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APPENDIX A Drawing / Project Name Client Project # Date N Base diagram from Google Maps Site Location Diagram UST Closure 420 Taylorsville Beach Court; Taylorsville, North Carolina Atlantic Clean Fuels / Lake Hickory Marina Site Location DB Fig. Scale 655003 NTS March 2023 1 PM PG JB PE JB JB Drawing / Project Name Client Project # Date N Base diagram from USGS Topographic Quadrangle; Millersville, NC Topographic Location Diagram UST Closure 420 Taylorsville Beach Court; Taylorsville, North Carolina Atlantic Clean Fuels / Lake Hickory Marina Site Location DB Fig. Scale 655003 As Shown March 2023 2 PM PG RS S PE JB JB Approximate Scale feet 0 1400 0 700 Drawing / Project Name Client Project # Date N Base diagram from Google Earth Area Diagram UST Closure 420 Taylorsville Beach Court, Taylorsville, North Carolina Atlantic Clean Fuels / Hickor Marina Former UST Location DB Fig. Scale 655003 As Shown March 2023 3 PM PG RS PE JB JB Approximate Scale fee 0 140 70 PG: DB: Project Number: Date: Scale: PE: PM: Drawing Name Site / Client Name Fig. Legend Approximate Scale 0 15 30 N feet Store and Marina MW-1 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 Former UST(5.3' by 12') Approximate Extent of Soil Excavation Lake and Docks Lake and Docks Lake and Docks Gravel Soil Sample Location Monitoring Well Location Excavation and Sample Location Diagram UST ClosureLake Hickory MarinaTaylorsville, NC JB JBRS 655003 March 2023 As Shown APPENDIX B Tank Number Status Installation Date Size In Gallons Tank Dimensions Last Contents 1 Removed 1991 2,000 5.3' D x 12' L Gasoline Table 1 Atlantic Clean Fuel - Lake Hickory Marina 420 Taylorsville Beach Ct; Taylorsville, North Carolina HES Project #655003 Summary of UST Information 1 Lake Hickory Scuba Center, Inc. Owner/Operator UST ID Number Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership/ Operation Owner or Operator Table 2 Atlantic Clean Fuel - Lake Hickory Marina 420 Taylorsville Beach Ct; Taylorsville, North Carolina HES Project #655003 Summary of UST Ownership Information 2015-Current Address Telephone Number 420 Taylorsville Beach Court; Taylorsville, NC 28681 828-310-4471 Field 8260D (mg/Kg) 8270E (mg/Kg) Collection Date Depth of Collection (feet BGS) SW-1 2/23/23 6 0 ND ND ND ND ND ND SW-2 2/23/23 6 0 ND ND ND ND ND ND SW-3 2/23/23 6 0 ND ND ND ND ND ND SW-4 2/23/23 6 0 ND ND ND ND ND ND cs cs 68 540 imm 31 cs cs 939 1500 31000 469 cs cs 24528 40000 810000 12264 Notes:ND denotes "not detected." cs denotes "compound specific." Bold denotes concentration greater than the Soil to Water MSCC. Bold denotes concentration greater than Residential MSCC. Bold denotes concentration greater than Industrial/Commercial MSCC. NCDEQ Soil-to-Water MSCC (mg/kg) NCDEQ Residential MSCC (mg/Kg) NCDEQ Industrial/Commercial MSCC (mg/Kg) Table 3 UST Closure - Lake Hickory Marina 420 Taylorsville Beach Ct; Taylorsville, North Carolina HES Project #655003 Summary of VOC, VPH, SVOC and EPH Soil Analytical Data C5 - C 8 A l i p h a t i c s C9 - C 2 2 A r o m a t i c s MADEP EPH and VPH (mg/Kg) Al l T a r g e t C o m p o u n d s C9 - C 1 8 A l i p h a t i c s C1 9 3 6 A l i p h a t i c s Analytical Method (e.g., VOC by EPA 8260B) Sample ID Number Constituent of Concern PID Screening (ppm) Al l T a r g e t C o m p o u n d s 8260D (ug/L 8270E (ug/L) 6010D (ug/L) Constituent of Concern Collection Date MW-1 3/14/23 ND ND ND ND ND ND <5.0 cs cs 400 700 10000 200 15 cs cs 15000 Notes:ND denotes "not detected." cs denotes "compound specific." Bold denotes concentration greater than NCDEQ Groundwater Quality Standards (GWQS). Bold denotes concentration greater than NCDEQ Gross Contamination Levels for Groundwater (GCL). (Groundwater Sample) C1 9 3 6 A l i p h a t i c s Table 4 UST Closure - Lake Hickory Marina 420 Taylorsville Beach Ct; Taylorsville, North Carolina HES Project #655003 Summary of Analytical Data Analytical Method (e.g., VOC by EPA 8260B)MADEP EPH and VPH (ug/L) Sample ID Number Al l C o m p o u n d s (u g / L ) Al l C o m p o u n d s (u g / L ) C5 - C 8 A l i p h a t i c s C9 - C 2 2 A r o m a t i c s C9 - C 1 8 A l i p h a t i c s NCDEQ Groundwater Quality Standards NCDEQ Gross Contamination Levels for Groundwater Le a d APPENDIX C APPENDIX D Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN For Site Activities at: Lake Hickory Marina 420 Taylorsville Beach Court Taylorsville, NC February 2023 Minimum Level of Protection at this site is Level D Contaminants of Concern are Petroleum Hydrocarbons Joe Beaman, P.G. Principal Geologist The information in this HASP is provided solely for the protection of the health and safety of Highlands Environmental Solutions employees and subcontractors working under the direct supervision and control of Highlands Environmental Solutions on this project. Highlands Environmental Solutions assumes no liability for, or responsibility to, any other parties for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein for any use or reliance upon this HASP by any other party. Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 2 IN THE EVENT OF ANY EMERGENCY, CONTACT PROJECT MANAGER OR HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE SITE EMERGENCY FORM Contaminants of Concern: Petroleum Hydrocarbons Minimum Level of Protection: Level D Do not endanger your life. Survey the situation before taking any action. Highlands Environmental Solutions Office Telephone: (919) 848-3155 Site Location Address: 420 Taylorsville Beach Court; Taylorsville, NC Telephone Located at: HES Personnel (cellular phone) EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Ambulance: 911 Fire: 911 Police: 911 Hospital Name: Catawba Valley Medical Center Hospital Phone: 828-326-3000 Project Manager: Kendall Sutler 910-859-9050 Health and Safety Specialist: Joe Beaman 919-414-7081 Client Contact: Mr. Jody Childers Poison Control: (800) 848-6946 State Agency: NCDEQ (WSRO) 336-771-5000 UTILITY MARKER EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Utility Color Code Telephone Number Water Gas Electric Telephone Cable Sewe Blue Yellow Red Orange Orange Green (800) 632-4949 (800) 632-4949 (800) 632-4949 (800) 632-4949 (800) 632-4949 (800) 632-4949 Dig Safe Telephone Number: (888) 721-7877 Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 3 HOSPITAL LOCATION MAP Hospital Directions: North on Taylorsville Beach Court; right on Wayside Church Road; right on NC 16; West on I- 40; take Exit 128 turn right on Fairgrove Church Road and continue to hospital. Hospital Information: Name: Catawba Valley Medical Center Address: 810 Fairgrove Church Road, SE City, State: Hickory, NC 28602 Phone: 828-326-3000 Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 4 FIRST AID FOR PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON EMERGENCIES Ingestion: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Call Poison Control; follow instructions. Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), if necessary. Seek medical attention. Inhalation: Remove person from contaminated environment. DO NOT ENTER A CONFINED SPACE TO RESCUE SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN OVERCOME UNLESS PROPERLY EQUIPPED AND A STANDBY PERSON IS PRESENT. Administer CPR if necessary. Seek medical attention. Skin Contact: Brush off dry material, remove wet or contaminated clothing. Flush skin thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. Eye Contact: Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. Exposure Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, irritation of eyes, nose, throat, breathing difficulties. Contingency Plan: Report incident to Project Manager (PM) after emergency procedures have been implemented. RESPONDER MUST HAVE A CURRENT CERTIFICATE TO ADMINISTER FIRST AID OR CPR 1. Survey the situation. Do not endanger your own life. DO NOT ENTER A CONFINED SPACE TO RESCUE SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN OVERCOME UNLESS PROPERLY EQUIPPED AND A STANDBY PERSON IS PRESENT. 2. Call 911 (if available) or the fire department IMMEDIATELY. Explain the physical injury, chemical exposure, fire, or release. 3. Decontaminate the victim without delaying life-saving procedures. 4. If the victim's condition appears to be noncritical, but seems to be more severe than minor cuts, he/she should be transported to the nearest hospital by trained Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel: let the doctor assume the responsibility for determining the severity of the injury. If the condition is obviously serious, EMS must transport the victim. 5. Notify the PM. Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 5 EMERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURES To Stop Bleeding CPR 1. Give medical statement. 2. Assure airway, breathing, and circulation. 3. Use DIRECT PRESSURE over the wound with clean dressing or your hand (use nonpermeable gloves). Direct pressure will control most bleeding. 4. Bleeding from an artery or several injury sites may require DIRECT PRESSURE on a PRESSURE POINT. Use pressure points for 30 - 60 seconds to help control severe bleeding. 5. Continue primary care and seek medical aid as needed. 1. Call for help. 2. Arousal: check for consciousness. 3. Open airway with chin-lift. 4. Look, listen, and feel for breathing. 5. If breathing is absent, give 2 slow, full rescue breaths. 6. Check the pulse for 5 to 10 seconds. 