HomeMy WebLinkAbout25075_LakeWheelerAssemblage_BldgA_VIMS_Design_20240104 SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION On behalf of SLI Capital, LLC, Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid-Atlantic) has prepared this Design Submittal for a Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) associated with the redevelopment project Lake Wheeler Assemblage Building A located at 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road in Raleigh, North Carolina (Figure 1). Building A is one of two buildings to be constructed during the first phase of redevelopment (Phase I Redevelopment). The VIMS Plan for Building B will be issued as a separate document. This Design Submittal is organized in general accordance with Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements, NCDEQ Brownfields Program, February 2022 (VIMS Design Submittal Requirements). The site received a Letter of Eligibility from the Brownfields Program (now known as Brownfields Redevelopment Section) dated November 10, 2021, and was assigned Brownfields Project Number 25075-21-92. In accordance with VIMS Design Submittal Requirements, the following project information is provided: Background: Previous environmental assessments conducted at the site indicate that chlorinated solvents are present in soil gas. The maximum concentrations of PCE and TCE detected in soil gas at the site are 110,000 ug/m3 and 8.8 ug/m3, respectively. The concentrations of PCE exceed soil gas-to-indoor air screening levels for residential use adopted by the Brownfields Redevelopment Section. Risk evaluations conducted using the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Assessment Calculator identified unacceptable risk of vapor intrusion at the subject site. The source of the solvents in the soil gas identified at the site is uncertain; however, the site was historically used for truck maintenance and surrounding properties, primarily to the east, have long histories of industrial use. Since the planned redevelopment is for mixed use, which includes residential use and volatile compounds are known present in soil gas at concentrations exceeding screening levels, as well as exceeding acceptable risk targets, vapor intrusion mitigation is warranted. The foundation for most of the new building is podium with ground floor slab-on-grade retail and parking uses within the podium foundation. Portions of the ground floor podium are subterranean. At the southern end of the building, adjacent to the podium foundation, there are residential apartments constructed on a grade beam foundation. Brownfields Project Number: 25075-21-092 Parcels (Phase I Redevelopment, Building A): 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 2 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina Parcel PINs (Phase I Redevelopment, Building A): 1703-34-5367, 1703-34-4290 Address: (Phase I Redevelopment, Building A): 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh, North Carolina Site History (Phase I Redevelopment, Buildings A and B): The Phase I Redevelopment site was historically used for residential purposes from at least 1938 with commercial use starting around the 1940’s and 1950’s. The most recent use of the site was residential along Lake Wheeler Road and commercial truck maintenance in the southeast portion of the parcel. Figure 2 illustrates historical sampling locations. The site is currently vacant, and all structures have been razed. Property Size (Phase I Redevelopment, Building A): 1.80 (Building A); 2.97 acres (Phase I Redevelopment); 6.64 acres (Entire Brownfields Property) Project Contacts: Prospective Developer: SLI Capital, LLC Woodie Williams 2020 Progress Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27608 Phone: 919-630-3550 Email: wmw@slicap.com Consultant: Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. Daniel Nielsen, PE 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, North Carolina, 27610 Phone: 919-250-9918 Email: dnielsen@maaonline.com VIMS Installation Contractor: Clancy & Theys Construction Company Nathan Nelli 421 N. Harrington Street, Suite 200 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Phone: 919-418-1256 Email: nathannelli@clancytheys.com Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 3 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina Brownfields Project Manager: Holly Samaha-Smith, PE Mail Service Center 1646 Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699 Phone: 919-707-8238 Email: Holly.samaha@deq.nc.gov Vapor Mitigation Areas The redevelopment will entail the removal of the existing structures. Building A will be constructed on the northern portion of the Phase I Redevelopment. Vapor intrusion mitigation measures will be implemented in the new building’s ground floor. Proposed Redevelopment The northern portion of Phase I Redevelopment will be a mixed-use building including retail, residential and parking identified as Building A. The majority of the Building A foundation is podium with grade beam foundations at the southern end of the building. The parking structure is seven stories. The parking structure is surrounded by retail, building support and residential spaces on three of its four sides up to the seventh floor. The northeast portion of the building is a residential tower that is 20 stories tall. There are three levels of the building which are in ground contact. Aside from parking, Level L01 ground- contact areas include: the main lobby, leasing offices, mailroom, bike storage, maintenance area, dog wash, trash room, FCC room, domestic water room, fire pump room and transformer area. There are two stairs and four elevators on Level L01. There are no residential spaces on Level L01. The ground-contact portion of Level L02 includes additional parking, portions of two residential apartments, storage and one stair. Ground- contact portions of Level L03 are occupied by 11 residential apartments, one stair and one elevator. There are no ground-contact portions of Building A for Levels L04 thru L20. The portions of Levels 01, 02 and 03 that are in ground contact are illustrated in Figure 3. SECTION 2. DESIGN BASIS For the northern portion of Phase I Redevelopment, Building A will be constructed and used primarily for residential apartments with some retail use. Building A has parking and residential use up to seven stories in portions of the building footprint. There is an additional residential use area that terminates at nine stories. The northeast portion of the building is a 20-story residential tower (see Attachment 1). To accommodate grade changes at the site, there are three steps of ground contact in the foundation design. Portions of these three levels (Level L01, L02 and L03) are used for parking, building support facilities, lobby/leasing areas, retail and residential. Attached Table 1 summarizes the proposed uses and Figure 3 illustrates the locations of the various use areas on the ground floor of the proposed building. Structural details (foundation footers, slabs, etc.) are Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 4 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina included in Exhibit 1. The use of each section is categorized as parking, transient occupancy, commercial or residential occupancy. The parking deck for this project is seven stories and open on the southeast side where an entrance to the garage is located. The other three sides of levels L01 and L02 of the parking garage are enclosed. Parking decks open to ambient air on two or more sides are typically considered outdoor space and do not warrant vapor intrusion mitigation systems. However, since the parking at this proposed redevelopment is enclosed and soil gas assessment conducted at the site has identified unacceptable risk associated with soil gas contaminants, the basement parking at this site is not considered an outdoor space. Transiently occupied spaces are spaces that tend to be occupied for brief periods of time and/or on an infrequent basis. Unlike commercial spaces, transient spaces are spaces unlikely to be occupied by the same person 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. These spaces are enclosed, but often not conditioned (some communication and electrical equipment may need to be protected from weather extremes). Due to the enclosed nature of these spaces, vapor intrusion mitigation may be warranted. However, the low occupancy time (usually less than 1 hour/day) associated with these spaces suggests that passive mitigation measures are sufficient. Table 1 includes a summary of the transiently occupied ground floor spaces identified at the proposed building. Commercial and residential spaces are those that are likely to be occupied for extended periods of time by the same individual. Therefore, for these spaces, active VIMS is warranted. The spaces in the building that fit this category have been summarized in Table 1 as well. For transiently occupied spaces (parking, trash rooms, transformer room, storage rooms, FCC room, elevators, and stairs), vapor intrusion mitigation will be accomplished using a chemical resistant barrier, VaporBlock Plus 20, to interrupt contaminant migration pathways into the building envelope. VaporBlock Plus 20 is designed specifically for vapor intrusion mitigation and the manufacturer states that it is effective at retarding the migration of PCE and TCE which are present at the site. The locations of the VaporBlock Plus 20 placement are illustrated in Figure 3. These locations as well as site-specific construction details associated with the VaporBlock 20 Plus are included in the design (Exhibit 1). The barrier will be installed in place of a typical moisture barrier in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (Exhibit 2). In these transiently occupied spaces, the base course (typically stone) is overlain with taped-seam VaporBlock Plus 20. The seams are to overlap a minimum of 12 inches and penetrations (pipes, conduits, etc.) and columns are sealed in accordance with manufacturer recommendation using manufacturer-approved materials. The concrete floor will be poured over these layers. The VaporBlock Plus 20 will be placed on walls that are in contact with soil and along elevator pit side walls that are in contact with soil (if these walls connect to an occupied enclosed space). The contractor may elect to use AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL membrane barrier, comprised of both a waterproofing membrane and VOC barrier, on walls in lieu of VaporBlock Plus 20 combined with a conventional waterproofing product. The AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL membrane barrier is Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 5 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina designed as a chemical vapor barrier combined with a waterproofing membrane and is effective at retarding migration of site-specific contaminants, including PCE and TCE. Product information for the AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL membrane barrier is included in Exhibit 2. Trench dams intended to retard the lateral migration of vapors in utilities are not necessary for this mitigation system. Major electrical utilities originate within the building footprint in the transformer vault and terminate in the nearby transiently occupied electrical room to the north, also located within the building footprint (i.e., they do not create preferential pathways connecting areas outside the building footprint). As an additional measure, utility banks located in the electrical room will be sealed using epoxy in conjunction with the vapor barrier. Minor electric and water lines are sealed at their penetrations thru the foundation. In addition, the proposed membrane barrier and depressurization system is sufficient to prevent intrusion of vapor migration associated with minor utilities. In the commercial and residential spaces (residential apartments, a lobby/leasing area, maintenance office and retail areas; due to construction considerations, the bike storage, dog wash, and stair 1 are also included) where longer occupancy durations can be expected, the VaporBlock Plus 20-based vapor intrusion mitigation will be augmented with sub-slab soil gas depressurization (see Exhibit 1 for details). For these areas, a 6” layer (minimum) of washed #57 stone that is overlain with the taped-seam polyethylene vapor barrier (VaporBlock Plus 20) will be placed to create a soil gas plenum. The concrete floor will be poured over these layers. Sub-slab depressurization will be accomplished using vapor pits or perforated polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Each vapor pit is exposed to the sub-slab plenum and fit with a solid PVC pipe. When perforated PVC pipes are used, these pipes are placed laterally in the gravel layer and are connected to a solid PVC pipe. The solid PVC pipe (running either from the vapor pit or the perforated pipe laterals) is routed horizontally under the slab to a convenient location where it turns vertical (riser) through the building to the roof or to another suitable outdoor location. A fan is placed on the pipe above roof level (outside the building envelope) or another suitable outdoor location. The operation of the fan (Exhibit 2) moves air from the sub-slab soil gas plenum and discharges it to the atmosphere above the roof or other suitable outdoor location. This movement of air creates a zone of low-pressure under the concrete floor of the building (sub-slab depressurization). The low-pressure zone interrupts the pathway of VOCs emanating from beneath the plenum and prevents them from entering the building envelope. The design of the depressurization system is based on the 2018 ANSI document Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings (CC-1000 2018). Evaluation of the building design indicated that nine soil gas plenums are required to address the areas targeted for active mitigation (sub-slab depressurization). The plenum locations are illustrated in Figure 3 and the characteristics of the plenums are summarized in Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 6 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina Table 2. All solid piping will be 4 or 6-inch diameter. In accordance with CC-1000 2018, the discharge points will be a minimum of 18 inches above the roof deck or 10 (4-inch pipe) or 12 (6-inch pipe) feet above grade. The trajectory of the exhaust at a 45-degree radius from the centerline of the discharge point and within 10 or 12 feet of the discharge point cannot impinge on operable openings in buildings, building materials, or breathing space. The trajectory of the exhaust at an 11-degree radius from the centerline of the discharge point and within 20 or 25 feet of the discharge point cannot impinge on operable openings in buildings, attic ventilation openings, building materials, or breathing space. The discharge point can be no more than 45 degrees from a vertical orientation. The piping will also be labeled on each floor of the building and no greater than 10-foot intervals as shown in Exhibit 1. The target pressure differential between the sub slab and the adjacent indoor space is 4 Pascals or greater. The vacuum at the riser pipe near the fan will be monitored by a vacuum transducer (Exhibit 2). In the event insufficient vacuum is identified by the transducer, a signal will be sent to a monitoring panel located in the Level L01 Maintenance Room. Normal operation will be annunciated by a green light and the fault condition (low vacuum) will be annunciated by a red light and audible alarm (Exhibit 2). An alternative wireless web-based monitoring system (Sensaphone WSG30; Exhibit 2) may be implemented in lieu of the hard-wired analog system described above. In the wireless system, each pressure switch is wired to a transmitter. A single 30-channel receiver is located in the Level L01 Maintenance Room. This receiver is connected to the internet. The control panel (dashboard) is accessed by a computer via the internet. The system is capable of sending phone messages, texts and/or emails to VIMS system operators in the event of a fault condition. The influence of the active VIMS beneath the slab will be evaluated by monitoring the pressure differential at the following sub-slab monitoring points:  One monitoring point in the maintenance office (Level L01)  One monitoring point in bike storage/dog wash area (Level L01)  One monitoring point in the mail room/offices (Level L01)  Two monitoring points in the leasing office/lobby area/stair 1/elevators 2, 3, and 4 (Level L01)  Two monitoring points in the retail area (Level L01)  One monitoring point in hall adjacent to 1.5 apartments (Level L02)  Three monitoring points in janitorial and electrical closets near/in 11 apartments (Level L03) An additional monitoring point will be installed at three locations that are not within sub- Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 7 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina slab depressurization zones, which include stair 2/elevator 4, stair 3, and stair 4/elevator 5. The 14 sub-slab monitoring points are summarized in Table 3, the locations are illustrated in Figure 3 and construction details are included in Exhibit 1. The active VIMS will cover 22,500 ft2 and be monitored by 11 points for an average monitoring point density of 2,000 ft2 per monitoring point. The non-parking barrier-only VIMS covers approximately 7,200 ft2 and is monitored by three points for a monitoring density of approximately 2,400 ft2 per point. No monitoring points are planned in the parking areas. SECTION 