HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD981026479_20220729_Final ReportBenfieldSIGNED22-0163 Project ID: 22-0163 Benfield Industries, Inc. Monitoring Well Sampling (O&M) Hazelwood, Haywood County, North Carolina Project Date: May 23 – 25, 2022 Report Date: July 29, 2022 Hazardous Waste Section Field Services Branch Laboratory Services & Applied Science Division USEPA – Region 4 980 College Station Road Athens, Georgia 30605-2720 The ANSI National Accreditation Board attests that U.S. EPA Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division fulfills the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 ANAB Forensic Testing & Calibration AR 3125:2019 in the field of Forensic Testing. The activities contained in this report fall within the scope of accreditation, Certificate LSASD Project ID 22-0163 FINAL REPORT Page 1 of 389 Approvals: LSASD Project Leader: Date Approving Official: , Chief Section Date Requestor: Donna Seadler Remedial Project Manager Superfund And Emergency Management Division USEPA Region 4 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 Analytical Support: LSASD Laboratory Services Branch 980 College Station Road Athens, Georgia 30605 LSASD Project ID 22-0163 FINAL REPORT Page 2 of 389 July 29, 2022 Groundwater Sampling Report for Benfield Industries, Inc. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 5 2.0 Summary 5 3.0 Site Location and Background 6 4.0 Analytical Results 10 4.1 Analytical Methods 10 4.2 Laboratory Results 11 4.2.1 Metals 11 4.2.2 Volatile Organic Compounds 11 4.2.3 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds 14 4.2.4 Natural Attenuation Indicators: Classical Nutrients 14 4.2.5 Natural Attenuation Indicators: Organics 18 4.2.6 Field Analyses Results 19 5.0 Field Methodology 20 5.1 Water Level Measurements 20 5.2 Well Purging and Sample Collection 21 5.2.1 Sample Identification Nomenclature 23 5.3 Field Logbooks 23 5.4 Field Analyses 23 6.0 Quality Control 23 6.1 Samples 24 6.2 Instrument Calibration 25 6.3 Chain of Custody Documentation 25 7.0 Discussion and Conclusions 25 8.0 References 29 LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 3 of 389 Figures: Figure 1 Site Location Map 7 Figure 2 Well Location Map 8 Tables: Table 1 Well Information and Sample IDs, Benfield Industries Superfund Site, May, 2022 9 Table 2 Additional Well and Aquifer Information, Benfield Industries Superfund Site 10 Table 3 Metals Results Summary 12 Table 4 Volatile Organic Compound Detections 15 Table 5 Semi-Volatile Compound Detections 17 Table 6 Natural Attenuation Indicators (Classical Nutrients) 18 Table 7 Benfield Industries Field Chemistry Results 19 Table 8 Well Purging Field Results Benfield Superfund Site (May, 2022) 22 Table 9 Summary of Detections Above Action Levels, Benfield Industries, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2022 27 Appendices: Appendix A Field Logbooks 31 Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Reports 81 Appendix C Chain of Custody Forms 383 LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 4 of 389 1.0 Introduction During the week of May 23-25, 2022, US EPA’s Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD) personnel conducted a field investigation at the Benfield Industries Superfund Site in Hazelwood, North Carolina. The collection of data from the sampling event is to be used in support of a Five-Year Review and in assessing the viability of a monitored natural attenuation remedy or other actions for the site. Work was conducted in accordance with procedures outlined in the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) dated April 18, 2022, and with the LSASD Field Services Branch (FSB) Site Safety Plan dated April 7, 2022. Groundwater samples from 13 monitor well/ piezometer locations were collected, along with quality control (QC) samples. Samples were transported on ice back to the EPA laboratory in Athens, GA at the LSASD facility for analysis. Additionally, on-site analyses were conducted by an EPA chemist for ferrous iron and alkalinity utilizing the EPA mobile laboratory. This report documents the 2022 groundwater sampling at the Benfield site, describes procedures, and presents analytical results. For a more complete evaluation of changes occurring over time at the site, results presented in this report can be compared to the reported results for past sampling events. 2.0 Summary During the May 2022 event at the Benfield Industries Superfund Site, a total of 13 monitoring wells and piezometers were sampled. The site had not been sampled by LSASD since 2014. The LSASD laboratory analyzed the samples for metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and natural attenuation indicators (VOCs and Classical Nutrients). Field chemistry analyses were also performed on-site for alkalinity and ferrous iron. Well PZ04 was not found and is assumed destroyed or covered over by a parking lot paving operation. Based on the wells currently available to sample, the groundwater plume extent seems about the same as in 2014 or possibly smaller. The detections and exceedances of various volatile and semi-volatile compounds at the MW3SH, MW5S, PZ10 and MW5SH locations indicate that most of the remaining contaminant mass may still be concentrated in the central site area, with some apparent spreading toward PZ10. Downgradient shallow well MW9A was sampled, and results showed no detections of volatiles or semi-volatiles. As in past years, manganese was detected in some samples with Tapwater Regional Screening Level (RSL) results over action limits. Four of the samples showed concentrations over the action level of 430 µg/L. Two showed concentrations about the same as in 2014 and two showed concentrations substantially higher. Lead concentrations in groundwater at the site are below the detection limit of 0.5 µg/L. The greatest number of different VOCs and SVOCs detected occurred in the MW3SH sample, as in previous years. One detection of 1,4-dichlorobenzene exceeded the Tapwater RSL and the sample from PZ07 exceeded the Tapwater RSL action level for chloroform. No other VOC exceedances occurred in 2022. In 2013 and 2014, exceedances of the Tapwater RSL for vinyl chloride occurred at LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 5 of 389 MW5S and MW5SH, but for 2022 the concentrations of vinyl chloride were below the RSL. The SVOC benzo(a)anthracene exceeded the Amended Record of Decision (ROD) remediation level and the Tapwater RSL in three samples. 1,1 biphenyl, 1, methylnaphthalene, naphthalene, and dibenzofuran concentrations exceeded the RSLs in the MW3SH sample. A bis(2-ethylhexyl) pthalate detection in the PZ07 sample exceeded the drinking water maximum contaminant level (MCL). That was the only MCL exceedance for 2022 and seems anomalous at six times the MCL. Detections of classical nutrients and methane, along with field chemistry results and detections of some VOCs and SVOC at lower concentrations than in 2014 may indicate that natural attenuation for some compounds is occuring at the site. Laboratory Method Reporting Limits (MRLs), and possibly some Method Detection Limits (MDLs), for various compounds were higher for 2022 than in past years and may obscure some lower-level detections. 3.0 Site Location and Background The Benfield Superfund site is located in Hazelwood, Haywood County, North Carolina, near Waynesville, and occupies approximately 3 ½ acres of a 6-acre parcel. Figure 1, Site Location Map, shows the general location of the site. Figure 2, Monitor Well Location Map, shows the general site layout and locations of wells and piezometers that were sampled during this event. The site is currently occupied by an active facility known as Haywood Vocational Opportunity (HVO). The HVO facility provides employment for handicapped individuals. That building is indicated on Figure 2 by “HVO”. In the past, the Benfield Industries, Inc. facility mixed and packaged bulk materials for resale. Products handled and stored at the facility included paint thinners, solvents, sealants, cleaners, de-icing solutions and wood preservatives, including creosote. The site was an active facility until April 1982, at which time a fire destroyed the majority of the structures and the entire operations. Several State-lead investigations confirmed contamination of soil and groundwater. Following the 1982 fire, all usable chemicals, fire debris, recyclable materials and storage tanks were removed. The July 1992 Record of Decision (ROD) documented the contamination of soils and groundwater. Soils contained toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, benzo-a-anthracene, benzo-a-pyrene, benzo (B/K) fluoranthene, chrysene, indeno (1,2,3-CD) pyrene, naphthalene, and pentachlorophenol. Groundwater contained benzene, chlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloropropane, vinyl chloride, xylenes, carbazole, benzo-a-anthracene, benzo-a-pyrene, benzo (B/K) fluoranthene, chrysene, indeno (1,2,3-CD) pyrene, naphthalene, pentachlorophenol, antimony, barium, beryllium, chromium, lead, manganese, nickel and vanadium. The groundwater plume was previously shown to extend approximately 100 – 200 feet off site. The original ROD was issued in 1992 and was amended in 1995. Another amended ROD was issued in September 2015, which presented a revised list of groundwater contaminants of concern and groundwater remediation levels (listed in 2022 Benfield SAP and in results tables). During the 2014 sampling event, SESD (now LSASD) used a Trimble GPS unit to gather more accurate survey locations than those on file for some of the well locations. Those updated coordinates were used to plot the locations more accurately. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 6 of 389 Figure 1 Site Location Map LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 7 of 389 Figure 2 Well Location Map Note: Well MW9A is not shown on figure. It is located just off the image, about 297 ft north of MW8S. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 8 of 389 In the past, J. M. Waller abandoned wells MW2DP and MW2SH and replaced them with new wells MW2DP-R and MW2SH-R, installed to about the same depth as the old wells. Lead detections above action levels had been occurring in samples from well MW2DP but not in other site wells. Samples from the new well have not shown the lead results seen in the old well, indicating that something in the old well had been introducing the lead contamination. Past groundwater elevations and mapping generally indicate flow to the northwest, from the MW3SH area toward MW8SH. The 2022 groundwater measurements confirm that. Well PZ04 could not be located in 2022. The well was evidently covered or destroyed when a parking area was paved over at the adjacent Epsom Salts manufacturing facility. Table 1 shows the wells sampled in May 2022 (PZ04 is included but could not be sampled) and lists various well information and location coordinates. Table 2 provides additional well specifics, depth to water and potentiometric surface elevations. Table 1 Well Information and Sample IDs Benfield Industries Superfund Site * Sounded depth **Note: PZ04 Could not be located in 2022. Suspected destroyed due to parking lot paving. Well ID Sample Number Total Well Depth (ft) Screen Interval (ft) Type Completion Casing Diameter (in) MW2DP-R MW02DPR-0522 *40.17 29.7- 39.7 Flush 2 35.475673 -83.003920 MW2SH-R MW02SHR-0522 16.7 7 -16.7 Flush 2 35.475659 -83.003903 MW3S MW3S-0522 30.0 20 - 30 Stick up 2 35.476301 -83.004267 MW3SH MW3SH-0522 *14.75 2 - 12 Flush 2 35.476303 -83.004231 EXT03 EXT03-0522 34.7 16 -26 ? Stick Up 8 35.476563 -83.004283 MW5S MW5S-0522 *33 23 -33 Flush 2 35.477490 -83.004031 MW5SH MW5SH-0522 *14.26 4.2 – 14.2 Flush 2 35.477471 -83.004032 MW8S MW8S-0522 30.3 20 -30 Flush 2 35.478213 -83.004389 MW8SH MW8SH-0522 12.75 2.5 -12.5 Flush 2 35.4782 -83.004383 **PZ04 Not Sampled 27.0 3 - 27 Flush 2 35.476442 -83.004807 PZ07 PZ07-0522 *29 4 - 29 Flush 2 35.477783 -83.003317 PZ09 PZ09-0522 *21.33 11 -21 ? Flush 2 35.476791 -83.003228 PZ10 PZ10-0522 *28.65 3.5 - 28.5 Flush 2 35.477551 -83.004659 MW9A MW9A-0522 *12.75 2.5 – 12.5 Flush 2 35.4790193 -83.0044325 MW2SH NA 12.5 2.5 – 12.5 Flush 2 MW2DP NA 42.8 31.8- 41.8 Flush 2 LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 9 of 389 Table 2 Additional Well and Aquifer Information Benfield Industries Superfund Site Well ID Total Well Depth (ft) Type Completion Aquifer Depth to Water (ft) May 2022 Top of Casing Elevation Water Surface Elevation MW2DP-R *40.17 Flush Saprolite 4.13 2725.82 2721.69 MW2SH-R 16.7 Flush Alluvial 4.57 2726.26 2721.69 MW3S 30.0 Stick up Saprolite 8.24 2725.76 2717.52 MW3SH *14.75 Flush Alluvial 7.95 2725.79 2717.84 EXT03 34.7 Stick Up Saprolite 7.72 2723.29 2715.57 MW5S 34.3 Flush Saprolite 6.28 2718.05 2711.77 MW5SH *14.26 Flush Alluvial 6.41 2718.46 2712.05 MW8S 30.3 Flush Saprolite 5.82 2713.39 2707.57 MW8SH 12.75 Flush Alluvial 6.07 2713.09 2707.02 **PZ04 27.0 Flush Alluvial / Saprolite Not Found / Destroyed PZ07 *20 Flush Alluvial / Saprolite 4.45 2715.85 2711.40 PZ09 *21.33 Flush Alluvial / Saprolite 7.28 2721.03 2713.75 PZ10 *28.65 Flush Alluvial / Saprolite 7.03 2717.53 2710.50 MW9A *12.75 Flush Alluvial 4.59 2709.60 2705.01 MW2SH 12.5 Flush Alluvial NA MW2DP 34.55 Flush Saprolite NA * Sounded depth **Note: PZ04 Could not be located in 2022. Suspected destroyed due to parking lot paving. 4.0 Analytical Results 4.1 Analytical Methods Samples were analyzed in the LSASD laboratory for the following: • Volatile Organic Compounds, EPA 8260C ** • Natural AttenuationVolatile Organic Compounds, (ethane, ethene, methane), MNA VOCs (Method ASB V100) • Semi-volatile Organic Compounds, Method EPA 8270E ** • Total Metals (Scan– No Mercury) (Methods EPA 200.8 and EPA 6010) • Ammonia as N and Ammonia TKN (Methods EPA 350.1 and 351.2) • Nitrate/ Nitrite (Method EPA 353.2) • Total Organic Carbon (Method SM 5310B) • Sulfate (Method EPA 300.0) ** To compare with past results and to achieve lower MRLs for various compounds, both VOC and SVOC analyses were requested using the Selected Ion Montoring (SIM) mode. However, the LSASD laboratory could not run the SIM analyses in 2022, resulting in higher MRLs than in past years for most compounds. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 10 of 389 On-site chemical field analyses were conducted for natural attenuation parameters that included ferrous iron and alkalinity (see below). Sulfides were not a field analyte during this investigation because adequate supplies could not be obtained to conduct the field analysis. On-site analyses: • Ferrous Iron (Field chemistry, Hach 8146) • Alkalinity (Field chemistry, Hach 8203) 4.2 Laboratory Results The results obtained from analyses by LSASD’s Laboratory Services Branch are discussed and presented in the following sub-sections. Official laboratory reports and field chemistry reports are included in Appendix B. The laboratory results were compared to both Regional Residential MCL-based Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites November, 2021 (MCLs), and Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants in Tapwater at Superfund Sites November, 2021 (Tapwater RSLs). Where designated for particular analytes, Benfield Groundwater Amended ROD action Levels were also used for comparison. Sample results can be compared to those from previous samplings to determine if any trends are indicated by changes in the detected analyte concentrations each year, or if these detections indicate that natural attenuation is occurring at the site. As in 2014, SIM method levels for VOCs and SVOCs were requested so that more accurate comparison to past results could be made, but the LSASD laboratory was unable to provide those lower method reporting limits (MRLs) for certain analytes. Care must be taken when comparing to past results to consider 2022 MRLs and MDLs that are higher for some compounds than in the past. 4.2.1 Metals In summary, all samples showed detections of barium, sodium, strontium, calcium and magnesium. Concentrations that exceeded Tapwater RSL levels, occurred only for manganese. All but three samples had detections of manganese, with concentrations ranging from 15 µg/L to 7100 µg/L. Samples from wells MW5S, MW5SH, MW8SH, and PZ10 had manganese concentrations over the 430 µg/L action level for tapwater. All but one sample showed concentrations at or over the reporting limit of 1000 µg/L for potassium. Iron was also present in most samples, with the highest concentration being 10,000 µg/L (the same as in 2013 and 2014). As in 2014, only one of the 13 samples (from PZ10) contained zinc over the reporting limit of 10 µg/L. Aluminum was detected in the MW9A sample at 200 µg/L. Metals results for the 13 groundwater samples are presented in Table 3. Shaded cells indicate detections, and exceedances are bolded. 4.2.2 Volatile Organic Compounds Fourteen different VOCs were detected in samples, with the greatest number of different compounds detected in the MW3SH sample, as in previous years. The MW3SH sample showed detections of 11 of the 14 volatile compounds detected site-wide. The MW3SH sample was followed by MW5S and MW5SH having the next-highest number of compounds detected, at five. The PZ10 well sample showed detections of four different compounds. The MW3SH sample showed a detection of 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1.8 µg/L, estimated value), that exceeded the Tapwater RSL. However, detections of 1,4-dichlorobenzene were at a lower concentration in the 2022 MW3SH sample than in the LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 11 of 389 Table 3 EXT03 MW2DP-R MW2SH-R MW3S MW3SH MW5S MW5S EXT03-0522 MW2DPR-0522 MW2SHR-0522 MW3S-0522 MW3SH-0522 MW5S-0522 MW5S-0522D Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/23/2022 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 Aluminum µg/L 20000 NA < 100 U < 100 U < 100 U < 100 U < 100 U < 100 U < 100 U Antimony µg/L 7.8 6 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U Barium µg/L 3800 2000 35 60 48 40 20 67 69 Calcium µg/L NA NA 5500 5900 6800 2700 5200 28000 28000 Cobalt µg/L 6 NA < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U Iron µg/L 14000 NA < 100 U 150 550 220 1900 470 520 Lead µg/L 15 15 < 0.50 U 0.65 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U Magnesium µg/L NA NA 1400 1600 1700 970 1300 7900 7800 Manganese µg/L 430 NA 20 15 74 < 5.0 U 72 1400 1400 Potassium µg/L NA NA 1100 1200 1900 < 1000 U 1800 1600 1500 Sodium µg/L NA NA 3400 3200 3300 2700 4900 6800 6600 Strontium µg/L 12000 NA 53 70 45 20 32 110 110 Titanium µg/L NA NA < 5.0 U 9.1 < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U 6.9 6.1 Zinc µg/L 6000 NA < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U Detections Only Duplicate U = The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. Note: Shaded cells indicate detected concentrations. Bold numbers indicate concentrations equaling or exceeding Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants in Tapwater at Superfund Sites, November, 2021. No detections exceeded Amended ROD action levels or Residential MCL-based Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites, November 2021. The ROD action level for lead is 15 µg/L. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 12 of 389 Table 3 (Continued) MW5SH MW8S MW8SH MW9A PZ07 PZ09 PZ10 MW5SH-0522 MW8S-0522 MW8SH-0522 MW9A-0522 PZ07-0522 PZ09-0522 PZ10-0522 Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/23/2022 5/23/2022 Aluminum µg/L 20000 NA < 100 U < 100 U < 100 U 200 < 100 U < 100 U < 100 U Antimony µg/L 7.8 6 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 1.1 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U Barium µg/L 3800 2000 48 54 65 58 74 76 140 Calcium µg/L NA NA 13000 16000 16000 27000 14000 14000 15000 Cobalt µg/L 6 NA < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U 30 Iron µg/L 14000 NA 10000 110 7400 380 < 100 U < 100 U 9100 Lead µg/L 15 15 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U Magnesium µg/L NA NA 2200 6100 3600 4200 2900 2900 3100 Manganese µg/L 430 NA 1400 110 2100 16 < 5.0 U < 5.0 U 7100 Potassium µg/L NA NA 2700 1500 2700 5300 3600 3100 2700 Sodium µg/L NA NA 5200 6100 6200 4300 5000 4900 5500 Strontium µg/L 12000 NA 59 94 78 250 110 110 85 Titanium µg/L NA NA < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U 11 < 5.0 U < 5.0 U < 5.0 U Zinc µg/L 6000 NA < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U 11 Detections Only Note: Shaded cells indicate detected concentrations. Bold numbers indicate concentrations equaling or exceeding Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants in Tapwater at Superfund Sites, November, 2021. No detections exceeded Amended ROD action levels or Residential MCL-based Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites, November 2021. The ROD action level for lead is 15 µg/L. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 13 of 389 2014 sample. The sample from PZ07 exceeded the Tapwater RSL action level for chloroform (at 0.29 µg/L). Samples not showing volatiles detections at or above the 2022 MRLs included those from MW2DP-R, MW3S, MW9A, PZ09 and EXT03. Samples from wells MW2SH-R and MW8S showed only detections of methane. The overall number of detections and exceedances was down from 2014. In 2013 and 2014, exceedances of the Tapwater RSL for vinyl chloride occurred at MW5S and MW5SH, but for 2022 the concentrations of vinyl chloride were below the RSL. Table 4 presents a summary of volatile organic compounds detected in the May, 2022 samples, and includes Amended ROD levels and other action-level comparison values. Shaded cells indicate detections; bold values indicate exceedances. Appendix B includes copies of the Laboratory reports detailing the volatiles analysis, all analytes, detections, and all related qualifiers. 4.2.3 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Table 5 presents a summary of semi-volatile organic compounds detected in the May, 2022 samples. Sixteen different semi-volatile compounds and five tentatively identified compounds (TICs) were detected in various combinations in samples. Shaded cells indicate detections, and values in bold indicate Tapwater RSL or ROD exceedances. Values in bold red text indicate exceedance of the MCL for that compound. One well sample, from PZ07, showed only the SVOC detection of biz(2 ethylhexyl) phthalate (at 61 µg/L), which happened to be over the MCL of 6 µg/L. This detection seems anomalous based on past samplings, and may not be representative of the groundwater. Future sampling(s) may provide confirmation this analyte or help show that it is not representative. In summary, samples collected from six wells, MW3SH, MW5S, MW5SH, MW8S, MW8SH, and PZ10, had detections of one or more semi-volatile compounds (includes 5 TICs). Volatile compounds were also detected in most of those wells (see Table 4). Compounds detected included methylnaphthalene, benzo(a) anthracene, fluoranthene, carbazole, chrysene, fluoranthene, fluorene, naphthalene, dibenzofuran, and pyrene, among others. MW3SH had the greatest number of compounds detected, including 19 of the 21 detected compounds (including TICs). Detections of 1,1- biphenyl and naphthalene were at lower concentrations in the 2022 MW3SH sample than in 2014. The MW5SH sample had the next-highest number of compounds detected, at 5 (half as many as in 2014), and the PZ10 sample next, with 4 compounds detected. Pyrene was detected in six of the 13 well samples (and in the duplicate), ranging from 4.4 µg/L to 17 µg/L (from MW3SH). The sample from PZ10 showed detections of pyrene at 11 µg/L (up from 2013 and 2014). In 2014 an exceedance for chrysene at almost twice the 1992 ROD action level of 0.2 µg/L occurred in the sample from well MW5SH, but in 2022 chrysene was not detected at the MRL of 2 µg/L. 4.2.4 Natural Attenuation Indicators: Classical Nutrients Results for Classical Nutrient Natural Attenuation analytes are shown in Table 6. Shaded cells indicate detections. Samples showed detections of some combination of two to four of the five analytes (some values were estimated, as indicated by laboratory qualifiers). The detections of these compounds may indicate that natural attenuation is continuing to occur at the site. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 14 of 389 Table 4 Volatile Organic Compound Detections Station ID >MW2SH-R MW3SH MW5S MW5S ROD Sample ID >MW2SHR-0522 MW3SH-0522 MW5S-0522 MW5S-0522D Action Matrix >Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Level p Water MCL Date> Analyte Units µg/L < 0.50 U 0.74 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 1.8 J,QR-2 0.21 J,Q-2,QR-2 0.20 J,Q-2,QR-2 Volatile Organic Compounds Results Regional Screening Levels Detections Only Duplicate Benfield Industries May 2022 U = The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. Q-2 = Result greater than MDL but less than MRL. QR-2 = MRL Verification recovery greater than upper control limits. Note: Shaded cells indicate detected concentrations. Bold numbers indicate concentrations equaling or exceeding ROD action levels and/ or Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants in Tapwater at Superfund Sites, November 2021. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 15 of 389 Table 4 Volatile Organic Compound Detections (Continued) MW5SH-0522 MW8S-0522 MW8SH-0522 PZ07-0522 PZ10-0522 Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/24/2022 5/23/2022 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NA 1.2 70 µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene NA 56 NA µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NA 300 600 µg/L 0.28 J,Q-2,QR-2 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NA NA NA µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6 0.48 75 µg/L 0.41 J,Q-2,QR-2 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 0.39 J,Q-2,QR-2 Chlorobenzene 50 78 100 µg/L 1.4 J,QR-2 < 0.50 U 0.27 J,Q-2,QR-2 < 0.50 U 0.54 J,QR-2 Chloroform NA 0.22 80 µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 0.29 J,Q-2,QR-2 < 0.50 U Methylcyclohexane NA NA NA µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U Vinyl chloride 0.03 0.019 2 µg/L 0.012 J,Q-2 < 0.015 U < 0.015 U < 0.015 U < 0.015 U n-Butylbenzene NA 1000 NA µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U o-Chlorotoluene NA 240 NA µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U p-Isopropyltoluene NA NA NA µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U sec-Butylbenzene NA 2000 NA µg/L < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 0.25 J,Q-2 Methane NA NA NA µg/L 920 13 74 < 1.4 U 150 Detections Only Benfield Industries May 2022 Volatile Organic Compounds Results U = The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. Q-2 = Result greater than MDL but less than MRL. QR-2 = MRL Verification recovery greater than upper control limits. Note: Shaded cells indicate detected concentrations. Bold numbers indicate concentrations equaling or exceeding ROD action levels and/ or Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants in Tapwater at Superfund Sites, November 2021. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 16 of 389 Table 5 Semivolatile Organic Compound Detections EXT03-0522 MW3SH-0522 MW5S-0522 MW5S-0522D MW5SH-0522 MW8S-0522 MW8SH-0522 MW9A-0522 PZ07-0522 PZ09-0522 PZ10-0522 Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 5/24/2022 5/24/2022 5/23/2022 5/23/2022 1,1-Biphenyl NA 0.83 NA < 2.0 U 7.9 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U 1-Methylnaphthalene NA 1.1 NA < 2.0 U 5.7 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U 2-Methylnaphthalene 30 36 NA < 2.0 U 2.8 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U Acenaphthene NA 530 NA < 2.0 U 55 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U 17 < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U 0.85 J,Q-2 Acenaphthylene 80 NA NA < 2.0 U 0.94 J,Q-2 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U Anthracene NA 1800 NA < 2.0 U 12 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U Benzo(a)anthracene 0.05 0.03 NA 0.26 0.98 < 0.21 U < 0.21 U 0.41 < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 0.25 NA 0.23 < 0.21 U < 0.21 U < 0.21 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate NA 5.6 6 < 10 U < 10 U < 10 U < 11 U < 9.9 U < 9.9 U < 10 U < 10 U 61 < 10 U < 10 U Carbazole 5 NA NA < 2.0 U 2.6 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U,J,QM-1 < 2.0 U Cyclopentaphenanthrene (TIC) NA NA NA - 20 NJ - - - - - - - - - Dibenzofuran NA 7.9 NA < 2.0 U 44 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U Dibenzothiophene (TIC) NA NA NA - 20 NJ - - - - - - - - - Ethyldimethylbenzene (TIC) NA NA NA - 100 NJ - - - - - - - - - Fluoranthene NA 800 NA < 2.0 U 27 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U 6.6 < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U 5.5 Fluorene NA 290 NA < 2.0 U 70 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U 7.2 < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U 1.9 J,Q-2 Methylpropylbenzene (TIC) NA NA NA - 90 NJ - - - - - - - - - Naphthalene 6 0.12 NA < 0.20 U 5.4 < 0.21 U < 0.21 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U < 0.20 U Phenanthrene NA NA NA < 2.0 U 76 < 2.1 U < 2.1 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U Phenylnaphthalene (TIC) NA NA NA - 10 NJ - - - - - - - - - Pyrene NA 120 NA < 2.0 U 17 15 14 8.4 4.4 4.6 < 2.0 U < 2.0 U < 2.0 U 11 Duplicate Semi-Volatiles Results Benfield Industries 2022 Detections only U = The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. NJ = Presumptive evidence that analyte is present; reported as a tentative identification with an estimated value. J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. Q-2 = Result greater than MDL but less than MRL. Note: Shaded cells indicate detected concentrations. Bold numbers indicate concentrations equaling or exceeding ROD action levels and/ or Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants in Tapwater at Superfund Sites, November 2021. Values in bold red print indicate exceedance of the MCL. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 17 of 389 Table 6 Natural Attenuation Indicators (Classical Nutrients) EXT03 MW2DP-R MW2SH-R MW3S MW3SH MW5S MW5S Analyte Units Station ID > Sample ID > Matrix > Sample Date > MW5SH MW8S MW8SH MW9A PZ07 PZ09 PZ10 Analyte Units Station ID > Sample ID > Matrix > Sample Date > U = The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. QM-1 = Matrix Spike Recovery less than method control 4.2.5 Natural Attenuation Indicators: Organics Sample results were obtained for ethane, ethene, and methane as indicators for chemical reactions related to natural attenuation. Ethane and ethene were not detected in any of the samples above the reporting limit of 2.4 µg/L, and are therefore not shown in a table. Methane was detected in seven of the thirteen samples (and in the duplicate), and concentrations ranged from 13 µg/L (MW8S) to 920 µg/L (MW5SH). Results for the duplicate sample from MW5S (22 µg/L) compared exactly with the MW5S sample results (22 µg/L), with zero percent difference. The results for methane detections are included in Table 3, Volatile Organic Compound Results. The production of methane at these locations may indicate that natural attenuation chemical reactions are occurring at the site. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 18 of 389 4.2.6 Field Analyses Results A temporary field chemistry laboratory was set up inside LSASD’s mobile laboratory, and analyses were run for alkalinity and ferrous iron. Details of work, equipment used, and values obtained through tests conducted on site during the field investigation are included in the laboratory logbooks (Appendix B), and in Table 7, Benfield Industries Field Chemistry Results. Table 7 Benfield Industries Field Chemistry Results May 23rd-25th, 2022 Ferrous Iron Alkalinity Date Collected Sample Station Dilution Ferrous Iron Final Result (ppm) U = The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 19 of 389 5.0 Field Methodology During the May, 2022 event, a total of 13 monitoring wells and piezometers were sampled. Sample names and well construction specifications, including well depth, casing diameter, and screened intervals are included in Tables 1 and 2. This investigation was conducted in accordance with the Quality Assurance Project Plan on file, the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) dated April 18, 2022, “Sampling and Analysis Plan, Benfield Industries)”, and the Region 4 LSASD, “Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures”, most recent versions. The following specific procedures were used during the collection, handling and shipment of samples for this investigation: SESDPROC-105-R4, Groundwater Level and Well Depth Measurement SESDPROC-100-R5, Field pH Measurement SESDPROC-101-R7, Field Specific Conductance Measurement SESDPROC-102-R6, Field Temperature Measurement SESDPROC-113-R3, Field Measurement of Oxidation- Reduction Potential SESDPROC-106-R4, Field Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen SESDPROC-103-R5, Field Turbidity Measurement SESDPROC-005-R4, Sample and Evidence Management SESDPROC-010-R5, Logbooks SESDPROC-011-R6, Field Sampling Quality Control SESDPROC-110-R5, Global Positioning System SESDPROC-202-R4, Management of Investigation Derived Waste SESDPROC-205-R4, Field Cleaning and Decontamination SESDPROC-209-R4, Packing, Marking, Labeling and Shipping of Environmental and Waste Samples SESDPROC-301-R5, Groundwater Sampling SESDPROC-203-R4, Pump Operation 5.1 Water Level Measurements Just prior to sampling, wells were opened and allowed to equalize before the depth to water from top of casing was measured in each with an electronic water level indicator. Measurements were made in accordance with SESDPROC-105-R4, Groundwater Level and Well Depth Measurement, and recorded in the field logbooks. Drawdown levels during purging were also measured and recorded. The water level probe was decontaminated after use at each location to avoid cross-contamination. Table 2 lists top-of- casing elevations (revised in 2012), water level measurements made on the day of sampling, and water table surface elevations based on the revised top-of-casing elevations for the 13 wells. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 20 of 389 5.2 Well Purging and Sample Collection Unless otherwise noted in logbooks, groundwater samples were collected according to SESDPROC-301-R5, Groundwater Sampling. Locations of the wells sampled are shown in Figure 1, Monitor Well Locations. Table 1, Well Information and Sample IDs, lists the wells that were sampled, sample names, well depths, and casing diameters. Table 2, Additional Well and Aquifer Information, includes the measurements to water surface from the top of the casings and the calculated potentiometric water surface elevations. In previous years, wells were purged using the three-volume method. This year, wells were purged and sampled using the low flow method. A peristaltic pump with a piece of MasterFlex tubing running through the pump mechanism was connected to Teflon tubing placed in the approximate mid-screen area of the well. Purging continued until parameters stabilized, and then samples were collected. If drawdown was more than 1 foot below the measured static groundwater level, then the pump rate was slowed to try and match the recovery rate of the well. The purging was documented in the logbooks (in Appendix A) by keeping a record of the volume of water removed from the well bore, times of readings, depth to water during pumping, and readings for temperature, pH, specific conductivity, turbidity, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and dissolved oxygen (DO). As purging was conducted, water was discharged into an over-topping container fastened to the rim of a graduated bucket. The tips of probes were inserted into the overtopping container for constantly updated measurements. Purge water collected in the buckets was disposed of on the ground at the site. Table 8 lists the final field parameter readings recorded before sampling. Purging was considered complete when field parameters had stabilized for at least three separate readings, and turbidity was less than 10 NTUs. Water from most of the wells at the conclusion of purging was very clear, with all turbidity readings at less than 10 NTUs. Water from six of the wells showed turbidity readings of less than 1.0 NTU, water from four wells read between 2 NTU and 4 NTU, and samples from two wells read between 7 NTU and 9 NTU. Samples were collected for metals analysis first, by filling containers directly from the discharge side of the pump head. After that, containers for Nitrates/ Nitrite/Ammonia, total organic carbon, sulfate, ferrous iron, and alkalinity analyses were collected in the same manner. Following that, transfer cap assemblies were placed on one-liter amber bottles so that the pump could be used to create a vacuum to pull the semi-volatiles sample into the bottle without the water’s passing through the pump head. Lastly, samples for volatile organic compounds and SIM volatile organic compounds were collected by filling the intake tube, stopping the pump, pulling the tube from the well while still attached to the pump head, reversing the pump drive, and operating the pump at a very slow rate to push water back out of the tube and into 40 milliliter volatile vials so that water did not pass through the MasterFlex tubing and the pump head, and no-headspace filling could be achieved. The metals samples were preserved with nitric acid and nitrite/ammonia samples were preserved with sulfuric acid. Volatiles vials were pre-preserved with four drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Containers used and preservative requirements are listed in the field logbooks. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 21 of 389 Table 8 Well Purging Field Results Benfield Superfund Site (May, 2022) Sampling pH Specific Conductivity Temperature o Dissolved Oxygen Oxidation-reduction Potential (ORP) Turbidity MW2SH-R 05/23/22 5.99 79.98 17.5 0.25 381 2.34 MW2DP-R 05/24/22 6.22 68.52 16.8 1.36 153 2.70 MW3SH 05/24/22 6.12 76.32 16.9 0.35 -129 0.92 MW3S 06/24/22 5.96 41.61 15.3 0.32 228 3.04 MW5SH 05/25/22 6.52 170.5 18.5 0.16 -120 0.26 MW5S 05/24/22 6.92 251.3 17.7 0.15 -110 7.41 EXT03 05/24/22 6.18 65.74 14.5 0.36 -25 0.43 MW8SH 05/25/22 6.34 188.6 16.5 0.25 -9 2.02 MW8S 05/25/22 6.29 182.2 16.5 0.30 254 0.93 PZ09 05/23/22 6.09 138.8 14.9 5.17 230 0.20 PZ04 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA PZ07 05/24/22 6.08 145.7 17.2 5.87 -90 0.61 PZ10 05/23/22 6.46 185.9 15.2 0.30 -150 8.36 MW9A 05/24/22 6.22 220.7 17.4 3.49 -100 7.13 Notes: ID = Identification; NA = not available; su = Standard units; µs/cm = MicroSiemens per centimeter; oC = Degrees Celsius NTU = Nephelometric turbidity units; mV = milli-volts; mg/L = milligrams per liter; PZ04 not found Samples were immediately placed in coolers containing ice and stored for later re-packing for transportation to the laboratory. Samples for field analysis were hand-delivered to the field chemist for prompt analysis. Sixteen samples were transported to the EPA laboratory in Athens, GA for analysis (13 well samples, 1 duplicate sample, 2 trip blanks). Trip blank samples were only analyzed for Volatile Organic Compounds. In past years, purging for recovery well EXT03 was conducted differently than for the 2-inch diameter wells because of the greater 3-casing purge volume (201 gallons) for the 8-inch casing diameter. A submersible pump was previously used for purging EXT03 by removing a port in the top of the plate covering the casing opening and lowering the pump and discharge hose into the water column. Because of the low-flow sampling technique used in 2022, the submersible pump was not needed. Instead, a peristaltic pump with clean Teflon tubing inserted into the well screen was set up and used for sampling EXT03. The same sampling procedures were then used for EXT03 as for the other wells. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 22 of 389 5.2.1 Sample Identification Nomenclature Samples were identified by adding a dash and “0522” to the station ID, designating the sample as being collected during the May, 2022 event (Station ID: MW3SH; Sample ID: MW3SH-0522). Table 1 lists station IDs and sample numbers for the monitoring wells. Groundwater samples from 13 monitor well / piezometer locations were collected, along with one duplicate sample (designated as MW05S-0522D), two trip blanks for VOC sample shipments (designated as TB01-0522 and TB02-0522), and extra volume for a matrix spike/ matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) for quality control purposes (same designation as the sample – PZ09-0522). 5.3 Field Logbooks Standardized logbooks were used on site to keep accurate records of sampling activities, procedures, dates, samples collected, purge volume, and to record field parameters used to indicate stability of water being pulled into the well from the formation, etc. Copies of these logbooks are included in Appendix A. Logbooks were also used to record procedures and results for field analyses performed and for daily instrument calibration (included in Appendix A). 5.4 Field Analyses Field analytical equipment was set up inside the LSASD mobile laboratory. Groundwater samples were collected from each of thirteen wells and stored on ice in the mobile lab each day until analyzed. Samples were analyzed for the presence of ferrous iron and alkalinity. Samples for ferrous iron and alkalinity analysis were collected in a 500mL container with no headspace or preservative. Aliquots were taken to measure for ferrous iron (Hach Method 8146)—using both the Hach DR2010 and the Hach DR2800 Spectrophotometer. Aliquots for alkalinity (Hach Method 8203) were also taken from the 500mL container and were titrated using a Hach digital titrator to determine total alkalinity. Hach instruments, digital titrators, pipettes, etc. used in these procedures are described and documented in the field analysis logbooks, included in Appendix B, in Table 6, and / or Field Chemistry Summary, included in Appendix B. 6.0 Quality Control Consistently following proper field procedures to ensure sample integrity and to prevent cross-contamination is important for maintaining quality results. These procedures are strictly followed by LSASD. Care and calibration of field instruments are also strictly adhered to. Methods used for maintaining and documenting standards of quality control in the field during sample collection, sample storage, transfer and transport, and in the laboratory during storage and analysis are described below. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 23 of 389 6.1 Samples Field quality control measures were conducted in accordance with the SESD Operating Procedure for Field Sampling Quality Control, LSASDPROC-011-R6, and/or 40 CFR Part 136.3, Table II-Required Containers, Preservation Techniques, and Holding Times, as applicable. The number and type of field quality control samples utilized for this investigation were as follows: • VOC Trip Blank(s) for each shipment, as needed (two were shipped) • One duplicate (one per 20 samples) • One Matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate analysis (one per 20 samples) • Temperature blanks with each iced sample cooler to indicate shipping temperature. • Field Laboratory QC Volatile Organic Compound Trip Blank Two volatile organic compound trip blanks, samples TB01-0522 (5/25/022) and TB02-0522 (5/25/022), were prepared at the LSASD laboratory and were transported and maintained in close proximity to the monitoring well samples during all phases of sample collection and transport back to the LSASD laboratory. Laboratory analyses for all compounds were performed on the samples, and none of those compounds were detected in the trip blanks. Results showing no detections at or above detection limits indicates that there were no outside sources of contamination that may have cross-contaminated samples during the sample collection and transportation process. Analysis results are included in laboratory reports in Appendix B. Field Duplicate Sample The field duplicate sample was collected at station MW05S. The primary sample was identified as MW5S-0522 and the duplicate was identified as MW5S-0522D. Duplicate analyses results are included in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6, and in Laboratory Reports Appendix B. Comparison of the results for the two samples reveals close, acceptable concentration values for all analytes except for two of the natural attenuation indicators (ammonia and Kjeldahl nitrogen). As a quality check, the following formula can be applied to the sample result and the duplicate sample result to determine relative percent difference between the two values: |Analyte value – duplicate value| ______________________________________ X 100 = relative percent difference (RPD) Average of Analyte value + duplicate value The formula is basically the absolute value of the difference between analyte and duplicate divided by the average of the two, times 100. Out of 14 compounds detected and reported as sample and duplicate for the categories for VOCs, SVOCs, and metals, 13 were at 10% RPD or less, 9 were at 5% RPD or less, 4 were the same, or 0% RPD, and only one was above 10 % RPD, at only 12.3 % RPD. It can be discerned from LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 24 of 389 these comparison numbers that sample collection and handling procedures were consistent, field techniques were excellent, and that the laboratory performance and analysis repeatability was excellent. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicates Extra sample volume was collected for sample PZ09-0522 and designated for matrix spike/ matrix spike duplicates (MSMSD). The laboratory performed quality control tests on these samples with favorable results, as documented in lab reports contained in Appendix B. Temperature blanks Temperature blanks were included in each sample cooler when transported. These blanks were checked when arriving at the lab to document that sample temperatures were kept at 4 degrees Centigrade or lower. Samples were then transferred to the EPA refrigerated sample storage locker until extracted and/ or analyzed. Results indicated that samples had been properly chilled. Sample custody room check-in sheets are included in Appendix C. Field Laboratory QC Quality control for the field laboratory procedures was conducted in accordance with recommended QC for the methods and instrumentation used. At least one duplicate analysis was conducted, per the method and analytical requirements. Those procedures are documented in the field chemistry logbooks included in Appendix B. Standard field laboratory QC measures are documented in the LSASD laboratory report(s) provided in Appendix B. 6.2 Instrument Calibration Field instruments were calibrated each morning according to manufacturers’ specifications, using fresh standard solutions where applicable. Instrument calibration was verified at the end of the day as an accuracy reference. In the event that an instrument indicated a problem or malfunction, then that instrument would be replaced with a different calibrated instrument. Instruments used by each sample team and details of calibration and QC checks are noted in the instrument calibration logbook (Appendix A). 6.3 Chain of Custody Documentation Official chain of custody forms were completed, signed, transported with sample coolers, and signed when submitted to the LSASD sample custody room to document that the samples were delivered without incident. Copies of those forms are included in Appendix C. 7.0 Discussion and Conclusions For 2022, detections of thirty-five different organic compounds (including methane and 5 TICs) were reported by the LSASD laboratory, with exceedances occurring for two different volatile organic compounds (five in 2013, ten in 2014) and six different semivolatile compounds. Based on the analytical LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 25 of 389 results of the 13 samples and one duplicate sample, the most contaminated well, with respect to number of organic compounds and the respective concentrations, was MW3SH, followed by MW5SH (a similar result was noted for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 samplings). Twenty-five different organic compounds, plus five TICs, were detected in the MW3SH-0522 sample. Four compounds in that sample exceeded the Tapwater RSLs. Both the ROD action level and the Tapwater RSL were exceeded for benzo(a) anthracene in three samples. An anomalous detection of biz(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate occurred in the PZ07 sample at 61 µg/L(six times the MCL). Sample MW3SH-0522 showed detections for eight different metals, but with no exceedances (manganese was detected only at 72 µg/L). Four other samples did exceed the Tapwater RSL for manganese. Those more contaminated wells are screened in the (approximate) 5ft. to 15 ft. depth zone and are more or less centrally located within the site and relatively close to the existing HVO building. The shallowness and the relatively small area of the more contaminated zone could make any future remedial designs easier to implement. Table 9 lists various wells, and some of the compounds which have showed a detection exceeding an action level (all exceedances shown in red), for the years 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2022. Table 9 lists either the ROD action levels and the regional tap- water screening levels, or the tapwater and MCL levels, depending on whichever two are applicable and /or have lower action levels, for comparison. The table allows one to quickly see wells where most exceedances have been occurring and allows a quick comparison of those from 2012 forward. Some other compounds, such as pyrene, have also been detected at various wells over time, but those typically have not been detected in concentrations exceeding action levels, and are not shown in Table 9. Evaluating and comparing those detections as well may help understand the distribution of contaminants at the site and potential trends in natural attenuation. Groundwater elevations (based on the limited number of wells) generally indicate flow to the northwest, from the MW3SH area toward MW8SH. Concentrations of organic compounds and manganese at MW8SH and MW8S in 2012 - 2014 indicated that contamination (acenapthene, benzo(a)anthracene, fluorene, fluoranthene, pyrene, vinyl chloride, dichlorobenzene, manganese, and chlorobenzene) was migrating toward MW8SH. The samples collected in 2022 show only detections of pyrene and an estimated amount of chlorobenzene at that location (based on 2022 MRLs). Also, several compounds detected in the MW3SH sample this year were at lower concentrations than in 2014. Those include naphthalene, dibenzofuran, and 1,4 dichlorobenzene. Those changes, along with methane detections at various locations, could indicate progress of natural attenuation since 2014. The 2022 sample from further downgradient MW9A showed no detections of volatiles or semivolatiles at or above the MRLs. The lack of detections at MW9A may indicate that the plume has not migrated that far. However, MW9A is only 12 feet deep and does not show the condition of deeper zones. Methane detections, along with other classical nutrient concentrations (see section 4.2.1) at various wells may indicate chemical breakdown and natural attenuation in progress. To more completely delineate the plume, a few additional wells could be installed. A sampling point between MW5SH and MW8SH would be helpful. That well could be located at the northwest corner of the paved HVO parking lot, north of MW5SH. Additionally, with the loss of PZ04, a shallow well in the 15 to 16 foot depth range near PZ10 would be helpful. PZ10 is 27 feet deep, but most of the more concentrated contamination detected around the site seems to occur in the 14 – 16 foot depth range, based on current well sampling results. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 26 of 389 Table 9 Summary of Detections Above Action Levels, Benfield Industries, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2022 ROD Action Level = ROD Regional Tap Water Screening Level = RTW Regional Maximum Benzo(a)- Location ROD RTW ROD RTW ROD RTW ROD RTW ROD RTW ↓ YEAR> 2012/2013/2014/2022 2012/2013/2014/2022 2012 /2013/ 2014/2022 2012 / 2013/ 2014/2022 2012 / 2013/ 2014/2022 MW3SH 0.39 / ND / ND/ ND 1 / ND/0.48/0.98 13 / 23 / 23/ 5.4 52 / 130 / 82/44 ND / ND / ND/ND MW5SH 0.28 / 0.32 / 0.36/ND ^ 0.63 / 0.49/0.51/0.41 0.16 / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ND 0.015 / 0.011 J / 0.016/0.012 MW5SHDUP* NA / ND / 0.36/NA NA / 0.12 / 0.52/NA NA / ND / ND/NA NA / ND / ND/NA NA / 0.012 J / 0.017/NA MW5S ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ND 0.026 / 0.024 / 0.03/0.011 MW8S ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ ND MW8SH ND / ND / ND/ ND 0.13 / 0.13 / ND/ ND^ ND / ND / NDND ND / ND / NA/ND 0.012 J /0.0086J / ND/ND PZ04 ND / ND / ND/ NA ND / ND / ND/ NA ND / ND / ND/NA ND / ND / NA/NA ND / ND / ND/ NA EXT03 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ 0.26 ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / NA/ND ND / ND / ND/ ND MW2DP ND / ND / NA/ NA ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / NA/NA ND / ND / NA/NA ND / ND / NA/ ND MW2DP-Rep* NA / ND / ND/ ND NA / ND / ND/ND NA / ND / ND/ND NA / ND / ND/ND NA / ND / ND/ ND PZ10 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / 0.7 / ND/ND^ ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ ND MW3S ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ ND PZ07 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND ND / ND / ND/ ND PZ09 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ND ND / ND / ND ND / ND / ND/ND MW2SH*** ND / NA / NA/ NA ND / NA / NA/NA ND / NA / NA/NA ND / NA / NA ND / NA / NA/ NA NA / NA / ND/ ND NA / NA / ND/ND NA / NA / ND/ND NA / NA / ND NA / NA / ND/ NA Exceedances listed in red. RTW= Regional Tap Water Screening Levels for Superfund Sites , RMCL = Regional Maximum Contaminant Limit Screening Levels (MCL) for Superfund Sites. ROD = Record Of Decision document screening levels for Benfield site. *(MW5SHDUP and MW2DP-REP are for 2013 and 2014 only) ** Note: lowest detection limit for vinyl chloride is 0.015 , above ROD action level *** (MW2SH sampled in 2012 only) MW2SH-R sampled in 2014 and 2022 only _ NA=Not applicable _ ND=Not Detected J=estimated value---- PZ04 not found in 2022- destroyed. ^ Note: MRL for 2022 was greater than in past, possibly resulting in ND LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 27 of 389 Table 9 Summary of Detections Over Action Levels, Benfield Industries, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2022 (continued) ROD Action Level = ROD Regional Tap Water Screening Level = RTW Regional Manganese 1,4 Dichlorobenzene Chloroform 1,1 Biphenyl Location RTW RMCL ROD RTW RMCL RTW RMCL RTW RMCL ↓ 320 NA 1.8 0.42 75 0.19 80 0.83 NA Year> 2012 / 2013/ 2014/2022 2012 / 2013/ 2014/2022 2012 / 2013/ 2014/2022 2012 /2013/ 2014/2022 MW3SH 290 / 16 / 47/ 72 1.8 / 2.7 / 2.3/1.8 ND / ND / 0.017/ ND 10 / 26 / 16/ND^ MW5SH 1500 / 1600 / 1600/1400 0.72 / 0.79/ 0.69/0.41 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND MW5SHDUP* NA / 1600 / 1500/NA NA / 0.75 O/ 0.68/NA NA / ND / ND/ NA NA / ND / ND/ND MW5S 610 / 64 / 650/1400 0.65 / 0.62/ 0.55/ND^ ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND MW8S 45 / 63 / 58/ 110 ND / 0.38/ ND/ND ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ND MW8SH 2300 / 2500 / 2000/ 2100 0.28 J / 0.43/.32 /ND ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND PZ04 280 / 170 / 130/ NA ND / ND / ND/ NA ND / ND / ND/ NA ND / ND / ND/ NA EXT03 210 / 240 / 28/ 20 ND / ND/ ND/ND ND / ND / 0.056/ ND^ ND / ND / ND/ ND MW2DP 56 / 56 / NA/ NA ND / ND / NA/NA ND / ND / NA/ NA ND / ND / NA/ NA MW2DP-Rep * NA / 170 / 31/ 15 NA / ND / ND/ ND NA/ ND / 0.053/ ND^ NA / ND / ND/ ND PZ10 4200 / 4000 / 3600/ 7100 0.39 J / 0.46 / 0.46/0.39 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND MW3S 19 / 670 / 13/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND PZ07 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND 0.39 J / 0.19 J / 0.25/0.29 ND / ND / ND/ ND PZ09 ND / ND / ND/ ND ND / ND / ND/ ND 0.26 J / ND / 0.21/ ND^ ND / ND / ND/ ND MW2SH*** 330 / NA / NA/ NA ND / NA /NA/NA ND / NA / NA/ NA ND / NA / NA/ NA MW2SH-R NA / NA / 970/ 74 NA /NA /ND/ND NA /NA / ND/ ND NA / NA / ND/ ND Exceedances listed in red. RTW= Regional Tap Water Screening Levels for Superfund Sites, RMCL = Regional Maximum Contaminant Limit Screening Levels (MCL) for Superfund Sites. ROD = Record Of Decision document screening levels for Benfield site. *(MW5SHDUP and MW2DP-REP are for 2013 and 2014 only) *** (MW2SH sampled in 2012 only) NA= Not applicable ** Note: lowest detection limit for vinyl chloride is 0.015 , above ROD action level *** (MW2SH sampled in 2012 only) MW2SH-R sampled in 2014 and 2022 only _ND=Not Detected _J=estimated value---- PZ04 not found in 2022- destroyed. ^ Note: MRL for 2022 was greater than in past, possibly resulting in ND. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 28 of 389 8.0 REFERENCES USEPA, Region 4, Quality Assurance Project Plan, Benfield Industries, Inc. Monitoring Well Sampling, (O&M), May 15, 2014. USEPA, Region 4, Quality Assurance Project Plan, Benfield Industries, Inc. Monitoring Well Sampling, (O&M), May 1, 2009). USEPA, Region 4, Record of Decision, Benfield Industries Superfund Site, Hazelwood, Haywood County, North Carolina, July 1992. 3 USEPA, Region 4, Record of Decision, Benfield Industries Superfund Site, Hazelwood, Haywood County, North Carolina, July 1992. USEPA, Region 4, Record of Decision Amendment, Summary of Remedial Alternative, Benfield Industries Superfund Site, Hazelwood, Haywood County, North Carolina, September 2015. USEPA, Region 4, Sampling and Analysis Plan, Benfield Industries, Location: 172 Riverbend Street, Hazelwood, Haywood County, North Carolina, April 18, 2022. USEPA Region 4, SESD Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures, Most recent versions. USEPA, Region 4, Analytical Support Branch Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual, May, 2021. USEPA, Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Act, November, 2021. USEPA, Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants in Tapwater at Superfund Sites, November, 2021. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 29 of 389 This page left blank intentionally. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 30 of 389 Appendix A Field Logbooks Field Logbook 1, Sampling Notes 13 pages Field Logbook 2, Sampling Notes 9 pages Field Logbook 3, Sampling Notes 13 pages Instrument Calibration Logbook 9 pages Total ……………………………………………………………………… …………….. 44 pages LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 31 of 389 This page left blank intentionally. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 32 of 389 LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 33 of 389 34 of 389 of Full Report 35 of 389 of Full Report 36 of 389 of Full Report 37 of 389 of Full Report 38 of 389 of Full Report 39 of 389 of Full Report 40 of 389 of Full Report 41 of 389 of Full Report 42 of 389 of Full Report 43 of 389 of Full Report 44 of 389 of Full Report 45 of 389 of Full Report This page left blank intentionally. 46 of 389 of Full Report 48 of 389 of Full Report 49 of 389 of Full Report 50 of 389 of Full Report 51 of 389 of Full Report 52 of 389 of Full Report 53 of 389 of Full Report 54 of 389 of Full Report 55 of 389 of Full Report This page left blank intentionally. 56 of 389 of Full Report 58 of 389 of Full Report 59 of 389 of Full Report 60 of 389 of Full Report 61 of 389 of Full Report 62 of 389 of Full Report 63 of 389 of Full Report 64 of 389 of Full Report 65 of 389 of Full Report 66 of 389 of Full Report 67 of 389 of Full Report 68 of 389 of Full Report 69 of 389 of Full Report This page left blank intentionally. 70 of 389 of Full Report 71 of 389 of Full Report 72 of 389 of Full Report 73 of 389 of Full Report 74 of 389 of Full Report 75 of 389 of Full Report 76 of 389 of Full Report 77 of 389 of Full Report 78 of 389 of Full Report 79 of 389 of Full Report This page left blank intentionally. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 80 of 389 Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Reports Volatile Organic Compounds, June 22, 2022 64 pages Volatile Organics (VOA) (Natural Attenuation Compounds), May 27, 2022 22 pages Semi-Volatile Organics (SVOA), June 07, 2022 59 pages Classical Nutrient Analyses (CNA), June 21, 2022 20 pages Classical Nutrient Analyses (CNA), June 10, 2022 20 pages Classical Nutrient Analyses (CNA), June 09, 2022 21 pages Classical Nutrient Analyses (CNA), June 08, 2022 20 pages Total Metals (TMTL), E142604, June 21, 2022 28 pages Logbook for Field Analysis of Ferrous Iron 28 pages Logbook for Field Analysis of Alkalinity 16 pages Total 298 pages LSASD Project ID 22-0163 81 of 389 This page left blank intentionally. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 82 of 389 D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn June 22, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Floyd Wellborn LSB Organic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Volatile Organics (VOA) Volatile organic compounds ISOEPA 8260C (Water) 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 1 of 64 83 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 2 of 64 84 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 TB01-0522 E222202-01 Trip Blank - Water 5/24/22 16:00 5/25/22 15:00 TB02-0522 E222202-02 Trip Blank - Water 5/25/22 11:30 5/25/22 15:00 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 3 of 64 85 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. Q-2 Result greater than MDL but less than MRL. QR-2 MRL verification recovery greater than upper control limits. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 4 of 64 86 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB01-0522 E222202-01 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/24/22 16:00 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 5 of 64 87 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB01-0522 E222202-01 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/24/22 16:00 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 6 of 64 88 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB01-0522 E222202-01 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/24/22 16:00 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2212:516/06/22 8:38 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 7 of 64 89 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB02-0522 E222202-02 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/25/22 11:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 8 of 64 90 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB02-0522 E222202-02 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/25/22 11:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 9 of 64 91 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB02-0522 E222202-02 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/25/22 11:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2213:176/06/22 8:38 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 10 of 64 92 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 11 of 64 93 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 12 of 64 94 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2215:576/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 13 of 64 95 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 14 of 64 96 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 15 of 64 97 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2216:236/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 16 of 64 98 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 17 of 64 99 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 18 of 64 100 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2216:486/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 19 of 64 101 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 20 of 64 102 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 21 of 64 103 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2217:136/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 22 of 64 104 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.74120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.40 J, Q-295-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.13 J, Q-2, QR-295-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.19 J, Q-2541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C1.8 J, QR-2106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 23 of 64 105 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C1.3108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C1.6104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.15 J, Q-2, QR-295-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 24 of 64 106 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C1.199-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.27 J, Q-2135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2217:386/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 25 of 64 107 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.41 J, Q-2, QR-295-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.21 J, Q-2, QR-2106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 26 of 64 108 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C1.7 J, QR-2108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 27 of 64 109 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.011 J, Q-275-01-4 6/06/2218:046/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 28 of 64 110 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.42 J, Q-2, QR-295-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.20 J, Q-2, QR-2106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 29 of 64 111 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C1.9 J, QR-2108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 30 of 64 112 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.010 J, Q-275-01-4 6/06/2218:296/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 31 of 64 113 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.28 J, Q-2, QR-295-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.41 J, Q-2, QR-2106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 32 of 64 114 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C1.4 J, QR-2108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 33 of 64 115 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.012 J, Q-275-01-4 6/06/2218:546/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 34 of 64 116 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 35 of 64 117 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 36 of 64 118 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2219:196/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 37 of 64 119 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 38 of 64 120 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.27 J, Q-2, QR-2108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 39 of 64 121 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2219:446/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 40 of 64 122 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 41 of 64 123 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 42 of 64 124 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2220:096/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 43 of 64 125 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 44 of 64 126 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.29 J, Q-2, QR-267-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 45 of 64 127 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2220:356/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 46 of 64 128 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 47 of 64 129 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 48 of 64 130 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2213:426/06/22 8:38 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 49 of 64 131 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0(m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 UR4-7156 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U630-20-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-55-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-34-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U76-13-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-00-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-34-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene) ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-35-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,1-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U563-58-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-61-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U96-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U120-82-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-63-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.01,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U96-12-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-93-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-50-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloroethane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U107-06-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U78-87-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-67-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U541-73-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,3-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U142-28-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.501,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.39 J, Q-2, QR-2106-46-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.502,2-Dichloropropane ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U594-20-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Acetoneug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U67-64-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Benzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U71-43-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-86-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Bromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-97-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 50 of 64 132 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50Bromodichloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-27-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Bromoformug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U75-25-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Bromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U74-83-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Carbon disulfide ug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-15-0 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U56-23-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chlorobenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.54 J, QR-2108-90-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 2.0Chloroethaneug/L EPA 8260C2.0 U75-00-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloroformug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U67-66-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Chloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-87-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-59-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-01-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Cyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U110-82-7 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromochloromethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U124-48-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dibromomethaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U74-95-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-71-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Ethyl Benzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-41-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Hexachlorobutadieneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U87-68-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Isopropylbenzeneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-82-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Acetate ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U79-20-9 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Butyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U591-78-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 4.0Methyl Ethyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C4.0 U78-93-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 1.0Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ug/L EPA 8260C1.0 U108-10-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U1634-04-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylcyclohexaneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-87-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Methylene Chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-09-2 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U104-51-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50n-Propylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U103-65-1 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-49-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50o-Xylene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U95-47-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 51 of 64 133 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.50p-Chlorotoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U106-43-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U99-87-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50sec-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.25 J, Q-2135-98-8 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Styreneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U100-42-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50tert-Butylbenzene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U98-06-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U127-18-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Tolueneug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U108-88-3 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U156-60-5 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U10061-02-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U79-01-6 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.50Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)ug/L EPA 8260C0.50 U75-69-4 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 0.015Vinyl chloride ug/L EPA 8260C0.015 U75-01-4 6/06/2215:326/06/2215:04 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8260Cug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/06/22 8:566/06/22 8:28 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 52 of 64 134 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206012 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep Blank (2206012-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride ug/LU0.015 U LCS (2206012-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride ug/L18.746 20.000 70-13093.7 Matrix Spike (2206012-MS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride ug/L12.089 10.233 0.0000 70-130118 Matrix Spike Dup (2206012-MSD1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride ug/L11.553 10.233 0.0000 2070-130113 4.53 MRL Verification (2206012-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 EPA 8260C Vinyl chloride ug/L0.019200 0.015000 MRL-250-150128 Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep Blank (2206013-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 EPA 8260C (m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/LU1.0 U 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "U 0.50 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane "U 0.50 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "U 0.50 U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) "U 0.50 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane "U 0.50 U 1,1-Dichloroethane "U 0.50 U 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"U 0.50 U 1,1-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U 1,2,3-Trichloropropane "U 0.50 U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "U 0.50 U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"U 1.0 U 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"U 0.50 U 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 53 of 64 135 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep Blank (2206013-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/LU0.50 U 1,2-Dichloroethane "U 0.50 U 1,2-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "U 0.50 U 1,3-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U 1,3-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene "U 0.50 U 2,2-Dichloropropane "U 0.50 U Acetone "U 4.0 U Benzene "U 0.50 U Bromobenzene "U 0.50 U Bromochloromethane "U 0.50 U Bromodichloromethane "U 0.50 U Bromoform "U 1.0 U Bromomethane "U 2.0 U Carbon disulfide "U 2.0 U Carbon Tetrachloride "U 0.50 U Chlorobenzene "U 0.50 U Chloroethane "U 2.0 U Chloroform "U 0.50 U Chloromethane "U 0.50 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "U 0.50 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U Cyclohexane "U 0.50 U Dibromochloromethane "U 0.50 U Dibromomethane "U 0.50 U Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"U 0.50 U Ethyl Benzene "U 0.50 U Hexachlorobutadiene "U 0.50 U Isopropylbenzene "U 0.50 U Methyl Acetate "U 1.0 U Methyl Butyl Ketone "U 1.0 U Methyl Ethyl Ketone "U 4.0 U Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "U 1.0 U Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"U 0.50 U Methylcyclohexane "U 0.50 U Methylene Chloride "U 0.50 U n-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U n-Propylbenzene "U 0.50 U o-Chlorotoluene "U 0.50 U 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 54 of 64 136 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep Blank (2206013-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 o-Xylene ug/LU0.50 U p-Chlorotoluene "U 0.50 U p-Isopropyltoluene "U 0.50 U sec-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U Styrene "U 0.50 U tert-Butylbenzene "U 0.50 U Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"U 0.50 U Toluene "U 0.50 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "U 0.50 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "U 0.50 U Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"U 0.50 U Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"U 0.50 U Tentatively Identified Compounds "U 10 U LCS (2206013-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 EPA 8260C (m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L43.330 40.000 91.3-117108 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "21.010 20.000 76.5-128105 1,1,1-Trichloroethane "21.190 20.000 79.3-126106 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "20.610 20.000 80.2-118103 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) "22.420 20.000 80-124112 1,1,2-Trichloroethane "21.080 20.000 87.1-111105 1,1-Dichloroethane "22.110 20.000 87.8-113111 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"22.980 20.000 85.4-116115 1,1-Dichloropropene "21.490 20.000 89.4-115107 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "21.690 20.000 85-117108 1,2,3-Trichloropropane "21.450 20.000 83.4-114107 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "21.460 20.000 83.9-117107 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "21.940 20.000 86.5-121110 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"44.390 40.000 72.3-136111 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"21.270 20.000 87.3-115106 1,2-Dichlorobenzene "20.730 20.000 86.4-111104 1,2-Dichloroethane "19.910 20.000 83.9-12299.6 1,2-Dichloropropane "20.790 20.000 88-113104 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "21.820 20.000 86.8-119109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene "20.480 20.000 86.4-112102 1,3-Dichloropropane "20.730 20.000 87.4-113104 1,4-Dichlorobenzene "20.160 20.000 86.5-110101 2,2-Dichloropropane "21.670 20.000 53.4-154108 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 55 of 64 137 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep LCS (2206013-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Acetone ug/L50.880 40.000 QC-249.7-153127 Benzene "20.300 20.000 89.6-113102 Bromobenzene "20.140 20.000 84.6-112101 Bromochloromethane "21.240 20.000 83.6-117106 Bromodichloromethane "20.860 20.000 80-125104 Bromoform "42.710 40.000 63.1-142107 Bromomethane "21.080 20.000 49.9-140105 Carbon disulfide "22.900 20.000 81.7-114114 Carbon Tetrachloride "20.470 20.000 68.8-140102 Chlorobenzene "20.270 20.000 88.4-109101 Chloroethane "21.980 20.000 76.7-118110 Chloroform "20.970 20.000 87.9-115105 Chloromethane "20.800 20.000 68.9-118104 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "21.690 20.000 87.6-115108 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "20.250 20.000 81-121101 Cyclohexane "22.270 20.000 83.5-122111 Dibromochloromethane "21.050 20.000 71.7-133105 Dibromomethane "21.440 20.000 87.3-117107 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"22.730 20.000 63.5-132114 Ethyl Benzene "21.280 20.000 90-114106 Hexachlorobutadiene "20.630 20.000 80.2-116103 Isopropylbenzene "21.800 20.000 84.5-120109 Methyl Acetate "48.000 40.000 75.8-121120 Methyl Butyl Ketone "45.920 40.000 69.9-136115 Methyl Ethyl Ketone "46.960 40.000 68.1-135117 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "42.030 40.000 77-127105 Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"23.510 20.000 80.1-123118 Methylcyclohexane "21.180 20.000 82.6-124106 Methylene Chloride "22.040 20.000 81.2-118110 n-Butylbenzene "22.100 20.000 85.7-121110 n-Propylbenzene "21.290 20.000 87-117106 o-Chlorotoluene "20.900 20.000 85.8-114104 o-Xylene "22.000 20.000 88.9-116110 p-Chlorotoluene "21.190 20.000 86.5-114106 p-Isopropyltoluene "21.980 20.000 86.3-123110 sec-Butylbenzene "22.030 20.000 86.2-120110 Styrene "22.350 20.000 89.9-119112 tert-Butylbenzene "21.700 20.000 85.2-119108 Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"20.500 20.000 85.1-113102 Toluene "19.410 20.000 87.7-11197.0 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 56 of 64 138 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep LCS (2206013-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L22.690 20.000 86.6-114113 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "21.810 20.000 77.4-127109 Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"20.840 20.000 87.8-114104 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"21.600 20.000 78-129108 Matrix Spike (2206013-MS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 8260C (m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L22.350 20.465 0.0000 81.5-138109 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "10.420 10.233 0.0000 77.4-127102 1,1,1-Trichloroethane "11.530 10.233 0.0000 85.6-137113 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "9.9800 10.233 0.0000 78-12197.5 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) "11.840 10.233 0.0000 87.8-141116 1,1,2-Trichloroethane "10.430 10.233 0.0000 83.6-119102 1,1-Dichloroethane "11.200 10.233 0.0000 87.6-126109 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"11.430 10.233 0.0000 87.5-133112 1,1-Dichloropropene "11.970 10.233 0.0000 90.2-132117 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "11.530 10.233 0.0000 69.5-126113 1,2,3-Trichloropropane "10.420 10.233 0.0000 78.9-120102 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "11.160 10.233 0.0000 67.6-125109 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "11.500 10.233 0.0000 57.5-147112 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"20.120 20.465 0.0000 68.3-12598.3 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"10.920 10.233 0.0000 83.4-119107 1,2-Dichlorobenzene "10.680 10.233 0.0000 78.4-125104 1,2-Dichloroethane "9.4200 10.233 0.0000 83.5-12992.1 1,2-Dichloropropane "11.190 10.233 0.0000 85.3-125109 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "11.630 