HomeMy WebLinkAboutDC10016_20240514_lmtd_phaseIIESA_308WClayStreet_mebane  May 14, 2024 Mr. W.T. Sutton PO Box 574 Woodacre, CA 94973 Reference: Limited Phase I/II ESA Report Former Mebane Laundry and Drycleaners 308 W Clay Street, Mebane, Alamance County, North Carolina 27302 UST Facility ID#: 00-0-0000023241 Drycleaner Registry ID# 110018832824 Dear Mr. Sutton: Contained herein is a report summarizing Phase I/II assessment activities for the above referenced UST Facility/Drycleaner facility. The following items have been assembled for your review to assist with your petition application to the DSCA program  DSCA Petitioner Questionnaire  Lab Report for temporary monitoring well installed at this property confirming 2L violations for solvents  Site Photos  Phase I Database Report  Historical Aerial Photographs  Historical City Directories  Physical Setting Report On March 7, Henry Nemargut Engineering Services installed a temporary monitoring well immediately adjacent to a 5,000 gallon No. 6 Heating Oil UST on this property to a depth of approximately 14’ below grade. On March 10, 2024, the well was developed and gauged with groundwater present at a depth of approximately 4.25’ below surface grade before development. The groundwater was sampled on that date for 6200B compounds. All water samples were obtained as specified in the collection, preservation, and handling section of the specific method. Each container was labeled with sample location, analyses to be performed, time, date, and the sampler's name. They were then placed in a cooler and chilled with ice to approximately 4oC in preparation for transportation to the analytical laboratory utilizing EPA approved chain of custody procedures. Attachment A contains site photos which depict the location of the temporary monitoring well installed at the subject property. Figure 1 illustrates the well location on an Alamance County tax map. Results from water samples indicated drycleaner solvent contamination in present in shallow groundwater in the southwest portion of the subject property. Attachment B contains a copy of the laboratory analytical reports and the chain of custody records for the water samples obtained from this site. The Phase I data research files are provided to document site history as Attachment C (Database Report), Attachment D (Historical Aerials), Attachment E (City Directories) and Attachment F (Physical Setting Report). This information is being submitted to Billy Meyers of the NCDEQ to petition for acceptance to the DSCA program. Mr. Sutton, please contact me at (336) 316-0452 if you have questions regarding this report. Sincerely, Henry Nemargut, P.E. Henry Nemargut Engineering Services FIGURE Alamance County GIS Address Points Address Tax Address Preliminary Address Heavy Industrial Development Applicants APPLIED FOR PERMIT PERMIT APPROVED PERMIT RENEWED UNDER CONSTRUCTION Streets Roads Preliminary Ro ads Private Roads 390 - TRAIL 391 - TRAIL 392 - TRAIL 393 - TRAIL 394 - TRAIL 395 - TRAIL Railroads County Line May 14, 2024 Owner Name:SUTTON WILLIAM T 207-820-29815947881WOODACRE, CA 94973PO BOX 574 GPIN:PID: DISCLAIMER:The datasets and maps available are not survey grade or a legal document. They are a best approximation of what is on the ground, but do contain errors. The data comes from various sources nationally, the state of North Carolina, and here in Alamance County. Alamance County will not be held responsible for the misuse, misrepresentation, or misinterpretation of the data or maps. These maps and data are a service provided for the benefit for Alamance County citizens. We constantly strive to improve the quality and expand the amount of data and maps available. ALAMANCE COUNTY shall assume no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused; or any decision made or action taken or not taken by user in reliance upon any information or data furnished hereunder. The user knowingly waives any and all claims for damages against any and all of the entities comprising the Alamance County GIS System that may arise from the mapping data.Date: 5/14/2024 0 0.007 0.014 mi 1:600 µ ATTACHMENT A SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 308 W Clay Street Photo Log      Southwest Property Corner/Adjacent Laundry at 312 W Clay Street    Temporary Monitoring Well TW‐1 (On‐site)    South/East Portion of Subject Lot    Southeast Portion of Lot    South Adjacent Property Across Clay Street    Adjacent Residence on Northeast Property Corner    West Adjacent Property    North Adjacent Property Across Ruffin Street  ATTACHMENT B LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT ANALYTICAL REPORT PREPARED FOR Attn: Henry Nemargut Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services 2211 Chestnut St Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Generated 3/20/2024 2:59:53 PM JOB DESCRIPTION William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC JOB NUMBER 752-17631-1 See page two for job notes and contact information. Cary NC 27511 Suite A 104 Woodwinds Industrial Court Eurofins Raleigh Page 1 of 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Eurofins Raleigh Eurofins Raleigh is a laboratory within Eurofins Environment Testing Southeast, LLC, a company within Eurofins Environment Testing Group of Companies Job Notes This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. The results relate only to the samples tested. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. The test results in this report relate only to the samples as received by the laboratory and will meet all requirements of the methodology, with any exceptions noted. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the express written approval of the laboratory. All questions should be directed to the Eurofins Environment Testing Southeast, LLC Project Manager. Authorization Generated 3/20/2024 2:59:53 PM Authorized for release by Taylor Bruzzio, Project Manager I Taylor.Bruzzio@et.eurofinsus.com (850)471-6226 Page 2 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table of Contents Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Laboratory Job ID: 752-17631-1 Page 3 of 22 Eurofins Raleigh3/20/2024 Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Definitions/Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 QC Association Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Lab Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Definitions/Glossary Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Qualifiers GC/MS VOA Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. Qualifier Glossary These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ¤Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis Abbreviation %R Percent Recovery CFL Contains Free Liquid CFU Colony Forming Unit CNF Contains No Free Liquid DER Duplicate Error Ratio (normalized absolute difference) Dil Fac Dilution Factor DL Detection Limit (DoD/DOE) DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Re-analysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample DLC Decision Level Concentration (Radiochemistry) EDL Estimated Detection Limit (Dioxin) LOD Limit of Detection (DoD/DOE) LOQ Limit of Quantitation (DoD/DOE) MCL EPA recommended "Maximum Contaminant Level" MDA Minimum Detectable Activity (Radiochemistry) MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration (Radiochemistry) MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) MPN Most Probable Number MQL Method Quantitation Limit NC Not Calculated ND Not Detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) NEG Negative / Absent POS Positive / Present PQL Practical Quantitation Limit PRES Presumptive QC Quality Control RER Relative Error Ratio (Radiochemistry) RL Reporting Limit or Requested Limit (Radiochemistry) RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) TNTC Too Numerous To Count Eurofins Raleigh Page 4 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Job Narrative752-17631-1 Receipt The sample was received on 3/12/2024 2:57 PM.Unless otherwise noted below,the sample arrived in good condition,and where required,properly preserved and on ice.The temperature of the cooler at receipt was 1.7ºC. GC/MS VOAMethodSM6200-B:The continuing calibration verification (CCV)associated with batch 400-664902 recovered outside acceptance criteria,low biased,for 3,3-Dimethyl-1-butanol and tert-Butyl Formate.A reporting limit (RL)standard was analyzed,and the target analytes are detected.Since the associated samples were non-detect for the analytes,the data are reported. No additional analytical or quality issues were noted,other than those described above or in the Definitions/Glossary page. VOA PrepNoanalytical or quality issues were noted,other than those described in the Definitions/Glossary page. Case Narrative Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Job ID: 752-17631-1 Project: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Eurofins Raleigh Job ID: 752-17631-1 Eurofins Raleigh Page 5 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Detection Summary Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Client Sample ID: TW-1 Lab Sample ID: 752-17631-1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene RL 1.0 ug/L MDL 0.20 Analyte Result Qualifier Unit Dil Fac D Method Prep Type Total/NA130SM6200-B Tetrachloroethene 1.0 ug/L0.90 Total/NA1150SM6200-B trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 ug/L0.50 Total/NA10.51 J SM6200-B Trichloroethene 1.0 ug/L0.15 Total/NA123SM6200-B Eurofins Raleigh This Detection Summary does not include radiochemical test results. Page 6 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Lab Sample ID: 752-17631-1Client Sample ID: TW-1 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 03/10/24 20:15 Date Received: 03/12/24 14:57 Method: SM6200-B - Volatile Organic Compounds RL MDL <0.16 1.0 0.16 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 0.18 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.181,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 5.0 0.21 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.211,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 0.90 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.901,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 0.84 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.841,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 0.82 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.821,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 0.82 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.821,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 1.5 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<1.51,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1.0 0.23 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.231,2-Dibromoethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 0.19 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.191,2-Dichloroethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 0.56 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.561,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 0.54 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.541,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.501,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 0.64 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.641,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.502,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 0.57 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.572-Chlorotoluene 25 1.4 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<1.42-Hexanone 20 12 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<123,3-Dimethyl-1-butanol 1.0 0.56 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.564-Chlorotoluene 1.0 0.71 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.714-Isopropyltoluene 25 1.8 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<1.84-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 25 10 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<10Acetone 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.50Benzene 1.0 0.54 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.54Bromobenzene 1.0 0.21 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.21Bromochloromethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.50Bromodichloromethane 5.0 0.25 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.25Bromoform 1.0 0.98 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.98Bromomethane 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.50Carbon disulfide 1.0 0.19 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.19Carbon tetrachloride 1.0 0.90 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.90Chlorobenzene 1.0 0.24 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.24Chlorodibromomethane 1.0 0.76 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.76Chloroethane 1.0 0.90 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.90Chloroform 1.0 0.90 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.90Chloromethane 1.0 0.20 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.50cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 0.22 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.22Dibromomethane 1.0 0.85 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.85Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 0.20 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.20Di-isopropyl ether (DIPE) 100 24 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<24Ethanol 1.0 0.28 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.28Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Eurofins Raleigh Page 7 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Client Sample Results Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Lab Sample ID: 752-17631-1Client Sample ID: TW-1 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 03/10/24 20:15 Date Received: 03/12/24 14:57 Method: SM6200-B - Volatile Organic Compounds (Continued) RL MDL <0.50 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1 Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedUnitDResultQualifier Ethylbenzene 5.0 0.90 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.90Hexachlorobutadiene 1.0 0.53 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.53Isopropylbenzene 25 2.6 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<2.6Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) 5.0 3.0 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<3.0Methylene Chloride 1.0 0.22 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.22Methyl-tert-butyl Ether (MTBE) 5.0 0.63 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.63m-Xylene & p-Xylene 5.0 3.0 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<3.0Naphthalene 1.0 0.76 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.76n-Butylbenzene 1.0 0.69 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.69N-Propylbenzene 5.0 0.60 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.60o-Xylene 1.0 0.70 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.70sec-Butylbenzene 1.0 1.0 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<1.0Styrene 10 4.5 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<4.5t-Amyl alcohol 1.0 0.23 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.23tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) 10 4.9 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<4.9tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) 10 2.4 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<2.4tert-Butyl Formate 1.0 0.63 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.63tert-Butylbenzene 1.0 0.90 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1150Tetrachloroethene 1.0 0.90 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.90Toluene 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 10.51 Jtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 0.20 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.20trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.0 0.15 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 123Trichloroethene 1.0 0.52 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.52Trichlorofluoromethane 25 0.93 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.93Vinyl acetate 1.0 0.50 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<0.50Vinyl chloride 10 1.6 ug/L 03/19/24 16:54 1<1.6Xylenes, Total 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 72-130 03/19/24 16:54 1 Surrogate Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedQualifierLimits%Recovery Dibromofluoromethane 101 03/19/24 16:54 175-126 Toluene-d8 (Surr)101 03/19/24 16:54 164-132 Eurofins Raleigh Page 8 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surrogate Summary Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Method: SM6200-B - Volatile Organic Compounds Prep Type: Total/NAMatrix: Water Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID (72-130)(75-126)(64-132) BFB DBFM TOL 100 101 101752-17631-1 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) TW-1 97 104 97LCS 400-664902/1002 Lab Control Sample 100 105 95MB 400-664902/5 Method Blank Surrogate Legend BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene DBFM = Dibromofluoromethane TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) Eurofins Raleigh Page 9 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Method: SM6200-B - Volatile Organic Compounds Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 400-664902/5 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 664902 RL MDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.16 1.0 0.16 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.18 0.181.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane <0.21 0.215.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,1,2-Trichloroethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,1-Dichloroethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,1-Dichloroethene <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,1-Dichloropropene <0.90 0.901.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene <0.84 0.845.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2,3-Trichloropropane <0.82 0.821.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <0.82 0.821.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene <1.5 1.55.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane <0.23 0.231.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2-Dibromoethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.19 0.191.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2-Dichloroethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,2-Dichloropropane <0.56 0.561.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene <0.54 0.541.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,3-Dichloropropane <0.64 0.641.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 11,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 12,2-Dichloropropane <0.57 0.571.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 12-Chlorotoluene <1.4 1.425 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 12-Hexanone <12 1220 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 13,3-Dimethyl-1-butanol <0.56 0.561.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 14-Chlorotoluene <0.71 0.711.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 14-Isopropyltoluene <1.8 1.825 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) <10 1025 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Acetone <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Benzene <0.54 0.541.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Bromobenzene <0.21 0.211.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Bromochloromethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Bromodichloromethane <0.25 0.255.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Bromoform <0.98 0.981.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Bromomethane <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Carbon disulfide <0.19 0.191.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Carbon tetrachloride <0.90 0.901.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Chlorobenzene <0.24 0.241.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Chlorodibromomethane <0.76 0.761.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Chloroethane <0.90 0.901.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Chloroform <0.90 0.901.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Chloromethane <0.20 0.201.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.50 0.505.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.22 0.225.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Dibromomethane <0.85 0.851.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.20 0.201.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Di-isopropyl ether (DIPE) <24 24100 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Ethanol Eurofins Raleigh Page 10 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Method: SM6200-B - Volatile Organic Compounds (Continued) Client Sample ID: Method BlankLab Sample ID: MB 400-664902/5 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 664902 RL MDL Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE)<0.28 1.0 0.28 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1 MB MB Analyte Dil FacAnalyzedPreparedDUnitResultQualifier <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Ethylbenzene <0.90 0.905.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Hexachlorobutadiene <0.53 0.531.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Isopropylbenzene <2.6 2.625 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) <3.0 3.05.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Methylene Chloride <0.22 0.221.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Methyl-tert-butyl Ether (MTBE) <0.63 0.635.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1m-Xylene & p-Xylene <3.0 3.05.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Naphthalene <0.76 0.761.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1n-Butylbenzene <0.69 0.691.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1N-Propylbenzene <0.60 0.605.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1o-Xylene <0.70 0.701.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1sec-Butylbenzene <1.0 1.01.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Styrene <4.5 4.510 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1t-Amyl alcohol <0.23 0.231.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) <4.9 4.910 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) <2.4 2.410 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1tert-Butyl Formate <0.63 0.631.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1tert-Butylbenzene <0.90 0.901.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Tetrachloroethene <0.90 0.901.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Toluene <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene <0.20 0.205.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene <0.15 0.151.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Trichloroethene <0.52 0.521.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Trichlorofluoromethane <0.93 0.9325 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Vinyl acetate <0.50 0.501.0 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Vinyl chloride <1.6 1.610 ug/L 03/19/24 09:10 1Xylenes, Total 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 72-130 03/19/24 09:10 1 MB MB Surrogate Dil FacPreparedAnalyzedQualifierLimits%Recovery 105 03/19/24 09:10 1Dibromofluoromethane75-126 95 03/19/24 09:10 1Toluene-d8 (Surr)64-132 Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 400-664902/1002 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 664902 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 46.9 ug/L 94 67 -131 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec Limits 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50.0 49.6 ug/L 99 68 -130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.0 45.3 ug/L 91 70 -131 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroetha ne 50.0 46.7 ug/L 93 60 -139 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50.0 45.5 ug/L 91 70 -130 1,1-Dichloroethane 50.0 52.5 ug/L 105 70 -130 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.0 49.3 ug/L 99 63 -134 1,1-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.7 ug/L 101 70 -130 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 46.3 ug/L 93 60 -138 Eurofins Raleigh Page 11 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Method: SM6200-B - Volatile Organic Compounds (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 400-664902/1002 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 664902 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.0 43.8 ug/L 88 70 -130 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec Limits 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50.0 45.1 ug/L 90 60 -140 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 46.1 ug/L 92 70 -130 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.0 40.8 ug/L 82 54 -135 1,2-Dibromoethane 50.0 45.3 ug/L 91 70 -130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 47.0 ug/L 94 67 -130 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.0 48.4 ug/L 97 69 -130 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 50.8 ug/L 102 70 -130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50.0 47.0 ug/L 94 69 -130 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 46.6 ug/L 93 70 -130 1,3-Dichloropropane 50.0 45.9 ug/L 92 70 -130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.0 46.2 ug/L 92 70 -130 2,2-Dichloropropane 50.0 49.2 ug/L 98 52 -135 2-Chlorotoluene 50.0 45.1 ug/L 90 70 -130 2-Hexanone 200 174 ug/L 87 65 -137 3,3-Dimethyl-1-butanol 250 184 ug/L 73 38 -144 4-Chlorotoluene 50.0 45.4 ug/L 91 70 -130 4-Isopropyltoluene 50.0 48.0 ug/L 96 65 -130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)200 181 ug/L 91 69 -138 Acetone 200 197 ug/L 98 43 -160 Benzene 50.0 50.1 ug/L 100 70 -130 Bromobenzene 50.0 45.9 ug/L 92 70 -132 Bromochloromethane 50.0 51.1 ug/L 102 70 -130 Bromodichloromethane 50.0 50.0 ug/L 100 67 -133 Bromoform 50.0 43.9 ug/L 88 57 -140 Bromomethane 50.0 47.4 ug/L 95 10 -160 Carbon disulfide 50.0 49.2 ug/L 98 61 -137 Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 50.1 ug/L 100 61 -137 Chlorobenzene 50.0 47.2 ug/L 94 70 -130 Chlorodibromomethane 50.0 46.6 ug/L 93 67 -135 Chloroethane 50.0 43.3 ug/L 87 55 -141 Chloroform 50.0 49.9 ug/L 100 69 -130 Chloromethane 50.0 43.8 ug/L 88 58 -137 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 47.9 ug/L 96 68 -130 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 50.5 ug/L 101 69 -132 Dibromomethane 50.0 48.3 ug/L 97 70 -130 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50.0 39.2 ug/L 78 41 -146 Di-isopropyl ether (DIPE)50.0 44.5 ug/L 89 64 -132 Ethanol 2000 1200 ug/L 60 20 -160 Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE)50.0 42.8 ug/L 86 55 -133 Ethylbenzene 50.0 46.7 ug/L 93 70 -130 Hexachlorobutadiene 50.0 48.9 ug/L 98 53 -140 Isopropylbenzene 50.0 47.1 ug/L 94 70 -130 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)200 195 ug/L 97 61 -145 Methylene Chloride 50.0 50.8 ug/L 102 66 -135 Methyl-tert-butyl Ether (MTBE)50.0 49.1 ug/L 98 66 -130 m-Xylene & p-Xylene 50.0 47.1 ug/L 94 70 -130 Naphthalene 50.0 35.6 ug/L 71 47 -149 n-Butylbenzene 50.0 46.8 ug/L 94 67 -130 Eurofins Raleigh Page 12 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Sample Results Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Method: SM6200-B - Volatile Organic Compounds (Continued) Client Sample ID: Lab Control SampleLab Sample ID: LCS 400-664902/1002 Matrix: Water Prep Type: Total/NA Analysis Batch: 664902 N-Propylbenzene 50.0 47.8 ug/L 96 70 -130 Analyte LCS LCS DUnitResultQualifier %Rec Spike Added %Rec Limits o-Xylene 50.0 46.3 ug/L 93 70 -130 sec-Butylbenzene 50.0 47.4 ug/L 95 66 -130 Styrene 50.0 46.7 ug/L 93 70 -130 t-Amyl alcohol 500 312 ug/L 62 38 -139 tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME)50.0 42.7 ug/L 85 52 -132 tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA)500 338 ug/L 68 46 -143 tert-Butyl Formate 250 198 ug/L 79 10 -160 tert-Butylbenzene 50.0 44.5 ug/L 89 64 -139 Tetrachloroethene 50.0 44.1 ug/L 88 65 -130 Toluene 50.0 46.6 ug/L 93 70 -130 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.0 51.1 ug/L 102 70 -130 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.0 45.5 ug/L 91 63 -130 Trichloroethene 50.0 51.2 ug/L 102 70 -130 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.0 48.5 ug/L 97 65 -138 Vinyl acetate 100 92.3 ug/L 92 26 -160 Vinyl chloride 50.0 45.6 ug/L 91 59 -136 Xylenes, Total 100 93.4 ug/L 93 70 -130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 72 -130 Surrogate 97 LCS LCS Qualifier Limits%Recovery 104Dibromofluoromethane 75 -126 97Toluene-d8 (Surr)64 -132 Eurofins Raleigh Page 13 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QC Association Summary Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC GC/MS VOA Analysis Batch: 664902 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch Water SM6200-B752-17631-1 TW-1 Total/NA Water SM6200-BMB 400-664902/5 Method Blank Total/NA Water SM6200-BLCS 400-664902/1002 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Eurofins Raleigh Page 14 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lab Chronicle Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Job ID: 752-17631-1 Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Client Sample ID: TW-1 Lab Sample ID: 752-17631-1 Matrix: WaterDate Collected: 03/10/24 20:15 Date Received: 03/12/24 14:57 Analysis SM6200-B WPD1664902 EET PEN Type Batch Batch MethodPrep Type LabAnalystRun Prepared or Analyzed Batch Number Dilution Factor Total/NA 03/19/24 16:54 Laboratory References: EET PEN = Eurofins Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 Eurofins Raleigh Page 15 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Accreditation/Certification Summary Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Job ID: 752-17631-1 Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Laboratory: Eurofins Pensacola Unless otherwise noted, all analytes for this laboratory were covered under each accreditation/certification below. Authority Program Identification Number Expiration Date North Carolina (WW/SW)State 314 12-31-24 Eurofins Raleigh Page 16 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Method Summary Job ID: 752-17631-1Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Method Method Description LaboratoryProtocol SMSM6200-B Volatile Organic Compounds EET PEN SW8465030BPurge and Trap EET PEN Protocol References: SM = "Standard Methods For The Examination Of Water And Wastewater" SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. Laboratory References: EET PEN = Eurofins Pensacola, 3355 McLemore Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514, TEL (850)474-1001 Eurofins Raleigh Page 17 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sample Summary Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Job ID: 752-17631-1 Project/Site: William Sutton Property - Mebane, NC Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix Collected Received 752-17631-1 TW-1 Water 03/10/24 20:15 03/12/24 14:57 Eurofins RaleighPage 18 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 19 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 20 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Job Number: 752-17631-1 Login Number: 17631 Question Answer Comment Creator: Yonish, Rachel List Source: Eurofins Raleigh List Number: 1 TrueRadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. TrueThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. TrueSample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded. TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. TrueSample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs TrueContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. TrueResidual Chlorine Checked. Eurofins Raleigh Page 21 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Login Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Henry Nemargut dba Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Job Number: 752-17631-1 Login Number: 17631 Question Answer Comment Creator: Roberts, Alexis J List Source: Eurofins Pensacola List Creation: 03/15/24 03:48 PMList Number: 2 N/ARadioactivity wasn't checked or is </= background as measured by a survey meter. N/AThe cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. N/ASample custody seals, if present, are intact. TrueThe cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. TrueSamples were received on ice. TrueCooler Temperature is acceptable. TrueCooler Temperature is recorded.0.0°C, 0.0°C IR10 TrueCOC is present. TrueCOC is filled out in ink and legible. TrueCOC is filled out with all pertinent information. TrueIs the Field Sampler's name present on COC? TrueThere are no discrepancies between the containers received and the COC. TrueSamples are received within Holding Time (excluding tests with immediate HTs) TrueSample containers have legible labels. TrueContainers are not broken or leaking. TrueSample collection date/times are provided. TrueAppropriate sample containers are used. TrueSample bottles are completely filled. N/ASample Preservation Verified. TrueThere is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs N/AContainers requiring zero headspace have no headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4"). TrueMultiphasic samples are not present. TrueSamples do not require splitting or compositing. N/AResidual Chlorine Checked. Eurofins Raleigh Page 22 of 22 3/20/2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ATTACHMENT C STATE & FEDERAL DATA BASE SEARCH REPORT Project Property:308 W Clay Street - William Sutton Parcels 308 w clay st Mebane NC 27302 Project No: Report Type:Database Report Order No: 24031000011 Requested by:Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Date Completed: March 14, 2024 2 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Table of Contents Notice:IMPORTANT LIMITATIONS and YOUR LIABILITY Reliance on information in Report:This report DOES NOT replace a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment but is solely intended to be used as database review of environmental records. License for use of information in Report:No page of this report can be used without this cover page, this notice and the project property identifier. The information in Report(s) may not be modified or re-sold. Your Liability for misuse:Using this Service and/or its reports in a manner contrary to this Notice or your agreement will be in breach of copyright and contract and ERIS may obtain damages for such mis-use, including damages caused to third parties, and gives ERIS the right to terminate your account, rescind your license to any previous reports and to bar you from future use of the Service. No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS:The information contained in this report has been produced by ERIS Information Inc. ("ERIS") using various sources of information, including information provided by Federal and State government departments. The report applies only to the address and up to the date specified on the cover of this report, and any alterations or deviation from this description will require a new report. This report and the data contained herein does not purport to be and does not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein and does not constitute a legal opinion nor medical advice. Although ERIS has endeavored to present you with information that is accurate, ERIS disclaims, any and all liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information and data, whether attributable to inadvertence, negligence or otherwise, and for any consequences arising therefrom. Liability on the part of ERIS is limited to the monetary value paid for this report. Trademark and Copyright:You may not use the ERIS trademarks or attribute any work to ERIS other than as outlined above. This Service and Report (s) are protected by copyright owned by ERIS Information Inc. Copyright in data used in the Service or Report(s) (the "Data") is owned by ERIS or its licensors. The Service, Report(s) and Data may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in any substantial part without prior written consent of ERIS. Table of Contents Table of Contents...........................................................................................2 Executive Summary........................................................................................3 Executive Summary: Report Summary.......................................................................................................................4 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property...................................................................................8 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties........................................................................9 Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source.......................................................................................................16 Map...............................................................................................................26 Aerial.............................................................................................................29 Topographic Map..........................................................................................30 Detail Report.................................................................................................31 Unplottable Summary.................................................................................152 Unplottable Report......................................................................................155 Appendix: Database Descriptions...............................................................198 Definitions...................................................................................................213 3 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Executive Summary Property Information: Project Property:308 W Clay Street - William Sutton Parcels 308 w clay st Mebane NC 27302 Project No: Coordinates: Latitude:36.09844576 Longitude:-79.27140885 UTM Northing:3,996,250.83 UTM Easting:655,607.23 UTM Zone:UTM Zone 17S Elevation:674 FT Order Information: Order No:24031000011 Date Requested:March 10, 2024 Requested by:Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Report Type:Database Report Historicals/Products: Aerial Photographs Historical Aerials (with Project Boundaries) City Directory Search CD - 1 Street Search ERIS Xplorer ERIS Xplorer Excel Add-On Excel Add-On Physical Setting Report (PSR) Physical Setting Report (PSR) Executive Summary 4 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Executive Summary: Report Summary Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total Standard Environmental Records Federal rr-NPL-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-PROPOSED NPL-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-DELETED NPL-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-SEMS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ODI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-SEMS ARCHIVE-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 1 - 1 rr-IODI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-CERCLIS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 1 - 1 rr-CERCLIS NFRAP-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 1 - 1 rr-CERCLIS LIENS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-RCRA CORRACTS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-RCRA TSD-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-RCRA LQG-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-RCRA SQG-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-RCRA VSQG-aa Y 0.25 0 0 1 -- 1 rr-RCRA NON GEN-aa Y 0.25 1 1 0 -- 2 rr-RCRA CONTROLS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-FED ENG-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-FED INST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-LUCIS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-NPL IC-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ERNS 1982 TO 1986-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-ERNS 1987 TO 1989-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-ERNS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-FED BROWNFIELDS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-FEMA UST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-FRP-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 NPL PROPOSED NPL DELETED NPL SEMS ODI SEMS ARCHIVE IODI CERCLIS CERCLIS NFRAP CERCLIS LIENS RCRA CORRACTS RCRA TSD RCRA LQG RCRA SQG RCRA VSQG RCRA NON GEN RCRA CONTROLS FED ENG FED INST LUCIS NPL IC ERNS 1982 TO 1986 ERNS 1987 TO 1989 ERNS FED BROWNFIELDS FEMA UST FRP Executive Summary: Report Summary 5 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total rr-DELISTED FRP-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-HIST GAS STATIONS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-REFN-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-BULK TERMINAL-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-SEMS LIEN-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-SUPERFUND ROD-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-DOE FUSRAP-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 State rr-SHWS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 rr-LUST TRUST-aa Y 0.5 0 2 3 8 - 13 rr-DELISTED SHWS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-SWF/LF-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-OLD LF-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-COAL ASH LF-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-LUST-aa Y 0.5 1 4 8 14 - 27 rr-HSDS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 rr-LAST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 2 - 2 rr-DELISTED LST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-UST-aa Y 0.25 1 6 9 -- 16 rr-AST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-TANK-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DTNK-aa Y 0.25 0 2 0 -- 2 rr-SOIL REM PERMITS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-INST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-LUR-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 1 - 1 rr-FUEL STATIONS-aa Y 0.25 0 1 0 -- 1 rr-DELISTED FSS-aa Y 0.25 0 1 0 -- 1 rr-VCP-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-BROWNFIELDS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 1 0 - 1 Tribal rr-INDIAN LUST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-INDIAN UST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DELISTED INDIAN LST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-DELISTED INDIAN UST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 DELISTED FRP HIST GAS STATIONS REFN BULK TERMINAL SEMS LIEN SUPERFUND ROD DOE FUSRAP SHWS LUST TRUST DELISTED SHWS SWF/LF OLD LF COAL ASH LF LUST HSDS LAST DELISTED LST UST AST TANK DTNK SOIL REM PERMITS INST LUR FUEL STATIONS DELISTED FSS VCP BROWNFIELDS INDIAN LUST INDIAN UST DELISTED INDIAN LST DELISTED INDIAN UST 6 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total County No County standard environmental record sources available for this State. Additional Environmental Records Federal rr-PFAS GHG-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-FINDS/FRS-aa Y PO 1 ---- 1 rr-TRIS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-PFAS NPL-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS FED SITES-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS SSEHRI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ERNS PFAS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS NPDES-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS TRI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS WATER-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS TSCA-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS E-MANIFEST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS IND-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-HMIRS-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-NCDL-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-TSCA-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-HIST TSCA-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-FTTS ADMIN-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-FTTS INSP-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-PRP-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-SCRD DRYCLEANER-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ICIS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-FED DRYCLEANERS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DELISTED FED DRY-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-FUDS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-FUDS MRS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-FORMER NIKE-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-PIPELINE INCIDENT-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-MLTS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-HIST MLTS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-MINES-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 PFAS GHG FINDS/FRS TRIS PFAS NPL PFAS FED SITES PFAS SSEHRI ERNS PFAS PFAS NPDES PFAS TRI PFAS WATER PFAS TSCA PFAS E-MANIFEST PFAS IND HMIRS NCDL TSCA HIST TSCA FTTS ADMIN FTTS INSP PRP SCRD DRYCLEANER ICIS FED DRYCLEANERS DELISTED FED DRY FUDS FUDS MRS FORMER NIKE PIPELINE INCIDENT MLTS HIST MLTS MINES 7 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total rr-SMCRA-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-MRDS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-LM SITES-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-ALT FUELS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-CONSENT DECREES-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-AFS-aa Y PO 1 ---- 1 rr-SSTS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-PCBT-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PCB-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 State rr-DRYC DSCA-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-DRYC HIST BOILER-aa Y 0.25 1 3 1 -- 5 rr-DRYC CITY DIR-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DRYCLEANERS-aa Y 0.25 0 1 0 -- 1 rr-DELISTED DRYCLEANERS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-SPILLS-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-MGP-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-PFAS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-SWRCY-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-HAZ-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-SDTF-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-TIER 2-aa Y 0.125 0 1 --- 1 rr-UIC-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-AIR PERMIT-aa Y 0.25 0 0 2 -- 2 rr-FEEDLOTS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 Tribal No Tribal additional environmental record sources available for this State. County No County additional environmental record sources available for this State. Total:6 22 25 31 0 84 * PO – Property Only * 'Property and adjoining properties' database search radii are set at 0.25 miles. SMCRA MRDS LM SITES ALT FUELS CONSENT DECREES AFS SSTS PCBT PCB DRYC DSCA DRYC HIST BOILER DRYC CITY DIR DRYCLEANERS DELISTED DRYCLEANERS SPILLS MGP PFAS SWRCY HAZ SDTF TIER 2 UIC AIR PERMIT FEEDLOTS 8 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m1d dd-FINDS/FRS-817733605-aa MEBANE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 -2 p1p-31-817733605-x1x Registry ID: 110018832824 m1d dd-RCRA NON GEN-817868592-aa MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 W CLAY ST MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 -2 p1p-31-817868592-x1x EPA Handler ID: NCD982128639 m1d dd-LUST-819087256-aa MEBANE LAUNDRY 308 W. CLAY ST. MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 -2 p1p-32-819087256-x1x Incident No: 3738 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m1d dd-UST-819133489-aa MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 -2 p1p-35-819133489-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023241 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed m1d dd-AFS-898812678-aa MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 -2 p1p-36-898812678-x1x m1d dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899762760-aa MEBANE CLEANERS 308 W CLAY ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC WSW 0.00 / 0.00 -2 p1p-39-899762760-x1x 31 31 32 35 36 39 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINDS/FRS RCRA NON GEN LUST UST AFS DRYC HIST BOILER Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property 9 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m2d dd-DRYCLEANERS-879287389-aa Mebane Laundry & Dry Cleaners 312 W. Clay St. Mebane NC WSW 0.01 / 41.48 -5 p1p-39-879287389-x1x m2d dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899763017-aa MEBANE LAUNDRY & CLEANERS 312 W CLAY ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC WSW 0.01 / 41.48 -5 p1p-39-899763017-x1x m3d dd-UST-819115763-aa MEBANE BRANCH OFFICE 201 NORTH SECOND STREET MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.03 / 163.06 2 p1p-39-819115763-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023475 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed m4d dd-LUST-819081833-aa MCADAMS PROPERTY, CARL 300 W. CENTER ST. MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 4 p1p-41-819081833-x1x Incident No: 8721 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m4d dd-UST-819113101-aa TOMMY'S 18 300 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 4 p1p-43-819113101-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023467 Tank ID | Tank Status: 5 | Current, 4 | Current, 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed, 3 | Removed m4d dd-UST-819128168-aa MCADAM'S EXXON SERVICE 300 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 4 p1p-46-819128168-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000004057 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed, 6 | Removed, 5 | Removed, 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed m5d dd-TIER 2-886046344-aa Mebane Ret Wilba Road Mebane NC W 0.05 / 255.54 -7 p1p-49-886046344-x1x m6d dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899762293-aa MAGIC CLEANERS 214 WEST CLAY STREET, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC ESE 0.05 / 259.35 3 p1p-49-899762293-x1x m7d dd-LUST-819091266-aa DODSON AMOCO 306 W CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SW 0.05 / 270.43 -6 p1p-49-819091266-x1x Incident No: 18105 Incid Phase Desc: Remedial Action m7d dd-UST-819121625-aa DODSON'S AMOCO 306 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SW 0.05 / 270.43 -6 p1p-52-819121625-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023229 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, A2 | Current, A3 | Current, A1 | Current, 2 | Removed, 3 | Removed m7d dd-DELISTED FSS-858149377-aa Dodson's Amoco 306 W. Center St. Mebane NC 27302 SW 0.05 / 270.43 -6 p1p-55-858149377-x1x m7d dd-LUST TRUST-919909943-aa Dodson Amoco 306 W Center Street Mebane NC SW 0.05 / 270.43 -6 p1p-55-919909943-x1x 39 39 39 41 43 46 49 49 49 52 55 55 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 DRYCLEANERS DRYC HIST BOILER UST LUST UST UST TIER 2 DRYC HIST BOILER LUST UST DELISTED FSS LUST TRUST Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties 10 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number Incident No | Facility ID: 18105 | 00-0-0000023229 m8d dd-FUEL STATIONS-920224302-aa Tommy's Mini-Mart 76 300 W. Center Street Mebane NC 27302 S 0.06 / 312.57 3 p1p-56-920224302-x1x m9d dd-LUST-819091084-aa SETTLE PROPERTY, JUDITH 210 W. CLAY MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.06 / 334.48 2 p1p-56-819091084-x1x Incident No: 30581 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m9d dd-LUST TRUST-819100870-aa Settle Property, Judith 210 W Clay Mebane NC ESE 0.06 / 334.48 2 p1p-58-819100870-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 30581 | m10d dd-RCRA NON GEN-810293104-aa BELL FORD 400 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 SW 0.07 / 354.74 -8 p1p-59-810293104-x1x EPA Handler ID: NCR000137810 m11d dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899762440-aa STA NU CLEANERS 203 W CLAY STREET, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC ESE 0.10 / 528.24 3 p1p-61-899762440-x1x m12d dd-DTNK-819111353-aa The Eagle Oil Co. Inc. 101 N. Third St. Mebane NC 00000 SE 0.11 / 574.44 4 p1p-61-819111353-x1x m12d dd-DTNK-890081625-aa The Eagle Oil Co. Inc. 101 N. Third St. Mebane NC SE 0.11 / 574.44 4 p1p-61-890081625-x1x m13d dd-UST-819124293-aa FORREST E. BROWN 3RD & CLAY STREETS MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.11 / 587.92 3 p1p-62-819124293-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023687 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed m14d dd-UST-819136054-aa DIXIE YARNS, INC. 301 WEST WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.11 / 604.37 -18 p1p-63-819136054-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000022757 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 3 | Removed m14d dd-LUST-825349495-aa DIXIE YARNS, INC. 301 W. WASHINGTON ST. MEBANE NC WSW 0.11 / 604.37 -18 p1p-65-825349495-x1x m15d dd-LUST-819091196-aa DON CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER 120 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.13 / 692.29 4 p1p-67-819091196-x1x Incident No: 14846 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m15d dd-LUST-819092336-aa CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER - B (Former) 120 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.13 / 692.29 4 p1p-69-819092336-x1x Incident No: 30451 Incid Phase Desc: Response m15d dd-LUST TRUST-819099010-aa Crawford Service Center-B 120 W Center Street Mebane NC SE 0.13 / 692.29 4 p1p-72-819099010-x1x 56 56 58 59 61 61 61 62 63 65 67 69 72 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 FUEL STATIONS LUST LUST TRUST RCRA NON GEN DRYC HIST BOILER DTNK DTNK UST UST LUST LUST LUST LUST TRUST 11 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number Incident No | Facility ID: 30451 | 0-023639 m15d dd-UST-819113770-aa MEBANE EXXON 120 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.13 / 692.29 4 p1p-73-819113770-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023639 Tank ID | Tank Status: 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed m16d dd-UST-819140084-aa MEBANE HOSIERY, INC. 300 WEST CRAWFORD STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NE 0.16 / 858.92 9 p1p-75-819140084-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000003221 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed m17d dd-UST-819129335-aa U.S POSTAL SERVICE 116 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 878.60 8 p1p-76-819129335-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023868 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed m17d dd-LUST-825351094-aa U S POSTAL SERVICE - MEBANE 116 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC SE 0.17 / 878.60 8 p1p-77-825351094-x1x m18d dd-UST-819123209-aa KINGSDOWN, INC. 