HomeMy WebLinkAbout09011_Arrow Laundry_SECU Oakhurst Post Construction_Preoccupancy Rpt_20211217 Modulus, PLLC Engineering · Due Diligence · Design PO Box 935 · Oak Ridge, North Carolina 27310 · (919) 800-9093 · NC Firm License No. P-1176 REPORT OF POST CONSTRUCTION / PREOCCUPANCY SYSTEM TESTING SECU- OAKHURST FORMER ARROW LAUNDRY & CLEANERS BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NUMBER: 09011-05-060 CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MODULUS PROJECT NO. M875R DECEMBER 17, 2021 Modulus, PLLC Engineering · Due Diligence · Design PO Box 935 · Oak Ridge, North Carolina 27310 · (919) 800-9093 · NC Firm License No. P-1176 December 17, 2021 Sarah Hardison Young Supervisor Division of Waste Management - Brownfields NC Department of Environmental Quality 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Reference: Report of Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing SECU- Oakhurst Former Arrow Laundry & Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Modulus Project No. M875R Dear Ms. Harriger: Modulus, PLLC is pleased to submit this Report of Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing of the referenced site located in Charlotte, North Carolina. All work performed was conducted in accordance with the approved Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design (Revision 4) dated April 29, 2020. This report is a revision of the report submitted on December 8, 2021. Emails dated December 15 and December 16, 2021, from Sarah Hardison Young of the Brownfields Program to Aric Geda, the engineer of record, requested additional verbiage to be added to this document. That verbiage is included in Section 6.0 of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services. If you have any additional questions regarding our assessment of the subject site, please do not hesitate to call us at 919-800-9093. Sincerely, Modulus, PLLC Aric Geda, PE Principal Engineer SECU- OAKHURST FORMER ARROW LAUNDRY & CLEANERS BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NUMBER: 09011-05-060 CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MODULUS PROJECT NO. M875 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................... 1 1.1 Site History .............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Brownfields Assessment .......................................................................... 1 1.3 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System ........................................................... 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................ 2 3.0 FIELD PROCEDURES .................................................................................. 3 3.1 Sub-slab Soil Vapor Sampling ................................................................. 3 3.2 Indoor Air Sampling ................................................................................. 3 4.0 ANALYTICAL ................................................................................................ 4 4.1 Vapor Samples ........................................................................................ 4 5.0 RESULTS OF TESTING................................................................................ 5 5.1 Sub-slab Vapor Detections ...................................................................... 5 5.2 Indoor Air Detections ............................................................................... 5 6.0 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................ 6 APPENDICES I. Figures 1. Site Location 2. Site Layout 3. Main Structure Sampling Layout 4. Outpost Sampling Layout II. Tables 1. Sub Slab Soil Vapor Detections 2. Indoor Air Detections 3. Soil Gas Risk Calculator 4. Indoor Air Risk Calculator 5. Pathway Risk III. Laboratory Analytical Results Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing - SECU Oakhurst Former Arrow Laundry & Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, NC December 17, 2021 1 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION State Employees Credit Union (SECU) is developing property located northwest of the intersection of Monroe Road and Shade Valley Road in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC. The location of the site is as shown in Figure 1. The site consists of an approximate 1.798-acre lot with PIN Number 16105222. The parcel outline is shown on Figure 2. The parcel is owned by State Employees Credit Union (SECU). 1.1 Site History Based on prior Phase I ESAs performed on the site and surroundings sites, it appears that the site was developed at least back to 1938 with a filling (gasoline) station. Sometime between 1938 and 1943, the site was further developed with a dry-cleaners and portions of the Woonsocket Spinning factory. The site generally remained unchanged until 2006, when the Woonsocket Spinning factory and the dry-cleaning building were razed from the site. The fueling station was then razed from the site in 2008. From 2009 to 2019, the site had been vacant. 1.2 Brownfields Assessment Modulus performed a Brownfields Assessment of the Subject Site dated February 4, 2019. Based upon the results of that assessment, it was determined that the calculated groundwater to indoor air risk, along with the soil gas to indoor air risk both exceeded acceptable criteria. Therefore, vapor mitigation for the proposed building was determined to be warranted. 1.3 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System The construction consisted of a 1-story credit union branch, approximately 8,500 square feet in plan size, along with a 1-story "teller outpost" building approximately 850 square feet in plan size. The buildings are of similar construction on a combination of strip and column footings with a slab-on grade. Modulus prepared a Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design (Revision 4) dated April 29, 2020, specific to the proposed construction. The system included the installation of a vapor gas barrier, a sub-slab vapor-vent gas collection system, and vent risers that run from the sub-slab region to the rooftop, connecting the vapor-vent gas collection system to the rooftop emission stack. As there were two buildings (main branch and drive-through outpost) constructed on the site, each building was fitted with a stand-alone mitigation system. Plan Views of the systems are shown as Figure 3 for the main structure and Figure 4 for the outpost structure. Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing - SECU Oakhurst Former Arrow Laundry & Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, NC December 17, 2021 2 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK As part of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design, post construction / preoccupancy system testing was required for the systems prior to occupancy with the objective to document that the areas below the slab have been effectively influenced by the current piping network and that occupants would not be exposed to unacceptable concentrations of contaminants. As part of the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design, vapor pins were placed at locations remotely distant from where each suction point transitions to below the slab in addition to locations near each suction point and associated horizontal piping. Seven vapor pins (VP-1 through VP-7) were installed in the main structure and two vapor pins (VP-8 and VP-9) were installed in the outpost building, as indicated on Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Sub-slab monitoring was conducted once the core and shells were complete by sampling each of the vapor pins with summa cannisters. In addition, one summa canister was also be placed inside each building to evaluate the post construction / preoccupancy Indoor Air Quality of each of the structures. Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing - SECU Oakhurst Former Arrow Laundry & Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, NC December 17, 2021 3 3.0 FIELD PROCEDURES Field sampling was performed on Saturday November 20, 2021, while both structures were vacant, closed and the HVAC operating. 3.1 Sub-slab Soil Vapor Sampling The procedure for sampling sub-slab soil vapor was as follows: • All sub-slab soil vapor sampling was performed in accordance with NCDWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance dated March 2018 and associated referenced documents. • Leak testing was performed utilizing a helium tracer gas to detect leakage of ambient air into the soil vapor sample. A shroud was placed over the sample probe into which the tracer gas is introduced prior to sampling. Air was drawn from the sample zone and analyzed for the presence of tracer gas using a direct reading monitor. • Prior to attaching the sample container, each vapor pin was purged by drawing 3.0 volumes through the probe and sampling train utilizing a disposable syringe. The probe was purged using a maximum purge rate of 100-ml per minute. • Stainless steel canisters were fitted with flow rate regulators at a maximum of 100 milliliters per minute, which corresponds to a sample time of ten minutes for 1-Liter canister. • Time and summa cannister pressure readings were recorded prior to and following sampling activities. Summa cannister pressure readings were not allowed to reach a pressure of “0” in the field. The laboratory recorded and reported the pressure of the cannister upon receipt. The sub-slab soil vapor samples were placed in and transported in sealed containers to Waypoint Analytical laboratory in Charlotte, NC for analysis. Samples were shipped with proper chain of custody forms, analyses request forms and sample seals. 3.2 Indoor Air Sampling The procedure for sampling indoor air vapor was as follows: • All indoor air vapor sampling was performed in accordance with NCDWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance dated March 2018 and associated referenced documents. • Stainless steel canisters were fitted with flow rate regulators at a rate of approximately 2.1 milliliters per minute, which corresponds to a sample time of approximately 8 hours for 1- Liter canister. • Time and summa cannister pressure readings were recorded prior to and following sampling activities. Summa cannister pressure readings were not allowed to reach a pressure of “0” in the field. The laboratory recorded and reported the pressure of the cannister upon receipt. The soil vapor samples were placed in and transported in sealed containers to Waypoint Analytical laboratory in Charlotte, NC for analysis. Samples were shipped with proper chain of custody forms, analyses request forms and sample seals. Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing - SECU Oakhurst Former Arrow Laundry & Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, NC December 17, 2021 4 4.0 ANALYTICAL The analytical methods used to test for the parameters discussed were the most recent versions of the analytical methods stated below. For SW-846 Methods, the latest edition of SW-846, including any subsequent updates which have been incorporated into the edition, were used. Sampling was planned so that required holding times for analytical methods were met. All samples were analyzed per Appendix A.7 of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program’s Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup dated October 2015 4.1 Vapor Samples Sub-slab Soil Vapor and Indoor Air Samples were analyzed by the following methods: • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - EPA Compendium Method TO-15 ((EPA/625/R-96/010b) The laboratory performing the soil vapor analyses is a NVLAP or other nationally accredited laboratory. The laboratory reported estimated values down to the MDL (including J flags) and made every attempt to have Reporting Limits meet the applicable standards. Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing - SECU Oakhurst Former Arrow Laundry & Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, NC December 17, 2021 5 5.0 RESULTS OF TESTING 5.1 Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Detections Sub-slab soil vapor detections obtained by this assessment are summarized on Table 1-Sub Slab Soil Vapor Detections presented in Appendix II. Several VOCs typical to gas stations and dry-cleaning facilities were detected in the sub-slab soil vapors of the project site. The maximum value obtained for each compound (shown in red on the table) was inputted into the risk calculator. Based on the data obtained: • None of the detections exceeded Non-Residential Sub-slab Screening Levels • None of the applicable detections exceeded a Calculated Carcinogenic Risk of one in 10,000 (104) • None of the applicable detections exceeded a Calculated Carcinogenic Risk of one in 1,000,000 (106). • None of the detections exceeded a Calculated Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient of 1. • The Cumulative Calculated Carcinogenic Risk of all compounds is 1.3E-6. • The Cumulative Calculated Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient of all compounds is 2.9E- 2. It should be noted that there were detections of Trichlorofluoromethane and 4-Ethyltoluene for which there are no standards. DEQ Risk Calculator summary outputs are included in Appendix II. Laboratory Data sheets are included in Appendix III. 5.2 Indoor Air Detections Indoor Air detections obtained by this assessment are summarized on Table 2-Sub Slab Soil Vapor Detections presented in Appendix II. Several VOCs typical to gas stations and dry-cleaning facilities were detected in the sub-slab soil vapors of the project site. The maximum value obtained for each compound (shown in red on the table) was inputted into the risk calculator. Based on the data obtained: • Chloroform was the only detection that exceeded the Non-Residential Indoor Air Screening Level (slightly) • None of the applicable detections exceeded a Calculated Carcinogenic Risk of one in 10,000 (104) • Chloroform is the only detection that exceeded a Calculated Carcinogenic Risk of one in 1,000,000 (106) (slightly). • None of the detections exceeded a Calculated Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient of 1. • The Cumulative Calculated Carcinogenic Risk of all compounds is 2.2E-06. • The Cumulative Calculated Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient of all compounds is 2.9E- 2. It should be noted that there were detections of Trichlorofluoromethane for which there are no standards. DEQ Risk Calculator summary outputs are included in Appendix II. Laboratory Data sheets are included in Appendix III. Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing - SECU Oakhurst Former Arrow Laundry & Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, NC December 17, 2021 6 6.0 CONCLUSIONS Based upon the data obtained from the Post Construction / Preoccupancy System Testing, it appears that that the proposed design is effective at mitigating the potential for vapor intrusion at the property and protecting public health as a passive system. It is the opinion of the engineer of record that the system as installed will be fully protective of public health. According to the DEQ Risk Calculator, a sub-slab soil vapor concentration of chloroform produces a calculated indoor air concentration of 0.0155 ug/m3. As chloroform is a has common use in building materials, it is highly possible that the detected concentration of chloroform in Indoor Air was from a building source and not from a subgrade source. Modulus requests that DEQ Brownfields review this information and provide conditional occupancy consideration as per standard VI provisions. Modulus recommends that post occupancy sub-slab vapor and indoor air sampling be repeated and re-evaluated in three months. APPENDIX I Figures Modulus, PLLC. Engineering ꞏ Due Diligence ꞏ Design PO Box 935 Oak Ridge, North Carolina 27310 (919) 800-9093 FIGURE 1- SITE LOCATION PLAN Map Source: USGS 2019 Project No: M875 December 2021 SECU- OAKHURST Former Arrow Laundry & Dry Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, North Carolina Subject Site Modulus, PLLC. Engineering ꞏ Due Diligence ꞏ Design PO Box 935 Oak Ridge, North Carolina 27310 (919) 800-9093 FIGURE 2- SITE LAYOUT Project No: M875 December 2021 SECU- OAKHURST Former Arrow Laundry & Dry Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, North Carolina Legend SECU Site Boundary Map Source: Google Earth 2021 Modulus, PLLC. Engineering ꞏ Due Diligence ꞏ Design PO Box 935 Oak Ridge, North Carolina 27310 (919) 800-9093 FIGURE 3 – MAIN STRUCTURE VAPOR COLLECTION & SAMPLING LAYOUT Not to scale December 2021 Project Number M875SECU- OAKHURST Former Arrow Laundry & Dry Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, North Carolina Legend Sub-slab collection piping Vapor Pins Indoor Air Sampling Location VP-1 VP-2 VP-3 VP-4 VP-5 VP-6 VP-7 IA-A Modulus, PLLC. Engineering ꞏ Due Diligence ꞏ Design PO Box 935 Oak Ridge, North Carolina 27310 (919) 800-9093 FIGURE 3 – OUTPOST STRUCTURE VAPOR COLLECTION & SAMPLING LAYOUT Not to scale December 2021 Project Number M875SECU- OAKHURST Former Arrow Laundry & Dry Cleaners Site Brownfields Project Number: 09011-05-060 Charlotte, North Carolina Legend Sub-slab collection piping Vapor Pins Indoor Air Sample Location VP-8 VP-9 IA-B APPENDIX II Summary of Analytical Detection Tables Table 1- Sub Slab Soil Vapor Detections Parameter Sample ID P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 Collection Date 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 Analyse TO-15 TO-15 TO-15 TO-15 TO-15 TO-15 TO-15 TO-15 TO-15 Cannister Size 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter Sample Rate 100ml/min 100ml/min 100ml/min 100ml/min 100ml/min 100ml/min 100ml/min 100ml/min 100ml/min Acetone 95.1 271 280 53.4 341 363 52.9 14.7 17.3 270000 2.7E-05 Benzene 1.48 2.97 1.93 3.82 3.98 3.74 1.65 0.847 0.786 1600 2.5E-08 3.0E-04 Carbon Disulfide 19.2 18.8 20.4 17.1 17.4 17.9 15.1 15.2 16.6 61000 6.7E-05 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.554 0.623 0.516 0.554 0.554 0.579 ND 0.616 0.598 200 3.0E-09 1.4E-05 Chloroform ND 1.55 1.04 0.908 1.23 0.557 ND ND ND 53 2.9E-08 3.6E-05 Chloromethane 0.308 0.537 0.365 ND 0.491 0.308 ND 0.876 0.774 7900 2.2E-05 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.96 3.19 3.01 2.94 2.88 2.91 2.94 2.95 2.92 8800 7.3E-05 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.376 0.405 0.546 ND ND ND ND ND ND 47 1.2E-08 1.8E-04 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.72 6.01 3.22 ND ND 1.49 ND ND ND 3500 3.4E-04 1,4-Dioxane ND ND 6.97 ND 9.77 6.57 ND ND ND 250 4.0E-08 7.4E-04 Ethyl Acetate ND 1.06 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 6100 3.5E-05 Ethylbenzene 5.97 131 3.72 47.9 175 91.2 27.9 0.803 ND 490 3.6E-07 4.0E-04 Tetrahydrofuran 2.97 1.71 2.5 0.976 2.25 2.21 2.3 1.29 1.09 180000 3.4E-06 Heptane 1.53 2.37 1.69 1.28 0.988 2.78 2.75 0.611 0.447 35000 1.6E-05 n-Hexane 0.705 1.12 0.923 0.656 0.691 1.31 1.55 0.673 0.585 61000 5.1E-06 2-Hexanone 6.15 6.82 6.86 6.2 6.5 6.25 7.27 5.82 ND 2600 5.5E-04 Isopropyl Alchohol 6.37 19.8 18.3 5.11 24.1 23.2 3.99 2.93 2.33 18000 2.8E-04 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)4.32 6.65 11 3.42 22.9 10.7 5.68 2.92 3.18 440000 1.0E-05 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 0.623 0.803 1.82 0.504 ND 1.51 0.463 ND ND 260000 1.4E-06 Methylene Chloride 7.17 7.42 3.5 4.56 4.29 7.55 3.77 3.3 3.59 53000 6.2E-11 2.9E-05 Naphthalene 30 6.74 6.93 6.93 6.6 6.87 6.88 6.02 ND 36 8.3E-07 2.3E-02 Propene ND ND ND 1.3 ND ND ND ND ND 260000 9.9E-07 Styrene 1.71 86.4 2.42 103 ND 134 98.9 1.58 0.575 88000 2.3E-04 Tetrachloroethene ND ND ND ND ND 1.63 ND ND ND 3500 3.5E-10 9.3E-05 Toluene 13.4 25.1 9.29 15.3 8.72 27.9 10.5 2.12 1.95 440000 1.1E-05 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 0.705 0.713 0.636 0.636 0.659 0.628 ND 0.636 0.621 440000 3.3E-07 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.76 1.98 1.59 1.67 1.99 1.77 1.66 1.71 1.8 NS 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 9.57 9.05 8.29 8.86 5.61 9.58 11.5 0.914 0.634 5300 4.4E-04 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2.47 2.4 2.11 2.18 2.42 2.32 3.43 ND ND 5300 1.3E-04 m,p-Xylenes 7.99 12.1 5.77 9.19 7.29 9.57 9.41 0.968 0.46 8,800 2.8E-04 o-Xylene 22.8 36.6 13.9 25.2 16 25.3 25.3 1.95 1.04 8,800 8.4E-04 Xylene (total)30.8 48.7 19.7 34.4 23.3 34.9 34.7 2.92 1.5 8,800 1.1E-03 4-Ethyltoluene (CAS 622-96-8)3.05 2.59 2.05 2.53 2.12 3.1 3.71 ND ND NS Notes: Results presented in micrograms per meter (ug/m ) Feet bgs = Feet below ground surface ND- Compound Not Detected at a concentration above the method reportable limit NT- Compound Not Tested NS- No standard for this compoundBold denotes concentration exceeds the non-residential screening level Red denotes maximum concentration detected for that compound Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient Non- Residential Sub-slab Screening Levels Volatile Organics (ug/m3) Table 2- Indoor Air Detections Parameter Sample ID IA-IA-B Collection Dat 11/20/2021 11/20/2021 Analyse TO-15 TO-15 Cannister Size 1 lite 1 lite Sample Rate 2.1 ml/min 2.1 ml/min Acetone 72.2 18.5 27000 5.3E-04 Benzene 0.728 0.648 1.6 4.6E-07 5.5E-03 Carbon Disulfide 0.726 ND 610 2.4E-04 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.705 0.705 2 3.4E-07 1.6E-03 Chloroform 0.561 ND .53 1.1E-06 1.3E-03 Chloromethane 0.847 0.778 79 2.1E-03 Dichlorodifluoromethane 3.45 3.16 88 7.9E-03 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.45 ND 35 4.3E-02 Ethyl Acetate 2.15 ND 61 7.0E-03 Ethylbenzene 1.42 ND 4.9 2.8E-07 3.2E-04 Tetrahydrofuran 1.37 2.91 1800 3.3E-04 Heptane 1.39 1.07 350 7.9E-04 n-Hexane 0.821 0.582 610 2.7E-04 Isopropyl Alchohol 17.1 2.49 180 2.0E-02 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)4.53 4.77 4400 2.2E-04 Methylene Chloride 1.63 28.8 530 2.3E-08 1.1E-02 Styrene 1.63 0.439 880 3.7E-04 Toluene 7.04 2.52 4400 3.2E-04 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 0.69 0.751 4400 3.4E-05 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.02 1.96 NS 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.62 0.408 53 6.2E-03 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.482 ND 53 1.8E-03 m,p-Xylenes 2.13 0.469 88 4.9E-03 o-Xylene 5.67 0.942 88 1.3E-02 Xylene (total)7.8 1.41 88 1.8E-02 Notes: Results presented in micrograms per meter (ug/m ) Feet bgs = Feet below ground surface ND- Compound Not Detected at a concentration above the method reportable limit NT- Compound Not Tested NS- No standard for this compoundBold denotes concentration exceeds the non-residential screening level Red denotes maximum concentration detected for that compound Non- Residential IASL Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Volatile Organics (ug/m3) Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient DEQ Risk Calculator - Vapor Intrusion - Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air Version Date: June 2021 Basis: May 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: CAS # Chemical Name: Soil Gas Concentration (ug/m3) Calculated Indoor Air Concentration (ug/m3) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non- Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 363 3.63 - 2.7E+04 2.7E-05 71-43-2 Benzene 3.98 0.0398 