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL To satisfy Brownfields Redevelopment Section QA/QC requirements, it is imperative that the VIMS system components be inspected by the North Carolina Professional Engineer or his/her representative before the components are covered by building materials. For the areas where depressurization systems will be constructed, inspections will be conducted of the gravel layer, the vapor collection pit, and the sub-slab piping (perforated or solid) prior to placement of the VaporBlock 20 Plus vapor barrier. For all areas with vapor mitigation infrastructure, inspections will also be conducted after placement of the VaporBlock 20 Plus prior to pouring the concrete floor. Since multiple penetration utility banks are common leak locations, each penetration bank must be inspected and a dedicated inspection entry log developed. Inspections will be conducted under the supervision of a qualified North Carolina Professional Engineer, will be documented in writing, and will include photographic documentation. Modifications to the design required during construction will be approved by the North Carolina Professional Engineer and documented. The Brownfields Redevelopment Section will be notified no less than two business days prior to the planned inspections. Smoke testing will be used to evaluate the integrity of the vapor barrier. SECTION 4. POST-CONSTRUCTION/PRE-OCCUPATION SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS TESTING The sub-slab monitoring points included in the VIMS Design (Figure 3, Exhibit 1) will be installed prior to placement of poured concrete floors. The Vapor Pin insert for each monitoring point will be embedded in the concrete slab. Following installation of a Vapor Pin into the insert, a protective cover will be placed on the barb of the Vapor Pin and the monitoring point will be capped with a stainless-steel cover (Exhibit 1). Sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from the 11 monitoring points located in sub-slab depressurization areas. The samples will be collected after the depressurization has been deactivated for a minimum of 48 hours. Sub-slab soil gas samples will also be collected from the three monitoring points located in non-depressurized areas. Each soil gas sample Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 8 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina (total of 14) and one duplicate sample will be tested using the EPA Compendium Method TO-15. The Brownfields Redevelopment Section will be notified no less than two business days prior to the planned sampling. Each sub slab soil gas sample will be collected using dedicated ¼-inch diameter Teflon® lined tubing for the sample train construction. Prior to sampling, the soil vapor points will be purged using a syringe to evacuate a minimum of three volumes of air from the full sampling train at a maximum flow rate of 200 milliliters per minute (mL/min). A laboratory- supplied 1-liter batch-certified Summa canister with a calibrated flow regulator will be connected to the tubing at each sampling point using a ferrule to form an air-tight seal. Leak checks will be performed by placing a shroud over the sampling location and entire sampling train (tubing, 3-way valve, regulator, and Summa canister) and saturating the air within the shroud with helium gas. A helium gas detector will be used to determine the concentration of helium in the shroud. Helium concentrations of 200,000 to 300,000 parts per million will be maintained within the shroud. The sampling point will then be purged into a Tedlar® bag, with the collected vapor analyzed by the helium gas detector to confirm that the Tedlar® bag did not contain a helium concentration greater than 10% of that detected in the shroud. If this condition is not met, tubing connections will be checked and, if necessary, a new sampling train will be constructed. The process will be repeated until a successful leak check is achieved. Following purging and a successful leak check, the canister’s intake valve will be opened to collect the sub-slab vapor sample. The duration of sampling will be approximately five minutes per sample based on the volume of the sample container at a flow rate of 200 ml/min (if sample container size changes, the flow rate may be adjusted as necessary to not exceed a sample collection rate of 200 ml/min). The sampler will record the serial numbers of the flow controller and Summa canisters, documenting the beginning and ending vacuum pressures and duration of the sampling event on the canister tag and in field notes. If the vacuum pressure of a canister prior to sampling is more than 10% lower than the vacuum documented at the laboratory prior to shipment, the canister will not be used for sampling. The flow choke will then be opened and the sample will be collected at the proposed sample rate. Sampling will cease after the planned five-minute sampling period or when the flow choke reaches 5 inches of mercury vacuum. One duplicate soil gas sample will be collected. Once the primary sample is collected, the duplicate Summa canister and regulator will be attached to the same port and leak tested. If the seal around the sampling port and sample train fittings are considered acceptable, the duplicate sample will be collected as described above. The fourteen soil gas samples plus one duplicate sample will be delivered under chain-of-custody control to an AIHA-LAP, LLC- certified laboratory for analysis by EPA Compendium Method TO-15. The laboratory will be instructed to provide reporting limits below the NCDEQ Residential Soil Gas Screening Levels. Estimated concentrations will be reported as “J” flags. Laboratory Level II QA/QC will be provided. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 9 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina During the Data Gap Assessment (report dated September 19, 2022) for the subject site, 13 soil gas samples were collected. Using the highest detected concentration of all detected VOCs sitewide in soil gas, a Hazard Index (HI) of 81 was determined for soil gas- to-indoor air under the residential scenario using the DEQ Cumulative Risk Calculator. The presence of PCE in one sample at a concentration of 110,000 ug/m3 was the principal reason for the elevated HI. Of the 13 samples collected, TCE was detected in seven samples at a maximum concentration of 8.8 ug/m3, which is below the soil gas to indoor air screening level of 14 ug/m3. The Brownfields Redevelopment Section is using the draft Division of Waste Management Minimum Mitigation and Sampling Requirements for Reuse (February 2023) Matrix (Matrix) to determine pre- and post-occupancy sampling requirements. The Matrix indicates that for HI >1.0 with TCE detected, residential use and active mitigation, pre-occupancy indoor air and sub-slab vapor sampling is required. A total of 14 indoor air samples will be collected. All indoor air samples will be co-located with sub-slab monitoring points described above. The indoor air samples will be paired with the 11 sub-slab soil gas samples collected in the depressurization area (MP-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13 and 14 Figure 3). These samples will be collected before the sub-slab samples have been collected while the depressurization system is active. Indoor air samples (paired with sub-slab samples MP-8, 10, and 11) will also be collected at stairs 1 thru 4, as well as elevators 1 thru 5 (Figure 3). Combined, these 14 indoor air samples provide coverage over the entire occupied building ground contact footprint in addition to targeting stairs, elevators, and depressurization areas. During this indoor air sampling event, a duplicate and ambient air sample will also be collected. For the duplicate indoor air sample, the primary and duplicate sample canisters will be placed side-by-side with their inlets within three feet of each other and the samples will be collected simultaneously. Each indoor air sample will be collected from approximately 3-5 feet above the floor. One ambient outdoor air sample will also be collected at an upwind location. The eight-hour air samples will be collected using individually certified, 6-liter, stainless steel Summa canisters at a maximum pre-determined flow rate of 8-10 ml/min by using the laboratory- provided flow regulator. The initial vacuum displayed on the laboratory-provided vacuum gauge on the Summa/flow regulator will be recorded. The laboratory-provided Summa canister will be filled such that the final vacuum in the canister is at least 5 inches of mercury and the final reading will be recorded on the chain of custody. The air samples will be collected in accordance with the Vapor Intrusion Guidance document (March 2018). The 14 indoor air samples plus one duplicate and one ambient outdoor air sample will be delivered under chain-of-custody control to an AIHA-LAP, LLC-certified laboratory for analysis by EPA Compendium Method TO-15. In addition to soil gas and indoor air assessment, the influence of the sub-slab depressurization system located in Levels L01, L02 and L03 will be documented by measuring the pressure differential between the vapor monitoring points located in the soil Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 10 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina gas plenum and the ambient air above each soil gas plenum. Pressure differentials less than 4 Pascals may trigger system adjustment to achieve this pressure differential goal. The results of the sub-slab soil gas testing, indoor air testing and pressure differential readings will be provided to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section prior to occupancy of the building. In situations that are time critical, Brownfields Redevelopment Section may be able to review laboratory data to determine if occupancy is appropriate prior to the completion of a formal report. The buildings cannot be occupied until the Brownfields Redevelopment Section has provided written approval. The building design may implement ‘pour back’ areas in retail spaces (depending on the timing of retail space occupancy). If pour back areas are necessary, they will be managed in accordance with Section 6.0. Prior to building occupancy, the spaces with pour back areas will be locked to prevent building residents from entering these spaces. The integrity of the temporary barrier will be evaluated monthly as described in Section 6.0. If chronic breaches of the temporary barrier occur due to construction activities, a protective layer of stone or other materials will be placed on the temporary barrier. Potential future repairs or modification affecting the VIMS will be addressed in accordance with Section 6. SECTION 5. POST-OCCUPANCY TESTING Sub-slab soil gas sampling and indoor air sampling will continue on a semi-annual basis until written approval from the Brownfields Redevelopment Section to cease or modify the sampling is issued. Semi-annual sampling, which may include the pre-occupancy sampling, will be required for no less than two years before adjustments to the sampling can be considered. Sub-slab soil gas and indoor air post-occupancy samples will be analyzed for EPA Method TO-15 (full list). Post-occupancy sampling requirements can be adjusted, with BRS approval, independently at different locations within the site. Post-occupancy pressure differential measurements will be collected at each vapor monitoring point where sub-slab depressurization is deployed (11 locations). These data will be collected monthly and reported quarterly for one year. Measurements collected after the first year of system operation will be reported with the annual Land Use Restriction Update. If these data indicate consistent satisfactory depressurization, a request to the BRS will be made to reduce or terminate monitoring. Changes to the monitoring schedule require BRS approval prior to being implemented. Note that if evaluation of pre-occupancy indoor air and sub-slab soil gas testing using the DWM Cumulative Risk Calculator shows no unacceptable risk, the operation of the depressurization VIMS may not be necessary. The PD may elect to terminate the system operation; however, written approval from DEQ is required prior to making operational changes. To determine if operation is necessary, indoor air sampling will be conducted at Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 11 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina the 11 locations (near MP-1 through 7, MP-9, MP-12 through 14) quarterly for one year after depressurization VIMS operation is terminated. This scope is subject to change and will require DEQ approval prior to performance. These data will be used, in consultation with the BRS, to determine if a) operation of the depressurization system is necessary, b) continued monitoring with the depressurization system while idle is warranted, or c) operation of the depressurization system is unnecessary. SECTION 6. FUTURE TENANTS & BUILDING USES Tenants of the building will be notified that the property is a Brownfields Property in accordance with the Brownfields Agreement. Tenants will also be made aware of the presence of the VIMS to prevent future tampering or damage to the system. There are ground floor residential and commercial tenant spaces in the building. All future upgrades or repair activities will be conducted by or under the direction of the Building Maintenance Department. Personnel in the Building Maintenance Department who operate the VIMS will review the proposed construction plans to identify potential conflicts with the VIMS. If conflicts are identified, alternative plans will be considered. If disruptions to the VIMS cannot be avoided, repairs/modifications to the VIMS will be inspected under the supervision of a qualified North Carolina Professional Engineer in accordance with Section 3. “Pour back” areas may be required in the retail portions of building. These areas will initially be constructed with ribbon slab around the perimeter of the space. The membrane barrier will be located under the ribbon slab and extend one foot out from the ribbon slab to facilitate sealing the remainder of the barrier when it is installed at a later date. The washed stone layer will be placed throughout the retail space and will be covered with a temporary 10 mil plastic sheet in the slab-void area. The solid horizontal pipe(s) will be stubbed into the space terminating just beyond the ribbon slab. The vapor pit in these areas will not be constructed until utility runs for the future tenant are designed. The BRS will be notified at least two business days in advance of tenant upfit activities. The store front in these spaces may not be installed until the future tenants have determined how they will be configured. Therefore, these spaces will essentially be open to the outdoors for the majority of construction. When the spaces are enclosed, supplemental ventilation in the form of high-capacity fans will be utilized to introduce fresh air into the space. If occupancy of the building is planned prior to completion/operation of the VIMS in these retail spaces, an initial indoor air sample will be collected (with supplemental ventilation operational) at the same time as the other pre-occupancy samples required in the other portions of the building to determine if occupancy is appropriate and confirmed by written approval from the Brownfields Redevelopment Section. If any Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 12 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina portion of the building is subsequently occupied while the slab remains left out, the supplemental ventilation will operate continuously, and one indoor air sample will be collected monthly from the retail space(s) until the VIMS is fully operational and demonstrated effective in the space. Depending on results of the initial sample, the need for additional sampling in other occupied spaces will be evaluated. During these monthly sampling events, the integrity of the temporary barrier will be inspected and necessary repairs made. Access to the pour-back area will also be restricted. Inspections of the VIMS components in the retail space during tenant upfits will occur throughout the installation process as described in Section 3 to ensure the system is constructed according to this design. Per the NCDEQ VIMS Design Submittal Requirements document (February 2023), communication testing in the pour back area “will be required after completion of each of the following events: 1) preventative measures implemented when the barrier is removed; 2) once the pour back area VI barrier has been installed; 3) following completion of tenant up-fit activities; 4) prior to pouring the concrete floor slab; and 5) following repair of any damage to the VI Barrier.” Following completion of VIMS construction in the retail space (and assuming another portion of the building has been occupied), post-occupancy testing (i.e., indoor air and sub-slab soil gas) will then be conducted within the space from the two newly installed monitoring points (MP-6/IA-6 and MP-7/IA-7) as described in Section 5 and the results provided to the BRS. The interim indoor air quality monitoring and VIMS construction activities will be conducted under the direction of a North Carolina Professional Engineer. The activities associated with monitoring and VIMS operation in the retail space will be documented in a letter that includes photographs of the barrier prior to the pour. If significant modifications of VIMS components or monitoring points is required during