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 893.52 5 p1p-79-819123209-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000024055 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 2 | Removed, 3 | Removed m18d dd-AIR PERMIT-891348459-aa KINGSDOWN, INCORPORATED 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 893.52 5 p1p-81-891348459-x1x m18d dd-AIR PERMIT-891348460-aa KINGSDOWN, INCORPORATED 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 893.52 5 p1p-81-891348460-x1x m19d dd-LUST-819086194-aa KINGSDOWN 126 W. HOLT ST. MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.17 / 915.58 2 p1p-82-819086194-x1x Incident No: 6156 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m20d dd-LUST TRUST-819107936-aa Lea Property 402 North First Street Mebane NC NNE 0.18 / 934.56 9 p1p-84-819107936-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 21644 | m21d dd-LUST-819089095-aa LEA PROPERTY, ETHEL 402 N. FIRST ST. MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.18 / 935.72 12 p1p-84-819089095-x1x Incident No: 21644 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m22d dd-UST-819133540-aa MEBANE HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY 114 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.18 / 966.27 7 p1p-87-819133540-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000003588 Tank ID | Tank Status: 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed m23d dd-UST-819143996-aa RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 108 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.19 / 989.13 0 p1p-89-819143996-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000023642 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed m23d dd-LUST-825352017-aa RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 108 W. CLAY ST. MEBANE NC ESE 0.19 / 989.13 0 p1p-90-825352017-x1x 73 75 76 77 79 81 81 82 84 84 87 89 90 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 UST UST UST LUST UST AIR PERMIT AIR PERMIT LUST LUST TRUST LUST UST UST LUST 12 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m24d dd-UST-819137436-aa MEBANE TELEPHONE 109 W WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.21 / 1,087.98 11 p1p-92-819137436-x1x Facility ID: 00-0-0000036910 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed m25d dd-LUST-819089038-aa MCCAULEY PROPERTY, HAZEL 500 N. WILBA ROAD MEBANE NC 27302 NNW 0.21 / 1,116.35 0 p1p-93-819089038-x1x Incident No: 23151 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m26d dd-RCRA VSQG-810836697-aa SMITH DRYCLEANERS 510 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 W 0.22 / 1,142.30 6 p1p-96-810836697-x1x EPA Handler ID: NCD982170854 m27d dd-LUST TRUST-819103121-aa Mccauley Property 500 North Wilba Road Mebane NC NNW 0.22 / 1,147.38 2 p1p-97-819103121-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 23151 | m28d dd-UST-819125515-aa TOWN GARAGE 405 NORTH FIRST STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.22 / 1,152.74 6 p1p-97-819125515-x1x Facility ID: 00-2-0000023722 Tank ID | Tank Status: 3 | Removed m28d dd-UST-819130549-aa TOWN GARAGE 405 NORTH FIRST STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.22 / 1,152.74 6 p1p-98-819130549-x1x Facility ID: 00-1-0000023722 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed m29d dd-LUST-825352161-aa WEBSTER PROPERTY 420 HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.22 / 1,181.68 -18 p1p-100-825352161-x1x m29d dd-BROWNFIELDS-884554850-aa Webster Property 420 West Holt Street Mebane NC WSW 0.22 / 1,181.68 -18 p1p-101-884554850-x1x m30d dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899761628-aa RIGHTWAY CLEANERS 104 E CENTER ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC ESE 0.23 / 1,214.85 1 p1p-102-899761628-x1x m31d dd-LUST-819091709-aa CAR SHOP ENTERPRISES 530 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 W 0.26 / 1,350.24 -3 p1p-102-819091709-x1x Incident No: 30717 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m32d dd-LUST-819081818-aa MEBANE DIST. OFF.- PUBLIC SERVICE CO 107 E. RUFFIN ST. MEBANE NC 27302 E 0.27 / 1,413.44 -18 p1p-105-819081818-x1x Incident No: 8719 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m33d dd-HSDS-862683041-aa WHITE FURNITURE CO NC ESE 0.30 / 1,575.03 -8 p1p-108-862683041-x1x m34d dd-LUST-920904671-aa Mebane United Methodist Ch Parsonage 205 S Fourth Street Mebane NC 27302 SE 0.30 / 1,588.06 11 p1p-108-920904671-x1x 92 93 96 97 97 98 100 101 102 102 105 108 108 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 UST LUST RCRA VSQG LUST TRUST UST UST LUST BROWNFIELDS DRYC HIST BOILER LUST LUST HSDS LUST 13 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m35d dd-CERCLIS-805445973-aa WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 -5 p1p-109-805445973-x1x Site EPA ID: NCD003220969 m35d dd-CERCLIS NFRAP-805469879-aa WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 -5 p1p-111-805469879-x1x Site EPA ID: NCD003220969 m35d dd-LAST-819064053-aa WHITE FURNITURE COMPANY EAST CENTER STREET @ NORTH 5TH MEBANE NC ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 -5 p1p-112-819064053-x1x Incident No | Current Status | Current Stat (Map) | Dt Occurred (Map) | Dt Occurred: 85640 | Current Record | Current Record | December ,2,1992 | 12/1/1992 Inci Phase Desc: Close Out m35d dd-SHWS-819096189-aa WHITE FURNITURE CO. 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 -5 p1p-114-819096189-x1x EPA ID: NCD003220969 m35d dd-SEMS ARCHIVE-828862282-aa WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 -5 p1p-115-828862282-x1x EPA ID: NCD003220969 m36d dd-LAST-819064196-aa NORFOLK-SOUTHERN TRAIN WRECK 5TH & CENTER STS. MEBANE NC ESE 0.30 / 1,606.78 0 p1p-115-819064196-x1x Incident No | Current Status | Current Stat (Map) | Dt Occurred (Map) | Dt Occurred: 95118 | Current Record | Current Record | May ,14,2010 | 5/13/2010 m37d dd-LUST-819089256-aa BROWN-WOOTEN MILLS - 5TH ST. 202 N. 5TH ST. MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,609.69 -15 p1p-118-819089256-x1x Incident No: 11594 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m38d dd-SHWS-819097708-aa HOLT STREET DUMP HOLT ST MEBANE NC WSW 0.35 / 1,865.63 -31 p1p-120-819097708-x1x EPA ID: NONCD0001295 m39d dd-LUST-819091741-aa BREEZE TRUST (HATTIE) 203 S. FIFTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.36 / 1,914.73 17 p1p-121-819091741-x1x Incident No: 30187 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m39d dd-LUST TRUST-819100687-aa Breeze Property Trust (Hattie) 203 S Fifth Street Mebane NC SE 0.36 / 1,914.73 17 p1p-124-819100687-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 30187 | m40d dd-LUST-819091098-aa FHLMC PROPERTY 213 S. FIFTH ST. MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.38 / 2,000.20 12 p1p-124-819091098-x1x Incident No: 37749 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m40d dd-LUST TRUST-819099748-aa Fhlmc Property 213 S. Fifth St. Mebane NC SE 0.38 / 2,000.20 12 p1p-127-819099748-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 37749 | m41d dd-LUR-876040394-aa FHLMC PROPERTY 213 S. FIFTH ST. MEBANE NC SE 0.39 / 2,064.09 16 p1p-128-876040394-x1x 109 111 112 114 115 115 118 120 121 124 124 127 128 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 40 41 CERCLIS CERCLIS NFRAP LAST SHWS SEMS ARCHIVE LAST LUST SHWS LUST LUST TRUST LUST LUST TRUST LUR 14 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m42d dd-LUST-819092442-aa KING PROPERTY, SUSAN R. 303 S. FIFTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.42 / 2,197.35 9 p1p-128-819092442-x1x Incident No: 44088 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m42d dd-LUST TRUST-819099100-aa King Property, Susan R. 303 S. Fifth Street Mebane NC SSE 0.42 / 2,197.35 9 p1p-131-819099100-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 44088 | m43d dd-LUST-819089730-aa ETHERIDGE PROPERTY (MARK) 410 SOUTH 4TH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.43 / 2,271.38 -11 p1p-131-819089730-x1x Incident No: 24244 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m44d dd-LUST-819090983-aa MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS 206 E WASHINGTON ST. MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.43 / 2,282.57 0 p1p-134-819090983-x1x Incident No: 18701 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m45d dd-LUST TRUST-819102049-aa Fielding Property (sandy) 200 E Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.44 / 2,302.63 16 p1p-136-819102049-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 30337 | m46d dd-LUST TRUST-819099210-aa Hudson Property, Larry 200 N Sixth Street Mebane NC E 0.44 / 2,339.99 -14 p1p-137-819099210-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 30533 | m47d dd-LUST-819088793-aa FIELDING PROPERTY, SANDY 200 E. JACKSON MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.45 / 2,373.68 15 p1p-137-819088793-x1x Incident No: 30337 Incid Phase Desc: Response m48d dd-LUST-819090424-aa HUDSON PROPERTY, LARRY 200 N. SIXTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 E 0.46 / 2,408.33 -14 p1p-140-819090424-x1x Incident No: 30533 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m49d dd-LUST TRUST-819107926-aa Truitt Property 300 East Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.46 / 2,445.51 18 p1p-143-819107926-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 21583 | m50d dd-LUST-819092644-aa TRUITT PROPERTY, KEITH 300 E. JACKSON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.47 / 2,496.65 20 p1p-143-819092644-x1x Incident No: 21583 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m51d dd-LUST-819090968-aa MEBANE, TOWN OF - TOWN GARAGE - A 405 N. MAIN STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.48 / 2,524.51 -28 p1p-146-819090968-x1x Incident No: 17801 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out m52d dd-LUST TRUST-819105474-aa Warren Property(William G.) 302 East Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.48 / 2,541.22 20 p1p-148-819105474-x1x Incident No | Facility ID: 21852 | m52d dd-LUST TRUST-825127064-aa Warren Property(William G.) 302 East Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.48 / 2,541.22 20 p1p-148-825127064-x1x 128 131 131 134 136 137 137 140 143 143 146 148 148 42 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 52 LUST LUST TRUST LUST LUST LUST TRUST LUST TRUST LUST LUST LUST TRUST LUST LUST LUST TRUST LUST TRUST 15 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number Incident No | Facility ID: 21582 | m53d dd-LUST-819092643-aa WARREN PROPERTY, BILL 302 E. JACKSON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.49 / 2,589.03 22 p1p-149-819092643-x1x Incident No: 21582 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out 14953LUST 16 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source Standard Federal SEMS ARCHIVE - SEMS List 8R Archive Sites A search of the SEMS ARCHIVE database, dated Nov 14, 2023 has found that there are 1 SEMS ARCHIVE site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 m-35-828862282-a EPA ID: NCD003220969 CERCLIS - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System - CERCLIS A search of the CERCLIS database, dated Oct 25, 2013 has found that there are 1 CERCLIS site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 m-35-805445973-a Site EPA ID: NCD003220969 CERCLIS NFRAP - CERCLIS - No Further Remedial Action Planned A search of the CERCLIS NFRAP database, dated Oct 25, 2013 has found that there are 1 CERCLIS NFRAP site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 m-35-805469879-a Site EPA ID: NCD003220969 RCRA VSQG - RCRA Very Small Quantity Generators List A search of the RCRA VSQG database, dated Oct 2, 2023 has found that there are 1 RCRA VSQG site(s) within approximately 0.25 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key SMITH DRYCLEANERS 510 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 W 0.22 / 1,142.30 m-26-810836697-a EPA Handler ID: NCD982170854 RCRA NON GEN - RCRA Non-Generators A search of the RCRA NON GEN database, dated Oct 2, 2023 has found that there are 2 RCRA NON GEN site(s) within approximately 0.25miles of the project property. 35 35 35 26 Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source 17 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 W CLAY ST MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 m-1-817868592-a EPA Handler ID: NCD982128639 BELL FORD 400 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 SW 0.07 / 354.74 m-10-810293104-a EPA Handler ID: NCR000137810 State SHWS - Inactive Hazardous Sites and Federal Remediation Branch Sites A search of the SHWS database, dated Jan 2, 2024 has found that there are 2 SHWS site(s) within approximately 1.00miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WHITE FURNITURE CO. 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 m-35-819096189-a EPA ID: NCD003220969 HOLT STREET DUMP HOLT ST MEBANE NC WSW 0.35 / 1,865.63 m-38-819097708-a EPA ID: NONCD0001295 LUST TRUST - State Trust Funds Database A search of the LUST TRUST database, dated Nov 17, 2023 has found that there are 13 LUST TRUST site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Settle Property, Judith 210 W Clay Mebane NC ESE 0.06 / 334.48 m-9-819100870-a Incident No | Facility ID: 30581 | Crawford Service Center-B 120 W Center Street Mebane NC SE 0.13 / 692.29 m-15-819099010-a Incident No | Facility ID: 30451 | 0-023639 Lea Property 402 North First Street Mebane NC NNE 0.18 / 934.56 m-20-819107936-a Incident No | Facility ID: 21644 | Mccauley Property 500 North Wilba Road Mebane NC NNW 0.22 / 1,147.38 m-27-819103121-a Incident No | Facility ID: 23151 | Breeze Property Trust (Hattie) 203 S Fifth Street Mebane NC SE 0.36 / 1,914.73 m-39-819100687-a Incident No | Facility ID: 30187 | Fhlmc Property 213 S. Fifth St. Mebane NC SE 0.38 / 2,000.20 m-40-819099748-a 1 10 35 38 9 15 20 27 39 40 18 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Incident No | Facility ID: 37749 | King Property, Susan R. 303 S. Fifth Street Mebane NC SSE 0.42 / 2,197.35 m-42-819099100-a Incident No | Facility ID: 44088 | Fielding Property (sandy) 200 E Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.44 / 2,302.63 m-45-819102049-a Incident No | Facility ID: 30337 | Truitt Property 300 East Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.46 / 2,445.51 m-49-819107926-a Incident No | Facility ID: 21583 | Warren Property(William G.) 302 East Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.48 / 2,541.22 m-52-825127064-a Incident No | Facility ID: 21582 | Warren Property(William G.) 302 East Jackson Street Mebane NC SE 0.48 / 2,541.22 m-52-819105474-a Incident No | Facility ID: 21852 | Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Dodson Amoco 306 W Center Street Mebane NC SW 0.05 / 270.43 m-7-919909943-a Incident No | Facility ID: 18105 | 00-0-0000023229 Hudson Property, Larry 200 N Sixth Street Mebane NC E 0.44 / 2,339.99 m-46-819099210-a Incident No | Facility ID: 30533 | LUST - Incident Management Database (Regional Underground Storage Tanks) A search of the LUST database, dated Oct 30, 2023 has found that there are 27 LUST site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MCADAMS PROPERTY, CARL 300 W. CENTER ST. MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 m-4-819081833-a Incident No: 8721 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out SETTLE PROPERTY, JUDITH 210 W. CLAY MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.06 / 334.48 m-9-819091084-a Incident No: 30581 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER - B (Former) 120 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.13 / 692.29 m-15-819092336-a Incident No: 30451 Incid Phase Desc: Response 42 45 49 52 52 7 46 4 9 15 19 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key DON CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER 120 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.13 / 692.29 m-15-819091196-a Incident No: 14846 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out U S POSTAL SERVICE - MEBANE 116 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC SE 0.17 / 878.60 m-17-825351094-a KINGSDOWN 126 W. HOLT ST. MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.17 / 915.58 m-19-819086194-a Incident No: 6156 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out LEA PROPERTY, ETHEL 402 N. FIRST ST. MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.18 / 935.72 m-21-819089095-a Incident No: 21644 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 108 W. CLAY ST. MEBANE NC ESE 0.19 / 989.13 m-23-825352017-a MCCAULEY PROPERTY, HAZEL 500 N. WILBA ROAD MEBANE NC 27302 NNW 0.21 / 1,116.35 m-25-819089038-a Incident No: 23151 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out Mebane United Methodist Ch Parsonage 205 S Fourth Street Mebane NC 27302 SE 0.30 / 1,588.06 m-34-920904671-a BREEZE TRUST (HATTIE) 203 S. FIFTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.36 / 1,914.73 m-39-819091741-a Incident No: 30187 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out FHLMC PROPERTY 213 S. FIFTH ST. MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.38 / 2,000.20 m-40-819091098-a Incident No: 37749 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out KING PROPERTY, SUSAN R. 303 S. FIFTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.42 / 2,197.35 m-42-819092442-a Incident No: 44088 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS 206 E WASHINGTON ST. MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.43 / 2,282.57 m-44-819090983-a Incident No: 18701 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out FIELDING PROPERTY, SANDY 200 E. JACKSON MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.45 / 2,373.68 m-47-819088793-a Incident No: 30337 Incid Phase Desc: Response 15 17 19 21 23 25 34 39 40 42 44 47 20 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key TRUITT PROPERTY, KEITH 300 E. JACKSON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.47 / 2,496.65 m-50-819092644-a Incident No: 21583 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out WARREN PROPERTY, BILL 302 E. JACKSON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.49 / 2,589.03 m-53-819092643-a Incident No: 21582 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MEBANE LAUNDRY 308 W. CLAY ST. MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 m-1-819087256-a Incident No: 3738 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out DODSON AMOCO 306 W CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SW 0.05 / 270.43 m-7-819091266-a Incident No: 18105 Incid Phase Desc: Remedial Action DIXIE YARNS, INC. 301 W. WASHINGTON ST. MEBANE NC WSW 0.11 / 604.37 m-14-825349495-a WEBSTER PROPERTY 420 HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.22 / 1,181.68 m-29-825352161-a CAR SHOP ENTERPRISES 530 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 W 0.26 / 1,350.24 m-31-819091709-a Incident No: 30717 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out MEBANE DIST. OFF.-PUBLIC SERVICE CO 107 E. RUFFIN ST. MEBANE NC 27302 E 0.27 / 1,413.44 m-32-819081818-a Incident No: 8719 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out BROWN-WOOTEN MILLS - 5TH ST. 202 N. 5TH ST. MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.30 / 1,609.69 m-37-819089256-a Incident No: 11594 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out ETHERIDGE PROPERTY (MARK)410 SOUTH 4TH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.43 / 2,271.38 m-43-819089730-a Incident No: 24244 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out HUDSON PROPERTY, LARRY 200 N. SIXTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 E 0.46 / 2,408.33 m-48-819090424-a Incident No: 30533 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out MEBANE, TOWN OF - TOWN GARAGE - A 405 N. MAIN STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.48 / 2,524.51 m-51-819090968-a Incident No: 17801 Incid Phase Desc: Close Out HSDS - Hazard Substance Disposal Sites 50 53 1 7 14 29 31 32 37 43 48 51 21 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 A search of the HSDS database, dated Jan 1, 1999 has found that there are 1 HSDS site(s) within approximately 1.00miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WHITE FURNITURE CO NC ESE 0.30 / 1,575.03 m-33-862683041-a LAST - Aboveground Incident Management Database (Regional Aboveground Storage Tanks) A search of the LAST database, dated Jan 19, 2024 has found that there are 2 LAST site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key NORFOLK-SOUTHERN TRAIN WRECK 5TH & CENTER STS. MEBANE NC ESE 0.30 / 1,606.78 m-36-819064196-a Incident No | Current Status | Current Stat (Map) | Dt Occurred (Map) | Dt Occurred: 95118 | Current Record | Current Record | May ,14,2010 | 5/13/2010 Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WHITE FURNITURE COMPANY EAST CENTER STREET @ NORTH 5TH MEBANE NC ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 m-35-819064053-a Incident No | Current Status | Current Stat (Map) | Dt Occurred (Map) | Dt Occurred: 85640 | Current Record | Current Record | December ,2,1992 | 12/1/1992 Inci Phase Desc: Close Out UST - Registered Tanks Database A search of the UST database, dated Jan 26, 2024 has found that there are 16 UST site(s) within approximately 0.25miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MEBANE BRANCH OFFICE 201 NORTH SECOND STREET MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.03 / 163.06 m-3-819115763-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000023475 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed TOMMY'S 18 300 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 m-4-819113101-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000023467 Tank ID | Tank Status: 5 | Current, 4 | Current, 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed, 3 | Removed MCADAM'S EXXON SERVICE 300 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 m-4-819128168-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000004057 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed, 6 | Removed, 5 | Removed, 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed FORREST E. BROWN 3RD & CLAY STREETS MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.11 / 587.92 m-13-819124293-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000023687 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed MEBANE EXXON 120 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.13 / 692.29 m-15-819113770-a 33 36 35 3 4 4 13 15 22 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Facility ID: 00-0-0000023639 Tank ID | Tank Status: 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed MEBANE HOSIERY, INC. 300 WEST CRAWFORD STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NE 0.16 / 858.92 m-16-819140084-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000003221 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed U.S POSTAL SERVICE 116 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 878.60 m-17-819129335-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000023868 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed KINGSDOWN, INC. 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 893.52 m-18-819123209-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000024055 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 2 | Removed, 3 | Removed MEBANE HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY 114 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.18 / 966.27 m-22-819133540-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000003588 Tank ID | Tank Status: 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 108 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 ESE 0.19 / 989.13 m-23-819143996-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000023642 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed MEBANE TELEPHONE 109 W WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.21 / 1,087.98 m-24-819137436-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000036910 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed TOWN GARAGE 405 NORTH FIRST STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.22 / 1,152.74 m-28-819125515-a Facility ID: 00-2-0000023722 Tank ID | Tank Status: 3 | Removed TOWN GARAGE 405 NORTH FIRST STREET MEBANE NC 27302 NNE 0.22 / 1,152.74 m-28-819130549-a Facility ID: 00-1-0000023722 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 m-1-819133489-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000023241 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed DODSON'S AMOCO 306 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SW 0.05 / 270.43 m-7-819121625-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000023229 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, A2 | Current, A3 | Current, A1 | Current, 2 | Removed, 3 | Removed DIXIE YARNS, INC. 301 WEST WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.11 / 604.37 m-14-819136054-a Facility ID: 00-0-0000022757 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 3 | Removed DTNK - Delisted Storage Tanks 16 17 18 22 23 24 28 28 1 7 14 23 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 A search of the DTNK database, dated Jan 26, 2024 has found that there are 2 DTNK site(s) within approximately 0.25miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key The Eagle Oil Co. Inc. 101 N. Third St. Mebane NC SE 0.11 / 574.44 m-12-890081625-a The Eagle Oil Co. Inc. 101 N. Third St. Mebane NC 00000 SE 0.11 / 574.44 m-12-819111353-a LUR - Land Use Restriction and/or Notices A search of the LUR database, dated Nov 28, 2023 has found that there are 1 LUR site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key FHLMC PROPERTY 213 S. FIFTH ST. MEBANE NC SE 0.39 / 2,064.09 m-41-876040394-a FUEL STATIONS - Fuel Service Stations A search of the FUEL STATIONS database, dated Aug 24, 2023 has found that there are 1 FUEL STATIONS site(s) within approximately 0.25miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Tommy's Mini-Mart 76 300 W. Center Street Mebane NC 27302 S 0.06 / 312.57 m-8-920224302-a DELISTED FSS - Delisted Fuel Service Stations A search of the DELISTED FSS database, dated Jun 3, 2021 has found that there are 1 DELISTED FSS site(s) within approximately 0.25miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Dodson's Amoco 306 W. Center St. Mebane NC 27302 SW 0.05 / 270.43 m-7-858149377-a BROWNFIELDS - Brownfields Projects Inventory A search of the BROWNFIELDS database, dated Jan 16, 2024 has found that there are 1 BROWNFIELDS site(s) within approximately 0.50miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Webster Property 420 West Holt Street Mebane NC WSW 0.22 / 1,181.68 m-29-884554850-a 12 12 41 8 7 29 24 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Non Standard Federal FINDS/FRS - Facility Registry Service/Facility Index A search of the FINDS/FRS database, dated Sep 8, 2023 has found that there are 1 FINDS/FRS site(s) within approximately 0.02miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MEBANE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 m-1-817733605-a Registry ID: 110018832824 AFS - Air Facility System A search of the AFS database, dated Oct 17, 2014 has found that there are 1 AFS site(s) within approximately 0.02miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 m-1-898812678-a State DRYC HIST BOILER - Drycleaning Historical Boiler Inspections A search of the DRYC HIST BOILER database, dated Dec 6, 2021 has found that there are 5 DRYC HIST BOILER site(s) within approximately 0.25miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MAGIC CLEANERS 214 WEST CLAY STREET, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC ESE 0.05 / 259.35 m-6-899762293-a STA NU CLEANERS 203 W CLAY STREET, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC ESE 0.10 / 528.24 m-11-899762440-a RIGHTWAY CLEANERS 104 E CENTER ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC ESE 0.23 / 1,214.85 m-30-899761628-a Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key MEBANE CLEANERS 308 W CLAY ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC WSW 0.00 / 0.00 m-1-899762760-a MEBANE LAUNDRY & CLEANERS 312 W CLAY ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC WSW 0.01 / 41.48 m-2-899763017-a 1 1 6 11 30 1 2 25 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key DRYCLEANERS - Dry Cleaning Facilities A search of the DRYCLEANERS database, dated Apr 27, 2022 has found that there are 1 DRYCLEANERS site(s) within approximately 0.25miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Mebane Laundry & Dry Cleaners 312 W. Clay St. Mebane NC WSW 0.01 / 41.48 m-2-879287389-a TIER 2 - Tier 2 Report A search of the TIER 2 database, dated Oct 30, 2020 has found that there are 1 TIER 2 site(s) within approximately 0.12miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Mebane Ret Wilba Road Mebane NC W 0.05 / 255.54 m-5-886046344-a AIR PERMIT - Air Permitted Facilities A search of the AIR PERMIT database, dated Jul 21, 2020 has found that there are 2 AIR PERMIT site(s) within approximately 0.25 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key KINGSDOWN, INCORPORATED 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 893.52 m-18-891348460-a KINGSDOWN, INCORPORATED 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 SE 0.17 / 893.52 m-18-891348459-a 2 5 18 18 ") #* #* #* #* #* ")#* #* #* #* #* #* #*#*#* #*#*#* #* #*") #* #*#* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #*#* ") #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #*m6c m3c m8c m5cm31c m48c m16c m19c m10c m45c m38c m44c m37c m22c m20c m34c m30c m32c m26c m49c m41c m21c m13c m46c m50c m53c m24c m51c m27cm25c m43c m36c m4c(3) m1c(6)m9c(2) m15c(4)m29c(2) m35c(5) m23c(2) m12c(2) m52c(2) m14c(2) m42c(2) m39c(2) m40c(2) m28c(2) m33c 79°15'30"W79°16'W79°16'30"W79°17'W79°17'30"W 36 ° 6 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 6 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 5 ' N 36 ° 5 ' N 0.3 0 0.30.15 Miles Order Number: 24031000011Map: 1.0 Mile Radius 1:19250 Address: 308 w clay st, Mebane, NC Source: © 2021 ESRI StreetMap Premium © ERIS Information Inc. Project PropertyBuffer Outline #*Sites with Higher Elevation ")Sites with Same Elevation #*Sites with Lower Elevation (Sites with Unknown Elevation Areas with Higher Elevation Areas with Same Elevation Areas with Lower Elevation Areas with Unknown Elevation National Wetland Indian Reserve Land 100 Year Flood Zone 500 Year Flood Zone Freeways; Highways Traffic Circle; Ramp Major & Minor Arterial Traffic Circle; Ramp Local Road Rail Country State FWS Special Designation Areas National Priorities List (Active, Delisted, Proposed, Institutional Control) 6 3 8 531 48 16 19 10 45 38 44 37 22 20 34 30 32 26 49 41 21 13 46 50 53 24 51 27 25 43 36 4 (3) 1 (6) 9 (2) 15(4)29(2) 35(5) 23 (2) 12(2) 52(2) 14(2) 42(2) 39(2) 40(2) 28(2) 33 ") #* #* #* #* #* ")#* #* #* #* #* #* #*#*#* #* #* #* #* #*") #* #*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #* #* ") #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* m6c m3c m8c m5c m31c m48c m16c m19c m10c m45c m38c m44c m37c m22c m20c m34c m30c m32c m26c m49c m41c m21c m13c m46c m11c m50c m53c m24c m47c m51c m27cm25c m43c m36c m4c(3) m1c(6)m2c(2) m7c(4) m9c(2) m15c(4) m17c(2) m29c(2)m35c(5) m23c(2)m12c(2) m52c(2) m14c(2) m42c(2) m39c(2) m40c(2) m28c(2) m18c(3)m33c 79°16'W79°16'30"W 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 0.15 0 0.150.075 Miles Order Number: 24031000011Map: 0.5 Mile Radius 1:9750 Address: 308 w clay st, Mebane, NC Source: © 2021 ESRI StreetMap Premium © ERIS Information Inc. Project PropertyBuffer Outline #*Sites with Higher Elevation ")Sites with Same Elevation #*Sites with Lower Elevation (Sites with Unknown Elevation Areas with Higher Elevation Areas with Same Elevation Areas with Lower Elevation Areas with Unknown Elevation National Wetland Indian Reserve Land 100 Year Flood Zone 500 Year Flood Zone Freeways; Highways Traffic Circle; Ramp Major & Minor Arterial Traffic Circle; Ramp Local Road Rail Country State FWS Special Designation Areas National Priorities List (Active, Delisted, Proposed, Institutional Control) 6 3 8 5 31 48 16 19 10 45 38 44 37 22 20 34 30 32 26 49 41 21 13 46 50 53 24 51 27 25 43 36 4 (3) 1 (6) 9 (2) 15(4) 29(2)35(5) 23(2)12(2) 52(2) 14(2) 42(2) 39(2) 40(2) 28(2) 33 11 47 2 (2) 7 (4) 17(2) 18(3) ") #* #* #* #* ")#* #* #* #* #* #*#*") #*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #*m6c m3c m8c m5c m31c m16c m19c m10c m37c m22c m20c m34c m30c m32c m26c m21c m13cm11c m24c m27cm25c m36c m4c(3) m1c(6)m2c(2) m7c(4) m9c(2) m15c(4) m17c(2) m29c(2)m35c(5) m23c(2)m12c(2) m14c(2) m39c(2) m28c(2) m18c(3)m33c 79°16'W79°16'30"W 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 6 ' N 0.085 0 0.0850.0425 Miles Order Number: 24031000011Map: 0.25 Mile Radius 1:5250 Address: 308 w clay st, Mebane, NC Source: © 2021 ESRI StreetMap Premium © ERIS Information Inc. Project PropertyBuffer Outline #*Sites with Higher Elevation ")Sites with Same Elevation #*Sites with Lower Elevation (Sites with Unknown Elevation Areas with Higher Elevation Areas with Same Elevation Areas with Lower Elevation Areas with Unknown Elevation National Wetland Indian Reserve Land 100 Year Flood Zone 500 Year Flood Zone Freeways; Highways Traffic Circle; Ramp Major & Minor Arterial Traffic Circle; Ramp Local Road Rail Country State FWS Special Designation Areas National Priorities List (Active, Delisted, Proposed, Institutional Control) 6 3 8 5 31 16 19 10 37 22 20 34 30 32 26 21 13 24 27 25 36 4 (3) 1 (6) 9 (2) 15(4) 29(2) 35(5) 23(2)12(2) 14(2) 39(2) 28(2) 33 11 2 (2) 7 (4) 17(2) 18 (3) Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community 79°16'W79°16'30"W 36 ° 6 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 6 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 0.1 0 0.10.05 Miles Order Number: 24031000011Aerial 1:10000 Address: 308 w clay st, Mebane, NC © ERIS Information Inc.Source: ESRI World Imagery Year: 2022 79°15'W79°15'30"W79°16'W79°16'30"W79°17'W79°17'30"W 36 ° 7 ' N 36 ° 7 ' N 36 ° 6 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 6 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 6 ' N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 5 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 5 ' N 36 ° 5 ' N 36 ° 4 ' 3 0 " N 36 ° 4 ' 3 0 " N 0.35 0 0.350.175 Miles Order Number: 24031000011Topographic Map 1:24000 Address: 308 w clay st, NC © ERIS Information Inc. Source: USGS Topographic Map Quadrangle(s): Burlington NE NC, Mebane NC, Efland NC Year: 2019 31 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Detail Report Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-1-817733605-b 1 of 6 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 672.36 / -2 MEBANE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-FINDS/FRS-817733605-bb p1p-817733605-y1y Registry ID:110018832824 FIPS Code:37001 HUC Code:03030002 Site Type Name:STATIONARY Location Description: Supplemental Location: Create Date:26-OCT-04 Update Date:30-APR-14 Interest Types:AIR MINOR, STATE MASTER, UNSPECIFIED UNIVERSE SIC Codes:7216, 9999 SIC Code Descriptions:DRYCLEANING PLANTS, EXCEPT RUG CLEANING, NONCLASSIFIABLE ESTABLISHMENTS NAICS Codes:081232, 812320 NAICS Code Descriptions:DRYCLEANING AND LAUNDRY SERVICES (EXCEPT COIN-OPERATED). Conveyor:FRS-GEOCODE Federal Facility Code: Federal Agency Name: Tribal Land Code: Tribal Land Name: Congressional Dist No:06 Census Block Code:370010212072044 EPA Region Code:04 County Name:ALAMANCE US/Mexico Border Ind: Latitude:36.09816 Longitude:-79.27157 Reference Point:CENTER OF A FACILITY OR STATION Coord Collection Method:ADDRESS MATCHING-HOUSE NUMBER Accuracy Value:30 Datum:NAD83 Source: Facility Detail Rprt URL:https://ofmpub.epa.gov/frs_public2/fii_query_detail.disp_program_facility?p_registry_id=110018832824 Data Source:Facility Registry Service - Single File Program Acronyms: AIRS/AFS:3700100258, NC-FITS:1155, RCRAINFO:NCD982128639   m-1-817868592-b 2 of 6 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 672.36 / -2 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 W CLAY ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-RCRA NON GEN-817868592-bbp1p-817868592-y1y EPA Handler ID:NCD982128639 Gen Status Universe:No Report Contact Name:MIN LEE Contact Address:308 W CLAY ST , , MEBANE , NC, 27302 , US Contact Phone No and Ext:919-563-9661 Contact Email: Contact Country:US County Name:ALAMANCE EPA Region:04 Land Type:Private 1 1 FINDS/FRS RCRA NON GEN Detail Report 32 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Receive Date:19900206 Location Latitude: Location Longitude:   Violation/Evaluation Summary   Note:NO VIOLATIONS: All of the compliance records associated with this facility (EPA ID) indicate NO VIOLATIONS; Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement table dated Oct, 2023.   Evaluation Details   Evaluation Start Date:19930602 Evaluation Type Description:FOCUSED COMPLIANCE INSPECTION Violation Short Description: Return to Compliance Date: Evaluation Agency:State   Handler Summary   Importer Activity:No Mixed Waste Generator:No Transporter Activity:No Transfer Facility:No Onsite Burner Exemption:No Furnace Exemption:No Underground Injection Activity:No Commercial TSD:No Used Oil Transporter:No Used Oil Transfer Facility:No Used Oil Processor:No Used Oil Refiner:No Used Oil Burner:No Used Oil Market Burner:No Used Oil Spec Marketer:No   Hazardous Waste Handler Details   Sequence No:1 Receive Date:19900206 Handler Name:MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Source Type:Notification Federal Waste Generator Code:N Generator Code Description:Not a Generator, Verified   Owner/Operator Details   Owner/Operator Ind: Current Owner Street No: Type: Private Street 1: Name: MIN HO LEE Street 2: Date Became Current:City: Date Ended Current: State: Phone: Country: Source Type: Notification Zip Code: m-1-819087256-b 3 of 6 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 672.36 / -2 MEBANE LAUNDRY 308 W. CLAY ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819087256-bbp1p-819087256-y1y Incident No: 3738 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID: 00-0-0000023241 Incdnt No(DWM Map):3738 UST No: WS-2499 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023241 Current Status: A UST No (DWM Map):WS-2499 1 LUST 33 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Status Title: Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out: 5/11/1989 Close Out(DWMMap):1989/05/12 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred: 8/23/1988 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1988/08/24 00:00:00+00 Cleanup: 5/11/1989 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County: ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.098554 Latitude: 36.098554 Lon (DWM Map):-79.271819 Longitude: -79.271819 Incident Name:MEBANE LAUNDRY Address:308 W. CLAY ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):MEBANE LAUNDRY Address (DWM Map):308 W. CLAY ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Report   PRT ID:1095983 Report Type:CSAS Report Type Description:Comprehensive Site Assmt - Soil - Hi & Int Request Date: Received Date:13-Mar-1989 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:11-May-1989 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code: WS Tot Paid: CD No: 34 RRA Date: Date Reported: 8/24/1988 RRA Risk: Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk:L LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR:WWW Reg: R Close Out FY:1989 Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY:1988 SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY:1988 SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: 34 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-2499%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR: WWW LUR Filed: RO Code: WS LUR Resc: Date Reported: 1988/08/24 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY: 1988 SL MGR: Date Occured FY: 1988 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: Risk: L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY: 1989 X:1919695.23142667 CD NO: 34 Y:854882.29107423 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-2499%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR: WWW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: WS MTBE:0 Date Reported: 8/23/1988 MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact: Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: 3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc: GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code: R RBCA: Reg Code Desc: REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:34 Notice Violtn Issd: 9/7/1988 Reel No:3785 Contamination: SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup: 5/11/1989 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: L Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Google Earth - C Kromm RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE 35 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-1-819133489-b 4 of 6 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 672.36 / -2 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819133489-bbp1p-819133489-y1y Facility ID: 00-0-0000023241 Latitude (Report):36.09838 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):-79.27151 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:MCLEOD OIL COMPANY, INC. Contact Address 1:PO BOX 100/ HIGHWAY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Address1 (Report):308 WEST CLAY STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1970/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity: 550 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:28 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   1 UST 36 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:No Tank Status: Removed Product:Fuel Oil Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1970/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity: 1000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial: No Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:28 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 45560.00 Phone:(919) 563-3172 Facility Key: 103912 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: m-1-898812678-b 5 of 6 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 672.36 / -2 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 308 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-AFS-898812678-bbp1p-898812678-y1y Afs ID: 3700100258 Fed Reportable:No Plant ID: 948096 Current Hpv: Epa Region: 04 Loc Contrl Region:04 Plant County: Alamance Afs Gov Fac Code:0 State No: 37 Operating Status:X Primary Sic Code: 7216 Epa Class Code:B Secondary Sic Code: Epa Complian Stat:9 Naics Code: 812320 State Comp Status:9 Afs Gov Facility Des:PRIVATELY OWNED/OPERATED Operating Status Def:Permanently Closed Epa Classification Des:Potential uncontrolled emissions <100 tons/year Epa Compliance Status:In Compliance - Shut Down State Compliance Status:In Compliance - Shut Down   Actions   Plant ID: 948096 National Actn Type:PS Anu1: 5 All Air Prog Codes:M Date Achieved: 20020328 Result Code:MV Penalty Amount: 0 Pollutant Code: Record Updated Dt: 20021214 Violating Poll Cds: Creation Date: Violation Type Cds: Key Action No: Regional Data Element: National Action Desc:STATE PCE/ON-SITE All Air Program Def:M-MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Result Def:IN VIOLATION 1 AFS 37 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Pollutant Def: All Violating Poll Def: All Violation Type Def:   Actions   Plant ID: 948096 National Actn Type:PX Anu1: 1 All Air Prog Codes:M Date Achieved: 19940618 Result Code:MC Penalty Amount: 0 Pollutant Code: Record Updated Dt: 19980714 Violating Poll Cds: Creation Date: Violation Type Cds: Key Action No: Regional Data Element: National Action Desc:STATE PCE/OFF-SITE All Air Program Def:M-MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Result Def:IN COMPLIANCE Pollutant Def: All Violating Poll Def: All Violation Type Def:   Actions   Plant ID: 948096 National Actn Type:PS Anu1: 2 All Air Prog Codes:M Date Achieved: 20010822 Result Code:MV Penalty Amount: 0 Pollutant Code: Record Updated Dt: 20010913 Violating Poll Cds: Creation Date: Violation Type Cds: Key Action No: Regional Data Element: National Action Desc:STATE PCE/ON-SITE All Air Program Def:M-MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Result Def:IN VIOLATION Pollutant Def: All Violating Poll Def: All Violation Type Def:   Actions   Plant ID: 948096 National Actn Type:PS Anu1: 8 All Air Prog Codes:M Date Achieved: 20030730 Result Code:MC Penalty Amount: 0 Pollutant Code: Record Updated Dt: 20030814 Violating Poll Cds: Creation Date: Violation Type Cds: Key Action No: Regional Data Element: National Action Desc:STATE PCE/ON-SITE All Air Program Def:M-MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Result Def:IN COMPLIANCE Pollutant Def: All Violating Poll Def: All Violation Type Def:   Actions   Plant ID: 948096 National Actn Type:7C Anu1: 6 All Air Prog Codes:M Date Achieved: 20020328 Result Code:MV Penalty Amount: 0 Pollutant Code: Record Updated Dt: 20020506 Violating Poll Cds:HC53 Creation Date: Violation Type Cds: Key Action No: 38 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Regional Data Element: National Action Desc:STATE NOV ISSUED All Air Program Def:M-MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Result Def:IN VIOLATION Pollutant Def: All Violating Poll Def: All Violation Type Def:   Actions   Plant ID: 948096 National Actn Type:7C Anu1: 3 All Air Prog Codes:M Date Achieved: 20010824 Result Code:MV Penalty Amount: 0 Pollutant Code: Record Updated Dt: 20010913 Violating Poll Cds: Creation Date: Violation Type Cds: Key Action No: Regional Data Element: National Action Desc:STATE NOV ISSUED All Air Program Def:M-MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Result Def:IN VIOLATION Pollutant Def: All Violating Poll Def: All Violation Type Def:   Actions   Plant ID: 948096 National Actn Type:PX Anu1: 4 All Air Prog Codes:M Date Achieved: 20011001 Result Code:MC Penalty Amount: 0 Pollutant Code: Record Updated Dt: 20011105 Violating Poll Cds:HC53 Creation Date: Violation Type Cds: Key Action No: Regional Data Element: National Action Desc:STATE PCE/OFF-SITE All Air Program Def:M-MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Result Def:IN COMPLIANCE Pollutant Def: All Violating Poll Def: All Violation Type Def:   Historical Compliance - Air Program Level   Air Program Code:M Air Program Code Ref:MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Historical Compliance Date:0604, 0701, 0702, 0703, 0704, 0801, 0802, 0803, 0804, 0901, 0902, 0903, 0904, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1401, 1402, 1403 Historical Compliance Status:9 Historical Compliance Stat Ref:In Compliance - Shut Down   Air Program   Plant ID: 948096 Poll Classificatn:B Air Program Code: M Poll Compli Status:9 Air Program Status: X Epa Class Code:B Pollutant Code: Epa Compli Status:9 Chemical Abstract Service Nmbr: 127184 Air Program Code Subparts:M Air Program Code Ref:MACT (Section 63 NESHAPS) Epa Classification Code Ref:Potential uncontrolled emissions <100 tons/year Epa Compliance Status Ref:In Compliance - Shut Down Pollutant Code Ref: 39 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Pollutant Classification Ref:Potential uncontrolled emissions <100 tons/year Pollutant Complian Status Ref:In Compliance - Shut Down m-1-899762760-b 6 of 6 WSW 0.00 / 0.00 672.36 / -2 MEBANE CLEANERS 308 W CLAY ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899762760-bbp1p-899762760-y1y County:ALAMANCE X:-79.271519 Y:36.098374   Details   Insp. Date:1989/09/30 00:00:00+00 m-2-879287389-b 1 of2 WSW 0.01 / 41.48 669.66 / -5 Mebane Laundry & Dry Cleaners 312 W. Clay St. Mebane NC dd-DRYCLEANERS-879287389-bb p1p-879287389-y1y Facility ID:010013C Facility Name:Mebane Laundry & Dry Cleaners Address:312 W. Clay St. City:Mebane County:Alamance Facility(Outreach):Mebane Laundry & Dry Cleaners Address(Outreach):312 W. Clay St. City(Outreach):Mebane County(Outreach):Alamance Site Listed In:List of Active and Inactive Dry Cleaners as of 2022; List of Drycleaner Outreach Visits by Compliance Inspectors Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Drycleaner Outreach Visits by Compliance Inspectors   Inspection Date:12/10/2008 Service Type:Full Service (Active) Solvent 1:Perchloroethylene Solvent 2:   Drycleaning List   Inspection Date: Service Type:Full Service (Active) Solvent: m-2-899763017-b 2 of2 WSW 0.01 / 41.48 669.66 / -5 MEBANE LAUNDRY & CLEANERS 312 W CLAY ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899763017-bb p1p-899763017-y1y County:ALAMANCE X:-79.2718507 Y:36.0985118   Details   Insp. Date:2005/05/31 00:00:00+00 m-3-819115763-b 1 of1 ESE 0.03 / 163.06 676.70 / 2 MEBANE BRANCH OFFICE 201 NORTH SECOND STREET dd-UST-819115763-bb p1p-819115763-y1y 1 2 2 3 DRYC HIST BOILER DRYCLEANERS DRYC HIST BOILER UST 40 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB MEBANE NC 27302 Facility ID:00-0-0000023475 Latitude (Report):36.098044 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.27066 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:DUKE POWER COMPANY ATTN:J CARTER Contact Address 1:PO BOX 1006 MAIL CODE EC12Y Contact Address 2: Contact City:CHARLOTTE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:28201-1006 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE BRANCH OFFICE Address1 (Report):201 NORTH SECOND STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1966/05/11 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-DEC-84 FR Amt: Capacity:10000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:4/26/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:16145.00 Phone:(704) 373-4389 