1.6E+00 2.6E+01 2.5E-08 3.0E-04 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 20.4 0.204 - 6.1E+02 6.7E-05 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.623 0.00623 2.0E+00 8.8E+01 3.0E-09 1.4E-05 67-66-3 Chloroform 1.55 0.0155 5.3E-01 8.6E+01 2.9E-08 3.6E-05 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.876 0.00876 - 7.9E+01 2.2E-05 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 3.19 0.0319 - 8.8E+01 7.3E-05 107-06-2 Dichloroethane, 1,2- 0.546 0.00546 4.7E-01 6.1E+00 1.2E-08 1.8E-04 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2- 6.01 0.0601 - 3.5E+01 3.4E-04 123-91-1 Dioxane, 1,4- 9.77 0.0977 2.5E+00 2.6E+01 4.0E-08 7.4E-04 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 1.06 0.0106 - 6.1E+01 3.5E-05 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 175 1.75 4.9E+00 8.8E+02 3.6E-07 4.0E-04 109-99-9 ~Tetrahydrofuran 2.97 0.0297 - 1.8E+03 3.4E-06 142-82-5 Heptane, N- 2.75 0.0275 - 3.5E+02 1.6E-05 110-54-3 Hexane, N- 1.55 0.0155 - 6.1E+02 5.1E-06 591-78-6 Hexanone, 2- 7.27 0.0727 - 2.6E+01 5.5E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 24.1 0.241 - 1.8E+02 2.8E-04 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 22.9 0.229 - 4.4E+03 1.0E-05 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol, 4- 1.82 0.0182 - 2.6E+03 1.4E-06 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 7.55 0.0755 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 6.2E-11 2.9E-05 91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 30 0.3 3.6E-01 2.6E+00 8.3E-07 2.3E-02 115-07-1 Propylene 1.3 0.013 - 2.6E+03 9.9E-07 100-42-5 Styrene 98.9 0.989 - 8.8E+02 2.3E-04 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 1.63 0.0163 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 3.5E-10 9.3E-05 108-88-3 Toluene 25.1 0.251 - 4.4E+03 1.1E-05 76-13-1 Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2- 0.713 0.00713 - 4.4E+03 3.3E-07 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.99 0.0199 - - 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4- 11.5 0.115 - 5.3E+01 4.4E-04 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- 3.43 0.0343 - 5.3E+01 1.3E-04 108-38-3 Xylene, m- 12.1 0.121 - 8.8E+01 2.8E-04 95-47-6 Xylene, o- 36.6 0.366 - 8.8E+01 8.4E-04 1330-20-7 Xylenes 48.7 0.487 - 8.8E+01 1.1E-03 Cumulative: 1.3E-06 2.9E-02 All concentrations are in ug/m3 Output For Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator SECU Monroe Road- Maximum Sub Slab Vapor Values DEQ Risk Calculator - Vapor Intrusion - Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air Version Date: June 2021 Basis: May 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: CAS # Chemical Name: Indoor Air Concentration (ug/m3) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non- Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 72 - 2.7E+04 5.3E-04 71-43-2 Benzene 0.728 1.6E+00 2.6E+01 4.6E-07 5.5E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 0.726 - 6.1E+02 2.4E-04 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.705 2.0E+00 8.8E+01 3.4E-07 1.6E-03 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.561 5.3E-01 8.6E+01 1.1E-06 1.3E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.847 - 7.9E+01 2.1E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 3.45 - 8.8E+01 7.9E-03 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2- 7.45 - 3.5E+01 4.3E-02 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 2.15 - 6.1E+01 7.0E-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1.42 4.9E+00 8.8E+02 2.9E-07 3.2E-04 109-99-9 ~Tetrahydrofuran 2.91 - 1.8E+03 3.3E-04 142-82-5 Heptane, N-1.39 -3.5E+02 7.9E-04 110-54-3 Hexane, N-0.821 -6.1E+02 2.7E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 17.1 -1.8E+02 2.0E-02 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)4.77 -4.4E+03 2.2E-04 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 28.8 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 2.3E-08 1.1E-02 100-42-5 Styrene 1.63 -8.8E+02 3.7E-04 108-88-3 Toluene 7.04 -4.4E+03 3.2E-04 76-13-1 Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2- 0.751 -4.4E+03 3.4E-05 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.02 -- 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-1.62 -5.3E+01 6.2E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-0.482 -5.3E+01 1.8E-03 108-38-3 Xylene, m-2.13 -8.8E+01 4.9E-03 95-47-6 Xylene, o-5.67 -8.8E+01 1.3E-02 1330-20-7 Xylenes 7.8 -8.8E+01 1.8E-02 Cumulative: 2.2E-06 1.5E-01 All concentrations are in u /3 Output Form 3F ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 μg/m3. Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator SECU Monroe Road Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1A Version Date: June 2021 Basis: May 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Ris Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Soil 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Soil 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Ris Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Groundwater to Indoor Air 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.7E-05 3.7E-01 NO Indoor Air 3.5E-06 3.3E-02 NO Groundwater to Indoor Air 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.3E-06 2.9E-02 NO Indoor Air 2.2E-06 1.5E-01 NO Pathway Source Source Soil NM Source Groundwater NM Source Soil NM Source Groundwater NM 3. NM = Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. Notes: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator APPENDIX III Laboratory Analytical Results   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   12/2/2021 Modulus, PLLC Aric Veda 216 Graham Road Graham, NC, 27253 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 21-327-0013 Client Project Description: SECU - Monroe Rd. Dear Aric Veda: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 11/23/2021 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 61 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202237735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2021402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202299012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202199012State ProgramSouth Carolina Page 1 of 1 00016/21-327-0013 Page 2 of 61 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 21-327-0013 SECU - Monroe Rd. Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 11/20/2021 13:28Air 89324 1 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 13:58Air 89325 2 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 10:01Air 89326 3 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 14:34Air 89327 4 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 10:26Air 89328 5 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 10:28Air 89329 6 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 15:02Air 89330 7 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 16:22Air 89331 8 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 16:41Air 89332 9 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 08:30Air 89333 A 11/23/2021 13:58 11/20/2021 08:32Air 89334 B 11/23/2021 13:58 Page 3 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 893241 95.1 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J1.48 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 19.2 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.554 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.308 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 2.96 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.376 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 1,2-Dichloroethane µg/m3 0.129 J1.72 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 5.97 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 3.05 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J0.705 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J1.53 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.705 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 6.15 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 B6.37 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 4.32 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.623 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 7.17 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 30.0 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 J1.71 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 2.97 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 13.4 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.76 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 9.57 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 2.47 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 7.99 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 22.8 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 30.8 11/30/2021 14:03TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893252 271 11/24/2021 17:16TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 4.04 2.97 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 18.8 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.623 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J1.55 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.0864 J0.537 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 3.19 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 Page 4 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 893252 J0.405 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 1,2-Dichloroethane µg/m3 0.129 6.01 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 J1.06 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 131 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 2.59 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J0.713 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 2.37 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J1.12 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 6.82 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 19.8 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 6.65 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.803 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 7.42 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 6.74 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 86.4 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 1.71 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 25.1 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.98 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 9.05 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J2.40 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 12.1 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 36.6 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 48.7 11/30/2021 15:38TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893263 280 11/24/2021 17:55TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 4.04 1.93 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 20.4 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.516 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J1.04 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.0864 J0.365 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 3.01 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.546 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 1,2-Dichloroethane µg/m3 0.129 3.22 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 6.97 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 1,4-Dioxane µg/m3 0.435 3.72 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J2.05 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 Page 5 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 893263 J0.636 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J1.69 