construction or during subsequent occupancy, a VIMS Modification Proposal, which will include the reason for the proposed changes and illustrations of the proposed changes, will be submitted to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section for approval prior to implementing. SECTION 7. REPORTING Within 60 days following completion of the initial post-construction testing (Sections 4 and 5), a final submittal document will be developed and sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer that includes:  Summary of installation, QA/QC measures and post-construction/pre-occupancy system effectiveness testing results;  A summary of significant deviations from the approved plan and their potential to impact public health; Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 13 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina  A statement from the North Carolina Professional Engineer providing an opinion of whether the VIMS was delivered in a condition consistent with the VIMS design and objectives;  As-built drawings (signed by North Carolina Professional Engineer);  All inspection logs including photographs and field notes;  An index of, and Safety Data Sheets for, materials used during construction that could contribute to background indoor air contamination; and  The following statement sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer: “The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building from known Brownfields Property contaminants in a manner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The sealing professional engineer below is satisfied that the design and its installation are fully protective of public health from known Brownfields Property contaminants.” Reminder: The building cannot be occupied until the Brownfields Redevelopment Section has provided written approval. SECTION 8. DESIGN SUBMITTAL EXHIBITS In accordance with the VIMS Design Submittal Requirements, the following figures and exhibits are attached: Figure 1 General Site Location Map (with scale and north arrow) Figure 2 Site Map (with scale, north arrow, historic sample locations, historic structures, and proposed building location) Figure 3 VIMS Schematic Table 1 Ground Contact Space Summary Table 2 Sub-Slab Depressurization Plenums Table 3 Sub-Slab Monitoring Points Exhibit 1 VIMS Plans and Specifications Exhibit 2 Material/Equipment Information Exhibit 3 Safety Data Sheets Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal January 4, 2024 Lake Wheeler Assemblage – Building A Page 14 1000 Hammell Drive and 0 Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh, North Carolina Exhibit 4 Historical Data Tables Exhibit 5 Completed Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements Checklist Attachment 1 Levels L01 thru L20 Plans SECTION 9. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR RETROFITS The proposed redevelopment does not require retrofits. REFERENCES The following references were used in the development of this VIMS Design package: Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings (CC-1000 2018), ANSI/AARST, 2018. Technical Resources for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation, ITRC, December 2020. Vapor Intrusion Guidance, North Carolina Division of Waste Management (Version 2), March 2018. Minimum Mitigation and Sampling Requirements for Reuse (Draft), North Carolina Division of Waste Management, February 2023. FIGURES ´ GENERAL LOCATION MAPLAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE HAMMELL DRIVE, LAKE WHEELER ROAD, AND SOUTH SAUNDERS STREET RALEIGH, WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY:DATE: ENG. CHECK: JOB NO: APPROVAL: DRAFTCHECK:GIS NO: DWG NO: REFERENCES: SCALE: NOVEMBER 2020 000R3633.00 3G-R3633.00-11 1. RALEIGH WEST , NC DIGITAL RASTER GRAPHICS, USGS. SCANNED FROM 1:24,000 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, PUBLISHED 2013, USGS.2. INSERT MAP DIGITAL DATA FROM 2002 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ATLAS, BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS, WASHINGTON D.C.3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY DATA FROM NC ONEMAP. CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET 0 1,000 2,000Feet PHASE IREDEVELOPMENT 1:12,000 KRC WAKE§¨¦I440 §¨¦I4 0 §¨¦U64 §¨¦U70 §¨¦I40 DHN DHNDHN AREA SHOWN WITHINWAKE COUNTY #*#*#*#*#*#* #* ^_ #* #* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #*#* #* $+ $+ CommercialBuilding Service Vaca n t Proposed Building A 10 Ham m e l l D r S S a u n d e r s S t Fulle r S t Curfma n S t S S a u n d e r s S t S S a u n d e r s S t Palmer D r Lake W h e e l e r R d 11 14 12 15 13 9 NCCGIA, NC911 Board ´ DRAWN BY:KRC Legend $+Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sample Location (2022) #*Exterior Soil Gas Sample Location (2022) ^_Soil, Groundwater, and Exterior Soil Gas Sample (2022) #*Hand Auger Sample Location (2022) Proposed Building Footprint Map ID Subject Property Property Boundaries 1 Map ID Parcel Address Owner 9 1201 Lake Wheeler Road Caba Properties II, LLC 10 1205 Lake Wheeler Road Dix Park East, LLC 11 1209 Lake Wheeler Road Dix Park East, LLC 12 1213 Lake Wheeler Road Dix Park East, LLC 13 1215 Lake Wheeler Road Dix Park East, LLC 14 1217 Lake Wheeler Road Dix Park East, LLC 15 1008 Hammell Drive Dorothea Dix Development, LLC DHN DHN NOTE: ONLY PARCELS ASSOCIATED WITH PHASE I REDEVELOPMENT ARE LISTED. FORMER BUILDINGS AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY HAVE BEEN DEMOLISHED. ELECTRICAL GENERATOR G106 FIRE PUMP ROOM G107 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY G105 TRASH ROOM C101 ELEV. LOBBY C102 VESTIBULE ST2 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 ELEV. 4 W1a UL #U419 W1a UL #U419 0051 VESTIBULE 0049 MAILROOM 0044 OFFICE 0043 LEASING 0040 VESTIBULE 0041 LOBBY ELEV 2 ELEV 2 ELEV 1 ELEV 1 C104 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 3 ELEV. 3 ST1 STAIR 10048 UNISE RESTROOM A0052 MECH 0047 CONF. ROOM 0045 OFFICE 0046 HALLWAY R002 RETAIL TRASH 0042 FCC A0057 MAINTENANCE 0056 WORK ROOM 0053 HALLWAY 0055 BIKE STORAGE 0054 PET WASH 0059 MAINT. BATHROOM 0058 AN TRANSFORMERSTORAGETRASH DN GARAGE SOUTH ENTRANCE REFER TO GARAGE PLANS BELOW GRADE ST3 STAIR 3 C200 B4BP U215 B4BP U216 7R C105 ST302 PE D E S T R I A N P A T H W A Y 4" BOLLARDS PROVIDE CONTINUOUS WATERPROOFING AND DRAINAGE COMPOSITE BOARD FOR ALL RETAINING WALL CONDITIONS PROVIDE GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR HEIGHT OF WALL WITH FOUNDATION DRAIN TIED TO STORM SEWER. REF: PLUMBING DRAWINGS, TYP. 1.7 7 % C205C204 C204 STOR. C205 MECH. C105 EGRESS PASSAGEWAY STORAGE C315 TRASH C313 VESTIBULE ELEV 5 ELEV 5 ST4 STAIR 4 C312 C C311 MECH. ELEC. N N N JI E TABLES Approximate Area (ft2)Space Type Residential Above?VIMS Type Level L01 Maintenance office 1,400 Commercial Yes Active Bike storage, dog wash 1,500 Commercial Yes Active Mail room, office space 2,000 Commercial Yes Active Leasing offices, lobby, stair 1 2,800 Commercial Yes Active Retail 4,200 Commercial Yes Active Elevators 1, 2 and 3, FCC 600 Transient Yes Passive Elevator 4, stair 2, trash, fire, water 2,800 Transient Yes Passive Electrical, generator 1,500 Transient No Passive Parking* 15,200 Transient No Passive Transformer, trash, storage area 3,000 Transient No Passive Level L02 Apartments (1.5) 1,500 Residential Yes Active Stair 3, storage room 900 Transient Yes Passive Parking* 9,600 Transient No Passive Level L03 Apartments (11) 7,500 Residential Yes Active Elevator 5, stair 4, trash, corridor 1,400 Transient Yes Passive *Due to the enclosed construction of the parking deck, this space is considered transiently occupied. Location TABLE 1 GROUND CONTACT SPACE SUMMARY LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE - BUILDING A 1000 HAMMELL DRIVE AND 0 LAKE WHEELER ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 25075-21-92 MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000R3633.00 Plenum ID Plenum Area (ft2)* Perforated Pipe Run (ft) Vapor Collect Pit(s) Monitoring Points Riser Pipe Diameter (in) Equivalent Pipe Run (ft)** Rn 4EC-4 Fan(s) Level L01 Maintenance office P-1 1,400 N/A 1 1 4 100 1 Bike storage, dog wash P-2 1,500 N/A 1 1 4 100 1 Mail room, offices P-3 2,000 N/A 1 1 4 150 1 Leasing office, lobby, stair 1 P-4 2,800 N/A 2 2 4/4 160/100 2 Retail P-5 4,200 N/A 2 2 4/4 150/160 2 Level L02 Apartments (1.5) P-6 1,500 N/A 1 1 4 90 1 Level L03 Apartments (3) P-7 2,400 180 N/A 1 4 80 1 Apartments (5) P-8 3,100 200 N/A 1 4 80 1 Apartments (3) P-9 2,000 110 N/A 1 4 70 1 *Maximum ANSI CC-1000 2018 recommended plenum areas with inspected plenums and 4 or 6 inch duct is 6,200 or 14,000 ft2 **Maximum ANSI CC-1000 2018 recommended pipe run for 4 or 6 inch duct is 150 or 440 equivalent feet MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000R3633.00 Location TABLE 2 SUB-SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION PLENUMS LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE - BUILDING A 1000 HAMMELL DRIVE AND 0 LAKE WHEELER ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 25075-21-92 Monitoring Point ID Depressurization Area? Level L01 Maintenance office MP-1 Yes Bike stoarage, dog wash MP-2 Yes Mail room, offices MP-3 Yes Elevator 3, stair 1 MP-4 Yes Offices, lobby, elevators 1 & 2 MP-5 Yes Retail MP-6, MP-7 Yes Elevator 4, stair 2, trash, fire, water MP-8 No Level L02 Apartments (1.5) MP-9 Yes Stair 3 MP-10 No Apartments (11) MP-11, MP-12, MP-13 Yes Elevator 5, stair 4 MP-14 No Level L03 BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 25075-21-92 MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000R3633.00 Location TABLE 3 SUB-SLAB MONITORING POINTS LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE - BUILDING A 1000 HAMMELL DRIVE AND 0 LAKE WHEELER ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA EXHIBIT 1 VIMS DESIGN JI E VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) MACK REAL ESTATE GROUP AND SLI CAPITAL LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE BUILDING A 1000 HAMMELL DRIVE AND 0 LAKE WHEELER ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA JI E ELECTRICAL GENERATOR G106 FIRE PUMP ROOM G107 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY G105 TRASH ROOM C101 ELEV. LOBBY C102 VESTIBULE ST2 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 ELEV. 4 W1aUL #U419 W1a UL #U419 0051 VESTIBULE 0049 MAILROOM 0044 OFFICE 0043 LEASING 0040 VESTIBULE 0041 LOBBY ELEV 2 ELEV 2 ELEV 1 ELEV 1 C104 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 3 ELEV. 3 ST1 STAIR 10048 UNISE RESTROOM A0052 MECH 0047 CONF. ROOM 0045 OFFICE 0046 HALLWAY R002 RETAIL TRASH 0042 FCC A0057 MAINTENANCE 0056 WORK ROOM 0053 HALLWAY 0055 BIKE STORAGE 0054 PET WASH 0059 MAINT. BATHROOM 0058 AN TRANSFORMERSTORAGETRASH C315 TRASH C313 VESTIBULE ELEV 5 ELEV 5 ST4 STAIR 4 C312 C C311 MECH. ELEC. DN GARAGE SOUTH ENTRANCE REFER TO GARAGE PLANS BELOW GRADE ST3 STAIR 3 C200 B4BP U215 B4BP U216 7R C105 ST302 PE D E S T R I A N P A T H W A Y 4" BOLLARDS PROVIDE CONTINUOUS WATERPROOFING AND DRAINAGE COMPOSITE BOARD FOR ALL RETAINING WALL CONDITIONS PROVIDE GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR HEIGHT OF WALL WITH FOUNDATION DRAIN TIED TO STORM SEWER. REF: PLUMBING DRAWINGS, TYP. 1.7 7 % C205C204 C204 STOR. C205 MECH. C105 EGRESS PASSAGEWAY STORAGE JI E N N NN DN DN T/SLAB= 309'-0" T/SLAB= 307'-0" T/SLAB= 310'-5" T/SLAB= 310'-0" DNDN T/SLAB= 308'-0" T/SLAB= 314'-0" T/SLAB= 310'-0" T/SLAB= 316'-6"T/SLAB= 314'-0" T/ F N D = 3 0 8 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 0 6 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 1 0 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 0 8 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 1 2 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 1 0 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 1 4 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 1 2 ' - 6 " T/ F N D = 3 1 6 ' - 0 " T/ F N D = 3 1 4 ' - 6 " T/FDN= 306'-6" T/SLAB= 316'-0" T/ F N D = 3 1 5 ' - 9 " T/ F N D = 3 1 6 ' - 9 " T/ F N D = 3 1 3 ' - 9 " T/ F N D = 3 1 5 ' - 9 " T/ F N D = 3 1 2 ' - 9 " T/ F N D = 3 1 3 ' - 9 " T/ F N D = 3 1 2 ' - 9 " T/ F N D = 3 1 1 ' - 9 " 312'-6" T/FTG LAN JI E T/SLAB= 339'-0" T/SLAB= 327'-0" T/SLAB= 323'-0" T/SLAB= 319'-6" T/SLAB= 316'-6"T/SLAB= 314'-0" T/FDN= 317'-0" T/FDN= 312'-6" T/SLAB= 319'-6" T/SLAB= 319'-6" JI E LAN LAN 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " S L O P E 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " S L O P E 1/4" / 1'-0" SLOPE 1/4" / 1'-0" SLOPE CONDENSERS ON SLEEPERS. SEE M-SERIES 12 3 4 6 5 FRTW SHEATHNG @ 4'-0" WIDTH ADJACENT TO FIREWALL FRTW SHEATHNG @ 4'-0" WIDTH ADJACENT TO FIREWALL STAIR 4 STAIR 3 ELEV. 5 RAISED ROOF AT ELEV. ROOF ACCESS. SEE 8/A9.66 ROOF ACCESS. SEE 7/A9.66 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " S L O P E 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " S L O P E RD SD RD SD FRESH AIR INTAKE 42" GUARDRAIL @ ROOF ACCESS DOOR. GUARDRAIL TO EXTEND TO 10'-0" FROM BUILDING EDGE ELEVATOR OVERRUN ELEVATOR OVERRUN ELEV. CTRL ROOF ACCESS DOOR. SEE 8/A9.66 JI E KEY PLAN INDICATES CONDENSER LOCATION SEE MECH. DWGS. FOR MORE INFO. X XXXX X XXX #4 @18" O.C. (2) #5 CONT. SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN VAPOR BARRIER, TYP. NATURAL SLOPE (3) #5 CONT. #4@12" 2'-0" 2'-0" FO R M I N . T E N S I O N L A P SE E F T G S C H E D U L E STD. HOOK CONC. COLUMN SEE COLUMN SCHED. SLAB ON GRADE DOWELS - SAME SIZE AND NUMBER AS COLUMN VERTICALS SEE PLAN FOR FTG MARK AND TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATION LE N G T H S E E S C H E D . ISOLATION JOINT - SEE DETAIL 20/S3.02 FOOTING SIZE & REINF SEE FTG SCHEDULE TH I C K N E S S (3) TIES HOOKS BARS WHERE REQ'D BY FTG SCHEDULE SEE PLAN T/SLAB NOTES: 1.G.C. TO VERIFY REQUIRED LOCATION(S) AND QUANTITY OF SUMP PITS AND ELEVATOR SILL ANGLES. COORDINATE WITH ELEVATOR MANUFACTURER'S APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS, TYP. 2.SEE ARCH. FOR SUMP PIT WHERE REQUIRED AND REQUIRED SLOPE OF SUMP PIT SLAB. REFER TO DETAIL 7/S3.02 FOR ELEVATOR SUMP PIT REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS. 3.SEE DETAIL 3/S3.02 FOR ELEVATOR SILL ANGLE CONNECTIONS AND ADDITIONAL REINFORCEMENT NOT SHOWN, TYP. 4.ELEVATOR PITS ARE TO RECEIVE SHEET WATERPROOFING PER DIVISION 07 SPECIFICATIONS. FORM DIRT FACE HOOKED DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF WALL VERT. REINF. WATERPROOFING, SEE ARCH. KEYWAY W/ WATERSTOP, TYP., SEE ARCH. #5@12" O.C. VERT. EA. FACE #4@12" O.C. HORIZ. EA. FACE SHEARWALL MAT FOUNDATION, SEE PLAN #4 DOWELS @ 12" O.C. 2'-6" 3' - 0 " CMU WALL, SEE PLANS #5 CONT. SEE MAT FOUNDATION PLAN SUMP PIT, SEE DETAILS. G.C. TO COORD. LOCATION W/ARCH. AND ELEVATOR MFR & PLUMB. WALL UNDER CMU OR NON-SHEAR WALL CONCRETE WALL WALL UNDER CONCRETE SHEAR WALL SHEARWALL REINF., SEE SHEARWALL ELEVATIONS DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF SHEARWALL VERT REINF. WALL HORIZ. AND VERT. REINF. TO MATCH SHEARWALL REINF. SIZE AND SPACING HOOKED DOWELS TO MATCH WALL VERT. REINF. SIZE AND SPACING CLASS 'B' TENSION LAP SPLICE, TYP X XX CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN AND FOUNDATION #4x4'-0" W/STD 90° HOOK AT END @ 18" O.C. VAPOR BARRIER, TYP. SEE GENERAL NOTES 2-#5 CONT. BOTT. BARS BRICK, SEE ARCH. E. O . S . SEE FOUNDATION PLAN FIN. GRADE, SEE CIVIL DWGS. 2-#5 CONT. TOP BARS 1'-6"#4@18" O.C. U-BAR 1 #5 CONT. 3" CLR 3" C L R METAL STUD WALL TO BE DESIGNED BY LIGHT-GAGE ENGINEER STUD TRACK (2) .145"Ø PAF W/ WASHER @ 24" O.C. SEE 6/S3.03 FOR SLAB LEAVEOUT REQUIREMENTS X XXXX CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN AND FOUNDATION NOTES (3)#4 CONT. SILL PLATE CONNX. SEE S6.01 FOR SHEAR WALLS. SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR ALL OTHER WALLS. VAPOR BARRIER, TYP. THICKENED SLAB FOOTING, SEE FOUNDATION PLAN OF CAVITY & FOOTING STUD WALL/SHEAR WALL, SEE PLANS & SCHED. #5@12" X XXXX CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN AND FOUNDATION NOTES (3)#4 CONT. STUD WALL/SHEAR WALL, SEE PLANS & SCHEDULE SILL PLATE CONNX. SEE S6.01 FOR SHEAR WALLS. SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR ALL OTHER WALLS. VAPOR BARRIER, TYP. THICKENED SLAB FOOTING, SEE FOUNDATION PLAN #5@12" X XX T/SLAB SEE PLAN T/FTG SEE PLAN 3" CL R . #5@12" W/ 90° ACI HOOK CL A S S B TE N S I O N S P L I C E 3" CLR. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AND GRANULAR BACKFILL PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION "L" BARS "M" BARS "Q" BARS (1/2 SCHEDULED BARS TOP, 1/2 SCHEDULED BARS BOTT.) SEE ARCH FOR WATERPROOFING BRICK WHERE APPL. SEE ARCH DWGS CONT. C BARS VERT. A BARS #4 DOWELS @ 18"3'-0" 2'- 6 " #5@18" O.C. (2) MIN. #5 CONT. EXTERIOR STUD WALL, SEE PLAN 2x P.T. BOTTOM PLATE SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR ANCHOR BOLT REQ'S FINISHED GRADE, SEE CIVIL (PARKING DECK AREAWAY AT SIM) FO R M I N . T E N S I O N L A P SE E F T G S C H E D U L E STD. HOOK CONC. COLUMN SEE COLUMN SCHED. SLAB ON GRADE DOWELS - SAME SIZE AND NUMBER AS COLUMN VERTICALS SEE PLAN FOR FTG MARK AND TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATION LE N G T H S E E S C H E D . ISOLATION JOINT - SEE DETAIL 20/S3.02 FOOTING SIZE & REINF SEE FTG SCHEDULE TH I C K N E S S (3) TIES HOOKS BARS WHERE REQ'D BY FTG SCHEDULE VAPOR BARRIER, TYP. SEE GENERAL NOTES FIN. GRADE, SEE CIVIL DWGS. INSET DETAIL 3/16 1/2" THICK x 12"x0'-12" HDG EMBED PLATE W/ (4) 1/2" DIA. x 6" HCA, SEE INSET PLAN (3)#4x4'-0" W/ 90° HOOK @ EACH WAY AT CORNERS SLAB EDGE (3)#4x4'-0" W/ 90° HOOK @ EACH WAY AT CORNERS 3/16HSS POST, SEE PLANS INSET DETAIL SL A B ED G E SEE PLAN T/S.O.G. #4X4'-0'' DOWELS @ 18" CONTINUOUS VAPOR RETARDER #5@12" O.C. VERT CENTERED IN WALL #4 CONT. 3 - #4 CONT. NOTES: 1.BASEMENT WALL MUST REMAIN BRACED UNTIL UPPER SLAB ON GRADE HAS BEEN PLACED AND REACHED 75% OF DESIGN STRENGTH. (2)#4 CONT. #4@12" O.C. HORIZ. CENTERED IN WALL SEE PLAN T/FTG 1/2" CJP, TYP. #5@12" O.C. #4X4'-0'' DOWELS @ 18" 4" DIA. WEEPS @ 8'-0" O.C. JI E (6)#8 CONT. TOP & BOTT. NOTES: SEE PLAN T/FTG #5@12" O.C. TOP & BOTT. 1/2" PJF, TYP.