10.233 0.0000 61.9-143114 1,3-Dichlorobenzene "10.700 10.233 0.0000 79-125105 1,3-Dichloropropane "10.390 10.233 0.0000 83.6-121102 1,4-Dichlorobenzene "10.530 10.233 0.0000 78.3-124103 2,2-Dichloropropane "11.890 10.233 0.0000 45.4-163116 Acetone "21.130 20.465 0.0000 QC-248.2-133103 Benzene "10.950 10.233 0.0000 88.8-127107 Bromobenzene "10.620 10.233 0.0000 80.5-121104 Bromochloromethane "11.110 10.233 0.0000 82.7-126109 Bromodichloromethane "12.420 10.233 0.0000 81.1-125121 Bromoform "19.110 20.465 0.0000 50.7-13393.4 Bromomethane "11.030 10.233 0.0000 33.6-168108 Carbon disulfide "11.300 10.233 0.0000 40.9-152110 Carbon Tetrachloride "11.800 10.233 0.0000 75.4-144115 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 57 of 64 139 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep Matrix Spike (2206013-MS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Source: E222202-15 Chlorobenzene ug/L10.640 10.233 0.0000 85.5-123104 Chloroethane "9.6500 10.233 0.0000 70.6-15094.3 Chloroform "11.430 10.233 0.15000 87.6-128110 Chloromethane "8.2300 10.233 0.0000 67.3-13880.4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "11.940 10.233 0.0000 85.3-127117 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "10.920 10.233 0.0000 73-125107 Cyclohexane "11.820 10.233 0.0000 85.1-140116 Dibromochloromethane "10.600 10.233 0.0000 67.1-128104 Dibromomethane "10.950 10.233 0.0000 83.2-124107 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"12.100 10.233 0.0000 71.1-152118 Ethyl Benzene "10.610 10.233 0.0000 85-130104 Hexachlorobutadiene "11.840 10.233 0.0000 67.2-136116 Isopropylbenzene "11.620 10.233 0.0000 82.2-134114 Methyl Acetate "20.980 20.465 0.0000 66.1-122103 Methyl Butyl Ketone "21.120 20.465 0.0000 66.9-124103 Methyl Ethyl Ketone "21.820 20.465 0.0000 60.8-127107 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "21.620 20.465 0.0000 73.9-125106 Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"10.720 10.233 0.0000 76.5-127105 Methylcyclohexane "11.950 10.233 0.0000 81.4-144117 Methylene Chloride "10.930 10.233 0.0000 80.7-129107 n-Butylbenzene "11.830 10.233 0.0000 74.7-136116 n-Propylbenzene "11.510 10.233 0.0000 79.7-136112 o-Chlorotoluene "10.990 10.233 0.0000 80.6-128107 o-Xylene "11.330 10.233 0.0000 78.6-130111 p-Chlorotoluene "10.820 10.233 0.0000 79.4-129106 p-Isopropyltoluene "11.780 10.233 0.0000 76.7-138115 sec-Butylbenzene "11.780 10.233 0.0000 79-138115 Styrene "11.530 10.233 0.0000 34.5-158113 tert-Butylbenzene "11.400 10.233 0.0000 79.5-134111 Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"11.170 10.233 0.0000 66.4-149109 Toluene "10.790 10.233 0.0000 85.6-126105 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "11.680 10.233 0.0000 86.8-128114 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "10.730 10.233 0.0000 66.9-126105 Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"11.870 10.233 0.0000 87.2-128116 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"10.360 10.233 0.0000 87.3-147101 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 58 of 64 140 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep Matrix Spike Dup (2206013-MSD1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 8260C (m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L24.140 20.465 0.0000 10.381.5-138118 7.70 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "10.940 10.233 0.0000 12.477.4-127107 4.87 1,1,1-Trichloroethane "11.430 10.233 0.0000 10.985.6-137112 0.871 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "10.350 10.233 0.0000 13.578-121101 3.64 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) "11.940 10.233 0.0000 13.687.8-141117 0.841 1,1,2-Trichloroethane "11.110 10.233 0.0000 11.283.6-119109 6.31 1,1-Dichloroethane "11.000 10.233 0.0000 11.387.6-126107 1.80 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"11.800 10.233 0.0000 12.887.5-133115 3.19 1,1-Dichloropropene "11.750 10.233 0.0000 11.190.2-132115 1.85 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "11.910 10.233 0.0000 14.269.5-126116 3.24 1,2,3-Trichloropropane "10.630 10.233 0.0000 12.878.9-120104 2.00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "11.640 10.233 0.0000 14.367.6-125114 4.21 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "12.010 10.233 0.0000 16.957.5-147117 4.34 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"21.500 20.465 0.0000 14.868.3-125105 6.63 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"11.640 10.233 0.0000 10.783.4-119114 6.38 1,2-Dichlorobenzene "11.110 10.233 0.0000 1178.4-125109 3.95 1,2-Dichloroethane "9.7900 10.233 0.0000 12.183.5-12995.7 3.85 1,2-Dichloropropane "11.630 10.233 0.0000 13.285.3-125114 3.86 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "12.120 10.233 0.0000 13.761.9-143118 4.13 1,3-Dichlorobenzene "10.990 10.233 0.0000 11.179-125107 2.67 1,3-Dichloropropane "11.200 10.233 0.0000 10.583.6-121109 7.50 1,4-Dichlorobenzene "11.030 10.233 0.0000 10.378.3-124108 4.64 2,2-Dichloropropane "11.540 10.233 0.0000 1845.4-163113 2.99 Acetone "21.440 20.465 0.0000 18.2 QC-248.2-133105 1.46 Benzene "11.300 10.233 0.0000 1088.8-127110 3.15 Bromobenzene "11.150 10.233 0.0000 12.980.5-121109 4.87 Bromochloromethane "10.950 10.233 0.0000 15.382.7-126107 1.45 Bromodichloromethane "13.050 10.233 0.0000 12.5 QM-281.1-125128 4.95 Bromoform "20.150 20.465 0.0000 21.150.7-13398.5 5.30 Bromomethane "11.040 10.233 0.0000 34.433.6-168108 0.0906 Carbon disulfide "11.210 10.233 0.0000 39.540.9-152110 0.800 Carbon Tetrachloride "11.820 10.233 0.0000 15.875.4-144116 0.169 Chlorobenzene "11.110 10.233 0.0000 10.685.5-123109 4.32 Chloroethane "9.5600 10.233 0.0000 34.270.6-15093.4 0.937 Chloroform "11.190 10.233 0.15000 11.487.6-128108 2.12 Chloromethane "8.0900 10.233 0.0000 2967.3-13879.1 1.72 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "11.950 10.233 0.0000 10.885.3-127117 0.0837 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "11.810 10.233 0.0000 17.173-125115 7.83 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 59 of 64 141 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep Matrix Spike Dup (2206013-MSD1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Source: E222202-15 Cyclohexane ug/L11.480 10.233 0.0000 11.585.1-140112 2.92 Dibromochloromethane "11.100 10.233 0.0000 17.767.1-128108 4.61 Dibromomethane "11.450 10.233 0.0000 14.283.2-124112 4.46 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"11.750 10.233 0.0000 21.671.1-152115 2.94 Ethyl Benzene "11.260 10.233 0.0000 1085-130110 5.94 Hexachlorobutadiene "12.170 10.233 0.0000 15.767.2-136119 2.75 Isopropylbenzene "12.050 10.233 0.0000 12.782.2-134118 3.63 Methyl Acetate "20.400 20.465 0.0000 11.266.1-12299.7 2.80 Methyl Butyl Ketone "22.570 20.465 0.0000 13.266.9-124110 6.64 Methyl Ethyl Ketone "21.650 20.465 0.0000 1560.8-127106 0.782 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "23.430 20.465 0.0000 1273.9-125114 8.04 Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"10.480 10.233 0.0000 11.876.5-127102 2.26 Methylcyclohexane "12.510 10.233 0.0000 12.481.4-144122 4.58 Methylene Chloride "10.790 10.233 0.0000 14.380.7-129105 1.29 n-Butylbenzene "12.070 10.233 0.0000 12.174.7-136118 2.01 n-Propylbenzene "11.940 10.233 0.0000 11.779.7-136117 3.67 o-Chlorotoluene "11.410 10.233 0.0000 11.380.6-128112 3.75 o-Xylene "12.180 10.233 0.0000 1078.6-130119 7.23 p-Chlorotoluene "11.250 10.233 0.0000 11.979.4-129110 3.90 p-Isopropyltoluene "12.140 10.233 0.0000 11.176.7-138119 3.01 sec-Butylbenzene "12.160 10.233 0.0000 10.779-138119 3.17 Styrene "12.330 10.233 0.0000 22.634.5-158120 6.71 tert-Butylbenzene "11.810 10.233 0.0000 11.879.5-134115 3.53 Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"11.780 10.233 0.0000 13.466.4-149115 5.32 Toluene "11.190 10.233 0.0000 1085.6-126109 3.64 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "11.750 10.233 0.0000 1186.8-128115 0.598 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "11.520 10.233 0.0000 1866.9-126113 7.10 Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"12.180 10.233 0.0000 1587.2-128119 2.58 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"10.460 10.233 0.0000 18.787.3-147102 0.961 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 60 of 64 142 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep MRL Verification (2206013-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 EPA 8260C (m- and/or p-)Xylene ug/L1.1900 1.0000 MRL-271.3-137119 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-256.5-148120 1,1,1-Trichloroethane "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-259.3-146124 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane "0.63000 0.50000 MRL-260.2-138126 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane (Freon 113) "0.47000 0.50000 MRL-260-14494.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-267.1-131120 1,1-Dichloroethane "0.58000 0.50000 MRL-267.8-133116 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-Dichloroethylene)"0.58000 0.50000 MRL-265.4-136116 1,1-Dichloropropene "0.56000 0.50000 MRL-269.4-135112 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene "0.68000 0.50000 MRL-265-137136 1,2,3-Trichloropropane "0.59000 0.50000 MRL-263.4-134118 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene "0.67000 0.50000 MRL-263.9-137134 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-266.5-141120 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)"1.0900 1.0000 MRL-252.3-156109 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)"0.65000 0.50000 MRL-267.3-135130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene "0.68000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 66.4-131136 1,2-Dichloroethane "0.59000 0.50000 MRL-263.9-142118 1,2-Dichloropropane "0.64000 0.50000 MRL-268-133128 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene "0.63000 0.50000 MRL-266.8-139126 1,3-Dichlorobenzene "0.65000 0.50000 MRL-266.4-132130 1,3-Dichloropropane "0.67000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 67.4-133134 1,4-Dichlorobenzene "0.72000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 66.5-130144 2,2-Dichloropropane "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-233.4-174124 Benzene "0.68000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 69.6-133136 Bromobenzene "0.66000 0.50000 MRL-264.6-132132 Bromochloromethane "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-263.6-137124 Bromodichloromethane "0.73000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 60-145146 Bromoform "1.0400 1.0000 MRL-243.1-162104 Carbon Tetrachloride "0.58000 0.50000 MRL-248.8-160116 Chlorobenzene "0.68000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 68.4-129136 Chloroform "0.68000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 67.9-135136 Chloromethane "0.47000 0.50000 MRL-248.9-13894.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene "0.67000 0.50000 MRL-267.6-135134 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene "0.59000 0.50000 MRL-261-141118 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 61 of 64 143 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep MRL Verification (2206013-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 Cyclohexane ug/L0.44000 0.50000 MRL-263.5-14288.0 Dibromochloromethane "0.61000 0.50000 MRL-251.7-153122 Dibromomethane "0.64000 0.50000 MRL-267.3-137128 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)"0.31000 0.50000 MRL-243.5-15262.0 Ethyl Benzene "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-270-134124 Hexachlorobutadiene "0.66000 0.50000 MRL-260.2-136132 Isopropylbenzene "0.61000 0.50000 MRL-264.5-140122 Methyl Acetate "1.1300 1.0000 MRL-255.8-141113 Methyl Butyl Ketone "1.1000 1.0000 MRL-249.9-156110 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone "1.1300 1.0000 MRL-257-147113 Methyl T-Butyl Ether (MTBE)"0.61000 0.50000 MRL-260.1-143122 Methylcyclohexane "0.52000 0.50000 MRL-262.6-144104 Methylene Chloride "0.64000 0.50000 MRL-261.2-138128 n-Butylbenzene "0.58000 0.50000 MRL-265.7-141116 n-Propylbenzene "0.65000 0.50000 MRL-267-137130 o-Chlorotoluene "0.72000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 65.8-134144 o-Xylene "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-268.9-136120 p-Chlorotoluene "0.64000 0.50000 MRL-266.5-134128 p-Isopropyltoluene "0.56000 0.50000 MRL-266.3-143112 sec-Butylbenzene "0.58000 0.50000 MRL-266.2-140116 Styrene "0.57000 0.50000 MRL-269.9-139114 tert-Butylbenzene "0.60000 0.50000 MRL-265.2-139120 Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene)"0.64000 0.50000 MRL-265.1-133128 Toluene "0.70000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 67.7-131140 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene "0.62000 0.50000 MRL-266.6-134124 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene "0.65000 0.50000 MRL-257.4-147130 Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)"0.73000 0.50000 MRL-2, QR-2 67.8-134146 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)"0.49000 0.50000 MRL-258-14998.0 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 62 of 64 144 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206013 - V 5030B VOA Wtr Prep MRL Verification (2206013-PS2)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/06/22 EPA 8260C Acetone ug/L4.3900 4.0000 MRL-2, QC-2 29.7-173110 Bromomethane "2.2900 2.0000 MRL-229.9-160114 Carbon disulfide "2.1100 2.0000 MRL-261.7-134106 Chloroethane "1.6400 2.0000 MRL-256.7-13882.0 Methyl Ethyl Ketone "4.3000 4.0000 MRL-248.1-155108 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 63 of 64 145 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U MRL-2 QC-2 QM-2 QR-2 6/22/22 14:21E222202 VOA FINAL 06 22 22 1421Page 64 of 64 146 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn May 27, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Floyd Wellborn LSB Organic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Volatile Organics (VOA) Natural attenuation compounds NRASB V100 (Water) 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 1 of 22 147 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 2 of 22 148 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 TB01-0522 E222202-01 Trip Blank - Water 5/24/22 16:00 5/25/22 15:00 TB02-0522 E222202-02 Trip Blank - Water 5/25/22 11:30 5/25/22 15:00 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 3 of 22 149 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 4 of 22 150 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB01-0522 E222202-01 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/24/22 16:00 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2211:225/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2211:225/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2211:225/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 5 of 22 151 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: TB02-0522 E222202-02 Matrix:Trip Blank - Water Date Collected:5/25/22 11:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID: CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2211:485/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2211:485/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2211:485/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 6 of 22 152 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2211:585/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2211:585/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2211:585/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 7 of 22 153 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2212:095/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2212:095/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2212:095/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 8 of 22 154 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2212:205/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2212:205/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1004674-82-8 5/26/2212:205/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 9 of 22 155 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2212:355/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2212:355/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2212:355/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 10 of 22 156 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2212:465/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2212:465/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V10015074-82-8 5/26/2212:465/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 11 of 22 157 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2212:575/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2212:575/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1002274-82-8 5/26/2212:575/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 12 of 22 158 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2213:115/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2213:115/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1002274-82-8 5/26/2213:115/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 13 of 22 159 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2213:215/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2213:215/26/22 9:31 8.4Methaneug/L ASB V10092074-82-8 5/26/2213:375/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 14 of 22 160 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2213:455/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2213:455/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001374-82-8 5/26/2213:455/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 15 of 22 161 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2213:555/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2213:555/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1007474-82-8 5/26/2213:555/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 16 of 22 162 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2214:075/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2214:075/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2214:075/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 17 of 22 163 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2214:175/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2214:175/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2214:175/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 18 of 22 164 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2210:375/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2210:375/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V1001.4 U74-82-8 5/26/2210:375/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 19 of 22 165 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.6Ethaneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-84-0 5/26/2214:275/26/22 9:31 2.6Etheneug/L ASB V1002.6 U74-85-1 5/26/2214:275/26/22 9:31 1.4Methaneug/L ASB V10015074-82-8 5/26/2214:275/26/22 9:31 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 20 of 22 166 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Volatile Organics (VOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205044 - V ASB100V Natural Attenuation Blank (2205044-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/26/22 ASB V100 Ethane ug/LU2.6 U Ethene "U 2.6 U Methane "U 1.4 U LCS (2205044-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/26/22 ASB V100 Ethane ppmv9.1283 10.000 70-13091.3 Ethene "8.6094 10.000 70-13086.1 Methane "10.372 10.000 70-130104 Matrix Spike (2205044-MS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/26/22 Source: E222202-15 ASB V100 Ethane ppmv8.7427 10.000 0.0000 70-13087.4 Ethene "8.2716 10.000 0.0000 70-13082.7 Methane "9.8675 10.000 0.0000 70-13098.7 Matrix Spike Dup (2205044-MSD1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/26/22 Source: E222202-15 ASB V100 Ethane ppmv9.1534 10.000 0.0000 2070-13091.5 4.59 Ethene "8.6031 10.000 0.0000 2070-13086.0 3.93 Methane "10.263 10.000 0.0000 2070-130103 3.93 MRL Verification (2205044-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/26/22 ASB V100 Ethane ppmv1.8544 2.0000 MRL-250-15092.7 Ethene "1.7738 2.0000 MRL-250-15088.7 Methane "2.0145 2.0000 MRL-250-150101 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 21 of 22 167 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U MRL-2 5/27/22 12:45E222202 VOA FINAL 05 27 22 1245Page 22 of 22 168 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn June 7, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Floyd Wellborn LSB Organic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) Semivolatile organic compounds ISOEPA 8270E (Water) 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 1 of 59 169 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 2 of 59 170 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 3 of 59 171 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. NJ Presumptive evidence that analyte is present; reported as a tentative identification with an estimated value. Q-2 Result greater than MDL but less than MRL. QI-1 Internal standard was outside of method control limits. QM-1 Matrix Spike Recovery less than method control limits QM-3 Matrix Spike Precision outside method control limits 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 4 of 59 172 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 5 of 59 173 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 6 of 59 174 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.2656-55-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.23205-99-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 7 of 59 175 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U129-00-0 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8270Eug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/01/2218:125/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 8 of 59 176 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 11(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U1319-77-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.11,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U92-52-4 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.11,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U123-91-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.11-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U90-12-0 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U58-90-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U95-95-4 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U88-06-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U120-83-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U105-67-9 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 212,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E21U51-28-5 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E11U121-14-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E11U606-20-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E11U91-58-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U95-57-8 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U534-52-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.12-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U91-57-6 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U95-48-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U88-74-4 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 112-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U88-75-5 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 113,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E11U91-94-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 113-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U99-09-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 114-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U101-55-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 114-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U59-50-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 114-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U106-47-8 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 114-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U7005-72-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 114-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U100-01-6 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 114-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U100-02-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U83-32-9 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 9 of 59 177 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.1Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U208-96-8 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E11U98-86-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U120-12-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E11U1912-24-9 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E11U100-52-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U56-55-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U50-32-8 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U205-99-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U191-24-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U207-08-9 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E11U100-51-6 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U85-68-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U108-60-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E11U111-91-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U111-44-4 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U117-81-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E11U105-60-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U86-74-8 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U218-01-9 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U53-70-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U132-64-9 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U84-66-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U131-11-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U84-74-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U117-84-0 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U206-44-0 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U86-73-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E11U118-74-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E11U77-47-4 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 10 of 59 178 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 11Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E11U67-72-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U193-39-5 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E11U78-59-1 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 0.21Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U91-20-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E11U98-95-3 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E11U621-64-7 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E11U122-39-4 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E11U87-86-5 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U85-01-8 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 11Phenolug/L EPA 8270E11U108-95-2 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 2.1Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U129-00-0 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8270Eug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/01/2218:415/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 11 of 59 179 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U, J, QI-191-94-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 12 of 59 180 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U, J, QI-156-55-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U, J, QI-185-68-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U, J, QI-1117-81-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U, J, QI-1218-01-9 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U, J, QI-1117-84-0 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 13 of 59 181 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U, J, QI-1129-00-0 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8270Eug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/01/2219:115/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 