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.923 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 6.86 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 18.3 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 11.0 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J1.82 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 3.50 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 6.93 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 2.42 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 2.50 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 9.29 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.59 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 8.29 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J2.11 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 5.77 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 13.9 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 19.7 11/30/2021 16:28TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893274 53.4 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 3.82 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 17.1 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.554 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.908 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.0864 2.94 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 47.9 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 2.53 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J0.636 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J1.28 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.656 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 6.20 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 B5.11 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 3.42 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.504 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 4.56 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 6.93 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 Page 6 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 893274 1.30 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Propene µg/m3 0.242 103 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 J0.976 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 15.3 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.67 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 8.86 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J2.18 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 9.19 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 25.2 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 34.4 11/30/2021 17:19TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893285 341 11/24/2021 19:13TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 4.04 3.98 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 17.4 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.554 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J1.23 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.0864 J0.491 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 2.88 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 9.77 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 1,4-Dioxane µg/m3 0.435 175 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J2.12 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J0.659 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J0.988 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.691 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 6.50 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 24.1 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 22.9 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 4.29 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 6.60 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 115 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 2.25 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 8.72 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.99 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 5.61 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J2.42 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 7.29 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 Page 7 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 893285 16.0 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 23.3 11/30/2021 18:09TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893296 363 11/24/2021 19:52TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 4.04 3.74 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 17.9 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.579 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.557 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.0864 J0.308 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 2.91 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J1.49 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 6.57 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 1,4-Dioxane µg/m3 0.435 91.2 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 3.10 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J0.628 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 2.78 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J1.31 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 6.25 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 23.2 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 10.7 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J1.51 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 7.55 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 6.87 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 134 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 J1.63 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 2.21 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 27.9 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.77 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 9.58 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J2.32 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 9.57 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 25.3 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 34.9 11/30/2021 19:00TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893307 52.9 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 1.65 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 Page 8 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 893307 15.1 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 2.94 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 27.9 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 3.71 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 2.75 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J1.55 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 7.27 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 JB3.99 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 5.68 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.463 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 3.77 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 6.88 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 98.9 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 2.30 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 10.5 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.66 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 11.5 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 3.43 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 9.41 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 25.3 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 34.7 11/30/2021 19:50TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893318 14.7 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.847 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 15.2 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.616 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.876 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 2.95 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.803 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.636 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J0.611 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.673 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 5.82 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 2-Hexanone µg/m3 0.285 JB2.93 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 2.92 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 3.30 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 Page 9 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 893318 6.02 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Naphthalene µg/m3 0.183 J1.58 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 J1.29 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 2.12 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.71 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.914 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.968 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J1.95 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J2.92 11/30/2021 20:40TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 893329 17.3 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.786 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 16.6 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.598 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.774 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 2.92 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.621 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J0.447 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.585 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 JB2.33 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 3.18 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 3.59 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 J0.575 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 J1.09 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 1.95 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.80 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.634 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.460 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J1.04 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J1.50 11/24/2021 23:17TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89333A 72.2 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.728 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 J0.726 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.0608 J0.705 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.561 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.0864 Page 10 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 89333A J0.847 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 3.45 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 7.45 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 2.15 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J1.42 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.690 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J1.39 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.821 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 17.1 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 4.53 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J1.63 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 J1.63 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 J1.37 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 7.04 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J2.02 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J1.62 