#4X6'-0'' DOWELS @ 18" (4)#4 CONT. #6@8" O.C. INSIDE FACE CONC. RAMP SLAB ON GRADE ELEVATED. CONC. RAMP SLAB SEE PLAN #5@12" O.C. OUTSIDE FACE SEE PLAN T/SLAB SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN NON-COMPRESSIBLE BOND BREAKER #4x4'-0"@18" O.C. #4@16" O.C. HORIZ. EA. FACE PROVIDE DOWELS MATCHING SIZE AND SPACING VERT. REINF. SEE DETAIL 20/S3.03 PROVIDE #4@12" O.C. "U" BARS AT TOP OF WALL SHEETING AND SHORING TO BE DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR'S SPECIALTY ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. SEE PLAN T/SLAB MAT FOUNDATION, SEE PLAN #8@8" O.C. VERT. INSIDE FACE KEYWAY W/ WATERSTOP, TYP. DOWELS TO MATCH THE SIZE AND SPACING OF THE VERTICAL REINF, TYP. #5@12" O.C. VERT. O.F. PROVIDE #6@8" DOWEL EACH FACE SEE PLAN LEVEL 1 #4@12" O.C. HORIZ. IF #4@12" O.C. HORIZ. OF #5@12" O.C. VERT. O.F. SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN NON-COMPRESSIBLE BOND BREAKER #4x4'-0"@18" O.C. CMU WALL ADJACENT TO PARKING, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINF. PER NOTE 8/S4.20 ELEVATED PT SLAB. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINF. PARALLEL TO WALL PER 9/S3.10 CFA's DESIGNED BY OTHERS, SEE PLAN FOR COMPRESSION, TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS. REFER TO DETAIL 2/S3-50 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PILE CAP BEYOND, SEE PLAN 4 - 5 CONT. NOTES: SEE PLAN T/FTG #5@12" O.C. 1/2" PJF, TYP. #4X6'-0'' DOWELS @ 18" (4)#4 CONT. #6@8" O.C. INSIDE FACE DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF VERT. WALL REINF. CONC. RAMP SLAB ON GRADE ELEVATED. PT CONC. RAMP SLAB SEE PLAN #5@12" O.C. OUTSIDE FACE SEE PLAN T/SLAB SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN NON-COMPRESSIBLE BOND BREAKER #4x4'-0"@18" O.C. #4@16" O.C. HORIZ. EA. FACE PROVIDE DOWELS MATCHING SIZE AND SPACING VERT. REINF. SEE DETAIL 20/S3.03 PROVIDE #4@12" O.C. "U" BARS AT TOP OF WALL 4 - 5 CONT. NOTES: 1.BASEMENT WALL MUST REMAIN BRACED UNTIL UPPER RAMP HAS BEEN PLACED AND REACHED 100% OF DESIGN STRENGTH. SEE PLAN T/FTG #5@12" O.C. #5@12" O.C. INSIDE FACE #5@12" O.C. OUTSIDE FACE SEE PLAN T/SLAB SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN NON-COMPRESSIBLE BOND BREAKER #4x4'-0"@18" O.C. #4@16" O.C. HORIZ. EA. FACE PROVIDE DOWELS MATCHING SIZE AND SPACING VERT. REINF. SEE DETAIL 20/S3.03 #4X6'-0'' DOWELS @ 18" (4)#4 CONT. CONC. RAMP SLAB ON GRADE #4@12" O.C. VERT. EA. FACE (4)#4 CONT.HORIZ. EA. FACE, TYP. X XX T/SLAB SEE PLAN T/FTG SEE PLAN CL A S S B TE N S I O N S P L I C E PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AND GRANULAR BACKFILL PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION SEE ARCH FOR WATERPROOFINGBRICK WHERE APPL. SEE ARCH DWGS CONT. C BARS VERT. A BARS DOWELS, SEE SCHED. BELOW 3'-0" 2' - 6 " #5 CONT. EXTERIOR STUD WALL, SEE PLAN 2x P.T. BOTTOM PLATE SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR ANCHOR BOLT REQ'S FINISHED GRADE, SEE CIVIL (PARKING DECK AREAWAY AT SIM) VERT. B BARS CONCRETE PILASTER AT WALLS GREATER THAN 18'-0" IN HEIGHT, SEE PLAN CFA's DESIGNED BY OTHERS, SEE PLAN FOR COMPRESSION, TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS. REFER TO DETAIL 2/S3-50 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GRADE BEAM, TOP REINF. GRADE BEAM, BOTT. REINF. TRANSVERSE REINF., PROVIDE (3)@4" O.C. EA. SIDE OF CFA, TYP. #5@8" O.C. FACE BARS JI E JI E EXHIBIT 2 MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT INFORMATION Technical parameters Norminal data Voltage (nominal)120 V Frequency 60 Hz Phase(s)1~ Input power 169 W Input current 2.1 A Impeller speed 4,084 r.p.m. Air flow max 555 cfm Protection/Classification Enclosure class, motor IP54 Insulation class B Certificate HVI, cULus Dimensions and weights Weight 7.8 lb Performances HVI Certified Rating(s) Model Speed CtrlVoltage High Static/Low Flow Low Static/High Flow InchWC CFM W InchWC CFM W Rn4EC-4 100%10V 4.5 39 141 0.2 320 174 80%8V 3.14 31 84 0.2 300 135 60%6V 1.56 20 33 0.2 210 52 NOTE: Performance is based on 4 inch diameter ducting. Dimensions Model A B C D E F G Rn2EC​4 15/32 (114)10 (254)1 1/4 (32)9 1/4 (235)--- Rn4EC-3 5 7/8 (149)11 1/2 (292)1 1/4 (32)9 1/4 (235)4 (102)3 1/2 (89)6 (152) Rn4EC-4 5 7/8 (149)11 1/2 (292)1 1/4 (32)9 1/4 (235)4 (102)4 1/2 (114)6 (152) Dimensions in inches (mm). Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan Item #: 99923 Variant : 120V 1~ 60Hz Description Rn4EC-4 Radon Fan is the most powerful product on the market for active radon mitigation applications where high suction and high flow are required. It is an excellent solution for high radon levels, poor sub- slab communication, multiple suction points and/or large sub slab footprint. • Designed specifically for Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) mitigation applications • High Suction, High Flow • Dial your suction in with a built-in speed control • Two soft anti-vibration couplers included • Set up for a 4” PVC pipe • For residential and commercial applications • Air-tight housing - zero leakage • UV resistant plastic housing... Find more details in our online catalogue Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan | Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 | Item #: 99923 | Variant: 120V 1~ 60Hz | Document type: Product card | Created on: 2021-06-17 | Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue | Language: English Page 1 of 3 Wiring Performance curve 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 cfm 0 1 2 3 4 5 in. wg. Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan | Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 | Item #: 99923 | Variant: 120V 1~ 60Hz | Document type: Product card | Created on: 2021-06-17 | Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue | Language: English Page 2 of 3 Documents Hydraulic data Required air flow - Required static pressure - Working air flow - Working static pressure - Air density 0.075 lb/ft³ Power - Fan control - RPM - Current - Airflow efficiency - Control voltage - Supply voltage - 142001 Rn2EC-Rn4-EC OIPM EN FR.PDF Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan | Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 | Item #: 99923 | Variant: 120V 1~ 60Hz | Document type: Product card | Created on: 2021-06-17 | Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue | Language: English Page 3 of 3 Tech Data Sheet – AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL-60 Rev. 01/20/21 08:48:18 AM 1/2 AVM Document # 30580-AL-60 Product Name AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL Manufactured by AVM Industries, Inc. 8245 Remmet Ave, Canoga Park, CA 91304 888.414.1041 818.888.0050 www.avmindustries.com Product Description The AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL is a UV stable, heavy duty 60 mil below-grade bituminous sheet waterproofing membrane and methane barrier with aluminum facer. AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL exhibits excellent adhesion, elongation and recovery properties. Unlike other sheet membranes, Aussie Mate® 580-AL can be exposed to U.V. up to 180 days. Approvals Aussie Mate 580-AL (60 Mils) is approved by LARR (LARR #26138) for use as both a waterproofing membrane and/or methane barrier. This approval is based on tests and analysis in accordance with LADBS Acceptance Criteria L021 Below-Grade Exterior Damp-Proofing and Waterproofing Materials and L137 Methane Barrier Test Criteria. Where to Use Below-Grade: Foundation Walls (Concrete & CMU), Retaining Walls, Basements Decks & Planters: Plaza Decks, Split-Slab Decks, Planter Boxes Methane/VOC: Methane and/or VOC barrier for foundation walls and under concrete slabs. Note: Installation requirements vary based on installation type and project requirements. Refer to Aussie Mate details and Installation Instructions for complete installation requirements. Warranty AVM Industries will warrant the installed membrane for a period of five (5) years. Extended warranties are available. For complete warranty details, contact AVM Industries or consult with your applicator. Delivery, Storage, and Handling a.Delivery of all the AVM System 580-ALmaterials to the job site must be intheir original sealed packaging, withmanufacturer’s name and label intact. b.Handle and store containers in accordancewith printed instructions. c.Store at temperatures between 50°F and90°F. Do not store materials in direct sunlightor where they may be damaged by wateror rain. d.Failure to comply with the recommendedstorage conditions may result in prematuredeterioration of the product. For specificstorage advice, please contact AVMIndustries and/or its representatives. e.Keep all materials out of the reach ofchildren. f.If irritation occurs during use, liberallyflush affected areas with water. If irritationcontinues, see a physician immediately. Project Conditions 1.Concrete/block walls: All surfaces to whichthe Aussie Mate 580-AL is applied to mustbe sound and stable, with an even finish andfree from dust, loose debris, grease, curingagents, etc. If necessary, apply a parge coatusing AVM Crete 6200. 2.The Aussie Mate 580-AL may be applied todamp but not waterlogged surfaces (GreenConcrete) with Adhesive 501 after 3 days andwith Aussie Membrane 500 after 7 days. 3.Under slabs over compacted earth ormud slabs: All surfaces to which theAussie Mate 580-AL is applied to must besound and stable, with an even finish andfree from sharp edges, loose debris, oil,grease, etc. 4.Do not apply materials at temperaturesbelow 40°F and falling or if precipitation isimminent. 5.Warn personnel against hazards of materialsto skin and eyes. Note other hazardousconditions on the job that might requirespecial protective gear and or any otherspecial protective or safety procedures. 6.Protect adjacent surfaces which could bedamaged during the application procedure. 7.This system must not be used to coverExpansion Joints. System Application Review the AVM System 580-AL Installation Instructions and details prior to installation. On methane jobs, follow methane engineer’s details and installation instructions. In some jurisdictions, continuous inspection by a registered deputy inspector certified by AVM Industries and registered in accordance with the requirements specified in LAMC Section 91.1704 for special inspections is required. Consult with AVM for details. Quality Control a.Visually inspect all surfaces to ensure full andproper adhesion where applicable, especiallyat corners, seams, drains, footings and otherhard-to-reach areas. On methane jobs, asmoke test or other verification is required. b.All unsatisfactory areas shall be repairedprior to final acceptance. Protection of Installed Work Always protect the waterproofing from possible damage. Use AVM Drainage Boards or AVM Approved Protective Panels. Availability and Cost Contact AVM Industries or your approved applicator for pricing and availability. Technical Services Technical services are available by contacting our offices at: 888.414.1041 or 818.888.0050 or visit www.avmindustries.com LARR # 26138 AVM Aussie Mate® 580-AL (60 Mil) Below Grade Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing Membrane and Methane/VOC/Radon Barrier with UV Stable Aluminum Protection Layer TECH DATA SHEETSections - 071000 / 071300 / 071313 / 071326 / 071352 US P a t e n t N o . 1 0 , 8 7 0 , 9 8 2 VIMS BARRIER & SHEET WATERPROOFING Tech Data Sheet – AVM Aussie Mate 580-AL-60 Rev. 01/20/21 08:48:18 AM 2/2 AVM Document # 30580-AL-60 AVM Industries, Inc. 8245 Remmet Ave, Canoga Park, CA 91304 888.414.1041 818.888.0050 Quality Waterproofing Products www.avmindustries.com System Specifications Test method: LARR L021 Descriptions Standard Requirement Test Results Pass/Fail Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E 96 water method ≤ 1 0.01 Perms Pass Resistance to Decay ASTM 154 / ASTM E 96 water method Report Results 0.01 Perms Pass Samples Tested: ≤ 10 % Change/Perms: 0%Pass Field Area, Factory Lap, Non-Factory Lap ≤ 10 % Weight Loss: 0%Pass Tension and Elongation (MD) % Elongation ASTM D 2523 (Tested Bitumen w/Aluminum)≥ 25 68 %Pass Tension and Elongation (CMD) % Elongation ASTM D 2523 (Tested Bitumen w/Aluminum)≥ 25 65 %Pass Tension and Elongation (Bitumen only)ASTM D 2523 ≥ 300%Report Results Pass Adhesion to Concrete/Masonry (lbf/in.)ASTM D 903 ≥ 5 Pass Pass Puncture Resistance (lbf)ASTM E 154 ≥ 80 125 lbf Pass Hydrostatic Pressure resistance max (PSI)ASTM D 5385 Report Results 100 Pass Hydrostatic Pressure resistance max (ft of water)ASTM D 5385 Report Results 231 ft of water Pass Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance (ft of water)ASTM 751 Report Results 171 ft of water Pass Low Temperature Flexibility (MD) -20F°ASTM D 5147 Pass or Fail Pass Pass Low Temperature Flexibility (CMD) -20°ASTM D 5147 Pass or Fail Pass Pass Tensile Strength ASTM D 412 Report Results 540 PSI Pass Bonded Seam Strength ASTM D 882 Report Results 46 lbf Pass Methane Gas Transmission Rate (mL/day*m2*atm)ASTM D4068 Anex A/D412 ≤ 40 0.5 Pass Microorganism Resistance (Soil Burial)ASTM D4068 Anex A/D412 Pass or Fail Pass Pass Oil Resistance Test ASTM D543 / D412 Pass or Fail Pass Pass Heat Aging ASTM D 412 Pass or Fail Pass Pass TCE Diffusion Coefficient ASTM 96/96M-16 Report Results 4.58e-15m2/s Pass Benzene Diffusion Coefficient ASTM 96/96M-16 Report Results 6.3e-15m2/s Pass Water Absorption (24h)ASTM D 570-98 Report Results .1% by wt.Pass Low Temperature Flexibility ASTM D 1970/D 1970M-20 Pass at -20 deg F Pass Pass Low Temperature Crack Bridging ASTM C 1305/C 1305M-16 Pass or Fail Pass Pass VOC/Radon Test Results Standard Requirement Test Results Pass/Fail PCE Diffusion Coefficient ASTM 96/96M-16 Report Results 2.26e-15m2/s Pass Radon Diffusion Coefficient D (m2/s)ISO/TS 11665-13, Method A Report Results <2,5.10-13 Barrier Radon (Seam Overlap) Diffusion Coefficient D (m2/s)ISO/TS 11665-13, Method A Report Results 6,7.10-13 Barrier * AVM considers this product to be a VOC barrier based on the above test results. Please contact AVM Technical Services if you have further questions regarding specific VOC’s Item/Component Packaging Approx Shipping Weights Qty per Pallet VOC Aussie Mate 580-AL 60-mil 3.28’x65.6’ Roll (215 sq.ft.)85.0 Pounds (38.7 Kg) / Roll 20 Rolls/Pallet N/A For a complete list of details in CAD or PDF, please visit our website at www.avmindustries.com US P a t e n t N o . 1 0 , 8 7 0 , 9 8 2 MADE INUSA Family owned and made in the USA since 1985 901 Tryens Road Aston, PA 19301 Phone: 877-373-2700 Web: sensaphone.com TECH SPECS WSGWireless All specifi cations subject to change without notice Connect to any NO/NC output The WSG Wireless Dry Contact Bridge is designed to work exclusively with the Sensaphone WSG30. This sensor includes a built-in radio transmitter and input terminals for connecting to any normally-open or normally closed output. (Use of this device with solid-state outputs is not recommended.) The sensor comes with two AA alkaline batteries which will power the sensor for up to two years. An optional plug-in power supply is also available. Name Dry Contact Interface Operating Range 32° to 122°F | 0° to 50°C Input Normally open or normally closed dry contact Wireless Range 300’ | 90m Connection Wireless Housing Plastic Dimensions 3.1 x 3.9 x 1.1” | 79 x 99 x 28mm Sensor Series WSG Wireless Product Name Part Number WSG Wireless Dry Contact Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-DRY DRY CONTACT INTERFACE Sentinel Pro alarM notIFIcatIon MEtHodS: E-Mail, Text Messages, Voice Phone Calls Programmable alarm escalation levels Comprehensive scheduling per input, profile, and alarm destination Unlimited number of User Profiles Multiple contact types per user InPutS: 12 Universal Inputs • Normally Open / Normally Closed Dry Contact • 2.8K / 10K Thermistor • 4-20mA Current Loop • Pulse Count • 12 Bit Resolution ModBuS: • Modbus RTU via RS485 • Up to 64 registers tEMPEraturE SEnSInG ranGE: -109° to 168°F | -85° to 76°C rElaY outPut: 2 programmable relay outputs Rated for 1A 30VAC/ 1A 30VDC cEllular coMMunIcatIon : 4G Cellular Modem for use on Verizon, AT&T or Rogers data loGGInG: Unlimited samples securely stored on the Sentinel servers Programmable sampling Interval - 5 min to 24 hrs User programmable channel selection BattErY BacKuP: 4.8V 2000mAHr NiMh Battery pack (included) 12V 3000 mAHR SLA Battery (included) Provides 8 hours of backup local IndIcatorS: 12 Alarm Status LEDs • Power LED • Online LED • Standby LED • Ethernet link and Activity LEDs PoWEr rEQuIrEMEntS: Power Requirement: 12-24DC • Comes with 12VDC plug-in power supply • International power options available Current Draw: 300mA at 24VDC EnVIronMEntal: Operating Humidity: 0-90% RH, non–condensing Operating Temperature: 32° to 122°F | 0° to 50°C PHYSIcal: Dimensions: 12.5 x 12.2 x 7.0” | 318 x 310 x 178mm Weight: 10.5lbs. | 4.7kg Technical Specifi cations Continued on back StandardS: FCC Part 15 – Class A Compliant EncloSurE: NEMA 4X rated plastic weatherproof enclosure antEnna: 2G/3G/4G Frequencies: 698-960/1710-2700MHz Peak gain: 5dBi Pattern: Omni-directional Height: 6.45” (164mm) Diameter: 1.90” (48mm) IP Rating: IP-66 901 Tryens Road • Aston, PA 19014 • PH: 877-373-2700 • F: 610-558-0222 • www.sensaphone.com • An easy solution to web-based monitoring ideal for applications where running wires can be difficult • Connect up to 30 wireless sensors monitor temperature, humidity, water, and more • Data-logging records up to 100,000 samples; including data, date, and time • Receive alarm notifications through a standard Internet connection • Notifies up to thirty-two contacts by e-mail, text message or SNMP in the event of an alarm • Make programming changes and access status conditions online MONITORING & ALERTING WEB-BASED MONITORING... MADE AFFORDABLE HOW LONG BEFORE YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG? COUNTLESS INDUSTRIES DEPEND ON SENSAPHONE FOR THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE REMOTE MONITORING SOLUTIONS AVAILABLE. WHEN YOU NEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY SURE A REMOTE SITE IS STABLE, SECURE, AND MONITORED AROUND THE CLOCK, THERE’S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CERTAINTY. LI T - 1 0 2 9 © S E N S A P H O N E 9 / 2 0 2 1 SENSAPHONE® 901 TRYENS ROAD ASTON, PA 19014 PH: 877-373-2700 F: 610-558-0222 WWW.SENSAPHONE.COM Distributed By: Sensaphone WSG30 Features and Specifi cations Compatible Sensors & Accessories Temperature Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-TMP Temperature Sensor w/ External Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FGD-WSG30-TEX Ultra Low Temperature Sensor w/ External Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-TEX85 WSG Wireless Humidity Sensor . . . .FGD-WSG30-HUM Dry Contact Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-DRY Power Failure Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-PWR 4-20mA Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FGD-WSG30-4-20 Spot Water Detection Sensor . . . . . . FGD-WSG30-SPOT Zone Water Detection Sensor . . . . . FGD-WSG30-ZONE Powerful Wireless Sensors Accept thirty diff erent wireless sensors from distances of up to 300’ away (or farther if there is a line of site or are other sensors in between). A list of popular sensors and accessories is below. WSGWireless Ethernet Receive an e–mail or text message when an alarm has been detected. Or check the status on the WSG30’s web page. Web Services Program, adjust and monitor the status of the sensors on a webpage the WSG30 creates. Battery Backup Rest easy knowing that even if the power goes out, the WSG30 will keep monitoring. LCD Display For a quick local check of the sensor’s status. Keypad Use to scroll through the LCD display. Power Comes with a plug in power supply that also monitors for power failures. Industrial Automation Communicate with an existing automation system using the Modbus protocol. 08/2018 | www.dap.com DAP® Concrete & Mortar Siliconized Filler & Sealant DAP® CONCRETE & MORTAR FILLER & SEALANT is a ready-to-use, waterproof sealant formulated to repair cracks and holes in concrete, mortar and masonry surfaces. It contains silicone additives for improved adhesion, flexibility and water resistance. It forms a durable, 100% waterproof and weatherproof seal. Resists gas, oil, grease and salt. Paintable. Easy to apply, low in odor and water clean-up. VOC compliant. Interior/exterior use.  Fills and seals cracks and holes in concrete surfaces  Ready to use – needs no mixing or additives  Provides a durable, long-lasting repair that is resistant to gasoline, salt, grease or oil when cured  100% waterproof & weatherproof seal  Excellent flexibility & adhesion  Paintable  Easy water clean-up  Low odor  VOC compliant  Exterior/interior use PACKAGING COLOR UPC 10.1 fl oz (300 mL) Cartridge Gray 7079818021 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS 08/2018 | www.dap.com FILLING & SEALING CRACKS & GAPS IN:  Concrete surfaces  Concrete driveways  Patios  Steps  Above ground foundations  Sidewalks  Garage floors  Pavements ADHERES TO:  Concrete  Mortar  Brick  Stone  Masonry  Cinderblock  Stucco  Wood – painted & unpainted  Most metals  Most building materials  Apply in temperatures above 40F.  Do not apply when rain or freezing temperatures are forecasted within 24 hours. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity will slow down dry time.  Not for continuous underwater use, filling butt joints, surface defects, tuck-pointing or expansion joints.  Joint size should not exceed 1/2" wide x 1/2" deep. If joint depth exceeds 1/2", use backer rod material.  Allow sealant to cure 24 hours before direct exposure to water (longer in cooler and/or humid conditions).  Serviceable for pedestrian and vehicular traffic after 24 hours (minimum).  Store sealant away from extreme heat or cold. Surface Preparation Surface must be clean, dry, structurally sound and free of all old caulk, dirt, grease, damaged concrete & foreign material. Product Application 1. Apply in temperatures above 40F. Do not apply when rain or freezing temperatures are forecasted within 24 hours. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity will slow down dry time. 2. Cut nozzle at 45° angle to desired bead size. 3. Load cartridge into caulk gun. 4. Fill cracks and gaps with sealant. SUGGESTED USES FOR BEST RESULTS APPLICATION 08/2018 | www.dap.com 5. After application, a more uniform fill or neater appearance may be obtained by tooling lightly with a trowel or putty knife. 6. Allow to cure 24 hours before direct exposure to water (longer in cooler and/or humid conditions). 7. Paintable after 2 hours (longer in cool or humid conditions) with latex or oil-based paints. 8. Clean up excess wet sealant with a damp sponge before it skins over. Excess dried sealant will need to be cut or scraped away. 9. Reseal cartridge for storage and reuse. Typical Uncured Physical Properties Appearance/Consistency Gunnable, non-sag paste Base Polymer Acrylic latex Filler Calcium carbonate Volatile Water Weight % Solids 81% Density (lbs per gallon) 13.2 Odor Very mild Clean Up Water Flash Point >212ºF Freeze Thaw Stability (ASTM C1183) Passes 5 Cycles Shelf Life 12 months Coverage 55 linear feet at 3/16” diameter bead Typical Application Properties Application Temperature Range 40ºF to 100ºF Tooling Time (Working Time) 10 minutes Tack Free Time 30 minutes Full Dry Through 7-14 days Return to Service Time 24 hours Vertical Sag (ASTM D2202) 0.05” Typical Cured Performance Properties Service Temperature Range -30ºF to 180ºF Water Ready Time 24 hours Paint Ready Time 2 hours Mildew Resistance Cured sealant is mold & mildew resistant TYPICAL PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 08/2018 | www.dap.com Clean up excess wet caulk with a damp sponge before it skins over. Excess dried caulk must be cut or scraped away. Clean hands and tools with warm water and soap. Store container in a cool, dry place away from extreme heat or cold. See product label or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for health and safety information. You can request a SDS by visiting our website at dap.com or calling 888-DAP-TIPS. LIMITED WARRANTY: If product fails to perform when used as directed, within one year of date of purchase, call 888-DAP-TIPS, with your sales receipt and product container available, for replacement product or sales price refund. DAP Products Inc. will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages. Manufacturer: DAP Products Inc., 2400 Boston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Usage Information: Call 888-DAP-TIPS or visit dap.com & click on “Ask the Expert” Order Information: 800-327-3339 or orders@dap.com Fax Number: 410-558-1068 Also, visit the DAP website at dap.com CLEAN UP & STORAGE SAFETY WARRANTY COMPANY IDENTIFICATION EXHIBIT 3 SAFETY DATA SHEETS Safety Data Sheet AVM Primer 580-SB-HV Page 1 of 6 1. Product and Company Identification Product Name: AVM Primer 580-SB-HV Product Use: Primer for porous surfaces Uses Advised Against: None known Manufacturer: AVM Industries, Inc. 8245 Remmet Ave, Canoga Park CA 91304-4133 www.avmindustries.com Information Phone Number: (818) 888-0050 Emergency Phone Number: Chemtrec 800-424-9300 SDS Date of Preparation: February 20, 2023 2. Hazards Identification GHS Classification: Flammable Liquid Category 2 Eye Irritation Category 2A Skin Irritation Category 2 Specific Target Organ Toxicity Single Exposure Category 3 (Narcotic Effects) Reproductive Toxicity Category 2 Carcinogen Category 2 GHS Label Elements: Danger! H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapor. H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. H315 Causes skin irritation. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. H336 May cause drowsiness and dizziness. H351 Suspected of causing cancer. H361 Suspected of damaging the unborn child. P201 Obtain special instructions before use. P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. P210 Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames, and other ignition sources. No smoking. P233 Keep container tightly closed. P240 Ground or bond container and receiving equipment. P241 Use explosion-proof electrical, ventilating, and lighting equipment. P242 Use only non-sparking tools. P243 Take precautionary measures against static discharge. P261 Avoid breathing mists or vapors. P264 Wash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handling. P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. P280 Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, and eye protection. P308+P313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical attention. P303+P361+P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water or shower. P333+P313 If skin irritation occurs: Get medical attention. Safety Data Sheet AVM Primer 580-SB-HV Page 2 of 6 P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. P312 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor if you feel unwell. P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. P337 + P313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical attention. P301 +P310 IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a Poison Center or doctor. P331 DO NOT induce vomiting. P370+P378 In case of fire: Use water fog or spray, foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical to extinguish. P403+P235 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. P405 Store locked up. P501 Dispose of contents and container in accordance with local and national regulations. Hazards not otherwise specified: None 3. Composition/Information on Ingredients Component CAS No. Amount The specific identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. If breathing is difficult or irritation persists, get medical attention. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Flush skin thoroughly with water for several minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Launder clothing before re-use. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes thoroughly with large quantities of water for 15 minutes, while holding the eye lids open to be sure the material is washed out. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Ingestion: DO NOT induce vomiting. Keep the victim calm and warm. Get immediate medical attention. Most Important Symptoms: Causes eye and skin irritation. Inhalation of mists or vapors may cause headache, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms of central nervous system depression. Ingestion may cause abdominal discomfort or pain, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and central nervous system effects. Aspiration into the lungs during swallowing or vomiting may cause serious lung damage and may be fatal. This product contains toluene which may cause reproductive harm. This product contains methyl isobutyl ketone, which is suspected of causing cancer. Indication of Immediate Medical Attention/Special Treatment: Immediate medical attention is required for ingestion. 5. Firefighting Measures Suitable (and Unsuitable) Extinguishing Media: Use water fog or spray, foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical. Specific Hazards Arising from the Chemical: Highly flammable liquid and vapor. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along surfaces to remote ignition sources and flash back. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with Safety Data Sheet AVM Primer 580-SB-HV Page 3 of 6 air in confined areas. Vapors may cause flash fire. Thermal decomposition will generate oxides of carbon and toxic and irritating smoke and gases. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Firefighters should always wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Cool fire-exposed containers with water. 6: Accidental Release Measures Personal Precautions, Protective Equipment, and Emergency Procedures: Evacuate spill area and keep unprotected personnel away. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Use non-sparking tools and equipment. Ventilate area with explosion proof equipment. Wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment. Methods and Materials for Containment and Clean-Up: Cover with an inert absorbent material and collect into an appropriate container for disposal. Use with non-sparking tools and explosion proof equipment. Environmental Precautions: Prevent entry into storm sewers and waterways. Report spill as required by local and national regulations. 7. Handling and Storage Precautions for Safe Handling: Avoid breathing mists or vapors. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with the eyes, skin and clothing. Always wear impervious gloves, chemical safety goggles and protective clothing when handling this material. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke in the work area. Keep product away from heat, sparks, flames and all other sources of ignition. No smoking in storage or use areas. Keep containers closed when not in use. Use with non-sparking tools and explosion proof equipment. Electrically bond and ground containers for transfer. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind on or near containers or expose containers to heat or sources of ignition. Conditions for Safe Storage, Including any Incompatibilities: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated location away from heat, direct sunlight, and sources of ignitions. Keep away from incompatible materials. Keep containers closed when not in use. 8. Exposure Controls / Personal Protection Exposure Guidelines: Naphtha (petroleum) hydrotreated light / Heptane 400 ppm TWA, 500 ppm STEL ACGIH TLV 500 ppm TWA OSHA PEL Acetone 250 ppm TWA, 500 ppm STEL ACGIH TLV 1000 ppm TWA OSHA PEL Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) 200 ppm TWA 300 ppm STEL ACGIH TLV 200 ppm TWA OSHA PEL Toluene 20 ppm TWA ACGIH TLV 200 ppm TWA, 300 ppm Ceiling, 500 ppm 10- Appropriate Engineering Controls: Use with adequate general or local exhaust ventilation to maintain exposure levels below the occupational exposure limits. Use explosion proof electrical equipment and wiring where required. Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory Protection: For operations where the exposure limits may be exceeded, a NIOSH approved organic Safety Data Sheet AVM Primer 580-SB-HV Page 4 of 6 vapor/particulate or supplied air respirator is recommended. Equipment selection depends on contaminant type and concentration. Select in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.134, all applicable laws and regulations; and good industrial hygiene practice. Gloves: Impervious gloves are recommended to avoid skin contact. Eye Protection: Chemical safety goggles are recommended. Other Protective Equipment/Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing as needed to minimize skin contact. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance and Odor: Green liquid with a solvent odor. Physical State:Odor Threshold: pH:Specific Gravity: Initial Boiling Point/Range: Vapor Pressure: Melting/Freezing Point Vapor Density: Solubility In Water Percent Volatile: Viscosity:Evaporation Rate: Relative Density: VOC Content: Coefficient Of Water/Oil Distribution:Autoignition Temp: Flash Point:°°Flammability (solid, gas): Flammability Limits:Decomposition Temperature:Particle Characteristics: 10. Stability and Reactivity Reactivity: Not normally reactive. Chemical Stability: Stable under normal storage and handling conditions. Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: Hazardous reactions will not occur under normal conditions of storage and use. Conditions to Avoid: Keep away from heat, sparks, flames and other sources of ignition. Incompatible Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, strong bases, potassium tert-butoxide. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition will generate oxides of carbon, acetic acid, tert-butanol and methanol. 