HomeMy WebLinkAbout24025_Crayton Printing Final Grade Soil Assessment_20240610 Via Email June 10, 2024 NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management Brownfields Redevelopment Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Attn: Mr. Bill Schmithorst Re: Final Grade Soil Assessment Report Crayton Printing Distribution Street and Dunavant Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 24025-20-060 H&H Project No. AKR-005 Dear Bill: On behalf of KA D&D Holdings LLC, enclosed please find a copy of the Final Grade Soil Assessment Report prepared for the Crayton Printing Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24025-20-060) located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. Should you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC Haley Martin, PG Matt Bramblett, PE Project Manager Principal Attachments cc: Mr. Dan Coith, Akridge (via email) Mr. Dan Outen, Akridge (via email) Ms. Laura Truesdale, Moore & Van Allen, PLLC (via email) Ms. Mary Katherine Stukes, Moore & Van Allen, PLLC (via email) i https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx Final Grade Soil Assessment Report Distribution Street and Dunavant Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 24025-20-060 H&H Job No. AKR-005 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Final Grade Soil Assessment Activities ................................................................................ 3 2.1 Final Grade Soil Sampling Activities ................................................................................... 3 2.2 Final Grade Soil Sample Results .......................................................................................... 5 2.3 Soil Direct Exposure Risk Evaluation .................................................................................. 6 3.0 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................................... 8 List of Tables Table 1 Summary of Final Grade Soil Sampling Lithology Table 2 Summary of Final Grade Soil Sample Analytical Results List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Final Grade Soil Sample Location Map List of Appendices Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix B DEQ Risk Calculator 1 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx Final Grade Soil Assessment Report Crayton Printing Distribution Street and Dunavant Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 24025-20-060 H&H Job No. AKR-005 1.0 Introduction On behalf of KA D&D Holdings LLC (Prospective Developer or PD), Hart & Hickman, P.C. (H&H) has prepared this Final Grade Soil Assessment Report for the Crayton Printing Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24025-20-060) located south of the Distribution Street and Dunavant Street intersection in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Site). The Site consists of one approximate 2.85-acre parcel of land (Mecklenburg County Parcel Identification No. 12104201) located in a mixed commercial and residential use area of South End Charlotte. A Site location map is provided as Figure 1, and the Site and surrounding area are shown in Figure 2. Redevelopment of the Site has included construction of a multifamily residential apartment building and an associated parking deck known as Hawkins Press. An overlay of the Hawkins Press redevelopment layout is shown in Figure 2. Redevelopment activities at the Site are nearing completion and have been completed in general accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) dated November 3, 2020. A Brownfields Agreement between the DEQ and the PD was recorded on October 1, 2021. Land Use Restriction (LUR) 12.f. of the Brownfields Agreement and the DEQ-approved EMP generally state that no occupancy of the Brownfields property may occur after redevelopment until representative final grade soil samples have been collected in areas at the Site that are not covered by building foundations, sidewalks, or asphalt or concrete parking areas and driveways (hardscape). In accordance with the DEQ-approved EMP and LUR 12.f. of the recorded Brownfields Agreement, H&H prepared a Final Grade Soil Assessment Work Plan (Work Plan) dated 2 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx September 26, 2023 for DEQ review and approval. The Work Plan was approved by DEQ in a letter dated November 20, 2023. A summary of the final grade sampling activities is provided in the following sections. 3 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx 2.0 Final Grade Soil Assessment Activities Final grade soil sampling activities were conducted at the Site in May 2024 to evaluate potential soil direct exposure risks within areas at the Site that will not be covered with hardscape upon completion of redevelopment activities. The final grade soil sampling activities were conducted in general accordance with the DEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites (Guidelines) dated September 2023, the most recent versions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures guidance, and the DEQ-approved Work Plan. 2.1 Final Grade Soil Sampling Activities The Site is covered with hardscape surfaces except for generally isolated or narrow landscaped areas. To evaluate for the potential presence of shallow soil impacts, landscaped areas were divided into four evaluation areas (FG-1 through FG-4). Five shallow soil borings were advanced in each area for collection of aliquot soil samples. The four final grade evaluation areas and aliquot soil boring locations (designated as “A” through “E” within each evaluation area) are shown in Figure 3 and are described further below: • Final grade evaluation area FG-1 includes landscaped areas in the western portion of the Site along Distribution Street; • Final grade evaluation area FG-2 includes landscaped areas in the southern portion of the Site and within the courtyard area located in the central portion of the Site; • Final grade evaluation area FG-3 includes landscaped areas in the eastern portion of the Site along Dunavant Street; and • Final grade evaluation area FG-4 includes landscaped areas in the northern portion of the Site along Dunavant Street. Each aliquot soil boring was advanced from the surface to approximately two (2) feet below the ground surface (ft bgs) utilizing a decontaminated stainless steel hand auger. Continuous soil samples were collected from the center of the hand auger bucket at each boring location. The soil 4 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx samples were described for lithologic purposes, observed for obvious evidence of staining and unusual odors, and field screened for the presence of volatile organic vapors using a calibrated photoionization detector (PID). Soil lithology generally consisted of moist silt with clay, sand, and some gravel. Field screening results did not identify obvious evidence of potential impacts (i.e., staining, unusual odors, etc.) in soil samples collected at the Site. Lithologic descriptions and field screening results for each final grade aliquot boring are summarized in Table 1. Soil sample aliquots from each evaluation area were combined and homogenized to form one composite soil sample representative of shallow soil in that evaluation area. Composite soil samples selected for laboratory analysis were collected directly into dedicated laboratory supplied sample containers, labeled with the sample identification, date, and requested analyses, and placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice. The samples were delivered to Waypoint Analytical (Waypoint) under standard chain of custody protocols for analysis of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7199. In addition to the composite soil samples described above, one representative grab soil sample was collected from each evaluation area from undisturbed portions of soil in the hand auger bucket. The grab soil samples were collected from a 1 ft interval (either 0 to 1 ft or 1 to 2 ft) depending on the depth of the higher PID reading. The grab soil samples were placed directly into laboratory supplied glassware, labeled, and placed in the laboratory supplied sample cooler with ice. The grab soil samples were submitted to Waypoint for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260. For quality assurance and quality control purposes, H&H collected one duplicate soil sample (FG- DUP) from evaluation area FG-4. Duplicate sample laboratory analytical results are presented in Table 2. Review of the duplicate sample results in comparison to the parent sample results indicate a discrepancy greater than 10% for select compounds which is likely associated with sample matrix variability. 5 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx Following sampling activities, the soil borings were abandoned, and the surfaces were repaired similar to pre-drilling conditions. Additionally, the soil boring locations were estimated using a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) unit. 2.2 Final Grade Soil Sample Results A tabular summary of the final grade soil sample analytical results is presented in Table 2, and copies of the laboratory analytical report and chain of custody record are provided in Appendix A. The laboratory analytical results were compared to the DEQ Residential and Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated February 2024. In addition to the PSRGs, metals results were compared to area-specific and published concentrations for naturally occurring metals in North Carolina soil. VOCs Laboratory analytical results indicate that trace levels of acetone (up to 0.021 J milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]), carbon disulfide (up to 0.002 J mg/kg), n-hexane (up to 0.001 J mg/kg), and/or methylene chloride (up to 0.005 J mg/kg) were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits, but below the DEQ Residential PSRGs in select final grade soil samples. Note that the J-flag indicates the compound was detected at a concentration above the laboratory method detection limits, but below the laboratory reporting limits resulting in a laboratory estimated concentrations. No other VOCs were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits, and no VOCs were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Residential PSRGs in final grade soil samples collected at the Site. SVOCs Laboratory analytical results indicate that polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in final grade soil samples except FG-2. The PAHs benzo(a)anthracene (1.34 mg/kg), benzo(a)pyrene (1.11 mg/kg), and benzo(b)fluoranthene (1.41 mg/kg) were detected at concentrations above their respective DEQ Residential PSRGs in the final grade soil sample collected along Distribution Street (FG-1). The PAH benzo(a)pyrene (up to 0.490 J mg/kg) was also detected at concentrations above the DEQ 6 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx Residential PSRG in samples collected along Dunavant Street (FG-3 and FG-DUP). No other SVOCs were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Residential PSRGs in the final grade soil samples collected at the Site. Metals Several metals including arsenic (up to 1.21 mg/kg), barium (up to 101 mg/kg), trivalent chromium (up to 45.7 mg/kg), hexavalent chromium (up to 0.477 mg/kg), lead (up to 10.5 mg/kg), mercury (up to 0.0173 J mg/kg), and selenium (up to 0.216 J mg/kg) were detected at concentrations consistent with naturally occurring levels. The metal concentrations are considered to be representative of background conditions at the Site and in the Site area. 2.3 Soil Direct Exposure Risk Evaluation The DEQ PSRGs are conservative and based upon a Target Cancer Risk (TCR) of 1 x 10-6 for potential carcinogenic effects and a Hazard Quotient (HQ) of 0.2 for potential non-carcinogenic effects. DEQ and EPA acceptable soil direct exposure risks include a calculated cumulative lifetime incremental carcinogenic risk (LICR) of 1 x 10-4 or less and a calculated cumulative hazard index (HI) of 1.0 or less for potential non-carcinogenic risks. H&H utilized the DEQ Risk Calculator (February 2024) under a residential land use scenario to further evaluate potential cumulative risks for the soil direct exposure pathway. To model the potential risks under a hypothetical “worst-case” scenario, H&H conservatively calculated the cumulative risks using the highest concentration of any compound detected in any final grade soil sample collected at the Site. Risk calculator results are summarized in the table below, and a copy of the completed risk calculator is provided in Appendix B. Evaluation Area Land Use Calculated Cumulative LICR Calculated Cumulative HI Acceptable Risk Cumulative Worst Case Residential 1.8 x 10-5 7 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx As shown in the table above, the results of the risk calculations indicate that the calculated cumulative soil direct exposure risks do not exceed acceptable carcinogenic or noncarcinogenic risk levels under a residential use scenario. 