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.482 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 J2.13 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 5.67 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J7.80 11/30/2021 12:21TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89334B 18.5 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.648 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.0733 J0.705 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.778 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.0673 3.16 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.751 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J1.07 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.582 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.0472 JB2.49 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 4.77 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 28.8 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 J0.439 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 2.91 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 2.52 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.0901 J1.96 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 Page 11 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 21-327-0013 Report Limit Project:SECU - Monroe Rd. V 89334B J0.408 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.469 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J0.942 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J1.41 11/30/2021 13:12TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 Page 12 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:1 89324 Matrix: 11/20/2021 13:28 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 95.1 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 1.48 J µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 19.2 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 0.554 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.0864 µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 0.308 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 2.96 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 0.376 J µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 13 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:1 89324 Matrix: 11/20/2021 13:28 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 1.72 J µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 5.97 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 3.05 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 0.705 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 1.53 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 0.705 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 6.15 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 6.37 B µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 4.32 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 0.623 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 7.17 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 30.0 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 14 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:1 89324 Matrix: 11/20/2021 13:28 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 1.71 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 2.97 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 13.4 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 1.76 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 9.57 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 2.47 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 7.99 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 22.8 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298ENM 30.8 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 14:03 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91.9 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 14:031 ENM V12298 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 15 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:2 89325 Matrix: 11/20/2021 13:58 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 271 µg/m3 4.04 95.0Acetone 20 11/24/21 17:16 V12311ENM 2.97 µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 18.8 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 0.623 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 1.55 J µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 0.537 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 3.19 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 0.405 J µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 16 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:2 89325 Matrix: 11/20/2021 13:58 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 6.01 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 1.06 J µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 131 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 2.59 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 0.713 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 2.37 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 1.12 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 6.82 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 19.8 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 6.65 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 0.803 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 7.42 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 6.74 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 17 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:2 89325 Matrix: 11/20/2021 13:58 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 86.4 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 1.71 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 25.1 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 1.98 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 9.05 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 2.40 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 12.1 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 36.6 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298ENM 48.7 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 15:38 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.8 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 15:381 ENM V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 93.3 Limits: 70-130%11/24/21 17:1620 ENM V12311 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 18 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:3 89326 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:01 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 280 µg/m3 4.04 95.0Acetone 20 11/24/21 17:55 V12311ENM 1.93 µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 20.4 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 0.516 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 1.04 J µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 0.365 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 3.01 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 0.546 J µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 19 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:3 89326 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:01 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 3.22 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 6.97 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 3.72 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 2.05 J µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 0.636 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 1.69 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 0.923 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 6.86 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 18.3 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 11.0 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 1.82 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 3.50 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 6.93 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 20 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:3 89326 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:01 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 2.42 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 2.50 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 9.29 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 1.59 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 8.29 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 2.11 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 5.77 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 13.9 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298ENM 19.7 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 16:28 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92.5 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 16:281 ENM V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91.6 Limits: 70-130%11/24/21 17:5520 ENM V12311 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 21 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:4 89327 Matrix: 11/20/2021 14:34 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 53.4 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 3.82 µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 17.1 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 0.554 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 0.908 J µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.0673 µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 2.94 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 22 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:4 89327 Matrix: 11/20/2021 14:34 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 47.9 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 2.53 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 0.636 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 1.28 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 0.656 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 6.20 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 5.11 B µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 3.42 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 0.504 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 4.56 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 6.93 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 23 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:4 89327 Matrix: 11/20/2021 14:34 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 1.30 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 103 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 0.976 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 15.3 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 1.67 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 8.86 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 2.18 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 9.19 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 25.2 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298ENM 34.4 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 17:19 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.9 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 17:191 ENM V12298 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 24 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:5 89328 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:26 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 341 µg/m3 4.04 95.0Acetone 20 11/24/21 19:13 V12311ENM 3.98 µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 17.4 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 0.554 