7. If pulse is present, continue rescue breathing: 1 breath every 5 seconds 8. If pulse is absent, start CPR: 15 compressions, 2 breaths (1 man) Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 6 Project and Health and Safety Information HES has been retained by Atlantic Clean Fuel to perform confirmation sampling and regulatory reporting for the closure by removal of underground storage tanks at the Lake Hickory Marina located at 420 Taylorsville Beach Court in Taylorsville, NC. All work will comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) standard, "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response," (29 CFR 1910.120), and other federal, state and local procedures that require the development and implementation of a HASP. Generation of this document certifies that the workplace has been evaluated for the hazards as described. A hazard assessment has been performed and the adequacy of the personal protective equipment (PPE) selected is hereby certified per 29 CFR 1910.132(d) and is duly noted by the signature(s) and date appearing on the cover page of this document. If any site conditions are encountered that are different from typical retail petroleum operations, the field investigator is to stop work immediately and notify the Project Manager. This plan addresses the safety issues associated environmental investigation and assessment activities performed at retail petroleum operations. For this project, site investigation activities will involve the following (checked items): Phase I Envi onmental Site Assessment Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Spill Response and Abatement x Soil sampling (hand auger) Soil sampling (UST removal) x Monitoring well installation x UST removal x Soil excavation x G oundwater sampling/monitoring Groundwater remediation Drum removal Site surveying Soil Gas / VI assessment/survey Pump/Slug testing All activities of this project will be carried out under Level D or Modified Level D. At a minimum, all personnel will wear the following PPE based on the task to be performed at the site (checked items): x Hard Hat x Safety Vest x Steel Toe Boots Chemical Boots x Nitrile gloves (sampling gloves) Heavy Nitrile gloves x Safety glasses Ear plugs/ear muffs (sound suppression) White Tyvek Yellow (polycoated) Tyvek Miscellaneous - Be aware of your surroundings Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 7 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL Precautions must be taken to prevent injuries and exposures to the following potential hazards. . Potential Hazards and Control Potential Hazard Control Exposure to Petroleum Products 1. Stand up-wind of petroleum products whenever possible. 2. Minimize contact and contact time with petroleum products. 3. Avoid walking through discolored areas, puddles, leaning on drums, or contacting anything that is likely to be contaminated. 4. Do not eat, drink, smoke and/or apply cosmetics in the hot or warm zones. 5. Wear gloves when in contact with contaminated surfaces. 6. Safety glasses must be worn at a minimum. 7. Splash goggles must be worn when working with liquids. 8. >25 ppm organic vapors in breathing zone requires upgrade to Level C. 9. >250 ppm organic vapors in breathing zone requires upgrade from Level C to Level B. 10. If unknown materials are encountered, call the HSS. Vehicular Traffic 1. Wear traffic safety vest when vehicle hazard exists. 2. Use cones, flags, barricades, and caution tape to define work area. 3. Use vehicle to block work area. 4. Engage police detail for high-traffic situations. Vault Entry 1. HES Personnel do not perform Confined Space Entry. Utility Lines Contact 1. Contact Dig Safe to have utility lines marked prior to excavation/trenching. 2. Refer to site drawings or customer interviews if on private property for utility locations. 3. Hand dig 3 to 5 feet down and 5 feet each side of utility marker to avoid breaking utility lines. Inclement Weather 1. Stop outdoor work during electrical storms and other extreme weather conditions such as extreme heat or cold temperatures. 2. Take cover indoors or in vehicle. 3. Listen to local forecasts for warnings about specific weather hazards such as tornados, hu icanes, and flash floods. Noise 1. Wear hearing protection when equipment such as a drill rig, jackhammer, cut saw, air compressor, blower or other heavy equipment is operating on the site. 2. Wear hearing protection whenever you need to raise your voice above normal conversational speech due to a loud noise source; this much noise indicates the need for protection. Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 8 Potential Hazard Control Electric Shock 1. Maintain appropriate distance from overhead utilities; 20-foot minimum clearance from power lines required; 10-foot minimum clearance from shielded power lines. 2. Use ground-fault circuit interrupters as required. 3. Perform lockout/tagout procedures (Appendix C). 4. Use three-pronged plugs and extension cords. 5. Contact your local underground utility-locating service. 6. Follow code requirements for electrical installations in hazardous locations. Physical Injury 1. Wear hard hats and safety glasses when on-site. 2. Maintain visual contact with the equipment operator and wear orange safety vest when heavy equipment is used on-site. 3. Avoid loose-fitting clothing (driller and driller's helper). 4. Prevent slips, trips and falls; keep work area uncluttered. 5. Keep your hands away from moving parts (i.e., augers). 6. Test the emergency shutoff switch on the drill rig daily. Back Injury 1. Use a mechanical lifting device or a lifting aid where appropriate. 2. If you must lift, plan the lift before doing it. 3. Check your route for clearance. 4. Bend at the knees and use leg muscles when lifting. 5. Use the buddy system when lifting heavy or awkward objects. 6. Do not twist your body while lifting. Heat Stress 1. Increase water intake while working. 2. Increase number of rest breaks and/or rotate workers in shorter work shifts. 3. Watch for signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and fatigue. 4. Plan work for early morning or evening during hot months. 5. Use ice vests when necessary. 6. Rest in cool, dry areas. 7. In the event of heat stroke, bring the victim to a cool environment and initiate first aid procedures. Cold Stress 1. Take breaks in heated shelters when working in extremely cold temperatures . 2. Remove the outer layer of clothing and loosen other layers to promote evaporation of perspiration, upon entering the shelter. 3. D ink warm liquids to reduce the susceptibility to cold st ess. High Crime Areas 1. Be aware of surroundings. 2. Use the buddy system. 3. Request police detail when appropriate. Insects 1. Tuck pants into socks. 2. Wear long sleeves. 3. Use insect repellent. Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 9 Potential Hazard Control Poisonous Plants (Such as Poison Ivy, Oak, etc.) 1. Don't enter areas infested with poisonous plants. 2. Immediately wash any areas that come into contact with poisonous plants. Ladders 1. Make sure ladder rungs are sturdy and free of cracks. 2. Use ladders with secure safety feet. 3. Pitch ladders at a 4:1 ratio. 4. Secure ladders at the top when possible. 5. Do not use ladders for access to air stripper towers. 6. Use non-conductive ladders near electrical wires. Fire Control 1. Smoke only in designated areas. 2. Keep flammable liquids in closed containers. 3. Keep site clean; avoid accumulating combustible debris such as paper. 4. Follow Hot Work Safety Procedures when welding or performing other activities requiring an open flame. 5. Isolate flammable and combustible materials from ignition sources. 6. Ensure fire safety integrity of equipment installations according to Hazard Classification Diagram (Appendix G). Static Electricity 1. Do not create static discharge in flammable atmospheres. 2. Electrically bond and ground pumps transfer vessels, tanks, drums, bailers and probes, when moving liquids. 3. Electrically bond and ground vacuum trucks and the tanks they are emptying. 4. Do not splash fill containe s with flammable liquids. Drilling/Boring Operations 1. Driller and helper must be present during all active operations. 2. Driller helper and other site personnel must know location of emergency shut off switch. 3. Unauthorized personnel must be kept clear of drilling rig. 4. Area of drilling operation must be cordoned off/barricaded. 5. When hazardous conditions are deemed present, operation must be shut down. Well Installation, Well Development, Well Gauging, Well Bailing, Soil/Ground- water Sampling 1. Wear appropriate PPE to avoid skin, eye, and inhalation contact with contaminated groundwater and/or soil. 2. Stand upwind when conducting tasks and minimize possible inhalation exposure; especially when first opening monitoring wells. 3. Conduct air monitoring to determine level of respiratory protection. 4. Utilize engineering controls such as portable venturi air movers to draw away or blow away chemical vapors. Welding, Cutting, Brazing 1. Before conducting welding at a project site, contact the Project Manager.. Cleaning Equipment 1. Wear appropriate PPE to avoid skin and eye contact with isopropyl alcohol, alconox, or other cleaning materials. 2. Stand upwind to minimize any potential inhalation exposure. 3. Dispose of spent cleaning solutions and rinses accordingly. Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 10 Potential Hazard Control First aid kit, emergency eye wash station, fire extinguisher, and absorbent pads will be located on-site in the vehicle or site remediation system. Health and Safety Plan UST Closure; Taylorsville, NC Page 11 Signature Sheet All persons entering the work zone, or visiting the subject site for the purposes associated with the subject investigation(s), or activities associated with the subject investigation(s) are required to notify the HES representative on-site immediately upon arrival. All persons entering the work zone, or visiting the subject site for the purposes associated with the subject investigation(s), or activities associated with the subject investigation(s) are required to review appropriate health and safety procedures, and provide a signature documenting they have been properly briefed on health and safety policies and procedures to be followed while on-site. HES will not be responsible for personal injuries or death resulting from personal actions that are considered negligent, or that result from personal activities that are contrary to this health and safety plan. By my signature, I acknowledge that I have been briefed on site specific health and safety procedures, that I am familiar with said health and safety procedures, and that I will follow all indicated health and safety procedures while on-site. Name Signature APPENDIX E Photograph Number 1: UST area prior to removal. Photograph Number 2: UST removal. Photograph Number 3: UST removal. Photograph Number 4: UST basin after tank removal, showing water in excavation. Photograph Number 5: Backfilling of former tank excavation. Photograph Number 6: Backfilling of former tank excavation. APPENDIX F 03/03/23 Technical Report for Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc 655003; NC SGS Job Number: FC2948 Sampling Date: 02/23/23 Report to: jbeaman@hesnc.com ksutler@hesnc.com rshaut@hesnc.com ariel.hartney@sgs.com ATTN: Distribution1 Total number of pages in report: Certifications: FL(E83510), LA(03051), KS(E-10327), NC(573), NJ(FL002), NY(12022), SC(96038001) DoD ELAP(ANAB L2229), AZ(AZ0806), CA(2937), TX(T104704404), PA(68-03573), VA(460177), AL, AK, AR, CT, IA, KY, MA, MI. MS, ND, NH, NV, OK, OR, IL, UT, VT, WA, WI, WV This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of SGS. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. SGS North America Inc. 4405 Vineland Road Suite C-15 Orlando, FL 32811 tel: 407-425-6700 fax: 407-425-0707 Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program and/or state specific certification programs as applicable. Client Service contact: Ariel Hartney 407-425-6700 Norm Farmer Technical Director Orlando, FL 03/03/23 e-Hardcopy 2.0 Automated Report 39 SGS is the sole authority for authorizing edits or modifications to this document. Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. Review standard terms at: http://www.sgs.com/en/terms-and-conditions The results set forth herein are provided by SGS North America Inc. Please share your ideas about how we can serve you better at: EHS.US.CustomerCare@sgs.com 1 of 39 FC2948 Table of Contents -1- Sections: Section 1: Sample Summary ...................................................................................................3 Section 2: Summary of Hits ....................................................................................................4 Section 3: Sample Results ........................................................................................................5 3.1: FC2948-1: SW-1 ...........................................................................................................6 3.2: FC2948-2: SW-2 ...........................................................................................................13 3.3: FC2948-3: SW-3 ...........................................................................................................20 3.4: FC2948-4: SW-4 ...........................................................................................................27 Section 4: Misc. Forms ............................................................................................................34 4.1: Chain of Custody ...........................................................................................................35 4.2: Chain of Custody (SGS Scott, LA) ................................................................................37 1 2 3 4 2 of 39 FC2948 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Sample Summary Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc Job No:FC2948 655003; NC Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID This report contains results reported as ND = Not detected. The following applies: Organics ND = Not detected above the MDL FC2948-1 02/23/23 10:19 RS 02/24/23 SO Soil SW-1 FC2948-2 02/23/23 10:28 RS 02/24/23 SO Soil SW-2 FC2948-3 02/23/23 10:34 RS 02/24/23 SO Soil SW-3 FC2948-4 02/23/23 10:37 RS 02/24/23 SO Soil SW-4 Soil samples reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise indicated on result page. 3 of 39 FC2948 1 Summary of Hits Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FC2948 Account:Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc Project:655003; NC Collected:02/23/23 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method FC2948-1 SW-1 Naphthalene a 0.0478 J 0.35 0.026 mg/kg MADEP VPH REV 2.1 m,p-Xylene a 0.0286 J 0.69 0.025 mg/kg MADEP VPH REV 2.1 o-Xylene a 0.0178 J 0.35 0.011 mg/kg MADEP VPH REV 2.1 FC2948-2 SW-2 Naphthalene a 0.0298 J 0.31 0.023 mg/kg MADEP VPH REV 2.1 o-Xylene a 0.0100 J 0.31 0.010 mg/kg MADEP VPH REV 2.1 FC2948-3 SW-3 Naphthalene a 0.0275 J 0.32 0.024 mg/kg MADEP VPH REV 2.1 FC2948-4 SW-4 No hits reported in this sample. (a) Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. 4 of 39 FC2948 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Sample Results Report of Analysis Orlando, FL Section 3 5 of 39 FC2948 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-1 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:80.1 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 3C185519.D 1 02/28/23 22:00 DB n/a n/a V3C941 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 8.12 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 0.15 0.077 mg/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.0038 0.00094 mg/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0038 0.0011 mg/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 0.019 0.0056 mg/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0038 0.00078 mg/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane b ND 0.0038 0.0015 mg/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 0.0038 0.0010 mg/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane c ND 0.0038 0.0015 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0038 0.00088 mg/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0038 0.0014 mg/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0038 0.0011 mg/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0038 0.00078 mg/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 1 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-1 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:80.1 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 0.0038 0.0018 mg/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol d ND 0.31 0.058 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 0.019 0.0058 mg/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 0.0038 0.0015 mg/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 0.0038 0.0015 mg/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride c ND 0.015 0.0085 mg/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 0.019 0.0058 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.0038 0.0015 mg/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0038 0.00079 mg/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.0038 0.00098 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.015 0.0077 mg/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0038 0.0011 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane c ND 0.0038 0.0015 mg/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0038 0.00096 mg/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate e ND 0.019 0.013 mg/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.0077 0.00085 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.0038 0.00077 mg/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 0.012 0.0016 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 119%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 102%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 7 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 1 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-1 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:80.1 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from bisulfate preserved vial. (b) Associated BS recovery outside control limits low. (c) Associated CCV outside control limits high, sample is ND. (d) Associated CCV outside control limits low. (e) Associated ICV outside control limits high, however sample ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 8 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 1 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-1 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:80.1 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 9I016535.D 1 02/28/23 16:05 KA 02/28/23 08:00 OP95646 S9I589 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.1 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1.0 0.21 mg/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 0.21 0.023 mg/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 0.21 0.025 mg/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 0.21 0.024 mg/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 0.21 0.055 mg/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1.0 0.21 mg/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 0.41 0.083 mg/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 0.21 0.025 mg/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 0.21 0.034 mg/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 0.21 