8 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/akridge (akr)/akr.005 dunavant brownfields assessment/final grade/report/24025 - final grade soil assessment - crayton printing.docx 3.0 Summary and Conclusions H&H has completed final grade soil sampling activities at the Crayton Printing Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24025-20-060) located south of the Distribution Street and Dunavant Street intersection in Charlotte, North Carolina. The final grade soil sampling activities were conducted in general accordance with the DEQ Brownfields approved Work Plan dated September 26, 2023. Final grade soil sampling activities included the collection of soil samples to evaluate potential soil direct exposure risks in areas at the Site that will not be covered by impervious surfaces following completion of redevelopment. The Site was divided into four final grade evaluation areas and shallow soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis within each area. Final grade soil sample laboratory analytical results indicate that several organic compounds were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in each final grade evaluation area. No compounds were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Residential PSRGs except for benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, and benzo(b)fluoranthene in select final grade evaluation areas located along Distribution Street and Dunavant Street. Metals concentrations detected in the final grade soil samples are consistent with published and area-specific background concentrations. Therefore, the metal concentrations are considered to be representative of naturally occurring levels. H&H utilized the most recent version of the DEQ Risk Calculator to further evaluate potential soil direct exposure risks for a residential occupant. Hypothetical worst-case risk calculations were completed for the Site using the highest concentration of any compound detected in any final grade evaluation area. Results of the residential soil direct exposure risk calculations indicate that cumulative risks are within acceptable levels for residential occupancy. Based on the data and associated risk calculations, H&H recommends DEQ approval of this final grade soil assessment report for residential occupancy of the Site. Tables Table 1 Summary of Final Grade Soil Sampling Lithology Crayton Printing Distribution Street and Dunavant Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. AKR-005 Final Grade Evaluation Area Composite Aliquot Sample Date Depth (ft bgs)PID Readings (ppm)Moisture Content Stiffness Color Lithology Notes 0-1 1.9 Moist Very Firm Brown/Gray Gravel, some sand Heavy gravel component 1-2 28.6 Moist Very Firm Brown/Gray Gravel, some sand Heavy gravel component 0-1 27.4 Moist Firm Brown/Red Clayey Silt, Some Sand, Little Gravel - 1-2 62.4 * Moist Firm Gray, little Brown Clayey Silt, Some Sand, Little Gravel - 0-1 16.5 Moist Soft Brown/Gray Clayey silt, Some Sand, Little Gravel - 1-2 20.1 Moist Soft Brown/Gray Clayey silt, Some Sand, Little Gravel - 0-1 15.7 Moist Medium Stiff Gray/Brown Clayey silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 1-2 33.6 Moist Medium Stiff Gray/Brown Clayey silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 0-1 43.8 Moist Stiff Red/Brown Clayey silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 1-2 41.2 Moist Stiff Red/Brown Clayey silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 0-1 2.4 Moist Loose Brown Sand, Some Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 1-2 11.2 Moist Loose Brown Sand, Some Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 0-1 22.8 Moist Loose Light Brown Sand, Some Clayey Silt, Some Gravel - 1-2 20.8 Moist Loose Light Brown Sand, Some Clayey Silt, Some Gravel - 0-1 10.7 Moist Loose Dark Brown Clayey Silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 1-2 23.2 Moist Loose Light Brown Clayey Silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 0-1 21.7 Moist Loose Light Brown Clayey Silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 1-2 23.7 * Moist Loose Light Brown Clayey Silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel - 0-1 21.5 Dry Loose Red/Brown Sand, Some Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 1-2 16.4 Dry Medium Stiff Red/Brown Clayey Silt, Some Sand, Trace Gravel Trace Organics 0-1 40.1 Moist Loose Brown/Red Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 1-2 52.1 Moist Loose Brown/Red Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 0-1 54.2 Moist Dense Brown Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 1-2 58.2 Moist Dense Brown Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 0-1 23.1 Moist Loose Brown Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 1-2 17.7 Moist Loose Brown Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 0-1 23.1 Moist Loose Red/Brown Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 1-2 82.1 * Moist Loose Red/Brown Sand, Little Clayey Silt, Trace Gravel - 0-1 67.2 Moist Loose Red/Brown Sand, Trace Gravel - 1-2 77.6 Moist Loose Red/Brown Sand, Some Gravel - 0-1 3.5 Moist Very Stiff Brown Sand, Some Gravel, Few Clayey Silt - 1-2 21.2 Moist Very Stiff Brown Sand, Some Gravel, Few Clayey Silt - 0-1 34.9 Moist Very Stiff Brown Sand, Some Gravel, Few Clayey Silt - 1-2 31.9 * Moist Loose Brown/Red/Gray Clayey Silt, Some sand, Trace Gravel - 0-1 32.9 Moist Very Stiff Gray Sand, Some Gravel - 1-2 19.0 Moist Very Stiff Gray Sand, Some Gravel - 0-1 16.8 Moist Soft Red/Brown Clayey Silt, Trace Sand, Few Gravel - 1-2 24.5 Moist Soft Red/Brown Clayey Silt, Trace Sand, Few Gravel - 0-1 24.5 Moist Very Stiff Red/Brown Sand, Few Clayey Silt, Some Gravel - 1-2 16.7 Moist Very Stiff Red/Brown Mostly Gravel, Little Sand, Little Clayey Silt - Notes: Background photoionization detector (PID) readings ranged from 0.0 to 0.1 parts per million (ppm). Duplicate sample (FG-DUP) collected from final grade evaluation area FG-4. * = grab sample selected for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds FG-4 FG-3 FG-2 FG-1 A B 05/01/2024 E C D A B 05/01/2024C D C E A E 05/01/2024 05/01/2024 C D A B D E B https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Akridge (AKR)/AKR.005 Dunavant Brownfields Assessment/Final Grade/Tables/Final Grade Lithology Table May 2024 Table 1 (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2 Summary of Final Grade Soil Sample Analytical Results Crayton Printing Distribution Street and Dunavant Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Project No. AKR-005 Evaluation Area Sample ID Date Depth (ft bgs)1-2 0-2 1-2 0-2 1-2 0-2 1-2 0-2 1-2 0-2 Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Units VOCs (8260D) Acetone 0.006 J NA 0.021 J NA 0.008 J NA 0.010 J NA 0.013 J NA 14,000 210,000 -- -- Carbon Disulfide <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA 0.0010 J NA <0.0007 NA 0.002 J NA 160 740 -- -- n-Hexane <0.0007 NA 0.001 J NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA 130 540 -- -- Methylene Chloride 0.004 J NA 0.004 J NA 0.004 J NA 0.002 J NA 0.005 J NA 58 650 -- -- SVOCs (8270E) Acenaphthene NA 0.246 J NA <0.175 NA <0.168 NA <0.168 NA <0.171 290 1,200 -- -- Anthracene NA 0.622 J NA <0.198 NA <0.190 NA <0.190 NA <0.194 3,600 45,000 -- -- Benzo(a)anthracene NA 1.34 NA <0.186 NA 0.476 J NA 0.194 J NA 0.276 J 1.1 210 -- -- Benzo(a)pyrene NA 1.11 NA <0.197 NA 0.490 J NA <0.189 NA 0.249 J 0.11 2.1 -- -- Benzo(b)fluoranthene NA 1.41 NA <0.175 NA 0.761 NA 0.282 J NA 0.424 J 1.1 21 -- -- Benzo(g,h,i)perylene NA 0.477 J NA <0.172 NA 0.276 J NA <0.164 NA <0.168 NE NE -- -- Benzo(k)fluoranthene NA 0.386 J NA <0.186 NA <0.178 NA <0.178 NA <0.182 11 210 -- -- Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate NA 0.231 J NA <0.211 NA <0.202 NA <0.202 NA <0.207 39 160 -- -- Chrysene NA 0.962 NA <0.174 NA 0.396 J NA <0.167 NA 0.205 J 110 2,100 -- -- Dibenz(a,h)anthracene NA 0.240 J,M NA <0.132 NA 0.254 J,M NA 0.237 J,M NA <0.129 11 2.1 -- -- Fluoranthene NA 2.50 NA <0.188 NA 0.923 NA 0.408 J NA 0.474 J 480 6,000 -- -- Fluorene NA 0.240 J NA <0.182 NA <0.175 NA <0.175 NA <0.178 480 6,000 -- -- Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NA 0.747 NA <0.180 NA 0.395 J NA <0.172 NA <0.176 1.1 21 -- -- Phenanthrene NA 1.77 NA <0.188 NA 0.576 J NA 0.265 J NA 0.339 J NE NE -- -- Pyrene NA 1.63 NA <0.191 NA 0.636 J NA 0.273 J NA 0.353 J 360 4,500 -- -- Metals (6020B/7471B/7199) Arsenic NA 0.895 NA 1.21 NA 0.707 NA 1.06 NA 1.11 0.68 3.0 1.39 - 7.23 1.0 - 18 Barium NA 101 NA 98.2 NA 92.2 NA 71.9 NA 71.2 3,100 47,000 44.5 - 126 50 - 1,000 Cadmium NA <0.266 NA <0.299 NA <0.286 NA <0.286 NA <0.292 1.4 20 ND - 10.2 1.0 - 10 Chromium (total)NA 36.2 NA 43.1 NA 46.0 NA 36.0 NA 31.3 NE NE 22.1 - 67.8 7.0 - 300 Trivalent Chromium NA 36.0 NA 42.8 NA 45.7 NA 35.5 NA 31.0 23,000 350,000 22.1 - 67.8 NS Hexavalent Chromium NA 0.249 NA 0.291 NA 0.320 NA 0.477 NA 0.339 0.31 6.5 ND - 0.715 NS Lead NA 4.08 NA 7.30 NA 4.75 NA 10.5 NA 7.32 200 800 9.13 - 236 ND - 50 Mercury NA 0.0133 J NA 0.0173 J NA 0.0142 J NA <0.0137 NA 0.0146 J 4.7 70 0.0462 - 0.117 0.03 - 0.52 Selenium NA 0.216 J NA 0.156 J NA 0.117 J NA 0.140 J NA 0.176 J 78 1,200 ND - 1.34 <0.1 - 0.8 Silver NA <0.266 NA <0.299 NA <0.286 NA <0.286 NA <0.292 78 1,200 ND - 3.10 ND - 5.0 DEQ Cumulative Risk Calculator (4) Cumulative LICR (Residential) Cumulative Non-Carcinogenic HI (Residential) Notes: 1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated February 2024. 2) Range values of area-specific background metals obtained from Phase II Environmental Site Assessment dated November 13, 2020 prepared for the Gas Fire Products Assembly Warehouse Brownfields property. 3) Range values of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005. Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern & Conterminous US soils. 4) DEQ Cumulative Risk Calculator dated February 2024. Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits. Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses. With the exception of metals, only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRGs. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; NS = not specified; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; ND = not detected; NA = not analyzed; LICR = lifetime incremental cancer risk; HI = hazard inde J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit but below the laboratory reporting limit, resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. M = Laboratory estimated minimal concentration. Final Grade Screening Criteria Background Metals FG-3 Residential PSRGs (1) Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (1) Area Specific Range (2) 1.8 x 10-5 <1 x 10-4 0.11 <1.0 FG-1 5/1/2024 5/1/2024 FG-2 5/1/2024 Published Range (3) 5/1/2024 5/1/2024 mg/kg Acceptable Risk Levels FG-4 / FG-DUP https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Akridge (AKR)/AKR.005 Dunavant Brownfields Assessment/Final Grade/Tables/AKR_005 Final Grade Data Table 5/21/2024 Table 2 (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC Figures REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. AKR-005 DATE: 5-14-24 FIGURE NO. 2 CRAYTON PRINTING DISTRIBUTION STREET AND DUNAVANT STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY BUILDING FOOTPRINT - LEVEL 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT - LEVEL 2 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DIS T R I B U T I O N S T R E E T DU N A V A N T S T R E E T DUN A V A N T S T R E E T HAW K I N S S T R E E T PARKING DECK POOL/ COURTYARD LEGEND 1.AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS 2024. 2.BUILDING OVERLAY BASED ON REQUIRED PLANTING PLAN PREPARED BY LANDDESIGN AND DATED 8/17/21. HUB SOUTH END APARTMENTS (2250 HAWKINS STREET) MULTI-TENANT COMMERCIAL BUILDING (2326 DISTRIBUTION STREET) MULTI-TENANT COMMERCIAL BUILDING (2401 DISTRIBUTION STREET) VACANT COMMERCIAL BUILDING (2322 DUNAVANT STREET) JUNCTION 1504 LUXURY APARTMENTS (1504 MAINLINE BOULEVARD) MERV PLACE UNDER CONSTRUCTION S: \ A A A - M a s t e r P r o j e c t s \ A k r i d g e ( A K R ) \ A K R . 0 0 5 D u n a v a n t B r o w n f i e l d s A s s e s s m e n t \ F i n a l G r a d e \ F i g u r e s \ A K R . 0 0 5 _ 2 0 2 3 0 8 2 3 . d w g , F I G 2 , 5 / 1 5 / 2 0 2 4 1 0 : 5 3 : 1 4 A M , d r a b u r n REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. AKR-005 DATE: 5-14-24 FIGURE NO. 3 CRAYTON PRINTING DISTRIBUTION STREET AND DUNAVANT STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA FINAL GRADE SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY BUILDING FOOTPRINT - LEVEL 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT - LEVEL 2 LANDSCAPED AREA PAVED AREA FG-1 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION FG-2 SOIL ALIQUOT SAMPLE LOCATION FG-3 SOIL ALIQUOT SAMPLE LOCATION FG-4 SOIL ALIQUOT SAMPLE LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DIS T R I B U T I O N S T R E E T DU N A V A N T S T R E E T DUN A V A N T S T R E E T HAW K I N S S T R E E T PARKING DECK FG-1C FG-1B FG-1A FG-1D FG-1E LEGEND 1. DEVELOPMENT PLANS PROVIDED BY BB+M, DATED 2-19-2020. FG-2A FG-2B FG-2C FG-2D FG-2E FG-3B FG-3C FG-3D FG-3E FG-3A FG-4A FG-4B FG-4C FG-4D FG-4E S: \ A A A - M a s t e r P r o j e c t s \ A k r i d g e ( A K R ) \ A K R . 0 0 5 D u n a v a n t B r o w n f i e l d s A s s e s s m e n t \ F i n a l G r a d e \ F i g u r e s \ A K R . 0 0 5 _ 2 0 2 3 0 8 2 3 . d w g , F I G 3 , 5 / 1 5 / 2 0 2 4 1 0 : 5 3 : 4 5 A M , d r a b u r n Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Report   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   5/10/2024 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) Haley Martin 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Charlotte, NC, 28203 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 24-123-0002 Client Project Description: AKR-005 Dear Haley Martin: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 5/1/2024 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 71 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202437735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2024402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202499012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202499012State ProgramSouth Carolina Laboratory ID: WP MTN: Waypoint Analytical, LLC., Memphis, TN State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 02/28/202540750State ProgramAlabama 02/07/202588-0650State ProgramArkansas 06/30/20242904State ProgramCalifornia 06/30/2024E871157State Program - NELAPFlorida 11/14/2025C044State ProgramGeorgia 06/30/202404015State ProgramGeorgia 10/31/2024200078State Program - NELAPIllinois 06/30/202480215State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2024KY90047State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2024LA037State Program - NELAPLouisiana 06/30/202404015State Program - NELAPLouisiana 11/14/2025MSState ProgramMississippi 07/31/202447701State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2024415State ProgramNorth Carolina 05/31/202468-03195State Program - NELAPPennsylvania 06/30/202484002State ProgramSouth Carolina 11/14/202502027State ProgramTennessee 09/30/2024T104704180State Program - NELAPTexas 06/30/202400106State ProgramVirginia 09/14/2024460181State Program - NELAPVirginia Page 1 of 1 00016/24-123-0002 Page 2 of 71 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 24-123-0002 AKR-005 Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 05/01/2024 11:55Solids 92436 FG-1 05/01/2024 17:22 05/01/2024 11:55Solids 92436 FG-1 05/01/2024 17:22 6020B 05/01/2024 11:55Solids 92436 FG-1 05/01/2024 17:22 SW-7199 05/01/2024 16:10Solids 92437 FG-2 05/01/2024 17:22 05/01/2024 16:10Solids 92437 FG-2 05/01/2024 17:22 SW-7199 05/01/2024 16:10Solids 92437 FG-2 05/01/2024 17:22 6020B 05/01/2024 15:10Solids 92438 FG-3 05/01/2024 17:22 05/01/2024 15:10Solids 92438 FG-3 05/01/2024 17:22 SW-7199 05/01/2024 15:10Solids 92438 FG-3 05/01/2024 17:22 6020B 05/01/2024 13:15Solids 92439 FG-4 05/01/2024 17:22 05/01/2024 13:15Solids 92439 FG-4 05/01/2024 17:22 SW-7199 05/01/2024 13:15Solids 92439 FG-4 05/01/2024 17:22 6020B 05/01/2024Solids 92440 FG-DUP 05/01/2024 17:22 05/01/2024Solids 92440 FG-DUP 05/01/2024 17:22 SW-7199 05/01/2024Solids 92440 FG-DUP 05/01/2024 17:22 6020B WP MTN - Memphis, TN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN Page 3 of 71 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-123-0002 Report Limit Project:AKR-005 V 92436FG-1 0.895 05/09/2024 21:336020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.0909 101 05/08/2024 15:056020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.045 36.2 05/08/2024 15:056020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.123 4.08 05/08/2024 15:056020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0329 J0.216 05/08/2024 15:056020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.109 J0.0133 05/06/2024 14:517471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0128 J0.006 05/03/2024 11:118260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.004 05/03/2024 11:118260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.246 05/07/2024 23:178270EAcenaphthenemg/Kg - dry 0.156 J0.622 05/07/2024 23:178270EAnthracenemg/Kg - dry 0.176 1.34 05/07/2024 23:178270EBenzo(a)anthracene mg/Kg - dry 0.165 1.11 05/07/2024 23:178270EBenzo(a)pyrene mg/Kg - dry 0.175 1.41 05/07/2024 23:178270EBenzo(b)fluoranthene mg/Kg - dry 0.156 J0.477 05/07/2024 23:178270EBenzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/Kg - dry 0.153 J0.386 05/07/2024 23:178270EBenzo(k)fluoranthene mg/Kg - dry 0.165 J0.231 