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 1.23 J µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 0.491 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 2.88 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 25 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:5 89328 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:26 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 9.77 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 175 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 2.12 J µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 0.659 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 0.988 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 0.691 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 6.50 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 24.1 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 22.9 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 4.29 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 6.60 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 26 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:5 89328 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:26 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 115 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 2.25 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 8.72 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 1.99 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 5.61 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 2.42 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 7.29 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 16.0 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298ENM 23.3 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 18:09 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 93.9 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 18:091 ENM V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.9 Limits: 70-130%11/24/21 19:1320 ENM V12311 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 27 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:6 89329 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:28 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 363 µg/m3 4.04 95.0Acetone 20 11/24/21 19:52 V12311ENM 3.74 µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 17.9 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 0.579 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 0.557 J µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 0.308 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 2.91 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 28 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:6 89329 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:28 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 1.49 J µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 6.57 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 91.2 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 3.10 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 0.628 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 2.78 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 1.31 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 6.25 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 23.2 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 10.7 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 1.51 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 7.55 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 6.87 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 29 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:6 89329 Matrix: 11/20/2021 10:28 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 V12309 11/24/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 134 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 1.63 J µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 2.21 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 27.9 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 1.77 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 9.58 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 2.32 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 9.57 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 25.3 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298ENM 34.9 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 19:00 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.0 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 19:001 ENM V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.6 Limits: 70-130%11/24/21 19:5220 ENM V12311 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 30 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:7 89330 Matrix: 11/20/2021 15:02 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 52.9 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 1.65 µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 15.1 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.0864 µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.0673 µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 2.94 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 31 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:7 89330 Matrix: 11/20/2021 15:02 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 27.9 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 3.71 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 2.75 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 1.55 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 7.27 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 3.99 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 5.68 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 0.463 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 3.77 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 6.88 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 32 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:7 89330 Matrix: 11/20/2021 15:02 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 98.9 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 2.30 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 10.5 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 1.66 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 11.5 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 3.43 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 9.41 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 25.3 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298ENM 34.7 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 19:50 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.5 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 19:501 ENM V12298 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 33 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:8 89331 Matrix: 11/20/2021 16:22 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 14.7 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.847 J µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 15.2 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.616 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.0864 µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.876 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 2.95 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 34 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:8 89331 Matrix: 11/20/2021 16:22 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.803 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.636 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.611 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.673 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 5.82 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 2.93 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 2.92 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 3.30 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 6.02 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 35 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:8 89331 Matrix: 11/20/2021 16:22 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 1.58 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 1.29 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 2.12 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 1.71 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.914 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 0.968 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 1.95 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298ENM 2.92 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 20:40 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.5 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 20:401 ENM V12298 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 36 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:9 89332 Matrix: 11/20/2021 16:41 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12114 11/24/21 09:00 17.3 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.786 J µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 16.6 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.598 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.0864 µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.774 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 2.92 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 37 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:9 89332 Matrix: 11/20/2021 16:41 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12114 11/24/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.106 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.621 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.447 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.585 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 2.33 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 3.18 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 3.59 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 38 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:9 89332 Matrix: 11/20/2021 16:41 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12114 11/24/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.575 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 1.09 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 1.95 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 1.80 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.634 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 0.460 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 1.04 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115ENM 1.50 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/24/21 23:17 V12115 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91.6 Limits: 70-130%11/24/21 23:171 ENM V12115 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 39 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A 89333 Matrix: 11/20/2021 8:30 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 72.2 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.728 J µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.726 J µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.705 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.561 J µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.847 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 3.45 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 40 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A 89333 Matrix: 11/20/2021 8:30 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 7.45 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 2.15 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 1.42 