0.023 mg/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 1.0 0.21 mg/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1.0 0.21 mg/kg 108-95-2 Phenol a ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.21 0.024 mg/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.21 0.022 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.21 0.023 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.21 0.024 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.21 0.023 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.21 0.027 mg/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.21 0.022 mg/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 0.21 0.041 mg/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 0.21 0.052 mg/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 0.21 0.024 mg/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) aND 0.21 0.026 mg/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 9 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 1 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-1 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:80.1 Project:655003; NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.21 0.026 mg/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.21 0.022 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.21 0.028 mg/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 0.21 0.049 mg/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 0.41 0.041 mg/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 0.21 0.041 mg/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 0.21 0.041 mg/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 0.41 0.083 mg/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine a ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 0.41 0.041 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.21 0.022 mg/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 0.21 0.041 mg/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 0.21 0.024 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.21 0.025 mg/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene a ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine a ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 0.21 0.022 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.21 0.021 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.21 0.024 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.21 0.024 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 64%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 67%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 68%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 57%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 63%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 69%45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 10 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 1 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-1 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP VPH REV 2.1 Percent Solids:80.1 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a LE040677.D 1 03/01/23 17:59 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2386 Run #2 b LE040683.D 1 03/01/23 21:12 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2386 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.5 g 5.0 ml 100 ul Run #2 5.5 g 5.0 ml 100 ul MADEP VPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.35 0.0096 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.35 0.0099 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.35 0.0098 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.0478 0.35 0.026 mg/kg J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.35 0.0088 mg/kg m,p-Xylene 0.0286 0.69 0.025 mg/kg J 95-47-6 o-Xylene 0.0178 0.35 0.011 mg/kg J C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 6.9 3.5 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 6.9 3.5 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 6.9 3.5 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 6.9 3.5 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 6.9 3.5 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics ND 6.9 3.5 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 148% c 158% c 70-130% 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 139% c 149% c 70-130% (a) Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. (b) Confirmation run for surrogate recoveries. Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. (c) Outside control limits biased high. No compounds detected above client requested RLs. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 11 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 1 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-1 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP EPH REV 2.1 SW846 3546 Percent Solids:80.1 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN041630.D 1 03/01/23 21:52 AF 02/28/23 07:30 OP95651 GNN1912 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 20.0 g 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.25 0.12 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 12 5.0 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics ND 12 5.0 mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 12 3.1 mg/kg C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 12 3.1 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 44% a 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 100%40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 87%40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 98%40-140% (a) Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. However, Sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 12 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 1 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-2 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-2 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:87.3 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 3C185520.D 1 02/28/23 22:26 DB n/a n/a V3C941 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 10.2 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 0.11 0.056 mg/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.0028 0.00068 mg/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0028 0.00083 mg/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 0.014 0.0041 mg/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0028 0.00057 mg/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane b ND 0.0028 0.0011 mg/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 0.0028 0.00075 mg/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane c ND 0.0028 0.0011 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0028 0.00065 mg/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0028 0.00099 mg/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0028 0.00077 mg/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0028 0.00057 mg/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 13 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-2 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-2 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:87.3 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 0.0028 0.0013 mg/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol d ND 0.22 0.042 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 0.014 0.0042 mg/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 0.0028 0.0011 mg/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 0.0028 0.0011 mg/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride c ND 0.011 0.0062 mg/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 0.014 0.0042 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.0028 0.0011 mg/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0028 0.00058 mg/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.0028 0.00072 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.011 0.0056 mg/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0028 0.00079 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane c ND 0.0028 0.0011 mg/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0028 0.00070 mg/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate e ND 0.014 0.0092 mg/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.0056 0.00062 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.0028 0.00056 mg/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 0.0084 0.0012 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 103%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 120%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 100%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 14 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-2 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-2 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:87.3 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from bisulfate preserved vial. (b) Associated BS recovery outside control limits low. (c) Associated CCV outside control limits high, sample is ND. (d) Associated CCV outside control limits low. (e) Associated ICV outside control limits high, however sample ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 15 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-2 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-2 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:87.3 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 9I016536.D 1 02/28/23 16:30 KA 02/28/23 08:00 OP95646 S9I589 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.1 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 0.95 0.19 mg/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 0.19 0.023 mg/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 0.19 0.051 