05/07/2024 23:178270EBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate mg/Kg - dry 0.188 0.962 05/07/2024 23:178270EChrysenemg/Kg - dry 0.155 JM0.240 05/07/2024 23:178270EDibenz(a,h)anthracene mg/Kg - dry 0.118 2.50 05/07/2024 23:178270EFluoranthenemg/Kg - dry 0.168 J0.240 05/07/2024 23:178270EFluorenemg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.747 05/07/2024 23:178270EIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene mg/Kg - dry 0.160 1.77 05/07/2024 23:178270EPhenanthrenemg/Kg - dry 0.168 1.63 05/07/2024 23:178270EPyrenemg/Kg - dry 0.170 0.249 05/08/2024 20:06SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.149 5.97 05/03/2024 12:41SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 92437FG-2 1.21 05/09/2024 21:486020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.102 98.2 05/08/2024 15:106020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.051 43.1 05/08/2024 15:106020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.138 7.30 05/08/2024 15:106020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0370 J0.156 05/08/2024 15:106020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.123 J0.0173 05/06/2024 14:537471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0143 J0.021 05/03/2024 11:388260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 05/03/2024 11:388260Dn-Hexane mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.004 05/03/2024 11:388260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.291 05/08/2024 20:50SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.168 Page 4 of 71 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-123-0002 Report Limit Project:AKR-005 V 92437FG-2 16.3 05/03/2024 12:41SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 92438FG-3 0.707 05/09/2024 21:546020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.0979 92.2 05/08/2024 15:166020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.049 46.0 05/08/2024 15:166020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.132 4.75 05/08/2024 15:166020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0355 J0.117 05/08/2024 15:166020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.117 J0.0142 05/06/2024 14:567471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0137 J0.008 05/03/2024 12:058260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.0010 05/03/2024 12:058260DCarbon Disulfide mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.004 05/03/2024 12:058260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.476 05/08/2024 00:068270EBenzo(a)anthracene mg/Kg - dry 0.178 J0.490 05/08/2024 00:068270EBenzo(a)pyrene mg/Kg - dry 0.189 0.761 05/08/2024 00:068270EBenzo(b)fluoranthene mg/Kg - dry 0.168 J0.276 05/08/2024 00:068270EBenzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/Kg - dry 0.164 J0.396 05/08/2024 00:068270EChrysenemg/Kg - dry 0.167 JM0.254 05/08/2024 00:068270EDibenz(a,h)anthracene mg/Kg - dry 0.127 0.923 05/08/2024 00:068270EFluoranthenemg/Kg - dry 0.180 J0.395 05/08/2024 00:068270EIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene mg/Kg - dry 0.172 J0.576 05/08/2024 00:068270EPhenanthrenemg/Kg - dry 0.180 J0.636 05/08/2024 00:068270EPyrenemg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.320 05/08/2024 21:01SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.161 12.7 05/03/2024 12:41SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 92439FG-4 1.06 05/09/2024 21:596020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.0979 71.9 05/08/2024 15:256020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.049 36.0 05/08/2024 15:256020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.132 10.5 05/08/2024 15:256020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0355 J0.140 05/08/2024 15:256020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.117 J0.010 05/03/2024 12:328260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.002 05/03/2024 12:328260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.194 05/08/2024 00:318270EBenzo(a)anthracene mg/Kg - dry 0.178 J0.282 05/08/2024 00:318270EBenzo(b)fluoranthene mg/Kg - dry 0.168 JM0.237 05/08/2024 00:318270EDibenz(a,h)anthracene mg/Kg - dry 0.127 J0.408 05/08/2024 00:318270EFluoranthenemg/Kg - dry 0.180 J0.265 05/08/2024 00:318270EPhenanthrenemg/Kg - dry 0.180 Page 5 of 71 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-123-0002 Report Limit Project:AKR-005 V 92439FG-4 J0.273 05/08/2024 00:318270EPyrenemg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.477 05/08/2024 21:12SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.161 12.7 05/03/2024 12:41SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 92440FG-DUP 1.11 05/09/2024 22:056020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.100 71.2 05/08/2024 15:326020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.050 31.3 05/08/2024 15:326020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.135 7.32 05/08/2024 15:326020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0362 J0.176 05/08/2024 15:326020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.120 J0.0146 05/06/2024 15:087471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0140 J0.013 05/03/2024 12:598260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.002 05/03/2024 12:598260DCarbon Disulfide mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.005 05/03/2024 12:598260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.276 05/08/2024 00:568270EBenzo(a)anthracene mg/Kg - dry 0.182 J0.249 05/08/2024 00:568270EBenzo(a)pyrene mg/Kg - dry 0.192 J0.424 05/08/2024 00:568270EBenzo(b)fluoranthene mg/Kg - dry 0.171 J0.205 05/08/2024 00:568270EChrysenemg/Kg - dry 0.170 J0.474 05/08/2024 00:568270EFluoranthenemg/Kg - dry 0.184 J0.339 05/08/2024 00:568270EPhenanthrenemg/Kg - dry 0.184 J0.353 05/08/2024 00:568270EPyrenemg/Kg - dry 0.187 0.339 05/08/2024 21:23SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.164 14.5 05/03/2024 12:41SW-DRYWT Moisture % Page 6 of 71   Client: Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) CASE NARRATIVE Project: AKR-005 Lab Report Number: 24-123-0002 Date: 5/10/2024 Hexavalent Chromium by Ion Chromatography Method SW-7199 Sample 92436 (FG-1) Analyte: Hexavalent Chromium QC Batch No: L749458/L749006 Insoluble Hexavalent Chromium spike recovery outside QC limits. See soluble spike recovery and LCS for system verification. Sample 92436 (FG-1) Analyte: Hexavalent Chromium QC Batch No: L749458/L749006 Matrix Spike Recovery Low: A measure of the sample pH and its oxidation reduction potential (ORP) indicate that the sample has reducing qualities which may not allow for the presence of Hexavalent Chromium. Solids Total Mercury Analysis - CVAA Method 7471B Sample 92256 Analyte: Mercury QC Batch No: V46877/V46852 The matrix spike and/or the matrix spike duplicate was outside quality control acceptance ranges. A post digestion spike was performed and passed quality control acceptance ranges. No matrix interference is suspected. Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Method 8260D Analyte: 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: Bromoform QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Target analyte did not meet calibration verification criteria. Analysis of a low level check demonstrated that there was adequate sensitivity to report this compound at the laboratory reporting limit as non-detect. Analyte: Bromomethane QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: Chloroethane QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: Chloromethane QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Target analyte did not meet calibration verification criteria. Analysis of a low level check demonstrated that there was adequate sensitivity to report this compound at the laboratory reporting limit as non-detect. Analyte: Chloromethane Page 7 of 71   QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: Dichlorodifluoromethane QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: Ethanol QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: Ethanol QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Target analyte did not meet calibration verification criteria. Analysis of a low level check demonstrated that there was adequate sensitivity to report this compound at the laboratory reporting limit as non-detect. Analyte: Naphthalene QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: o-Xylene QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Target analyte did not meet calibration verification criteria. Analysis of a low level check demonstrated that there was adequate sensitivity to report this compound at the laboratory reporting limit as non-detect. Analyte: Styrene QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Target analyte did not meet calibration verification criteria. Analysis of a low level check demonstrated that there was adequate sensitivity to report this compound at the laboratory reporting limit as non-detect. Analyte: Vinyl chloride QC Batch No: V46835/V46834 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Method 8270E Sample 91797 (SS-2) QC Batch No: V46903/V46854 Matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate recoveries are outside of control limits. Acceptable LCS recovery indicates the system was in control, but the reported result could be affected by matrix interference. Sample 91797 (SS-2) QC Batch No: V46903/V46854 The sample was diluted due to the nature of the sample matrix. Reporting limits have been adjusted accordingly. Analyte: 2,4-Dimethylphenol QC Batch No: V46903/V46854 Recovery for the LCS exceeded the upper acceptance limit. However, all sample results associated with the batch are below the MQL, so this high bias had no impact upon the client data. The results are considered to be acceptable. Page 8 of 71   Analyte: Benzo(b)fluoranthene QC Batch No: V46903/V46854 This target analyte was flagged for recoveries outside QC limits in the associated CCV. Results should be considered estimated due to the potential for a high bias. Analyte: Benzoic Acid QC Batch No: V46903/V46854 Recovery for the LCS exceeded the upper acceptance limit. However, all sample results associated with the batch are below the MQL, so this high bias had no impact upon the client data. The results are considered to be acceptable. Analyte: Dibenz(a,h)anthracene QC Batch No: V46903/V46854 This target analyte was flagged for recoveries outside QC limits in the associated LCS/LCSD. Data for this analyte is flagged "M" to indicate that results should be considered minimum concentration due to the potential for a low bias. Analyte: Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene QC Batch No: V46903/V46854 This target analyte was flagged for recoveries outside QC limits in the associated CCV. Results should be considered estimated due to the potential for a high bias. Page 9 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 5.97 %Moisture 1 05/03/24 12:41 SW-DRYWTAKF 0.249 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.212Chromium, Hexavalent 1 05/08/24 20:06 SW-7199MKD 0.895 mg/Kg - dry 0.0909 0.266Arsenic 5 05/09/24 21:33 6020BCPW 101 mg/Kg - dry 0.045 0.265Barium 5 05/08/24 15:05 6020BTJS <0.266 mg/Kg - dry 0.0276 0.266Cadmium 5 05/08/24 15:05 6020BTJS 36.2 mg/Kg - dry 0.123 0.265Chromium 5 05/08/24 15:05 6020BTJS 4.08 mg/Kg - dry 0.0329 0.266Lead 5 05/08/24 15:05 6020BTJS 0.0133 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0128 0.0319Mercury (Total)1 05/06/24 14:51 7471BNPC 0.216 J mg/Kg - dry 0.109 0.265Selenium 5 05/08/24 15:05 6020BTJS <0.266 mg/Kg - dry 0.0071 0.266Silver 5 05/08/24 15:05 6020BTJS Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 10 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 0.006 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.021Acetone 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.021Acrolein 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.021Acrylonitrile 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Benzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Bromobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.010Bromomethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.010Chloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.010Chloromethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 11 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0101,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2-Dibromoethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0003 mg/Kg - dry 0.0003 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.010Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,2-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.014 mg/Kg - dry 0.014 0.265Ethanol 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.053Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.010Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 12 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.010n-Hexane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0212-Hexanone 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.021Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.015 mg/Kg - dry 0.015 0.0214-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.010Methylene Chloride 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.010Naphthalene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0003 mg/Kg - dry 0.0003 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.005 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0101,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0101,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.005 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.010 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 13 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.010Vinyl Acetate 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.010Vinyl Chloride 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005o-Xylene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.010m,p-Xylene 1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Xylene (Total)1 05/03/24 11:11 V46835 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 0.246 J mg/Kg - dry 0.156 0.701Acenaphthene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.701Acenaphthylene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.223 mg/Kg - dry 0.223 0.701Aniline 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 0.622 J mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.701Anthracene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 1.34 mg/Kg - dry 0.165 0.701Benzo(a)anthracene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 1.11 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.701Benzo(a)pyrene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 1.41 mg/Kg - dry 0.156 0.701Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 0.477 J mg/Kg - dry 0.153 0.701Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 14 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 0.386 J mg/Kg - dry 0.165 0.701Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.616 mg/Kg - dry 0.616 2.13Benzoic Acid 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.165 mg/Kg - dry 0.165 0.701Benzyl alcohol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.701Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.129 mg/Kg - dry 0.129 