.9 U m,p-Xylene 4.9 U Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.6 U Trichloroethene 6.0 U 9/21/2022 SG-01 1,3-Butadiene 2.5 U Benzene 3.7 Ethyl Benzene 2.2 J m,p-Xylene 5.8 Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.8 U Trichloroethene 6.2 U SG-03 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 3.5 U Benzene 140 Ethyl Benzene 9.2 m,p-Xylene 21 Naphthalene 3.1 J Tetrachloroethene 11 U Trichloroethene 8.4 U SG-04 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 14 U Benzene 18 J Ethyl Benzene 39 m,p-Xylene 41 Naphthalene 65 U Tetrachloroethene 42 U Trichloroethene 33 U 9/21/2022 SG-05 1,3-Butadiene 3 U Benzene 7.0 Ethyl Benzene 2.6 J m,p-Xylene 8.4 Naphthalene 14 U Tetrachloroethene 9.3 U Trichloroethene 6.2 J 1,3-Butadiene 3 U Benzene 6.9 Ethyl Benzene 2.8 J m,p-Xylene 7.6 Naphthalene 14 U Tetrachloroethene 9.2 U Trichloroethene 2.0 J SG-06 Duplicate 9/21/2022 SG-06 1,3-Butadiene 2.7 U Benzene 1.5 J Ethyl Benzene 5.3 U m,p-Xylene 2.7 J Naphthalene 13 U Tetrachloroethene 8.3 U Trichloroethene 6.6 U SG-07 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 2.5 U Benzene 3.6 U Ethyl Benzene 4.9 U m,p-Xylene 4.9 U Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.7 U Trichloroethene 6.1 U SG-08 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 2.4 U Benzene 9.2 Ethyl Benzene 3.5 J m,p-Xylene 10 Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 3.4 J Trichloroethene 5.9 U SG-09 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 2.6 U Benzene 3.3 J Ethyl Benzene 2.2 J m,p-Xylene 5.0 J Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.8 U Trichloroethene 6.2 U SG-10 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 0.58 Benzene 14 Ethyl Benzene 22 m,p-Xylene 94 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 1.4 U Trichloroethene 1.1 U VP-2 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 3.2 U Benzene 74 Ethyl Benzene 170 m,p-Xylene 880 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 1.8 J Trichloroethene 7.9 VP-3 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 2.3 U Benzene 53 Ethyl Benzene 130 m,p-Xylene 680 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 7.0 U Trichloroethene 5.6 U VP-4 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 13 Benzene 74 Ethyl Benzene 67 m,p-Xylene 320 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 15 U Trichloroethene 12 U VP-5 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 2.6 U Benzene 3.7 U Ethyl Benzene 5.0 U m,p-Xylene 5.0 U Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 1.7 Trichloroethene 6.3 SG-02 9/21/2022 > > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Sawmill Hollow Road US Highway 19E Fair Haven Drive SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 Unit H Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit F Unit H Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit G Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit C Unit F Unit C Unit C VP-1 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 \\Raleigh-01\PRJ\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\202307_VIMS Design\F3_Methane Screening Results.mxd 9/1/2023 8:49:03 AM Sawmill Hollow Road Burnsville, North Carolina Proposed Redevelopment Plan and Methane Results 0 50 Feet ³Figure 4Asheville, NC June 2024 Legend Site Boundary Proposed Community Center Proposed Housing Unit Proposed Road !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor Probe >Historical Off-Site Soil Vapor Probe Notes: 1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS. 2. Methane screening results and initial pressure measurements collected using GEM 5000 ladfill gas meter. 3. Initial pressure measurements collected using a Dwyer Series 475-3-FM manometer prior to purging. Methane screening results collected using a GEM 5000 landfill gas meter. 4. Basemap from Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-01 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-02 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-03 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-04 0.0 1.3 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-05 0.0 5.1 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-06 0.0 1.2 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-07 0.0 0.3 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-08 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-09 0.0 0.4 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-10 0.0 0.0 APPENDIX A Construction Drawings G001 COVER PREPARED FOR: 161 NORTH LEXINGTON AVE, ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA TEL: 828.374.8005 NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES PREPARED BY: LOCATION MAP VICINITY MAP PROJECT DATA: PROJECT LOCATION: SAWMILL HOLLOW RD BURNSVILLE NORTH CAROLINA, 28714 APN: 083003234813000 ZONING: N/A EXAMPLE:DETAIL NUMBER 2 PRESENTED ON SHEET NO. EV-05 WAS REFERENCED ON SHEET NO. EV-07. NOTE:ABOVE REFERENCING SYSTEM ALSO APPLIES TO SECTION IDENTIFICATIONS. DETAIL IDENTIFICATION LEGEND 02 SCALE: 1" = 1' DETAIL TITLE OF DETAILEV-07DRAWING ON WHICH ABOVE DETAIL WAS REFERENCED 02 EV-05 DETAIL IDENTIFICATION DRAWING ON WHICH ABOVE DETAIL IS PRESENTED REGIONAL MAP SITE WORK AREA SITE SAWMILL VILLAGE-VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) DESIGN DRAWINGS SAWMILL HOLLOW RD BURNSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28715 JUNE 2024 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - G 0 0 1 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-G001.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 LIST OF DRAWINGS DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING TITLE G001 COVER V101 PLAN VIEW - COMMUNITY BUILDING V102 PLAN VIEW - RESIDENTIAL UNITS V201 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS I V202 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS II V203 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS III V301 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS IV V302 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS V EL. ELEV ELEVATION DIA, Ø DIAMETER LF LINEAR FEET Mil THOUSANDTHS OF AN INCH MIN.MINIMUM NTS NOT TO SCALE O.C. ON CENTER O.D. OUTER DIAMETER oz/sy OUNCE PER SQUARE YARD Typ TYPICAL ABBREVIATIONS DETAIL NUMBER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A SE SE SE SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA EXTERIOR BREEZEWAY 6 V201 6 V201 4 V201 4 V201 6 V201 2 V201 5 V201 1 V201 05 V201 2 V201 7 V201 6 V201 16 V201 2 V201 3 V201 8 V201 2 V201 1-FT MAX (TYP) 3-FT MIN EXTRACTION VENT STRIP NOTE 4 NOTE 4 IAS-CB-01 AI-CB-01 SSP-CB-01 SSP-CB-02 IAS-CB-02 E ER-CB-01 5-FT MIN V101 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 1 0 1 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-V101.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 PLAN VIEW - COMMUNITY BUILDING C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 1 0 1 0 5 10 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND EXTRACTION RISER PIPE (4" SCH 40 PVC) EXTRACTION VENT STRIP (1" X 12") SOLID EXTRACTION PIPE (4" SCH 40 PVC) SUBSLAB MONITORING PROBE CONTINGENT INDOOR AIR METHANE SENSOR AIR INLET (4" SCH 40 PVC) AIR INLET VENT STRIP (1" X 12") SOLID AIR INLET PIPE (4" SCH 40 PVC) TELEMETRY SYSTEM AND/OR CONTINGENT METHANE DETECTION SYSTEM MITIGATED FOOTPRINT A A E E SE SA NOTES: 1. TELEMETRY SYSTEM AND/OR CONTINGENT METHANE DETECTION SYSTEM IS SHOWN AT AN APPROXIMATE LOCATION. ACTUAL LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY OWNER. 2.THE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER SHALL COVER THE FULL EXTENT OF THE MITIGATED FOOTPRINT. 3.FRAMEWORK, INTERIOR WALLS, AND FOUNDATION FEATURES ARE FROM STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS (COMPLETED BY OTHERS). 4.AIR INLET VENT STRIP SHALL BE INSTALLED APPROXIMATELY EQUAL DISTANCES FROM THE EXTRACTION VENT STRIP. 20 V203 OR 4 V201 21 V203 OR 22 V203 3 V201 34 V302 28 V301 33 V302 4 V201 3 V201 24 V301 26 V301 E E E E E E SE EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 1 V201 2 V201 4 V201 8 V201 5 V201 18 V202 18 V202 SSP-RU-## IAS-RU-## ER-RU-## 3-FT MIN 20-FT MIN 5-FT MIN SE EXTERIOR 1 V201 5-FT MIN 5-FT MIN EXTERIOR E E E E E E 5 V201 18 V202 8 V201 18 V202 4 V201 2 V201 SSP-RU-## IAS-RU-## ER-RU-## 3-FT MIN 20-FT MIN E E E E E E EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 1 V201 2 V201 4 V201 5 V201 18 V202 IAS-RU-##ER-RU-## SSP-RU-## 18 V202 SE 8 V201 3-FT MIN 20-FT MIN 5-FT MIN 5-FT MIN SE E E E E E E EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 1 V201 2 V201 18 V202 4 V201 18 V202 5 V201 IAS-RU-## ER-RU-## SSP-RU-## 3-FT MIN 8 V201 20-FT MIN 5-FT MIN V102 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 1 0 2 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-V102.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 PLAN VIEW - RESIDENTIAL UNITS C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 1 0 2 LEGEND EXTRACTION RISER PIPE (4" SCH 40 PVC) EXTRACTION VENT STRIP (1" X 12") SOLID EXTRACTION PIPE (4" SCH 40 PVC) REMOTE SUBSLAB MONITORING ACCESS MANHOLE REMOTE SUBSLAB MONITORING CONDUIT (1" SCH PVC) REMOTE SUBSLAB MONITORING TERMINATION CONTINGENT INDOOR AIR METHANE SENSOR MITIGATED FOOTPRINT UNIT C 0 5 10 SCALE IN FEET 0 5 10 SCALE IN FEET 0 5 10 SCALE IN FEET 0 5 10 SCALE IN FEET UNIT G UNIT H UNIT F E E SE 20 V203 OR 4 V201 21 V203 OR 22 V203 3 V201 18 V202 28 V301 18 V202 18 V202 NOTES: 1.THE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER SHALL COVER THE FULL EXTENT OF THE MITIGATED FOOTPRINT. 2.FRAMEWORK, INTERIOR WALLS, AND FOUNDATION ARE FROM STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS (COMPLETED BY OTHERS). 3.REMOTE SUBSLAB MONITORING TERMINATION REPRESENTS THE LOCATION OF THE STAINLESS STEEL IMPLANT BELOW THE SLAB. 4.SUBSLAB MONITORING PROBE ID'S WILL BE BASED ON THE NUMBER OF THE UNIT, ONCE CONSTRUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE, THE SUBSLAB MONITORING PROBE INSTALLED AT RESIDENTIAL UNIT 10 WILL HAVE AN ID OF SSP-RU-10. LC CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE 6" VENTING AGGREGATE SUBGRADE(BY OTHERS) THICKENED SLAB FOOTING (BY OTHERS) LC CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE 6" VENTING AGGREGATE SUBGRADE(BY OTHERS) THICKENED SLAB FOOTING (BY OTHERS) VENT STRIP (1-INCH X 12-INCH) LC NOTES: 1.A MINIMUM OF 6-INCHES CONTINUOUS SEAL TO CONCRETE REQUIRED PER GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER MANUFACTURER. 2.REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REINFORCING OF WALLS, FOUNDATION, ETC. FINISH GRADE OR EXTERIOR SLAB STUD WALL (BY OTHERS) CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) CMU PIER - SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 6" MIN (NOTE 1) FACE OF CMU CMU WALL (BY OTHERS) CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) NOTES: 1.IF PIPE SLEEVE IS REQUIRED FOR VIMS PIPE THROUGH CMU WALL, PIPE SLEEVE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. SEAL ANNULAR SPACE OF PIPE SLEEVE WITH LINK SEAL OR EQUIVALENT. 2.NON-WOVEN FILTER GEOTEXTILE ONLY REQUIRED BELOW DRAIN HOLES. PIPE TRANSITION ADAPTOR (PER VENT STRIP MANUFACTURER) VENT STRIP (1-INCH X 12-INCH) 1 V201 1-FT MIN ON EITHER SIDE OF DRAIN HOLES PIPE BOOT SEAL PER PROJECT DOCUMENTS FINISH GRADE OR EXTERIOR SLAB 4" DIA SCH. 40 PVC PIPE, LAY FLAT WITH 2 X 5/8" DIAMETER DRAIN HOLES POINTING DOWN ON 3" CENTERS NON-WOVEN FILTER GEOTEXTILE (NOTE 2) 4" DIA. SCH40 PVC PIPE (SOLID WALL) PIPE TRANSITION ADAPTOR (PER VENT STRIP MANUFACTURER) VENT STRIP (1-INCH X 12-INCH) GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE 6" VENTING AGGREGATE SUBGRADE (BY OTHERS) 6" MIN. OVERLAP 60 MIL SPRAY-APPLIED SEAM PER GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER MANUFACTURER NOTES: 1.UPPER CUSHION GEOTEXTILE NOT SHOWN. CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE 6" VENTING AGGREGATE SUBGRADE (BY OTHERS) 2" (MIN.) 2" (MIN.) 1 V201 4" DIA. SCH. 40 PVC PIPE NON-WOVEN FILTER GEOTEXTILE (NOTE 1) 1' MIN NOTES: NON-WOVEN FILTER GEOTEXTILE ONLY REQUIRED BELOW DRAIN HOLES AND SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST 2 FEET ALONG LENGTH OF THE PIPE (MIN OF 1 FOOT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE DRAIN HOLES). 1 V201 12" VENT STRIP (1 -INCH X 12 -INCH) UTILITY WIRE NOTES: 1.CLOSED CELL CONDUIT SEALANT EXPANDING FOAM SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN OR BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE SLAB. CONDUIT SEALANT DRY UTILITY CONDUIT PENETRATION SUBGRADE (BY OTHERS) 1 V201 6" (MIN.) 3" (MIN.) CONDUIT OR PIPE PENETRATION NYLON OR POLYPROPYLENE CABLE TIE, TAPE, OR SPRAY SEAL 2" MIN, ABOVE BASE PENETRATION OR AS PER GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS GAS TIGHT BOOT (SEE NOTE 1) 3" MINIMUM COLLAR EXTENDS INTO CONCRETE NOTES: 1.WHERE FOOTINGS, PLUMBING PIPES, ELECTRICAL CONDUITS OR OTHER MATERIALS PENETRATE THE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER, THE PENETRATIONS SHALL BE SEALED USING SLEEVES OR BOOTS COMPOSED OF THE SAME MATERIAL AND SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS OR OTHER METHODS AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 1 V201 V201 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 2 0 1 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-V201.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL TYPICAL GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIERV201 10 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL CONDUIT SEALANT AT DRY PIPE PENETRATIONV201 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS I C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 2 0 1 6 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER BELOW THICKENED FOOTING V201 7 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL VENT STRIP BELOW LOAD BEARING WALL FOOTING V201 2 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL TYPICAL GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER TERMINATION AT EXTERIOR SLAB EDGE V201 01 V201 11 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL TYPICAL GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER PIPE PENETRATION V201 5 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL EXTRACTION RISER OR AIR INLET PENETRATION BELOW GRADE V201 3 V201 22 V203 21 V203 20 V203 33 V302 ACTIVE VIMS FAN CONTINGENT ACTIVE METHANE MITIGATION FAN PASSIVE EXTRACTION RISER TYPICAL AIR INLET TERMINATION 4 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL SUBSLAB VENT STRIP SYSTEM DETAILV201 8 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL PLAN VIEW - TYPICAL VENT STRIP TO PIPE CONNECTION V201 9 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL TYPICAL GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER OVERLAP V201 3 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DETAIL TYPICAL GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER WITH PIPING V201 OR OR OR NOTES: 1.A MINIMUM 6 INCH CONTINUOUS SEAL TO CONCRETE REQUIRED PER GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER MANUFACTURER. 2.REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REINFORCING OF WALLS, FOUNDATION, ETC. 5" (MIN) PIPE SLEEVE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 6" MINIMUM (NOTE 1) EXTERIOR BREEZEWAY 2X 5/8" DIAMETER DRAIN HOLES POINTING DOWN ON 3" CENTERS SEAL ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN VIMS PIPE AND PIPE SLEEVE (TYP) SEAL ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN VIMS PIPE AND PIPE SLEEVE (TYP) 4-INCH SCH 40 PVC PIPE 5" (MIN) PIPE SLEEVE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER V202 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 2 0 2 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-V202.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS II NOTES: 1.PVC PRIMER AND CEMENT SHALL NOT BE USED TO CONSTRUCT SUBSLAB VAPOR MONITORING PROBES AND CONDUIT. 2.CUT VERTICAL WALLS OF WELL VAULT TO FIT SLAB THICKNESS. ALTERNATIVE WELL VAULT IS ACCEPTABLE PENDING APPROVAL FROM VIMS EOR. 3.BALL VALVE LOCATED ADJACENT TO SAMPLING IMPLANT IS TEMPORARY TO SUPPORT SSP QUALITY CONTROL TESTING. 4.A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES CONTINUOUS SEAL TO CONCRETE REQUIRED PER VAPOR BARRIER MEMBRANE MANUFACTURER. 5.REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REINFORCING OF WALLS, FOUNDATION, ETC. 1/4" SS BALL VALVE (NOTE 3) CONDUIT SEALED WITH POLYURETHANE CAULK 1" MIN SCH 40 PVC UNIVERSAL 65-8075WX 8"X8" MONITORING WELL VAULT TRAFFIC-RATED MANHOLE COVER (NOTE 2) 1/4" OD COMPRESSION FITTING 1/4" SS BALL VALVE PVC CAP 2" SAND WELL PAD FOR SUBSLAB MONITORING PROBE 2" MIN 6" STAINLESS STEEL IMPLANT CONDUIT SEALED WITH POLYURETHANE CAULK EXTERIOR WALL PIPE BOOT SEAL PER PROJECT DOCUMENTS (NOTE 4) 15 SCALE: NTS DETAIL SLAB REPAIRV202 14 SCALE: NTS DETAIL GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER REPAIRV202 13 SCALE: NTS DETAIL SAW CUT TRENCH THROUGH GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER V202 12 SCALE: NTS DETAIL SAW CUT THROUGH GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER V202 18 SCALE: NTS DETAIL TYPICAL REMOTE SUBSLAB VAPOR MONITORING PROBE V202 1/2" PARTIAL SAW CUT THROUGH SLAB PIPE, CONDUIT, OR OTHER SUBSLAB ADDITION (BY OTHERS) STEP ONE NOTES: 1.BREAK OUT CONCRETE AFTER SAW CUTTING SHORT OF FULL DEPTH OF SLAB. NOTES: 1.RETAIN A MINIMUM 12" LENGTH OF EXCESS VIMS LAYERS FOR OVERLAPPED SEAMS. 2.USE CAUTION TO NOT DAMAGE EXPOSED VIMS LAYERS. 3.VIMS LAYERS INCLUDE NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER. NOTES: 1.CLEAN EXPOSED GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER OF DIRT, DEBRIS, AND MOISTURE. 2.PLACE NEW VIMS LAYERS A MINIMUM OF 12-INCHES BEYOND EDGES OF REPAIR IN ALL DIRECTIONS. 3.REFER TO THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPER REPAIR (E.G., OVERLAP LENGTHS, GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER THICKNESS, ETC.) AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING (E.G., SMOKE AND THICKNESS TESTING). 4.VIMS LAYERS INCLUDE NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER. SAW CUT THROUGH SLAB AND GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE 6" VENTING AGGREGATE SUBGRADE (BY OTHERS) STEP TWO CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE 6" VENTING AGGREGATE SUBGRADE (BY OTHERS) 12" MIN. 12" MIN. WIDTH OF TRENCH VARIES PIPE, CONDUIT, OR OTHER SUBSLAB ADDITION (BY OTHERS) STEP THREE NEW/REPAIRED GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER (MIN. 12" SEAMED OVERLAP) NEW/REPAIRED LOWER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE PIPE, CONDUIT, OR OTHER SUBSLAB ADDITION (BY OTHERS) STEP FOUR RESTORED SLAB (BY OTHERS) NEW/REPAIRED UPPER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE NEW/REPAIRED GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER (MIN. 12" SEAMED OVERLAP) NEW/REPAIRED LOWER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE NEW/REPAIRED UPPER NON-WOVEN CUSHION GEOTEXTILE 12" MIN. SLAB REPAIR DETAIL 1 SLAB REPAIR DETAIL 2 SLAB REPAIR DETAIL 3 SLAB REPAIR DETAIL 4 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 2 0 2 TRENCH DAM TRENCH BACKFILL TRENCH BACKFILL SLURRY SLURRY UTILITY CONDUIT PIPE BEDDING PIPE BEDDING 6" MIN NOTES: 1.TRENCH DAM SHALL CONSIST OF A MIXTURE OF 4% TYPE II CEMENT AND 2% POWDERED BENTONITE. 2.TRENCH DAM SHALL BE AT LEAST AS WIDE AS THE UTILITY TRENCH. 3.TRENCH DAM SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST 12" OVER THE TOP OF THE UTILITY IF BELOW THE FOUNDATION WALL. BUILDING STRUCTURE BUILDING EXTERIOR 17 SCALE: NTS DETAIL EXTERIOR TRENCH DAM DETAILV202 CONSTRUCTION JOINT SEAL ALL CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER SLAB JOINTS WITH POLYURETHANE CAULK (TYP) 19 SCALE: NTS DETAIL TYPICAL SLAB-ON-GRADE JOINTV202 1 V201 16 SCALE: NTS DETAIL SECTION THROUGH CMU WALL FOOTING WITH VIMS TRANSFER PIPING V202 2 V201 11 V201 1/2" BIRD SCREEN ON EXHAUST MINIMUM 10' HORIZONTAL TO ANY BUILDING OPENING. MINIMUM 18" ABOVE THE BUILDING ROOF AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT ROOF HANG OR OTHERWISE SUPPORT VIMS HORIZONTAL PIPING ROOF JOIST AS APPROVED BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER (TYP) CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) 4" SCH 40 PVC EXTRACTION RISER 32 V302 20 V203 21 V203 MONITORING PANEL 18 V202 CONTINGENT ACTIVE METHANE MITIGATION FAN AND/OR ACTIVE VIMS FAN (NOTE 5) 5 V201 PAINT ALL EXTERIOR PIPE TO REDUCE UV DEGRADATION V203 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 2 0 3 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-V203.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS III 22 (CONTINGENT ON POST-OCCUPANCY MONITORING RESULTS) SCALE: NTS DETAIL PASSIVE EXTRACTION RISERV203 21 (CONTINGENT ON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS) SCALE: NTS DETAIL CONTINGENT ACTIVE METHANE MITIGATION FANV203 FRONT ELEVATION PROVIDE 110V AND 20 AMP POWER WITHIN 5' OF RISER FOR CONTINGENT ACTIVE OPERATION WEATHERTIGHT HOUSING WITH SHUT OFF SWITCH 4" SCH 40 PVC EXTRACTION PIPE SUPPORT STRAPPING (NOTE 2) ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 4" WIND TURBINE VENTILATOR MINIMUM 10' HORIZONTALLY TO ANY HVAC ROOF-TOP-UNIT (RTU) OR OPENING INTO BUILDING. (ALL DIRECTIONS; SEE NOTE 1) INCLUDE LOW VOLTAGE WIRE FOR CONTINGENT ACTIVE MITIGATION TELEMETRY SYSTEM 1/2" NPT THREADED PLUG TOP OF ROOF NOTES: 1.REFER TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL EXTRACTION PIPE DISCHARGE LOCATION ALLOWANCES AND REQUIREMENTS. 2.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING APPROPRIATE BRACKETS AND ANCHORS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL BUILDING SURFACE MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED. THE BRACKETS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER THAT PROVIDES THE NECESSARY SUPPORT FOR THE PIPE AND EQUIPMENT. THE INSTALLATIONS WILL MEET ALL BUILDING CODES, SEISMIC REQUIREMENTS, MAINTAIN A WATER TIGHT SURFACE AND WILL NOT CREATE A MEANS TO ALLOW FUTURE DAMAGE OR FAILURE TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURES OR SURFACES. ADJUST PIPE ROUTING AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE THE BEST LOCATION FOR SUPPORT BRACKETS. 3.PASSIVE EXTRACTION RISER OPERATION CONTINGENT ON POST-OCCUPANCY MONITORING RESULTS. 40" MIN FRONT ELEVATION MITIGATION FAN (APPROX. 4' TO 5' ABOVE GRADE) FAN POWER DISCONNECT SWITCH WITH DIMMING CAPABILITIES WEATHERTIGHT HOUSING STEEL CLAMPS MONITORING PANEL AND DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR (NOTE 2) 1/4" VACUUM MONITORING TUBING 1/2" NPT THREADED PLUG ELECTRICAL CONDUIT UNISTRUT (OR EQUAL) ANCHORED INTO CONCRETE FOUNDATION (AS NEEDED) (NOTE 3) STEEL CLAMPS ANCHOR SUPPORTS TO FOUNDATION PER MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS METHANE SENSOR AT EXTACTION RISER 4" SCH 40 PVC EXTRACTION PIPE TO ROOF 40" MIN 23 SCALE: NTS DETAIL EXTRACTION PIPING TO ROOFV203 NOTES: 1.ELECTRICAL CONDUIT WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED FOR THE FAN, MONITORING PANEL, AND SENSORS. 2.EXTERIOR PIPING SHALL BE MINIMIZED. 3.ROUTE PIPE TO MINIMIZE LENGTH OF PIPE AND NUMBER OF FITTINGS. 4.DETAIL IS TYPICAL FOR EXTRACTION RISER PIPE DESIGN TO ROOF. 1/4" VACUUM MONITORING TUBE SUPPORT STRAPPING (TYP.) 1/2" NPT THREADED PLUG FAN COVER (OPTIONAL) MITIGATION FAN (APPROX. 4' - 5' ABOVE GRADE) RUBBER BOOT WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS 4" SCH 40 PVC EXTRACTION PIPE FAN POWER DISCONNECT SWITCH WITH DIMMING CAPABILITIES MONITORING PANEL AND DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR (NOTE 1) TO ROOF 12" MIN 40" MIN WEATHERTIGHT HOUSING ELECTRICAL CONDUIT C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 2 0 3 NOTES: 1.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR SHALL HAVE THE CAPABILITIES TO DIRECTLY DISPLAY DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS AND PROVIDE REMOTE ALARMS IF VACUUM IS LOST. 2.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING APPROPRIATE BRACKETS AND ANCHORS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL BUILDING SURFACE MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED. THE BRACKETS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER THAT PROVIDES THE NECESSARY SUPPORT FOR THE PIPE AND EQUIPMENT. THE INSTALLATIONS WILL MEET ALL BUILDING CODES, SEISMIC REQUIREMENTS, MAINTAIN A WATER TIGHT SURFACE AND WILL NOT CREATE A MEANS TO ALLOW FUTURE DAMAGE OR FAILURE TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURES OR SURFACES. ADJUST PIPE ROUTING AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE THE BEST LOCATION FOR SUPPORT BRACKETS. 3.FAN SELECTION BETWEEN THE ACTIVE VIMS AND ACTIVE METHANE FAN WILL BE DETERMINED BASED OFF THE POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. 4.REFER TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL VENT DISCHARGE LOCATION ALLOWANCES AND REQUIREMENTS. 5.FAN TO BE SPECIFIED BY VIMS EOR. NOTES: 1.REFER TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL VENT DISCHARGE LOCATION ALLOWANCES AND REQUIREMENTS. 2.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR SHALL HAVE THE CAPABILITIES TO DIRECTLY DISPLAY DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS AND PROVIDE REMOTE ALARMS IF VACUUM IS LOST. 3.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING APPROPRIATE BRACKETS AND ANCHORS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL BUILDING SURFACE MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED. THE BRACKETS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER THAT PROVIDES THE NECESSARY SUPPORT FOR THE PIPE AND EQUIPMENT. THE INSTALLATIONS WILL MEET ALL BUILDING CODES, SEISMIC REQUIREMENTS, MAINTAIN A WATER TIGHT SURFACE AND WILL NOT CREATE A MEANS TO ALLOW FUTURE DAMAGE OR FAILURE TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURES OR SURFACES. ADJUST PIPE ROUTING AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE THE BEST LOCATION FOR SUPPORT BRACKETS. 4.FAN SELECTION BETWEEN THE ACTIVE VIMS AND ACTIVE METHANE FAN WILL BE DETERMINED BASED OFF THE POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. 5.FAN TO BE SPECIFIED BY VIMS EOR. 32 V302 23 V203 20 (CONTINGENT ON BASELINE MONITORING RESULTS) SCALE: NTS DETAIL ACTIVE VIMS FANV203 23 V203 32 V302 31 V302 5 V201 5 V201 5 V201 M E T H A N E M E T H A N E METHANE ALARM EVACUATE BUILDING CALL 911 7' MIN NOTES: 1. IF INSTALLED, ALL METHANE AUDIO/VISUAL ALARMS SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE FLOOR AT A STANDARD HEIGHT OF 7 FEET WITH ADJACENT SIGNAGE (AS SHOWN) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. WALL FINISHED FLOOR ELECTRICAL BOX CONDUIT CEILING METHANE SENSORNOTES: 1.INDOOR AIR METHANE SENSORS WILL ONLY BE INSTALLED IF METHANE MITIGATION IS REQUIRED, WHICH IS BASED UPON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. 2.METHANE SENSOR SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING. 3.METHANE SENSOR SHALL HAVE A PLACARD AND IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FOR RECORD KEEPING. 4.STANDBY POWER SHALL PROVIDE SUFFICIENT POWER TO CONTINUOUSLY OPERAATE THE INDOOR AIR METHANE SENSOR FOR 24 HOURS. WIRE TO CONTROL PANELTUBING TO MONITORING PANEL M E T H A N E M E T H A N E M E T H A N E STROBE WALL SIDE VIEW - HORN AND STROBE DEVICE SURFACE MOUNT HORN/STROBE CAUTION METHANE GAS IN PIPE IF DAMAGED NOTIFY BUILDING MANAGER NO SMOKING NO SPARKS OR FLAMES WITHIN 25 FEET NOTES: 1.VERTICAL METHANE EXTRACTION PIPE LABELS WILL ONLY BE INSTALLED IF METHANE MITIGATION IS REQUIRED, WHICH IS BASED UPON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. 2.ALL LABELS PLASTIC WITH ADHESIVE BACKING, LARGE LETTERS MIN. 1" HIGH WHITE LETTERS ON RED BACKGROUND 3.THIS LABEL SHALL BE POSTED ON EACH EXTRACTION RISER NEAR THE TOP, ABOVE THE ROOF LINE, AND ALSO AT THE BASE OF PIPE. A MINIMUM OF ONE STICKER PER EACH 10 LINEAR FEET OF PIPE. WARNING THIS BUILDING IS PROTECTED WITH A METHANE MITIGATION SYSTEM. ANY PROPOSED ALTERATION OF THE FLOOR SLAB WITHIN THE ENCLOSED SPACES REQUIRES NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION BY AN ENGINEER. NOTES: 1.METHANE GAS MITIGATION SYSTEM NOTIFICATION PLACARDS WILL ONLY BE INSTALLED IF METHANE MITIGATION IS REQUIRED, WHICH IS BASED UPON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. 2.THIS NOTIFICATION IS TO BE PERMANENTLY STAMPED OR ETCHED AT A VISIBLE LOCATION NEXT TO EACH INDOOR AIR METHANE ALARM. 3.ALL LETTERS 1/2" (MIN.) IN HEIGHT. 4.AT LEAST ONE REQUIRED PER BUILDING. Sierra Monitor CorporationSMC Sierra Monitor Corporation5000MODELSMC5000MODEL Sierra Monitor CorporationSierra Monitor CorporationSMCMODEL5000 SMC 5000MODEL OR CHANGE COMB. %LEL 5ALARMS SENTRY SENSOR FLASH=HIGH RESET TEST 1 TIME MODE 32 4 POWER SENSOR FLASH=HIGH SENSOR8 ENTER SOLID=LOW 6 7 21 ALARMS ENTER 43 5 SOLID=LOW 76 8 COMB. %LEL SENTRY TROUBLE OR CHANGECALIBRATE LEVEL POWER LEVELSENSOR TROUBLE CALIBRATE COMB. %LEL SENSOR SENTRY SENSOR SOLID=LOW 6ALARMS SENTRY ENTER SENSOR FLASH=HIGH 312 4 5 COMB. %LEL 7 8 FLASH=HIGH 21 3 LEVELSENSORPOWER TROUBLE OR CHANGECALIBRATE POWER ALARMS SOLID=LOW ENTER 54 6 87 LEVEL TROUBLE OR CHANGECALIBRATE RESET TEST TIME MODE RESET TEST TIME MODE RESET TEST TIME MODE NOTES: 1.METHANE DETECTION SYSTEM WILL ONLY BE INSTALLED IF METHANE MITIGATION IS REQUIRED, WHICH IS BASED UPON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. 2.THE METHANE GAS DETECTION SYSTEM SHALL OPERATE 24 HR./DAY CONTINUOUSLY. 3.ALL BUILDING STROBE/ALARMS TO SOUND SIMULTANEOUSLY UPON ANY HIGH GAS DETECTION IN BUILDING. 4.STANDBY POWER SHALL PROVIDE SUFFICIENT POWER TO THE METHANE GAS SENSORS FOR 24 HOURS. 5.FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION UNIT SHALL BE ABLE TO PROVIDE EXTERNAL NOTIFICATION TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IF INDOOR AIR SENSOR EXCEEDS 25% LEL. 6.INTERNAL NOTIFICATION TELEMETRY UNIT SHALL SEND A NOTIFICATION IF THE INDOOR AIR SENSOR EXCEEDS 10%, OR IF THE EXTRACTION VENT RISER EXCEEDS 10% OR 25% LEL. FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION UNIT INTERNAL NOTIFICATIION TELMETRY UNIT CONTROL PANELSTANDBY POWER SOURCE CONTINGENT METHANE GAS SENSOR (EXTRACTION RISER SENSOR) CONTINGENT METHANE ALARM DEVICE CONTINGENT METHANE GAS SENSOR (INDOOR AIR SENSOR) 120 VOLT ELECTRIC POWER TELEMETRIC MONITORING SYSTEM IN WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURE COMMUNICATION WIRING (IF NEEDED- SEE NOTE 1) LOW VOLTAGE WIRING TO DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR NOTES: 1.IF TELEMETRY SYSTEM REQUIRES A PHONE LINE OR ETHERNET LINE, INSTALL APPROPRIATE WIRING. 2.IF DESIRED, THE TELEMETRY SYSTEM FOR STATIC VACUUM MONITORING MAY BE INTEGRATED INTO THE METHANE DETECTION SYSTEM, SO THAT ONE TELEMETRY SYSTEM PROVIDES REQUIRED STATIC VACUUM AND THE METHANE TELEMETRIC NOTIFICATIONS. 3.TELEMETRY SYSTEM SHALL HAVE A LOCAL ALARM CAPABILITY THAT CAN ACTIVATE AN AUDIBLE/VISUAL ALARM WHEN A MINIMUM VACUUM THRESHOLD IS EXCEEDED. THIS ALARM CAN BE BUILT INTO THE TELEMETRY SYSTEM OR BE A STAND-ALONE DEVICE INSTALLED NEAR THE TELEMETRY SYSTEM. V301 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS IV 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 3 0 1 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-V301.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 27 V301 DETAIL CONTINGENT METHANE ALARM DEVICE - HORN AND STROBE COMBINATION SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 25 V301 DETAIL CONTINGENT METHANE ALARM DEVICE MOUNT SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 28 V301 DETAIL CONTINGENT CEILING MOUNTED INDOOR AIR METHANE DETECTOR (TYP) SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 30 V301 DETAIL CONTINGENT METHANE GAS MITIGATION SYSTEM NOTIFICATION PLACARD SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 29 V301 DETAIL CONTINGENT VERTICAL METHANE EXTRACTION PIPE LABEL (TYP) SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 24 V301 DETAIL CONTINGENT METHANE DETECTION SYSTEM (CONTROL PANEL) SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 26 V301 DETAIL TELEMETRY SYSTEM FOR STATIC VACUUM MONITORING SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 31 302 27 301 24 301 32 302 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 3 0 1 28 301 (CONTINGENT ON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS) (CONTINGENT ON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS) (CONTINGENT ON POST-POUR AND/OR POST OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS) (CONTINGENT ON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS) (CONTINGENT ON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS) (CONTINGENT ON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS) NOTES: 1.AIR INLET SHALL BE SECURED TO EXTERIOR WALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODE. EXTERIOR WALL TEE RAIN CAP WITH 0.5" SCREEN OPENINGS MIN 36" / MAX 60" (ABOVE GRADE) 4" Ø SCH 40 PVC PIPE ANCHOR TO THE WALL 1/4" NYLAFLOW TUBING 1/4" SS BALL VALVE CONTINGENT CEILING MOUNTED INDOOR AIR METHANE SENSOR (NOTE 2) INTERIOR EXTERIOR 1' MIN MESH END AROUND CONDUIT TO PROTECT REFERENCE TUBING CONTINGENT CALIBRATION TUBING (NOTE 2) INDOOR AIR REFERENCE TUBING DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR (NOTE 3) WEATHERTIGHT MONITORING PANEL (ADD ELECTRICAL POWER AS NEEDED) 1/4" COMPRESSION FITTING 1/4" VACUUM MONITORING TUBE NOTES: 1.ALL RENTAL UNITS WILL HAVE A MONITORING PANEL WITH INDOOR AIR REFERENCE TUBING AND A DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR. THE COMMUNITY BUILDING WILL HAVE A MONITORING PANEL WITH A DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR, BUT NO INDOOR AIR REFERENCE TUBING. 2.METHANE SENSORS AND CALIBRATION CONDUIT AND TUBING WILL ONLY BE INSTALLED IF METHANE MITIGATION IS REQUIRED, WHICH IS CONTINGENT UPON POST-POUR AND/OR POST-OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. 