11. Toxicological Information Potential Health Effects: Acute Hazards: Inhalation: Inhalation of mists or vapors may cause nose and throat irritation with the possibility of central nervous system depression. Symptoms of central nervous system depression include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and unconsciousness. Skin Contact: Causes moderate skin irritation. Eye Contact: Causes serious eye irritation. Ingestion: Swallowing may cause gastrointestinal irritation and central nervous system depression with symptoms similar to those described under inhalation. Chronic Effects: Methyl isobutyl ketone is suspected of causing cancer. Toluene may cause damage to the nervous system and hearing through prolonged or repeated exposure and may cause adverse reproductive effects. Safety Data Sheet AVM Primer 580-SB-HV Page 5 of 6 Carcinogenicity Listing: Methyl isobutyl ketone is listed by IARC as a suspected carcinogen (Group 2B) and Not Classifiable as a Confirmed Animal Carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans (A3) by ACGIH. None of the other components above 0.1% are listed as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by IARC, NTP, ACGIH or OSHA. Reproductive Toxicity: This product contains Toluene which is suspected to cause harm to the unborn child. Germ Cell Mutagenicity: Components are not classified for germ cell mutagenicity. Numerical Measures of Toxicity: Naphtha (petroleum) hydrotreated light/ LD50 Oral Rat: >5000 mg/kg Heptane LD50 Skin Rabbit: >2,000 mg/kg LC50 Inhalation Rat: >29.9 mg/L/4 hr Acetone LD50 Oral Rat: 5800 mg/kg LD50 Skin Rabbit: 7400 mg/kg LC50 Inhalation Rat: 76 mg/L/4 hr Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) LD50 Oral Rat: 2183 mg/kg LD50 Skin Rabbit: 8000 mg/kg LD50 Skin Rabbit: >5000 mg/kg LC50 Inhalation Rat: >20 mg/L/4hr ketone) LC50 Inhalation Rat: 8.2-16.4 mg/L/4hr 12. Ecological Information Ecotoxicity: Acetone: LC50 Fathead Minnow 5540 mg/L/ 96 hr. EC50 daphnia magna 12,600 mg/L/48 hr. EC50 marine algae >430 mg/L/96 hr. Butanone: LC50 Fathead Minnow 3220 mg/L/ 96 hr. EC50 daphnia magna 5091 mg/L/48 hr. EC50 algae >500 mg/L/96 hr. This product is expected to be toxic to the aquatic environment with long-term adverse effects. Releases to the environment should be avoided. Persistence and Degradability: No data available. Bio accumulative Potential: No data available. Mobility in Soil: No data available for product. Other Adverse Effects: No data available. 13. Disposal Considerations Dispose of in accordance with all local, state/provincial and federal regulations. Offer empty containers for recycling. 14. Transport Information DOT Hazardous Materials Description: UN1133, Adhesives, 3, PG II Safety Data Sheet AVM Primer 580-SB-HV Page 6 of 6 IMDG Dangerous Goods Description: UN1133, Adhesives, 3, PG II, Marine Pollutant IATA Dangerous Goods Description: UN1133, Adhesives, 3, PG II 15. Regulatory Information United States: EPA TSCA INVENTORY: All of the components of this material are listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory. CERCLA Section 103: This product has an RQ of 12.500 lbs (based on the RQ of Acetone of 5,000 lbs present at 15-40%). Some states have more stringent reporting requirements. Report all spills in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. SARA Hazard Category (311/312): Classified under OSHA Hazcom 2012 GHS as per Section 2 of this SDS. SARA 313: This product contains the following chemicals subject to Annual Release Reporting Requirements under SARA Title III, Section 313 (40 CFR 372): Toluene 0.1-<1%, Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.1-<1% California Proposition 65: WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including methyl isobutyl ketone, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and toluene, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. INTERNATIONAL INVENTORIES Canada DSL: 16. Other Information DATE OF CURRENT REVISION: February 20, 2023 REVISION SUMMARY: New SDS DATE OF PREVIOUS REVISION: - This information is provided in good faith and is correct to the best of AVM Industries' knowlege as of the date hereof and is designed to assist our customers; however, AVM makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy. This product is intended for sale to mainly professional contractor. We require customers to satisfy themselves as to the suitability for their specific applications. Any use which AVM Industries customers or third parties make of this information, or any reliance on, or decisions made based upon it, are the responsibility of such customer or third party. AVM Industries disclaims responsiblity for damages, or liability of any kind resulting from the use of this information. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THIS INFORMATION OR TO THE PRODUCT IT DESCRIBES. IN NO EVENT SHALL AVM INDUSTRIES BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. EXHIBIT 4 HISTORICAL DATA TABLES S-1 05/18/22 14-16 ft BLS Residential PSRG (mg/kg) Industrial/Commercial PSRG (mg/kg) Protection of Groundwater PSRG (mg/kg) Arsenic 0.538 0.68 3.0 5.8 Barium 52.6 3100 47000 580 Cadmium 13.7 1.4 20 3.0 Chromium (Total)15.3 23000 350000 360000 Lead 12 400 800 270 Mercury 0.0211 J 4.7 70 NE Selenium 0.363 78 1200 2.1 Silver 0.0363 J 78 1200 3.4 Acetone 0.022 J 14000 210000 25 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.004 J 5500 40000 17 Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 7.9E-07 Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index 1.9E+00 Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 1.8E-07 Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index 1.4E-01 Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 1.1E-07 Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index 4.2E-01 NOTES: 1. NT = Not Tested 2. NE = Not Established 3. All values reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) 4. VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds 5. SVOCs = Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds 7. Underlined values exceed Protection of Groundwater PSRGs 8. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRG 9. Shaded values exceed Industrial/Commercial PSRG 10. ND = Not Detected 11. <# = Not detected above lab method detection limit TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN AOC SOIL SAMPLE AND RISK CALCULATIONS LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE SOUTH SAUNDERS ST, LAKE WHEELER RD, AND HAMMELL DR RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SVOCs by Method 8270E Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index 1.0 E-04 HI=1 MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3633.00 ANALYTE PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS (PSRGs; January 2022) RCRA Metals by Method 6020B/7471B VOCs by Method 8260D RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY 12. Bolded risk calculations exceed the Residential and/or Non-Residential Carcinogenic Risk and/or Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient target values SVOCs Not Detected Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index 1.0 E-04 HI=1 Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index 1.0 E-04 HI=1 NON-RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION WORKER RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY 6. J = Concentration was detected between the method detection limit and the reporting limit; value is an estimation. Block A (s) 05/16/22 2.5 ft BLS Block A (d) 05/16/22 7 ft BLS Block B 05/16/22 12-13 ft BLS Block C 05/16/22 4.5 ft BLS Block D (s) 05/16/22 4 ft BLS Block D (m) 05/16/22 12 ft BLS Block D (d) 05/16/22 20 ft BLS Block E (s) 05/17/22 4 ft BLS Block E (d) 05/17/22 12 ft BLS Block F 05/16/22 6.5 ft BLS Block G 05/17/22 4.5 ft BLS Block H 05/17/22 5.5 ft BLS Block I 05/17/22 5.5 ft BLS Block J 05/17/22 5.5 ft BLS Block K 05/17/22 3 ft BLS Block L 05/18/22 6 ft BLS Block M 05/18/22 3 ft BLS Block N 05/18/22 4.5 ft BLS Block O 05/18/22 6.5 ft BLS Duplicate Block O 05/18/22 6.5 ft BLS Greatest Concentration Residential PSRG (mg/kg) Industrial/ Commercial PSRG (mg/kg) Protection of Groundwater PSRG (mg/kg) Arsenic 1.34 1.16 1.57 3.29 J 2.06 0.21 J <0.163 0.804 0.401 1.00 1.81 0.754 1.2 0.552 0.425 0.618 0.655 1.19 0.657 0.451 3.29 J 0.68 3.0 5.8 Barium 51.7 72.3 60 379 139 108 109 158 135 393 60.4 126 122 151 154 97.9 84.6 67.2 89.6 86 393 3100 47000 580 Cadmium <0.0104 <0.0103 <0.0098 <0.0550 <0.0105 <0.0092 <0.0088 0.041 J <0.0315 <0.0100 <0.0330 <0.0332 <0.0329 <0.0287 <0.0322 <0.0305 <0.0305 <0.0323 <0.0315 <0.0312 0.041 J 1.4 20 3.0 Chromium (Total)48.8 24.4 55 44.4 93.1 10.1 5.71 27.1 27.5 42 37.5 86.7 32.6 25.4 111 108 36.4 55.2 22.5 25.9 111 23000 350000 360000 Lead 10.2 9.36 6.64 6.06 11.5 6.5 5.94 14 10.5 6.95 13.8 17.6 16.1 15.4 12.2 12.5 9.35 15.1 10.3 10.7 17.6 400 800 270 Mercury 0.0578 0.0307 J 0.0682 0.0245 J 0.0513 0.0238 J <0.0131 0.0592 0.0216 J 0.0326 J 0.133 0.0699 0.0339 J 0.021 J 0.0225 J 0.0499 0.0362 0.0484 0.108 0.0333 J 0.133 4.7 70 NE Selenium <0.245 <0.242 <0.230 <1.29 <0.246 <0.217 <0.206 0.431 0.271 J <0.234 0.411 0.517 0.314 J 0.244 J 0.349 0.380 0.259 J 0.506 0.247 J 0.21 J 0.517 78 1200 2.1 Silver <0.0374 <0.0370 <0.0351 <0.197 <0.0376 <0.0331 <0.0315 0.0093 J <0.0082 <0.0358 0.0125 J 0.018 J 0.0208 J 0.0256 J 0.0134 J 0.0175 J <0.0079 0.0091 J <0.0082 <0.0081 0.0256 J 78 1200 3.4 Hexavalent Chromium NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT <0.06 NT NT NT NT NT NT 0.31 6.5 3.8 Acetone 0.015 J 0.007 J 0.128 0.012 J 0.021 J <0.002 0.013 J 0.012 J 0.026 0.010 J 0.033 0.040 0.028 0.014 J 0.004 J 0.010 J 0.019 J 0.005 J 0.004 J 0.003 J 0.128 14000 210000 25 Carbon Disulfide <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0009 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 0.003 J <0.0008 <0.0008 0.001 J <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 0.001 J 0.003 J 160 740 4.1 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.0009 J <0.0008 0.042 <0.0009 0.001 J <0.0007 0.002 J <0.0009 0.002 J 0.001 J 0.006 J 0.006 J 0.001 J 0.003 J <0.0008 0.001 J 0.001 J <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 0.042 5500 40000 17 Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index NOTES: 1. NT = Not Tested 2. NE = Not Established 3. All values reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) 4. VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds. 5. SVOCs = Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds. 7. Underlined values exceed Protection of Groundwater PSRGs 8. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRG 9. Shaded values exceed Industrial/Commercial PSRG 10. ND = Not Detected 11. <# = Not detected above lab method detection limit 1.2E-01 HI=1 6. J = Concentration was detected between the method detection limit and the reporting limit; value is an estimation. CONSTRUCTION WORKER RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY NON-RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY HI=1 Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index 1.0 E-04 1.2E-02 1.8E-07 HI=1 Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index 1.0 E-04 1.4E-01 1.1E-06 RCRA Metals by Method 6020B/7471B VOCs by Method 8260D SVOCs by Method 8270E Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index 1.0 E-04 RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY 4.9E-06 SVOCs Not Detected ANALYTE PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS (PSRGs; January 2022) TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN BENEFICIAL FILL SOIL AND RISK CALCULATIONS LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3633.00 SOUTH SAUNDERS ST, LAKE WHEELER RD, AND HAMMELL DR SV O C s (u g / L ) Not Detected Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Acetone 2.77 J 3.32 J 3.32 6,000 NE NE Tetrachloroethylene 39.1 46.7 46.7 0.7 12 48 Toluene 0.244 J 0.251 J 0.251 600 3,800 16,000 Barium 46.0 42.4 46.0 700 NE NE Chromium 0.989 J 0.952 J 0.989 10 NE NE Lead 0.484 J 0.356 J 0.484 15 NE NE Notes µg/L = micrograms per liter J = Estimated concentration above laboratory's Method Detection Limit (MDL) but below the Reporting Limit (RL) Bold values exceed NCGQS or Risk Calculation Target Values Underlined values exceed Residential GWSL Italicized values exceed Non-Residential GWSL <# = Less than MDL NE = Not established RCRA 8 Metals by EPA Method 6020B and 7040A SVOCs = Semivolatile Organic Compounds analyzed by EPA Method 8270E VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds analyzed by EPA Method 8260D Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index HI=1 7.2E-07 1.9E-01 Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index HI=1 Greatest Concentration LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (µg/L) April 2022 North Carolina Residential Ground Water Screening Levels (µg/L) January 2022 TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN GROUNDWATER AND RISK CALCULATIONS SOUTH SAUNDERS ST, LAKE WHEELER RD, AND HAMMELL DR RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3633.00 Analyte GW-1 5/19/2022 Duplicate (GW-1) 5/19/2022 North Carolina Non- Residential Ground Water Screening Levels (µg/L) January 2022 Not Detected RC R A 8 M e t a l s (u g / L ) RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY NON-RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY 3.1E-06 8.1E-01 VO C s ( u g / L ) Sampling Date 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 Acetone 140 210 140 <110 21 18 J 21 73 15 J <57 28 26 19 J 19 J <86 NA NE NE Benzene 1.4 <2.4 <0.48 <4.8 <0.48 <0.48 <0.48 1.9 0.54 J <2.4 2.2 <0.48 <0.48 0.93 <3.6 2.2 12 160 Benzyl Chloride*<0.91 <4.6 <0.91 <9.1 <0.91 <0.91 <0.91 <0.91 <0.91 <4.6 <0.91 <0.91 <0.91 <0.91 <6.8 9.1 1.9 25 Bromodichloromethane*<0.94 <4.7 <0.94 <9.4 <0.94 <0.94 <0.94 <0.94 <0.94 <4.7 <0.94 <0.94 <0.94 <0.94 <7.0 9.4 2.5 33 Bromoform <1.4 <7.0 <1.4 <14 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <7.0 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <11 ND 85 1100 Bromomethane <0.52 <2.6 <0.52 <5.2 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 <2.6 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 <3.9 ND 35 440 1,3-Butadiene*<0.37 <1.9 <0.37 <3.7 <0.37 <0.37 <0.37 <0.37 <0.37 <1.9 <0.37 <0.37 <0.37 <0.37 <2.8 3.7 3.1 41 2-Butanone (MEK)18 J <31 <6.3 <63 <6.3 <6.3 <6.3 <6.3 <6.3 <31 <6.3 <6.3 <6.3 <6.3 <47 18 35000 440000 Carbon Disulfide <0.58 <2.9 <0.58 <5.8 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 5.1 J <0.58 <2.9 13 1.1 J <0.58 0.61 J <4.3 13 4900 61000 Carbon Tetrachloride <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <10 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <7.5 ND 16 200 Chlorobenzene <0.61 <3.1 <0.61 <6.1 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 <3.1 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 <4.6 ND 350 4400 Chloroethane <0.47 <2.3 <0.47 <4.7 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 2.0 <0.47 <2.3 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 <3.5 2.0 28000 350000 Chloroform 2.1 <4.6 3.8 12 3.4 1.1 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <4.6 5.7 <0.93 1.5 <0.93 <7.0 12 4.1 53 Chloromethane 0.55 J <1.6 <0.33 <3.3 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <1.6 <0.33 1.3 <0.33 <0.33 <2.5 1.3 630 7900 Cyclohexane <0.42 <2.1 <0.42 <4.2 <0.42 <0.42 <0.42 19 <0.42 <2.1 7.7 <0.42 <0.42 4.4 <3.1 19 42000 530000 Dibromochloromethane <1.1 <5.6 <1.1 <11 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <5.6 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <8.5 NA NE NE 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)*<0.93 <4.6 <0.93 <9.3 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <4.6 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <7.0 9.3 0.16 2.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.69 <3.5 <0.69 <6.9 <0.69 <0.69 <0.69 <0.69 <0.69 <3.5 <0.69 <0.69 <0.69 <0.69 <5.2 ND 1400 18000 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.67 <3.3 1.8 <6.7 1.2 2.1 0.96 J <0.67 <0.67 <3.3 <0.67 <0.67 <0.67 <0.67 <5.0 NA NE NE 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.79 <3.9 <0.79 <7.9 <0.79 <0.79 <0.79 <0.79 <0.79 <3.9 <0.79 <0.79 <0.79 <0.79 <5.9 ND 8.5 110 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 2.4 <4.8 2.2 <9.7 2.4 2.7 2.3 2.8 2.7 <4.8 2.2 2.4 2.2 1.8 <7.2 2.8 700 8800 1,1-Dichloroethane <0.71 <3.5 <0.71 <7.1 <0.71 <0.71 <0.71 <0.71 <0.71 <3.5 <0.71 <0.71 <0.71 <0.71 <5.3 ND 58 770 1,2-Dichloroethane*<0.73 <3.7 <0.73 <7.3 <0.73 <0.73 <0.73 <0.73 <0.73 <3.7 <0.73 <0.73 <0.73 <0.73 <5.5 7.3 3.6 47 1,1-Dichloroethylene <0.60 <3.0 <0.60 <6.0 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <3.0 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <4.5 ND 1400 18000 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.58 <2.9 <0.58 <5.8 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <2.9 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <4.3 NA NE NE trans-1.2-Dichloroethylene <0.62 <3.1 <0.62 <6.2 <0.62 <0.62 <0.62 <0.62 <0.62 <3.1 <0.62 <0.62 <0.62 <0.62 <4.7 ND 280 3500 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.50 <2.5 <0.50 <5.