0.701Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.350Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 0.231 J mg/Kg - dry 0.188 0.701Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.7014-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.170 mg/Kg - dry 0.170 0.350Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.158 mg/Kg - dry 0.158 0.7014-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.3504-Chloroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.163 mg/Kg - dry 0.163 0.7012-Chloronaphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.151 mg/Kg - dry 0.151 0.7012-Chlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.156 mg/Kg - dry 0.156 1.064-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 0.962 mg/Kg - dry 0.155 0.701Chrysene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 0.240 JM mg/Kg - dry 0.118 0.701Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.701Dibenzofuran 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.7011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.132 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.7011,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.125 mg/Kg - dry 0.125 0.3501,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.7013,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.148 mg/Kg - dry 0.148 0.7012,4-Dichlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 15 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.156 mg/Kg - dry 0.156 0.701Diethyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.166 mg/Kg - dry 0.166 0.701Dimethyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.225 mg/Kg - dry 0.225 0.7012,4-Dimethylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.181 mg/Kg - dry 0.181 0.701Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.255 mg/Kg - dry 0.255 1.604,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.553 mg/Kg - dry 0.553 1.602,4-Dinitrophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.7012,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.176 mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.7012,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.173 mg/Kg - dry 0.173 0.350Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 2.50 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.701Fluoranthene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 0.240 J mg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.701Fluorene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.701Hexachlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.103 mg/Kg - dry 0.103 0.701Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.106 mg/Kg - dry 0.106 0.701Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.129 mg/Kg - dry 0.129 0.701Hexachloroethane 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 0.747 mg/Kg - dry 0.160 0.701Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.128 mg/Kg - dry 0.128 0.701Isophorone 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.147 mg/Kg - dry 0.147 0.7011-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.153 mg/Kg - dry 0.153 0.7012-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.135 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.7012-Methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.7013&4 Methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.141 mg/Kg - dry 0.141 0.701Naphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 16 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-1 92436 Matrix: 5/1/2024 11:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.140 mg/Kg - dry 0.140 0.7012-Nitroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.164 mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.7013-Nitroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.3504-Nitroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.137 mg/Kg - dry 0.137 0.350Nitrobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.141 mg/Kg - dry 0.141 0.7012-Nitrophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.177 mg/Kg - dry 0.177 0.7014-Nitrophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.279 mg/Kg - dry 0.279 0.701N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.193 mg/Kg - dry 0.193 0.701N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.157 mg/Kg - dry 0.157 0.701N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.369 mg/Kg - dry 0.369 1.06Pentachlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 1.77 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.701Phenanthrene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.151 mg/Kg - dry 0.151 0.701Phenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP 1.63 mg/Kg - dry 0.170 0.701Pyrene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.081 mg/Kg - dry 0.081 0.350Pyridine 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.140 mg/Kg - dry 0.140 0.7011,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.152 mg/Kg - dry 0.152 0.7012,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP <0.148 mg/Kg - dry 0.148 0.7012,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:17 V46903AMP Surrogate: Phenol-d5 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 17 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 16.3 %Moisture 1 05/03/24 12:41 SW-DRYWTAKF 0.291 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.238Chromium, Hexavalent 1 05/08/24 20:50 SW-7199MKD 1.21 mg/Kg - dry 0.102 0.299Arsenic 5 05/09/24 21:48 6020BCPW 98.2 mg/Kg - dry 0.051 0.298Barium 5 05/08/24 15:10 6020BTJS <0.299 mg/Kg - dry 0.0310 0.299Cadmium 5 05/08/24 15:10 6020BTJS 43.1 mg/Kg - dry 0.138 0.298Chromium 5 05/08/24 15:10 6020BTJS 7.30 mg/Kg - dry 0.0370 0.299Lead 5 05/08/24 15:10 6020BTJS 0.0173 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0143 0.0358Mercury (Total)1 05/06/24 14:53 7471BNPC 0.156 J mg/Kg - dry 0.123 0.298Selenium 5 05/08/24 15:10 6020BTJS <0.299 mg/Kg - dry 0.0080 0.299Silver 5 05/08/24 15:10 6020BTJS Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 18 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 0.021 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023Acrolein 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Bromomethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011Chloromethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 19 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,2-Dibromoethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,2-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.298Ethanol 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.059Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 20 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0232-Hexanone 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Naphthalene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 21 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 05/03/24 11:38 V46835 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.788Acenaphthene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.788Acenaphthylene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.250 mg/Kg - dry 0.250 0.788Aniline 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.198 mg/Kg - dry 0.198 0.788Anthracene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.186 mg/Kg - dry 0.186 0.788Benzo(a)anthracene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.197 mg/Kg - dry 0.197 0.788Benzo(a)pyrene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.788Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.172 mg/Kg - dry 0.172 0.788Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 22 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.186 mg/Kg - dry 0.186 0.788Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.692 mg/Kg - dry 0.692 2.39Benzoic Acid 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.186 mg/Kg - dry 0.186 0.788Benzyl alcohol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.164 mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.788Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.145 mg/Kg - dry 0.145 0.788Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.156 mg/Kg - dry 0.156 0.394Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.211 mg/Kg - dry 0.211 0.788Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.188 mg/Kg - dry 0.188 0.7884-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.191 mg/Kg - dry 0.191 0.394Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.7884-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.3944-Chloroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.7882-Chloronaphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.7882-Chlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 1.194-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.174 mg/Kg - dry 0.174 0.788Chrysene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.132 M mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.788Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.188 mg/Kg - dry 0.188 0.788Dibenzofuran 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.152 mg/Kg - dry 0.152 0.7881,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.7881,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.140 mg/Kg - dry 0.140 0.3941,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.7883,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.7882,4-Dichlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 23 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.788Diethyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.187 mg/Kg - dry 0.187 0.788Dimethyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.253 mg/Kg - dry 0.253 0.7882,4-Dimethylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.204 mg/Kg - dry 0.204 0.788Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.286 mg/Kg - dry 0.286 1.794,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.621 mg/Kg - dry 0.621 1.792,4-Dinitrophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.192 mg/Kg - dry 0.192 0.7882,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.198 mg/Kg - dry 0.198 0.7882,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.194 mg/Kg - dry 0.194 0.394Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.188 mg/Kg - dry 0.188 0.788Fluoranthene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.182 mg/Kg - dry 0.182 0.788Fluorene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.788Hexachlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.116 mg/Kg - dry 0.116 0.788Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.119 mg/Kg - dry 0.119 0.788Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.145 mg/Kg - dry 0.145 0.788Hexachloroethane 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.180 mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.788Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.788Isophorone 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.166 mg/Kg - dry 0.166 0.7881-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.172 mg/Kg - dry 0.172 0.7882-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.151 mg/Kg - dry 0.151 0.7882-Methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.152 mg/Kg - dry 0.152 0.7883&4 Methylphenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.158 mg/Kg - dry 0.158 0.788Naphthalene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 24 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-2 92437 Matrix: 5/1/2024 16:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.157 mg/Kg - dry 0.157 0.7882-Nitroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.185 mg/Kg - dry 0.185 0.7883-Nitroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.162 mg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.3944-Nitroaniline 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.154 mg/Kg - dry 0.154 0.394Nitrobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.158 mg/Kg - dry 0.158 0.7882-Nitrophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.199 mg/Kg - dry 0.199 0.7884-Nitrophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.314 mg/Kg - dry 0.314 0.788N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.217 mg/Kg - dry 0.217 0.788N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.176 mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.788N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.414 mg/Kg - dry 0.414 1.19Pentachlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.188 mg/Kg - dry 0.188 0.788Phenanthrene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.788Phenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.191 mg/Kg - dry 0.191 0.788Pyrene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.091 mg/Kg - dry 0.091 0.394Pyridine 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.157 mg/Kg - dry 0.157 0.7881,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.170 mg/Kg - dry 0.170 0.7882,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.7882,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 05/07/24 23:41 V46903AMP Surrogate: Phenol-d5 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 25 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 12.7 %Moisture 1 05/03/24 12:41 SW-DRYWTAKF 0.320 mg/Kg - dry 0.161 0.229Chromium, Hexavalent 1 05/08/24 21:01 SW-7199MKD 0.707 mg/Kg - dry 0.0979 0.286Arsenic 5 05/09/24 21:54 6020BCPW 92.2 mg/Kg - dry 0.049 0.286Barium 5 05/08/24 15:16 6020BTJS <0.286 mg/Kg - dry 0.0297 0.286Cadmium 5 05/08/24 15:16 6020BTJS 46.0 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.286Chromium 5 05/08/24 15:16 6020BTJS 4.75 mg/Kg - dry 0.0355 0.286Lead 5 05/08/24 15:16 6020BTJS 0.0142 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0137 0.0344Mercury (Total)1 05/06/24 14:56 7471BNPC 0.117 J mg/Kg - dry 0.117 0.286Selenium 5 05/08/24 15:16 6020BTJS <0.286 mg/Kg - dry 0.0077 0.286Silver 5 05/08/24 15:16 6020BTJS Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 26 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 0.008 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022Acrolein 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Bromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL 0.0010 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 27 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,2-Dibromoethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,2-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.286Ethanol 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 28 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0222-Hexanone 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Naphthalene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 29 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 05/03/24 12:05 V46835 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.757Acenaphthene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.757Acenaphthylene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.240 mg/Kg - dry 0.240 0.757Aniline 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.190 mg/Kg - dry 0.190 0.757Anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.476 J mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.757Benzo(a)anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.490 J mg/Kg - dry 0.189 0.757Benzo(a)pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.761 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.757Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.276 J mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.757Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 30 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.757Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.664 mg/Kg - dry 0.664 2.29Benzoic Acid 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.757Benzyl alcohol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.158 mg/Kg - dry 0.158 0.757Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.757Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.150 mg/Kg - dry 0.150 0.378Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.202 mg/Kg - dry 0.202 0.757Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.180 mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.7574-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.378Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.170 mg/Kg - dry 0.170 0.7574-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.3784-Chloroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.176 mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.7572-Chloronaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.162 mg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.7572-Chlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 1.154-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.396 J mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.757Chrysene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.254 JM mg/Kg - dry 0.127 0.757Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.180 mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.757Dibenzofuran 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.7571,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.143 mg/Kg - dry 0.143 0.7571,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.135 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.3781,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.7573,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.160 mg/Kg - dry 0.160 0.7572,4-Dichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 31 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.757Diethyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.757Dimethyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.242 mg/Kg - dry 0.242 0.7572,4-Dimethylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.195 mg/Kg - dry 0.195 0.757Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.274 mg/Kg - dry 0.274 1.724,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.595 mg/Kg - dry 0.595 1.722,4-Dinitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.184 mg/Kg - dry 0.184 0.7572,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.190 mg/Kg - dry 0.190 0.7572,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.186 mg/Kg - dry 0.186 0.378Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.923 mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.757Fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.757Fluorene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.757Hexachlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.111 mg/Kg - dry 0.111 0.757Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.757Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.757Hexachloroethane 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.395 J mg/Kg - dry 0.172 0.757Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.138 mg/Kg - dry 0.138 0.757Isophorone 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.7571-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.164 mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.7572-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.145 mg/Kg - dry 0.145 0.7572-Methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.7573&4 Methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.152 mg/Kg - dry 0.152 0.757Naphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 32 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-3 92438 Matrix: 5/1/2024 15:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.151 mg/Kg - dry 0.151 0.7572-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.177 mg/Kg - dry 0.177 0.7573-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.155 mg/Kg - dry 0.155 0.3784-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.147 mg/Kg - dry 0.147 0.378Nitrobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.152 mg/Kg - dry 0.152 0.7572-Nitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.191 mg/Kg - dry 0.191 0.7574-Nitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.301 mg/Kg - dry 0.301 0.757N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.208 mg/Kg - dry 0.208 0.757N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.757N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.397 mg/Kg - dry 0.397 1.15Pentachlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.576 J mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.757Phenanthrene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.162 mg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.757Phenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP 0.636 J mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.757Pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.087 mg/Kg - dry 0.087 0.378Pyridine 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.151 mg/Kg - dry 0.151 0.7571,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.163 mg/Kg - dry 0.163 0.7572,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP <0.160 mg/Kg - dry 0.160 0.7572,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:06 V46903AMP Surrogate: Phenol-d5 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 33 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 12.7 %Moisture 1 05/03/24 12:41 SW-DRYWTAKF 0.477 mg/Kg - dry 0.161 0.229Chromium, Hexavalent 1 05/08/24 21:12 SW-7199MKD 1.06 mg/Kg - dry 0.0979 0.286Arsenic 5 05/09/24 21:59 6020BCPW 71.9 mg/Kg - dry 0.049 0.286Barium 5 05/08/24 15:25 6020BTJS <0.286 mg/Kg - dry 0.0297 0.286Cadmium 5 05/08/24 15:25 6020BTJS 36.0 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.286Chromium 5 05/08/24 15:25 6020BTJS 10.5 mg/Kg - dry 0.0355 0.286Lead 5 05/08/24 15:25 6020BTJS <0.0137 mg/Kg - dry 0.0137 0.0344Mercury (Total)1 05/06/24 15:05 7471BNPC 0.140 J mg/Kg - dry 0.117 0.286Selenium 5 05/08/24 15:25 6020BTJS <0.286 mg/Kg - dry 0.0077 0.286Silver 5 05/08/24 15:25 6020BTJS Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 34 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 0.010 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022Acrolein 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Bromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 35 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,2-Dibromoethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,2-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.286Ethanol 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 36 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0222-Hexanone 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Naphthalene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 37 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 05/03/24 12:32 V46835 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.756Acenaphthene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.756Acenaphthylene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.240 mg/Kg - dry 0.240 0.756Aniline 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.190 mg/Kg - dry 0.190 0.756Anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP 0.194 J mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.756Benzo(a)anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.189 mg/Kg - dry 0.189 0.756Benzo(a)pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP 0.282 J mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.756Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.164 mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.756Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 38 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.756Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.664 mg/Kg - dry 0.664 2.29Benzoic Acid 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.756Benzyl alcohol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.158 mg/Kg - dry 0.158 0.756Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.756Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.150 mg/Kg - dry 0.150 0.378Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.202 mg/Kg - dry 0.202 0.756Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.180 mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.7564-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.378Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.170 mg/Kg - dry 0.170 0.7564-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.3784-Chloroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.176 mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.7562-Chloronaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.162 mg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.7562-Chlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 1.154-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.756Chrysene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP 0.237 JM mg/Kg - dry 0.127 0.756Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.180 mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.756Dibenzofuran 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.7561,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.143 mg/Kg - dry 0.143 0.7561,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.135 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.3781,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.7563,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.160 mg/Kg - dry 0.160 0.7562,4-Dichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 39 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.756Diethyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.756Dimethyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.242 mg/Kg - dry 0.242 0.7562,4-Dimethylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.195 mg/Kg - dry 0.195 0.756Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.274 mg/Kg - dry 0.274 1.724,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.595 mg/Kg - dry 0.595 1.722,4-Dinitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.184 mg/Kg - dry 0.184 0.7562,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.190 mg/Kg - dry 0.190 0.7562,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.186 mg/Kg - dry 0.186 0.378Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP 0.408 J mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.756Fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.756Fluorene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.756Hexachlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.111 mg/Kg - dry 0.111 0.756Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.756Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.756Hexachloroethane 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.172 mg/Kg - dry 0.172 0.756Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.138 mg/Kg - dry 0.138 0.756Isophorone 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.7561-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.164 mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.7562-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.145 mg/Kg - dry 0.145 0.7562-Methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.7563&4 Methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.152 mg/Kg - dry 0.152 0.756Naphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 40 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-4 92439 Matrix: 5/1/2024 13:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.151 mg/Kg - dry 0.151 0.7562-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.177 mg/Kg - dry 0.177 0.7563-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.155 mg/Kg - dry 0.155 0.3784-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.147 mg/Kg - dry 0.147 0.378Nitrobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.152 mg/Kg - dry 0.152 0.7562-Nitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.191 mg/Kg - dry 0.191 0.7564-Nitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.301 mg/Kg - dry 0.301 0.756N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.208 mg/Kg - dry 0.208 0.756N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.756N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.397 mg/Kg - dry 0.397 1.15Pentachlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP 0.265 J mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.756Phenanthrene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.162 mg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.756Phenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP 0.273 J mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.756Pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.087 mg/Kg - dry 0.087 0.378Pyridine 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.151 mg/Kg - dry 0.151 0.7561,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.163 mg/Kg - dry 0.163 0.7562,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP <0.160 mg/Kg - dry 0.160 0.7562,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:31 V46903AMP Surrogate: Phenol-d5 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 41 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 14.5 %Moisture 1 05/03/24 12:41 SW-DRYWTAKF 0.339 mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.233Chromium, Hexavalent 1 05/08/24 21:23 SW-7199MKD 1.11 mg/Kg - dry 0.100 0.292Arsenic 5 05/09/24 22:05 6020BCPW 71.2 mg/Kg - dry 0.050 0.292Barium 5 05/08/24 15:32 6020BTJS <0.292 mg/Kg - dry 0.0304 0.292Cadmium 5 05/08/24 15:32 6020BTJS 31.3 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.292Chromium 5 05/08/24 15:32 6020BTJS 7.32 mg/Kg - dry 0.0362 0.292Lead 5 05/08/24 15:32 6020BTJS 0.0146 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0140 0.0351Mercury (Total)1 05/06/24 15:08 7471BNPC 0.176 J mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.292Selenium 5 05/08/24 15:32 6020BTJS <0.292 mg/Kg - dry 0.0078 0.292Silver 5 05/08/24 15:32 6020BTJS Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 42 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 0.013 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023Acrolein 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Bromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 43 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,2-Dibromoethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,2-Dichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.292Ethanol 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.058Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 44 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0232-Hexanone 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL 0.005 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Naphthalene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 45 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 8260D Prep Batch(es):05/03/24 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 05/03/24 12:59 V46835 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene-d8 