HomeMy WebLinkAbout26036_Uzzle Cadillac_Corrective Action Plan 20031 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 SINCE FAR 1Sal CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Durham, North Carolina Incident No. 22714 Froehling & Robertson Project # B66-253E Prepared for: Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. c/o Brown & Bunch 101 North Columbia Street Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 July 15, 2403 Prepared by: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 1 1 Corrective Action Plan ' Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Durham, North Carolina ' Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Project No. B66-253E July 15, 2003 1 ' Site Name: Location: GW Incident Number: ' Risk Classification/Reason: Land Use Category: UST Owner/Property Owner/Responsible Party: 1 Consultant: Date Release Discovered: Former UST Systems: ' Release Quantity: Cause and Source of ' Release: ' Latitude/Longitude: Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. 3737 Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC 27707 22714 Intermediate/Surface water located within 500 feet of release source. Industrial/Commercial Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. c/o: Mr. Gordon Brown wl Brown & Bunch 101 North Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 968-1111 Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 310 Hubert Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603, (919) 828-3441 November 1997 10,000 gallon gasoline UST, 550 gallon virgin oil UST, 550 gallon waste oil UST, 2,000 gallon diesel fuel/gasoline UST Unknown 2,000 gallon gasoline UST with associated product line and dispenser, 550 gallon virgin oil UST. N35°5 8.2'IW78°57.15' Re 'wed by: Steve Kelly, P.E. Project Manager +9�y�witlltIgi",a; °t,o rgss10,y•;� '`v� 'ram a SEAL 15190 1 1 1 1 u TABLE CF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................... i Source Information Initial Abatement -Emergency Response Action Sampling/Investigation Results Proposed Remedy for Impacted Soil and Groundwater 1.0 SITE INFORMATION......................................................................................................I 1.1 Property Description 1.2 Facility USTs and Release Sources 1.2.1 UST-1 (Gasoline) 1.2.2 UST-2 (Gasoline -Diesel Fuel) 1.2.3 UST-3 (Waste Oil) 1.2.4 UST-4 (Virgin Oil) 1.3 Groundwater Cleanup Levels 1.4 Soil Cleanup Levels 1.5 Maximum Levels of Impacted Groundwater 1.6 Maximum Levels of Impacted Soil 1.7 Remedial Actions 1.8 Previous Reports 1.8.1 UST-2 (Gasoline -Diesel Fuel) 1.8.2 UST-3 (Waste Oil) 1.8.3 UST-4 (Virgin Oil) 2.0 RECEPTOR INFORMATION.........................................................................................7 2.1 Water Supply Wells 2.2 Public Water Supplies 2.3 Surface Water 2.4 Wellhead Protection Areas 2.5 Subsurface Structures 2.6 Land Use and Property Owners -Occupants 3.0 PROPOSED CORRECTIVE ACTION.........................................................................11 3.1 Groundwater Remediation Objectives 3.2 Evaluation of Groundwater Remediation Alternatives 3.2.1 Pump and Treat & Closed Loop Pump and Treat 3.2.2 Pump and Treat & Soil Vapor Extraction 3.2.3 Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction 3.2.4 Multi -Phase Extraction 3.2.5 Mobile Multi -Phase Extraction (MMPE) 3.2.6 Natural Attenuation TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 3.2.7 Opinion of Estimated Groundwater Remediation Costs 3.3 Proposed Groundwater Remediation 3.3.1 Mobile Multi -Phase Extraction System Description 3.3.2 MMPE Monitoring and. Groundwater Sampling Parameters 3.3.3 MMPE and Groundwater Sampling -Reporting Schedule 3.3.4 Estimated MMPE Costs 3.4 Soil Remediation Objectives 3.5 Evaluation of Soil Remediation Alternatives 3.5.1 Soil Excavation 3.5.2 Natural Attenuation 3.6 Proposed Soil Remediation 3.6.1 Soil Remediation Description 3.6.2 Schedule of Soil Excavation 3.6.3 Closure Sampling 4.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................22 5.0 LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................23 TABLES Table 1. Volatile Compounds -Groundwater Analytical Results Table 2. Semi -Volatile Compound Groundwater Analytical Results Table 3. MADEP VPH & EPH Groundwater Analytical Results Table 4. Chromium and Lead Groundwater Analytical Table 5. Groundwater Geochemical Parameters Table 6. Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Table 7. EPA Method 8260 Soil Analytical Results Table 8. MADEP VPH & EPH Soil Analytical Results Table 9. Adjacent Property Owners/Occupants Table 10. Estimated MMPE Costs DRAWINGS Drawing 1. Site Vicinity Map Drawing 2. Site Plan Drawing 3. Benzene Isoconcentration Map Drawing 4. Toluene Isoconcentration Map Drawing 5. Xylenes (Total) Isoconcentration Map Drawing 6. C9-C 10 Aromatics Isoconcentration Map Drawing 7. Groundwater Surface -March 26, 2003 SINCE FAR +e e+ TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Drawing 8. Gasoline/Diesel Fuel UST Location Drawing 9. Virgin nil UST Location APPENDICES APPENDIX A Groundwater Assessment Field Methods APPENDIX B: Soil Boring Field Methods APPENDIX C: Soil Boring Logs APPENDIX D: Groundwater Analytical Results APPENDIX E: Graphs of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Compounds, Monitoring Wells MW-8, MW-9 and MW-1 d APPENDIX F: Soil Analytical Results APPENDIX G: Letters of Public Notification 1 1-1 SJNCE 1BB1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has been prepared by Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) for the former Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck facility located at 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard in Durham, North Carolina. The location of the facility is shown on Drawing 1. This CAP has been prepared to address the release of petroleum hydrocarbon compounds that were released from two underground storage tank (UST) systems located on the site. The subject USTs formerly stored diesel fuel/gasoline, and virgin oil. The following is a summary of the CAP: SOURCE INFORMATION Type of Contaminant: Gasoline, diesel fuel and motor oil. Source of Release: Motor oil was released from a 550 gallon UST. Diesel fuel and gasoline were released from a 2,000 gallon UST, and associated product lines and dispenser. Amount of Release: Unknown INITIAL ABATEMENT/EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION No phase separated hydrocarbons have been detected on the site, therefore, no abatement measures were performed. SAMPLING/INVESTIGATION RESULTS Nature and Extent of Impacted Soil and Groundwater Two releases are present on the site: • Gasoline/Diesel Fuel UST (UST-2): Soil adsorbed petroleum hydrocarbons are present near the former diesel fuel/gasoline UST location with concentrations above Soil to Groundwater MSCC regulatory standards. Groundwater impacted from a release of gasoline and/or diesel fuel is present in the vicinity or the former UST system. The compounds benzene, toluene, xylenes (total) and C9-C 10 aromatics are present in concentrations that exceed the North Carolina surface water standards multiplied by 10 (1 OX2B surface water standards). • Virgin ail UST (UST4): Aromatic compounds with the carbon range of CI I-C22 were found in the soil with concentrations exceeding Residential MSCC. Groundwater has been detected downgradient of the former UST with levels of C I 1-C22 aromatics that were above 1 OX2B surface water standards. Uzzle CaddlaColdsmobde-GMC Truck, Inc i July 15, 2Ua3 1 Project No. A66-253E 1 aI NCE 1 FAR Iasi In addition, the following area was found to be impacted: ■ Offsite Location (MW-17): Groundwater impacted with motor oil is present at this location. The source of the motor oil was not identified during the assessment and does not appear to ' be associated with the subject USTs. Maximum Contaminant Concentrations -Groundwater 1 Groundwater remediation will be conducted to lower the levels of dissolved hydrocarbons drocarbons to a p Y ' level that does not exceed ten times the North Carolina surface water standards (15A NCAC 213 .0200, Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Surface Waters of North Carolina). The following table shows the maximum concentrations of dissolved phase compounds that were detected in concentrations exceeding lOX2B surface water standards in groundwater ' samples collected in March 2003: 1 [-I- I �� y ... • 1Vlaxiinuin' intamin' ' ii° Y roun iwateru" �; �;�' ,,,• .0 anf:'Cariceiytratio�s. G d Compound Concentration 1OX2B Standard Monitoring Well Benzene 3,370 714 MW-10 Toluene 1,710 110 MW-10 Xylenes (total) 6,800 885 MW-8 C9-C10 Aromatics 8,700 1,040 MW-8 Lead was detected in MW-18 during a former sampling event with a concentration of 500 ug/L which exceeds the 10X213 surface water standard of 250. It does not appear the lead was released from the former UST system as it is not detected with elevated concentrations in impacted monitoring wells MW-8, MW-g and MW-10. Maximum Contaminant Concentrations -Soil The following compounds were detected in concentrations exceeding applicable Soil to Groundwater MSCC levels for Intermediate Priority sites: ' U=le Caddlac-Oldsmobde-GMC Truck Inc Project No. A66-253E ii July 15. 2003 1 1 [l 1 Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (mglKg) Compound Concentration Soil to Groundwater Standard Residential Soil Boring Benzene 0.177 0.0056 22 GP-1 (2'-4') Ethylb=ene 1.54 0.24 1,560 GP-2 (0.5'-2') Xylenes (total) 10.8 5 32,000 GP-2 (0.5'-2') C5-C8 Aliphatics 200 72 939 GP-2 (0.5'-T) C9-C22 Aromatics 300 34 469 GP-2 (0.5'-2') (diesel fuel/gasoline UST location C9-C22 Aromatics 510 34 469 MW-2 (virgin oil UST location) Applicable Soil Cleanup Levels Soil Cleanup The site is ranked Intermediate Priority, therefore, current cleanup levels are Soil to Groundwater MSCC. The proposed soil cleanup levels are the Residential MSCC. The Residential MSCC will be applicable once groundwater is remediated to IOX213 surface water standards. NoPOsm GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION Mobile Multi -phase Multiphase Extraction Extraction It appears active groundwater remediation will be necessary to bring levels of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbon compounds to within 10X213 surface water standards. Groundwater remediation will be performed using existing monitoring wells MW-8, MW-9 and MW-10 that are located inside the plume boundaries. Mobile multi -phase extraction (MMPE) is recommended for site groundwater remediation. Estimated Cost It is estimated each MMPE event will cost $9,000.00. This cost does not include periodic groundwater sampling and monitoring. Groundwater sampling and monitoring costs are estimated at $3,000.00 per event. Uzzle Cadillacoldsmobde-GMC Truck, Inc 111 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E LL 11 [J L SINCE Bei Schedule MMPE may be performed once per quarter until the LPH is removed and the dissolved phase hydrocarbon concentrations are lowered to IOX2B surface water standards. PROPOSED SOIL REMEDIATION Sail Excavation. and_Offsite Treatment/Disposal Soil remediation will be conducted a the former location of UST-4. Based on the soil remediation alternatives, soil excavation and off -site treatment appears to be a viable remediation method. Soil will be removed to the water table depth of approximately 1.5-2 feet BGS. Approximately 3 cubic yards (5 tons) of soil will require excavation to meet the C11-C22 Residential MS CC goal of469 mg/Kg. Soil removal will be additionally performed to remove LPH, if present. Fluids contained in the excavation will be removed at the time of the soil removal activities. The soil will be excavated and transported off -site for treatment at a NCDENR permitted treatment facility. The excavation will be backfiiled with either clean fill soil or gravel. The concrete paving will be replaced at the excavation area. Estimated Cost Based on a soil removal volume of 5 tons and NC Trust Fund reimbursable rates (March 1, 2003) for excavationlbackfiliing ($29.001ton) and treatment/disposal ($30.001ton), the estimated cost for soil remediation is $300.00. The cost does not include soil removal monitoring and closure sampling. 1 Schedule 1 Soil excavation activities will be conducted prior to or following the completion of the groundwater cleanup goals. ' Uzzle CaddlarOldsmobile-GMC Truck Inc iv Judy 15. 2003 Project No. A66-2ME L 11 1 SINGE 1.0 SITE INFORMATION 1.1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The site is an operating retail sales and repair facility for General Motors vehicles. The facility is located on 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard (US 15-501) in Durham, North Carolina as shown on Drawing 1. The property is currently leased to the General Motors Corporation and is operated as the University Cadillac-Buick-Pontiac-GMC Oldsmobile, however, Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck retains ownership of the property. The property contains 4.75 acres and is almost entirely paved with asphalt and concrete. The facility was constructed in 1969 and has been in continual use for the sale and maintenance of automobiles since that time. The facility is serviced by below -ground utilities that include phone, municipal water, sanitary sewer service, storm sewers, gas and electricity. Site utilities are shown on Drawing 2. Two buildings are located on the property. The main building consists of an automotive dealership building that contains a showroom, sales offices, service reception area, personnel offices, parts department, paint and body shop, service bays, a wash down bay and an automatic car wash. A smaller building used for storage is located at the southeast property corner. The buildings along with additional site features are shown on Drawing 2. The site has undergone assessment for releases of hydraulic fluid that originated from below -ground hydraulic lifts. The assessment included the collection of soil samples, monitoring well installation and the collection of groundwater samples. Monitoring wells installed for the assessment include MW-4, MW-6, MW-11, MW-12, MW-13 and MW-14. The assessment activity is documented in a report prepared by F&R titled Revised Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan. The report was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on April 11, 2001. Remediation of impacted soils by natural attenuation was approved by the DWQ for the site. Uzxle Cadlllee.-Oldsmobde-GMC ThIck. Inc 1 July 15, 2003 Project No. 466-253E 1 1 fl L 1.1 1.2 FACILITY USTS AND RELEASE SOURCES The site formerly contained four UST systems identified as UST-1 through UST-4. The former UST locations are shown on Drawing 2. The following is a brief description of each UST. 1.2.1 UST-1 (GASOLINE) UST-1 had a capacity of 10,000 gallons and stored gasoline. UST-1 was removed in 1992 and is not associated with this CAP. Monitoring well MW-1 was installed for the evaluation of groundwater quality at the UST-1 location following the removal of the UST. The closure of UST-1 was documented in a report that was prepared by EMS Environmental, Inc. (EMS) and submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management (DEM). With the exception of groundwater sampling for lead, no further assessment activity has been conducted at this location. 1.2.2 UST-2 (GASOLINE -DIESEL FUEL) UST-2 had a 2,000 gallon capacity and was installed in 1969 for the storage of gasoline. The UST was also used for the storage of diesel fuel and was serviced by a dispenser that was located adjacent to the west wall of the automatic car wash. The UST was removed in June 1991. A release was discovered associated with UST-2 during the conductance of a Phase E Limited Site Assessment in 1998. The release was further assessed during a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) conducted in 2001 and 2002. 1.2.3 UST-3 (Waste Oil) UST-3 contained waste oil and had a 550 gallon capacity. The UST was removed in June 1991. A release has not been detected at the UST-3 location. 1.2.4 UST-4 (VIRGIN OIL) UST-4 contained virgin oil and had a 550 gallon capacity and was removed in June 1991. A release is associated with the UST. 1.3 GROUNDWATER CLEANUP LEVELS The site is ranked Intermediate Priority due to the presence of a buried culvert located along the north property boundary. The buried culvert channels surface water and appears to be located in a U=1e CaddlQo-Oldsmobde-GMC Truck Inc 2 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E I- I 1-1 1 1 1.1 1 former stream channel. The applicable DWM groundwater cleanup levels for Intermediate Priority sites are the North Carolina surface water standards (NCAC, 2B, .0208, Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters of North Carolina) multiplied by a factor of 10. in this CAP the standards will be referred to as the 10X2B surface water standards. The version of the surface water standards used for this report was updated by the NDCDENR on November 14, 2002. 1.4 SOIL CLEANUP LEVELS The site is ranked Intermediate Priority, therefore, the applicable cleanup levels are Soil to Groundwater Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCC). However, the proposed soil cleanup levels are the Residential MSCC. The Residential MSCC would be applicable once groundwater is cleaned up to'10X2B surface water standards. 1.5 MAXIMUM LEVELS OF IMPACTED GROUNDWATER Groundwater remediation will be conducted to lower the levels of dissolved phase hydrocarbons to 1OX213 surface water standards. The following table shows the maximum concentrations of dissolved phase compounds that were detected in concentrations exceeding 1OX213 surface water standards. The concentrations were detected in groundwater samples collected in March 2003. ".I+, s:'�t!=�::o-x y ^X?` ;.kw'..�:.''.n��e:u ar:i7,'��1'•" y.�ir: .".��i�i'� ii»r _4ir ns, af.. €: �p,i. ;�, 1VIaxinluin Contaminant Codeentrativns ln;Groundv we i' 3�i. @5�•I.k; �1�":;'li.. '"'�°$: �?i4'sx''s ��: ;^ •Y':y J'�li�°i'•Cf.:" - ;•;�` .;;": kW �� .`!�. Tt..k . �: �z� : i�r.. +i�K•.c�•i�. a.:Y.. ��!� � l r� . .•€� .d n x{¢.�r: !:'�: : £.�'. •�l:.i i Compound Concentration IOX2B Standard Monitoring Well Benzene 3,370 714 MW-10 Toluene 1,710 Ito MW-10 Xylenes (total) 6,800 885 MW-8 C9-C10 Aromatics 8,700 1,040 MW-8 In addition to the above listed compounds, a sheen of liquid phase hydrocarbons (LPH) was detected in MW-2 that is located adjacent to the virgin oil UST. The sheen had a thickness of approximately 0.01 feet was present in the well on May 12, 2002. Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc 3 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SINCE FAR sae+ 1.6 MAXIMUM LEVELS OF IMPACTED SOIL The following table lists the maximum concentrations of the petroleum hydrocarbons detected at the site with levels that exceeded Soil to Groundwater MSCC. -`Maximum.Soil.Cantaminant'Concentrations (mg1Kg) Compound Concentration Soil to Residential Soil Boring Groundwater MSCCZ MSCC' Benzene 0.177 0.0056 22 GP-1 (214) Ethylbenzene 1.54 0.24 t,560 GP-2 (0.5'-21) Xylenes (total) 10.8 5 32,000 GP-2 (0.5'-2') C5-C8 Aliphatics 200 72 939 GP-2 (0.5'-2') C9-C22 Aromatics 300 34 469 GP-2 (0.51-21) (diesel fuel/gasoline UST location C9-C22 Aromatics 510 34 469 MW-2 (virgin oil UST location) 'Cleanup levels for Intermediate Priority sites. 'Proposed Cleanup Levels As shown on the above table, the Residential MSCC was only exceeded at the virgin oil UST location. 1.7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS It does not appear that remedial actions have been performed at the farmer UST locations. 1.8 PREVIOUS REPORTS The following assessment reports have been issued to the DWM for the evaluation of releases associated with UST-2 through UST-4: • Phase 11 Limited Site Assessment, Report date November 13, 1998. • Comprehensive Site Assessment: Report date February 14, 2002. Uzzle Caddlao-0idsmo6rle-GMC Trunk, Inc 4 July lj, 2003 Project No. A66-253E 1 1_1 Bi N C E 1881 Additional soil and groundwater assessment activity was conducted in March and May 2003. Monitoring wells were sampled in March 2003 during a "baseline" sampling event. A description of the groundwater sampling activity is discussed in Appendix A. The soil quality at the locations of UST-2 and UST-4 were additionally assessed in May 2003 during a -soil boring assessment. A description of the soil boring activity is discussed in Appendix B. Soil boring logs from the assessment are attached in Appendix C. The following is a brief description of the extent of soil and groundwater impact identified at each UST location. 1.8.1 UST-2 A plume of dissolved phase hydrocarbons is present at the former location of UST-2. The plume appears to have originated from the UST and associated dispenser island and/or product line. The plume contains benzene, toluene, xylenes (total), and C9-C 10 aromatics with concentrations that exceed 1 OX2B surface water standards. The plume originating from UST-2 is detected in shallow monitoring wells MW-5, MW-8, MW-9, MW-10 and MW-11. The extent of the dissolved phase compounds benzene, toluene, xylenes (total), and C9-C 10 aromatics as present during the March 2003 sampling event are shown on Drawings 3-6, respectively. Volatile compound analytical results are summarized in Table 1. Semi -volatile analytical results are summarized in Table 2. MADEP VPH and EPH results are summarized in Table 3. Chromium and lead results are summarized in Table 4, and geochemical data is summarized in Table 5. Copies of the March 2003 laboratory analytical report forms are included in Appendix D. Analytical data collected from monitoring wells installed near the core of the plume have not shown a significant decrease of concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations from the initiation of groundwater sampling in July 1998 to the last sampling event conducted in March 2003. Graphs of historical analytical data in selected monitoring wells are included in Appendix E. However, as shown on Table 5, geochemical indicators suggest that natural attenuation is occurring. These indicators include elevated levels of iron in impacted wells MW-9 and MW-11, and decreased levels of dissolved oxygen in MW-8, MW-9 and MW-11. Based on the historical sampling data, it does not appear natural attenuation alone will be effective for site groundwater remediation. Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc 5 July 15, 2003 Prajeci No. A66-253E 1 1 11 11 n 1 1 S HCE FAR ,Gal The direction of groundwater flow in the vicinity of UST-2 is oriented north to northwest towards a buried culvert pipe that is located along the north property boundary. The depth to groundwater varies from the upgradient portion of the plume to the downgradient portion of the plume. Groundwater depths from the ground surface have varied from approximately 3-5 feet upgradient at MW-10 to 8-10 feet in downgradient monitoring well MW-9. Drawing 7 displays the groundwater surface and flow direction during the March 2003 groundwater sampling event and was prepared from data listed on Table 6. Soil adsorbed petroleum hydrocarbons are present near the former UST-2 system location. The compounds benzene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (total) are present in concentrations that are greater than Soil to Groundwater MSCC but do not exceed Residential MSCC. The distribution ofbenzene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (total) are shown on Drawing 8. The compounds appear to be present from approximately 0.5 feet below ground surface (BGS) to the water table depth which has occurred from 3-5 feet BGS in MW-10. Soil volatile analytical data is summarized on Table 7. MADEP VPH and EPH analytical data is summarized on Table 8. Analytical report forms are included in Appendix F. 1 1.8.2 UST-3 1 1 A release of petroleum hydrocarbons was not detected at the UST-3 locations with concentrations that exceeded Soil to Groundwater MSCC or the 2L Groundwater Standards. No further soil assessment activity has been performed at this location. However, groundwater sampling has been performed in the associated source monitoring well MW-3 for sidegradient delineation of impacted groundwater that originated from UST-2 and UST-4. 1.8.3 UST4 Aromatic hydrocarbons with the carbon range of C I 1-C22 have been detected in MW-2 and MW-4 that are located near UST-4. C11-C22 compounds have been detected in source area well MW-2 with concentrations that have not exceeded 1OX213 surface water standards. However, the compounds have been present in concentrations that exceed lOX213 surface water standards in downgradient well MW-4. The C 11-C22 aromatic 1 OX2B standard was exceeded in MW-4 during Urzle CaddlRo-Gldsmobde-GMC Truck, Inc 6 July 15, 2003 Project No, A66-253E fl I f SINCE FAR sampling events conducted in 2002 and was not exceeded during sampling events conducted in 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2003. A sheen of motor oil with an approximate thickness of 0.01 feet was present in MW-2 in May 2003. No semi -volatile compounds have been detected in MW-2 and MW-4 in sampling events conducted between 1998-2003. Soil adsorbed petroleum hydrocarbons consisting of C 11-C22 aromatics are present near the fanner UST-4 location with concentrations exceeding Residential MSCC. The compounds are present from approximately 0.5-1.5 feet BGS. The distribution of impacted soil at the UST-4 location is shown on Drawing 9. MADEP VPH and EPH soil analytical results are summarized on Table 8. ' Uzzle CadillaCaldsmobde-GMC Truck Inc Project No, .466-253E 7 July 15. 2003 1, 11 11 2.0 2.1 WATER SUPPLY WELLS RECEPTOR INFORMATION A drive -by reconnaissance was performed during the 1998 LSA to locate potable water wells within 1,500 feet of the site. The closest potable well was located approximately 1,500 feet north of the site at the private residence of Cary Pickett on 2814 Pickett Road. According to Mr. Pickett, the well is 1 125 feet deep. 1-1 11 fl I 1 2.2 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES The site and vicinity is served by a municipal water supply. The source of the municipal water is Lake Michie, located northeast of the site near Butner. 2.3 SURFACE WATER Surface water enters the site in an incised drainage channel located at the northeast property corner. This channel is identified in the Southwest Durham USGS topographical map (Drawing 1) as an intermittent stream. Upgradient storm water is channeled into a storm water culvert pipe that runs along the north property boundary under a grassy median located adjacent to the Rt. 15-501 service road. All drainage water from the Uzzle facility enters the culvert through storm grates. This culvert is approximately 7 feet in diameter, and it appears it was installed in the bed of an intermittent stream. The presence of groundwater drainage into the pipe has not been established at this time and would require groundwater elevation monitoring in adjacent wells for comparison to the bottom elevation of the culvert pipe. The culvert location is shown on Drawings 2-7 The culvert pipe runs to the southwest when it leaves the Uzzle property and continues underneath the adjacent Southern States Volkswagen property, and former South Square Mall. Upon leaving the former South Square Mall property, the drainage feature is identified on the topographical map as a perennial stream. This stream discharges to Sandy Creek, which empties into New Hope Creek. New Hope Creek empties into Jordan Lake approximately 2-1/4 miles southwest of the Uzzle facility. According to the 1973 Southwest Durham USGS map, one remaining surface water feature is located near the site. A pond is located across and approximately 600 feet north and upgradient of the Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck Inc g July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E 11 1 1 Uzzle facility. 2.4 WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREAS 1 According to the NCDENR [I ], no wellhead protection areas are located near the site. ' 2.5 SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES Buried utilities may cause a preferred migration pathway for groundwater or petroleum hydrocarbons ' if they are installed within the water table. Factors including permeable material that may surround the conduit and leaky joints (in the case of storm water or sewer lines) may also cause migration of ' petroleum hydrocarbons. Subsurface utilities are located at the site, along Auto Drive and the Rt. 15- 5,01 service road. Approximate locations of the utilities are shown on Drawing 2. The utilities ' include the following: ■ Storm sewers 1 • Sanitary sewer + Water line ' • Electric line 1 Natural gas line The presence of these buried utilities indicates that the potential exists for migration of petroleum hydrocarbons through these conduits. In order to assess migration of contaminants around or through the conduits, the exact location and burial depth of the conduits would need to be identified. The approximate location of the conduits have been identified, however, the burial depths are not known , at this time. 2.6 LAND USE AND PROPERTY OWNERS -OCCUPANTS The property located adjacent to the site is used for commercial purposes. The west property boundary is bordered by Auto Drive and the Southern States Volkswagen car dealership. The north property boundary is bordered by Rt. 15-501. Commercial properties are located across Rt. 15-501 from the site. The east property boundary is bordered by the Durham Ritz car wash. The south property boundary is bordered by the former Darnons restaurant. The adjacent properties are listed on Table 9. Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-CMC Truck, Inc 9 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E � fs� ' The site and adjacent properties are zoned GC. The GC zoning is used for a wide variety of commercial activities that among others includes banks, business services, car washes, convenience ' stores, day care facilities, night clubs, offices, hotels, retail stores, vehicle sales, drive-in theaters, schools, boarding houses, heavy equipment sales, printing establishments and transmission towers. ' The release site is covered with concrete paving and exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil would only occur through the removal of the paving and excavating to the affected zone. 1 u 1.1 1 Uzzle Cudillao-dldsmobde-GMC Truck, Inc 10 Judy 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E 1 1-1 u Ll 1 81MCE FAR 1881 3.0 PROPOSED CORRECTIVE ACTION 3.1 GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION OBJECTIVES The following are the objective of groundwater remediation: •- Reduce the levels of dissolved phase hydrocarbons below l OX213 surface water standards. • Soils impacted with hydraulic fluid are present at the west and east service bays. Groundwater remediation should he performed to minimize the mobilization of the hydraulic fluid compounds. ■ Remove liquid phase hydrocarbons (LPH), if present. The remediation goals will be 10X2B surface water standards. 3.2 EVALUATION OF GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES Groundwater remediation should address the presence of dissolved phase hydrocarbons and LPH. Treatment methods evaluated include different versions of pump and treat, air sparing with soil vapor extraction, and multi -phase extraction. All of these treatment methods are reimbursable by the North Carolina Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund. 3.2.1 PUMP AND TREAT & CLOSED LOOP PUMP AND TREAT System Process Standard pump and treat technology involves the removal of groundwater from recovery wells using electric or pneumatic pumping systems. The removal of groundwater creates a cone of depression that changes the local groundwater gradient and draws groundwater toward the recovery wells. Liquids removed by pumping may be treated by air stripping and/or carbon filtration. The treated water at the site may only be discharged to an infiltration gallery or storm sewer. Discharge to a sanitary sewer is not allowed by the City of Durham. Discharge to an infiltration gallery would require the construction of an infiltration gallery at a location upgradient of the plume. Water discharged to the gallery would migrate downgradient and help dilute the plume and potentially cut down the treatment time. This method is costly and is primarily used if LPH and/or elevated levels of dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the groundwater. Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc Project No. A66-253E 11 July 15, 2003 1 SINCE FAR ,eel • The site does not offer obvious impediments for system installation. • Would likely contain migration of dissolved phase hydrocarbons. • Would likely lower petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations to 1 OX213 surface water standards. 1 Limitations 1 • Does not treat impacted soil. • Requires periodic scheduled maintenance. Discharge to a storm sewer would require a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit. • On -site discharge to an infiltration gallery would require a DWQ non -discharge permit. ■ May require extended treatment time. 3.2.2 PUMP AND TREAT & SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION System Process This method is the same as pump and treat, however, soil vapor extraction (SVE) is additionally used to increase groundwater recovery and the cleanup of the vadose zone. This method requires the installation of SVE lines, a blower and an effluent line. Effluent vapor would be discharged to the atmosphere and would likely not require treatment. Feasibility • As feasible as stand alone pump and treat. 1 Limitations u • Same limitations as pump and treat, however, vadose zone soils are remediated. 3.2.3 AIR SPARGING AND SOIL. VAPOR EXTRACTION ' System Process Air sparging is the introduction of air into the groundwater table to remediate the saturated and ' unsaturated zones. Air sparging is performed by injecting air into the groundwater to strip the dissolved phase compounds and to introduce oxygen into the subsurface to facilitate biodegradation. ' The vapors created by sparging are captured with soil vapor extraction. Air sparging is viable if the (lisle Caddlao-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck Inc 12 July 15, 2003 Projecl No. A66-253E 1 11 soils are permeable and heterogeneous, and the contaminant of concern is volatile. Feasibi l itylLimitations Does not appear to be feasible at the site due to the presence of low permeability soils and partially weathered rock. 3.2.4 MULTI -PHASE EXTRACTION System Process Multi -phase extraction (MPE) uses a liquid ring pump to simultaneously remove groundwater, LPH and soil vapors. As opposed to pump and treat, MPE uses a single high vacuum pump instead of multiple recovery well extraction pumps. MPE is much more efficient than pump and treatlSVE as it uses a high vacuum (20-29 inches of mercury) to extract the groundwater, LPH and soil vapor. MPE is an effective method for soils with a limited permeability. The extracted groundwater and soil vapors are treated and discharged using the same methods as pump and treat-SVE. I Feasibili • The site does not offer obvious impediments for system installation. • Treats impacted soil as well as groundwater. • The remediation period is usually quicker than pump and treatlSVE. I Limitations • Installation costs are usually higher than pump and treat due to the cost of the liquid ring pumps. 3.2.5 MOBILE MULTI -PHASE EXTRACTION (MMPE) System Process This method is the same as MPE, however, the MPE process is performed for a short duration using a mobile treatment unit. The liquid ring pumps are connected to monitoring wells or recovery wells using above -ground hose or below -ground conduit. The groundwater and LPH is pumped from the wells and discharged to a tanker truck or trailer. The vapor generated from the recovery wells is discharged to the atmosphere. MMPE events are often performed for five continuous days and are spaced at intervals from three to six months apart. Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc 13 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E SINCE 1 FAR IBBS Feasibility • Does not require the installation of a permanent treatment system. 1 . Does not require a permit for the discharge of groundwater or LPH. Effluent is treated and discharged at a permitted facility. ' • Events can be performed as needed until 10X2B surface water standards are obtained. Limitations ' • May require multiple events. 3.2.6 NATURAL ATTENUATION ' System Process ' Natural attenuation or remediation would involve degradation of the petroleum hydrocarbon compounds by several processes. These processes include degradation by naturally occurring ' organisms, dispersion and advection, dilution, and sorption. The rate of natural attenuation is measured by groundwater monitoring. Measurements of certain naturally -occurring dissolved constituents (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrate, and phosphate) along with measurements of dissolved phase compound concentrations may be used to determine the rate of degradation occurring from the ' aforementioned processes. This process is approved by the NCDWQ as a viable remediation approach (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section .Q 106(L)). Natural remediation is most effective when two conditions are met: 1) the constituent of concern has ' the ability to degrade in the environment; and 2) groundwater travel is slow enough and the contaminant concentrations are low enough so the processes of natural attenuation have time to ' develop and work. Feasibility LILimitations ' • Analytical data collected from monitoring wells installed near the core of the plume have not shown a significant decrease of concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations from the initiation of groundwater sampling in July 1998 to the last sampling event conducted in March 2003. Based on the sampling data, it does not appear natural attenuation alone will be effective for site groundwater remediation. Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc 14 July 15, 2003 Project No. R66-753,E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SINCE FAR ieei 3.2.7 OPINION OF ESTIMATED GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION COSTS The following table provides an opinion of estimated remediation costs for the aforementioned remediation methods. The referenced groundwater remediation system installation costs are only an estimate as actual costs can only be provided through contractor bidding processes. aft:: -Opinion of Remmediation Expenses Task Description Estimated Cost Pump and Treat (Stand Alone) System $30,000460,000 Installation Pump and Treat wl SVE System Installation $40,000470,000 Pump and Treat (Closed Loop) System $40,000470,000 Installation Air Sparge and Soil Vapor Extraction System $40,000-$70,000 Installation Effluent Discharge Permit (Non -discharge or $900-$2,500 NPDES) Multi -Phase Extraction System Installation $50,000480,000 Monthly System Operation/Maintenance Costs $2,000-$3,000Jmonth Mobile Multi -Phase Extraction $8,000-$9,5001event Groundwater Sampling (Natural Attenuation wl $3,800.00/event 11 MW's) Groundwater Sampling (Active Remediation wl $3,000.001event 11 MW's) 3.3 PROPOSED GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION Based on the site characteristics, air sparging-SVE or natural attenuation do not appear to be viable remediation techniques. Pump and treat-SVE and multi -phase extraction appear to be the remaining ihrle Caddlao-Gldsmobde-GMC Truck Inc 15 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E 11 1.1 1 1.1 11 1 u remediation methods that may be used at the site. MMPE will be used at the site as it appears to be an effective remediation technique and will likely provide a cost savings over standard multi -phase extraction or pump and treat-SVE. MMPE will incur a cost savings over permanent treatment system installation due to the following: ■ Recovery line trenches will not be installed. Recovery trenches would provide a considerable cost as the site is paved with concrete that is 4-6 inches thick. • Treatment system installation costs are eliminated. • A discharge permit (Non -discharge permit or NPDES permit) would not have to be obtained. Normal system operation -maintenance costs are eliminated. 3.3.1 MOBILE MULTI -PHASE EXTRACTION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION MMPE will be performed on the site utilizing a subcontract MMPE firm. The firm will be selected prior to each event, therefore, specific equipment designs are not included in this CAP. However, typical MMPE systems consist of the following: • A pump capable of producing a vacuum of between 20-29 inches of mercury. ■ A vapor -water separator. • Vapor exhaust stack. The vapor emissions will be treated prior to discharge, if required. Vapor may be treated by an electric -catalytic oxidizer. ■ Total flow meter, vapor flow meter and pressure gauges. • Electric generator. The MMPE system will also require the following components: ■ "Stinger" pipes for insertion into the recovery wells for fluid -vapor recovery. • Caps for sealing the wells to prevent vapor breakthrough at each wellhead • Effluent hose. • Tanker truck or trailer for fluid storage. The tanker will be fitted with a high level switch to cutoff the MMPE system when the tank is full. MMPE be performed in existing 2-inch inner diameter monitoring wells MW-8, MW-9 and MW-10. MMPE will not be conducted in MW-11 to minimize the mobilization of hydraulic fluid compounds that are present at the west service area. The monitoring wells are located within the gasoline -diesel plume as shown on Drawings 3-6. Groundwater is available in each well for MMPE. Monitoring well MW-8 is constructed to 13.4 feet BGS and contains 3.5-4.5 feet of groundwater, MW-9 is constructed to 13 feet BGS and contains 4-5 feet of groundwater, and MW-la is constructed to 12 feet BGS and contains 6.5-7.5 feet of water. Urzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Tngck, Inc 16 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E L] 1 1 [J fl PI 1 1 SINCE 0 ,Sul The referenced water column thickness in each well represent water level measurements collected in April 2002 and March 2003. Once extracted, fluid from the recovery wells will be discharged to an on -site tanker truck or trailer. The fluids will be disposed at a NCDENR permitted facility. 3.3.2 MMPE MONITORING AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PARAMETERS Remediation parameters will be collected from the MMPE system during each event for measurement of the effective radius of influence, fluid and vapor flow rates, and vapor effluent concentrations. The following measurements will be collected from the MMPE system: • System vacuum in inches of mercury. • Influent fluid and vapor flow in cubic feet per minute (CFM) • Effluent vapor flow in CFM. ■ Discharge concentrations of volatile hydrocarbons using a photoionization detector (PID) or total vapor analyzer (TVA). • One vapor bag sample will be collected per event for analysis of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons using EPA methods 601-602. Measurements will additionally be collected from selected monitoring wells to evaluate groundwater drawdown and vacuum influence. Monitoring wells MW-11, MW-12, and MW-14 through MW-18 will be measured for the following parameters: • Drawdown using an oil/water interface probe or electric water level probe. Drawdown measurements will be collected before, during, and after each event. • Vacuum using magnehelic gauges. Groundwater monitoring consisting of groundwater sampling and water -fluid level gauging will be performed in selected monitoring wells following each MMPE event. Groundwater samples will be collected for analysis of compounds that have exhibited Ievels of petroleum hydrocarbons above the 14X2B surface water standards. The following samples will be collected for laboratory analysis from the listed monitoring wells: • EPA method 602 expanded to include xylenes, MADEP VPH, MADEP EPH: MW-8 through MW-12, MW-14, MW-15, MW-16, and MW-18. • MADEP EPH: MW-2 and MW-4. Uzzle Caddlao-Dldsmobrde-GMC Tmck, Inc 17 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E 1 I fl 81HCE FAR Iasi 3.3.3 MMPE AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING -REPORTING SCHEDULE MMPE will be performed quarterly until the levels of dissolved phase hydrocarbons decrease to levels that do not exceed lOX213 surface water standards. Once the levels of dissolved phase hydrocarbons fall below the 10X213 surface water standards, MMPE will be terminated, however, groundwater sampling will continue. Groundwater sampling will be performed following each event to evaluate the effectiveness of MMPE. It is anticipated that the MMPE events may be performed for up to two years. The actual number of events that will need to be performed is not known at this time and may only be estimated following the first event. Groundwater sampling will be conducted until the 1 OX213 standards have not been exceeded for one year. At that time a recommendation for for site re -ranking to Low Priority (and closure) will be requested from the DWM. The following table lists the proposed MMPE and groundwater sampling and reporting schedule of 1 events: 1.1 b ..r.-_. SCHEDi7LE;UFryEVENTS;FMMPE AND GRU JNDWATp SAMPLING=REPORTING •� ~7 .e CC �r 0 Q Q ; Q d a� Lrw au to z o MMPE Event (Year 1) X X X X Groundwater Sampling X X X X Event (Year 1) Submittal of Report to X X X X DWM (Year 1) MMPE Event (Year 2) X X X X Groundwater Sampling X X Event (Year 2) Submittal of Report to X X DWM (Year 2) tlzzle Caddlac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc Project No. A66-253E 18 July 15, 2003 1 11 h 11 C 1.1 11 I SINCE FAR 1E81 A groundwater remediation and sampling report will be issued to the DWM at the schedule noted in the above table. The report will be prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action, North Carolina Storage Tank Section, duly 1, 2002 or another DWM document that is current at the time of report preparation. 3.3.4 ESTIMATED MMPE COSTS Each MMPE event will cost approximately $9,000.00. Table 10 provides a breakdown of estimated MMPE costs. 3.4 SOIL REMEDIATION OBJECTIVES The site is ranked Intermediate Priority, therefore, the current soil cleanup levels are the Soil to Groundwater MSCC, It is anticipated the site rank will be lowered to Low Priority once the groundwater is remediated to levels that do not exceed the 1OX2B surface water standards. Once the site is ranked Low Priority, Residential MSCC regulatory levels will apply. The soil cleanup level goals will be the Residential MSCC in expectation of attainment of the groundwater cleanup goals. An additional remediation goal will be the removal of LPH that maybe present in the vicinity of MW-2. 3.5 EVALUATION OF SOIL REMEWATION ALTERNATIVES Impacted soils with compound concentrations above Residential MSCC levels were only detected at the UST-4 location, therefore, the UST-4 location will only require remediation. Due to the sorptive ability of the virgin motor oil, the site soils may be remediated by excavation or natural attenuation. Soil vapor extraction was not considered a viable remediation technique due to the lack of short chain volatile compounds within motor oil. These methods are summarized below. 3.5.1 SOIL EXCAVATION System Process Soil excavation is effective in removing soil adsorbed petroleum hydrocarbons from the unsaturated zone. This method is most effective when the groundwater table is shallow and no buildings or structures are present above the impacted soils. This method would require the removal of soils that Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck Inc 19 July 15, 2003 Project No. R66-253E atNCE Iasi ' contain petroleum hydrocarbons above the Residential MSCC levels. Soil would be excavated and transported offsite for treatment at a NCDENR permitted facility. Treatment would consist of landfarming, thermal treatment or bioremediation. Feasibility t Appears to be feasible as the impacted soils at the UST-4 location only extend to approximately PP p Y pp Y 2 feet BGS. • Would not require long term monitoring. • Would not require permitting. Limitations ' ■ Would not be effective in removing impacted soils if they extend beneath the building foundation. ' 3.5.2 NATURAL ATTENUATION System Process ' Natural attenuation is the process of allowing the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon compounds to decrease by bacterial degradation. The breakdown products are carbon dioxide and ' water. IFeasibili ■ Costs would be low compared to the excavation and disposal of impacted soil. ' Limitations ■ It will likely take an extended period of time for the aromatic cleanup levels to reach applicable Residential MSCC. • The degradation rate would be difficult to measure. ' 3.6 PROPOSED SOIL REMEDIATION Based on the soil remediation alternatives, soil excavation and off -site treatment appears to be a viable remediation method for the site as it appears natural attenuation will take an extended period of time. Uzzle Cadillac-Qldsmobde-GMC Truck, Inc 20 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E SINCE FAR ,Ati 3.6.1 SOIL REMEDIATION DESCRIPTION Soil excavation will be performed at the UST-4 location. Soil will be removed to the water table depth of approximately 2 feet BGS. Groundwater and LPH that maybe present in the excavation will also be removed at that time. Approximately 3 cubic yards (5 tons) of soil will require excavation to meet the C 11-C22 Residential MSCC goal of 469 mg/Kg. This tonnage is based on a horizontal area of 40 square feet by 2 feet deep at 1.5 tons per yard. The proposed area of remediation is shown on Drawing 9. The soil will be excavated and transported off -site for treatment at a NCDENR permitted treatment facility. The excavation will be backfilled with either clean fill soil or gravel. The concrete paving will be replaced at the excavation area. 3.6.2 SCHEDULE OF SOIL, EXCAVATION Soil excavation activities will be conducted prior to or following the completion of the groundwater ' cleanup goals. 3.6.3 CLOSURE SAMPLING IJ Soil samples will be collected from each sidewall for analysis of MADEP EPH compounds. The excavation will be terminated in the groundwater table, therefore, no bottom excavation closure samples will be collected. The number of samples collected will be determined by the length of each sidewall in accordance with DWM guidelines. 3.6.4 ESTIMATED SOIL EXCAVATION COSTS Based on a soil removal volume of 5 tons and NC Trust Fund reimbursable rates (March 1, 2003) for excavation/backfilling ($29.001ton) and treatment/disposal ($30.001ton), the estimated cost for soil remediation is $300.00. The cost does not include soil removal monitoring and closure sampling. ' Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmabde-GMC Truck Inc Project No. A66-253E 21 July 15, 2003 1 1 1 1 1 SINCE FAR 0 1281 4.0 REFERENCES 1. Internet site deh.enr.state.nc.us/pwslwellhead/updatelweIlheadprotection,-pra ram.htm, NCDENR Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, h:c Project No. A66-253E 22 July 15, 2003 11 1 f. 11 81 N C E FAR 8 '831 5.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. for specific application to the referenced subject property. The current site assessment was conducted to evaluate a potential release(s) from an underground storage tank system. No other environmental release sources were assessed. These services have been in accordance with generally accepted environmental practices, no other warranty, expressed or implied is made. As with any assessment, reported conditions exist only at the precise locations from which samples were taken. Certain inferences, if made, may be based on the results of sampling and related testing to form a professional opinion of conditions in areas beyond those from which samples were taken. Froehling & Robertson, Inc, by virtue of providing the services described in this report, does not assume the responsibility of the person(s) in charge of the site, or otherwise undertake responsibility for reporting to any local state or federal public agencies any conditions at the site that may present a potential danger to public health, safety or the environment. We understand that the client will notify appropriate regulatory agencies of potential impact, risks, or other requirements as necessary. F&R assumes no responsibility for investigation, remediation, or liability associated with environmental impact to, or from, the project property, regardless of the date of impact discovery. Uale Cadrlfac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc 23 July 15, 2003 Project No. A66-253E 1 ' TABLE 1 VOLATILE COMPOUNDS -GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS ' FORMER UZZLE CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE, GMC TRUCK FACILITY CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E [i 1 [l 1 Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Cam ound w C D s d D 1�1 id C. 41 = D lu C v _ v m = 0 � H LU la. OIL O ram+ C p� 7+1 ram, �, m 1.- D. D m ❑ N r V7 2 .4 O m H ul 2 y W r C7 MW-1 601/602 7/14198 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <5 NS <2 <2 MW-3 62100 7/14198 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 4.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 6011602 3/27/03 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 <2 <2 <2 a2 MW-4 602 917101 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 <2 NS NS NS MW-5 601/602 7/14/98 211 1,900 409 2,980 <2 <5 0.29 <10 <10 602 915101 5.2 2.5 23.3 73.2 <2 <2 NS NS NS 601/602 3/27/03 30 5 45 283 <2 <2 <2 <2 r2 MW-70 601/602 9/24/98 12.4 35.4 21.1 78.4 <2 <1 <0.02 <2 <2 602 915101 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 r2 NS NS NS 601/602 3127/03 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 MW-8 601/602 9/24/98 1,830 4,950 2,890 9,210 <10 r1 0.28 a10 <10 602 917101 1,080 513 1,300 4,160 10 5.6 NS NS NS 601/602 3/27/03 2,070 951 2,030 6,800 <2 11 a2 12 <2 MW-9 601/602 9/24/98 422 1,040 2,120 8,540 <10 <1 <0.02 <10 <10 602 917101 277 69.3 1,210 4,380 <2 <2 NS NS NS 601/602 3/27/03 472 131 1,750 6,430 <2 2 <2 <2 <2 MW-10 601/602 9/24/98 3,880 4,750 1,830 9,650 <2 r1 7.5 362 94.8 602 917101 3,280 883 1,460 6,450 7.5 <2 NS NS NS 601/602 3/27/03 3,370 1,710 2,100 6,470 14 <2 <2 12 <2 MW-11 601/602 3/27/03 593 47 139 846 27 <2 <5 <2 <2 MW-12 6011602 3/27103 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 10X213 530 110 10,900 885 11,600 190,000 0.1 990 67,310 2L Groundwater Standard 1 1,000 29 530 200 70 0.0004 0.38 70 ' Analytical results reported in ug1L <1 denotes compound not detected with 1 ug/L detection limit. ' N5 denotes not sampled. 213 denotes North Carolina 2B surface water standard. Analytical results exceeding 10X28 standards in bold. Surface water standards from DWQ table (11114/02 update). 1 ' n Page 1 of 2 TABLE 1 VOLATILE COMPOUNDS -GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS ' FORMER UZZLE CADILLAC, ❑LDSMOBILE, GMC TRUCK FACILITY CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E C 1 1 Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cad illac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Com ound m o m Q. m C W L = 2 .o ram,, a C H O Q N fA O M Fes- Lu 7C N W 0 MW-14 602 917101 <1 <2 r2 <6 10.6 <2 NS NS NS 6011602 3/27/03 <1 <2 <2 <6 8 <2 <2 <2 <2 MW-15 602 915101 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 r2 NS NS NS 6011601 3/27/03 t1 a2 ¢2 r6 C2 <2 C2 c2 C2 MW-16 602 915101 <1 <2 <2 <6 10.6 <2 NS NS NS 601/601 3/27/03 <1 <2 <2 <6 10.0 r2 <2 <2 <2 MW-18 624 10/11/01 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 <2 <2 <2 10.8 6011602 3127/03 <1 <2 <2 <6 <2 <2 <2 <2 4 10X2B 530 110 10,900 885 11,600 190,000 0.1 990 67,310 2L Groundwater Standard 1 1,000 29 530 1 200 70 1 0,0004 0.38 1 70 ' Analytical results reported in ug/L <1 denotes compound not detected with 1 ug1L detection limit. ' NS denotes not sampled. 213 denotes North Carolina 213 surface water standard. Analytical results exceeding 10X213 standards in bold. ' Surface water standards from DWQ table (11114/02 update). 1.1 Page 2 of 2 1 fl fl 1 1 TABLE 2 SEMI -VOLATILE COMPOUND GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Com ound m c °c M m 0_ m as CL r n. w in c m a c m c a c a M c c- ` M N w Q .. E G R E E V 4 2 Q ❑ Z e_ N 4 rP N ❑ MW-1 625 1216100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10124/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/18/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/25/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 MW-2 625 7/14/98 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 625 12/6100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7/17101 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2118/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/25/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/37/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-3 625 7/14/98 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 625 1216100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7117/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/19/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/25/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/27/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-4 625 7/14/98 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 625 918199 <5 NS NS NS NS NS 5.3 625 1216100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7/17101 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/23/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2118/02 r5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/25/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/27103 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 10X2B 780 1 3,000 1 2,450 112,0001 5,340 1 0.311 370 2L Groundwater Standard 21 1 300 1 NGWS 1 3.5 1 140 1 28 700 Rnayrticai results reported in ugiL. <10 denotes compound not detected with a 10 ug1L detection limit. NS denotes not sampled. 213 denotes North Carolina 213 surface water standards. Surface water standards from DWQ table (11/14/02 update). NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. Page 1 of 4 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE 2 SEMI -VOLATILE COMPOUND GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBiLE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name. 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Compound m G G G `y w m 0 Q' a c U) O 5 G w: CL y y=, a _ 2 Q 0 Z 0. N 4 ni N O MW-5 625 7/14/98 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 625 1216100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24101 10.5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2119/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4126/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/27/03 10 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-6 625 7/14198 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 625 9/8/99 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 12/6100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7/17/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/18/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4125/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/28/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-7D 625 9/24/98 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 625 915101 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 625 10/24/01 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 625 2/19/02 <5 r5 NS NS <5 NS <5 625 4/25/02 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 625 3/27/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-8 i 625 9/24/98 157 <10 <10 <10 <10 26.6 <10 625 1215100 308 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24/01 135 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/18/02 99.7 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/26/02 43 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/27/03 176 <5 NS NS 7 NS <5 1OX2B 780 1 3,000 1 2,450 12,000 5,340 0.311 370 2L Groundwater Standard 21 300 NGWS 3.5 140 28 700 Anayltical results reported in ug1L. <10 denotes compound not detected with a 10 ug1L detection limit. NS denotes not sampled. 213 denotes North Carolina 2B surface water standards. Surface water standards from DWQ table (11/14/02 update). NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. Page 2 of 4 1 1.1 1 11 11 1 1 TABLE 2 SEMI -VOLATILE COMPOUND GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULT'S UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No.IName: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Com ound a 13 d 0 a i � _CL s w a. m ca a ` 0 cc E r o R °�' c. m S 4 5s .a 2 c ¢ ❑ M a .cE a 4 4 ri 4 is MW-9 625 9124/98 466 <10 <10 <10 <10 206 <10 625 1216100 199 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24/01 284 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/18/02 143 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/26/02 112 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3127/03 181 <5 NS NS 9 NS <5 MW-10 625 9124/98 103 19.8 27.6 10.5 22.8 13 <10 625 1216100 285 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24101 60.2 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/19/02 101 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4126102 11 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3127/03 152 <5 NS NS 7 NS <5 MW-11 625 1016198 <10 11 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 625 918199 81.3 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 1215100 57.6 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7/17/01 53.7 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24101 80.6 NS NS NS NS NS E5 625 2/18/02 19.2 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/26102 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/27/03 14 12 NS NS 7 NS <5 1OX2B 1 780 r 3,000 1 2,450 112,0001 5,340 0.311 370 2L Groundwater Standard 1 21 1 300 1 NGWS 1 3.5 1 140 1 28 700 Anayltical results reported in ug/L. <10 denotes compound not detected with a 10 ug1L detection limit. NS denotes not sampled. 213 denotes North Carolina 2B surface water standards. Surface water standards from ❑WQ table (11114102 update). NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. 1 Page 3 of 4 1 1.1 1 1 fl u 1 1 11 1 TABLE 2 SEMI -VOLATILE COMPOUND GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No.IName: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Com ound G c as o 01 CL eta _CL O *+ yam.+ E ram+ C o Ri C w+ Q 0 � � E � 4 � C 2 Q {a ❑ ra z .0 a ev 4 c•i N o MW-12 625 918199 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 1215100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7/17/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/23/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/19102 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4125102 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/27/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-13 625 918199 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 12/6100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7/17/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/24/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/19102 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/26102 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/28/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-14 625 1216100 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 7/25/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 10/23/01 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 2/19/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 4/25/02 <5 NS NS NS NS NS <5 625 3/27/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-15 625 915101 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 625 3/27/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-16 625 915101 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 625 3127/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 MW-1$ 625 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 1 625 110/11/01 3/27/03 <5 <5 NS NS <5 NS <5 10X213 780 3,000 2,450 12,000 5,340 0.311 370 2L Groundwater Standard 21 300 NGWS 3.5 140 28 700 Anayltical results reported in ug1L. <10 denotes compound not detected with a 10 ug/L detection limit. NS denotes not sampled. 213 denotes North Carolina 213 surface water standards. Surface water standards from DWQ table (11/14/02 update). NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. 11 Page 4 of 4 1.1 u u TABLE 3 MADEP VPH & EPH GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL. RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uxzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. N N H y C7 y+ +r IG i+ !� ¢ a Q V a Q a a U W ; [alI 0 rz M a.tM 7 ; Lu N oo r U t] U C W C7 U L] is A U R O ❑ th U C1 U a) U *' H U ce i] r G] 0 MW-1 10/24/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2/19/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 4/25/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS �000 <100 MW-2 7/14198 NS NS 162 162 <100 NS 180 180 7/17/01 NS NS <100 <100 149 NS <100 <100 10/24/01 NS NS <100 <100 379 NS <100 <100 2/18/02 NS NS <100 <100 349 NS 118 118 4/25/02 NS NS <100 <100 231 NS 163 163 3/27/03 NS NS <100 <100 295 NS <100 <100 MW-3 7/14/98 <50 <50 169 169 <100 <50 121 121 7117/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 10/24/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2/19/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS a100 <100 4/25/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/27/03 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 MW-4 7114I98 NS NS 154 154 <100 NS 106 106 918199 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 7117I01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 10/23/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2118102 NS NS <100 <100 1,258 NS 414 414 4/25/02 NS NS <100 <100 1,138 NS 366 366 3127I03 NS NS <100 <100 194 NS <100 <100 2L GW Standard 1 420 - - 4,200 42,000 - - 210 110X2B Surface Water Standard�-12,000 S S I NIA S 1,040 320 1 NIA Analytical results reported in ug/L <100 denotes compound not detected with a 100 ug/L detection limit. Analytical results exceeding 10X2B standards in bold. NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. S denotes Solubility, no visible sheen or free product allowed. ' ' denotes standard for C18-C32 range hydrocarbons Surface water standards from DWQ table (11/14102 update). Page 1 of 4 1 u [l n u [l fl u fl TABLE 3 MADEP VPH & EPH GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0.015266 Incident No./Name: 22714JUxxle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. w L) w V U) v :0 a L a s °' o !? cco a Im M CU W W N C] G •Q M > 7 N co V n 7 C N U m Go L] C1 U T� � © U U U 0 V U L] H MW-5 7114198 1,020 5,200 1,070 6,270 <100 2,140 <100 2,140 10/24/01 NS NS 297 297 <100 NS a100 <100 2/19/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 4126/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/27/03 720 1,000 <100 1,000 <100 1,100 <100 1,100 MW-6 7/14/98 NS NS 156 156 <100 NS <100 <100 918199 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 7/17/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 10/24/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2/18/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 000 4/25102 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/28/03 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 MW-7D 9/24/98 <50 <50 <100 <100 <100 <50 <100 <100 10/24/01 NS NS <100 <100 110 NS <100 <100 2119/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 4/25/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/27/03 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 MW-8 9/24/98 4,250 12,500 2,300 14,800 <100 8,240 580 8,820 10/24/01 NS NS 428 428 <100 NS 147 147 2/18/02 NS NS 627 627 <100 NS 143 143 4126/02 NS NS 189 189 <100 NS <100 <100 3/27/03 8,700 20,900 120 21,020 <100 8,700 131 8,831 2L GW Standard 420 - - 4,200 42,000 - - 210 10X213 Surface Water Standard 12,000 S S NIA S* 1,040 320 NIA Analytical results reporteo in ugru <100 denotes compound not detected with a 100 ug/L detection limit. Analytical results exceeding 10X213 standards in bold, NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. S denotes Solubility, no visible sheen or free product allowed. * denotes standard for C18-C32 range hydrocarbons Surface water standards from DWQ table (11/14/02 update), 1 Page 2 of 4 1 1 fl u 11 1.1 TABLES MADEP VPH & EPH GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cad illac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. N U H y w y y w E R E C- 0. a ALCL a a a C Q Q a ` a Im `�Q. = a a Do U w w a U E a- � W Cr0 L.i rs � o N V 0 ca U r U v a U U U a F- U U 0 MW-9 9/24/98 3,510 12,100 6,600 18,700 <100 9,500 <100 9,500 10/24/01 NS NS 718 718 <100 NS 218 218 2118102 NS NS 168 168 <100 NS <100 <100 4/26102 NS NS 217 217 <100 NS 266 266 3/27103 3,900 17,900 <100 17,900 <100 7,900 <100 7,900 MW-110 9/24/98 4,450 7,900 1,400 9,300 <100 4,190 410 4,600 10/24/01 NS NS 296 296 <100 NS 110 110 2/19/02 NS NS 182 182 <100 NS <100 <100 4/26/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/27/03 11,800 16,600 <100 16,600 <100 5,200 <100 5,200 MW-11 1016198 NS NS 1,500 1,500 <100 NS <100 <100 918199 NS NS 518 518 <100 NS <100 <100 7/17/01 NS NS 107 107 <100 NS <100 <100 10/23/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2/18/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 4/26/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/27/03 2,190 2,450 <100 2,450 <100 1,300 <100 1,300 MW-12 918199 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 7/17101 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 10/23/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2/19/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 4/25/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/27103 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 2L GW Standard 420 - - 4,200 42,000 - I - 1 210 10X213 Surface Water Standard 12,000 S S NIA S* 1,040 1 320 1 N/A Analytical results reported In ug/L ' <100 denotes compound not detected with a 100 ug1L detection limit. Analytical results exceeding 10X2B standards in bold. NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. ' S denotes Solubility, no visible sheen or free product allowed. * denotes standard for C18-C32 range hydrocarbons Surface water standards from DWQ table (11/14/02 update), 1 1 Page 3 of 4 1.1 TABLE 3 MADEP VPH & EPH GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, ❑URHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. C] N Q y L7 U _ o v r a E E c. CL _ a yr } 00 Q Q Q cc = Q = N co C E x a > a W v w a 7 w v •p 7 N Ga U M O N *. = oo U is 0 L] U CD U U U C� MW-13 918/99 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 7/17/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 10/23/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2119102 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 4/26/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3/28/03 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 MW-14 918199 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 7127101 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 10/23/01 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 2/19/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 4/25/02 NS NS <100 <100 <100 NS <100 <100 3127/03 <100 <100 <100 <100 143 <100 <100 <100 MW-15 3/27/03 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 MW-16 3/27/03 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 MW-17 10/11/01 NS NS <100 <100 1,050 NS 271 271 MW-18 10/11/01 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 3/27103 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 2L GW Standard 420 - _ 4,200 42,000 - - 210 1 OX2B Surface Water Standard 12,000 S S NIA S' 1,040 320 NIA ' Analytical results reported in ug/L <100 denotes compound not detected with a 100 ug1L detection limit. Analytical results exceeding 1OX2B standards in bold. NGWS Denotes no groundwater standard. ' S denotes Solubility, no visible sheen or free product allowed. " denotes standard for C18-C32 range hydrocarbons Surface water standards from ❑WQ table (11/14/02 update). [l 1 Page 4 of 4 u TABLE 4 CHROMIUM AND LEAD GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS ' FORMER UZZLE CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE, GMC TRUCK FACILITY CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E ' Facility 1D No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmoblle-GMC Truck, Inc. I 1 fl Monitoring Well ID Date Sampled Chromium Lead 17AW-3 7/14/98 28 17 3/27/03 NS <1 M W-4 917101 1 2 M W-5 7114198 119 94 915101 2 4 3/27103 NS 10 MW-713 9/24/98 <10 <50 915101 -<1 7 3/27/03 NS 11 M W-8 9/24/98 29 142 WNW 3 25 3/27/03 NS 3 MW-9 9/24198 15 100 917101 <1 5 3/27/03 NS 11 M W-10 9/24/98 <10 50 917101 2 26 3/27/03 NS 33 MW-11 3/27103 NS 2 MW-12 3/27103 NS <1 MW-14 917101 <1 2 3/27/03 NS 1 M W-15 915101 1 1 3/27/03 NS <1 MW-16 915101 1 2 3/27/03 NS <1 MW-18 10/11/01 110 500 3/27103 NS 65 10X2B 500 250 2L GW Standard 50 15 Analytical results reported in ug1L ' <1 denotes compound not detected with 1 ug/L detection limit. NS denotes not sampled. 2B denotes North Carolina surface water standard. ' Surface water standards from DWO table (11/14/02 update), Concentration exceeding 10X213 standard in bold. 1 11 1 TABLE 5 GROUNDWATER GEOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS FORMER UZZLE CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE, GMC TRUCK FACILITY CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 22714JUzzle Cadlllac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. J G7 lr 0 � a C3 N � G L E _ E +- CG1 0 N ✓ 0 Q E C E �+ O F Q Q. G Z Fes- V] F MW-2 3/27/03 16.7 239 6.0 0.44 0.34 0.12 60 1.21 MW-3 3127/03 16.7 244 5.9 2.72 0.08 0.10 67 0.2 MW-4 3127103 15.0 564 6.5 0.67 <0.02 0.08 14 3.1 MW-5 3127/03 15.9 514 6.6 2.70 <0.02 0.13 3 21 MW-6 3128/03 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS MW-7D 3/27103 17.4 353 10.2 2.67 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.16 MW-8 3/27/03 15A 606 8.0 0.24 <0.02 0.16 3 14.6 MW-9 3/27/03 14.9 346 5.9 0.97 <0.02 0.09 6 46.5 MW-10 3/27103 14.2 1069 6.9 3.16 <0.02 0.34 2 1.61 MW-11 3127/03 16.2 540 6.2 0.30 <0.02 0.21 1 106 MW-12 3/27/03 17.1 412 6.7 0.55 <0.02 <0.05 5 0.4 MW-13 3/28103 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS MW-14 3/27103 15.9 457 5.9 0.47 <0.02 0.17 5 48.2 MW-15 3/27103 13.7 438 6.9 2.05 <0.02 0.08 18 4.94 MWA 6 3/27/03 14.6 850 6.2 0.12 <0.02 0.26 4 75.1 MW-18 3/27/03 14.6 398 6.2 1.70 <0.02 2.70 15 102 Notes: NS denotes not sampled. Page 1 of 1 TABLE 6 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE..GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL. BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Well Data Monitoring Data Well I❑ Date Diameter Riser Screened Bottom of Ground Surface Top of Casing Date Depth to Water from Groundwater Installed (in) Depth (ftL Interval ft Weli ft Elevation (ft) Elevation ft Measured Top of Casing ft Elevation (ft MW-1 6114195 2 0.6-5 5-20 20 98.46 97.82 7114/98 3.35 94.47 9/24/98 3.99 93.83 918199 2.45 95.37 12/5100 3.07 94.75 7117101 2.86 94.96 915101 3.97 93.85 10111 /01 3.28 94. 54 10/23/01 3.19 94.63 2/18102 2.98 94.84 4/25/02 2.76 95.06 3/26/03 1.94 95.88 MW-2 716198 2 0.5-1.3 1.3-11.3 11.3 99.84 99.36 7/14/98 1.72 97.64 9/24/98 2.25 97.11 9/8199 0.48 98.88 1215100 2.96 96.40 7/17101 1.67 97.69 915101 2.43 96.93 10111 /01 3.44 95.92 10/23/01 3.45 95.91 2/18/02 2.78 96.58 4/25/02 2.62 96.74 3/26103 0.75 98.61 All measurements are in feet and are referenced to a elevation of 100.00 ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. Page 1 of 7 M M M M M = = = i M Ml M M M M= M TABLE 6 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident NoJName: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Well Data Monitoring Data Well ID Date Diameter Riser Screened Bottom of Ground Surface Top of Casing Date Depth to Water from Groundwater Installed in Depth ft Interval (ft) Well ft Elevation ft Elevation ft Measured Top of Casing ft Elevation ft MW-3 716198 2 0.3-1.1 1.1-11.1 11.1 100.00 99.73 7/14/98 1.85 97.88 9/24198 2.21 97.52 918199 0.62 99.11 1215/00 2.18 97.55 7117101 1.88 97.85 915101 2.50 97.23 10/11/01 3.19 96.54 10/23/01 3.19 96.54 2118102 2.61 97.12 4/25/02 2.50 97.23 3126/03 1.47 98.26 MW-4 717198 2 0.3-2.5 2.5-12.5 12.5 99.69 99.37 7/14/98 5.00 94.37 9/24/98 7.31 92.06 918199 5.72 93.65 1215/00 8.38 90.99 7/17101 4.94 94.43 915101 5.18 94.19 10/11 /01 7.56 91.81 10/23/01 7.65 91.72 2118/01 7.48 91.89 4/25/02 6.36 93.01 3126103 5.15 94.22 All measurements are In teet and are referenced to a elevation of 1 [SUM r ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. Page 2 of 7 I♦ I' = = M = M M M = M = M M TABLE 6 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC FRR PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Well Data Monitoring Data Well ID Date Diameter Riser Screened Bottom of Ground Surface Top of Casing Date Depth to Water from Groundwater Installed in Depth ft Interval (ft) Well ft Elevation ft Elevation (ft) Measured Top of Casing ft Elevation ft MW-5 718198 2 0.3-2.1 2.1-12.1 12.1 98.00 97.70 7114198 1.92 95.78 9/24198 4.93 92.77 918199 1.50 96.20 1215/00 4.45 93.25 7/17/01 4.43 93.27 915101 3.11 94.59 10/11/01 6.11 91.59 10/23/01 6.47 91.23 2/18102 6.45 91.25 4125/02 5.70 92.00 3/26/03 5.17 92.53 MW-6 718198 2 0.3-2.3 2.3-12.3 12.3 99.80 99.55 7114198 4.34 95.21 9124/98 4.50 95.05 918199 3.86 95.69 12/5100 4.56 94.99 7117/01 4.17 95.38 915101 4.36 95.19 10/11/01 4.82 94.73 10/23/01 4.78 94.77 2118/02 4.18 95.37 4/25/02 4.12 95.43 3/16/03 3.37 96.18 All measurements are in feet ana are reterencea to a elevation of 1 UU.UU ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. Page 3 of 7 TABLE 6 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Well Data Monitoring Data Well ID Date Diameter Riser Screened Bottom of Ground Surface Top of Casing Date Depth to Water from Groundwater Installed in De th ft Interval ft Well ft Elevation ft Elevation ft Measured Top of Casing ft Elevation ft MW-7D 9110-15198 2 0.4-44 44-54 54 97.98 97.63 9/24198 10.18 87.45 918199 9.75 87.88 1215100 10.66 86.97 7117101 9.86 87.77 915101 10.01 87.62 10/11/01 10.79 86.84 10/23/01 10.55 87.08 2/18/02 10.72 86.91 4/25/02 10.27 87.36 3126/03 9.35 88.28 MW-8 9/15198 2 0.2-3.4 3.4-13.4 13.4 96.98 96.78 9124/98 10.02 86.76 918199 9.40 87.38 1215/00 10.68 86.10 7/17/01 9.38 87.40 915101 9.84 86.94 10111 /01 10.42 86.36 10/23/01 10.43 86.35 2/18/02 10.58 86.20 4/25102 9.72 87.06 3126/03 8.72 88.06 All measurements are in feet and are referenced to a elevation of 100.00 ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. Page 4 of 7 TABLE 6 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Well Data Monitoring Data Well I❑ Date Diameter Riser Screened Bottom of Ground Surface Top of Casing Date Depth to Water from Groundwater Installed in Depth ft Interval ft Well (ft) Elevation ft Elevation ft Measured Top of Casing ft Elevation ft MW-9 9/15198 2 0.2-3 3-13 13 95.78 95.57 9/24/98 9.05 86.52 1016/98 9.25 86.32 918199 8.49 87.08 12/5100 9.71 85.86 7/17/01 8.59 86.98 915101 9.90 85.67 10111 /01 9.52 86.05 10/23/01 9.49 86.08 2/18/02 9.76 85.81 4125102 8.89 86.68 3/26103 7.92 87.65 MW-10 9/15/98 2 0.3-2 2-12 12 99.14 98.86 9/24198 3.53 95.33 918199 5.17 93.69 1215100 4.88 93.98 7/17101 2.81 96.05 915101 2.91 95.95 10/11 /01 5.24 93.62 10/23/01 5.13 93.73 2118/02 5.17 93.59 4/25/02 5.06 93.80 3126/03 4.37 94.49 All measurements are in feet and are referenced to a elevation of 100.00 ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. Page 5 of 7 M M M M M M= M i= M M M = M M M M M TABLE 6 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL. BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC ERR PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facift I❑ No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cad illac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Well Data Monitoring Data Well ID Date Diameter Riser Screened Bottom of Ground Surface Top of Casing Date Depth to Water from Groundwater Installed in Depth ft Interval (ft) Well ft Elevation ft Elevation ft Measured Top of Casing ft Elevation ft MW-11 1012/98 2 0.2-5 5-15 15 99.61 99.42 1016198 9.15 90.27 918199 9.53 89.89 1215100 10.91 88.51 7/17/01 8.06 91.36 915101 11.07 88.35 10111 /01 11.43 87.99 10/23/01 10.74 88.68 2/18102 11.27 88.15 4/25102 9.52 89.90 3/26103 9.35 90.07 MW-12 8130-31199 2 0.6-24.5 24.5-34.5 34.5 93.69 93.14 918199 4.92 88.22 1215100 6.24 86.90 7117/01 5.37 87.77 915101 5.54 87.60 10/11/01 5.81 87.33 10/23/01 5.98 87.16 2/18102 6.28 86.86 4/25/02 5.74 87.40 3/26103 4.87 88.27 MW-13 212199 2 0.3-14 14-19 19 94.41 94.15 918199 2.58 91.57 1215/00 7.28 86.87 7117/01 1.91 92.24 915101 11.16 82.99 10111 /01 8.90 85.25 10/23/01 4.28 89.87 2/18102 7.30 86.85 4125/02 3.05 91.10 3/26103 3.70 90.45 All measurements are in feet and are referenced to a elevation of 100.00 ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. Page 6 of 7 M M M M M M M M M TABLE 6 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident NoJName: 227141Uxxle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. Well Data Monitoring Data Well ID Date Diameter Riser Screened Bottom of Ground Surface Top of Casing Date Depth to Water from Groundwater Installed (in) De th ft Interval ft Well (ft) Elevation (ft) Elevation ft Measured Top of Casing ft) Elevation ft MW-14 11/30100 2 0.2-5 5-15 15 93.05 92.82 1215/00 5.20 87.62 7/17/01 3.91 88.91 915101 4.48 88.34 10/11/01 4.92 87.90 10/23101 5.16 87.66 2/18102 5.64 87.18 4/25102 4.86 87.96 3/26/03 3.88 88.94 MW-15 8/23101 2 0.3-3.2 3.2-13.2 13,2 100.17 99.88 915101 5.73 94.15 10111 /01 4.82 95.06 10/23/01 4.81 95.07 3126/03 4.08 95.80 MW-16 8/24101 2 0.3-5 5-15 15 91.44 91.15 915101 8.16 82.99 10111 /01 8.20 82.95 10/23/01 8.20 82.95 3/26/03 7.93 83.22 MW-17 1014101 1 0.3-5 5-15 15 95.64 95.37 10/11/01 9.46 85.91 10124/01 9.44 85.93 3/26/03 NM NM MW-18 1014/01 1 0.2-5 5-15 15 95.07 94.84 10/11 /01 11.16 83.68 10/24/01 11.28 83.56 3126/03 10.68 84.16 RW-1 10/2/98 4 0.2-4 4-19 19 99.94 99.75 1016198 8.65(LPH)18.75 (H20) 91.08 9/8199 7194(LPH)19.60(H20) 91.48 All measurements are in teet and are referenced to a elevation of 100.UU ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. RW-1 water depth corrected for LPH thickness. RW-1 removed in 1999. NM denotes not measured. LPH present in MW-17 on 3/26103 with an estimated thickness of 1.5 feet. Page 7of7 TABLE 7 EPA METHOD 8260 SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. m m m m c N N w w o CL m ❑ m GL E N m m N m A �. e d m m G tm a m �, c 0. o ;, a CL �, � c 03 � m. wCE L CD R m N O ca C ao uJ O. Z c H r r 7C MW-3 3.5-5 716198 <0.005 <0.010 <0.010 <0.005 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 ro.005 <0.010 <0.010 <0.005 MW-5 4-5.5 717198 <0.005 <0.010 <0.010 <0.005 <0.010 10.0127 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.005 <0.010 <0.010 0.0118 GP-1 2-4 1014101 0.117 0.0059 <0.005 0.207 0.0168 0.0521 0.0342 0.0087 0.181 0.0554 0.663 GP-2 0.5-2 1014101 0.0234 0.191 0.093 1.540 0.235 0.050 0.794 0.728 <0.005 5.610 1.510 10.7987 GP-3 0.5-2 1014101 0.0203 0.0128 0.007E 0.139 0.0358 0.0055 0.0681 0.0994 <0.005 <0.005 0.0527 <0.005 GP-1A 4-5 5/12103 0.0580 0.0810 0.0270 0.055 0.0580 <0.005 0.1310 0.2340 0.0710 0.1660 0.0520 0.2390 GP-2A 0.5-2 511P103 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 GP-3A 4-6 5/12/03 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 GP-4A 2-4 5/12/03 C0.005 C0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 GP-5A 1 0.5-2 5/12/03 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 r0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Soil to GW 0.0056 4 3 0.24 2 NS 1 2 7 8 7 5 Residential 22 1 156 156 1560 1564 NS 63 156 1 3200 782 782 1 32,000 Industrial/Commercial 200 1 4,088 1 4,088 40,000140,8801 NS 1,635 1 4,088 1 82,000 20,4401 20,4401 200,000 Soil to GW denotes DWM Soil to Groundwater MSCC for High -Intermediate priority sites. Residential denotes DWM Residential MSCC for Low priority sites. Industrial -Commercial denotes DWM Industrial -Commercial MSCC for Low priority sites. Analytical results reported in mg/L. TABLE 8 MADEP VPH & EPH SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS ' UZZLE CAD ILLAC-OLOSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E ' Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 227141Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck. Inc. 1 71 LAI I1 L..J fl [I 1 1-1 fl o, • N N R] N U Q = � W C1 H r2 R r p- W , l� � w+ 1c � E w � t: 0. a- a a Q. D 0- Q Q Q oa = d 2 N r L? d ul 2 4 w M 0 w E N G a 'w � N W w LL) � C a.. E Ca U U � C.) r w G (n L) Lam] L1 Fes- L] Ch 0 0 F0- MW-2 716198 0.5-1.5 - - 110 110 13,000 - 510 510 MW-3 716198 3.5-5 <1 <1 - <1 - <1 - <1 MW-5 717198 4-5.5 <1 <1 <100 <100 <100 <1 <100 <100 GP-1 10/4101 2-4 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 GP-2 10/4101 0.5-2 200 400 <10 400 <10 300 <10 300 GP-3 10/4101 0.5-2 20 40 <10 40 <10 20 <10 20 GP-1A 5112/03 4-5 10 20 <10 20 <10 <10 <10 <10 GP-2A 5/12/03 0.5-2 <10 <10 <10 <10 11 <10 12 12 GP-3A 5/12/03 4-6 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 GP-4A 5/12/03 2-4 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 GP-5A 5112/03 0.5-2 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 GP-6A 5/12/03 0.5-1 - - <10 - <10 - <10 <10 GP-7A 5/12/03 0.5-1 - - 10 - 651 - 147 147 GP-8A 5112103 0.5-1 - <10 - <10 - <10 <10 Soil to GW 72 - - 3,255 >100% - - 34 Residential 939 - - 9,386 93,860 469 Industrial/Commercial 124,5281 245,280 1 Cl 1 12,264 Analytical results reported in mg/Kg. ' <10 denotes compounds not detected with a 10 mg/Kg detection limit. Soil to GW denotes DWM Soil to Groundwater MSCC for High -intermediate priority sites. Residential and Industrial -Commercial are applicable OWM MSCC for Low priority sites. ' Analytical results exceeding DWM Residential MSCC in bold. Cl denotes considered immobile. 1 u r i LA ' TABLE 9 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERSIOCCUPANTS ' UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA F&R PROJECT NO. B66.253E ' Facility ID No: 0-015266 Incident No./Name: 22714IUzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. 1.1 fi 1 Property Identification No. Property Address Owner Name and Address Location 0810-06-48-1007 3737 Chapel Hill Blvd. Owner-Uzzle Cadillac -Oldsmobile- Site GMC Truck, Inc. Occupant -University Cadillac Buick- Pontiac-GMC Oldsmobile 0810-06-37-5727 3823 Chapel Hill Blvd. Apex Ventures, 3823 Chapel Hill Blvd. West of site Durham, NC 27707 0810-06-48-5145 3639 Chapel Hill Blvd. Pickett, John A., and Ira Mueller East of site 3639 Chapel Hill Blvd. Durham, NC 27707 0810-06-37-9777 Auto Drive DCASS Associates. Limited Partnership, South of site Not specified) P.O. Box 7670 Myrtle Beach SC 29572 0810-06-47-1776 Auto Drive Highwoods/Forsyth Limited Partnership South of site (Not specified) Suite 600, 3100 Smoketree Ct. Raleigh, NC 27604 0810-06-47-5727 3708 Mayfair St. Highwoods/Forsyth Limited Partnership South of site Suite 600, 3100 Smoketree Ct. Raleigh, NC 27604 NIA Chapel Hill Boulevard North Carolina Department of North of site Transportation (NCDOT), 2612 North Duke Street, Durham, NC 27704, Division Engineer -Jon Nance ' Property identification Information collected from the City of Durham's Spatial Data Explorer at www.ci.durham.nc.us n 1 11 1 1 1 1 n 1 TABLE 10. BUDGET ESTIMATE MMPE AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING UZZLE CADILLAC >F&R PROJECT NO. B66-253E Description DWM Task No. Quantit Units Unit Rate Subtotal MMPE Equipment Rental (50-250 CFM Unit) 7.420 1 wk $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Storage Tanker Rental 7.420 5 days $85.00 $425.00 Fluids Disposal 7.420 3600 gal. $0.25 $900.00 Tanker Pump Out and Transportation (2 RIT) 7.420 12 hrs. $85.00 $1,020.00 Scheduled Maintenance (subcontractor) 7.201 32 hrs. $93.00 $2,976.00 Overnight Lodging 12.030 4 nights $85.00 $340.00 MMPE Oversight 7.201 16 hrs. $93.00 $1,488.00 Estimated MMPE Cost Per Event $9,149.00 Groundwater Sampling - Groundwater Sampling Monitoring Well Sampling 4.031 11 wells $155.00 $1,705.00 - Groundwater Analvtical Fees EPA method 602 4.090 9 samples $75.00 $675.00 EPH Alkanes/Aromatics 4.090 2 samples $260.00 $520.00 Sample Shipment 4.090 1 shipment $50.00 $50.00 Active Remediation Report (subsequent) 6.101 1 report $889.00 $889.00 Estimated Sampling Cost Per Event $2,950.00 Note: These estimates have been prepared using the March 1, 2003 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Reasonable Rate Document (RRD). 1 J k s f; ; - , SITE LOCA OF IF 0 1,500 FT. RADIUS v. F` is t•� J"f — r'� � — F�r•\� SJ3 — �: S {Y_..., PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP, 1993 ADAPTED FROM ❑ELORME TQPOQUADS CONTOUR INTERVAL, = 10 FEET SITE AND VICINITY TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP DRAWING: 1 FROERLING do ROBm'rsoN, INC CHIM-A UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. DATE: AUGUST 15, 2001 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD SCALE: 1" = E00' Jul pspyu,s.a::n.pis]IMMIr�erns PROJECT NO: A66-155E DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA — — — —-----------------------------------------•— (l -- - — - — - — - — - — - — - —---------------------_-- .-----I RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD BURIED STORM WATER CULVERT PIPE_ _ Y--= ��- _ --=_ ----- ----- _ ---7- - ----- - _ : ------ _ ?- -► I I -------- - ffm ------ ,_ N VOLKSWAGON I ► MW_16 I I I PAVING DEALERSHIP BLUG MW-98 ► PAVING I sioewwc I I J� LISTS I I M W-13 _ I f SHOW Room I Q ► AND l MW-12 �. SALES DEPT. s I PAVING E T Qr IMW-9 MW-17 ff �� ► MW-8 SERVICE ' ►MW-7D MVV_5 MW-11 MW� RECEPTION MW$ I I `L - � UST-2 � . PARTS I MW-i UST-1 MW-10 •... RW-1 (REMOVED) SERVICE DEPT. BODY 1i • DEPARTMENT (EAST SERVICE AREA) SHOP I IoILIVVATERSERVICE DEPT. I SEPARATOR (WEST SERVICE AREA) BODY SHOP (FORMER BODY SHOP) EXTENSION ` .. f1 k MW-15 `�--------- S--------- iml UST-4 ; E�------------------- :STORAGE _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.-�..— ——.._.._.. _..I BLDG. FORMER UST EMBANKMENT FENCE LEGEND DISPENSER I KEY TO LISTS . r ► UST-1: 10.000 GALLON GASOLINE MONITORING WELL UST-2: 2,000 GALLON GASOLINEIDIESEL FUEL SLOPE r UST-3: 550 GALLON WASTE OIL ' UST4: 550 GALLON VIRGIN OIL VEGETATED AREA I .I ALL LISTS HAVE BEEN REMOVED • - - r I SCALE (APPROXIMATE) - 1 1 I 10 30 50 70 90 100 FEET (APPROXIMATE/INFERRED LOCATION) I --- STORM SEWER E�J CATCH BAS114 — — — WATER LINE — — NATURAL GAS LINE ❑ MAHHOLE — — SANITARY SEWER $1F1dE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. F ^ GEOTEWNCAt SCALE: As SHOWN EWRONMENTAL MATERLA S SITE PLAN DRAWING N 2 n ENGNEERSLkWRATORIES UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSM❑BILE-GM TRUCK, INC. v`f _ 'OVER ONE HUNDRED MAPS OF-V-R 7CE" PROJECT NO: B66-253E ® 3101khen5trec4Rah1gIlLNothC-Oi=276W 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC DATE: MAY 16.2003 1861 (919) B28-3461; Fm: (919) 829-5751 u n n 1 1 1 IJ 1 1 N RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD BURIED STORM WATER LINE j -- --------------------------i -MW-16 I NO PAVING VOLKSWAGON / MW-18 , DEALERSHIP f NO 11 MW-14 BLDG 4 1 ND �1 j y 11 ❑ —�} 1 F- y 1 ❑" MW-12 (ND) ` y 1 ----------- —'FORMER DIESEL — — — FUElrASOLINE % ",MW 9 l ` .-USiT LOLL-ATION j ► it 472 1 r y y / MW-17 I ti ;�!_ r — - MW-8 �� MW-4 FORMER f N5 1 \ 1MWl—`7D� 2,070 1 WASTE % (ND) \'. � MW-11 �� INS OIL 593�I USTS 1 MW-5 0 30 f r MW-10\ ��' SERVICE DEPT. 1 FO ER US /� � � SPENSF�T (WEST SERVICE AREA] 1 s 3,370 � I 1 j 1,000 FORMER WASTE OIL UST LOCATION W� 10 X NC 2B SW STANDARD` —530 — _ _ MW-3 f 1 2L GROUNDWATER STANDARD lz 1 ----- ND 1 MW-15 1 y —�— ND IV _ 1 y LEGEND MW-5 MONITORING WELL WI BENZENE CONCENTRATION (UGIL) 1 y W 30 y W W y W 1 000 BENZENE CONCENTRATION CONTOUR (UGIL) — — — — SCALE (APPROXIMATE) — STORM WATER LINE (INFERRED LOCATION) NOTE: GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED 3127103 DEEP WELLS DENOTED BY ( ) 0 10 30 50 70 so 100 NO DENOTES NOT DETECTED FEET NS DENOTES NOT SAMPLED SINCE EROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. F BENZENE 4SOCONCEfITRATiON MAP DRAWING NO: 3 GEOTECHNICAL•ENVIRONMENTALMATERL4[S ENGINEERS -LABORATORIES SCALE: AS SHOWN UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE—GM TRUCK, INC. 'OVER ONEHUNDREOYEA.L4oFSF.rrY1C8' PROJECT NO: A66-253E ® ] 10 Hubm Svice. Rakish, N.nh Carolinu 21603 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC 1881 (919) 828.3441; flax! (919) 828-5751 DATE: MAY 16, 2003 [I N RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD BURIED STORM WATER LINE y— — — — — — — _—————- -- -- — - ---I — MW 16 I i - ND PAVING y VOLKSWAGON MW-1$ 1 DEALERSHIP ND 1 Ll1 BLDG y 1 MW-14: �1 ND ❑ l y j MW-12 (ND) FORMER DIESEL f FUELIGASOLI NE f . UST LOCATION y f MW--17 FORMER NS / 1 \ 131 MW-8 " • l MW-11 �' 1 47 WASTE f J \ MW-7D I - � t li I OIL y ' \{AND} LISTS f LL J \ ` MW-5� MW-4 N��Sii�, -1' f 0 1 MW-1 U SERVICE DEPT. FORMR UST (WEST SERVICE AREA) 11710 DISPENSER '1,000 \ �' FORMER WASTE OIL y IJ � • -110 � � \ \ UST L9cATION 2L GW STANDARD MW-3 r 1 1 10 x 2B SW STANDARD ti NO 1 ND 1 y W W W LEGEND J r MW--5 y 1 r W W MONITORING WELL WI TOLUENE CONCENTRATION (UGIL) 5 y 110 TOLUENE CONCENTRATION CONTOUR (UGIL) — — — — — STORM WATER LINE (INFERRED LOCATION) SCALE (APPROXIMATE) NOTE: GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED 3127103 DEEP WELLS DENOTED BY () 0 10 30 50 70 90 100 ND DENOTES NOT DETECTED FEET NS DENOTES NOT SAMPLED 8INcE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. GECTECHNICAL•ENVIRONMENTAL- MATE RIALS TOLUENE ISOCONCENTRATION MAP DRAWING N0: 4 ENGINEERS -LABORATORIES UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GM TRUCK, INC. SCALE: AS SHOWN "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OFSERVICE" PROJECT NO: A66-253E 310 Hubwt Str=t, Ralcigh, North Carolina 27603 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC 78g� (919)8y8.3441; 1�Rx: (919) 928.5751 DATE: MAY ifi, 2003 fl P u 1 1 1 RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD . LL BURIED STORM WATER LINE 7� y� — — -- — -- -- — — -- _ _ -- — — — — — — — -- — — — —� — O - M W-16 PAVING VOLKSWAGON NO DEALERSHIP M ND k 1 BLDG 11 4 1 = j y W 1 ❑ MW 14 _� ND 1 y 1 yl � y 1 ------------- - W-9 y 1 6,430 MW-17 \ ti ��� _ _ - MW-8 FORMER % NS 1 _ _ fi,804 WASTE j 11 MW-7D OIL LISTS 1 MW 5 1 \283 1 " MW-10U, ,ti FO I ' 6,470 5PE1 1,000 _ 1 ' � •885 � � MW-12 (NS) 1' FORMER DIESEL MW-11 1 846 I ' 1 ' r 1 ' SERVICE DEPT. UST ,,,(WEST SERVICE AREA) MW-4 NS FORMER WASTE OIL MW-3 10 X 2B SW STANDARD \ ND 1 2L GROUNDWATER STANDARD -----------------------_ j MW 15 ND W y 1 W y LEGEND 1 y y y MW-5 MONITORING WELL W1 XYLENES (TOTAL) CONCENTRATION (UGIL) 1 283 " 1,000 XYLENES (TOTAL) CONCENTRATION CONTOUR (UG1L) SCALE (APPROXIMATE) — — — — -- STORM WATER LINE (INFERRED LOCATION) NOTE: GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED 3/27103 DEEP WELLS DENOTED BY () 0 10 30 50 70 so 100 ND DENOTES NOT DETECTED NS DENOTES NOT SAMPLED FEET SINCE FRQEHLING & RflBERTSON, INC. DRAWING N GEOTECHNICAL-ENVIRONMENTAL•MATERIALS XYLENES (TOTAL) ISOCONCENTRATION MAP O ENGINEER&LABORATORIES U7_ZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GM TRUCK, INC. SCALE: A5 SHOWN n '0V6'RONEHUVDkEDYEARSOFSERk7CE• PROJECT NO: A66-253E 110 Huhcrt Strcct, Raleigh, North Carolina27601 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC DATE: MAY 16, 2403 18e1 (919) 828.1441; Fax: (919) 928.5751 n 1 VOLKSWAGON RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD ---------------------------- - _ I PAVING rl, MW-16 e ND DEALERSHIP MW-18 1 BLDG ND � 1 � MW-14 j y '� ❑ ND J �._ ---- -- MW-12 / 1 ------ _ (ND) 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 FaRk4ER.DIESEL ' 1 II rr MW-$ FUEL15 5 LINE I MVIF9 8,700 •LIST LO T N % I 7,900 j MW-17 + ♦ ♦ ' �1 ♦ �` FORMER NS � 1 \ - • � MW-5 11 � WASTE ! ♦ �`•. - 1,140 OIL ♦ ♦ , `l, /i 1,300 USTS j 1 MW 71] + • / 1 (ND) ~♦ �4 ( , SERVICE DEPT. 1 I MW-10 41' ♦ FORMER UST (WEST SERVICE AREA} W j 5,200 ♦ DISPEN$ERr r BURIED STORM WATER LINE 7r -� �//•ram � M W-4 NO 1 _ ♦ - 1040- � FORMER WASTE OIL 1 _ ' ,� �♦ UST LOCATION -- r--r 210 -- `♦' MW-3 Jr 10 X NC 28 SW STANDARD NO 2L GROUNDWATER STANDAR� ♦ - - - - - -_ - _, - _ - _ ,_ MW-15 LL y y l .W ND LEGEND W 1 y MW-5 ± W 1 y y y y y MONITORING WELL WI C9-C10 AROMATICS CONCENTRATION (UGIL) 1,100 + - - - 1,040 C9-C10 AROMATICS CONCENTRATION CONTOUR (UGIL) ,r - --� - -- - STORM WATER LINE [INFERRED LOCATION] SCALE (APPROXIMATE) NOTE: GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED 3127103 DEEP WELLS DENOTED BY () 0 10 30 80 70 90 100 NO DENOTES NOT DETECTED FEET L NS DENOTES NOT SAMPLED SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON INC. � DRAWING NO: 6 j� GEOTECNNICAL•ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS C9-C10 AROMATICS ISOCONCENTRATION MAP ENGINEERSLA90RATORIES UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE-GM TRUCK, INC, SCALE: AS SHOWN 'OYERONEHUNDRED YEARS OrSVRVICH' PROJECT NO: A66-253E ® 310 Eiuhcm Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC Iasi (919) 828-]441; Pax: (919) 8Z8-5751 DATE: MAY 1fi, 2003 m RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD ts5 86 87 88 89 94 MW-16 1 1 1 I 84 1 r l l l VOLKSWAGON + DEALERSHIP BLDG 85- _ MW-78` 1 + 1 1 r Pf VFNp r 1 j ss. _� r + MW-144 I 11 1-0- t 87 MW-17 WASTE NM 88, MW-9 OIL - i ~ MW 8 LISTS 80- / 92- � MW-7D MW-5 93- —�--- Q 94— ------ MV4L10 VIC f(1M1IE E AF j 95 91 92 t 93 I tt I sIoewwc„ 1 , ; MW-1 1 1 SHOW_ ROOM AND ' SALESJ)E-PT. SERVICE PAVING • MW-4 RECEP MW-6 ............................ DE EPT. BODY ' (EAST SERVICE SHOP BODY SHOP ' [FORMER BODY SHOP] 97 EXTENSION 95 PAVING MW-1 96 N J4 MW-3 MW-2 • STORAGE MW-1 I 7 98 `98 BLDG. r � EMBANKMENT � FENCE LEGEND MONITORING WELL MW-1 � MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS {FT} SLOPE WI GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FT) MW-1 95.88 MW-10 94.49 95.88 MW-2 98.61 MW-11 90.07 MW-3 98.26 MW-12 DEEP WELLS NOT USED 1N MAP PREPARATION S6 GROUNDWATER SURFACE r.27j MW_4 94.22 MW 13 .45MW-5 {DASHED WHERE INFERRED) � 92.53 MW-14 94 MW-6 95.18 M -15 95.80 SCALE {APPRdXIMATE] MW-7Q{88.28} MW-1fi 83.22 MW-8 88.06 MW-17 NM 1 MW 9 87.6. MW-18 84.16 ` GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION 0 10 30 50 70 90 100 NM DENOTES NOT MEASURED FEET DEEP WELLS DENOTED BY [ ] FROEHLrNG & ROBERTSON, INC. GROUNDWATER SURFACE -MARCH 26, 2003 DRAWING NO: 7 GEOTECHNICAh EWRONMENfAL MATERIALS SCALE: A5 SHOWN FAR ENNEER9LABORATORIES GI UZZLE CADILLAC-OLOSMOBILE-GM TRUCK, INC. 'OVER ONEHuNOREAYEARS OFSERVICE^ PROJECT NO: 866-253E ® 310Hubmsu..t Rma ijg%NothCa"im27W3 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC DATE: MAY 16, 2003 7 BB4 (9I9)928-3441; Fm7(919)828-5751 W - y N GP-1A yW WAX AND TOUCH UP BAY ' BENZENE- 0.0580 y _ GP-3A DEPTH:4'-5' EPA METHOD 8260 COMPOUNDS: NO VPH-EPH: ND DEPTH: 4'-6' y y SINGLE BAY AUTOMATIC CAR WASH r y ® FORMER DISPENSER y y GP-2 z y BENZENE:O.0234 GP-1 y y ETHYLBENZENE 1.54 BENZENE: 0.117 GPAA W XYLENES (TOTAL): 10.7987 DEPTH: 2'-4' EPA METHOD 8260 COMPOUNDS: ND y C5-C8 VPH: 2v0 VPH-EPH: N❑ C9-C22 AROMATICS: 300 DEPTH: 2'-4' ± w DEPTH: 0.5'-2' 1 y LEGEND IVriW_8 ± GP-3 BENZENE: 0.0203 MONITORING WELL WI SOIL ANALYTICAL NS GP-2A DEPTH: 0.5'-2' RESULTS (INSTALLED IN 1998) EPA METHOD 8260 COMPOUNDS: N❑ VPH-EPH- BELOW SOIL TO GW MSCC DEPTH: 5'-2' ^ — — GEOPROBE RESULTS SOIL MW-1Q ANALYTICAL RESULTSTS (INSTALLED IN 2003) I —1 I I NS GEOPROBE BORHOLE W/ SOIL ANALYTICAL 0.0118 XY ENw-s I I RESULTS (INSTALLED IN 2001) DEPTH: 4.5'-5' j FORMER I �}} GASOLINE- I -NOTES:I RESULTS IN MG/KG I DIESEL FUEL I ONLY CONCENTRATIONS EXCEEDING D�' 1 UST I I SOIL TO GROUNDWATER CLEANUP LEVELS ARE MW-7D EXCAVATION I SHOWN, NS I GP-5A NO DENOTES NOT DETECTED. I I NS DENOTES NOT SAMPLED. EPA METHOD 8260 COMPOUNDS: ND VPH-EPH: ND DEPTHS ARE FT. BELOW GROUND SURFACE MW-9 DEPTH: 2'-0' NS SCALE (FEET) 0 5 10 FROEHL1NG & ROBERTSON, TVC GASOLINEIDIESEL FUEL UST LOCATION DRAWING: 8 Er cfoTeEPAW*- L^U tq,exrK r�raus PROJECT NO: BGG-253E • UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMDBILE-GMC TRUCK, INC. �vvraokrrruivnxryreww'sutvace- SCALE: AS SHOWN • "°'"�"'"""""'`"`"°"'""""`°' 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD, DURHAM, NC DATE: 51221D3 fWl (lt193=3�}H I: FS'(9]%lr43�51 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m BUILDING N\X INFERRED EXTENT OF C11-C22 AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ABOVE 469 MGA(G RESIDENTIAL MSCC GP-7A ff �� VPH-EPH: ND r • SAMPLE DEPTH: 0.6-1' / t # — LIMITS OF FORMER EXCAVATION 1 1 � 469 wl- 40 SQ./FT, r — — —1— — — — — — — — 7 GP-6A j • i EPH C9-C18: 1❑ •` EPH C19-C36: 651 EPH C11-C22: 147 VIRGIN OIL UST EXCAVATION SAMPLE DEPTH: E f MW-2 EPH C19-C3E: 13.QdD EPH C9-C78: 110 EPH C11-C22: 510 — — — — — — — — — -- — — --- — SAMPLE DEPTH: 0.5'-1.5' �x MONITORING WELL WI SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS GPI (MGIKG) GEOPROBE BOREHOLE SCALE (FEET) WI SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS VPH-EPH: ND (MGIKG) SAMPLE DEPTH: 0.5%1' Q 1 2 3 4 5 1D NO DENOTES NOT DETECTED DEPTHS ARE FT. BELOW GROUND SURFACE FROEHLING & ROSERTSON, INC. VIRGIN OIL UST LOCATION DRAINING- 9 GEOTECM CAL-E}NVIROWANTAL W�4 ALS 'FJ EhrAWERS4A9CMT0RWS PROJECT NO: B6&253E 'VVM ONENUNIAM M4RSOFSFROCE' UZZLE CADILLAC OLDSMOBILI•= FACILITY I SCALE: AS SHOWN e ltow""Sa A %Ummo cede.rnus ,W, (9I9)129- {I: F-;(9 P,�515I RT. 1rJ-FJ01, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA PATE: 5I22103 1 1 u 81kCE FAR 16A] I APPENDIX A: GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT FIELD METHODS 1.1 u fl 1 1 1 1 1.1 fl u 1 1 1 GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT FIELD METHODS Site monitoring wells were sampled on March 27 and 28, 2003.On March 26, 2003, the monitoring wells were gauged for depth to water using a Keck oil -water interface probe. All shallow monitoring wells were purged of a minimum of three well volumes with disposable latex gloves and single use disposable polyethylene bailers. Deep well MW-7D was purged with a submersible pump. The groundwater was then poured into laboratory supplied bottles and preserved with the appropriate acid (if required). The bottles were chilled to approximately 4°C in iced coolers and remained in possession of F&R until overnight shipment to F&R's North Carolina certified laboratory. Following sample collection, field parameters including dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, temperature and pH were measured. Groundwater samples were collected for the following analysis in the selected monitoring wells: w � o x A z y o o MW-z X X X X X X MW-3 X X X X X X X X X X M W-4 X X X X X X MW-5 X X X X X X X X X X MW-6 X X X X X X M W-7D X X X X X X X X X X M W-8 X X X X X X X X X X M W-9 X X X X X X X X X X MW-10 X X X X X X X X X X MW-11 X X X X X X X X X X MW-12 X X X X X X X X X X MW-13 X X X X X X MW-14 X X X X X X X X X X MW-15 X X X X X X X X X X MW-16 X X X X X X X X X X MW-18 X X X X X X X X X X fl 1 1 n 1 APPENDIX S: SOIL ASSESSMENT FIELD METHODS I1 I] I I 11 SOIL ASSESSMENT FIELD METHODS Soil borings were installed using direct push (Geoprobe") technology by American Environmental Drilling at locations near the former location of the gasoline -diesel fuel UST system (UST-2), and former virgin oil UST (UST-2). Soil samples were collected from the borings and field scanned for Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with a photoionization detector (PI)} as a semi -quantitative indicator of the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. Field scanning was performed by placing the soil sample in a new resealable plastic bag and allowing the organic vapors to equilibrate in the headspace for a minimum of fifteen minutes. The PID probe was then inserted into the bag and the highest VOC reading was obtained. Soil borings GP-1 A through GP-5A were installed near the former location of UST-2. The sample in each boring that exhibited the highest VOC concentration and collected from the zone overlying the water table was submitted to an analytical laboratory for the following analysis: • Volatile aromatic compounds using EPA method 8260 with an EPA method 5035 extraction. • Volatile petroleum hydrocarbons using an analytical method developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP-VPH). • Extractable petroleum hydrocarbons using an analytical method developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP-EPH). Soil borings GP-6A, GP-7A and GP-8A were installed at the former location of the virgin oil UST (UST4). One soil sample was collected from each boring for the following laboratory analysis: • Extractable petroleum hydrocarbons using an analytical method developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP-EPH). The volatile samples were collected with an En Core sample device fitted with single use En Core sampler. MADEP EPH samples were collected without headspace in nine -ounce glass jars provided by the analytical laboratory. The samples remained in possession of F&R until overnight shipment to F&R's North Carolina certified laboratory. f' fl APPENDIX C: SOIL BORING LOGS u 1 GEOPROBE LOG Report No.: B66-253 SINCE FROEHLIHG & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" RA, Date: Mai 2003 Client. Uxxle Cadillac Project: Uxxle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc., Durahm, NC Boring No.: GP-1A (1 of 1) net)th 0.0' Elegy: Existing Ground SurFace I Location; Within the touchup garage bay Type of Boring: V ID GEOPROBE I Started: 5A2103 Completed: 5/12/03 Driller: Kelly Grant (AED) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS " Sample Sample Depth P1D REMARKS (Classification) Interval feet (Ppm) Concrete 0.0 0.7 Moist gray and brown fine sandy CLAY (CL) 13.8 1.5— Moist gray clayey fine SAND (SC) 2.0 206 4.0 540 GP-1 A soil sample collected for analysis from 4-5 feet 5.0 Wet tan and gray clayey fine SAND (SC] withT 5.0 petroleum odor 2000 7.0 Wet gray and tan silty clayey fine SAND (SCISM) ! ! I I I I I I I 7 7 S.0 Geoprobe Boring terminated at 8 feet. 'Ueoprooe SON Samples were caiiecrea By Lmmmuuus push Vl c Y. uLu, u.w sLuiu,css Wur;l utuici w,uoi,iH% u Y ,.,U< <v„s U, UU L« samples were separated into 2 foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. 11 1 1-1 11 1 1 Report No.: B66-253 SINCE FRQEHLIHG & ROBERTSGH, INC. F GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS . LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 1 AA 1 a Date: Mav 2003 Client: Uxxle Cadillac Project: Uxxle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc., Durahm, NC Boring No,: GP-2A (1 of I) Total th $.B' Elev: Existing Ground Surface Location: Northwest of the former USTs Type of Boring: 2" ID GEOPROBE Started: 5A2/03 Completed: 51121Q3 Driller: Kelly Grant (AED) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION O MATERIALS + Sample Sample Depth ID PID REMARKS (Classification) Interval (P 0.2 +`1 Concrete & thin base stone Moist gray clayey fine SAND/sandy CLAY (SC/CL) 21.7 GP-2A soil sample collected for analysis from 0-2 feet 2.0 17 3.5 Moist tart and gray sandy CLAY (CL) 4.0 15 d'0 6.0 Moist gray clayey fine SAND (SC) 7.0 52 Wet brown silty sandy CLAY (CL) k E i i i i i i 8.4 Geoprobe Boring terminated at 8 feet. IUeoprobe so]I 9amp] rs were collected by Continuous pllsn 91 it L ulco lu smuness steel Farrel Conramng a w 1001 lung al'elaLe Wut;6UULi b]UcV . I11c Y .vUL awu samples were separated into 2 foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. 1 1.1 GEGPRGBELGG Reoort No.: B66-253 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. F GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" m 1 A R 1 Date: Mav 2003 Client: Uxxle Cadillac Project: Uxxle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truett, Inc., Durahm, NC Boring No.: GP-3A (1 of 1) Tot th 8.0.1 Elcv: Existing Ground Surface I Location: North of the single bay automatic Type of Boring: 2" ID GEOPROBE I Started: 5112/03 Completed: 5/12/03 Driller: Kelly Grant (AED) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS ' Sample Sample Depth PID REMARKS (Classification) Interval feet (ppm) Concrete 0.3 Moist gray clayey fine SAND (SC) 14.8 2.0 3.0 11.7 Moist gray sandy CLAY (CL) 4.0 19.2 GP-3A soil sample collected for analysis from 4-6 feet 6.0 Moist gray and tan clayey SAND with silt and trace 6.0 of mica (SC) 14.4 i i i l i 8'0 Geoprobe Boring terminated at 8 feet. i I i i i 7 , ueoprone sou samples were couectea cy commuous pusn 111 a L ulcn I MUR IMM �i MCI LQU ICI W; KaHIII % u Y lulu LUI18 4"1dlC UU 11 GV L1u 11 iI Vti V V. 1114 • LMUk aV�i samples were separated into 2 foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 0 I i 1 [ I I GEOPROBELOG Renort No.: B66-253 SINCE FROEH1.1NG & ROBERTSON, INC. �e GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" �A>s, Date: Mav 2003 Client: Uzzle Cadillac Project: Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc., Durahm, NC Boring No.: GP-4A (1 of 1) Total I Depth 8.0 Elev: Existing Ground Surface I Location: South of the former dispenser islait Type of Boring: 2" ID GEGPRGBE I Started: 5/12/03 Completed: 5112103 Driller: Kelly Grant (AED) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (Classification) ' Sample Interval Sample geett PID (ppm) REMARKS - 0.3 2-3 inch Concrete with 1 inch base stone Moist brown silty sandy CLAY (CL) 85.7 1.8 2.0 Moist gray slightly clayey fine SAND (SC) 286 GP-4A soil sample collected for analysis from 2-4 feet 4.0 Moist gray and brown silty clayey fine SAND (SC) 4.0 926 6.0 6.0 ; Moist gray silty fine SAND (SM) 6.7 i i 8.0 Geoprobe Boring terminated at 8 feet. 3 -veoprone son samples were e011eeteO ny continuous pusn of a c mca iu srauness sreei oarrei comammg a w ioor rang aceMe Ir4J11ULL1u11 aIUUVG. 1,1G .,L au,� samples were separated into 2 foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1' 1' 1' GEOPROBELOG Renort No.: B66-253 SINCE FROEHLINO & ROBERTSON, INC. F GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL - MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" Iasi Date: Mav 2003 Client: Uzzie Cadillac Project Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc., Darahm, NC Boring No.: GP-5A (1 of I) Total Depth 8.0' Elev: Existing Ground Surface I Location: West of the single bay automatic c Type of Boring: 2" ID GEOPROBE I Started: 5/12103 Completed: 5112/03 Driller: Kelly Grant (AED) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS ' Sample SamDepth pie PIp REMARKS (Classification) Interval feet (ppm) 0.2 A l .5 inches of Concrete with 1 inch base stone 0.0 Moist gray clayey fine SAND (SC) 20.7 GP-5A soil sample collected for analysis from 0-2 feet 2.0 2.0 Moist tan sandy plastic CLAY (CH) 11.9 4.0 5.0 14.2 Moist brown and gray silty CLAY with gray clay seams (CL) 6.0 733 1 i 7.5 Moist brown clayey SILT (ML) I I $•0 6coprobe Boring terminated at 8 feet. l ) 1 7 ! G -UeOprOne SOII SaMPIeS Were COnecieo oy COlniLnUOUS pUSll U1 a L LIIQLL LLJ SLaLLLLCS3 bLCCL UIULCL lrVlLlalllllls a • 1VUL IULlr3aL ULaLc 4V11c.v•+•++• 4-�� •��• u�•• samples were separated into 2 foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. GEOPROBELOG Renort No.: B66-253 SINCE FRGEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. F& GEOTECHNICAL - ENVIRONMENTAL - MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" Date: Mav 2003 Client: Uzzle Cadillac Project: Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GY[C Truck, Inc., Durahm, NC Boring No.: GP-6A (1 of 1) tal Deptth 3.511 Ficv: Existing Ground Surface I Location: West of the former virgin ail UST Type of Boring: 2" ID GEOPROBE I Started: 5/12/03 Completed: 5/12/03 Driller: Kelly Grant (AEU) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS • Sample Sample Depth P1D REMARKS (Classification) Interval feet (ppm) 0.2 2 inches Concrete with thin base stone 0.0 Moist tan fine SAND (SP) 12,5 GP-6A soil sample collected for analysis from 0-1 feet 1.0 13 2.0 5.1 3.5 Geoprobe Boring terminated at 3.5 feet. i i , 1 7 7 I } } } i 7 7 -Ueopro❑e Snit Samples Were COUCCLC.0 Oy COIL LnUU LL5 I UnI U1 a < 11 M11 iLJ S ijunu 3 5wuL UaLLGI LVL LLa1J 1 Li Lr, a Y LUUL LVI JE Qv6 LG L.. l samples were separated into 2 foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I' 1' 1' 1 GEQPROBELOG ReportNo.: B66-253 SINCE FROEHtIHG & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL - MATERIALS ENGINEERS - LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 1 6 B 1 m Date: May 2003 Clienc: Uzzle Cadillac Projecc: Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc., Durahm, NC Boring No.: GP-7A (1 of 1) De th 3.5,1 Elev: Existing Ground Surface I Location: North of virgin oil UST adjacent t Type of Baring: 2" ID GEOPROBE I Started: 5112/03 Completed: 5/12103 Driller: Kelly Grant (AED) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS • Sample Sample Depth PID (Ppm) REMARKS (Classification) Interval feet 0 2 +' 1 inch Concrete with thin base stone 0.0 .' Moist tan fine SAND (SP) 14 GP-7A soil sample collected for analysis from 0-I feet 1.0 1.0 Moist tan fine SAND with trace clay and oily odor (SP) 4.4 2.0 3.0 6 Moist tan SAND with gray clay seams (SC) 3,5 Geoprobe Boring terminated at 3.5 feet. l d i l 73 7 7 'UCOprODe Soil SanlpiCS WGIC 4:O11CGl1;U Dy CVULULUU 5 PUS I Ui o c ui6i+ a MCUJUGaa awci UWLL J wmuauu+g u -r +v�� w++Lr urru.+r r........•••-•• ..•....• • •••• ••-..• ....•• samples were separated into 2 Foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. 1-1 1 [1 11 1.1 1 1 1 1� 1-1 1 GEOPROBELOG Report No.: B66-253 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. C GEOTECHNICAL - ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS Ir ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" an, T7ate• Mav 2f1f13 Client: Uxxle Cadillac Project: Uxxle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc., Durahrrt, NC Boring No.: GP-8A (1 of 1) Depth 3.5'1 Elev: Existing Ground Surface I Location: South of the former virgin oil US Type of Boring: 2" ID GEGPRGBE IStarted: 5/12103 Completed: 5/12/03 Driller: Kelly Grant (AED) Elevation Depth DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (Classification) " Sample Interval Sample neet pID (ppm) REMARKS �.2 2 inches Concrete 0.0 Moist tan to brown SAND (SP) 14 GP-8A soil sample collected for analysis from 0-1 feet 1.0 9.5 2.0 13.6 3.5 Geoprobe Boring terminated at 3.5 feet. 'Geoprobe soil samples were coilectea by conti-nuous push oI a l incn lU stainless steel barrel contalmng a 4 tool long acetate c011eCitOn sleeve. 1 ne 4 toot son samples were separated into 2 foot long sample intervals that were individually scanned by PID. 1 fl 1 I1 11 SINCE FAR Iasi I APPENDIX D: GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 1 1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHN1CAL • ENVIRONMENTAL ■ MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" s 1881 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS April 15, 2003 LAB #: 0303202 CLIENT: F&R Raleigh Attn: Jim Stahling PROJECT NAME: U7—ZIC PROJECT NO: B660-253 LAB RECEIPT: 3/28/2003 SAMPLED BY: C. Marshall PARAMETER. ANALYSIS DATErr1ME Metals Digest 3/28/03, 1100 Iron 411/03, 1500 Lead 3/28/03,1600 Volatile Organic Compounds 3/31/03, 1528 Sernivolatile Organic Compounds 416103, 1929 418103, 0845 Semivolatile Extraction 411103, 1430 EPH Extraction 3/31/03, 1130 EPH 412103, 1512 VPH 3/28/03, 1034 Nitrate -Nitrogen 419103, 1016 Total Phosphorus 412l03, 1024 Sulfate 413103, 1025 METHOD SM 1813030 C EPA 200.7 SM18/3113 B EPA 6011602 (EPA 624) EPA 625 EPA 625 MADEP EPH MADEP EPH MADEP VPH SM 18/4500-NO3 F SM 18/4500-P B&E SM 18/4500-SO4-2 F 1 Audrey N. Brubeck Chemical Services Manager HEADQUARTERS: 3016 DUMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • RICHMOND, VA 23261.7524 C Ek'I IC •10'1ONS AIIIA ELLAP - 100 TELEPHONE (804) 2S4-27G1 • FAX (504) 2641202 • www.FMdR.com VIRCiVIA DRINKING WATER -ool5n NORTH CA ROLINA DF..I I N R - 4-12 BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, NC • BALTIMORE, MD • CHARLOTTE, NC • CHESAPEAKE. VA SOI)TIi CAROI.I NA DHEC - 93010001 93010002 CROZET, VA • FAY Err EVILLE, NC • FREDEA[CKSBUFIG. VA • GAEENSVILLE, SC MARYLAND DRINKING WATER - 279 HICKORY, NC •RALE$GH, NC • ROANOKE, VA • STERLING, VA Page 1 of 10 ANALYST TG TG TG SF DB ❑B MP VFLIDB SF D1 ❑1 ❑1 ' RESULTS: F&R# : ID: 'SAMPLE DATEITIME : MATRIX: 1 Purgeablc HIA (FLgIL) ' Benzene B romod ich lorornethan e Bromoform Bromomethane ' Carbon tetrachloride Ch lorobenzene Chloroethane ' 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Ch loroform Ch loromethane Dibrom och iorom eth ane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ' 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lorod i fl uorometh ane 1,1-Dichloroethane [,2-Dichloracthane ' I, l-Dichloroethene cis-1,2- D ich loroeth cn e ' trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropnne cis- 1,3-D ich loropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ' EDB Ethylbenzene 1PE ' Methylene chloride MTBE 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene ' Toluene 1, [,I-Trichloroethane ' 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Tric h lorofl uorom ethane Vinyl Chloride Total Xylenes Iron, mg/L ' Lead, mg1L ' µglL=microgram per Liter SINCE Page 2 of 10 FAR as� 0303202-01 0303202-02 0303202-03 0303202-04 MW-II MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 3/27/03, 1605 3/27/03, 1650 3127103. 1650 3/27/03, 1730 G Wlgrab G Wlgrab G Wlgrab G Wlgrab Quant. Limit: 593 BQi, I BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQI. 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQI, 2 BQL 13QL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL I3QL 2 BQL BQI, 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQI, 2 BQL BQl_ 2 BQL BQL 5 139 BQI, 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 5 27 SQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 47 BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 SQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 1 846 BQL G 106 1.21 0.20 3.07 0.02 0,002 BQL 0.001 mg/L. = milligram 1::,, L;::.r BQL=Below Quantitation Limit 1 RESULTS: F&R# : 'SAMPLE [D DATE/TIME: MATRIX: ' Purgeable WA (ug/L) ' Benzene Bro1T1 od ich lOromethane Brom oform Bromomethane ' Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene ' C hloroethane 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroform Ch 1 orom ethan e ' ❑ibromochlorometliane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-❑ichlorobenaene ' 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dich lorod ifluorom ethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane ' 1, I-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-D ich loroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-D ich loropropaiie cis-1,3-Dich loropropene trans-1,3-Dich loropropen e ' EDB Ethylbenzene WE Methylene chloride ' MTBE 1.1,2,2-Tetrach Ioroethan e ' Tetrach loroethe ne Toluene 1, I,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trich Ioroe th an e ' Trichloroethene Trich lorofluoromethane Vinyl Chloride ' Total Xylenes Iron, mg L ' Lead, mg/L µg/L=microgram per Liter ' SINCE FAR Page 3 of 10 is91 0303202-05 0303202-06 M W-9 Trip Blank 3/27/03, 1630 3!27l2003 G Wlgrab G Wlgrab Quant. Litnit: 472 BQL 1 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 13QL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL SQL 2 BQI, BQL. 5 1750 BQL 2 2 BQL 2 BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL 2 SQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 131 BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 2 SQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 1 6430 BQL 6 46.5 0,02 0,011 0.001 mg/L = milligram per Liter BQL=Below Quantitation Limit RESULTS: F&R4: 0303202-01 0303202-02 0303202-03 0303202-04 SAMPLE ID: MW-1 l MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 DATE/TIME: 3/27/03, 1605 3/27/03, 1650 3i27103, 1650 3/27/03, 1730 MATRIX: GWl,,rab GWlgrab GW14-rub GWl;�rab ' Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (µglL) 1 r f pa4-c 4 of 10 Quant. Limit: Acenaphthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Aceriaphthylene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Anthracene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Benzidine BQL SQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(a)anthracene BQL BQL BQ1.1 BQI. 5 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BQI, BQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(a)pyrene BQL BQL BQI, BQL 5 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 bis(2-Chloroctlioxy)metliane BQL BQL BQ1, BQL 5 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BQ1, BQL BQL BQL 5 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ethor BQL BQL BQI, BQL 5 bis(2- Ethyl hex y1)phthalate BQL BQL 8 BQL 5 4-Bromophenylphenylether BQL BQL BQL BQ1, 5 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BQL BQL 13QL BQL 5 2-Chloronaphthalone BQL SQL BQL BQL 5 2-Chlorophenol BQL BQL I3QL SQL 5 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BQl1 BQL BQL BQl 5 Chrysene BQL BQL 13QI, BQL 5 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene BQL BQL BQ1, BQL 5 Di-n-butylphthalate BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQI, BQL 5 3,3'-❑ichlorobenzidine BQL BQL BQi, BQL 5 2,4-Dichiorophenol BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 ❑iethylphthalate BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 2,4-Dimethylphenol 7 BQL BQL BQ1, 5 Dimethylphthalate BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BQL BQL 13QL BQL 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol BQL BQL BQL BQL 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 2,6-Dinitrotoluene SQL BQI, BQL BQL 5 Di-n-octylphthalate BQL BQ?- BQ1., BQL 5 1,2-Dipheny1hydrazine BQL BQL 13QI. BQL 5 Fluoranthene BQI, BQL BQL BQL 5 Fluorene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 HexachlarocycIopentadiene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachloroethane BQL BQL 13QL BQL 5 1ndeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene BQL BQL 13Q1., BQL 5 lsophorone BQI. BQL BQL BQI. 5 1 1 ' RESULTS: F&R# : 0303202-01 'SAMPLE ID : DATE/TIME: MW-1 I 3/27/03, 1605 MATRIX : G W/grab ' Semi Organic Compounds -Volatile (gg/L) Naphthalene 14 ' Nitrobenzene BQL 2-Nitrophenol BQL 4-Nitrophenol BQL n-Nitrosodimethylam ine BQL ' n-Nitrosodiphenylain ine BQL n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BQL ' Pentachloropliesiol Phenanthrene BQL BQL Phenol 12 Pyrene BQL ' 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BQL 2,4,6-TrichlorophenoI BQL Nitrate -Nitrogen, mb/L BQL ' Total Phosphorus, mg/L 0.21 Sulfate, mg/L 1 SIHCE Page 5 of 10 FAR �se 0303202-02 0303202-03 0303202-04 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 3/27/03, 1650 3/27/03, 1650 3/27/03, 1730 G W/grab G W/grab G W/F,rab Quant. Limit: BQL 13QL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 20 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL 13QI, BQL 5 BQL fiQ1. BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 20 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQI, 5 BQL BQL BQ1., 5 0.34 0.08 BQL 0.02 0.1') 0.10 0.08 0.05 60 C7 14 1 Erb/L=microgram per Liter mg/L = milligram per Liter 1 1 1 1 1 BQL=Below Quantitation Limit RESULTS: F& R# : SAMPLE lift DATE/TIME.- MATRIX: 0303202-05 M W-9 3127/03, 1630 G Wl,,rab ' Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (pglL) u C f, 11 SI HCE Page 6 a 10 a 1981 Quant. Limit: Acenaphthene BQI, 5 Acenaphthylerie BQL 5 Anthracene BQL 5 Benzidine BQL 5 Benzo(a)anthracene BQL 5 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BQL 5 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BQL 5 Benzo(a)pyrene BQL 5 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BQL 5 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BQL 5 bis(2-Chloroetliyl)ether BQL 5 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether BQL 5 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 17 5 4-Bromophenylphenyiether BQL 5 4-Chlora-3-methylphenol BQL 5 2-Chloronaphtlialene BQL 5 2-Chlorophenol BQL 5 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BQL 5 Chrysene BQL. 5 Dibenzo[a,hjanthracene BQL 5 Di-n-butylphthalate BQL 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL 5 1,3-❑ichlorobenzene BQL 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene SQL 5 3,3'-Dichlarobenzidine BQL 5 2,4-Dichlorophenol BQL 5 Diethylphthalate BQL 5 2,4-Dimethylphenol 9 5 Dimethylphthalate BQL 5 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BQL 20 2,4-Dinitraphenol BQI, 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BQL 5 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BQL 5 Di-n-octylphthalate BQL 5 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine BQL 5 Fluoranthene BQL 5 Fluorene BQL 5 Hexachlorobenzene BQL. 5 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL 5 I-lexachlorocyclopentadiene BQL 5 Hexachloroethane BQL 5 1ndeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene SQL 5 Isophorone BQL 5 1 1 RESULTS: F&R# : 0303202-05 SAMPLE ID: DATEITIME : MW-9 3/27/03, 1630 MATRIX: GW/crab ' Semi Organic Compounds -Volatile (pg/L) Naphthalene 181 ' Nitrobenzene BQL 2-Nitrophenol BQL 4-Nitrophenol BQL n-Nitrosodimethylamine BQL ' n-Nitrosodiphenylainine BQL n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine SQL Pentachlorophenol Phenanthrene BQL BQL Phenol BQL Pyrene BQL ' 1,2,4-Trichlorohenzene BQL 2,4,6-Triclilorophenol BQI. Nitrate -Nitrogen, mg/L SQL ' Total Phosphorus, mg/L 0.09 Sulfate, mg/L G 1 µg= L=microgram per Liter mglL = milligram per Liter 1 1 1 1 1 Page 7 of 10 Quant. Limit: BQL=Below Quantitation Limit a 5 5 20 5 5 5 20 5 5 5 5 5 0.02 0,05 1 18a, Client Name: F&R. Raleigh Project Name: Uzzle Site Location: Uzzle EPH (AliphaticstAromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Sample Matrix: water Page 8 of 10 Sample Information and Analytical Results F&R Sample # 0303202-01 0303202-02 0303202-03 0303202-04 Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl #2: 2-bromonaphthalene Sample Identification MW-11 MW-2 MW-3 MW--4 Date Collected 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 Date Extracted 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 Date Analyzed 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 % Dry Solids Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 All iphatics* pg1L 1 100 129 <100 <100 <100 <100 C19 - C36 Aliphatics* pg/L 2 100 275 <100 295 <100 194 C11 - C22 Aromatics* pg1L 2 100 471 <100 <100 <100 <100 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 46 27 32 42 36 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 76 42 54 72 66 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 1 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 87 1 80 83 84 82 Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 136 1 130 1 133 133 132 ` Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11100 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? No -- surr recov low for aliphatics Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Yes Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No ?ter Client Name: F&R Raleigh Project Name: Uzzle Site Location: Uzzle EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Sample Matrix: water Page 9 of 10 Sample Information and Analytical Results F&R Sample # 0303202-05 Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl #2: 2-bromonaphthalene Sample Identification MW-9 Date Collected 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 Date Extracted 3/31/2003 Date Analyzed 4/3/2003 % Dry Solids Dilution Factor 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 Aliphatics* pg/L 1 100 129 <100 C19 - C36 Aliphatics* pg/L 2 100 275 <100 C11 - C22 Aromatics* pg1L 2 100 471 <100 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 46 0 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 76 1 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 87 79 Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 136 130 - ' Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogates), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11 /00 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No -- surrogate not added Yes No i = M = = Ml M= M M M M= i M M == Page 10 of 10 184' VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC Project Name Uzzle NC Certification # (Lab) 432 Site Location Sample Matrix water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene F&R Sample I❑ 0303202-01 0303202-03 0303202-05 0303202-06 Sample Identification MW-11 MW-3 MW-9 Trip blank Collection Option (for soil)* Date Collected 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 Date Extracted Date Analyzed 03/28/03 03/28/03 03/28/03 03/28/03 % Dry Solids Dry Weight Dilution Factor 1,50 1 100 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C5 - C8 Aliphatics" pg1L 4.67 pg/L 100 pg/L <100 pg/L 2,190 pg/L <100 pg/L 3,900 pg/L <100 ug/L C9 - C12 All iphatics** pg1L 1.80 pg/L 100 pg/L <100 pg1L ' 2,450 pglL <100 pg1L 17,900 pglL <100 ug/L C9 - C10 Aromatics** pg/L 0.79 pg/L 100 pg/L <100 pglL 1,300 pglL <100 pg1L 7,900 pg/L <100 ug/L Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FI❑ 90% 109% 96% 113% 74% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery - PID 91 % 103% 92% 108% 92% Option 1 = Established 'fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCoreTM) Option 3 = Field weight of soil " Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, andlor concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11100 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? Yes Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No low It♦ E F& CHAIN OF CUSTODY R RECORD m m m m m m i Please Print CLIENT F, t� ADDRESS 2 - ; • , - L - ATTN `'N PHONUFAX M, M m m m FROEHLING $ ROBERTSON,'ING. P.O. BOX 27524 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 TEL: (804) 264-2701 _ FAX: 1804) 264-1202 SLAB PROJECT-411v?P.ROJECTNAMFINtIMBER='.Please �.. P.rit#'W? SAMPIE"' i.R Please EQ ESTEDTE U =_. ST,:PARAMETERS Print f ; _ _~ -. i iISIF!�5 s� :f C SAMPLED BYzz- =:Please` Pi�nt���FF[t.,d . Wlwl A i(4• _ :- ��-�: S w _ „� _: L -� = DATE4 ;: TIME Via'•. i?lease" ENTIFICATI[}� SAMPI E ID N"- n I D ` 'r nor � �PHfit i cDI �: �� �� � ;:�sr.�: .[�. _ - -•f ���- ' 1'` •u' lire ii.i- RELINQUISHED BY SIGNATURE : '€ DATE: ;TIME RECEIVED 'DATE TIME:-. -.:w ::-.:;' - - FIELD COMMENTS. Please Print r ' pH TEMP RELINQUISHED:BUSIGNATURE) ::f '^iDATE ; ;,„TIME:; 'J," " -a1-14�zRECEIVED BY—*--' m'. '!-�. :•DATE = , TIME RELINQUISHED BY'(SIGNATURE) '=DATEw ' MTIMEir =' rFRECEIVED FOR LAB :TIME - SHIPPED VIAL - DATE ' = .1. FORM NO.1a29 'SINCE m m m mmmm Please Print CLIENT Fj� )R CHAIN OF CUSTODY ADDRESS 1661RECORD ATTN PHONUFAX m m m FRIDEHLING & ROBERTSON,,INC. P0. BOX 27524 R ICHMOND, VI RG I N IA 23261 TEL: (804) 264-2701 FAX: (804) 264-1202 il-AB PROJECT # PROJ ECT NAMEIN UMBER ':Plmso ftt "SAMPLE, Please EST? PARAMETERS Print /J yl !SAMPLED By` LAB' d)ATE:; ITIFICATIONg Mintg V14 V RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE ':'DATE; `,TIME-:; ,;RECEIVED BYzI -.DATE:v c=:T I M E FIELD COMMENTS: Please Print pH TEMP. RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE)'-, DATE 'KDATF t;',TIIVIES RELINQUISHED BY;(SIGAATURE) , ,T DATER 4j T I M E�t1;'REC IVED FORVN�L�� : LAB B :!.-DATE,," --JIlVlE-- SHIPPED VIA- DATE FORM NO- 1029 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. a GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS ■ LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 1881 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1 April 10, 2003 LAB #: 0303201 CLIENT: F&R Raleigh Attn: Jim Stahling PROJECT NAME: Uzzle PROJECT NO: B66-253 LAB RECEIPT: 3/28/2003 SAMPLED BY: C. Marshall PARAMETER ANALYSIS DATE/TIME ' Metals Digest 3/28/03, 1100 Iron 411103, 1500 ' Lead Volatile Organic Compounds 3/28/03, 1600 3131103, 1528 Semivolatile Organic Compounds 416103, 1929 418103, 0845 Semivolatile Extraction 411103, 1430 EPH Extraction 3/31/03, 1130 EPH 412103, 1319 VPH 3/28/03, 1034 Nitrate -Nitrogen 419103, 1016 ' Total Phosphorus 412103, 1024 Sulfate 413J03, 1025 11 1 i Au ey N. Brubeckt Chemicai Services Manager Page 1 of 6 METHOD ANALYST SM 18/3030 C TG EPA 200.7 TG SM 18131 l 3 B TG EPA 6011602 (EPA 624) SF EPA 625 D13 EPA 625 DB MADEP EPl-1 MP MADEP EPH VFL/DB MADEP VPH SF SM 1814500-NO3 F ❑1 SM 18/4500-P B&E ❑1 SM 18/4500-SO4-2 F ❑1 HEADQUARTERS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • RICHMOND. VA 23al-7524 CElunrICATIOVti AII1A E:LLAI'- 10031 TELEPHONE (804j 264-2701 • FAx (604) 2841202 • www.FandRmm V1RCIN1A DRINKING WATER -00150 NORTI I CAROLINA ❑EiIINR -432 BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, NO • SALTIMORE, MD ► CHARLOTTE, NC • CHESAPEAKE, VA SOUTH CAKOLINA DFEE C - ) 30 1000 1 & T010002 CROZET, VA • FAYETTEVILLE, NC • FREDERICKSBURG. VA 5IARYLAND DRINKING %V AT I:H -239 GREENVILLE, SC • RALEIGH. NO • ROANOKE. VA • STERLING, VA 1 RESULTS: F&R# : ID: 'SAMPLE DATEITIME : MATRIX: HIA Purgenhie' (µg/L) ' Benzene Bromo d is h for om eth an e Bromoform Brotnomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane ' 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Ch Io ro Form ' Chlarornethane Dibro m och Toro meth an e I,2-Dichlorobenzene I,3-Dichlorobenzene ' I,4-Dichiorobeotzene D ich lu rodi f3uorometh ane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane ' 1, 1 -Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroetlene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis- l ,3-Dichloropropene trans- l,3-Dichloropropene ' EDB Ethyibenzene IPE ' Methylene chloride MTBE 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene ' Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichlomethene Tric h lorofluoromethane Vinyl Chloride 1 Total Xylenes Iron, mf* L Lead, mZD a+ m e e 0Page 2 of fi ieei 0303201-01 0303201-02 0303201-03 0303201-04 MW-5 MW-10 1mW-8 MW-7D 3/27/03, 1750 3127103. 1805 3127103, 1850 3/27/03. 1830 G Wlgrab G Wlgrab G W/,Trab G W/grab Quant. Lim it: 30 3370 2070 BQI I BQL aQ1, BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQ1, BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL, 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 13QL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL 13QL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL 13QL 2 BQL BQL BQI, BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL SQL BQL BQL 2 BQL 12 12 BQL 2 BQI, BQL BQL BQL 2 E3QL 164 13QL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 SQL BQL BQL BQL, 2 BQL BQL BQL SQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQI BQL BQL BQI. 5 45 2100 2030 BQL 2 BQL SQL I BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL 14 BQI. BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 5 1710 )51 BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL 13QL 2 BQL. BQL BQL BQL, 2 BQL SQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQI, BQL BQL 2 BQL BQ1, BQL, BQL 1 283 6470 6800 BQL G 21.0 1.61 14.6 0,16 0.02 0,010 0.033 0.003 0.011 0.001 1 µ ,/L=microgram per Liter niglL = milligram per I.,iter RQ1,=BClmv Quantitation limit SINCE Paue 3 of 6 1 ' RESULTS: F& R# : 0303201-01 0303201-02 03 03201-03 SAMPLE ID: MW-5 MW-10 NiW-8 DATE/TIME: 3/27/03, 1750 3127103, 1805 3!27103, 1350 MATRIX: G Wl�rab G Wlgrab G Wigrah 1 Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (liglL) fl n 1 1 Ll 1 0303201-04 M W-7D 3/27/03, 1930 G W15rab Quant. Limit: Acenaphthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Acenaphthylene BQL BQL 13Q1, BQL 5 Anthracene BQL BQL BQL BQI, 5 Senzidine BQL SQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(a)anthracene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(k)tluoranthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(a)pyrene BQL SQL BQl., BQL 5 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BQI BQL I3QI, BQL 5 bis(2-Clilornethoxy)methane BQL BQL 13QL BQI., 5 bis(2-Ch1oroethyl)ether BQI. BQL BQL BQL 5 bis(2-Ch1oroisopropyl)ethcr BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 bis(2-Etliylliexyl)plrthalate BQL BQL 17 341 5 4-BromophenylphenyIether BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 2-Chloronaphthalene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 2-Chlorophenol BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 4-ChlorophenyIphenylether BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Chrysene BQL BQL BQI. BQL 5 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Di- n-butylphthalate BQL BQL BQI. BQI, 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 3,T-Dichlorobenzidine BQL BQL BQI. BQL 5 2,4-Diclilorophenol BQL BQL BQL BQI, 5 Diethylphthalate BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 2,4-Dimethylphenol BQL 7 7 BQI, 5 Dimethylplithalate BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 4,6- Din itro-2-methylphenol BQL BQL BQI, BQL 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol BQL SQL BQL BQL 20 2,4-❑initrotoluene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Di-n-octylphtlialate BQL BQI, BQI.. BQL 5 1,2-❑iphenylhydrazine BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Fluoranthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Fluorene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BQL SQL BQI, BQL 5 Hexachloroethane BQL BQL BQ1., BQL 5 Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene BQL BQ,, BQL. BQL 5 Isophorone BQL BQL TVA, BQL 5 1 RESULTS: F&R# : 0303201-01 ID: MW-5 'SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 3127103. 1750 MATRIX: G Wlgrab Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (µgli,) 'Naphthalene Nitrobenzene 10 BQL 2 Nitrophenol BQL 4-Nitrophenol BQL ' n-Nitrosodimethylamine BQL n-Nitrosodiphenylamine BQL n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BQL Pentachlorophesioi BQL ' Phenanthrene BQI, Phenol BQL ' Pyrene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BQL BQL 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BQL ' Nitrate -Nitrogen, mg* L BQL Totai Phosphorus, mg* L 0.13 1 Sulfate, mg/L 3 SINCE Page 4 of 6 0 iftal 0303201-02 0303201-03 0303201-04 Mw-lul imw-8 MW-7D 3/27/03, 1805 3L27iO3, 1850 3/27/03, 1830 G WI}rib G Wh*rab G W/grab Quant. Limit: 152 176 BQL 5 BQL 11()1. BQL 5 BQL BQI, BQL 5 BQ1, BQll BQ1, 20 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL 13Q1, BQL 5 BQL I301, BQL 5 BQL 13Q1, 13QL 20 BQL Boo. BQI, 5 BQL 13QL BQL 5 BQL BOL BQI, 5 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQI. BQL 5 BQL f3QL BQL 0.02 0.34 0.16 BQL 0.05 2 :1 BQ1. µg/L=microgram per Liter mglL = miIIi-ram per Liter BQL=Below Quanlitation Limit 1 M M M= M I. ■■■ IM r M M= Im: Client Name: F&R Raleigh Project Name: Uzzle Site Location: Uzzle EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Sample Matrix: water Page 5 of 6 Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyi #2: 2-bromonaphthalene F&R Sample # Sample Identification 0303201-01 MW-5 0303201-02 MW-10 0303201-03 MW-8 0303201-04 MW-7❑ Date Collected 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 Date Extracted 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 Date Analyzed 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 % Dry Solids Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 Aliphatics* pgll_ 1 100 129 <100 <100 120 <100 C19 - C36 Aliphatics* pglL 2 100 275 <100 <100 <100 <100 C11 - C22 Aromatics* pglL 2 100 - 471 <100 <100 131 <100 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 46 46 48 41 41 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 76 54 60 55 72 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 87 79 86 81 83 Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 136 126 - 130 129 133 Unadjusted value. Shoufd exclude the concentration of any surrogates), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11100 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required 4A/QC procedures achieved? Yes Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Yes Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No Page 6 of 6 'w' VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC Project Name Uzzle B66-253 NC Certification # (Lab) 432 Site Location Sample Matrix water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene F&R Sample ID 0303201-01 0303201-02 0303201-03 0303201-04 Sample identification MW-5 MW-10 MW-8 MW-7D Collection Option (for soil)* Date Collected 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 Date Extracted Date Analyzed 03128/03 03/28/03 03/28/03 03/28/03 % Dry Solids Dry Weight Dilution Factor 1,100 100 100 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL - Blank C5 - C8 Aliphatics** pglL 4.67 pglL 100 pglL <100 pglL 720 pglL 11,800 pglL 8,700 pglL <100 pglL C9 - C12 Aliphatics** pglL 1.80 pglL 100 pglL <100 pglL 1,000 pglL 16,600 pglL 20,900 pglL <100 pglL C9 - C10 Aromatics** pg1L 0.79 pglL 100 pglL <100 pglL 1,100 pglL 5,200 pglL 8,700 pglL <100 pglL Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FED 90% 101 % 110% 109% 97% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery - PID 91% 980I6 106% 104% 94% * Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCoreTm) Option 3 = Field weight of soil " Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogates), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev, 11100 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? Yes Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No m m m m = m M SINCE F� CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD mmmmwmm 1 Please Print CLIENT ADDRESS ATTN PHONUFAX Mll m � = FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. P.O. BOX 27524 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA-23261 TEL: (804) 264-2701 FAX: (804) 264-1202. .'.LAB PROJECT # hi r_r,1,,4 �_ -41 PROJECT-; NAMEINUMBER!!P1eue`PrinU#RgTW LEI Please JESTWEST,PARAMETERS -Print T U� MATRIX .'Z SAM P LE Q BY;-'p 1 64s61 P rihf 2 AL _ A Please_ KSAMPEEADEN .10 ID&$_ ' TIME IM I-no; Pelm;4 L1 T- C", ILI Ali I 4 RELINQUISHED BY SIGNATURE is =`ADATEM: TIMES BY, 4 ?:DATE .�TIIVIE FIELD COMMENTS: Please Print ..- PH TEMP. RELINQUISHED BY, (SIGNATURE) = DATE- l �QWTIIVIE�! V�k._— RECEIVED By,:,�"',/ ai�l DATE TIME RELINQUISHED 8y4(SjGNATURE)�4,_,, -,f. DATE: `-Z�j I M rl��'.RECEIVEDTOR LAB BY�_;;LE�­- -t!'�,;DATE E :.'TIME SHIPPED VIA— DATE FORM NO. 1029 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ' GEDTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' April 9, 2003 LAB #: 0303204 ' CLIENT: F&R Raleigh Attn: Jim Stahling 1 PROJECT NAME: Uzzle ' PROJECT NO: B660-253 LAB RECEIPT: 3/28/2003 SAMPLED BY: C. Marshall 1 PARAMETER Metals Digest Iran Lead Volatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile Extrac#ion ' EPH Extraction EPH VPH ' Nitrate -Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Sulfate u 1 Au rey N. Brubeek Chemical Services Manager ANALYSIS DATE/TIME 3/28/03, 1100 411103, 1500 3/28/03, 1600 3/31/03, 1528 416103, 1929 418103, 0845 4/l/03, 1430 3/31/03, 1130 412103, I832 3/28/03, 1034 419103, 1016 412/03, 1024 413103, 1025 Page 1 of 11 METHOD ANALYST SM 18/3030 C TG EPA 200.7 TG S M 18/31 13 B TG EPA 601/602 (EPA 624) SF EPA 625 DB EPA 625 DB MADEP EPH MP MADEP EPH VFL/DB MADEP VPH SF SM1814500-NO3 F DI SM I8/4500-P B&E DI SM 18/4500-SO4-2 F DI HEADC,LIARTEAS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • RICHMOND, VA M61.7524 CERTIFICATIONS' AMA ELLAP- IOns;; TELEPHONE (604) 264-2701 • FAK [604] 264-1202 • www.FandR.CDm VIRGINIA DRINKING WATER -00150 N 0IUD t CA RO L1 NA b rMNR - 4 i? BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, INC • BALTIMORE, MD • CHARLOTTE, NC - CHESAPEAKE, VA 2900 FJI CAROLINA DI ItC - 91010001 & 0i010002 CROZET, VA • FAYETTEVILLE. INC ► FREDERICKSBURG. VA 10ARYLAN1) DRINKING WATER-279 GREENVILLE. SC • RALEIGH, NC • ROANOKE, VA • STERLING, VA 1 1 ' RESULTS: F& R# : ID: 'SAMPLE DATE/TIME: MATRIX: Purgeable HIA (pglL) ' Benzene B romod ich 1 oromethane Bromoform Bromomethane ' Carbon tetrachloride Chlorohenzene Chloroethane ' 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroform ' Chloramethane D i brom och loroimth ane 1,2-Dicli lorobenzene l,3-Dichlorobenzene ' 1,4-❑ichlorobenzene D ich lorod ifl uorom eth ane l,l-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 l,!-Dichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dictiloroetliene trans-l2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis- 1,3- D icli loropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ' EDB Ethylbenzene WE 1 Methylene chloride MTBE 1,1,2,2-TetrachIoroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 1,1,2-Trichloroeth4ne Trichloroethene Trish lorofl uorom ethane Vinyl Chloride ' Total Xylenes Iron, ung L Lead, mglL 1 µg/L=microgram per Liter SINCE 0Page 2 of 11 186e 0304204-01 0303204-02 0303204-03 0303204-04 MW-12 MW-14 N1W-15 MW-16 3/27/03. 1400 31277103, 1425 3/27/03, 1445 3127103, 1510 G WI,ra$ G Wlgrab G W/crab G Wlgrab Quant. Limit: BQL BQL BQL BQL I BQL BQL 1.3QL BQL 2 SQL BQL BQ[, BQL 2 BQL BQL BQI, BQL 2 BQL BQL 13Q[, BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL SQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQ1, BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL 13QL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQI, BQL 2 BQL BQL RQ1, BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQt, BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL 8 BQL 10 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQ1, BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL 2 BQL bQL BQL BQI, 2 BQL BQL BQL BQL I BQL BQL BQL BQL G 0.40 48.2 4,94 75.1 0.02 BQL 0.001 BQL BQL 0.001 mglL = milligram per Liter BQL=Below Quantitation Limit 1 GINC E 1 Iasi 1 RESULTS: F&R# : 0303204-05 ID: MW-18 'SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 3/27/03, 1530 MATRIX: G WlgraU Purgeable HIA (ug/L) ' Benzene BQL Bromodichloromethane BQL Bromoform BQL Bromomethane BQ1, ' Carbon tetrachloride BQL Chlorobenzene BQL BQI. 'Chloroethane 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether BQL Chloroform BQL 1 Chloromethane ❑ibromochloromethane BQI, BQL 1,2-Dichlarobenzene BQL 1,3-13ichlorobenzene BQL ' I ,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL Dichlorodifluoromethane BQL 1,1 -❑ichloroethane BQL 1,2-Dicliioroetliane BQL ' 1, l-Dichloroethene BQL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4 1 trans- I ,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane BQL BQL cis-1,3-Dich Ioropropene BQL trans- l,3-❑ichlornpropene BQL 1 EDB BQL Ethylbenzene BQL IPE BQL Methylene chloride BQL 1 MTBE BQL l ,1,2,2-TetrachIoroethane BQI. Tetrachloroethene BQL Toiuene BQL 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane SQL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BQL 'Trichlorvethene BQL Trichlorofluoromethane BQL Vinyl Chloride 1 ' Total Xylenes BQL Iron, mg= L 102 ' Lead, mg= L 0.065 ' pg/L=microgram per Liter ing/L = milligram per Liter BQL=Below Quantitation Limit Page 3 of 11 Quant. Limit- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 G 0.02 0.001 RESULTS: F& R# : ID: 'SAMPLE DATE/TIME MATRIX: 0304204-01 0303204-02 0303204-03 MW-12 MW-14 MW-15 3/27/03, 1400 3/27/03, 1425 3127103. 1445 G WI;_,rab G Wlgrab G Wigrab 1 Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) 0303204-04 MW-IG 3/27/03. 1510 G Wl-rab Pa,e 4 of I 1 Quant. Limit: tAcenaphthene BQI BQL BQL BQL 5 Acenaphthylene BQL BQL BQI_ BQL 5 Antltracene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQI. 110L 5 'Benzidine Benzo(a)anthracene BQI, BQL BQI BQL 5 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQI. BQL 5 'Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene BQ1, BQL BQL BQL 5 Benzo(g,hj)perylene BQL BQL BQI, BQL 5 BQI, BQL BQL BQL 5 'bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BQL BQL SQL BQL 5 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether BQL BQI.. 13Ql., BQI, 5 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BQL BQL BQL, BQL 5 '4-13romophenylphenylether BQL BQL BQL BQI. 5 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BQL BQL BQI_ BQL 5 2-Chloronaphthalene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQI, BQL BQL I3QL 5 '2-Chlorophenol 4-Chlorophenylplienylether BQL BQL RQI, BQI, 5 Chrysene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene Di-n-butylphthalate BQL BQL BQL SQL BQL BQL BQL BQI, 5 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQl, BQL 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 '14-Dichlorobenzene BQI. BQL BQL BQL 5 3,Y-Dichlorobenzidine BQL BQL BQI: BQI, 5 2,4-Dichlorophenol BQL BQL BQ1.. BQL 5 BQL BQi, 4.IQL BQL 5 'Diethyiphthalate 2,4-Dimethylphenol BQL BQL I3QL BQL 5 Dimethylphthalate BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL BQL 20 '4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenot BQL BQL BQL BQL 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BQL SQL BQL BQL 5 ' Di-n-octylphthalate BQL BQL BQL BQL, 5 1,2-Dipheny1hydrazine BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Fluoranthene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 'Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL BQL BQI, BQI, 5 Hexachlorocyciopentadiene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 Hexachloroethane BQL BQL BQI., BQL 5 Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 ' lsophorone BQL BQL BQL BQL 5 ' RESULTS: F&Rtt : 0304204-01 'SAMPLE ID: DATE/TIME: NIW-12 3/27/03, 1400 MATRIX: GWlgrab ' Semi Organic Compounds -Volatile (gg/L) Naphthalene BQL ' Nitrobenzene BQL 2-Nitrophenol BQL 4-Nitrophenol BQL n-Nitrosodimethylamine BQL ' n-Nitrosodiphenylamine BQL n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 13Ql. Pentachlorophenol BQL t Phenanthrene BQL Phenol BQL Pyrene BQL t 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BQL 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BQI, Nitrate-Nitrozn m D BQL ' 'Total Phosphorus, mg/L BQL Sulfate, tng= L 5 SINCE ot Pa,-�e 5 of i 1 V Iasi 0303204-02 0303204-03 0303204-04 MW-14 L'Y1W-15 MW-16 3/27/03, 1425 3'27103. 1445 3/27103, 1510 GWlgrab G Wl+,rab G Wlgrab Quant. Limit: BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQ1s BQL 5 BQL BQl_ F3QL 5 BQL BQL BQL 20 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL 13QI, BQL 5 BQL B0)1- 13QI, 5 BQL RQ1. BQL 20 BQI. RQL BQL 5 BQL 13Q1, BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL 13QL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 5 BQL BQL BQL 0.02 0.17 0.08 0.26 0.05 5 1S 4 1 ' �Cg/L=microgram per Liter mg/L = millig,am per Liter 1 1 1 BQI.=Below Quantitation limit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESULTS: F& R# : SAMPLE 11): DATE/TIME : MATRIX: 0303204-05 MW-18 3/27/03, 1530 G Wlgrab Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (µglL) SINCE Page G of I I Quant. Limit: Acenaphthene BQL 5 Acenaphthylene BQL 5 Anthi•acene BQL 5 Benzidine BQI, 5 Benzo(a)anthracene BQL 5 Berizo(b)fluoran thene BQL 5 Benzo(k)tluoranthene BQL 5 Benzo(a)pyrene BQL 5 Benzo(g,h,i)peryiene BQL 5 bis(2-ChIoroetlioxy)mcthane BQL 5 bis(2-ChIoroethyl)ether BQL 5 bis(2-Chioroisopropy1)etlier BQL 5 bis(2-EthyIhexyl)phthalate BQI. 5 4-BTomophenyIphenyIether BQL 5 4-ChIoro-3-methylphenol SQL 5 2-C111oronaphthaIenc BQL 5 2-Chlorophenol BQL 5 4-C1110rophenylphenyIether BQL 5 Chrysene BQL 5 Dibenza[a,h]anthracene BQL 5 Di-n-butylphthalate BQL 5 1,2-Dictilorobenzene BQL 5 1,3-DichIorobenzene BQL 5 1,4-Diclilorobenzene BQL 5 3,3'-DicliIorobenzidine BQL 5 2,4-Dichlorophenol SQL 5 Diethylphthaiate BQL 5 2,4-Dimethylphenol BQL 5 Dimethylphthalate BQL 5 4,6-Dinitra-2-methylphenol BQL 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol BQL 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene SQL 5 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BQL 5 ❑i-n-octyIphthalate BQL 5 1,2-❑iphenyIliydrazine BQL 5 Fluoranthene BQL 5 Fluorene BQL 5 Hexachlorobenzene BQL 5 Hexachlorobutadiene SQL 5 HexachIorocycIo1)entadiene BQL 5 I- iexachloroetliane BQL 5 Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene BQL 5 lsophorene BQL 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESULTS: F& R4 : 0303204-05 SAMPLE ID : MW-18 DATE/TIME: 3/27/03, 1530 MATRIX: GWIgrab Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (gg/L) Naphthalene BQL Nitrobenzene BQL 2-Nitrophenoi BQL 4-Nitrophenol BQL n-Nitrosodimethylamine BQL n-Nitrosodiplienylamine BQL n-Nitroso-di-n-propylain ine BQL Pentachlorophenol BQL Phenanthrene BQL Phenol BQL Pyrene BQL 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene SQL 2,4,6-Trichiorophenol BQL Nitrate -Nitrogen, mglL BQL Total Phosphorus, mglL 2.70 Sulfate, mg/L I5 Page7oCII Quant. Limit: µg/L=microgram per Liter m1� L = milligram per Liter BQL=Below Quantitation Limit 5 5 5 20 5 5 5 70 5 5 5 5 5 0,02 0.05 1 ,�, Client Name: F&R Raleigh Project Name: Uzzle Site Location: Uzzle EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Sample Matrix: water Page 8 of 11 Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl #2: 2-bromonaphthalene FSR Sample # 03D3204-D1 0303204-02 0303204-03 D3D32D4-04 Sample Identification MW-12 MW-14 MW-15 MW-16 Date Collected 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 Date Extracted 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 Date Analyzed 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 % Dry Solids Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbo:i Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 Aliphatics* pg1L 1 100 129 <100 <100 <100 m O001 C19 - C36 Aliphatics* pglL 2 100 275 <100 143 <100 C11 - C22 Aromatics* Ug/L 2 100 471 <100 <100 <100 <100 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 46 41 34 37 32 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 76 67 62 68 60 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 87 81 86 87 86 Fractionation Surrogate 92 % Recovery 136 131 - 140 136 135 Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, andlor concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank � Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev.11/00 Were all perform ancelacceptarice standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? No -low surrogate rec for aliphatics Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Yes Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No M M M M M SIHCf Client Name: F&.R Raleigh Project Name: Uzzle Site Location: Uzzle EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Sample Matrix: water Page 9 of 11 Sample Information and Analytical Results F&R Sample # Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH Sample Identification EPH Surrogate Standards Date Collected Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Date Received Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl Date Extracted EPH Fractionation Surrogates Date Analyzed #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl % Dry Solids #2: 2-brornonaphthalene Dilution Factor 0303204-05 MW-18 3/27/2003 3/28/2003 3/31/2003 4/3/2003 6 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 Aliphatics* pg/L 1 100 129 <100 QO C19 - C36 Aliphatics* pg/L 2 100 275 <100 C11 - C22 Aromatics* pg/L 2 100 471 <100 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 46 28 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 76 44 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 87 81 Fractionation Surrogate 92 % Recovery 136 1 136 - Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev.11/00 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required QAIQC procedures achieved? Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No -low surrogate rec for aliphatics Yes No Page 10 of 11 SIkCE FAR VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC Project Name Uzzle NC Certification # (Lab) 432 Site Location Sample Matrix water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene F&R Sample ID 0303204-01 0303204-01 dup 0303204-02 0303204-03 Sample Identification MW-12 MW-12 MW-14 MW-15 Collection Option (for soil)* Date Collected 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/2812003 Date Extracted Date Analyzed 03/28/03 03/28/03 03/28/03 0 3 % Dry Solids d 2 Dry Weight Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C5 - C8 Aliphatics** pg1L 4.67 pg1L 100 pg/L <100 pg1L <100 pg/L <10❑ pg/L <100 pg/L <100 pg/L C9 - C12 Aliphatics'`* pg1L 1.80 pg1L 100 pg/L <100 pglL <100 pg/L <100 pg/L <100 pglL <100 pg/L C9 - C10 Aromatics** pg1L 0.79 pg/L 100 pg/L <100 pglL <100 pg/L <100 pg/L <100 pg1L <100 pg/L Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FID 90°Ia 95% 92% 92% 90% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery - PID 91°/0 90% 87% 88% 86% * Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCoreTM) Option 3 = Field weight of soil " Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11100 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? Yes Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No M Illy M M M I♦ M illy M M =11 M M M M Page 11 of 11 SWE FAR VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC Project Name Uzzle NC Certification # (Lab) 432 Site Location Sample Matrix water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene F&R Sample ID 0303204-04 0303204-05 Sample Identification MW-16 MW-18 Collection Option (for soil)* Date Collected 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 Date Received 3/28/2003 3/2812003 Date Extracted Date Analyzed 03/28/03 03/28/03 % Dry Solids z Dry Weight Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 _ Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C5 - C8 Aliphatics** pglL 4.67 pg1L 100 pg/L <100 pg/L <100 pg/L <100 pg/L C9 - C12 Aliphatics** pg1L 1.80 pg/L 100 pg/L <100 pg/L <100 NgIL <100 pg/L C9 - C10 Aromatics** NgIL 0.79 pg/L 100 pg1L <100 pg/L <100 pg/L <100 pg/L Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FID 90% 98% 96% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery - PID 91 % 1 95% gc)% Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCoreTM) Option 3 = Field weight of soil * Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogates), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev, 11/00 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required 4A1QC procedures achieved? Yes Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No e m M M M M M M. M M ..M M M M F& CLIENT CHAIN OF CUSTODY Please PrADDRESS ,ea, RECORD ATTIV -- E. PHONE/FAX Terms and Conditions: This Agreement shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side hereof, which terms and conditions are expressly made a part of this Agreement and any reports issued by,F&R pursuant to this Agreement. FRGEHLING & ROBERTSON,. INC. 3015 Dumbarton Rd. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23228' TEL: (804) 264-2701 _ . FAX: (804) 264-0782 LABPRO PROJECT NAMEINUMBER:='P•lease Print. ^,-- K: ::: • ... ;: 4 =- „.,'REQUESTED-TEST�PARAMETERS Please - Print .' w14�SAMPLE� MATRIX -Please SAMPLED BY Print ..m -s � d.. �!E �:..y �:::-•'-ei+' �!i.ai:..:r!«fii::.. S^i'1 -1 .... LAB DATE TIME:.. , ¢ `: ; 3:, Please`?::I.D. SAMPLElDENT1FiCATIQN:uPrint SAMPLED SAMPLED �1`�i i1:i I;r ti� rk - t ..t pH @ lab receipt RELINQUISHED BY SIGNATURE DATE TIME RECEIVED BY ="- DATE TIME COMMENTS: Please Print f f V.. -- RELINQUISHE0 BY (S)GNATURE) " ' DATE TIME RECEIVED BY DATE , TWE • `, ... _ . pH Tempe Cealpr RELINQUISHED BY SIGNATURE DATE TIME RECEIVED BY DATE . --TIME SHIPPED VIA -' �" i DATE _. `` LAB FORM 203 REV. 04100 ' SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ■ ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ' ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" ' 1881 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' April 10, 2003 ' LAB #: 0303208 CLIENT: F&R Raleigh Attn: Jim Stahling 1 PROJECT NAME: Uxxle ' PROJECT NO: A66-155 LAB RECEIPT: 30-9/2003 SAMPLED BY: Chris Marshall 1 PARAMETER ANALYSIS ❑ATEITIME Semivolatile Organic Compounds 418103, 0845 Semivolatile Extraction 413103, 1800 ' EPH Extraction 413103, 2000 EPH 418103, 2334 LA 1 1 � , 1 Au rey N. Bruheck Chemical Services Manager ' Cl:RTIFIC ,1MNti ,1111,1 El - I -AF - I�M1i31 HEADQLIARTERS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • AI CHMOND, VA 23261.7524 �'lli[;IN A 1)KINE NG WATEK: 11L1154) TELEPHONE (604) 264-2701 • FAX tBG4) 264-1202 • www.FandR.Can M)K111 CAROLINA DEHNR-412 5[11;11! [',IR0LINA DIICC - 1)-;n1On(H K 911)1(K)o2 ' BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, NC • BALTIMORE, MD • CHARLOTTE. NC • CHESAPEAKE. VA N ARI'I.AND EWNKItiC 1L' 1 I CR - 27,1 CROZET VA • FAY EI IEVILLE, NC • FREDERICKS9URG, VA GREENVILLE. SC • RALEWH, NC • ROANOKE, VA • STERLING, VA Page 1 of 4 METHOD ANALYST LPA 625 DB EPA 625 DB MADEP EPH ❑B iv1ADEP EPH DB/VFL ' SINCE 1SS1 ' RESULTS: F&R4 : 0303208-01 0303208-02 'SAMPLE ID: NNW-13 MW-6 DATE/TIME : 3/28/03, 0910 3/28/03, 0920 MATRIX: GWlgrab GWlgrab ' Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (µglL} ' Acenaplitherie BQI, BQL Acenaplithylene BQL BQL Anthracene BQL BQL 'Benzidine BQL. BQL Benzo(a)anthracene BQL BQL Benzo(b)fluorantliene BQL BQL ' Benzo(k)fluoranthene BQL BQL Benzo(a)pyrene BQL BQL Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BQL BQL bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BQL BQL 'bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BQL BQL bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether BQL BQL bis(2- Ethyl hexyl)phthaIate BQL BQL 4-Bromophenylphenylether BQL BQI, 4-Chlaro-3-methylphenol BQL BQL 2-Chloronaphthalene BQL BQL 2-Chlorophenol BQL BQL 4-Chlorophenylphenylether -BQL BQL Chrysene BQL BQL ' Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene BQL BQL Di-n-butylphthaI ate BQL BQL 1,2 ❑ichlorobenzene BQL BQL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL '1,4-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BQL BQL 2,4-Dichlorophenol BQL BQL 'Diethylphthalate BQL BQL 2,4-Dimethylphenol BQL BQL Dimethylphtha[ate BQL BQL '4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BQL BQL 2,4-Dinitrophenol BQL BQI, 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BQL BQL 2,6-Dinitrotoluene SQL BQL 'Di-n-octylphthalate BQL SQL 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine BQL BQL Fluaranthene BQL BQL 'Fluorene BQL BQL I-lexachlorobenzene BQL BQL Hexachlorobutadiene BQL BQL ' Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BQL BQL Hexachloroethane BQL BQL Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]pyrene BQL BQL tIsophorone BQL BQL Page 2 of 4 Quant. Limit: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ 1 N C E Pa��u a of d FAR RESULTS: F&R4 : 0303208-01 0303208-02 SAMPLE ID: MW-13 MW-G DATE/TIME : 3/28/03, 0910 3/28/03, 0920 MATRIX: G Wlgrah G Wlbrab Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (}rglL} Quant. Limit: Naphthalene BQL SQL 5 Nitrobenzene BQL BQL 5 2-Nitrophenol BQL BQL 5 4-Nitropltenol BQL BQI. 20 n-Nitrosodimethylamine BQL BQL 5 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine BQL BQL 5 n-Nitroso-di-n-prapylamine BQL BQL 5 Pentachlorophenol SQL BQL 20 Phenanthrene BQL BQL- 5 Phenol BQI, BQL 5 Pyrene BQL BQL 5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BQL BQL 5 2,4,6-Trichlorophenal BQL BQL 5 µg/L=micrograms per Liter BQL,—Below Quantitation Limit 1 1 1 1 '887 Client Name: F&R Raleigh Project Name: Uzzie Site Location: Uzzle EPH (Ali phaticstAromaties) Laboratory Reporting Form Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Sample Matrix: water Page 4 of 4 Sample information and Analytical Results F&R Sample # 0303208-01 0303208-02 Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl #2: 2-bromonaphthalene Sample Identification MW-13 MW-6 Date Collected 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 Date Received 3/29/2003 3/29/2003 Date Extracted 4/3/2003 4/3/2003 Date Analyzed 4/8/2003 4/8/2003 % Dry Solids Dilution Factor Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 Aliphatics* µg/L 1 100 <100 <100 <100 C19 - C36 Aliphatics* pg/L. 2 100 1 <100 <100 <100 C11 - C22 Aromatics* pg1L 2 100 <100 <100 <100 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 97 100 86 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 102 99 91 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery NA** NA** NA*` Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery NA** NA** - NA** Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11100 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? Yes Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Yes Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No **NA -Total TPH<100 pg/L, no fractionation performed = m = = m m m SINCE CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORDieBl Please Print CLIENT ADDRESS ATTN PHONE/FAX FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. P.O. BOX 27524 - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261- TEL: (884) 264-2701 FAX: (804) 264-1202 LAB PROJECTINw. ,fSMease ,Tint Z m� pLE ., Please -QUESTEPj�&,PARAMETERS- ' Print 1 c / .4 6 4 5' -- ----- ---- --- '�SAMPLED pq, m1i;F-R, LAB' T DATE Qw SAMPLSIDENTIFICATION& 90 AT *,)-m. f4i4i, 01 1 ttj - > ti RELINQUISHED BY {SIGNATURE = tl. DAT E M E. ;�':�RECEIVEDBY4xi,--;,;i-,:r UWE- --JIMF FIELD COMMENTS: Please Print Z J pH TEMP. RELINQUISHED BY(SIGNA TURE) D ATE I M E RECEIVED BY-l' ANQ�dE 'DATE :-TIMER -JIMER RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE][-, DATES' �UIME` EIVED FOR' 4� LAB 8 Yrwl DATE TIME SHIPPED VIA DATE FORM No. 1029 ' SINCE 1 16l1 APPENDIX E: SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS n SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHNiCAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 1 $81 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS May 21, 2003 LAB #: CLIENT: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO: LAB RECEIPT: SAMPLED BY: PARAMETER Volatile Organic Compounds EPH Extraction EPH VPH 1 1 1 1 1 VXAudrey N. IIru eck 0305085 F&R Raleigh Attn: Jim Staliling Uzxle B66-253 5/ 13/2003 Chris Marshall ANALYSIS DATE/TIME 5/16/03,1432 5/ 15/03, 1400 5/ 19/03, 0741 5/15/03,1509 METHOD S W 946/5030/8260B MADEP EPH MADEP EPH MADEP VPH Chemical Services Manager ' HEADOUARTERS: 3015 04JMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • RICHMOND. VA 23P61.759RT1FICATIONS All1A ELLAP - 100533 TELEPHONE (aO4) 294-2701 • FAX (804) 264-1209 • www.FandFl.com VIRGINI& DRINKING WATER - W IS) NORTH CAROLINA DEFINR - 432 BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, NC • BALTIMORE, MD • CHARLOTTE, NC • CHESAPEAKE, VA SOUTIi CAROLINA DIIEC - 0301(W1 k o;1110002 t CROZET, VA • FAYETTEVIL LE. NO • FREDERICKSBURG, VA • GREENSVILLE, SC MARYLAND DRINKING WATER -?79 HICKORY, NC • RALEIGH, NO • ROANOKE, VA • STERLING, VA Page 1 of 10 ANALYST SF MP MP SF 1 1 ' RESULTS: F&R# : SAMPLE ID: DATE/TIME: MATRIX: ' Volatile Organics 8260 (mg/kg) r 1 1 11 1 0305085-01 GP - IA 4-5' 5/12/03,1020 Soii1G SINCE FAR 0 $Sol 0305085-02 GP-2A 0-2' 5/12/03, 1055 Soi11G 0305085-03 GP-3A 4-6' 5/12/03,1140 Soil/G 0305085-04 GP-4A 2-4' 5112/03, 1220 SoiIIG Page 2 of 10 Quant. Limit: Benzene 0.058 BQL BQL BQL 0.003 Bromobenzene BQL SQL BQL BQL 0.005 Bromochloromethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Bromodichloromethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Bromoform BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Bromomethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 n-Butylbenzene 0.081 BQL BQL BQL 0.005 sec-Butylbenzene 0.027 BQL BQL BQL 0.005 tert-Butyl benzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Carbon tetrachloride BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Chlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Chloroethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0,005 Chloroform BQL BQL BQL SQL 0.005 Chloromethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 2-Chlorotoluene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 4-Chlorotoluene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 ❑ibromochloromethane BQL BQL BQL SQL 0.005 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BQL SQL BQL BQL 0.005 Dibromomethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,4-❑ichlorobenzene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Dichlorodifluoromethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1, 1 -Dichloroethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,1-Dichloroethene SQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 cis- 1,2-❑ichloroethene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 trans- l,2-Dichloroethene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dichloropropane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,3-Dichloropropane SQL SQL BQL BQL 0.005 2,2-Dichloropropane BQL BQL BQ1, BQL 0.005 1, 1 -Dich loropropene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Ethylbenzene 0.055 SQL BQI. BQL 0.005 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 lsopropyl benzene 0.058 BQL BQL BQL 0.005 p-Isopropyltoluene BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 Methylene chloride* 0.028 0.022 0.024 0.024 0.02 Naphthalene 0.131 BQL BQL BQL 0.005 n-Propylbenzene 0.234 BQL BQL BQL 0,005 Styrene BQL HQ'•_. BQL BQL 0.005 1,1,1,2-Tetracliloroethane BQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane SQL BQL BQL BQL 0.005 S INC E 1 FAR 18B1 ' RESULTS: F&R# : 0305085-01 0305085-02 'SAMPLE 11): GP - IA 4-5' GP-2A 0-2' DATE/TIME : 5/12/03, 1020 5/12/03, 1055 MATRIX: SoiIIG Soi11G 1 Volatile Organics 8260 (mg/kg) 1 Tetrachlorcethene BQL BQL Toluene 0,071 BQL 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BQL BQL '1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BQL BQL 1,1,1-Trich10roethane BQI. BQL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BQL BQL ' Trichloroethene BQL BQl- Trichlorofluoromethane BQL SQL 1,2,3-Triclzioropropane BQL BQL 1,2,4-Trimethylbenxene 0.1 G6 SQL '1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.052 BQL Vinyl Chloride BQL BQL m,p-}Cylene 0.170 BQL ' o-Xylene 0.069 BQL ' mglkg=microgram per kilogram ' * Methylene chloride was detected in the soil via] blank at 0.020 mg/kg. 1 1 1 1 1 0305085-03 0305085-04 GP-3A 4-6' GP-4A 2-4' 5112103, 1140 5/12/03, 1220 Soi11G Soi11G Page 3 of 10 Quant. Limit: BQL BQL 0.005 BQI, BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQI, BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0,005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL BQL 0.01 BQL BQL 0.005 BQL=Below Quantitation Limit I SINCE Page 4of10 1 F&R Iasi ' RESULTS: F&114 : 0305085-05 0305085-09 'SAMPLE ID: GP-5A 0-2' Trip Blank DATE/TIME : 5/12/03, 1255 5/12/2003 MATRIX: Soil/G Soi11G Volatile Organies 8260 (tug/kg) Quant. Limit: 'Benzene BQL BQL 0.005 Bromobenzene BQL BQL 0.005 Bromochloromethane BQL BQL, 0.005 I Bromodichloromethane BQL BQL 0.005 Bromoform BQL BQL 0.005 Bromomethane BQL BQL 0.005 In-Butylbenzene BQL BQL 0.005 sec-Butylbenzene BQL BQL 0.005 tert-Butyl benzene BQL BQL 0.005 Carbon tetrachloride BQL BQL 0.005 Chlorobenzene BQL BQL 0.005 Chloroethane BQL SQL 0.005 Chloroform BQL BQL 0.005 'Chloromethane SQL BQL 0.005 2-Chlorotoluene BQL BQL 0.005 4-Chlorotoluene BQL BQL 0.005 1 ❑ibromochloromethane BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BQL BQL 0.005 ' Dibromornethane BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL 0.005 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BQL BQL 0.005 1,4-131chlorobenzene BQL BQL 0,005 Dichlorodifluoromethane BQL BQL 0.005 1,l-Dichloroethane BQL BQL 0.005 1,2-Dichloroetliane BQL BQL 0.005 ' ],I-Dichloroethene BQL BQL 0.005 cis-1,2-Dichloroetliene BQI. BQL 0,005 trans- l ,2-Dich loroethene BQL BQL 0,005 1 1,2-❑ichloropropane BQL BQL 0.005 1,3-Dichloropropane BQL BQL 0.005 2,2-Dichloropropane BQL BQL 0.005 ' IJ-Dichloropropene SQL BQL 0.005 Ethylbenzene BQL BQL 0.005 Hexachlorobutadiene BQL BQL 0.005 lsopropylbenzene BQL BQL 0.005 p-Isopropyltoluene BQL BQL 0.005 Methylene chloride* 0.023 BQL 0.02 Naphthalene BQL BQL, 0.005 n-Propylbenzene BQL BQL 0.005 Styrene SQL BQL 0.005 1,1,1,2-Tetracliloroetliane BQL BQL 0.005 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BQL BQL 0.005 1 1 ' RESULTS: F& R# : 'SAMPLE ID: DATE/TIME: MATRIX: 1 Volatile Organics 8260 (mg/kg) ' Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1.2,3-Trichlorobenzene ' 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 1, I ,2-Trichloroethane ' Trichloroethene Tri ch lorofluorom eth an e 1,2,3-Trichioropropane ' 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl Chloride rn,p-Xylene o-Xylene mglkg=microgram per kilogram 0305085-05 G P-5 A 0-2' 5112103. 1255 So i I!G BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQ1, BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL SINCE FAR '891 0305085-09 Trip Blank 5/12/2003 SONG BQL SQL BQL SQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL BCt1 BQL " Methylene chloride was detected in the soil vial blank at 0.020 mg/kg. Page 5 of 10 BQL=Below Quantitation Limit [want. Litnit: 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.005 M M M M M I' M M M M M M IM M I♦ 5"CE Page 6 of 10 9 EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name: F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Project Name: Uzzle 1 B66-253 NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Site Location: Uzzle 1 B66-253 Sample Matrix: soil Sample Information and Analytical Results F&R Sample # 0305085-01 0305085-02 03050873 0305085-04 Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl #2: 2-bromonaphthalene Sample Identification GP-1A 4-5' GP-2A 0-2' GP-3A 4-6' GP-4A 2-4' Date Collected 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 Date Received 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 Date Extracted 5/1512003 5/15/2003 5/15/2003 5/15/2003 Date Analyzed 5116,19103 5116,19103 5/16,19103 5/16,19/03 % Dry Solids 86 87 84 91 Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 Ali phatics* mg/kg 1 10 13 <10 <10 <10 <10 C19 - C36 Aliphatics'' mg/kg 2 10 11 <10 11 <10 <10 C11 - C22 Aromatics* mg/kg 2 10 31 <10 12 <10 <10 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 87 83 90 93 92 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 89 74 105 87 92 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 115 NIA 116 NIA NIA Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 176 NIA 194 NIA N/A Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, andlor concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank Samples with NA listed in the Fractionation Surrogate section were found to be <10mglkg using TPH screening method- No fractionation needed. EPH rev. 11100 Were all performancetacceptance standards for required QAJQC procedures achieved? No*** Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Yes Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No ""Interference in fractionation surrogate caused by SPE cartridge. Page 7 of 10 EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name: F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Project Name: Uzzle 1 B66-253 NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Site Location: Uzzle I B66-253 Sample Matrix: soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl #2: 2-bromonaphthalene F&R Sample # Sample Identification 0305085-05 0305085-06 GP-6A 0-1' 0305085-07 GP-7A 0-1' 0305085-08 GP-8A 0-1' GP-5A 0-2' Date Collected 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 Date Received 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 Date Extracted 5/15/2003 5/15/2003 5/15/2003 5/15/2003 Date Analyzed 5/16,19/03 5116,19103 5/16,19103 5I16,19I03 % Dry Solids 95 93 91 95 Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C9 - C18 Aliphatics* mgfkg 1 10 13 <10 <10 10 <10 C19 - C36 Aliphatics* mgfkg 2 10 11 <10 <10 Dilute <10 C11 - C22 Aromatics* mglkg 2 10 31 <10 <10 147 <10 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 87 104 103 88 103 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 89 102 102 106 108 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 115 NIA NIA 82 NIA Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 176 1 N/A I NIA 169 NIA Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of Other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank Samples with NA listed in the Fractionation Surrogate section were found to be <10 mg/kg using TPH screening method. No fractionation needed. EPH rev. 11100 Were all performanceiacceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? No*** Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Yes Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No '*"Interference in fractionation surrogate caused by SPE cartridge. Client Name: F&R Raleigh Project Name: Uzzle I B66-253 Site Location: Uzzle I B66-253 EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Laboratory Name: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. NC Certification # (Lab): 432 Sample Matrix: soil Page 8 of 10 Sample information and Analytical Results F&R Sample # 0305085-07 Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-chlorooctadecane Aromatic: ortho-terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-fluorobiphenyl #2: 2-bromonaphthalene Sample Identification GP-7A 0-1' Date Collected 5/12/2003 Date Received 5/13/2003 Date Extracted 5/15/2003 Date Analyzed 5/16,19/03 % Dry Solids 91 Dilution Factor 10 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDU R[_ Blank C9 - C18 AIiphatics* mglkg 1 10 13 <10 C19 - C36 Alip hatics* mg/kg 2 10 11 651 C11 - C22 Aromatics* mg/kg 2 10 31 147 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 87 82 Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 89 106 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 1 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 115 1 82 Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 176 1 169 Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogates), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank Samples with NA listed in the Fractionation Surrogate section were found to be <10 mg/kg using TPH screening method. No fractionation needed. EPH rev. 11/00 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? No*** Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Yes Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? No —Interference in fractionation surrogate caused by SPE cartridge. � r I� � III ■■ it il• IIIr I� i>♦ IIII� ■r � �■■ I• ■■� � I• Page 9 of 10 FAR . VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC Project Name Uzzle 1 B66-253 NC Certification # (Lab) 432 Site Location Uzzle 1 B66-254 Sample Matrix soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene F&R Sample ID 0305085-01 0305085-01 dup 0305085-02 0305085-03 Sample Identification GP-1A GP-1A GP-2A GP-3A Collection Option (for soil)* 2( encore) 2( encore) 2( encore) 2( encore) Date Collected 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 Date Received 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 Date Extracted 5/14/2003 11 5/14/2003 5/14/2003 5/14/2003 Date Analyzed 05/15/03 05/15/03 05/15/03 05/15/03 % Dry Solids 86 86 87 84 Dry Weight 5.16 5.16 5.13 4.78 Dilution Factor 50 50 50 50 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C5 - C8 Aliphatics** mglkg 0.22 mglkg 10 mglkg <10 mglkg 10 mglkg 10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg C9 - C12 Aliphatics** mglkg 0.06 mglkg 10 mglkg <10 mglkg 20 mglkg 20 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg C9 - C10 Aromatics** mglkg 0.08 mglkg 10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FID 96% 91 % 91 % 94% 86% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery - PID 95% 91 % 91 % 90% 85% Option 1 = Established till line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCoreTM) Option 3 = Field weight of soil " Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11/00 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QAIQC procedures achieved? Yes Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No Paae 10 of 10 SMCF VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name F&R Raleigh Laboratory Name FRGEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC Project Name Uzzle 1 B66-253 NC Certification # (Lab) 432 Site Location Uzzle / B66-254 Sample Matrix soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene F&R Sample ID 0305085-04 0305085-05 0305085-09 Sample identification GP-4A GP-5A trip blank Collection Option (for soil)* 2( encore) 2( encore) 3 Date Collected 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 5/12/2003 Date Received 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 5/13/2003 Date Extracted 5/14/2003 5/14/2003 5/14/2003 Date Analyzed 05/15103 05/15/03 05/15/03 % Dry Solids 91 95 100 Dry Weight 4.82 5.41 15 Dilution Factor 50 50 50 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank C5 - C8 Aliphatics** mglkg 0.22 mglkg 10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mg/kg <10 mglkg C9 - C12 Aliphatics** mglkg 0.06 mglkg 10 mglkg <10 mg/kg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg C9 - CIO Aromatics** mglkg 0.08 mglkg 10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg <10 mglkg Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FI❑ 96% 89% 94% 87% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery - PID 95% 89% 90% 89% " Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCoreTM) Option 3 = Field weight of soil *" Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogates), internal standards, anftr concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11100 Were all performancelacceptance standards for required QA1QC procedures achieved? Yes Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No CHAIN O F CUSTODY Please Pri ADDRESS 4 FAR .. - RECORD ATTN _ �E i PHONE/FAX FRGEHEING . P.O. BOX 2 r;,� RICH MOND, VIRGINIA 23c,,. TEL: (804) 264-2701 FAX: (804) 264-1202 LAB PROJECT �'PROJECTNAME1Nl1MSER =Please PrirttM �: " SAMPLE try" '"""1 =�REQUESTED`.TEST'PARAMETERS ".: ` . _. I -- P ease >.�::-....:..tea-�,r'rt ,.. Pri nt =r ��r�:».�� � �'�, �= SAMPCED•BY'='Please P,iiiitt��€:�€��.���' � -,� _,.�� ..5 :a ;r LA >g DATE+ �`g TIMEz, � o �ri Pleased -,,.SAMPLE; IDENTIFICATION � u ,: `f.D:.b. "il:.::::� T wn.w:. yryC '11 MC)u t �:;- �'J Print" - ,7. . - - ,L:' r'•-` r`• r_ irn' ... i ';�1 Rk i - f _ i•' RELfNQLfISHED BY SIGNATURE ' DATES d':TIME k 3 r i ' RECEIVED BYa�'V` i w(WE.: :.?:TIMES _ s"`;3= ...: FIELD COMMENTS: Please Print RELINQUISHEDBY. (SIGNATURE) _ tDATE"� mJIME� L Y5 M;m=_:RECEIVED'BY-# '. ='' ABATE`• 'TIME = - r'- RELINQlJ15HED BY' (51GNRTURFJ` T' DATE ' yTIMEM: ' >RECEIVED FOR'UIB BY,.' i : ' DATE ':TIME::; DATE SHIPPED VIA r - pH TEMP FORM NO. 1029 1 SI NC! 1 F&R 1881 1 u 1 I APPENDIX F: ' GRAPHS OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS, MONITORING WELLS MW-8, MW-9 AND MW-10 u 1 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 3 m = 10,000 0 w e� L 8,000 n c 0 0 .MI 4,000 r M 0 August-98 MW-8 Benzene, Toluene & Xylenes Concentrations October-99 December-00 February-02 April-03 Month[Year m Xylenes (total) ® Toluene 13 Benzene m m m m m m m m m m 12,000 10,000 8,000 C 0 6,000 w C W C 0 U 4,000 2,000 0 August-98 MW-9 Benzene, Toluene & Xylenes Concentrations October-99 December-00 February-02 April-03 MonthNear m Xylenes (total) 63 toluene 0 Benzene = m m m m 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 C O 10,000 m 8,000 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 August-98 MW-10 Benzene, Toluene & Xylenes Concentrations October-99 December-00 February-02 April-03 MonthlYear O Xylenes (total) ® Toluene 0 Benzene 1-1 u 1-1 APPENDIX G: I LETTERS OF PUBLIC NOTIFICATION 1 ' SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "DYER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 310 Hubert Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone: (919) 828-3441 Facsimile: (919) 828-5751 ' July 15, 2003 ' CERTIFIED MAIL No. 7000 1670 0007 5576 3600 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ' Office of the City Manager 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, North Carolina 27701 1 Attention: Ms. Marcia Conner ' Reference: Corrective Action Plan Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Groundwater Incident No: 22714 ' Facility ID No: 0-015266 Rank: Intermediate ' Dear Ms. Conner: This letter is a notification that a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has been submitted to the North ' Carolina Division, of Waste Management (DWM) for the above referenced site. The CAP was prepared to address the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons detected in soil and groundwater at tthe above referenced site. Notification is provided to you per the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 2L, Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the 1 Croundwaters of North Carolina (Section .0114). ' The site is currently ranked Intermediate as the groundwater contains petroleum hydrocarbon compound concentrations that exceed 10 times the North Carolina 213 surface water quality standards. The compounds are typically found in gasoline and diesel fuel. The compounds that exceed the applicable standards included benzene, toluene, xylenes and C9-C 10 aromatics. In the ' CAP, groundwater remediation is proposed to lower the levels of the compounds to within the applicable standards. The extent of the compounds benzene, toluene, xylenes and C9-C 10 aromatics ' are shown on the attached Drawings 3-6. ' HEADQUARTERS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD - BOX 27324 - RICHMOND. VA 23261.7524 TELEPHONE (304) 264-2701 - FAX [B04] 264.1202 - www.FandFl.com ' BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, NC - BALTIMORE, MD - CHARLOTTE, NC - CHESAPEAKE, VA CRfl2ET, VA - FAYETTEVILLE, NC - FREDERICKSBURG, VA - GREENVILLE, SC HICKORY, NC-RALEIGH, NC - ROANOKE,VA - STERLING,VA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 51 NCE FAR Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Froehling & Robertson, Inc. jW-v ml - '5-AkL� James A Stahling, P.G. Senior Geologist Attachments: Drawings 3-6. Urr1e Cadillac, Oldsmobile, GMC Duck, Inc. F&R Project No. B66-253E 2 M July 15, 2003 SINCE FRGEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. ' GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL ■ MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" ' 1 B S 1 • 310 Hubert Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone: (919) 828-3441 Facsimile: (919) 828-5751 July 15, 2003 ' CERTIFIED MAIL No. 7000 1670 0007 5576 3617 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ' Durham County Health Department 414 East Main Street Durham, North Carolina 27701 ' Attention: Mr. Brian Letourneau ' Reference: Corrective Action Plan Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Groundwater Incident No: 22714 Facility ID No: 0-015266 Rank: Intermediate ' Dear Mr. Letoumeau: ' This letter is a notification that a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has been submitted to the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (DWM) for the above referenced site. The CAP was prepared to address the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons detected in soil and groundwater at the above referenced site. Notification is provided to you per the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 2L, Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina (Section .0114). ' The site is currently ranked Intermediate as the groundwater contains petroleum hydrocarbon compound concentrations that exceed 10 times the North Carolina 2B surface water quality standards. The compounds are typically found in gasoline and diesel fuel. The compounds that exceed the applicable standards include benzene, toluene, xylenes and C9-C 10 aromatics. In the CAP, groundwater remediation is proposed to lower the levels of the compounds to within the applicable standards. The extent of the compounds benzene, toluene, xylenes and C9-C 10 aromatics are shown on the attached Drawings 3-6. ' HEADOIIA ITERS: 3015 OUMBARTON ROAD - BOX 27524 • RICHMOND, VA 23201.7524 TELEPHONE (E04) 284.2701 • FAX (904) 204.1202 • www.FandFl.com BRANCHES: ASH EVILLE, NC - BALTIMQRE. MD - CHARLOTTE, NC • CHESAPEAKE, VA CROZET, VA - FAYETTEV I LLE, NO - FREDERICKSBLIRG, VA - GREENVILLF, SC HICKORY. NO - RALEIGH, NC - ROANOKE, VA - STERLING, VA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eINCE F&R Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Froehling & Robertson, Inc. am es M. Stahling, P.G. Senior Geologist Attachments: Drawings 3-6. Uzzle Cadillac, Oldsmobile GMC Truck Inc. F&R Projecl No. B66-253E W July IS. 2003