Facility Key:102816 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: 41 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-4-819081833-b 1 of3 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 678.67 / 4 MCADAMS PROPERTY, CARL 300 W. CENTER ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819081833-bb p1p-819081833-y1y Incident No:8721 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:00-0-0000004057 Incdnt No(DWM Map):8721 UST No:WS-3082 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000004057 Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-3082 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:3/16/1990 Close Out(DWMMap):1990/03/17 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:12/14/1987 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1987/12/15 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:12/4/1987 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.09747 Latitude:36.09747 Lon (DWM Map):-79.2711 Longitude:-79.2711 Incident Name:MCADAMS PROPERTY, CARL Address:300 W. CENTER ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):MCADAMS PROPERTY, CARL Address (DWM Map):300 W. CENTER ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:06-Aug-1992 00:00:00   Incident Status   Last Modified:16-Mar-1990 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:34 RRA Date: Date Reported:8/11/1989 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR:WWW Reg:R Close Out FY:1990 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1988 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1989 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 4 LUST 42 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-3082%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:WWW LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1989/08/11 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1989 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1988 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:1990 X:1919906.57292682 CD NO:34 Y:854487.095385566 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-3082%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:WWW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:8/10/1989 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:34 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:12/4/1987 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Google Earth - C Kromm RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE 43 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Comment: m-4-819113101-b 2 of3 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 678.67 / 4 TOMMY'S 18 300 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819113101-bb p1p-819113101-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000023467 Latitude (Report):36.09769 No Reg Tanks:2 Longitude (Report):-79.27112 No Non-Reg Tanks:0 Latitude (Map):36.09769 Non-Reg/Com Tanks:0 Longitude (Map):-79.27112 Fac Owner Type:Private/Corporate Latitude (PST):36.09772 County:Longitude (PST):-79.27105 Contact:CARY OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:110 MACKENAN DRIVE Contact Address 2: Contact City:CARY Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27511-7901 Fac Name (Report):TOMMY'S 18 Address1 (Report):300 W CENTER ST Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map):TOMMY'S 18 Fac Address (Map):300 W CENTER ST Fac City (Map):MEBANE Fac Zip (Map):27302 Fac Phone (Map) :(919) 563-6722 Facility Name (PST):TOMMY'S MINI MART Address (PST):300 CENTER ST/HWY119 & W CLAY ST City (PST):MEBANE Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports; Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Active Facilities (Map); Petroleum Storage Tanks Mapper (PST); North Carolina Environmental Quality - Facilty Operating Permits Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:5 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Current Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Auto Shutoff Device Manifold Tank:NO Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Catchment Basin Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall FRP Tank Cert No:201401733O1 Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:201401733O1 Piping System:Pressurized System Installation Date:1990/04/09 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt: Capacity:10000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:7/29/2022 6:29:14 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   4 UST 44 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Current Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Auto Shutoff Device Manifold Tank:NO Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Catchment Basin Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall FRP Tank Cert No:201401733O1 Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:201401733O1 Piping System:Pressurized System Installation Date:1990/04/09 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt: Capacity:10000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:7/29/2022 6:29:14 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1968/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt: Capacity:6000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:7/29/2022 6:29:14 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1968/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt: 45 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Capacity:6000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:7/29/2022 6:29:14 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1968/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt: Capacity:6000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:7/29/2022 6:29:14 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:9602.00 Phone:(919) 462-1100 Facility Key:102808 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date:   PST Details   ObjectID:2954 Total Other:0 Products:Gasoline Only Total Tanks:2 Other Products:Total Gasmix Tanks:2 Total Gasmix:20000 Total Diesel Tanks:0 Total Diesel:0 Total Other Tanks:0 Contact:CARY OIL CO., INC. Phone:(919) 462-1100 Geometry:MULTIPOINT (-79.2710471825559 36.0977128761743)   Operating Permit Details (UST Databases and Reports)   Permit Status:Current No of Tanks:2 Coverage From:01/02/2024 Certificate No:202401276R1 Coverage To:12/31/2024 Revoked Date: 46 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Facility Name:TOMMY'S 18 UST Owner Name:CARY OIL CO., INC. Fac Street Address:300 W CENTER ST City:MEBANE County:Alamance m-4-819128168-b 3 of3 SSE 0.05 / 242.51 678.67 / 4 MCADAM'S EXXON SERVICE 300 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819128168-bb p1p-819128168-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000004057 Latitude (Report):36.097514 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.271206 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:HENDLEY OIL CO INC Contact Address 1:813 ELLIS RD Contact Address 2: Contact City:DURHAM Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27703 Fac Name (Report):MCADAM'S EXXON SERVICE Address1 (Report):300 W CENTER ST Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1981/04/11 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity:4000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   4 UST 47 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1981/04/11 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity:6000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:6 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1976/09/24 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity:6000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:5 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Kerosene, Kero Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1966/04/15 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance 48 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Perm Close Date:30-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity:550 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Oil, New/Used/Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1981/04/11 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity:2000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1981/04/11 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity:2000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: 49 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:29284.00 Phone:(919) 596-5321 Facility Key:86199 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-5-886046344-b 1 of1 W 0.05 / 255.54 667.09 / -7 Mebane Ret Wilba Road Mebane NC dd-TIER 2-886046344-bb p1p-886046344-y1y PCS ID:6399439 GW Risk RA:Higher Swap ID:TII7171 SW Risk RA:Higher PCS Type:TII County:Alamance PCS Type T:Tier II Sites X:-79.2726428182173 HML Swap R:H Y:36.0983971243298 Data Source:Tier II Site locations used in the 2020 SWAP reports   m-6-899762293-b 1 of1 ESE 0.05 / 259.35 677.03 / 3 MAGIC CLEANERS 214 WEST CLAY STREET, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899762293-bb p1p-899762293-y1y County:ALAMANCE X:-79.2703533 Y:36.0980410000001   Details   Insp. Date:1972/03/10 00:00:00+00 m-7-819091266-b 1 of4 SW 0.05 / 270.43 668.30 / -6 DODSON AMOCO 306 W CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819091266-bb p1p-819091266-y1y Incident No:18105 Contam Type:Groundwater/Both Facility ID:00-0-0000023229 Incdnt No(DWM Map):18105 UST No:WS-5268 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023229 Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-5268 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:Close Out(DWMMap): Date Occurred:10/1/1997 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1997/10/02 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:9/30/2001 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.09766 Latitude:36.09766 Lon (DWM Map):-79.27224 Longitude:-79.27224 Incident Name:DODSON AMOCO Address:306 W CENTER STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):DODSON AMOCO Address (DWM Map):306 W CENTER STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (RRA); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   5 6 7 TIER 2 DRYC HIST BOILER LUST 50 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:29-Dec-1997 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1100145 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date:25-Sep-1997 00:00:00 Received Date:20-Nov-1997 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date:01-Oct-1997 00:00:00 Comment:   PRT ID:1102785 Report Type:LSA2 Report Type Description:Limited Site Assmt Phase 1 & 2 Request Date:23-Jan-2003 00:00:00 Received Date:15-Mar-2004 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:16-Mar-2004 00:00:00 Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: Extension granted. Due date: 3/12/2004.   RRA   RRA ID:50306 RRA Date:24-Mar-2023 00:00:00 RRA Init:MSL RRA Risk:I RRA Rank:0130 RRA Abate:D   Incident Status   Last Modified:28-Jun-2023 00:00:00 Incident Phase:RA Incid Phase Desc:Remedial Action NOV Issued: NORR Issued:13-Feb-2023 00:00:00 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:0 CD No:0 RRA Date:3/25/2023 Date Reported:10/2/1997 RRA Risk:I Land Use:IND RRA Rank Curr:130 LUR Filed:RRA Abate:D 51 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB LUR Resc:Risk:I LUR State:RRA Rank:0130 Comm:C MGR:MSL Reg:R Close Out FY: Conf Risk:I Date Occured FY:1998 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1998 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:100 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5268%2A%22%7D Comment:WILL NEED NORR AFTER RISK BASED RULES ARE EFFECTIVE. LSA extension granted until 3/12/2004. 02/13/2023: NORR sent for sampling event and updated receptor survey 03/21/2023: Verbal approval given to remove six trucks of contaminated soil at tank pul **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:MSL LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1997/10/02 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1998 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1998 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:100 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:0 RRA Date:2023/03/25 00:00:00+00 Conf Risk:I RRA Risk:I Risk:I RRA Rank Curr:130 Landuse:IND RRA Abate:D Inc Stat:Open RRA Rank:0130 Closeout FY:X:1919569.95994659 CD NO:0 Y:854557.183899889 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5268%2A%22%7D Comment:WILL NEED NORR AFTER RISK BASED RULES ARE EFFECTIVE. LSA extension granted until 3/12/2004. 02/13/2023: NORR sent for sampling event and updated receptor survey 03/21/2023: Verbal approval given to remove six trucks of contaminated soil at tank pul **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR:MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:10/1/1997 MTBE 1:Y Source:3 Contact:MICHAEL L. TOMPKINS Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:E050 Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:6/30/1998 CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:GW ERR CD:NO Cleanup:9/30/2001 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:I Cat Code: Risk:I Reliability: 52 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Land Use:IND Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Industrial New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:G Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:AGOL RP Company:MCLEOD OIL COMPANY RP Address:P O BOX 100 RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: WILL NEED NORR AFTER RISK BASED RULES ARE EFFECTIVE. LSA extension granted until 3/12/2004._x000D_ _x000D_ 02/13/2023: NORR sent for sampling event and updated receptor survey_x000D_ _x000D_ 03/21/2023: Verbal approval given to remove six trucks of contaminated soil at tank pull. They were preapproved for 100 tons. At the time of approval, three trucks had been removed and TPH detections were still above 1,000 ppm. They are concentrating the dig in the direction of the monitoring well with GCL violations. One monitoring well (MW-1) near the tank pit was destroyed._x000D_ _x000D_ 04/10/2023: New release determination meeting. Decided that contamination at tank removal is the same release but the decision can be changed if new information is supplied. Continue working on site under incident #18105. m-7-819121625-b 2 of4 SW 0.05 / 270.43 668.30 / -6 DODSON'S AMOCO 306 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819121625-bb p1p-819121625-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000023229 Latitude (Report):36.09765 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.27221 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:MCLEOD OIL COMPANY, INC. Contact Address 1:PO BOX 100/ HIGHWAY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):DODSON'S AMOCO Address1 (Report):306 WEST CENTER STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   7 UST 53 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:199706061O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:199706061O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1970/05/03 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity:1000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:5/24/2002 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:A2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Current Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Auto Shutoff Device Manifold Tank:NO Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Catchment Basin Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall FRP Tank Cert No:201105613O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel/FRP Cert No:201105613O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1997/10/02 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity:2000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:5/24/2002 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:A3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Current Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Auto Shutoff Device Manifold Tank:NO Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Catchment Basin Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall FRP Tank Cert No:201105613O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel/FRP Cert No:201105613O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1997/10/02 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance 54 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Perm Close Date:FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity:2000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:5/24/2002 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:A1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Current Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Auto Shutoff Device Manifold Tank:NO Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Catchment Basin Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall FRP Tank Cert No:201105613O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel/FRP Cert No:201105613O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1997/10/02 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity:2000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:5/24/2002 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:199706061O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:199706061O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1970/05/03 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity:1000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:5/24/2002 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: 55 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:199706061O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:199706061O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1970/05/03 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity:1000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:5/24/2002 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:45560.00 Phone:(919) 563-3172 Facility Key:103800 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-7-858149377-b 3 of4 SW 0.05 / 270.43 668.30 / -6 Dodson's Amoco 306 W. Center St. Mebane NC 27302 dd-DELISTED FSS-858149377-bb p1p-858149377-y1y Status:Kerosene:0 Commercial:Nonhwy:0 Gasoline:3 County:Alamance Diesel:0 Phone:9195633366 HV Diesel:0 Latitude: DEF:0 Longitude: Original Source:FSS Record Date:03-AUG-2018   m-7-919909943-b 4 of4 SW 0.05 / 270.43 668.30 / -6 Dodson Amoco 306 W Center Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-919909943-bb p1p-919909943-y1y Incident No:18105 Facility ID:00-0-0000023229 Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:NA 3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:NA Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 7 7 DELISTED FSS LUST TRUST 56 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB UST No:WS-5268 Deduct Determine:5 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$20,000.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1:flat 20 k Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2:94B(b)(3) % Commercial Fund:1.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note:Commercial; $20,000 deductible. 100% eligible for all cost that exceed the $20K deductible per elig letter dated 4/4/2023 by KMO> m-8-920224302-b 1 of1 S 0.06 / 312.57 676.97 / 3 Tommy's Mini-Mart 76 300 W. Center Street Mebane NC 27302 dd-FUEL STATIONS-920224302-bb p1p-920224302-y1y Bus ID:NC000208 Inact Date: Type:Gas Station Last Insp:9/21/2022 Grain:Next Insp:9/21/2023 County:Alamance Measurments:Central Addr2: Contact: Email:verastephens@triad.rr.com Phone:919-563-6722   m-9-819091084-b 1 of2 ESE 0.06 / 334.48 676.29 / 2 SETTLE PROPERTY, JUDITH 210 W. CLAY MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819091084-bb p1p-819091084-y1y Incident No:30581 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):30581 UST No:WS-7152 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-7152 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:6/23/2005 Close Out(DWMMap):2005/06/24 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:6/3/2005 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2005/06/04 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:6/3/2005 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.0975 Latitude:36.0975 Lon (DWM Map):-79.2695 Longitude:-79.2695 Incident Name:SETTLE PROPERTY, JUDITH Address:210 W. CLAY City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):SETTLE PROPERTY, JUDITH Address (DWM Map):210 W. CLAY City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:16-Jun-2005 00:00:00   Incident Details   Release Code:2 Samples Taken By:y Release Cause:Samples Include: Release Source:7.5 Min Quad: Type:4 5 Min Quad: Location:7 Submitted Date:04-Jun-2005 00:00:00 8 9 FUEL STATIONS LUST 57 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:P Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:3 Wells Affected Y/N:u Operation Desc:Residential Wells Affected: Description of Incident:Contamination discovered at tank removal   Incident Report   PRT ID:1106738 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:08-Jun-2005 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:20-Jun-2005 00:00:00 Approved Date:20-Jun-2005 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: 20 Day received 6/16/05.   Incident Status   Last Modified:23-Jun-2005 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:7805.49 CD No:276 RRA Date: Date Reported:6/5/2005 RRA Risk: Land Use:RES RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:LME Reg:N Close Out FY:2005 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2005 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2005 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7152%2A%22%7D Comment:6/23/050sent non-nrp nfa; **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:LME LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: 58 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Date Reported:2005/06/05 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2005 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2005 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:7805.49 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RES RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2005 X:1920379.3080896 CD NO:276 Y:854496.729329829 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7152%2A%22%7D Comment:6/23/050sent non-nrp nfa; **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR:LME Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:6/4/2005 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:90 COMM:N RBCA GW: COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:276 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:6/3/2005 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:RES Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Residential New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:RP Supplied RP Company:JUDITH SETTLE RP Address:702 S. FIFTH STREET RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:TRUE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: 6/23/050sent non-nrp nfa; **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. m-9-819100870-b 2 of2 ESE 0.06 / 334.48 676.29 / 2 Settle Property, Judith 210 W Clay dd-LUST TRUST-819100870-bb p1p-819100870-y1y 9 LUST TRUST 59 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Mebane NC Incident No:30581 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:STF 56 Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-7152 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:No Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: m-10-810293104-b 1 of1 SW 0.07 / 354.74 666.34 / -8 BELL FORD 400 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-RCRA NON GEN-810293104-bb p1p-810293104-y1y EPA Handler ID:NCR000137810 Gen Status Universe:No Report Contact Name:GEORGE BELL Contact Address:400 W CENTER ST , , MEBANE , NC, 27302 , US Contact Phone No and Ext:919-563-9071 Contact Email: Contact Country:US County Name:ALAMANCE EPA Region:04 Land Type:Private Receive Date:20090424 Location Latitude: Location Longitude:   Violation/Evaluation Summary   Note:NO VIOLATIONS: All of the compliance records associated with this facility (EPA ID) indicate NO VIOLATIONS; Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement table dated Oct, 2023.   Evaluation Details   Evaluation Start Date:20090423 Evaluation Type Description:COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Violation Short Description: Return to Compliance Date: Evaluation Agency:State   Handler Summary   Importer Activity:No Mixed Waste Generator:No Transporter Activity:No Transfer Facility:No Onsite Burner Exemption:No Furnace Exemption:No Underground Injection Activity:No Commercial TSD:No Used Oil Transporter:No 10 RCRA NON GEN 60 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Used Oil Transfer Facility:No Used Oil Processor:No Used Oil Refiner:No Used Oil Burner:No Used Oil Market Burner:No Used Oil Spec Marketer:No   Hazardous Waste Handler Details   Sequence No:1 Receive Date:20020607 Handler Name:AMICK MOTOR CO INC Source Type:Notification Federal Waste Generator Code:2 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator   Hazardous Waste Handler Details   Sequence No:2 Receive Date:20050106 Handler Name:AMICK MOTOR CO INC Source Type:Implementer Federal Waste Generator Code:2 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator   Hazardous Waste Handler Details   Sequence No:3 Receive Date:20080425 Handler Name:BELL FORD Source Type:Implementer Federal Waste Generator Code:2 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator   Hazardous Waste Handler Details   Sequence No:4 Receive Date:20090424 Handler Name:BELL FORD Source Type:Implementer Federal Waste Generator Code:N Generator Code Description:Not a Generator, Verified   Owner/Operator Details   Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:400 W CENTER ST Name:GEORGE C AMICK Street 2: Date Became Current:City:MEBANE Date Ended Current:State:NC Phone:919-563-9071 Country: Source Type:Implementer Zip Code:27302   Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:400 W CENTER ST Name:GEORGE C AMICK Street 2: Date Became Current:17760101 City:MEBANE Date Ended Current:State:NC Phone:919-563-9071 Country: Source Type:Notification Zip Code:27302   Historical Handler Details 61 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   Receive Dt:20080425 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator Handler Name:BELL FORD   Receive Dt:20050106 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator Handler Name:AMICK MOTOR CO INC   Receive Dt:20020607 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator Handler Name:AMICK MOTOR CO INC m-11-899762440-b 1 of1 ESE 0.10 / 528.24 677.55 / 3 STA NU CLEANERS 203 W CLAY STREET, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899762440-bb p1p-899762440-y1y County:ALAMANCE X:-79.2696779 Y:36.0975125000001   Details   Insp. Date:1976/01/26 00:00:00+00 m-12-819111353-b 1 of2 SE 0.11 / 574.44 678.02 / 4 The Eagle Oil Co. Inc. 101 N. Third St. Mebane NC 00000 dd-DTNK-819111353-bb p1p-819111353-y1y   Delisted Aboveground Storage Tanks   Registration ID:01402119 Status Change: Registration No:Date of Change: ID:01019 County:Alamance Cert of Reg Issued:Activation Date: Date Recd:Latitude: Comments:Longitude: Description:Coordinate Source: Owner Name: Phone: Owner Name (2007-Present): Terminal Name (2007-Present): Address (2007-Present): City (2007-Present): County (2007-Present): Date Rec D (2007-Present): Phone No (2007-Present): Contact Name (2007-Present): Registration No (2007-Present): Certificate of Registration: Registration (2007-Present): Comments (2007-Present): Note: Source:Oil Terminal Facilities - Old Registration Original Source:AST Record Date:28-NOV-2017 m-12-890081625-b 2 of2 SE 0.11 / 574.44 678.02 / 4 The Eagle Oil Co. Inc. 101 N. Third St. Mebane NC dd-DTNK-890081625-bb p1p-890081625-y1y   11 12 12 DRYC HIST BOILER DTNK DTNK 62 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Delisted Aboveground Storage Tanks   Registration ID:01402119 Status Change: Registration No:Date of Change: ID:01019 County:Alamance Cert of Reg Issued:Activation Date: Date Recd:Latitude: Comments:Longitude: Description:Coordinate Source: Owner Name: Phone: Owner Name (2007-Present): Terminal Name (2007-Present): Address (2007-Present): City (2007-Present): County (2007-Present): Date Rec D (2007-Present): Phone No (2007-Present): Contact Name (2007-Present): Registration No (2007-Present): Certificate of Registration: Registration (2007-Present): Comments (2007-Present): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Source:Oil Terminal Facilities - Old Registration Original Source:AST Record Date:08-MAR-2022 m-13-819124293-b 1 of1 ESE 0.11 / 587.92 677.89 / 3 FORREST E. BROWN 3RD & CLAY STREETS MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819124293-bb p1p-819124293-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000023687 Latitude (Report):36.09753 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.26935 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:FORREST E. BROWN Contact Address 1:3RD & CLAY STREETS Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):FORREST E. BROWN Address1 (Report):3RD & CLAY STREETS Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes 13 UST 63 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Status:Removed Product:Oil, New/Used/Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1966/05/13 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:27-NOV-89 FR Amt: Capacity:275 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:10/19/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:23200.00 Phone:(999) 999-9999 Facility Key:103687 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-14-819136054-b 1 of2 WSW 0.11 / 604.37 656.21 / -18 DIXIE YARNS, INC. 301 WEST WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819136054-bb p1p-819136054-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000022757 Latitude (Report):36.09677 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.27371 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:DIXIE YARNS, INC. Contact Address 1:PO BOX 751/1100 WATKINS ST Contact Address 2: Contact City:CHATTANOOGA Contact State:TN Contact Zip:37401-0751 Fac Name (Report):DIXIE YARNS, INC. Address1 (Report):301 WEST WASHINGTON STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   14 UST 64 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1964/04/22 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-NOV-88 FR Amt: Capacity:5000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1964/04/22 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-NOV-88 FR Amt: Capacity:5000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1964/04/22 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:30-NOV-88 FR Amt: Capacity:1000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/5/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: 65 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:15497.00 Phone:(XXX) XXX-XXXX Facility Key:104156 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-14-825349495-b 2 of2 WSW 0.11 / 604.37 656.21 / -18 DIXIE YARNS, INC. 301 W. WASHINGTON ST. MEBANE NC dd-LUST-825349495-bb p1p-825349495-y1y Incident No:Contam Type:None Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No:WS-1807 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-1807 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:8/21/2001 Close Out(DWMMap):2001/08/22 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:8/21/2001 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2001/08/22 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:8/21/2001 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude:0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude:0 Incident Name:DIXIE YARNS, INC. Address:301 W. WASHINGTON ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):DIXIE YARNS, INC. Address (DWM Map):301 W. WASHINGTON ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:88 RRA Date: Date Reported:8/22/2001 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk: LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR: Reg:N Close Out FY:2001 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2001 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2001 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1807%2A%22%7D Comment:5000 GAL. HO UST REMOVED; NO CONTAMINATION INDICATED. NONREG TANK-NO FURTHER REVIEW 14 LUST 66 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB AT THIS TIME.   RUST Data   MGR:LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2001/08/22 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2001 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2001 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2001 X:32888970.6352937 CD NO:88 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1807%2A%22%7D Comment:5000 GAL. HO UST REMOVED; NO CONTAMINATION INDICATED. NONREG TANK-NO FURTHER REVIEW AT THIS TIME.   LUST Database   MGR:Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:8/21/2001 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:GPS Conf:99 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA: Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:88 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:NO ERR CD:NO Cleanup:8/21/2001 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE 67 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Comment: 5000 GAL. HO UST REMOVED; NO CONTAMINATION INDICATED. NONREG TANK-NO FURTHER REVIEW AT THIS TIME. m-15-819091196-b 1 of4 SE 0.13 / 692.29 678.58 / 4 DON CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER 120 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819091196-bb p1p-819091196-y1y Incident No:14846 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:00-0-0000023639 Incdnt No(DWM Map):14846 UST No:WS-4563 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023639 Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-4563 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:12/16/1995 Close Out(DWMMap):1995/12/17 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:11/14/1995 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1995/11/15 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:10/24/1995 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.0969940014547 Latitude:36.0969940014547 Lon (DWM Map):-79.2693116518008 Longitude:-79.2693116518008 Incident Name:DON CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER Address:120 W. CENTER STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):DON CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER Address (DWM Map):120 W. CENTER STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:13-Dec-1995 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1097770 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date:10-Oct-1995 00:00:00 Received Date:14-Nov-1995 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date:04-Nov-1995 00:00:00 Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:19-Jan-1996 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: 15 LUST 68 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:34 RRA Date: Date Reported:10/26/1995 RRA Risk: Land Use:IND RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR:MBA Reg:R Close Out FY:1996 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1996 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1996 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-4563%2A%22%7D Comment:One 1000-gallon Kerosene, one 2000-gallon gasoline and two 3000-gallon gasoline USTs were removed on October 24, 1995.   RUST Data   MGR:MBA LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1995/10/26 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1996 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1996 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:IND RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:1996 X:1920434.45405346 CD NO:34 Y:854312.376611413 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-4563%2A%22%7D Comment:One 1000-gallon Kerosene, one 2000-gallon gasoline and two 3000-gallon gasoline USTs were removed on October 24, 1995.   LUST Database   MGR:MBA Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:10/25/1995 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:9195633132 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:34 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 69 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:10/24/1995 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:IND Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Industrial New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:FOUST OIL COMPANY RP Address:601 E. CENTER STREET RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:TRUE RP Operator:TRUE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: One 1000-gallon Kerosene, one 2000-gallon gasoline and two 3000-gallon gasoline USTs were removed on October 24, 1995. m-15-819092336-b 2 of4 SE 0.13 / 692.29 678.58 / 4 CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER - B (Former) 120 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819092336-bb p1p-819092336-y1y Incident No:30451 Contam Type:Groundwater/Both Facility ID:00-0-0000023639 Incdnt No(DWM Map):30451 UST No:WS-6996 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023639 Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-6996 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:Close Out(DWMMap): Date Occurred:11/6/2003 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2003/11/07 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:12/10/1995 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.096877 Latitude:36.096877 Lon (DWM Map):-79.269394 Longitude:-79.269394 Incident Name:CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER - B (Former) Address:120 W. CENTER STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):CRAWFORD SERVICE CENTER - B (Former) Address (DWM Map):120 W. CENTER STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (RRA); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:20-Aug-2004 00:00:00   15 LUST 70 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Incident Details   Release Code:3 Samples Taken By:y Release Cause:Samples Include: Release Source:C 7.5 Min Quad: Type:3 5 Min Quad: Location:1 Submitted Date:18-Aug-2004 00:00:00 Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:C Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:6 Wells Affected Y/N:u Operation Desc:Commercial Wells Affected: Description of Incident:prebuy assessment found contamination at former gas station. See incident 14846   Incident Report   PRT ID:1098058 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date: Received Date:08-Apr-2005 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:21-Apr-2005 00:00:00 Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1107219 Report Type:LSA1 Report Type Description:Limited Site Assmt Phase 1 Request Date:06-Apr-2005 00:00:00 Received Date:06-Sep-2005 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:13-Sep-2005 00:00:00 Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1107386 Report Type:OTH Report Type Description:Other (Comments Required) Request Date: Received Date:18-Aug-2004 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: Received ESA and 24 hour notice **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RRA   RRA ID:49075 RRA Date:25-Feb-2021 00:00:00 RRA Init:MSL RRA Risk:I RRA Rank:0130 RRA Abate:D   Incident Status 71 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   Last Modified:28-Jun-2023 00:00:00 Incident Phase:RE Incid Phase Desc:Response NOV Issued: NORR Issued:23-Sep-2022 00:00:00 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:33315.27 CD No:0 RRA Date:2/26/2021 Date Reported:8/19/2004 RRA Risk:I Land Use:IND RRA Rank Curr:130 LUR Filed:RRA Abate:D LUR Resc:Risk:I LUR State:RRA Rank:0130 Comm:C MGR:MSL Reg:R Close Out FY: Conf Risk:I Date Occured FY:2004 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2004 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:100 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6996%2A%22%7D Comment:Incident 14846 is also associated with these tanks. However the file is archived. Instead of reopening we are assiging a new incident number. Benzene, MTBE over GCLs. 1/23/06 -ok for nrp. New wells installed in May 2005, Benzene, **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:MSL LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2004/08/19 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2004 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2004 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:100 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:33315.27 RRA Date:2021/02/26 00:00:00+00 Conf Risk:I RRA Risk:I Risk:I RRA Rank Curr:130 Landuse:IND RRA Abate:D Inc Stat:Open RRA Rank:0130 Closeout FY:X:1920410.00935173 CD NO:0 Y:854269.850089253 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6996%2A%22%7D Comment:Incident 14846 is also associated with these tanks. However the file is archived. Instead of reopening we are assiging a new incident number. Benzene, MTBE over GCLs. 1/23/06 -ok for nrp. New wells installed in May 2005, Benzene, **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   72 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB MGR:MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:8/18/2004 MTBE 1:Y Source:3 Contact:DON CRAWFORD Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No: Contamination:GW ERR CD:NO Cleanup:12/10/1995 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:I Cat Code: Risk:I Reliability: Land Use:IND Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Industrial New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:G Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:AGOL RP Company:DON CRAWFORD AUOTOMOTIVE RP Address:1532 SYKES ROAD RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:TRUE RP Operator:TRUE RP Land Owner:TRUE Comment: Incident 14846 is also associated with these tanks. However the file is archived. Instead of reopening we are assiging a new incident number. Benzene, MTBE over GCLs. _x000D_ _x000D_ 1/23/06 -ok for nrp. New wells installed in May 2005, Benzene, MTBE and Xylenes exceed GCLs._x000D_ _x000D_ 12/03/2020: Funding resumed sent to City of Mebane. The city is Trust Fund eligible for this incident._x000D_ _x000D_ 03/26/2021: CSA NORR sent. An updated receptor survey should be conducted as part of the CSA._x000D_ _x000D_ 09/23/2022: NORR sent for pre-CAP monitoring_x000D_ _x000D_ 10/06/2023: Last report recommended an AFVR event to decrease concentrations and determine its effectiveness. Emailed consultant to agree with that and asked for them to send in a TA for the AFVR event **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. m-15-819099010-b 3 of4 SE 0.13 / 692.29 678.58 / 4 Crawford Service Center-B 120 W Center Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819099010-bb p1p-819099010-y1y Incident No:30451 Facility ID:0-023639 Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   15 LUST TRUST 73 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Details   Archive Submit No:NA 3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:NA Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-6996 Deduct Determine:8 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$75,000.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1:75 k - work not completed Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2:94B(b)(2a)(iii) % Commercial Fund:1.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: m-15-819113770-b 4 of4 SE 0.13 / 692.29 678.58 / 4 MEBANE EXXON 120 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819113770-bb p1p-819113770-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000023639 Latitude (Report):36.097 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.2693 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO INC Contact Address 1:PO BOX 468 ATTN: SUE KIMREY Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302-0468 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE EXXON Address1 (Report):120 WEST CENTER STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1984/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:25-OCT-95 FR Amt: Capacity:3000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:1/6/1998 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: 15 UST 74 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Kerosene, Kero Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1984/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:25-OCT-95 FR Amt: Capacity:1000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:1/6/1998 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1984/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:25-OCT-95 FR Amt: Capacity:3000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:1/6/1998 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix 75 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1984/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:25-OCT-95 FR Amt: Capacity:2000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:1/6/1998 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:23302.00 Phone:(919) 563-2002 Facility Key:103453 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-16-819140084-b 1 of1 NE 0.16 / 858.92 683.01 / 9 MEBANE HOSIERY, INC. 300 WEST CRAWFORD STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819140084-bb p1p-819140084-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000003221 Latitude (Report):36.101078 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.269715 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:MEBANE HOSIERY, INC. Contact Address 1:300 WEST CRAWFORD STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE HOSIERY, INC. Address1 (Report):300 WEST CRAWFORD STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes 16 UST 76 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Unknown Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1961/03/09 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:01-MAR-84 FR Amt: Capacity:5000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:28 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:45710.00 Phone:(919) 563-5943 Facility Key:85485 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-17-819129335-b 1 of2 SE 0.17 / 878.60 682.33 / 8 U.S POSTAL SERVICE 116 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819129335-bb p1p-819129335-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000023868 Latitude (Report):36.09685 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.26878 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:U.S POSTAL SERVICE Contact Address 1:116 WEST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):U.S POSTAL SERVICE Address1 (Report):116 WEST CENTER STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   17 UST 77 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank ID:1 Regulated:No Tank Status:Removed Product:Fuel Oil Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Unknown Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1964/05/03 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:17-MAR-94 FR Amt: Capacity:2000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:11/2/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:72009.00 Phone:(919) 563-1261 Facility Key:104223 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-17-825351094-b 2 of2 SE 0.17 / 878.60 682.33 / 8 U S POSTAL SERVICE - MEBANE 116 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC dd-LUST-825351094-bb p1p-825351094-y1y Incident No:Contam Type:None Facility ID:00-0-0000023868 Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No:WS-323 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023868 Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-323 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:3/8/1996 Close Out(DWMMap):1996/03/09 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:3/8/1996 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1996/03/09 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:3/8/1996 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude:0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude:0 Incident Name:U S POSTAL SERVICE - MEBANE Address:116 W. CENTER STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):U S POSTAL SERVICE - MEBANE Address (DWM Map):116 W. CENTER STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:35 RRA Date: Date Reported:3/9/1996 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: 17 LUST 78 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB LUR Resc:Risk: LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR:TKM Reg:N Close Out FY:1996 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1996 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1996 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-323%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:TKM LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1996/03/09 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1996 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1996 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:1996 X:32888970.6352937 CD NO:35 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-323%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:TKM Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:3/8/1996 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:GPS Conf:99 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA: Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:35 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:NO ERR CD:NO Cleanup:3/8/1996 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: 79 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-18-819123209-b 1 of3 SE 0.17 / 893.52 678.93 / 5 KINGSDOWN, INC. 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819123209-bb p1p-819123209-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000024055 Latitude (Report):36.09538 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.27008 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:KINGSDOWN, INC. Contact Address 1:126 WEST HOLT STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):KINGSDOWN, INC. Address1 (Report):126 WEST HOLT STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1976/05/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-OCT-89 FR Amt: Capacity:10000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:10/18/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: 18 UST 80 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Kerosene, Kero Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1956/05/12 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-OCT-89 FR Amt: Capacity:500 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:10/18/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1966/05/10 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-OCT-89 FR Amt: Capacity:550 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:10/18/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes 81 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1966/05/10 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-OCT-89 FR Amt: Capacity:250 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:10/18/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:38753.00 Phone:(919) 563-3531 Facility Key:104957 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-18-891348459-b 2 of3 SE 0.17 / 893.52 678.93 / 5 KINGSDOWN, INCORPORATED 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-AIR PERMIT-891348459-bb p1p-891348459-y1y Facility ID:0100055 Permit No:05935R08 County:ALAMANCE Latitude:36.095300000 Longitude:-79.270100000   Details   Permit Class:SMALL Issue Date:11/23/10 Expiration Date:10/31/15 SIC:2515 Regional Office:WINSTON-SALEM REGIONAL OFFICE Permit Contact:MR ABDUL MAJID Contact Address:126 WEST HOLT STREET Contact Addr2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Contact Phone:(919) 563-3531 Extension:119 Link to Latest Permit:HTTP://XAPPS.NCDENR.ORG/AQ/FDOCSSERVLET/109940 m-18-891348460-b 3 of3 SE 0.17 / 893.52 678.93 / 5 KINGSDOWN, INCORPORATED 126 WEST HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-AIR PERMIT-891348460-bb p1p-891348460-y1y Facility ID:0100055 Permit No:05935R09 County:ALAMANCE Latitude:36.095300000 18 18 AIR PERMIT AIR PERMIT 82 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Longitude:-79.270100000   Details   Permit Class:SMALL Issue Date:06/23/15 Expiration Date:05/31/23 SIC:2515 Regional Office:WINSTON-SALEM REGIONAL OFFICE Permit Contact:MR ABDUL MAJID Contact Address:P.O. BOX 388 Contact Addr2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Contact Phone:(919) 563-3531 Extension:119 Link to Latest Permit:HTTP://XAPPS.NCDENR.ORG/AQ/FDOCSSERVLET/142278 m-19-819086194-b 1 of1 SSE 0.17 / 915.58 676.55 / 2 KINGSDOWN 126 W. HOLT ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819086194-bb p1p-819086194-y1y Incident No:6156 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):6156 UST No:WS-2673 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-2673 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:4/6/2010 Close Out(DWMMap):2010/04/07 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:11/28/1989 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1989/11/29 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:11/28/1989 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.0959621870751 Latitude:36.0959621870751 Lon (DWM Map):-79.2703487261508 Longitude:-79.2703487261508 Incident Name:KINGSDOWN Address:126 W. HOLT ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):KINGSDOWN Address (DWM Map):126 W. HOLT ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Report   PRT ID:1094212 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date:30-Aug-1989 00:00:00 Received Date:28-Nov-1989 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:06-Apr-2010 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO 19 LUST 83 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:535 RRA Date: Date Reported:11/29/1994 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:B MGR:WWW Reg:B Close Out FY:2010 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1990 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1995 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-2673%2A%22%7D Comment:NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION TO RANK.