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.773Acenaphthene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.773Acenaphthylene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.245 mg/Kg - dry 0.245 0.773Aniline 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.194 mg/Kg - dry 0.194 0.773Anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP 0.276 J mg/Kg - dry 0.182 0.773Benzo(a)anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP 0.249 J mg/Kg - dry 0.192 0.773Benzo(a)pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP 0.424 J mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.773Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.773Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 46 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.182 mg/Kg - dry 0.182 0.773Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.678 mg/Kg - dry 0.678 2.34Benzoic Acid 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.182 mg/Kg - dry 0.182 0.773Benzyl alcohol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.161 mg/Kg - dry 0.161 0.773Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.142 mg/Kg - dry 0.142 0.773Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.153 mg/Kg - dry 0.153 0.385Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.207 mg/Kg - dry 0.207 0.773Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.184 mg/Kg - dry 0.184 0.7734-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.187 mg/Kg - dry 0.187 0.385Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.174 mg/Kg - dry 0.174 0.7734-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.3854-Chloroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.180 mg/Kg - dry 0.180 0.7732-Chloronaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.166 mg/Kg - dry 0.166 0.7732-Chlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 1.174-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP 0.205 J mg/Kg - dry 0.170 0.773Chrysene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.129 M mg/Kg - dry 0.129 0.773Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.184 mg/Kg - dry 0.184 0.773Dibenzofuran 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.7731,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.7731,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.138 mg/Kg - dry 0.138 0.3851,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.7733,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.163 mg/Kg - dry 0.163 0.7732,4-Dichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 47 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.773Diethyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.773Dimethyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.247 mg/Kg - dry 0.247 0.7732,4-Dimethylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.200 mg/Kg - dry 0.200 0.773Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.280 mg/Kg - dry 0.280 1.754,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.608 mg/Kg - dry 0.608 1.752,4-Dinitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.188 mg/Kg - dry 0.188 0.7732,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.194 mg/Kg - dry 0.194 0.7732,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.190 mg/Kg - dry 0.190 0.385Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP 0.474 J mg/Kg - dry 0.184 0.773Fluoranthene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.773Fluorene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.175 mg/Kg - dry 0.175 0.773Hexachlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.773Hexachlorobutadiene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.116 mg/Kg - dry 0.116 0.773Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.142 mg/Kg - dry 0.142 0.773Hexachloroethane 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.176 mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.773Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.141 mg/Kg - dry 0.141 0.773Isophorone 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.162 mg/Kg - dry 0.162 0.7731-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.7732-Methylnaphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.148 mg/Kg - dry 0.148 0.7732-Methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.7733&4 Methylphenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.155 mg/Kg - dry 0.155 0.773Naphthalene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQLMinimum valueM Page 48 of 71 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 24-123-0002 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Haley Martin Charlotte Received : 05/01/2024 AKR-005 Report Date : 05/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:FG-DUP 92440 Matrix: 5/1/2024 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):05/06/24 09:20 <0.154 mg/Kg - dry 0.154 0.7732-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.181 mg/Kg - dry 0.181 0.7733-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.3854-Nitroaniline 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.150 mg/Kg - dry 0.150 0.385Nitrobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.155 mg/Kg - dry 0.155 0.7732-Nitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.195 mg/Kg - dry 0.195 0.7734-Nitrophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.307 mg/Kg - dry 0.307 0.773N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.212 mg/Kg - dry 0.212 0.773N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.173 mg/Kg - dry 0.173 0.773N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.405 mg/Kg - dry 0.405 1.17Pentachlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP 0.339 J mg/Kg - dry 0.184 0.773Phenanthrene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.166 mg/Kg - dry 0.166 0.773Phenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP 0.353 J mg/Kg - dry 0.187 0.773Pyrene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.089 mg/Kg - dry 0.089 0.385Pyridine 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.154 mg/Kg - dry 0.154 0.7731,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.7732,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP <0.163 mg/Kg - dry 0.163 0.7732,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 05/08/24 00:56 V46903AMP Surrogate: Phenol-d5 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Page 49 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Metals Analyses 6020B L749451,L749688QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3050B QC Prep:L748965 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-L748965 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits 05/09/24 21:280.2500.0855<0.0855mg/KgArsenic 05/08/24 14:200.2500.042<0.042mg/KgBarium 05/08/24 14:200.2500.0260<0.0260mg/KgCadmium 05/08/24 14:200.2500.1160.127mg/KgChromium 05/08/24 14:200.2500.0310<0.0310mg/KgLead 05/08/24 14:200.2500.103<0.103mg/KgSelenium 05/08/24 14:200.2500.0067<0.0067mg/KgSilver LCS-L748965Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 92.02.302.50mg/KgArsenic 80-120 97.04.835.00mg/KgBarium 80-120 94.00.4680.500mg/KgCadmium 80-120 99.04.945.00mg/KgChromium 80-120 92.02.312.50mg/KgLead 80-120 91.04.575.00mg/KgSelenium 80-120 93.00.4630.500mg/KgSilver 80-120 E 65620-MS-L748965 E 65620-MSD-L748965Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 2.58 95.02.542.482.450.251mg/KgArsenic 92.0 75-125 1.5 80 15.7 10215.64.964.9010.7mg/KgBarium 99.0 75-125 0.6 80 0.817 82.00.7950.4960.4900.414mg/KgCadmium 77.0 75-125 2.7 80 6.63 98.06.554.964.901.84mg/KgChromium 95.0 75-125 1.2 80 Page 1 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 50 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Metals Analyses 6020B L749451,L749688QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3050B QC Prep:L748965 E 65620-MS-L748965 E 65620-MSD-L748965Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 3.81 93.03.802.482.451.53mg/KgLead 92.0 75-125 0.2 80 4.59 94.04.614.964.90<0.103mg/KgSelenium 93.0 75-125 0.4 80 0.485 94.00.4660.4960.4900.0226mg/KgSilver 89.0 75-125 3.9 80 E 65620-PDS-L748965Post Digestion Spike Parameter Analyzed% Recovery PDS ResultUnits 05/09/24 22:5196.01.13mg/KgArsenic 05/08/24 16:271003.38mg/KgBarium 05/09/24 22:5195.00.260mg/KgCadmium 05/08/24 16:2795.02.38mg/KgChromium 05/08/24 16:2798.01.28mg/KgLead 05/08/24 16:2795.02.20mg/KgSelenium 05/09/24 22:5198.00.228mg/KgSilver Page 2 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 51 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Solids Total Mercury Analysis - CVAA 7471B V46877QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 7471B (Prep) QC Prep:V46852 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-V46852 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits 05/06/24 14:270.03000.0120<0.0120mg/KgMercury (Total) LCS-V46852Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 1070.4460.417mg/KgMercury (Total)80-120 V 92256-MS-V46852 V 92256-MSD-V46852Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 0.430 1030.5170.4170.4170.0188mg/KgMercury (Total)124*80-120 18.3 20 V 92256-PDS-V46852Post Digestion Spike Parameter Analyzed% Recovery PDS ResultUnits 05/06/24 14:371190.236mg/KgMercury (Total) Page 3 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 52 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V46835QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 QC Prep:V46834 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-V46834 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 05/03/24 10:440.0200.002<0.002mg/KgAcetone 05/03/24 10:440.0200.001<0.001mg/KgAcrolein 05/03/24 10:440.0200.0008<0.0008mg/KgAcrylonitrile 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgBenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgBromobenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0008<0.0008mg/KgBromochloromethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromodichloromethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromoform 05/03/24 10:440.0100.001<0.001mg/KgBromomethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgChlorobenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0009<0.0009mg/KgChloroethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/KgChloroform 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0006<0.0006mg/KgChloromethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgDibromomethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 4 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 53 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V46835QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 QC Prep:V46834 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-V46834 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0100.001<0.001mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 05/03/24 10:440.2500.014<0.014mg/KgEthanol 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgEthylbenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0500.0008<0.0008mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0008<0.0008mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0007<0.0007mg/Kgn-Hexane 05/03/24 10:440.0200.0006<0.0006mg/Kg2-Hexanone 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 05/03/24 10:440.0200.0007<0.0007mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 05/03/24 10:440.0200.015<0.015mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 05/03/24 10:440.0100.001<0.001mg/KgMethylene Chloride 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0010<0.0010mg/KgNaphthalene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene Page 5 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 54 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V46835QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 QC Prep:V46834 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-V46834 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/KgStyrene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0009<0.0009mg/Kg 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0009<0.0009mg/Kg 05/03/24 10:440.0100.002<0.002mg/Kg 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Acetate 05/03/24 10:440.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Chloride 05/03/24 10:440.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgo-Xylene 05/03/24 10:440.0100.001<0.001mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 05/03/24 10:444-Bromofluorobenzene (S)104 70-130 05/03/24 10:44Dibromofluoromethane (S)99.6 84-123 05/03/24 10:44 104 76-129 LCS-V46834 LCSD-V46834Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.086 86.992.70.0920.100mg/KgAcetone 29-198 6.4 20 Page 6 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 55 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V46835QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 QC Prep:V46834 LCS-V46834 LCSD-V46834Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.095 95.21090.1090.100mg/KgAcrolein 70-130 13.5 20 0.089 89.699.80.0990.100mg/KgAcrylonitrile 65-134 10.7 20 0.044 74-127 3.6 20 0.048 73-125 1.2 20 0.044 89.693.60.0460.050mg/KgBromochloromethane 72-134 4.3 20 0.047 75-122 1.4 20 0.045 90.61080.0540.050mg/KgBromoform 66-135 17.7 20 0.037 75.81310.0650.050mg/KgBromomethane 20-180 53.1*20 0.050 1011070.0530.050mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 65-135 5.3 20 0.046 92.896.60.0480.050mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 66-131 4.0 20 0.044 88.892.20.0460.050mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 67-132 3.7 20 0.040 81.883.60.0410.050mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 61-129 2.1 20 0.040 81.494.40.0470.050mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 64-143 14.7 20 0.045 74-118 0.8 20 0.045 73-122 6.0 20 0.036 73.893.60.0460.050mg/KgChloroethane 33-149 23.6*20 0.044 89.489.00.0440.050mg/KgChloroform 73-127 0.4 20 0.033 66.897.60.0480.050mg/KgChloromethane 45-143 37.4*20 0.046 67-124 2.5 20 0.046 71-126 2.5 20 0.042 Ether (DIPE)59-159 6.3 20 0.035 71.497.60.0480.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 55-157 31.0*20 0.049 98.699.20.0490.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 70-132 0.6 20 0.048 96.894.40.0470.050mg/KgDibromomethane 74-133 2.5 20 0.047 95.697.20.0480.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 72-123 1.6 20 0.046 93.895.20.0470.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71-120 1.4 20 Page 7 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 56 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V46835QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 QC Prep:V46834 LCS-V46834 LCSD-V46834Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.043 87.690.80.0450.050mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 71-123 3.5 20 0.041 82.01160.0570.050mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 26-146 34.0*20 0.042,1-Dichloroethane 74-127 1.3 20 0.044 88.891.40.0450.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 68-128 2.8 20 0.041 82.486.80.0430.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 67-149 5.2 20 0.043 86.888.40.0440.050mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 76-134 1.8 20 0.041 83.488.60.0440.050mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 73-132 6.0 20 0.045 91.890.80.0450.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 73-130 1.0 20 0.048 97.493.60.0460.