14 of 59 182 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 15 of 59 183 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U56-55-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 16 of 59 184 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U129-00-0 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8270Eug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/01/2219:415/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 17 of 59 185 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.11,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E7.992-52-4 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.11,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U123-91-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.11-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E5.790-12-0 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 212,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E21U51-28-5 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.12-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.891-57-6 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E5583-32-9 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 18 of 59 186 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.1Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E0.94 J, Q-2208-96-8 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E12120-12-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.9856-55-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U50-32-8 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U205-99-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U191-24-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U207-08-9 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.686-74-8 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U218-01-9 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U53-70-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E44132-64-9 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E27206-44-0 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E7086-73-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 19 of 59 187 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U193-39-5 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 0.21Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E5.491-20-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E7685-01-8 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 2.1Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E17129-00-0 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L20Cyclopentaphenanthrene (TIC)NJR4-8000146 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 EPA 8270Eug/L20Dibenzothiophene (TIC)NJR4-6619 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 EPA 8270Eug/L100Ethyldimethylbenzene (TIC)NJR4-6556 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 EPA 8270Eug/L90Methylpropylbenzene (TIC)NJR4-8000399 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 EPA 8270Eug/L10Phenylnaphthalene (TIC)NJR4-6632 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 EPA 8270Eug/L20Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/01/2220:115/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 20 of 59 188 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.11,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U92-52-4 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.11,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U123-91-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.11-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U90-12-0 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 212,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E21U51-28-5 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.12-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U91-57-6 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U83-32-9 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 21 of 59 189 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.1Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U208-96-8 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U120-12-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U56-55-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U50-32-8 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U205-99-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U191-24-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U207-08-9 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U86-74-8 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U218-01-9 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U53-70-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U132-64-9 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U206-44-0 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U86-73-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 22 of 59 190 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U193-39-5 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 0.21Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U91-20-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U85-01-8 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 2.1Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E15129-00-0 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L30Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/01/2220:405/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 23 of 59 191 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 11(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U1319-77-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.11,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U92-52-4 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.11,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U123-91-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.11-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U90-12-0 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U58-90-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U95-95-4 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U88-06-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U120-83-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U105-67-9 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 212,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E21U51-28-5 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E11U121-14-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E11U606-20-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E11U91-58-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U95-57-8 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U534-52-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.12-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U91-57-6 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U95-48-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U88-74-4 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 112-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U88-75-5 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 113,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E11U91-94-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 113-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U99-09-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 114-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U101-55-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 114-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U59-50-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 114-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U106-47-8 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 114-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U7005-72-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 114-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E11U100-01-6 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 114-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E11U100-02-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U83-32-9 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 24 of 59 192 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.1Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U208-96-8 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E11U98-86-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U120-12-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E11U1912-24-9 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E11U100-52-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U56-55-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U50-32-8 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 0.21Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U205-99-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U191-24-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U207-08-9 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E11U100-51-6 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U85-68-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U108-60-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E11U111-91-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E11U111-44-4 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U117-81-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E11U105-60-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U86-74-8 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U218-01-9 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U53-70-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U132-64-9 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U84-66-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U131-11-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U84-74-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E11U117-84-0 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U206-44-0 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U86-73-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E11U118-74-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E11U77-47-4 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 25 of 59 193 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 11Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E11U67-72-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U193-39-5 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E11U78-59-1 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 0.21Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.21 U91-20-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E11U98-95-3 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E11U621-64-7 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E11U122-39-4 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E11U87-86-5 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.1 U85-01-8 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 11Phenolug/L EPA 8270E11U108-95-2 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 2.1Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E14129-00-0 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L40Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/01/2221:105/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 26 of 59 194 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 9.9(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U1319-77-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U58-90-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-95-4 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-06-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U120-83-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U105-67-9 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U121-14-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U606-20-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U91-58-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-57-8 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U534-52-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-48-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-74-4 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.92-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-75-5 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.93,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U91-94-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.93-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U99-09-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.94-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U101-55-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U59-50-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U106-47-8 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U7005-72-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.94-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-01-6 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.94-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-02-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E1783-32-9 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 27 of 59 195 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U98-86-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U1912-24-9 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-52-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.4156-55-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-51-6 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U85-68-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U108-60-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U111-91-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U111-44-4 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U117-81-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U105-60-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U84-66-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U131-11-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U84-74-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U117-84-0 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E6.6206-44-0 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E7.286-73-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U118-74-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U77-47-4 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 28 of 59 196 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 9.9Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U67-72-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U78-59-1 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U98-95-3 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U621-64-7 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U122-39-4 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U87-86-5 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 9.9Phenolug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U108-95-2 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E8.4129-00-0 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L30Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/01/2221:405/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 29 of 59 197 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 9.9(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U1319-77-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U58-90-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-95-4 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-06-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U120-83-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U105-67-9 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U121-14-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U606-20-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U91-58-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-57-8 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U534-52-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-48-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-74-4 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.92-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-75-5 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.93,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U91-94-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.93-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U99-09-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.94-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U101-55-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U59-50-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U106-47-8 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U7005-72-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.94-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-01-6 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.94-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-02-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 30 of 59 198 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U98-86-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U1912-24-9 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-52-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U56-55-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-51-6 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U85-68-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U108-60-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U111-91-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U111-44-4 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U117-81-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U105-60-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U84-66-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U131-11-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U84-74-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U117-84-0 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U118-74-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U77-47-4 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 31 of 59 199 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 9.9Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U67-72-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U78-59-1 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U98-95-3 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U621-64-7 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U122-39-4 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U87-86-5 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 9.9Phenolug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U108-95-2 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E4.4129-00-0 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L20Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/01/2222:105/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 32 of 59 200 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 33 of 59 201 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U56-55-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 34 of 59 202 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E4.6129-00-0 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L30Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/01/2222:395/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 35 of 59 203 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 36 of 59 204 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U56-55-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 37 of 59 205 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U129-00-0 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L30Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/01/2223:095/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 38 of 59 206 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 9.9(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U1319-77-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U58-90-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-95-4 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-06-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U120-83-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U105-67-9 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U121-14-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U606-20-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U91-58-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-57-8 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U534-52-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U95-48-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-74-4 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.92-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U88-75-5 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.93,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U91-94-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.93-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U99-09-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.94-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U101-55-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U59-50-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U106-47-8 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.94-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U7005-72-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.94-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-01-6 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.94-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-02-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 39 of 59 207 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U98-86-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U1912-24-9 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-52-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U56-55-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U100-51-6 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U85-68-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U108-60-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U111-91-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U111-44-4 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E61117-81-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U105-60-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U84-66-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U131-11-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U84-74-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U117-84-0 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U118-74-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U77-47-4 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 40 of 59 208 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 9.9Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U67-72-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U78-59-1 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U98-95-3 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U621-64-7 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U122-39-4 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U87-86-5 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 9.9Phenolug/L EPA 8270E9.9 U108-95-2 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U129-00-0 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8270Eug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/01/2223:395/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 41 of 59 209 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U, J, QM-3100-01-6 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U83-32-9 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 42 of 59 210 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U56-55-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U, J, QM-150-32-8 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U, J, QM-1207-08-9 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U, J, QM-186-74-8 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U206-44-0 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-73-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 43 of 59 211 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U129-00-0 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: EPA 8270Eug/L30Unidentified Compound(s)JR4-6501 6/02/22 0:085/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 44 of 59 212 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10(3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U1319-77-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.01,1-Biphenyl ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U92-52-4 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.01,4-Dioxane ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U123-91-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.01-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U90-12-0 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U58-90-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-95-4 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-06-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dichlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U120-83-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dimethylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U105-67-9 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 202,4-Dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E20U51-28-5 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U121-14-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/L EPA 8270E10U606-20-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102-Chloronaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-58-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102-Chlorophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-57-8 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U534-52-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.02-Methylnaphthalene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U91-57-6 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102-Methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U95-48-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-74-4 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 102-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U88-75-5 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 103,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/L EPA 8270E10U91-94-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 103-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U99-09-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 104-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U101-55-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 104-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U59-50-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 104-Chloroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U106-47-8 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 104-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U7005-72-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 104-Nitroaniline ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-01-6 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 104-Nitrophenol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-02-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Acenaphtheneug/L EPA 8270E0.85 J, Q-283-32-9 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 45 of 59 213 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 2.0Acenaphthyleneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U208-96-8 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Acetophenoneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-86-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Anthraceneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U120-12-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Atrazineug/L EPA 8270E10U1912-24-9 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Benzaldehydeug/L EPA 8270E10U100-52-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U56-55-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U50-32-8 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 0.20Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U205-99-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U191-24-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U207-08-9 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl alcohol ug/L EPA 8270E10U100-51-6 