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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAS-30321_49342_CA_CLO_20240111CEDAR ROCK ENVIRONMENTAL, P. C. 107 Pioneer Trail Graham, NC 27253 (336) 684-2734 January 11, 2024 Mr. Robert Hawkins 527 East Oak Street Marion, NC 28752 RE: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Closure Assessment Report 527 East Oak Street, Marion, North Carolina Cedar Rock Project Number 378022590 Dear Mr. Hawkins: Cedar Rock Environmental, P.C. (Cedar Rock) is pleased to submit this report describing activities and results for the in-place abandonment of the onsite UST located at 527 East Oak Street in Marion, North Carolina. The UST abandonment was performed on January 11, 2024. Included in this report are project documents consisting of a disposal manifest and photographic documentation. This report should be kept with other documents pertaining to the residential property. Soil contamination was detected beneath the UST during a site inspection performed on January 10, 2024. The release was reported to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) using a UST-61 form on January 11, 2024. Although the State no longer requires further assessment of the contamination, the State does require the filing of a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP) prior to conveying the property to another party. The NRP includes land use restrictions prohibiting any disturbance of site soils within a specified radius of the estimated extent of soil contamination and prohibits the use or installation of any water supply wells on the property. Cedar Rock is in the process of filing the NRP. The DEQ should issue a Conditional Notice of No Further Action (NFA) letter within the next several days. Upon receipt of proof that the local officials and adjacent property owners have been notified of the release by receiving a copy of the Conditional NFA letter, and that the NRP has been filed, the DEQ will reissue the NFA letter with no conditions to officially close out the petroleum release incident. Enclosed is an invoice for this work effort. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 336-684-3836. Thank you for your consideration of Cedar Rock to provide you with this service. Sincerely, Josiah D. Payne, L.G. Vice President Attachments Cedar Rock ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLOSURE ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR 527 EAST OAK STREET MARION, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Mr. Robert Hawkins Marion, North Carolina Prepared by: Cedar Rock Environmental, P.C. 107 Pioneer Trail Graham, North Carolina _____________________ Josiah D. Payne, L.G. Vice President January 11, 2024 CR #378022590 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PROJECT 1 FIGURE 1 Site Map APPENDICES A Fluid Disposal Manifest B Photographic Documentation ii I hereby certify this 11th day of January 2024 that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision. Josiah D. Payne, L.G. Geologist 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Cedar Rock Environmental, P.C. (Cedar Rock) was contacted by Mr. Robert Hawkins of Marion, North Carolina to abandon in-place an underground storage tank (UST) located at 527 East Oak Street in Marion, North Carolina. The UST was first inspected on January 10, 2024. An inactive UST was observed to be located as shown in the Site Map. Both the fill and vent pipes of the UST were observed to be intact. The depth to the top of the UST is approximately 17 inches below land surface (bls). The UST has a length of about 93 inches with a diameter of approximately 43 inches and a capacity of about 560 gallons. The UST was measured to contain approximately 89 gallons of fluid. White flagging was installed to mark both ends of the UST (see Photo 1). No other USTs used for storing heating oil were discovered on the property using a metal detector to survey the outside perimeter of the residence where USTs are usually located. Two copper fuel delivery/return lines with an inline oil filter were observed extending about seven feet into the basement where they were connected to the furnace. No petroleum odors or stains were observed in the basement. Once the orientation of the UST was determined, a soil boring was performed at the location marked on the Site Map using a ¾-inch diameter drill auger. The boring was advanced to a depth of approximately 5.5 feet bls, about 0.5 feet below the bottom of the tank. A strong petroleum odor was observed in the soil at the base of the boring suggesting significant leakage from the UST has occurred. The soil at the base of the boring consists of an orangish brown sandy silt. The property is currently serviced by a municipal water supply. No water supply wells were observed within 150 feet of the petroleum release. For this reason, the property should be classified as “Low Risk” by the State. 2.0 PROJECT The in-place abandonment of the UST was performed on January 11, 2024. The abandonment consisted of the hand excavation of the soils overlying the southeastern end of the UST to expose the topside of the tank. A hole approximately 1.5 feet in diameter was then cut on the top of the UST to allow for removal of the tank contents, cleaning and visual inspection of the UST interior, and subsequent filling. The tank was pressure washed to remove all residual petroleum sludge. Residual oil in the fuel lines was also removed by vacuum. The fuel lines were then cut and crimped back to the foundation wall and removed from the basement. Approximately 119 gallons of fluid and sludge (including rinsate) were removed from the UST. The fluid disposal manifest for the tank contents is included in Appendix A. After the interior of the UST was cleaned, the tank was then entirely filled with an excavatable flowable fill cement slurry. Once filled, the exposed portion of the UST was then covered with site soils (see Appendix B - Photographic Documentation). FIGURE SITE MAP PROJECT: ____________________________CEDAR ROCK ENVIRONMENTAL, P. C.SITE MAPINCIDENT #: __________________________ LOCATION: ___________________________ ___________________________ CRE PROJECT NUMBER: _______________ FILENAME: ____________________ VERSION DATE: ________________ 0 5 10 20 1 inch = 10 feet : T1 = 560-Gallon UST Robert Hawkins Property Pending 527 East Oak Street Marion, McDowell Co. 378022590 3780-Fig1.tcw 1/10/2024 N FIGURE 1 House T1 Carport Porch Front porch : Soil boring location APPENDIX A FLUID DISPOSAL MANIFEST APPENDIX B PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION Photo 1. View of the UST site prior to abandonment activities. Photo 2. View of the UST interior prior to the removal of tank contents. Photo 3. View of the UST interior after the removal of UST contents and pressure wash cleaning of the tank interior. Photo 4. View of the UST being filled with flowable fill cement slurry. Photo 5. View of the UST after filling with flowable fill cement slurry. Photo 6. View of the UST site after the completion of abandonment activities.