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <2.5 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <3.8 ND 25 330 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.47 <2.4 <0.47 <4.7 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 <2.4 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 <0.47 <3.5 NA NE NE trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.46 <2.3 <0.46 <4.6 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <2.3 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <3.5 NA NE NE 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114)<1.4 <6.9 <1.4 <14 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <6.9 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 <10 NA NE NE 1,4-Dioxane <0.60 <3.0 <0.60 <6.0 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <3.0 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <4.5 ND 19 250 Ethanol 180 74 J 63 <66 17 14 J 16 160 15 J <33 17 23 21 18 <50 NA NE NE Ethyl Acetate 4.2 J <18 <3.6 <36 <3.6 <3.6 <3.6 4.5 J <3.6 <18 <3.6 <3.6 <3.6 <3.6 <27 4.5 490 6100 Ethylbenzene <0.51 <2.5 <0.51 5.2 J 1.1 0.96 0.75 J 18 3.8 <2.5 13 1.6 1.6 3.8 <3.8 18 37 490 4-Ethyltoluene <0.60 <3.0 <0.60 <6.0 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 3.7 J <0.60 <3.0 3.2 1.1 J <0.60 0.81 J <4.5 NA NE NE Heptane <0.52 <2.6 <0.52 <5.2 <0.52 <0.52 <0.52 9.2 0.7 J <2.6 8.2 <0.52 <0.52 2.6 <3.9 9.2 2800 35000 Hexachlorobutadiene*<1.8 <8.8 V-05 <1.8 V-05 <18 V-05 <1.8 V-05 <1.8 V-05 <1.8 V-05 <1.8 V-05 <1.8 V-05 <8.8 V-05 <1.8 <1.8 V-05 <1.8 V-05 <1.8 <13 18 4.3 56 Hexane 6.3 J <18 <3.7 <37 <3.7 <3.7 <3.7 6.5 J <3.7 <18 14 J <3.7 <3.7 7.7 J <28 14 4900 61000 2-Hexanone (MBK)<0.41 <2.0 <0.41 <4.1 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <2.0 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <3.1 ND 210 2600 Isopropanol 17 J <17 4.2 J <34 <3.4 <3.4 <3.4 3.4 J <3.4 <17 <3.4 <3.4 <3.4 <3.4 <25 17 1400 18000 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)<0.56 <2.8 <0.56 <5.6 <0.56 <0.56 <0.56 <0.56 <0.56 <2.8 <0.56 <0.56 <0.56 <0.56 <4.2 ND 360 4700 Methylene Chloride <3.2 <16 <3.2 <32 <3.2 <3.2 <3.2 <3.2 <3.2 <16 <3.2 <3.2 <3.2 <3.2 <24 ND 3400 53000 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<0.44 <2.2 <0.44 <4.4 <0.44 <0.44 <0.44 <0.44 <0.44 <2.2 <0.44 0.84 <0.44 <0.44 <3.3 0.84 21000 260000 Naphthalene*<0.79 <4.0 V-05 <0.79 V-05 <7.9 V-05 <0.79 V-05 <0.79 V-05 <0.79 V-05 <0.79 V-05 <0.79 V-05 <4.0 V-05 <0.79 <0.79 V-05 <0.79 V-05 <0.79 <5.9 7.9 2.8 36 Propene 12 J V-05 <15 <3.0 <30 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <15 <3.0 V-05 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 V-05 <23 V-05 12 21000 260000 Styrene 0.66 J <2.2 <0.45 <4.5 <0.45 <0.45 <0.45 <0.45 <0.45 <2.2 <0.45 0.46 J <0.45 2.3 <3.4 2.3 7000 88000 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane*<0.74 <3.7 <0.74 <7.4 <0.74 <0.74 <0.74 <0.74 <0.74 <3.7 <0.74 <0.74 <0.74 <0.74 <5.6 7.4 1.6 21 Tetrachloroethylene 120 2500 2700 110000 220 21 160 36 15 <5.2 29 5300 130 14 <7.8 110000 280 3500 Tetrahydrofuran <0.97 <4.8 <0.97 <9.7 <0.97 <0.97 <0.97 <0.97 <0.97 <4.8 <0.97 <0.97 <0.97 <0.97 <7.3 ND 14000 180000 Toluene 4.8 10 6.0 5.6 J <0.43 1.1 1.2 23 5.0 <2.2 15 1.2 1.2 3.4 <3.2 23 35000 440000 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <1.4 <6.9 V-05 <1.4 V-05 <14 V-05 <1.4 V-05 <1.4 V-05 <1.4 V-05 <1.4 V-05 <1.4 V-05 <6.9 V-05 <1.4 <1.4 V-05 <1.4 V-05 <1.4 <10 ND 14 180 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.2 <4.3 <0.86 <8.6 <0.86 <0.86 <0.86 <0.86 <0.86 <4.3 <0.86 <0.86 <0.86 <0.86 <6.4 1.2 35000 440000 1,1,2-Trichloroethane*<0.77 <3.8 <0.77 <7.7 <0.77 <0.77 <0.77 <0.77 <0.77 <3.8 <0.77 <0.77 <0.77 <0.77 <5.8 7.7 1.4 18 Trichloroethylene 0.99 J 7.4 6.7 8.8 J 0.97 J 1.3 <0.72 0.92 J <0.72 <3.6 <0.72 1.2 <0.72 <0.72 <5.4 8.8 14 180 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 1.5 J <6.6 1.9 J <13 3.1 J 3.1 J 3.9 J 1.8 J 1.6 J <6.6 9.5 3.1 J 1.5 J <1.3 <10 NA NE NE 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113)<1.7 <8.5 <1.7 <17 <1.7 <1.7 <1.7 <1.7 <1.7 <8.5 <1.7 <1.7 <1.7 <1.7 <13 ND 35000 440000 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.87 J <2.2 3.7 J 7.1 J 9.3 4.8 6.2 20 4.3 <2.2 12 6.8 7.5 <0.43 <3.3 20 420 5300 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.52 <2.6 <0.52 <5.2 1.4 J <0.52 <0.52 4.7 <0.52 <2.6 5.7 1.1 J 1.3 J 0.57 J <3.9 5.7 420 5300 Vinyl Acetate <3.8 <19 <3.8 <38 <3.8 <3.8 <3.8 <3.8 <3.8 <19 <3.8 <3.8 <3.8 <3.8 <28 ND 1400 18000 Vinyl Chloride <0.46 <2.3 <0.46 <4.6 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <2.3 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <0.46 <3.5 ND 5.6 280 m&p-Xylene 1.2 J <4.9 <0.97 20 3.8 1.1 J 1.4 J 67 11 <4.9 50 7.1 7 9.6 <7.3 67 700 8800 o-Xylene 0.78 J <2.2 <0.44 <4.4 1.7 1.1 0.97 <0.44 4.2 <2.2 17 <0.44 <0.44 6.6 <3.3 17 700 8800 Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum Calculated Sample Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum Calculated Sample Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Index Notes: Concentration units; ug/m3 J = Estimated Concentration NA = Not Applicable ND = Not Detected NE = Not Established Bolded concentrations exceed the Residential Soil Gas Screening Level Shaded concentrations exceed the Non-Residential Soil Gas Screening Level Bolded risk calculations exceed the Residential and/or Non-Residential Carcinogenic Risk and/or Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient target values <# = Not detected above the lab method detection limit V-05 = Continuing calibration verification (CCV) did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for this compound. V-34 = Initial calibration verification (ICV) did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for this compound. Reported result is estimated. 3.0E-05 1.0 E-04 6.4E+00 HI=1 * = Compound was not detected, but had a lab method detection limit over the Residential SGSL. For the purpose of risk evaluation, concentrations of this compound equal to its MDL were assumed. ** = Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of target compounds *** = Elevated reporting limit due to high concentration of non-target compounds 3.9E-04 1.0 E-04 8.1E+01 HI=1 NON-RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY cceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY cceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non-Cancer Hazard Index ESG-5(7 ft BLS)ESG-6(10 ft BLS)ESG-7***(13 ft BLS)ESG-11(5 ft BLS)ESG-12(10 ft BLS)ESG-10(5 ft BLS) TABLE 7 CONSTITUENTS ANALYZED IN SOIL GAS AND RISK CALCULATIONSLAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGESOUTH SAUNDERS ST, LAKE WHEELER RD, AND HAMMELL DR RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3633.00 Sample ID SSSG-1 SSSG-2**Duplicate(SSSG-2)ESG-1**(5 ft BLS)ESG-13(8 ft BLS)Duplicate***(ESG-7)Greatest Concentration NCDEQ DWM Residential Soil Gas Screening Levels January 2022 (ug/m3) NCDEQ DWM Non-Residential Soil Gas Screening Levels January 2022 (ug/m3) ESG-2(10 ft BLS)ESG-3(4 ft BLS)ESG-4(7 ft BLS) S-1(s) 8/26/22 1-4 ft BLS S-2 8/26/22 1-4 ft BLS S-3 8/26/22 1-4 ft BLS S-4 8/26/22 1-4 ft BLS S-5 8/26/22 1-4 ft BLS S-6 8/26/22 1-4 ft BLS S-7 8/26/22 1-4 ft BLS Residential PSRG (mg/kg) Industrial/ Commercial PSRG (mg/kg) Protection of Groundwater PSRG (mg/kg) Cadmium 0.172 J 0.156 J 0.104 J <0.0545 0.208 J 0.217 J 0.112 J 1.4 20 3.0 1. All values reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) 2. J = Concentration was detected between the method detection limit and the reporting limit; value is an estimation. 3. Underlined values exceed the Protection of Groundwater PSRG 4. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRG 5. Shaded values exceed the Industrial/Commercial PSRG 6. <# = Not detected above lab method detection limit ANALYTE PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS (PSRGs; July 2022) Metals by Method 6010D TABLE 8 SUMMARY OF CADMIUM CONCENTRATIONS DETECTED IN SHALLOW SOILS LAKE WHEELER ASSEMBLAGE SOUTH SAUNDERS ST, LAKE WHEELER RD, AND HAMMELL DR RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3633.00 R( R( R( R( R( R( R( R( R( R( R( d d d d d d d d k ³^_ #* #* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #*#* #* $+ $+ Sub s u r f a c e C o n t r a c t i n g US VeteransCorps Anything WithA Plug(2nd Floor) Rickshaw Sorage &Screen Printing(2nd Floor) Sun Warehouse(1st Floor) DHHS Campus CommercialBuilding Service Vac a n t x2 ESG-3 ESG-4 ESG-2 ESG-11 ESG-12 ESG-5 ESG-6ESG-7 ESG-8 ESG-13ESG-9 ESG-10 SSSG-2 SSSG-1 S-1, GW-1, ESG-1 x2 x2 x2Proposed Building A Proposed Building B Chloroform - 5.7 ug/m3 Not Sampled Not Sampled PCE - 110,000 ug/m3Chloroform - 12 ug/m3PCE in GW - 39.1 ug/L /46.7 ug/LCadmium in Soil - 13.7 mg/kg PCE - 5,300 ug/m3 PCE - 2500/2700 ug/m3 Ham m e l l D r S S a u n d e r s S t Fulle r S t Curfm a n S t S S a u n d e r s S t S S a u n d e r s S t Palmer D r Lake W h e e l e r R d 11 14 12 15 13 9 10 NCCGIA, NC911 Board ´ DRAWN BY:KRC Legend $+Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sample Location #*Exterior Soil Gas Sample Location ^_Soil, Groundwater, and Exterior Soil Gas Sample ³UST k Paint Storage Staining d Pole-Mounted Transformers R(Residental Property Location of 2008 Structure Fire Map ID Subject Property Property Boundaries 1 Map ID Parcel Address 9 1201 Lake Wheeler Road 10 1205 Lake Wheeler Road 11 1209 Lake Wheeler Road 12 1213 Lake Wheeler Road 13 1215 Lake Wheeler Road 14 1217 Lake Wheeler Road151008 Hammell Drive TNB DHN Proposed Building Footprints NOTE: ONLY PARCELS ASSOCIATED WITH PHASE I REDEVELOPMENT ARE LISTED CommercialBuilding Service Vac a n t AREA E(9,100 sq ft)(5,055 cy)(Average 15 ft cut) AREA L(3,900 sq ft)(2,022 cy)(Average 14 ft cut) AREA J(5,900 sq ft)(2,185 cy)(Average 10 ft cut) AREA N(3,200 sq ft)(1,896 cy)(Average 16 ft cut) AREA O(3,350 sq ft)(1,550 cy)(Average 12.5 ft cut) AREA M(8,400 sq ft)(1,555 cy)(Average 5 ft cut) AREA K(8,830 sq ft)(1,308 cy)(Average 4 ft cut) AREA D(7,900 sq ft)(5,998 cy)(Average 20.5 ft cut) AREA A(11,400 sq ft)(2,955 cy)(Average 7 ft cut) AREA I(6,000 sq ft)(2,111 cy)(Average 9.5 ft cut) AREA H(6,250 sq ft)(2,430 cy)(Average 10.5 ft cut) AREA F(5,500 sq ft)(2,440 cy)(Average 12 ft cut) AREA B(4,300 sq ft)(1,900 cy)(Average 12 ft cut) AREA C(7,600 sq ft)(2,251 cy)(Average 8 ft cut) AREA G(9,100 sq ft)(1,853 cy)(Average 5.5 ft cut) A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 C2 C3 C1 G3 G4 G2 G1F1 F2 F3 H1 H2 H3 E1 E2 E3 D1 D2 D3 I1 I2 I3 J1 J2 J3 K1(Inaccessable) K2 K3 K4 M1 M2 M3 M4(Inaccessable) O1 O2 O3 L1 L2 L3 N3 N2 N1 Ham m e l l D r Lake W h e e l e r R d Full e r S t S S a u n d e r s S t Palmer D r Curfm a n S t S S a u n d e r s S t NCCGIA, NC911 Board ´ DRAWN BY:KRC Legend Soil Sample Location Subject Property Property Boundaries 0-6 Ft Cut 0-9 Ft Cut 0-11 Ft Cut 0-13 Ft Cut 0-16 Ft Cut 0-25 Ft Cut TNB DHN NOTE: CUT/FILL DIAGRAM PROVIDED HAS BEEN MODIFIED IN ARCGIS SOFTWARE !(#*#*#*#*#*#* #* CommercialBuilding Service Vac a n t AREA E(9,100 sq ft)(5,055 cy)(Average 15 ft cut) AREA L(3,900 sq ft)(2,022 cy)(Average 14 ft cut) AREA J(5,900 sq ft)(2,185 cy)(Average 10 ft cut) AREA N(3,200 sq ft)(1,896 cy)(Average 16 ft cut) AREA O(3,350 sq ft)(1,550 cy)(Average 12.5 ft cut) AREA M(8,400 sq ft)(1,555 cy)(Average 5 ft cut) AREA K(8,830 sq ft)(1,308 cy)(Average 4 ft cut) AREA D(7,900 sq ft)(5,998 cy)(Average 20.5 ft cut) AREA A(11,400 sq ft)(2,955 cy)(Average 7 ft cut) AREA I(6,000 sq ft)(2,111 cy)(Average 9.5 ft cut) AREA H(6,250 sq ft)(2,430 cy)(Average 10.5 ft cut) AREA F(5,500 sq ft)(2,440 cy)(Average 12 ft cut) AREA B(4,300 sq ft)(1,900 cy)(Average 12 ft cut) AREA C(7,600 sq ft)(2,251 cy)(Average 8 ft cut) AREA G(9,100 sq ft)(1,853 cy)(Average 5.5 ft cut) Ha m m e l l D r Lake W h e e l e r R d Full e r S t S S a u n d e r s S t Palmer D r Curfm a n S t S S a u n d e r s S t NCCGIA, NC911 Board ´ DRAWN BY:KRC Legend !(Location of Original Sample #*Hand Auger Sample Location Subject Property Property Boundaries 0-6 Ft Cut 0-9 Ft Cut 0-11 Ft Cut 0-13 Ft Cut 0-16 Ft Cut 0-25 Ft Cut TNB DHN NOTE: CUT/FILL DIAGRAM PROVIDED HAS BEEN MODIFIED IN ARCGIS SOFTWARE !( #* #*#* #* #* #* #* S-1 (s) S-2S-3 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-7 NCCGIA, NC911 Board EXHIBIT 5 COMPLETED VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) DESIGN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST ATTACHMENT 1 LEVELS L01 THRU L20 PLANS 310 315 320 325 330 306 307 308 309 328 306 307 329 308 309 310 UP W W W W W W W E E E EEE E DNDN DN 6.32% GARAGE SOUTH ENTRANCE GARAGE SOUTH ENTRANCE N 307' - 0" 310' - 0" 309' - 0" 308' - 0" 6. 4 9 % LAKE WHEELER ROAD HAMMELL DRIVE CURFMAN STREET 314' - 0" 312' - 6" 310' - 0" [No Slope] 13 . 8 4 % A2 U329 S4 U330 S2 U326 S2 U325 S1 U324 A1 U323 B2 U322 AJ1 U321 AJ1 U320 B4-BP U216 B4-BP U215 1. 7 7 % S2 U328 S2 U327 319' - 6"314' - 0"314' - 0" 6.45% 5. 3 1 % 5. 4 0 % DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY TRASH ROOM FIRE PUMP ROOM VESTIBULE STAIR 2 ELEV 4ELECTRICAL ROOMGENERATOR ROOM TRANSFORMER VAULT STAIR 4 VESTIBULE TRASH STORAGE JC STAIR 3 MECH. / ELEC. MECH.STOR. BIKE STORAGE STAIR 1 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 1 ELEV 2 ELEV. 3 FCC RETAIL TRASH STORAGETRASH DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 5 : 0 7 P M BI M 3 6 0 : / / H a m m e l l - D r i v e - B l d g - A / H A M M E L L D R _ C D _ B U I L D I N G A _ U P D A T E r v t . r v t 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l SITE PLAN A1.00 Author SM 1" = 20'-0"100 - SITE PLAN W W W W W W W E E E E EE E DNDN DN A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.002 BELOW GRADE 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 BELOW GRADE A5.20 1 A5.20 2 7 OUTDOOR TERRACE A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 6.32% 314' - 0" 308' - 0" 307' - 0" 309' - 0" 307' - 0" S T T 310' - 0" 308' - 0" 6. 4 9 % 310' - 5" A7.10 1 A7.08A 1 A7.09 1 A7.02A 1 A7.01A 1 8 CONTAINERS PET WASH 310' - 0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 COMPACTORVERTICAL BALER 312' - 6" LEASING PARKING 314' - 0"314' - 0" 6.45% [No Slope] DRY PUMP TRANSFORMER VAULTSTORAGE GENERATOR ROOM ELECTRICAL ROOM FIRE PUMP ROOM DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY TRASH ROOM STAIR 2 VESTIBULE ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 4 RETAIL TRASH RETAIL STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 2ELEV 1 VESTIBULE ELEV. LOBBY MAINTENANCE BIKE STORAGE FCC 314' - 0" 314' - 0" 310' - 0" 2 CS0.47 319' - 6" REFER TO A6.00 SERIES THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS.DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 5 : 1 9 P M BI M 3 6 0 : / / H a m m e l l - D r i v e - B l d g - A / H A M M E L L D R _ C D _ B U I L D I N G A _ U P D A T E r v t . r v t 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L01 -OVERALL PLAN A1.01 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0"101 - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) UP W W W W W W E E E E EE E 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 BELOW GRADE 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 TR. A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 A7.03 1 6.65% A7.10 2 A7.08A 2 A7.09 2 A7.02A 2 OPEN TO BELOW A7.01A 2 A9.10 2 B3-BP U214 B3-BP U213 B4-BP U216 B4-BP U215 M-B8 U211 6.59% 13 . 8 4 % 327' - 0" M-C1 TYPE A U209 7. 4 1 % A8.03 3 5. 3 1 % 319' - 6" 6.45% A7.06 2 1. 7 7 % 5. 4 0 % OPEN TO BELOW SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS STAIR 3 MECH. / ELEC.ELEV 4 ELEV. LOBBY STAIR 2 TRASH VESTIBULE ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV. LOBBY MECH. ELEC.DRY PUMP TRASH ROOM STORAGE 2 CS0.47 MECH.STOR. 323' - 0" 319' - 6" 319' - 6" THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS.DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 5 : 3 1 P M BI M 3 6 0 : / / H a m m e l l - D r i v e - B l d g - A / H A M M E L L D R _ C D _ B U I L D I N G A _ U P D A T E r v t . r v t 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L02 -OVERALL PLAN A1.02 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0"102 - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W W W W W E E E E EE E UP UPUP 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 S4 U330 B1 U316 B1 U314 B1 U317 AJ1 U318 AJ1 U319 AJ1 U320 AJ1 U321 S2 U313B2 U322 A1 U323 S1 U324 S2 U325 S2 U326 M-A6 U308 M-A5 U307 M-A4 U306 M-A4 U305 M-A4 U304 A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.05 3 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 A3.04 3 A7.03 4 A7.04 2 M-S4 U303 M-B1 U302 M-A1 U300 M-A2 U301 6.65%6.31% A7.06 3 S2 U315 A7.11 1 A7.10 3 A7.08A 3 A7.09 3A5.10 2 A7.02A 3 A7.01A 5 M-A7 U312 EV 2 EV 2 M-A3 U310 M-C1 U309 A2 U329 1.74% S2 U327 S2 U328 338' - 4" M-B13.1 U311 VESTIBULE MECH. / ELEC. ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 4 STAIR 2 TRASH ELEV 2ELEV 1 ELEV. LOBBY STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 MECH JC VESTIBULE TRASH ELEV. 5 STAIR 4 MECH. / ELEC. STAIR 3 ELEC.DRY PUMP 30 ' - 0 " 2 CS0.47 THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS.DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 5 : 5 5 P M BI M 3 6 0 : / / H a m m e l l - D r i v e - B l d g - A / H A M M E L L D R _ C D _ B U I L D I N G A _ U P D A T E r v t . r v t 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L03 -OVERALL PLAN A1.03 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0" 103 - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W W W W W E E E E EE E UPUP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.05 3 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 A3.04 3 SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS S3 TYPE A U427 SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL GARAGE FLOOR SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS STAIR 1 VESTIBULE ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 MECH. / ELEC. ELEV. LOBBYJC VESTIBULE TRASH MECH ELEC.DRY PUMP 2 CS0.47 STAIR 4 TRASH VESTIBULE ELEV. 5 JC STAIR 3 MECH. / ELEC. DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 6 : 0 6 P M BI M 3 6 0 : / / H a m m e l l - D r i v e - B l d g - A / H A M M E L L D R _ C D _ B U I L D I N G A _ U P D A T E r v t . r v t 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L04 -OVERALL PLAN A1.04 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"104 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W W W W W E E E E EE E UPUP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.05 3 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 A3.04 3 SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS S3 TYPE A U527 SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL GARAGE FLOOR SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS JC STAIR 2 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 4 MECH. / ELEC. VESTIBULE TRASH VESTIBULE STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 MECH DRY PUMP ELEC. 2 CS0.47 JC ELEV. 5 VESTIBULE TRASH STAIR 4 STAIR 3 MECH. / ELEC. DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 6 : 1 5 P M BI M 3 6 0 : / / H a m m e l l - D r i v e - B l d g - A / H A M M E L L D R _ C D _ B U I L D I N G A _ U P D A T E r v t . r v t 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L05 -OVERALL PLAN A1.05 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"105 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W W W W W E E E E EE E UPUP UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.05 3 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 A3.04 3 SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL GARAGE FLOOR MECH. / ELEC.ELEV 4 ELEV. LOBBY STAIR 2 TRASH JC VESTIBULE ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 MECH DRY PUMP ELEC. 2 CS0.47 VESTIBULE TRASH STORAGE MECH. / ELEC. STAIR 3 STAIR 4 ELEV. 5 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 3 6 : 2 4 P M BI M 3 6 0 : / / H a m m e l l - D r i v e - B l d g - A / H A M M E L L D R _ C D _ B U I L D I N G A _ U P D A T E r v t . r v t 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L06 -OVERALL PLAN A1.06 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"106 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W W W W W E E E E EE E UPUPUP UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.05 3 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 A3.04 3 A2 TYPE A U729 SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS 18 PARKING SPACES 168' - 3" 21 PARKING SPACES 197' - 6" 3 PARKING SPACES 26' - 10" 2 PARKING SPACES 18' - 0" R 24' - 0" 22' - 0" 3 2 18 21 7 2 PARKING SPACES 21' - 6" 6 PARKING SPACES 58' - 5 11/16" 22' - 0" R 24' - 0" R 24' - 0" R 24' - 0" 22' - 0" OPEN TO BELOW 6 SEE LEVEL 3 FOR TYPICAL UNITS JC TRASH STAIR 2 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 4 MECH. / ELEC. VESTIBULE VESTIBULE ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 MECH DRY PUMP ELEC. 2 CS0.47 JC TRASH VESTIBULE STAIR 3 MECH. / ELEC. STAIR 4 ELEV. 5 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:36:35 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L07 -OVERALL PLAN A1.07 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"107 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) L1A L1A L1A L1A L1C L1B L1B L1B 10 20 3'- 6 " D E P T H 3'- 6 " D E P T H TEL W W W W W E E E E EE E UP UPUP UP 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 A3.06 1 A3.06 2 A3.05 4 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 3 A3.074 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 A7.03 5 A7.04 4 M-S8 TYPE A U816 REFER TO A6.00 SERIES M-B9 U823 M-B9 U822 M-B9 U821 M-B9 U819 M-B9 U818 M-B9 U817 M-B9 U820 M-B9 U824 A7.10 4 A7.08A 4 A7.09 4 A7.11 3 LOUNGE M-A7.1 U808 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. POOL CHEM. STOR. STORAGE ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 4 STAIR 2 MECH. TRASH STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 1 ELEV 2 ELEC. 2 CS0.47 FITNESS YOGA CLUB ENTRY WOMENS RESTROOM 0862 HALLWAY 0852 MECH. / ELEC. MENS RESTROOM 0863 JAN. CL. CLUB / LOUNGE CAFE / RENTABLE LOUNGE COWORKING CONF. ROOM PRIVATE POD TERRACE PUMP ROOM STAIR 4 STAIR 3 REFER TO LA2.00 SERIES REFER TO ROOF PLAN A1.21 REFER TO ROOF PLAN A1.21 UNISEX RESTROOM UNISEX RESTROOM UNISEX RESTROOM THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS.DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:36:54 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L08 -OVERALL PLAN A1.08 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0"108 - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 A3.05 4 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 3 A3.074 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 OPEN TO BELOW M-B9 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. STAIR 2 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 4 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 MECH MECH./ELEC. TRASH 2 CS0.47 M-B9M-B9M-B9M-B9M-B9M-B9M-B9 ROOF BELOW SEE A1.08 ROOF BELOW SEE A1.08 THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS.DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:06 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L09 -OVERALL PLAN A1.09 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0"109 - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 ROOF BELOW A11.061 ROOF BELOW ROOF BELOW M-A9 U1014 M-A9 U1015M-AJ1 U1004 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 M-B7 U1008 M-S3 U1007 M-B13 U1009 M-A3 U1010 M-S1 U1012 M-A10 U1006 M-A11 U1003 M-B6 U1000 M-B5 U1001 M-AJ2 U1005 M-A9 U1013 M-B4 U1011 M-B14 U1016 M-S7 U1002 ELEV. LOBBY STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 MECH. MECH./ELEC. ELEV 4 STAIR 2 ELEV. LOBBY TRASH 2 CS0.47 THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS.DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:17 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L10 -OVERALL PLAN A1.10 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0"110 - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A11.061 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. M-S7 TYPE A U1102 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 MECH./ELEC. TRASH MECH. ELEV. LOBBY ELEV. LOBBY 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:24 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L11 -OVERALL PLAN A1.11 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"111 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. M-S7 TYPE A U1202 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 2ELEV 1 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 MECH./ELEC. ELEV. LOBBY TRASH MECH. ELEV. LOBBY 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:31 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L12 -OVERALL PLAN A1.12 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"112 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. ELEV. LOBBY MECH. TRASH ELEV. LOBBY MECH./ELEC. STAIR 2 ELEV 4 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:37 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L13 -OVERALL PLAN A1.13 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"113 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 M-A10 TYPE A U1406 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. ELEV. LOBBY MECH. MECH./ELEC. ELEV. LOBBY TRASH ELEV 4 STAIR 2 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 ELEV. 3STAIR 1 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:44 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L14 -OVERALL PLAN A1.14 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"114 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 M-A10 TYPE A U1506 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. ELEV. LOBBY MECH. MECH./ELEC. ELEV. LOBBY TRASH STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 ELEV 4 STAIR 2 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:51 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L15 -OVERALL PLAN A1.15 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"115 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 M-B4 TYPE A U1611 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. ELEV. LOBBY MECH MECH./ELEC. ELEV. LOBBY TRASH STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 M-A10 TYPE A 1606 M-S7 TYPE A 1602 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:37:58 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L16 -OVERALL PLAN A1.16 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"116 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 M-B4 TYPE A U1711 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. ELEV. 3 ELEV 2ELEV 1 STAIR 1 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 ELEV. LOBBY MECH. MECH./ELEC. TRASH ELEV. LOBBY 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:38:05 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L17 -OVERALL PLAN A1.17 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"117 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. STAIR 2 ELEV 4 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV. LOBBY MECH. ELEV. LOBBY TRASH MECH./ELEC. 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:38:12 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L18 -OVERALL PLAN A1.18 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"118 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS. A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 SEE LEVEL 10 PLANS FOR TYPICAL UNITS. STAIR 1 ELEV. 3 ELEV 1 ELEV 2 STAIR 2 ELEV 4 ELEV. LOBBY MECH./ELEC. TRASH MECH. ELEV. LOBBY 2 CS0.47 DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:38:18 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L19 -OVERALL PLAN A1.19 Author SM KEY PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"119 - OVERALL PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) W E W W W W W E E E E EE E UP A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 1 A3.20 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 M-B13 U2009 M-S3 U2007 M-S1 U2012 M-A9 U2013 M-A10 U2006 M-AJ2 U2005 M-A9 U2014 M-A9 U2015 M-B14 U2016M-A11 U2003 M-B6 U2000 M-B5 U2001 M-B4 U2011 M-A3 U2010 M-S7 U2002 STAIR 1 ELEV. LOBBY ELEV 1 ELEV 2 MECH. MECH./ELEC. ELEV 4 ELEV. LOBBYSTAIR 2 TRASH M-AJ1 U2004 ELEV. 3 M-B7 U2008 -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH -PH 2 CS0.47 THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, MEP, FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBILE FOR ALL COORDINATION BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS. DISCREPANCIES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE AVAILABLE SPACE FOR ROUTING ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND COMMUNICATIONS PIPING, CONDUIT, TRAYS AND DUCTWORK MAY BE LIMITED IN MANY LOCATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OF THE TRADES WORK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS, WITH THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, TO THE ROUTING OF THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED. ANY REWORK RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE TO COORDINATE WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE FIRE BLOCKED AND SEALED PER UL APPROVED METHODS. ABBREVIATIONS: FEC = FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET CG = CORNER GUARD FD = FLOOR DRAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS DF = DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SEE MEP DRAWINGS EWC = ELECTRIC WATER COOLER WOM = WALK OFF MAT PBB = PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD, PAINTED SP = STANDPIPE, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS RHC = ROOF HYDRANT CONTROL, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS CHS = CONDUCTOR HEAD DOWNSPOUT RDL = ROOF DRAIN LEADER, SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS OS = OVERFLOW DRAIN SCUPPER HVC = HOSE VALVE CABINET, SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ALL CONCEALED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SIGNAGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF ASSEMBLY AND THE FIRE RATING IN HOURS IN LETTERS NO SMALLER THAN 3" HIGH. SEE IBC SECTION 703.7 CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ALL AREAS OF NEW FIRE PROOFING DAMAGED DURING THE INSTALLATION OF WORK. REPAIR FIRE PROOFING MUST BE EQUAL TO REQUIRED RESISTANCE RATING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE FACE OF STUD/CMU WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DOORS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE WALL TO THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCING AS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET PARTITIONS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, HANDRAILS AND MILLWORK INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOUCMENTS. LEGEND A U01 DOOR TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.01 AND A11.02 WINDOW TYPE; SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEET A11.03 #WALL TYPE; SEE CS.15 ALL COLUMNS TO BE SPRAYED FIREPROOFED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. COLUMNS TO BE 3 HR RATED. CORRIDOR CONTROL JOINTS: COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS WITH GYPSUM BOARD SUBCONTRACCTOR AND PROJECT TEAM TO DETERMINE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS.DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:38:25 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l L20 -OVERALL PLAN A1.20 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0"120 - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES - PLANS (OVERALL) 1 A3.22 A3.01 1 A3.00 1 A3.02 1 A3.002 1 A3.21 2 A3.20 1 A3.20 A3.065 A3.06 1 A3.064 A3.063 A3.05 3 A3.06 2 A3.04 1 A3.05 1 A3.05 4 A3.04 2 A3.08 2 A3.08 1 A3.04 3 A3.07 3 A3.074 A3.07 2 A3.07 1 A3.091 A3.092 1 A8.01 2 A8.01 1 A8.212 A8.27 3 A8.21 1 A8.25 DS DS DS DS DS DS 1/ 4 " / 1 ' -0" S L O P E 1/ 4 " / 1 ' -0" S L O P E 1/4" / 1'-0" SLOPE 1/4" / 1'-0" SLOPE 71' - 1 1/2"41' - 10 1/4"11' - 11 15/16" 13' - 8 1/2" 15' - 7 3/16" CONDENSERS ON SLEEPERS. SEE M-SERIES 12 3 4 6 5 FRTW SHEATHNG @ 4'-0" WIDTH ADJACENT TO FIREWALL FRTW SHEATHNG @ 4'-0" WIDTH ADJACENT TO FIREWALL A7.11 3 STAIR 4 STAIR 3 ELEV. 5 RAISED ROOF AT ELEV. ROOF ACCESS ROOF ACCESS 1/ 4 " / 1 ' -0" S L O P E 1/ 4 " / 1 ' -0" S L O P E RD SD RD SD 1 A8.23 1 A8.24 FRESH AIR INTAKE 2 A8.25 1 A8.03 2 A8.03 42" GUARDRAIL @ ROOF ACCESS DOOR. GUARDRAIL TO EXTEND TO 10'-0" FROM BUILDING EDGE ELEVATOR OVERRUN ELEVATOR OVERRUN ELEV. CTRL 2 A8.26 17' - 7 5/8" DRAWN BY: © 2 0 2 3 J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S E X P R E S S L Y R E S E R V E S I T S C O M M O N L A W C O P Y R I G H T A N D O T H E R P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S I N T H E S E P L A N S . T H E S E P L A N S A R E N O T T O B E R E P R O D U C E D , C H A N G E D O R C O P I E D I N A N Y F O R M O R M A N N E R W H A T S O E V E R , N O R A R E T H E Y T O B E A S S I G N E D T O A N Y T H I R D P A R T Y W I TH O U T FI R S T O B T A I N I N G T H E E X P R E S S E D W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N A N D C O N S E N T O F J D A V I S A R C H I T E C T S , P L L C . CHECKED BY: CONTENT: REVISIONS: ISSUE: PROJECT:DATE 510 South Wilmington Street | Raleigh, NC 27601 1218 Chestnut Street, 7th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel 919.835.1500 60 Columbus Circle, 20th floor | New York, NY 10023 tel 212.484.0050 4242 Six Forks Rd, Suite 820 | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.719.4449 ADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEW 05/18/2022 SD 06/10/2022 OWNER OWNER ARCHITECT | INTERIOR DESIGN | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 400 W. Morgan street. Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 27603 tel: 919.835.9781 MEP ENGINEER 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609 tel: 919.322.5550 Structural Engineer 50% DD 07/22/2022 100% DD 09/29/2022 50% CD 12/9/2022 80% CD 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 4:38:32 PM BIM 360://Hammell-Drive-Bldg-A/HAMMELL DR_CD_BUILDING A_UPDATErvt.rvt 21200 10 0 0 H A M M E L L D R I V E RA L E I G H , N C . Ma c k R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p | S L I C a p i t a l ROOF -OVERALL PLAN A1.21 Author SM 1/16" = 1'-0"1ROOF - OVERALL PLAN KEY PLAN ROOF PLAN LEGEND INDICATES CONDENSER LOCATION SEE MECH. DWGS. FOR MORE INFO. INDICATES ROOF SLOPE DIRECTION INDICATES THRU PARAPET SCUPPER, CONDUCTOR HEAD & DOWN SPOUT PER NC PLUMBING CODE SECTION 1106.2 INDICATES SECONDARY SCUPPER LOCATED 2" ABOVE PRIMARY SCUPPER / ROOF DRAIN INDICATES TAPERED INSULATION OVER SLOPED ROOF. PROVIDE MIN. SLOPE TO ROOF DRAIN / SCUPPER 1/4" PER 1-0" NOTESCALCULATION: 1. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR CONDENSER MOUNTING DETAILS 2. SEE SHEET A9.XX SERIES FOR ROOFING DETAILS 3. SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL VENT PIPE AND DRYER DUCT ROOF PENETRATIONS 4. COORDINATE ROOF DRAIN / DOWNSPOUT LOCATIONS WITH ELEVATIONS 5. SECONDARY SCUPPERS TO BE LOCATED 2" HIGHER THAN ADJACENT PRIMARY SCUPPER, TYP. ALL LOCATIONS. 6. SECONDARY ROOF DRAINS TO BE ROUTED TO DAYLIGHT IN ROOF CAVITY AS INDICATED ON PLANS 7. RE: ELEVATIONS FOR EXACT LOCATION 8. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR ATTIC VENTILATION FAN LOCATIONS 9. ALTHOUGH NO "DRAFTSTOPPING" IS REQUIRED IN ATTIC, A "DRAFT CURTAIN" WILL BE REQUIRED. DRAFT CURTAIN IS TO BE INSTALLED TIGHT TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SHEATHING @ 1,000 SF BLOCKS AND CURTAIN SHALL BE 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE ATTIC OR 8", WHICHEVER IS GREATER. SEE FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS & SPRINKLER HEAD CUT SHEETS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 10. GC SHALL COORDINATE LOCATION & NUMBER OF REQUIRED ATTIC ACCESS LOCATIONS W/ LOCAL AHJ / CITY OF RALEIGH. REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS. WHERE ATTIC ACCESS LOCATIONS ARE REQUIRED, ACCESS DOOR SHALL BE 1-HOUR RATED. SEE DETAIL X/XXX FOR MORE INFORMATION. 11. SEE FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS FOR SMOKE CURTAIN LOCATIONS IF REQUIRED 12. SEE ELEVATOR SECTIONS FOR ELEVATOR OVERRIDE 13. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL LAYER OF TPO ROOF MEMBRANE FOR DISTANCE OF 20' MINIMUM SURROUNDING ALL RETAIL MECHANICAL CHASE LOCATIONSDS ACCESS DOOR PRIMARY ROOF DRAIN SECONDARY ROOF DRAIN COW'S TONGUE INDICATES ROOFING WALKWAY PAD INDICATES FRTW SHEATHING @ 4'-0" WIDTH RD SD CT BUILDING A ROOF DS-1: AREA = 3105 SF | LEADER = 3 1/2" X 4" DS-2: AREA = 2040 SF | LEADER = 3 1/2" X 4" DS-3: AREA = 2877 SF | LEADER = 3 1/2" X 4" DS-4: AREA = 1379 SF | LEADER = 3 1/2" X 4" DS-5: AREA = 2332 SF | LEADER = 3 1/2" X 4" DS-6: AREA = 2981 SF | LEADER = 3 1/2" X 4" BUILDING B ROOF RD-1 RD-2 RD-3 RD-4 RD-5 RD-6