||| West Holt & Third, urban, probable low risk.   RUST Data   MGR:WWW LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1994/11/29 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1995 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1990 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:B SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:B SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2010 X:1920127.03516511 CD NO:535 Y:853937.592442987 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-2673%2A%22%7D Comment:NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION TO RANK.||| West Holt & Third, urban, probable low risk.   LUST Database   MGR:WWW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:11/28/1994 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:C010 Lur Status: Pollutant Type:LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:B RBCA GW: 84 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB COMM Desc:BOTH RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:B RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:BOTH AT SAME SITE RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:1/29/1990 CD No:535 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:11/28/1989 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:KINGSDOWN, INC. RP Address:P. O. BOX 388 RP City:MEBANE RP State:MC RP Zip Code:27392 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION TO RANK.||| West Holt & Third, urban, probable low risk. m-20-819107936-b 1 of1 NNE 0.18 / 934.56 683.15 / 9 Lea Property 402 North First Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819107936-bb p1p-819107936-y1y Incident No:21644 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:NA 3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:NA Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-5985 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: m-21-819089095-b 1 of1 NNE 0.18 / 935.72 686.67 / 12 LEA PROPERTY, ETHEL 402 N. FIRST ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819089095-bb p1p-819089095-y1y Incident No:21644 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):21644 UST No:WS-5985 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-5985 20 21 LUST TRUST LUST 85 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:4/28/2000 Close Out(DWMMap):2000/04/29 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:4/10/2000 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2000/04/11 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:9/30/2001 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.101223 Latitude:36.101223 Lon (DWM Map):-79.270349 Longitude:-79.270349 Incident Name:LEA PROPERTY, ETHEL Address:402 N. FIRST ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):LEA PROPERTY, ETHEL Address (DWM Map):402 N. FIRST ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:10-May-2000 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1094244 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:19-Apr-2000 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:15-May-2000 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:6386.64 CD No:87 RRA Date: Date Reported:4/12/2000 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:LME 86 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Reg:N Close Out FY:2000 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2000 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2000 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5985%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:LME LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2000/04/12 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2000 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2000 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:6386.64 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2000 X:1920132.16984354 CD NO:87 Y:855852.717470153 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5985%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:LME Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:4/11/2000 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:BARRY LEA Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:N RBCA GW: COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:87 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:9/30/2001 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address:207 BARONS GLENN WAY RP City:CARY 87 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27513 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-22-819133540-b 1 of1 SE 0.18 / 966.27 681.27 / 7 MEBANE HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY 114 WEST CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819133540-bb p1p-819133540-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000003588 Latitude (Report):36.096742 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.268512 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO INC Contact Address 1:PO BOX 468 ATTN: SUE KIMREY Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302-0468 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY Address1 (Report):114 WEST CENTER STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1976/02/27 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-DEC-89 FR Amt: Capacity:500 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:4/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: 22 UST 88 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1971/02/28 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-DEC-89 FR Amt: Capacity:1000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:4/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1978/02/26 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-DEC-89 FR Amt: Capacity:1000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:4/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown 89 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1976/02/27 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:31-DEC-89 FR Amt: Capacity:1000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:4/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:23302.00 Phone:(919) 563-2002 Facility Key:85787 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-23-819143996-b 1 of2 ESE 0.19 / 989.13 674.49 / 0 RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 108 WEST CLAY STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819143996-bb p1p-819143996-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000023642 Latitude (Report):36.09749 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.26789 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:403 EAST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. Address1 (Report):108 WEST CLAY STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix 23 UST 90 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1981/05/06 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:18-SEP-89 FR Amt: Capacity:1000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:7/24/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:23305.00 Phone:(919) 563-3132 Facility Key:103456 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-23-825352017-b 2 of2 ESE 0.19 / 989.13 674.49 / 0 RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 108 W. CLAY ST. MEBANE NC dd-LUST-825352017-bb p1p-825352017-y1y Incident No:Contam Type: Facility ID:00-0-0000023642 Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No:WS-707 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023642 Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-707 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:Close Out(DWMMap): Date Occurred:Dt Occur (DWM Map): Cleanup:County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude:0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude:0 Incident Name:RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. Address:108 W. CLAY ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. Address (DWM Map):108 W. CLAY ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:0 RRA Date: Date Reported:RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk: LUR State:RRA Rank: 23 LUST 91 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Comm:C MGR:MSL Reg:R Close Out FY: Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY: SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY: SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-707%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:MSL LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:LUR State: Date Reported FY:SL MGR: Date Occured FY:SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Open RRA Rank: Closeout FY:X:32888970.6352937 CD NO:0 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-707%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:GPS Conf:99 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:ERR CD:NO Cleanup:Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: 92 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-24-819137436-b 1 of1 SE 0.21 / 1,087.98 685.32 / 11 MEBANE TELEPHONE 109 W WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819137436-bb p1p-819137436-y1y Facility ID:00-0-0000036910 Latitude (Report):36.09586 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.26885 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:MEBTEL INC C/O CENTURYTEL Contact Address 1:100 CENTURYTEL DR ATTN:G BERNICE Contact Address 2: Contact City:MONROE Contact State:LA Contact Zip:71203-2041 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE TELEPHONE Address1 (Report):109 W WASHINGTON STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Unknown Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Unknown Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1974/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:17-DEC-07 FR Amt: Capacity:550 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:1/4/2008 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: 24 UST 93 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:10123.00 Phone:(318) 388-9000 Facility Key:114796 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-25-819089038-b 1 of1 NNW 0.21 / 1,116.35 674.51 / 0 MCCAULEY PROPERTY, HAZEL 500 N. WILBA ROAD MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819089038-bb p1p-819089038-y1y Incident No:23151 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):23151 UST No:WS-6202 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-6202 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:10/5/2010 Close Out(DWMMap):2010/10/06 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:3/14/2001 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2001/03/15 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:9/30/2001 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.101764 Latitude:36.101764 Lon (DWM Map):-79.272542 Longitude:-79.272542 Incident Name:MCCAULEY PROPERTY, HAZEL Address:500 N. WILBA ROAD City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):MCCAULEY PROPERTY, HAZEL Address (DWM Map):500 N. WILBA ROAD City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:07-May-2001 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1103846 Report Type:SARL Report Type Description:Soil Assmt Report - Low only Request Date: Received Date:02-Jan-2001 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:02-Jan-2001 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1098053 Report Type:SCSC Report Type Description:Site Cleanup and Site Closure Report (Low) Request Date: Received Date:30-Oct-2002 00:00:00 25 LUST 94 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Reviewed Date: Approved Date:30-Oct-2002 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1096967 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:04-Apr-2001 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:04-Apr-2001 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1087274 Report Type:CSAS Report Type Description:Comprehensive Site Assmt - Soil - Hi & Int Request Date: Received Date:02-Jan-2002 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:29-Jan-2001 00:00:00 Approved Date:29-Jan-2001 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1097440 Report Type:LSA1 Report Type Description:Limited Site Assmt Phase 1 Request Date: Received Date:02-Aug-2001 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:06-Aug-2001 00:00:00 Approved Date:06-Aug-2001 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:05-Oct-2010 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:37004.45 CD No:534 RRA Date: Date Reported:3/16/2001 RRA Risk: Land Use:RES RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:U LUR State:RRA Rank: 95 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Comm:N MGR:WWW Reg:N Close Out FY:2011 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2001 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2001 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6202%2A%22%7D Comment:#2 FUEL OIL. SAR (SOIL ASSESSMENT REPORT) RECEIVED 1/2/02.   RUST Data   MGR:WWW LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2001/03/16 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2001 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2001 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:37004.45 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:U RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RES RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2011 X:1919484.83875572 CD NO:534 Y:856051.432688023 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6202%2A%22%7D Comment:#2 FUEL OIL. SAR (SOIL ASSESSMENT REPORT) RECEIVED 1/2/02.   LUST Database   MGR:WWW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:3/15/2001 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:3365631253 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:N RBCA GW:G2 COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc:Cleanups to alternate standards Regulated Code:N RBCA:S1 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Residential Notice Rg Rq Issd:4/26/2001 CD No:534 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:9/30/2001 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:U Reliability: Land Use:RES Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Residential New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:HAZEL MCCAULEY RP Address:500 N. WILBA ROAD 96 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County:ALAMANCE RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: #2 FUEL OIL. SAR (SOIL ASSESSMENT REPORT) RECEIVED 1/2/02. m-26-810836697-b 1 of1 W 0.22 / 1,142.30 680.60 / 6 SMITH DRYCLEANERS 510 W CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-RCRA VSQG-810836697-bb p1p-810836697-y1y EPA Handler ID:NCD982170854 Gen Status Universe:VSG Contact Name:DERYL SMITH Contact Address:510 W CENTER ST , , MEBANE , NC, 27302 , US Contact Phone No and Ext:919-563-5962 Contact Email: Contact Country:US County Name:ALAMANCE EPA Region:04 Land Type:Private Receive Date:19930727 Location Latitude:36.098451 Location Longitude:-79.283088   Violation/Evaluation Summary   Note:NO RECORDS: As of Oct 2023, there are no Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (violation) records associated with this facility (EPA ID).   Handler Summary   Importer Activity:No Mixed Waste Generator:No Transporter Activity:No Transfer Facility:No Onsite Burner Exemption:No Furnace Exemption:No Underground Injection Activity:No Commercial TSD:No Used Oil Transporter:No Used Oil Transfer Facility:No Used Oil Processor:No Used Oil Refiner:No Used Oil Burner:No Used Oil Market Burner:No Used Oil Spec Marketer:No   Hazardous Waste Handler Details   Sequence No:1 Receive Date:19930727 Handler Name:SMITH DRYCLEANERS Federal Waste Generator Code:3 Generator Code Description:Very Small Quantity Generator Source Type:Notification   26 RCRA VSQG 97 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Waste Code Details   Hazardous Waste Code:D001 Waste Code Description:IGNITABLE WASTE   Hazardous Waste Code:F002 Waste Code Description:THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO- 1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES.   Owner/Operator Details   Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:510 W CENTER ST Name:DERYL SMITH Street 2: Date Became Current:City:MEBANE Date Ended Current:State:NC Phone:919-563-5962 Country: Source Type:Notification Zip Code:27302 m-27-819103121-b 1 of1 NNW 0.22 / 1,147.38 676.14 / 2 Mccauley Property 500 North Wilba Road Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819103121-bb p1p-819103121-y1y Incident No:23151 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-6202 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: m-28-819125515-b 1 of2 NNE 0.22 / 1,152.74 680.31 / 6 TOWN GARAGE 405 NORTH FIRST STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819125515-bb p1p-819125515-y1y Facility ID:00-2-0000023722 Latitude (Report):36.10204 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.27122 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO INC Contact Address 1:PO BOX 468 ATTN: SUE KIMREY Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302-0468 Fac Name (Report):TOWN GARAGE Address1 (Report):405 NORTH FIRST STREET 27 28 LUST TRUST UST 98 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1982/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:12-JUL-96 FR Amt: Capacity:2000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:4/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:23302.00 Phone:(919) 563-2002 Facility Key:114917 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-28-819130549-b 2 of2 NNE 0.22 / 1,152.74 680.31 / 6 TOWN GARAGE 405 NORTH FIRST STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-UST-819130549-bb p1p-819130549-y1y Facility ID:00-1-0000023722 Latitude (Report):36.10204 No Reg Tanks:Longitude (Report):-79.27122 No Non-Reg Tanks:Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks:Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type:Latitude (PST): County:Longitude (PST): Contact:CITY OF MEBANE Contact Address 1:106 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):TOWN GARAGE 28 UST 99 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Address1 (Report):405 NORTH FIRST STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1979/03/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:12-JUL-96 FR Amt: Capacity:3000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/23/1993 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID:2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status:Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank:NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank:Leak Detection: Main Tank:NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID:Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No:Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No:Piping System:Unknown Installation Date:1979/03/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date:12-JUL-96 FR Amt: Capacity:1000 FR Desc: Commercial:Yes Last Update Date:8/23/1993 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: 100 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key:11411.00 Phone:(919) 563-5901 Facility Key:115551 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc:Alamance End Date: m-29-825352161-b 1 of2 WSW 0.22 / 1,181.68 656.42 / -18 WEBSTER PROPERTY 420 HOLT STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-825352161-bb p1p-825352161-y1y Incident No:Contam Type:None Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No:WS-7790 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-7790 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:1/9/2008 Close Out(DWMMap):2008/01/10 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:1/9/2008 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2008/01/10 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:1/9/2008 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude:0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude:0 Incident Name:WEBSTER PROPERTY Address:420 HOLT STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):WEBSTER PROPERTY Address (DWM Map):420 HOLT STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:0 RRA Date: Date Reported:1/10/2008 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk: LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR:MSL Reg:R Close Out FY:2008 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2008 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2008 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7790%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:MSL LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2008/01/10 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2008 SL MGR: 29 LUST 101 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Date Occured FY:2008 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2008 X:32888970.6352937 CD NO:0 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7790%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:1/9/2008 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:9196709836 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:N COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:NO ERR CD:NO Cleanup:1/9/2008 Valid:TRUE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:ANNETE PAGE WEBSTER RP Address:P O BOX 58270 RP City:FAYETTEVILLE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:28303 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:TRUE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-29-884554850-b 2 of2 WSW 0.22 / 1,181.68 656.42 / -18 Webster Property 420 West Holt Street Mebane NC dd-BROWNFIELDS-884554850-bb p1p-884554850-y1y BF No (Map):12001-08-001 Proj No (AEC): BF ID (Map):1200108001 Project Name (AEC): 29 BROWNFIELDS 102 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Status (Map):No Further Interest BF ID (Loc):1200108001 BF Mgr (Map):Lisa Taber Status (Loc):No Further Interest BF Acreage (Map):0 BF Mgr (Loc):Lisa Taber Status Date (Map):December 15,2011 BF Acre (Loc):0 County (Map):Alamance Stat Dt (Loc):12/14/2011, 7:00 PM X (Map):-79.27371211519716 County (Loc):Alamance Y (Map):36.096085094771205 X (Loc):-79.27370929703673 Point X (Map):-79.2737092881801 Y (Loc):36.09607797138533 Point Y (Map):36.0960779714051 Proj ID: Project Name: Address: City: County: BF Name (Loc):Webster Property Address (Loc):420 West Holt Street City (Loc):Mebane BF Name (Map):Webster Property Address (Map):420 West Holt Street City (Map):Mebane Google Nav (Map):https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=36.0960850947712,-79.273712115197156 &travelmode=driving Luru Link (Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:NC Dept. of Environmental Quality Online Map; NC Brownfields Location View m-30-899761628-b 1 of1 ESE 0.23 / 1,214.85 675.87 / 1 RIGHTWAY CLEANERS 104 E CENTER ST, MEBANE, NC 27302 NC dd-DRYC HIST BOILER-899761628-bb p1p-899761628-y1y County:ALAMANCE X:-79.2678509 Y:36.0962695000001   Details   Insp. Date:1975/12/01 00:00:00+00 m-31-819091709-b 1 of1 W 0.26 / 1,350.24 671.64 / -3 CAR SHOP ENTERPRISES 530 W. CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819091709-bb p1p-819091709-y1y Incident No:30717 Contam Type:Groundwater/Both Facility ID:00-0-0000025498 Incdnt No(DWM Map):30717 UST No:WS-7225 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000025498 Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-7225 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:2/20/2015 Close Out(DWMMap):2015/02/21 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:11/2/2005 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2005/11/03 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:11/2/2005 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.098413 Latitude:36.098413 Lon (DWM Map):-79.277761 Longitude:-79.277761 Incident Name:CAR SHOP ENTERPRISES Address:530 W. CENTER STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):CAR SHOP ENTERPRISES Address (DWM Map):530 W. CENTER STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST 30 31 DRYC HIST BOILER LUST 103 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (RRA); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:06-Feb-2006 00:00:00   Incident Details   Release Code:2 Samples Taken By:y Release Cause:Samples Include: Release Source:7.5 Min Quad: Type:4 5 Min Quad: Location:1 Submitted Date:06-Feb-2006 00:00:00 Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:P Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:6 Wells Affected Y/N:u Operation Desc:Commercial Wells Affected: Description of Incident:Contamination discovered at tank removal.   Incident Report   PRT ID:1104579 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date:08-Sep-2005 00:00:00 Received Date:08-Feb-2006 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:08-Feb-2006 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1111569 Report Type:LSA1 Report Type Description:Limited Site Assmt Phase 1 Request Date:28-Feb-2006 00:00:00 Received Date:26-Sep-2007 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:26-Sep-2007 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: NOV May 25, 2007 for LSA. 10 day 9.5.2007. Rec'd MW 2 paper work 9.26.2007. Kjh **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RRA   RRA ID:43781 RRA Date:17-May-2006 00:00:00 RRA Init:MJR RRA Risk:L RRA Rank:0045 RRA Abate:R   RRA ID:48473 RRA Date:16-May-2006 00:00:00 104 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RRA Init:kjh RRA Risk:L RRA Rank:45 RRA Abate:R   Incident Status   Last Modified:20-Feb-2015 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:0 RRA Date:5/18/2006 Date Reported:2/7/2006 RRA Risk:L Land Use:RES RRA Rank Curr:45 LUR Filed:RRA Abate:R LUR Resc:Risk:H LUR State:RRA Rank:0045 Comm:C MGR:MJR Reg:R Close Out FY:2015 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2006 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2006 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7225%2A%22%7D Comment:Complaint from landowner. Pulling tanks on 11/1/2005. Nesbit King is deceased. His son is the contact, Chip King.   RUST Data   MGR:MJR LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2006/02/07 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2006 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2006 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date:2006/05/18 00:00:00+00 Conf Risk:L RRA Risk:L Risk:H RRA Rank Curr:45 Landuse:RES RRA Abate:R Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank:0045 Closeout FY:2015 X:1917939.60154182 CD NO:0 Y:854835.821432733 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7225%2A%22%7D Comment:Complaint from landowner. Pulling tanks on 11/1/2005. Nesbit King is deceased. His son is the contact, Chip King.   LUST Database   105 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB MGR:MJR Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:2/6/2006 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:NESBIT A. KING Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:3365997031 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:C RBCA GW:G1 COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc:Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards Regulated Code:R RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:GW ERR CD:NO Cleanup:11/2/2005 Valid:TRUE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:H Reliability: Land Use:RES Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Residential New Source: Phase Reqrd:1 Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:ArcGIS RP Company:NEB KING, INC. RP Address:1026 N. MAIN STREET RP City:ROXBORO RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27573 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:TRUE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Complaint from landowner. Pulling tanks on 11/1/2005. Nesbit King is deceased. His son is the contact, Chip King. m-32-819081818-b 1 of1 E 0.27 / 1,413.44 656.78 / -18 MEBANE DIST. OFF.-PUBLIC SERVICE CO 107 E. RUFFIN ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819081818-bb p1p-819081818-y1y Incident No:8719 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):8719 UST No:WS-3080 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-3080 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:11/19/1991 Close Out(DWMMap):1991/11/20 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:10/11/1991 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1991/10/12 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:10/11/1991 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.09783 Latitude:36.09783 Lon (DWM Map):-79.26633 Longitude:-79.26633 Incident Name:MEBANE DIST. OFF.-PUBLIC SERVICE CO Address:107 E. RUFFIN ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):MEBANE DIST. OFF.-PUBLIC SERVICE CO Address (DWM Map):107 E. RUFFIN ST. 32 LUST 106 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:06-Aug-1992 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1095449 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date:16-Sep-1991 00:00:00 Received Date:11-Oct-1991 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:08-Feb-1999 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:34 RRA Date: Date Reported:10/16/1991 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR:WWW Reg:R Close Out FY:1992 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1992 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1992 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-3080%2A%22%7D Comment:   107 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RUST Data   MGR:WWW LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1991/10/16 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1992 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1992 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:1992 X:1921316.17790317 CD NO:34 Y:854614.333522962 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-3080%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:WWW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:10/15/1991 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:34 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:10/11/1991 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Google Earth - C Kromm RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: 108 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-33-862683041-b 1 of1 ESE 0.30 / 1,575.03 666.55 / -8 WHITE FURNITURE CO NC dd-HSDS-862683041-bb p1p-862683041-y1y Superfund ID:003 220 969 Haz Subst. Disposal Sites1298:94 Haz Subst. Disp Sites1298 ID:91 SIS: NONCD: SSF: State or Federal Code:1 Total Area in Coverage Units:14505.77148438 Total Perim in Coverage Units:510.27468872 X Coordinate in Feet:1921515.625 Y Coordinate in Feet:853907.1875 Long:79 15 56.297910 Lat:36 5 45.405269 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   m-34-920904671-b 1 of1 SE 0.30 / 1,588.06 685.82 / 11 Mebane United Methodist Ch Parsonage 205 S Fourth Street Mebane NC 27302 dd-LUST-920904671-bb p1p-920904671-y1y Incident No:Contam Type: Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):49249 UST No:Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:UST No (DWM Map):WS-30205 Status Title:Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:Close Out(DWMMap): Date Occurred:Dt Occur (DWM Map):2023/10/24 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:Lat (DWM Map):36.09449 Latitude:Lon (DWM Map):-79.26823 Longitude: Incident Name: Address: City Town: Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):Mebane United Methodist Ch Parsonage Address (DWM Map):205 S Fourth Street City (DWM Map):Mebane Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:RRA Date: Date Reported:10/26/2023 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk: LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:KJH Reg:N Close Out FY: Conf Risk:Date Occured FY:2024 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2024 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 33 34 HSDS LUST 109 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-30205%2A%22%7D Comment:Heating oil tank shows 6,490 mg/kg of DRO by UVF.   RUST Data   MGR:KJH LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2023/10/26 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2024 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2024 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:RRA Risk: Risk:RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Open RRA Rank: Closeout FY:X:1920751.55721033 CD NO:Y:853399.966177393 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-30205%2A%22%7D Comment:Heating oil tank shows 6,490 mg/kg of DRO by UVF. m-35-805445973-b 1 of5 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 669.44 / -5 WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-CERCLIS-805445973-bb p1p-805445973-y1y Site ID:0402664 RNPL Status Code:N Site EPA ID:NCD003220969 NPL Status:Not on the NPL Site Street Address 2:RFED Facility Code:N Site County Name:ALAMANCE RFED Facility Desc:Not a Federal Facility Site FIPS Code:37001 USGS Hydro Unit No.:03030002 Region Code:04 Site Cong. Dist. Code:04 Site SMSA No.:1300 ROT Desc:Other Site Prim. Latitude:36D05M45S FR NPL Update No.: Site Prim. Longitude:079D15M45S RFRA Code: Lat Long Source: RNON NPL Status Desc:NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information   CERCLIS Assess History   OU ID:00 RALT Short Name:EPA Fund Act Code ID:001 Act Start Date: RAT Code:SI Act Complete Date:6/21/1991 00:00:00 RAT Short Name:SI AGT Order No.:160 RAT Name:SITE INSPECTION SH OU:00 RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Code:SH RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Seq:001 RAT Level:1 SH Start Date: RAT DEF OU:00 SH Complete Date:3/12/1993 00:00:00 RFBS Code:P SH Lead:EPA Fund SPA Code:13 RAT Def:The process of collecting site data and samples to characterize the severity of the hazard for the hazard ranking score and/or enforcement support. Site Desc: Site Alias:   CERCLIS Assess History   OU ID:00 RALT Short Name: Act Code ID:Act Start Date: RAT Code:Act Complete Date: RAT Short Name:AGT Order No.:0 RAT Name:SH OU: 35 CERCLIS 110 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Code: RAT NSI Indicator:SH Seq: RAT Level:SH Start Date: RAT DEF OU:SH Complete Date: RFBS Code:SH Lead: SPA Code: RAT Def: Site Desc:No description available . Site Alias:WHITE FURNITURE CO,,ALAMANCE,NC,;   CERCLIS Assess History   OU ID:00 RALT Short Name:State (Fund) Act Code ID:001 Act Start Date: RAT Code:PA Act Complete Date:12/1/1984 00:00:00 RAT Short Name:PA AGT Order No.:130 RAT Name:PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT SH OU: RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Code: RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Seq: RAT Level:1 SH Start Date: RAT DEF OU:00 SH Complete Date: RFBS Code:P SH Lead: SPA Code:13 RAT Def:Collection of diverse existing information about the source and nature of the site hazard. It is EPA policy to complete the preliminary assessment within one year of site discovery. Site Desc: Site Alias:   CERCLIS Assess History   OU ID:00 RALT Short Name:EPA Fund Act Code ID:001 Act Start Date: RAT Code:DS Act Complete Date:8/1/1980 00:00:00 RAT Short Name:DISCVRY AGT Order No.:10 RAT Name:DISCOVERY SH OU: RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Code: RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Seq: RAT Level:1 SH Start Date: RAT DEF OU:00 SH Complete Date: RFBS Code:SH Lead: SPA Code:13 RAT Def:The process by which a potential hazardous waste site is brought to the attention of the EPA. The process can occur through the use of several mechanisms such as a phone call or referral by another government agency. Site Desc: Site Alias:   CERCLIS Assess History   OU ID:00 RALT Short Name:EPA In-House Act Code ID:001 Act Start Date: RAT Code:VS Act Complete Date:3/12/1993 00:00:00 RAT Short Name:ARCH SITE AGT Order No.:1500 RAT Name:ARCHIVE SITE SH OU: RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Code: RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Seq: RAT Level:1 SH Start Date: RAT DEF OU:00 SH Complete Date: RFBS Code:SH Lead: SPA Code:13 RAT Def:The decision is made that no further activity is planned at the site. Site Desc: Site Alias: 111 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-35-805469879-b 2 of5 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 669.44 / -5 WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-CERCLIS NFRAP-805469879-bb p1p-805469879-y1y Site ID:402664 Site FIPS Code:37001 Site EPA ID:NCD003220969 Region Code:4 Site Parent ID:Site Cong. Dist. Code:4 Site County Name:ALAMANCE Federal Facility: Parent Site Name:   CERCLIS-NFRAP Assess History   OU ID:0 Act Start Date: Act Code ID:1 Act Complete Date:8/1/1980 RAT Code:DS AGT Order No.:10 RAT Short Name:DISCVRY SH OU: RAT Name:DISCOVERY SH Code: RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Seq: RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Start Date: RAT Level:1 SH Complete Date: RAT DEF OU:00 SH Lead: RFBS Code:SH Qual: SPA Code:13 RAQ Act. Qual Short: RALT Short Name:EPA Fund RNPL Status Code:N RAT Def:The process by which a potential hazardous waste site is brought to the attention of the EPA. The process can occur through the use of several mechanisms such as a phone call or referral by another government agency. RNON NPL Status Desc:NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information   CERCLIS-NFRAP Assess History   OU ID:0 Act Start Date: Act Code ID:1 Act Complete Date:6/21/1991 RAT Code:SI AGT Order No.:160 RAT Short Name:SI SH OU:0 RAT Name:SITE INSPECTION SH Code:SH RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Seq:1 RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Start Date: RAT Level:1 SH Complete Date:3/12/1993 0:00 RAT DEF OU:00 SH Lead:EPA Fund RFBS Code:P SH Qual: SPA Code:13 RAQ Act. Qual Short:NFRAP RALT Short Name:EPA Fund RNPL Status Code:N RAT Def:The process of collecting site data and samples to characterize the severity of the hazard for the hazard ranking score and/or enforcement support. RNON NPL Status Desc:NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information   CERCLIS-NFRAP Assess History   OU ID:0 Act Start Date: Act Code ID:1 Act Complete Date:12/1/1984 RAT Code:PA AGT Order No.:130 RAT Short Name:PA SH OU: RAT Name:PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT SH Code: RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Seq: RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Start Date: RAT Level:1 SH Complete Date: RAT DEF OU:00 SH Lead: RFBS Code:P SH Qual: SPA Code:13 RAQ Act. Qual Short:Low priority RALT Short Name:State (Fund)RNPL Status Code:N RAT Def:Collection of diverse existing information about the source and nature of the site hazard. It is EPA policy to complete the preliminary assessment within one year of site discovery. RNON NPL Status Desc:NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information   CERCLIS-NFRAP Assess History 35 CERCLIS NFRAP 112 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   OU ID:0 Act Start Date: Act Code ID:1 Act Complete Date:3/12/1993 RAT Code:VS AGT Order No.:1500 RAT Short Name:ARCH SITE SH OU: RAT Name:ARCHIVE SITE SH Code: RAT Hist. Only Flag:SH Seq: RAT NSI Indicator:B SH Start Date: RAT Level:1 SH Complete Date: RAT DEF OU:00 SH Lead: RFBS Code:SH Qual: SPA Code:13 RAQ Act. Qual Short: RALT Short Name:EPA In-House RNPL Status Code:N RAT Def:The decision is made that no further activity is planned at the site. RNON NPL Status Desc:NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information m-35-819064053-b 3 of5 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 669.44 / -5 WHITE FURNITURE COMPANY EAST CENTER STREET @ NORTH 5TH MEBANE NC dd-LAST-819064053-bb p1p-819064053-y1y Incident No:85640 Cleanup: UST No:WS-85640 Incident No (Map):85640 Facility ID:UST No (Map):WS-85640 Current Status:Current Record Facility ID (Map): Contamination:NO Current Stat (Map):Current Record Contamination Type:None Dt Occurred (Map):December ,2,1992 Dt Occurred:12/1/1992 Closeout (Map):February ,10,1995 Closeout:2/9/1995 County (Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Latitude (Map):36.096877 Latitude:36.096877 Longitude (Map):-79.265366 Longitude:-79.265366 Incident Name:WHITE FURNITURE COMPANY Address:EAST CENTER STREET @ NORTH 5TH City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Inc Name (Map):WHITE FURNITURE COMPANY Address (Map):EAST CENTER STREET @ NORTH 5TH City Town (Map):MEBANE Zip Code (Map): LF Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%28%7B%5B%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22WS-85640%22%7D%29 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Department of Environmental Quality - RAST; Aboveground Incident Management Database (UST DB); Aboveground Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); Aboveground Incident Management Database (PIRF); Aboveground Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Facility ID:County:Alama Date Entered:Region:8 Src Contamination:19 Incident Loc Name:WHITE FURNITURE COMPANY   Incident Details   Date Occurred:Samples Taken By: Submitted Date:Samples Include: Type:Owner Operator: Location:Ownership:5 Location Desc:Ownership Desc:Federal Site Priority:0NOD Operation Type:7 Priority Update:Operation Desc:Mining Wells Affected Y/N:No 75 Min Quad: Wells Affected:0 5 Min Quad: 35 LAST 113 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Source Type:0 PIRF Min Soil: Release Code: Release Code Desc: Description of Incident:   Incident Status   Last Modified:2/9/1995 NOV Issued:4/15/1991 Incident Phase:CO NORR Issued:4/15/1991 Inci Phase Desc:Close Out Close Out Report:2/9/1995   RAST (Map)   Regional Office Cd:WS Regulated Code: CD No:0 Regulated Cd Desc: Date Reported:December ,2,1992 Conf Risk:L Land Use:Risk: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Date: LUR Filed:RRA Risk: LUR Resc:RRA Abate: LUR State:RRA Rank:0 MGR:RRA Rank 2: COMM:X:1921600.05433682 COMM Desc:Y:854266.644725719 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-85640%2A%22%7D Comment:   RAST Database   MGR:Release Code:0 Regional Office Cd:WS Release Desc: Date Reported:12/1/1992 LUR Filed: Source Code:19 LUR Resc: Source Desc:Surface Spill LUR State: Pollutant Type:NON PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:RBCA GW: COMM Desc:RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:PETOPT Desc: Regulated Desc:CD No:0 Ntice Rg Rq Issd:Reel No:0 Ntice Violtn Issd:ERRCD: Conf Risk:L Valid:FALSE Risk:Cat Code: Land Use:HCS Res: Land Use Desc:Reliability: Site Priority:0 LUR Status: Intrmdt Cndition:LUR Status1: Crrctve Act Pln Tp:Phase Required: RBCA:Book: RBCA Desc:Page: Close Reqsd:Email: Supply Well:0 Telephone: MTBE:0 Latitude: MTBE1:U Longitude: MTBE Desc:Unknown CAP Desc: HCS Ref: Contact:ROBERT HART RP:FALSE RP Company:HICKORY WHITE FURNITURE RP Address:P.O. BOX 367 RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code: RP County: 114 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP Email: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment:   Map Viewer Details   CD No:0 Risk: MGR:LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:12/1/1992, 7:00 PM LUR State: Comm:RRA Date: Comm Desc:RRA Risk: Reg:RRA Abate: Regulated Cd Desc:RRA Rank:0 Con Frisk:L X:-79.26536318432132 Land Use:Y:36.09686987614664 Comment:   AST Incidents Open Data Details   CD No:0 LUR Filed: MGR:LUR Resc: RO Code:WS LUR State: Date Reported:12/1/1992 7:00 PM RRA Date: Comm:RRA Risk: Comm Desc:RRA Abate: Reg:RRA Rank:0 Regulated Cd Desc:RRA Rank 2: Con Frisk:L X:1921600.05433682 Land Use:Y:854266.644725719 Risk: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-85640%2A%22%7D m-35-819096189-b 4 of5 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 669.44 / -5 WHITE FURNITURE CO. 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC dd-SHWS-819096189-bb p1p-819096189-y1y EPA ID:NCD003220969 Lat (Fed Rmdtn): County (NCDENR):ALAMANCE Long (Fed Rmdtn): Latitude (NCDENR):36.09622 County (IH Waste): Longitude (NCDENR):-79.26576 Lat (IH Waste): County (Fed Rmdtn):Long(IH Waste): Zip (Fed Rmdtn): Site Name (NCDENR):WHITE FURNITURE CO. Address (NCDENR):201 E CENTER ST City (NCDENR):MEBANE Site Name (Fed Rmdtn): Addr (Fed Rmdtn): City (Fed Rmdtn): Site Name (InactvHazWste): Addr (InactvHzWste): City (InactvHzWste): Original Source(s):North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ Laser Fiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   NCDEQ - Location Detail   Source:Unknown Geolocation Code Desc:On Screen Placement On Georeferenced Map   35 SHWS 115 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB NCDEQ - Site Categories Detail   SPL Score:49.76 Category:NFA Partial AA:FALSE m-35-828862282-b 5 of5 ESE 0.30 / 1,596.91 669.44 / -5 WHITE FURNITURE CO 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NC 27302 dd-SEMS ARCHIVE-828862282-bb p1p-828862282-y1y Site ID:0402664 FIPS Code:37001 EPA ID:NCD003220969 Cong District:04 Superfund Alte Agr:No Region:04 Federal Facility:No County:ALAMANCE FF Docket:No NPL:Not on the NPL Non NPL Status:NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information   Action Information   Operable Units:00 Qual: Action Code:DS SEQ:1 Action Name:DISCVRY FF:N Start Actual:08/01/1980 FF Docket:N Finish Actual:08/01/1980 Region:04 Curr Action Lead:EPA Perf   Operable Units:00 Qual: Action Code:VS SEQ:1 Action Name:ARCH SITE FF:N Start Actual:FF Docket:N Finish Actual:03/12/1993 Region:04 Curr Action Lead:EPA Perf In-Hse   Operable Units:00 Qual:L Action Code:PA SEQ:1 Action Name:PA FF:N Start Actual:FF Docket:N Finish Actual:12/01/1984 Region:04 Curr Action Lead:St Perf   Operable Units:00 Qual:N Action Code:SI SEQ:1 Action Name:SI FF:N Start Actual:FF Docket:N Finish Actual:06/21/1991 Region:04 Curr Action Lead:EPA Perf m-36-819064196-b 1 of1 ESE 0.30 / 1,606.78 674.67 / 0 NORFOLK-SOUTHERN TRAIN WRECK 5TH & CENTER STS. MEBANE NC dd-LAST-819064196-bb p1p-819064196-y1y Incident No:95118 Cleanup:5/13/2010 UST No:WS-88266 Incident No (Map):95118 Facility ID:UST No (Map):WS-88266 Current Status:Current Record Facility ID (Map): Contamination:SL Current Stat (Map):Current Record Contamination Type:Soil Dt Occurred (Map):May ,14,2010 Dt Occurred:5/13/2010 Closeout (Map): Closeout:County (Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Latitude (Map):36.09572 Latitude:36.09572 Longitude (Map):-79.26669 Longitude:-79.26669 Incident Name:NORFOLK-SOUTHERN TRAIN WRECK 35 36 SEMS ARCHIVE LAST 116 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Address:5TH & CENTER STS. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Inc Name (Map):NORFOLK-SOUTHERN TRAIN WRECK Address (Map):5TH & CENTER STS. City Town (Map):MEBANE Zip Code (Map): LF Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%28%7B%5B%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22WS-88266%22%7D%29 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Department of Environmental Quality - RAST; Aboveground Incident Management Database (UST DB); Aboveground Incident Management Database (RPTS); Aboveground Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); Aboveground Incident Management Database (PIRF)   Incident Information   Facility ID:County:ALAMA Date Entered:05/20/2010 Region:WS Src Contamination:7 Incident Loc Name:Norfolk-Southern Train wreck   Incident Details   Date Occurred:5/13/2010 Samples Taken By:y Submitted Date:5/13/2010 Samples Include: Type:3 Owner Operator: Location:8 Ownership:4 Location Desc:Other Ownership Desc:Private Site Priority:Operation Type:8 Priority Update:Operation Desc: Wells Affected Y/N:n 75 Min Quad: Wells Affected:5 Min Quad: Source Type:D PIRF Min Soil: Release Code:3 Release Code Desc:Property Transfer Description of Incident:train wreck-diesel from engine spilled   Incident Report   Report Type:OTH Approved Date:5/19/2010 Request Date:Implement Date: Received Date:5/19/2010 Due Date: Reviewed Date: Report Type Desc:Other (Comments Required) Comment: Release info   Report Type:IAR Approved Date: Request Date:Implement Date: Received Date:4/25/2010 Due Date: Reviewed Date:1/7/2019 Report Type Desc: Comment:   RAST (Map)   Regional Office Cd:WS Regulated Code: CD No:0 Regulated Cd Desc: Date Reported:May ,14,2010 Conf Risk:U Land Use:IND Risk: Inc Stat:Open RRA Date: 117 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB LUR Filed:RRA Risk: LUR Resc:RRA Abate: LUR State:RRA Rank:0 MGR:ARW RRA Rank 2: COMM:X:1921207.75606205 COMM Desc:Y:853846.503828458 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-88266%2A%22%7D Comment:train wreck. TKM/Karen. Site visit 5/28 WWW and KJH saw that 08/25/2023: File reviewed by ARW. No files located.   RAST Database   MGR:ARW Release Code:0 Regional Office Cd:WS Release Desc: Date Reported:5/13/2010 LUR Filed: Source Code:19 LUR Resc: Source Desc:Surface Spill LUR State: Pollutant Type:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:14 COMM:RBCA GW: COMM Desc:RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:PETOPT Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE Regulated Desc:CD No:0 Ntice Rg Rq Issd:Reel No:0 Ntice Violtn Issd:ERRCD:NO Conf Risk:U Valid:FALSE Risk:Cat Code: Land Use:IND HCS Res: Land Use Desc:Industrial Reliability: Site Priority:LUR Status: Intrmdt Cndition:LUR Status1: Crrctve Act Pln Tp:Phase Required: RBCA:Book: RBCA Desc:Page: Close Reqsd:Email: Supply Well:0 Telephone:7045781835 MTBE:0 Latitude: MTBE1:U Longitude: MTBE Desc:Unknown CAP Desc: HCS Ref: Contact:GILBERT TURNER RP:FALSE RP Company:NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORPORATION RP Address:312 WEST LIDDLE ST. RP City:CHARLOTTE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:28206 RP County: RP Email: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: train wreck. TKM/Karen. Site visit 5/28 WWW and KJH saw that 08/25/2023: File reviewed by ARW. No files located.   Map Viewer Details   CD No:0 Risk: MGR:ARW LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:5/13/2010, 8:00 PM LUR State: 118 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Comm:RRA Date: Comm Desc:RRA Risk: Reg:RRA Abate: Regulated Cd Desc:RRA Rank:0 Con Frisk:U X:-79.26668718398467 Land Use:IND Y:36.0957128764398 Comment:train wreck. TKM/Karen. Site visit 5/28 WWW and KJH saw that 08/25/2023: File reviewed by ARW. No files located.   