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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS-87058_87058_C_NFA_20230719_MemoJULY 19, 2023
FROM: James W. Brown, Regional Supervisor
UST Section, Winston-Salem Regional Office
SUBJECT: Site Closure & NFA
NC DOT – Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad
1310 S Main Street
Winston-Salem, Forsyth County
Incident Number: 87058
UST Number: WS-87058
Risk Classification: Low
Ranking: L65D
This file was reviewed on July 18, 2023, to determine site status. Reportedly, contamination was discovered
during NC DOT Project 9.8091857 (TIP U-2926). A Brownfields Agreement with soil and water
restrictions for Project #08009-04-34, inclusive of the site property, was filed in Book 2555, Page 2587 of
the Forsyth County Register of Deeds on April 8, 2005. The subject incident now has the official closure
date of July 19, 2023. No additional assessment or site work is required unless new information is made
available to our office that indicates further investigation would be warranted.