mg/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 0.95 0.19 mg/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 0.38 0.076 mg/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 0.19 0.023 mg/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 0.19 0.031 mg/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 0.95 0.19 mg/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 0.95 0.19 mg/kg 108-95-2 Phenol a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.19 0.025 mg/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 0.19 0.038 mg/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 0.19 0.048 mg/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) aND 0.19 0.024 mg/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 16 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-2 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-2 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:87.3 Project:655003; NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.19 0.024 mg/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.025 mg/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 0.19 0.045 mg/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 0.38 0.038 mg/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 0.19 0.038 mg/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 0.19 0.038 mg/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 0.38 0.076 mg/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 0.38 0.038 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 0.19 0.038 mg/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.19 0.023 mg/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 67%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 69%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 72%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 59%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 66%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 75%45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 17 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-2 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-2 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP VPH REV 2.1 Percent Solids:87.3 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a LE040678.D 1 03/01/23 18:32 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2386 Run #2 b LE040684.D 1 03/01/23 21:44 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2386 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.2 g 5.0 ml 100 ul Run #2 5.2 g 5.0 ml 100 ul MADEP VPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.31 0.0086 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.31 0.0089 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.31 0.0088 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.0298 0.31 0.023 mg/kg J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.31 0.0079 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.62 0.022 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene 0.0100 0.31 0.010 mg/kg J C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 6.2 3.1 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 6.2 3.1 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 6.2 3.1 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 6.2 3.1 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 6.2 3.1 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics ND 6.2 3.1 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 148% c 148% c 70-130% 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 141% c 139% c 70-130% (a) Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. (b) Confirmation run for surrogate recoveries. Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. (c) Outside control limits biased high. No compounds detected above client requested RLs. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 18 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-2 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-2 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP EPH REV 2.1 SW846 3546 Percent Solids:87.3 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN041631.D 1 03/01/23 22:24 AF 02/28/23 07:30 OP95651 GNN1912 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 20.0 g 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.23 0.11 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 11 4.6 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics ND 11 4.6 mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 11 2.9 mg/kg C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 11 2.9 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 48% a 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 99%40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 96%40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 98%40-140% (a) Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. However, Sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 19 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 2 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-3 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-3 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:85.5 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 2B21536.D 1 02/25/23 19:45 AL n/a n/a V2B906 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 7.53 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 0.16 0.078 mg/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.0039 0.00095 mg/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0039 0.0011 mg/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 0.019 0.0056 mg/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0039 0.00079 mg/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 0.0039 0.0016 mg/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 0.0039 0.0010 mg/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane a ND 0.0039 0.0016 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0039 0.00089 mg/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0039 0.0014 mg/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0039 0.0011 mg/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0039 0.00079 mg/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 20 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-3 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-3 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:85.5 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 0.0039 0.0018 mg/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 0.31 0.058 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 0.019 0.0058 mg/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide b ND 0.0039 0.0016 mg/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride a ND 0.0039 0.0016 mg/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 0.016 0.0085 mg/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 0.019 0.0058 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.0039 0.0016 mg/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0039 0.00080 mg/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.0039 0.00099 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.016 0.0078 mg/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0039 0.0011 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0039 0.0016 mg/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0039 0.00097 mg/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.019 0.013 mg/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride a ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.0078 0.00085 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.0039 0.00078 mg/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 0.012 0.0016 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 92%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 99%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 116%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 21 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-3 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-3 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:85.5 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, sample is ND. (b) Associated BS recovery outside control limits high, sample is ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 22 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-3 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-3 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:85.5 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 9I016537.D 1 02/28/23 16:56 KA 02/28/23 08:00 OP95646 S9I589 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.1 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 0.97 0.19 mg/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 0.19 0.024 mg/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 0.19 0.052 mg/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 0.97 0.19 mg/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 0.39 0.078 mg/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 0.19 0.023 mg/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 0.19 0.032 mg/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 0.97 0.19 mg/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 0.97 0.19 mg/kg 108-95-2 Phenol a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.19 0.023 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.19 0.025 mg/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 0.19 0.039 mg/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 0.19 0.049 mg/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) aND 0.19 0.024 mg/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 23 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-3 