AST Incidents Open Data Details   CD No:0 LUR Filed: MGR:ARW LUR Resc: RO Code:WS LUR State: Date Reported:5/13/2010 8:00 PM RRA Date: Comm:RRA Risk: Comm Desc:RRA Abate: Reg:RRA Rank:0 Regulated Cd Desc:RRA Rank 2: Con Frisk:U X:1921207.75606205 Land Use:IND Y:853846.503828458 Risk: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-88266%2A%22%7D m-37-819089256-b 1 of1 ESE 0.30 / 1,609.69 659.04 / -15 BROWN-WOOTEN MILLS - 5TH ST. 202 N. 5TH ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819089256-bb p1p-819089256-y1y Incident No:11594 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:00-0-000-023814 Incdnt No(DWM Map):11594 UST No:WS-3639 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-000-023814 Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-3639 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:9/21/2009 Close Out(DWMMap):2009/09/22 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:12/17/1990 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1990/12/18 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:9/30/2001 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.09699 Latitude:36.09699 Lon (DWM Map):-79.26587 Longitude:-79.26587 Incident Name:BROWN-WOOTEN MILLS - 5TH ST. Address:202 N. 5TH ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):BROWN-WOOTEN MILLS - 5TH ST. Address (DWM Map):202 N. 5TH ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (RRA); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:01-Feb-1994 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1099683 Report Type:CLO 37 LUST 119 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date: Received Date:23-Jan-1991 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   RRA   RRA ID:45041 RRA Date:04-Feb-2011 00:00:00 RRA Init:hb RRA Risk:l RRA Rank:0025 RRA Abate:r   Incident Status   Last Modified:21-Sep-2009 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:535 RRA Date:2/5/2011 Date Reported:1/23/1991 RRA Risk:l Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:25 LUR Filed:RRA Abate:r LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank:0025 Comm:C MGR:STF Reg:N Close Out FY:2009 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1991 SL Clnup End Dte:9/21/2009 Date Reported FY:1991 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:2/13/2009 Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:HB X: SL Sitestat:Closed Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-3639%2A%22%7D Comment:5030/119/72 NOT ENOUGH INFO. Accepted on state lead 2/19/2009 **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:STF LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1991/01/23 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1991 SL MGR:HB Date Occured FY:1991 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt:2009/09/21 00:00:00+00 Reg:N SL Site Stat:Closed 120 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte:2009/02/13 00:00:00+00 TOT Paid:RRA Date:2011/02/05 00:00:00+00 Conf Risk:L RRA Risk:l Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:25 Landuse:RRA Abate:r Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank:0025 Closeout FY:2009 X:1921451.26115841 CD NO:535 Y:854308.179184005 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-3639%2A%22%7D Comment:5030/119/72 NOT ENOUGH INFO. Accepted on state lead 2/19/2009 **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR:STF Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:1/22/1991 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:W.E. WHITE Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:E010 Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA:S2 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Industrial/Commercial Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:535 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:9/30/2001 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Google Earth - C Kromm RP Company: RP Address:1926 WESTLAKE DR. RP City:BURLINGTON RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27215 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: 5030/119/72 NOT ENOUGH INFO. Accepted on state lead 2/19/2009 **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. m-38-819097708-b 1 of1 WSW 0.35 / 1,865.63 643.87 / -31 HOLT STREET DUMP HOLT ST MEBANE NC dd-SHWS-819097708-bb p1p-819097708-y1y EPA ID:NONCD0001295 Lat (Fed Rmdtn): 38 SHWS 121 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB County (NCDENR):ALAMANCE Long (Fed Rmdtn): Latitude (NCDENR):36.09575 County (IH Waste):ALAMANCE Longitude (NCDENR):-79.27726 Lat (IH Waste):36.09575 County (Fed Rmdtn):Long(IH Waste):-79.27726 Zip (Fed Rmdtn): Site Name (NCDENR):HOLT STREET DUMP Address (NCDENR):HOLT ST City (NCDENR):MEBANE Site Name (Fed Rmdtn): Addr (Fed Rmdtn): City (Fed Rmdtn): Site Name (InactvHazWste):HOLT STREET DUMP Addr (InactvHzWste):HOLT ST City (InactvHzWste):MEBANE Original Source(s):Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - Inactive Hazardous Waste Layer; North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ Laser Fiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - Inactive Hazardous Waste Layer   Land Use Restrict:FALSE Source:ACMEMAPPER Voluntary Cleanup:FALSE X:-79.27726 Update Date:2023/12/01 00:00:00+00 Y:36.0957500000001 Geo Location Code:ON SCREEN PLACEMENT ON GEOREFERENCED MAP Laser Fiche:https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand={[WM]:[Program_ID]=% 22*NONCD0001295*%22}   NCDEQ - Location Detail   Source:AcmeMapper Geolocation Code Desc:On Screen Placement On Georeferenced Map   NCDEQ - Site Categories Detail   SPL Score:41.08 Category:SPL Partial AA:FALSE m-39-819091741-b 1 of2 SE 0.36 / 1,914.73 691.33 / 17 BREEZE TRUST (HATTIE) 203 S. FIFTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819091741-bb p1p-819091741-y1y Incident No:30187 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):30187 UST No:WS-6673 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-6673 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:4/4/2006 Close Out(DWMMap):2006/04/05 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:6/10/2003 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2003/06/11 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:6/10/2003 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.094156 Latitude:36.094156 Lon (DWM Map):-79.266946 Longitude:-79.266946 Incident Name:BREEZE TRUST (HATTIE) Address:203 S. FIFTH STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):BREEZE TRUST (HATTIE) Address (DWM Map):203 S. FIFTH STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST 39 LUST 122 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Details   Release Code:2 Samples Taken By:y Release Cause:Samples Include: Release Source:C 7.5 Min Quad: Type:4 5 Min Quad: Location:7 Submitted Date:10-Jun-2003 00:00:00 Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:C Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:3 Wells Affected Y/N:n Operation Desc:Residential Wells Affected: Description of Incident:2 USTs were removed and approx 50 tons of contaminated soil were removed.   Incident Report   PRT ID:1095917 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:03-Jul-2003 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:04-Apr-2006 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued:21-Mar-2006 00:00:00 NORR Issued:01-Jul-2003 00:00:00 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:10996.56 CD No:328 RRA Date: Date Reported:6/11/2003 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:SYW Reg:N Close Out FY:2006 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2003 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2003 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: 123 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6673%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:SYW LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2003/06/11 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2003 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2003 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:10996.56 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2006 X:1921130.59048202 CD NO:328 Y:853277.355800897 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6673%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:SYW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:6/10/2003 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:WILLIAM BREEZE - TRUSTEE Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:6014828816 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:N RBCA GW:G1 COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc:Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards Regulated Code:N RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:328 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No: Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:6/10/2003 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:HATTIE BREEZE TRUST RP Address:P O BOX 3694 RP City:MERIDAN RP State:MS RP Zip Code:39303 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE 124 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-39-819100687-b 2 of2 SE 0.36 / 1,914.73 691.33 / 17 Breeze Property Trust (Hattie) 203 S Fifth Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819100687-bb p1p-819100687-y1y Incident No:30187 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:STF 54 Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-6673 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: m-40-819091098-b 1 of2 SE 0.38 / 2,000.20 686.27 / 12 FHLMC PROPERTY 213 S. FIFTH ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819091098-bb p1p-819091098-y1y Incident No:37749 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):37749 UST No:WS-8474 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-8474 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:6/2/2011 Close Out(DWMMap):2011/06/03 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:1/3/2011 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2011/01/04 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:1/3/2011 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.09346 Latitude:36.09346 Lon (DWM Map):-79.26723 Longitude:-79.26723 Incident Name:FHLMC PROPERTY Address:213 S. FIFTH ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):FHLMC PROPERTY Address (DWM Map):213 S. FIFTH ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:18-Jan-2011 00:00:00   Incident Details   39 40 LUST TRUST LUST 125 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Release Code:3 Samples Taken By:Y Release Cause:7 Samples Include: Release Source:A 7.5 Min Quad: Type:4 5 Min Quad: Location:7 Submitted Date:18-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:P Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:3 Wells Affected Y/N:N Operation Desc:Residential Wells Affected: Description of Incident:Pre-buy boring found contaminatiion   Incident Report   PRT ID:1113371 Report Type:DR Report Type Description:Deed Recordation Request Date: Received Date:24-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:24-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Approved Date:24-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Implement Date:24-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Due Date: Comment: Book 2981 page 640-644 **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   PRT ID:1113405 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:09-Feb-2011 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:01-Feb-2011 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1113406 Report Type:IAA Report Type Description: Request Date: Received Date:09-Feb-2011 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:09-Feb-2011 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1109555 Report Type:OTH Report Type Description:Other (Comments Required) Request Date: Received Date:18-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:18-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: Analytical results only **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   PRT ID:1120342 126 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Report Type:OTH Report Type Description:Other (Comments Required) Request Date: Received Date:17-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:17-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Approved Date:17-Jan-2011 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: UST - 61 **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   Incident Status   Last Modified:02-Jun-2011 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:10039.54 CD No:0 RRA Date: Date Reported:1/19/2011 RRA Risk: Land Use:RES RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:1/25/2011 RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:B RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:KJH Reg:N Close Out FY:2011 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2011 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2011 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-8474%2A%22%7D Comment:Will want to remove the NRP 11/03/2017: file pulled for scanning **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:KJH LUR Filed:2011/01/25 00:00:00+00 RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2011/01/19 00:00:00+00 LUR State:B Date Reported FY:2011 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2011 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:10039.54 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RES RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2011 X:1921045.99973418 127 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB CD NO:0 Y:853024.213066021 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-8474%2A%22%7D Comment:Will want to remove the NRP 11/03/2017: file pulled for scanning **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR:KJH Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:1/18/2011 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed:1/24/2011 Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State:B Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:15 COMM:N RBCA GW: COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA: Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:1/3/2011 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:RES Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Residential New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book:2 Intrmdt Cndition:Page:640 Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State:NC RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Will want to remove the NRP 11/03/2017: file pulled for scanning **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. m-40-819099748-b 2 of2 SE 0.38 / 2,000.20 686.27 / 12 Fhlmc Property 213 S. Fifth St. Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819099748-bb p1p-819099748-y1y Incident No:37749 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   40 LUST TRUST 128 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-8474 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note:A NEW RIF IS REQUIRED on file. Noncommercial; 100% eligible; $0 deductible. Track this as a site that would have been 5K + 10% as this is receiving 100% because of Session Law 2010-154. [CGS 6/15/11] m-41-876040394-b 1 of1 SE 0.39 / 2,064.09 690.22 / 16 FHLMC PROPERTY 213 S. FIFTH ST. MEBANE NC dd-LUR-876040394-bb p1p-876040394-y1y Prj No:WS-8474 Certification:None Prj Status:No Further Action Deed Bk: Contam Src:UST System Deed Pg: Instrument Status:Effective Plat Bk: Instrument:Notice and Restriction Plat Pg: Rec Date:1/23/2011 Plat Link 1: Plat Rec Date:Deed Link 1:Recorded Document Link Deed Date:Recorded 1-23-2011 Prj County:Alamance Plat Date:X:1921045.1747300476 Restricted Media:Multi-Media Y:853026.8082454801 Allowed Use:Media Restrictions Only COC:Multi COC DWM Program:Underground Storage Tank Section Deed: Plat: DWM Contact:Winston Salem Regional Office (336) 776-9800 Deed Link:https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-8474%2A%22%7D Plat Link URL: Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   m-42-819092442-b 1 of2 SSE 0.42 / 2,197.35 683.80 / 9 KING PROPERTY, SUSAN R. 303 S. FIFTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819092442-bb p1p-819092442-y1y Incident No:44088 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):44088 UST No:WS-8843 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-8843 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:7/24/2013 Close Out(DWMMap):2013/07/25 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:1/8/2013 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2013/01/09 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:1/8/2013 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.092523 Latitude:36.092523 Lon (DWM Map):-79.267613 Longitude:-79.267613 Incident Name:KING PROPERTY, SUSAN R. Address:303 S. FIFTH STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):KING PROPERTY, SUSAN R. Address (DWM Map):303 S. FIFTH STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   41 42 LUR LUST 129 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:25-Jan-2013 00:00:00   Incident Details   Release Code:3 Samples Taken By:Y Release Cause:3 Samples Include: Release Source:A 7.5 Min Quad: Type:4 5 Min Quad: Location:7 Submitted Date:22-Jan-2013 00:00:00 Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:P Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:3 Wells Affected Y/N:N Operation Desc:Residential Wells Affected: Description of Incident:   Incident Report   PRT ID:1114554 Report Type:IAA Report Type Description: Request Date:04-Feb-2013 00:00:00 Received Date:01-Mar-2013 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1114541 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:22-Jan-2013 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date:04-Feb-2013 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:24-Jul-2013 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents 130 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:11309.4 CD No:0 RRA Date: Date Reported:1/23/2013 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:U LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:KJH Reg:N Close Out FY:2013 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2013 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2013 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-8843%2A%22%7D Comment:Property contained a 270-heating oil UST and a 700-gallon gasoline UST. The USTs were previously removed. A real estate agent recommended sampling be performed in the vicinity of the USTs. TPH-D is 7400 mg/kg and TPH- G is 160mg/kg. One soil boring was **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:KJH LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2013/01/23 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2013 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2013 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:11309.4 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:U RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2013 X:1920931.92066158 CD NO:0 Y:852683.417051852 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-8843%2A%22%7D Comment:Property contained a 270-heating oil UST and a 700-gallon gasoline UST. The USTs were previously removed. A real estate agent recommended sampling be performed in the vicinity of the USTs. TPH-D is 7400 mg/kg and TPH- G is 160mg/kg. One soil boring was **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR:KJH Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:1/22/2013 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:SUSAN R. KING Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:N RBCA GW: COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA: Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:1/8/2013 Valid:FALSE 131 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:U Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Google Earth - C Kromm RP Company: RP Address:113 N. OAKLAND DRIVE RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:TRUE RP Operator:TRUE RP Land Owner:TRUE Comment: Property contained a 270-heating oil UST and a 700-gallon gasoline UST. The USTs were previously removed. A real estate agent recommended sampling be performed in the vicinity of the USTs. TPH-D is 7400 mg/kg and TPH-G is 160mg/kg. One soil boring was advanced to a depth of 5.5 feet bgs and located between the two former USTs. Send to property address! **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. m-42-819099100-b 2 of2 SSE 0.42 / 2,197.35 683.80 / 9 King Property, Susan R. 303 S. Fifth Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819099100-bb p1p-819099100-y1y Incident No:44088 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:NA 3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:NA Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-8843 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: Yes Site Note:Noncommercial; 100% eligible; $0 deductible. Track this as a site that would have been 5K + 10% as this is receiving 100% because of Session Law 2010-154. [CGS 10/21/13] m-43-819089730-b 1 of1 SSE 0.43 / 2,271.38 663.75 / -11 ETHERIDGE PROPERTY (MARK) 410 SOUTH 4TH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819089730-bb p1p-819089730-y1y Incident No:24244 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):24244 UST No:WS-6424 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-6424 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:9/22/2006 Close Out(DWMMap):2006/09/23 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:4/18/2002 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2002/04/19 00:00:00+00 42 43 LUST TRUST LUST 132 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Cleanup:10/28/2002 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.09197 Latitude:36.09197 Lon (DWM Map):-79.26998 Longitude:-79.26998 Incident Name:ETHERIDGE PROPERTY (MARK) Address:410 SOUTH 4TH STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):ETHERIDGE PROPERTY (MARK) Address (DWM Map):410 SOUTH 4TH STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (RRA); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:08-May-2002 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1098052 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:30-Oct-2002 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   RRA   RRA ID:45070 RRA Date:02-Mar-2011 00:00:00 RRA Init:hb RRA Risk:L RRA Rank:0030 RRA Abate:r   Incident Status   Last Modified:08-May-2002 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   133 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:328 RRA Date:3/3/2011 Date Reported:4/20/2002 RRA Risk:L Land Use:RES RRA Rank Curr:30 LUR Filed:RRA Abate:r LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank:0030 Comm:N MGR:STF Reg:N Close Out FY:2006 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2002 SL Clnup End Dte:9/22/2006 Date Reported FY:2002 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:10/21/2005 Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:HB X: SL Sitestat:Closed Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6424%2A%22%7D Comment:sent to State Lead on 8/16/2005. Accepted 10/21/2005.Closed by State Lead 9/22/06.File in Raleigh **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:STF LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2002/04/20 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2002 SL MGR:HB Date Occured FY:2002 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt:2006/09/22 00:00:00+00 Reg:N SL Site Stat:Closed Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte:2005/10/21 00:00:00+00 TOT Paid:RRA Date:2011/03/03 00:00:00+00 Conf Risk:L RRA Risk:L Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:30 Landuse:RES RRA Abate:r Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank:0030 Closeout FY:2006 X:1920232.02147221 CD NO:328 Y:852483.999407964 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6424%2A%22%7D Comment:sent to State Lead on 8/16/2005. Accepted 10/21/2005.Closed by State Lead 9/22/06.File in Raleigh **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR:STF Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:4/19/2002 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:9195638885 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:14 COMM:N RBCA GW:G1 COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc:Cleanups to 2L.0202 standards Regulated Code:N RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:328 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:10/28/2002 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:RES Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Residential New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: 134 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code: Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:MARK ETHERIDGE RP Address:410 SOUTH 4TH STREET RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:273202 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:TRUE Comment: sent to State Lead on 8/16/2005. Accepted 10/21/2005.Closed by State Lead 9/22/06.File in Raleigh **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. m-44-819090983-b 1 of1 ESE 0.43 / 2,282.57 674.81 / 0 MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS 206 E WASHINGTON ST. MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819090983-bb p1p-819090983-y1y Incident No:18701 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:00-0-0000031178 Incdnt No(DWM Map):18701 UST No:WS-5423 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000031178 Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-5423 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:6/22/1998 Close Out(DWMMap):1998/06/23 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:6/8/1998 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1998/06/09 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:6/8/1998 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.094636 Latitude:36.094636 Lon (DWM Map):-79.264775 Longitude:-79.264775 Incident Name:MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS Address:206 E WASHINGTON ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS Address (DWM Map):206 E WASHINGTON ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:25-Jun-1998 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1100283 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date:28-Apr-1998 00:00:00 Received Date:08-Jun-1998 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: 44 LUST 135 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date:29-Apr-1998 00:00:00 Comment:   PRT ID:1093392 Report Type:90DAY Report Type Description:90 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:08-Jun-1998 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:03-Nov-1998 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:88 RRA Date: Date Reported:4/30/1998 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR:MAH Reg:R Close Out FY:1998 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1998 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1998 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5423%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:MAH LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1998/04/30 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1998 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1998 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: 136 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:1998 X:1921772.48530259 CD NO:88 Y:853450.374890887 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5423%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:MAH Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:4/29/1998 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:SUE KIMREY Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA: Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:88 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:6/8/1998 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Google Earth - C Kromm RP Company:FOUST OIL CO., INC. RP Address:P O BOX 337 RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-45-819102049-b 1 of1 SE 0.44 / 2,302.63 690.74 / 16 Fielding Property (sandy) 200 E Jackson Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819102049-bb p1p-819102049-y1y Incident No:30337 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details 45 LUST TRUST 137 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$100,000.00 CD No:Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-6866 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: m-46-819099210-b 1 of1 E 0.44 / 2,339.99 660.82 / -14 Hudson Property, Larry 200 N Sixth Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819099210-bb p1p-819099210-y1y Incident No:30533 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:STF 50 Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-7100 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note:Noncommercial. 100% eligible. 0 deductible. m-47-819088793-b 1 of1 SE 0.45 / 2,373.68 689.81 / 15 FIELDING PROPERTY, SANDY 200 E. JACKSON MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819088793-bb p1p-819088793-y1y Incident No:30337 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):30337 UST No:WS-6866 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:C UST No (DWM Map):WS-6866 Status Title:Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out:Close Out(DWMMap): Date Occurred:2/18/2004 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2004/02/19 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:9/6/2003 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.092667 Latitude:36.092667 Lon (DWM Map):-79.266806 Longitude:-79.266806 Incident Name:FIELDING PROPERTY, SANDY Address:200 E. JACKSON City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):FIELDING PROPERTY, SANDY Address (DWM Map):200 E. JACKSON City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information 46 47 LUST TRUST LUST 138 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:05-Mar-2004 00:00:00   Incident Details   Release Code:2 Samples Taken By:y Release Cause:Samples Include: Release Source:C 7.5 Min Quad: Type:4 5 Min Quad: Location:7 Submitted Date:26-Feb-2004 00:00:00 Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:C Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:3 Wells Affected Y/N:u Operation Desc:Residential Wells Affected: Description of Incident:Soil contamination confirmed by closure sampling   Incident Report   PRT ID:1104680 Report Type:LSA1 Report Type Description:Limited Site Assmt Phase 1 Request Date:16-Mar-2004 00:00:00 Received Date:29-Mar-2004 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:07-Apr-2004 00:00:00 Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: The tank removal was not done by a consultant but by a landscaper 9/6/03. The RP contracted the consultant who went out and took a sample on 2/16; the consultant went back onsite 2/25/04 to install mw-1. Because the RP did not get someone qualified to begin with (who knew our rules) we now have to go back out and do an SAR and dig out.   Incident Status   Last Modified: Incident Phase:RE Incid Phase Desc:Response NOV Issued: NORR Issued:16-Mar-2004 00:00:00 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:7916 CD No:0 RRA Date: Date Reported:2/27/2004 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:MSL Reg:N Close Out FY: Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2004 139 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2004 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6866%2A%22%7D Comment:12/28/04-returned pre-app-pub not & nrp not needed-not in prop tran & not in closure process; **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR:MSL LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2004/02/27 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2004 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2004 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:7916 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Open RRA Rank: Closeout FY:X:1921170.49705716 CD NO:0 Y:852735.196281377 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-6866%2A%22%7D Comment:12/28/04-returned pre-app-pub not & nrp not needed-not in prop tran & not in closure process; **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR:MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:2/26/2004 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:9193045149 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:31 COMM:N RBCA GW: COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA: Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No: Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:9/6/2003 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Google Earth RP Company:SANDY FIELDING RP Address:200 E. JACKSON RP City:MABANE 140 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:TRUE RP Operator:TRUE RP Land Owner:TRUE Comment: 12/28/04-returned pre-app-pub not & nrp not needed-not in prop tran & not in closure process; **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. m-48-819090424-b 1 of1 E 0.46 / 2,408.33 660.48 / -14 HUDSON PROPERTY, LARRY 200 N. SIXTH STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819090424-bb p1p-819090424-y1y Incident No:30533 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):30533 UST No:WS-7100 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-7100 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:5/10/2005 Close Out(DWMMap):2005/05/11 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:3/5/2005 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2005/03/06 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:3/5/2005 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.0997756670522 Latitude:36.0997756670522 Lon (DWM Map):-79.2630665251369 Longitude:-79.2630665251369 Incident Name:HUDSON PROPERTY, LARRY Address:200 N. SIXTH STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):HUDSON PROPERTY, LARRY Address (DWM Map):200 N. SIXTH STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (PIRF); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:29-Mar-2005 00:00:00   Incident Details   Release Code:3 Samples Taken By:y Release Cause:Samples Include: Release Source:C 7.5 Min Quad: Type:4 5 Min Quad: Location:7 Submitted Date:16-Mar-2005 00:00:00 Site Priority:I Ownership:4 Priority Update:Owner Operator: Source Type:C Ownership:4 ERR Type:Ownership Desc:Private PIRF Min Soil:Operation Type:3 Wells Affected Y/N:u Operation Desc:Residential Wells Affected: Description of Incident:Sample adjacent to tank indicated contamination   Incident Report 48 LUST 141 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   PRT ID:1103643 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:02-May-2005 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:10-May-2005 00:00:00 Approved Date:10-May-2005 00:00:00 Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1104797 Report Type:OTH Report Type Description:Other (Comments Required) Request Date: Received Date:05-Mar-2005 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment: 24 HOUR **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   Incident Status   Last Modified:10-May-2005 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:9420.13 CD No:276 RRA Date: Date Reported:3/17/2005 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:SYW Reg:N Close Out FY:2005 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2005 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2005 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7100%2A%22%7D Comment:Pirf form faxed 3/05/2005 (not suspected release) but on pirf says" Date leak Discovered 3/16/05".   RUST Data   MGR:SYW LUR Filed: 142 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2005/03/17 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2005 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2005 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:9420.13 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2005 X:1922282.21487958 CD NO:276 Y:855320.055467369 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-7100%2A%22%7D Comment:Pirf form faxed 3/05/2005 (not suspected release) but on pirf says" Date leak Discovered 3/16/05".   LUST Database   MGR:SYW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:3/16/2005 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact: Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:N RBCA GW: COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA: Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:276 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:0 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:3/5/2005 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:LARRY HUDSON RP Address:200 N. SIXTH STREET RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Pirf form faxed 3/05/2005 (not suspected release) but on pirf says" Date leak Discovered 3/16/05". 143 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-49-819107926-b 1 of1 SE 0.46 / 2,445.51 692.76 / 18 Truitt Property 300 East Jackson Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819107926-bb p1p-819107926-y1y Incident No:21583 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-5972 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: m-50-819092644-b 1 of1 SE 0.47 / 2,496.65 694.84 / 20 TRUITT PROPERTY, KEITH 300 E. JACKSON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819092644-bb p1p-819092644-y1y Incident No:21583 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):21583 UST No:WS-5972 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-5972 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:1/11/2001 Close Out(DWMMap):2001/01/12 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:3/7/2000 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2000/03/08 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:9/30/2001 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.092595 Latitude:36.092595 Lon (DWM Map):-79.266202 Longitude:-79.266202 Incident Name:TRUITT PROPERTY, KEITH Address:300 E. JACKSON STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):TRUITT PROPERTY, KEITH Address (DWM Map):300 E. JACKSON STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:24-Apr-2000 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1097322 Report Type:LSA1 Report Type Description:Limited Site Assmt Phase 1 Request Date: Received Date:27-Jun-2000 00:00:00 Reviewed Date:01-Aug-2000 00:00:00 49 50 LUST TRUST LUST 144 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date:17-Aug-2000 00:00:00 Comment:   PRT ID:1103836 Report Type:SARL Report Type Description:Soil Assmt Report - Low only Request Date: Received Date:28-Dec-2000 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1094241 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:31-Mar-2000 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:28-Feb-2001 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:18740.55 CD No:88 RRA Date: Date Reported:3/17/2000 RRA Risk: Land Use:RES RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:SAM Reg:N Close Out FY:2001 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2000 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2000 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5972%2A%22%7D Comment:   145 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB RUST Data   MGR:SAM LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2000/03/17 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2000 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2000 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:18740.55 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RES RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2001 X:1921348.88375892 CD NO:88 Y:852708.506664097 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5972%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:SAM Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:3/16/2000 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:KEITH TRUITT Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:3365633225 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:N RBCA GW: COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:8/2/2000 CD No:88 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:9/30/2001 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:RES Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:Residential New Source: Phase Reqrd:1 Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address:300 E. JACKSON STREET RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: 146 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-51-819090968-b 1 of1 NNE 0.48 / 2,524.51 646.89 / -28 MEBANE, TOWN OF - TOWN GARAGE - A 405 N. MAIN STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819090968-bb p1p-819090968-y1y Incident No:17801 Contam Type:Soil Facility ID:00-2-0000023722 Incdnt No(DWM Map):17801 UST No:WS-5175 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-2-0000023722 Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-5175 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:6/1/2001 Close Out(DWMMap):2001/06/02 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:7/10/1997 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1997/07/11 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:7/10/1997 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.105555 Latitude:36.105555 Lon (DWM Map):-79.269444 Longitude:-79.269444 Incident Name:MEBANE, TOWN OF - TOWN GARAGE - A Address:405 N. MAIN STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):MEBANE, TOWN OF - TOWN GARAGE - A Address (DWM Map):405 N. MAIN STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:23-Sep-1997 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1101250 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date:12-Jul-1996 00:00:00 Received Date:10-Jul-1997 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date:15-Jul-1996 00:00:00 Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:18-Jun-2001 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents 51 LUST 147 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB   RO Code:WS Tot Paid:61736.5 CD No:88 RRA Date: Date Reported:7/11/1997 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:C MGR:WWW Reg:R Close Out FY:2001 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:1997 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:1997 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:100 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5175%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:WWW LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:1997/07/11 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:1997 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:1997 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:100 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:61736.5 RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2001 X:1920403.81187428 CD NO:88 Y:857428.997350033 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5175%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:WWW Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:7/10/1997 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:SUE KIMREY Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority:C010 Lur Status: Pollutant Type:3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:C RBCA GW: COMM Desc:COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:R RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:2/12/2001 CD No:88 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:SL ERR CD:NO Cleanup:7/10/1997 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: 148 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref:Converted DMS RP Company:FOUST OIL COMPANY RP Address:P O BOX 337 RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: m-52-819105474-b 1 of2 SE 0.48 / 2,541.22 694.18 / 20 Warren Property(William G.) 302 East Jackson Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-819105474-bb p1p-819105474-y1y Incident No:21852 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: Site Note: m-52-825127064-b 2 of2 SE 0.48 / 2,541.22 694.18 / 20 Warren Property(William G.) 302 East Jackson Street Mebane NC dd-LUST TRUST-825127064-bb p1p-825127064-y1y Incident No:21582 Facility ID: Site County:Alamance Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Details   Archive Submit No:NA 3rd Party Deduct:$0.00 CD No:NA Sum 3rd Party Amts:$0.00 UST No:WS-5971 Deduct Determine:0 Priority Rank:Deductible Amount:$0.00 Priority Rank Desc:Deductible Reason1: Site Eligible?:Yes Deductible Reason2: % Commercial Fund:0.0 Inel App: Reimbursement Form: No Site Note: 52 52 LUST TRUST LUST TRUST 149 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-53-819092643-b 1 of1 SE 0.49 / 2,589.03 696.06 / 22 WARREN PROPERTY, BILL 302 E. JACKSON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 dd-LUST-819092643-bb p1p-819092643-y1y Incident No:21582 Contam Type: Facility ID:Incdnt No(DWM Map):21582 UST No:WS-5971 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status:A UST No (DWM Map):WS-5971 Status Title:Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out:4/18/2000 Close Out(DWMMap):2000/04/19 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred:3/7/2000 Dt Occur (DWM Map):2000/03/08 00:00:00+00 Cleanup:9/30/2001 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County:ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):36.092487 Latitude:36.092487 Lon (DWM Map):-79.265858 Longitude:-79.265858 Incident Name:WARREN PROPERTY, BILL Address:302 E. JACKSON STREET City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302 Incident Name (DWM Map):WARREN PROPERTY, BILL Address (DWM Map):302 E. JACKSON STREET City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB); RUST Incident Management Database (RPTS); RUST Incident Management Database (ASSIGNID); RUST Incident Management Database (STATUS)   Incident Information   Src Contamination:3 Date Entered:24-Apr-2000 00:00:00   Incident Report   PRT ID:1101385 Report Type:CLO Report Type Description:Closure Report Request Date: Received Date:31-Mar-2000 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   PRT ID:1094240 Report Type:20DAY Report Type Description:20 Day Report Request Date: Received Date:31-Mar-2000 00:00:00 Reviewed Date: Approved Date: Implement Date: Due Date: Comment:   Incident Status   Last Modified:12-Jun-2000 00:00:00 Incident Phase:CO 53 LUST 150 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Incid Phase Desc:Close Out NOV Issued: NORR Issued: 45 Day Report: Public Meeting Held: Corrective Act Plan: SOC Signed: Reclassification Rep: RS Designation: Closure Req Date:   UST Incidents   RO Code:WS Tot Paid: CD No:88 RRA Date: Date Reported:4/1/2000 RRA Risk: Land Use:RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed:RRA Abate: LUR Resc:Risk:L LUR State:RRA Rank: Comm:N MGR:SAM Reg:N Close Out FY:2000 Conf Risk:L Date Occured FY:2000 SL Clnup End Dte:Date Reported FY:2000 SL Clnup Strt Dte:Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte:Perccomfndelig:0 SL Mgr:X: SL Sitestat:Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5971%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR:SAM LUR Filed: RO Code:WS LUR Resc: Date Reported:2000/04/01 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY:2000 SL MGR: Date Occured FY:2000 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm:N SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg:N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig:0 SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid:RRA Date: Conf Risk:L RRA Risk: Risk:L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse:RRA Abate: Inc Stat:Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY:2000 X:1921450.41631244 CD NO:88 Y:852668.918505477 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-5971%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR:SAM Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd:WS MTBE:0 Date Reported:3/31/2000 MTBE 1:U Source:3 Contact:BILL WARREN Source Desc:LEAK, UST Telephone:3365633849 Site Priority:Lur Status: Pollutant Type:4 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc:HEATING OIL LUR Resc: Petroleum Type:P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc:PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM:N RBCA GW: 151 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB COMM Desc:NON COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code:N RBCA:S3 Reg Code Desc:NON REGULATED RBCA Desc:Soil to Groundwater Notice Rg Rq Issd:CD No:88 Notice Violtn Issd:Reel No:3785 Contamination:ERR CD:NO Cleanup:9/30/2001 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk:L Cat Code: Risk:L Reliability: Land Use:Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc:New Source: Phase Reqrd:Book: Intrmdt Cndition:Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address:302 E. JACKSON STREET RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: 152 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Unplottable Summary Total: 31 Unplottable sites DB Company Name/Site Name Address City Zip ERIS ID uu-LUST-825350078-aa MEBANE MOBILE HWY 119 MEBANE NC 825350078 uu-LUST-825350636-aa J-LIN HOSIERY HWY 70 MEBANE NC 825350636 uu-LUST-825351238-aa SWEET GUM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (OLD) ROUTE 119 MEBANE NC 825351238 uu-LUST-825351459-aa SPEEDY QUICK STOP HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 825351459 uu-LUST-825349945-aa MEDLIN, ED HWY 70 MEBANE NC 825349945 uu-LUST-825344187-aa HANCOR INC.HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302- 825344187 uu-LUST-825351125-aa TOMMY'S MINI CLAY CLAY ST. MEBANE NC 825351125 uu-SPILLS-822865379-aa Mebane Collection System Third Street Lift Station. NC 822865379 uu-SPILLS-822861270-aa Mebane Village off Third Street in Mebane NC 822861270 uu-SPILLS-822867751-aa Mebane WWTP 3rd St. & McPherson Lift Station NC 822867751 uu-UST-819115334-aa TWINS CROSSING SERVICE STATION HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 819115334 Facility ID: 00-0-0000024448 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed LUST LUST LUST LUST LUST LUST LUST SPILLS SPILLS SPILLS UST Unplottable Summary 153 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 uu-UST-819113148-aa MACE GRADING HIGHWAY 70 E MEBANE NC 27302 819113148 Facility ID: 00-0-0000025200 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819128993-aa MEBANE FOREIGN CAR HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819128993 Facility ID: 00-0-0000025194 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819116575-aa MEBANE LUMBER CO INC P.O. BOX 219 HWY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819116575 Facility ID: 00-0-0000022044 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 2 | Removed uu-UST-819116576-aa ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM P.O. BOX 187 / HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819116576 Facility ID: 00-0-0000022164 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819121003-aa SOUTHERN STATES PO BOX 549, HWY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819121003 Facility ID: 00-0-0000025960 Tank ID | Tank Status: 7 | Removed, 3 | Removed, 6 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 5 | Removed, 2 | Removed uu-UST-819121620-aa MCLEOD OIL CO., INC. (PLANT) P.O. BOX 99 / HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819121620 Facility ID: 00-0-0000023218 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 3 | Removed, 2 | Removed, 4 | Removed uu-UST-819122391-aa ED MEDLIN HIGHWAY 70 W MEBANE NC 27302 819122391 Facility ID: 00-0-0000023633 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed uu-UST-819123323-aa CRAFTIQUE, INC.HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819123323 Facility ID: 00-0-0000003936 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 3 | Removed, 4 | Removed, 2 | Removed uu-UST-819124954-aa HANCORE INC HWY 70 E MEBANE NC 27302 819124954 Facility ID: 00-0-0000030888 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819126968-aa MEBANE HOME TELEPHONE HWY 119 MEBANE NC 27503 819126968 Facility ID: 00-0-0000031177 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819128139-aa HOME OIL INC HWY 70 PO BOX 99 MEBANE NC 27302 819128139 Facility ID: 00-0-0000030762 Tank ID | Tank Status: 3 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed uu-UST-819127750-aa THE BERNELL COMPANY E WASHINGTON ST EXTENSION MEBANE NC 27302 819127750 Facility ID: 00-0-0000032230 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST 154 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 