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U85-68-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U108-60-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-91-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether ug/L EPA 8270E10U111-44-4 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-81-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Caprolactamug/L EPA 8270E10U105-60-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Carbazoleug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U86-74-8 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Chryseneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U218-01-9 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U53-70-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Dibenzofuranug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U132-64-9 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Diethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-66-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Dimethyl phthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U131-11-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-butylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U84-74-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Di-n-octylphthalate ug/L EPA 8270E10U117-84-0 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluorantheneug/L EPA 8270E5.5206-44-0 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Fluoreneug/L EPA 8270E1.9 J, Q-286-73-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)ug/L EPA 8270E10U118-74-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)ug/L EPA 8270E10U77-47-4 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 46 of 59 214 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Semi Volatile Organics Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 10Hexachloroethaneug/L EPA 8270E10U67-72-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U193-39-5 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Isophoroneug/L EPA 8270E10U78-59-1 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 0.20Naphthaleneug/L EPA 8270E0.20 U91-20-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Nitrobenzeneug/L EPA 8270E10U98-95-3 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U621-64-7 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine ug/L EPA 8270E10U122-39-4 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Pentachlorophenolug/L EPA 8270E10U87-86-5 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Phenanthreneug/L EPA 8270E2.0 U85-01-8 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 10Phenolug/L EPA 8270E10U108-95-2 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 2.0Pyreneug/L EPA 8270E11129-00-0 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 Tentatively Identified Compounds: 10 EPA 8270Eug/L10Tentatively Identified Compounds UR4-0000 6/02/22 0:385/26/22 8:35 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 47 of 59 215 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE Blank (2205043-BLK1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 EPA 8270E (3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/LU10 U 1,1-Biphenyl "U 2.0 U 1,4-Dioxane "U 2.0 U 1-Methylnaphthalene "U 2.0 U 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol "U 10 U 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol "U 10 U 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol "U 10 U 2,4-Dichlorophenol "U 10 U 2,4-Dimethylphenol "U 10 U 2,4-Dinitrophenol "U 20 U 2,4-Dinitrotoluene "U 10 U 2,6-Dinitrotoluene "U 10 U 2-Chloronaphthalene "U 10 U 2-Chlorophenol "U 10 U 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol "U 10 U 2-Methylnaphthalene "U 2.0 U 2-Methylphenol "U 10 U 2-Nitroaniline "U 10 U 2-Nitrophenol "U 10 U 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine "U 10 U 3-Nitroaniline "U 10 U 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether "U 10 U 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol "U 10 U 4-Chloroaniline "U 10 U 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether "U 10 U 4-Nitroaniline "U 10 U 4-Nitrophenol "U 10 U Acenaphthene "U 2.0 U Acenaphthylene "U 2.0 U Acetophenone "U 10 U Anthracene "U 2.0 U Atrazine "U 10 U Benzaldehyde "U 10 U Benzo(a)anthracene "U 0.20 U Benzo(a)pyrene "U 2.0 U Benzo(b)fluoranthene "U 0.20 U Benzo(g,h,i)perylene "U 2.0 U Benzo(k)fluoranthene "U 2.0 U Benzyl alcohol "U 10 U 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 48 of 59 216 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE Blank (2205043-BLK1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/LU10 U Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether "U 10 U Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane "U 10 U bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether "U 10 U Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate "U 10 U Caprolactam "U 10 U Carbazole "U 2.0 U Chrysene "U 2.0 U Dibenz(a,h)anthracene "U 2.0 U Dibenzofuran "U 2.0 U Diethyl phthalate "U 10 U Dimethyl phthalate "U 10 U Di-n-butylphthalate "U 10 U Di-n-octylphthalate "U 10 U Fluoranthene "U 2.0 U Fluorene "U 2.0 U Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)"U 10 U Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)"U 10 U Hexachloroethane "U 10 U Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene "U 2.0 U Isophorone "U 10 U Naphthalene "U 0.20 U Nitrobenzene "U 10 U n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine "U 10 U n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine "U 10 U Pentachlorophenol "U 10 U Phenanthrene "U 2.0 U Phenol "U 10 U Pyrene "U 2.0 U Tentatively Identified Compounds "U 10 U 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 49 of 59 217 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE LCS (2205043-BS1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 EPA 8270E (3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L42.060 10 60.000 55-11170.1 1,1-Biphenyl "45.940 2.0 60.000 51-11876.6 1,4-Dioxane "38.870 2.0 60.000 41-8964.8 1-Methylnaphthalene "47.250 2.0 60.000 61-12778.8 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol "49.880 10 60.000 45-13483.1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol "48.470 10 60.000 56-13180.8 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol "48.770 10 60.000 56-12881.3 2,4-Dichlorophenol "48.620 10 60.000 63-12381.0 2,4-Dimethylphenol "46.990 10 60.000 44-10678.3 2,4-Dinitrophenol "98.470 20 120.00 49-12882.1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene "46.400 10 60.000 58-12577.3 2,6-Dinitrotoluene "46.000 10 60.000 60-12276.7 2-Chloronaphthalene "45.710 10 60.000 53-11576.2 2-Chlorophenol "43.200 10 60.000 55-11772.0 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol "48.250 10 60.000 62-12580.4 2-Methylnaphthalene "44.280 2.0 60.000 56-11573.8 2-Methylphenol "41.610 10 60.000 52-11169.4 2-Nitroaniline "49.110 10 60.000 58-12181.8 2-Nitrophenol "48.500 10 60.000 58-12680.8 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine "30.360 10 60.000 10-14450.6 3-Nitroaniline "47.650 10 60.000 38-14179.4 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether "47.560 10 60.000 61-11779.3 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol "47.170 10 60.000 64-12278.6 4-Chloroaniline "29.830 10 60.000 18-10249.7 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether "46.310 10 60.000 55-11777.2 4-Nitroaniline "44.740 10 60.000 15-18574.6 4-Nitrophenol "46.630 10 60.000 QC-238-13077.7 Acenaphthene "46.940 2.0 60.000 53-11578.2 Acenaphthylene "47.430 2.0 60.000 53-11879.0 Acetophenone "41.500 10 60.000 60-11269.2 Anthracene "45.700 2.0 60.000 65-11076.2 Atrazine "48.800 10 60.000 53-12881.3 Benzaldehyde "37.520 10 60.000 55-15262.5 Benzo(a)anthracene "50.880 0.20 60.000 52-12184.8 Benzo(a)pyrene "36.470 2.0 60.000 60-11560.8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene "37.520 0.20 60.000 58-11762.5 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene "40.230 2.0 60.000 45-10167.0 Benzo(k)fluoranthene "39.300 2.0 60.000 64-12465.5 Benzyl alcohol "41.970 10 60.000 49-11470.0 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 50 of 59 218 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE LCS (2205043-BS1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L52.960 10 60.000 58-12988.3 Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether "44.790 10 60.000 55-11374.6 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane "49.500 10 60.000 59-11582.5 bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether "45.430 10 60.000 53-11775.7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate "51.090 10 60.000 56-13085.2 Caprolactam "31.130 10 60.000 33-9451.9 Carbazole "42.370 2.0 60.000 68-11470.6 Chrysene "49.890 2.0 60.000 58-12283.2 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene "40.640 2.0 60.000 46-11367.7 Dibenzofuran "44.980 2.0 60.000 50-13375.0 Diethyl phthalate "44.920 10 60.000 61-11874.9 Dimethyl phthalate "45.460 10 60.000 58-12075.8 Di-n-butylphthalate "41.890 10 60.000 63-11769.8 Di-n-octylphthalate "51.700 10 60.000 60-12586.2 Fluoranthene "44.010 2.0 60.000 68-11373.4 Fluorene "47.390 2.0 60.000 60-11779.0 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)"45.910 10 60.000 56-12076.5 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)"39.140 10 60.000 18-10365.2 Hexachloroethane "36.890 10 60.000 35-10561.5 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene "40.730 2.0 60.000 47-11067.9 Isophorone "50.620 10 60.000 60-11484.4 Naphthalene "45.660 0.20 60.000 55-11376.1 Nitrobenzene "47.490 10 60.000 59-11479.2 n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine "45.130 10 60.000 58-11375.2 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine "44.910 10 60.000 65-11574.8 Pentachlorophenol "46.560 10 60.000 47-12277.6 Phenanthrene "44.570 2.0 60.000 63-11174.3 Phenol "38.470 10 60.000 47-10464.1 Pyrene "53.500 2.0 60.000 48-12989.2 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 51 of 59 219 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE Matrix Spike (2205043-MS1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 8270E (3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L42.222 10 60.606 U 50-10769.7 1,1-Biphenyl "45.040 2.0 60.606 U 53-10674.3 1,4-Dioxane "40.848 2.0 60.606 U 38-8567.4 1-Methylnaphthalene "46.576 2.0 60.606 U 51-12676.8 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol "49.768 10 60.606 U 35-13382.1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol "47.636 10 60.606 U 46-12978.6 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol "47.889 10 60.606 U 44-12779.0 2,4-Dichlorophenol "47.293 10 60.606 U 53-11978.0 2,4-Dimethylphenol "48.303 10 60.606 U 45-10279.7 2,4-Dinitrophenol "90.485 20 121.21 U 40-11774.7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene "44.434 10 60.606 U 47-12173.3 2,6-Dinitrotoluene "45.616 10 60.606 U 50-11975.3 2-Chloronaphthalene "44.566 10 60.606 U 47-11173.5 2-Chlorophenol "42.545 10 60.606 U 48-11270.2 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol "47.929 10 60.606 U 52-11979.1 2-Methylnaphthalene "43.293 2.0 60.606 U 58-10671.4 2-Methylphenol "42.081 10 60.606 U 49-10469.4 2-Nitroaniline "45.505 10 60.606 U 40-12075.1 2-Nitrophenol "46.990 10 60.606 U 49-12177.5 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine "30.020 10 60.606 U 42-13449.5 3-Nitroaniline "44.010 10 60.606 U 14-13572.6 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether "46.848 10 60.606 U 53-11677.3 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol "46.283 10 60.606 U 47-13176.4 4-Chloroaniline "34.081 10 60.606 U 15-8656.2 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether "45.424 10 60.606 U 46-11475.0 4-Nitroaniline "38.646 10 60.606 U 10-17163.8 4-Nitrophenol "41.333 10 60.606 U QC-233-11768.2 Acenaphthene "46.182 2.0 60.606 U 56-10376.2 Acenaphthylene "46.586 2.0 60.606 U 54-10676.9 Acetophenone "40.111 10 60.606 U 45-11566.2 Anthracene "44.909 2.0 60.606 U 66-10474.1 Atrazine "50.879 10 60.606 U 36-12384.0 Benzaldehyde "39.576 10 60.606 U 16-19065.3 Benzo(a)anthracene "50.667 0.20 60.606 U 60-10583.6 Benzo(a)pyrene "35.384 2.0 60.606 U QM-161-10858.4 Benzo(b)fluoranthene "37.475 0.20 60.606 U 58-10961.8 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene "44.667 2.0 60.606 U 38-10373.7 Benzo(k)fluoranthene "40.394 2.0 60.606 U 65-11766.6 Benzyl alcohol "42.505 10 60.606 U 38-11170.1 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 52 of 59 220 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE Matrix Spike (2205043-MS1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-15 Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L55.475 10 60.606 U 50-12491.5 Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether "44.535 10 60.606 U 48-10973.5 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane "48.687 10 60.606 U 49-11380.3 bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether "45.354 10 60.606 U 50-10674.8 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate "53.818 10 60.606 U 47-12488.8 Caprolactam "35.010 10 60.606 U 26-8957.8 Carbazole "42.273 2.0 60.606 U QM-171-11569.8 Chrysene "49.424 2.0 60.606 U 62-10781.6 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene "43.788 2.0 60.606 U 42-11172.2 Dibenzofuran "43.303 2.0 60.606 U 50-12371.4 Diethyl phthalate "45.061 10 60.606 U 49-11774.4 Dimethyl phthalate "44.990 10 60.606 U 47-11874.2 Di-n-butylphthalate "44.121 10 60.606 U 55-11772.8 Di-n-octylphthalate "52.424 10 60.606 U 54-12186.5 Fluoranthene "44.394 2.0 60.606 U 67-10973.2 Fluorene "45.768 2.0 60.606 U 61-10775.5 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)"45.970 10 60.606 U 48-11775.9 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)"38.909 10 60.606 U 13-9964.2 Hexachloroethane "37.980 10 60.606 U 30-11262.7 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene "44.030 2.0 60.606 U 41-11072.6 Isophorone "50.333 10 60.606 U 47-11183.1 Naphthalene "45.242 0.20 60.606 U 55-10374.7 Nitrobenzene "45.303 10 60.606 U 52-11174.8 n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine "44.646 10 60.606 U 50-10973.7 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine "44.646 10 60.606 U 53-11773.7 Pentachlorophenol "47.970 10 60.606 U 41-12379.2 Phenanthrene "44.263 2.0 60.606 U 63-10473.0 Phenol "39.232 10 60.606 U 39-9764.7 Pyrene "55.717 2.0 60.606 U 52-11391.9 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 53 of 59 221 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE Matrix Spike Dup (2205043-MSD1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 8270E (3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L38.454 9.7 57.971 U 2250-10766.3 9.34 1,1-Biphenyl "43.159 1.9 57.971 U 2453-10674.5 4.27 1,4-Dioxane "32.580 1.9 57.971 U 3038-8556.2 22.5 1-Methylnaphthalene "43.913 1.9 57.971 U 2451-12675.8 5.89 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol "48.879 9.7 57.971 U 1035-13384.3 1.80 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol "46.174 9.7 57.971 U 1146-12979.6 3.12 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol "45.923 9.7 57.971 U 1144-12779.2 4.19 2,4-Dichlorophenol "45.401 9.7 57.971 U 1653-11978.3 4.08 2,4-Dimethylphenol "42.899 9.7 57.971 U 2145-10274.0 11.9 2,4-Dinitrophenol "95.913 19 115.94 U 3140-11782.7 5.82 2,4-Dinitrotoluene "44.126 9.7 57.971 U 1547-12176.1 0.697 2,6-Dinitrotoluene "44.251 9.7 57.971 U 1550-11976.3 3.04 2-Chloronaphthalene "44.725 9.7 57.971 U 2847-11177.2 0.356 2-Chlorophenol "38.155 9.7 57.971 U 2248-11265.8 10.9 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol "46.280 9.7 57.971 U 2652-11979.8 3.50 2-Methylnaphthalene "40.773 1.9 57.971 U 2558-10670.3 6.00 2-Methylphenol "37.903 9.7 57.971 U 2549-10465.4 10.4 2-Nitroaniline "46.454 9.7 57.971 U 1440-12080.1 2.06 2-Nitrophenol "44.638 9.7 57.971 U 2449-12177.0 5.13 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine "37.807 9.7 57.971 U 5542-13465.2 23.0 3-Nitroaniline "48.918 9.7 57.971 U 2914-13584.4 10.6 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether "48.184 9.7 57.971 U 3753-11683.1 2.81 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol "44.097 9.7 57.971 U 1347-13176.1 4.84 4-Chloroaniline "33.043 9.7 57.971 U 4615-8657.0 3.09 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether "46.647 9.7 57.971 U 3546-11480.5 2.66 4-Nitroaniline "51.246 9.7 57.971 U 21 QM-310-17188.4 28.0 4-Nitrophenol "48.309 9.7 57.971 U 25 QC-233-11783.3 15.6 Acenaphthene "44.473 1.9 57.971 U 3556-10376.7 3.77 Acenaphthylene "44.599 1.9 57.971 U 2254-10676.9 4.36 Acetophenone "37.643 9.7 57.971 U 2045-11564.9 6.35 Anthracene "44.213 1.9 57.971 U 3166-10476.3 1.56 Atrazine "46.512 9.7 57.971 U 1736-12380.2 8.97 Benzaldehyde "39.488 9.7 57.971 U 2616-19068.1 0.222 Benzo(a)anthracene "48.870 0.19 57.971 U 3860-10584.3 3.61 Benzo(a)pyrene "35.913 1.9 57.971 U 4661-10862.0 1.48 Benzo(b)fluoranthene "37.043 0.19 57.971 U 2058-10963.9 1.16 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene "39.266 1.9 57.971 U 3138-10367.7 12.9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene "36.937 1.9 57.971 U 23 QM-165-11763.7 8.94 Benzyl alcohol "38.300 9.7 57.971 U 3438-11166.1 10.4 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 54 of 59 222 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE Matrix Spike Dup (2205043-MSD1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-15 Benzyl butyl phthalate ug/L50.068 9.7 57.971 U 2150-12486.4 10.2 Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether "40.396 9.7 57.971 U 2548-10969.7 9.75 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane "45.266 9.7 57.971 U 1949-11378.1 7.28 bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether "39.942 9.7 57.971 U 2850-10668.9 12.7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate "48.802 9.7 57.971 U 2747-12484.2 9.78 Caprolactam "30.406 9.7 57.971 U 3626-8952.5 14.1 Carbazole "44.135 1.9 57.971 U 1971-11576.1 4.31 Chrysene "48.271 1.9 57.971 U 2362-10783.3 2.36 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene "40.783 1.9 57.971 U 3042-11170.4 7.11 Dibenzofuran "42.850 1.9 57.971 U 2450-12373.9 1.05 Diethyl phthalate "43.179 9.7 57.971 U 1149-11774.5 4.27 Dimethyl phthalate "43.159 9.7 57.971 U 1047-11874.5 4.15 Di-n-butylphthalate "42.763 9.7 57.971 U 2655-11773.8 3.13 Di-n-octylphthalate "48.899 9.7 57.971 U 2554-12184.4 6.96 Fluoranthene "42.937 1.9 57.971 U 2367-10974.1 3.34 Fluorene "45.614 1.9 57.971 U 2661-10778.7 0.337 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)"45.942 9.7 57.971 U 3248-11779.3 0.0602 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)"37.758 9.7 57.971 U 3213-9965.1 3.00 Hexachloroethane "34.473 9.7 57.971 U 3530-11259.5 9.68 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene "40.570 1.9 57.971 U 3041-11070.0 8.18 Isophorone "46.551 9.7 57.971 U 1847-11180.3 7.81 Naphthalene "41.633 0.19 57.971 U 2055-10371.8 8.31 Nitrobenzene "43.478 9.7 57.971 U 2452-11175.0 4.11 n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine "40.918 9.7 57.971 U 2050-10970.6 8.72 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine "44.126 9.7 57.971 U 2453-11776.1 1.17 Pentachlorophenol "46.396 9.7 57.971 U 1541-12380.0 3.34 Phenanthrene "43.295 1.9 57.971 U 2863-10474.7 2.21 Phenol "34.667 9.7 57.971 U 2739-9759.8 12.4 Pyrene "49.285 1.9 57.971 U 2052-11385.0 12.3 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 55 of 59 223 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE MRL Verification (2205043-PS1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 EPA 8270E (3-and/or 4-)Methylphenol ug/L6.5700 10 10.000 MRL-2, J48-10565.7 1,1-Biphenyl "1.4500 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J50-10472.5 1,4-Dioxane "1.4100 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J14-11070.5 1-Methylnaphthalene "1.4900 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J56-11774.5 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol "7.5500 10 10.000 MRL-2, J31-11175.5 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol "7.3300 10 10.000 MRL-2, J42-11573.3 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol "7.4400 10 10.000 MRL-2, J47-11074.4 2,4-Dichlorophenol "7.5900 10 10.000 MRL-2, J49-11675.9 2,4-Dimethylphenol "7.4900 10 10.000 MRL-2, J16-11174.9 2,4-Dinitrophenol "19.500 20 20.000 MRL-2, J10-12497.5 2,4-Dinitrotoluene "7.0700 10 10.000 MRL-2, J53-10870.7 2,6-Dinitrotoluene "7.1900 10 10.000 MRL-2, J55-10671.9 2-Chloronaphthalene "7.5300 10 10.000 MRL-2, J51-10475.3 2-Chlorophenol "6.6500 10 10.000 MRL-2, J46-11166.5 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol "8.3300 10 10.000 MRL-2, J26-11683.3 2-Methylnaphthalene "1.3600 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J51-10668.0 2-Methylphenol "6.0000 10 10.000 MRL-2, J42-10860.0 2-Nitroaniline "7.8200 10 10.000 MRL-2, J48-10978.2 2-Nitrophenol "7.6200 10 10.000 MRL-2, J46-12076.2 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine "4.0200 10 10.000 MRL-2, J10-10340.2 3-Nitroaniline "7.2600 10 10.000 MRL-2, J28-11872.6 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether "7.8000 10 10.000 MRL-2, J58-10678.0 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol "7.3400 10 10.000 MRL-2, J49-11873.4 4-Chloroaniline "4.7000 10 10.000 MRL-2, J20-8547.0 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether "7.5900 10 10.000 MRL-2, J49-10275.9 4-Nitroaniline "8.3400 10 10.000 MRL-2, J10-16583.4 4-Nitrophenol "7.3200 10 10.000 MRL-2, QC-2, J 11-11673.2 Acenaphthene "1.4700 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J51-10073.5 Acenaphthylene "1.5300 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J52-10476.5 Acetophenone "6.5400 10 10.000 MRL-2, J56-10865.4 Anthracene "1.4500 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J48-10872.5 Atrazine "7.7900 10 10.000 MRL-2, J46-12677.9 Benzaldehyde "9.1700 10 10.000 MRL-2, J40-16991.7 Benzo(a)anthracene "1.6700 0.20 2.0000 MRL-252-11783.5 Benzo(a)pyrene "1.1700 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J48-11658.5 Benzo(b)fluoranthene "1.2600 0.20 2.0000 MRL-231-14263.0 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene "1.5800 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J37-11579.0 Benzo(k)fluoranthene "1.2400 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J29-14562.0 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 56 of 59 224 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE MRL Verification (2205043-PS1)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Benzyl alcohol ug/L6.0700 10 10.000 MRL-2, J12-13360.7 Benzyl butyl phthalate "9.2300 10 10.000 MRL-2, J60-13692.3 Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether "6.9900 10 10.000 MRL-2, J48-10769.9 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane "7.8100 10 10.000 MRL-2, J53-10778.1 bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether "7.0100 10 10.000 MRL-2, J47-10470.1 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate "8.2200 10 10.000 MRL-2, J19-17982.2 Caprolactam "5.2400 10 10.000 MRL-2, J32-8752.4 Carbazole "1.5200 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J67-11976.0 Chrysene "1.6500 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J55-11682.5 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene "1.4200 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J33-11871.0 Dibenzofuran "1.4500 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J53-11372.5 Diethyl phthalate "7.2700 10 10.000 MRL-2, J53-12972.7 Dimethyl phthalate "7.2600 10 10.000 MRL-2, J59-10772.6 Di-n-butylphthalate "7.8000 10 10.000 MRL-2, J69-13978.0 Di-n-octylphthalate "7.7500 10 10.000 MRL-2, J62-12977.5 Fluoranthene "1.4200 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J60-11271.0 Fluorene "1.4800 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J55-10174.0 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)"7.4300 10 10.000 MRL-2, J50-10574.3 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)"7.5700 10 10.000 MRL-2, J10-8575.7 Hexachloroethane "5.7300 10 10.000 MRL-2, J26-8957.3 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene "1.3600 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J37-11468.0 Isophorone "8.0100 10 10.000 MRL-2, J54-10880.1 Naphthalene "1.4700 0.20 2.0000 MRL-238-13773.5 Nitrobenzene "7.6700 10 10.000 MRL-2, J54-11076.7 n-Nitroso di-n-Propylamine "6.9300 10 10.000 MRL-2, J49-10669.3 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine "7.3100 10 10.000 MRL-2, J55-10773.1 Pentachlorophenol "8.0200 10 10.000 MRL-2, J20-13680.2 Phenanthrene "1.5000 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J55-11575.0 Phenol "6.2400 10 10.000 MRL-2, J44-9762.4 Pyrene "1.7000 2.0 2.0000 MRL-2, J51-12285.0 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 57 of 59 225 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Semi Volatile Organics (SVOA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205043 - E 3520 LLE MRL Verification (2205043-PS2)Prepared: 05/26/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 EPA 8270E Benzo(a)anthracene ug/L0.21000 0.20 0.20000 MRL-252-117105 Benzo(b)fluoranthene "0.14000 0.20 0.20000 MRL-2, J31-14270.0 Naphthalene "0.14000 0.20 0.20000 MRL-2, J38-13770.0 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 58 of 59 226 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Floyd Wellborn Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U J MRL-2 QC-2 QM-1 QM-3 6/7/22 8:44E222202 SVOA FINAL 06 07 22 0844Page 59 of 59 227 of 389 of Full Report This page left blank intentionally. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 228 of 389 D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp June 21, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Kristin Trapp LSB Inorganic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) Classical/Nutrients ISOEPA 300.0 (Water) 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 1 of 20 Page 229 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 2 of 20 Page 230 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 3 of 20 Page 231 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS None ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 4 of 20 Page 232 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.03.514808-79-8 6/02/2220:436/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 5 of 20 Page 233 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.04.214808-79-8 6/02/2221:006/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 6 of 20 Page 234 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.04.314808-79-8 6/02/2221:176/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 7 of 20 Page 235 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.03.614808-79-8 6/02/2222:076/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 8 of 20 Page 236 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.01.014808-79-8 6/02/2222:246/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 9 of 20 Page 237 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.02214808-79-8 6/02/2222:406/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 10 of 20 Page 238 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.02214808-79-8 6/02/2222:576/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 11 of 20 Page 239 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.04.514808-79-8 6/02/2223:146/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 12 of 20 Page 240 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.01314808-79-8 6/02/2223:316/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 13 of 20 Page 241 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.08.514808-79-8 6/02/2223:476/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 14 of 20 Page 242 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.01914808-79-8 6/03/22 0:546/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 15 of 20 Page 243 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.01414808-79-8 6/03/22 1:116/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 16 of 20 Page 244 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.01214808-79-8 6/03/22 1:286/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 17 of 20 Page 245 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Sulfate as SO4 mg/L EPA 300.01.114808-79-8 6/03/22 1:456/01/2210:29 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 18 of 20 Page 246 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2206001 - C 300.0 Ion Chromat Blank (2206001-BLK1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 EPA 300.0 Sulfate as SO4 mg/LU0.10 B-3, U LCS (2206001-BS1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 EPA 300.0 Sulfate as SO4 mg/L10.320 0.10 9.9960 90-110103 Matrix Spike (2206001-MS1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-05 EPA 300.0 Sulfate as SO4 mg/L25.543 0.10 20.000 4.2570 90-110106 Matrix Spike (2206001-MS2)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/03/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 300.0 Sulfate as SO4 mg/L22.239 0.10 20.000 1.0700 90-110106 Matrix Spike Dup (2206001-MSD1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-05 EPA 300.0 Sulfate as SO4 mg/L25.276 0.10 20.000 4.2570 1090-110105 1.05 Matrix Spike Dup (2206001-MSD2)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/03/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 300.0 Sulfate as SO4 mg/L22.055 0.10 20.000 1.0700 1090-110105 0.831 MRL Verification (2206001-PS1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 EPA 300.0 Sulfate as SO4 mg/L0.13000 0.10 0.099880 MRL-270-130130 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 19 of 20 Page 247 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U B-3 MRL-2 6/21/22 8:09E222202 CNA FINAL 06 21 22 0809Page 20 of 20 Page 248 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp June 10, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Kristin Trapp LSB Inorganic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) Nitrate and/or Nitrite ISO/DWEPA 353.2 (Water) 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 1 of 20 Page 249 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 2 of 20 Page 250 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 3 of 20 Page 251 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. QM-1 Matrix Spike Recovery less than method control limits ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 4 of 20 Page 252 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.21E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 5 of 20 Page 253 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.55E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 6 of 20 Page 254 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 7 of 20 Page 255 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.29E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 8 of 20 Page 256 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050 UE701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 9 of 20 Page 257 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050 UE701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 10 of 20 Page 258 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050 UE701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 11 of 20 Page 259 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050 UE701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 12 of 20 Page 260 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050 UE701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 13 of 20 Page 261 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050 UE701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 14 of 20 Page 262 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.22.9E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 15 of 20 Page 263 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.22.3E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 16 of 20 Page 264 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.10Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.22.5E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 17 of 20 Page 265 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L EPA 353.20.050 U, J, QM-1E701177 6/01/22 9:545/31/22 9:10 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 18 of 20 Page 266 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205026 - C 353.2 NO3-NO2 Blank (2205026-BLK1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/LU0.050 U LCS (2205026-BS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L0.49830 0.050 0.50200 90-11099.3 Matrix Spike (2205026-MS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L0.71510 0.050 0.50200 0.21140 90-110100 Matrix Spike (2205026-MS2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L0.43550 0.050 0.50200 U QM-190-11086.8 Matrix Spike Dup (2205026-MSD1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L0.71680 0.050 0.50200 0.21140 1090-110101 0.237 Matrix Spike Dup (2205026-MSD2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L0.42790 0.050 0.50200 U 10 QM-190-11085.2 1.76 MRL Verification (2205026-PS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/01/22 EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L0.045500 0.050 0.050000 MRL-2, U 70-13091.0 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 19 of 20 Page 267 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U MRL-2 QM-1 6/10/22 16:08E222202 CNA FINAL 06 10 22 1608Page 20 of 20 Page 268 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp June 9, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Kristin Trapp LSB Inorganic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) Ammonia as N ISOEPA 350.1 (Water) Ammonia/TKN ISOEPA 351.2 (Water) 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 1 of 21 Page 269 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 2 of 21 Page 270 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 3 of 21 Page 271 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. QM-1 Matrix Spike Recovery less than method control limits ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 4 of 21 Page 272 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 5 of 21 Page 273 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 6 of 21 Page 274 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.0787664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 7 of 21 Page 275 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 8 of 21 Page 276 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.117664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 9 of 21 Page 277 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.157664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.60E17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 10 of 21 Page 278 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 11 of 21 Page 279 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.377664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.26E17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 12 of 21 Page 280 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 13 of 21 Page 281 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.187664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.068 J, QM-1E17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 14 of 21 Page 282 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 15 of 21 Page 283 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 16 of 21 Page 284 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.050 U7664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.050 UE17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 17 of 21 Page 285 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 0.050Ammonia as N mg/L EPA 350.10.277664-41-7 5/31/2212:415/31/22 9:19 0.050Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L EPA 351.20.20E17148461 6/02/2214:196/01/22 8:03 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 18 of 21 Page 286 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205040 - C 350.1 Ammonia Blank (2205040-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/31/22 EPA 350.1 Ammonia as N mg/LU0.050 U LCS (2205040-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/31/22 EPA 350.1 Ammonia as N mg/L0.94900 0.050 1.0000 90-11094.9 Matrix Spike (2205040-MS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/31/22 Source: E222202-12 EPA 350.1 Ammonia as N mg/L1.1260 0.050 1.0000 0.17500 90-11095.1 Matrix Spike (2205040-MS2)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/31/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 350.1 Ammonia as N mg/L1.2190 0.050 1.0000 0.27000 90-11094.9 Matrix Spike Dup (2205040-MSD1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/31/22 Source: E222202-12 EPA 350.1 Ammonia as N mg/L1.1410 0.050 1.0000 0.17500 1090-11096.6 1.32 Matrix Spike Dup (2205040-MSD2)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/31/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 350.1 Ammonia as N mg/L1.2300 0.050 1.0000 0.27000 1090-11096.0 0.898 MRL Verification (2205040-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 05/31/22 EPA 350.1 Ammonia as N mg/L0.055000 0.050000 MRL-270-130110 Batch 2205041 - C 351.2 TKN Blank (2205041-BLK1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/LU0.050 U LCS (2205041-BS1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L1.6440 0.050 1.7500 90-11093.9 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 19 of 21 Page 287 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205041 - C 351.2 TKN Matrix Spike (2205041-MS1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-12 EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L0.91300 0.050 1.0000 0.068000 QM-190-11084.5 Matrix Spike (2205041-MS2)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L1.1980 0.050 1.0000 0.19600 90-110100 Matrix Spike Dup (2205041-MSD1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-12 EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L0.91300 0.050 1.0000 0.068000 20 QM-190-11084.5 0.00 Matrix Spike Dup (2205041-MSD2)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-16 EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L1.2460 0.050 1.0000 0.19600 2090-110105 3.93 MRL Verification (2205041-PS1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L0.058000 0.050 0.050000 MRL-270-130116 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 20 of 21 Page 288 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U MRL-2 QM-1 6/9/22 15:07E222202 CNA FINAL 06 09 22 1507Page 21 of 21 Page 289 of 389 of Full Report This page left blank intentionally. LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 290 of 389 D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp June 8, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Kristin Trapp LSB Inorganic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) Classical/Nutrients ISOSM 5310B (Water) 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 1 of 20 Page 291 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 2 of 20 Page 292 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 3 of 20 Page 293 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 4 of 20 Page 294 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B1.0 UE701250 6/01/2221:546/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 5 of 20 Page 295 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B1.0 UE701250 6/01/2222:106/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 6 of 20 Page 296 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B1.1E701250 6/01/2222:276/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 7 of 20 Page 297 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B1.0 UE701250 6/01/2222:436/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 8 of 20 Page 298 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B1.5E701250 6/01/2223:006/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 9 of 20 Page 299 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B4.5E701250 6/01/2223:246/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 10 of 20 Page 300 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B3.9E701250 6/01/2223:496/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 11 of 20 Page 301 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B4.0E701250 6/02/22 0:136/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 12 of 20 Page 302 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B4.4E701250 6/02/22 0:386/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 13 of 20 Page 303 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B4.1E701250 6/02/22 1:026/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 14 of 20 Page 304 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B6.0E701250 6/02/22 2:056/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 15 of 20 Page 305 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B2.1E701250 6/02/22 2:296/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 16 of 20 Page 306 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B1.0 UE701250 6/02/22 2:486/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 17 of 20 Page 307 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Classical/Nutrient Analyses Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 1.0Total Organic Carbon mg/L SM 5310B3.9E701250 6/02/22 3:126/01/22 8:05 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 18 of 20 Page 308 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Classical/Nutrient Analyses (CNA) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205029 - C 415 TOC Wtr Blank (2205029-BLK1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/01/22 SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon mg/LU1.0 U LCS (2205029-BS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/01/22 SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon mg/L47.350 1.0 50.000 90-11094.7 LCS (2205029-BS2)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/01/22 SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon mg/L4.8810 1.0 5.0000 90-11097.6 Matrix Spike (2205029-MS1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-16 SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon mg/L51.620 1.0 50.000 3.9320 90-11095.4 Matrix Spike Dup (2205029-MSD1)Prepared: 06/01/22 Analyzed: 06/02/22 Source: E222202-16 SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon mg/L50.510 1.0 50.000 3.9320 1090-11093.2 2.17 MRL Verification (2205029-PS1)Prepared & Analyzed: 06/01/22 SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon mg/L1.0330 1.0 1.0000 MRL-270-130103 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 19 of 20 Page 309 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U MRL-2 6/8/22 14:39E222202 CNA FINAL 06 08 22 1439Page 20 of 20 Page 310 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp June 21, 2022 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: FINAL Analytical Report Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Kristin Trapp LSB Inorganic Chemistry Section Chief Laboratory Services Branch Stacie Masters, ChiefTHRU: TO:Doug Peters Attached are the final results for the analytical groups listed below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the Region 4 laboratory. These analyses were performed in accordance with the Laboratory Services Branch's Laboratory Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (LSB LOQAM) found at www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/asbsop. Any unique project data quality objectives specified in writing by the data requestor have also been incorporated into the data unless otherwise noted in the Report Narrative. Chemistry data have been verified based on the LSB LOQAM specifications and have been qualified by this laboratory if the applicable quality control criteria were not met. Verification is defined in Chapter 5 of the LSB LOQAM. For a listing of specific data qualifiers and explanations, please refer to the Data Qualifier Definitions included in this report. The reported results are accurate within the limits of the method(s) and are representative only of the samples as received by the laboratory. Analyses Included in this report:Method Used:Accreditations: Total Metals (TMTL) Total Metals ISO/DWEPA 200.8 (Water) Total Metals ISOEPA 6010 (Water) 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 1 of 28 Page 311 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Sample Disposal Policy Due to limited space for long term sample storage, LSB’s policy is to dispose of samples on a periodic schedule. Air samples collected in summa canisters will be disposed of 30 days following the issuance of this report. All other sample media including original samples, sample extracts and or digestates will be disposed of, in accordance with applicable regulations, 60 days from the date of this report. This sample disposal policy does not apply to criminal samples which are held until the laboratory is notified by the criminal investigators that case development and litigation are complete. These samples may be held in the laboratory's custody for a longer period of time. If samples require storage beyond the 60-day period, please contact the Sample Control Coordinator by e-mail at R4SampleCustody@epa.gov. 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 2 of 28 Page 312 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Date ReceivedDate CollectedMatrixLaboratory IDSample ID SAMPLES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Groundwater 5/24/22 14:25 5/25/22 15:00 MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Groundwater 5/24/22 10:05 5/25/22 15:00 MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Groundwater 5/23/22 15:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:15 5/25/22 15:00 MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Groundwater 5/24/22 16:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Groundwater 5/24/22 15:50 5/25/22 15:00 MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Groundwater 5/25/22 09:55 5/25/22 15:00 MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Groundwater 5/25/22 10:30 5/25/22 15:00 MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Groundwater 5/25/22 11:10 5/25/22 15:00 MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Groundwater 5/24/22 12:05 5/25/22 15:00 PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Groundwater 5/24/22 09:40 5/25/22 15:00 PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Groundwater 5/23/22 13:55 5/25/22 15:00 PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Groundwater 5/23/22 16:30 5/25/22 15:00 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 3 of 28 Page 313 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp DATA QUALIFIER DEFINITIONS U The analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. QR-1 MRL verification recovery less than lower control limits. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CAS Chemical Abstracts Service Note: Analytes with no known CAS identifiers have been assigned codes beginning with "E", the EPA ID as assigned by the EPA Substance Registry System (www.epa.gov/srs), or beginning with "R4-", a unique identifier assigned by the EPA Region 4 laboratory. MDL Method Detection Limit - The minimum concentration of a substance (an analyte) that can be measured and reported with a 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MRL Minimum Reporting Limit - Analyte concentration that corresponds to the lowest demonstrated level of acceptable quantitation. The MRL is sample-specific and accounts for preparation weights and volumes, dilutions, and moisture content of soil/sediments. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound - An analyte identified based on a match with the instrument software's mass spectral library. A calibration standard has not been analyzed to confirm the compound's identification or the estimated concentration reported. ACCREDITATIONS: ISO Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation FT-0330 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd NR Not accredited for this test. DW Accredited for conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, EPA 815-R-05-004, 2005. Refer to the certificate and scope of accreditation AT-2628 at: http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-region-4s-science-and-ecosystem-support-division-sesd ISO/DW Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and accreditation requirements for Forensic Science Testing Labs, and conformance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and testing elements in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water. 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 4 of 28 Page 314 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: EXT03-0522 E222202-03 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 14:25 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:EXT03 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2214:415/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2214:415/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010357440-39-3 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2214:415/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 601055007440-70-2 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 6010100U7439-89-6 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2214:415/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601014007439-95-4 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 6010207439-96-5 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601011007440-09-7 6/10/2214:045/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2214:415/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601034007440-23-5 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010537440-24-6 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2214:415/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:145/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 5 of 28 Page 315 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2DPR-0522 E222202-04 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 10:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2DP-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2215:125/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2215:125/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010607440-39-3 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2215:125/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 601059007440-70-2 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 60101507439-89-6 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.657439-92-1 6/07/2215:125/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601016007439-95-4 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 6010157439-96-5 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601012007440-09-7 6/10/2214:125/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2215:125/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601032007440-23-5 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010707440-24-6 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2215:125/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60109.17440-32-6 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:225/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 6 of 28 Page 316 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW2SHR-0522 E222202-05 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 15:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW2SH-R CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2215:315/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2215:315/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010487440-39-3 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2215:315/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 601068007440-70-2 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 60105507439-89-6 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2215:315/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601017007439-95-4 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 6010747439-96-5 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601019007440-09-7 6/10/2214:155/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2215:315/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601033007440-23-5 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010457440-24-6 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2215:315/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:255/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 7 of 28 Page 317 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3S-0522 E222202-06 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:15 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2215:375/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2215:375/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010407440-39-3 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2215:375/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 601027007440-70-2 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 60102207439-89-6 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2215:375/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 60109707439-95-4 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 60105.0 U7439-96-5 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 60101000U7440-09-7 6/10/2214:185/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2215:375/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601027007440-23-5 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010207440-24-6 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2215:375/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:285/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 8 of 28 Page 318 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW3SH-0522 E222202-07 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 16:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW3SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2215:435/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2215:435/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010207440-39-3 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2215:435/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 601052007440-70-2 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 601019007439-89-6 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2215:435/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601013007439-95-4 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 6010727439-96-5 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601018007440-09-7 6/10/2214:215/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2215:435/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601049007440-23-5 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010327440-24-6 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2215:435/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:315/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 9 of 28 Page 319 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522 E222202-08 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2215:495/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2215:495/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010677440-39-3 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2215:495/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010280007440-70-2 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 60104707439-89-6 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2215:495/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601079007439-95-4 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 601014007439-96-5 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601016007440-09-7 6/10/2214:245/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2215:495/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601068007440-23-5 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 60101107440-24-6 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2215:495/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60106.97440-32-6 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:335/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 10 of 28 Page 320 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5S-0522D E222202-09 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 15:50 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2215:565/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2215:565/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010697440-39-3 