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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-29001_48195_C_NRP_20221116 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 16, 2022 Mr. Ron Taraban North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 600 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 RE: No Further Action Rushco #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, Rowan County Incident # 48195 GRI Project #5728 Dear Mr. Taraban: Please find enclosed the certified copy of the Notice of Residual Petroleum, well abandonment records, and certified mail receipts for public notice for the above referenced site. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (704) 845-4010 if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Geological Resources, Inc. cc: Rusher Oil Co., Inc. file Site Name:Date: Project Number:Personnel: Company: Driller:License Number: Boring ID:Bentonite (lbs): Diameter:Grout (lbs): From (ft)To (ft)Length (ft) From (ft)To (ft)Length (ft) From (ft)To (ft)Length (ft) PHOTOS Depth to Water Inner Casing Water Volume (gal)Screen SITE INFORMATION DRILLING INFORMATION WELL ABANDONMENT INFORMATION Total Depth Outer Casing WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Form GW-30 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 1.Well Contractor Information: Well Contractor Name (or well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) NC Well Contractor Certification Number Company Name 2.Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc.) if known 3.Well use (check well use): Water Supply Well: □Agricultural □Municipal/Public □Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply)□Residential Water Supply (single) □Industrial/Commercial □Residential Water Supply (shared) □Irrigation Non-Water Supply Well: □Monitoring □Recovery Injection Well: □Aquifer Recharge □Groundwater Remediation □Aquifer Storage and Recovery □Salinity Barrier □Aquifer Test □Stormwater Drainage □Experimental Technology □Subsidence Control □Geothermal (Closed Loop)□Tracer □Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) □Other (explain under 7g) 4. Date well(s) abandoned: 5a. Well location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Physical Address, City, and Zip County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELL(S) BEING ABANDONED Attach well construction record(s) if available. For multiple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY with the same construction/abandonment, you can submit one form. 6a. Well ID#: 6b. Total well depth: (ft.) 6c. Borehole diameter: (in.) 6d. Water level below ground surface: (ft.) 6e. Outer casing length (if known): (ft.) 6f. Inner casing/tubing length (if known): (ft.) 6g. Screen length (if known): (ft.) WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS 7a. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same well construction/depth, only 1 GW-30 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells abandoned: 7b. Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): (gal.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c. Type of disinfectant used: 7d. Amount of disinfectant used: 7e. Sealing materials used (check all that apply): □Neat Cement Grout □Bentonite Chips or Pellets □Sand Cement Grout □Dry Clay □Concrete Grout □Drill Cuttings □Specialty Grout □Gravel □Bentonite Slurry □Other (explain under 7g) 7f. For each material selected above, provide amount of materials used: 7g. Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: 8.Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor or Well Owner Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 2C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 10b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 10c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where abandoned. For Internal Use ONLY: May 9, 2022 Joey Rusher Rusher Oil Company 2201 Executive Drive Salisbury, NC 28147 Re: Acknowledgement of Report Receipt Rushco #12 (Former) 2595 North Cannon Blvd., Kannapolis Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 Risk Classification: Low Dear Mr. Rusher: The UST Section, Division of Waste Management, is in receipt of the LSA Report dated April 29, 2022. The report has been reviewed and will be maintained in the Mooresville Regional Office. The UST Section agrees with the Conclusions and Recommendations presented in the Report. If you have questions regarding the information contained in this letter, please contact me at or at the address and telephone number listed below. Sincerely, Ryan A. Bond, P.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ cc: Sam McKay, P.G. - GRI Mooresville Regional Office | 610 E Center Ave | Suite 301 | Mooresville, NC 28115 | (704) 663-1699 MO-29001_48195_G_C_20220509 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 BT-OH LLC 55 Glenlake Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 30328 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Property Owner, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 14, 2022 Aaron Church Rowan County Manager 130 W Innes Street Salisbury, NC 28144 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Mr. Church, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 Alyssa Harris Rowan County Health Director 1811 E Innes Street Salisbury, NC 28146 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Ms. Harris, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 Journey Capital LLC 6549 Morehead Road Harrisburg, NC 28075-8492 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Property Owner, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 Mr. M. Darrell Hinnant Mayor – City of Kannapolis 401 Laureate Way Kannapolis, NC 28081 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Mayor Hinnant, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 Sampson Bladen Oil Company Inc. PO Box 469 Clinton, NC 28329 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Property Owner, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 SOMO Investments LLC 10010 Allyson Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28277-2932 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Property Owner, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 Tehrani Enayatollah K & Khatambasksh Fataneh T 5120 Ingleburn Lane Huntersville, NC 28078 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Property Owner, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 November 8, 2022 VFW Post #8989 c/o Lacey Robbins 1265 Pump Station Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Public Notice of No Further Action Former Rushco Food Store #12 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina Rowan County Incident Number: 48195 GRI Number: 5728 Dear Property Owner, On behalf of Rusher Oil Co., Inc., per the requirements of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L.0115(k), please find enclosed a copy of the Conditional Notice of No Further Action for the above referenced site located at, 2595 N. Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, Rowan County, North Carolina. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Sam McKay with Geological Resources, Inc. at (704) 845-4010 or Mr. Ronald Taraban of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Samuel L. McKay, III, P.G. Project Manager enclosure