uu-UST-819143727-aa KING TIRE SER. OF MEBANE INC HWY 70 E BOX 280 MEBANE NC 27302 819143727 Facility ID: 00-0-0000020433 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed uu-UST-819143385-aa REDMAN HOMES INC HWY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 819143385 Facility ID: 00-0-0000023090 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819142774-aa MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 819142774 Facility ID: 00-0-0000031178 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed, 2 | Removed uu-UST-819134963-aa SPEEDY'S QUICK STOP HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 819134963 Facility ID: 00-0-0000022168 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed, 3 | Removed uu-UST-819133490-aa MEBANE TELEPHONE CO. P.O. BOX 9 / CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 819133490 Facility ID: 00-0-0000023242 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819130737-aa HANCOR, INC.HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 819130737 Facility ID: 00-0-0000025196 Tank ID | Tank Status: 2 | Removed, 1 | Removed uu-UST-819130137-aa MEBANE HEATING & AIR HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819130137 Facility ID: 00-0-0000025198 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed uu-UST-819130136-aa ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 819130136 Facility ID: 00-0-0000025197 Tank ID | Tank Status: 1 | Removed UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST 155 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Unplottable Report Site:MEBANE MOBILE HWY 119 MEBANE NC uu-LUST-825350078-bb Incident No: Contam Type: Facility ID: Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No: WS-1065 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status: C UST No (DWM Map):WS-1065 Status Title: Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out: Close Out(DWMMap): Date Occurred: Dt Occur (DWM Map): Cleanup: County (DWM Map):ALAMA County: ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude: 0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude: 0 Incident Name:MEBANE MOBILE Address:HWY 119 City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):MEBANE MOBILE Address (DWM Map):HWY 119 City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code: WS Tot Paid: CD No: 0 RRA Date: Date Reported: RRA Risk: Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk: LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR:MSL Reg: R Close Out FY: Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY: SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY: SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1065%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR: MSL LUR Filed: RO Code: WS LUR Resc: Date Reported: LUR State: Date Reported FY: SL MGR: Date Occured FY: SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: LUST Unplottable Report 156 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Risk: RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Open RRA Rank: Closeout FY: X:32888970.6352937 CD NO: 0 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1065%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR: MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: WS MTBE:0 Date Reported: MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact: Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc: LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: GPS Conf:99 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code: R RBCA: Reg Code Desc: REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd: Reel No:0 Contamination: ERR CD:NO Cleanup: Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Site:J-LIN HOSIERY HWY 70 MEBANE NC uu-LUST-825350636-bb Incident No: Contam Type:None Facility ID: Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No: WS-1290 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status: A UST No (DWM Map):WS-1290 Status Title: Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out: 8/30/1990 Close Out(DWMMap):1990/08/31 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred: 8/30/1990 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1990/08/31 00:00:00+00 Cleanup: 8/30/1990 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County: ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude: 0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude: 0 LUST 157 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Incident Name:J-LIN HOSIERY Address:HWY 70 City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):J-LIN HOSIERY Address (DWM Map):HWY 70 City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code: WS Tot Paid: CD No: 35 RRA Date: Date Reported: 8/31/1990 RRA Risk: Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk: LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR: Reg: R Close Out FY:1990 Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY:1990 SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY:1990 SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1290%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR: LUR Filed: RO Code: WS LUR Resc: Date Reported: 1990/08/31 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY: 1990 SL MGR: Date Occured FY: 1990 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: Risk: RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY: 1990 X:32888970.6352937 CD NO: 35 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1290%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR: Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: WS MTBE:0 Date Reported: 8/30/1990 MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact: Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc: LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: GPS Conf:99 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: 158 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Regulated Code: R RBCA: Reg Code Desc: REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:35 Notice Violtn Issd: Reel No:3785 Contamination: NO ERR CD:NO Cleanup: 8/30/1990 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Site:SWEET GUM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (OLD) ROUTE 119 MEBANE NC uu-LUST-825351238-bb Incident No: Contam Type:None Facility ID: 00-0-0000000287 Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No: WS-453 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000000287 Current Status: A UST No (DWM Map):WS-453 Status Title: Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out: 8/30/2001 Close Out(DWMMap):2001/08/31 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred: Dt Occur (DWM Map): Cleanup: County (DWM Map):CASWE County: CASWE Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude: 0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude: 0 Incident Name:SWEET GUM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (OLD) Address:ROUTE 119 City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):SWEET GUM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (OLD) Address (DWM Map):ROUTE 119 City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code: WS Tot Paid: CD No: 89 RRA Date: Date Reported: RRA Risk: Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk: LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR: LUST 159 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Reg: N Close Out FY:2001 Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY: SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY: SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-453%2A%22%7D Comment:GARY JOSEPH RAYMOND BOUGHT PROPERTY. NO RELEASE IDENTIFIED **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR: LUR Filed: RO Code: WS LUR Resc: Date Reported: LUR State: Date Reported FY: SL MGR: Date Occured FY: SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: N SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: Risk: RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY: 2001 X:32888970.6352937 CD NO: 89 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-453%2A%22%7D Comment:GARY JOSEPH RAYMOND BOUGHT PROPERTY. NO RELEASE IDENTIFIED **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR: Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: WS MTBE:0 Date Reported: MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact: Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc: LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: GPS Conf:99 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code: N RBCA: Reg Code Desc: NON REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:89 Notice Violtn Issd: Reel No:3785 Contamination: NO ERR CD:NO Cleanup: Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: RP City: 160 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: GARY JOSEPH RAYMOND BOUGHT PROPERTY. NO RELEASE IDENTIFIED **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field. Site:SPEEDY QUICK STOP HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC uu-LUST-825351459-bb Incident No: Contam Type:None Facility ID: 00-0-0000022168 Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No: WS-521 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000022168 Current Status: A UST No (DWM Map):WS-521 Status Title: Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out: 3/9/1998 Close Out(DWMMap):1998/03/10 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred: 3/9/1998 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1998/03/10 00:00:00+00 Cleanup: 3/9/1998 County (DWM Map):ALAMA County: ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude: 0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude: 0 Incident Name:SPEEDY QUICK STOP Address:HIGHWAY 70 EAST City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):SPEEDY QUICK STOP Address (DWM Map):HIGHWAY 70 EAST City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code: WS Tot Paid: CD No: 88 RRA Date: Date Reported: 3/10/1998 RRA Risk: Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk: LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR:MAH Reg: R Close Out FY:1998 Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY:1998 SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY:1998 SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-521%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR: MAH LUR Filed: RO Code: WS LUR Resc: Date Reported: 1998/03/10 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY: 1998 SL MGR: Date Occured FY: 1998 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: LUST 161 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: Risk: RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY: 1998 X:32888970.6352937 CD NO: 88 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-521%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR: MAH Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: WS MTBE:0 Date Reported: 3/9/1998 MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact:MICHAEL TOMPKINS Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc: LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: GPS Conf:99 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code: R RBCA: Reg Code Desc: REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:88 Notice Violtn Issd: Reel No:3785 Contamination: NO ERR CD:NO Cleanup: 3/9/1998 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:MIDWAY OIL & GAS CO., INC. RP Address:P O BOX 99 RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302 RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Site:MEDLIN, ED HWY 70 MEBANE NC uu-LUST-825349945-bb Incident No: Contam Type: Facility ID: 00-0-0000023633 Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No: WS-1061 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023633 Current Status: C UST No (DWM Map):WS-1061 Status Title: Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out: Close Out(DWMMap): LUST 162 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Date Occurred: Dt Occur (DWM Map): Cleanup: County (DWM Map):ALAMA County: ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude: 0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude: 0 Incident Name:MEDLIN, ED Address:HWY 70 City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):MEDLIN, ED Address (DWM Map):HWY 70 City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code: WS Tot Paid: CD No: 0 RRA Date: Date Reported: RRA Risk: Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk: LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR:MSL Reg: R Close Out FY: Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY: SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY: SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1061%2A%22%7D Comment:   RUST Data   MGR: MSL LUR Filed: RO Code: WS LUR Resc: Date Reported: LUR State: Date Reported FY: SL MGR: Date Occured FY: SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: Risk: RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Open RRA Rank: Closeout FY: X:32888970.6352937 CD NO: 0 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-1061%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR: MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: WS MTBE:0 Date Reported: MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact: Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: LUR Filed: 163 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Pollutant Desc: LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: GPS Conf:99 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code: R RBCA: Reg Code Desc: REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd: Reel No:0 Contamination: ERR CD:NO Cleanup: Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Site:HANCOR INC. HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302-uu-LUST-825344187-bb Incident No: Contam Type:None Facility ID: Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No: RA-4436 Fac ID (DWM Map): Current Status: A UST No (DWM Map):RA-4436 Status Title: Archived Curr Stat(DWM Map):Archived Close Out: 8/9/1989 Close Out(DWMMap):1989/08/10 00:00:00+00 Date Occurred: 7/28/1989 Dt Occur (DWM Map):1989/07/29 00:00:00+00 Cleanup: 7/28/1989 County (DWM Map):ORANG County: ORANG Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude: 0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude: 0 Incident Name:HANCOR INC. Address:HIGHWAY 70 EAST City Town:MEBANE Zip Code:27302- Incident Name (DWM Map):HANCOR INC. Address (DWM Map):HIGHWAY 70 EAST City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map):27302- Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code: RAL Tot Paid: CD No: 127 RRA Date: Date Reported: 8/10/1989 RRA Risk: LUST 164 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk:L LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR:MAF Reg: R Close Out FY:1989 Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY:1989 SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY:1989 SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Closed SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2ARA-4436%2A%22%7D Comment:03/2003 - Review of Closure Report (for archiving) . . . . . .. 1000 gallon gas UST permanently closed on 6/16/1989; tank was filled with a concrete slurry after being cleaned; closure report received 8/9/1989 (prepared by Aquaterra and Four Seasons); two **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   RUST Data   MGR: MAF LUR Filed: RO Code: RAL LUR Resc: Date Reported: 1989/08/10 00:00:00+00 LUR State: Date Reported FY: 1989 SL MGR: Date Occured FY: 1989 SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: Risk: L RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Closed RRA Rank: Closeout FY: 1989 X:32888970.6352937 CD NO: 127 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2ARA-4436%2A%22%7D Comment:03/2003 - Review of Closure Report (for archiving) . . . . . .. 1000 gallon gas UST permanently closed on 6/16/1989; tank was filled with a concrete slurry after being cleaned; closure report received 8/9/1989 (prepared by Aquaterra and Four Seasons); two **Note: Many records provided by the department have a truncated [Comment] field.   LUST Database   MGR: MAF Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: RAL MTBE:0 Date Reported: 8/9/1989 MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact:BERT AUSTIN Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: 3 LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc: GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENE LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: P LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: PETROLEUM GPS Conf:99 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code: R RBCA: Reg Code Desc: REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:127 Notice Violtn Issd: Reel No:24 Contamination: NO ERR CD:NO Cleanup: 7/28/1989 Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: L Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: 165 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company:HANCOR INC. RP Address:HIGHWAY 70 EAST RP City:MEBANE RP State:NC RP Zip Code:27302- RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: 03/2003 - Review of Closure Report (for archiving) . . . . . .. 1000 gallon gas UST permanently closed on 6/16/1989; tank was filled with a concrete slurry after being cleaned; closure report received 8/9/1989 (prepared by Aquaterra and Four Seasons); two soil samples collected. 1-28-2014, Sent modified NFA to RP and CEC, Inc dicussed with MRP. Site:TOMMY'S MINI CLAY CLAY ST. MEBANE NC uu-LUST-825351125-bb Incident No: Contam Type: Facility ID: 00-0-0000023467 Incdnt No(DWM Map): UST No: WS-380 Fac ID (DWM Map):00-0-0000023467 Current Status: C UST No (DWM Map):WS-380 Status Title: Current Record Curr Stat(DWM Map):Current Record Close Out: Close Out(DWMMap): Date Occurred: Dt Occur (DWM Map): Cleanup: County (DWM Map):ALAMA County: ALAMA Lat (DWM Map):0 Latitude: 0 Lon (DWM Map):0 Longitude: 0 Incident Name:TOMMY'S MINI CLAY Address:CLAY ST. City Town:MEBANE Zip Code: Incident Name (DWM Map):TOMMY'S MINI CLAY Address (DWM Map):CLAY ST. City (DWM Map):MEBANE Zip Code (DWM Map): Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc. gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Data Source:Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool - UST Incidents; RUST Incident Management Database (UST DB)   UST Incidents   RO Code: WS Tot Paid: CD No: 0 RRA Date: Date Reported: RRA Risk: Land Use: RRA Rank Curr:0 LUR Filed: RRA Abate: LUR Resc: Risk: LUR State: RRA Rank: Comm: C MGR:MSL Reg: R Close Out FY: Conf Risk: L Date Occured FY: SL Clnup End Dte: Date Reported FY: SL Clnup Strt Dte: Inc Stat:Open SL Ftfrec Dte: Perccomfndelig: SL Mgr: X: SL Sitestat: Y: Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-380%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST 166 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 RUST Data   MGR: MSL LUR Filed: RO Code: WS LUR Resc: Date Reported: LUR State: Date Reported FY: SL MGR: Date Occured FY: SL Cleanup Strt Dt: Comm: C SL Cleanup End Dt: Reg: R SL Site Stat: Perccomfndelig: SL Ftfrecdte: TOT Paid: RRA Date: Conf Risk: L RRA Risk: Risk: RRA Rank Curr:0 Landuse: RRA Abate: Inc Stat: Open RRA Rank: Closeout FY: X:32888970.6352937 CD NO: 0 Y:-69513.2738257283 Docs Link:http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%5BWM%5D%3A% 5BProgram_ID%5D%3D%22%2AWS-380%2A%22%7D Comment:   LUST Database   MGR: MSL Clos Reqsd: Regional Office Cd: WS MTBE:0 Date Reported: MTBE 1:U Source: 3 Contact: Source Desc: LEAK, UST Telephone: Site Priority: Lur Status: Pollutant Type: LUR Filed: Pollutant Desc: LUR Resc: Petroleum Type: LUR State: Petrol Type Desc: GPS Conf:99 COMM: C RBCA GW: COMM Desc: COMMERCIAL RBCA GW Desc: Regulated Code: R RBCA: Reg Code Desc: REGULATED RBCA Desc: Notice Rg Rq Issd: CD No:0 Notice Violtn Issd: Reel No:0 Contamination: ERR CD:NO Cleanup: Valid:FALSE Conf Risk: L Cat Code: Risk: Reliability: Land Use: Supply Well:0 Land Use Desc: New Source: Phase Reqrd: Book: Intrmdt Cndition: Page: Corr Act Plan Cd: Release Code:0 Release Code Desc: CAP Desc: HCS Res: HCS Ref: RP Company: RP Address: RP City: RP State: RP Zip Code: RP County: RP Email: RP Email1: RP Owner:FALSE RP Operator:FALSE RP Land Owner:FALSE Comment: Site:Mebane Collection System Third Street Lift Station. NC uu-SPILLS-822865379-bbSPILLS 167 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Incident No: 16287 Region:Winston-Salem Latitude: County:Alamance Longitude:   Incident Details   Permit No: WQCS00081 Year:2021 Incident Type: SSO Est Total Vol:118000 Start Date: 12/5/2002 Est Surface Wtr Vol:118000 Extract Date: Cur Classification: Five Day Start Dt: Duration (Minutes):2295 Owner: City of Mebane User Last Updated: Owner Organztn Nm: Waterbody Name: Force Main Length Miles: Gravity Sewer Length Miles: Permitted Flow Qty Gpd: Pressure Sewer Length Miles: Category: Site:Mebane Village off Third Street in Mebane NC uu-SPILLS-822861270-bb Incident No: 200401030 Region:Winston-Salem Latitude: County:Alamance Longitude:   Incident Details   Permit No: Year:2016 Incident Type: Est Total Vol: Start Date: 3/15/2004 Est Surface Wtr Vol: Extract Date: Cur Classification: Five Day Start Dt: Duration (Minutes): Owner: Kime, Brian Keith.User Last Updated: Owner Organztn Nm: Waterbody Name: Force Main Length Miles: Gravity Sewer Length Miles: Permitted Flow Qty Gpd: Pressure Sewer Length Miles: Category: Site:Mebane WWTP 3rd St. & McPherson Lift Station NC uu-SPILLS-822867751-bb Incident No: 19981889 Region:Winston-Salem Latitude: County:Alamance Longitude:   Incident Details   Permit No: NC0021474 Year:2021 Incident Type: SSO Est Total Vol:21000 Start Date: 1/4/1998 Est Surface Wtr Vol:21000 Extract Date: Cur Classification: Five Day Start Dt: Duration (Minutes):90 Owner: City of Mebane User Last Updated: Owner Organztn Nm: Waterbody Name: Force Main Length Miles: Gravity Sewer Length Miles: Permitted Flow Qty Gpd: Pressure Sewer Length Miles: Category: SPILLS SPILLS 168 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Site:TWINS CROSSING SERVICE STATION HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819115334-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000024448 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:MCCLEOD OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:P.O. BOX 99 - HIGHWAY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):TWINS CROSSING SERVICE STATION Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 EAST Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 30-JUN-92 FR Amt: Capacity: 9999 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:29 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel UST 169 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 30-JUN-92 FR Amt: Capacity: 9999 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:29 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 45281.00 Phone:(919) 563-5585 Facility Key: 105986 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:MACE GRADING HIGHWAY 70 E MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819113148-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000025200 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO INC Contact Address 1:PO BOX 468 ATTN: SUE KIMREY Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302-0468 Fac Name (Report):MACE GRADING Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 E Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown UST 170 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Installation Date: 1984/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 25-JUN-97 FR Amt: Capacity: 2000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:4/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23302.00 Phone:(919) 563-2002 Facility Key: 104522 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:MEBANE FOREIGN CAR HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819128993-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000025194 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:403 EAST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE FOREIGN CAR Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1978/05/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 29-SEP-89 FR Amt: UST 171 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:11/9/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23305.00 Phone:(919) 563-3132 Facility Key: 104516 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:MEBANE LUMBER CO INC P.O. BOX 219 HWY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819116575-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000022044 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:MEBANE LUMBER CO INC Contact Address 1:P.O. BOX 219 HWY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE LUMBER CO INC Address1 (Report):P.O. BOX 219 HWY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1961/08/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 2000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/23/1989 0:00:00 UST 172 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1961/08/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 20000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/23/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1961/08/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/23/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports) 173 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1961/08/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/23/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 45713.00 Phone:(919) 563-5955 Facility Key: 103485 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM P.O. BOX 187 / HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819116576-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000022164 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:MCLEOD OIL COMPANY, INC. Contact Address 1:PO BOX 100/ HIGHWAY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM Address1 (Report):P.O. BOX 187 / HIGHWAY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes UST 174 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1971/05/05 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 11-FEB-90 FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity: 550 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 45560.00 Phone:(919) 563-3172 Facility Key: 104105 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:SOUTHERN STATES PO BOX 549, HWY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819121003-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000025960 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:SOUTHERN STATES Contact Address 1:PO BOX 549, HWY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):SOUTHERN STATES Address1 (Report):PO BOX 549, HWY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 7 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown UST 175 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 15-MAR-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 3000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 3 Regulated:No Tank Status: Removed Product:Fuel Oil Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/09/27 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 15-MAR-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 15000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 6 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/09/27 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 15-MAR-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: 176 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/09/27 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 15-MAR-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Kerosene, Kero Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/09/27 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 15-MAR-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 15000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 5 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown 177 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/09/27 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 15-MAR-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 15000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1973/09/25 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 15-MAR-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 270 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/3/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 66295.00 Phone:(000) 000-0000 Facility Key: 105060 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:MCLEOD OIL CO., INC. (PLANT) P.O. BOX 99 / HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819121620-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000023218 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:MCLEOD OIL COMPANY, INC. Contact Address 1:PO BOX 100/ HIGHWAY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 UST 178 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Fac Name (Report):MCLEOD OIL CO., INC. (PLANT) Address1 (Report):P.O. BOX 99 / HIGHWAY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity: 550 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:28 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity: 1000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:28 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: 179 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity: 550 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:28 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1985/05/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt:$350000.00 Capacity: 4000 FR Desc:Corporate Guarantee Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:28 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 45560.00 Phone:(919) 563-3172 Facility Key: 103790 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:ED MEDLIN HIGHWAY 70 W MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819122391-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000023633 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 UST 180 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:403 EAST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):ED MEDLIN Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 W Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1971/05/09 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 12-SEP-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/24/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1971/05/09 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 12-SEP-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/24/1989 0:00:00 181 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23305.00 Phone:(919) 563-3132 Facility Key: 103447 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:CRAFTIQUE, INC. HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819123323-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000003936 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:CRAFTIQUE INC Contact Address 1:HWY 70 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):CRAFTIQUE, INC. Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Unknown Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 20-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/14/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: UST 182 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Unknown Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 20-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/14/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 4 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Other, Petroleum Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1972/05/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 20-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 10000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/14/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes 183 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Tank Status: Removed Product:Unknown Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 20-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 2000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/14/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 13247.00 Phone:(000) 000-0000 Facility Key: 86055 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:HANCORE INC HWY 70 E MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819124954-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000030888 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:HANCOR INC Contact Address 1:HWY 70 E Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):HANCORE INC Address1 (Report):HWY 70 E Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown UST 184 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 16-JUN-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/22/2011 0:06:29 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 28441.00 Phone:(919) 563-5551 Facility Key: 110655 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:MEBANE HOME TELEPHONE HWY 119 MEBANE NC 27503 uu-UST-819126968-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000031177 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:403 EAST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE HOME TELEPHONE Address1 (Report):HWY 119 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27503 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown UST 185 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Other Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1988/01/03 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 30-DEC-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:4/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23305.00 Phone:(919) 563-3132 Facility Key: 109327 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:HOME OIL INC HWY 70 PO BOX 99 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819128139-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000030762 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:HOME OIL, INC. Contact Address 1:HWY 70, PO BOX 100 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302-0099 Fac Name (Report):HOME OIL INC Address1 (Report):HWY 70 PO BOX 99 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Kerosene, Kero Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel UST 186 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/8/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1981/09/23 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 4000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/8/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1981/09/23 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 01-DEC-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 4000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:8/8/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: 187 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 30211.00 Phone:(919) 563-5585 Facility Key: 110383 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:THE BERNELL COMPANY E WASHINGTON ST EXTENSION MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819127750-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000032230 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:THE BERNELL COMPANY Contact Address 1:P O BOX 847 Contact Address 2: Contact City:HIGH POINT Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27261 Fac Name (Report):THE BERNELL COMPANY Address1 (Report):E WASHINGTON ST EXTENSION Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Unknown Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1968/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 22-JUL-91 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:5/31/1991 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc: UST 188 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011   Owner Information   Contact Key: 68840.00 Phone:(919) 889-2001 Facility Key: 108853 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:KING TIRE SER. OF MEBANE INC HWY 70 E BOX 280 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819143727-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000020433 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:KING TIRE SER. OF MEBANE INC Contact Address 1:HWY 70 E BOX 280 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):KING TIRE SER. OF MEBANE INC Address1 (Report):HWY 70 E BOX 280 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1977/04/11 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 15-APR-93 FR Amt: Capacity: 2000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/18/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports) UST 189 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1973/04/12 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 15-APR-93 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/18/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 38726.00 Phone:(919) 563-5951 Facility Key: 101856 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:REDMAN HOMES INC HWY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819143385-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000023090 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:REDMAN INDUSTRIES INC Contact Address 1:2550 WALNUT HILL LANE Contact Address 2: Contact City:DALLAS Contact State:TX Contact Zip:. Fac Name (Report):REDMAN HOMES INC Address1 (Report):HWY 70 EAST Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes UST 190 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1976/05/11 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 30-APR-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 9999 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/15/2011 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 61098.00 Phone:(214) 353-3600 Facility Key: 103300 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS WASHINGTON STREET MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819142774-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000031178 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO INC Contact Address 1:PO BOX 468 ATTN: SUE KIMREY Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302-0468 Fac Name (Report):MEBTEL COMMUNICATIONS Address1 (Report):WASHINGTON STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown UST 191 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Other Tank Cert No: 199804393O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: 199804393O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1988/01/03 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 29-APR-98 FR Amt: Capacity: 2000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:6/17/1998 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Other Tank Cert No: 199804393O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: 199804393O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1988/01/03 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 29-APR-98 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:6/17/1998 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23302.00 Phone:(919) 563-2002 Facility Key: 109328 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:SPEEDY'S QUICK STOP HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819134963-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000022168 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:MIDWAY OIL AND GAS COMPANY, INC. Contact Address 1:PO BOX 100 Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE UST 192 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302-0100 Fac Name (Report):SPEEDY'S QUICK STOP Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 EAST Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: 199706040O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: 199706040O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 02-DEC-97 FR Amt:$150000.00 Capacity: 8000 FR Desc:Self-Insurance Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: 199706040O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: 199706040O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1964/01/01 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 02-DEC-97 FR Amt:$150000.00 Capacity: 8000 FR Desc:Self-Insurance Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: 193 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 3 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: 199706040O Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: 199706040O Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1984/04/28 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 02-DEC-97 FR Amt:$150000.00 Capacity: 4000 FR Desc:Self-Insurance Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/10/1996 0:00:00 FR Bus Name:Midway Oil and Gas Company, Inc. Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 46226.00 Phone:(919) 563-3172 Facility Key: 104109 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:MEBANE TELEPHONE CO. P.O. BOX 9 / CENTER STREET MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819133490-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000023242 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:MEBANE TELEPHONE CO. Contact Address 1:P O BOX 9 / CENTER ST Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE TELEPHONE CO. Address1 (Report):P.O. BOX 9 / CENTER STREET Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports UST 194 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1974/05/04 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Alamance Perm Close Date: 30-MAY-88 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:10/8/1990 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 45725.00 Phone:(919) 563-5585 Facility Key: 103913 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Alamance End Date: Site:HANCOR, INC. HIGHWAY 70 EAST MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819130737-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000025196 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:403 EAST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):HANCOR, INC. Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 EAST Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx UST 195 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 2 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Diesel Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1980/05/06 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 30-DEC-87 FR Amt: Capacity: 550 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:11/9/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1976/05/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 30-DEC-87 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:11/9/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23305.00 Phone:(919) 563-3132 Facility Key: 104518 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:MEBANE HEATING & AIR HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819130137-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000025198 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): UST 196 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): Contact:FOUST OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:403 EAST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):MEBANE HEATING & AIR Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1976/05/07 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 27-SEP-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:11/9/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23305.00 Phone:(919) 563-3132 Facility Key: 104520 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: Site:ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER HIGHWAY 70 MEBANE NC 27302 uu-UST-819130136-bb Facility ID: 00-0-0000025197 Latitude (Report):0 No Reg Tanks: Longitude (Report):0 No Non-Reg Tanks: Latitude (Map): Non-Reg/Com Tanks: Longitude (Map): Fac Owner Type: Latitude (PST): County: Longitude (PST): UST 197 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Contact:FOUST OIL CO., INC. Contact Address 1:403 EAST CENTER STREET Contact Address 2: Contact City:MEBANE Contact State:NC Contact Zip:27302 Fac Name (Report):ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER Address1 (Report):HIGHWAY 70 Address2 (Report): City (Report):MEBANE State (Report):NC Zip (Report):27302 Fac Name (Map): Fac Address (Map): Fac City (Map): Fac Zip (Map): Fac Phone (Map) : Facility Name (PST): Address (PST): City (PST): Data Source:North Carolina Environmental Quality - UST Databases and Reports Note:Documents related to facilities in NC can be searched on the NC DEQ LaserFiche WebLink: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx   Tank Info (UST Databases and Reports)   Tank ID: 1 Regulated:Yes Tank Status: Removed Product:Gasoline, Gas Mix Compartment Tank: NO OvrfllProtection:Unknown Manifold Tank: Leak Detection: Main Tank: NO Spill Protection:Unknown Root Tank ID: Piping Constr:Single Wall Steel Tank Cert No: Tank Constr:Single Wall Steel Cert No: Piping System:Unknown Installation Date: 1981/05/06 00:00:00 FIPS County Desc:Orange Perm Close Date: 27-SEP-89 FR Amt: Capacity: 1000 FR Desc: Commercial: Yes Last Update Date:7/28/1989 0:00:00 FR Bus Name: Other CP Tank: Other CP Name: Leak Detection Key: Overfill Protection Key: Piping Constr Key: Piping System Key: Product Key: Spill Protection Key: Tank Constr Key: Tank Status Key:0 Tank Constr Key Desc:   Owner Information   Contact Key: 23305.00 Phone:(919) 563-3132 Facility Key: 104519 Affiliate Type:Owner FIPS County Desc: Orange End Date: 198 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Appendix: Database Descriptions Environmental Risk Information Services (ERIS) can search the following databases. The extent of historical information varies with each database and current information is determined by what is publicly available to ERIS at the time of update. ERIS updates databases as set out in ASTM Standard E1527-13 and E1527-21, Section 8.1.8 Sources of Standard Source Information: "Government information from nongovernmental sources may be considered current if the source updates the information at least every 90 days, or, for information that is updated less frequently than quarterly by the government agency, within 90 days of the date the government agency makes the information available to the public." Standard Environmental Record Sources Federal National Priority List:rr-NPL-bb Sites on the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s National Priorities List of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for possible long-term remedial action under the Superfund program. The NPL, which EPA is required to update at least once a year, is based primarily on the score a site receives from EPA's Hazard Ranking System. A site must be on the NPL to receive money from the Superfund Trust Fund for remedial action. Sites are represented by boundaries where available in the EPA Superfund Site Boundaries maintained by the Shared Enterprise Geodata and Services (SEGS). Site boundaries represent the footprint of a whole site, the sum of all of the Operable Units and the current understanding of the full extent of contamination; for Federal Facility sites, the total site polygon may be the Facility boundary. Where there is no polygon boundary data available for a given site, the site is represented as a point. Government Publication Date: Oct 26, 2023 National Priority List - Proposed:rr-PROPOSED NPL-bb Sites proposed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the state agency, or concerned citizens for addition to the National Priorities List (NPL) due to contamination by hazardous waste and identified by the EPA as a candidate for cleanup because it poses a risk to human health and/or the environment. Sites are represented by boundaries where available in the EPA Superfund Site Boundaries maintained by the Shared Enterprise Geodata and Services (SEGS). Site boundaries represent the footprint of a whole site, the sum of all of the Operable Units and the current understanding of the full extent of contamination; for Federal Facility sites, the total site polygon may be the Facility boundary. Where there is no polygon boundary data available for a given site, the site is represented as a point. Government Publication Date: Oct 26, 2023 Deleted NPL:rr-DELETED NPL-bb Sites deleted from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s National Priorities List. The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Sites are represented by boundaries where available in the EPA Superfund Site Boundaries maintained by the Shared Enterprise Geodata and Services (SEGS). Site boundaries represent the footprint of a whole site, the sum of all of the Operable Units and the current understanding of the full extent of contamination; for Federal Facility sites, the total site polygon may be the Facility boundary. Where there is no polygon boundary data available for a given site, the site is represented as a point. Government Publication Date: Oct 26, 2023 SEMS List 8R Active Site Inventory:rr-SEMS-bb The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Superfund Program has deployed the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), which integrates multiple legacy systems into a comprehensive tracking and reporting tool. This inventory contains active sites evaluated by the Superfund program that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The Active Site Inventory Report displays site and location information at active SEMS sites. An active site is one at which site assessment, removal, remedial, enforcement, cost recovery, or oversight activities are being planned or conducted. This data includes SEMS sites from the List 8R Active file as well as applicable sites from the SEMS GIS/REST file layer obtained from EPA's Facility Registry Service. Government Publication Date: Nov 14, 2023 NPL PROPOSED NPL DELETED NPL SEMS Appendix: Database Descriptions 199 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Inventory of Open Dumps, June 1985:rr-ODI-bb The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) provides for publication of an inventory of open dumps. The Act defines "open dumps" as facilities which do not comply with EPA's "Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices" (40 CFR 257). Government Publication Date: Jun 1985 SEMS List 8R Archive Sites:rr-SEMS ARCHIVE-bb The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) Archived Site Inventory displays site and location information at sites archived from SEMS. An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program at this time. This data includes sites from the List 8R Archived site file. Government Publication Date: Nov 14, 2023 EPA Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands:rr-IODI-bb Public Law 103-399, The Indian Lands Open Dump Cleanup Act of 1994, enacted October 22, 1994, identified congressional concerns that solid waste open dump sites located on American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) lands threaten the health and safety of residents of those lands and contiguous areas. The purpose of the Act is to identify the location of open dumps on Indian lands, assess the relative health and environment hazards posed by those sites, and provide financial and technical assistance to Indian tribal governments to close such dumps in compliance with Federal standards and regulations or standards promulgated by Indian Tribal governments or Alaska Native entities. Government Publication Date: Dec 31, 1998 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System - CERCLIS: rr-CERCLIS-bb Superfund is a program administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to locate, investigate, and clean up the worst hazardous waste sites throughout the United States. CERCLIS is a database of potential and confirmed hazardous waste sites at which the EPA Superfund program has some involvement. It contains sites that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The EPA administers the Superfund program in cooperation with individual states and tribal governments; this database is made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2013 CERCLIS - No Further Remedial Action Planned:rr-CERCLIS NFRAP-bb An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program at this time. The Archive designation means that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL). This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2013 CERCLIS Liens:rr-CERCLIS LIENS-bb A Federal Superfund lien exists at any property where EPA has incurred Superfund costs to address contamination ("Superfund site") and has provided notice of liability to the property owner. A Federal CERCLA ("Superfund") lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This database was provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Refer to SEMS LIEN as the current data source for Superfund Liens. Government Publication Date: Jan 30, 2014 RCRA CORRACTS-Corrective Action:rr-RCRA CORRACTS-bb RCRA Info is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. At these sites, the Corrective Action Program ensures that cleanups occur. EPA and state regulators work with facilities and communities to design remedies based on the contamination, geology, and anticipated use unique to each site. Government Publication Date: Oct 2, 2023 RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD Facilities:rr-RCRA TSD-bb RCRA Info is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. This database includes Non- Corrective Action sites that have indicated engagement in the treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste which requires a RCRA hazardous waste permit. Government Publication Date: Oct 2, 2023 ODI SEMS ARCHIVE IODI CERCLIS CERCLIS NFRAP CERCLIS LIENS RCRA CORRACTS RCRA TSD 200 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 RCRA Generator List:rr-RCRA LQG-bb RCRA Info is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) generate 1,000 kilograms per month or more of hazardous waste or more than one kilogram per month of acutely hazardous waste. Government Publication Date: Oct 2, 2023 RCRA Small Quantity Generators List:rr-RCRA SQG-bb RCRA Info is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) generate more than 100 kilograms, but less than 1,000 kilograms, of hazardous waste per month. Government Publication Date: Oct 2, 2023 RCRA Very Small Quantity Generators List:rr-RCRA VSQG-bb RCRA Info is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG) generate 100 kilograms or less per month of hazardous waste, or one kilogram or less per month of acutely hazardous waste. Additionally, VSQG may not accumulate more than 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste at any time. Government Publication Date: Oct 2, 2023 RCRA Non-Generators:rr-RCRA NON GEN-bb RCRA Info is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Government Publication Date: Oct 2, 2023 RCRA Sites with Controls:rr-RCRA CONTROLS-bb List of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facilities with institutional controls in place. RCRA gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. Government Publication Date: Oct 2, 2023 Federal Engineering Controls-ECs:rr-FED ENG-bb List of Engineering controls (ECs) made availabe by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ECs encompass a variety of engineered and constructed physical barriers (e.g., soil capping, sub-surface venting systems, mitigation barriers, fences) to contain and/or prevent exposure to contamination on a property. The EC listing includes remedy component data from Superfund decision documents for applicable sites on the final or deleted on the National Priorities List (NPL); and sites with a Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) Agreement in place. The only sites included that are not on the NPL; proposed for NPL; or removed from proposed NPL, are those with an SAA Agreement in place. Government Publication Date: Dec 26, 2023 Federal Institutional Controls- ICs:rr-FED INST-bb List of Institutional controls (ICs) made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ICs are non-engineered instruments, such as administrative and legal controls, that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and/or protect the integrity of the remedy. Although it is EPA's expectation that treatment or engineering controls will be used to address principal threat wastes and that groundwater will be returned to its beneficial use whenever practicable, ICs play an important role in site remedies because they reduce exposure to contamination by limiting land or resource use and guide human behavior at a site. The IC listing includes remedy component data from Superfund decision documents for applicable sites on the final or deleted on the National Priorities List (NPL); and sites with a Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) Agreement in place. The only sites included that are not on the NPL; proposed for NPL; or removed from proposed NPL, are those with an SAA Agreement in place. Government Publication Date: Dec 26, 2023 RCRA LQG RCRA SQG RCRA VSQG RCRA NON GEN RCRA CONTROLS FED ENG FED INST 201 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Land Use Control Information System:rr-LUCIS-bb The LUCIS database is maintained by the U.S. Department of the Navy and contains information for former Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) properties across the United States. Government Publication Date: Sep 1, 2006 Institutional Control Boundaries at NPL sites:rr-NPL IC-bb Boundaries of Institutional Control areas at sites on the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s National Priorities List, or Proposed or Deleted, made available by the EPA's Shared Enterprise Geodata and Services (SEGS). United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s National Priorities List of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for possible long-term remedial action under the Superfund program. Institutional controls are non-engineered instruments such as administrative and legal controls that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and/or protect the integrity of the remedy. Government Publication Date: Oct 26, 2023 Emergency Response Notification System:rr-ERNS 1982 TO 1986-bb Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports controlled by the National Response Center. The primary function of the National Response Center is to serve as the sole national point of contact for reporting oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. Government Publication Date: 1982-1986 Emergency Response Notification System:rr-ERNS 1987 TO 1989-bb Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports controlled by the National Response Center. The primary function of the National Response Center is to serve as the sole national point of contact for reporting oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. Government Publication Date: 1987-1989 Emergency Response Notification System:rr-ERNS-bb Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports made available by the United States Coast Guard National Response Center (NRC). The NRC fields initial reports for pollution and railroad incidents and forwards that information to appropriate federal/state agencies for response. These data contain initial incident data that has not been validated or investigated by a federal/state response agency. Government Publication Date: Feb 20, 2024 The Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) Brownfield Database:rr-FED BROWNFIELDS-bb Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties protects the environment, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off greenspaces and working lands. This data is provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and includes Brownfield sites from the Cleanups in My Community (CIMC) web application. Government Publication Date: Feb 7, 2024 FEMA Underground Storage Tank Listing:rr-FEMA UST-bb The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the Department of Homeland Security maintains a list of FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Government Publication Date: Dec 31, 2017 Facility Response Plan:rr-FRP-bb This listing contains facilities that have submitted Facility Response Plans (FRPs) to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause "substantial harm" to the environment by discharging oil into or on navigable waters are required to prepare and submit FRPs. Harm is determined based on total oil storage capacity, secondary containment and age of tanks, oil transfer activities, history of discharges, proximity to a public drinking water intake or sensitive environments. This listing includes FRP facilities from an applicable EPA FOIA file and Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) data file. Government Publication Date: May 2, 2023 Delisted Facility Response Plans:rr-DELISTED FRP-bb Facilities that once appeared in - and have since been removed from - the list of facilities that have submitted Facility Response Plans (FRP) to EPA. Facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause "substantial harm" to the environment by discharging oil into or on navigable waters are required to prepare and submit Facility Response Plans (FRPs). Harm is determined based on total oil storage capacity, secondary containment and age of tanks, oil transfer activities, history of discharges, proximity to a public drinking water intake or sensitive environments. Government Publication Date: May 2, 2023 LUCIS NPL IC ERNS 1982 TO 1986 ERNS 1987 TO 1989 ERNS FED BROWNFIELDS FEMA UST FRP DELISTED FRP 202 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Historical Gas Stations:rr-HIST GAS STATIONS-bb This historic directory of service stations is provided by the Cities Service Company. The directory includes Cities Service filling stations that were located throughout the United States in 1930. Government Publication Date: Jul 1, 1930 Petroleum Refineries:rr-REFN-bb List of petroleum refineries from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Refinery Capacity Report. Includes operating and idle petroleum refineries (including new refineries under construction) and refineries shut down during the previous year located in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions. Survey locations adjusted using public data. Government Publication Date: Sep 20, 2023 Petroleum Product and Crude Oil Rail Terminals:rr-BULK TERMINAL-bb A list of petroleum product and crude oil rail terminals from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), as well as petroleum terminals sourced from the Federal Communications Commission Data hosted by the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Database. Data includes operable bulk petroleum product terminals with a total bulk shell storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more, and/or the ability to receive volumes from tanker, barge, or pipeline; also rail terminals handling the loading and unloading of crude oil with activity between 2017 and 2018. EIA petroleum product terminal data comes from the EIA-815 Bulk Terminal and Blender Report, which includes working, shell in operation, and shell idle for several major product groupings. Government Publication Date: Sep 22, 2023 LIEN on Property:rr-SEMS LIEN-bb The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) provides Lien details on applicable properties, such as the Superfund lien on property activity, the lien property information, and the parties associated with the lien. Government Publication Date: Nov 14, 2023 Superfund Decision Documents:rr-SUPERFUND ROD-bb This database contains a list of decision documents for Superfund sites. Decision documents serve to provide the reasoning for the choice of (or) changes to a Superfund Site cleanup plan. The decision documents include completed Records of Decision (ROD), ROD Amendments, Explanations of Significant Differences (ESD) for active and archived sites stored in the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), along with other associated memos and files. This information is maintained and made available by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Government Publication Date: Dec 26, 2023 Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program:rr-DOE FUSRAP-bb The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) established the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) in 1974 to remediate sites where radioactive contamination remained from the Manhattan Project and early U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) operations. The DOE Office of Legacy Management (LM) established long-term surveillance and maintenance (LTS&M) requirements for remediated FUSRAP sites. DOE evaluates the final site conditions of a remediated site on the basis of risk for different future uses. DOE then confirms that LTS&M requirements will maintain protectiveness. Government Publication Date: Mar 4, 2017 State Inactive Hazardous Sites and Federal Remediation Branch Sites:rr-SHWS-bb Sites on the Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory and Federal Remediation Branch sites made available by the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). "Inactive Hazardous Sites" by definition are any areas where a hazardous substance release has come to be located and would include active and inactive facilities and a variety of property types. The term "inactive" refers to the fact that cleanup was inactive at large numbers of sites at the time of program enactment. The Federal Remediation Branch works cooperatively with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement the federal Superfund program under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) as amended. Government Publication Date: Jan 2, 2024 State Trust Funds Database:rr-LUST TRUST-bb The Trust Fund Branch administers the Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants. The Underground Storage Tank (UST) funds provide reimbursement for costs incurred during the cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination resulting from a release of petroleum from an underground storage tank. Two funds, the Commercial Trust Fund and the Non-Commercial Trust Fund, have been established to reimburse tank owners, operators, and landowners for costs associated with cleanups. This was made available by the Division of Waste Management in the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2023 HIST GAS STATIONS REFN BULK TERMINAL SEMS LIEN SUPERFUND ROD DOE FUSRAP SHWS LUST TRUST 203 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Delisted Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory:rr-DELISTED SHWS-bb This list is comprised of sites that were once included in the inventory of Inactive Hazardous Sites, but have been removed from the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). This database is state equivalent CERCLIS. Government Publication Date: Jan 2, 2024 Solid Waste Facilities and Landfills:rr-SWF/LF-bb List of permitted solid waste facilities, landfills, and septage waste sites made available by the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Mar 28, 2022 Old Landfill Inventory:rr-OLD LF-bb The Old Landfill Inventory, made available by the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), lists locations of non-permitted landfills that were closed prior to January 1, 1983 when waste disposal permitting regulations commenced. Legislation in 2007 (SB1492) resulted in adding new provisions to the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act for addressing these landfills. The Old Landfill Inventory is managed by the Pre-Regulatory Landfill Unit within the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch. Government Publication Date: Dec 7, 2023 Coal Ash Disposal Sites:rr-COAL ASH LF-bb The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management's Solid Waste Program regulates coal combustion residuals (CCR) from coal-fired electric power plants that are disposed of on land in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 130a, which includes the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 (SL 2014-122 on August 20, 2014). CCRs primarily consist of coal bottom and fly ash, and flue gas desulfurization residuals. Government Publication Date: Aug 4, 2021 Incident Management Database (Regional Underground Storage Tanks):rr-LUST-bb List of sites where there has been a release of petroleum to the soil and/or groundwater, from an Underground Storage Tank (UST) system. Data is extracted from the Regional Underground Storage Tank (RUST) database made available by the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Oct 30, 2023 Hazard Substance Disposal Sites:rr-HSDS-bb A list of Hazard Substance Disposal Sites that are maintained by North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. This list monitors the locations of unregulated and uncontrolled hazard waste sites. This list is the state equivalent of National Priority List (NPL). Government Publication Date: Jan 1, 1999 Aboveground Incident Management Database (Regional Aboveground Storage Tanks):rr-LAST-bb This list of sites where there has been a discharge of petroleum to the soil and/or groundwater, from a source other than an Underground Storage Tank (UST) system (i.e., Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) system, spills, dumping, etc.) is provided by The Division of Waste Management (DWM) in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The data is compiled from the DEQ's Aboveground Incident Management Database (Regional Aboveground Storage Tanks), Online GIS Data Set, and DWM's Site Locator Map Tool. Government Publication Date: Jan 19, 2024 Delisted Leaking Storage Tanks:rr-DELISTED LST-bb List of leaking storage tank sites which were once included, but have since been removed from the Incident Management Databases made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)'s Division of Waste Management. Government Publication Date: Jan 19, 2024 Registered Tanks Database:rr-UST-bb List of registered underground storage tanks made available by the Division of Waste Management in North Carolina's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Jan 26, 2024 Aboveground Storage Tanks:rr-AST-bb A listing of registered Aboveground Storage Tank sites made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Note that aboveground storage tanks are only required to be registered with NC DEQ if they meet the definition of an Oil Terminal Facility. Government Publication Date: Aug 1, 2023 DELISTED SHWS SWF/LF OLD LF COAL ASH LF LUST HSDS LAST DELISTED LST UST AST 204 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Petroleum Storage Tanks:rr-TANK-bb A list of petroleum storage tanks made available by the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Jan 26, 2024 Delisted Storage Tanks:rr-DTNK-bb List of sites which were once included, but have since been removed from the Underground or Aboveground Storage Tank databases made available by the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Jan 26, 2024 Petroleum Contaminated Soil Remediation Permits:rr-SOIL REM PERMITS-bb A list of sites that have received a permit or Certificate of Approval from the North Carolina Underground Storage Tank Section, under the Petroleum Contaminated Soil Remediation Permit Program. This list is made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management (DWM). Government Publication Date: Aug 9, 2022 No Further Action Sites with Land Use Restrictions Monitoring:rr-INST-bb This list of No Further Action Sites with Land Use Restrictions recorded as part of the remedy, originates from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Waste Management's Inactive hazardous Sites data. Government Publication Date: Jan 2, 2024 Land Use Restriction and/or Notices:rr-LUR-bb Locations of sites or projects managed by the NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management (DWM) having a Notice and/or Land Use Restrictions recorded at a local register of deeds office. The location data is a combined collection from eight (8) sections or programs operating within the DWM. The Notice and/or Land Use Restrictions are allowed based on the following North Carolina General Statutes: Notice of Open Dump; G.S. §130A-301(f); Notice of Inactive Hazardous Substance or Waste Disposal Site; G.S. §130A-310.8; Notice of Brownfields Property; G.S. §130A-310.35; Notice of Oil or Hazardous Substance Discharge Site; G.S. §143-215.85A; Notice of Dry-Cleaning Solvent Remediation; G.S. §143-215.104M; Notice of Contaminated Site; G.S. §143B-279.10; Notice of Residual Petroleum; G.S. §143B-279.11; Notice of Residual Contamination; G.S. §130A-310.71(e). Government Publication Date: Nov 28, 2023 Fuel Service Stations:rr-FUEL STATIONS-bb List of active fuel service stations made available by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS). The NCDA&CS have responsibilities in regulatory and service areas covering agronomy including weights and measures and gas and oil inspection. Government Publication Date: Aug 24, 2023 Delisted Fuel Service Stations:rr-DELISTED FSS-bb A list of Fuel Service Stations that has been delisted from the active fuel service stations list which is made available by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS). Government Publication Date: Jun 3, 2021 Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites:rr-VCP-bb List of Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites administered by the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch of the Superfund Section of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). This site listing originates from the DEQ's Inactive Hazardous Sites data. Government Publication Date: Jan 2, 2024 Brownfields Projects Inventory:rr-BROWNFIELDS-bb A "brownfields site" is an abandoned, idled or underused property where the threat of environmental contamination has hindered redevelopment. The North Carolina Brownfields Program, which is administered by the Division of Waste Management in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), is the state's effort to break this barrier to the redevelopment of these sites. Government Publication Date: Jan 16, 2024 Tribal Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Tribal/Indian Lands:rr-INDIAN LUST-bb This list of leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) on Tribal/Indian Lands in Region 4, which includes North Carolina, is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2023 TANK DTNK SOIL REM PERMITS INST LUR FUEL STATIONS DELISTED FSS VCP BROWNFIELDS INDIAN LUST 205 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Underground Storage Tanks on Tribal/Indian Lands:rr-INDIAN UST-bb This list of underground storage tanks (USTs) on Tribal/Indian Lands in Region 4, which includes North Carolina, is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2023 Delisted Tribal Leaking Storage Tanks:rr-DELISTED INDIAN LST-bb Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) facilities which once appeared on - and have since been removed from - the Regional Tribal/Indian LUST lists made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2023 Delisted Tribal Underground Storage Tanks:rr-DELISTED INDIAN UST-bb Underground Storage Tank (UST) facilities which once appeared on - and have since been removed from - the Regional Tribal/Indian UST lists made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2023 County No County standard environmental record sources available for this State. Additional Environmental Record Sources Federal PFAS Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data:rr-PFAS GHG-bb The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) collects Greenhouse Gas (GHG) data from large emitting facilities (25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year), and suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases that results in GHG emissions when used. Includes GHG emissions data for facilities that emit or have emitted since 2010 chemicals identified in EPA's CompTox Chemicals Dashboard list of PFAS without explicit structures and list of PFAS structures by DSSTox. PFAS emissions data has been identified for facilities engaged in the following industrial processes: Aluminum Production (GHGRP Subpart F), HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction (Subpart O), Electronics Manufacturing (Subpart I), Fluorinated Gas Production (Subpart L), Magnesium Production (Subpart T), Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equipment Use (Subpart DD), and Manufacture of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment (Subpart SS). Over time, other industrial processes with required GHGRP reporting may include PFAS emissions data and the list of reportable gases may change over time. Government Publication Date: Nov 15, 2023 Facility Registry Service/Facility Index:rr-FINDS/FRS-bb The Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally managed database that identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. FRS creates high-quality, accurate, and authoritative facility identification records through rigorous verification and management procedures that incorporate information from program national systems, state master facility records, and data collected from EPA's Central Data Exchange registrations and data management personnel. This list is made available by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Sep 8, 2023 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program:rr-TRIS-bb The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a database containing data on disposal or other releases of toxic chemicals from U.S. facilities and information about how facilities manage those chemicals through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. There are currently 770 individually listed chemicals and 33 chemical categories covered by the TRI Program. Facilities that manufacture, process or otherwise use these chemicals in amounts above established levels must submit annual reporting forms for each chemical. Note that the TRI chemical list does not include all toxic chemicals used in the U.S. One of TRI's primary purposes is to inform communities about toxic chemical releases to the environment. Government Publication Date: Oct 19, 2022 PFOA/PFOS Contaminated Sites:rr-PFAS NPL-bb INDIAN UST DELISTED INDIAN LST DELISTED INDIAN UST PFAS GHG FINDS/FRS TRIS PFAS NPL 206 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 This list of Superfund Sites with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) detections is made available by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their PFAS Analytic Tools data, previously the list was obtained by EPA FOIA requests. EPA's Office of Land and Emergency Management and EPA Regional Offices maintain what is known about site investigations, contamination, and remedial actions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) where PFAS is present in the environment. Limitations: Detections of PFAS at National Priorities List (NPL) sites do not mean that people are at risk from PFAS, are exposed to PFAS, or that the site is the source of the PFAS. The information in the Superfund NPL and Superfund Alternative Agreement (SAA) PFAS detection site list is years old and may not be accurate today. Site information such as site name, site ID, and location has been confirmed for accuracy; however, PFAS-related information such as media sampled, drinking water being above the health advisory, or mitigation efforts has not been verified. For Federal Facilities data, the other Federal agencies (OFA) are the lead agency for their data and provided them to EPA. Government Publication Date: Dec 18, 2023 Federal Agency Locations with Known or Suspected PFAS Detections:rr-PFAS FED SITES-bb List of Federal agency locations with known or suspected detections of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), made available by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their PFAS Analytic Tools data. EPA outlines that these data are gathered from several federal entities, such as the Federal Superfund program, Department of Defense (DOD), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Energy. The dates this data was extracted for the PFAS Analytic Tools range from March 2022 to September 2023. Sites on this list do not necessarily reflect the source/s of PFAS contamination and detections do not indicate level of risk or human exposure at the site. Agricultural notifications in this data are limited to DOD sites only. At this time, the EPA is aware that this list is not comprehensive of all Federal agencies. Government Publication Date: Sep 5, 2023 SSEHRI PFAS Contamination Sites:rr-PFAS SSEHRI-bb This PFAS Contamination Site Tracker database is compiled by the Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute (SSEHRI) at Northeastern University. According to the SSEHRI, the database records qualitative and quantitative data from each known site of PFAS contamination, including timeline of discovery, sources, levels, health impacts, community response, and government response. The goal of this database is to compile information and support public understanding of the rapidly unfolding issue of PFAS contamination. All data presented was extracted from government websites, news articles, or publicly available documents, and this is cited in the tracker. Locations for the Known PFAS Contamination Sites are sourced from the PFAS Sites and Community Resources Map, credited to the Northeastern University's PFAS Project Lab, Silent Spring Institute, and the PFAS- REACH team. Disclaimer: The source conveys the data undergoes regular updates as new information becomes available, some sites may be missing and/or contain information that is incorrect or outdated, as well as their information represents all contamination sites SSEHRI is aware of, not all possible contamination sites. This data is not intended to be used for legal purposes. Access the following source link for the most current information: https://pfasproject.com/pfas-sites-and-community-resources/ Government Publication Date: May 19, 2023 National Response Center PFAS Spills:rr-ERNS PFAS-bb This Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Spills dataset is made available via the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) PFAS Analytic Tools. The National Response Center (NRC), operated by the U.S. Coast Guard, is the designated federal point of contact for reporting all oil, chemical, and other discharges into the environment, for the United States and its territories. This dataset contains NRC spill information from 1990 to the present that is restricted to records associated with PFAS and PFAS-containing materials. Incidents are filtered to include only records with a "Material Involved" or "Incident Description" related to Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF). The keywords used to filter the data included "AFFF," "Fire Fighting Foam," "Aqueous Film Forming Foam," "Fire Suppressant Foam, "PFAS," "PERFL," "PFOA," "PFOS," and "Genx." Limitations: The data from the NRC website contains initial incident data that has not been validated or investigated by a federal/state response agency. Keyword searches may misidentify some incident reports that do not contain PFAS. This dataset should also not be considered to be exhaustive of all PFAS spills/release incidents. Government Publication Date: Jan 24, 2024 PFAS NPDES Discharge Monitoring:rr-PFAS NPDES-bb This list of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted facilities with required monitoring for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Substances is made available via the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s PFAS Analytic Tools. Any point-source wastewater discharger to waters of the United States must have a NPDES permit, which defines a set of parameters for pollutants and monitoring to ensure that the discharge does not degrade water quality or impair human health. This list includes NPDES permitted facilities associated with permits that monitor for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), limited to the years 2007 - present. EPA further advises the following regarding these data: currently, fewer than half of states have required PFAS monitoring for at least one of their permittees, and fewer states have established PFAS effluent limits for permittees. For states that may have required monitoring, some reporting and data transfer issues may exist on a state-by-state basis. Government Publication Date: Feb 19, 2024 Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) from Toxic Release Inventory:rr-PFAS TRI-bb List of Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) facilities at which the reported chemical is a per- or polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) substance included in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) consolidated PFAS Master List of PFAS Substances. Encompasses Toxics Release Inventory records included in the EPA PFAS Analytic Tools. The EPA's TRI database currently tracks information on disposal or releases of 770 individually listed toxic chemicals and 33 chemical categories from thousands of U.S. facilities and details about how facilities manage those chemicals through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. PFAS FED SITES PFAS SSEHRI ERNS PFAS PFAS NPDES PFAS TRI 207 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Government Publication Date: Oct 19, 2022 Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) Water Quality:rr-PFAS WATER-bb The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC). This listing includes records from the Water Quality Portal where the characteristic (environmental measurement) is in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s consolidated Master List of PFAS Substances. Government Publication Date: Jul 20, 2020 PFAS TSCA Manufacture and Import Facilities:rr-PFAS TSCA-bb The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) Rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and requires chemical manufacturers and facilities that manufacture or import chemical substances to report data to EPA. This list is specific only to TSCA Manufacture and Import Facilities with reported per- and poly-fluoroalkyl (PFAS) substances. Data file is sourced from EPA's PFAS Analytic Tools TSCA dataset which includes CDR/Inventory Update Reporting data from 1998 up to 2020. Disclaimer: This data file includes production and importation data for chemicals identified in EPA's CompTox Chemicals Dashboard list of PFAS without explicit structures and list of PFAS structures in DSSTox. Note that some regulations have specific chemical structure requirements that define PFAS differently than the lists in EPA's CompTox Chemicals Dashboard. Reporting information on manufactured or imported chemical substance amounts should not be compared between facilities, as some companies claim Chemical Data Reporting Rule data fields for PFAS information as Confidential Business Information. Government Publication Date: Jan 5, 2023 PFAS Waste Transfers from RCRA e-Manifest :rr-PFAS E-MANIFEST-bb This Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Waste Transfers dataset is made available via the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) PFAS Analytic Tools. Every shipment of hazardous waste in the U.S. must be accompanied by a shipment manifest, which is a critical component of the cradle-to-grave tracking of wastes mandated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). According to the EPA, currently no Federal Waste Code exists for any PFAS compounds. To work around the lack of PFAS waste codes in the RCRA database, EPA developed the PFAS Transfers dataset by mining e-Manifest records containing at least one of these common PFAS keywords: • PFAS • PFOA • PFOS • PERFL • AFFF • GENX • GEN-X (plus the Vermont state-specific waste codes). Limitations: Amount or concentration of PFAS being transferred cannot be determined from the manifest information. Keyword searches may misidentify some manifest records that do not contain PFAS. This dataset should also not be considered to be exhaustive of all PFAS waste transfers. Government Publication Date: Feb 25, 2024 PFAS Industry Sectors:rr-PFAS IND-bb This Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Industry Sectors dataset is made available via the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) PFAS Analytic Tools. The EPA developed the dataset from various sources that show which industries may be handling PFAS including: EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) records restricted to potential PFAS-handling industry sectors; ECHO records for Fire Training Sites identified where fire-fighting foam may have been used in training exercises; and 14 CFR Part 139 Airports compiled from historic and current records from the FAA Airport Data and Information Portal. Since July 2006, all certificated Part 139 Airports are required to have fire-fighting foam onsite that meet certain military specifications, which to date have been fluorinated (Aqueous Film Forming Foam). Limitations: Inclusion in this dataset does not indicate that PFAS are being manufactured, processed, used, or released by the facility. Listed facilities potentially handle PFAS based on their industrial profile, but are unconfirmed by the EPA. Keyword searches in ECHO for Fire Training sites may misidentify some facilities and should not be considered to be an exhaustive list of fire training facilities in the U.S. Government Publication Date: Dec 4, 2023 Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System:rr-HMIRS-bb The Hazardous Materials Incident Reporting System (HMIRS) database contains unintentional hazardous materials release information reported to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Government Publication Date: Nov 26, 2023 National Clandestine Drug Labs:rr-NCDL-bb The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department"), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), provides this data as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Government Publication Date: Jul 26, 2023 Toxic Substances Control Act:rr-TSCA-bb PFAS WATER PFAS TSCA PFAS E-MANIFEST PFAS IND HMIRS NCDL TSCA 208 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(a) Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule and changing its name to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule. The CDR enables EPA to collect and publish information on the manufacturing, processing, and use of commercial chemical substances and mixtures (referred to hereafter as chemical substances) on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory). This includes current information on chemical substance production volumes, manufacturing sites, and how the chemical substances are used. This information helps the Agency determine whether people or the environment are potentially exposed to reported chemical substances. EPA publishes submitted CDR data that is not Confidential Business Information (CBI). Government Publication Date: Apr 11, 2019 Hist TSCA:rr-HIST TSCA-bb The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(a) Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule and changing its name to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule. The 2006 IUR data summary report includes information about chemicals manufactured or imported in quantities of 25,000 pounds or more at a single site during calendar year 2005. In addition to the basic manufacturing information collected in previous reporting cycles, the 2006 cycle is the first time EPA collected information to characterize exposure during manufacturing, processing and use of organic chemicals. The 2006 cycle also is the first time manufacturers of inorganic chemicals were required to report basic manufacturing information. Government Publication Date: Dec 31, 2006 FTTS Administrative Case Listing:rr-FTTS ADMIN-bb An administrative case listing from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), together known as FTTS. This database was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Compliance Database (NCDB). The FTTS and NCDB was shut down in 2006. Government Publication Date: Jan 19, 2007 FTTS Inspection Case Listing:rr-FTTS INSP-bb An inspection case listing from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), together known as FTTS. This database was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Compliance Database (NCDB). The FTTS and NCDB was shut down in 2006. Government Publication Date: Jan 19, 2007 Potentially Responsible Parties List:rr-PRP-bb Early in the site cleanup process, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts a search to find the Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs). The EPA looks for evidence to determine liability by matching wastes found at the site with parties that may have contributed wastes to the site. This listing contains PRPs, Noticed Parties, at sites in the EPA's Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS). Government Publication Date: Jan 26, 2024 State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing:rr-SCRD DRYCLEANER-bb The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners (SCRD) was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. Coalition members are states with mandated programs and funding for drycleaner site remediation. Current members are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Since 2017, the SCRD no longer maintains this data, refer to applicable state source data where available. Government Publication Date: Nov 08, 2017 Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS):rr-ICIS-bb The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) database contains integrated enforcement and compliance information across most of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) programs. The vision for ICIS is to replace EPA's independent databases that contain enforcement data with a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions and a subset of the Permit Compliance System (PCS), which supports the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). This information is maintained by the EPA Headquarters and at the Regional offices. A future release of ICIS will completely replace PCS and will integrate that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also has the capability to track other activities that support compliance and enforcement programs, including incident tracking, compliance assistance, and compliance monitoring. Government Publication Date: Aug 26, 2023 Drycleaner Facilities:rr-FED DRYCLEANERS-bb A list of drycleaner facilities from Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) data as made available by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), sourced from the ECHO Exporter file. The EPA tracks facilities that possess NAIC and SIC codes that classify businesses as drycleaner establishments. Government Publication Date: Jan 20, 2024 HIST TSCA FTTS ADMIN FTTS INSP PRP SCRD DRYCLEANER ICIS FED DRYCLEANERS 209 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Delisted Drycleaner Facilities:rr-DELISTED FED DRY-bb List of sites removed from the list of Drycleaner Facilities (sites in the EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) with NAIC or SIC codes identifying the business as a drycleaner establishment). Government Publication Date: Jan 20, 2024 Formerly Used Defense Sites:rr-FUDS-bb Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) are properties that were formerly owned by, leased to, or otherwise possessed by and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense prior to October 1986, where the Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for an environmental restoration. The FUDS Annual Report to Congress (ARC) is published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). This data is compiled from the USACE's Geospatial FUDS data layers and Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) FUDS dataset which applies to the Fiscal Year 2021 FUDS Inventory. Government Publication Date: May 15, 2023 FUDS Munitions Response Sites:rr-FUDS MRS-bb Boundaries of Munitions Response Sites (MRS), published with the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Annual Report to Congress (ARC) by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). An MRS is a discrete location within a Munitions response area (MRA) that is known to require a munitions response. An MRA means any area on a defense site that is known or suspected to contain unexploded ordnance (UXO), discarded military munitions (DMM), or munitions constituents (MC). This data is compiled from the USACE's Geospatial MRS data layers and Homeland Infrastructure Foundation- Level Data (HIFLD) MRS dataset. Government Publication Date: May 15, 2023 Former Military Nike Missile Sites:rr-FORMER NIKE-bb This information was taken from report DRXTH-AS-IA-83A016 (Historical Overview of the Nike Missile System, 12/1984) which was performed by Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. for the U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency Assessment Division. The Nike system was deployed between 1954 and the mid-1970's. Among the substances used or stored on Nike sites were liquid missile fuel (JP-4); starter fluids (UDKH, aniline, and furfuryl alcohol); oxidizer (IRFNA); hydrocarbons (motor oil, hydraulic fluid, diesel fuel, gasoline, heating oil); solvents (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, stoddard solvent); and battery electrolyte. The quantities of material a disposed of and procedures for disposal are not documented in published reports. Virtually all information concerning the potential for contamination at Nike sites is confined to personnel who were assigned to Nike sites. During deactivation most hardware was shipped to depot-level supply points. There were reportedly instances where excess materials were disposed of on or near the site itself at closure. There was reportedly no routine site decontamination. Government Publication Date: Dec 2, 1984 PHMSA Pipeline Safety Flagged Incidents:rr-PIPELINE INCIDENT-bb This list of flagged pipeline incidents is made available by the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). PHMSA regulations require incident and accident reports for five different pipeline system types. Accidents reported on hazardous liquid gravity lines (§195.13) and reporting-regulated-only hazardous liquid gathering lines (§195.15) and incidents reported on Type R gas gathering (§192.8(c)) are not included in the flagged incident file data. Government Publication Date: Nov 6, 2023 Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS):rr-MLTS-bb A list of sites that store radioactive material subject to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing requirements. This list is maintained by the NRC. As of September 2016, the NRC no longer releases location information for sites. Site locations were last received in July 2016. Government Publication Date: May 11, 2021 Historic Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS) sites:rr-HIST MLTS-bb A historic list of sites that have inactive licenses and/or removed from the Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS). In some cases, a site is removed from the MLTS when the state becomes an "Agreement State". An Agreement State is a State that has signed an agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorizing the State to regulate certain uses of radioactive materials within the State. Government Publication Date: Jan 31, 2010 Mines Master Index File:rr-MINES-bb The Master Index File (MIF) is provided by the United States Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). This file, which was originally created in the 1970's, contained many Mine-IDs that were invalid. MSHA removes invalid IDs from the MIF upon discovery. MSHA applicable data includes the following: all Coal and Metal/Non-Metal mines under MSHA's jurisdiction since 1/1/1970; mine addresses for all mines in the database except for Abandoned mines prior to 1998 from MSHA's legacy system (addresses may or may not correspond with the physical location of the mine itself); violations that have been assessed penalties as a result of MSHA inspections beginning on 1/1/2000; and violations issued as a result of MSHA inspections conducted beginning on 1/1/2000. Government Publication Date: May 1, 2023 DELISTED FED DRY FUDS FUDS MRS FORMER NIKE PIPELINE INCIDENT MLTS HIST MLTS MINES 210 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Sites:rr-SMCRA-bb An inventory of land and water impacted by past mining (primarily coal mining) is maintained by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) to provide information needed to implement the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). This inventory contains information on the type and extent of Abandoned Mine Land (AML) impacts, as well as information on the cost associated with the reclamation of those problems. The data is based upon field surveys by State, Tribal, and OSMRE program officials. It is dynamic to the extent that it is modified as new problems are identified and existing problems are reclaimed. Disclaimer: Per the OSMRE, States and tribes who enter their data into eAMLIS (AML Inventory System) may truncate their latitude and longitude so the precise location of usually dangerous AMLs is not revealed in an effort to protect the public from searching for these AMLs, most of which are on private property. If more precise location information is needed, please contact the applicable state/tribe of interest. Government Publication Date: Jun 13, 2023 Mineral Resource Data System:rr-MRDS-bb The Mineral Resource Data System (MRDS) is a collection of reports describing metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources throughout the world. Included are deposit name, location, commodity, deposit description, geologic characteristics, production, reserves, resources, and references. This database contains the records previously provided in the Mineral Resource Data System (MRDS) of USGS and the Mineral Availability System/Mineral Industry Locator System (MAS/MILS) originated in the U.S. Bureau of Mines, which is now part of USGS. The USGS has ceased systematic updates of the MRDS database with their focus more recently on deposits of critical minerals while providing a well-documented baseline of historical mine locations from USGS topographic maps. Government Publication Date: Mar 15, 2016 DOE Legacy Management Sites:rr-LM SITES-bb The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Legacy Management (LM) currently manages radioactive and chemical waste, environmental contamination, and hazardous material at over 100 sites across the U.S. The LM manages sites with diverse regulatory drivers (statutes or programs that direct cleanup and management requirements at DOE sites) or as part of internal DOE or congressionally-recognized programs, such as but not limited to: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA Title I, Tile II), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D), Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA). This site listing includes data exported from the DOE Office of LM' s Geospatial Environmental Mapping System (GEMS). GEMS Data disclaimer: The DOE Office of LM makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the use, accuracy, availability, or completeness of the data presented herein. Government Publication Date: Dec 12, 2023 Alternative Fueling Stations:rr-ALT FUELS-bb This list of alternative fueling stations is sourced from the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC). The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy launched the AFDC in 1991 as a repository for alternative fuel vehicle performance data, which provides a wealth of information and data on alternative and renewable fuels, advanced vehicles, fuel-saving strategies, and emerging transportation technologies. The data includes Biodiesel (B20 and above), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Electric, Ethanol (E85), Hydrogen, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Propane (LPG), and Renewable Diesel (R20 and above) fuel type locations. Government Publication Date: Aug 30, 2023 Superfunds Consent Decrees:rr-CONSENT DECREES-bb This list of Superfund consent decrees is provided by the Department of Justice, Environment & Natural Resources Division (ENRD) through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) applicable file. This listing includes Consent Decrees for CERCLA or Superfund Sites filed and/or as proposed within the ENRD's Case Management System (CMS) since 2010. CMS may not reflect the latest developments in a case nor can the agency guarantee the accuracy of the data. ENRD Disclaimer: Congress excluded