3.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR SHALL HAVE THE CAPABILITIES TO DIRECTLY DISPLAY DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS AND PROVIDE REMOTE ALARMS IF FAN VACUUM IS LOST. (ELECTRICAL POWER TO BE SUPPLIED AS NEEDED) 1" SCH 40 PVC SEAL PENETRATION, INCLUDING ANNULAR SPACE IN PIPE WITH POLYURETHANE CAULK CONTINGENT METHANE SENSOR CALIBRATION PORT (NOTE 2) DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR (NOTE 3) INDOOR AIR REFERENCE MONITORING PORT BUILDING WALL CAVITY TO MITIGATION FAN 1/4" NYLAFLOW TUBING STAND-ALONE METHANE SENSOR (IF REQUIRED BASED ON TESTING [NOTE 3]) ID # TO R O O F FR O M B E L O W GR A D E ( N O T E 2 ) 4-INCH WYE, WITH THREADED BUSHING TO ACCOMMODATE GAS SENSOR ASSEMBLY PIPE ID LABEL 6" MIN 1/2" NPT THREADED PLUG NOTES: 1.STANDBY POWER SHALL PROVIDE SUFFICIENT POWER TO CONTINUOUSLY OPERATE THE EXTRACTION RISER METHANE SENSOR FOR 24 HOURS. 2.METHANE SENSOR SHOULD BE 6" AT A MINIMUM FROM TOP OF SLAB. 3.EXTRACTION RISER METHANE SENSORS WILL ONLY BE INSTALLED IF METHANE MITIGATION IS REQUIRED, WHICH IS CONTINGENT UPON POST-POUR AND/OR POST OCCUPANCY METHANE SCREENING RESULTS. LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO CONTINGENT METHANE DETECTION SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL (NOTE 1) V302 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION DETAILS V 161 SOUTH LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 USA CO N S T R U C T I O N DO C U M E N T S Job Number: Date: Revisions: Sheet DES BY: CHK BY: DRN BY: DRAWING INFORMATION APP BY: SAWMILL VILLAGE GN9110.02 06/06/2024 C: \ _ G E O P W \ D S 0 1 \ D M S 1 8 9 7 0 \ G N 9 1 1 0 . 0 2 - V 3 0 2 MB/MR SB MJ TC 75% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS07/20/2023 PW: N\NORTHWESTERN HOUSING ENTERPRISES\GN9110 - SAWMILL VILLAGE BF REDEVELOPMENT\CADD\01 - VIMS DESIGN\DRAWINGS\SHEETS\ GN9110.02-V302.DWG 90% DRAFT DESIGN DRAWINGS10/23/2023 100% REV 1 DESIGN DRAWINGS06/06/2024 1 33 SCALE: NTS DETAIL TYPICAL AIR INLET TERMINATIONV302 32 SCALE: NTS DETAIL MONITORING PANELV302 31 SCALE: NTS DETAIL METHANE SENSOR AT EXTRACTION RISERV302 23 V203 28 V301 (CONTINGENT ON METHANE ASSESSMENT RESULTS) 24 V301 (CONTINGENT ON METHANE ASSESSMENT RESULTS) NOTES: 1.DETAIL FROM VAPOR PIN STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE INSTALLATION OF THE VAPOR PIN INSERT, JUNE 2020 34 SCALE: NTS DETAIL TYPICAL SUBSLAB VAPOR MONITORING PROBEV302 APPENDIX B Technical Specifications Prepared for Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated P.O. Box 1673 Boone, North Carolina 28607 APPENDIX B: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VIMS AT THE SAWMILL HOLLOW PROPERTY Yancey County Parcel No. 083003244675000 Intersection of Sawmill Hollow Road and US Highway 19E Burnsville, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 26015-22-100 Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 161 South Lexington Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Project Number GN9110 June 2024 Revision 1 SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 13 3390 Geotextile Section 13 3391 Venting Aggregate Section 13 3392 VIMS Piping Section 13 3393 Geomembrane Vapor Barrier Section 13 3394 Wind Driven Turbine, VIMS Fans, Differential Pressure Sensor, and Telemetry SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOTEXTILE 13 3390 - 1 SECTION 13 3390 GEOTEXTILE PART 1 — GENERAL The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Geotextile Technical Specifications presented herein shall be used in the construction of the VIMS for the Sawmill Hollow Brownfields property as shown on the Construction Drawings. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall attend the pre-construction meeting at the site and prior to the commencement of construction activities. This meeting will be held in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. B. The Geosynthetic Installer shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, supervision, transportation, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the installation of the geotextile. The work shall be carried out as specified herein and in accordance with the Construction Documents. C. The work shall include, but not be limited to, delivery, storage, placement, and seaming of the various geotextile components of the project. D. One non-woven needle-punched geotextile (referred to herein as “Filter Geotextile”) shall be deployed under perforated VIMS extraction piping between the subgrade and the Venting Aggregate in a minimum of 2 foot perimeter below the VIMS piping drain holes as indicated on the Construction Drawings. One non-woven needle-punched geotextile (referred to herein as the “Upper Cushion Geotextile”) shall be deployed between the geomembrane vapor barrier and the overlying concrete slab. A second non-woven needle-punched geotextile (referred to herein as the “Lower Cushion Geotextile”) shall be deployed between the Venting Aggregate and the geomembrane vapor barrier (defined in Section 13 3393). If the geomembrane vapor barrier is a composite membrane consisting of a bonded geotextile at the base of the geomembrane, then the “Lower Cushion Geotextile” is not required. If the selected geomembrane vapor barrier does not contain a bonded geotextile at the base of the geomembrane, then the minimum specifications for the Lower Cushion Geotextile defined herein applies. Upper Cushion Geotextile minimum specifications are provided in Table 3390-1. Filter Geotextile and Lower Cushion Geotextile minimum specifications are provided in Table 3390-2. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 13 3391 — Venting Aggregate B. Section 13 3392 — VIMS Piping C. Section 13 3393 — Geomembrane Vapor Barrier D. Section 13 3394 — Wind-Driven Turbines, VIMS Fans, Differential Pressure Sensor, and Telemetry SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOTEXTILE 13 3390 - 2 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: 1. The following documents form part of the Specifications to the extent stated. Where differences exist between codes and standards, the Contractor shall request clarification from the Engineer as to which applies. 2. Unless otherwise noted, the referenced standard edition is the current one at the time of commencement of the Work. B. Construction Documents: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property (Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC [Geosyntec], 2024). C. Construction Quality Assurance Plan (CQA Plan), Geosyntec (submitted as part of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property Report, 2024). D. Latest version of ASTM International (ASTM) standards: 1. ASTM D4355 Standard Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextile from Exposure to Light, Moisture and Heat in a Xenon Arc Type Apparatus 2. ASTM D4533 Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles 3. ASTM D4632 Standard Test Method for Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextile (Grab Method) 4. ASTM D5261 Standard Test Method for Measuring Mass per Unit Area of Geotextiles 5. ASTM D6241 Standard Test Method for Static Puncture Strength of Geotextile and Geotextile-Related Products Using a 50-mm Probe. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall submit to the Engineer, at least 7 days prior to geotextile delivery, the following information regarding the proposed geotextile: 1. manufacturer and product name; and 2. minimum property values of the proposed geotextile and the corresponding test procedures. B. The Geosynthetic Installer (or Geosynthetic Installer’s direct representative) shall sign a certification of acceptance form prior to and following the installation of the geotextile. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall ensure that the geotextile and installation methods used meet the requirements of the Construction Documents and this Section. Any material or method that does not conform to these documents, or to alternatives approved in writing by the Engineer, will be rejected and shall be repaired or replaced by the Geosynthetic Installer. B. The Geosynthetic Installer shall be aware of all monitoring and conformance testing required by the CQA Plan. The CQA Consultant will perform this monitoring. If nonconformances or other deficiencies are found in the Geosynthetic Installer’s materials or completed work, the Geosynthetic Installer will be required to repair the deficiency or replace the deficient materials. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOTEXTILE 13 3390 - 3 1.6 MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL A. The geotextile shall be manufactured with quality control procedures that meet or exceed generally accepted industry standards. B. The Geotextile Manufacturer shall sample and test the geotextile to demonstrate that the material conforms to the requirements of these Specifications. C. At a minimum, the following manufacturing quality control tests shall be performed on the cushion geotextiles, and Filter Geotextile: Upper Cushion Geotextile 95 D. The Geotextile Manufacturer shall comply with the certification and submittal requirements of this Section. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOTEXTILE 13 3390 - 4 PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.1 GEOTEXTILE PROPERTIES A. The cushion and filter geotextiles shall be nonwoven materials, suitable for use in cushion and filtration applications, respectively, having properties that comply with the required property values shown in Tables 3390-1 and 3390-2. 2.2 PACKAGING AND LABELING A. Geotextile shall be supplied in rolls wrapped in relatively impermeable and opaque protective covers. B. Geotextile rolls shall be marked or tagged with the following information: 1. manufacturer's name; 2. product identification; 3. lot or batch number; 4. roll number; and 5. roll dimensions. 2.3 TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING, AND STORAGE A. Handling, unloading, storage, and care of the geotextile prior to and following installation at the site, is the responsibility of the Geosynthetic Installer. The Geosynthetic Installer shall be liable for any damage to the materials incurred prior to final acceptance by the Engineer. B. The geotextile shall be protected from sunlight, excessive heat or cold, puncture, or other damaging or deleterious conditions. The geotextile shall be protected from mud, dirt, solvents, fuels, and dust. Any additional storage procedures required by the Geotextile Manufacturer shall be the responsibility of the Geosynthetic Installer. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOTEXTILE 13 3390 - 5 PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.1 FAMILIARIZATION A. Prior to implementing any of the work described in this Section, the Geosynthetic Installer shall become thoroughly familiar with the site, the site conditions, and all portions of the work falling within this Section. B. Inspection: 1. The Geosynthetic Installer shall carefully inspect the installed work of all other Sections and verify that all such work is complete to the point where the installation of this Section may properly commence without adverse effect. 2. If the Geosynthetic Installer has any concerns regarding the installed work of other Sections or the site, the Engineer shall be notified, in writing, prior to commencing the work. Failure to notify the Engineer or installation of the geotextile will be construed as Geosynthetic Installer’s acceptance of the related work of all other Sections. 3. The Geosynthetic Installer (or Geosynthetic Installer direct representative) shall sign a certification of acceptance form following the inspection of the various system components. This includes an inspection prior to the placement of geotextile and following the installation of VIMS components. 3.2 PLACEMENT A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall handle all geotextiles in such a manner as to ensure they are not damaged in any way. B. After unwrapping the geotextile from its opaque cover, the geotextile shall not be left exposed for a period in excess of 14 days unless a longer exposure period is approved in writing by the Geotextile Manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. C. The Geosynthetic Installer shall anchor or weight all geotextile with sandbags, or the equivalent, to prevent wind uplift. No soil, gravel bags, stakes, and/or nails shall be used to anchor geotextile. D. The Geosynthetic Installer shall take care not to entrap stones, excessive dust, or moisture between the geotextile and geomembrane vapor barrier. E. The Geosynthetic Installer shall examine the entire geotextile surface after installation to ensure that no foreign objects are present that may damage the geotextile or adjacent layers. The Geosynthetic Installer shall remove any such foreign objects and shall replace any damaged geotextile. 3.3 SEAMS AND OVERLAPS A. Geotextiles shall be overlapped a minimum of 12 inches. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOTEXTILE 13 3390 - 6 3.4 REPAIR A. Any holes or tears in the geotextile shall be repaired using a patch made from the same geotextile. Geotextile patches shall be overlapped a minimum of 12 inches and may be taped to the underlying geotextile base. Should any tear exceed 50% of the width of the roll, that roll shall be removed and replaced. B. The Geosynthetic Installer shall take all precautions necessary to avoid contamination of the geotextile by solvents and fuels. If solvents and/or fuels are spilled on or otherwise impact the geotextile, the Geosynthetic Installer shall remove and replace the geotextile and any additional impacted materials (rock, subgrade, geomembrane) to the satisfaction of the CQA Consultant. 3.5 PLACEMENT OF OVERLYING MATERIALS A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall place overlying materials (venting aggregate, concrete reinforcement, concrete, etc.) on top of the geotextile in such a manner as to ensure that: 1. the geotextile and the underlying materials are not damaged; 2. minimum slippage occurs between the geotextile and the underlying layers during placement; and 3. excess stresses are not produced in the geotextile. B. There shall not be any aggregate placed between the Upper Cushion Geotextile and the slab. C. Construction equipment directly on the Upper Cushion Geotextile shall not exceed 85 pounds per square inch (psi). Concrete trucks can exhibit ground pressures in excess of 120 psi; concrete trucks are not allowed directly on any VIMS component (cushion geotextile, geomembrane, etc.). D. No construction equipment is allowed directly on the Filter Geotextile or Lower Cushion Geotextile. E. Sections of plywood or other approved methods shall be employed by the Geosynthetic Installer in highly trafficked areas and where materials are to be stockpiled (e.g., under rebar bundles) to minimize the potential for damage to the underlying geomembrane vapor barrier. F. At no time shall stakes or other objects be driven through the geotextile. 3.6 PROTECTION OF WORK A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall use all means necessary to protect all work of this Section. B. In the event of damage, the Geosynthetic Installer shall make repairs and replacements to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the expense of the Geosynthetic Installer. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOTEXTILE 13 3390 - 7 TABLE 3390-1 and TABLE 3390-2 REQUIRED PROPERTY VALUES FOR GEOTEXTILES Properties Qualifiers Units Upper Cushion Specified Values Filter and Lower Cushion1 Test Method 95 Note: 1. If the geomembrane vapor barrier is a composite membrane consisting of geotextile bonded to the base of the geomembrane vapor barrier, then a “Lower Cushion Geotextile” is not required. If the selected geomembrane vapor barrier does not contain a geotextile bonded to the base of the geomembrane vapor barrier, then the minimum specifications for the Lower Cushion Geotextile shown in Table 3390-2 applies. 2. N/S – Not Specified [END OF SECTION] SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VENTING AGGREGATE 13 3391 - 1 SECTION 13 3391 VENTING AGGREGATE PART 1 — GENERAL The Venting Aggregate Technical Specifications presented herein shall be used in the construction of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) for the Sawmill Hollow Brownfields Property as shown on the Construction Drawings. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall attend the pre-construction meeting at the site and prior to the commencement of construction activities. The meeting will be held in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, supervision, transportation, and equipment necessary to install venting aggregate material, as shown on the Construction Drawings. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 13 3390 — Geotextile B. Section 13 3392 — VIMS Piping C. Section 13 3393 — Geomembrane Vapor Barrier D. Section 13 3394 — Wind-Driven Turbines, VIMS Fans, Differential Pressure Sensor, and Telemetry 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: 1. The following documents form part of the Specifications to the extent stated. Where differences exist between codes and standards, the Contractor shall request clarification from the Engineer as to which applies. 2. Unless otherwise noted, the referenced standard edition is the current one at the time of commencement of the Work. B. Construction Documents: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property (Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC [Geosyntec], 2024). C. Construction Quality Assurance Plan (CQA Plan), Geosyntec (submitted as part of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property, 2024). D. Latest version of the ASTM International standards (“ASTM”) specifications: 1. ASTM C33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VENTING AGGREGATE 13 3391 - 2 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, at least 7 days prior to installation of this material, Certificates of Compliance for the venting aggregate to be furnished. Certificates of Compliance shall consist of a properties sheet of the venting aggregate gradation relative to the specifications outlined herein. B. Following installation of the venting aggregate, the geomembrane vapor barrier installer (Installer) shall provide certification of acceptance forms to the Contractor documenting the venting aggregate has been prepared in a condition suitable for the installation of the overlying geomembrane vapor barrier and in accordance with the requirements of the geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer. The certification of venting aggregate acceptance forms shall be provided to the CQA Consultant for inclusion in the VIMS CQA Report. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Contractor shall ensure that the materials and methods used for installing the venting aggregate meet the requirements of the Construction Documents and this Section. Any material or method that does not conform to these documents, or to alternatives approved in writing by the Engineer, will be rejected and shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VENTING AGGREGATE 13 3391 - 3 PART 2 — MATERIALS 2.1 VENTING AGGREGATE A. Venting aggregate shall meet the grading requirements specified in Table 3391-1. The venting aggregate shall be graded as #57 Stone per the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) requirements. Alternative gradations may be acceptable pending review and written approval from the Engineer. B. Venting aggregate shall be washed to minimize fines in accordance with the gradation requirements outlined herein. C. Venting aggregate shall be hard, durable, and not subject to deterioration. D. Venting aggregate shall be free of organics, rubbish, debris, and other objectionable material. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VENTING AGGREGATE 13 3391 - 4 PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.1 VENTING AGGREGATE PLACEMENT A. Prior to placement of venting aggregate, Contractor shall ensure surface of prepared subgrade is smooth and unyielding, and free from loose objects/materials. B. Filter geotextile shall be installed between the venting aggregate and subgrade material in select locations, as indicated on the Construction Drawings. C. Venting aggregate shall meet the requirements of these specifications during placement (e.g., no addition of fines due to stockpiling or field conditions). D. Venting aggregate shall be placed to a minimum of 6-inches of venting aggregate as indicated on the Construction Drawings. E. Venting aggregate shall be leveled and lightly tamped or rolled to create a firm and unyielding surface for the overlying geomembrane vapor barrier. F. Protrusions of venting aggregate shall not be in excess of 0.75-inches. 3.2 PROTECTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall use all means necessary to protect all work of this Section. B. Solvent and/or fuel spills on or within the venting aggregate shall be remediated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Consultant. Materials (geotextile, rock, pipe, and/or subgrade) impacted by the spills shall be removed from within the footprint of the VIMS and disposed of in accordance with local regulations. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VENTING AGGREGATE 13 3391 - 5 TABLE 3391-1 SIEVE SIZE SPECIFICATIONS FOR VENTING AGGREGATE #57 Stone – ASTM C33 and AASHTO M 80 (Nominal Size is 1 to No. 4 inch) (25.4 to 4.75 mm) Sieve Size (Sieves with Square Openings) [END OF SECTION] SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 1 SECTION 13 3392 VIMS PIPING PART 1 — GENERAL The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Piping Technical Specifications presented herein shall be used in the construction of the VIMS for the Sawmill Hollow Brownfields property as shown on the Construction Drawings. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall attend the pre-construction meeting at the site and prior to the commencement of construction activities. This meeting will be held in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, supervision, transportation, and equipment necessary to install air inlet and vapor extraction vent strip, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Schedule (Sch.) 40 pipe, and fittings, as shown on the Construction Documents. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 13 3390 — Geotextile B. Section 13 3391 — Venting Aggregate C. Section 13 3393 — Geomembrane Vapor Barrier D. Section 13 3394 — Wind-Driven Turbines, VIMS Fans, Differential Pressure Sensor, and Telemetry 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: 1. The following documents form part of the Specifications to the extent stated. Where differences exist between codes and standards, the Contractor shall request clarification from the Engineer as to which applies. 2. Unless otherwise noted, the referenced standard edition is the current one at the time of commencement of the Work. B. Construction Documents: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property (Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC [Geosyntec], 2024). C. Construction Quality Assurance Plan (CQA Plan), Geosyntec (submitted as part of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property Report, 2024). D. Latest version of the ASTM International standards (ASTM): 1. ASTM D1784 Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 2 2. ASTM D1785 Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and 120. 3. ASTM D2466 Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40. 4. ASTM D2564 Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. 5. ASTM D2774 Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping. 6. ASTM D2855 Standard Practice for the Two-Step (Primer and Solvent Cement) Method of Joining Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Pipe and Piping Components with Tapered Sockets. 7. ASTM F656 Standard Specification for Primers for Use in Solvent Cement Joints of Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, at least 7 days prior to installation of this material, Certificates of Compliance for the vent strip, PVC pipe, and fittings to be furnished. Certificates of Compliance shall consist of a properties sheet, including specified properties measured using test methods indicated herein. B. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, as-built plans of the installed PVC piping, vent strip, and appurtenant fittings, including both horizontal and vertical locations of installed PVC pipe/vent strip, and, as applicable, PVC piping/vent strip modifications that were made during construction as approved by the Engineer. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Contractor shall ensure that the materials and methods used for vent strip, PVC pipe, and fitting installation meet the requirements of the Construction Drawings and this Section. Any material or method that does not conform to these documents, or to alternatives approved in writing by the Engineer, will be rejected and shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 3 PART 2 — MATERIALS 2.1 PVC PIPE & FITTINGS A. PVC pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from a PVC compound which meets the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-B polyvinyl chloride as outlined in ASTM D1784. B. PVC pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM D1784 and ASTM D1785 for Schedule 40 PVC pipe. C. PVC fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM D2466. D. Clean rework or recycle material generated by the manufacturer's own production may be used so long as the pipe or fittings produced meet all the requirements of this Section. E. Pipe and fittings shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other injurious defects. Being uniform in color, capacity, density, and other physical properties. F. PVC pipe and fitting primer shall meet the requirements of ASTM F656 and solvent cements shall meet the requirements of ASTM D2564. G. PVC pipe and fitting primer and cement shall meet the requirements of California SCAQMD Rule 1168/316A for Low VOC emissions. 2.2 VENT STRIP A. Vent strip shall be comprised of a three-dimensional high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polystyrene (PS) core wrapped in a non-woven, needle-punched filter fabric. B. Minimum product specifications for the vent strip are provided in Table 3392-1. C. Manufacturer-approved fittings to connect vent strip to pipes as shown on the Construction Documents shall be provided. 2.3 LABELING A. Vapor extraction and air inlet pipes shall be labeled “VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM: NOTIFY BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN CASE OF DAMAGE” in at least 0.5-inch lettering every 10 feet along the entire length of above grade pipe. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 4 PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.1 VENT STRIP AND PVC PIPE HANDLING A. When shipping, delivering, and installing vent strip, PVC pipe, fittings, and accessories, do so in a manner to achieve a sound, undamaged installation. Provide adequate storage for all materials and equipment delivered to the job site. Materials shall be handled carefully in loading and unloading so as not to damage the vent strip, PVC pipe, fittings, or underlying materials. B. Vent strip shall not be exposed to UV-light for durations longer than 14-days unless approved in writing by the Manufacturer. 3.2 PVC PIPE BEDDING A. Pipe bedding shall consist of venting aggregate as defined in VIMS Technical Specifications Section 13 3391. B. Filter geotextile shall be installed fully below portions of the pipe bedding trenches as indicated on the Construction Drawings and in accordance with Section 13 3390 (Geotextile). The filter geotextile shall be installed below the drain holes of the PVC pipe. C. The bedding shall be placed to the lines and grades shown on the Construction Drawings. D. Trench dams shall be installed in accordance with, and as shown on, the Construction Drawings. Trench dams shall be installed for any utilities that enter the building through or under the building foundations. The intent of the trench dam is to mitigate vapors in the utility trench backfill from migrating along the trench backfill under the building. E. Pipe bedding shall be placed in a manner which does not deform or otherwise damage the pipe and fittings. 3.3 PVC PIPE INSTALLATION A. PVC pipe installation shall conform to these Specifications, the Manufacturer’s recommendations, and as outlined in ASTM D2774. B. Solid wall PVC pipe and fittings shall be installed as shown on the Construction Drawings. C. Solid wall PVC pipe shall be installed on a minimum thickness 2-inch venting aggregate and backfilled with sufficient quantity of venting aggregate to cover the PVC pipe in its entirety and as indicated on the Construction Drawings. D. Pipe trench tolerances shall not exceed more than 4-inches beyond the trench depths and widths shown on the Construction Drawings. E. All piping penetrations, including but not limited to the plumbing and electrical conduit, VIMS extraction, air inlet, and vapor monitoring piping, shall be sealed to the geomembrane vapor barrier in accordance with the manufacturer requirements, Technical Specifications Section 13 3393, and Construction Drawings. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 5 F. Temporary pipe end caps shall be installed in the exposed branches (e.g., pipe fittings, air inlet pipes) prior to the installation of subsequent section of PVC piping to prevent unintended accumulation of water and/or debris in the fitting/pipe. G. Piping penetrations through slab infrastructure shall be completed in accordance with structural requirements. In situations with multiple pipe penetrations through the slab in confined areas, as in the case of a utility bank, piping shall be sealed to the geomembrane vapor barrier as indicated in the Construction Drawings or in an alternative method approved by the Geomembrane Vapor Barrier manufacturer. H. If pipe penetrations through exterior concrete are sleeved (as required by others), the annular space between the pipe and sleeve shall be sealed. Seal annular space with waterproof modular seal by Link-Seal, Metraseal or equivalent alternative product as approved by building code, Engineer, and other applicable design team members (e.g., structural engineer, architect). I. Adjustments in the foundation design that may require vent strip and/or PVC pipe routing changes shall not be implemented unless approved by the Engineer. J. PVC pipe and vent strip shall be inspected for cracks, deep scratches, or other damages prior to installation. Any pipe showing damage, which in the opinion of the Engineer will affect performance of the pipe, must be removed from the site. Replace any material found to be defective. K. Install drain holes at base of solid wall piping as indicated on the Construction Drawings. L. The terminal end of the air inlet and vapor extraction PVC piping is open with a screen as indicated on the Construction Drawings. The screen shall be stainless steel with 0.5-inch openings. 3.4 JOINING OF PVC PIPES A. Air inlet and vapor extraction PVC pipe and fittings shall be joined by primer and solvent-cements in accordance with ASTM D2855. The primer and solvent cement materials shall also meet the requirements for Low VOC emissions in accordance with California SCAQMD Rule 1168/316A. B. Monitoring probe PVC pipe and fittings shall not be joined with PVC primers and cements. Monitoring probe PVC pipes and fittings may be joined using threaded fittings, rubber couplings, or other Engineer-approved alternative that results in a watertight connection designed for use in underground applications (e.g., Fernco fittings). C. All burrs, chips, etc., shall be removed from pipe interior and exterior D. All loose dirt and moisture shall be wiped from the interior and exterior of the pipe end and the interior of fittings. E. All PVC pipe cuts shall be square and perpendicular to the centerline of the pipe. F. PVC pipe and fittings shall be selected so that there will be as small a deviation as possible at the joints, and so inverts present a smooth surface. PVC pipe and fittings that do not fit together to form a tight fit will be rejected. 3.5 VENT STRIP INSTALLATION A. Vent strip installation shall conform to these Specifications and the Manufacturer’s recommendations. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 6 B. Vent strip shall be installed with the flat base side of the core placed down on the prepared subgrade. C. Only vent strip fittings approved by the manufacturer shall be approved for use. D. Vent strip shall be joined in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. E. All loose dirt and moisture shall be wiped from the interior and exterior of the vent strip interior and the interior of fittings. F. When geotextile fabric is disconnected from the core dimple matting to allow for two sections of vent strip to be connected, the geotextile fabric shall be re-wrapped around vent strip core and sealed (e.g., using tape) such that the core dimple matting is not exposed and susceptible to clogging or other damage. G. All vent strip cuts shall be square and perpendicular to the centerline of the vent strip. H. Fittings shall be selected so that there will be as small a deviation as possible at the joints, and so inverts present a smooth surface. Vent strip and fittings that do not fit together to form a tight fit will be rejected. I. Vent strip shall not be routed through concrete walls or footings, if needed air transfer pipes shall be used, made from solid PVC transfer pipe and sleeved in accordance with manufacturer specifications. 