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 75-124 3.9 20 0.042,2-Dichloropropane 50-142 6.4 20 0.042 84.486.60.0430.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 71-130 2.5 20 0.048 96.696.60.0480.050mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 71-125 0.0 20 0.049 99.61010.0500.050mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 68-123 1.5 20 1.02 81.61021.271.25mg/KgEthanol 70-130 21.8*20 0.045 74-128 0.4 20 0.089 Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)70-130 1.7 20 0.036 64-125 12.0 20 0.040 80.885.80.0420.050mg/Kgn-Hexane 70-130 6.0 20 0.038 77.887.00.0430.050mg/Kg2-Hexanone 61-157 11.1 20 0.046 92.695.20.0470.050mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 68-126 2.7 20 0.046 toluene 68-129 4.2 20 0.039 79.883.40.0410.050mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)63-149 4.4 20 0.045 tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 0.8 20 0.044 57-162 11.7 20 0.039 Chloride 74-129 6.3 20 0.036 72.01000.0500.050mg/KgNaphthalene 57-157 32.7*20 Page 8 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 57 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V46835QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 QC Prep:V46834 LCS-V46834 LCSD-V46834Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.046 92.896.40.0480.050mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene 67-130 3.8 20 0.047 94.41060.0530.050mg/KgStyrene 77-121 11.9 20 0.044,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 72-115 7.3 20 0.048 96.81020.0500.050mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56-126 4.8 20 0.042 85.699.00.0490.050mg/Kg 68-130 14.5 20 0.046 71-129 2.3 20 0.037 74.491.80.0450.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68-130 20.9*20 0.037 75.692.20.0460.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66-125 19.7 20 0.041,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 9.7 20 0.048,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-133 2.5 20 0.043 75-133 6.7 20 0.041 44-146 11.9 20 0.048 96.897.60.0480.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 60-137 0.8 20 0.048,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 69-129 2.0 20 0.047 94.697.60.0480.050mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 69-128 3.1 20 0.052 1061070.0530.050mg/KgVinyl Acetate 60-140 1.3 20 0.039 79.01110.0550.050mg/KgVinyl Chloride 48-147 33.3*20 0.045 91.81010.0500.050mg/Kgo-Xylene 74-126 9.5 20 0.091,p-Xylene 75-124 3.3 20 99.697.64-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 93.896.0Dibromofluoromethane (S)84-123 10296.0 76-129 Page 9 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 58 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-V46854 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 05/07/24 16:130.6600.147<0.147mg/KgAcenaphthene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.150<0.150mg/KgAcenaphthylene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.210<0.210mg/KgAniline 05/07/24 16:130.6600.166<0.166mg/KgAnthracene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.156<0.156mg/KgBenzo(a)anthracene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.165<0.165mg/KgBenzo(a)pyrene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.147<0.147mg/KgBenzo(b)fluoranthene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.144<0.144mg/KgBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.156<0.156mg/KgBenzo(k)fluoranthene 05/07/24 16:132.000.580<0.580mg/KgBenzoic Acid 05/07/24 16:130.6600.156<0.156mg/KgBenzyl alcohol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.138<0.138mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 05/07/24 16:130.6600.122<0.122mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 05/07/24 16:130.3300.131<0.131mg/KgBis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 05/07/24 16:130.6600.177<0.177mg/KgBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 05/07/24 16:130.6600.158<0.158mg/Kg4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 05/07/24 16:130.3300.160<0.160mg/KgButyl benzyl phthalate 05/07/24 16:130.6600.149<0.149mg/Kg4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 05/07/24 16:130.3300.150<0.150mg/Kg4-Chloroaniline 05/07/24 16:130.6600.154<0.154mg/Kg2-Chloronaphthalene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.142<0.142mg/Kg2-Chlorophenol 05/07/24 16:131.000.147<0.147mg/Kg4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 05/07/24 16:130.6600.146<0.146mg/KgChrysene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.111<0.111mg/KgDibenz(a,h)anthracene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.158<0.158mg/KgDibenzofuran 05/07/24 16:130.6600.128<0.128mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.125<0.125mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 10 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 59 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-V46854 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 05/07/24 16:130.3300.118<0.118mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.150<0.150mg/Kg3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 05/07/24 16:130.6600.140<0.140mg/Kg2,4-Dichlorophenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.147<0.147mg/KgDiethyl phthalate 05/07/24 16:130.6600.157<0.157mg/KgDimethyl phthalate 05/07/24 16:130.6600.212<0.212mg/Kg2,4-Dimethylphenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.171<0.171mg/KgDi-n-butyl phthalate 05/07/24 16:131.500.240<0.240mg/Kg4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 05/07/24 16:131.500.520<0.520mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrophenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.161<0.161mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrotoluene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.166<0.166mg/Kg2,6-Dinitrotoluene 05/07/24 16:130.3300.163<0.163mg/KgDi-n-Octyl Phthalate 05/07/24 16:130.6600.158<0.158mg/KgFluoranthene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.153<0.153mg/KgFluorene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.150<0.150mg/KgHexachlorobenzene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.097<0.097mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.100<0.100mg/KgHexachlorocyclopentadiene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.122<0.122mg/KgHexachloroethane 05/07/24 16:130.6600.151<0.151mg/KgIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.121<0.121mg/KgIsophorone 05/07/24 16:130.6600.139<0.139mg/Kg1-Methylnaphthalene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.144<0.144mg/Kg2-Methylnaphthalene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.127<0.127mg/Kg2-Methylphenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.128<0.128mg/Kg3&4 Methylphenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.133<0.133mg/KgNaphthalene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.132<0.132mg/Kg2-Nitroaniline 05/07/24 16:130.6600.155<0.155mg/Kg3-Nitroaniline Page 11 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 60 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-V46854 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 05/07/24 16:130.3300.136<0.136mg/Kg4-Nitroaniline 05/07/24 16:130.3300.129<0.129mg/KgNitrobenzene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.133<0.133mg/Kg2-Nitrophenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.167<0.167mg/Kg4-Nitrophenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.263<0.263mg/KgN-Nitrosodimethylamine 05/07/24 16:130.6600.182<0.182mg/KgN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 05/07/24 16:130.6600.148<0.148mg/KgN-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 05/07/24 16:131.000.347<0.347mg/KgPentachlorophenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.158<0.158mg/KgPhenanthrene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.142<0.142mg/KgPhenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.160<0.160mg/KgPyrene 05/07/24 16:130.3300.076<0.076mg/KgPyridine 05/07/24 16:130.6600.132<0.132mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 05/07/24 16:130.6600.143<0.143mg/Kg2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 05/07/24 16:130.6600.140<0.140mg/Kg2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 05/07/24 16:132-Fluorobiphenyl (S)88.0 44-115 05/07/24 16:132-Fluorophenol (S)90.3 35-115 05/07/24 16:13Nitrobenzene-d5 (S)85.0 37-122 05/07/24 16:134-Terphenyl-d14 (S)89.2 54-127 05/07/24 16:132,4,6-Tribromophenol (S)82.8 39-132 05/07/24 16:13Phenol-d5 (S)94.8 34-121 LCS-V46854Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 91.01.521.67mg/KgAcenaphthene 40-123 98.81.651.67mg/KgAcenaphthylene 32-132 Page 12 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 61 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 LCS-V46854Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 1572.631.67mg/KgAniline 12-197 94.01.571.67mg/KgAnthracene 47-123 93.41.561.67mg/KgBenzo(a)anthracene 49-126 1262.111.67mg/KgBenzo(a)pyrene 45-129 1282.141.67mg/KgBenzo(b)fluoranthene 45-132 1131.881.67mg/KgBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 43-134 95.81.601.67mg/KgBenzo(k)fluoranthene 47-132 126*2.101.67mg/KgBenzoic Acid 10-83 1051.761.67mg/KgBenzyl alcohol 29-122 86.81.451.67mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36-121 31-120 80.21.341.67mg/KgBis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 33-131 1041.741.67mg/KgBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 51-133 90.41.511.67mg/Kg4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 46-124 1031.721.67mg/KgButyl benzyl phthalate 48-132 1071.791.67mg/Kg4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 45-122 94.61.581.67mg/Kg4-Chloroaniline 17-106 88.61.481.67mg/Kg2-Chloronaphthalene 41-114 95.81.601.67mg/Kg2-Chlorophenol 34-121 86.81.451.67mg/Kg4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 45-121 50-124 40.4*0.6751.67mg/KgDibenz(a,h)anthracene 45-134 95.21.591.67mg/KgDibenzofuran 44-120 86.21.441.67mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 33-117 80.21.341.67mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 30-115,4-Dichlorobenzene 31-115 85.01.421.67mg/Kg3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 22-121 Page 13 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 62 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 LCS-V46854Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 1021.711.67mg/Kg2,4-Dichlorophenol 40-122 99.41.661.67mg/KgDiethyl phthalate 50-124 99.41.661.67mg/KgDimethyl phthalate 48-124 129*2.161.67mg/Kg2,4-Dimethylphenol 30-127 95.81.601.67mg/KgDi-n-butyl phthalate 51-128 1081.811.67mg/Kg4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 29-132 1292.151.67mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrophenol 27-129 1021.701.67mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrotoluene 48-126 1202.011.67mg/Kg2,6-Dinitrotoluene 46-124 1312.181.67mg/KgDi-n-Octyl Phthalate 45-140 97.01.621.67mg/KgFluoranthene 50-127 97.01.621.67mg/KgFluorene 43-125 91.01.521.67mg/KgHexachlorobenzene 45-122 96.41.611.67mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 32-123 82.01.371.67mg/KgHexachlorocyclopentadiene 32-117 28-117 1292.161.67mg/KgIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 45-133 30-122 90.41.511.67mg/Kg1-Methylnaphthalene 40-119 91.61.531.67mg/Kg2-Methylnaphthalene 38-122 97.01.621.67mg/Kg2-Methylphenol 32-122 88.61.481.67mg/Kg3&4 Methylphenol 34-119 85.61.431.67mg/KgNaphthalene 35-123 99.41.661.67mg/Kg2-Nitroaniline 44-127 1011.681.67mg/Kg3-Nitroaniline 33-119 1111.851.67mg/Kg4-Nitroaniline 63-147 87.41.461.67mg/KgNitrobenzene 34-122 Page 14 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 63 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 LCS-V46854Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 94.01.571.67mg/Kg2-Nitrophenol 36-123 98.21.641.67mg/Kg4-Nitrophenol 30-132 10-146 1131.881.67mg/KgN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 38-127 95.81.601.67mg/KgN-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 36-120 1091.821.67mg/KgPentachlorophenol 25-133 93.41.561.67mg/KgPhenanthrene 50-121 93.41.561.67mg/KgPhenol 34-121 90.41.511.67mg/KgPyrene 47-127 52.40.8761.67mg/KgPyridine 10-80 86.81.451.67mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 34-118 1061.771.67mg/Kg2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 41-124 1031.721.67mg/Kg2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 39-126 89.22-Fluorobiphenyl (S)44-115 91.82-Fluorophenol (S)35-115 87.4Nitrobenzene-d5 (S)37-122 86.24-Terphenyl-d14 (S)54-127 97.52,4,6-Tribromophenol (S)39-132 96.9Phenol-d5 (S)34-121 V 91797-MS-V46854 V 91797-MSD-V46854Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.35 80.81.321.671.67<0.588mg/KgAcenaphthene 79.0 40-123 2.2 20 1.43 85.61.511.671.67<0.600mg/KgAcenaphthylene 90.4 32-132 5.4 20 1.49 89.21.401.671.67<0.839mg/KgAniline 83.8 12-197 6.2 20 Page 15 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 64 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 V 91797-MS-V46854 V 91797-MSD-V46854Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.39 83.21.431.671.67<0.664mg/KgAnthracene 85.6 47-123 2.8 20 1.46 87.41.531.671.67<0.624mg/KgBenzo(a)anthracene 91.6 49-126 4.6 20 1.76 1051.751.671.67<0.660mg/KgBenzo(a)pyrene 105 45-129 0.5 20 1.67 1001.871.671.67<0.588mg/KgBenzo(b)fluoranthene 112 45-132 11.2 20 1.54 92.21.471.671.67<0.576mg/KgBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 88.0 43-134 4.6 20 1.34<0.624mg/KgBenzo(k)fluoranthene 66.4 47-132 18.7 20 3.63 217*3.631.671.67<2.32mg/KgBenzoic Acid 217*10-83 0.0 20 1.31 78.41.391.671.67<0.624mg/KgBenzyl alcohol 83.2 29-122 5.9 20 1.19<0.552mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 71.2 36-121 0.0 20 0.986<0.488mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 59.8 31-120 1.4 20 1.08<0.524mg/KgBis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 66.4 33-131 2.7 20 2.14 1282.151.671.67<0.708mg/KgBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 129 51-133 0.4 20 1.31 78.41.661.671.67<0.632mg/Kg4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 99.4 46-124 23.5*20 2.09 1252.311.671.67<0.640mg/KgButyl benzyl phthalate 138*48-132 10.0 20 1.51 90.41.581.671.67<0.596mg/Kg4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 94.6 45-122 4.5 20 1.05<0.600mg/Kg4-Chloroaniline 65.8 17-106 4.6 20 1.29 77.21.311.671.67<0.616mg/Kg2-Chloronaphthalene 78.4 41-114 1.5 20 1.23<0.568mg/Kg2-Chlorophenol 77.2 34-121 4.7 20 1.28 76.61.311.671.67<0.588mg/Kg4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 78.4 45-121 2.3 20 1.61 96.40.9581.671.67<0.584mg/KgChrysene 57.3 50-124 50.7*20 2.13 1281.291.671.67<0.444mg/KgDibenz(a,h)anthracene 77.2 45-134 49.1*20 1.34 80.21.381.671.67<0.632mg/KgDibenzofuran 82.6 44-120 2.9 20 1.14<0.512mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 69.4 33-117 1.7 20 1.13<0.500mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 68.2 30-115 0.8 20 1.10<0.472mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 66.4 31-115 0.9 20 1.24<0.600mg/Kg3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 70.6 22-121 4.9 20 Page 16 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 65 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 V 91797-MS-V46854 V 91797-MSD-V46854Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.37 82.01.501.671.67<0.560mg/Kg2,4-Dichlorophenol 89.8 