three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records from the requirements of the FOIA; response is limited to those records that are subject to the requirements of the FOIA; however, this should not be taken as an indication that excluded records do, or do not, exist. Government Publication Date: Apr 19, 2023 Air Facility System:rr-AFS-bb This EPA retired Air Facility System (AFS) dataset contains emissions, compliance, and enforcement data on stationary sources of air pollution. Regulated sources cover a wide spectrum; from large industrial facilities to relatively small operations such as dry cleaners. AFS does not contain data on facilities that are solely asbestos demolition and/or renovation contractors, or landfills. ECHO Clean Air Act data from AFS are frozen and reflect data as of October 17, 2014; the EPA retired this system for Clean Air Act stationary sources and transitioned to ICIS-Air. Government Publication Date: Oct 17, 2014 Registered Pesticide Establishments:rr-SSTS-bb SMCRA MRDS LM SITES ALT FUELS CONSENT DECREES AFS SSTS 211 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 This national list of active EPA-registered foreign and domestic pesticide and/or device-producing establishments is based on data from the Section Seven Tracking System (SSTS). The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Section 7 requires that each producing establishment must place its EPA establishment number on the label or immediate container of each pesticide, active ingredient or device produced. An EPA establishment number on a pesticide product label identifies the EPA registered location where the product was produced. The list of establishments is made available by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Mar 1, 2023 Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Transformers:rr-PCBT-bb Locations of Transformers Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. PCB transformer owners must register their transformer(s) with EPA. Although not required, PCB transformer owners who have removed and properly disposed of a registered PCB transformer may notify EPA to have their PCB transformer de-registered. Data made available by EPA. Government Publication Date: Oct 15, 2019 Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Notifiers:rr-PCB-bb Facilities included in the national list of facilities that have notified the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) activities. Any company or person storing, transporting or disposing of PCBs or conducting PCB research and development must notify the EPA and receive an identification number. Government Publication Date: Oct 30, 2023 State Dry Cleaning Contamination and Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA) Program:rr-DRYC DSCA-bb List of Dry Cleaning sites known to the Division of Waste Management in the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), including: sites that have been certified into the Dry-Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Program (DSCA) Program; sites that are being investigated by the DSCA Program for dry- cleaning solvent contamination; sites that have been investigated and determined not to have been contaminated by dry-cleaning solvent contamination. Made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Government Publication Date: Sep 14, 2023 Drycleaning Historical Boiler Inspections:rr-DRYC HIST BOILER-bb North Carolina Department of Labor drycleaner boiler inspections between the years of 1970 and 2005. Made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality in their Online GIS, for visual reference of possible historical dry-cleaning activity. Government Publication Date: Dec 6, 2021 Drycleaning City Directories:rr-DRYC CITY DIR-bb Names and address of dry-cleaning businesses collected from historical city directories, made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Government Publication Date: Nov 27, 2023 Dry Cleaning Facilities:rr-DRYCLEANERS-bb A list of dry cleaners made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Waste Management. This listing includes active and inactive facilities that are subject to compliance inspections and also closed facilities that are no longer subject to compliance inspections. Government Publication Date: Apr 27, 2022 Delisted Dry Cleaning Facilities:rr-DELISTED DRYCLEANERS-bb List of dry cleaner locations which were once included, but no longer appear on, the list of dry cleaner locations made available by the Division of the Waste Management of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Nov 27, 2023 Incident Management Database (Spills):rr-SPILLS-bb The Incident Management Database (IMD) tracks spills, hazardous material releases, sanitary sewer overflows and wastewater treatment plant bypasses. This database is managed by the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems (PERCS) unit of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Government Publication Date: Oct 28, 2021 Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Sites:rr-MGP-bb PCBT PCB DRYC DSCA DRYC HIST BOILER DRYC CITY DIR DRYCLEANERS DELISTED DRYCLEANERS SPILLS MGP 212 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 A list of Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) sites participating in the MGP Assessment and Remediation Program as described in the Administrative Order on Consent 00-SF-192. This list is made available by the North Carolina Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management. Government Publication Date: Dec 12, 2019 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS):rr-PFAS-bb A list of sites where Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) has been identified, made available by the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality. Government Publication Date: Aug 27, 2020 Recycling Markets Directory:rr-SWRCY-bb List of recycling facilities made available by the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) of the NC Department of Environmental Quality. Information is based on data supplied by the listed organizations to DEACS. DEACS is a non-regulatory state agency, does not regularly inspect facilities, and does not represent that the companies are, or are not, in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. Government Publication Date: Feb 28, 2023 Hazardous Waste Sites:rr-HAZ-bb A list of sites within North Carolina that are regulated by the hazardous waste portions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). This list is provided by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ), Division of Waste Management. Government Publication Date: Aug 9, 2022 Permitted Septage Sites:rr-SDTF-bb List of active and permitted Septage Detention and Treatment Facility (SDTF) sites in North Carolina, made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Government Publication Date: Sep 21, 2018 Tier 2 Report:rr-TIER 2-bb A list of Tier 2 facilities in North Carolina. This list is made available by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ). Government Publication Date: Oct 30, 2020 Underground Injection Control Wells:rr-UIC-bb This list of Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells is made available by the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources. The list only includes Class V UIC wells because only Class V UIC wells can be installed in North Carolina. Government Publication Date: Sep 25, 2023 Air Permitted Facilities:rr-AIR PERMIT-bb This list of facilities with air quality permits is made available by the Air Quality Division of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Government Publication Date: Jul 21, 2020 Animal Feeding Operation Permits:rr-FEEDLOTS-bb This list of animal feeding operation permits is made available by the Water Quality Division of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Government Publication Date: Oct 22, 2023 Tribal No Tribal additional environmental record sources available for this State. County No County additional environmental record sources available for this State. PFAS SWRCY HAZ SDTF TIER 2 UIC AIR PERMIT FEEDLOTS 213 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011 h-Definitions Database Descriptions:This section provides a detailed explanation for each database including: source, information available, time coverage, and acronyms used. They are listed in alphabetic order. Detail Report:This is the section of the report which provides the most detail for each individual record. Records are summarized by location, starting with the project property followed by records in closest proximity. Distance:The distance value is the distance between plotted points, not necessarily the distance between the sites' boundaries. All values are an approximation. Direction: The direction value is the compass direction of the site in respect to the project property and/or center point of the report. Elevation:The elevation value is taken from the location at which the records for the site address have been plotted. All values are an approximation. Source: Google Elevation API. Executive Summary:This portion of the report is divided into 3 sections: 'Report Summary'- Displays a chart indicating how many records fall on the project property and, within the report search radii. 'Site Report Summary'-Project Property'- This section lists all the records which fall on the project property. For more details, see the 'Detail Report' section. 'Site Report Summary-Surrounding Properties'- This section summarizes all records on adjacent properties, listing them in order of proximity from the project property. For more details, see the 'Detail Report' section. Map Key:The map key number is assigned according to closest proximity from the project property. Map Key numbers always start at #1. The project property will always have a map key of '1' if records are available. If there is a number in brackets beside the main number, this will indicate the number of records on that specific property. If there is no number in brackets, there is only one record for that property. The symbol and colour used indicates 'elevation': the red inverted triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Lower Elevation', the yellow triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Higher Elevation' and the orange square will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Same Elevation.' Unplottables:These are records that could not be mapped due to various reasons, including limited geographic information. These records may or may not be in your study area, and are included as reference. Definitions ATTACHMENT D HISTORICAL AERIALS ATTACHMENT E CITY DIRECTORIES Project Property:308 W Clay Street - William Sutton Parcels 308 w clay st Mebane,NC 27302 Project No: Requested By:Henry Nemargut Engineering Services Order No:24031000011 Date Completed:March 14, 2024 March 14, 2024 RE: CITY DIRECTORY RESEARCH 308 w clay st Mebane,NC 27302 Thank you for contacting ERIS for an City Directory Search for the site described above. Our staff has conducted a reverse listing City Directory search to determine prior occupants of the subject site and adjacent properties. We have provided the nearest addresses(s) when adjacent addresses are not listed. If we have searched a range of addresses, all addresses in that range found in the Directory are included. Note: Reverse Listing Directories generally are focused on more highly developed areas. Newly developed areas may be covered in the more recent years, but the older directories will tend to cover only the "central" parts of the city. To complete the search, we have either utilized the ACPL, Library of Congress, State Archives, and/or a regional library or history center as well as multiple digitized directories. These do not claim to be a complete collection of all reverse listing city directories produced. ERIS has made every effort to provide accurate and complete information but shall not be held liable for missing, incomplete or inaccurate information. To complete this search we used the general range(s) below to search for relevant findings. If you believe there are additional addresses or streets that require searching please contact us at 866-517-5204. Search Criteria: 200-500 of W Clay St Search Notes: Search Results Summary Date Source Comment 2022 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2020 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2016 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2011 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2008 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2003 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2000 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1995 CITY PUBLISHING CO 1990 CITY PUBLISHING CO 1973 CITY PUBLISHING CO 2022 W CLAY ST SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2020 W CLAY ST SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Page: 3 Report ID: 24031000011 - 03/14/2024 www.erisinfo.com 201 R S JONES & ASSOC...SURVEYORS-LAND 201 R S JONES & ASSOC...ENGINEERSCIVIL 204 EARTH CENTRIC ENGINEERING...ENGINEERS-CIVIL 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...CHURCH SUPPLIES 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...BEAUTY SALONS 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...HEALTH SPAS 208 DRIFTERS...NONCLASSIFIED ESTABLISHMENTS 210 CARL A WALKER INSURANCE INC...INSURANCE 212 MEBANE KNIGHTS...RESTAURANTS 214 A 1 AUTO PARTS INC...WELDING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (WHLS) 214 A 1 AUTO PARTS INC...SAFETY EQUIPMENT & CLOTHING (WHLS) 214 A1 AUTO PARTS...OFF-ROAD VEHICLES-EQUIP PARTS & ACCES 214 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS...AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING & SERVICE 214 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS...AUTOMOBILE PARTS & SUPPLIES-RETAIL-NEW 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...CLEANERS 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...ALTERATIONS-CLOTHING 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...DRESSMAKERS 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...LAUNDRIES 402 ANNETTE SNIPES...RESIDENTIAL 417 JUANITA HARWARD...RESIDENTIAL 417 PAUL HOWARD...RESIDENTIAL 201 R S JONES & ASSOC...ENGINEERSCIVIL 201 R S JONES & ASSOC...SURVEYORS-LAND 204 EARTH CENTRIC ENGINEERING...ENGINEERS-CIVIL 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...HEALTH SPAS 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...BEAUTY SALONS 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...CHURCH SUPPLIES 208 DRIFTERS...NONCLASSIFIED ESTABLISHMENTS 210 CARL A WALKER INSURANCE INC...INSURANCE 212 MEBANE KNIGHTS...RESTAURANTS 214 A-1 AUTO PARTS INC...SAFETY EQUIPMENT & CLOTHING (WHLS) 214 A-1 AUTO PARTS INC...WELDING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (WHLS) 214 A1 AUTO PARTS...OFF-ROAD VEHICLES-EQUIP PARTS & ACCES 214 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS...AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING & SERVICE 214 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS...AUTOMOBILE PARTS & SUPPLIES-RETAIL-NEW 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...DRESSMAKERS 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...LAUNDRIES 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...ALTERATIONS-CLOTHING 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...CLEANERS 402 ANNETTE SNIPES...RESIDENTIAL 417 JUANITA HARWARD...RESIDENTIAL 417 PAUL HOWARD...RESIDENTIAL 2016 W CLAY ST SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2011 W CLAY ST SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Page: 4 Report ID: 24031000011 - 03/14/2024 www.erisinfo.com 201 R S JONES & ASSOC...SURVEYORS-LAND 204 EARTH CENTRIC ENGINEERING...ENGINEERS-CIVIL 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...CHURCH SUPPLIES 210 CARL A WALKER INSURANCE INC...INSURANCE 212 MEBANE KNIGHTS...RESTAURANTS 214 A-1 AUTO PARTS INC...WELDING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (WHLS) 214 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS...AUTOMOBILE PARTS & SUPPLIES-RETAIL-NEW 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...CLEANERS 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...ALTERATIONS-CLOTHING 417 JUANITA HARWARD...RESIDENTIAL 417 NITA'S RESTAURANT...FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANTS 417 PAUL HOWARD...RESIDENTIAL 204 EARTH CENTRIC ENGINEERING...OTHER SURVEYING & MAPPING SVCS 206 GENESIS BOOK STORE...BOOK STORES 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON...BEAUTY SALONS 208 STUMBLIN PIG...CIVIL & SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS 210 CARL A WALKER INSURANCE INC...INSURANCE AGENCIES & BROKERAGES 210 WALKER INSURANCE INC...INVESTMENT ADVICE 214 A-1 AUTO PARTS INC...AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSORIES STORES 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY SVCS 417 NITAS RESTAURANT...FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANTS 2008 W CLAY ST SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2003 W CLAY ST SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Page: 5 Report ID: 24031000011 - 03/14/2024 www.erisinfo.com 204 EARTHCENTRIC ENGINEERING...ENGINEERS 206 GENESIS GOSPEL...CHURCHES 206 GENESIS HAIR AND SALON...BEAUTY SHOP 210 V H MEWBORN...RESIDENTIAL 210 WALKER INSURANCE INC...INSURANCE 214 A-1 AUTO PARTS INC...RETAILS AND WHOLESALES AUTOMOBILE PARTS AND ALSO RETAIL 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...DRYCLEANING PLANT COIN- OPERATED LAUNDRY402ROSWELL C MCGHEE...RESIDENTIAL 404 ARTURO RODRIQUEZ...RESIDENTIAL 406 DRAMANE SOUMAHORO...RESIDENTIAL 201 C B CHRISTOPHER...RESIDENTIAL 201 JAMES ROGER CONSTRUCTION 204 EARTHCENTRIC ENGINEERING 206 GENESIS GOSPEL 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON 208 STUMBLIN' PIG 210 WALKER INSURANCE 210 WALKER INSURANCE INC 214 A-1 AUTO PARTS INC...TOOLS 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...LAUNDRY AND DRYCLEANER AGENTS402DEWEY SIMMONS...RESIDENTIAL 402 JAMES E DYKES...RESIDENTIAL 402 RHONDA GAULDIN...RESIDENTIAL 402 ROSWELL C MCGHEE...RESIDENTIAL 402 TOMMY R WILLIAMS...RESIDENTIAL 404 NOVEELLA C MACE...RESIDENTIAL 404 NOVELLA C MACE...RESIDENTIAL 406 REBECCA EDWARDS...RESIDENTIAL 406 RICHARD JENSEN...RESIDENTIAL 408 HENRY F ROBERTSON...RESIDENTIAL 415 LARRY ANDERSON MONK...RESIDENTIAL 2000 W CLAY ST SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1995 W CLAY ST SOURCE: CITY PUBLISHING CO Page: 6 Report ID: 24031000011 - 03/14/2024 www.erisinfo.com 201 C B CHRISTOPHER...RESIDENTIAL 201 HINTON PRESS INC...PROMOTIONAL PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHIC 204 THALLE CONSTRUCTION CO INC 206 GENESIS HAIR SALON 210 BY FLO FIGURES...RESIDENTIAL 210 WALKER INSURANCE 214 A-1 AUTO PARTS INC 312 MEBANE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS...LAUNDRY AND DRYCLEANER AGENTS 402 DEWEY SIMMONS...RESIDENTIAL 402 JAMES E DYKES...RESIDENTIAL 402 RHONDA GAULDIN...RESIDENTIAL 402 ROSWELL C MCGHEE...RESIDENTIAL 402 TOMMY R WILLIAMS...RESIDENTIAL 404 NOVELLA C MACE...RESIDENTIAL 406 REBECCA EDWARDS...RESIDENTIAL 408 HENRY F ROBERTSON...RESIDENTIAL 415 LARRY ANDERSON MONK...RESIDENTIAL 500 YODER AFTERSCHOOL 1990 W CLAY ST SOURCE: CITY PUBLISHING CO 1973 W CLAY ST SOURCE: CITY PUBLISHING CO Page: 7 Report ID: 24031000011 - 03/14/2024 www.erisinfo.com ATTACHMENT F PHYSICAL SETTING REPORT 1 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Property Information Order Number:24031000011p Date Completed:March 11, 2024 Project Number: Project Property:308 W Clay Street - William Sutton Parcels 308 w clay st Mebane NC 27302 Coordinates: Latitude:36.09844576 Longitude:-79.27140885 UTM Northing:3996250.83309 Meters UTM Easting:655607.232378 Meters UTM Zone:UTM Zone 17S Elevation:674.43 ft Slope Direction:SSW Topographic Information........................................................................................................................................2 Hydrologic Information...........................................................................................................................................4 Geologic Information..............................................................................................................................................9 Soil Information....................................................................................................................................................11 Wells and Additional Sources..............................................................................................................................17 Summary..........................................................................................................................................................18 Detail Report....................................................................................................................................................20 Radon Information...............................................................................................................................................26 Appendix..............................................................................................................................................................27 Liability Notice......................................................................................................................................................29 The ERIS Physical Setting Report - PSR provides comprehensive information about the physical setting around a site and includes a complete overview of topography and surface topology, in addition to hydrologic, geologic and soil characteristics. The location and detailed attributes of oil and gas wells, water wells, public water systems and radon are also included for review. The compilation of both physical characteristics of a site and additional attribute data is useful in assessing the impact of migration of contaminants and subsequent impact on soils and groundwater. Disclaimer This Report does not provide a full environmental evaluation for the site or adjacent properties. Please see the terms and disclaimer at the end of the Report for greater detail. Topographic Information Topographic Information 3 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p The previous topographic map(s) are created by seamlessly merging and cutting current USGS topographic data. Below are shaded relief map(s), derived from USGS elevation data to show surrounding topography in further detail. Topographic information at project property: Elevation: 674.43 ft Slope Direction: SSW Hydrologic Information Hydrologic Information Hydrologic Information 6 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p The Wetland Type map shows wetland existence overlaid on an aerial imagery. The Flood Hazard Zones map shows FEMA flood hazard zones overlaid on an aerial imagery. Relevant FIRM panels and detailed zone information is provided below. For detailed Zone descriptions please click the link: https://floodadvocate.com/fema-zone-definitions Available FIRM Panels in area: 3710981600K(effective:2017-11-17) 3710982600L(effective:2017-11-17) 3710981500K(effective:2017-11-17) 3710982500L(effective:2017-11-17) 3710981400K(effective:2017-11-17) 3710982400L(effective:2017-11-17) 3710982600L(effective:2017-11-17) 3710982500L(effective:2017-11-17) 3710982400L(effective:2017-11-17) Flood Zone AE-01 Zone: AE Zone subtype: Flood Zone AE-11 Zone: AE Zone subtype: FLOODWAY Flood Zone X-01 Zone: X Zone subtype: 0.2 PCT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD HAZARD Flood Zone X-12 Zone: X Zone subtype: AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD Hydrologic Information FEMA Flood Zone Definitions   Special Flood Hazard Areas – High Risk Special Flood Hazard Areas represent the area subject to inundation by 1-percent-annual chance flood. Structures located within the SFHA have a 26- percent chance of flooding during the life of a standard 30-year mortgage. Federal floodplain management regulations and mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply in these zones. ZONE DESCRIPTION A  Areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event. Because detailed hydraulic analyses have not been performed, no Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) or flood depths are shown. AE, A1-A30  Areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event determined by detailed methods. BFEs are shown within these zones. (Zone AE is used on new and revised maps in place of  Zones A1–A30.) AH  Areas subject to inundation by 1-percent-annual-chance shallow flooding (usually areas of ponding) where average depths are 1–3 feet. BFEs derived from detailed hydraulic analyses are shown in this  zone. AO  Areas subject to inundation by 1-percent-annual-chance shallow flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain) where average depths are 1–3 feet. Average flood depths derived from detailed hydraulic analyses are shown within this zone. AR  Areas that result from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to provide base flood protection. A99  Areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event, but which will ultimately be protected upon completion of an under-construction Federal flood protection system. These are areas of special flood hazard where enough progress has been made on the construction of a protection system,  such as dikes, dams, and levees, to consider it complete for insurance rating purposes. Zone A99 may be used only when the flood protection system has reached specified statutory progress toward  completion. No BFEs or flood depths are shown.   Coastal High Hazard Areas – High Risk Coastal High Hazard Areas (CHHA) represent the area subject to inundation by 1-percent-annual chance flood, extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary front al dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. Structures located within the CHHA have a 26-percent chance of flooding during the life of a standard 30-year mortgage. Federal floodplain management regulations and mandatory purchase requirements apply in these zones. ZONE DESCRIPTION V Areas along coasts subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event with additional hazards associated with storm-induced waves. Because detailed coastal analyses have not been performed, no BFEs or flood depths are shown. VE, V1-V30 Areas along coasts subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event with additional hazards due to storm- induced velocity wave action. BFEs derived from detailed hydraulic coastal analyses are shown within these zones. (Zone VE is used on new and revised maps in place of Zones V1–V30.)   Hydrologic Information Moderate and Minimal Risk Areas Areas of moderate or minimal hazard are studied based upon the principal source of flood in the area. However, buildings in these zones could be flooded by severe, concentrated rainfall coupled with inadequate local drainage systems. Local stormwater drainage systems are not normally considered in a community's flood insurance study. The failure of a local drainage system can create areas of high flood risk within these zones. Flood insurance is available in participating communities, but is not required by regulation in these zones. Nearly 25-percent of all flood claims filed are for structures located within these zones. ZONE DESCRIPTION B, X (shaded) Moderate risk areas within the 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain, areas of 1-percent-annual-chance flooding where average depths are less than 1 foot, areas of 1-percent-annual-chance flooding where the contributing drainage area is less than 1 square mile, and areas protected from the 1-percent-annual-chance flood by a levee. No BFEs or base flood depths are shown within these zones. (Zone X (shaded) is used on new and revised maps in place of Zone B.) C, X (unshaded)Minimal risk areas outside the 1-percent and .2-percent-annual-chance floodplains. No BFEs or base flood depths are shown within these zones. (Zone X (unshaded) is used on new and revised maps in place of Zone C.)   Undetermined Risk Areas ZONE DESCRIPTION D Unstudied areas where flood hazards are undetermined, but flooding is possible. No mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply, but coverage is available in participating communities. Geologic Information Geologic Information 10 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p The previous page shows USGS geology information. Detailed information about each unit is provided below. Geologic Unit CZiv Unit Name: Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Unit Age: Cambrian/Late Proterozoic Primary Rock Type: intermediate metavolcanic rock Secondary Rock Type: felsic metavolcanic rock Unit Description: Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock - metamorphosed andesitic tuffs and flows, medium to dark grayish green; minor felsic and mafic metavolcanic rock. Soil Information Soil Information 12 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p The previous page shows a soil map using SSURGO data from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Detailed information about each unit is provided below. Map Unit ChA (2.01%) Map Unit Name:Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded Bedrock Depth - Min:null Watertable Depth - Annual Min:38cm Drainage Class - Dominant:Somewhat poorly drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant:B/D - These soils have moderately low runoff potential when drained and high runoff potential when undrained. Major components are printed below Chewacla(90%) horizon Ap(0cm to 15cm)Loam horizon Bw(15cm to 132cm)Sandy clay loam horizon Cg(132cm to 203cm)Stratified sandy loam Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: ChA - Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded Component: Chewacla (90%) The Chewacla, frequently flooded component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on flood plains on river valleys. The parent material consists of loamy alluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 15 inches during January, February, March, April, November, December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 3 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4w. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Riverview (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Riverview, frequently flooded soil is a minor component. Component: Wehadkee (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Wehadkee, frequently flooded soil is a minor component. Map Unit CnB2 (58.11%) Map Unit Name:Cullen clay loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded Bedrock Depth - Min:null Watertable Depth - Annual Min:null Drainage Class - Dominant:Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant:B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(95%) horizon Ap(0cm to 25cm)Clay loam horizon Bt(25cm to 127cm)Clay horizon BC(127cm to 175cm)Silty clay horizon CB(175cm to 203cm)Silty clay loam Component Description: Soil Information 13 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: CnB2 - Cullen clay loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Cullen (95%) The Cullen, moderately eroded component makes up 95 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 2 to 6 percent. This component is on interfluves on uplands. The parent material consists of mixed residuum weathered from igneous and metamorphic rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Enon (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Enon, moderately eroded soil is a minor component. Map Unit CnC2 (5.75%) Map Unit Name:Cullen clay loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded Bedrock Depth - Min:null Watertable Depth - Annual Min:null Drainage Class - Dominant:Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant:B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(95%) horizon Ap(0cm to 25cm)Clay loam horizon Bt(25cm to 127cm)Clay horizon BC(127cm to 175cm)Silty clay horizon CB(175cm to 203cm)Silty clay loam Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: CnC2 - Cullen clay loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Cullen (95%) The Cullen, moderately eroded component makes up 95 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 6 to 10 percent. This component is on interfluves on uplands. The parent material consists of mixed residuum weathered from igneous and metamorphic rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Enon (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Enon, moderately eroded soil is a minor component. Map Unit CnD2 (9.18%) Map Unit Name:Cullen clay loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Bedrock Depth - Min:null Watertable Depth - Annual Min:null Drainage Class - Dominant:Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant:B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(95%) Soil Information 14 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p horizon Ap(0cm to 25cm)Clay loam horizon Bt(25cm to 127cm)Clay horizon BC(127cm to 175cm)Silty clay horizon CB(175cm to 203cm)Silty clay loam Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: CnD2 - Cullen clay loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Cullen (95%) The Cullen, moderately eroded component makes up 95 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 10 to 15 percent. This component is on interfluves on uplands. The parent material consists of mixed residuum weathered from igneous and metamorphic rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Enon (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Enon, moderately eroded soil is a minor component. Map Unit CuB2 (15.84%) Map Unit Name:Cullen-Urban land complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded Bedrock Depth - Min:null Watertable Depth - Annual Min:null Drainage Class - Dominant:Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant:B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(85%) horizon Ap(0cm to 25cm)Clay loam horizon Bt(25cm to 127cm)Clay horizon BC(127cm to 175cm)Silty clay horizon CB(175cm to 203cm)Silty clay loam Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: CuB2 - Cullen-Urban land complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Cullen (85%) The Cullen, moderately eroded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 2 to 6 percent. This component is on interfluves on uplands. The parent material consists of mixed residuum weathered from igneous and metamorphic rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Urban land (15%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Urban land is a miscellaneous area. Map Unit CuC2 (2.05%) Map Unit Name:Cullen-Urban land complex, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded Bedrock Depth - Min:null Watertable Depth - Annual Min:null Soil Information 15 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Drainage Class - Dominant:Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant:B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Cullen(85%) horizon Ap(0cm to 25cm)Clay loam horizon Bt(25cm to 127cm)Clay horizon BC(127cm to 175cm)Silty clay horizon CB(175cm to 203cm)Silty clay loam Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: CuC2 - Cullen-Urban land complex, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded Component: Cullen (85%) The Cullen, moderately eroded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 6 to 10 percent. This component is on interfluves on uplands. The parent material consists of mixed residuum weathered from igneous and metamorphic rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 1 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Urban land (15%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Urban land is a miscellaneous area. Map Unit RvA (2.02%) Map Unit Name:Riverview loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded Bedrock Depth - Min:null Watertable Depth - Annual Min:null Drainage Class - Dominant:Well drained Hydrologic Group - Dominant:B - Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Water transmission through the soil is unimpeded. Major components are printed below Riverview(90%) horizon A(0cm to 20cm)Loam horizon Bw(20cm to 122cm)Loam horizon C(122cm to 203cm)Sandy loam Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: RvA - Riverview loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded Component: Riverview (90%) The Riverview, occasionally flooded component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on flood plains on river valleys. The parent material consists of loamy alluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches (or restricted depth) is very high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is occasionally flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 2w. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Buncombe (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Buncombe, frequently flooded soil is a minor component. Component: Chewacla (5%) Soil Information 16 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Chewacla, frequently flooded soil is a minor component. Map Unit Ur (4.93%) Map Unit Name:Urban land No more attributes available for this map unit Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: Ur - Urban land Component: Urban land (100%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Urban land is a miscellaneous area. Map Unit W (0.1%) Map Unit Name:Water No more attributes available for this map unit Component Description: Minor map unit components are excluded from this report. Map Unit: W - Water Component: Water (100%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soil components. The Water is a miscellaneous area. Wells and Additional Sources Wells and Additional Sources Summary 18 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Federal Sources Public Water Systems Violations and Enforcement Data Map Key PWS ID Distance (ft)Direction 3 NC0201018 1498.41 SE Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Map Key PWS ID Distance (ft)Direction 3 NC0201018 1498.41 SE USGS National Water Information System Map Key Site No Distance (ft)Direction 1 USGS-360603079161701 790.12 N 2 USGS-360538079161701 1494.43 S 4 USGS-360546079160002 1570.38 ESE 4 USGS-360546079160001 1570.38 ESE 4 USGS-360546079160004 1570.38 ESE 4 USGS-360546079160003 1570.38 ESE 4 USGS-360546079160005 1570.38 ESE 5 USGS-360537079160701 1802.34 SSE 6 USGS-360532079161101 2162.06 SSE 7 USGS-360625079165301 4142.97 NW 8 USGS-360611079170901 4432.32 WNW 9 USGS-360615079171101 4748.28 WNW State Sources Oil and Gas Wells Map Key ID Distance (ft)Direction No records found Public Water Supply Sources Map Key ID Distance (ft)Direction No records found Underground Injection Control Wells Map Key ID Distance (ft)Direction No records found Water Distribution Wells Map Key ID Distance (ft)Direction Wells and Additional Sources Summary 19 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p No records found Wells and Additional Sources Detail Report 20 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Public Water Systems Violations and Enforcement Data Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 3 SE 0.28 1,498.41 677.68 PWSV Address Line 2: State Code:NC Zip Code:27302 City Name:MEBANE Address Line 1:106 E WASHINGTON ST PWS ID:NC0201018 PWS Type Code:CWS PWS Type Description: Community Water System Primary Source Code: SWP Primary Source Desc: Purchased Surface Water PWS Activity Code: A PWS Activity Description: Active PWS Deactivation Date: Phone Number:919-563-3401 --Details-- Population Served Count: 12880 City Served:MEBANE County Served:Alamance State Served:NC Zip Code Served: Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 3 SE 0.28 1,498.41 677.68 SDWIS PWS ID:NC0201018 PWS Type:Community water system No of Facilities:7 No of Violations:20 No of Site Visits:55 Cities Served:MEBANE Counties Served:Alamance Population Served Count: 15,284 Primacy Agency:North Carolina EPA Region:Region 4 USGS National Water Information System Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 1 N 0.15 790.12 682.05 FED USGS Wells and Additional Sources Detail Report 21 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Site No:USGS-360603079161701 Site Type:Well Formation Type:Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Date Drilled:1919 Well Depth:735.0 Well Depth Unit:ft Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:AM-026 Latitude:36.10097147000000 Longitude:-79.2711287000000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 2 S 0.28 1,494.43 679.97 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360538079161701 Site Type:Well Formation Type:Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Date Drilled:1912 Well Depth:185.0 Well Depth Unit:ft Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:AM-030 Latitude:36.09402709000000 Longitude:-79.2711286000000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 4 ESE 0.30 1,570.38 669.37 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360546079160002 Site Type:Facility: Water-use establishment Formation Type: Date Drilled: Well Depth: Well Depth Unit: Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:CRAFTIQUE, INC - WUID 7/02 Latitude:36.09624935000000 Longitude:-79.2664063000000 Wells and Additional Sources Detail Report 22 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 4 ESE 0.30 1,570.38 669.37 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360546079160001 Site Type:Facility: Water-use establishment Formation Type: Date Drilled: Well Depth: Well Depth Unit: Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:CRAFTIQUE, INC - WUID 7/01 Latitude:36.09624935000000 Longitude:-79.2664063000000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 4 ESE 0.30 1,570.38 669.37 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360546079160004 Site Type:Facility: Water-use establishment Formation Type: Date Drilled: Well Depth: Well Depth Unit: Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:TOWN OF STONEVILLE Latitude:36.09624935000000 Longitude:-79.2664063000000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 4 ESE 0.30 1,570.38 669.37 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360546079160003 Site Type:Facility: Water-use establishment Formation Type: Date Drilled: Well Depth: Well Depth Unit: Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Wells and Additional Sources Detail Report 23 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Station Name:WASHINGTON GROUP, INC. - WUID 135/01 Latitude:36.09624935000000 Longitude:-79.2664063000000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 4 ESE 0.30 1,570.38 669.37 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360546079160005 Site Type:Facility: Water-use establishment Formation Type: Date Drilled: Well Depth: Well Depth Unit: Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:KERR LAKE REGIONAL WS - WUID 695/03 Latitude:36.09624935000000 Longitude:-79.2664063000000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 5 SSE 0.34 1,802.34 682.21 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360537079160701 Site Type:Well Formation Type:Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Date Drilled: Well Depth:189.0 Well Depth Unit:ft Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:AM-028 Latitude:36.09374935000000 Longitude:-79.2683507800000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 6 SSE 0.41 2,162.06 666.58 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360532079161101 Site Type:Well Formation Type:Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Date Drilled:1916 Well Depth:97.0 Well Depth Unit:ft Wells and Additional Sources Detail Report 24 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:AM-029 Latitude:36.09236046000000 Longitude:-79.2694619000000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 7 NW 0.78 4,142.97 627.87 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360625079165301 Site Type:Well Formation Type:Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Date Drilled:1941 Well Depth:42.0 Well Depth Unit:ft Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:AM-023 Latitude:36.10708240000000 Longitude:-79.2811289900000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 8 WNW 0.84 4,432.32 651.16 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360611079170901 Site Type:Well Formation Type:Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Date Drilled:1934 Well Depth:73.0 Well Depth Unit:ft Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:AM-025 Latitude:36.10319350000000 Longitude:-79.2855734900000 Map Key Direction Distance (mi)Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)DB 9 WNW 0.90 4,748.28 649.35 FED USGS Site No:USGS-360615079171101 Site Type:Well Formation Type:Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock Wells and Additional Sources Detail Report 25 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Date Drilled:1940 Well Depth:63.0 Well Depth Unit:ft Well Hole Depth: Well Hole Depth Unit: Reporting Agency: USGS North Carolina Water Science Center Station Name:AM-024 Latitude:36.10430460000000 Longitude:-79.2861290000000 Radon Information 26 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p This section lists any relevant radon information found for the target property. Federal EPA Radon Zone for ALAMANCE County: 3 Zone 1: Counties with predicted average indoor radon screening levels greater than 4 pCi/L Zone 2: Counties with predicted average indoor radon screening levels from 2 to 4 pCi/L Zone 3: Counties with predicted average indoor radon screening levels less than 2 pCi/L Federal Area Radon Information for ALAMANCE County No Measures/Homes:58 Arithmetic Mean:0.9 Maximum:29 Minimum:0 Notes on Data Table:TABLE 1. Summary of screening indoor radon data in North Carolina from the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey, the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Radon Survey, and non- random data collected from vendors of charcoal canister radon detectors. Data represent 2-7 day screening tests. Appendix 27 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Federal Sources FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer FEMA FLOOD The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) data incorporates Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and any Letters Of Map Revision (LOMRs) that have been issued against those databases since their publication date. The FIRM Database is the digital, geospatial version of the flood hazard information shown on the published paper FIRMs. The FIRM Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The FIRM Database is derived from Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), previously published FIRMs, flood hazard analyses performed in support of the FISs and FIRMs, and new mapping data, where available. Indoor Radon Data INDOOR RADON Indoor radon measurements tracked by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and the State Residential Radon Survey. Public Water Systems Violations and Enforcement Data PWSV List of drinking water violations and enforcement actions from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) made available by the Drinking Water Protection Division of the US EPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water. Enforcement sensitive actions are not included in the data released by the EPA. Address information provided in SWDIS may correspond either with the physical location of the water system, or with a contact address. Radon Zone Level RADON ZONE Areas showing the level of Radon Zones (level 1, 2 or 3) by county. This data is maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) SDWIS The Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) contains information about public water systems as reported to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the states. Addresses may correspond with the location of the water system, or with a contact address. Soil Survey Geographic database SSURGO The Soil Survey Geographic database (SSURGO) contains information about soil as collected by the National Cooperative Soil Survey at the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Soil maps outline areas called map units. The map units are linked to soil properties in a database. Each map unit may contain one to three major components and some minor components. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wetland Data US WETLAND The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wetland layer represents the approximate location and type of wetlands and deepwater habitats in the United States. USGS Current Topo US TOPO US Topo topographic maps are produced by the National Geospatial Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The project was launched in late 2009, and the term "US Topo" refers specifically to quadrangle topographic maps published in 2009 and later. USGS Geology US GEOLOGY Seamless maps depicting geological information provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). USGS National Water Information System FED USGS The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS) is the nation's principal repository of water resources data. The data includes comprehensive information of well-construction details, time-series data for gage height, streamflow, groundwater level, and precipitation and water use data. This NWIS database information is obtained through the Water Quality Data Portal (WQP). The WQP is a cooperative service sponsored by the USGS, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC). State Sources Appendix 28 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Oil and Gas Wells OGW As of NC state regulatory agencies, FracTracker Alliance - state of North Carolina confirmed not to have any active (drilled but not plugged) oil and gas wells. Public Water Supply Sources PWSS The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Environmental Health, Public Water Supply Section in cooperation with the NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, tracks the locations of public water supply system sources in North Carolina. Underground Injection Control Wells UIC This list of Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells is made available by the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources. The list only includes Class V UIC wells because only Class V UIC wells can be installed in North Carolina. Water Distribution Wells WATER WELLS The North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center (NCREDC) in conjunction with Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates developed digital well locations data by individual system owners as required by contract. The data collected was to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 70 individual counties of North Carolina. This data contains information on groundwater intake wells, including: Well ID, construction date, latest renovation date, and safe yield. There has been no plan by the NCREDC or Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates to update this database. Liability Notice 29 erisinfo.com| Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 24031000011p Reliance on information in Report: The Physical Setting Report (PSR) DOES NOT replace a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment but is solely intended to be used as a review of environmental databases and physical characteristics for the site or adjacent properties. License for use of information in Report: No page of this report can be used without this cover page, this notice and the project property identifier. The information in Report(s) may not be modified or re-sold. Your Liability for misuse: Using this Service and/or its reports in a manner contrary to this Notice or your agreement will be in breach of copyright and contract and ERIS may obtain damages for such mis-use, including damages caused to third parties, and gives ERIS the right to terminate your account, rescind your license to any previous reports and to bar you from future use of the Service. No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS: The information contained in this report has been produced by ERIS Information Inc. ("ERIS") using various sources of information, including information provided by Federal and State government departments. 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