3.6 EXTRACTION RISER INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall install the extraction risers in the locations indicated on the Construction Drawings. B. The Contractor shall install temporary caps on risers or any exposed piping during the construction process to prevent water and/or debris from accumulating inside the piping and to prevent workers from accidentally dropping tools or trash down the open pipe ends. C. Exposed, unfinished above-grade piping shall be clearly marked and noticeable (e.g., flagging, paint) to prevent unintentional damage from heavy equipment traffic. D. Extraction risers shall be secured to the building in accordance with the Construction Drawings, architectural requirements, and local building code. E. Horizontal sections of vent riser piping installed inside of buildings are not anticipated. However, should they be required, horizontal pipe sections shall be minimized. In locations where horizontal vent riser piping is required, slope pipe 1% toward the suction point (i.e., to where the vent riser pipe penetrates the slab). F. The exhaust point of the riser pipe above the roof shall be at least: 1. 10 feet horizontally from any HVAC air intakes or other openings into the building; 2. 18 inches above the building roof and immediately adjacent roof; 3. 6 feet horizontally from parapet walls; and 4. 6 inches above adjacent parapet walls if within 10 feet of a parapet wall. G. Extraction riser pipes shall be directed vertically and terminate through a bird screen as indicated on the Construction Drawings. H. The Contractor shall paint exposed PVC pipe with ultraviolet (UV) resistant paint. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 7 3.7 AIR INLET INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall install the air inlets in the locations indicated on the Construction Drawings. B. The air inlets shall terminate with a varmint guard screen as indicated on the Construction Drawings. C. The Contractor shall paint exposed PVC pipe with UV resistant paint. D. The Contractor shall install temporary caps on air inlet piping or any exposed piping during the construction process to prevent water and/or debris from accumulating inside the piping and to prevent workers from accidentally dropping tools or trash down the open pipe ends. 3.8 REMOTE SUBSLAB VAPOR MONITORING INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall install the remote subslab vapor monitoring probe (“remote monitoring probe”) and conduit in the locations indicated on the Construction Drawings. B. Remote monitoring probe PVC pipe conduit and fittings shall not be joined with PVC primers and cements. Remote monitoring probe PVC pipes and fittings may be joined using threaded fittings, rubber couplings, or other Engineer-approved alternative that results in a watertight connection acceptable for use in underground applications (e.g., Fernco fittings). C. The interior of the remote monitoring probe conduit shall contain ¼-inch O.D. Nylaflow tubing and 6- inch stainless soil gas implants as indicated on the Construction Drawings. D. Compression fittings shall be used for tubing-to-tubing connections as indicated on the Construction Drawings. Compression or barb fittings are sufficient for tubing-to-implant connections. Tubes shall be labeled with the monitoring probe ID at every compression fitting. E. Remote monitoring probe conduit and tubing shall terminate with stainless steel shut-off ball valves via compression fittings in flush-mounted vaults as indicated on the Construction Drawings. F. The remote monitoring probe flush-mounted vaults shall be labeled with the monitoring probe ID. G. The Contractor shall not install sample valves (e.g., stainless steel ball valves) on the remote monitoring probe until a protective manhole cover is installed over the sample location. Temporary PVC pipe end caps (or equivalent) shall be installed in the exposed PVC conduit prior to the installation of the manhole cover to prevent unintended accumulation of water and/or debris in the subslab probe. Once the protective manhole cover is installed and has cured with the surrounding concrete slab, sample valves may be installed. 3.9 COMMUNITY CENTER SUBSLAB VAPOR MONITORING INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall install the subslab vapor monitoring probe at the locations indicated on the Construction Drawings. The subslab vapor monitoring probe shall consist of a Vapor Pin® installed within a Vapor Pin Insert. B. Prior to pouring the slab, the Contractor shall install a Vapor Pin Insert through the geomembrane vapor barrier per manufacturer standard operation procedures, as indicated on the Construction Drawings. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 8 C. After the slab is poured, the Contractor shall install a Vapor Pin in the Vapor Pin Insert, per manufacture standard operation procedure, as indicated on the Construction Drawings. 3.10 DRY CONDUIT SEALS A. Electrical cable, telephone, and other dry conduit shall be end sealed at the closest conduit joint inside the building prior to penetrating the slab with closed cell expanding foam as indicated on the Construction Drawings. 3.11 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. The Contractor or their selected representative (as approved by the Engineer) shall perform air flow checks on the installed components of the remote monitoring probe tubing prior to covering the remote monitoring probes. A vacuum pump shall be connected to the end of the remote monitoring probe tubing prior to connecting a subsequent section of tubing and/or covering the conduit and tubing with overlying materials. 1. The ball valve nearest to the 6-inch soil gas implant shall be closed and the opposite end of the monitoring tubing shall be connected to a vacuum pump. With the referenced ball valve closed, the vacuum pump shall purge the tubing such that a vacuum of approximately 5-8 inches of mercury is developed in the sample line, after which the sample pump shall be turned off. The vacuum shall be monitored for a minimum of 1 minute. If the vacuum dissipates (indicated by a reduction in vacuum of more than 5%), it is an indication of a leak that shall be rectified prior to proceeding. Once all leaks are identified, repaired, and it is confirmed that vacuum can be maintained within the sample tubing for at least one minute, the ball valve nearest the soil gas implant can be opened and the sample tubing line purged of at least three equipment volumes of air. If three volumes of air is readily purged from the line, this indicates a passed monitoring probe test. Following confirmation testing, the ball valve nearest the soil gas implant may be removed, the soil gas implant reattached, and tubing shall be promptly covered and protected. 3.12 PROTECTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall use all means necessary to protect all work of this Section. B. In the event of damage, the Contractor shall make all repairs and replacements necessary to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C. Solvent and/or fuel spills on or within the pipes and/or trenches shall be remediated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Consultant. Materials (geotextile, rock, pipe, and/or subgrade) impacted by the spills shall be removed from within the footprint of the VIMS and disposed of in accordance with local regulations. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 VIMS PIPING 13 3392 - 9 TABLE 3392-1 VENT STRIP REQUIREMENTS Properties Qualifiers Units Specified Values Test Method Sieve [END OF SECTION] SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 1 SECTION 13 3393 GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER PART 1 — GENERAL The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Geomembrane Vapor Barrier Technical Specifications presented herein shall be used in the construction of the VIMS for Sawmill Hollow Brownfields property as shown on the Construction Drawings. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall attend the pre-construction meeting at the site and prior to the commencement of construction activities. This meeting will be held in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. B. The Geosyntec Installer shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, supervision, transportation, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the installation of geomembrane vapor barrier as shown on the Construction Drawings. The work shall be carried out as specified herein and in accordance with Construction Drawings. C. The work shall include, but not be limited to, delivery, storage, placement, anchorage, and seaming of the geomembrane vapor barrier. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 13 3390 — Geotextile B. Section 13 3391 — Venting Aggregate C. Section 13 3392 — VIMS Piping D. Section 13 3394 — Wind-Driven Turbines, VIMS Fans, Differential Pressure Sensor, and Telemetry 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: 1. The following documents form part of the Specifications to the extent stated. Where differences exist between codes and standards, the Contractor shall request clarification from the Engineer as to which applies. 2. Unless otherwise noted, the referenced standard edition is the current one at the time of commencement of the Work. B. Construction Documents: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property (Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC [Geosyntec], 2024). C. Construction Quality Assurance Plan (CQA Plan), Geosyntec (submitted as part of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property, 2024). SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 2 D. Latest version of the ASTM International (ASTM) standards: 1. ASTM D412 Standard Test Method for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension. 2. ASTM D413 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property - Adhesion to Flexible Substrate. 3. ASTM D1709 Standard Test Methods for Impact Resistance of Plastic Film by the Free-Falling Dart Method. 4. ASTM D5199 Standard Test Method for Measuring Nominal Thickness of Geosynthetics. 5. ASTM D5994 Standard Test Method for Measuring Core Thickness of Textured Geomembranes. 6. ASTM E96 Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. 7. ASTM E154 Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover. 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS A. Geomembrane Vapor Barrier Manufacturer (Manufacturer): 1. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for the production of the components of the geomembrane vapor barrier materials and shall provide material meeting the requirements of this Section and the construction schedule for this project. 2. The Prequalified Manufacturers are (in alphabetical order by company name): a. CETCO; 2870 Forbs Avenue; Hoffman Estates, IL 60192; (800) 527-9948. b. EPRO; 1328 E Kellogg Dr., Wichita, KS 67211; (800) 882-1896. c. Land Science, 1011 Calle Sombra, San Clemente, CA 92673; (949) 481-8118. B. Geosynthetics Installer: 1. The Geosynthetics Installer, which is subcontracted to the Contractor, shall be responsible for and shall provide sufficient resources for field handling, deploying, seaming, temporarily restraining (against wind), and other aspects of the deployment and installation of the geomembrane vapor barrier materials and other geosynthetic components of the project. 2. The Geosynthetics Installer shall have successfully completed a training course provided by the Manufacturer and shall have installed a minimum of 2,000,000 square feet (ft2) of geomembrane vapor barrier on previous projects. 3. The Superintendent shall have supervised the installation of a minimum of 1,000,000 ft2 of geomembrane vapor barrier on at least five different projects. 1.5 WARRANTY A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall furnish the Engineer a written warranty against defects in materials. B. The Geosynthetic Installer shall furnish the Engineer with a 1-year written warranty against defects in workmanship. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall submit the following documentation to the Engineer for approval. 1. List of material properties, including test method. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 3 B. The Geosynthetic Installer shall submit certificates of compliance certifying that the geomembrane vapor barrier materials meet the requirements outlined herein. C. The Geosynthetic Installer shall submit the following information to the Engineer for approval at least 14 days prior to mobilization. 1. Installation schedule. 2. Copy of Geosynthetic Installer's letter of approval or license by the Manufacturer. 3. Installation capabilities, including: a. information on equipment proposed for this project; b. average daily production anticipated for this project; and c. quality control procedures. 4. In accordance with Part 1.4, a resume of the Superintendent to be assigned to this project, including dates and duration of employment, shall be submitted at least 14 days prior to beginning geomembrane vapor barrier installation. D. During installation, the Geosynthetic Installer shall be responsible for the timely submission to the Engineer of: 1. Quality control documentation; and 2. Venting aggregate acceptance certificates, signed by the Geosynthetic Installer, for each area to be covered by geosynthetic materials. E. Upon completion of the installation, the Geosynthetic Installer shall be responsible for the submission to the Engineer of a warranty from the Geosynthetic Installer as specified in Part 1.5 of this Section. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall ensure that the materials and methods used for installation of the geomembrane vapor barrier meet the requirements of the Construction Drawings and this Section. Any material or method that does not conform to these documents, or to alternatives approved in writing by the Engineer, will be rejected and shall be repaired or replaced by the Geosynthetic Installer. B. The Geosynthetic Installer shall be aware of and accommodate all monitoring and conformance testing required by the CQA Plan. The CQA Consultant (e.g., the CQA Field Monitor) will observe this monitoring, which may also include random testing of construction materials and completed work. If nonconformances or other deficiencies are found in the Geosynthetic Installer’s materials or completed work, the Geosynthetic Installer will be required to repair the deficiency or replace the deficient materials. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 4 PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.1 GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER PROPERTIES A. The geomembrane vapor barrier shall have properties that comply with the values shown in Table 3393-1. The geomembrane vapor barrier shall be seamed and attached to the building foundation using spray-applied materials having property values compliant with the minimum requirements listed in Table 3393-1. 2.2 TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING, AND STORAGE A. Handling and care of the geomembrane vapor barrier prior to and following installation at the site shall be the responsibility of the Geosynthetic Installer. The Geosynthetic Installer shall be liable for all damage to the materials incurred prior to final acceptance of the geomembrane vapor barrier by the Engineer. B. The Geosynthetic Installer shall be responsible for storage of the geomembrane vapor barrier materials at the site. C. Liquid and spreadable materials must be kept within the manufacturer’s specified temperature ranges. 1. Proper storage of onsite materials is the responsibility of the Geosynthetic Installer. Storage area shall be clean, dry, and protected from the elements. If ambient air temperatures are expected to fall below 40°F, precautions shall be taken to protect any emulsion product from near freezing temperatures. Protect stored materials from direct sunlight. D. Remove and replace liquid and spreadable materials which are not applied within their stated shelf life. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 5 PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.1 FAMILIARIZATION A. Prior to implementing any of the work described in this Section, the Geosynthetic Installer shall become thoroughly familiar with all portions of the work falling within this Section. B. Inspection: 1. The Geosynthetic Installer shall carefully inspect the installed work of all other Sections and verify that all work is complete to the point where the work of this Section may properly commence without adverse effect. 2. If the Geosynthetic Installer has any concerns regarding the installed work of other Sections, he/she shall notify the Engineer in writing prior to the start of the work of this Section. Failure to inform the Engineer in writing or installation of the geomembrane will be construed as the Geosynthetic Installer’s acceptance of the related work of all other Sections. C. A pre-installation meeting shall be held to coordinate the installation of the geomembrane vapor barrier with the installation of other components of the VIMS and foundation systems. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Concrete surfaces shall have a light broom or smoother finish. Concrete surfaces shall be free of dirt, debris, loose materials, release agents, curing agents and moisture. B. Voids in concrete surface deeper and/or wider than ¼ inch shall be filled and allowed to cure before installation. C. All concrete form tie holes must be filled with non-shrink grout. D. Provide a ¾-inch minimum bead of trowel grade or roller-applied geomembrane vapor barrier, or other equivalent geomembrane vapor barrier material, at all horizontal to vertical transitions and other inside corners. Allow this material to cure as required by the geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer prior to applying the geomembrane vapor barrier seam. E. Maintenance of equipment and/or storage of potential Chemicals of Concern (fuels, solvents, oils, etc.) shall not be performed within the footprint of the VIMS. F. Level and tamp or roll subgrade venting aggregate in accordance with Technical Specifications Section 13 3391, Venting Aggregate. G. Cleaning applicator nozzles/pipes shall not be performed directly within or above the VIMS components. Cleaning shall be performed away from the geomembrane work area to avoid contamination of the VIMS materials. Waste products generated during cleaning operation shall be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and Federal regulations. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 6 3.3 GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER INSTALLATION A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall take care not to entrap dirt beneath the geomembrane vapor barrier during placement, or dirt/stones above the geomembrane vapor barrier. B. Geosynthetic Installer shall install the geomembrane vapor barrier in accordance with the manufacturer requirements. C. When multiple concrete slab pours will occur, extend the geomembrane vapor barrier a minimum of 2 feet past the pour joint. D. The geomembrane vapor barrier shall be overlapped a minimum of 6 inches. E. At the seam overlap, apply the spray-applied joint compound in a manner that is consistent with the minimum geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer specifications. F. The Geosynthetic Installer shall examine the entire geomembrane vapor barrier surface after installation to ensure that no foreign objects are present that may damage the geomembrane vapor barrier or adjacent layers. The Geosynthetic Installer shall remove any such foreign objects and shall replace any damaged geomembrane vapor barrier. G. Apply geomembrane vapor barrier to concrete surface in accordance with the Manufacturer’s requirements. Geomembrane vapor barrier shall be overlapped onto concrete surfaces a minimum of 6 inches unless otherwise approved by the geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer. H. The Contractor or Geosynthetic Installer shall anchor or weight all carrier geomembrane with sandbags, or the equivalent, to prevent wind uplift. Soil stockpiles, gravel bags, nails, and/or stakes shall not be used to anchor carrier geomembrane. I. Surfaces that will receive the spray-applied product or taped product must be clean and free from standing moisture. J. Geomembrane vapor barrier shall not be placed during any precipitation, in the presence of excessive moisture (e.g., dew, heavy fog that deposits dew on the geomembrane vapor barrier), in an area of ponded water, or in the presence of winds in excess of 20 miles per hour. K. The Geosynthetic Installer shall ensure that: 1. No vehicular traffic is allowed on the geomembrane vapor barrier. 2. Equipment used does not damage the geomembrane vapor barrier by handling, trafficking, or leakage of hydrocarbons (i.e., fuels). 3. Personnel working on the geomembrane vapor barrier do not smoke, wear damaging shoes, bring glass onto the geomembrane vapor barrier, or engage in other activities that could damage the geomembrane vapor barrier. 4. The geomembrane vapor barrier is protected from damage in heavily foot trafficked areas. 5. No stakes, posts, and/or bulkheads are driven through the geomembrane vapor barrier. L. Geomembrane vapor barrier shall be overlapped a minimum of 12 inches when application process is interrupted for more than 8 hours. The overlap area shall be cleaned of dust, dirt and other materials that may affect the quality of the geomembrane vapor barrier. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 7 M. The geomembrane vapor barrier shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s allowable temperature range requirements. 3.4 PENETRATIONS IN THE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER A. All penetrations through the geomembrane vapor barrier shall be cleaned and prepared in accordance with the Manufacturer’s requirements. B. Cut geomembrane vapor barrier around penetration so that the geomembrane vapor barrier lies flat on the Venting Aggregate and/or other applicable foundation components. C. Seal utility penetration to prepared geomembrane vapor barrier in accordance with the Manufacturer’s requirements. Spray apply 60-mil thick geomembrane vapor barrier and allow to cure. D. Install and tighten cable tie at top of geomembrane vapor barrier. Trim excess cable tie after tightening. 3.5 GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER REPAIR A. Voids left by sampling or other damage shall be repaired by patching with geomembrane vapor barrier overlapped a minimum of 6 inches beyond the edge of the defect. Geomembrane vapor barrier seal material (spray, as appliable) shall then be applied at least 3-inches beyond the edge of the geomembrane vapor barrier unless otherwise required by the geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer. B. Inspect damaged area to determine which system components have been damaged. C. If the geomembrane vapor barrier has been compromised, patch the areas that have been damaged by re-installing new materials in place of damaged materials. The patch shall extend a minimum of 6 inches beyond the damaged area in all directions. D. Punctures of the geomembrane shall be repaired by sealing the punctures following geomembrane manufacturer recommendations with materials approved by the geomembrane manufacturer. E. The Engineer shall be notified prior to all geomembrane repairs, including those required after the concrete slab is poured. 3.6 SLAB REPAIR REMOVAL A. Floor slab removal is not part of this work. If in the future, a portion of the floor slab must be removed, the Geosynthetic Installer should review the general work sequence for floor slab removal/repair sequence shown on the Construction Drawings and should consult with the architect and the structural engineer to determine the requirements for replacing the floor slab concrete (e.g., the need for dowels and the appropriate concrete specification, concrete finishing, and concrete curing). SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 8 B. All post-slab installation repairs affecting the VIMS shall be completed by the Geosynthetic Installer and repairs shall be documented in writing to be consistent with geomembrane manufacturer requirements. Repairs affecting the VIMS shall be monitored by the VIMS CQA Consultant. C. If a portion of the floor slab must be removed, the vicinity of the floor slab area to be removed shall be ventilated as needed and the air exhausted outside the building in a safe manner until the geomembrane vapor barrier has been replaced. D. While ventilating the vicinity of the floor slab removal area as needed, the concrete to be removed shall be saw cut into manageable pieces per the slab repair details in the Construction Drawings. Slab pieces shall be removed without damaging adjacent floor slab areas. E. After the floor slab has been removed and the required subslab work performed (e.g., subslab utility modifications), subgrade materials shall be replaced and compacted as required by the geotechnical engineer. Then, new geomembrane vapor barrier material shall be installed equivalent/in-kind with the original geomembrane vapor barrier installed. The section of replaced geomembrane vapor barrier shall be placed beneath the existing geomembrane vapor barrier at the perimeter of the saw cut opening, and the joint between the existing and new geomembrane vapor barriers shall be sealed according to manufacturer requirements. After the new and original geomembrane vapor barriers have been sealed together per manufacturer requirements and these Construction Drawings, and as observed by the VIMS CQA Consultant (or their direct representative), the floor slab concrete and steel reinforcement, if any, can be replaced per the requirements of the architect and the structural engineer. 3.7 SEALING OF JOINTS, CRACKS, AND OPENINGS IN THE SLAB A. The intent of slab sealing is to aid in the performance of the VIMS and minimize the leakage of gas between the subslab and the indoor air space of the building. B. All floor slab penetrations including but not limited to expansion joints, control joints, construction joints, open cracks, plumbing and electrical conduits, venting system pipes, etc. shall be sealed using urethane caulk according to manufacturer's recommendations. C. The annulus of all utilities, pipes, and other conduits that penetrate the floor slab, including the riser pipes, shall be sealed with a urethane caulk according to manufacturer's recommendations and in a manner meeting applicable fire codes. D. All openings in the floor slab greater than ½ inch shall be sealed using suitable expanding foam sealants or approved equal. E. All openings in the slab, such as openings created by plumbing box outs for tubs, showers, or drains shall be sealed using expanding foam sealants or urethane caulk. 3.8 GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. Upon completion of cure time of a section of the geomembrane vapor barrier, the Geosynthetic Installer shall smoke test the geomembrane for leaks. The smoke test shall be performed once for approximately every 2,000 ft2 of installed geomembrane vapor barrier or per mitigated footprint, whichever is smaller. Leaks shall be repaired prior to installing any overlying materials. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 9 B. If the selected geomembrane vapor barrier is a full spray-applied barrier application (as opposed to a geomembrane vapor barrier that is only sprayed at the seams, utility penetrations, and foundation, for example), then coupon thickness testing is required to verify sufficient thickness of the spray application. In this case, upon completion of cure time of a section of the geomembrane vapor barrier, the Geosynthetic Installer shall collect coupon samples of geomembrane to evaluate the total geomembrane vapor barrier thickness. The Geosynthetic Installer shall re-spray areas that are thinner than the geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer minimum thickness requirements and patch the coupon location consistent with the geomembrane vapor barrier repair requirements. The thickness test shall be performed once for approximately every 2,000 ft2 of installed geomembrane vapor barrier. Leaks shall be repaired prior to installing any overlying materials. C. The smoke leak testing and coupon thickness testing (if applicable) is the responsibility of the Geosynthetic Installer and will be observed by the CQA Consultant. 3.9 MATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH THE GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the geomembrane vapor barrier is not damaged during its installation or during the installation of overlying materials. B. All attempts shall be made to minimize wrinkles in the geomembrane vapor barrier. C. Equipment shall not be driven directly on the geomembrane. 3.10 GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER ACCEPTANCE A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall retain all ownership and responsibility for the geomembrane vapor barrier until accepted by the Owner. B. The geomembrane shall be accepted by the Owner when: 1. The installation is completed; 2. All documentation is submitted; 3. The associated construction quality control and construction quality assurance testing is complete; and 4. All warranties are submitted to the owner. 3.11 PROTECTION OF WORK A. The Geosynthetic Installer shall use all means necessary to protect all work of this Section. B. In the event of damage, the Geosynthetic Installer shall make all repairs and replacements necessary to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C. In the event of damage, including spillage of Chemicals of Concern (e.g., fuels, oils, solvents, etc.) on the geomembrane vapor barrier, the Geosynthetic Installer shall immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Engineer and/or CQA Consultant. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 GEOMEMBRANE 13 3393 - 10 TABLE 3393 - 1 REQUIRED GEOMEMBRANE VAPOR BARRIER PROPERTIES minimum -- Notes: 1. Battista and Row, “Evaluation of Diffusion of PCE and TCE Through High Performance Geomembranes”, Queens University, 2018 2. The Queens University permeance/diffusion testing results are not directly comparable to other geomembrane vapor barrier diffusion tests that have been performed in the literature. Geomembrane vapor barriers that have been evaluated for PCE permeance using alternative methods may be acceptable pending Engineer review and approval. [END OF SECTION] SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 WIND DRIVEN TURBINE, FANS AND TELEMETRY 13 3394 - 1 SECTION 13 3394 WIND-DRIVEN TURBINES, VIMS FANS, DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR, AND TELEMETRY PART 1 — GENERAL The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Wind-Driven Turbines, VIMS Fans, Differential Pressure Sensor, and Telemetry Technical Specifications presented herein shall be used in the construction of the VIMS for the Sawmill Hollow Brownfields property as shown on the Construction Drawings. Wind-driven turbines will only be installed at a building following written authorization from the North Carolina Brownfields Redevelopment Section (BRS); otherwise, VIMS fans will be installed. Technical specifications for wind-driven turbines are provided herein in the anticipation that wind-driven turbines may be installed in the future. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall attend a pre-construction meeting at the site and prior to the commencement of the fan, wind-driven turbine, differential pressure sensor, and telemetry system installation activities. This meeting will be held in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, supervision, transportation, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the installation of the wind-driven turbines, fans, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system. The work shall be carried out as specified herein and in accordance with the Construction Drawings. C. The work shall include, but not be limited to, delivery, storage, installation, and testing of the wind-driven turbines, fans, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system. D. Once all joint, penetration, conduit and other sealing as required by the VIMS Technical Specifications is completed by the Contractor and approved by the CQA Consultant, VIMS operational evaluation testing will be performed by or under the supervision of the VIMS Engineer. E. The Contractor shall install the design fans as indicated herein and conduct start-up testing. Start- up testing shall be completed by the Contractor and will be observed by the CQA Consultant. The purpose of start-testing is to confirm fan operation and, if necessary, calibrate the VIMS fans as required by the Engineer. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 13 3390 — Geotextile B. Section 13 3391 — Venting Aggregate C. Section 13 3392 — VIMS Piping D. Section 13 3393 — Geomembrane Vapor Barrier SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 WIND DRIVEN TURBINE, FANS AND TELEMETRY 13 3394 - 2 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: 1. The following documents form part of the Specifications to the extent stated. Where differences exist between codes and standards, the Contractor shall request clarification from the Engineer as to which applies. 2. Unless otherwise noted, the referenced standard edition is the current one at the time of commencement of the Work. B. Construction Documents: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property (Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC [Geosyntec], 2024). C. Construction Quality Assurance Plan (CQA Plan), Geosyntec (submitted as part of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Sawmill Hollow Property, 2024). 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS A. The Contractor shall be a well-established firm(s) with documented experience with fan and wind-driven turbine installations, including mechanical and electrical components, differential pressure sensors, and telemetric monitoring systems. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, at least 7 days prior to the delivery of the wind-driven turbines, fans, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system the following information: 1. Manufacturer and product name; 2. Technical specifications; and 3. Operations and Maintenance Manual. B. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, record drawings of the installed fans, including both horizontal and vertical locations. 1.6 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE MONITORING A. The Contractor shall ensure that the wind-driven turbine and fan installation methods meet the requirements of the Construction Drawings and this Section. Any material or method that does not conform to these documents, or to alternatives approved in writing by the Engineer, will be rejected and shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. B. The Contractor shall be aware of and accommodate all performance testing required by the CQA Plan. The Engineer will perform this testing. If nonconformances or other deficiencies are found in the Contractor’s equipment or completed work, the Contractor will be required to repair the deficiency or replace the deficient equipment. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 WIND DRIVEN TURBINE, FANS AND TELEMETRY 13 3394 - 3 PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.1 WIND-DRIVEN TURBINE SPECIFICATIONS A. Assembly for wind-driven turbines will consist of a 4-inch wind-driven turbine (made of galvanized steel construction capable of generating at least 120 cubic feet per minute at 4 miles per hour wind speed) mounted on top of the respective vapor extraction pipe. To allow for contingent active operation, 110-volt (V) and 20-ampere (amp) power supply and low-voltage wiring will be provided within 5 feet of the wind-driven turbine location, inclusive of weather tight electrical housing with a shut-off switch. A 1/2-inch NPT threaded plug on the intake side of the wind-driven turbine will be installed as indicated in the Construction Drawings. 2.2 VIMS FAN SPECIFICATIONS A. Assembly for fans will include a radon-style mitigation fan (specific product to be specified by the Engineer following diagnostic testing), 110V and 20 amp power supply within 5 feet of the fan, weather tight electrical housing with a rheostat (e.g., rotary dimmer switch) and shut-off switch, differential pressure sensor for monitoring fan vacuum, low voltage wire for interface with the VIMS telemetry system, and a ½-inch NPT threaded plug on the intake side of the fan as indicated on the Construction Drawings. 2.3 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR AND TELEMETRY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS A. A differential pressure sensor shall be installed on the extraction pipe of each fan near ground level (on the intake side of the fan) as indicated in the Construction Drawings. The differential pressure transmitter shall communicate with a telemetry system for notifying building maintenance or an authorized representative if the vacuum in the extraction pipe decreases below a minimum setpoint value. The set point value shall be specified by the VIMS Engineer. These alerts are important to inform maintenance personnel if the fan is not operating per design (e.g., fan was turned off or damaged). B. The VIMS telemetry monitoring system may be integrated with the Building Management System (BMS), a dedicated VIMS telemetry monitoring system (e.g., Sensaphone Sentinel), or other automated monitoring approach as approved by the VIMS Engineer. The telemetry system (BMS or otherwise) shall be on a different circuit breaker than the VIMS fans and operate 24 hours, 7 days a week. The VIMS telemetry system shall be able to send notifications via email, voice call, or text message to a mobile phone. 2.4 MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL A. The wind-driven turbines, fans, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system shall be manufactured with quality control procedures that meet or exceed generally accepted industry standards. B. The Manufacturer shall test the fans and wind-driven turbines (if applicable) prior to delivery to the site. C. The Manufacturer shall comply with the certification and submittal requirements of this Section. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 WIND DRIVEN TURBINE, FANS AND TELEMETRY 13 3394 - 4 2.5 PACKING AND LABELING A. Fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system shall be delivered in their original packaging. B. Fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system shall be marked or tagged with the following information: 1. manufacturer's name; and 2. product identification; 2.6 TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING, AND STORAGE A. The Contractor shall be liable for any damage to the fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system incurred prior to and during transportation to the site. B. Handling, unloading, storage, and care of the fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system prior to and following installation at the site is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be liable for any damage incurred prior to final acceptance by the Engineer. C. The fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system shall be protected from any damaging or deleterious conditions. The fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system shall be protected from mud, dirt, and dust. Any additional storage procedures required by the Manufacturer(s) shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for storage of the fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system at the site. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 WIND DRIVEN TURBINE, FANS AND TELEMETRY 13 3394 - 5 PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.1 FAMILIARIZATION A. Prior to implementing any of the work described in this Section, the Contractor shall become thoroughly familiar with the site, the site conditions, and all portions of the work falling within this Section. B. Inspection: 1. The Contractor shall carefully inspect the installed work of all other Sections and verify that all work is complete to the point where the installation of this Section may properly commence without adverse impact. 2. If the Contractor has any concerns regarding the installed work of other Sections, he/she shall notify the Engineer in writing prior to commencing the work. Failure to notify the Engineer prior to the installation of the fans and wind-driven turbines will be construed as Contractor’s acceptance of the related work of all other Sections. 3.2 HANDLING AND INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall not begin fan or wind-driven turbine installation until all QC/QA documentation is complete for the installation of the vapor extraction pipes. B. The Contractor shall handle all fans, wind-driven turbines, differential pressure sensors, and telemetry system in such a manner that they are not damaged in any way. C. Fans shall be installed near grade, as shown on the Construction Drawings. Wind-driven turbines, if installed, shall be installed on the top of the respective vapor extraction pipe as shown on the Construction Drawings. D. Support for the fans (e.g., Unistrut anchors) shall be provided if needed per the requirements of the roofing consultant, mechanical/electrical/plumbing designer, and local building code. E. The fan discharge point shall be directed upwards, contain a bird screen with ½” openings, and exhaust a minimum of 10 feet from any building opening or building intake (e.g., window, door, louver, HVAC), 18 inches above the building roof and immediately adjacent roof, at least 6 feet horizontally from parapet walls, and at least 6 inches above adjacent parapet walls if within 10 feet of a parapet wall. F. Power to the fans shall not be on the same circuit as the telemetry monitoring system. G. Upon completion of the mechanical installation, the electrical tie-in shall be completed by a licensed electrician. H. Provide electric service with a dedicated circuit breaker at an electric junction box within five feet of the fan. I. The differential pressure sensors and telemetry system shall be accessible for routine operations and maintenance. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 WIND DRIVEN TURBINE, FANS AND TELEMETRY 13 3394 - 6 J. The electrical components of the differential pressure sensors and telemetry system shall be installed by a licensed electrician and in accordance with the local building code. K. The Contractor shall perform start-up testing of the installed fans and wind-driven turbines to confirm the VIMS is operating consistent with the intended design by the Engineer. Upon start up, fan shall be allowed to run for a minimum of five minutes upon installation. The disconnect switch will be tested to ensure it stops operation of the fan. The rheostat installed on the fan will be dialed up and down to test the operation. The fan should increase/decrease exhaust air velocity following changes in the rheostat setting. The fan inner housing will be inspected for leaks during startup. Contractor shall remove any foreign objects and shall replace any damages. 3.3 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR/TRANSMITTERS AND ALARM SYSTEM A. The differential pressure alarm system shall consist of a differential pressure sensor/transmitter and a system controller that is capable of telemetric signal. B. Permanent differential pressure sensors/transmitters calibrated to measure a vacuum from 0 to 10 inches of water column (in WC) shall be installed on each riser pipe as indicated in the Construction Documents. C. The differential pressure transmitter shall signal two alarms if a monitored vacuum level decreases below a setpoint value. One alarm shall be a notification alarm to building maintenance or an authorized representative. The other alarm shall be a local audible/visual alarm at a central location (e.g., the telemetry system). Alarms shall be set to be activated when the measured vacuum falls to a level determined by the VIMS Engineer based on the VIMS operational evaluation. D. The telemetry monitoring system shall be able to send notifications via email, voice call, or text message to a mobile phone. E. The differential pressure transmitter and telemetry monitoring system shall be accessible for routine operations and maintenance as indicated on the Construction Drawings and in locations as approved by the architect and building owner. E. The telemetry monitoring system, or alternative energy source, shall provide power to the differential pressure sensors. F. The telemetry monitoring system shall be provided with an outlet within 3 feet of the mounting location that supplies 110V power. G. The telemetry monitoring system shall have a backup battery rated for a minimum of 8-hours for standby mode plus 5 minutes of alarm under full load condition. Backup power shall be available within 60 seconds of primary power loss. H. An ethernet cable with an internet connection will be provided by others to be enable the telemetric features of the telemetry monitoring system. Alternatively, a localized Wi-Fi hub or a cellular modem may be connected to the telemetry monitoring system for remote internet access. I. Wiring shall be in accordance with the local Electrical Code. SAWMILL HOLLOW BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS June 2024 WIND DRIVEN TURBINE, FANS AND TELEMETRY 13 3394 - 7 3.4 PROTECTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall use all means necessary to protect all work of this Section. B. In the event of damage, the Contractor shall immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Engineer. [END OF SECTION] APPENDIX C Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Prepared for Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated P.O. Box 1673 Boone, North Carolina 28607 APPENDIX C: CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM SAWMILL HOLLOW PROPERTY SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD BURNSVILLE, NC Brownfields Project Number: 26015-22-100 Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 161 South Lexington Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Project Number GN9110 June 2024 Revision 1 GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan i June 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Terms of Reference ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Overview and Description ............................................................................... 1 1.3 Plan Organization ......................................................................................................... 2 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL OVERVIEW .............................. 3 3. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................ 4 3.1 Responsible Parties ...................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Definitions and Responsibilities................................................................................... 5 4. CQA ORGANIZATION ....................................................................................................... 7 4.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Project Manager ........................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Construction Manager .................................................................................................. 7 4.4 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Engineer .................................................. 7 4.5 CQA Consultant ........................................................................................................... 7 4.6 CQA Manager .............................................................................................................. 7 4.7 CQA Field Monitors .................................................................................................... 8 5. MEETINGS ......................................................................................................................... 10 5.1 Pre-Construction Meeting .......................................................................................... 10 5.2 Daily Progress Meetings ............................................................................................ 11 5.3 Resolution Meeting .................................................................................................... 11 5.4 Project Visits .............................................................................................................. 12 6. COMPLIANCE WITH TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................... 13 6.1 Technical Specification Sections ............................................................................... 13 6.2 Material Requirements ............................................................................................... 13 6.3 Submittals .................................................................................................................. 13 6.4 Handling and Placement ............................................................................................ 14 6.5 Installation .................................................................................................................. 14 6.6 Installation of Overlying Materials ............................................................................ 14 6.7 Electrical Requirements ............................................................................................. 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’D) GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan ii June 2024 6.8 Monitoring Systems ................................................................................................... 15 6.9 Start-Up Testing ......................................................................................................... 15 7. DOCUMENTATION .......................................................................................................... 16 7.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 16 7.2 Daily Record Keeping ................................................................................................ 16 7.2.1 General ........................................................................................................16 7.2.2 Monitoring Logs and Testing Data Sheets ..................................................16 7.2.3 Construction Problems ................................................................................17 7.2.4 Spills ............................................................................................................17 7.3 Photographic Reporting ............................................................................................. 17 7.4 Design, Technical Specifications, and/or Construction Drawing Changes ............... 17 7.5 CQA Report ............................................................................................................... 18 GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 1 June 2024 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Terms of Reference Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec), has prepared this Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan (CQA Plan) on the behalf of Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated (“NHE”, “Prospective Developer” or “PD”) for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Brownfields Redevelopment Section (BRS) for the Sawmill Hollow Brownfields Property (“Site”). This CQA Plan was prepared by Morgan Randolph, and was reviewed by Mike Burcham, P.E.(NC, TX) and Todd N. Creamer, P.G.(NC, CA, PA, WY), in accordance with the review policies of the firm. 1.2 Project Overview and Description The Site is the 3.86-acre parcel at the intersection of Sawmill Hollow Road and US Highway 19E in Burnsville, North Carolina identified under Yancey County Parcel Number 083003244675000 (referred to herein as the “Site”). A Letter of Eligibility (LOE) was received for the property on November 10, 2022, indicating that the Site was eligible for entry into the BRS and for the eventual finalization of a Brownfields Agreement (BFA). The Site is listed under Brownfields Project No. 26015-22-100. Previous sampling efforts indicate the presence of methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil gas at the Site. Further details of environmental sampling are provided in the Supplemental Assessment Report (Geosyntec, 2022). NHE intends to redevelop the Site under the BRS into a rental community including 26 affordable rental residential units, a community building with amenities, and a playground. In response to the VOC and methane impacts detected in soil gas at the Site and the planned Site redevelopment, Geosyntec has prepared a VIMS Design Report (referred to herein as the “Design Report”), Construction Drawings, Technical Specifications, and this CQA Plan to facilitate redevelopment of the Site. In response to the methane detected in soil gas, the BRS required that woody debris be removed from Site prior to redevelopment and that a subsequent methane assessment be conducted to demonstrate that removing woody debris effectively reduced methane concentrations in soil gas to acceptable levels, or if further methane assessment would be necessary to define and address buried woody debris. The methane assessment results indicated that, following woody debris excavation, methane concentrations in soil gas decreased below 1.25 percent by volume (%v) and was no longer present at two of the three monitoring locations approximately two months after excavations were completed. Based on these results, methane is not a target of the VIMS detailed herein. VIMS are designed to mitigate each building on Site (the community building and rental unit footprints C, F, G, and H) as indicated on the Construction Drawings and Figure 3 of the Mitigation Strategy of the Design Report (Geosyntec, 2024). Each VIMS will operate by providing air flow underneath the building’s concrete slab. VIMS components for all buildings include an aggregate venting layer, a geomembrane vapor barrier, cushion geotextiles, vent strip and piping for active or passive vapor extraction, a monitoring system, and a mechanical fan or wind turbine. The GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 2 June 2024 community building VIMS will also include fresh air inlet vent strip and piping. Post-pour and pre-occupancy methane screening will be conducted as described in the Design Report and if the BRS requires methane mitigation then fans, sensors, and alarms for methane mitigation will be specified and submitted under a separate cover. Additional details of the VIMS are discussed in the Design Report, Construction Drawings, Technical Specifications, and this CQA Plan. 1.3 Plan Organization The remainder of this CQA Plan is organized as follows: • Section 2, Quality Assurance and Quality Control Overview, outlines the terminology and the purpose of construction quality insurance and quality control (QA/QC). • Section 3, Responsible Parties and Definitions, presents the main parties involved and defines the project terminology. • Section 4, CQA Organization, presents the personnel titles and their responsibilities for this project. • Section 5, Meetings, specifies meetings to be held and the attendees and items addressed at each meeting. • Section 6, Compliance with Technical Specifications, describes the CQA activities involved with the installation of the various components of the VIMS. • Section 7, Documentation, specifies the means and frequency by which information shall be recorded during construction of the VIMS. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 3 June 2024 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL OVERVIEW Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) and Construction Quality Control (CQC) involve the monitoring and testing of materials and construction to document that the final product is constructed in accordance with the Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications (Construction Documents). While CQA and CQC are similar, and often referenced simultaneously (i.e., CQA/CQC), each is intended to serve a slightly different purpose. The common thread between CQA and CQC is the monitoring and testing of materials and construction activities used to document that the final product has been constructed in accordance with the Construction Documents. The difference between CQA and CQC is the party who is responsible for performing the duties. A third party, independent of the contractor and hired by the owner, typically performs CQA. CQC is usually performed by the contractor, or a party hired by the contractor, to aid the contractor in constructing a quality product. CQA information may be used to complement the Contractor’s CQC function, in correcting work that does not satisfy project requirements. Materials used to construct the VIMS must meet or exceed the criteria indicated in the Construction Documents. Each component of the VIMS will be monitored by CQA personnel; no portion of the VIMS may be covered unless documented by the CQA manager or the CQA field monitors to be in compliance with the Construction Documents. The VIMS Design Engineer (defined in Section 3) must also approve, in writing, deviations from the Construction Documents. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 4 June 2024 3. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES AND DEFINITIONS This section provides descriptions, definitions, and responsibilities of the various companies and individuals involved with construction of the VIMS. 3.1 Responsible Parties The responsible parties for VIMS construction activities at this Site are: Owner Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated P. O. Box 1673 Boone, NC 28607 Contact: E. G. “Ned” Fowler, President/CEO Phone: 828-964-2744 Project Manager Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated P. O. Box 1673 Boone, NC 28607 Contact: E. G. “Ned” Fowler, President/CEO Phone: 828-964-2744 Construction Manager: ALH General Contractor, Inc. 4457 NC Hwy 105 S, G-2 Boone, NC 28607 Contact: Alan Herman Phone: 828-963-5700 Geosynthetics Installer Bessco Inc Contact: Jim Brunson Phone: 707-609-5987 Electrical VIMS installer Whitson Electric Contact: Gary Holcombe Phone: 828-765-9700 Other VIMS installers (piping, etc.) Firm: TBD Contact: TBD Phone: TBD GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 5 June 2024 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Project Manager Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 430 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Contact: Morgan Randolph, E.I.T. Phone: 919-424-1854 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Engineer (Engineer) Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 2501 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 430 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Contact: Mike Burcham, P.E. (NC, TX) Phone: 919-424-1850 3.2 Definitions and Responsibilities Definitions and responsibilities of the various companies and individuals involved with construction of the VIMS are described below. Owner – Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated. Project Manager (NHE) – The representative of the owner overseeing and having ultimate responsibility for the project. Construction Manager (ALH General Contractor, Inc.) – The person responsible for monitoring the performance of the work by the Contractor and approval of Contractor submittals. Contractor – The party responsible for the timely construction and installation of selected aspects of the project as delineated on, and in accordance with the requirements outlined in, the Technical Specifications and Construction Drawings. Subcontractor(s) – The party responsible for installing components of the project as designated by the Contractor and in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Technical Specifications and Construction Drawings. VIMS Design Engineer (“Engineer of Record [EOR]” or “Engineer”) (Geosyntec) – The firm responsible for the design of the VIMS. CQA Consultant (Geosyntec) – The VIMS CQA consultant, having responsibility for managing, coordinating, and implementing the VIMS CQA activities and documenting that the Contractor’s Construction Quality Control activities are performed in accordance with the Construction Documents. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 6 June 2024 CQA Manager – The individual representative of the CQA consultant, having overall responsibility for managing, coordinating, and implementing the CQA activities and directing CQA Field Monitors. CQA Field Monitors – Representatives of the CQA Consultant, working under the direct supervision of the CQA Manager, responsible for implementation of CQA activities. Environmental Consultant (Geosyntec) – The firm responsible for overseeing the Site redevelopment activities at the Site, as it relates to the BRS requirements. Geosynthetics Installer (“Installer”) – Particular subcontractor responsible for installation of the geosynthetic components of the VIMS (geomembrane vapor barrier and cushion geotextiles). GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 7 June 2024 4. CQA ORGANIZATION 4.1 General The personnel listed below will jointly carry out the CQA responsibilities for VIMS construction. The responsibility of each individual is described in each section. 4.2 Project Manager The Project Manager works on behalf of the Owner and has ultimate authority on the project. 4.3 Construction Manager The Construction Manager works for the Project Manager and serves as coordinator between the Contractor, CQA Consultant, Engineer, and the Project Manager. The Construction Manager reports concerns and issues to the Project Manager and acts as on-Site authority for all CQA-related decisions. 4.4 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Engineer The VIMS Design Engineer, as part of the VIMS Design team, prepares Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications for the VIMS. Deviations or modifications from the Construction Drawings or Technical Specifications must be approved by the Design Engineer. 4.5 CQA Consultant The CQA Consultant is the firm having responsibility for managing, coordinating, implementing, and documenting the VIMS CQA activities. Representatives of the VIMS CQA Consultant will perform CQA of the VIMS. The CQA personnel include a CQA Manager and one or more CQA Field Monitors. 4.6 CQA Manager The CQA Manager will be a representative of the CQA Consultant. Responsibilities of the CQA Manager include the following: • Reviewing the Construction Drawings, the Technical Specifications, and addenda • Reviewing other Construction Documents, including proposed material layouts • Administrating the CQA program (i.e., assign and manage all CQA personnel, review field reports and CQA logs, and provide engineering review of CQA related issues) • Providing quality control of the CQA activities, including Site visits GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 8 June 2024 • Reviewing changes to the design, the Construction Drawings, and the Technical Specifications • Familiarizing CQA Field Monitors with the Site, project documents, and project-specific-CQA requirements • Managing the daily activities of the CQA Field Monitors • Attending CQA related meetings (e.g., pre-construction, daily, weekly) • Reviewing test results provided by contractors and making appropriate recommendations to Construction Manager • Assigning locations for testing and sampling • Reviewing CQA Field Monitors’ daily reports and CQA logs • Reporting to Project Manager and Construction Manager, as well as documenting in the daily and weekly reports, relevant observations reported by the CQA Field Monitors • Reporting unresolved deviations from the CQA Plan, the Construction Drawings, and the Technical Specifications to the Project Manager and Construction Manager • Reviewing submittals from the Contractor and making appropriate recommendations to the Construction Manager • Reviewing the qualifications of the Contractor for conformance with the Technical Specifications and making appropriate recommendations to the Construction Manager • Taking note of observed on-Site activities that could result in damage to components of the project and reporting them to the Construction Manager and Contractor • Performing duties of the CQA Field Monitors as needed • Preparing the Final CQA Report(s) 4.7 CQA Field Monitors The duties of the CQA Field Monitors, as assigned by the CQA Manager, include monitoring and documenting construction of the VIMS before each component is covered. The duties of the CQA Field Monitors include the following: • Monitoring and testing (as required) geosynthetics prior to and during the installation GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 9 June 2024 • Monitoring polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and vent strip components and installation • Monitoring geomembrane vapor barrier installation • Monitoring geotextile installation • Monitoring ventilating aggregate installation • Observing monitoring probe installation • Documenting installation and testing of monitoring system components • Documenting installation of passive wind driven turbines and/or active fans • Recording CQA activities on field logs • Preparing daily field reports • Reporting to the CQA Manage In addition to these specific duties, CQA Field Monitors will take note of on-Site activities that could result in damage to components of the VIMS. Observations so noted by the CQA Field Monitors will be reported to the CQA Manager. The CQA Manager will report observations to the Construction Manager. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 10 June 2024 5. MEETINGS 5.1 Pre-Construction Meeting A pre-construction meeting will be held prior to commencing VIMS construction activities. At a minimum, the meeting shall be attended by the Project Manager (or assigned representative), the Construction Manager, the Contractor, relevant Subcontractors, the CQA Manager, and select CQA Field Monitors. Specific topics pertaining to the CQA of the VIMS to be considered for this meeting include the following: • The responsibilities and lines of authority of each party • The status of submittals • Establishment of work area security and safety protocols • The methods to be used for documenting and reporting • Changes in the Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications relating to the VIMS (if any) • Establishing protocols to be used for testing, deficiency identification, repairs, and retesting • The proposed equipment and methodology for installation of VIMS components • The VIMS construction schedule and its relationship to other aspects of the project • Establishing material stockpile, storage, and processing locations • A Site walk as deemed necessary by the Project Manager to review: (i) the limits of the construction area and (iii) locations of storage areas The pre-construction meeting will be documented in meeting minutes prepared by a person designated by the Construction Manager at the beginning of the meeting. Within two working days of the meeting, draft minutes will be transmitted to representatives of parties in attendance for review and comment. Corrections and/or comments to the draft minutes shall be made within two working days of receipt of the draft minutes to be incorporated in the final meeting minutes. A weekly progress meeting, as needed, should be held between the CQA Manager, the Contractor, Construction Manager, and other concerned parties participating in the construction of the project. This meeting will include discussions on the current progress of the project, planned activities for the next week, and revisions to the work plan and/or schedule. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 11 June 2024 5.2 Daily Progress Meetings Daily progress meetings will be convened at the discretion of either the Construction Manager and/or the CQA Manager during VIMS construction activities. If held, the daily progress meetings will be held prior to the start of a construction shift at the Site. At a minimum, the Construction Manager, the Contractor, and the CQA Manager (or his/her representative) shall attend the meeting. Topics considered for this meeting include the following: • New health and safety topics that are not addressed by the health and safety plan • Proposed activities scheduled by the Contractor for the day • Problems or deficiencies that have arisen during construction, if any • Status of unresolved issues from previous daily meetings • Results of test data • Contractor’s deployment of personnel and equipment • Previous day’s activities including the effectiveness of measures taken to alleviate deficiencies Topics discussed during daily progress meetings will be summarized by the CQA Manager in daily field reports that will be provided to the Construction Manager and EOR. 5.3 Resolution Meeting A resolution meeting will be held when and if a problem or deficiency is present or anticipated. At a minimum, the Contractor, relevant Subcontractors, Project Manager, Construction Manager, CQA Manager, and the appropriate CQA Field Monitor(s) shall attend the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to define and resolve the problem or work deficiency as follows: • Define and discuss the problem or deficiency • Review alternative solutions • Implement an action plan to resolve the problem or deficiency The resolution meeting will be documented in meeting minutes prepared by a person designated by the Construction Manager at the beginning of the meeting. Within two working days of the meeting, draft minutes will be transmitted to representatives of parties in attendance for review and comment. Corrections to and/or comments on the draft minutes shall be made within two GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 12 June 2024 working days of receipt of the draft minutes to be incorporated in the final meeting minutes. If the action plan to resolve the problem or deficiency requires a design change, the Construction Manager will obtain approval of the design change by the EOR prior to the implementation of the action plan. 5.4 Project Visits The Engineer may periodically visit the construction Site. This visit should be coordinated by the CQA Manager and the Construction Manager. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 13 June 2024 6. COMPLIANCE WITH TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section describes the CQA activities involved with the submittal process and installation of the components of the VIMS in compliance with the technical specifications. 6.1 Technical Specification Sections The VIMS Technical Specifications include the following sections: • Section 13 3390 – Geotextile • Section 13 3391 – Venting Aggregate • Section 13 3392 – VIMS Piping • Section 13 3393 – Geomembrane Vapor Barrier • Section 13 3394 – Wind Driven Turbines, VIMS Fans, and Telemetry 6.2 Material Requirements The materials used in VIMS construction must conform to the Technical Specifications. The CQA Consultant will document that the materials used on Site are consistent with the products approved by the Engineer. Non-compliance will be documented and reported to the Construction Manager. 6.3 Submittals Prior to installing the VIMS, the Contractor will provide the CQA Consultant product sheets that describe specified properties measured using test methods indicated in the Technical Specifications, or equivalent of the geotextile, venting aggregate, VIMS piping, geomembrane vapor barrier, and wind-driven turbines and fans. Non-compliance with the submittals will be documented and reported to the Construction Manager. In addition, the following submittals will be provided to the CQA Consultant by the Contractor upon completion of the VIMS installation: • Venting aggregate acceptance forms prior to the deployment of the geomembrane vapor barrier • Documentation of proper geomembrane vapor barrier deployment and successful performance of smoke and/or coupon thickness (if applicable) testing as required by the geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer and Technical Specifications • As-built drawings of the VIMS piping layout indicating piping layout changes, if any, as approved in writing by the Engineer GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 14 June 2024 6.4 Handling and Placement CQA personnel will monitor the handling and placement of materials used during VIMS installation to be consistent with the requirements of the Technical Specifications. CQA personnel will observe that geosynthetic materials are protected from ultraviolet light exposure, precipitation or other inundation, mud, dirt, dust, puncture, cutting, and other damaging conditions. Non- conformance and/or other deviations from the Technical Specifications will be documented and reported to the Construction Manager. The CQA Field Monitor will document that chemicals and chemical-containing products such as fuel tanks are not stored on VIMS components at any time. If fuel products or other chemicals are spilled on the VIMS components, the CQA Field Monitor will document the response. 6.5 Installation The CQA Field Monitor will observe that the materials used in VIMS construction are installed as indicated in the Technical Specifications, this includes, but is not limited to the following: • Installing VIMS piping and vent strip, including subslab monitoring system components • Surface preparation for the geotextile and geomembrane vapor barrier, including documentation from the Installer that the venting aggregate on which the geomembrane vapor barrier is deployed is acceptable • Seaming and overlapping the geotextiles and geomembrane vapor barrier as indicated by the manufacturer requirements and Technical Specifications • Field testing, as performed by the Installer and in accordance with the Technical Specifications, which requires smoke testing the geomembrane vapor barrier at a frequency of at least once per 2,000 square feet or per mitigated footprint, whichever is smaller (and geomembrane vapor barrier coupon thickness testing once per 2,000 square feet pending the geomembrane vapor barrier manufacturer requirements selected by the Installer) • Repair components used in VIMS installation as indicated in the Technical Specifications Non-compliance will be documented and reported to the Construction Manager. 6.6 Installation of Overlying Materials The CQA field monitor will observe the installation of materials overlying the VIMS and document that it is installed in a manner that is in accordance with the Construction Documents and that the underlying materials are not damaged. Non-compliance will be documented by the CQA Field Monitor and reported to the Construction Manager. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 15 June 2024 6.7 Electrical Requirements The CQA Field Monitor will observe that the power supply to the powered fans is appropriate, including number of phases, voltage, and full load current. The CQA Field Monitor will document the power supply to the powered fan enclosures meet the requirements of the Technical Specifications. Non-compliance with the Construction Documents will be documented and reported to the Construction Manager. 6.8 Monitoring Systems The CQA Field Monitor will document monitoring systems installation and their supporting components, including extraction riser differential pressure sensors, are completed as indicated on the Technical Specifications and Construction Drawings. Non-compliance will be documented and reported to the Construction Manager. 6.9 Start-Up Testing The CQA Field Monitor will observe start up testing as performed by the Contractor in accordance with the Technical Specifications. Start-up testing is separate from VIMS diagnostic testing and pre-occupancy testing, which are defined in the VIMS Design Report. Non-compliance with the Construction Documents will be documented and reported to the Construction Manager. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 16 June 2024 7. DOCUMENTATION 7.1 General The effectiveness of a CQA Plan depends largely on: (i) recognizing construction activities that should be monitored; and (ii) assigning responsibility for monitoring. This is effectively accomplished by documenting quality assurance activities. The CQA Manager will document that quality assurance requirements have been addressed and satisfied. The CQA Manager will provide the Construction Manager with signed descriptive remarks, data sheets, and logs to document that CQA monitoring activities have been carried out. The CQA Manager will also maintain a file of the Construction Drawings, Technical Specifications, CQA Plan, checklists, test procedures, daily logs, and other pertinent documents. CQA documentation will be submitted to the Construction Manager following completion of the project. 7.2 Daily Record Keeping 7.2.1 General Standard reporting procedures will include preparing CQA documentation (may be in digital form) which, at a minimum, will consist of: (i) field notes, including memoranda of meetings and/or discussions with the contractors, Construction Manager, or Project Manager; (ii) CQA monitoring logs and testing data sheets; and (iii) construction problem and solution summary sheets. This information will be regularly submitted to and reviewed by the CQA Manager. 7.2.2 Monitoring Logs and Testing Data Sheets Monitoring logs and testing data sheets will be prepared for each inspection. At a minimum, logs will include the following: • Date, project name, location, and other identification • Weather conditions • Descriptions and locations of ongoing construction • A summary of test results • Delivery of VIMS-related materials • Decisions made regarding acceptance of units of work and/or corrective actions to be taken in instances of substandard testing results GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 17 June 2024 7.2.3 Construction Problems The CQA personnel will notify the Construction Manager and the Engineer of significant non-conformance from the Construction Drawings, the Technical Specifications, and/or the CQA Plan. The CQA personnel, Construction Manager, and Engineer will evaluate the cause of the non- conformance and identify appropriate changes to the procedures or the Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications. The Construction Manager will submit changes to the Engineer for review and approval. When this type of evaluation is made, the CQA personnel will document the results, and the Engineer will approve revisions to the procedures, Construction Drawings, and/or Technical Specifications. Upon completion of construction, the Construction Manager will provide a summary of all supporting data sheets, along with final testing results and the CQA Manager’s approval of the work to the Engineer. 7.2.4 Spills If solvent or fuel spills on or within the VIMS piping, trenches, or geosynthetic layers (e.g., geomembrane vapor barrier, geotextiles), the Contractor will be required to remediate the spill to the satisfaction of the Environmental Consultant. Materials (e.g., subgrade, geotextile, venting aggregate, pipe, geomembrane vapor barrier) impacted by a spill shall be removed from within the footprint of the VIMS and disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Repairs to the VIMS resulting from a spill response will be documented by the CQA personnel and included in the CQA Report. Remedial actions overseen by the Environmental Consultant are not the responsibility of the VIMS CQA Consultant; therefore, reporting related to potential remedial response actions will not be presented in the CQA Report. 7.3 Photographic Reporting CQA personnel will photograph work progress, problems, and mitigation activities. The Engineer will maintain a project file containing the digital photos compiled by the CQA Manager and Field Monitors. 7.4 Design, Technical Specifications, and/or Construction Drawing Changes Design, Technical Specifications, and/or Construction Drawing changes may be required during construction. In such cases, the CQA Manager will notify the Engineer. Design, Technical Specifications, and/or Construction Drawing changes will be made only with the written approval of the Engineer and will take the form of an amendment to the Technical Specifications and/or the Construction Drawings. Documentation of design, Technical Specifications, and/or Construction Drawing changes will be maintained by the VIMS CQA Consultant and affected contractors. GN9110 – Construction Quality Assurance Plan 18 June 2024 7.5 CQA Report At project completion, the CQA Manager will submit a CQA Report to the Construction Manager. This report will describe: (i) whether the work has been performed in compliance with the Construction Drawings, the Technical Specifications, and approved changes; (ii) whether physical sampling and testing has been conducted at the appropriate frequencies in accordance with the CQA Plan; and (iii) whether the summary document provides the necessary supporting information. At a minimum, this report will include the following: • Summaries of construction activities • Monitoring logs and testing data sheets, including sample location plans • Approved changes from the design, the Technical Specifications, and/or the Construction Drawings • As-built drawings to be prepared by the Contractor as outlined in the Technical Specifications • A summary statement, as applicable, indicating compliance with the Construction Drawings, the Technical Specifications, and approved changes which is prepared by a professional engineer licensed to practice in North Carolina APPENDIX D Typical Material Product Sheets (800) 882-1896 info@eproinc.com eproinc.com System: Geo-Seal EV40s Application: Underslab Contaminant Vapor Barrier System Thickness: 41 mils 1st Layer Seaming Materal Product Name Geo-Seal EV40 Geo-Seal CORE DESCRIPTION Geo-Seal® EV40s is a significant improvement over existing single sheet membranes. Geo-Seal EV40s consists of an EVOH membrane combined with a robust geotextile layer to provide a single sheet vapor intrusion barrier that is chemically-resistant and easy to install, while also providing improved protection during the installation process. Geo-Seal® EV40s is ideal for lower risk sites where site concentrations are lower than state-specific screening levels, large flat and open areas where fast installation times are required, or where active sub-slab ventilation systems are utilized. BENEFITS • Spray Seams: Geo-Seal® CORE spray membrane to seal seams, detail penetrations and terminate the membrane to concrete surfaces • Not Corrosive: Will not corrodelike metalized film membranes. • EVOH: EVOH provides enhanced chemical vapor protection and lower permeation rates than thicker HDPE membranes. • Single-Source Warranty: EPRO can be a single point of contact to address building vapor intrusion and waterproofing needs. • Class A: Class A vapor barrier that alone will meet the basic water vapor barrier requirements for new construction. LIMITATIONS • Do not apply below 20°F or to damp, frozen or contaminated surfaces. • Contact EPRO for waterproofing system recommendations. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Technology - Geo-Seal EV40s Geo-Seal CORE(spray applied polymer modified asphaltic membrane) Geo-Seal EV40(EVOH/Geotextile) Vapor-Vent System EV40s (800) 882-1896 info@eproinc.com eproinc.com Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Technology - Geo-Seal EV40s SPECIFICATIONS, DRAWINGS, AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE The most current specifications and drawings can be found on www.eproinc.com. For project specific details contact EPRO directly, or your local EPRO representative. Site conditions, performance goals, and budget determine which system is most appropriate for a given project. For more information regarding product performance, testing, plan review, or general technical assistance, please contact EPRO. WARRANTY EPRO provides a wide range of warranty options for Geo-Seal systems. For a project to be eligible for any warranty option beyond a 1-year material warranty, a Geo-Seal Authorized Applicator must be used and the project must be registered and approved by EPRO prior to the commencement of any product application. Warranty options available for this system include: • Material warranty • Longer warranty periods are available. Contact EPRO for more information. Physical Property Test Method Value Film Material .....................................................................................................................................Polyethylene & EVOH Film Color ..........................................................................................................................................White/Blue Weight................................................................................................................................................618 g/m² Film Thickness ...................................................................................................................................41 Mil Classification .......................................................ASTM E1745 ........................................................Class A, B & C Water Vapor Permeance ...................................ASTM E96 ............................................................0.0098 perms Tensile Strength ..................................................ASTM D882 ..........................................................71 lbf Elongation ...........................................................ASTM D882 ..........................................................735% Puncture Resistance ...........................................ASTM D1709 ........................................................2600 grams Life Expectancy ...................................................ASTM E154 ..........................................................Infinite Low Temp. Impact ..............................................ASTM D1790 ........................................................Resistant to 105° C Methane Gas Permeance .................................ASTM D1434 ........................................................3.68 x 10-12 m/s Benzene Gas Permeance ..................................Queens University1 .............................................1.13 x 10-10 m2/sec TCE Gas Permeance ..........................................Queens University1 .............................................7.66 x 10-11 m2/sec PCE Gas Permeance ..........................................Queens University1 .............................................7.22 x 10-11 m2/sec Ethylbenzene Permeance ..................................Queens University1 .............................................1.23 x 10-10 m2/sec Toluene Permeance............................................Queens University1 .............................................1.57 x 10-10 m2/sec Radon Diffusion Coeffiecent .............................K124/02/95 ..........................................................7.22 x 10-11 m2/sec 1 Queens University testing results are not directly comparable to other permeation/diffusion testing methods. Geo-Seal® EV40 Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Product Description Basic Use: Geo-Seal EV40 is a standalone geocomposite EVOH passive barrier system used to mitigate vapor intrusion for sites deemed to be low risk. Geo-Seal EV40 may also be used in conjunction with an active sub-slab mitigation to increase system efficiency and provide an additional layer of redundancy. Geo-Seal CORE, , a specially formulated asphalt emulsion, is applied within the Geo-Seal EV40 seam overlap, around pipe penetrations, and at termination, points to eliminate the need for costly tape. Combining a sheet membrane with spray- applied detailing helps increase installation efficiency while also ensuring a robust seal in critical areas. Composition: Geo-Seal EV40 is a 41-mil composite EVOH geomembrane with a 3 oz. geotextile bonded to one side to increase tensile and puncture strength. Geo-Seal EV40 also exceeds all Class A, B, and C vapor barrier requirements. Benefits • EVOH geocomposite sheet membrane provides increased thickness and robustness over similarly priced sheet membranes. • Geotextile backing enhances tensile strength and puncture resistance, while also increasing seam strength and durability. • Geo-Seal EV40 can easily be smoke tested to ensure proper installation and quality control measures. • Meets class A, B, and C vapor barrier standards. Limitations • A more robust composite system should be utilized for sites with elevated risk or more complex applications as thinner mil vapor intrusion barriers are less durable and and less puncture resistant than thicker composite systems offered by EPRO. • Additional geotextile may be required to cushion the Geo- Seal EV40s system from additional aggregate layers. Technical Data Properties: See physical properties table Coverages: One roll covers 1200 square feet, not including overlaps or waste Specification Writer: Contact EPRO before writing specifications on this product Installation Preparation: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications for substrate requirements. Rolls should be inspected for damage prior to application. Application: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications. Overlap the seams of Geo-Seal EV40 a minimum of 6” and with a 60 mil application of Geo-Seal CORE in the seam overlap. Availability and Packaging Contact a local EPRO installer or authorized applicator (www.eproinc.com). Roll Size: 12’ x 100’ unfolded rolls, 165 lbs. Warranty Limited Warranty: EPRO Services, Inc. believes to the best of its knowledge that performance tables are accurate and reliable. EPRO warrants this product to be free from defects. EPRO makes no other warranties with respect to this product, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EPRO’s liability shall be limited in all events to supplying sufficient product to repair the specific areas to which defective product has been applied. EPRO shall have no other liability, including liability for incidental or resultant damages, whether due to breach of warranty or negligence. This warranty may not be modified or extended by representatives of EPRO or its distributors. Equipment Seaming: AD-55 Sprayer, available through EPRO for application of Geo-Seal CORE in seam overlaps. Smoke Testing: EPRO Smoke Test Machine for underslab applications Technical Services and Information Complete technical services and information are available by contacting EPRO at 800.882.1896 or www.eproinc.com. Geo-Seal® EV40 Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Physical Property Test Method Value Film Material .....................................................................................................................................Polyethylene & EVOH Film Color ..........................................................................................................................................White/Blue Weight................................................................................................................................................618 g/m² Film Thickness ...................................................................................................................................41 Mil Water Vapor Permeance ...................................ASTM E96 ............................................................0.0098 perms Tensile Strength ..................................................ASTM D882 ..........................................................61 lbf Elongation ...........................................................ASTM D882 ..........................................................730% Puncture Resistance ...........................................ASTM D1709 ........................................................2600 grams Life Expectancy ...................................................ASTM E154 ..........................................................Infinite Low Temp. Impact ..............................................ASTM D1790 ........................................................Resistant to 105° C Methane Gas Permeance .................................ASTM D1434 ........................................................3.68 x 10-12 m/s Benzene Gas Permeance ..................................Queens University ..............................................1.13 x 10-10 m2/sec TCE Gas Permeance ..........................................Queens University ..............................................7.66 x 10-11 m2/sec PCE Gas Permeance ..........................................Queens University ..............................................7.22 x 10-11 m2/sec Classification .......................................................ASTM E1745 ........................................................Class A, B & C Dimensions: 12’ x 100’ Weight: 165 lbs. Typical Physical Properties Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Geo-Seal® CORE Product Description Basic Use: Geo-Seal CORE is a polymer modified asphalt (PMA) applied to nominal dry thicknesses depending on the configuration of the Geo-Seal system vapor intrusion barrier system. Spray applied to form a seamless barrier, Geo-Seal CORE is an integral component to all Geo-Seal systems due to its ability to bond to and seam high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyolefin sheets. Geo-Seal CORE is applied with a proprietary self-contained sprayer designed to produce a high build, monolithic, and rapidly curing membrane. Composition: Geo-Seal CORE is a non-hazardous, low-viscosity, water-based, anionic asphalt emulsion modified with a blend of synthetic polymerized rubbers and proprietary additives. Geo-Seal CORE is highly stable during transit and proper storage, but becomes highly reactive during the spray application to form a rapidly cured membrane with exceptional bonding, elongation, and hydrophobic characteristics. Benefits • Provides a layer of seamless protection and redundancy in all Geo-Seal system assemblies • Hydrophobic and resistant to methane gas • Non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-flammable, and VOC free • Forms a tenacious bond to HDPE sheets • Application to damp substrates is acceptable • Can be applied in below freezing temperatures with proper equipment Limitations • Surfaces shall be free of dirt and debris • Material should be stored above 40°F and not allowed to freeze • Not a traffic bearing surface, additional protection required • Must not be applied to ponded water • Direct foot traffic should be limited when ambient air temperatures are greater than 100°F Technical Data Shelf life: 6 months. The ability to apply the product beyond its estimated shelf life is dependent on storage conditions and homogeneity of the product. Storing material in an enclosed temperature controlled environment that maintains a minimum ambient temperature of 65° Fahrenheit will likely extend the shelf life beyond 6 months. Properties: See physical properties table Specification Writer: Contact EPRO before writing specifications on this product. Geo-Seal system assemblies should be reviewed in order to meet project specific site conditions. Additional test information available upon request. Installation EPRO Authorized Applicators must be approved in writing by EPRO prior to receiving a contract in order to qualify for a warranty for this product and system assembly. Surface Preparation: All surfaces shall be prepared in accordance to manufacturer’s specifications. Surfaces shall be uniform, free of loose materials, and surface contaminants. Contaminant and loose debris shall be removed prior to application by suitable methods. Application: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications. Geo-Seal CORE shall be spray applied to the specified nominal mil thickness. When properly applied, Geo-Seal CORE will set up immediately on the surface and promptly start the curing process. Light foot traffic is acceptable, but must be limited to the authorized Geo-Seal applicator. The initial cure is complete when Geo-Seal CORE is no longer ejecting moisture, 12 to 48 hours depending on ambient air conditions. Availability and Packaging Contact EPRO sales representative for local distributors or authorized applicators (www.eproinc.com). Geo-Seal CORE is available in the following packaging options: 55 gallon drum 275 gallon tote 330 gallon tote Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Geo-Seal® CORE Physical Property Test Method Results Tensile Strength - Core only .............................ASTM 412 ...........................................................32 psi Tensile Strength - Geo-Seal System ................ASTM 412 ...........................................................662 psi Elongation ..........................................................ASTM 412 ...........................................................4140% Resistance to Decay .........................................ASTM E 154 Section 13 .....................................4% Perm Loss Accelerated Aging ............................................ASTM G 23 .........................................................No Effect Moisture Vapor Transmission ...........................ASTM E 96 ...........................................................026 g/ft2/hr Hydrostatic Water Pressure .............................ASTM D 751 .......................................................26 psi Perm rating ........................................................ASTM E 96 (US Perms) ......................................0.21 Methane transmission rate ..............................ASTM D 1434 .....................................................Passed Adhesion to Concrete & Masonry ...................ASTM C 836 & ASTM C 704 .............................11 lbf./inch Hardness ............................................................ASTM C 836 .......................................................80 Crack Bridging ...................................................ASTM C 836 .......................................................No Cracking Heat Aging ........................................................ASTM D 4068 .....................................................Passed Environmental Stress Cracking ........................ASTM D 1693 .....................................................Passed Oil Resistance ....................................................ASTM D543 .........................................................Passed Soil Burial ...........................................................ASTM D 4068 .....................................................Passed Low Temp. Flexibility .........................................ASTM C 836-00 ..................................................No Cracking at –20°C Resistance to Acids Acetic ................................................................................................................................................30% Sulfuric and Hydrochloric ...............................................................................................................13% Temperature Effect Stable ...............................................................................................................................................248°F Flexible .............................................................................................................................................13°F Typical Physical Properties Warranty Limited Warranty: EPRO Services, Inc. believes to the best of its knowledge that performance tables are accurate and reliable. EPRO warrants this product to be free from defects. EPRO makes no other warranties with respect to this product, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EPRO’s liability shall be limited in all events to supplying sufficient product to retreat the specific areas to which defective product has been applied. EPRO shall have no other liability, including liability for incidental or resultant damages, whether due to breach of warranty or negligence. This warranty may not be modified or extended by representatives of EPRO or its distributors. Equipment Spray System: AD-55 Sprayer is available through EPRO. To discuss alternative spray machine options, please contact EPRO directly. Smoke Testing: EPRO Smoke Test Machine for underslab applications Technical Services and Information Complete technical services and information are available by contacting EPRO at 800.882.1896 or www.eproinc.com. e.roll Product Data Sheet EPRO Services Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Product Description Basic Use: e.roll is a key component to EPRO’s redundant field installed composite design concept and is a roller applied version of e.spray. It is designed to be used for system detailing, repairs, and in areas where the required clearance for e.spray cannot be achieved. e.roll is most commonly used in conjunction with e.poly to reinforce system penetrations, terminations, seams, cracks, and membrane transitions. e.roll is used on decks, over- excavated walls, blindside vertical walls, and underslab E.Series assemblies. e.roll can be applied to a wide range of materials/ substrates, high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyolefin sheets, geotextile fabric, wood, metal, foam insulation, and concrete based surfaces (green concrete, shotcrete and concrete masonry units (CMU)). Composition: e-roll is a medium viscosity water-based, polymer- modified anionic asphalt emulsion, which exhibits exceptional bonding, elongation and waterproofing characteristics. Benefits • e.roll is a single component material, no additional blending is required • Provides the ability to easily detail and repair assemblies without the use of a spray pump • Non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-flammable, and VOC free • Forms both a mechanical and ionic bond directly to concrete • Application to damp substrates is acceptable Limitations • Surfaces shall be free of dirt and debris • Material should be stored above 40°F and not allowed to freeze • Not a traffic bearing surface, additional protection required • Must not be applied to ponded water • Cold temperatures will prolong cure time Technical Data Shelf life: 1 year. The ability to apply the product beyond its estimated shelf life is dependent on storage conditions and homogeneity of the product. Storing material in an enclosed temperature controlled environment that maintains a minimum ambient temperature of 65° Fahrenheit will likely extend the shelf life beyond 1 year. Properties: See physical properties table Specification Writer: Contact EPRO before writing specifications on this product. E.Series system assemblies should be reviewed in order to meet project specific site conditions. Installation Surface Preparation: All surfaces shall be prepared in accordance to manufacturer’s specifications. In general, this means all surfaces shall be uniform, free of loose materials, and surface contaminants. Contaminant and loose debris shall be removed prior to application by suitable methods. A test should always be done prior to application using the same cleaning preparation and application procedures to be used on the project. Application: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications. e.roll shall be spray applied to the specified nominal mil thickness. e.roll may be applied by roller or brush. Cleaning: Clean all tools, hoses, spray guns, and tips with kerosene and/or equivalent. Availability and Packaging Contact EPRO sales representative for local distributors or authorized applicators (www.eproinc.com). e.roll is available in 5 gallon or 1 gallon containers. Warranty Limited Warranty: EPRO Services, Inc. believes to the best of its knowledge that performance tables are accurate and reliable. EPRO warrants this product to be free from defects. EPRO makes no other warranties with respect to this product, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EPRO’s liability shall be limited in all events to supplying sufficient product to retreat the specific areas to which defective product has been applied. EPRO shall have no other liability, including liability for incidental or resultant damages, whether due to breach of warranty or negligence. This warranty may not be modified or extended by representatives of EPRO or its distributors. e.roll Product Data Sheet EPRO Services Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Physical Property Test Method Value Color ..................................................................................................................................................Brown to Black Solvent Content.................................................................................................................................No Solvents Shelf Life ............................................................................................................................................6 months Tensile Strength ..................................................ASTM D412 ..........................................................32 psi Elongation ...........................................................ASTM D412 ..........................................................3860% Resistance to Decay ...........................................ASTM E154 SECTION 13 .....................................9% Perm Loss Accelerated Aging .............................................ASTM G23 ...........................................................No Effect Moisture Vapor Transmission ............................ASTM E96 ............................................................0.071 g/ft²/hr Hydrostatic Water Pressure ...............................ASTM D751 ..........................................................28 psi Perm Rating.........................................................ASTM E96 ............................................................0.17 perms Methane Transmission Rate ..............................ASTM D14334 ......................................................0 Adhesion to Concrete & Masonry ....................ASTM C836 ..........................................................1 lbf/inch Hardness .............................................................ASTM C836 ..........................................................85 Crack Bridging ....................................................ASTM C836 ..........................................................No Cracking Low Temp. Flexibility ..........................................ASTM C836-00 .....................................................No Cracking at -20°C Packaging: 5 gallon bucket Typical Physical Properties Equipment No special equipment is necessary. Technical Services and Information Complete technical services and information are available by contacting EPRO at 800.882.1896 or www.eproinc.com. This product was formally known as Ecoline-R. e.poly Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Product Description Basic Use: e.poly is a polyester fabric that is designed to reinforce membrane terminations, transitions, penetrations, seams, and general repair areas. Used in every E.Series assembly, e.poly is installed between two layers of e.roll or e.spray. Composition: e.poly is a 100% polyester textile material composed of staple fibers hydraulically entangled. Benefits • Excellent conformability and elongation • Exceptional tear resistance and high tensile strength • Open weave allows complete saturation and integration Limitations • Not suitable for expansion joints or areas where movement is desired Technical Data Properties: See physical properties table Coverages: 6”, 12” and 40” rolls cover 150, 300, and 1,080 square feet, respectively Specification Writer: Contact EPRO before writing specifications on this product. E.Series system assemblies should be reviewed in order to meet project specific site conditions. Installation Preparation: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications for substrate requirements. Application of e.poly should be done when weather conditions meet the requirement of e.roll or e.spray. Installation: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications. Install specified thickness of e.roll or e.spray and immediately embed e.poly into the initial layer of e.roll or e.spray. Once firmly pressed into the uncured membrane, fully saturate with additional layer of e.roll or e.spray to the specified thickness. Availability and Packaging Contact EPRO sales representative for local distributors or authorized applicators (www.eproinc.com). Roll: 6” x 300’, 12” x 300’, and 40” x 324’ rolls are available Warranty Limited Warranty: EPRO Services, Inc. believes to the best of its knowledge that performance tables are accurate and reliable. EPRO warrants this product to be free from defects. EPRO makes no other warranties with respect to this product, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EPRO’s liability shall be limited in all events to supplying sufficient product to retreat the specific areas to which defective product has been applied. EPRO shall have no other liability, including liability for incidental or resultant damages, whether due to breach of warranty or negligence. This warranty may not be modified or extended by representatives of EPRO or its distributors. Equipment No special equipment is needed. Technical Services and Information Complete technical services and information are available by contacting EPRO at 800.882.1896 or www.eproinc.com. This product was formally known as Polyester. e.poly Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Physical Property Test Method Value Weight................................................................................................................................................3 oz. Bursting Strength ...............................................ASTM D3786 ........................................................177 lbs. Tensile Strength .................................................ASTM D1682 ........................................................57.1 psi Tear Strength .......................................................ASTM D1117 ........................................................16.1 lbs Elongation ..........................................................ASTM D1682 ........................................................62.0% Conformability ..................................................................................................................................Excellent Ease of saturation ............................................................................................................................Excellent Dimensions: 6” x 300’, 12” x 300’, and 40” x 324’ rolls are available Typical Physical Properties Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Vapor-Vent Product Description Basic Use: Vapor-Vent vapor collection system is a composite low profile pressure relief and collection system designed to mitigate the build up of methane gas and contaminated vapor under an overlying structure. Vapor-Vent is most commonly designed to operate passively, but may also be designed as an active system when conditions require. Composition: Vapor-Vent features a lightweight, three- dimensional, highly flexible polypropylene core and a non- woven geotextile filter fabric. The filter fabric is bonded to the polypropylene core to prevent fine substrates, such as sand, from clogging the vent pipe. Benefits • Cost effective alternative to traditional trenched PVC or ADS pipe systems • Placed directly below the barrier system to drastically reduce vapor accumulation under the structure • Can operate as a passive system with the ablity to activate in the future Limitations • Not effective when constantly submerged • Should be placed within permeable substrates Technical Data Properties: See physical properties table Coverages: One roll covers 165 lineal feet. Radius of influence is 25', maximum spacing between Vapor-Vent runs is 50'. Vent riser locations should be identified by an environmental engineer prior to installation. Specification Writer: Contact EPRO before writing specifications on this product. Geo-Seal system assemblies should be reviewed in order to meet project specific site conditions. Installation Preparation: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications for substrate requirements. Rolls should be inspected for cosmetic damage prior to application. Substrate must be compacted and inspected prior to installation, to make certain it is in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. Application: Please refer to manufacturer’s specifications. Installation of Vapor-Vent shall occur after the preparation of substrate and prior to the placement of the barrier system. Vapor-Vent end outs shall be used in transition to vertical vent risers as required. Availability and Packaging Contact EPRO sales representative for local distributors or authorized applicators (www.eproinc.com). Roll: 165’ x 12” x 1”, 65 lbs. Warranty Limited Warranty: EPRO Services, Inc. believes to the best of its knowledge that performance tables are accurate and reliable. EPRO warrants this product to be free from defects. EPRO makes no other warranties with respect to this product, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EPRO’s liability shall be limited in all events to supplying sufficient product to retreat the specific areas to which defective product has been applied. EPRO shall have no other liability, including liability for incidental or resultant damages, whether due to breach of warranty or negligence. This warranty may not be modified or extended by representatives of EPRO or its distributors. Equipment No special equipment is required. Technical Services and Information Complete technical services and information are available by contacting EPRO at 800.882.1896 or www.eproinc.com. Product Data Sheet EPRO Services, Inc. (800) 882-1896 eproinc.com Vapor-Vent Physical Property Test Method Vapor-Vent Poly Value Material .............................................................................................................Polystyrene.......................................HDPE Comprehensive Strength ..................................ASTM D 1621 ......................9,000 lbs/ft2 ....................................11,400 lbs/ft2 In-plane flow (Hydraulic gradient-0.1) ............ASTM D 4716 ......................30 gpm/ft of width .........................30 gpm/ft of width Chemical Resistance ........................................................................................N/A ..................................................Excellent FABRIC PROPERTIES Grab Tensile Strength .......................................ASTM D 4632 ......................100 lbs ............................................110 lbs Puncture Strength ..............................................ASTM D 4833 ......................65 lbs ..............................................30 lbs Mullen Burst Strength ........................................ASTM D 3786........................N/A ..................................................90 PSI AOS .....................................................................ASTM D 4751 ......................70 U.S. Sieve ...................................50 U.S. Sieve Flow Rate ...........................................................ASTM D 4491 ......................140 gpm/ft2 .....................................95 gpm/ft2 UV Stability (500 hours) ....................................ASTM D 4355 ......................N/A ..................................................70% Retained DIMENSIONAL DATA Thickness ...........................................................................................................1 inch ...............................................1 inch Standard Widths ...............................................................................................12 inches .........................................12 inches Roll Length ........................................................................................................165 ft ...............................................165 ft Roll Weight ........................................................................................................65 lbs ..............................................68 lbs Typical Physical Properties TECHNICAL DATATECHNICAL DATA FORM: TDS_ULTRASHIELD_G-1000_AM_EN_201705_V2 North America: 847.851.1800 | 800.527.9948 | www.cetco.com © 2017 Minerals Technologies Inc. IMPORTANT: The information contained herein supersedes all previous printed versions, and is believed to be accurate and reliable. For the most up-to-date information, please visit www.cetco.com. CETCO accepts no responsibility for the results obtained through application of this product. All products are sold on the understanding that the user is solely responsible for determining their suitability for the intended use and for proper use and disposal of the product. CETCO MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SALE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN. CETCO reserves the right to update information without notice. DESCRIPTION ULTRASHIELD™ G-1000 is a polypropylene, staple iber, non-woven geotextile. The ibers are needled-punched, forming a stable net- work that retains dimensional stability rela- tive to each other. The geotextile is resistant to ultraviolet degradation and biological and chemical environments found in soils. Manu- facturing Quality Control tests have been performed and are accredited by the Geosyn- thetic Accreditation Institute’s Laboratory Ac- creditation Program (GAI-LAP). APPLICATION ULTRASHIELD™ G-1000 is designed for use as a underslab adhesion protection course spe- cially designed and required for underslab LIQ- UID BOOT® applications where the membrane must remain attached to the underslab of the building. This is to ensure the membrane re- mains in place despite soil settlement, which is common when building is on a landill. BENEFITS ULTRASHIELD™ G-1000 is installed directly over the inished LIQUID BOOT® vapor intru- sion barrier, providing superior protection from other trades. PACKAGING • 15 ft. x 180 ft. (4.5 m x 55 m) Rolls ULTRASHIELD™ G-1000 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ULTRASHIELD™ G-1000 is a needle-punched, non-woven geotextile with superior tensile strength and puncture resistance. UPDATED: MAY 2017 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES PROPERTY TEST METHOD RESULT (ENGLISH) RESULT (METRIC) Tensile Bond Strength to Concrete³ ASTM C 297-94 7 psi Mass/Unit Area ASTM D 5261 10.0 oz/yd²339 g/m² Thickness ASTM D 5199 105 mils 2.7 mm Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 270 lbs.1202 N Elongation ASTM D 4632 50% 50% CBR Puncture Strength ASTM D6241 725 lbs.3226 N Trapezoid Tear ASTM D 4533 105 lbs. 467 N UV Resistance ASTM D 4355 70% 70% A.O.S.ASTM D 4751 100 U.S. Sieve 0.150 mm Permittivity ASTM D 4491 1.2 sec–1 1.2 sec–1 Permeability ASTM D 4491 0.30 cm/sec 0.30 cm/sec Water Flow Rate ASTM D 4491 85 gal/min//ft²3463 l/min/m² TESTING DATA NOTES: 1. The property values listed above are effective 04/2011 and are subject to change without notice. 2. All values shown are in weaker principal direction and are Minimum average roll values (MARV), except for AOS, which is a Maximum average roll value. 3. Historical value, based on past testing. Product Name (MARV) listed below: 1. The property values listed above are subject to change without notice. 2. 3. Maximum Average Roll Value (MaxARV) 4. At time of manufacturing. Handling may change these properties. Minimum Average Roll Values (MARV) is calculated as the average minus two standard deviations. Statistically, it yields approximately 97.5% degree of confidence that any samples taken from quality assurance testing will meet or exceed the values described above. This information is provided for reference purposes only and is not intended as a warranty or guarantee. SKAPS assumes no liability in connection with the use of this information. Property Method English (MARV2) Metric (MARV2) SKAPS GE‐160 is a needle‐punched nonwoven geotextile made of 100% virgin polypropylene staple fibers, which are formed into a random network for dimensional stability. SKAPS GE‐160 resists ultraviolet deterioration, rotting, biological degradation, naturally encountered alkalis and acids. Polypropylene is stable within the pH range of 2 to 13. SKAPS GE‐160 conforms to the Minimum Average Roll Values Weight ASTM D 5261 6 oz/yd2 203 g/m2 Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 160 lbs 0.711 kN Grab Elongation ASTM D 4632 50% 50% Trapezoid Tear Strength ASTM D 4533 65 lbs 0.29 kN Thickness4 ASTM D‐5199 85 mils 2.16 mm CBR Puncture Resistance ASTM D 6241 450 lbs 2 kN Permittivity4 ASTM D 4491 1.63 sec-1 1.63 sec-1 Permeability4 ASTM D 4491 0.48 cm/sec 0.48 cm/sec Roll Dimensions (W x L) 15 x 900 ft. 4.58 m x 274.32 m Water Flow4 ASTM D 4491 125 gpm/ft2 5080 l/min/m2 Apparent Opening Size (AOS)3&4 ASTM D 4751 70 US Sieve 0.212 mm UV Resistance ASTM D 4355 70%/500 hrs. 70%/500 hrs. Packaging Note Area Per Roll 1500 sq. yards 1256 sq. meters NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE GE - 160 RP Radon Mitigation Fan All RadonAway® fans are specifically designed for radon mitigation. RP Series Fans provide superb performance, run ultra-quiet and are attractive. They are ideal for most sub-slab radon mitigation systems. Features • Eternalast™polycarbonate plastic housing • Energy efficient • Ultra-quiet operation • Meets all electrical code requirements • Water-hardened motorized impeller • Seams sealed to inhibit radon leakage (RP140 & RP145 double snap sealed) • ETL Listed - for indoor or outdoor use • Thermally protected motor • Rated for commercial and residential use • HVI certified fan performance For Further Information, Contact Your Radon Professional: Rev G 0322 P/N 02047© 2022 RadonAway Installs white, stays white A C B All RadonAway® inline radon fans are covered by our 5-year, hassle-free warranty. MODEL P/N FAN DUCTDIAMETER WATTS RECOM. MAX. OP. PRESSURE “WC TYPICAL CFM vs. STATIC PRESSURE WC 0”.2”.5”1.0”1.5”2.0” RP140†28460 4”14-19 0.6 152 120*64*--- RP145 28461 4”34-66 1.7 169 150*124*81*42 4 RP260 28462 6”47-65 1.3 251 210*157 70 -- RP265 28463 6”96-136 2.3 375 340*282*204*140 70 RP380 28464 8”96-138 2.0 531 490*415*268*139 41 ETL Listed RP140 Only Model A B C RP140 4.5”9.7”8.5” RP145 4.5”9.7”8.5” RP260 6”11.75”8.6” RP265 6”11.75”8.6” RP380 8”13.41”10.53” *HVI Certified Values. †Energy Star® Rated. Specifications Medium: Non-combustible, non-corrosive air, insensitive to moisture, dust, condensation and oil Working Temp.: 20~70°C Medium Temp.: 0~60°C Temp. Compensation: 0~50°C Working Pressure: overload 10xFS, burst 15xFS Display: 5 bits LCD, with engineering unit & backlight Output: 0-10V / 4-20mA (3 wires) Output load: ≤500Ω (current), ≥2KΩ (voltage) Relay Output: 2×SPST, 3A/30VDC, 3A/250VAC or 1xBuzzer Accuracy: up to ±1.0%FS(±2.0%FS@25Pa range) Long term stability: ±0.5%FS /Year Thermal effect: <0.05%FS/°C (zero), <0.08%FS/°C(FS) Power type 16~28VDC/AC 24V Power Supply included Process Connection: 5mm ID tubing, two pairs (left/back) Keys: 3 touch buttons Protection: IP54 Approval: CE Display update time: selectable for 0.5/1/5/10s (default 1s) Pricing: $125 per unit Add $30 for 4-20 mA / 0-10V version Custom options and bulk order pricing available. Call or email for details. Applications and Features Scale 0-40 inches WC eliminates need for multiplegauges. Visual and audible alarm included and factory set at 1"WC Fully programmable for Display, Alarm, Delay, and Units. Options Second adjustable relay for triggering additional alarms.Optional 4-20 MA or 0-10 output for data. Wireless 0-10 VDC Voltage Meters General Description The Wireless Voltage Meter measures the voltage between two electrical points. It can be connected to the power and ground of any voltage source and measure within stated accuracy up to 10 VDC. It can be connected to any kind of variable voltage device, such as a transducer or sensor that outputs voltage. If the device to be measured is passive, the user must supply their own excitation voltage to the device. -Accurate to +/-(2.0% of Reading + .002 V) -Accurate to +/-(0.5% of Reading + .002 V) with user calibration -Interfaces with any variable-voltage device -1 mV resolution Principle of Operation Wireless Voltage Meters read the voltage difference between two electrical points and reports back the measured voltage. It is programmed to sleep for a user-given time interval (heartbeat) and then wake up, convert the analog data, mathematically compute the voltage, and transmit the data to the gateway, where it is then logged into a cloud service. The user can configure defined thresholds and have the system alert on threshold breaches. Example Applications -Battery Health -Voltage Measurement -Transducer Measurement -Machinery -Electrical Motors -Additional applications PAGE 1 Features of Wireless Sensors -Wireless range of 1,200+ feet through 12+ walls * -Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) -Best in class interference immunity -Best in class power management for longer battery life ** -Encrypt-RF® Security (Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange + AES-128 CBC for sensor data messages) -Onboard data memory stores up to 512 readings per sensor: - 10-minute heartbeats = 3.5 days - 2-hour heartbeats = 42 days -Over-the-air updates (future proof) -Free basic online wireless sensor monitoring and notification system to configure sensors, view data and set alerts via SMS text and email *Actual range may vary depending on environment. **Battery life is determined by sensor reporting frequency and other variables. Other power options are also available. Commercial AA Wireless 0-10 VDC Voltage Meter | Technical Specifications Supply voltage 2.0?3.8 VDC (3.0?3.8 VDC using power supply) * Current consumption 0.2 µA (sleep mode), 0.7 µA (RTC sleep), 570 µA (MCU idle), 2.5 mA (MCU active), 5.5 mA (radio RX mode), 22.6 mA (radio TX mode) Operating temperature range (board circuitry and batteries)-18°C to 55°C (0°F to 130°F) using alkaline -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F) using lithium ** Optimal battery temperature range (AA)+10°C to +50°C (+50°F to +122°F) Integrated memory Up to 512 sensor messages Wireless range 1,200+ ft non-line-of-sight Security Encrypt-RF® (256-bit key exchange and AES-128 CTR) Weight 3.7 ounces 900 MHz product; FCC ID: ZTL-G2SC1 and IC: 9794A-G2SC1. 868 and 433 MHz product tested and found to comply with: EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02), EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02) and EN 60950 Power Options The standard version of this sensor is powered by two replaceable 1.5 V AA sized batteries (included with purchase). This sensor is also available with a line power option. The line powered version of this sensor has a barrel power connector allowing it to be powered by a standard 3.0?3.6 V power supply. The line powered version also uses two standard 1.5 V AA batteries as backup for uninterrupted operation in the event of line power outage. Power options must be selected at time of purchase, as the internal hardware of the sensor must be changed to support the selected power requirements. PAGE 3 *Hardware cannot withstand negative voltage. Please take care when connecting a power device. **At temperatures above 100°C, it is possible for the board circuitry to lose programmed memory. Sensing Specifications Range 0 - 10 V* Accuracy +/-(2.0% of Reading + .002 V) Calibrated Accuracy +/-(0.5% of Reading + .002 V)** Resolution 1 mV Input Impedance 247 kOhm Open Circuit Voltage ~0.000 Volts Max Rated Input 20 Volts Lead wire length 2 Wires, 1 ft (12 in), Red (+), Black (-), 18 AWG (Custom lengths available upon request) * The sensor is capable of measuring above 10 volts but may not meet the specified accuracy above this value. **For best results calibrate at a voltage between 50% and 90% of the voltage range. PAGE 5 Commercial Grade Sensors Commercial grade sensors are designed for applications in ordinary environments (normal room temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure). Do not use these sensors under the following conditions as these factors can deteriorate the product characteristics and cause failures and burnout. -Corrosive gas or deoxidizing gas: chlorine gas, hydrogen sulfide gas, ammonia gas, sulfuric acid gas, nitric oxides gas, etc. -Volatile or flammable gas -Dusty conditions -Low-pressure or high-pressure environments -Wet or excessively humid locations -Places with salt water, oils chemical liquids or organic solvents -Where there are excessively strong vibrations -Other places where similar hazardous conditions exist Use these products within the specified temperature range. Higher temperature may cause deterioration of the characteristics or the material quality. Industrial Grade Sensors | Type 1, 2, 4, 4X, 12 and 13 NEMA Rated Enclosure Industrial sensors are enclosed in reliable, weatherproof NEMA-rated enclosures. Our NEMA-rated enclosures are constructed for both indoor or outdoor use and protect the sensor circuitry against the ingress of solid foreign objects like dust as well as the damaging effects of water (rain, sleet, snow, splashing water, and hose-directed water). -Safe from falling dirt -Protects against wind-blown dust -Protects against rain, sleet, snow, splashing water, and hose-directed water -Increased level of corrosion resistance -Will remain undamaged by ice formation on the enclosure Proper Installation If the sensor is not connected to the power source properly, it will appear that the sensor is broken. Please follow this wiring diagram to ensure proper performance and detection. General Description The Commercial LTE Gateway allows you to control settings for your sensors without additional IT infrastructure. All you need is a power source to monitor your environment and equipment using our industry-leading devices. The LTE Gateway will communicate with sensors and to deliver data alerting you to conditions in a surrounding area. LTE Gateways connect your sensors to your chosen monitoring platform using 4G LTE CAT-M1/NB1 cellular technology. This advanced wireless IoT (Internet of Things) gateway will accommodate multiple vertical IoT application segments and wireless sensor management solutions. Your gateway is equipped with a 24-hour backup battery. Your Wireless Sensors will continue to communicate with the sensor portal via cellular transmission in the event of a power outage. The LTE Gateway is ideal for applications without an existing wired internet connection or where existing infrastructure is dedicated to other resources. LTE Gateway Features -Wireless range of 1,200+ feet through 12+ walls * -Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) -Improved interference immunity -Encrypt-RF® Security (Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange + AES-128 CBC for sensor data messages) -Up to 30,000 sensor message memory -Over the air updates (future proof) -True plug & play, no hassles for Internet configuration set-up -No PC required for operation -Low-cost cellular service packages -Local status LEDs with transmission and online status indicators -AC power supply -24 hour battery backup in event of power outage * Actual range may vary depending on environment. Example Applications -Remote Location Monitoring -Shipping and Transportation -Agricultural Monitoring -Vacant Property Management -Vacation Home Property Management -Construction Site Monitoring -Data Center Monitoring 4G LTE Gateway PAGE 1 4G LTE Gateway Specifications Models Cellular MNG2-9-LTE-CCE Cellular Cellular Technology LTE CAT-M1 LTE-only module for global use (AT&T, Verizon, Telenor, Hologram, US Cellular, and Sasktel) Cat M1/NB1 deployed bands 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 20, 28 SIM Card Compatibility Mini-SIM (3FF) 15 mm x 12 mm x 0.76 mm Power Input Power 5.0 VDC @ 1 A Battery Backup Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Duration: Up to 24 hours Battery Cycle Life: 500 times Battery Safety: IEC62133 Mechanical LEDs Connectivity, Server, Network Status Device Memory Up to 30,000 sensor messages (Sensor messages will be stored in the event of Internet outage and transferred when connection is restored) Enclosure ABS Dimensions 5.004 x 3.8 x 1.51 in. Weight 7 ounces Environmental Operating Temperature +5 to +45°C (41 to 113°F) Storage Temperature -20 to +60°C (-4 to 140°F) Wireless Transmit Power (EIRP)50 mW (900 MHz), 25 mW (868 MHz), 10 mW (433 MHz) Antenna Type Connector: SMA Gain: 4.0 dBi Wireless Range 1,200+ ft. non-line-of-sight * Security Encrypt-RF® (256-bit key exchange and AES-128 CBC) Certifications Safety: IEC 60950-1 and IEC 62368-1; EMC: IEC 55024, IEC 55032, IEC 301489-1, -3, -A, -52, FCC 47 CFR Part 15, subpart B and ICES - 001 Issue 6; RF: 900 MHz product includes model FCC ID: ZTL-G2SC1 / IC: 9794A-G2SC1 and FCCID: XPY2AGQN4NNN / IC: 8595A-2AGQN4NNN; 868 MHz product includes Module G2SC1 (IEC 300 220-1, -2); 433 MHz product includes Module G2SC2 (IEC 300 220-1,-2) PAGE 2 * Actual range may vary depending on environment. Commercial Grade Cellular Gateways: Commercial grade cellular gateways are designed for applications in ordinary environments (normal room temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure). Do not use these gateways under the following conditions as these factors can deteriorate the product characteristics and cause failures and burn-out. -Corrosive gas or deoxidizing gas ? chlorine gas, hydrogen sulfide gas, ammonia gas, sulfuric acid gas, nitric oxides gas, etc.). -Volatile or flammable gas. -Dusty conditions. -Under low or high pressure. -Wet or excessively humid locations. -Places with salt water, oils chemical liquids or organic solvents. -Where there are excessively strong vibrations. -Other places where similar hazardous conditions exist. Use these product within the specified temperature range. Higher temperature may cause deterioration of the characteristics or the material quality. PAGE 3 Cellular Coverage Maps: AT&T Verizon Telenor Hologram US Cellular Sasktel THE OBAR GBR76 COMPACT RADIAL BLOWER Based on 25 years of experience and 2 years of research and development, the patent pending GBR series of compact radial blowers provide the perfect combination of performance and design. PERFORMANCE GBR76 Built in speed control to customize performance. Condensate bypass built in. 12 month warranty - 40,000 hr sealed bearings. DESIGN Our modular design means the blower and manifold assembly can be removed and replaced as a unit. This makes repairs cost effective and easy and allows contractors to upgrade systems simply by swapping assemblies. The GBR series is based on a bypass blower designed to handle combustible materials. The housing is not required to be air tight, so you can add gauges and alarms without compromising the system. Built in condensate bypass. Built in speed control. Quick disconnect electrical harness. All UL listed components including UL listed enclosure for outside use. Wall fastening lugs included. GBR series roof and wall mounts available to quickly configure the blowers for your installation while providing a custom built look. haust. Universal Drive model accepts voltage from 120-240V without alteration COST GBR76 SOE GBR76 UD COMPLETE UNIT $1339.00 $1539.00 3 YEAR WARRANTY $450.00 $550.00 OBAR SYSTEMS INC 2969 ROUTE 23 SOUTH NEWFOUNDLAND NJ 07435 800 949 6227 GBR76 WITH ROOF MOUNT GBR76 SOE Wattage SOE 16 150 140 129 118 105 90 75 35 150-320 SOE 12 125 115 100 83 62 39 0 110-200 SOE 8 105 90 70 42 0 60-120 SOE 4 75 50 0 37-50 GBR SOE performance using built in potentiometer set at se GBR76 UD Wattage 110V 195 158 118 63 20 700-870 220V 197 162 130 89 50 800-1100 Blower Specifications Enclosure Specifications Ratings: Ingress Protection (EN 60529): 66/67 Electrical insulation: Totally insulated Halogen free (DIN/VDE 0472, Part 815): yes UV resistance: UL 508 Flammability Rating (UL 746 C 5): complies with UL 508 Glow Wire Test (IEC 695-2-1) °C: 960 NEMA Class: UL Type 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12 and 13 Certificates: Underwriters Laboratories OBAR SYSTEMS INC 2969 ROUTE 23 SOUTH NEWFOUNDLAND NJ 07435 800 949 6227 160 200 240 280 320 360 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 c P r e s s u r e ( I n . H 2 O ) GBR76 SOE with 4" piping GBR76-SOE SOE wattage GBR76- SOE wattage 0 40 80 120 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 St a t i Flow Rate CFMObar manufacturer date: 10/11 Test data from WPB-radon.com Wattage 12/13/22, 11:10 AM The Determinator - Delphian Corporation https://www.delphian.com/Determinator.htm 1/4 Contact Products Leak Detection Help With a System Technology Glossary Home The Determinator infrared gas monitor Principle of Operation Determines Gas Routine Maintenance Theory of Operation 4-20 mA Signals and Error Codes Construction | Part Numbers | Options Why the Determinator is better than other fixed point infrared gas monitors Part Numbers How to Specify an Infrared System The Remediator Calibrating the Determinator The Determinator - Installation The Determinator - Setup ***** FM and CSA Approved ***** The Delphian Determinator (Fixed Point Infrared) sensor is a smart infrared hydrocarbon gas detector. It has no moving parts. It displays gas concentrations up to and above 100% LEL including over-range (above 120% LEL) concentrations up to 999% LEL. It can determine which hydrocarbon gas is being detected and transmit a 4-20 mA signal proportional to the LEL concentration of that gas or vapor. The Determinator displays the correct LEL as well as the gas detected on its five digit LED display. It can be set to show up to three gas alarm levels. An optional four-relay alarm module (SLAM) can be connected directly to the Determinator so that local alarms can be actuated in the event of a gas alarm or failure. The detector head is designed so that all normal operations, including checking calibration and changing alarm levels can be done in the field without declassifying the area. The built-in self test continuously monitors the hardware and software. Minor fault conditions are displayed on the LED display. Four informational and six possible critical malfunctions are transmitted on the 4-20 mA line. Standard RS 422/485 output is also available. Using a separate COMO module, the Determinator can be interfaced on Modbus RTU protocol highways. DETERMINES GAS Delphian’s patented multiple active channel system allows the sensor to recognize and identify multiple hydrocarbon gases. The sensor detects hydrocarbon gases only. It cannot detect and will not be affected by hydrogen or other non-hydrocarbon gases. When complex mixtures of hydrocarbon gases are present, especially in substantial concentrations, it will display its best estimate of the correct LEL. List of gases that the Determinator can recognize (pn 364-335) LOW ROUTINE MAINTENANCE The Determinator is a very low maintenance instrument. It does not require span calibration. Zero point adjustments are required infrequently. 12/13/22, 11:10 AM The Determinator - Delphian Corporation https://www.delphian.com/Determinator.htm 2/4 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION A beam of infrared energy is directed to a detector through gas which is drawn into the sampling cell by a patented convection mechanism. The beam is filtered to match the absorption of hydrocarbon molecules. If a hydrocarbon gas is present in quantities over 5% LEL, it will absorb energy from the beam and the detector will register a drop in the total transmission of infrared energy. This drop in transmission can be directly related to the concentration of gas. THEORY OF OPERATION SENSOR The Delphian Determinator (Fixed Point Infrared) Combustible Hydrocarbon (CHC) sensor uses infrared light to probe for the presence of hydrocarbons. The detection process is independent of the fact that the gases of interest are combustible, therefore the presence of oxygen is immaterial. THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE SENSOR All CHC gases have one or more hydrogen (H) atoms chemically bonded to a carbon (C) atom. The bond between the H and the C is elastic and the distance between the two atoms can oscillate. The oscillation is activated when energy, with a wavelength of about 3.3 micrometer (3.3 µm, 0.00013 inch), strikes the molecule. The precise wavelengths that interact with any one gas are unique for that gas. The energy at 3.3 µm is qualitatively no different from visible light, except that that the human eye can not "see" the light. For this reason we call this kind of energy "infrared light." Infrared-based CHC gas sensors differ from catalytic bead sensors in the variation range of the transfer factors for different gases relative to methane gas. Catalytic beads exhibit transfer factors between 0.6 and 4.0. For the common IR sensors with one reference and one active channel the transfer factors can easily vary in a range of 100 to 1. Therefore it is essential to know which gas is present at the sensor in order to obtain a reliable gas concentration in terms of % LEL. The Delphian FPIR sensor consists of a gold-surfaced "light pipe" with an opening at the bottom and the top. The atmosphere containing the combustible gas enters the tube through a flame arrestor at the bottom opening and exits through an opening at the top. The gas diffusion is enhanced by a heater at the base of the pipe. A miniature infrared source at the bottom directs infrared into the pipe. At the opposite end of the pipe from the source is an infrared sensitive receiver with four custom filters. Each filter cuts a narrow slice out of all the wavelengths coming from the infrared source. Three filters transmit energy in neighboring slices of wavelengths that interact with CHC gases. One filter transmits only energy that does not interact with CHC gases. The signals from the three detectors behind the interacting filters are called the active channels, and the fourth signal from the detector behind the non-interacting filter is the reference channel. Most hydrocarbons exhibit characteristic ratios of interaction with IR energy in the three wavelength slices. The microprocessor in the Delphian sensor evaluates the signals and deduces from the ratios of the three active channels which hydrocarbon has entered the light pipe. Once the gas has been identified, the % LEL is computed for that gas. WARNING: The IR-based sensor can accurately measure the concentration of only one CHC gas at one time. A mixture of two or more CHC gases of concentrations above 5% LEL may be either misinterpreted by the instrument as a different gas than either of the present gases, or, more likely, the instrument may not identify the gas at all. In this case the microprocessor computes a % LEL gas concentration based on a gas that it believes provides the highest margin of safety (worst case). This kind of uncertainty can only occur if similar concentrations of different gases are present, such as 10% LEL of methane and 8% LEL of butane. A background of multiple gases, each in concentrations of less than 1% LEL will not severely impact the identification of a CHC above 15-20% LEL concentration. More about the infrared sensor CONSTRUCTION The sensor and conduit box are explosion proof. The conduit box is epoxy coated to prevent corrosion. The internal sensor components, as well as all connectors exposed to the atmosphere, are gold plated. All components are designed to plug into an Interface Module. This module makes wiring the Detector Head easy as well as permitting rapid replacement of components. 12/13/22, 11:10 AM The Determinator - Delphian Corporation https://www.delphian.com/Determinator.htm 3/4 Sensors are designed to withstand "hot plugging" in and out of the Interface Module while power is supplied. All connectors are unique and are keyed to prevent incorrect connections. All working electronics are encapsulated to prevent deterioration from dust and humidity. 4-20 mA Signals and Error Codes The sensor displays all detected warnings and failures. The following messages are transmitted on the 4-20 mA signal line: >23.2 mA Over-range (>120%LEL) 20 mA Full scale 4.0 to 23 mA %LEL displayed negative LEL is a sensor failure indicated by 0.2 mA (acetylene can cause this failure) 2.3 mA CPU POST successful, no output 2.1 mA Off-line 1.9 mA Zero adjust failed - off-line 1.7 mA Zero adjustment in progress -offline 1.5 mA Voltage too high to function 1.3 mA Sensor missing or not connected 1.1 mA Optics dirty - light path blocked 0.9 mA Lamp failed 0.7 mA Low power line voltage 0.5 mA Sensor Module circuit fault 0.3 mA Processor Module circuit fault <0.2 mA No power, system fault NOTE: In the event 1-5 mA option is chosen only the high and low gas alarms and system fail is transmitted. click to see enlargement PART NUMBERS Standard Configuration includes: conduit box, interface module and processor module: With aluminum sensor: 364-850-01 With stainless steel sensor: 364-850-02 OPTIONS Splash/Dust Guard—for severe environmental and operational conditions. Lightning arrestor —where high-energy transient suppression is necessary. SLAM—local alarm relay module (relays for 3-gas alarms and one for fail) connects to Interface Module. Reclamation Adaptor —to allow the sensor to be mounted externally to a duct or area outside of the sensor's temperature range. Why the Determinator is better than other FPIR gas monitors: Altitude adjustment: altitude can make up to a 25% difference in readings. Delphian's patented altitude adjustment corrects this problem. Will provide correct LEL and linearization simultaneously for a wide range of CHC gas/vapors consistently (patent pending). Competitive models are often switch selectable between a few gases, but for all gases except the one selected, they compute their LEL incorrectly. Virtually immune to the water condensation and temperature/humidity variations which cause competitive models to give inaccurate readings. Bright, large five-digit LED display allows user to easily see gas alarms, the gas being detected and any fault conditions. Easy to change alarm settings in the field, without removing the cover. No moving parts. Smaller footprint than most competitive models. 12/13/22, 11:10 AM The Determinator - Delphian Corporation https://www.delphian.com/Determinator.htm 4/4 Uses the same conduit box and wiring as Delphian's catalytic bead sensor, so field replacement of existing catalytic sensors is easy. Rugged construction and encapsulated electronics protect it from water, corrosion and normal vibration. Response time and recovery of the Determinator is much faster than that of competitive units we have tested. Design of light Pipe (patent pending) allows more rapid response and recovery times. 2 year warranty. Smart sensor: sensor is programmed with the latest gas information so field electronics don't need to be changed or reprogrammed. Diagnostic signals: 4-20mA feedback with10 different diagnostic codes. The Determinator is designed to handle rapid temperature changes. Glossary of Gas Detection Terms | How to specify a Delphian infrared system Copyright ©2022 Delphian Corporation, 220 Pegasus Avenue, Northvale, N.J., U.S.A. Gas Detection FE ATURES & BENEFITS Sensepoint XCL Fixed Gas Detector Sensepoint XCL is a fixed point gas leak detector that is designed to meet the needs of commercial and light industrial applications. With over 50 years experience in gas leak detection, Honeywell offers a flexible range of highly-reliable sensing devices to meet those needs. • Quicker installation • Rapid configuration • Simple to operate • Straightforward to maintain Honeywell innovation enables customers to pair the gas detector with their mobile phone, and then use an app to perform many tasks related to installation, commissioning and maintenance. Flexible Output Options Sensepoint XCL is available with either mA loop analog output or Modbus RTU with the option for relays on both. The result is a flexible solution that can easily be incorporated into legacy systems as well as new installations. Faster Installation Everything you need for installation is in the box, including simple drilling templates. Easy Control and Maintenance Sensepoint XCL's smartphone interface makes for much faster calibration, configuration and bump tests. Inspecting the status and settings of individual Sensepoint XCL detectors is simple. Use the mobile app to: • Read gas concentrations in real-time • Reconfigure settings • Check unit histories Automated Reporting Increase the efficiency of your operations and reduce administration time. The app and Sensepoint XCL provides easy access to diagnostic information and generates calibration reports at the touch of a screen. Compatible System Controller Touchpoint Plus is the perfect complement to Sensepoint XCL, providing an intuitive, easy to operate gas detection solution to meet the needs of your business. Visual Integration Sensepoint XCL is designed with the needs of building architects in mind. Clean aesthetics and a choice of colors mean that the detector is ideal for public spaces like lobbies and retail environments. Typical Applications • Kitchens and food processing • Manufacturing facilities and factories • Hospitals • Retail sites • Transportation and parking • Laboratories • Hotel and leisure • Apartments, accommodation blocks and condominiums Accessories • Calibration cap / flow housing • Duct mount kit for round or flat profile ducts • Choose from a range of mA or Modbus output versions for flexible system design to meet the customers requirements. • Selectable source or sink current for analog output enables one detector to be suitable for both system configurations. • Optional relay output for external control systems or alarming devices enables easy integration and local indication. • The ingress protection of IP65 allows units to be mounted in wash down areas. • Multi-color visual indicator to show status makes it easier to know the detector status immediately and identify detectors that require attention or are warning of danger. • Gassing port for easier bump test of units installed in inaccessible locations. No need to purchase a separate accessory and thus saves money. • Manage the detector without making a physical connection. Remove the need for physical access to hard-to-reach devices. • Simplified maintenance with familiar smartphone technology saves money and time. Sensepoint XCL Technical Specifications For more information www.honeywellanalytics.com Europe, Middle East, Africa Life Safety Distribution GmbH Tel: 00800 333 222 44 (Freephone number) Tel: +41 44 943 4380 (Alternative number) Middle East Tel: +971 4 450 5800 (Fixed gas detection) Middle East Tel: +971 4 450 5852 (Portable gas detection) Americas Honeywell Analytics Distribution Inc. Tel: +1 847 955 8200 Toll free: +1 800 538 0363 RAE Systems by Honeywell Phone: 408.952.8200 Toll Free: 1.888.723.4800 Asia Pacific, India Honeywell Analytics Asia Pacific North Asia Tel: +82 (0) 2 6909 0300 South East Asia Tel: +65 6580 3662 India Tel: +91 124 4752700 China Tel: +86 10 5885 8788-3000 www.honeywell.com DS_01178 | Rev. 01 | 05/2018 © 2018 Honeywell International Inc. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES DIMENSIONS 113 x 113 x 59 mm ( 4.4 x 4.4 x 2.3 in ) WEIGHT 500 g (1.1 lb) CASING MATERIAL Polycarbonate (charcoal or white) INGRESS PROTECTION RATING IP65, Type 4 (in accordance with NEMA 250) LIFETIME 10 years (excludes sensor) AVAILABLE SENSORS FLAMMABLE, TOXIC GASES AND OXYGEN RANGES • Combustible: 0 to 100 % LEL (factory calibrated to Methane) • O₂: 0 to 25% vol • CO: 300 ppm (adjustable between 50 and 1000 ppm) • H₂: 1000 ppm • H₂S Low Range: 50 ppm (adjustable between 10 and 50 ppm) • H₂S High Range: 100 ppm (adjustable between 50 and 200 ppm) • NO₂: 20 ppm (adjustable between 5 and 50 ppm) • NH₃: 200 ppm (adjustable between 50 and 200 ppm) • CO2 (ppm range): 5,000 ppm (adjustable between 1,000 and 5,000 ppm) • CO2 (% vol range): 5.0% vol (adjustable between 1.0 and 5.0% vol) POWER SUPPLY NOMINAL DC INPUT VOLTAGE 24 V DC† NOMINAL AC INPUT VOLTAGE 24 V AC‡, 50/60 Hz MAXIMUM INRUSH CURRENT 850 mA OUTPUT ANALOG OUTPUT 0 to 22 mA DIGITAL OUTPUT Modbus RTU RELAY OUTPUT 2 relays rated at 24 V DC / 240 V AC, 5 A MAXIMUM POWER CONSUMPTION mA VERSIONS < 1.2 W (toxic), < 1.7 W (flammable and CO2) MODBUS VERSIONS < 0.7 W (toxic), < 1.2 W (flammable and CO2) RELAY VERSIONS Additional 0.6 W total † mA versions: 11 to 32 VDC, Modbus versions: 9 to 32 VDC ‡ All versions: 20 to 27 VAC CONNECTION TYPE Pluggable rising clamp style, 0.5 to 1.5 mm2, 20 to 16 AWG. USER INTERFACE VISUAL INDICATOR Multi-colour LED light ring • Green: normal§ • Flashing red: Alarm • Flashing green and yellow: Warning • Flashing yellow: Fault • Solid yellow: Inhibited • Flashing blue: Bluetooth pairing in progress • Solid blue: Bluetooth connection established WIRELESS INTERFACE Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy). Dedicated mobile app, enabling wireless configuration and maintenance. Connect up to 10 m away (mobile device dependent). Use a compatible smartphone or other mobile device running Android 4.3 or above. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT OPERATING TEMPERATURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE −20 to 50°C (−4 to 122 °F) 0 to 30°C (32 to 86 °F) 15 to 90% RH (non-condensing) 90 to 110 kPa APPROVALS ELECTRICAL SAFETY EN/UL/IEC61010-1 CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-12 EMC EN 50270 RADIO RED, FCC OTHER UL2075 (CO and CH4), AS 1668.2 §LED behavior in normal condition can be changed by the user: solid green, green confidenceflash or off. 30+ PRODUCT CATEGORIES ADHESIVES, TAPE & LUBRICANTS CLEANING & JANITORIAL FASTENERS, HARDWARE & RAW MATERIALS FLEET & VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOOD SERVICE & HOSPITALITY HVAC & REFRIGERATION LAB SUPPLIES LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL MATERIAL HANDING METALWORKING & FABRICATION MOTORS & POWER TRANSMISSION OFFICE SUPPLIES OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT PACKAGING & SHIPPING PAINTING PIPES, HOSES, TUBES & FITTINGS PLUMBING & PUMPS PNEUMATICS & HYDRAULICS SAFETY & SECURITY TEST INSTRUMENTS TOOLS Grainger.com® 2023INDUSTRIAL & SAFETY REFERENCE GUIDE NO. 414 ©2023 W.W. Grainger, Inc. W-FP414CR The Grainger Shipping Box design is a registered trademark of W.W. Grainger, Inc. QUALITY PRODUCTS FROM THE BRANDS YOU KNOW & TRUST Whatever you need, we are ready to help: > DAY OR NIGHT, GIVE US A CALL AT 1-800-GRAINGER > VISIT GRAINGER.COM® TO ACCESS OVER 1.5 MILLION PRODUCTS ONLINE > CURBSIDE OR IN-STORE PICKUP AT OVER 250 BRANCHES NATIONWIDE CALL, CLICK, STOP BY® FOR THE ONES WHO TEAM UP TO GET IT DONESM ACCESS TO EXPERTS WITH ANSWERS | 24/7 CUSTOMER SERVICE | FAST DELIVERY Supplies & Solutions for Every Industry® Attic Ventilators Find even MORE on Grainger.com®1-800-GRAINGER (472-4643) HVAC & REFRIGERATION 2968 Scan. Order. Done. Details on page A1. Wind-Driven Turbine Attic Ventilators Externally braced for strength and perfect alignment. Bronze, oil-impregnated top bearing. The 4", 6", and 8" vents have a bottom thrust-type pivot bearing with a hardened steel ball riding in a hardened steel seat. The 10" and larger vents use a bottom thrust-type ball bearing. Galvanized steel construction with aluminum bracing on 4" to 14" units; galvanized steel bracing on 16" to 24" units. Optional adjustable Base 4C505 allows vertical mounting of Ventilator 2C531 on 0/12 to 7/12 pitch roofs. Includes 20" x 20" flashing for weatherproof installation. 4C505 2C531 Description Mfr.Model ItemNo.Accessories Adjustable Roof Base, 6", For Use With 2C528 AB06G 33MH61 Adjustable Roof Base, 8", AB08G 33PM38 Adjustable Roof Base, 10", For Use With 2C530 AB10G 33PM39 Adjustable Roof Base, 12", For Use with 2C531 AB12G 4C505 Flat Roof Base, 4", For Use With 4C016 FB04G 33PM40 Flat Roof Base, 6", For Use With 2C528 FB06G 33PM41Flat Roof Base, 8", For Use With 2C529 FB08G 33PM42Flat Roof Base, 10", For Use With 2C530 FB10G 33PM43 Flat Roof Base, 12", For Use With 2C531 FB12G 33PM44 Flat Roof Base, 14", For Use With 2C532 FB14G 33MH59 Flat Roof Base, 16", For Use With 2C533 FB16G 33PM45 Flat Roof Base, 18", For Use With 2C534 FB18G 33MH58 Flat Roof Base, 20", For Use With 2C802 FB20G 33PM46 Flat Roof Base, 24", For Use With 2C803 FB24G 33MH60Bearing Repair Kit, 4" to 14" Turbines, For Use With 2C528, 2C529, 2C530, 2C531, 2C532, 4C016 3WAY 33PM47Bearing Repair Kit, 16" to 20" Turbines, For Use With 2C533, 2C534, 2C802 4WAY20 33PM48 Bearing Repair Kit, 24" Turbines, For Use With 2C803 4WAY24 33PM49 Throat Dia. CFM @ 4 mph Wind Overall Height Overall Width Mfr. Model Item No. Ventilators 4 in 126 cfm 12 in 10 1⁄4 in TV04G 4C016 6 in 147 cfm 14 1⁄2 in 12 3⁄4 in TV06G 2C528 8 in 255 cfm 15 in 14 1⁄4 in TV08G 2C529 10 in 425 cfm 16 1⁄4 in 16 1⁄4 in TV10G 2C530 12 in 631 cfm 17 in 19 in TV12G 2C531 14 in 700 cfm 19 3⁄4 in 22 3⁄4 in TV14G 2C532 16 in 950 cfm 21 3⁄4 in 25 1⁄2 in TV16G 2C533 18 in 1,200 cfm 24 in 29 in TV18G 2C534 20 in 1,700 cfm 25 13⁄64 in 31 5⁄8 in TV20G 2C802 24 in 2,350 cfm 28 1⁄4 in 35 3⁄4 in TV24G 2C803 For proper attic ventilation, the Home Ventilation Institute recom- mends a system that provides at least 10 air exchanges per hour. Use the following formula to determine the fan capacity (cu. ft. per min., cfm) needed to provide this minimum airflow: Attic Square Feet x 0.7 = cfm Note: For roofs pitched 7/12 or higher, you may want to add 20% more cfm capacity to handle the larger volume of attic space; 30% more for roofs 11/12 and higher. How to Select Power Attic Ventilators 120V Attic Ventilators Garage Mounted 45AM66 Gable Mounted 10W199 Roof Mounted 10N201 ▪Automatic control Max.Attic Area CFM @0.000" SP Amps Included with Ventilator Brand Mfr.Model ItemNo. Gable Mounted 1,500 sq ft 1060 1.0 Guard, Thermostat Dayton 347HY1 347HY1 1,500 sq ft 1095 1.0 Guard, Shutter, Thermostat Dayton 347HX9 347HX9 1,600 sq ft 800 1.4 Guard, Shutter, Thermostat Dayton 347HX8 347HX8 1,630 sq ft 1220 3.1 Thermostat Dayton 10W193 10W193 1,630 sq ft 1220 3.1 Humidistat, Thermostat Dayton 10W198 10W198 1,900 sq ft 1380 3 Thermostat Dayton 10W196 10W196 1,900 sq ft 1380 3 Humidistat, Thermostat Dayton 10W201 10W201 2,300 sq ft 1650 3.15 Thermostat Dayton 10W194 10W194 2,300 sq ft 1650 4 Humidistat, Thermostat Dayton 10W195 10W195 2,300 sq ft 1650 4 Thermostat Dayton 10W197 10W197 2,300 sq ft 1650 4 Humidistat, Thermostat Dayton 10W199 10W199 2,300 sq ft 1860 1.3 Guard, Shutter, Thermostat Dayton 347HY0 347HY0 3,000 sq ft 1495 1.9/0.6 Accessory Bag, Smart Control Hub, Vent Covers Quietcool AFG SMT PRO-2.0 60RG26 3,000 sq ft 1947 1.9 A Thermostat Quietcool AFG PRO-2.0 787L79 4,000 sq ft 2801 2.1/1.0/0.3 Accessory Bag, Smart Control Hub Quietcool AFG SMT ES-3.0 60RG28 4,000 sq ft 2860 2.1/1.4 Accessory Bag, Smart Control Hub, Vent Covers Quietcool AFG SMT PRO-3.0 60RG27 Garage Mounted 2,300 sq ft 1452 —Guard, Thermostat Quietcool GA ES-1500 45AM66 Roof Mounted 2,100 sq ft 1500 2.3 Thermostat Dayton 10N201 10N201 2,100 sq ft 1500 2.3 Humidistat, Thermostat Dayton 10N202 10N202 2,285 sq ft 1600 8 Guard Broan 356BK 39W620 3,000 sq ft 2116 2.3/1.1/0.3 Accessory Bag, Smart Control Hub Quietcool AFR SMT ES-2.0 60RG29 Blade Material Shutter Opening Required Fits Fan Dia. Mfr. Model Item No. Backdraft Damper / Gable Shutters White Painted Aluminum 17 in x 17 in 16 in 4YN20 4YN20 Mill Finish Aluminum 17 in x 17 in 16 in 3HHR1 3HHR1 Solar-Powered Attic Ventilators Gable Mounted 787L77 Roof Mounted 4YCK9 These ventilators install without the need for wiring or electrical hookup and operate during peak daylight hours to help increase airflow and remove moisture. The solar panels are resistant to wind, hail, and other environmental hazards. Max. Attic Area CFM @ 0.000" SP Includes Control Method Dome Material Brand Mfr. Model Item No. Gable Mounted 2,600 sq ft 1217 Thermostat, 40 Watt Solar Panel, Accessory Bag Automatic —Quietcool AFG SLR-40W 787L77 Roof Mounted 1,550 sq ft 1000 Detached Solar Panel, 25 ft Cord Manual Mill Finish Galvanized Steel Maxx Air VX1000SOLMILUPS 4YCK9 1,550 sq ft 1000 Detached Solar Panel, 25 ft Cord Manual Black Galvanized Steel Maxx Air VX1000SOLBLKUPS 4YCL1 1,550 sq ft 1000 Detached Solar Panel, 25 ft Cord Manual Brown Galvanized Steel Maxx Air VX1000SOLBRNUPS 4YCL2 1,550 sq ft 1000 Detached Solar Panel, 25 ft Cord Manual Weathered Gray Galvanized Steel Maxx Air VX1000SOLWGUPS 4YCL3 1,550 sq ft 1000 Detached Solar Panel, 25 ft Cord Manual —Maxx Air VX2515SOLUPS 4YCL4 1,900 sq ft 791 Thermostat, Accessory Bag Automatic —Quietcool AFR SLR-40W 787L78 3,200 cu ft 537 —Automatic Black Acrylic ABS Plastic Broan 345SOBK 20AZ87 3,200 cu ft 537 —Automatic Weather Wood Acrylic ABS Plastic Broan 345SOWW 20AZ88 These attic ventilators turn on automatically and provide proper airflow to help prevent heat and moisture buildup. They can reduce energy costs by circulating air, cooling attics, and reducing overall air conditioner strain. APPENDIX E VIMS POC Information GC7466/CAR240019 1 June 2024 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Point of Contact Information Prospective Developer (PD): Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated Contact Person: E.G. “Ned” Fowler, President (828) 264-6683 (828) 964-2744 Email: efowler@nwrha.com Contractor for PD: ALH General Contractor Contact Person: Alan Herman (828) 963-5700 (828) 964-6363Email: aherman@alhgeneralcontractor.com Environmental Consultant and Engineer of Record: Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Contact Person: Mike Burcham (919) 424-1850 (321) 960-9789Email: MBurcham@Geosyntec.com VIMS Installation Contractor: TBD Phone Numbers: Office: BD Mobile: BD Email: TBD Brownfields Program Project Manager: Bill Schmithorst Phone Numbers: Office: Mobile: Email: William.Schmithorst@deq.nc.gov APPENDIX F Historical Environmental Data Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (September 2021) Historical Environmental Data HORIZ O N D R I V E BILL YOUNG ROAD YOUNG CIRCLE E U.S. 19 E SA W M I L L H O L L O W R O A D COMMUNICATIONSFACILITY UNKNOWN - RESEMBLESSALVAGE BUSINESS PREGNANCYCENTERCONSIGNMENTSHOP RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL SUBJECT PROPERTY±1.92 ACRES RESIDENCE TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMER WOODED AREAS WITHDENSE OVERGROWTHINACCESSIBLE BY DRILL RIG WOOD E D A R E A S W I T H DENS E O V E R G R O W T H TRANSFORMER APPROX I M A T E P L A N N E D RESIDE N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L B O U N D A R Y TW-2 TW-3TW-1 PLANN E D R E S I D E N T I A L PLANN E D C O M M E R C I A L PILES OF WOODCHIPS TRANSFORMERS CORRUGATEDPLASTICPIPES WOODED AREAS WITHDENSE OVERGROWTHINACCESSIBLE BY DRILL RIG V:\ 2 1 \ 2 1 - 0 8 4 0 \ 2 1 0 8 4 4 - N W R H A D o g w o o d T r u s t D e v e l o p m e n t P r o j e c t s \ E n v i r o \ _ P h a s e I I B u z z a r d R o c k \ C A D \ F i g u r e s . d w g - D e c e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 1 - A P O T E 1" = 80 ' GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 80 ft. 8040 1600 AP MJ DR A W N B Y : 12 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 08 2 1 0 8 4 4 . 0 0 3 SC A L E : FI G U R E N O . : PR O J E C T N O . : DA T E : AP P R O V E D B Y : GR O U N D W A T E R R E S U L T S M A P Wi t h e r s R a v e n e l En g i n e e r s | P l a n n e r s | S u r v e y o r s 11 5 M a c K e n a n D r i v e | C a r y , N C 2 7 5 1 1 | t : 9 1 9 . 4 6 9 . 3 3 4 0 lic e n s e # : C - 0 8 3 2 | w w w . w i t h e r s r a v e n e l . c o m LEGEND APPROXIMATE AREA WITH HISTORICAL STRUCTURES TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION NOTES: 1.) WELL LOCATIONS DETERMINED BY A HANDHELD GPS DEVICE. BU Z Z A R D R O C K L L C P R O P E R T Y SA W M I L L H O L L O W R O A D BU R N S V I L L E , Y A N C E Y C O U N T Y , N C HORIZ O N D R I V E BILL YOUNG ROAD YOUNG CIRCLE E U.S. 19 E SA W M I L L H O L L O W R O A D CO M M U N I C A T I O N S FA C I L I T Y UNKNOWN - RESEMBLESSALVAGE BUSINESS PREGNANCYCENTERCONSIGNMENTSHOP RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL SUBJECT PROPERTY±1.92 ACRES RESIDENCE TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMER WOODED AREAS WITHDENSE OVERGROWTHINACCESSIBLE BY DRILL RIG WOOD E D A R E A S W I T H DENS E O V E R G R O W T H TRANSFORMER APPROX I M A T E P L A N N E D RESIDE N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L B O U N D A R Y VP-2 VP-5 VP-1 PLANN E D R E S I D E N T I A L PLANN E D C O M M E R C I A L PILES OF WOODCHIPS TRANSFORMERS CORRUGATEDPLASTICPIPES WOODED AREAS WITHDENSE OVERGROWTHINACCESSIBLE BY DRILL RIG VP-3 VP-4 V:\ 2 1 \ 2 1 - 0 8 4 0 \ 2 1 0 8 4 4 - N W R H A D o g w o o d T r u s t D e v e l o p m e n t P r o j e c t s \ E n v i r o \ _ P h a s e I I B u z z a r d R o c k \ C A D \ F i g u r e s . d w g - D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 1 - A P O T E 1" = 80 ' GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 80 ft. 8040 1600 AP MJ DR A W N B Y : 12 / 2 1 / 2 0 2 1 08 2 1 0 8 4 4 . 0 0 4 SC A L E : FI G U R E N O . : PR O J E C T N O . : DA T E : AP P R O V E D B Y : SO I L V A P O R R E S U L T S M A P Wi t h e r s R a v e n e l En g i n e e r s | P l a n n e r s | S u r v e y o r s 11 5 M a c K e n a n D r i v e | C a r y , N C 2 7 5 1 1 | t : 9 1 9 . 4 6 9 . 3 3 4 0 lic e n s e # : C - 0 8 3 2 | w w w . w i t h e r s r a v e n e l . c o m LEGEND APPROXIMATE AREA WITH HISTORICAL STRUCTURES TEMPORARY SOIL VAPOR PROBE LOCATION NOTES: 1.) PROBE LOCATIONS DETERMINED BY A HANDHELD GPS DEVICE. BU Z Z A R D R O C K L L C P R O P E R T Y SA W M I L L H O L L O W R O A D BU R N S V I L L E , Y A N C E Y C O U N T Y , N C 8315 Br o m o m e t h a n e Me t h y l e n e C h l o r i d e To l u e n e Re m a i n i n g T a r g e t e d VO C s Me r c u r y Ar s e n i c Ba r i u m Ca d m i u m To t a l C h r o m i u m He x a v a l e n t C h r o m i u m Le a d Se l e n i u m Si l v e r Fo r m a l d e h y d e 74-83-9 75-09-2 108-88-3 ---7439-97-6 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 1854-02-99 7439-92-1 7782-49-2 7440-22-4 50-00-0 TW-1 12/7/2021 ND 0.45 0.63 ND ND ND 173 0.407 7.59 0.025 6.01 ND ND 94 TW-2 12/7/2021 1.2 0.54 0.66 ND ND 12.7 1850 0.689 26.8 0.014 11.7 ND ND 200 TW-3 12/7/2021 ND ND ND ND ND 10.9 5120 1.62 13 ND 3.24 ND ND 92 10 5 600 NA 1 10 700 2 10 NL 15 20 20 600 100,000 5,000 260,000 NA NL NL 700,000 NL 10,000 NL 15,000 NL 20,000 NL Notes: 1.) All results provided in ug/L (micrograms per liter) or parts per billion 2.) Compounds analyzed for by laboratory but not listed were not detected above laboratory detection limits. See the laboratory report included in the Appendix for a full list of constituents. 3.) NC 2L Standard - North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standard as per NC Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02L 4.) GCLs for Groundwater = NCDENR UST Section Gross Contamination Levels for Groundwater NA = Not Applicable. ND = Compound Not Detected. Result = Result Exceeds Laboratory Detection Limits Result = Result Exceeds 2L Standard Result = Result Exceeds GCL Value 7470/6010/7196 - Metals Table 1 Burnsville, Yancey County, North Carolina Saw Mill Hollow Road WR Project Number: 08210844.00 Buzzard Rock LLC Property Summary Of Groundwater Analytical Results (VOCs, Metals, and Formaldehyde) NC 2L Standard GCLs for Groundwater 8260 - Volatile Organic CompoundsAnalytical Method Sample ID Date Collected Page 1 of 1 1, 3 - B u t a d i e n e Fr e o n 1 1 Et h a n o l Ac e t o n e 2- P r o p a n o l He x a n e 2, 2 , 4 - T r i m e t h y l p e n t a n e Be n z e n e He p t a n e Tr i c h l o r o e t h e n e To l u e n e Et h y l B e n z e n e m, p - X y l e n e o- X y l e n e Cu m e n e Pr o p y l b e n z e n e 4- E t h y l t o l u e n e 1, 3 , 5 - T r i m e t h y l b e n z e n e 1, 2 , 4 - T r i m e t h y l b e n z e n e 106-99-0 75-69-4 64-17-5 67-64-1 67-63-0 110-54-3 540-84-1 71-43-2 142-82-5 79-01-6 108-88-3 100-41-4 108-38- 3/106-42-3 95-47-6 98-82-8 103-65-1 622-96-8 108-67-8 95-63-6 VP-1 12/7/2021 130 ND ND ND ND 300 1200 350 420 ND 4000 620 2200 620 38 110 470 110 390 VP-2 12/7/2021 0.58 1.2 69 12 7 3.5 22 14 8.7 ND 220 22 94 16 1.4 2.3 8 1.2 3.5 VP-3 12/7/2021 ND ND ND 53 ND ND 180 74 59 7.9 1500 170 880 220 11 30 170 37 150 VP-4 12/7/2021 ND ND ND ND ND ND 84 53 21 ND 1100 130 680 160 7.4 19 110 27 100 VP-5 12/7/2021 13 ND ND ND ND ND 2000 74 78 ND 620 67 320 80 ND 16 86 24 84 Notes: 1.) All results are provided in µg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter) ND = Not Detected by Laboratory Result = Result Exceeds Laboratory Detection Limits Result = Result Corresponds to the Maixmum Concentration for that Particular Targeted Compound for Use in NCDEQ Risk Calculator 2.) Compounds analyzed for by laboratory but not listed were not detected above laboratory detection limits. See the laboratory report included in the Appendix for a full list of constituents. Analytical Method TO-15 - Volatile Organic Compounds Sample ID Date Collected Burnsville, Yancey County, North Carolina Table 2 Summary of Soil Vapor Results (VOCs - Detections only) Buzzard Rock LLC Property WR Project Number: 08210844.00 Saw Mill Hollow Road Page 1 of 1 Supplemental Assessment Report (September 2022) Historical Environmental Data !> !>!> > > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Sawmill Hollow Road US Highway 19E Fair Haven Drive Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 1 SB-06 SB-07 SB-05 SB-04 SB-03 SB-02 SB-01 SB-08 SB-09 SB-10 SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 VP-1 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 TW-1 TW-3 TW-2 N:\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\Supplemental Report\Figure 2 Sample Location Map.mxd 12/21/2022 10:03:50 AM Sawmill Hollow RoadBurnsville, North Carolina Sample Location Map 0 50Feet ³Figure 2Asheville, NC December 2022 LegendSite BoundaryFormer BuildingProposed CommunityCenterProposed Housing Unit Proposed RoadSampling Segments !(Soil Boring Location !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor Probe >Historical Off-Site SoilVapor Probe !>Historical TemporaryMonitoring Well !>Historical Off-SiteTemporary Monitoring WellNotes:1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS.2 Basemap from Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS UserCommunity. !> !>!> > > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Sawmill Hollow Road US Highw Fair Haven Drive Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 1 SB-06 SB-07 SB-05 SB-04 SB-03 SB-02 SB-01 SB-08 SB-09 SB-10 SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 VP-1 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 TW-1 TW-3 TW-2 N:\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\Supplemental Report\Figure 3 Soil Results Map VOCs.mxd 12/22/2022 11:52:19 AM Sawmill Hollow RoadBurnsville, North Carolina Soil Sample Detections Map VOC Analysis 0 50 Feet ³Figure 3Asheville, NC December 2022 Legend Site Boundary Former Building Proposed Community Center Proposed Housing Unit Proposed Road Sampling Segments !(Soil Boring Location !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor Probe >Historical Off-Site Soil Vapor Probe !>Historical Temporary Monitoring Well !>Historical Off-Site Temporary Monitoring WellNotes: 1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS. 2. Only detected compounds are presented. 3. Soils recovered from all borings were screened with a photo ionization detector (PID). Depth intervals exhibitng the greatest response in each segment were selected for volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis.4. Soil sampling results were compared to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Residential Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG) (July 2022). 5. Sample depth is presented in feet below land surface (ft BLS).6. Results are presented in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).7. Basemap from Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community. 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.0133 J Acetone 0.202 Toluene 0.0499 4 ft BLS SG-02 Acetone 0.0223 J 7 ft BLS SB-02 Acetone 0.044 J 4 ft BLS SB-04 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.0105 J Acetone 0.0874 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.0146 J Acetone 0.127 SB-03 Duplicate 8 ft BLS SB-03 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.0197 J Acetone 0.310 Toluene 0.00483 J 2 ft BLS SB-06 Acetone 0.291 Methyl acetate 0.0568 Acetone 0.315 7 ft BLS 5 ft BLS SG-04 Acetone 0.0369 J Methyl acetate 0.0337 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.0104 J Acetone 0.0847 1 ft BLS SB-08 5 ft BLS 2-Butanone (MEK) 5,500 Acetone 14,000 Methyl acetate 16,000 Toluene 990 NCDEQ Residential PSRG SG-09 3 ft BLS No VOCs detected SB-09 73 ft BLS No VOCs detected !> !>!> > > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Sawmill Hollow Road US Highw Fair Haven Drive Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 1 SB-06 SB-07 SB-05 SB-04 SB-03 SB-02 SB-01 SB-08 SB-09 SB-10 SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 VP-1 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 TW-1 TW-3 TW-2 N:\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\Supplemental Report\Figure 4 Soil Results Map SVOCs.mxd 12/22/2022 12:28:04 PM Sawmill Hollow RoadBurnsville, North Carolina Soil Sample Detections Map SVOC and Metals Analysis 0 50 Feet ³Figure 4Asheville, NC December 2022 Legend Site Boundary Former Building Proposed Community Center Proposed Housing Unit Proposed Road Sampling Segments !(Soil Boring Location !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor Probe >Historical Off-Site Soil Vapor Probe !>Historical Temporary Monitoring Well !>Historical Off-Site Temporary Monitoring WellNotes: 1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS. 2. Only detected semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and metals are presented. 3. Soils for composite samples collcted from soil borings (SB) and soil gas borings (SG) within each segment.4. Orange shading indicates the compound was detected above the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Residential Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG) (July 2022). 5. Composite sample depth is presented in feet below land surface (ft BLS). 6. Results are presented in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).7. Basemap from Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community. Anthracene 3,600 Benzaldehyde 170 Benzo[a]anthracene 1.1 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1.2 Chrysene 120 Dibenzofuran 16 Fluoranthene 480 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1.2 Naphthalene 2.1 Pentachlorophenol 1.0 Phenanthrene NC Pyrene 360 Arsenic 0.68 Barium 3,100 Cadmium 1.4 Chromium, Total 24,000 Lead 400 Mercury 2.3 Hexavalent Chromium 0.31 NCDEQ Residential PSRG SVOCs Arsenic 1.34 J Barium 81.0 Cadmium 0.121 J Chromium, Total 19.8 Lead 16.0 Mercury 0.0462 Hexavalent Chromium 0.938 SVOCs Arsenic 2.69 Barium 62.9 Cadmium 0.148 J Chromium, Total 32.0 Lead 12.6 Mercury 0.0670 Hexavalent Chromium 0.311 J Metals Segment 5 0-4.0 ft BLS No Compounds Detected Metals 4.0-8.0 ft BLS No Compounds Detected SVOCs Arsenic 3.17 Barium 139 Cadmium 0.128 J Chromium, Total 60.9 Lead 14.7 Mercury 0.0461 Hexavalent Chromium 1.23 SVOCs Arsenic 2.21 Barium 200 Chromium, Total 77.4 Lead 9.59 Mercury 0.0670 Hexavalent Chromium 1.50 Segment 4 0-4.0 ft BLS No Compounds Detected Metals 4.0-8.0 ft BLS No Compounds Detected Metals Benzaldehyde 0.141 J Chrysene 0.0481 J Fluoranthene 0.0556 J Naphthalene 0.0666 J Pentachlorophenol 0.771 J Phenanthrene 0.0424 J Pyrene 0.0444 J Arsenic 2.52 Barium 150 Cadmium 0.178 J Chromium, Total 36.9 Lead 14.2 Mercury 0.0372 SVOCs Pentachlorophenol 9.70 Arsenic 2.43 Barium 74.7 Chromium, Total 79.1 Lead 7.25 Mercury 0.0832 Hexavalent Chromium 0.849 Segment 3 0-4.0 ft BLS SVOCs Metals 4.0-8.0 ft BLS Metals Anthracene 0.0499 J Benzo[a]anthracene 0.0846 J Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.131 J Chrysene 0.132 J Dibenzofuran 0.0877 J Fluoranthene 0.273 J Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.0340 J Phenanthrene 0.199 J Pyrene 0.197 J Arsenic 2.83 Barium 137 Chromium, Total 44.4 Lead 8.95 Mercury 0.0210 J Hexavalent Chromium 0.563 SVOCs Barium 176 Cadmium 1.94 J Chromium, Total 50.8 Lead 12.1 Hexavalent Chromium 1.12 SVOCs Barium 211 Cadmium 2.11 J Chromium, Total 70.8 Lead 14.1 Mercury 0.00924 J Hexavalent Chromium 1.01 Metals SVOCs Metals Segment 2 0-4.0 ft BLS 4.0-8.0 ft BLS Duplicate 4.0-8.0 ft BLS No Compounds Detected Metals No Compounds Detected SVOCs Arsenic 2.74 Barium 112 Cadmium 0.145 J Chromium, Total 27.6 Lead 14.8 Mercury 0.0498 Hexavalent Chromium 0.622 SVOCs Arsenic 2.97 Barium 112 Cadmium 0.145 J Chromium, Total 36.6 Lead 14.1 Mercury 0.0559 Hexavalent Chromium 0.358 J Segment 1 0-4.0 ft BLS Metals No Compounds Detected 4.0-8.0 ft BLS No Compounds Detected Metals !> !>!> > > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Sawmill Hollow Road US Highw Fair Haven Drive Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 1 SB-06 SB-07 SB-05 SB-04 SB-03 SB-02 SB-01 SB-08 SB-09 SB-10 SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 VP-1 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 TW-1 TW-3 TW-2 N:\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\Supplemental Report\Figure 5 Methane Screening Results.mxd 11/8/2022 3:05:04 PM Sawmill Hollow RoadBurnsville, North Carolina Methane Screening Results Map 0 50 Feet ³Figure 5Asheville, NC December 2022 Legend Site Boundary Former Building Proposed Community Center Proposed Housing Unit Proposed Road Sampling Segments !(Soil Boring Location !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor Probe >Historical Off-Site Soil Vapor Probe !>Historical Temporary Monitoring Well !>Historical Off-SiteTemporary Monitoring WellNotes: 1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS.2. Methane screening results and initial pressure measurements collected using GEM 5000 ladfill gas meter.3. Initial pressure measurements collected using a Dwyer Series 475-3-FM manometer prior to purging. Methanescreening results collected using a GEM 5000 landfill gas meter.4. Basemap from Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community. Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐01 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐02 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐03 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐04 0.0 1.3 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐05 0.0 5.1 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐06 0.0 1.2 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐07 0.0 0.3 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐08 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐09 0.0 0.4 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG‐10 0.0 0.0 !> !>!> > > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Sawmill Hollow R oad US Highw Fair Haven Drive Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 1 SB-06 SB-07 SB-05 SB-04 SB-03 SB-02 SB-01 SB-08 SB-09 SB-10 SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 VP-1 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 TW-1 TW-3 TW-2 N:\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\Supplemental Report\Figure 6 Soil Gas Results Map.mxd 12/27/2022 1:03:15 PM Sawmill Hollow RoadBurnsville, North Carolina Soil Gas Sampling Results Map Screening Level Exceedances, PCE, and TCE 0 50 Feet ³Figure 6Asheville, NC December 2022 Legend Site Boundary Former Building Proposed Community Center Proposed Housing Unit Proposed Road Sampling Segments !(Soil Boring Location !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor Probe >Historical Off-Site Soil Vapor Probe !>Historical Temporary Monitoring Well !>Historical Off-Site Temporary Monitoring WellNotes: 1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS.2. Only presenting results for tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), or compounds with a detection greater than its respective Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) in at least one sample. 3. Orange shading indicates compound detected above its Residential VISL. 4. Italics indicates compound was not detected and had a reporting limit above its Residential VISL.5. Laboratory Reporting Limits presented for compounds not detected. 6. NA indicates that VP-2, VP-3, VP-4, and VP-5 were not analyzed for naphthalene. 7. Results are presented in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3). 8. Basemap from Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community. 1,3-Butadiene 3.1 Benzene 12 Ethyl Benzene 37 m,p-Xylene 600 Naphthalene 2.8 Tetrachloroethene 280 Trichloroethene 14 Residential SGSL 1,3-Butadiene 2.5 U Benzene 3.6 Ethyl Benzene 4.9 U m,p-Xylene 4.9 U Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.6 U Trichloroethene 6.0 U 9/21/2022 SG-01 1,3-Butadiene 2.5 U Benzene 3.7 Ethyl Benzene 2.2 J m,p-Xylene 5.8 Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.8 U Trichloroethene 6.2 U SG-03 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 3.5 U Benzene 140 Ethyl Benzene 9.2 m,p-Xylene 21 Naphthalene 3.1 J Tetrachloroethene 11 U Trichloroethene 8.4 U SG-04 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 14 U Benzene 18 J Ethyl Benzene 39 m,p-Xylene 41 Naphthalene 65 U Tetrachloroethene 42 U Trichloroethene 33 U 9/21/2022 SG-05 1,3-Butadiene 3 U Benzene 7.0 Ethyl Benzene 2.6 J m,p-Xylene 8.4 Naphthalene 14 U Tetrachloroethene 9.3 U Trichloroethene 6.2 J 1,3-Butadiene 3 U Benzene 6.9 Ethyl Benzene 2.8 J m,p-Xylene 7.6 Naphthalene 14 U Tetrachloroethene 9.2 U Trichloroethene 2.0 J SG-06 Duplicate 9/21/2022 SG-06 1,3-Butadiene 2.7 U Benzene 1.5 J Ethyl Benzene 5.3 U m,p-Xylene 2.7 J Naphthalene 13 U Tetrachloroethene 8.3 U Trichloroethene 6.6 U SG-07 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 2.5 U Benzene 3.6 U Ethyl Benzene 4.9 U m,p-Xylene 4.9 U Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.7 U Trichloroethene 6.1 U SG-08 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 2.4 U Benzene 9.2 Ethyl Benzene 3.5 J m,p-Xylene 10 Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 3.4 J Trichloroethene 5.9 U SG-09 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 2.6 U Benzene 3.3 J Ethyl Benzene 2.2 J m,p-Xylene 5.0 J Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 7.8 U Trichloroethene 6.2 U SG-10 9/21/2022 1,3-Butadiene 0.58 Benzene 14 Ethyl Benzene 22 m,p-Xylene 94 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 1.4 U Trichloroethene 1.1 U VP-2 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 3.2 U Benzene 74 Ethyl Benzene 170 m,p-Xylene 880 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 1.8 J Trichloroethene 7.9 VP-3 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 2.3 U Benzene 53 Ethyl Benzene 130 m,p-Xylene 680 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 7.0 U Trichloroethene 5.6 U VP-4 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 13 Benzene 74 Ethyl Benzene 67 m,p-Xylene 320 Naphthalene NA Tetrachloroethene 15 U Trichloroethene 12 U VP-5 12/7/2021 1,3-Butadiene 2.6 U Benzene 3.7 U Ethyl Benzene 5.0 U m,p-Xylene 5.0 U Naphthalene 12 U Tetrachloroethene 1.7 Trichloroethene 6.3 SG-02 9/21/2022 TABLE 5 SOIL GAS SCREENING RESULTS SAWMILL VILLAGE SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD BURNSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Soil Gas Probe ID Filter Pack Interval (ft BLS) Date Screened Initial Pressure (inches H2O)(% by volume) Corresponding Carbon Dioxide (% by volume) Corresponding Oxygen (% by volume) Maximum VOCs (ppmv) SG-01 5 - 6 9/21/2022 0.0 0.0 8.5 12.8 2.9 SG-02 4 - 5 9/21/2022 0.0 0.0 9.2 11.2 2.0 SG-03 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 0.0 4.7 14.1 2.3 SG-04 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 1.3 9.1 12.1 4.7 SG-05 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 5.1 17.3 7.1 4.9 SG-06 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 1.2 9.7 14.3 10.2 SG-07 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 0.3 12.7 10.6 7.9 SG-08 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.5 3.6 SG-09 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 0.4 4.4 18.7 8.1 SG-10 7 - 8 9/21/2022 0.0 0.0 9.7 12.3 4.1 Notes: 1. Initial pressure measured with a Dwyer Series 475-3-FM manometer. 3. Maximum VOCs corresponds to the maximum PID reading collected during screening. ft BLS: feet below land surface. inches H2O: inches of water %: percent ppmv: parts per million by volume. VOCs: volatile organic compounds. 2. Carbon dioxide and oxygen results presented correspond to those measured at the time of the highest methane detection. For locations where no methane was detected, readings from the final purge volume are presented. 1 of 1 TABLE 6 SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS SAWMILL VILLAGE SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD BURNSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Segment Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260D 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.0056 --mg/kg 0.0141 U 0.01050 U --------0.0103 U 0.00969 U 0.0117 U ------------ 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 0.0133 J 0.02620 U --------0.0257 U 0.0105 J 0.0146 J ------------Acetone 67-64-1 0.202 0.02230 J --------0.0440 J 0.0874 0.127 ------------Methyl acetate 79-20-9 0.0499 0.00523 U --------0.00513 U 0.00484 U 0.00583 U ------------ Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270E 0.396 U 0.406 U ------------0.385 U 0.395 U 0.388 U 2.04 U 2.09 U ------------1.98 U 2.04 U 2 U 0.0499 J 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.0846 J 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.396 U 0.406 U ------------0.385 U 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.131 J 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.396 U 0.406 U ------------0.385 U 0.395 U 0.388 UChrysene218-01-9 ----0.132 J 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.396 U 0.406 U ------------0.385 U 0.395 U 0.388 U Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 0.0877 J 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.273 J 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.396 U 0.406 U ------------0.385 U 0.395 U 0.388 U 0.396 U 0.406 U ------------0.385 U 0.395 U 0.388 U ----0.0340 J 0.395 U 0.388 UNaphthalene91-20-3N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 0.396 U 0.406 U ------------0.385 U 0.395 U 0.388 UPentachlorophenol87-86-5 2.04 U 2.09 U ------------1.98 U 2.04 U 2 U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.199 J 0.395 U 0.388 U0.197 J 0.395 U 0.388 U Metals Analysis by EPA Methods 6010D, 7471B, and 7199 Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.68 4.5 mg/kg --------2.74 2.97 ------------2.83 23.8 U 21.7 UBarium7440-39-3 3,100 --mg/kg --------112 112 ------------137 176 211 Cadmium 7440-43-9 1.4 0.1 mg/kg --------0.145 J 0.145 J ------------0.572 U 1.94 J 2.11 J Chromium, Total 7440-47-3 24,000 0.2 mg/kg --------27.6 36.6 ------------44.4 50.8 70.8Lead7439-92-1 400 4.2 mg/kg --------14.8 14.1 ------------8.95 12.1 14.1Mercury7439-97-6 2.3 --mg/kg --------0.0498 0.0559 ------------0.0210 J 0.0297 U 0.00924 J Hexavalent Chromium 18540-29-9 0.31 --mg/kg --------0.622 0.358 J ------------0.563 1.12 1.01 Notes: 2. F1 indicates Matrix Spike and/or Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery exceeds control limits. 4. U indicates analyte was not detected above the MDL. RLs are presented for compounds not detected above the MDL. 5. Analyte detections are identified in bold. 6. Analytes not detected above the MDL are grey and the RL for each analyte is presented. 7. Analyte detections that exceed the Residential PSRG are highlighted in orange. 8. Analytes with an RL greater than the respective PSRG are italicized. 9. * indicates duplicate sample. CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service. EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency. ft BLS: feet below land surface. mg/kg: milligrams per kilogram. NC: no criteria. 10. Average values of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Heavy Metals in North Carolina Soils Occurrence & Significance by NCDACS, 2008. Analyte CAS Number Residential PSRG Regional Background Metals in Soil (Average) 1. Results presented include detected compounds and any compound with an RL greater than the respective Residential PSRG. 3. J indicates an estimated concentration above the method detection limit (MDL) and below the reporting limit (RL). 0.0 to 4.0 4.0 to 8.04.0 09/20/2022 4.0 0.0 to 4.0 4.0 to 8.0 09/20/2022*09/20/202209/20/2022 8.0 Segment 2 09/20/2022 09/20/202209/20/2022 Segment 1 09/20/2022*09/20/2022 09/20/2022 7.0 Page 1 of 2 TABLE 6 SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS SAWMILL VILLAGE SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD BURNSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Segment Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260D 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.0056 --mg/kg2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3Acetone67-64-1Methyl acetate 79-20-9 Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270E Chrysene 218-01-9 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 Naphthalene 91-20-3N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7Pentachlorophenol87-86-5 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 Metals Analysis by EPA Methods 6010D, 7471B, and 7199 Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.68 4.5 mg/kgBarium7440-39-3 3,100 --mg/kg Cadmium 7440-43-9 1.4 0.1 mg/kgChromium, Total 7440-47-3 24,000 0.2 mg/kgLead7439-92-1 400 4.2 mg/kgMercury7439-97-6 2.3 --mg/kg Hexavalent Chromium 18540-29-9 0.31 --mg/kg Notes: 2. F1 indicates Matrix Spike and/or Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery exceeds control limits. 4. U indicates analyte was not detected above the MDL. RLs are presented for compounds not detected above the MDL. 5. Analyte detections are identified in bold. 6. Analytes not detected above the MDL are grey and the RL for each analyte is presented. 7. Analyte detections that exceed the Residential PSRG are highlighted in orange. 8. Analytes with an RL greater than the respective PSRG are italicized. 9. * indicates duplicate sample. CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service. EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency. ft BLS: feet below land surface. mg/kg: milligrams per kilogram. NC: no criteria. 10. Average values of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Heavy Metals in North Carolina Soils Occurrence & Significance by NCDACS, 2008. Analyte CAS Number Residential PSRG Regional Background Metals in Soil (Average) 1. Results presented include detected compounds and any compound with an RL greater than the respective Residential PSRG. 3. J indicates an estimated concentration above the method detection limit (MDL) and below the reporting limit (RL). 0.0168 U 0.0204 U 0.0126 U --------0.00903 U 0.0105 U --------0.00968 U 0.00922 U -------- J 0.0511 U 0.0315 U --------0.0226 U 0.0104 J --------0.0242 U 0.0231 U ----------------0.0369 J 0.0847 --------0.0484 U 0.0461 U --------0.042 U 0.0568 0.0315 U --------0.0337 0.0262 U --------0.0242 U 0.0231 U -------- 0.00483 J 0.0102 U 0.0063 U --------0.00452 U 0.00524 U --------0.00484 U 0.00461 U -------- 0.427 U 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 2.2 U 2.01 U --------2 U 2.1 U --------1.98 U 1.88 U 0.141 J 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.427 U 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.427 U 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U0.0481 J 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.427 U 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.0556 J 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.427 U 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.427 U 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.0666 J 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U0.427 U 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 0.771 J 9.70 --------2 U 2.1 U --------1.98 U 1.88 U 0.0424 J 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U0.0444 J 0.391 U --------0.388 U 0.407 U --------0.384 U 0.364 U 2.52 2.43 --------3.17 2.21 --------1.34 J 2.6915074.7 --------139 200 --------81.0 62.9 0.178 J 0.559 U --------0.128 J 0.547 U --------0.121 J 0.148 J 36.9 79.1 --------60.9 77.4 --------19.8 F1 32.014.2 7.25 --------14.7 9.59 --------16.0 12.60.0372 0.0832 --------0.0461 0.0670 --------0.0462 0.0670 0.849 --------1.23 1.50 --------0.938 0.311 J Segment 5 5.0 0.0 to 4.0 4.0 to 8.0 3.0 0.0 to 4.07.0 4.0 to 8.0 Segment 4 5.0 1.0 09/19/202209/19/2022 09/19/202209/19/202209/19/202209/20/2022 09/20/2022 09/19/202209/20/2022 09/20/2022 09/20/2022 0.0 to 4.0 4.0 to 8.0 09/19/202209/19/2022 7.0 Segment 3 2.0 Page 2 of 2 TABLE 7 SOIL GAS ANALYTICAL RESULTS SAWMILL VILLAGE SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD BURNSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Date Sampled Units 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 7.7 U 8.0 U 7.9 U 11 U 42 U 9.4 U 9.3 U 8.4 U 7.8 U 7.6 U 7.9 U 1.4 U 10 U 7.1 U 15 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 6.1 U 6.4 U 6.3 U 8.6 U 34 U 7.5 U 7.4 U 6.7 U 6.2 U 6.0 U 6.3 U 1.1 U 8.0 U 5.7 U 12 U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 33 U 34 U 34 U 47 U 180 U 41 U 40 U 36 U 34 U 33 U 34 U 7.4 U 54 U 38 U 82 U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.6 J 30 U 3.5 J 3.2 J 6.0 U 5.6 U 2.6 J 5.7 U 3.5 150 100 84 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 8.6 U 9.0 U 8.8 U 12 U 48 U 10 U 10 U 9.4 U 8.7 U 8.5 U 8.9 U 1.5 U 11 U 8.0 U 17 U 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 4.5 U 4.7 U 4.6 U 6.4 U 25 U 5.6 U 5.5 U 5.0 U 4.6 U 4.5 U 4.7 U 0.81 U 5.9 U 4.2 U 9.0 U 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 29 U 6.4 U 6.3 U 5.7 U 5.2 U 5.1 U 5.3 U 0.93 U 6.8 U 4.8 U 10 U 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 1.2 37 27 24 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 3.5 U 14 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 2.7 U 2.5 U 2.4 U 2.6 U 0.58 3.2 U 2.3 U 13 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 9.4 U 37 U 8.3 U 8.2 U 7.4 U 6.8 U 6.6 U 6.9 U 1.2 U 8.8 U 6.2 U 13 U 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 23 U 89 U 20 U 20 U 18 U 16 U 16 U 17 U 0.35 J 5.3 U 3.7 U 8.0 U 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 1,700 1,700 5.5 J 5.3 U 9.9 180 22 180 84 2000 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 9.4 J 5.9 J 4.6 J 23 57 J 7.1 J 6.8 J 13 J 4.4 J 5.3 J 8.9 J 0.65 J 22 U 15 U 2.9 J 2-Propanol 67-63-0 13 5.9 J 16 48 J 7.1 J 6.3 J 12 U 11 U 6.3 J 9.0 J 7.0 J 7.4 J 7.6 J 9.8 J 3-Chloropropene 107-05-1 14 U 14 U 14 U 20 U 78 U 17 U 17 U 15 U 14 U 14 U 14 U 3.1 U 23 U 16 U 35 U 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 1.8 J 4.3 J 30 U 2.0 J 1.9 J 6.0 U 5.6 U 2.0 J 1.6 J 8.0 170 110 86 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 4.1 J 7.8 J 5.6 U 5.6 U 5.0 U 4.6 U 4.5 U 1.1 J 0.82 U 6.0 U 4.3 U 9.1 U Acetone 67-64-1 19 J 33 28 150 520 40 36 36 23 J 24 J 51 12 53 J 10 J 24 J alpha-Chlorotoluene 100-44-7 5.8 U 6.0 U 6.0 U 8.1 U 32 U 7.1 U 7.0 U 6.4 U 5.9 U 5.7 U 6.0 U 1.0 U 7.6 U 5.4 U 11 U Benzene 71-43-2 3.6 3.7 U 3.7 140 18 J 7.0 6.9 1.5 J 3.6 U 9.2 3.3 J 14 74 53 74 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 7.5 U 7.8 U 7.7 U 10 U 42 U 9.2 U 9.1 U 8.2 U 7.6 U 7.4 U 7.7 U 1.3 U 9.8 U 7.0 U 15 U Bromomethane 74-83-9 43 U 45 U 45 U 61 U 240 U 53 U 53 U 48 U 44 U 43 U 45 U 7.8 U 57 U 40 U 9.9 J Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 13 J 14 U 26 48 77 U 18 11 J 19 11 J 180 26 1.9 J 7.2 J 16 U 12 J Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 39 U 8.6 U 8.6 U 7.7 U 7.1 U 7.0 U 7.3 U 0.44 J 9.2 U 6.5 U 14 U Chloroform 67-66-3 5.5 U 0.91 J 5.6 U 7.7 U 30 U 6.7 U 6.6 U 3.7 J 5.5 U 5.4 U 5.6 U 0.56 J 6.8 J 4.9 J 11 U Chloromethane 74-87-3 0.51 J 15 U 11 U 23 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.8 J 5.4 U 4.9 U 4.5 U 4.4 U 4.6 U 0.8 U 5.8 U 4.1 U 8.8 U Cumene 98-82-8 1.4 11 7.4 11 U Cyclohexane 110-82-7 4.4 J 21 U 12 12 4.2 U 3.9 U 4.4 1.2 J 0.25 J 1.6 J 18 U 28 J Ethanol 64-17-5 12 J 22 U 96 120 U 26 U 26 U 23 U 21 U 21 U 22 U 69 8.3 J 9.7 J 16 J Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 2.2 J 9.2 39 2.6 J 2.8 J 5.3 U 4.9 U 3.5 J 2.2 J 22 170 130 67 Freon 11 75-69-4 1.4 J 1.3 J 1.4 J 8.8 U 35 U 7.7 U 7.6 U 6.9 U 6.4 U 1.8 J 6.5 U 1.2 1.9 J 2.7 J 3.2 J Freon 113 76-13-1 0.44 J 11 U 8 U 17 U Freon 12 75-71-8 2.9 J 2.6 J 2.7 J 7.8 U 31 U 6.8 U 6.7 U 1.6 J 2.6 J 3.4 J 1.6 J 2.5 J 2.5 J 2.5 J 55 U Heptane 142-82-5 4.9 4.8 U 3.2 J 35 41 5.6 U 5.6 U 3.2 J 4.6 U 20 2.9 J 8.7 59 21 78 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 48 U 50 U 49 U 67 U 260 U 59 U 58 U 52 U 48 U 47 U 49 U 11 U 78 U 55 U 120 U Hexane 110-54-3 8.8 4.1 U 2.4 J 46 34 12 11 11 4.0 U 36 3.9 J 3.5 9.0 J 2.1 J 36 J m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 5.8 21 41 8.4 7.6 2.7 J 4.9 U 10 5.0 J 94 880 680 320 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 8.1 J 5.3 J 220 U 48 U 47 U 43 U 39 U 38 U 12 J 1.4 U 10 U 7.2 U 15 U Naphthalene 91-20-3 12 U 12 U 12 U 3.1 J 65 U 14 U 14 U 13 U 12 U 12 U 12 U NA NA NA NA o-Xylene 95-47-6 2.1 J 6.1 J 14 J 4.4 J 5.1 J 1.0 J 4.9 U 3.0 J 1.5 J 16 220 160 80 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 25 J 6.8 U 6.7 U 6.0 U 5.6 U 5.4 U 5.7 U 2.3 30 19 16 Styrene 100-42-5 2.1 J 7.4 J 5.8 U 5.8 U 5.2 U 4.8 U 4.7 U 4.9 U 0.86 U 6.3 U 4.4 U 9.4 U Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 1.7 J 7.8 U 11 U 42 U 9.3 U 9.2 U 8.3 U 7.7 U 3.4 J 7.8 U 1.4 U 1.8 J 7 U 15 U Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 4.3 5.2 3.6 U 3.3 U 3.2 U 3.4 U 3 U 22 U 15 U 33 U Toluene 108-88-3 4.4 4.4 U 12 130 20 J 11 12 6.7 1.0 J 34 12 220 1500 1100 620 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 33 U 6.2 J 2.0 J 6.6 U 6.1 U 5.9 U 6.2 U 1.1 U 7.9 5.6 U 12 U Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 16 U 3.5 U 3.5 U 3.1 U 2.9 U 2.8 U 3.0 U 0.51 U 3.8 U 2.6 U 5.7 U Notes: 2. J indicates an estimated concentration above the method detection limit (MDL) and below the reporting limit (RL). 3. U indicates analyte was not detected above the MDL. RLs are presented for compounds not detected above the MDL. 4. * indicates duplicate sample. 5. Analyte detections are identified in bold. 6. Analytes not detected above the MDL are grey and the RL for each analyte is presented. 7. Analyte detections that also exceed the Residential VISL are highlighted in orange. 8. Analyte detections that also exceed the Non-Residential VISL are highlighted in red. 9. Analytes with an RL greater than the respective VISL are italicized. 10. Sample locations VP-2 through VP-5 were sampled by WithersRavenel in December 2021. CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service. EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency. NC: no criteria. NA: not analyzed. µg/m3: micrograms per cubic meter. VP-2 VP-3 VP-4 VP-5 09/21/2022 09/21/2022 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method TO-15 12/07/2021 12/07/2021 12/07/2021 12/07/202109/21/2022 09/21/2022*09/21/2022 VISL: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Residential and Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs), amended July 2022. SG-08 Analyte CAS Number Residential VISL 09/21/202209/21/2022 09/21/2022 09/21/2022 09/21/2022 09/21/2022 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX G Example VIMS O&M Forms Site: Project No.: Field Personnel: Date: Recorded By: Weather: Building Address: Equipment: Monitoring Probe ID Date Time Differential Pressure (Pa) Monitoring Probe ID Date Time Differential Pressure (Pa) Other Observations: EXAMPLE: VIMS - Monitoring Probe Measurements Subslab Monitoring Probe Subslab Monitoring Probe Site: Project No.: Field Personnel: Recorded By:Date: Extraction Pipe ID Date Time Operational On Arrival? (Y/N) Velocity (ft/min) Calculated Flow Rate (scfm) Static Vacuum (Pa/in H2O)Comment Overall Comments: (non-routine maintenance, observations, problems, etc.) EXAMPLE: VIMS - Extraction Riser Measurements Vent Risers