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.690 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 1.39 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.821 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 17.1 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 4.53 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 1.63 J µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 41 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A 89333 Matrix: 11/20/2021 8:30 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 1.63 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 1.37 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 7.04 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 2.02 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 1.62 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 0.482 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 2.13 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 5.67 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298ENM 7.80 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 12:21 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 88.0 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 12:211 ENM V12298 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 42 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:B 89334 Matrix: 11/20/2021 8:32 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 18.5 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.648 J µg/m3 0.0733 1.60Benzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.0608 µg/m3 0.0608 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.705 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.0864 µg/m3 0.0864 2.44Chloroform 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.778 J µg/m3 0.0673 1.03Chloromethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.0963 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 3.16 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 43 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:B 89334 Matrix: 11/20/2021 8:32 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.0955 µg/m3 0.0955 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.106 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.751 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 1.07 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.582 J µg/m3 0.0472 1.76n-Hexane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 2.49 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 4.77 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.0336 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 28.8 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 44 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27253 21-327-0013 01142 Modulus, PLLC 216 Graham Road Aric Veda Graham Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Received : 11/23/2021 SECU - Monroe Rd. Report Date : 12/02/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:B 89334 Matrix: 11/20/2021 8:32 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V12294 11/30/21 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.439 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 2.91 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 2.52 µg/m3 0.0901 1.88Toluene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.0877 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 1.96 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.408 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.469 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 0.942 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298ENM 1.41 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 11/30/21 13:12 V12298 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.1 Limits: 70-130%11/30/21 13:121 ENM V12298 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 45 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12115QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12114 Associated Lab Samples: 89332 LRB-V12114 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/24/21 10:094.750.202<0.202µg/m3Acetone 11/24/21 10:091.600.0733<0.0733µg/m3Benzene 11/24/21 10:0910.40.148<0.148µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 11/24/21 10:093.350.150<0.150µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 11/24/21 10:095.170.153<0.153µg/m3Bromoform 11/24/21 10:091.940.115<0.115µg/m3Bromomethane 11/24/21 10:091.110.328<0.328µg/m31,3-Butadiene 11/24/21 10:096.230.0608<0.0608µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 11/24/21 10:093.150.155<0.155µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 11/24/21 10:092.300.107<0.107µg/m3Chlorobenzene 11/24/21 10:094.260.208<0.208µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 11/24/21 10:091.320.164<0.164µg/m3Chloroethane 11/24/21 10:092.440.0864<0.0864µg/m3Chloroform 11/24/21 10:091.030.0673<0.0673µg/m3Chloromethane 11/24/21 10:093.440.161<0.161µg/m3Cyclohexane 11/24/21 10:093.840.151<0.151µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 11/24/21 10:093.010.0963<0.0963µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 11/24/21 10:0912.00.174<0.174µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 11/24/21 10:093.010.186<0.186µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 11/24/21 10:092.470.134<0.134µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 11/24/21 10:092.020.101<0.101µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 11/24/21 10:092.020.129<0.129µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 11/24/21 10:091.980.107<0.107µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 11/24/21 10:091.980.0955<0.0955µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/24/21 10:091.980.108<0.108µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/24/21 10:092.310.205<0.205µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 11/24/21 10:093.500.623<0.623µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Page 1 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 46 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12115QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12114 Associated Lab Samples: 89332 LRB-V12114 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/24/21 10:092.270.178<0.178µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/24/21 10:092.270.178<0.178µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/24/21 10:091.800.435<0.435µg/m31,4-Dioxane 11/24/21 10:091.800.136<0.136µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 11/24/21 10:092.170.106<0.106µg/m3Ethylbenzene 11/24/21 10:092.460.128<0.128µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 11/24/21 10:093.830.561<0.561µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 11/24/21 10:092.050.143<0.143µg/m3Heptane 11/24/21 10:095.330.330<0.330µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 11/24/21 10:091.760.0472<0.0472µg/m3n-Hexane 11/24/21 10:092.050.285<0.285µg/m32-Hexanone 11/24/21 10:094.920.1390.634µg/m3Isopropyl Alchohol 11/24/21 10:091.470.224<0.224µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 11/24/21 10:091.800.0336<0.0336µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 11/24/21 10:092.050.121<0.121µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 11/24/21 10:091.740.489<0.489µg/m3Methylene Chloride 11/24/21 10:092.620.183<0.183µg/m3Naphthalene 11/24/21 10:090.8610.242<0.242µg/m3Propene 11/24/21 10:092.130.124<0.124µg/m3Styrene 11/24/21 10:093.430.104<0.104µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/24/21 10:093.390.181<0.181µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 11/24/21 10:091.470.107<0.107µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 11/24/21 10:091.880.0901<0.0901µg/m3Toluene 11/24/21 10:093.710.209<0.209µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 11/24/21 10:092.730.144<0.144µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 11/24/21 10:092.730.0877<0.0877µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 11/24/21 10:092.150.199<0.199µg/m3Trichloroethene Page 2 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 47 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12115QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12114 Associated Lab Samples: 89332 LRB-V12114 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/24/21 10:092.810.130<0.130µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 11/24/21 10:092.460.110<0.110µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 11/24/21 10:092.460.236<0.236µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 11/24/21 10:091.760.224<0.224µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 11/24/21 10:091.280.127<0.127µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 11/24/21 10:092.170.157<0.157µg/m3o-Xylene 11/24/21 10:095.650.217<0.217µg/m3m,p-Xylene 11/24/21 10:094-Bromofluorobenzene (S)101 70-130 LCS-V12114Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 89.010.611.9µg/m3Acetone 70-130 80.012.816.0µg/m3Benzene 70-130 95.724.825.9µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 70-130 79.126.533.5µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 70-130 88.045.551.7µg/m3Bromoform 70-130 81.915.919.4µg/m3Bromomethane 70-130 81.49.0411.1µg/m31,3-Butadiene 70-130 86.513.515.6µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 70-130 75.523.831.5µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 70-130 91.321.023.0µg/m3Chlorobenzene 70-130 83.035.442.6µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 70-130 78.710.413.2µg/m3Chloroethane 70-130 79.919.524.4µg/m3Chloroform 70-130 81.98.4410.3µg/m3Chloromethane 70-130 71.512.317.2µg/m3Cyclohexane 70-130 Page 3 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 48 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12115QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12114 LCS-V12114Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limitsµg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 70-130 91.627.630.1µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 86.326.030.1µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 84.725.530.1µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 77.719.224.7µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 70-130µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 70-130 81.616.520.2µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 70-130 88.317.519.8µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 70-130 84.316.719.8µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 88.317.519.8µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 77.017.823.1µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 70-130 76.826.935.0µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 70-130 81.918.622.7µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 81.918.622.7µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 95.517.218.0µg/m31,4-Dioxane 70-130 78.314.118.0µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 70-130µg/m3Ethylbenzene 70-130 92.622.824.6µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 70-130 76.529.338.