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-3 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:85.5 Project:655003; NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.19 0.024 mg/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.026 mg/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 0.19 0.046 mg/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 0.39 0.039 mg/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 0.19 0.039 mg/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 0.19 0.039 mg/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 0.39 0.078 mg/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 0.39 0.039 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.19 0.020 mg/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 0.19 0.039 mg/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 0.19 0.023 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.19 0.024 mg/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine a ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 0.19 0.021 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.19 0.019 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.19 0.022 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.19 0.023 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 65%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 67%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 57%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 63%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 74%45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 24 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-3 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-3 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP VPH REV 2.1 Percent Solids:85.5 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a LE040679.D 1 03/01/23 19:04 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2386 Run #2 b LE040685.D 1 03/01/23 22:16 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2386 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.3 g 5.0 ml 100 ul Run #2 5.3 g 5.0 ml 100 ul MADEP VPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.32 0.0088 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.32 0.0091 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.32 0.0090 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.0275 0.32 0.024 mg/kg J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.32 0.0081 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.64 0.023 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.32 0.011 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 6.4 3.2 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 6.4 3.2 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 6.4 3.2 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 6.4 3.2 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 6.4 3.2 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics ND 6.4 3.2 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 135% c 139% c 70-130% 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 127%131% c 70-130% (a) Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. (b) Confirmation run for surrogate recoveries. Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. (c) Outside control limits biased high. No compounds detected above client requested RLs. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 25 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-3 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-3 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP EPH REV 2.1 SW846 3546 Percent Solids:85.5 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN041629.D 1 03/01/23 21:22 AF 02/28/23 07:30 OP95651 GNN1912 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 20.2 g 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.23 0.12 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 12 4.6 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics ND 12 4.6 mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 12 2.9 mg/kg C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 12 2.9 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 46% a 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 95%40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 87%40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 93%40-140% (a) Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. However, Sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 26 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 3 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-4 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-4 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:66.4 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 3C185521.D 1 02/28/23 22:51 DB n/a n/a V3C941 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 7.36 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 0.20 0.10 mg/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.0051 0.0012 mg/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0051 0.0015 mg/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 0.026 0.0074 mg/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane b ND 0.0051 0.0020 mg/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 0.0051 0.0014 mg/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane c ND 0.0051 0.0020 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0051 0.0012 mg/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0051 0.0018 mg/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0051 0.0014 mg/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 27 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 4 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-4 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-4 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:66.4 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 0.0051 0.0024 mg/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol d ND 0.41 0.077 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 0.026 0.0077 mg/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 0.0051 0.0020 mg/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 0.0051 0.0020 mg/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride c ND 0.020 0.011 mg/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 0.026 0.0077 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.0051 0.0020 mg/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0051 0.0011 mg/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.0051 0.0013 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.020 0.010 mg/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0051 0.0014 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane c ND 0.0051 0.0020 mg/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0051 0.0013 mg/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate e ND 0.026 0.017 mg/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.010 0.0011 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.0051 0.0010 mg/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 0.015 0.0021 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 104%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 121%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 28 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 4 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:SW-4 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-4 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:66.4 Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from bisulfate preserved vial. (b) Associated BS recovery outside control limits low. (c) Associated CCV outside control limits high, sample is ND. (d) Associated CCV outside control limits low. (e) Associated ICV outside control limits high, however sample ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 29 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 4 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-4 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-4 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:66.4 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 9I016538.D 1 02/28/23 17:21 KA 02/28/23 08:00 OP95646 S9I589 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.0 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1.3 0.25 mg/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 0.25 0.028 mg/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 0.25 0.031 mg/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 0.25 0.029 mg/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 0.25 0.067 mg/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1.3 0.25 mg/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 0.50 0.10 mg/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 0.25 0.030 mg/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 0.25 0.041 mg/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 0.25 0.027 mg/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 1.3 0.25 mg/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1.3 0.25 mg/kg 108-95-2 Phenol a ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.25 0.029 mg/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.25 0.027 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.25 0.028 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.25 0.030 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.25 0.028 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.25 0.026 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.25 0.033 mg/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.25 0.026 mg/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 0.25 0.050 mg/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 0.25 0.063 mg/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 0.25 0.029 mg/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) aND 0.25 0.032 mg/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.25 0.026 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 30 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 4 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:SW-4 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-4 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:66.4 Project:655003; NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.25 0.031 mg/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.25 0.027 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.25 0.033 mg/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 0.25 0.060 mg/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 0.50 0.050 mg/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 0.25 0.050 mg/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 0.25 0.050 mg/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 0.50 0.10 mg/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine a ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 0.50 0.050 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.25 0.027 mg/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.25 0.026 mg/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 0.25 0.050 mg/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 0.25 0.030 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.25 0.031 mg/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene a ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine a ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 0.25 0.027 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.25 0.025 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.25 0.029 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.25 0.030 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 64%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 66%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 56%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 63%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 73%45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 31 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 4 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-4 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-4 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP VPH REV 2.1 Percent Solids:66.4 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a LE040680.D 1 03/01/23 19:35 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2386 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.8 g 5.0 ml 100 ul Run #2 MADEP VPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.45 0.013 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.45 0.013 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.45 0.013 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.45 0.033 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.45 0.011 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.90 0.032 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.45 0.015 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 9.0 4.5 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 9.0 4.5 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 9.0 4.5 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 9.0 4.5 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 9.0 4.5 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics ND 9.0 4.5 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 163% b 70-130% 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 154% b 70-130% (a) Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. (b) Outside control limits biased high. No compounds detected above client requested RLs. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 32 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 4 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:SW-4 Lab Sample ID:FC2948-4 Date Sampled:02/23/23 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:02/24/23 Method:MADEP EPH REV 2.1 SW846 3546 Percent Solids:66.4 Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN041632.D 1 03/01/23 22:53 AF 02/28/23 07:30 OP95651 GNN1912 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 20.3 g 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.30 0.15 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 15 5.9 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics ND 15 5.9 mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 15 3.7 mg/kg C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 15 3.7 mg/kg CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 43% a 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 107%40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 91%40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 105%40-140% (a) Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. However, Sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 33 of 39 FC2948 3 3. 4 SGS LabLink@13:07 03-Mar-2023 Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: Chain of Custody Chain of Custody (SGS Scott, LA) Orlando, FL Section 4 34 of 39 FC2948 4 FC2948: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 2 35 of 39 FC2948 4 4. 1 Job Number:FC2948 Client:HES, INC Date / Time Received:2/24/2023 9:40:00 AM Delivery Method:FEDEX Project:655003 Airbill #'s:5707 9050 7760 Cooler Information 1. Custody Seals Present 2. Custody Seals Intact 4. Cooler temp verification 3. Temp criteria achieved 5. Cooler media IR Gun Ice (Bag) Trip Blank Information 1. Trip Blank present / cooler 2. Trip Blank listed on COC 2. Samples preserved properly Sample Information 1. Sample labels present on bottles 5. Sample recvd within HT 4. Condition of sample 3. Sufficient volume/containers recvd for analysis: Intact Comments FROZEN@ 2/24/2023 1345 SM001Rev. Date 05/24/17 SGS Sample Receipt Summary Cooler Temps (Raw Measured) °C: Cooler Temps (Corrected) °C: Cooler 1: (1.0); Cooler 1: (1.2); 3. Type Of TB Received W or S N/A 6. Dates/Times/IDs on COC match Sample Label 7. VOCs have headspace 8. Bottles received for unspecified tests 9. Compositing instructions clear 10. Voa Soil Kits/Jars received past 48hrs? 11. % Solids Jar received? Misc. Information 25-Gram 5-GramNumber of Encores:Number of 5035 Field Kits:Number of Lab Filtered Metals: Test Strip Lot #s:pH 0-3 230315 pH 10-12 219813A Other: (Specify) Y or N N/A Y or N Therm ID:IR 1; Therm CF:0.2; # of Coolers:1 Y or N N/A 12. Residual Chlorine Present? Residual Chlorine Test Strip Lot #: Technician:Reviewer:CARLOSD Date:Date:2/24/2023 9:40:00 AM FC2948: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 2 36 of 39 FC2948 4 4. 1 FC2948: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 3 SGS Scott, LA 37 of 39 FC2948 4 4. 2 FC2948: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 3 38 of 39 FC2948 4 4. 2 SGS Sample Receipt Summary Job Number:FC2948 Client:SGS FL Date / Time Received:2/28/2023 9:35:00 AM Delivery Method:FedEx Project:SGS FL 4. No. Coolers:1 Airbill #'s:6134 6606 3407 Cooler Security 1. Custody Seals Present: Y or N 2. Custody Seals Intact: 3. COC Present: 4. Smpl Dates/Time OK 2. Thermometer ID: Cooler Temperature Y or N 1. Temp criteria achieved: 3. Cooler media: IR001; Ice (direct contact) Quality Control Preservation Y or N N/A 1. Trip Blank present / cooler: 2. Trip Blank listed on COC: 3. Samples preserved properly: 4. VOCs headspace free: Sample Integrity - Documentation Y or N 1. Sample labels present on bottles: 2. Container labeling complete: 3. Sample container label / COC agree: Sample Integrity - Condition Y or N 1. Sample recvd within HT: 3. Condition of sample: 2. All containers accounted for: Sample Integrity - Instructions 1. Analysis requested is clear: 2. Bottles received for unspecified tests 3. Sufficient volume recvd for analysis: 4. Compositing instructions clear: 5. Filtering instructions clear: Intact Y or N Comments Y or N N/A Cooler Temps (Initial/Adjusted):#1: (3.6/3.6); IR001 FC2948: Chain of Custody Page 3 of 3 39 of 39 FC2948 4 4. 2 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Sample Summary Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc Job No:FC3487 655003; NC Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID This report contains results reported as ND = Not detected. The following applies: Organics ND = Not detected above the MDL FC3487-1 03/14/23 13:45 RS 03/16/23 AQ Ground Water MW-1 Draft: 1 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 I755092.D 1 03/20/23 14:46 JW n/a n/a VI2851 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 25 10 ug/l 71-43-2 Benzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 1.0 0.37 ug/l 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.45 ug/l 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.20 ug/l 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 2.0 0.67 ug/l 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 2.0 0.28 ug/l 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane a ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.26 ug/l 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.43 ug/l 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 2 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 200 82 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 10 2.0 ug/l 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l 100-42-5 Styrene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.61 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.25 ug/l 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.47 ug/l 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.35 ug/l 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 