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2215:565/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010280007440-70-2 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 60105207439-89-6 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2215:565/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601078007439-95-4 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 601014007439-96-5 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601015007440-09-7 6/10/2214:275/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2215:565/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601066007440-23-5 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 60101107440-24-6 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2215:565/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60106.17440-32-6 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:365/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 11 of 28 Page 321 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW5SH-0522 E222202-10 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 9:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW5SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2216:025/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2216:025/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010487440-39-3 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2216:025/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010130007440-70-2 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 6010100007439-89-6 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2216:025/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601022007439-95-4 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 601014007439-96-5 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601027007440-09-7 6/10/2214:295/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2216:025/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601052007440-23-5 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010597440-24-6 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2216:025/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:395/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 12 of 28 Page 322 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8S-0522 E222202-11 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 10:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8S CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/10/2214:385/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2216:085/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2216:085/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010547440-39-3 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2216:085/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010160007440-70-2 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 60101107439-89-6 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2216:085/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601061007439-95-4 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 60101107439-96-5 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601015007440-09-7 6/10/2214:385/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2216:085/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601061007440-23-5 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010947440-24-6 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2216:085/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:535/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 13 of 28 Page 323 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW8SH-0522 E222202-12 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/25/22 11:10 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW8SH CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/10/2214:415/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2216:155/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2216:155/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010657440-39-3 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2216:155/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010160007440-70-2 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 601074007439-89-6 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2216:155/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601036007439-95-4 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 601021007439-96-5 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601027007440-09-7 6/10/2214:415/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2216:155/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601062007440-23-5 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010787440-24-6 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2216:155/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:565/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 14 of 28 Page 324 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: MW9A-0522 E222202-13 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 12:05 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:MW9A CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 60102007429-90-5 6/10/2214:435/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.81.17440-36-0 6/07/2216:335/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2216:335/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010587440-39-3 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2216:335/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010270007440-70-2 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 60103807439-89-6 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2216:335/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601042007439-95-4 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 6010167439-96-5 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601053007440-09-7 6/10/2214:435/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2216:335/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601043007440-23-5 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 60102507440-24-6 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2216:335/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 6010117440-32-6 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2212:595/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 15 of 28 Page 325 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ07-0522 E222202-14 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/24/22 9:40 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ07 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/10/2214:465/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2216:405/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2216:405/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010747440-39-3 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2216:405/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010140007440-70-2 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 6010100U7439-89-6 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2216:405/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601029007439-95-4 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 60105.0 U7439-96-5 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601036007440-09-7 6/10/2214:465/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2216:405/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601050007440-23-5 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 60101107440-24-6 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2216:405/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2213:025/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 16 of 28 Page 326 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ09-0522 E222202-15 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 13:55 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ09 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/10/2214:495/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2216:465/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2216:465/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 6010767440-39-3 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2216:465/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010140007440-70-2 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-48-4 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 6010100U7439-89-6 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2216:465/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601029007439-95-4 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 60105.0 U7439-96-5 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601031007440-09-7 6/10/2214:495/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2216:465/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601049007440-23-5 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 60101107440-24-6 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2216:465/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 601010U7440-66-6 6/09/2213:045/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 17 of 28 Page 327 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Total Metals Sample ID:Lab ID: PZ10-0522 E222202-16 Matrix:Groundwater Date Collected:5/23/22 16:30 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 Station ID:PZ10 CAS Number Analyte Results Qualifiers Units MRL Prepared Analyzed Method 100Aluminumug/L EPA 6010100U7429-90-5 6/10/2214:585/31/22 8:52 0.50Antimonyug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-36-0 6/07/2217:175/31/22 8:58 0.50Arsenicug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-38-2 6/07/2217:175/31/22 8:58 5.0Bariumug/L EPA 60101407440-39-3 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 3.0Berylliumug/L EPA 60103.0 U, J, QR-17440-41-7 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 0.25Cadmiumug/L EPA 200.80.25 U7440-43-9 6/07/2217:175/31/22 8:58 250Calciumug/L EPA 6010150007440-70-2 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 5.0Chromiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-47-3 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 5.0Cobaltug/L EPA 6010307440-48-4 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 10Copperug/L EPA 601010U7440-50-8 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 100Ironug/L EPA 601091007439-89-6 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 0.50Leadug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7439-92-1 6/07/2217:175/31/22 8:58 250Magnesiumug/L EPA 601031007439-95-4 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 5.0Manganeseug/L EPA 601071007439-96-5 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 10Molybdenumug/L EPA 601010U7439-98-7 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 10Nickelug/L EPA 601010U7440-02-0 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 1000Potassiumug/L EPA 601027007440-09-7 6/10/2214:585/31/22 8:52 1.0Seleniumug/L EPA 200.81.0 U7782-49-2 6/07/2217:175/31/22 8:58 5.0Silverug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-22-4 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 1000Sodiumug/L EPA 601055007440-23-5 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 5.0Strontiumug/L EPA 6010857440-24-6 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 0.50Thalliumug/L EPA 200.80.50 U7440-28-0 6/07/2217:175/31/22 8:58 15Tinug/L EPA 601015U7440-31-5 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 5.0Titaniumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-32-6 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 5.0Vanadiumug/L EPA 60105.0 U7440-62-2 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 3.0Yttriumug/L EPA 60103.0 U7440-65-5 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 10Zincug/L EPA 6010117440-66-6 6/09/2213:135/31/22 8:52 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 18 of 28 Page 328 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205054 - M 200.2 Metals Water Blank (2205054-BLK1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/LU100 U Barium "U 5.0 U Beryllium "U 3.0 U Calcium "U 250 U Chromium "U 5.0 U Cobalt "U 5.0 U Copper "U 10 U Iron "U 100 U Magnesium "U 250 U Manganese "U 5.0 U Molybdenum "U 10 U Nickel "U 10 U Potassium "U 1000 U Silver "U 5.0 U Sodium "U 1000 U Strontium "U 5.0 U Tin "U 15 U Titanium "U 5.0 U Vanadium "U 5.0 U Yttrium "U 3.0 U Zinc "U 10 U Blank (2205054-BLK2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/10/22 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/LU100 U Potassium "U 1000 U LCS (2205054-BS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L4556.0 100 5000.0 85-11591.1 Barium "216.09 5.0 200.00 85-115108 Beryllium "47.617 3.0 50.000 85-11595.2 Calcium "4946.4 250 5000.0 85-11598.9 Chromium "214.53 5.0 200.00 85-115107 Cobalt "100.83 5.0 100.00 85-115101 Copper "105.94 10 100.00 85-115106 Iron "5219.1 100 5000.0 85-115104 Magnesium "4794.6 250 5000.0 85-11595.9 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 19 of 28 Page 329 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205054 - M 200.2 Metals Water LCS (2205054-BS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Manganese ug/L491.17 5.0 500.00 85-11598.2 Molybdenum "104.62 10 100.00 85-115105 Nickel "207.71 10 200.00 85-115104 Potassium "9120.4 1000 10000 85-11591.2 Silver "99.053 5.0 100.00 85-11599.1 Sodium "9631.5 1000 10000 85-11596.3 Strontium "102.27 5.0 100.00 85-115102 Tin "97.137 15 100.00 85-11597.1 Titanium "103.44 5.0 100.00 85-115103 Vanadium "105.43 5.0 100.00 85-115105 Yttrium "101.26 3.0 100.00 85-115101 Zinc "213.35 10 200.00 85-115107 LCS (2205054-BS2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/10/22 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L4942.2 100 5000.0 85-11598.8 Potassium "9876.8 1000 10000 85-11598.8 Matrix Spike (2205054-MS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L4533.1 100 5000.0 U 75-12590.7 Barium "254.85 5.0 200.00 34.543 75-125110 Beryllium "47.143 3.0 50.000 U 75-12594.3 Calcium "10578 250 5000.0 5535.7 75-125101 Chromium "218.06 5.0 200.00 1.7571 75-125108 Cobalt "101.09 5.0 100.00 U 75-125101 Copper "106.01 10 100.00 U 75-125106 Iron "5273.6 100 5000.0 U 75-125105 Magnesium "6178.6 250 5000.0 1396.2 75-12595.6 Manganese "501.88 5.0 500.00 20.290 75-12596.3 Molybdenum "103.68 10 100.00 U 75-125104 Nickel "211.19 10 200.00 3.3828 75-125104 Silver "98.993 5.0 100.00 U 75-12599.0 Sodium "12734 1000 10000 3381.2 75-12593.5 Strontium "152.18 5.0 100.00 52.733 75-12599.4 Tin "95.261 15 100.00 U 75-12595.3 Titanium "103.67 5.0 100.00 U 75-125104 Vanadium "106.09 5.0 100.00 U 75-125106 Yttrium "100.19 3.0 100.00 U 75-125100 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 20 of 28 Page 330 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205054 - M 200.2 Metals Water Matrix Spike (2205054-MS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Source: E222202-03 Zinc ug/L214.99 10 200.00 U 75-125107 Matrix Spike (2205054-MS2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 6010 Barium ug/L290.37 5.0 200.00 75.570 75-125107 Beryllium "47.491 3.0 50.000 U 75-12595.0 Calcium "18312 250 5000.0 13599 75-12594.3 Chromium "212.97 5.0 200.00 U 75-125106 Cobalt "99.529 5.0 100.00 U 75-12599.5 Copper "104.18 10 100.00 U 75-125104 Iron "5332.3 100 5000.0 U 75-125107 Magnesium "7841.6 250 5000.0 2925.2 75-12598.3 Manganese "486.02 5.0 500.00 U 75-12597.2 Molybdenum "102.63 10 100.00 U 75-125103 Nickel "204.36 10 200.00 U 75-125102 Silver "99.781 5.0 100.00 U 75-12599.8 Sodium "14893 1000 10000 4924.9 75-12599.7 Strontium "208.95 5.0 100.00 106.56 75-125102 Tin "93.624 15 100.00 U 75-12593.6 Titanium "103.37 5.0 100.00 U 75-125103 Vanadium "105.26 5.0 100.00 U 75-125105 Yttrium "100.62 3.0 100.00 0.19880 75-125100 Zinc "210.13 10 200.00 U 75-125105 Matrix Spike (2205054-MS3)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/10/22 Source: E222202-03RE1 EPA 6010 Potassium ug/L109701000 10000 1062.9 75-12599.1 Matrix Spike (2205054-MS4)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/10/22 Source: E222202-15RE1 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L5064.7 100 5000.0 U 75-125101 Potassium "13243 1000 10000 3084.0 75-125102 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 21 of 28 Page 331 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205054 - M 200.2 Metals Water Matrix Spike Dup (2205054-MSD1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L4597.5 100 5000.0 U 2075-12591.9 1.41 Barium "256.93 5.0 200.00 34.543 2075-125111 0.814 Beryllium "46.966 3.0 50.000 U 2075-12593.9 0.376 Calcium "10665 250 5000.0 5535.7 2075-125103 0.816 Chromium "214.83 5.0 200.00 1.7571 2075-125107 1.49 Cobalt "99.862 5.0 100.00 U 2075-12599.9 1.22 Copper "105.10 10 100.00 U 2075-125105 0.869 Iron "5333.6 100 5000.0 U 2075-125107 1.13 Magnesium "6275.5 250 5000.0 1396.2 2075-12597.6 1.56 Manganese "521.33 5.0 500.00 20.290 2075-125100 3.80 Molybdenum "102.04 10 100.00 U 2075-125102 1.60 Nickel "209.13 10 200.00 3.3828 2075-125103 0.982 Silver "98.170 5.0 100.00 U 2075-12598.2 0.835 Sodium "12954 1000 10000 3381.2 2075-12595.7 1.71 Strontium "154.25 5.0 100.00 52.733 2075-125102 1.35 Tin "95.765 15 100.00 U 2075-12595.8 0.529 Titanium "104.44 5.0 100.00 U 2075-125104 0.740 Vanadium "104.80 5.0 100.00 U 2075-125105 1.23 Yttrium "100.27 3.0 100.00 U 2075-125100 0.0783 Zinc "214.02 10 200.00 U 2075-125107 0.453 Matrix Spike Dup (2205054-MSD2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 6010 Barium ug/L299.17 5.0 200.00 75.570 2075-125112 2.99 Beryllium "47.035 3.0 50.000 U 2075-12594.1 0.965 Calcium "18812 250 5000.0 13599 2075-125104 2.70 Chromium "212.04 5.0 200.00 U 2075-125106 0.437 Cobalt "98.920 5.0 100.00 U 2075-12598.9 0.613 Copper "103.49 10 100.00 U 2075-125103 0.665 Iron "5457.8 100 5000.0 U 2075-125109 2.32 Magnesium "7720.5 250 5000.0 2925.2 2075-12595.9 1.56 Manganese "494.89 5.0 500.00 U 2075-12599.0 1.81 Molybdenum "101.70 10 100.00 U 2075-125102 0.915 Nickel "202.32 10 200.00 U 2075-125101 1.00 Silver "98.628 5.0 100.00 U 2075-12598.6 1.16 Sodium "14319 1000 10000 4924.9 2075-12593.9 3.93 Strontium "206.57 5.0 100.00 106.56 2075-125100 1.15 Tin "91.487 15 100.00 U 2075-12591.5 2.31 Titanium "103.98 5.0 100.00 U 2075-125104 0.583 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 22 of 28 Page 332 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205054 - M 200.2 Metals Water Matrix Spike Dup (2205054-MSD2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Source: E222202-15 Vanadium ug/L104.26 5.0 100.00 U 2075-125104 0.960 Yttrium "98.890 3.0 100.00 0.19880 2075-12598.7 1.73 Zinc "210.02 10 200.00 U 2075-125105 0.0532 Matrix Spike Dup (2205054-MSD3)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/10/22 Source: E222202-03RE1 EPA 6010 Potassium ug/L112101000 10000 1062.9 2075-125101 2.17 Matrix Spike Dup (2205054-MSD4)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/10/22 Source: E222202-15RE1 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L5130.4 100 5000.0 U 2075-125103 1.29 Potassium "13381 1000 10000 3084.0 2075-125103 1.04 MRL Verification (2205054-PS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L74.446 100 100.00 MRL-2, U 70-13074.4 Barium "4.7453 5.0 5.0000 MRL-2, U 70-13094.9 Beryllium "1.9512 3.0 3.0000 MRL-2, QR-1, U 70-13065.0 Calcium "217.19 250 250.00 MRL-2, U 70-13086.9 Chromium "5.4692 5.0 5.0000 MRL-270-130109 Cobalt "4.9234 5.0 5.0000 MRL-2, U 70-13098.5 Copper "12.030 10 10.000 MRL-270-130120 Iron "99.222 100 100.00 MRL-2, U 70-13099.2 Magnesium "235.38 250 250.00 MRL-2, U 70-13094.2 Manganese "5.1049 5.0 5.0000 MRL-270-130102 Molybdenum "10.422 10 10.000 MRL-270-130104 Nickel "10.289 10 10.000 MRL-270-130103 Potassium "884.31 1000 1000.0 MRL-2, U 70-13088.4 Silver "5.0548 5.0 5.0000 MRL-270-130101 Sodium "878.32 1000 1000.0 MRL-2, U 70-13087.8 Strontium "5.0740 5.0 5.0000 MRL-270-130101 Tin "15.050 15 15.000 MRL-270-130100 Titanium "5.0407 5.0 5.0000 MRL-270-130101 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 23 of 28 Page 333 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205054 - M 200.2 Metals Water MRL Verification (2205054-PS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/09/22 Vanadium ug/L4.9857 5.0 5.0000 MRL-2, U 70-13099.7 Yttrium "3.1649 3.0 3.0000 MRL-270-130105 Zinc "10.477 10 10.000 MRL-270-130105 MRL Verification (2205054-PS2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/10/22 EPA 6010 Aluminum ug/L87.345 100 100.00 MRL-2, U 70-13087.3 Potassium "976.95 1000 1000.0 MRL-2, U 70-13097.7 Batch 2205055 - M 200.2 Metals Water Blank (2205055-BLK1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/LU0.50 U Arsenic "U 0.50 U Cadmium "U 0.25 U Lead "U 0.50 U Selenium "U 1.0 U Thallium "U 0.50 U LCS (2205055-BS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L97.619 0.50 100.00 85-11597.6 Arsenic "206.51 0.50 200.00 QC-485-115103 Cadmium "46.775 0.25 50.000 85-11593.5 Lead "185.90 0.50 200.00 85-11593.0 Selenium "204.27 1.0 200.00 85-115102 Thallium "93.705 0.50 100.00 85-11593.7 LCS (2205055-BS2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L97.453 2.5 100.00 85-11597.5 Arsenic "203.07 2.5 200.00 85-115102 Cadmium "48.969 1.2 50.000 85-11597.9 Lead "191.37 2.5 200.00 85-11595.7 Selenium "202.64 5.0 200.00 85-115101 Thallium "96.403 2.5 100.00 85-11596.4 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 24 of 28 Page 334 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205055 - M 200.2 Metals Water LCS (2205055-BS2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Matrix Spike (2205055-MS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L95.903 0.50 100.00 U 70-13095.9 Arsenic "205.10 0.50 200.00 U QC-470-130103 Cadmium "46.756 0.25 50.000 U 70-13093.5 Lead "179.46 0.50 200.00 U 70-13089.7 Selenium "196.55 1.0 200.00 U 70-13098.3 Thallium "90.994 0.50 100.00 U 70-13091.0 Matrix Spike (2205055-MS2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L97.883 0.50 100.00 U 70-13097.9 Arsenic "198.24 0.50 200.00 U 70-13099.1 Cadmium "45.993 0.25 50.000 U 70-13092.0 Lead "178.81 0.50 200.00 U 70-13089.4 Selenium "193.47 1.0 200.00 U 70-13096.7 Thallium "90.682 0.50 100.00 U 70-13090.7 Matrix Spike (2205055-MS3)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L95.048 2.5 100.00 U 70-13095.0 Arsenic "200.68 2.5 200.00 U 70-130100 Cadmium "47.251 1.2 50.000 U 70-13094.5 Lead "185.53 2.5 200.00 U 70-13092.8 Selenium "205.38 5.0 200.00 U 70-130103 Thallium "93.882 2.5 100.00 U 70-13093.9 Matrix Spike (2205055-MS4)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L96.449 2.5 100.00 U 70-13096.4 Arsenic "197.76 2.5 200.00 U 70-13098.9 Cadmium "46.615 1.2 50.000 U 70-13093.2 Lead "191.14 2.5 200.00 U 70-13095.6 Selenium "192.57 5.0 200.00 U 70-13096.3 Thallium "95.520 2.5 100.00 U 70-13095.5 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 25 of 28 Page 335 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205055 - M 200.2 Metals Water Matrix Spike Dup (2205055-MSD1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L96.663 0.50 100.00 U 2070-13096.7 0.789 Arsenic "201.61 0.50 200.00 U 20 QC-470-130101 1.72 Cadmium "46.751 0.25 50.000 U 2070-13093.5 0.0113 Lead "181.90 0.50 200.00 U 2070-13091.0 1.35 Selenium "198.62 1.0 200.00 U 2070-13099.3 1.05 Thallium "91.324 0.50 100.00 U 2070-13091.3 0.362 Matrix Spike Dup (2205055-MSD2)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L98.566 0.50 100.00 U 2070-13098.6 0.694 Arsenic "196.47 0.50 200.00 U 2070-13098.2 0.896 Cadmium "46.670 0.25 50.000 U 2070-13093.3 1.46 Lead "180.66 0.50 200.00 U 2070-13090.3 1.03 Selenium "193.02 1.0 200.00 U 2070-13096.5 0.235 Thallium "91.654 0.50 100.00 U 2070-13091.7 1.07 Matrix Spike Dup (2205055-MSD3)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-03 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L97.835 2.5 100.00 U 2070-13097.8 2.89 Arsenic "202.77 2.5 200.00 U 2070-130101 1.03 Cadmium "48.926 1.2 50.000 U 2070-13097.9 3.48 Lead "189.61 2.5 200.00 U 2070-13094.8 2.18 Selenium "206.75 5.0 200.00 U 2070-130103 0.667 Thallium "96.252 2.5 100.00 U 2070-13096.3 2.49 Matrix Spike Dup (2205055-MSD4)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 Source: E222202-15 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L96.685 2.5 100.00 U 2070-13096.7 0.244 Arsenic "191.39 2.5 200.00 U 2070-13095.7 3.28 Cadmium "46.004 1.2 50.000 U 2070-13092.0 1.32 Lead "185.50 2.5 200.00 U 2070-13092.7 3.00 Selenium "192.46 5.0 200.00 U 2070-13096.2 0.0543 Thallium "92.008 2.5 100.00 U 2070-13092.0 3.75 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 26 of 28 Page 336 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Result Limit Reporting Units Level Spike Result Source %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Analyte Total Metals (TMTL) - Quality Control US-EPA, Region 4, LSASD Batch 2205055 - M 200.2 Metals Water MRL Verification (2205055-PS1)Prepared: 05/31/22 Analyzed: 06/07/22 EPA 200.8 Antimony ug/L0.46878 0.50 0.50000 MRL-2, U 65-13593.8 Arsenic "0.98077 0.50 1.0000 MRL-265-13598.1 Cadmium "0.55715 0.25 0.50000 MRL-265-135111 Lead "1.0148 0.50 1.0000 MRL-265-135101 Selenium "2.0557 1.0 2.0000 MRL-265-135103 Thallium "0.49502 0.50 0.50000 MRL-2, U 65-13599.0 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 27 of 28 Page 337 of 389 of Full Report D.A.R.T. Id: 22-0163 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region 4 Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division 980 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 Project: 22-0163, Benfield Industries 2022 - Reported by Kristin Trapp Notes and Definitions for QC Samples U MRL-2 QC-4 QR-1 6/21/22 10:53E222202 TMTL FINAL 06 21 22 1053Page 28 of 28 Page 338 of 389 of Full Report Page 339 of 389 of Full Report Page 340 of 389 of Full Report Page 341 of 389 of Full Report Page 342 of 389 of Full Report Page 343 of 389 of Full Report Page 344 of 389 of Full Report Page 345 of 389 of Full Report Page 346 of 389 of Full Report Page 347 of 389 of Full Report Page 348 of 389 of Full Report Page 349 of 389 of Full Report Page 350 of 389 of Full Report Page 351 of 389 of Full Report Page 352 of 389 of Full Report Page 353 of 389 of Full Report Page 354 of 389 of Full Report Page 355 of 389 of Full Report Page 356 of 389 of Full Report Page 357 of 389 of Full Report Page 358 of 389 of Full Report Page 359 of 389 of Full Report Page 360 of 389 of Full Report Page 361 of 389 of Full Report Page 362 of 389 of Full Report Page 363 of 389 of Full Report Page 364 of 389 of Full Report Page 365 of 389 of Full Report Page 366 of 389 of Full Report Page 367 of 389 of Full Report Page 368 of 389 of Full Report Page 369 of 389 of Full Report Page 370 of 389 of Full Report Page 371 of 389 of Full Report Page 372 of 389 of Full Report Page 373 of 389 of Full Report Page 374 of 389 of Full Report Page 375 of 389 of Full Report Page 376 of 389 of Full Report Page 377 of 389 of Full Report Page 378 of 389 of Full Report Page 379 of 389 of Full Report Page 380 of 389 of Full Report Page 381 of 389 of Full Report Page 382 of 389 of Full Report Appendix C Chain of Custody Forms Chain of Custody, 5/25/2022 3 pages Sample Receipt Checklist, 5/25/22 2 pages Total 5 pages LSASD Project ID 22-0163 Page 383 of 389 of Full Report This page left blank intentionally. 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(1 ) "t5 o sa ) _C ) cU C O _J Lab Phone: 706-355-8856 Lab Contact: Mike Beall No: 05/25122-0001 Benfield Industries, Inc. 05-2022/NC CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Project Number: 22-0163 O 0 USEPA Region 4 COC (REGION COPY) a) N N n 3 0 0 0 Lo 0 E CL W w E as 0 C . ) AirbillNo: n/a I2 N O U) O C 2 E O N ,OU) 05/25/2022 09:55 I Field Sample a) 0 U) 0 a) 05/25/2022 11:10 U) a) - - : - , \+ u - \ 4 . 1-1 - + 1 - 1 . - 1 + L L + L I - ..-a-i I -- : - , - 8 - - . ' I 1 t ii I C I o a ) - I 0 a ) - 2 - 0.- .)- (-si : . . : . - • g 1-Dz E.\--1 - . 7 . 2 - : - . , , -- z ---- _ c ? 1-6-- F . , - 1 z - ----. 2 _ cDc „ - - a) " 0 uj -.. . . . . 0 . - 1 0 uj 0 e-.. 1 /4.., u i c 2 _ L .-, 0 _ , , , 0 . - - , C 3 „ , 0 - , - - ' I. 1 . 4 , . . , . . V 1 _ 1 . 1 . 1 . . , . .. . . V . N - - -- -0 N N ^ 0 N N ^ 0 N N (10 N I N 1 - ;( 9 N V S . ) _ v V 8 _ v V 0 v V V V V 1 - - - - F f I M z . --. 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