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 70-130 83.917.220.5µg/m3Heptane 70-130 84.445.053.3µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 70-130 75.513.317.6µg/m3n-Hexane 70-130 99.520.420.5µg/m32-Hexanone 70-130 83.710.312.3µg/m3Isopropyl Alchohol 70-130µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)70-130 73.813.318.0µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 93.619.220.5µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 70-130 Page 4 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 49 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12115QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12114 LCS-V12114Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 81.614.217.4µg/m3Methylene Chloride 70-130 92.724.326.2µg/m3Naphthalene 70-130 78.66.778.61µg/m3Propene 70-130 87.318.621.3µg/m3Styrene 70-130 92.431.734.3µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 70-130 85.228.933.9µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 70-130 79.511.714.7µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 70-130 85.616.118.8µg/m3Toluene 70-130 91.133.837.1µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 70-130 74.320.327.3µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 70-130 83.122.727.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-130 79.521.426.9µg/m3Trichloroethene 70-130 85.424.028.1µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 70-130 92.622.824.6µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 95.523.524.6µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 85.715.117.6µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 70-130 78.910.112.8µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 70-130µg/m3o-Xylene 70-130 92.640.243.4µg/m3m,p-Xylene 70-130 1024-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 5 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 50 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12298QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12294 Associated Lab Samples: 89324, 89325, 89326, 89327, 89328, 89329, 89330, 89331, 89333, 89334 LRB-V12294 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/30/21 11:034.750.2020.793µg/m3Acetone 11/30/21 11:031.600.0733<0.0733µg/m3Benzene 11/30/21 11:0310.40.148<0.148µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 11/30/21 11:033.350.150<0.150µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 11/30/21 11:035.170.153<0.153µg/m3Bromoform 11/30/21 11:031.940.115<0.115µg/m3Bromomethane 11/30/21 11:031.110.328<0.328µg/m31,3-Butadiene 11/30/21 11:036.230.0608<0.0608µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 11/30/21 11:033.150.155<0.155µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 11/30/21 11:032.300.107<0.107µg/m3Chlorobenzene 11/30/21 11:034.260.208<0.208µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 11/30/21 11:031.320.164<0.164µg/m3Chloroethane 11/30/21 11:032.440.0864<0.0864µg/m3Chloroform 11/30/21 11:031.030.0673<0.0673µg/m3Chloromethane 11/30/21 11:033.440.161<0.161µg/m3Cyclohexane 11/30/21 11:033.840.151<0.151µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 11/30/21 11:033.010.0963<0.0963µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 11/30/21 11:0312.00.174<0.174µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 11/30/21 11:033.010.186<0.186µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 11/30/21 11:032.470.134<0.134µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 11/30/21 11:032.020.101<0.101µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 11/30/21 11:032.020.129<0.129µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 11/30/21 11:031.980.107<0.107µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 11/30/21 11:031.980.0955<0.0955µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/30/21 11:031.980.108<0.108µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/30/21 11:032.310.205<0.205µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 11/30/21 11:033.500.623<0.623µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Page 6 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 51 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12298QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12294 Associated Lab Samples: 89324, 89325, 89326, 89327, 89328, 89329, 89330, 89331, 89333, 89334 LRB-V12294 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/30/21 11:032.270.178<0.178µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/30/21 11:032.270.178<0.178µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/30/21 11:031.800.435<0.435µg/m31,4-Dioxane 11/30/21 11:031.800.136<0.136µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 11/30/21 11:032.170.106<0.106µg/m3Ethylbenzene 11/30/21 11:032.460.128<0.128µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 11/30/21 11:033.830.561<0.561µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 11/30/21 11:032.050.143<0.143µg/m3Heptane 11/30/21 11:035.330.330<0.330µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 11/30/21 11:031.760.0472<0.0472µg/m3n-Hexane 11/30/21 11:032.050.285<0.285µg/m32-Hexanone 11/30/21 11:034.920.1390.654µg/m3Isopropyl Alchohol 11/30/21 11:031.470.224<0.224µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 11/30/21 11:031.800.0336<0.0336µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 11/30/21 11:032.050.121<0.121µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 11/30/21 11:031.740.489<0.489µg/m3Methylene Chloride 11/30/21 11:032.620.183<0.183µg/m3Naphthalene 11/30/21 11:030.8610.242<0.242µg/m3Propene 11/30/21 11:032.130.124<0.124µg/m3Styrene 11/30/21 11:033.430.104<0.104µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/30/21 11:033.390.181<0.181µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 11/30/21 11:031.470.107<0.107µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 11/30/21 11:031.880.0901<0.0901µg/m3Toluene 11/30/21 11:033.710.209<0.209µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 11/30/21 11:032.730.144<0.144µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 11/30/21 11:032.730.0877<0.0877µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 11/30/21 11:032.150.199<0.199µg/m3Trichloroethene Page 7 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 52 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12298QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12294 Associated Lab Samples: 89324, 89325, 89326, 89327, 89328, 89329, 89330, 89331, 89333, 89334 LRB-V12294 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/30/21 11:032.810.130<0.130µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 11/30/21 11:032.460.110<0.110µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 11/30/21 11:032.460.236<0.236µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 11/30/21 11:031.760.224<0.224µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 11/30/21 11:031.280.127<0.127µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 11/30/21 11:032.170.157<0.157µg/m3o-Xylene 11/30/21 11:035.650.217<0.217µg/m3m,p-Xylene 11/30/21 11:034-Bromofluorobenzene (S)90.5 70-130 LCS-V12294Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 10512.511.9µg/m3Acetone 70-130 88.714.216.0µg/m3Benzene 70-130 99.225.725.9µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 70-130 92.230.933.5µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 70-130µg/m3Bromoform 70-130 98.419.119.4µg/m3Bromomethane 70-130 10011.111.1µg/m31,3-Butadiene 70-130 10316.015.6µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 70-130 88.527.931.5µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 70-130 93.021.423.0µg/m3Chlorobenzene 70-130 89.638.242.6µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 70-130 91.612.113.2µg/m3Chloroethane 70-130 92.222.524.4µg/m3Chloroform 70-130 10110.410.3µg/m3Chloromethane 70-130 80.813.917.2µg/m3Cyclohexane 70-130 Page 8 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 53 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12298QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12294 LCS-V12294Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 90.334.738.4µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 70-130 94.028.330.1µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 87.326.330.1µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 85.025.630.1µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 95.523.624.7µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 70-130µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 70-130 94.519.120.2µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 70-130 10320.419.8µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 70-130 10320.419.8µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 10520.819.8µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 70-130 94.833.235.0µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 70-130 91.620.822.7µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 91.620.822.7µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 10318.518.0µg/m31,4-Dioxane 70-130 98.317.718.0µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 70-130 95.820.821.7µg/m3Ethylbenzene 70-130 93.923.124.6µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 70-130 93.936.038.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 70-130µg/m3Heptane 70-130 90.448.253.3µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 70-130 93.116.417.6µg/m3n-Hexane 70-130 10621.820.5µg/m32-Hexanone 70-130 98.312.112.3µg/m3Isopropyl Alchohol 70-130 10315.214.8µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)70-130 90.516.318.0µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 10421.320.5µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 70-130 Page 9 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 54 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12298QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12294 LCS-V12294Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 10318.017.4µg/m3Methylene Chloride 70-130 98.425.826.2µg/m3Naphthalene 70-130 97.78.428.61µg/m3Propene 70-130 89.619.121.3µg/m3Styrene 70-130 97.633.534.3µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 70-130 89.630.433.9µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 70-130 92.513.614.7µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 70-130 91.417.218.8µg/m3Toluene 70-130 96.735.937.1µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 70-130 86.423.627.3µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 70-130 89.324.427.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-130 86.923.426.9µg/m3Trichloroethene 70-130 10128.528.1µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 70-130 93.923.124.6µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 97.123.924.6µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 98.217.317.6µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 70-130 96.012.312.8µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 70-130 95.820.821.7µg/m3o-Xylene 70-130 95.641.543.4µg/m3m,p-Xylene 70-130 93.54-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 10 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 55 of 61 Quality Control Data 21-327-0013Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Modulus, PLLC SECU - Monroe Rd. QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V12311QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V12309 Associated Lab Samples: 89325, 89326, 89328, 89329 LRB-V12309 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/24/21 10:094.750.202<0.202µg/m3Acetone 11/24/21 10:094-Bromofluorobenzene (S)101 70-130 LCS-V12309Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 89.010.611.9µg/m3Acetone 70-130 1024-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 11 of 11Date:12/02/2021 01:28 PM Page 56 of 61 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:21-327-0013 Modulus, PLLC 01142 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:IRT-15 N/A Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)? Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 2 Signature:Sarah J. Locklear Date & Time:11/23/2021 14:18:05 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 57 of 61 Pa g e 5 8 o f 6 1 Pa g e 5 9 o f 6 1 Pa g e 6 0 o f 6 1 Pa g e 6 1 o f 6 1