40-122 9.0 20 1.38 82.61.461.671.67<0.588mg/KgDiethyl phthalate 87.4 50-124 5.6 20 1.41 84.41.411.671.67<0.628mg/KgDimethyl phthalate 84.4 48-124 0.0 30 1.81 1081.911.671.67<0.848mg/Kg2,4-Dimethylphenol 114 30-127 5.3 20 1.77 1061.841.671.67<0.684mg/KgDi-n-butyl phthalate 110 51-128 3.8 20 2.98 178*3.041.671.67<0.960mg/Kg4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 182*29-132 1.9 20 3.78 226*3.911.671.67<2.08mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrophenol 234*27-129 3.3 20 1.82 1091.741.671.67<0.644mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrotoluene 104 48-126 4.4 20 1.81 1081.981.671.67<0.664mg/Kg2,6-Dinitrotoluene 119 46-124 8.9 20 2.56 153*2.601.671.67<0.652mg/KgDi-n-Octyl Phthalate 156*45-140 1.5 20 1.47 88.01.511.671.67<0.632mg/KgFluoranthene 90.4 50-127 2.6 20 1.34 80.21.381.671.67<0.612mg/KgFluorene 82.6 43-125 2.9 20 1.36 81.41.371.671.67<0.600mg/KgHexachlorobenzene 82.0 45-122 0.7 20 1.45 86.81.411.671.67<0.390mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 84.4 32-123 2.7 20 1.24<0.400mg/KgHexachlorocyclopentadiene 76.0 32-117 2.3 20 1.06<0.488mg/KgHexachloroethane 68.8 28-117 8.1 20 1.93 1161.891.671.67<0.604mg/KgIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 113 45-133 2.0 20 0.960<0.484mg/KgIsophorone 61.6 30-122 7.0 20 1.29 77.21.381.671.67<0.556mg/Kg1-Methylnaphthalene 82.6 40-119 6.7 20 1.38 82.61.351.671.67<0.576mg/Kg2-Methylnaphthalene 80.8 38-122 2.1 20 1.29<0.508mg/Kg2-Methylphenol 76.0 32-122 1.5 20 1.18<0.510mg/Kg3&4 Methylphenol 70.6 34-119 0.0 20 1.24<0.532mg/KgNaphthalene 74.2 35-123 0.0 20 1.71 1021.781.671.67<0.528mg/Kg2-Nitroaniline 107 44-127 4.0 20 1.41 84.41.441.671.67<0.620mg/Kg3-Nitroaniline 86.2 33-119 2.1 20 1.46 87.41.371.671.67<0.544mg/Kg4-Nitroaniline 82.0 63-147 6.3 20 Page 17 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 66 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V46903QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V46854 V 91797-MS-V46854 V 91797-MSD-V46854Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.13<0.516mg/KgNitrobenzene 70.6 34-122 4.3 20 1.87 1121.921.671.67<0.532mg/Kg2-Nitrophenol 115 32-123 2.6 20 1.98 1191.991.671.67<0.668mg/Kg4-Nitrophenol 119 30-132 0.5 20 <1.05 0.0*<1.051.671.67<1.05mg/KgN-Nitrosodimethylamine 0.0*10-146 0.0 30 1.62 97.01.671.671.67<0.728mg/KgN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 100 38-127 3.0 20 1.24<0.592mg/KgN-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 74.8 36-120 0.8 20 2.29 137*2.261.671.67<1.39mg/KgPentachlorophenol 135*25-133 1.3 20 1.35 80.81.361.671.67<0.632mg/KgPhenanthrene 81.4 50-121 0.7 20 1.16<0.568mg/KgPhenol 70.6 34-121 1.7 20 1.30 77.81.341.671.67<0.640mg/KgPyrene 80.2 47-127 3.0 20 <0.307 0.0*<0.3071.671.67<0.307mg/KgPyridine 0.0*10-80 0.0 20 1.23<0.528mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 76.0 34-118 3.2 20 1.34 80.21.541.671.67<0.572mg/Kg2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 92.2 41-124 13.8 20 1.44 86.21.391.671.67<0.560mg/Kg2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 83.2 39-126 3.5 20 73.62-Fluorobiphenyl (S)75.4 44-115 73.22-Fluorophenol (S)70.5 35-115 70.0Nitrobenzene-d5 (S)72.4 37-122 72.44-Terphenyl-d14 (S)73.6 54-127 93.02,4,6-Tribromophenol (S)94.8 39-132 76.5Phenol-d5 (S)74.1 34-121 Page 18 of 20* QC Fail Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 67 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 QC Prep Batch Method: Hexavalent Chromium by Ion Chromatography SW-7199 L749458QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: SW-3060A QC Prep:L749006 Associated Lab Samples: 92436, 92437, 92438, 92439, 92440 LRB-L749006 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits 05/08/24 19:450.2000.141<0.141mg/KgChromium, Hexavalent LCS-L749006Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 89.03.564.00mg/KgChromium, Hexavalent 80-120 V 92436-DUP-L749006Duplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 05/08/24 20:1716.0<0.2000.235mg/KgChromium, Hexavalent Page 19 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 68 of 71 Quality Control Data 24-123-0002Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) AKR-005 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V46805QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 92592-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 05/03/24 12:411.117.517.3%Moisture V 92593-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 05/03/24 12:411.018.819.0%Moisture Page 20 of 20Date:05/10/2024 01:02 PM Page 69 of 71 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:24-123-0002 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 01102 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:IRT15 2.6C Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)?Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs ü Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d)ü High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:05/02/2024 08:50:59 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 70 of 71 Page 71 of 71 Appendix B DEQ Risk Calculator Version Date: Basis: Site Name: Site Address: DEQ Section: Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Reviewed By: Final Grade - Hypothetical Worst Case North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Crayton Printing Distribution Street and Dunavant Street, Charlotte, NC Brownfields Redvelopment 24025-20-060 February 2024 November 2023 EPA RSL Table 5/1/2024 Prepared By:Hart & Hickman, PC 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100, Charlotte, NC 28203 Hart & Hickman, PC North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Complete Exposure Pathways Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 24025-20-060 Exposure Unit ID: Final Grade - Hypothetical Worst Case Note: Risk output will only be calculated for complete exposure pathways. Receptor Pathway Check box if pathway complete Soil Groundwater Use Soil Groundwater Use Construction Worker Soil Soil Surface Water Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Source Soil Source Groundwater Source Soil Source Groundwater Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION PATHWAYS Groundwater Surface Water Input Form 1A VAPOR INTRUSION PATHWAYS DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER PATHWAYS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Exposure Point Concentrations Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 24025-20-060 Exposure Unit ID: Final Grade - Hypothetical Worst Case NOTE: If the chemical list is changed from a prior calculator run, remember to select "See All Chemicals" on the data output sheet or newly added chemicals will not be included in risk calculations Exposure Point Concentration (mg/kg) Notes: CAS Number Chemical For the chemicals highlighted in blue, data entry notes are provided in the PSRG Table link on the Main Menu Minimum Concentration (Qualifier) Maximum Concentration (Qualifier) Units Location of Maximum Concentration Detection Frequency Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening Background Value Screening Toxicity Value (Screening Level) (n/c) Potential ARAR/TBC Value Potential ARAR/TBC Source COPC Flag (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion 0.021 J 67-64-1 Acetone mg/kg 1.21 7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic mg/kg 101 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg 0.002 J 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide mg/kg 45.7 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts mg/kg 0.477 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI)mg/kg 0.001 J 110-54-3 Hexane, N-mg/kg 10.5 7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds mg/kg 0.0173 J 7487-94-7 ~Mercuric Chloride (and other Mercury salts)mg/kg 0.005 J 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride mg/kg 0.231 J 117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate mg/kg 0.246 J 83-32-9 ~Acenaphthene mg/kg 0.622 J 120-12-7 ~Anthracene mg/kg 1.34 56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 1.11 50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene mg/kg 1.41 205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene mg/kg 0.386 J 207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene mg/kg 0.962 218-01-9 ~Chrysene mg/kg 0.254 J, M 53-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene mg/kg 2.5 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene mg/kg 0.24 J 86-73-7 ~Fluorene mg/kg 0.747 193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene mg/kg 1.63 129-00-0 ~Pyrene mg/kg 0.216 J 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg Input Form 2A Soil Exposure Point Concentration Table Description of Exposure Point Concentration Selection: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1A Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 24025-20-060 Exposure Unit ID: Final Grade - Hypothetical Worst Case Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Ris Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Soil 1.8E-05 1.1E-01 NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Soil 1.3E-06 8.3E-03 NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Ris Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air NC NC NC Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air NC NC NC Pathway Source Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. Notes: 3. NM = Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Resident Soil Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 24025-20-060 Exposure Unit ID: Final Grade - Hypothetical Worst Case * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS # Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentration (mg/kg) Dermal Concentration (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentration (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk* Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient* Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 0.021 0.021 0.021 3.0E-07 3.0E-07 7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.6E-06 2.2E-07 3.1E-11 1.8E-06 3.1E-02 3.7E-03 1.3E-06 3.5E-02 7440-39-3 Barium 101 101 101 6.5E-03 3.3E-06 6.5E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 0.002 0.002 0.002 2.6E-07 8.7E-07 1.1E-06 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 45.7 45.7 45.7 3.9E-04 3.9E-04 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI) 0.477 0.477 0.477 1.6E-06 6.7E-10 1.6E-06 2.0E-03 7.7E-08 2.0E-03 110-54-3 Hexane, N- 0.001 0.001 0.001 4.4E-07 4.4E-07 7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds 10.5 10.5 10.5 <SL** <SL** <SL** 7487-94-7 ~Mercuric Chloride (and other Mercury salts) 0.0173 0.0173 0.0173 7.4E-04 9.3E-10 7.4E-04 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.005 0.005 0.005 6.5E-11 1.6E-11 8.1E-11 1.1E-05 2.5E-06 1.3E-05 117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.231 0.231 0.231 4.7E-09 1.3E-09 3.3E-15 6.0E-09 1.5E-04 3.5E-05 1.8E-04 83-32-9 ~Acenaphthene 0.246 0.246 0.246 5.2E-05 1.6E-05 6.9E-05 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.622 0.622 0.622 2.7E-05 8.2E-06 3.5E-05 56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 1.34 1.34 1.34 8.7E-07 2.9E-07 1.7E-08 1.2E-06 50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene 1.11 1.11 1.11 7.2E-06 2.4E-06 1.1E-11 9.7E-06 4.7E-02 1.5E-02 9.0E-06 6.2E-02 205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1.41 1.41 1.41 9.2E-07 3.1E-07 1.4E-12 1.2E-06 207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.386 0.386 0.386 2.5E-08 8.4E-09 3.9E-14 3.4E-08 218-01-9 ~Chrysene 0.962 0.962 0.962 6.3E-09 2.1E-09 9.6E-15 8.4E-09 53-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.254 0.254 0.254 1.7E-06 5.5E-07 2.5E-12 2.2E-06 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 2.5 2.5 2.5 8.0E-04 2.5E-04 1.0E-03 86-73-7 ~Fluorene 0.24 0.24 0.24 7.7E-05 2.4E-05 1.0E-04 193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.747 0.747 0.747 4.9E-07 1.6E-07 7.5E-13 6.5E-07 129-00-0 ~Pyrene 1.63 1.63 1.63 6.9E-04 2.1E-04 9.1E-04 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.216 0.216 0.216 5.5E-04 1.7E-10 5.5E-04 Cumulative: 1.8E-05 1.1E-01 Out ut Form ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 200 mg/kg for residential soil. If it has been demonstrated that additional sources of lead are present (e.g., lead water service lines or lead-based paint), the EPA screening level is 100 mg/kg, which is used below for comparison to be conservative. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Non-Residential Worker Soil Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 24025-20-060 Exposure Unit ID: Final Grade - Hypothetical Worst Case * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS # Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentration (mg/kg) Dermal Concentration (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentration (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 0.021 0.021 0.021 2.0E-08 2.0E-08 7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic 1.21 1.21 1.21 3.3E-07 7.0E-08 7.2E-12 4.0E-07 2.1E-03 4.4E-04 3.1E-07 2.5E-03 7440-39-3 Barium 101 101 101 4.3E-04 7.8E-07 4.3E-04 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 0.002 0.002 0.002 1.7E-08 2.1E-07 2.2E-07 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 45.7 45.7 45.7 2.6E-05 2.6E-05 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI) 0.477 0.477 0.477 7.3E-08 5.5E-11 7.3E-08 1.4E-04 1.8E-08 1.4E-04 110-54-3 Hexane, N- 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.0E-07 1.0E-07 7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds 10.5 10.5 10.5 <SL** <SL** <SL** 7487-94-7 ~Mercuric Chloride (and other Mercury salts) 0.0173 0.0173 0.0173 4.9E-05 2.2E-10 4.9E-05 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.005 0.005 0.005 3.1E-12 1.3E-12 4.4E-12 7.1E-07 6.1E-07 1.3E-06 117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.231 0.231 0.231 9.9E-10 4.2E-10 7.6E-16 1.4E-09 9.9E-06 4.2E-06 1.4E-05 83-32-9 ~Acenaphthene 0.246 0.246 0.246 3.5E-06 1.9E-06 5.4E-06 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.622 0.622 0.622 1.8E-06 9.8E-07 2.8E-06 56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 1.34 1.34 1.34 4.1E-08 2.3E-08 1.4E-09 6.5E-08 50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene 1.11 1.11 1.11 3.4E-07 1.9E-07 9.2E-13 5.3E-07 3.2E-03 1.7E-03 2.1E-06 4.9E-03 205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1.41 1.41 1.41 4.3E-08 2.4E-08 1.2E-13 6.7E-08 207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.386 0.386 0.386 1.2E-09 6.5E-10 3.2E-15 1.8E-09 218-01-9 ~Chrysene 0.962 0.962 0.962 2.9E-10 1.6E-10 7.9E-16 4.6E-10 53-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.254 0.254 0.254 7.8E-08 4.3E-08 2.1E-13 1.2E-07206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.4E-05 2.9E-05 8.3E-05 86-73-7 ~Fluorene 0.24 0.24 0.24 5.1E-06 2.8E-06 8.0E-06 193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.747 0.747 0.747 2.3E-08 1.3E-08 6.2E-14 3.5E-08 129-00-0 ~Pyrene 1.63 1.63 1.63 4.7E-05 2.6E-05 7.2E-05 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.216 0.216 0.216 3.7E-05 4.2E-11 3.7E-05 Cumulative: 1.3E-06 8.3E-03 Output Form 2C ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 800 mg/kg for commercial/industrial soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator