HomeMy WebLinkAbout26036_LSA and 20 Day Report_19980824ENVIRONMENTAL INC. August 24, 1998 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management UST Section 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Reference: Limited Site Assessment and 20 Day Report Uzzle Cadillac and Oldsmobile Facility Facility ID No. 0-0 15 266 Dear Sir/Madam: The following Limited Site Assessment (LSA) and 20 Day Report has been prepared for the Uzzle Cadillac, Oldsmobile facility located on 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard in Durham. This LSA has'been prepared for the assessment of three former underground storage tank (UST) excavations. The USTs were reportedly removed on June 6, 1991. The USTs that were removed included a 2,000 gallon capacity tank that variously held diesel and gasoline, a 550 waste oil UST and a 550 virgin oil UST. Please review this report and contact the undersigned if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, EMS Environmental Inc. James Stahling Senior Geologist 117 South Hoover Road ■ Durham, North Carolina 27703 • (919) 596-0470 ■ FaxL{9ll}.596-0578.'' _ ' Limited Site Assessment Report and 20 Day Report Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. ' Durham, North Carolina August 24, 1998 Site Name: Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Location: 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard, Durham, North Carolina GW Incident Number: Not assigned ' Facility ID Number: 0-015266 Risk Classification: Not assigned Land Use Category: Proposed as Industrial Commercial ' UST Owner: Uzzle Cadillac-Olds-GMC Truck, Inc, c/o Brown and Bunch, 101 North Columbia Street, Chapel HiII, North Carolina, 27514, (9I 9) 968-1 11 1 ' Consultant: EMS Environmental, Inc., 117 South Hoover Road, Durham, North Carolina 27703, (919) 596-0470 Date Release ' Discovered: Unknown Estimated Quantity Released: Unknown Cause and Source of Release: Diesel/gasoline UST system _ f ' `-j Size and Contents of ' UST System: 1-2,000 gallon gasoline/diesel UST with associated dispenser.1 - :7 550 gallon waste oil UST, 1-550 gallon virgin oil UST. Latitude/Longitude: 35058'15"/7905T8" rn Prepared by: �� GARS/ Reviewed by: l J _ James M. Stahl , 1063 ti James J. Dodson, L.G. ' Senior Geoiogts F,r+ F4{p(',``' p�� Operations Manager 1 ENVIRONMENTAL INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SITE HISTORY............................................................................................ 1 1.1 UST System Information 1.2 UST System Ownership ' 1.3 Abatement Activities 1.4 Previous Investigations ' 2.0 RISK CHARACTERIZATION..................................................................... 3 2.1 Limited Site Assessment Risk Classification and Land Use Form 3.0 RECEPTOR INFORMATION...................................................................... 7 3.1 Water Supply Wells 3.2 Public Water Supplies ' 3.3 Surface Water 3.4 Subsurface Structures 3.5 Land Use ' 3.6 Property Owners and Occupants 4.0 SITE INVESTIGATION................................................................................ g ' 4.1 Soil Boring Investigation 4.2 Soil Sampling ' 43 Monitoring Well Installation 4.4 Monitoring Well Sample Collection 4.5 Site Measurements ' 5.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY............................................. 11 5.1 Site Geology ' 5.2 Site Hydrogeology 6.0 SAMPLING RESULTS .... ................. ......................... ............ 4".................. 12 ' 6.1 Soil Quality 6,1.1 Virgin Oil UST Location 6,1.2 Waste Oil UST Location 6,13 Diesel/Gasoline UST Location 6.1.4 Monitoring Wells MW-4 and MW-6 6.2 Groundwater Quality ' 6.2.1 Virgin Oil UST Location, Monitoring Well MW-2 6.2.2 Waste ail UST Location, Monitoring Well MW-3 6.2.3 Diesel/Gasoline UST Location, Monitoring Well MW-5 ' 6.2.4 Monitoring Well Locations MW-4 and MW-6 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................... 15 ' 7.1 Site Rank 7.2 Soil Cleanup Levels 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) T3 Virgin Oil UST Location 7.4 Waste Oil UST Location T5 Diesel/gasoline UST Location LIST OF TABLES ' Table 1. UST Information Table 2, Monitoring Well Installation Specifications Table 3. Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Elevations Table 4, Summary of Volatile Organic Concentrations (VOC) and Soil Analytical Results Table 5. Groundwater Analytical Results FIGURES Figure 1. Site Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Plan Figure 3. Land Use Map Figure 4. Former Virgin Oil UST Excavation ' Figure 5. Former Waste Oil UST Excavation Figure b. Former Gasoline and Diesel UST Excavation ' Figure 7, Groundwater Surface -July 14, 1998 LIST OF APPENDICES ' Appendix A: Soil Laboratory Analytical Results -UST Removal and Geoprobe Samples Appendix B: Soil Analytical Results 1 Appendix C: Zoning Districts and Land Use Statement Appendix D: Monitoring Well Logs and Well Completion Records Appendix E: Groundwater Analytical Results 1 1.0 SITE HISTORY ' The site is an operating retail sales and repair facility for Cadillac and Oldsmobile automobiles. The facility is located on a 4.75 acre lot on Route 15-501 in west Durham as shown on Figure 1. Two buildings are located on the property. The main building consists of showroom and sales ' department, a service reception area, a body and paint shop and a service area. A smaller building used for storage is located at the southeast property corner. These areas are shown in Figure 2. I UST System Information Three USTs were installed at the facility in 1969. The USTs included a 2,000 gallon capacity tank ' that variously held diesel and gasoline, a 550 waste oil UST and a 550 virgin oil UST. According to a database from the North Carolina Environment, Health and Natural Resources, the USTs were removed on June 13, 1991. Information listed by NCDENHR is attached in Table 1. ' An additional UST that stored gasoline and had a 10,000 capacity was installed on May 2, 1981 and removed on December 15, 1992. A closure report was submitted to the NCDENHR for the ' UST and the assessment of the former UST location is not a part of this investigation. 1.2 UST System Ownership ' The USTs were owned b Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck Inc. when the were Y � Y ' removed. The business is currently owned and operated as Durham Oldsmobile -Cadillac, Inc. 13 Abatement Activities No information was obtained during the investigation concerning the necessity or conductance of abatement activities at the time of UST removal. 1.4 Previous Investigations ' Soil samples were collected from the excavations by Boswell Plumbing following the removal of the USTs on June 13, 1991. One soil sample identified as sample 1 was collected from the diesel - gasoline UST excavation and analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatograph ' (TPH-GC). Soil samples were collected from the waste oil (sample 2) and virgin oil (sample 3) UST excavations and analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Infra Red (TPH-IR). The chain -of -custody for the laboratory samples do not indicate the sample collection depth. ' The results of laboratory analysis reported a 27 milligram per kilogram (mg/Kg) concentration of No. 2 fuel oil and a i 1 mg[Kg concentration of gasoline in sample 1. Samples 2 and 3 contained TPH-IR concentrations of 27 and 920 mg/Kg, respectively. Copies of the analytical results are attached in Appendix A. 1 ' A monitoring well identified as MW-I was installed to investigate the groundwater quality adjacent to the former 10,000 gallon gasoline UST, Petroleum hydrocarbon compounds from ' MW-I were not detected, however lead was detected and appeared to be naturally occurring. A Geoprobe soil boring investigation was performed by Fluor Daniel GTI in November -December ' 1997. In the investigation, Geoprobe boreholes were advanced at the former locations of the virgin ail UST (identified as LIST-2) and diesel/gasoline UST (UST-4 & 4A). The soil samples were collected from each borehole at the respective depths of 4, 9.5 and 10 feet below ground surface (BGS). Sample UST-2 was analyzed for Oil and Grease by EPA method 9071, Volatile Organics by EPA method 8021 and TCLP metals by 1311. Of these analyses only Oil and Grease was detected at a reported concentration of 46.6 mg/Kg and barium with a TCLP concentration ' 1.4 mg/L. Samples UST-4 and 4A were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC using methods ' 3550 and 5030. TPH was detected as gasoline in UST-4 and 4A in concentrations of 18.3 and 178 mg/Kg. TPH was detected as diesel fuel in UST-4 and 4A in concentrations of 17 and 14.6 mg/Kg. 1 2 2.0 RISK CHARACTERIZATION 2.1 Limited Site Assessment Risk Classification and Land Use Form Part I-Groundwater/Surface waterNapor Impacts 1. Has The discharge or release contaminated any water supply well including any used for non - drinking purposes? No. 2. Is there a water supply well used for drinking water located within 1000 feet of the source area of the discharge or release? No. 3. Is a water supply well used for any purpose (e,g., irrigation, washing cars, industrial cooling ' water, filling swimming pools) located within 250 feet of the source area of the discharge or release? I No. 4. Does groundwater within 500 feet of the source area of the discharge or release have the potential for future use in that there is no other source of water supply other than the groundwater? No. ' 5, Do vapors from the discharge or release pose a threat of explosion because of the accumulation of the vapors in a confined space or pose any other serious threat to public health, public safety or the environment? ' No. 5. Are there any other factors that would cause the discharge or release to pose any immanent danger to public health, public safety, or the environment? ' No INTERMEDIATE RISK 7. Is a surface water body located within 500 feet of the discharge or release? 1 3 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A stream was formerly located near the north property boundary. During construction of kt. 15- 501 the stream was enclosed within piping and runs along the north property boundary as shown on Figure 2. This former stream is located approximately 180 feet north of the former diesel/gasoline UST location. The former waste oil and virgin oil UST locations are present within 300 feet of the buried stream. This buried stream drains into an unnamed tributary of Sandy Creek. A drainage ditch is located along the east property boundary. The virgin oil, waste oil and diesel/gasoline UST locations are located approximately 400, 500 and 600 feet from this ditch. If yes, does the maximum groundwater contaminant concentration exceed the surface water quality standards and criteria found in I5A NCAC 2B .0200 by a factor of 10? No. The buried stream has a classification of CNSW. Surface water standards that are applicable to CNSW for samples collected from the site monitoring wells are listed on Table 5. As shown on the table, two compounds, Iead and chromium, were detected in the wells that have CNSW standards. Both lead and chromium were detected in concentrations at less than 4 times the CNSW standards in well MW-5 installed adjacent to the dieseVgasoline UST location. 8. Is the source area of the discharge or release located within a designated wellhead protection area as defined in 42 USC 300-h-7(e)? No. 9. Is the discharge or release located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region as designated on a map entitled "Geology of North Carolina" published by the Department in 1985? No. 10. ❑❑ the levels of groundwater contamination for any contaminant exceed the gross contamination levels established (see Table 7, NCDENR 1/98, Vol. I1, p. 60)? No. Based on the results of this questionnaire, it appears the site ranking is Low. Part II -Land Use Property Containing Source Area of Discharge of Release The questions below pertain to the property containing the source area of the release. 1. Does the property contain one or more secondary residences (permanent or temporary)? No. 2. Does the property contain a school, day care center, hospital, playground, park, recreation 4 area, church, nursing home, or other place of public assembly? No. 3. Does the property contain a commercial (e.g., retail, warehouse, office/business space, etc.) or industrial (e.g,, manufacturing, utilities, industrial research and development, chemical/petroleum bulk storage, etc.) enterprise, an inactive commercial or industrial enterprise, or is the land undeveloped? The property contains a commercial (automotive retail and service) facility. 4. Do children visit the property? Yes. Children likely visit the property during business hours. 5. Is access to the property reliably restricted consistent with its use (e.g., by fences, security personnel or both)? Yes, the area located behind the service area and body shop if fenced with an industrial grade chain link fence and locking gates. 6. Do pavement, buildings, or other structures cap the contaminated soil? Yes. All of the former excavations and surrounding soils are capped with concrete paving. If yes, what mechanisms are in place or can be put into place to ensure that the contaminated soil will remain capped in the foreseeable future. It is likely the concrete paving will remain in place as long as the site remains an automotive retail and service facility. 7. What is the zoning status of the property? General Commercial District (GC} 8. Is the use of the property likely to change in the next twenty years? One cannot forecast with any certainty the future use of the property within a twenty year time period, however the property has been used as an automobile retail facility for 29 years and it a reasonable assumption that the use will not change in the immediate future, This is further supported by a statement of land use prepared by Charles Gordon Brown, an attorney for Uzzle Cadillac. This statement is attached in Appendix C. 5 (EMS note -questions 9 and 10 are not included within the DWQ document) Property SulloundirnS!Qurc?,� &ea !af Discharge or Rellea$e The questions below pertain to the area within 1500 feet of the source area of the discharge or release (excludes property containing source area of the release): 11. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest primary or secondary residence (permanent or temporary)? Based on the 7.5 minute topographical map, a portion of the Royal Oak apartments is located approximately 1,000 feet southeast from former location of the diesel fuel/gasoline UST. The apartments are located uphill and likely hydraulically upgradient from the facility. 12. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest school, day care center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home or other place of public assembly? A Kinder Care day care facility is located on University Drive, approximately 1,700 feet south of the source area. This facility is also located uphill and upgradient of the facility. South Square, a mall, is located approximately 1,100 feet west from the former location of the diesel fueVgasoline UST. 13. What is the zoning status of properties in the surrounding area? Various zoning classifications are used for the property located within 1,500 feet of the site. These include General Commercial District (GC), Neighborhood Commercial District (NC), Shopping Center District (SC}, Planned Density Residential (PDR), Transitional Office and Institutional District (0I-1), General Office and Institutional District (0&1-2) and Multifamily Residential District (RW-12). Maps and summaries of local zoning districts are attached in Appendix B. 14. Briefly characterize the use and activities of the land in the surrounding area. Commercial properties are located adjacent to the site boundaries. Car dealerships are located west across Auto Drive; restaurants are located south of the site; a car wash, office building and real estate company are situated east-southeast of the facility. Shopping centers, a car rental facility and restaurants are located across Rt. 15-501 from the site. The land use of the surrounding area is show in Figure 3. Based on the Iocal land use, EMS recommends the Industrial/Commercial Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCQ for the applicable cleanup levels at the site. 511 3.0 RECEPTOR INFORMATION 3,1 Water Supply Wells A drive -by reconnaissance was performed to locate potable water wells within 1,500 feet of the site. The closest potable well is located approximately 1,500 feet north of the site at the private residence of Cary Pickett on 2814 Pickett Road. According to Mr. Pickett, the well is 125 feet deep. The location of the well is shown on Figure 3. 3.2 Public Water Supplies The site and vicinity is served by a municipal water supply. The source of the municipal water is Lake Michie, located northeast of the site near Butner. 3.3 Surface Water A surface water drainage ditch is located along the east property line between the site and the ' Durham Ritz Car Wash, The stream is channeled into a below ground culvert which runs parallel to the access road that borders the north property boundary. Other than this stream and a pond located across Rt. 15-50I no other surface water is present within 1,500 feet of the site. Surface ' water at the site appears to eventually discharge to an intermittent stream of Sandy Creek which empties into New Hope Creek. ' 3.4 Subsurface Structures Subsurface utilities include the following: -Storm sewers -Sanitary sewer -Water line -Electric line -Natural gas line No basements are located at the facility. Vapors would not likely pose a problem from a release of waste oil or virgin oil as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are not typically associated with these petroleum hydrocarbons. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are typically associated with gasoline and can also be detected in diesel fuel in minor levels. A VOC concentration of 16.3 parts per million (ppm) was detected at sample depth 4-5.5 feet in MW-5 installed adjacent to the diesel/gasoline UST location. Sanitary and storm sewers are located near the former UST location. No VOCs were detected by olfactory methods within the lines, 7 1 3.4 Land Use The zoning of the property, GC, is used for a wide variety of commercial activities that among others includes banks, business services, car washes, convenience stores, day care facilities, night clubs, offices, hotels, retail stores, vehicle sales, drive-in theaters, schools, boarding houses, heavy equipment sales, printing establishments and transmission towers. The release site is covered with concrete paving and exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil would only occur through the removal of the paving and excavating to the affected zone. 3.5 Property Owners and Occupants ■ Based on surface topography it appears migration of dissolved phase hydrocarbons would occur downgradient (north) of the former UST locations. ❑owngradient migration in the shallow water ' table from the source area(s) could be intercepted by buried sanitary and/or storm sewers. If side gradient migration occurred from the former dieseVgasoline UST location it would likely travel under Auto Drive and Land Volkswagen. Land Volkswagen is owned by Harry Land and located ' on 3823 Chapel Hill Blvd. E:l 4.0 SITE INVESTIGATION 4.1 Soil Boring Investigation The former UST locations were evaluated on July 6-7, 1998 by the installation of soil borings and monitoring wells by American Environmental Drilling Services (REDS). Five monitoring wells were installed, however only three (MW-2, MW-3 and MW-5) were installed to evaluate the former underground storage tank locations. Gravel was found to be present in the virgin oil UST location, therefore the borings were advanced at locations adjacent to the former UST excavations. The remaining two monitoring wells (MW-4 and MW-6) were installed to evaluate potential releases of hydraulic fluid for below ground vehicle lifts and were not part of this investigation. Monitoring well MW-2 was installed adjacent to the virgin oil UST location, MW-3 was installed adjacent to the waste oil UST location and MW-5 was installed adjacent to the diesel -gasoline UST location. Well identification was started at MW-2 as a monitoring well MW-I is located on the site from the previous investigation of 10,000 gasoline UST. Two additional wells identified as MW-4 and MW-6 were installed at locations downgradient of the virgin oil and waste oil USTs and service department. The wells were installed at the locations shown in Figure 2. Initial drilling was conducted with an Ingersoll-Rand drilling rig (model T-300) using 4 1/4-inch inner diameter hollow stem augers. Bedrock was encountered in the MW-2 boring location which required the conversion to air rotary drilling. Remaining wells MW-3 through MW-6 were installed using a 6-inch diameter roller cone bit, Soil samples were collected with a 2-foot long, 2" outside diameter split spoon sampling device at approximate 5 foot sampling intervals. The drill bit, drill rod and split spoon sampling device were cleaned between borings with a high pressure steam cleaner. 4.2 Soil Sampling ' Soil samples were field scanned for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with a photoionization detector (PID) as a semi -quantitative indicator of the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. Field scanning was performed by placing the soil sample in a new resealable plastic bag and allowing ' the organic vapors to equilibrate in the headspace for a minimum of fifteen minutes. The PID probe was then inserted into the bag and the highest VOC reading was obtained. Soil laboratory analytical samples were collected to estimate the vertical extent of soil adsorbed petroleum hydrocarbons. Samples were prepared from split spoon samples that were at shallowest sample collection depth or were from above the estimated water table. The samples were collected for laboratory analysis listed in the "Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater, January 2, 1998" (North Carolina Division of Water Quality). 0 All soil samples were placed in laboratory supplied sample containers and stored in coolers chilled with ice. The samples were relinquished by overnight carrier to Toxikon located in Bedford Massachusetts. Soil laboratory results are included in Appendix A. 4.3 Monitoring Well Installation Following the completion of soil boring activity, boreholes MW-2 through MW-6 were converted into monitoring wells. Monitoring wells were constructed utilizing 10 feet of 2-inch ID 0.010 inch slotted PVC screen with 1-2 feet of schedule 40 PVC riser pipe, Medium grained filter sand was added to the borehole and a bentonite pellet seal was added to the annulus above the sand. The remainder of each borehole was grouted with cement and finished with a boltdown manhole and cover. Well installation details are included with the boring logs and well completion records (GW-1 form) in Appendix ❑. Well installation details are attached in Table 2. 4.4 Monitoring Well Sample Collection Groundwater samples were collected from the monitoring wells on July 14, 1998. The monitoring wells were purged a minimum of 3 well volumes before sample collection. Well purging was performed using new nylon line and single use disposable polyethylene bailers. Samples were poured into laboratory supplied sample containers, placed in chilled coolers and delivered by overnight freight to Toxikon Corporation located in Bedford, Massachusetts. Samples collected from MW-2 installed adjacent to the former virgin oil UST excavation were ' analyzed by EPA Method 625 expanded to include tentatively identified compounds (TIC) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons ' (MADEP EPH). Samples collected from MW-3 installed adjacent to the former waste oil UST excavation include SM 621 OD, MADEP EPH, MADEP Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH), EPA 625 with TICs and lead and chromium by 3030C. A sample was collected from ' MW-5 installed adjacent to the diesel -gasoline UST excavation and analyzed by EPA 601-602 expanded to include MTBE and IPE, ethylene dibromide by EPA method 504.2, MADEP EPH and VPH, EPA 625 including TICS and lead and chromium by 3030C. Monitoring well MW-1 ' installed hydraulically sidegradient was sampled for laboratory analysis by EPA 601-602 expanded to include MTBE and IPE. ' 4.5 Site Measurements The monitoring wells were gauged for depth to water on the date of sample collection with a t Keck oil -water interface probe. Monitoring well elevations and placement were measured by EMS personnel on July 15-16, 1998 utilizing a surveying level and rod, and measurement wheel. Well elevations are included with fluid level measurements in Table 2. 10 5.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 5.1 Site Geology The soil borings encountered clay, silt and sand that overlies siltstone. The clay is red -brown to brown and is occasionally silty and sandy. The sands are clayey, grey and predominantly fine. Siltstone was encountered at 10 feet BGS in MW-2 and MW-5. 5.2 Site Hydrogeology Groundwater was encountered at depths that ranged from 2.2 feet BGS in MW-2 to 5.32 feet BGS in MW-4. Groundwater is oriented towards the north and likely drains into the buried creek Iocated at the north property boundary. 6.0 SAMPLING RESULTS ' 6.1 Soil Quality Petroleum hydrocarbons were either not detected in the soil samples or were detected below ' DWQ Industrial/Commercial Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCC). Complete analytical results are described below. Analytical results are attached in Table 4 and Appendix B. 6.1.1 Virgin Gil UST Location A Geoprobe sample collected from 4 feet BGS in borehole UST-2 by Fluor Daniel GTI exhibited an Oil and Grease concentration of46.6 mg/Kg, The DWQ action level for oil and grease in 250 mg/Kg. A sample was collected from MW-2 for analysis by MADEP EPH and EPA 8270. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected by MADEP EPH analysis at the sample depth of 0, 5-1.5 feet below ground surface (BGS). Petroleum hydrocarbons with the range of C9-C 18 were detected in a concentration or 1 10 milligrams per kilogram (mg,/Kg) and C19-06 range with a concentration of 13,000. The DWQ Industrial/Commercial Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCC) for the C9-C18 range is 245,280 mg/Kg, The C19-C36 Industrial/Commercial range is does not have an established MSCC. Volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) were detected in a concentration of 510 mglKg for the C 11-C22 range. This is below the IndustriallCommercial MSCC of 12,264 mg/Kg. ' 6.1.2 Waste nil UST Location A sample was collected from the depth of 3.5-5 feet BGS from MW-3 and analyzed by EPA ' method 8080, lead and chromium by EPA method 3050, EPA method 8270, MADEP VPH and EPH and EPA 8260 expanded to include IPE and MTBE. Lead and chromium were detected in concentrations of 2.74 and 4.62 mg/Kg. These levels are below the DWQ MSCC of 270 and 27 ' mg/Kg for lead and chromium, respectively. No compounds were detected for MADEP VPH, EPH, EPA 8260 and EPA 8270. Holding times were exceeded for the EPH and 8270 analysis, ' 6.1.3 Diesel/Gasoline UST Location MADEP VPH and EPH were not detected in a sample collected from MW-5 at 4-5.5 feet BGS. ' Xylenes (total p,m,o) were detected in a concentration of 0.0118 mg/Kg. This is below the MSCC for xyienes of 5 mglKg. ' The detection of Oil and grease in Geoprobe samples UST4 and UST4A during the Fluor Daniel GTI investigation and not in sample MW-5 (MADEP EPH-VPH) may represent the sample collection depth in the Geoprobe boreholes. The oil and grease samples were likely collected 12 below the groundwater table and may actually represent groundwater impact and not soil impact. 6.1.4 Monitoring Wells MW-4 and MW-6 Soil samples were collected from MW-4 and MW-6 at the respective depths of 2-3 and 4-5.5 feet BGS and submitted for laboratory analysis by EPA method 8270 and MADEP EPH, Of these analysis, a 100 mg/Kg concentration of C 19-06 was detected in MW4. It appears these compounds originated from impact from leaky hydraulic lifts which are not part of this investigation. 6.2 Groundwater Quality Groundwater impacted above interim groundwater standards and Gross Contaminant Levels (GCL) was not detected in the monitoring wells. Analytical results are attached in Table 5 and Appendix E. 6.2.1 Virgin Oil UST Location, Monitoring Well MW-2 A groundwater sample was collected for analysis by MADEP EPH, EPA 8270 with tentatively identified compounds. MADEP detected C9-C 18 EPH in a concentration of 162 ug/L and C I I - C22 VPH with a concentration of 180 ug/L. These concentrations are lower then the respective interim groundwater standards of 4,200 uglL for C9-C 18 and 210 ug1L, for C9-C22. 6.2.2 Waste Gil LIST Location, Monitoring Well MW-3 A sample was collected for analysis by MADEP EPH, VPH, EPA 625 with tentatively identified compounds and SM 6230D. MADEP detected C9-C18 EPH in a concentration of 169 ug/L and C 11-C22 VPH with a concentration of 121 ug/L. These concentrations are lower then the respective groundwater standards of4,200 ug/L for C9-C18 and 210 ug/L for C9-C22. MTBE was detected in a concentration of 4 ug/L; lead was detected in a concentration of 17 ug/L and chromium with a concentration of 28 ug1L. These concentrations are lower than the applicable DWQ Gross Contaminant Levels of 200,000, 15,000 and 50,000 ug/L, 6,23 DiesellGasoiine UST Location, Monitoring Well MW-5 A sample was collected for analysis by MADEP EPH, VPH, EPA 625 with tentatively identified compounds, EPA 601, 602 with IPE and MTBE, EDB by EPA 504, chromium and lead. MADEP detected the following compounds. C5-C8 VPH, C9-C 12 VPH, C9-C 18 VPH, C9-C 10 VPH, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, EDB, lead chromium and naphthalene. ❑WQ guidelines require the additional assessment of a LIST release if the compounds detected exceed 10 times the interim-21- groundwater standards. The following compounds were detected 13 ' with levels greater than 10 times the interim-21, standards: benzene, ethylbenzene and EDB. The remaining compounds were below applicable NC interim-2L standards. ' 6.2.4 Monitoring Well Locations MW-4 and MW-6 ' Monitoring wells MW4 and MW-6 were installed downgradient of the former virgin oil and waste oil UST locations. Samples were collected for analysis by MADEP EPH and EPA 625 with tentatively identified compounds. MADEP detected C9-C 18 EPH in MW-4 and MW-6 in ' respective concentrations of 154 and 156 ug/L. C11-C22 VPH was detected in MW-4 with a concentration of 106 uglL. These concentrations are lower then the respective groundwater standards of 4,200 for C9-C 18 and 210 ug/L for C9-C22 VPH. 1 14 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Site Rank The site appears to fall within the low risk category due to the following factors: -Levels of groundwater impact do not exceed the GCLs. -Levels of groundwater impact do not exceed surface water quality standards by a factor of 10. -Potable water wells are not located within 1,000 feet of the site. -No explosive petroleum hydrocarbon vapors were detected. 7.2 Soil Cleanup Levels The site previously held USTs that stored virgin oil, waste oil and gasoline/diesel fuel. The site is situated within a commercial area and the closest residential housing is located approximately 1,000 feet upgradient of the site. Therefore, EMS recommends the application of industrial/Commercial cleanup levels to the site soils due to the site location. 7.3 Virgin Oil UST Location Soil impact exceeding DWQ guidelines was not detected in boring MW-2. Groundwater impact was also not detected above 10 times the N C interim-2L groundwater standards. It appears no further assessment is necessary at this location, 7.4 Waste ail UST Location Soil impact exceeding DWQ guidelines was not detected in boring MW-3. Groundwater impact was also not detected above 10 times the N C interim-2L groundwater standards. It appears no further assessment is necessary at this location. ' 7.5 Diesel/gasoline UST Location Soil impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons was previously detected in Geoprobe borings UST-4 ' and UST-4A by TPH analysis at concentrations of 18.3 and 178 mg/Kg (EPA method 5030) and 17 and 14.6 mg/Kg (EPA method 3550). Soil impact exceeding DWQ guidelines was not detected in boring MW-5. All samples were collected below the water table and it appears the ' Geoprobe samples may actually represent groundwater impact. Utilizing the analytical results from MW-5 it appears no further soil assessment is necessary at this location. ' Groundwater impact was detected at levels above 10 times the NC interim-21- groundwater standards. The DWQ will require the installation of four monitoring wells to assess the release. Two monitoring wells should be installed below the release source, one monitoring well should be 1 15 1 ' installed upgradient of the release source and one deep monitoring well should be installed in the impacted area. Groundwater samples will need to be collected from the monitoring wells for ' analysis of petroleum hydrocarbon compounds by MADEP VPH-EPH, EPA methods 601, 602, 610 and the metals lead and chromium. R. Table 1 Underground Storage Tank Specifications Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard, Durham, North Carolina UST Contents Capacity Date Installed Date Removed UST Material Virgin Oil 550 515169 6/13/91 Steel Waste Oil 550 515169 6/13/91 Steel ❑iesellGasoline 2,000 515189 6/13/91 Steel Gasoline 10,000 512181 12/15/92 Steel Data from DWQ UST database with the exception of 2,000 gallon UST contents which was supplied by site personnel, Table 2 Monitoring Well Construction Summary Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. 3737 Chapel Nils Boulevard, Durham, North Carolina Death Below Ground Surface MW-2 2 0.010 0.5-1.3 1.3-11.3 MW-3 2 0.010 0.3-1.1 1.1-11.1 MW-4 2 0.010 0.3-2.5 2.5-12.5 MW-5 2 0.010 0.3-2.1 2.1-12.1 MW-6 2 0.010 0.3-2.3 2.3-12.3 Table 3 Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Elevations Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard, Durham, North Carolina MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 Water Water Water Water Water Water Date Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth 7/14/98 3.35 1,72 1.85 5.00 1.92 4.34 MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 G5 Elevation 98.46 99.84 100.00 99.69 98.00 99.80 TOC Elevation 97.82 99.36 99.73 99.37 97.70 99.55 Water Water Water Water Water Water Date Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation 7/14198 94.47 97.64 97.88 94.37 95.78 95.21 ' All measurements are in feet and are referenced to a elevation of 100.00 ft. at the ground surface of MW-3. Table 4 Summary of Volatile Organic Concentrations (VOC) and Soil Analytical Results Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard, Durham, North Carolina Sample Location MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 MSCC Sample ID MW-2A MW-3 MW-4A MW-5A MW-6A (mg/Kg) Date Sampled 716198 716198 717/98 717198 7I7198 Sample Depth 0.5-1.5 3.5-5 2-3 4-5.5 4-5.5 PID (ppm) 10 2.6 7.8 16.3 3.4 MADEP Aliphatics C5-C8 VPH NS ND NS N❑ NS 24528 C9-C12 VPH NS NO NS N❑ NS 245280 C9-C18 EPH 110 NO NO N❑ ND 245280* C19-C36 EPH 13000 ND 100 ND ND - MADEP Aromatics C9-C10(VPH) NS ND NS ND NS 12264 C1 i-C22(VPH) 510 NO NO N❑ ND 12264* EPA 8080 NS N❑ NS ND NS Varies EPA 3050 (Pb, Cr) Pb (mg/Kg) NS 2.74 NS NS NS 270 Cr (mg/Kg) NS 4.62 NS NS NS 27 EPA 8270 N❑ ND N❑ N❑ ND Varies EPA 8260, IPE, MTBE 8260 (mg/Kg) NS ND NS 0.0118 (xylene) NS 5 (xylene) IPE (mg/Kg) NS ND NS ND NS 0.37 MTBE (mg/Kg) NS ND NS ND NS 0.92 Analytical results reported in mgfKg. ND denotes not detected. NS denotes not sampled. Maximum soil contaminant concentrations (MSCC) are Industrial/Commercial levels. C19-C36 MSCC is Health Based Level>100% *C9-C12 VPH and C9-C18 EPH are combined for No. 2 fuel oil maximum soil contaminant concentration. *C9-Cl0 VPH and C11-C22 EPH aromatics are combined for No. 2 fuel oil maximum soil contaminant concentra Table 6 Groundwater Analytical Results Uzzle Cadillac-Oldsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc. Chapel Hill Boulevard, Durham, North Carolina July 14, 1998 Sampling Event 00 E o E r U 2 Q Q a 2 ¢ .. 2 � = U a. w I � w 2 w N G E N w CO a N OD Cq d N N c Gam] H 2 CU U U U U U U U r CAI y U c � CD o� uj E UC d) U U � U U r U W U U W 4� O U m H W T x uJ 0. O W `° -j U C Z Sample Location MW-1 NS NS NS - NS NS NS NS ND N❑ ND N❑ ND N❑ NS NS NS NS MW-2 NS NS 162 - ND NS 180 180 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS MW-3 ND N❑ 169 - ND ND 121 121 N❑ N❑ ND ND 4 NS NS 17 28 N❑ MW-4 NS NS 154 - ND NS 106 106 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS MW-5 1,020 5,200 1,070 6,270 ND 2,140 ND ND 211 1,900 409 2,980 N❑ ND 0.29 94 119 113 MW-6 NS NS 156 - ND NS N❑ ND NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 2L & Interim Standards 420 NGWS 4,200 4,200 42,000 NGWS NGWS 210 1 1,000 29 530 200 70 0,0004 15 50 21 2B (CSNW) Standards NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS NSWS 25 50 NSWS Anayltical results reported in ugfKg. ND denotes not detected. NS denotes not sampled. NGWS denotes no groundwater standard. NSWS denotes no surface water standard N i�! 1,590 FOOT RADIUS FROM SITE 1,000 FOOT RADIUS FROM SITE PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP USGS, 1973, PHOTOREVISE❑ IN 1987 CONTOUR INTERVAL=IC FEET SITE AND VICINITY TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP FIGURE: 1 UZZLE CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE, GMC DATE: 8/13/98 -- 3737 CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD SCALE: 1"=2,000' ENVIRONMENTAL, INC-❑URHAM, NORTH CAROLINA I PROJECT NO: 7239 I J RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD j FORMER STREAM - - - - -1-- -�� ------ - -—;�-�•-�-ice-_- -� - ■ r H I PAVING �� PAVING � I..... SI�''LK.......... i SHOW ROOM f SALES DEPT. , FORMER DIESEL MW� SERVICE PAVING MW� FUElJGASOLlNE RECEPTION MW$ _ --- UST LOCATION --------- ---------- - ......,,......... -------------------------'-- ............................................................ MW-1 SERVICE DEFT. BODY SHOP PARTS ` DEPARTMENT `ti` yp ��' STORAGE,_ --- MW-3 MW_2 FORMER VIRGIN OIL �� �� _51-0G,- ----- FORMER WASTE OIL _- UST LOCATION --------------- UST LD(.ATIDN EWRONMENTAL, INC. FENCE EMBANKMENT LEGEND UTILITIES (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) s MONITORING WELL ---- STORM SEWER SLOPE - - SANITARY SEWER - - - WATER LINE SCALE (APPROXIMATE) ELECTRIC LINE - - NATURAL GAS LINE - - STREAM 010 30 50 70 So 103 O MANHOLE FEET • UTILITY POLE ® CATCH BASIN SITE PLAN PROJECT NO., 7239 UZZLE CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE FACILITY SCALE: NOT TO SCALE RT. 15-501, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DAZE:8/13198 N JL RESIDENCE RESIDENCE ❑ 1' © 0 FOREST AT DUKE (VACANT) ❑ RETIREMENT VILLAGE PICKETT ROAD ❑ RESIDENCE (VACANT) o CONIFER GLENN APT. HOMES "- WATER WELL m (] m w (APPROXIMATELY I.MO FT. FROM FORMER DIESELASASOUJNE UST LOCATK]N) A 0 5 ~ r C 7) q0 r T OGLE w g m rFri m D7 TENDEO STAY A}IERICA COMMERCIAL SHOPPING RENTAL INNN� ~ cl Q CENTERS Q Q MUSIC NCOLN•IRCURY�� G� 3MA GOLDS ST E Lit OURfWM 101SVBlSf11 GYM CAR GEALERSHI P RPM N)SSAN CAR PRECISION TUNE R REAL ESTAT MCDOHALDS RESTAURANT DEALERSHIP THE OURHAI,L ❑ OFFICE BLUE. ❑ CD RITZ CAR WASH ❑ � VOL KSWAGON CAR UZ7LE CADIA.AC ❑ DEALERSHIP DAIYIRIB$ ROYAL OAK ON3 o ❑ RESTCH' SOUTH SQUARER APARTMENTS g OFFICE BLDG. rj g CHUCK E RESTAURANT V Lj CHEE2E'8REST.71 ❑ v PONTLAC CAR L��1 D ❑ DEALERSHIP OFFICE DEPOT O BD570N MARKET RESTAURANT F PFARLE `" ROYAL OAK APARTMENTS SOUTH SQUARE MA CENTER SERVICE MERCHANDISE ❑ PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER IJ R£37AURAN7 O SIT BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO MEDICAL OFFICE SWTH SQUARE i 0 CD OFFICE BLDG. RESTAURANT IVAGKINDERvAR LfJI DRY CLEANERS DAY CAR OFFICE BLDG r'l E BIOG UOFFICE COMPLCK RESIDENCES REAL AM MOTOR ESTATE CLUB OFFICE FIRST UNION MYRq SMEET LAND USE MAP ' UZZLE CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE, GMC TRUCK E:WFZONMENTAL.INC. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA RESIDENCE CD RESIDENCE FIGURE: 3 DATE: 7/24/98 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NO: 7239 r r r r r rr rr r� r r r ■r rr �■■� ■r r r r r BUILDING LfMITS OF FORMER EXCAVATION ---------------- -� MW-2 1 f I I _- MADEP EPH C19-C36: 13,000 MGIKG I MADEP EPH C9-C18: 110 MG/KG I MADEP VPH Cl i-C22: 510 MG1KG SAMPLE DEPTH: 0.5-1.5 FT. BGS � k � I . I I l UST-2 OIL&GREASE: 48-6 MGIKG LEGEND SAMPLE DEPTH: 4 FT. SGS SCALE (FEET) 1- 2 3 4- 5 1❑ GEOPROBE BOREHOLE INSTALLED BY FLUOR DANIEL GTI FORMER VIRGIN OIL UST EXCAVATION UZZLE CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE FACILITY E"RONMENTAL, INC- RT. 15-501, ❑URHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 3 ' MONITORING WELL i WI SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS GEOPROBE BOREHOLE WI SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS FIGURE: 4 PROJECT NO: 7239 SCALE. NOT TO SCALE DATE: 7/22/98 BUILDING USED ANTIFREEZE AS WASTE OIL AST p MW-3 �{--- - - - - -- ---_ PB: 2.74 MG/KG CR: 4.62 MG/KG SAMPLE DEPTH: 3.5-5 FT, BGS FORMER WASTE OIL UST EXCAVATION I I I I I I I I I I ----------------------------I LEGEND ' MONITORING WELL WI SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS (MG/KG) SCALE (FEET) t 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 GEOPROBE BOREHOLE INSTALLED BY FLUOR DANIEL GTI FORMER WASTE OIL UST EXCAVATION FIGURE: 5 PROJECT NO: 7239 UZZLE CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE FACILITY SCALE: NOT TO SCALE EWRON MENTAL, INC. RT. 15-501, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 8/10/98 N BUILDING ❑ L FORMER DISPENSER LOCATION DIESEL AND GASOLINE UST LOCATION UST-4A - - - - - - - - - - TPH-5030:178 MGfKG I TPH-3550: 14.6 MG1KG I { SAMPLE DEPTH: 10 FT. B4 I I I" I UST-4 ,I i I MW-5 I TRH-5030: 18.3 MG/KG I I TPH-3550: 17 MGIKG 8260: 0.0116 I SAMPLE DEPTH: 9.5 FT. BGKG XYLENESI I AMPLE DEPTH: I I 4-5.5 FT. SGS I I I I ----- r LEGEN❑ -�I�- MONFFORING WELL Wl SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS (MG/KG) GEOPROBE BOREHOLE F WI SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS �- - (MG/KG) _._ SCALE (FEET) GEOPROBE BOREHOLES INSTALLED BY FLUOR DANIEL GTI - 5 10 FORMER DIESEL AND GASOLINE UST EXCAVATION FIGURE: B PROJECT NO: 7239 UZZLE CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE FACILITY SCALE; NOT TO SCALE EWRONMENT►—VaC. RT. 15-501, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 8/10►98 RT. 15-501 SERVICE ROAD v O PAVING SIDEWALK � ........................... lul r - FORMER DIESEL MW�-i -FUEUGASOLINE MW-4 96 - - -174L UST LOLAT �! 94.37 ~ .............. 97 ..VCEDE ............. -3 97AS FORMER WASTE OIL EMBANKMENT SLOPE SHOW ROOM AND SALES KEPT. SERVICE RECEPTION PARTS MW-2 FORMERVIR&il&L 97.64 UST LOCATION 97 FENCE SCALE (APPROXIMATE) 10 %W % 30 50 70 90 100 FEET PAVING 95.21 � SHOP 11 96 + N PAVING } - MW-1 + _ 94.47 - STORA�Ut~ - BLDG. - LEGEND 4- MONITORING WELL WI GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FT) /99.00 GROUNDWATER SURFACE (FT) GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION-JULY 14, 1998 FIGURE:7 PROJECT NO: 7239 - UZZLE CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE FACILITY SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC- RT. 15-501, ❑URHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 8113198 )ECIAL.IZED ASSAYS, INC. 50 Foster Creighton Dr. 3. 3ox 40566 shviIlc. TN 37204-0566 one 1-615•71-6-01 7 r-:p CAfl_�_ r,T1 :�E1 _0'6TH .:Tf 66Zi0; . ❑ject. 10143,7 i d j e C Y Na I. �Ly CAD!:-,.�C .3mp 1 a FZENEE Lz,;RY pn-alp{te i'lil an,4 6rPa5a x'liiiriTT3 E ?e5;,si, 19 5L' 3enTehe ifrCndBefl2el:e il-:fUCg3,�ehZerse t2rt-:{UC'31�Pi�tOffE :,;iorobenzp�e ?-E�lorgtoluene 4-r�larvtoiaene t 2-;aichloroaenaene i,3-gichloraoer��ene 1, 4_D i chlr.,rc Je nz e re ELaazege 1��,praligi�enxe�:e a-isooroault�luene aa�r�thalene 9-?"oDglh°il�enA St�rgae _ IOIUe?!e 11?,3-iricRlorflGen�ene 2 s_rr t,,lvrtloen�ene ,2,�?-TrinAt:,ulhen�ene ,3,� Tr?:•:eLf�ylhenZefie n, �-:#ylAaeS a-kyze�e Be:t ao hlorohut s¢i a rye .ironoehltlronethar�e ifrtlnodichloronet:sahe Oronororn Bronankhane Union tetraciloride rhlorcebane C;sloroforn �i25Eri� li[4lC: C6. 1�D 'tD �D D AD O '{D AD sD {[ 1D �D 3D ID �D aD aD AD AD .�D 4D �?D �D :{D RD �U XD RD in"ka nglkg ngi kg ngrkg YglKy nq/k� ygrkg r: c.)k y 01?? 0 yglLg nglkg ygA,q �g11� :wive :dAg f,0AI ngAg nglkg nglkg mg/kg naA ngAg -IgAg mg/kg nglkg mg/kg AhiALYT 2 C AL R I=-P OR T Lat Number: ??-A1�75861 Sainp l J 1 D: US ! -2 Sample Type: S`7 1D: Da16a Coliected: 11�'l?��T T i-e 11 15 LI a t-' IRece:ved: 11 r'•?Lr`wi Time Ra_eiWed: 7:00 Re?ort quan Di= i:nit l_:t1i` r 3C•'.�r bite Tlne Anal'jSt MetIQd If3tch 11r261W 16,53 J.Mitehell ?071A 508 a.102 0. i7a1a J 11, �61�f7 :t. °'sQr�u ! , a0ia 11r'i'ur :�'! 0. CCSi! 0. g0i0 __, ga197 U.'OKO 0.001C 1i!26r 7 a.'}02 0.GB1G 1i126197 0.00SO 0.0010 a 1,12b1ry7 0, IIKO 0,0019 s 1,125197 0.305D 0.0010 5 11126e'?7 0.+10.'3 a.00i� 5 i1r'261?7 s�. �105:1 il. uCiU .. 11126i?d 1. C. O 'J. j IV � _li--f . a.002 0.0010 5 11126197 a. 1f1' 6197 O.'30E0 .5. 001a .1126:97 .3. AI Eu 0. 001u 111261?7 0.0o50 0.0010 11I26197 a.105u a.u010 1ill 261?7 0. n050 0. S13010 5 i11264,197 0. OfiSO 0,12010 11/26/97 0.9050 0.0010 11/26/97 a.0050 O.QOiO 5 '!126197 0.005a 0.0010 5 11/26/97 0.9G5u 0.0610 i1.'251r�7 0.9010 0.0910 L126197 0.0050 0.0010 5 ii126197 0- 90SO 6. a01G 11�26r97 0.002 0.01016 s 11t26197 0.0050 0.0010 5 11/26/97 r Imege0 and Confidential 6 firedatt4m,rifcmSeI 0: 34 E. sn: t3 s0"L13 •`si:6 0: J4 ..; 1'i 1 Cif 7jrzl, ryry 0l{A 0: i� r.::iii t7 $li21iS 6iE6 li: i4 t. `sistih a0;i 6il5 0: 39 E. Snit* a02ilf 6u6 0:34 E.inith 30219 606 0 !th 302i0 606 0: 34 E. Sn i t,� 30213 u0c 0: 34 L Sn i tit 30M 606 G: ;4 E. ]ri3 t1 30='i3 506 9: 34 t. sns ,`� $/Lt3 .G6 1 f so 6 0:34 }.Snith 30713 60ti D: 34 E. smith 301 B 606 a: 31 E. Snl t 302iB 606 0: 4 E.::nith SO.j 606 0: 34 E. Snit i 80L,3 636 0::. _. Snit:, aa2i3 606 0:34 E.Sr,itI 90213 606 a:3- E. Smith 302'_� 606 0: 34 E. Srsi th 30:' l 606 0: 34 E. Smith K215 666 0: 34 E. Srsith UZ.B 606 0:34 E.Snith 3021E bah 0: 34 E. Snith 90= 606 0: 34 E. Sni th wm 606 0: 34 E. Snit! 302J 606 a: A E.Snith d02L9 606 0: 34 E.Smith MI 606 0: 34 E.Smith mm 606 SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 Foster Creighton Dr. P.O. Sox 40566 Vashvine.TN 3720-t--0566 Phone 1-615-126-0177 V- 7 •� Fiiral'�tL ReSUi_ t Chloromethane .4D Qi;romoch?:rvrecisar[e :+.D ilraHGmet.`[ar,e sU ?,?-Frsc,�rQprQparre XD :jo oichlorodi'1Uor hkhaiie �D 1,1-Dichlaroit}tone 'D 5_J1C�rlor:fCl'dnr r �� 1 orol gene •� trsn5-1ChIorcci: efsc ' I,2-Dir;ni,orcr,r00ane �D 1Qnnr -,3-Di a ,rapat�e aJ ' ., •„ . �: ? ,1-+aivi�iorvproflene �ir iethyiene 1,I,Z�"-?etrachlflroetaane :!;> Tet7-ichtl: rc.elcaene `?D c':crve::ane �G iric:i�rvec'.ene 'iD ir;t:�icrvr_;;oraner�arre ��� i,�-Ol�rOno-�-C'sl3rQDrOp;ne a0 rIM13i;lC? •------------------------- 125U�. -'"------- 01rirum 1. io *� C; dniUm i 1I.1�i Chrnnium { i}• p L aan'ur rrl Selenium (r7.10 Mver TrLI" EX.r czz -)n Conplete^ HD =Rot detected at the report lint. AI�7ALYT I C AL R l-=P ©R T L_a+bar.etur.y Number: q7-A105601 S. mfl i e I i5: 1J [ °ay- 2 ne�ort ncian J:l unit_ ? i;jit Limit rac*ar Ma Tine Ar[alvst �leuod -- [;atvit ner'J3 Mora D. M6 0: 34 c. Snith 80=,3 606 0.JCr3 h. ]mitre 8621 606 nvA 0.+]D v 0- iolJ 5 I1I2aiO7 U: 34 E.Sm:t3 2V-13 606 nglJ_] U,IIU;U 0.00io r I.V1.6trI7 U: 44 E- nitl 302iri 606 nit "=? J. Kroo 0.:IDID .1rA197 0: 34 E--Hitt a0m 606 rSsYr{y t;.30E3 tit. M .�, _ii9f 0: 3� k.'sstit dD �3 Sib nnik9 0.OV�o O.ODIG J I 216r:71 U: i4 �.'attiL'[ 6Ui: b05 0,0010 I11?6r 97 U: i4 E. iHi t`r aG�_D 5U5 ngr' D. KO 0,0010 5 I: .61197 0:134 E. Smith 3D?'_.TS 606 Y�i=: U. Kra D.3D10 s ._.':6r'fs 0:.1 s _.SfS:tr! D.00re. 0. DOitii :I,'Sr''7 0: E.3n:t1 30""Q 60c YL:.= D.'�GwG I] :il�.iU 0::4 8�:_3 So6 H4r=:q U.OD�O D.itD1D I112619 0:34 11-3mitn 80i it 606 .000 0,.1 1�•.�i?i �i:.. �. ,r'.ft::l 'J�:... r' �31+a is sE.'Jufu J. f10: i ^i'r.v U. 111i�D 0.11010 r 11/26iV D: 34 E. zmit� Ek�clb' 6D6 �rtiti[ f3�M3 Su [0. 7L..tl L�. sD1!t :f :ll �'-�! : f �. . �ni Li[ �ll� :7LiC 'O.13KO 10610 :'_ _ar`'7 0; 34 E. tsi:7 sclt - U. 0L�`0 0. DDzU _,'S6197 0:4 E. vn; t� 8D: § 506 8D`D 0.0G10 3D 'e_is $D6 nal � D. Does "v. 00IU _1f:'sr97 0: 37 E. Snit'r DD'y. 606 Sn; 0. 0Df0 e1.'!{t11 0: ss -- YititI aDc 1).0f :D r1.]al D ]8`0 u.70Iu '._; ='� '' 1: _4j `nits 30L1 Gab 1� _..'With 90?=3 606 :Sdi !;u U. f][k;•.0 �. DDiD v .;,zi5i''i il: 34 �. �nl iR 1,4 5D5 1It-ie m 1r`? 1. ?3 ab 11l26r'9; 6010t, 11116d 9l 6010F, 'S?r i i3.'�0 1ti� 1Il�6:`?7 147i nDi ? 1. 41 11� 11?26i97 60100 ii:126I97 60100 1112f!?7 1311 rive 32ced and Cciieleriliai •rpoacedd#the Re of„um SPECIALIZED ASSAYS. INC. 1960 Foster Creighton Dr. P.Q. Box 40566 Vashville, 14 37.04-0566 Phone 1-615.726-0177 Surrogate ---- a PID 2Ilrr. , "s, 3 r 3-.^:f!-ilratoi leRe R;l rurr. C:!IflTUDPeIe l i?ecover j 102 74. ^M^L.`fT I CAL. R 1rP ©R T Lahoratcrg Number: Sample ID: 1JSi-2' rag= 3 E rge, r%noe R e p a r h0pr0v4d 1s ReDor' Da ke: I /"I q7 tiiec—,icr-e J. Oue-i c, Ph. D. , (1. A. 0i2.0i_ar ei " 3. Ie, 5. , Liccrit,:ry Df st:-cr .'s l it i_ 1"f a ii 'taocra iorrj Cer tifiica pion r�umner: t10229 f lvlf eg$dand Cei,, r,or,f 13t •redafad at thaReques:Lf Cum! rnvv 1 SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 Fas=er Creighton Dr. P.a. Box 40566 Nashvidec TN37204.0=66 Phone 1-615.726-0177 " LIJCF' Dni•! T EL GT T Loc 5010 WEST 106TH c T RESET TNE.K's 662 ; .. �s rre ject: 101, .."2 ^o.jec t P4 a m e : I,ZZL E t,r.L _LL AC amp I er • RENEE LE =RY Aa�lyca fiesait --------- -------------- ----------- ilni[s i� got LPr= .27 it C:,e"�JG•"L 1.. �. � Single EXtnct'wl 7iC3 QC hRD ARiAL'�FT I CAL R�PC]RT Lab Number: 97—A-'G57y9 Sample 10: UST-4 Sample Type. Sa i l 5i to 1D Ti-m' Ca'_ I ec`ed 1 3 C.(D Dare 4eceivej 11f2G��' Tine Rece i% ed 00 E:11it �.lTii` FiL'tf:r Oan fime Anall{,t Iietnod 01co,1 ni .vl5i :f:56 Hol; ngurth 8015M/UM 53' S��rragat: ties��er, lr_'.e' R3oge --------------------------- 3TEX/GRG Sur:, , 1, 1.1-t7..Iuorc.._._.._ '� ��i�,lYu :IS �E1ri' ...•i:�1'.ii� 4f :I�- .:.U. 1 neplr . A4ar:vea y: ZeQCTL . ^e .a �_.`_c; q7 �henore Dunn,J- DueI_�, r, 4. D. �. rj Ur=ica,. �i Dn, ,"1. , Te' Ski -: Ji f �ccr ��or+y Cer'._,.va: Cl iiLdlf}er: E10272' ?reparedattttaR�:sBs�Gf�ts<u 58� rngv i SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 Foszer Creighton Dr. P. D. Box 40566 Nashville. TV 37204-0566 Phone 1-615-726.0177 ..:C 10 WEST 1 06TH j—,', j aC t Na,ne: i.17'GLIE Cr=LS ILLLAC mp i er . RENEE I_-- I-, ------ --_—.-------- ----------- ------ [0R6nHTL' P41n'UlFL:'k * TP4 (SasolEne ;;si-}e) '?� ; Igiltg d RD - Pot der?czed at ii[e repot 1..".S Sarlole Extrict;-)a data Jb:ff }�tr3C'.?7 ti i?'i Yf +it ext-v-e" : r`y n :FOrTt'4 i1 :ar"i icai t.ine AIVALY'T" 2 C AL R IEP C3R T Lab �•iumber: 97—A105800 Sample ID: UST--?;, Sa mp ? e Tup e: Sc) i l i LC lid. r-a'e Cc? lected: 11/11?!97 T�-Tle C.,s 1 a c: t ed 17:3Q Time Receavad: 9: CQ gepoi t 4uan Dll Linir Linit Fait�r J. lU _. %]V .� .. n2'riQc r rj 1 Date time Rullst hetho'i uatci ,1:'<<,17? 16: M yoli ngUrth 801`ll.'�0'.0 537 �.y- •� - �- .: r ._. _Sr _:96 �. a iixTja del: R'epor ; "Approved 34: Recur t 71 char=: H. Ounn, ii. J M. S. r Labc're v D 6c::.a^ LaGui'3�:t,i+� 3�e1'._fi�•3r1+]tl P1iJinb?r: �<<�ww'? -jreOlfed at the Ropes,ritCunsel ROM: SPECIALIZED ASSAYS FAX NO.; SPECIALIZED ASSAYS - ENVIRONMENTAL Sit 725 3404 12-02-97 03:32P P.02 7A- 010390 - REFERRING CLIENT296o rt Fasics Ccehcon Dora Na4wiile, 74 37204 ' r d15-7_6-ai77 FAX 515/776-3404 N(3 CpSTROL NUMSER (FOR LiB LSE ONLY1 � PROJECT • P.fl- 3.3 S 15wnarure-Fhaic Prinil / LSUamM+ � PROJECT NAME Tx Q Q. • LA8LSdNLy ACr PE ❑E5GtlPT ON DATE TTr AtiAL.LYS1;S� ELQrL TPO �� �• 5F? -9c-1 71OL t 6� r- c?a 7 rI47j r car; ' I ERjF boa-; Irt c 'o too1G-'.3�� i D5� ! ANs� % ! I II �I tii SL �J/ ��7 r { D 1 I I 19 �� - �—rz J 5 I l* G 1p A- "70-7' 1 — 11"tf4tow raY I su Y' Tiztir Krv'rmr.II :ys rSigmtarr) Lawrnwry "i Due I Time 5j�tr Uahed by, [FMs= Dos / iunc �17cccsma m [Si nitumP �enusa uishcd M {$i�setUno aau / Time Flcm+ed by! (Sknaturcl IgU,M d try. (5WsMM) 0 nm IR crvcd try. (5i&Mtvrcl r For Nriher Lssistsnee in completing the chain of custody farm please refer to the instructions found on the opposite s 1469t6datthe Requestol ccal.-e1 ';FxoR: -SPECIALIZED ASSAYS FAX NO.: 615 726�3484 �12-02-97 83:32P P6 3 SPECIALIZED ASSAYS ENVIRONMENTAL REFERRING CLIENT Fvsrer Creston Drirc Nuhvitk T,;1 37304 ACCOU nt : 6081 615-1.5-0171 Fluor Daniel GTI+x at5�7:s•a�aa Mike T naham � JM Y: 15010 West 106th St. Lenexa, Kansas 66215 tGp�h, 913-599--o262 Fax= 913--599-1043 Specialized Assays: (800) 765-0980 CUNTR M NUMBER (FOR LAB USE ONLY) ��� P1tt7MEC: a At J {/ 1 I � � I H s✓'I fJ 1 UAS (spawm—Plow Prints PAc1ECT NAME L�LZlt C-CaLU 0,C- p tdV Tn I IZ-ay)r- s USE ONLY t � SAMPLE pESCRIp']ON {]ATE T7h1E ?r ANALYSIS 9EQUESTED .� �rf-�il' I i! f a ed �,n [swlAtm) anc / -,=e �ActrNed 7Y: {S6=iUrr; ! I I 24eei o Laoorstmy 9y: Due z ilmr �lJ i L y 4a(thed Lys j ianFWra ' pyts / Timc Rccara] ay: iSrfnifurcl I remark; k 1� Lomquaftd Or, (S;[ft1[Ura) Duc y rum R=csved (SusnLmrc) �Yr (Sivatume Cats / T:me Sr; (Sivarure) For further assistance in completing the chain of custody Term please refer to the instructions found on the apposite si ri fla sd and Cc ?` ?,Ortiai r'R�aiCt;� lE1e�G��a�Ji VLttfi'r��� an environmental tesVn,_,aomQany Research 7fian !� Parr. Flarth Cargllnq 27709 191918rTOg90 FAX f91916 ir -0417 .Tune 24, 199•1 1 uax Bas-we1, Bcauel l C:.-aina n _r , _nC . Route 6, Box Goa ' Durhan, `7C 1 Re, de encq Lear -ECS'.:2=_' - -- - - _=3:5�-----� .....__.._.._ .:._3 _..c �__--__� -- -•... ace ,... - - - - - --- ,.::2 _�- ? . cur ?lease 3c? z :e ar..C_ :se4' -?^Cr -S f:.- - :i_z raz :_ :3. �:n C3 ' State Caz-,!:_fticatLon : Alabama - #4021C Yew Jersev - 467719 Scutt Caroli:ia - #9902i Georgia - #815 Tennessee - 4CO296 Yor'rh Carolina - 137720 ' Kansas Virginia - 400179 484 utlnra�, Liiramar, Scha... rite pdandCCr{"~■i. t(]�`6 lYh�o+Rr. C�nn�ttleue r'vnds ] rr 7 - { Q�Q�lJ New .«ate Y.mc•t ;S3•285-459 Ci[ri� ..,1-r89-0948 3St.A."8-8181 1�a78.513! 0 • .. - ^� '"::�-=� 'tiff_ - ��{,. _':,' _ .ya; Pet_ _aua :vd=cca='cr. ;-nai rss _3A S&r.L,_e Nc: Ci _er- Sa.: c a `dc . : NO: Daze Sar.:nled: 76-12-91 Dame Recsi•red: Daze Dx�accec: .:c_rac —nn (SW ana_;s_s r- =_el cil,'te_c5a^e,,�_��_. Came A^a_- =ed. 9am—c a ....._za_:: s d t'rdiccaztcn d C�:=e^ _ : a::._ _rah (SW 846 zasc__ :e . ` to a; ~ a .._.._a_-s a cep_ _eL hvczcc3cccft ._a.^.c •4;_.. a »_ZZ___am_z . Cz ent: �..�r•�ren ff nr-�r^rti� a i ' Prq-EacattheReques4ciCiCunse 1 t 1 t e ' luanraa. C'�nnral}cul :07�5:-3:LT0 .... •y�:�.. I - - - ....v tom' ' -:r+-a:-•. - - .�r..w.an environmental testh�./co npanp R.O' Box 12946 1 - Reseamm Triangle_ ParkyNonlf Carolina 27709_ 0191 677.0090 1 FAX f9191 a77-4427 1 July 8, 1991 max 9cswe__ ` scswei_ ?;..._ __,c Cc..,ca _n c. Rcute 6, 3cx 5--';�3 Curham, XC 27705 i ?!ease see .: a ercwcsec� 'Ocorts vc•�_ rest_=s. I State 1 Alabama - #4C210 New .Tersev - 467719. scut'. ca Ii :a - tQ9C,2_ vacrgia - :815 =eninessee - 100296 Nc=h Casciiaa - z37720 Kansas - 4E--Z-=2 VSrginia - t00179 484 al �rJi h aa j{ rc UPS M ifernar. SC'I4umhufg. N, 31114nca. WhIapany Efagx;unc:lcrl. flarlda 1111nnu 6lassaClluaatis Na Jn]n Vermanl 407.309-J979 9a•7p5-�7aa 51T-27I•5:17 :01-+�a•asas Sa�•67S.S�:a i?A LABCRATOR'! RESULTS i -r?. Project J: 1146-005(0) ' Client :Ta=e _ 3cswey_ P?-xnb1ng Ccm=an.,, Inc. Date Client 10 Parameter Results Ar:aly=ec Pet=,.._eum 1=-Yd--oca---'-cns by ;R 27 mg/kg 07/01/91 2 3 Petr:oleum�Sydrocartvns by IA 920 mg/kg 07/01/91 1 1 1� ` 1 jr� c�I�C atteRec-L?:ii of 1. S11 41iV�l "Nt %"V ow momy Pwcdi L� _ .• J j tZlirt3 �}� 3000 ``JE51 ot1 I'K1'VY. : • ' � • I ' + i" • � � � 20,91 t CAIIY, N.G. 27613 I N111lIkIfIfi WAIl'i1 E_1 FIG fIA 011tE:R .[- A r _ [- -- - -- ._ - J}++'AA:r:': �1N •:►:.1'-.�'��; 1•� ;l: ,e. ��GQUSTED•P1��r�MG 17Ff �J�• i f ••, Ci k. Im 7 .+ i $ EA71f7id I[}CAEit7Pl.';' y , -- i vwa AA dID ++ + t r co -`,;Ln E.; r':=,�i_ _ IiEt:E IV_EF] F3Y t]A7E' �flE,1E_ + . } P. E! It }UiSF EFl Ei SIGP7.4T11R1 hAl-F 'IRA ";: RE('.E IVF0 FOR I A I BY — DA1 E _7ir,� + 09 (t.l i n 1.r. ri1:I.iAfi!(`; f�r�'._ f 1• f•r1 � • Page 1 Received: 07/09/98 TOXIKON CORP. REPORT REPORT EMS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TO 117 S. HOOVER RD DURHAM NC 27703 L919)596-0470_FAX _0578 ATTEN JIM STAH ING 1 CLIENT EMS NC SAMPLES 6 COMPANY EMS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FACILITY 117 S. HOOVER RD DURHAM NC 27703 WORK ID U22LE CADILLAC TAKEN 7 -7 7 98 TRANS TYPE LQJ L P.D. # 7m9 INV. # D6 914 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 01 KW-2A 02 M►d-3 03 MW-4A 04 MLI-5A 05 Mu-6A 06 TRIP BLANK 08/04/98 10:43.51 PREPARED TOXIKDN CORPORATION BY 15 WIGGINS AVE BEDFORD MA 01730 ATTEN PAUL LETBERG PHONE (617)275-3330 . work Order 0 98-07-178 � �Iwlw CERF IED BY CONTACT MARKETING MA CERT # M-MA064: TRACE METALS. SULFATE.CYANIDE.RES. FRE CHLORINE Ca TOTAL ALK., TDS pH, THMs VOC PEST. NUTRIENTS. DEMAND_. O&G, PHENOLICS, PCBs__. CT DHS #PH-0563, NY #10778 FL HRS E87143 NJ DE '5i9538 HC-DNR2866",, C 88002 NH 204091•C. �r VERIFIED BY: Previously Reported on_07/ 0 98. _ ... TEST CODES and NAMES used an this workorder 8260 PURGEABLE ORGANICS VOA 8270 A 6N EXTRACTABLES CR CHROMIUM EPHNC EXTRACTABLE PHC PIPE MS ISOPROPYL ETHER MEX TS METALS TOTAL EXT., SOIL MOIST % MOISTURE ;Pa LEAD �PPCSS PESTICIDES/PCB (SOIL) VPHNC VOLATILE PHC .1 ' Page 2 TO)iam CARP. REPORT Hark Order 8 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 Resuits by Sample ' SAMPLE ID NLI-2A FRACTION OIA TEST CODE 8270 NAME A/HN E)TRACTARLES Date 8 Time Collected 07 06 98 14:30:00 Category SOIL RESULT LIMIT RESULT LIMIT BASE NEUTRAL. EXTRACTABLES bis(-2-Chtoroethyl) ether ND 360 Chrysene ND 360 } 1,3-Dichlarobenzene ND 360 Di-n-octyL phthalate NO 360 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 360 Benzo(b)f(uoranthene ND 360 1,2-Oichlorobenzene ND 360 Benzo(k)fLuaranthene ND 360 bis(2-Chloraisopropyl) ether 1 ND 360 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 360 N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propylamine NO 360 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 360 Hexachloroethene NO 360 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene NO 360 Nitrobenzene 1 No 360 Benzo(g,h,i)perytene ND 360 Isophorone ND 360 2-Methy(naphthalene ND 360 bis(2-Chlaroethoxy) methane NO 360 Benzidine ND 360 1,2,4-TrichLorobenzene NO 360 Dibenzofuran NO 360 Naphthalene ND 360 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 360 ACID EXTRACTABLES Nexachlorocyclopentadiene NO 360 Phenol ND 360 2-ChLoranaphthaLene ND 360 2-ChiorcphenoL ND 360 Dimethyt phthalate ND 360 BenzyL Alcohol ND 730 AcenaphthyLene ND 360 2-MethyLphenol ND 360 Acenaphthene ND 360 4-Methylpheno( ND 360 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 360 2-Nitrophenoi ND 360 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 360 2,4-DimethyIphenol ND 360 Diethylphthalate ND 360 Benzoic Acid ND 1800 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 360 2,4-DichlorophenaL NO 360 FLuorene ND 360 4-Chloroaniline ND 360 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 360 4-Chtoro-3-methylphenoL AD 360 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NO 360 2,4,6-Trichlarophenol ND 360 HexacM orobenzene ND 360 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 360 Phenanthrene ND 360 2-NitroaniLine ND 910 Anthracene ND 360 3-NitroaniLine NO 910 Di-n-butylphthalate ND 360 2,4-DinitraphenoL ND 910 Fluoranthene ND 360 4-Nitrophenot ND 910 Pyrene ND 360 4-NitroaniLine ND 910 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 360 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND 910 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine ND 730 Pentachlarophenol ND 910 Benzo (a) anthracene ND 360 3-Methylphenoi ND 910 bis (2-ethylhexy()phthaLate ND 360 2,6- Dichlorophenol ND 910 Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS: u9/K9 EXTRACTED: 07,/13/98 DATE RUN: 0711419 ANALYST: PAC ` INSTRUMENT: C 1 DIL. FACTOR: 1 NO = not detected at detection Limit Page 3 TOxIKOM CORP. REPORT York Order 0 98-07-17B Received: 07109/98 1 Results by Saute SAMPLE ID RW-2A FRACTION 01A TEST CODE EPHNC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Date 8 Time Collected 07 06 $ 4. 0. 0 Category SOIL EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-Ci$ Aliphatics 110 100 C19-06 Atiphatics 13000 10e C11-C22 Aromatics 510 100 I Surrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate ENT 40 - 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 64.5 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 81.6 40 - 140 I Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 75.2 40 - 140 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07113 98 DATE RUN 07/18/98 ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT HP7 DIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS O Ka "TRIX: DRY WEIGHT: 91.2 1I NO = not detected at detection limit 0 = diluted out i INT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes I I 1 1 1 1 1 Page 4 TCDLIlCOM CORP. REPORT York order # 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 ` Results by SampLe SAMPLE ID MY-3 1 SAMPLE 9 02 FRACTIONS: A Date d Time Collected 07/06/98 15:30:00 Category SOIL, ' CR 4.62 IPE_MS MO MOIST 8.40 P8 2.74 mg/Kg 0L=0.507 ug/Kg 0L=10 % mg/Kg 0L=2.55 1 I Page 5 ILMIKOW CORP. REPORT Work Order it 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 ResuLts by Sample SAMPLE ID KW-3 FRACTION D2A TEST CODE 8260 NAME PURGEABLE ORGANICS VOA Date 8 Time Collected 07106/98 15-30.00 Category SOIL 1 EPA 8260 PQRGEABLE ❑RGANICS RESULT LIMIT RESULT LIMIT Chioromethane HD 10 ❑-Xylene NO 5.0 Bromomethane ND 5.0 m+p-Xylene NO 5.0 Vinyl Chloride ND 2.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene No 5.0 Chloroethane ND 10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 Methylene Chloride No 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1,1-oichloroethene No 5.0 Naphthalene ND 10 Trichlorofluoromethone -No 10 n-Propylbenzene ND 10 1,1-Oichloroethane No 5.0 Browbenzene ND 5.0 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene NO 5.0 Bromchloremethane ND 5.o Chloroform No 5.0 n-Butylbenzene NO 10 1,2-Dichlaroethane No 5.0 sec-Butylbenzene N0 10 1,1,1-Trichloroethane No 5.0 tert-Butylbenzene ND 10 Carbon Tetrachloride No 5.0 2-Chlorotoluene NO 5.0 Bromodichloromethane No 5.0 4-Chlorotoluene No 5.0 1,2.Oichioropropene NO 5.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane No 5.0 Trichlaroethene No 5.0 1,2-Dibromomethane No 5.0 Dibromochloromethane No 5.0 Dibromomethane No 5,0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 No 5.D Dichlorodifluoromethane No 10 Benzene NO 5.0 cis-1,2-Dichloreethene NO 5.0 1,1-Dichtoropropene AND 5.D 1,3-Dichloroprapane NO 5.0 2-2-Dichtorpropene IND 5.0 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 Bromoform AND 5.D 1,2,3-TrichLorobenzene No 5.0 Hexachiarobutadiene IND 10 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane No 5.0 Isopropytbenzene AND 10 1,2,4-Trichlorcbenzene No 5.0 Tetrachtoroethene AND 5.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane No 5.0 Methyl tertiary butyl ether AND 5.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene No 10 Totuene IND 5.0 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene NO 10 Chlorobenzene AND 5.0 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene No 5.0 Ethyl Benzene IND 5.0 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene No 5.0 p-Isopropyltoluene AND l 10 Styrene No 5.0 Notes and definitions for this report: DATE RUN 07/17/98 ANALYST JPM INSTRUMENT G DIL. FACTOR 1 UNITS 22lKS COMMENTS RD = Not detected at detection Limit Page 6 Received: 07/09/98 ISAMPLE ID M11- TOXIKOX CORP. REPORT York order * 98-07-178 1 Results by Sample BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES 1 FRACTION 02A TEST CDDE 8270 NAME A/BN _EXTRACTABLES I Date & Time Collected OZZ06/98 15:30:00 Category SOIL RESULT LIMIT bis(-2-ChloroethyL) ether ND 360 Chrysene 1,3-Oichlorobenzene NO 360 Di-n-octyt phthalate 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 360 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NO 360 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ' bis(2-Chloroisopropyt) ether ND 360 Benzo(a)pyrene N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propytamine ND 360 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Hexachloroethane NO 360 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Nitrobenzene ND 360 Benzo(g,h,i)peryiene Isophorone NO 360 2-Methylnaphthalene bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane Nfl 360 Benzidine 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 360 Dibenzofuran Naphthalene HD 360 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 360 ACID EXTRACTABLES Hexachlorocyctopentediene HD 360 Phenol 2-Chloronaphthatene ND 360 2-ChlorophenoL DimethyL phthalate ND 360 Benzyl AlcohoL Acenaphthylene ND 360 2-Methylphenol Acenaphthene ND 360 4-Methylphenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene HD 360 2-NitrophenoL 2,6-DtnitrotoLuene ND 360 2,4-Dimethylphenol DiethyLphthalate NO 360 Benzoic Acid 4-Chtorophenyl phenyl ether NO 360 2,4-Dichlorophenol Fluorene NO 360 4-Chtoroanitine N-Nitrosodipheny(amine NO 360 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-BromophenyL phenyl ether ND 360 2,4,6-TrichlorophenoL Hexachiorobenzene ND 360 2,4,5-TrichlorophenoL Phenanthrene NO 360 2-Nitroaniline Anthracene NO 360 3-Nitroaniline Di-n-butytphthalate NO 360 2,4-0initrophenol Fluoranthene ND 360 4-Nitrophenol Pyrene ND 360 4-Nitroaniline Butyl benzyl phthalate I ND 360 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyiphenot 3,31-DichEorobenzidine ND 720 Pentachlorephenol Benzo (a) anthracene HD 360 3-Methylphenol . his (2-ethylhexy0phthalate ND 360 2,6- Dichlorophenol Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS: ug/Kg EXTRACTED: 07/ 9I98 DATE RUN: 07/31198 ANALYST: PAC INSTRUMENT: F DEL. FACTOR: 1 ND a not detected at detection Eimit RESULT LIMIT NO ND NO NO No NO NO NO ND bin NO HD ND ND ND ND No ND NO ND ND un ND ND NO NO NO 40 ND NO NO No !10 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 720 360 360 360 360 1800 360 360 360 un 360 900 900 onn 900 900 900 900 900 900 ' Page 7 Received: 07/09/98 SAMPLE ID -3 1 TO)(IKO1I CORP. REPORT Work order 9 98-07-178 Resuits by Sample FRACTION 03A TEST CODE P£ HHC HARE EXTRACTABLE PHC Date 8 Time Collected 07/06/98 15-30:02 Category S21L EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 Atiphatics N0 100 C19-C36 ALipfatics NO 100 1 C11-C22 Aromatics No 100 Surrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits , Aliphatic Surrogate 79.2 40 - 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 82.8 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 61.3 40 - 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 73.1 40 - 140 1 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07/28 98 DATE RUN 08/01 98 ANALYST CK , INSTRUMENT HP7 DIL.` FACTOR: 1 UNITS mglKg MATRIX: DRY WEIGHT: 91.6 I NO = not detected at detection limit 0 = diluted out 1 INT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target anaLytes Page 8 TOC(IK011 CORP. REPORT York Order i# 98-07-17B Received: 07/09/98 Results by Sample SIMPLE ID MY-3 FRACTION 02A TEST CODE PPCBS NAME PESTICIDES/PCS (SOIL) Date & Time Collected 07 06 98 15.30:00 Category SOIL PESTICIDES RESULT LIMIT Alpha-BHC Gamme-BHC (Lindane) Beta-BHC HeptachLor Deita-BHC Atdrin HeptachLor Epoxide Endosulfan I 4,4'-DDE Dieldrin Endrin 4,4--DDD Endosulfan II 4,41-DDT Endrin Aldehyde Endosutfan SuLfate Chlordane Toxaphene MethoxychLor ND 0.010 Arocior 1016 ND 0.010 Arocior 1221 NO 0.010 Arocior 1232 NO 0.010 Arocior 1242 NO 0.010 Arocior 1248 ND 0.010 Arocior 1254 NO 0.010 Arocior 1260 HD 0.010 NO 0.010 ND 0.010 NO 0.010 ND 0.010 N4 0.010 ND 0.010 ND 0.010 NO 0.010 ND 0.010 HD 0.010 NO 0.010 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED: 07114198 UNITS: mglKg DATE RUN: 07�15198 ANALYST: CK INSTRUMENT: HP2 DIL. FACTOR: 1 HD = not detected at detection Limit PCB RESULT LIMIT ND 0.50 NO 0.50 ND 0.50 ND 0.50 HD 0.50 NO 0.50 HD 0.50 Page 9 TCXION CORP. REPORT York order 0 98-07-178 Received-. 07/09/98 Results by SampLe SAMPLE ID MY-3 FRACTION 02A TEST CODE VPHNC NAME VOLATILE PHC Date & Time Collected 07 06 98 15:30:00 Category SOIL VOLATILE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT CS -CS ALiphatics (FID) NO 1.0 C9-C12 ALiphatlics (FID) NO 1.0 C9-C10 Aromatics (PID) NO 1.0 TARGETIVPH AHALYTES Surrogates % Recovery Surrogate Limits FID Surrogate 76 70 - 130 PID Surrogate 77 70 - 130 Motes and Definitions for this Report: I UNITS: _mg/kg DATE RUN: 07116/9 EXTRACTED: ANALYST: SEP INSTRUMENT: ____ V3 DIL. FACTOR: 1 DRY WEIGHT: 91.6 I HD = not detected at detection Limit D = diiuted out 1NT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes Pape TO TOXI" CORP. REPORT Llark Order # 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 1 Results by Sample SAMPLE ID fIN-4A I FRACTIDN 03A TEST CODE 827U NAME A BN EXTRACTABLES Date 8 Time Cottected 07/07/98 09.15.00 Category SOIL BASE NEUTRAL E)(TRACTABLES bis(-2-Chtoroethyl) ether 1,3-Dichiorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-DichLorobenzene bis(2-ChtoroisopropyL) ether N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propylamine HexachLoroethane Nitrobenzene Isopharone bis(2-Chtoroethoxy) methane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachiorocyclopentadiene 2-ChloronaphthaLene Dimethyt phthalate AcenaphthyLene Acenaphthene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-0initrototuene Diethytphthalate 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether FLuorene N-Nitrosodiphenytamine 4-Bromopheny( phenyl ether Hexachiorabenzene Phenanthrene Anthracene Di-n-butylphthalate Fluoranthene Pyrene Butyl benzyt phthalate 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine Benz❑ (a) anthracene bis (2-ethylhexy0phthaiate RESULT LIMIT ND 380 Chrysene NO 380 Di-n-octyl phthalate No 380 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 380 Benzo(k)fluoranthene No 380 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 380 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene No 380 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 380 Benza(g,h,i)perylene ND 380 2-Methylnaphthalene No 380 Benzidine ND 380 Dibenzofuran ND 380 ND 380 ACID EXTRACTABLES ND 380 Phenot No 380 2-ChlorophenoL ND 380 Benzyt Alcohol ND 380 2-Methy(phenol No 380 4-Methy(phenoL ND 380 2-Nitrophenol N0 380 2,4-DimethyLphenot NO 380 Benzoic Acid ND 380 2,4-Dichlarophenot No 380 4-Chloroaniiine NO 380 4-Chloro-3-methytpheno( ND 380 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol NO 380 2,4,5-Trichloraphenot ND 380 2-Nitroaniline No 380 3-Nitroaniline No 380 2,4-DinitraphenoL ND 380 4-Nitrophenol NO 380 4-Nitroaniline ND 380 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenoL ND 760 PentachLorophenol No 380 3-Methylphenoi ND 380 2,6- Dichlarophenol Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS: _ v4/K9 EXTRACTED: 07,.,/13/98 DATE RUN: 07^ /14/98 ANALYST: PAC INSTRUMENT: C OIL. FACTOR: 1 No = not detected at detection limit RESULT LIMIT kin tvn NO 380 ND 380 ND 380 NO 380 ND 380 No 380 No 380 NO 380 kin xvn ND 380 NO 380 ND 380 ND 760 No 380 ND 380 ND 380 ND 380 No 1900 ND 380 HD 380 ND 380 NO 380 NO 380 ND 950 No 950 No 950 ND 950 NO — 950 ncn ND 950 NO 950 NO 950 I 1 Page 11 TCO[IKp[ CORP. REPORT Received: 07/D9/98 Resuits by saple Work Order # 98-07-178 SAMPLE lD 1ILI-4A FRACTION OA TEST CODE EPHNC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Data & Time CoLLected 07 07 98 09:15:00 Category SOIL EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 Aliphatics HD 100 C19-C36 ALiphatics 100 100 C11-C22 Aromatics ND 100 Surrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 61.6 40 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 57.2 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 62.0 40 - 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 77.a 40 - 140 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07/13198 DATE RUN 07/18/98 ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT r HP7 DIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS m91K9 MATRIX: DRY WEIGHT: 86.9 ND = not detected at detection limit D diluted out i INT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude ccncintrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes Page 12 TOXI1<N CORP. REPORT York Order 1 98-07-178 Received: 07/091" Results by SaWLe J SAMPLE ID MY-5A - SAMPLE # 04 FRACTIONS: A - Date & Time Collected 07/07/98 10:45:00 Category SOIL IPE MS RD MOIST 17.6 ' ug/Kg DL=10 % Page 13 TOXIXDk CORP. REPORT York Order 9 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 Results by Sample SAMPLE ID NW-5A - FRACTION D4A TEST CODE 8260 NAME PURGEABLE ORGANICS VDA Date & Time CoLlected 07107/98_10:45:00 Category SOIL EPA 8260 PURGEABLE ORGANICS 1 RESULTf LIMIT RESULT LIMIT Chioromethane { ND 10 o-Xylene ND 5.0 Bromomethane ND 5.0 m+p-Xylene 11.8 5.0 Yinyi Chloride ND 2.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 ChLoroethane ND 10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NO 5.0 Methylene Chloride I HD 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 5.0 Naphthalene ND 10 Trichlorofluaromethane ND 10 n-Propylbenzene ND 10 1,1-Oichlaroethane I NO 5.0 Bromabenzene ND 5.0 Trans-1,2-Dichlaroethene NO 5.0 Bromchloromethone NO 5.0 Chloroform I NO 5.0 n-Butylbenzene NO 10 1,2-Dichloroethene I NO 5.0 sec-ButyLbenzene ND 10 1,1,1-Trichioroethane I ND 5.0 tert-Butylbenzene NO 10 Carbon Tetrachiaride I ND 5.0 2-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 Bromodichioromethene I ND 5.0 4-Chlorotoluene NO 5-0 1,2-Dichlaropropane I NO 5.0 1,2-Dibromo-3-chlaropropane NO 5.0 Trichloroethene I NO 5.0 1,2-Dibromamethane NO 5.0 Dibromachlaromethane I NO 5.0 Dibromomethane ND 5.0 1,1,2-Trichiorcethane I NO 5.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 10 Benzene I ND 5.0 cis-1,2-Oichloroethene ND 5.0 1,1-Dichloropropene I NO 5.0 1,3-Dichloropropane N4 5.0 2-2-Dichlorpropane I ND 5.0 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloraethene ND 5.0 Bromoform I ND 5.0 1,2,3-TrichLorobenzene ND 5.0 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 10 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 IsopropyLbenzene NO 10 1,2,4-TrichLarobenzene HD 5.0 Tetrachloroethene NO 5.0 1,2,3-Trichloropropane NO 5.0 Methyl tertiary butyl ether ND 5.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 10 Toluene ND 5.0 1,3,5-Trimethytbenzene ND 10 Chlorobenzene NO 5.0 cis-1,3-Dichtoroprcpene ND 5.0 Ethyl Benzene NO 5.0 trans-1,3-DichLoropropene ND 5.0 p-Isopropyltoluene RD 10 Styrene ND 5.0 Notes and definitions for this report: DATE RUN 07/17/98 ANALYST JPM INSTRUMENT r G DIL. FACTOR 1 UNITS u9/Kg COMMENTS ND a Not detected at detection Limit ' Page 14 Received: 07/09M MIXON CORP. REPORT Results by Sample York Order # 98-OT-178 SAMPLE ID mw-5A _ FRACTION 04A TEST CODE B270 NAME A/BN EXTRACTABLES Date 8 Time Collected 07 O7 98 10:45:00 Category SOIL BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES bis(-2-Chloroethyl) ether 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene bis(2-ChloroisoprapyL) ether N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propylamine Rexachloreethane Hitrobenzene Isophorone bis(2-Chlaroethoxy) methane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Nexachlorobutadiene Nexachlorocyclopentodiene 2-Chloronaphthalene Dimethyl phthalate Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 2,4-Dinitrotatuene 2,6-Dinitrototuene Diethylphthatate 4-Chlorophenyt phenyt ether Ftuorene N-Nitrosodiphenyiamine 4-Bromophenyt phenyl ether Hexachlorobenzene Phenanthrene Anthracene Di-n-buty(phtha{ate Fluoranthene Pyrene Butyl benzyt phthalate 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine Benzo (a) anthracene bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate RESULT LIMIT ND 410 Chrysene ND 410 Di-n-octyt phthalate ND 410 Benzo(b)ftuoranthene NO 410 Benzo(Oftuoranthene ND 410 Benzc(a)pyrene ND 410 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene HD 410 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 410 Benzo(g,h,i)pery(ene NO 410 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 410 Benzidine ND 410 Dibenzofuran ND 410 HD 410 ACID EXTRACTABLES ND 410 Phenol ND 410 2-Chlorophenol ND 410 BenzyL ALcohoL No 410 2-MethylphenoL NO 410 4-Methylphenol NO 410 2-Hitrophenol NO 410 2,4-Dimethylphenol NO 410 Senzoic Acid NO 410 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 410 4-Chtoroaniline ND 410 4-ChLoro-3-methytphenol ND 410 2,4,6-Trichloraphenot NO 410 2,4,5-Trichlorophenot NO 410 2-Nitroaniline NO 410 3-Nitroanitine NO 410 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 410 4-Nitrophenol NO 410 4-Nitroaniline NO 410 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol NO 810 Pentachtoropheno( NO 410 3-Methytphenol NO 410 2,6- Dichtorophenol Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS: ucIK9 EXTRACTED: 07/ 3/98 DATE RUN: 07/ 4/98 ANALYST: PAC INSTRUMENT: C DIL. FACTOR: 1 ND = not detected at detection limit RESULT LIMIT NO 410 NO 410 ,in 1 4A NO 410 ND 410 ND 410 NO 410 NO 410 NO 410 ND 410 ND 410 NO 410 NO 410 No 810 Lin .,n No 410 ND 410 HD 410 HD 2000 HD 410 NO 410 HD 410 NO 410 Q 410 NO 1000 NO 1000 NO 1000 NO 1000 NO 1000 NO 1000 NO Lin 1000 i Anil ND 1000 Page 15 TOxnioN CORP. REPORT Work Order # 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 Results by SaWte ' SAMPLE ID MY-5A FRACTION 04A TEST CODE EPRNC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Date & Time Collected 07/07/98 10:45:00 Category SOIL ' EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 ALiphatics No 100 C19-C36 ALiphatics NO 100 C11-C22 Aromatics HD 100 Surrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 71.7 40 - 140 ' Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 51.6 40 140 Aromatic Surrogate 61.9 40 140 Aromatic fractionation Surrogate 69.7 40 - 140 ' Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07113L98 DATE RUN 07_ 118/98 ' ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT HP7 DEL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS m4/Kg MATRIX: DRY HEIGHT: 82.4 ' ND = not detected at detection limit D diluted cut iNT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target ane(ytes I Page 16 TO1(II(OM CORP. REPORT York Order 0 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 Results by SaWle SAMPLE ID MY-5A - FRACTFDN 04A TEST CODE PPCHS NAME PESTICIDES PC8 SOIL Date 8 Time Collected 07/07/98 10-45:00 Category SOIL PESTICIDES PCB RESULT LIMIT RESULT LIMIT Alpha-gHC ND 0,010 Aroclor 1016 HD 0.50 Gamma-BHC (Lindane) ND 0.010 Aroclor 1221 ND 0.50 Beta-gHC ND 0.010 Aroclor 1232 HD 0.50 Heptachlor HD 0.010 Aroclor 1242 ND 0.50 Delta-BHC ND 0.010 Aroclor 1248 HD 0.50 Aldrin ND 0.010 Aroclor 1254 ND 0.50 Heptachlor Epoxide No 0.010 Aroclor 1260 ND 0.50 Endosulfan 1 ND 0.010 4,4'-DDE NO 0.010 Dieidrin ND 0.010 Endrin ND D.D10 4,4'-DDD ND 0.010 Endosulfan II ND 0.010 4,41-DDT NO 0.010 Endrin Aldehyde ND 0.010 Endosulfan Sulfate ND O.010 Chlordane ND 0,010 Toxaphene ND 0.010 Methoxychlor ND 0.010 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED: 07/ 4198 UNITS: mg/Kg DATE RUN: 07/15/48 ANALYST: CK INSTRUMENT: HP2 DIL. FACTOR: 1 ND = not detected at detection limit Page 17 TOXI10 Received: 07/09/98 SAMPLE ID NY-5A - N CORP. REPORT Doric Order # 98-07-178 Results by Sample FRACTION 04A TEST CODE VPHNC NAME VOLATILE PHC Date & Time Collected 07/07/98 10:45:9D Category SOIL________ VOLATILE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C5-C8 Aliphatits (FID) ND 1.0 C9-C12 Aliphatics (FID) ND 1.0 C9-CIO Aromatics (PID) ND 1.0 TARGETJVPH ANALYTES Surrogates % Recovery Surrogate Limits FID Surrogate 82 70 - 130 PID Surrogate 83 70 - 130 Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS: -- nLkg DATE RUN: 07/16/98 EXTRACTED: r ANALYST: SEP INSTRUMENT: V3 DIL. FACTOR: 1 ORY WEIGHT: 82.4 HD = not detected at detection limit 0 = diluted out INT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concIntrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range I Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes Page 1S Received: 07/09M SAMPLE ID TOXIKON CORP. REPORT York Order # 98-07-178 Results by Sample FRACTION 05A TEST CODE 8270 NAME AIBR EXTRACTABLES Date & Time Cotlected 07/07/98 13:20:00 Category SOIL BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES bis(-2-ChtoroethyL) ether 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-DichLorobenzene bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether N-Nitroso-Di-N-PropyLamine Hexachloroethane Nitrobenzene lsophorone bis(2-Chlaroethoxy) methane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Hexachlorobutadiene Nexachlorocyclopentadiene 2-Chloronaphthelene DimethyL phthalate Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Diethylphthalate 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Fluorene N-NitrosodiphenyLamine 4-gromophenyL phenyl ether Hexachlorobenzene Phenanthrene Anthracene Di-n-butyiphthalate Fluoranthene Pyrene Butyl benzyl phthalate 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine Benzo (a) anthracene bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Note RESULT LIMIT RESULT LIMIT NO 390 Chrysene ND 390 ND 390 Di-n-octyt phthalate ND 39D ND 390 Benzo(b)ftuoranthene RD 390 ND 390 Senzo(k)ftuoranthene .ND 390 ND 390 Senzo(a)pyrene ND 390 ND 390 Indena(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 390 ND 390 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 390 NO 390 Benzo(g,h,i)peryLene ND 390 NO 390 2-Methytnaphthalene NO 390 ND 390 Benzidine ND 390 HD 390 Dibenzofuran ND 390 ND 390 NO 390 ACID EXTRACTABLES RD 390 PhenoL NO 390 NO 390 2•ChtorophenoL NO 390 ND 390 BenzyL Alcohol ND 780 ND 390 2-NethyLphenoL ND 390 ND 390 4-Methylphenol NQ 390 ND 390 2-Nitrophenot NO 390 NO 390 2,4-Dimethylphenal NO 390 NO 390 Benzoic Acid NO 1900 NO 390 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO 390 ND 390 4-ChLoraaniLine NO 390 NO 390 4•Chlorc-3-methylphenot NO 390 ND 390 2,4,6-Trichlorophenot NO 390 NO 390 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 390 ND 390 2-Nitroaniline RD 970 No 390 3-Nitroaniline NO 970 NO 390 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 970 NO 390 4-Nitrophenol ND 970 ND 390 4-Nitroaniline ND 970 NO 390 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenoL ND 970 ND 780 Pentachtorophenol ND 970 ND 390 3-Methylphenol ND 970 ND 390 2,6- Dichlorophenol NO 970 s and Definitions for this Report: UNITS: u4/Kg EXTRACTED: 07 DATE RUN: 0714Z98 ANALYST: PAC INSTRUMENT: C OIL. FACTOR: 1 NO = not detected at detection Limit Page 19 TOXIKi Received: 07/09/98 SAMPLE ID 1IY-6A W CORP. REPORT York order # 98-07-173 Results by Sample FRACTION 05A TEST CODE EPRNC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Date & Time Collected 07/07/98 13.20, Category SOIL EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM SYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 100 C19-C36 ALiphatics ND 100 F C11-C22 Aromatics ND 100 Surrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 52.2 40 - 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 66.9 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 51.4 40 - 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 66-4 40 - 140 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07_ / 3/98 DATE RUN 07/18/98 ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT HP7 DIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS m41K4 NATRIx: DRY WEIGHT: 85.1 1 HD = not detected at detection limit D diluted out INT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eiuting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes Page 20 TQXlK0K CORP. REPORT York Order # 98-07-178 Received: 07/09/98 Results by Sample SAMPLE ID TRIP ULM FRACTION D6A TEST CODE VPHNC NAME VOLATILE PHC Date & Time Collected not specified _ Category NETHAiiOL VOLATILE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C5-C8 Aliphatics (FID) NO 1.0 C9-C12 Aliphatics (FID) ND 1.0 C9-C10 Aromatics (PID) ND 1.0 TARGETIVPH ANALYTES Surrogates % Recovery Surrogate Limits FED Surrogate 72 70 - 130 PID Surrogate 70 70 130 Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS: mg/kq DATE RUN: 07/16/98 E%TRACTED: ANALYST: SEP INSTRUMENT: V3 DIL. FACTOR: 1 DRY WEIGHT: ND a not detected at detection Limit D = diluted out INT ■ matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes Page 21 Received: 0709/98 TOXIKOII CORP. REPORT I Test Methodology TEST CODE 8260 NAME PUR GEABLE ORGANICS VOA Work Order # 98-07-178 EPA METHOD: 8260B: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for Volatile Organics. Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating SoLid Wastes: PhysicaL/ChemicaL Methods. 1 EPA SW-846 Final Update IIII, 1996. office of SoLid Waste, USEPA. 4 SOIL RESULTS ARE REPORTED ON A DRY WEIGHT BASIS. TEST CODE 8M NAME A/SM EXTRACTABLES EPA METHOD: 8270: Gas Chromatography)/ Mass Spectrometry for SemivoLatile Organics; Capillary Calumn Technique. I Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA SW-846 (Third Edition) 1986. Office of solid Waste, USEPA. I TEST CODE EPHNC NAME E][TRILCIABLE INC METHOD:EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS 1 REFERENCE:METHOD FOR THE OE TERMINATION OF EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH), MADEP-EPH-98-I MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF � ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION JANUARY 1998 FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DEHR TEST CODE IPE MS NAME ISOPROPTL ETHER EPA METHOD: 624 Modified Volatile Aromatic Compounds Reference: Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and 1 Industrial Wastewater. Appendix A. 40CFR Part 136. Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 1984. I TEST CODE MEX TS NAME METALS TOTAL EXT REFERENCE: EPA METHOD 3050: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges and SoiLs. Test Methods for Evaluating SoLid Waste Physical/ChemicaL Methods. SW 846, 3rd Edition. ' Analytical Method fvr [CP:6010A ' TEST CODE MOIST NAME 11 MOISTURE EPA METHOD 160.2 Reference: Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes. EPA 600/4-79-020 (Revised, March 1983). EPA/EMSL, Cincinnati, OR. I ASTM METHOD D-2216 Moisture Content) Page 22 TORIKON CORP. REPORT Received: 07/09/98 Test Methodology TEST CODE PPCBS NAME PESTTCI➢ES/PCI (SOIL) EPA Method: 8080 Reference: Test Methods for Evaluating Sofid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA SW-M (Third Edition) 1986. Office of Soiid Waste, USEPA. TEST CODE VPHNC NAME VOLATILE PHC I METHOD:VOLATILE PETROLEUM HT➢ROCAR80H5 REFERENCE:METHOO FOR THE DETERMINATION ❑F VOLATILE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS. MADEP-VPH-98-1 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION JANUARY 1998 I FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DENR Work Order # 98-07-178 Attachment 3 EPH Laboratory Reporting Form r Initial Calibration Date Calibration Ranqds and Limits ' N C9 -C18 Aliphatics I I l l 33 / o 0 C19 - C36 Aliphatics I I a5 140 C11 -C22 Aromatics I I L( 1 I / v U NOTE: Please inc;ude units as accrooriate Method of ❑uantitation (circle c e): Curve Average Response Factor Calibration Concentration Levels ' _ . �; •:rya% :/.;;;i:;' '::',•:+'''C•.x-' '>s[;y,, ✓A- }�c, .^1tp.�+4-'F%yF:1.��" r T��yF�k%<:'c`,�'-•'?S.t]--ice' L N' • - !I .T '�1/:' C9 -C18 Aliphatics 3 I � ►� 300 1 C19 -C36 Aliphatics col � i [ d; o t7 I 1 tau 16r;U i C11 -C22 Aromatics r-- i 340 5-[O I 1 7 00 3'fo V NOTE Please indicate units as apcqjeGr[2te. Calibration Check Date l Calibration Check l ,.. S' are e C9 -C18 Aliphatics I 3 o Q I C19 - C36 Aliphatics y o 0 I , C11 -C22 Aromatics d ;S 0 1 L ILL MDL = Method ❑eteCion Limit ML = Mimimum Limit RL = Reportable Limit RPD = Relative Percent Difference %FZSD = Percent Relative Standard Deviation CCC = Correlation Coefficient of Curve EPHNPH Certification l Toxikon Order G 7� VPH Soil Sample Collection Option Option 1 = Fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device Option 3 = Field weight of soil Were all QAIQC procedures REQUIRED by the VPH method followed? Yes_ No Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the EPH method followed? Yes_, --No, Were all performancelacceptance standards for the required QAIQC Yeso procedures achieved? Details regarding any answer of "No" above are provided below. ' Were any significant modifications made to the EPHNPH methods I as specified in Section �11.3? Yes_ No X 1 attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is. to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. Position: C f7 Signature: � �.. � w a,-� urr Printed Name: 1�, , s�s 5p� y Date:T 5 I�l� i ' I PROJECT CHANGE ORDER f WORK ORDER # 9 Yb -� f 79 APPROVED tJ' DATE OF REQUEST ? I �.196 DATE OF APPROV Z CLIENT NAME TOX EMPLOYEE CLIENT EMPLOYEE 5 BY PHONE FAX THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE BY TOXIKON: 110- -,?7 o eel I 1 i � 1 i . e SUtiIIINIIRY OF ZONING DISTRICTS NC: (Neighborhood Commercial District) provides for commercial centers in close proximity to residential areas, offering limited commercial uses to satisfy the needs of the surrounding 1. neighborhood. A 20,000 sq. ft. project floor area maximum applies. Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include: retail stores, medical clinics, day care centers, restaurants, convenience stores, offices, banks, schools, car washes, residences, service stations, indoor commercial recreation, and hotels. GC: (General Commercial District) provides for a wide variety of commercial activities that are ' designed to be served by major thoroughfares. It is the intent of this district to provide sufficient size and depth of property to meet business needs yet maintain safe traffic flows. Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include banks, business services, car washes, convenience stores, day care facilities, night clubs, offices, hotels, retail stores, vehicle sales, drive-in theaters, schools, boarding houses, heavy equipment sales, printing establishments and transmission towers. SC: Sho > >ing Center District provides for orderly development of commercial services in a unified grouping and encouragement of innovative development that is appropriately integrated with adjacent uses. It is not the intent+of this district to encourage strip commercial areas, but rather a - concentration of commercial activities with an overall design scheme. The district is intended to provide a wide range of retail and service activities that serve many neighborhoods. The district is also established to miniinize traffic impact; its use is intended for large lot developments and locations along thoroughfares and at major intersections that are capable of handling the proposed traffic. CBD: (Central Business District) is established to encourage intense development and pedestrian activity through a mixture of uses appropriate to the downtown area. The standards of this district are established to provide for a vital downtown economy that maintains Durham's focus as a commercial, cultural and entertainment hub of the region while increasiniz livability. This district is intended to work in tandem with the Historic Overlay District found in portions of downtown Durham. Permitted uses include'artist galleries, studios, auditonums and exhibition buildings, banks, bed and breakfast inns, boarding houses, business incubators, business services, colleges, convenience stores, retail, health clubs, clinics, theaters, multifamily dwellings, mixed resldentlal/commercial projects, museums, night clubs, offices, restaurants, transmission towers, and convalescent centers. CT: (Co inntercial Trades District} provides for a limited selection of commercial and light industrial activities that primarily serve other retail service or industrial businesses. The district is intended to allow support services to these businesses, and to provide for uses with a retail component, but also requiring outside storage. Permitted uses include: boat sales, business services, offices, warehousing, travel trailer sales, transmission towers, contractors offices, freight terminals, heavy equipment sales, commercial recreational facilities (indoor), retail fabrication businesses, storage yards, and vehicle repair shops. ' SUMMARY OF ZONING DISTRICTS 01-1: ffransitioria[ Off -ice and Institutional Districts provides standards for Iow intensity office and institutional uses inclose proximity to lower density residential areas to assure compatibility. Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include business services, single family dwellings, duplex and triplex dwellings, offices, medical clinics places of worship, banks, bed and breakfast inns, convalescent centers, day c facilities, retirement centers and schools. 0&I-2: (General Office and Innstitutional District) is established for employment and commurrity service activities. Some support facilities and residential uses are also allowed when compatible with surrounding uses. The district is designed for uses on sites near thoroughfares, since development of ' moderate to high intensity is allowed. Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include artist galleries, banks, business services, funeral homes, medical clinics, offices, bed and breakfast inns, convalescent centers, day care facilities, transmission towers, boarding houses and hotels. MU:(Mixed Use District rlides for integration of diverse but compatible uses into a single ' development that is unified by distinguishable design features. In addition to a mixture of compatible uses, developments in this district, shall provide amenities and wallcways to increase pedestrian activity, decrease reliance on individual vehicles, foster transit usage, enhance the attractiveness of Durham City and County, improve the overall, quality of life, and provide for the welfare of the citizens. At least ' three use categories, each representing a minimum 20% of the total project, are required. A Development Plan and a Phasing Plan are required as part of the rezoning application for the mixed use 1 district. The district is intended for implementation within the boundaries of the Urban Growth Area. RSCH:(Research Park District provides an area for scientific research and development, for 1 training, and for production of p�ototype products, plans or designs. The purpose of such production is limited to research development or evaluation of the merits of those products, plans, or designs. No production for sale or use in production at a location off the premises is permitted. Offices and support services are allowed. An initial threshold of 100 contiguous acres is required in order to create a research park setting; however; additions to the zone may be made in increments of any size. Permitted Uses include laboratories, passenger transportation terminals, pilot plants, research and development facilities, restaurants, technical schools, small shopping centers, and transmission towers. RAD: (Research Applications District) provides sites for research facilities and related manufacturing, business and scientific activities. The district is intended to accommodate research facilities, pilot plants, prototype production facilities and other manufacturing operations that require the continual or recurrent application of research knowledge and activity as an integral part of the manufacturing process. Tract size of 100 contiguous acres minimum is required, but additions may be made in increments of any size. Permitted uses include laboratories, research related manufacturing, passenger terminals, pilot plants, prototype production, research and development facilities, restaurants, technical schools, and transmission towers. I SUMMARY GF ZGNING DISTRICTS I-1: Industrial P:urk District provides for orderly development of manufacturing, research and support activities in a unified setting. The district is intended to insure development which is compatible with adjacent uses, and provides for a range of uses to be developed within an overall 1 design scheme as shown on an approved Development Plan, Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include banks, boat sales1 business incubator centers, commercial laundries, limited food processing, hotels, laboratories, light industry, offices, research and development, transmission towers, warehousing, passenger terminals, 1 d commercial recreation. 1-2: Light Industrial District provides for a wide range of light manufacturing, warehousing, and wholesaling activities as well as offices and some support services. Standards of this district are designed to minimize impacts on the environment and to assure compatibility with the surrounding area. It is the intent of this district to offer sites for those industries whose operations, exposure, ' location or traffic have minimal impact on adjacent properties. Some permitted uses are: hospitals, kennels, clinics, warehouses, night clubs, storage freight ternunals, labs, industries, offices, transportation terminals, transmission towers, hotels, and recycling centers. 1 1-3: Ileayy Industrial District provides sites for activities which involve major transportation 1 terminals, and manufacturing facilities that have a greater impact on surrounding area than industries found in the I-2 District. It is the intent of this district to provide an environment for industries that is unencumbered by nearby residential) or commercial development. Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include foundries, freight terminals, industry, junkyards, transmission towers, warehousing, ' landfills and quarries. D: A development plan designation (D) may be added to any rezoning request to indicate that the physical layout of the site as indicated on the Development Plan (submitted with the rezoning request) is a part of the rezoning petition. `Any significant change in the plan would require a new zoning petition. A development plan is required in PDR, SC, and I-1 zones. RD: Rural District allows agric ulturai operations and single family residences at low densities as principal uses. For a single family divellirig, a 30,000 sq. ft., 100' wide lot is required. Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include kennels, manufactured homes, rest homes, plant nursery, riding academy, transmission tower. R-20: (Residential 20) is a single family residential zoning requiring a 20,000 square feet, 100' wide lot for a single family dwelling with public utilities. (A 30,000 sq. ft. lot is required where public utilities are not available.) Pernutted uses include: detached single family dwellings, public parks, transmission towers less than 35 ft, in height, home occupations and family care homes. Major Special Uses, such as convalescent centers, schools, and govemment facilities, are allowed subject to approval by the governing body; and Minor Special Uses, such as day care facilities, group homes, transmission 3 SUMMARY OF ZONING DISTRICTS towers between 35.- 200 ft. in height and places of worship, are permitted subject to approval by the Board of Adjustment. R-15: (Resid i'tial 15) is a single family residential district, with regulations designed to promote single family development and to discourage uses that would be detrimental to single family detached dwellings. A minimum 15,000 sq. ft., 90' wide lot is required for a single family dwelling. Permitted uses include: detached single farrd dwellings, public parks. Uses allowed with a special use permit include day care facilities, group horries, places of worship, convalescent centers and schools. R-10: aResulentinI 10 District) is a single family residential zoning requiring a 10,000 square feet, 75' wide lot for a single family dwelling. Permitted uses include: detached single family dwellings, home occupations and family care homes. Major Special Uses, such as schools, are allowed subject to approval by the City Council; and Minor Special Uses, such as day care facilities, group homes and places of worship are permitted subject to approval by the Board of Adjustment (BOA). 1 R-8: (Residential 8 District) is a single family residential zoning for detached dwellings of a medium density and requiring a minimum 8,000 sq. ft., 75' wide lot for each unit. The regulations are designed to promote single family development and to discourage uses that would be detrimental to single family detached dwellings. Permitted uses, some requiring special use permits, include parrs, day care centers, group homes, places of worship and schools. R-5: Mesidential 5 District) is a single family zoning for detached dwellings of a medium density and requiring a 5,000 sq. ft., 50' wide nnnimum lot. The regulations are designed to promote residential development and to discourage uses that would be detrimental to residential dwellings. Permitted uses, some requiring special use permits, include parks, day care center group homes, places of worship and schools. I R-3: (Residen(hil 3 District) requires a 5,000 sq. ft., 50 ft. wide lot for a single family dwelling unit; 3,000 sq. fl. and 30 feet lot width per dwelling unit for a duplex, and 3,000 sq, ft. and 20 ft. lot width per dwelling unit for a triplex. Permitted uses, some requiring use permits, include day care facilities, places of worship, group homes, schools, bed acid breakfast inns, and the like. 1 PDR: (Planned Densi(v Residential) allows for design flexibility and is intended to encourage efficient use of land and public services, promote high quality design that will provide a variety of dwelling types as well as adequate support services and open space for residents of the development. The district is intended to ensure irinavative development that is integrated with proposed adjacent uses and compatible with existing patterns of development. The number folloNVIng the "PDR" is the maximum density proposed for the site. 4 SUMMARY OF ZONING DISTRICTS RIVI-12: (1Vlultifamily Residential District, maximum of 12 dwelling units per acre) provides for multifamily dwellings at a maximum density of 12 units per acre. Other permitted uses include single family, duplex and triplex dwellings, family care homes, public parks and home occupations. Minor Special Uses such as bed and breakfast inns, boarding and rooming houses, conference centers, convalescent centers, day care facilities, group homes, health clubs, retirement centers and places of worship, are 1 ernvtted subject to approval by Board of Adjustment (BOA); and Major Special Uses, such as colleges, commercial dorms, schools, and government facilities, are permitted subject to approval by the governing body. - Changes to 20, 16, 12, 8 F/J-B Overlay: The requested site is located within the FIJ-B (Falls/Jordan Protected Area) watershed protection overlay arealand the Urban Growth Area (UGA). Within the UGr, the impervious surface limitation is 24% without stormwater controls; projects developed under the High Density Option have designe{d and constructed to control the first inch of stormwater runoff. tiITC: Major Transportation Corridor District is an overlay zone that establishes development and planning standards, but does not affect the allowable land use as determined by the underlying district. It is intended to enhance the economic and aesthetic appeal and orderly development of lands adjacent to major transportation corridors. In each MTC district, a vegetative buffer is required, the width of which is established at the time of MTC overlay establishment. 4 5 r� rr rr r s - . r■ rr ■r� �■ �■■i r r �r r� �r r■ r r■ r� f am LEGEND. vY{..a. C.T• ~4 •uaw OT—a rY..u/. L—Ts Y{!.. G.Q.TM •A!a 1O... a {QYAl Aar •��•-� r •Aa4 F—S. CG*A- ....../ �•+iel.lo {oYsa.. +a•a•r NOTICE TO LISERS- Zoning Boundaries May Change: Please Verify Currant ZoNrg eotxrdades, Stre¢t + Names, 7,odiKm , and Stream I at Data Wlth Available Staff Persons - PREPARED d MAINTAINE THE DURHAM CITYICOUt PLANNING DEPARTMEI` 60.3 1 60.4 51.3 703 1 70.4 j 71.3 Y • i SCALE. 1'. fDO faat 1.600O 4+Ph "COO a' �.4 is 94 SHEET: 74 2 q-G-18-1998 16=09 919 %8 1444 P.02i02 MAalb 0011 a+ MOW wluAA 1 W. 11UNC71, III wHAAA d U. lsavo= A. MANY IRVl7F MARINA LEANN Nemv.. WIL"" IL WEAnvau 0m, IIL '"iTT 11. r.IUMgxxW •�rJ Coaxed =Peew1. 1n aw.i. pl.—" .wA Eiek+t. L... BROWN & BUNCH BROWN & BuNc" ATTORNM. - AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 101 North Columbia Street Chanel 1111 North Carolina ZT314 (919) 9ho-I11I Paallailk: (919) 9(A1444 August 18, 1998 VIA TELECQPIE.R 919.596.0578 11lSIl68l.!?tYli.6 3101, Triwihi *x)IxVAtU1 Uri[YGICMTT TOWER. VIM r"R (4nv) 4-m-y7no) FA[7 WLE (919141901IF. iV1l1!tt:M [IF'i'Sf:l' 7Y[I(1 NCIRTIIPAA7[ 4"0 FALI %CAr Till[ row.11R Ht "M1, tt:71! Ilr1 (STAKNT afr LUDIS Z7609) IKXT 0MCE Do% 14(C9 ItAf. CH. NOWnI CAROLMA 2%39.9M09 (41v) MTH.W vu FAC861ILE I719" STPLA)GI Mr. Fames Stahling, L.G. Senior Geologist EMS Environmental, Inc. 117 South Hoover Road Durham, NC 27703 RE: 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard, Durham, NC (former location of Uzzle Cadillac-oidsmobile-GMC Truck, Inc.) Dear Mr. Stahling: You have requested some additional information concerning the historical and anticipated use of 3737 Chapel Hill Boulevard (the "Site"). The Site is zoned "general commercial"" Historically, it has been used as a new and used automobile dealership and for ancillary services suchlas automobile repair, service and painting. To my best information, this Site has been so used for approximately 30 years! In addition, all contiguous parcels as well as tracts in the immediate vicinity are as similarly zoned and are all in industrial/commercial use. We are not aware of any residential use of any lot at or below the gradient of the Site within 1,500 feet. There is no present or anticipated plan to ' any purpose other than* automobile dealership. there is no plan, at present or anticipated, to into a daycare, motel or residential use. I hope this letter, is helpful. Please let me ' any additional information. ccs/cf ' cc: Dan W. Uzzle, Jr. Granville L. Uzzle 11667/02\L\033STAHL very truly yours, usa the Site for In particular, convert the Site know if you need WN & +BH ar es rown TOTAL P,022 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION LOG MONITORING WELL ID: MW-2 INSTALLS❑ BY: REDS -DRILLERS _ I EMS PROJECT* 7239 NO. 1436 I SITE LOCATION: UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE DRILLING METHOD: 4 1I4" IQ HSA DRILLING LOCATION: ADJACEN I TO FORMER VIRGIN OIL LIST DATE INSTALLED: 716198 BORING LOG MONITORING WELL DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF PID (FT.) LITHOLOGY (ppM) .FLUSH -MOUNT MANHOLE COVER 0.0 CONCRETE LOCKING CAP GREEN SANDY SILT 10.4 BROWN SILT r GRCUNCWATER DEPTH 23 FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE ON CEMENT i114M � CONSTRUCTION NOTES Pvc I 5.0 CASING /� { I RED -BROWN SILTSTONE 1 CASING TYPE PVC 6.4 CASING I.D. 2" / I / SCREEN TYPE PVC E aeNTONITE PELLET - j i- v.1= SCREEN I.D. 2" I �[ SEAL - "mJ1I mI I SCREEN INLET SIZE �10.0 -———— — — — — —— •-- CEMENT GS TO 1 �^ BENTONITE I TO 13 GREY SANDY SILTSTCNE SAND 1.3 TO 13.6 PVC RISER 0.411 TO :.37 SANG PACK f SCREEN 13, TO 113, TERMINATED BORING AT 13 FEET . 7 5.0 1 PVC SCREEN —� �J NOTE: MONITORING WELL NOT TO SCALE { ALL MEASUREMENTS REFERENCED FROM GROUND SURFACE 1 ' NORTH CAROUNA OEPARrwwr of NATt1RAL RESOURCES At�43 CD/.OAROrY DEVIELOPMDrr orvLVON OF ENVtR0NL4ENfAL 1MNAGDAENr - GPOUNDWATS; SECTION P.O. BOX 77687 - RALEIGKIII.C. 27a1 i. PHONE (91a) 733-sow WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ���- _Z FOR OFFICE USE 014LY Quad. No. Serial No. LaL Long- Pt Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent DRILUNG CONTRACTOR �5 D S 1 - — - % 3 G' STATE WET CONS T RCfCTiQN RfLLc t REGISTRATION NUMBER ' i PERMIT NUMBER: WELL 1. LOCATION: (Show SkelCh of The location betl w) Nearest Town: -Tx• r-. County: 3737�C ,r 1 hl: !l y31y� - Oeom DRILLING LOG (road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot NOJ From To Formation ❑escriation OWNER - _ [J� Z,l� ['�.k�'fl,� rJ1�s,�1cly, J.a_. 3 7 -7 C. L . � l �F�,-/I .3/wa' G D. �c) C,Iz AODRESS _ (Street or „ ute No.) City or Town state ZiD Code L S r f' 3. OATE DRILLED USE OF WELL. Al TO TA, DEPTH l�• 3, CJi iiNGS COLLECITED 0-Yes F% No I .DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes FU NO STATIC WATER LEVEL: 72 FT. C above TOP ❑F CASING. ' ;;11i � 2j below SQ TOP OF CASING IS _,__`F T. APeYG LAND SURFACE. bo!100 ,. YIELD (gpmh METHOD OF TES. f tWATE- ZCNES Weotti): - CHLORINATION: Tyoe Amount `] CASING: Wall Thickness tf additional SRace is needed use tack of ldrrr. ❑eoth Diameter or We1g'1VFL Material G. ��' 1 •z �7c ���C - - _4oc.� T IoN sK�g� From ' To , =L I (Shaw direction and ais:ance from at least two State Roacs, From T❑ ct I or •omer mao reference points) From To Ft. GROUT. I Gealh Material MetnoC From _Cr_:5� ToFt_ CX7 r^vrrL Frdm To� Ft.^ ' Cen:n Diameter Slot Size Malenal + y From 1.31 To 1 / 3r F,, in. JrL Frzr.n To F; From ToFt. RL rL :2. GRAVEL PACK: Deom Size malerial =rom A 3 4�F G v t. :P 111 T'�w'3 L/v�e✓' Z T II `rrpm Td F; 'a. REMARKS: 1 DO HEaEEY CERTIFY WAS THAT THIS WELL CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOROANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL. CONSTRUCTION— ST aNpARpS• AND THAT q COPY OF TH15 RECORD HAS BEEN�FPROVIOED TO WELL OWNER.�Jr3 9 $SIGNATLIRE-OFACT R AGENT DATE MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION LOG I MONITORING -WELL ID: MW-3 INSTALLED BY: REDS -DRILLERS I EMS PROJECT #: 7239 NO. 1436 1 SITE LOCATION: UZZLE CADILLAC-OLOSMOBiLE DRILLING METHOD: AIR ROTARY DRILLING t6" ROLLER CONE) LOCATION: ADJACENT TO FORMER WASTE all. UST DATE INSTALLED: 716198 BORING LOG MONITORING WELL DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF (FT-) LITHOLOGY PID FLUSH -MOUNT 0,0 (PQM) f MANHOLE COVER j CQNCRE7 f ��_ _LOCKING CAP k 7/ GRDUNDWATER DEPTH 2.12 FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE ON 7l14M PINK TO BROWN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, 50 TRACE COARSE SAND RED -BROWN SIL 1 Y CLA I 2.6 i CEMENT PVC CASING 5EN70NI7E PELLET SEAL I SAND PACK BORING TERMINATED AT 13 FEET alowYeW=1=12i f f CONSTRUCTION NOTE: CASING TYPE PVC i CASING I.O" 2" f/ i ff SCREEN TYPE PVC �= { r n SCRreN I.D. 2" �lr {I SCREEN INLET SIZE 0,01.. CEMENT GSTq 0.5 " f _ BENTONITE 0 5 TO �• I SAND 1.1 TO 13 ' 027 TO 1.10 ]PVCRISER SCREEN t i0T0 .t0 .�ti. NOTE: MONITORING WELL NOT TO SCALD ALL MEASUREMENTS REFERENCED FROM GROUND SURFACE I ' 14ORTH CAROU A DEPARTMENT OF NAn1RAL RESOURCES AND C)M&A"-rY DEVELOP1.1ENT DrAVON OF EWRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - OROUNOWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27567 , p/X.FIG1-I.,N.C, 27G1:. PHONE LatOy 733-60E.7 1 I _ WELL. CONSTRUCTION RECORD �� 3 FOR OFFICE USE 04LY Quad. No. Serial No. Let. Long_ pc Minot, Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. S pR1LLIFtG CONTRACTOR I S I A I ti WCI- L CONSTI=iU'vi iQN . tRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER � � �3 � _ PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Snow skettr:t at me location below) �t..1 Nearest Town: _ _ County: 373'7 c4 x I w`II 31Y --- - _ w — Depm DRILLING LOG {Road, Community, or SubdiVisi and No.] From To Formation Description y�Lo( �. OWNER �� fr��S.. r'� L - ©1 �C$�� �D� _ ADDRESS 3 �3� C �t 1 fir,"ll rlr�_._- C7 .,, C� S.•L�iz-f __�_ LStreel or cute No!1 r• 1 �Jrai�/ 5H City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED r g USE OF WELL• foR !Tc[cr Or! 1. �- TOTAL DEPTH 11. 1 CUTTINGS COLLECTED 0 Yes I.a i _1,3 •7.L9' :. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? C1 Yes No STATIC WATER LEVEL: %. FT. C aooYe l TOP OF CASING. TOP OF CASING 1S �, G �_ . i A OVE low r oe SURFAC_ i. YIELD (vrrt}: METHOD OF TEST '. WATc= ZONES (aeoth): I I - �C`4LORINATION-, Tyne 7 CASING: Amount -f Death Diameter From Z I To /, rO FL •Z " From Tp Ft. Wait I Thickness or Weignt/FL Materfaf _ Ic l yam' v'G From T❑ Ft. GRGU i Depm Material Method =rom 6S To 7 =t. �l'tr pot. -I " ' Oeutn Diameter slot Sits Maleriai =ram 0 C? To KL I �' c+r' in. Fv[ F rJ r:'I a Ft. in. I - From i O fi% in_ irL :a. GRAVEL PAC`{: If additional space is needed use back of lot= LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or otn r map reference pointz) S r � 51r o e �- IY rY C ' Denln Size material Prom -�, 7o 1.3 Ft.- 1►lt+6 r51;/Ild_12 Prom To Ft. 's. REMARKZZ I D❑ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THfS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCQR'--ANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C, WELL -CONSTRUCTION._ ' STANDAROS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEE RQVIQED TO 71-IE WELL. OWNER, 4 SIGNATU85bF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DA T E MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION LOG f MONITORING -WELL lD: MW"4 INSTALLED By: AEDS-DRILLERS EMS PROJECT #: 1239 NO. 1436 1 SITE LOCATION: UZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE DRILLING METHOD: AIR ROTARY DRILLING 1 6" ROLLER CONE LOCATION: ADJACENT TO SERVICE DEPARTMENT DATE INSTALLED: 7r7198 BORING LOG MONITORING WELL DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF PID (FT.) LITHOLOGY (PpM) FLUSH -MOUNT MANHOLE COVER 0.� CCNCRET>: - I LACKING CAP 1 I 1 RED -BROWN SILTY CLAY 7.8 I/ AND CLAYEY SILT CEMENT - f PVC l� V CONSTRUCTION NOTES 5. o\ CASING / / + I GROUNOWATER DEPTH 5.32 FEET ` / CASING TYPE PVC BROW GROUN❑ SURFACE ON 7114M cAslNc I. D. 2" I Ir1rI � SCREEN 'YaE PVC { GREY FINE SAND 15.1 J� BENTON TE PELLET — { I SCREEN I.D• 2" I "Irl SCREEN INLET SIZE 0,01" 10_0 CEMENT GS TO 1 BENTONITE 1 TO 2 • - SAN❑ 2 TO 14 5 _� _ — — — — T — II � - PVC RISER 03- Tp 2.a9 _ SAr1p PACK SCREEN 2 a9 TO 12 49 I _ GREY FINE CLAYEY i 1 I I SAND 16.3 i 15.0 TERMINATED BORING AT 14.5 FEET ] �' •" _ "� PVC SCREEN I I � I •- _ I NOTE: MONITORING WELL NOT TO SCALE ALL MEASUREMENTS REFERENCE❑ FROM I GROUND SURFACE I ' NORTH GRCLI A DEPARTMENT OF NATLrrL RE.SOURCE.S AM COLOAARXTY DEVELOPWIENT or%gNON OF ENVtRpNPAEH TAL. mANAG T - GFICLINQWATUR 5:ECn0N P.0). BOX 216at - RALE]GKN,C. 2751S. PHONE (7I9] 733-,60E3 WELL CQNSTRUCT1CN RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR FOR OFFICE USE Of+ LY Cued- IJv. Serial No. Lai. Long_ pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW--I Ent. j l STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION RILLER REGiSTRA T ION NUMBER ■ � � � PERMIT NUMBER: I ' t. WELL LOCATION: (Show Sket l of me Location below) Neares, Town-. -- '3�7'3� (Road, Cornmunity, or Suadivision anC Lot No.] aL OWNER ADORE SS _ 237 ' {Street or Roue NoJ ` City or Town State 1 Zia Cooe a DATE DRILLED' USE OF wE! L. /j1]� .il.�f�i TOTAL 0E?T1 [ - - �1 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes 0 No Ir�. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes k`p No STATIC WATER LEVEL: - FT. L� above I TOP OF CASING. 1 u below TOP OF CASING :S =•2 FT LAND SURFACE. 'L? 0" 1 7- YIELD (earn} METHOD OF TEST I ' WATER ZONES idepth7: CHLORINATION: Type Amount CASING: Wall T hiCicnaS Depth Diameter or WeignVFL Material 1 I r From _0 - To FL From T❑ F,.. From - County: Oeorm From To DRILLIMr, I nr: Formation Description �a LT+Ii' tf additional stance is needed use back GI IomL LOCATION SKETCt-? iShow Crection and distance Irom at least two State Roads, or other man reierence points) GRCLIT: Dent t Materials Metnec From From 1 Ta L =t. `�'.7U:�le► Q �r ' f► Depth .From �. 7�7 j p)z I � r 1. From To Ft. From To G;, Diameter Slot Size Material � rl GRAVEL PACK: 'r Depth Size Material From 2 To_/yS Ft. 7�,.""Ve- From TO- Ft. �. REMARKS; IS I 1 DO HE=;E3Y CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTE❑ IN ACCOPOANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C, WELL. CONSTRUCTION — STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PR IDEA TO t IE WELL OWNER, SIGNATURE-OVONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE i MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION LOG I MONITORING -WELL ID: MW-5 INSTALLED BY: AEDS-DRILLERS I. EMS PROJECT #; 7239 NO, 1436 1 SITE LOCATION: LIZZLE CADILLAC-OLDSMO BILE DRILLING METHOD: AIR ROTARY DRILLING I • (6" ROLLER CONE) _ LOCATION. ADJACENT TO FORMER FORMER DATE INSTALLED: 7f7198 DIESEUGASOLINE UST BORING LOG I MONITORING WELL DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF p10 (FT.) LITHOLOGY (PPM) / UNT MANHOLEFLUSH-MCOVER 0'0 CONCRETE LOCKING CAP GROUNDWATER DEPTH 2 22 FEET I 9ELOW GROUND SURFACE ON 711AM I � F' I CEMENT j � �j// CONSTRUCTION NOTES Pvc 5-0 RED -BROWN TO 16.3 CASING--�� '' J F175 BROWN SILTY CLAY I ` ;' 1V/ CASING TYPE PVC I CASING I.D. 2" SCREEN TYPE PVC I_ se4TONITE PELLET SCREEN I.O. 2., I SEAT j � SCREEN INLET SIZE 0.01 " 10.0 GS 1 CEMENT TO BENTONITE 1. TO 2 SAND 2 TO 13 PVC RISER 03 To 205 RED -BROWN SILTSTONE SAND PACK SCREEN :•03 TO 12.05 _ TERMINATE D BORING ATI i 13 FEET 15.9 PVC SCREEN _ - - NOTE: WELL NOT TO SCALE MONITORING ALL MEASUREMENTS REFERENCED FROM GROUND SURFACE i I NORTH CAROUNA DEPAfrnAa4T OF NATLkAL RESOURCES AM COAYAR7a4Y DEVELOP"aff DPn&ON OF etWAGf¢WIETITAL MAHAC9A&lr - GRCLMWAi$1 SWnOM t A.Q. BOX 276a7 - RALEtGKH.G 2Tel t. PHONE ('Q191 733-d00.3 1 l WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD �n l' ►W DRILLING CONTRACTOR _ ,rf _ DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 11136 - I 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show Sketch OI the location below] Heares: Town- �J f-11 I InI 37 3-2C4 �,- / ffyl (Road, Commiini[y, or Subdivision and Lot No.) �+OWNEn uz-ZI8- (f--e , _ a/�F rTc��. /sue ACDRE SS 3'7 -7 C 4 ,e / rI ' _ ' (5Lree[ ❑ RoU[e No. City or Town state Zip Code 2 DATE DRILL E7 �� USE OF WEL'_. 1 ,. TOTAL DEPTH /2 • O CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes & No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes [KNO 'STATIC WATER LEVEL: I. 9 L FT. 0 above TOP OF CASING, TOP OF CAsiNG 15 Q• 3 F- A below �. A$�i�lAt�Q SURFACE o� /swa 7. YIELD (sprt- METHOD OF TEST � �. WATER ZONES (oedtn): tCHLORINATION: Type Amount CASING: I Wall Mickness Death Diameter or weignuFL Material n „ L From Q. 3 To ,Z 'as Ft� C %alp From To Ft. =Tom Td Ft. I GRCL•T: 1 Depth MaIerial Metnod From TC � Fi. ���.144�� ' From To FI. C.r✓>rrr�C'.f[j eTv/' Ceotn Diameter Slat Size Materai From 2 - 05 io F: 'Z ir, 61I0/ ' in. Frdm To FL it To Ft. ". GRAVEL PACK: FOR OFFICE USE OfJLY Quad. No. Serist No. Lat. long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-I Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: County: Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation 06 riouon Q, ! ., e farcku iJ It additional space is needed use back oI lorrn.. _LOCATION SKETCH (Shaw direction and distance tram at least two State Roads, or other ma❑ reference points) nnr� •V A4 - Ceo[h Size ,rM�aterial From C. io I "r,IVL H..� _ [Lim L From To F[. 14. REMARKS: V 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOF+7ANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL. CONSTRUCTION— , S T ANDAAOS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEE ROVIOED TO THE WELL OWNER-. I � 4 4� 6 SIGNATURCit7F CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE ' WATH CAWXJP" DVARTLC?ff OF NATIAi RESOURCES "10 C0&&AU* Y IXVo.0ft4 a OWL51CM CF ENV1WXJM 1TAL VANACEMDff - GRW40WATE R Sr --=ON I P.O. 5OX 27$e7 - FLAU GKS1 G I7e11. PRONE L9791 73a-E06.3 I I WELL CCNSTRUCTIUN RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. seriai No. Lat. Long. PC Minor Basin Sasin Code Header Ent. GW-I Erst. DRILLING CONTRACTOR C STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION &RILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER �? � PERMIT ;ZT3 EER: 1. WELL LOCATION: {Show sketcri or The location vetoes) (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot Na.} OWNER U- r ADDRESS 3-73 -%7�'{ ' LStre$t or Route Na.:{ 1`" i. r A ", tyC. I City or Town State I Zip Code 3_ DATE ❑RILLED - ��1 USE OF WELL- Z--1 ' TOTAL DEPTH f`2 2-6: CU+TINGS COLL ECT=D Cl Yes fg i E. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ❑ No STATIC WATER LEVEL: '3 y- = T. C above TOP OF CASING. � 70P OF CASING IS ."-� T. A,��'SB{pw- LAND SURFACE be /ecj 7. YIELD (��mr METHOD OF TEST WATEP ZONES [aeotri): I �C`iLORiNATION: Tyne CASING: Amount Deom Diameter 1 • 'J�� G yy From '!.� To L •� From 10 . '. GROUT: T a... Coun=y: — L r4 Deorn DRILLING LOG From To Formation Descriolion C� (3 S Co,u I.7 t r Waif Thickness If additional space is needed use back of toetn. or Weignt/FL Material LOCATION SKcTC?I. (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roacs, or ,dtrier man reierence points) �+ G Oeatn Mate_riall Metnoc From C"rS T0FL / 1 ' From To Ft. c,i- SCREEN: Denin Diameter Slot Size Ma,enal 7 `f 'f r� I C rrOm Lr V� jo i'�• �•-J t. in. in. ' Frain T6 Ft. irL in. From To Ft. in. in. ". GRAVEL PAC`:: Deorn Size Material From To Gt. �. REMARKS: 41 ' 1 DO HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCO710ANCE WITH 15 NCAC IC, WILL• CONSTRI1CTtON— STANOARpS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS EN PROVIDED TO 7HE WELL OWNER_ �7'I�'� SIGNATkTRE'OF CONTRACTOR OR AGeNT DATE 1 - Page 1 Received: 07/15/98 TCD[IKOV CORP: REPORT wont order 9 98-07-2A7 O7/M/98 13:44:35 REPORT EMS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PREPARED TOXIKON CORPORATION TO 117 S. HOOVER RD - BY 15 WIGGINS AVE DURHAM HC 27703 BEDFORD, MA 01730 (919)596-0470 FAX 0578 ATTEN JIM STAHLING CLIENT EMS NC SAMPLES 6 COMPANY ENS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FACILITY 117 S. HOOVER RD DURHAM,_NC 27703 ' WORK ID UZZLE-7239 TAKEN 7 14 98 TRANS ' TYPE WATER P.O. # INVOICE under se rate cover SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 01 MW-2 02 MW-3 13 MW•4 ' 04 MW-5 05 MW-6 06 MW-3 1 CHRTIFIEQ, Y ATTEN PAUL LF7RFRG PHONE (617)275-3330 CONTACT MARKETING 1. MA CEPT # M-MA064: TRACE METALS SULFATE.CYANIDE,RES. FREE CHLORINE, Co. TOTAL ALK., TDS,PH THMs, VOC, PEST —NUTRIENTS. DEMAND, O&Q, PHENOLICS, PCBs - CT DHS #PH-0563, NY #10778 FL HRS E87143 NJ DEP 59538 NC.D'NR 86 88002 NH 2O4091-C. VERIFIER Y: TEST CODES and NAMES used on this workarder 625 A/BN EXTRACTABLES WATER CR CHROMIUM EPHRC EXTRACTABLE PHC MEX NC North Carolina Acid Ext. PB LEAD TICSV T.I.C. Semi-vo(atiles I Page 2 TOXIKOW CORP. REPORT York order # 98-07-267 Received: 07/15/98 Results by Sample SAMPLE ID WW-2 FRACTION 01A TEST CODE 62.5_ NAME A/BN EXTRACTASLES_WATER ' Date & Time Cot(ected 07114198 11:55;00 Category WATER ' PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES bis(-2-ChtoroethyL) ether ND 10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 10 Chrysene ND 10 1,4-➢ichlorobenzene ND 10 Di-n-octyL phthalate ND 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 10 Benzo(b)fluaranthene ND 10 ' bis(2-Chloroisopropyl] ether ND 10 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 10 N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propylamine ND 10 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 10 Hexachteroethane NO 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 10 Nitrobenzene HD 10 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 10 Isophorone NO 10 Benzo(g,h,i)perytene ND 10 bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane NO 10 ACID EXTRACTABLES RESULT LIMIT 1,2,4-Trichloroben2ene ND 10 ' Naphthalene NO 10 Phenot ND 10 Hexachlorobutadiene NO 10 2-ChlorephenoL No 10 Hexach[orocyciopentadiene NO 10 BenzyL ALcohot ND 20 ' 2-Ch[oronaphthatene NO 10 2-Methylphenot ND 10 Dimethy( phthalate RD 10 4-Methylphenot ND 10 Acenaphthytene NO 10 2-Nitraphenot NO 10 ' Acenaphthene ND 10 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 10 2,4-Dinitrotoluene _�ND 10 Benzoic Acid ND 50 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 10 2,4-Dichiorophenol N4 10 Diethyiphthatate ND 10 4-Ch(aroaniline ND 20 4-Chiarophenyl phenyl ether ND 10 4-Chtoro-3-methylphenoi ND 10 Flourene ND 10 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 10 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 10 2,4,6-TrichlorophenaL ND 10 ' 4-Bromophenyt phenyl ether NO i0 2,4,5-TrichLorflphenal ND 10 Hexachiorobenzene HD 10 2-Nitroaniline ND 25 Phenanthrene ND 10 3-NitroaniLine HD 25 Anthracene ND 10 2,4-➢initrophenol ND 10 ' Di-n-butylphthalate ND 10 4-Nitrophenot ND 10 Ftuoranthene E ND 10 Dibenzofuran ND 10 Pyrene NO 10 4-Nitreaniline ND 10 ' Butyl benzyi phthalate ND 10 4,6-Dinitra-2-methylphenoL ND 10 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine RD 10 Pentachlorephenol ND 10 Benzo (a) anthracene ND 10 Benzidine ND 10 ' bis (2-ethythexyL)phthalate I ND 10 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 10 Additional Ana[ tes 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine NO 10 ' 3-Methytphenol (m-Cresol) ND 10 1 Notes and Definitions for this Report: Units:.... ugll ' EXTRACTED........ --- 07116198 DATE RUN......... 07/17198 ANALYST ......... PAC ___ ' INSTRUMENT....... F DILUTION FACTOR.. 1 ND = Not Detected at Detection Limits. Page 3 Received: 07/15/98 SAMPLE ID RW-2 TOXIKOK CORP: REPORT York Order R 98-07-267 1 Reesults by Sample I FRACTION 01A TEST CODE EPHNC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Date $ Time Co[[eeted 07/14/98 11:55:00 Category PATER EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 Aliphatic& 162 100 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 100 C11-C22 Aromatics 180 100 Surrogates 7.Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 55.8 40 - 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 70.4 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 52.9 40 - 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 61.1 40 - 140 Notes and Deflinitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07/ 6/9$ DATE RUN 07/27/98 ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT HP7 DIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS ug/L MATRIX: DRY HEIGHT: ND not detected at detection limit I D diluted out INT ■ matrixlinterference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes Page S TOXIXW CORP. REPORI Work Order # 98-07-267 ' Received: 07/15/98 Resutts by Swpie SAMPLE ID nW-2 FRACTION 01A TEST CODE TICSV NAME T.I.C. Semi-volatfles ' Date $ Time Collected 07/14/98 11:55.9D Category WATER ' SUMMARY OF NBS (38I700+ anaLyte version, ApH L 182) LIBRARY SEARCH RESULTS OF NONTARGETED PEAKS WITH ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION OF TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS ' BASE NEUTRAL SCAN ?LAME OF MF ASSESSMENT EST. ' NUN. COMPOUND PUR RS ISO UK CONC. CAS RT (1) (2) # (3) 205 UNKNOWN 32 _ _ x 23.46 * 6.70 406 UNKNOWN 7 _ _ x 5.85 * 10.10 421 UNKNOWN 58 _ X 4.57 * 10.35 456 UNKNOWN 60 _ I _ 8.66 * 10.94 Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS............. u�L DATE............ 07/17/98 SPECTROSCOPIST... PAC (1) RS - Reasonable Identification • [SO- Isomer or similar compound UK - Unknown, not in NBS Library (2) Calculatetl vs nearest eluting internal standard as a simple ratio / proportion. (3) RT vs dif+Luarobiphenyl or d**10-phenanthrene. * This shall mean the assessment of the library search by an experienced mass spec. interpretation specialist which would by his/her concurrence be a good identification using WA85-J664, J680, Task V on page A-3 & Task III pg 2-3 COMMENTS 1 Page 5 TUXIXON CORPI REPORT York Order # 98-07-267 ' Receivod: 07/15/98 Results by Sample I SAMPLE lD Hi!-3 FRACTION 02A TEST CODE 625 NAME A/BN EXTRACTABLES PATER ' Date & Time Collected 07/14/98 11:35:00 Category WATER PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES bis(-2-Chloroethyt) ether ND 10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene HD 10 Chrysene ND 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene HD 10 Di-n-octyl phthalate ND 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 10 Benzo(b)fluoranthene NO 10 t bis(2-ChLoroisopropyl} ether HD 10 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 10 N-Nitraso-Di-N-Propyiamine HD 10 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 10 Hexachlaroethane ND 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 10 Nitrobenzene i ND 10 Oibenz(a,h)anthracene No 10 Isophorone ND 10 Benzo(g,h,i)pery(ene NO 10 bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane ND 10 ACID EXTRACTABLES RESULT LIMIT 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 10 ' Haphthalene ND 10 Phenol ND 10 Hexachlorobutodiene HD 10 2-Chlorophenol ND 10 Hexachlarocyclopentadiene ND 10 BenzyL Alcohol ND 20 1 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 10 2-MethyLphenol ND 10 Dimethyl phthalate i ND 10 4-MethyLphenol Hfl 10 Acenaphthyiene ND 10 2-Hitrophenol ND 10 ' Acenaphthene ND 10 2,4-Dimethy(phenoi ND 10 2,4-Dinitratotuene ND 10 Benzoic Acid ND 50 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 10 2,4-OichLorophenaL ND 10 DiethyLphthalate ND 10 4-Chlaroaniline ND 20 ' 4-ChloraphenyL phenyl ether ND 10 4-Chloro-3-methyiphenoL ND 10 FLourene HD 10 2-Methylnaphthatene ND 10 N-Nitrosodiphenytamine ND 10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenoi ND 10 t 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 10 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol HD 10 HexachLorobenzene N0 10 2-Nitraaniline ND 25 Phenanthrene ND 10 3-Nitraaniline ND 25 Anthracene ND 10 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 10 ' Di-n-butylphthaLate ND 10 4-Hitraphenol NO 10 FLuoranthene ND 10 Dibenzofuran ND 10 Pyrene ND 10 4-Nitraaniline ND 10 Butyl benzyt phthalate i No 10 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND 10 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine HD 10 Pentachloraphenol ND 10 Benzo (a) anthracene ND 10 Benzidine ND 10 ' bis (2-ethylhexyL)phthatate ND 10 H-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 10 Additional Anal tes 1,2-Diphenyihydrazine ND 10 ' 3-Methyiphenol (m-Cresol) I ND 10 Notes and Definitions for this Report: units:.... ug/L ' EXTRACTED........ 07/16/98 DATE RUN......... 07 17 98 ANALYST!......... PAC ' INSTRUMENT....... F DILUTION FACTOR.. 1 ' i HD = Not Detected at Detection Limits. f 1 Page 6 ' Received: 07/15/98 SAMPLE ID mi-3 1 . Tou Kom CORP: REPORT Work order A 98-07-267 Results by Sample 1 FRACTION Da TEST CODE EPHNC NAME QMZACTABLE PHC Hate & Time Cottected 07/14/98 11:35:GG Category HATER EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-08 ALiphatics 169 100 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 100 C11-C22 Aromatics 121 100 Surrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 58.1 40 - 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 65.2 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 48.8 40 - 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 61.8 40 - 140 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07 HATE RUN 07/27/98 ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT HP7 OIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS _uglt MATRIX: DRY HEIGHT: I ND = not detected at detection Limit t D = diluted out INT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogates) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted foritarget anaLytes Page 7 TOXIXON CORP I REPORT York Order # 98-07-267 Received: 07/15/98 Rewtts by Sample SAMPLE ID MW-3 FRACTION 02A TEST CODE TICSV NAME T.I.C. Semi-yolatiles Date & Time Collected 07 14 98 11.35:00 Category WATER SUMMARY OF NOS (38;700+ analyte version, April 182) LIBRARY SEARCH RESULTS OF NONTARGETED PEAKS WITH ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION OF TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS BASE NEUTRAL SCAN NAME OF MF ASSESSMENT EST. HUM. COMPOUND PUR RS ISO UK CONC. CAS RT (1) (2) N (3) 159 UNKNOWN 7 _ x 10.54 * 5.92 205 UNKNOWN 32 _ x_ 23.12 * 6.69 456 1 2-SENZENEOOIL 70 6.71 120809 10.94 Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS....... .. v4/L DATE .......... .. 07/17/98 SPECTROSCOPIST... PAC (1) RS - Reasonable Identification ISO- Isomer or similar compound i UK - Unknown, not in NBS Library i (2) Calculated vs nearest etuting internal standard as a simple ratio / proportion. (3) RT vs difluorobiphenyl or d**10-phenanthrene. * This shall mean the assessment of the library search by an experienced mass spec. interpretation specialist which would by -his/her concurrence be a good identification using WA85-J664, J680, Task V on page A-3 & Task III pg 2-3 t Page a TOXIKOIL CORP. REPORT York Order # 98-07-267 ' Received: 07/15/98 Results by SaWLe SAMPLE ID MY-4 FRACTION 03A TEST CODE 625 NAME A N E)(TRACTABLES PATER I Date l Time Collected 07/14/98 12:25:00 Category WATER I PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES bis(-2-ChLoroethyt) ether IND 10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene No 10 Chrysene No 10 1,4-oichtorebenzene ND 10 Di-n-octyt phthalate No 10 1,2-Dichtorobenzene No 10 Benzo(b)ftuoranthene ND 10 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether No 10 Benzo(k)fluoranthene No 10 N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propylamine No 10 Senzo(a)pyrene NO 10 Hexachtoroethane END 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NO 10 Nitrobenzene IND 10 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 10 Isophorone IND 10 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 10 bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane IND 10 ACID EXTRACTABLES RESULT LIMIT 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene IND 10 Naphthalene IND 10 Phenol NO 10 Hexachiorobutediene IND 10 2-Chlorophenol No 10 Hexachtorocyclopentadiene INo 10 Senzyl Alcohol No 21 2-Chlaronaphthalene IND 10 2-MethylphenoL No 10 Dimethyt phthalate No 10 4-MethylphenoL NO 10 Acenaphthylene No 10 2-Nitrophenol No 10 Acenaphthene IND 10 2,4-Dimethyiphenol HD 10 2,4-DinitrotoLuene No 10 Benzoic Acid ND ,_ 5�?. 2,6-Dinitratotuene No 10 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO 10 Diethyiphthatate No 10 4-Chloraaniline HD 21 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether No 10 4-Chloro-3-methylphenot No 10 Ftourene IND 10 2-MethyLnaphthalene NO 10 H•Nitrasodiphenylamine IHD 10 2,4,6-TrichtorophenaL NO 10 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether IND 10 2,4,5-TrichlorophenoL ND 10 Hexachlarobenzene INo 10 2-Nitroaniline HD 26 Phenanthrene IND 10 3-Nitroaniline HD 26 Anthracene INO 10 2,4-Dinitrophenot No 10 Di-n-butytphthatate IND 10 4-Nitrophenol No 10 FLuorenthene IND 10 Dibenzofuran NO 10 Pyrene IND 10 4-Nitroaniline No 10 Butyl benzyt phthalate IND 10 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol HD 10 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine IND 10 Pentachlorophenol No 10 Benzo (a) anthracene IHD 10 Benzidine No 10 bis (2-ethyihexy()phthalate IND 10 N-Hitrosodimethylamine No 10 Additional Anattes 1,2-Diphenythydrazi ine No 10 3-Methy(phenoL Cm -Cresol) No 10 Notes and Definitions for this Report: Units:.. I ...... ug/L EXTRACTED........ 07/16198 HATE RUN.I........ 07/17198 ANALTST..I ...... PAC INSTRUMENT....... F i DILUTION FACTOR.. 1.04 i HD = Not Detected at Detection Limits. Page 9 ' Received.- 07/15/98 SAMPLE ID XW-S 1 TOXIXCI( CORP. REPORT Results by Sample I York Order ■ 98-07-267 FRACTION 03A TEST CODE EPHMC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Date 8 Time CoLLeeted 07/14/98 12:25.00 Category WATER ' EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARON5 REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 Aliphatics 154 100 C19-06 Atiphatics ND 100 C11-C22 Aromatics1 106 100 ' Surrogates XRecovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 52.3 40 - 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 73.9 40 140 Aromatic Surrogate 47.8 40 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 50.1 40 140 ' Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 07/16198 DATE RUN 07127/98 ANALYSTI CK ' INSTRUMENT HP7 DIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS ug/L MATRIX:I 1 DRY WEIGHT: I ' ND not detected at detection Limit D di Luted'out INT = matrix interference I ' Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eiuting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes I Page 1D TOxiKoN CORP. REPORT York order i# 98-07-267 eReceived: 07/15/98 Results by Sample SAMPLE ID )ell-4 FRACTIIjCN DA TEST CODE TICSV NAME T.I-C. Semi-volatiLes ' Date & Time Collected Onl4198 12.25:01) Category WATER I SUMMARY OF NUS 08,700+ analyte version, April 182) LIBRARY SEARCH RESULTS OF NONTARGETED PEAKS WITH ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION OF TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS BASE NEUTRAL SCAN NAME OF MF ASSESSMENT EST. HUM. COMPOUND PUR RS ISO UK CONC. CAS RT (1) (2) # (3) -- ----------------------1 .-------------- ----- ------------- 159 UNKNOWN 9 _ _ 22.5 * 5.92 _ _20.5 UNKL OWN 8 _ _ X 22.18 * 6.70 267 UNKNOWN 59 _ _ % 24.68 + 7.75 i Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS....... .. u9/L DATE........ .. 07/17/98 SPECTROSCOPIST... PAC (1) RS - Reasonable identification ISO- Isomer or similar compound UK - Unknown, not in HBS Library (2) Calcutated vs nearest eluting internal standard as a simple ratio / proportion. (3) RT vs difiuorobiphenyl or d**10-phenanthrene. ' This shad mean the assessment of the library search by an experienced mass spec. interpretation specialist which would by his/her concurrence be a good identification using YA85-J664, J680, Task V on page A-3 & Task III pg 2-3 COMMENTS Page 11 TOXiKON CORP.I REPORT York order 0 98-07-767 Received: 07/15/98 Re suits by sample SAMPLE ID MY-5 FRACTION 04A TEST CODE 625 NAME A BN EXTRACTABLE& PATER ' Date B Time Collected 07/14/98 10:55:00 Category PATER I PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT PARAMETER BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES RESULT LIMIT bis(-2-Chloroethyt) ether I ND 10 1,3-Dichlorobenxene AND 10 Chrysene ND 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene I ND 10 Di-n-octyl phthalate ND 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene I NO 10 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 10 bis(2-ChloroisepropyL) ether I NO 10 8enzo(k)fluaranthene NO 10 N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propylamine INO 10 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 10 Hexachloroethane No 10 lndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NO 10 Nitrobenzene ND 10 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 10 Isophorone ND 10 8enzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 10 bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane ND 10 ACID EXTRACTABLES RESULT LIMIT 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene I ND 10 Naphthalene I ND 10 Phenol NO 10 Hexachlorobutaciiene NO 10 2-Chlorophenot NO 10 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene No 10 Senzyl Alcohol No 21 2-Chtoronaphthalene NO 10 2-Methylphenot ND 10 Dimethyl phthalate ND 10 4-Nethylphenot ND 10 Acenaphthylene NO 10 2-Nitrophenol ND 10 Acenaphthene I ND 10 2,4-DimethytphenoL ND 10 2,4-Dinitrotoluene I ND 10 Benzoic Acid HD 52 2,6-Dinitrotoluene I ND 10 2,4-DichlorophenoL ND 10 Diethylphthalate NO 10 4-Chioroaniline ND _..g 1 4-Chtorophenyl phenyl ether ND 10 4-Chtoro-3-methylphenot HD 10 Flourene ND 10 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 10 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine No 10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenal ND 10 4-Bromaphenyl phenyt ether ND 10 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 10 Hexachlarobenzene I ND 10 2-Nitroaniline ND 26 Phenanthrene I NO 10 3-Nitroaniline ND 26 Anthracene NO 10 2,4-Dinitraphenol MD 10 Di-n-butylphthalate NO 10 4-NitrophenoL ND 10 Fluoranthene NO 10 Dibenzofuran NO 10 Pyrene ND 10 4-NitroaniLine No 10 Butyl benzyt phthalate 1 ND 10 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol HD 10 3,31-Dichlorobenzidine I NO 10 Pentachloraphenol NO 10 Benzo (a) anthracene I ND 10 Benzidine ND 10 bis (2-ethythexyO phthalate I NO 10 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 10 Additional Analytes 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 10 3-Methylphenot (m�Cresat) HD 10 Hates and Definitions for this Report: Units:. I ....... ug/L EXTRACTED........ 07/16198 PATE RUN...... 071�98 ANALTST.�.... ........ PAC INSTRUMENT....... F DILUTION FACTOR.. 1_04 NO = Not Detected at Detection Limits. ' Page 12 TOXIKDII CORP. REPORT York order R 98-07-7-67 Received: 07/15/98 Results by Sample SAMPLE ID KW-5 FRACTION 04A TEST CODE EPHHC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Date B�Time Collected 07/14/98 10:55:00 Category WATER 1 ' L A i iC 27 L,. L i7 n L r1 L F1 4 n LJ iJ C� V 1'1 it i L i� V L L1_it V li U REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 Aliphatics 1070 100 C19-C36 Aliphatics NO 100 C11-C22 Aromatics NO 100 eSurrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 50.4 40 - 140 ' Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 87.8 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 47.6 40 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 40.8 40 140 ' Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTEDR 07„ /16/98 DATE RUN 07/27/98 ' ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT HP7 DIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS ugL ' MATRIX: DRY WEIGHT: ' ND = not detected at detection limit 0 = diluted out INT = matrix interference I Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes Page 13 Received: 07/15/98 SAMPLE ID IOW-5 TOXI)(ON CORP: REPORT York Order # 98-07-267 I Results by SawLe FRACTION "A TEST CODE TICSV NAME T.I.C. Semi-voLatiles Date & Time Collected 07/14/98 10:55:1)Q Category WATER I SUMMARY OF NUS (38,700+ analyte version, April 182) LIBRARY SEARCH RESULTS DF NONTARGETED PEAKS WITH ESTIMATED i CONCENTRATION OF TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS BASE NEUTRAL I SCAN NAME OF MF ASSESSMENT EST. NUM. COMPOUND PUR RS ISO UK CONC. CAS RT (1) (2) # (3) ------------------------------ -------------- -- 157 UNKNOWN 95 _ _ x 197.85 * 5.98 —j-89 UNKNOWN 91 _ _ x 120 * 6.30 249 UNKNOWN 94 _ _ ]( 56.4 * 7.44 256 UNKNOWN 96 _ _ x 25.2 * 7.56 280 UNKNOWN 96 _ _ x 70.2 7.96 308 _ UNKNOWN 96 _ _ � 26.7 8.44 322 INDANE 81 _ _ _ 12.1 496117 8.67 339 UNKNOWN 91 _ _ x 11.1 8.96 357 BENZENE. -ETHYL-DIMETHYL ISaME 91 _ x _ 11.2 * 9.27 395 UNKNOWN 91 x 6.11 * 9.91 413 ggNZENE. (1-METHYL-1-PROPENYL) 76 _ 6.31 767997 10.21 423 UNKNOWN 93 _ _ x 7,1.9 * 10.38 I Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS........ ... _ ug/L DATE........I.. 07/17/98 SPECTROSCOPIST... PAC (1) RS - Reasanab{e Identification ISO- isomer or similar compound UK - Unknown, not in NBS Library (2) Calculated vs nearest eluting internal standard as a simple ratio / proportion. (3) RT vs difLuerobiphenyl or d**10-phenanthrene. * This shall mean the assessment of the library search by an experienced mass spec. interpretation specialist which would by his/her concurrence be a good identification using WA85-J664, J680, Task V on page A-3 & Task III pg 2-3 COMMENTS Pogo 14 TOXIMN CORP. REPORT Work Order d 98-07-267 ' Received: D7115/98 Results by Sample 1 SAMPLE ID M11-6 FRACTION 05A TEST CODE 625 NAME VBN EXTRACTABLES WATER ' Date & Time Collected 07/14/ 8 12.15:00 Category WATER I PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT PARAMETER I BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES bis(-2-ChloroethyL) ether AND 10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene AND 10 Chrysene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene AND 10 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1,2-Dichlorobenzene No 10 Senzo(b)fluoranthene bis(2-ChloroisopropyL) ether NO 10 Benzo(k)fluccenthene H-Nitroso-Di-N-Propylamine ND 10 Senzo(a)pyrene Nexachloroethane ND 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Nitrobenzene ND 10 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Isophorone ND 10 Benza(g,h,i)perylene bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane ND 10 ACID EXTRACTABLES 1,2,4-TrichLorobenzene ND 10 Naphthalene ND 10 Phenol Hexachlorobutadiene ND 10 2-Chlarophenot Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 10 Benzyl Aicohol 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 10 2-Methyiphenol DimethyL phthalate ND 10 4-MethytphenoL Acenaphthylene ND 10 2-Nitrophenol Acenaphthene ND 10 2,4-Dimethytphenot 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 10 Benzoic Acid 2,6-Dinitrotoiuene ND 10 2,4-Dichtorophenol Diethylphthalate ND 10 4-Chlaronniline 4-ChlorophenyL phenyl ether ND 10 4-Chloro-3-methyLphenoL FLourene ND 10 2-Methylnaphthalene N-Nitrosodiphenytamine No 10 2,4,6-Trichtoraphenot 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 10 2,4,5-Trichiorophenol Hexachlorobenzene ND 10 2-NitroaniH ne Phenanthrene ND 10 3-Nitroanitine Anthracene ND 10 2,4-Dinitrophenol Di-n-butylphtha(ate ND 10 4-Nitrophenot FLuorenthene f ND 10 Dibenzofuran Pyrene ND 10 4-Nitroaniline Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 10 4,6-Dinitro-2-methytphenal 3,31-Oichlarobenzidine f No 10 Pentachtorophenal Benzo (a) anthracene HD 10 Benzidine bis (2-ethy(hexyl)phthatate ND 10 N-Nitrosodimethylamine additional Anal tes 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine NO 10 3-Methy{phenol (m-CresoL) I NO 10 Notes and Definitions for this Report: Units: ........ ug/L EXTRACTED........ 07 16 9$ DATE RUN......... 07L17194 ANALYST j......... _ PAC P INSTRUMENT....... F DILUTION FACTOR.. 1.04 1 ND = Not Detected at I Detection Limits. RESULT LIMIT ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 RESULT LIMIT ND ND un ND ND ND ND ND NO ND un ND un ND ND un ND ND NO NO NO on ND ND 10 10 21 10 10 10 10 52 10 21 10 10 10 10 26 26 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Page 15 Recei►red: 07115/98 SAMPLE ID MN-6 TOXIKOII CORP.' REPORT Nark Order # 98-07-267 Results by Sample FRACTfDN 05A TEST CODE EPHNC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC Date & Time Collected 07/14/98 12:15:00 Category SLATER EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARONS REPORTING RESULT LIMIT C9-C18 Aliphatics 156 100 C19-06 Aliphatics NO 100 Cll-C22 Aromatics No 100 Surrogates %Recovery Surrogate Limits Aliphatic Surrogate 61.8 40 - 140 Aliphatic Fractionation Surrogate 97.0 40 - 140 Aromatic Surrogate 44.1 40 - 140 Aromatic Fractionation Surrogate 66.0 40 - 140 Notes and Definitions for this Report: EXTRACTED 071 6/98 DATE RUN 07/27/98 ANALYST CK INSTRUMENT HP7 DIL. FACTOR: 1 UNITS ug/L MATRIX: DRY SLEIGHT: NO = not detected at detection limit D = diluted out INT = matrix interference Hydrocarbon Range data exclude concentrations of surrogate(s) eluting in that range Hydrocarbon Range data are unadjusted for target analytes 1 . Page 16 Received: 07/15/98 TOXII(011 CORP.I REPORT Mork order # 98-07-267 Results by SampLe SAMPLE ID All-6 FRACTION 05A TEST CODE TICSV NAME T.I.C. Semi-valatiies ' Date & Time Collected 07/14/98 12:15.00 Category HATER I SUMMARY OF NBS (38,700+ analyte version, April 182) LIBRARY SEARCH RESULTS OF NONTARGETED PEAKS WITH ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION OF TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS RASE NEUTRAL SCAN NAME OF MF ASSESSMENT EST. HUM. COMPOUND PUR RS IS❑ UK CONC. CAS RT (1) (2) # (3) 159 UNKNOWN 7 _ _ x 19.7 * 5.92 205 UNKNOWN 27 _ _ x 22.5 * 6.69 309 UNKNOWN 49 _ x 7.33 ^_ * 8.45 415 CYCLOHEYANEMETHANOL 74 _ 7.71 498817 10.25 420 UNKNOWN 98 _ _ x 22.5 r * 10.33 457 1 2-SENZENEDiOL 87 7.99 -_ -_ 120809 10.96 471 UNKNOWN 25 x 4.09 * 11.2 510 UNKNOWN 38 _ x_ 4.18 * 11.86 515 UNKNOWN 25 _ X 6.48 * 11.94 523 UNKNOWN 47 X 4.13 ^_ * 12.08 608 UNKNOWN 64 x 4.17 * 13.51 724 UNKNOWN 46 _ X 6.29 * 15.48 940 P HE TACYCI.O(7.50.0(2,8).O(5,14) 90 _ _ _ 10.0 * 19.13 Notes and Definitions for this Report: UNITS........ G4/L DATE ........... 07/17/98 SPECTROSCOPIST!— PAC (1) RS - Reasonable Identification ISO- Isomer or similar compound UK - Unknown, not in NBS Library (2) Calculated vs nearest eluting internal standard as a simple ratio / proportion. I (3) RT vs difluorobiphenyl or d**10-phenanthrene. * This shall mean the assessment of the library search by an experienced mass spec. interpretation specialist which would by his/her concurrence be a goad identification using WA85-J664, J680, Task V on page A-3 & Task III pg 2-3 COMMENTS Page 17 TOXICON CORP.1 REPORT York Order # 98-07-267 Received: 07/15/98 Results by Sample SAMPLE ID NW-3 SAMPLE # 06 FRACTIONS: A Date & Time Collected 07 14 98 10:55:00 Category WATER CR 0.028 P9 0.017 mg/L DL=0.005 mglt DL=0.005 Page I T[ALIKOK CORP. J REPORT Received: 07/15/98 Test Rethodology TEST CODE 625 NAME AIBN E] MCTABLES WATER _ EPA METHOD: 625: Base I Neutral, Acids GCMS. Reference: Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater. Appendix A. 40CFR Part 136. FederaL Register VoL. 49, No. 209; 1984. TEST CODE EPRNC NAME EXTRACTABLE PHC METHOD:EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS REFERENCE:METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH), MADEP-EPH-98-11 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION JANUARY 1998 FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES OF THE NOIIfRTH CAROLINA DENR TEST CODE MEX NC NAME North Carolina Acid Ext. 1 Reference: Method 3030C. Preliminary Treate:nent for Acid Extractable Metals. i Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th Edition. TEST CODE TICSV NAME T.I.C. Semi-Volatiles� Method not available. York Order # 98-07-267 EPHIVPH Certification Toxikon Order �, VPH Soil Sample Collection Option I, Option 1 = Fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device Option 3 = Field weight of soil Were all QAIQC procedures REQUIRED by the VPH method followed? I Were all QAIQC procedures REQUIRED by the EPH method followed? Were all perform ancelacceptanlee standards for the required QAJQC procedures achieved? Details regarding any answer of "No" above are provided below. Yes No A)11? Yes --,NO— Yes vNo_ Were any significant modifications made to the EPHIVPH methods Yes_ No X I as specified in Section 11.3? I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of My knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. f I � %" Signature: I l ! Position: Printed Name: �rtr Gr�"cE _ Date: IZ, Attachment 3 EPH Laboratory Reporting Form 'K. N, Initial Calibration Date Calibration Ranqes and Limits _z 7-, ------ M D C9 -C18 Aliphatics IIV 1 3 3 /00 C19 - C36 Aliphatics a 5 J00 IC1 1 -C22 Aromatics /OU NOTE Please include units as appropriate Method of Quantitation (circle one,)-. Curve Average Re�spon�se-Fa�CtCr Calibration Concentration Levels ....... ......... . ............ Ra - --------- I r ..... ............ C9 _C18 Aliphatics I C7 0 (9 0 C) 0 C19 -C36 Aliphatics 140 it u 0 c6 0 01 1 6 0 0' C1 I - C22 Aromatics I I if 3 Y 0, IF57 0. NOTE: Please indicate units as appr Calibration Check Date I)' Calibration Check ti e, w C9 -C18 Aliphatics 3 0 C19 - C36 Aliphatics y 0 b ICI 1 -C22 Aromatics (3 5i 0 1 (: Z 12 IVIDL = Method Detection Limit NIL = Mirnimum Limit RL = Reportable Limit RPC = Relative Percent Difference %RSO = Percent Relative Standard Deviation CCC = Correlation Coefficient of Curve err r �r r rr r i r. r■r r � 1" - CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD RK ER 15 Wiggins Ave., Bedford, MA 01730 - Telephone: (781) 275-3330 DUE DATE 4� Fax:(7811275-7478 f , COMPANY: 1,'5_ _ _ 6:LVy rC-P V 4_ SAMPLE TYPE CONTAINER TYPE •U I ANALYSES ADDRESS: S - Ft 1-WASTEWATER P - PLASTIC V' z. SOIL G • GLASS �j L PHONE #: ors 3. SLUDGE V .VOA 55 �a�19DFA}C #: � "� ��/� 4. OIL � P.O. #: Z -3 5. DRINKING WATER PROJECT MANAGER: ::T'" _, s- WATER tGWAA WISWj �i rV �J PROJECT ID/LOCATION: /e__ ?.OTHER (SPECIFY TOXIKON SAMPLE SAMPLE CONTAINER SAMPLING PRESERVATIVE �f SPECIAL � INSTRUCTIONS/ a>« IDENTIFICATION! TYPE SIZE TYPE a DATE TIME � COMMENTS BY: RELINQUISHED BY: RELINQUISHED BY. METHOD OF SHIPMENT DATE-. - - - N TIME: - DATE: - TIME: - - DATE: - TIME:. C4i111163 11812F11 f:�xsI�IT1��7:]'A RECEIV ❑ OW Y: 7Ile COOLER TEMPERATURE DATE: - _ ❑ RUSH ..... BUSINESS DAY TURN AROUND TIME: _ KIROUTINE DATE: 0-7 - �� _ y Sample disposal information Are there any other known or suspected TIME: /,.? - Z`L - contaminants in these samples other than those listed above? Yes No If Yes, 1st Known 08-03-98 03:02?M HOM TOXIKOH I TO 19!95960578 P002 ✓ "1 Reerlwd: OYI15in TOxIRK CORP, rapmr 1 NOUN 14:131:36 War* Or+dw # 98-07-26B REPORT EZS MIRWjWAl jjjYjgjS I PREMED TgX: j Trr-CORPORATZ04 TO 117 S. Yr 5 r Ns AY mm596-0470 fAx 0576 FLED BY ArTFee rw STAw see I ATTEN EAUL LELURG— PHONE (J1M75-3330 CONTACT MMEITING_ CLIENT EMS NC _ SAMPLES � COMPANY Ch5 eMVI R2UJHTAL SERV[4E5, MA CEItT R R-NA064: TRACE METALS- SULFAJIXYAN10E.8ES. FREE_ FACILITY T17 S, HOOWR RD CALOgL , Cp, TOM -ALK TR5, OR- THNg.VOC� PEST, jNMENLf. UR"Affl RC 27ml DENaue. Gtd. PHEWXIC:. PCea [7_ORs gM-9563. NY 810M FL MRE�7143 NJ OEP j$53� MC ONRLM, SC OZ.-MR 2Wl71-C, WORK ID vrrtE-7Z3q _ TAKEN 11419$ _ VER I Fi ED i1 CdLiGi ._ �Tr f TRANS TYPE WATER I INVOICE y*r gm2r ltg cnvr LWLE IDENTIfICATIONr TUT CODES erd RAINS 1md at this trorkordpr n�21 ¢Ef� PMEA6LE IIALQEAUDN5 eVRSIJ.L1 hjMTjCS c�1_ CH1tOMluM - - Q�DELI E_Thr{title 21birolde _ .a 1M►7 S _ jPI gs IsupwgEnITHIp- HEX KCVar?k CaroiltM Acid t I MTBE I- MTe pR I L EM � - -- V_OLATTLF PHL I , 08-03-9$ 03:02PM FROM TOMON ?O 19i9596073 P003 H i paa. 2 • nAuj= CARP. SEFORT wort afdar s 9e-07-Zip ilacalred: 07/13/" eawtts by sawle SAMU 10 FRACTION MA TEST CODE VP MJiIMi VOUTIL9 Cate i Time Col 1ectsd.0`f14f98 n;35*QR Category 4ltTER P T QL vM KY1)R0CA8A2N8 REPORT Il16 RESULT LIMIT CS -CS AIIphatica (FID) k8 s0 CP-Cl? Aliphatics MO) _ N S4 s9-C10 Aromatics MD) !Y8 50 TARGET VPk AMALMS Totuene Na 2.0 Ethytbwzww wn 2. W-xy l erica +l 0-%ytene �o _2,Q arroE _ 4.2 2.4 Ilophthelone Surrogstaa x Raeorery Surrogate Limits FIC Surrogate 1 74 n - 130 PID Surrogate 7� TO - 130 Wotes and Definitions Tor this Report: I UNITS: uyl, DATE RUM: 7� IZ6/98 ANALYST: np Iii$TRUMEIiT: v3 CiL. FACTOR: 1 AATRix: HATER III) ■ not detested at detection limit 0 diluted out IIIT ■ fstrix interferenre Hydrocarbon Range data exciude come ltrstfens of sueropere(a) clueing in that rsnpe CS -CA Aliphatic Hydrocarbons exctuda the concentration of Target Analytea eluting In that range C9-C12 Aliphatic Nydrocarbar+a exCluda the concentration ofTaraet Anatytes eluting in that r"a and the Concentration of C9-00 Aromatia ilydrxerbons I 08-03-98 03:0ZIN FROM TOMON I i4 19195960578 I' P"o 3 Ti�[IR�I cow. + k Raa�i►rorl: QTjTS/!a Result: 1lEPORi 1h,i k erd�r / 9e-G7-2m + by �(e 1i TA++FII is rAPlrle R _q FRACTIONS; �1 € k € Date R Tlmd Co{[ette0 D7 05 W1 Cat evory AM k 'UGC."� € UVIL aL - 3.0 UWL UL*2.0 i I � � 08-03-98 03:02PM FROM TOM ON TO 19195960518 P00� • pw S TOXIMON CM. REPORT tlbrit n14Rr 190-07-2L6 Received: 07/111" f Results by sa.pE■ SWLE TO PY•1 FRACTION TEST CME fx11. - UK • i Date a Thaa Co;lecled 0MT4�,m 1?:05;00Catenary IMTEK� f • g4RBLS_HALOCADONS RESULT LIMIT Chloromethane v++ irpm[tI{IathaHI Vtrrrt Chloride 9Ich{orodlIIuvrowthane thtoreethetl! 4+r x•� Methytene Chioride trichivrafltiproMethene H�• �� 1.1-0fchIeraetheex ti 1,1-41 ehE ortiathem r:i. 7.0 [tarts-1,�-l1lrhEaraethene 6r• 7 Chtorvform ti • �i 1,2-01chioroetham Hr+ 2.0 1,1,1-Trlchioraethane u, —2.2 Carbon tetrsch[oride tit, 2.0 8re$wdlchtorr6mthana u+, _ 2� 1,I•flichlornprvpana ki• 2.4 Trans-1, 3-0fchtorvprepena NI. Trichtoreeth-ill Mr 2.0 sfa-1,]-oichlorogrflpene 4r 2� 1,1,2-Trfchlorvethane we, nfbr'vmvcA[Ortimethsne _��[+ ? � 2-Ch(aroethyivfnyt ether till 24 Rronoform 1,T,2.Z-TetrarhLernrthane tar, 2=6 Tetrachlvroether+e >ru 2^0 Chiorobanxeni - _ uu 1,i vlchlnrvptniene MU 1,3-Olthtvro6"One 4L .'0 la-Mchlerobin:em kU 2_ cla•1,2-01chlarvethem Z-0 Mote$ en4 Gaiiniticnr for thlc Rcport f {I,If rS: vplL DATC I r[UN: 07� AMAtrsT: 1MlTR57RE1iT: +l DIL.fFACTOR: 1 MO net detected at detection LIMIT 1 9 a n 0 � R y rv. = a i a .. S �r x w SL7 O7 al O �C p tl w w n g qp� O Z - � Q <zr) O8-83-98 I731 2°M FROM TH IKON TO 19195960578 PO07 r.E, a soxiacxw cuo. AEMT a/�swrk ord�� ! Qa oT ade lar.[+rati I�196 11"mits by iaapix + SAIIVLE 1� iNfPl6 I i'RAGff0lf5_ .. 6aea L Timm i I WL aL - 5.0 WL uLai.o r� rr �■r rr rr r r rr r rr r� ■r r rr �r r r r r cp 4? w 71 o , � i. �Cll ~ n E{lI{I � ar .r Iv to k; u }u`• � � p �ar ry r I iL�. LLLIt' Ir L1i LJf +f l`'.flrL I LfI �rIllL S4 L L W lvLL b W k1a LLLa Lla L W icy fu 08-03-98 03:02PM FROM TOXIHON r r} I r r r rE r r r r' I I r r� I r� r' i G r r ri , I r� r r r TO 19195960518 F009 >�.�. RPTAT wrk Drdw.95.0-2" f+ i inefirrS: 9rlTSl� pwlrc b► 7saole La[rm iv" TEST 007E OWNAlrE "�"ea�s A�IATiCS _- SAM�LE 5i• Catewy � lat� � Ti�w rallected o7J151�� LZA—A9-Z EEWLT t.IM:t SSORERE ,�t� --u iplLtL1[S:I -� i� �Q EINtLSE�NIEME VLtVtV V13FALI �Q Sasn � GlfinSff�nb fpr Ch{R wiyala: UNITS: UVIL DAT[ pyiy oT 7n SI MAov I L IMSIM)"TfT: A AIL. FA:TUR: we - mi dttaetild rt dec�ccian [fmis 08-03-98 03:02PM FROM TO M ON TO 19i96960578 P0lo : p Tt9 im =r. I"Mf Lvk erd.r ti 98 47 Zbb Tt.r�l+nd: 1ST1151S1 Restults b7' SaRplr 3aatntE [9 EiACTICX � IFst CmE Onto i tine Call.eted st►_ E. �r4� ta:5�1L� utryorr ]1�, REPCRtIN0 RESULT L[R[t CS Ca Atfptutfa (FIO) _---U24 -_In G4-[72 AIiTlntios {f1v3 :2flU --X02 C;9 yin ArCaRtica, 0191 _—ZL 5yU TARGET i >MKIA Eft Tolurnr E thribansa++r O-Xyt" Witt p �ph p tAelana PR f;XALTTEi surrcyrtr>r X RtcaMVrY ii—rouste Limit$ FSp Srrro3iats q�70 130 o[� SurroyRte 79 1S9 RCtaa w4d Vwfinid w* Tor tAia "Por" ' LI [1St �t19LL PATE Rut! AtI YTT: iQ 1711.. Facrcx- ?4 V,ATX;X- WATER ip t date tad at rjiteeticn "Elt i p etivtad out IIIT : matrt: interfereNc a:clE] aiuc�n� in hEt rorrafs HydrecVeer+ kuVr date exst3+da cene�rrtrat+grs of wrrog In "at rumor C5-cl ,elipeaTic MydreCarbanf @MCVuee 1:1%+ cnncan[rotion 9f 7"Or ar.nirtes eVutir+4 Tr+T rau us C9 Cti7 ,tlipn■Tfc AVdrvcarb@F4 en[lVgr rrn+ toncmerftien ott■rar tral r[ra clue i�7 in CAa cmCet traiivn of :9•0Q ■rea+tl� pydrv:arecrc i i uv vJ JQ uj.uLi:n r 6UM TV,� TO 19195960578 Fdw to uKztm CW. ftrw wwk wolor r 96-ar-=6 e4ML01W d�- 97[15/ft + tewle. br "w1a + 4 tAf�'tC ig 1�-S unite N ¢4 ru CMS: A i Cate L Tire WtLacteQ .10.55:g2 Cat 99cry- 1 f { ualt 7t•a.aZ i + f f I S1J U ip W- i "OLI N 1* FRAC1IONS: LL l I Oate Tips tetitacrwd?tiA96 f0:550 Category 1 ot■o.005 MA ot•v.aos I � f E I f i v JJ.VL1:n rAvrn luil-Uh I TO 1914,54060578 1 PM Page AMAW StMr:8:. MC 98M KAtM Averue, Surw 100 µnr ervww• NC ZWA 0 • Ter 1p4-BTSfCfi2 � fax 704a7�P6;1s GATE: 071241?8 Toaik;A Pace Prelgrt wZber: 92495 15 Vtgy:rn AYs. Client Project I0: 9607268 • mf6o. m (1:130 wn: )is. Kin C�vtrlro PtaneI• {7811275.3:s30 scliC result4 are reporte'1 mr 4 dry tr"q?rt ?as:s i Pir_tl $&&Vle H0: 92Y9931 Date Collrrtod: 07►;4►Q8 Mat."^z: Nator C11rrK 5a01e 10: M"268, Oate "ivel: 011L7l98 I Parartery ResullS 11rits P;L Analyzed v:41yct w Fovtrotr• I H.l4pwrt, d ArgriatiC Yol . flrgs. Mvthaalr 511 52361D Prep Ikwtho4: EPA 021 11chIorod1fluot•ora V1AFr rq Uak 9.5 VIZV96 ON 75.71.E Urlpntnaethsne 10 uy1L a's 37124198 PPM 74.67.3 Ytnyl 711r110 ND uglL 4.5 07/24/75 Pp?V M-01.4 Arafat7Aaethane 4D uplL 0.5 01/24/98 Ppx 74.83.9 Chlortethane %V uglL 0.5 071241ae Pax 75.00.3 Trschi grofluorwwth+n& as tralL +i.5 07/24196 P94 75•69.4 1.1.Dichi oroettwwv MD u, lL 0 5 ;7R41% PPM 75.33.4 }IeMYlere Cllloridr, w u4IL :.5 07124191! vox 75.09.2 trans 1,2 *1ch* oethene w0 aq/L 015 07/24/99 PPx 156-60.5 I.;.0ir�ilolwthule ND ,rjlL 0.5 07/24/98 P" 75•24.3 5fvMPtnlororietn4nr 9r u;slL 0.5 07124/W PPn 74.97.5 ihlorafarn 1•1 us)IL C.5 @717419U PPM 67.0.1 7.2.0101 wraparw MD u01L M 0712419as PPM 594.20.1 1.2•01chi0r ftne. ND ;pIL 0.5 07/24498 PP" IN-06•: 1.1.1-Trichi orawttor* My uifL 1.5 01/241% P" 71.55•6 1.I-Di chiarvpr4xnv no ve1L 0.5 07124r,4a PPw 553.58.E Carbon Tetricnleride lD ugll 3.5 07124/96 WN 56.23.5 aibrara wthlra MD ;s11L 0.5 071241VB PPM 74.95.3 1.2.0+chi amp -gone %0 ti91L 0,5 07124198 PPM 70.97.5 7riolaraettrene 40 ua1L n S 07/24/98 PP4 79.01.5 $rMO CNlOrorrtltar:e No G91 L 0. 5 071Z4194 pp-bt 75. v, 4 I 01-1.3.0zc1laroprovcne 10 uglL 0,5 011241g4 pPM 10D61 01.5 trms-L.3.01chi urowvven! WD ;r91L 0.5 071Ia198 Pf" 14061.02.6 1.1,2•Trichluruethane Ma u5fL 0.5 1}71241% PPP 79.00.5 1.3.01010foomeane NO ug11 0.5 111141" 11h 147-28•9 i , 010, ►richlwrawtMam r 4D t*/l 0.5 :7tzdi% rp+l 124.M-1 r VA amn ;a& Mc Was%+ralar S: j REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS KV Cfriol" LYt:er RM f fJc rOr*jrq WZK ,ntL* -,% UST :.ram I SG 99:X'ra IT+ s rwncrt fnali ict be rtorodu_m r.te� A `tea, VA Cn"kurq W42F 21 w"tA th¢ wnLI$n -c�- 4 of P&CC tine ytG;W Sa-rrr sa 1rrC �i 1 1 1 1 .V u 1 .7V 1.ucrm mum 1U,�1KON � TO 1919j9�Q�7Q Fp}3 Pao Arvite"I Sinkea, Inc. 9BJ0 oxey Avenik, LW:e IGO Pa r a A final vtir- AI llunter Olo. IC ZN70 9toIsamle fib; 9ZM31 1 Ir C1I.nt Savle ID: 45071268.: i 9ar I+rartrrs I I Rol-, j 1,2.4ibraid�vethine ela Teirethlaraethene ND j•Tetractilarvethaw, ID Chigrobenzom •aranator„I ND f ru•Tttr4ehlawtiv�rle ft� 1.2.3 Trlrriiarapropane N9 9rGe•eEenil� ND 2 LhlarOtalu4ne ND 4 Chlarrotaluerle ✓.9 1.] Dichlpraken: MQ 1.4•DfchlarvDtrrw>w IL 1.Z•Dt�hlorabertzerk Nil ' 1.2.4i$r+7er0.317waropmparit ND 1.2.4•Trichlarabentene M0 }lexachlorvbsrWGterle 'G7 I 1.2.3-Trtchi cmberurrr NO l4owl•tert-hAY) Ether 4,5 IsaorcoYl Ether NO Stmcr* No Taluenc M9 5tyrent t47 I a-bleN 11,T•D1rwLhylttrrrrel V 1 so"y I fir'+ [Gwent} MD ' N•PrvpYlbensrrle IY7 I ..3.5•Trtminylbeni,r:x fb :t*t -butyl D rrmw ►i7 1.Y.4 Trlsrthylberurnr P-D ' fill • 11jtYl �eM '.� D•I:Wropyltolurne PC rl Butylberlxnr NO NapntWone 1D 1•Chlarrn•3•tlucrpEerlt" 4b1 103 "►�+�A1an Careec� r �• Hu Wazw"..w 12 NC Orinlunp WSW 3770e Si 99CkM T.i 7D4.876.9uV2 Fax• 704-575.909i DATE: 9717A198 ?Ii(;E: Z Pare Projerl RwM*r-. 92495 L, bmt Prv)ect ID: 9W7268 One collwto: 0711419d Matrix-. Water I Date. Rec41v": 071111.4 all is Quits m Malys Ana l yit :Aj fw%T mtec ' ---.. .......... unn 0.5 07124/98 PPM 106.93.4 ugh 0.s 117124►9B FIRM 127.18•4 AtL 0.5 07/94/98 OP" 630.V-6 u91- 0.5 47/24194 'PN lD8.90.7 u91Li 0-5 07/24/96 PPM M-25.2 uy1LI v.5 071241W PPM 79. A-5 A/L 9.5 e7124198 1>NM 96.18.4 liO1L 0.5 OVE4198 ?PM 1D8.86.1 u91c 0.5 07/24/48 RPM 15.4918 wr1L v.5 071Z41?8 FVH 106.43.4 uvll 11.5 071Z4196 N914 54:•73.1 uy1; 4.5 071241% PPw I06.46.7 uy1L 9.5 n71E4198 PPtt 95.5A•1 u,lt 9.5 07/24/90 ?YM 96.12.8 ug/L 9.5 r17124198 P?I 120.62.1 uy1L 0.5 C7124198 PPx 87•b16.3 uu1L 0.5 "t24196 PPM 47-61.6 uo1: 0.5 071W98 Oil 1W.64.4 ug1L 9.5 07/24198 ?PK 104.20.3 LWL 0.5 a7124196 P?M 71.43•? Pig 1L 0.$ 071Z41% i1P►1 108.86.3 uuiL 0.5 071241% PPn 100•4114 v9/L 9.5 07/24/98 PM 7816.50-0 up1L 0.5 O71Yp14B OW 00.42.5 UgIL 0.5 9i1241'}8 "m 95.47-6 u91L 9.5 07124t% lsux 96.82.6 rg1L 0.5 ,;7;E4194 99% 1C3•(i5.1 uplL 0.5 37/24/98 "% 108.67.5 sv1L 0.5 O71Z4l98 VIM 95.06.6 4p/L 0.5 07/24/98 "+'�M 95.63.6 WWI 0.5 971UI94 PPP 13S•99.8 upll. 0.5 17124195 va. 44.57.6 u91L ).5 .? r. rya F" 104.51.8 .dL 0.5 07/24/98 :9fl 91-20.3 J1 I 9lIZa752 �:FI 6E5.4B 9 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS T hlt feMn ov 14 be reproo,00a r­vl iZ lWi w lhou% She wrlRen 00neera ur Pace Arai t c7 `oNtCtr7- :'c. KYmiAhr TN 138T LIe4 V4 r1r.,knp lWQf `11.4 i 08-03-98 03:02?,M FROM THIKOH ■ . E- I !I .i I IF Ma►'E5 I yp Not QvttctW NG wt Calculable #AL pw�e "ro nq Limit +� [5l Sun -agate 'I I I 1 1' I 1 E I j i ! r liCo� nC �'�'+►ti""ee' i 7 yC ormk" WON 37706 SG 440DG TO 19195960538 F0I4 llacv Ara+1111 i 1Z Hvrlrs.— ., 29f77$ 4acc Fra]e "fir: 92495 tivent yr ,e• c :o: W7m REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS MTh 7 $nail 1:1 tW rV-," aed nrrCOi �n l�,I, w d4fOrJS 11re rrr[I:en uonso-t 0 �,xr Alra•YT7C�i �!r'CC7, ktC Fir• 1W-673•9001 Kl' 1� �nk.na L'ktar HV[79n .K US7 LU ', A Qfmwnp waver 21 7 vQ-u) �O U:Ev51 �XUM FOXIKON TO 1g19�960$7$ °�1� I EFFD PH Cmtilication I'oxikon Dtder i 'err all QAlQC procedures REQUIRED by the Vl'H method followed? Yes-'l;o � � w Were all QNQC procedurvt FLEQ TRED by the EFH method followed? YnW No Were all acce/accepwice standards for tho required QAIQC. YC*w_No procedures azhieved? Detail% regardint any aaswerf "No above are provided belew- wiere anv ilgiuficant modifications madr to the EPH , PH methods Ycs� No X j as specified in Sec:tiol 11.3? j I attest under the pains and pInalties of pc jurjr that, bAwd upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsibIc for ohtai=g the informatiwi, the marcriai co=ined in this report is, to the bet of my knowledge jnd belirf, accurate and complcta. I Signatturc: ��--�'G ;f _ _ Pnsitiop: � . •. fr �a�� f Yri cd.Namc: �� }=I,��' �•r Date: 5'rIY� I I { i sat crrnvvr Ro;jn%64pc 1rlkinKpY1+W1 !o sx +.t'+[3G SL13Gn)""Wh !•G6.3Jh•d3Rril •7GDi':rJ41GAM ealyal3- 3111VIM A 101ii11fLn13134 3nl 31p1 qpK[ r37ft3n31�+ fMCt<nY.1O7164lL MfSm"3/ il:irjw ooHl3w It 3MY1 —FZW lam i331 '�14■li■+� ate+ Pp43� i ' 7b- 3C� L531 •�JaEsfA3 432L '�■31N3Hr ' Pus J040A }a sn[a■uL■�■r3 iy3 io1 ■poyua pJs>y+■14 •a1tY■n rlo■yaoJax] Play ioy auw■s��J1 hi N1v41° ']0l9t P0441W •sawJ■y■x ' rx Pt�M !i on � 7pC17 1f31 i "at', 'iti8t 'an 'd7 '1eh Jaaasd■Y 1a�+p°i ' •9L1 a,o� u7v+ 'r x1io=Y •�a3o�a3■tll ffLJ7��P'+[ w■ 14d[.�+ni ►a aLahlruY lea}d►V7 s[' Q J31 wow :■xu,ayia svr�fFm] SL3 IY al[3f1■h p►SaLPP% 749 cp'3ri171+ Y{7 1 ' 1 ' 3= 1i7a { •Ry6■Jb�1W7JL7 ■f7 i . a1�r. ul fe.�■c1 wad�+eo.[ol+n•S.wo+41Q•Z't ' pua uo3swJa+an,a+H W : ! �Ip041Yd] Lx■ tq:3T wwy3o�+910 '"6L �aga■s■0 aiII :ayasa►•■ i •�aJkl% Al11ULJn ut CPi3'' ooti�7 3Lurk3J0 yw[3■uks+a■3■p ■41 JCi 00%aal! +ypS �¢741iLA rai -r4.: '60Z 'OH •6Y 'Toa J■as!WL loj*" I l 7CL ,�Ld n+7p> 'Y ASpuwy -.raisM:aen 19!41VVUI a st5I1■W la�i°at%1 71ur6J0 Jei "akp4N :aadJ000 � 1r:11sL..r,M y i apu+od■n9 �iaL10o1Y a111olaA !Q4=Cf,lli:1+ Ydi 3ylYN ion] 1131 .� •7e6t •dcz I 'at leh J3>■[*+a 1■,+a aJ■d V401 'V xir,dOr 'J■a■Nli■11 i■[s3'u'AJS pva 1rJ;3t+nw ye ■LsAl*Vf IR31"10 2W"-lp �i �°YaK+ :■awlof�� cp�r ] n+agJf�aS�X /}}lal"A t09 CWIN va &M3 till - ACoT ++i 7■al %vuit0=P■+Np■# LL �e B�Dd 8��D9656E6I �L EF.IXU WOO �IdZG 70 86-8D-8G •.!, w14;ins A.r clajwd. mA ol7w Trrephonw 4701] 7&3310 Fp. [7at) _15-7472 CHAIN OF CiSTODY RECORD Y �) waax orm�ts; of _ a7. �)-109 DUEOATE D-J -I;'$ 9p Y6E� CCM PA W fkUE i/ `�v�iM� f • / ADDREM' �_.(��_-4 t�e�rr� _ 1, PHONE r. (ij `)) MI6°Y7D FAK #: (41 r}) aS7�7�_ P.O. #; `?% R PRp.]EGT MANAOER:, PROJEGI IMOCAT1014: — -7 she" rim With" R "W , wArrU+rAM P.,Y,Snc P 2 xx a-GWISLLtit r ' us_ v .'roA ' io to &, a[M4MH(:ER 1() u PiiE3ERVAIV TE �! 1 4 sPEN � _ � 11� �]�� �NS1 RlJGT1DHS1 Y �j 0 ! COL W14TS mxI►ro�t SAMPLE %)EmTwsCA-nGN sAMPIE TYPE CONTAINED SI14PL1NG stZE TtiP a GATE Tim j - -� — u�- s=r -�y . ►� --t!z.I—. 1� Y Leff L !� Val SAMPLED 9Y: �, 1 Dom. - I P/ - h iT OUOTAMN 0: ❑ RUSH ..... BUSINM DAY TURN AROUND ROUTINE mpre drapasa! rriror►I7atbn W• Ihara any ci w khw^ or smowod canrzmnairs 1n Shew *WON crier Mum MW i"" mwva7 Yes _„�_^ Ho � tYas'zst I[erera•r ____� TIME-, - rs v REUNGUISHED $ .' DATE: RECEIVED BY. DATE: TI1dE, TIME- nEI IN4UISriED Ely: DATE' RECEsvEf7 FOR BY'.�') - J -, - { THE eAETHOL7OF SHIpAIENT COOL=R TEMP RATUR e -T = M r r = 1 MAUR CHAIN Qf CUSTQDY RE�QRfl WDRX ORDER Ot 15 Wiggins AveL, Badlwd, AAA 01T30 _ '} Te+ephono: (f81) 275.33W C) GY ( DUEOAIE COMPANY: _ 4 �` I �S _ _ &XIWPLE TYPIE " CcwrAMER TYK ANALYSES ADDRESS: n 1. WATER P • a.A•s'r4[� PHONE #: (7J- W75j33Q FAX : riS Z57 3- iiUDaE sL 1'- L/QA ;. OIL P.Q. #. 5. DRNMrn WATER , PROJECT MANAGER: • i a"A &r C WAWA (4WA&W 9% PROJECT IOILOCATION- �G} 7. OTHER (SPEMY TOXIKON skwL�r- SAMPLE CONTAINER SAMPLING PRESERV•1TiVE SP IONS Il�TRUDTIriHS IDENTIFICATION TYPE SIZE T"Pf 0 DATE I TJAA COMMEW1 1 0 -z. la, SAWLE D BY. REiQlJISHED , RELINQU W-ED 9Y DATE: - TIME: - L1ATE: `7 - TIME: - DATE - TWE: - OUDTATION N: � - RECEIVED BY. RE E R f.AB BY. " CDO R iE P RATURE L7 GSI1Zp �GZrfS'. DATE. _ _ ❑ 5uSH ...-- BUSINESS DAY TURN AROUND TIDE: _ OUTINE wtrl - _ Semple dsPosal information Are there any other kno m or &AWKM W TIME: - - pp gaily iR tlsase �Xf105 01her t?mi - -- -- - --- - b) 0" is*d above? yas No ____ n Yes, lit Known ScFz-