2.0 0.63 ug/l 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.27 ug/l 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 10 2.0 ug/l 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l m,p-Xylene ND 2.0 0.47 ug/l 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 1.0 0.26 ug/l 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 3.0 0.72 ug/l CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 94%83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 84%79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 103%85-112% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 106%83-118% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 3 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Associated ICV outside control limits high, however sample ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 4 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3510C Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 6F18238.D 1 03/17/23 12:26 KA 03/17/23 07:00 OP95930 S6F690 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1010 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 50 9.9 ug/l 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 5.0 0.59 ug/l 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 5.0 0.62 ug/l 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 5.0 0.83 ug/l 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 5.0 0.73 ug/l 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/l 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 9.9 2.0 ug/l 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 5.0 0.55 ug/l 3&4-Methylphenol ND 5.0 0.97 ug/l 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 5.0 0.84 ug/l 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/l 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/l 108-95-2 Phenol ND 5.0 0.50 ug/l 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 5.0 0.74 ug/l 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 5.0 0.62 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 5.0 0.63 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 5.0 0.79 ug/l 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 5.0 0.75 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.0 0.78 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.77 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.0 0.81 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.85 ug/l 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 5.0 0.61 ug/l 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether ND 5.0 0.84 ug/l 85-68-7 Butyl Benzyl Phthalate ND 5.0 0.99 ug/l 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 5.0 0.62 ug/l 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane a ND 5.0 0.80 ug/l 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether a ND 5.0 0.72 ug/l 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) aND 5.0 0.75 ug/l 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/l 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether ND 5.0 0.53 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 5.0 0.84 ug/l ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 5 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3510C Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 5.0 0.80 ug/l 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 5.0 0.60 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/l 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 5.0 0.64 ug/l 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 5.0 0.99 ug/l 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 5.0 0.99 ug/l 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 5.0 0.99 ug/l 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 5.0 0.99 ug/l 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 5.0 0.75 ug/l 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 5.0 0.99 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.55 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 5.0 0.69 ug/l 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 5.0 0.69 ug/l 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/l 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene b ND 5.0 1.8 ug/l 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 5.0 1.6 ug/l 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.0 0.71 ug/l 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 5.0 0.77 ug/l 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.0 0.52 ug/l 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.0 0.59 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/l 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 5.0 0.92 ug/l 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 5.0 0.66 ug/l 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 5.0 0.80 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 5.0 0.86 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 5.0 0.68 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 30%14-67% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 21%10-50% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 70%33-118% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 75%42-108% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 64%40-106% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 72%39-121% (a) Associated BS outside control limits high, sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 6 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3510C Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (b) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 7 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:MADEP VPH REV 2.1 Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a LE040914.D 1 03/20/23 14:52 ALA n/a n/a L:GLE2397 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2 MADEP VPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 5.0 0.14 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 0.17 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 5.0 0.14 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.76 5.0 0.41 ug/l J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 5.0 0.15 ug/l m,p-Xylene ND 10 0.40 ug/l 95-47-6 o-Xylene 0.19 5.0 0.18 ug/l J C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 100 50 ug/l C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.)ND 100 50 ug/l C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 100 20 ug/l C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 100 50 ug/l C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 100 50 ug/l C9- C10 Aromatics ND 100 20 ug/l CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 110%70-130% 615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 116%70-130% (a) Analysis performed at SGS Scott, LA. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 8 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Method:MADEP EPH REV 2.1 SW846 3510C Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN041799.D 1 03/21/23 16:05 AF 03/17/23 09:53 OP95934 GNN1922 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1000 ml 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No.Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/l C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.)ND 200 80 ug/l C11-C22 Aromatics ND 200 80 ug/l C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 200 50 ug/l C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 200 50 ug/l CAS No.Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 77%40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 122%40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 107%40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 120%40-140% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Draft: 9 of 12 SGS LabLink@08:30 27-Mar-2023 Preliminary Data Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:MW-1 Lab Sample ID:FC3487-1 Date Sampled:03/14/23 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:03/16/23 Percent Solids:n/a Project:655003; NC Total Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Lead <5.0 5.0 ug/l 1 03/23/23 03/24/23 LM SW846 6010D 1 SW846 3010A 2 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA19304 (2) Prep QC Batch: MP41990 RL = Reporting Limit Draft: 10 of 12 FC3487: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 2 Draft: 11 of 12 Job Number:FC3487 Client:HES Date / Time Received:3/16/2023 10:00:00 AM Delivery Method:FEDEX Project:655003 Airbill #'s:570790493429 Cooler Information 1. Custody Seals Present 2. Custody Seals Intact 4. Cooler temp verification 3. Temp criteria achieved 5. Cooler media IR Gun Ice (Bag) Trip Blank Information 1. Trip Blank present / cooler 2. Trip Blank listed on COC 2. Samples preserved properly Sample Information 1. Sample labels present on bottles 5. Sample recvd within HT 4. Condition of sample 3. Sufficient volume/containers recvd for analysis: Intact Comments SM001Rev. Date 05/24/17 SGS Sample Receipt Summary Cooler Temps (Raw Measured) °C: Cooler Temps (Corrected) °C: Cooler 1: (3.6); Cooler 1: (3.8); 3. Type Of TB Received W or S N/A 6. Dates/Times/IDs on COC match Sample Label 7. VOCs have headspace 8. Bottles received for unspecified tests 9. Compositing instructions clear 10. Voa Soil Kits/Jars received past 48hrs? 11. % Solids Jar received? Misc. Information 25-Gram 5-GramNumber of Encores:Number of 5035 Field Kits:Number of Lab Filtered Metals: Test Strip Lot #s:pH 0-3 230315 pH 10-12 219813A Other: (Specify) Y or N N/A Y or N Therm ID:IR 1; Therm CF:0.2; # of Coolers:1 Y or N N/A 12. Residual Chlorine Present? Residual Chlorine Test Strip Lot #: Technician:Reviewer:ZANEB Date:Date:3/16/2023 10:00:00 A FC3487: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 2 Draft: 12 of 12 APPENDIX G